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MAY 2013

Learning at I.S.S. Sindelfingen

Head of School: Sarah Kupke Director of Academics for Learning: Rebecca Jones-B端rk

Hallenserstrasse 2 * 71065 Sindelfingen, Germany * * +49 (0) 7031 6859780



Class Teacher: Lesley Gibson Learning Assistant: Sandra Bitomsky


LEARNING ABOUT MATERIALS The ELC students were learning about materials in their research unit. First, they learned about different materials and their properties using online educational games. Then they designed their own robot online. After that they identified different materials like cardboard, plastic, metal, fabric, paper, etc. and made their own robots in small teams out of these materials. Finally they painted it.

Grade 1.2 C Klasse 1.2 C

Classroom Teacher: Amanda Clem German Team Teacher: Susanne Alvarez Learning Assistants: Aaron Chivington & Kirsten Donie

Mach Mit/Sports Day 2013 Students participated in Mach Mit/Sports Day 2013. Our class spent the morning visiting different stations that hosted a variety of activities. Class 1/2 C started the morning with a ‘hands-on’ judo experience, followed by an obstacle course and gymnastics. Students were enthusiastic to cheer each other on as well as to assist one another while balancing on the slack line.

Sehne Factory Tour Mach-Mit-Sporttag 2013 Die Schüler nahmen am Mach.-Mit-Sporttag teil. Unsere Klasse verbrachte den Vormittag an verschiedenen Stationen mit unterschiedlichen Aktivitäten. Der Morgen begann mit einer praktischen Judoeinweisung, gefolgt von einem Hindernislauf und Gymnastik. Die Schüler haben sich gegenseitig begeistert angefeuert und einander beim Balancieren geholfen.

Public Places Museum To display their knowledge of public places and what they can do for communities, students researched a local building and gathered information to present to the “public.” Some public places that were researched included the library, the Red Cross, the bakery and hospital.

Our class began its research unit on reduce, reuse, recycle. As we began to investigate these concepts, our class inquired about how bakeries use reduce, reuse, recycle within their facilities. “Sehne recycles dough, pumpkin seeds, bread and cake by using it again. They try to make big breads out of little dough. They also try to predict how much people are coming according to the amount of people they make the bread for.” -Ritvij “Seeds are going in the tube that is taking the seeds up to the machine so the seeds can be reused.” -Daniel

Sehne Bakery Tour Class 1/2K visited the Sehne Factory in Ehningen. While there, we learnt how bread and cakes are made, how sourdough is made, and tasted some delicious still-warm samples. This visit being part of our research unit on looking after our environment, we also considered what happens to leftover bread and other baked goods.

Sehne Bäckerei-Tour Klasse 1/2K besuchte die Bäckerei Sehne in Ehningen. Dort erfuhren wir, wie Brot und Kuchen hergestellt werden, wie Sauerteig hergestellt wird, und kosteten ein paar leckere, noch warmen Proben. D i e s e r B e s u c h i s t Te i l u n s e r e r Forschungseinheit, wir betrachten unsere Umgebung und haben auch darüber nachgedacht, was passiert, wenn Brot und andere Backwaren übrigbleiben.

Grade 1.2 K Klasse 1.2 K Classroom Teacher: Matthew Knights German Team Teacher: Elke Clarus Learning Assistant: Malayika Keck

Science Exchange with Grade 10 Discovering that Grade 10 were studying the same topic of looking after our environment, gave us the wonderful opportunity to learn from our older peers in the school. The children of Grade 1/2K thoroughly enjoyed the experience and learnt a great deal, and the Grade 10 students taught superbly and engagingly. What a great day!

Wissenschaftlicher Austausch mit Klasse 10 Die Feststellung, dass Klasse 10 das gleiche Thema, der Betrachtung unserer Umwelt, studierten, gab uns die wunderbare Gelegenheit, von unseren älteren Mitschülern in der Schule zu lernen. Die Kinder der Klasse 1/2K genossen das Erlebnis und haben sehr viel gelernt, denn die Schüler der Klasse 10 unterrichteten hervorragend und engagiert. Was für ein toller Tag!


GRADES 3.4 A & 3.4 K CLASSROOM TEACHERS: Rosamaria Albano Jennifer King GERMAN TEAM TEACHERS: Ulrike Hennig Kristin Scholz LEARNING ASSISTANT: Ursula Sites

“24” Math Competition by McKenna Jackson and Roxy Hubbert

Eight children from our school went to a “24” tournament in Hannover. They were Roxy Hubbert, McKenna Jackson, Gianmarco Finotto, Thomas Kastanaras, Julien Sauter, Sebastian Acosta-Garcia, Philipp Merkt and Conor Kotwasinski. We took a four-hour train ride to Hannover. We, as a team, were extremely, positively, super-duper awesome. There were seven trophies, and we, as a school group, took home two of the trophies. There were seventy-five children, and two children from our school came in second and third place. As a school, we came in second place for the school trophy. We all had a lot of fun!

Grade 3.4 Science Fair Klasse 3.4 naturwissenschaftliche Austellung MAY 16-17, 2013. 16-17. MAI 2013



What each team had to do:

Was jedes Team zu erledigen hatte:

1. Think of a question on the theme of changing materials that they wanted to conduct an experiment on.

1. Sich eine Frage zum Thema “Materialien verändern sich” überlegen, zu dem sie eine Experiment durchführen wollten.

2. Make a prediction about what they thought would happen in their experiment. 3. Think of a way of testing their prediction, making sure the experiment was fair and safe. 4. Collect all the materials and equipment they needed for their experiment. 5. Think about what they needed to measure and observe and how they would record their observations and results in a table. 6. Conduct their experiment and consider whether their prediction was correct. 7. Write a report about their experiment.

2. Eine Vemutung darüber anstellen, was sie darüber dachten, was bei ihrem Experiment passieren würde. 3. Darüber nachdenken, wie ihre Vermutung überprüft werden kann und dabei sicher gehen, dass das Experiment fair und sicher durchgeführt wird. 4. Alle Materialien und Ausrüstung, die sie für ihr Experiment benötigten. 5. Darüber nachdenken, was sie zum Messen und Beobachten brauchten und wie sie die Beobachtungen und Ergebnisse in einer Tabelle domunentieren würden. 6. Ihr Experiment durchführen und überlegen, ob ihre Vermutung ruchtig war.

At the science fair, each team had to: 1. Demonstrate their experiment. 2, Explaining what they had learned. 3. Present their findings in a science report.

7. Einen Bericht über ihr Experiment schreiben. Bei der Austellung musste jedes Team folgendes tun: 1. Ihr Experiment vorführen 2. Erklären, was sie gelernt haben 3. Ihre Ergebnisse anhand eines wissenschaftlichen Berichts vorstellen.

750 Year Sindelfingen Anniversary Performance Grades 3.4, 6, 7 and 9 Telling History Through Drama: Sindelfingen’s Yesterday and Today Told Through the Eyes of a Child Teachers Involved: Grades 3.4: Rosamaria Albano, Ulrike Hennig, Jennifer King, Kristin Scholz, Ursula Sites Grades 6.7.9: Gudrun Egle, Casey Gauß, Pamela Grimes, Stephanie Langer, Ray Schneider

On the 25th and 26th of April 2013, the students of the International school of Stuttgart, Sindelfingen presented a dramatized guided tour through history. The children led visitors to different points of the city’s center, bringing short historical stories to life from a child’s point-of-view.

Scene 1 at the Serenadenhof: Grade 6 performed: "Middle Ages" During the medieval times, various o f fi c i a l t r a d e s b e c a m e m o r e apparent. Two children narrators took their audience back to the 1200s to visit sculptures which came to life, giving a glimpse into the lives of some people who may have lived in Sindelfingen during that time. Szene 1: Klasse 6, "Mittelalter", Serenadenhof Während des Mittelalters wurden bestimmte Gewerke immer bedeutender. Zwei Schüler nahmen das Publikum mit in das Jahr 1200 und er möglichten einen durch "Skulpturen" einen Einblick in des Leben von Menschen, die vielleicht während dieser Zeit in Sindelfingen gelebt haben.

Scene 2 behind of the St. Martin’s Church: Grade 7 performed “Children in 1817” It was in 1815, as a volcano began to break out in Indonesia, the volcano Tambora. And the dust obscured the sun. And nothing grows without sun and so began a year in Sindelfingen, a year without summer! Szene 2: Klasse 7, "Die Kinder von 1817, hinter der Kirche St. Martin 1 8 1 5 b r a c h d e r Vu l k a n Ta m b o r a i n Indonesien aus. Sein Rauch verdeckte die Sonne. Nichts gedeiht ohne Sonne, so begann in Sindelfingen ein Jahr ohne Sommer.

Scene 3 in front of the St Martin’s Church: Grade 3.4 performed “Children in Sindelfingen in the Early 1900’s” By the early 1900s, the lives of children had changed dramatically in Sindelfingen. This scene depicted their lifestyle: life at play, life at school and life at home.

Szene 3: Klasse 3/4, "Die Sindelfinger Kinder in den frühen 1900ern", vor der Kirche St. Martin Um diese Zeit änderte sich das Leben der Sindelfinger Kinder dramatisch. Die Szene beschreibt das Leben beim Spielen, in der Schule und zu Hause.

Scene 4 at the Serenadenhof: Grades 3-9 performed “Children Today: Living in the Hall of Fame” The final performance, our interpretation of the song “Living in the Hall of Fame,” included all students involved in previous scenes. Our historical tour not only attempted to depict historical events which took place in Sindelfingen, but allowed us to reflect - through the eyes of children - on how far our city has come and where we yearn to go!

Szene 4: Klassen 3 - 9, "Kinder 2013", Serenadenhof, Sindelfinger Stadtmuseum Die Schlussaufführung mit allen Schülern nahm auf die vorangegangenen Szenen Bezug und beschloss die Vorstellung mit dem Lied "Living in the Hall of Fame". Diese historische Stadtführung, die sich nicht nur auf Ereignisse in Sindelfingen bezog, ermöglichte uns aus Sicht der Kinder zu sehen, wie weit unsere Stadt gekommen ist und wohin wir gehen wollen.

Above: Janine and Mascha (grade 9), accompanied Frau Egle on guitar in “Hall of Fame.”

Grade 7 Class Field Trip

From May 13th to May 17th, grade 7 and three of their teachers headed to the Rhine Valley for a week of investigating St. Goar, exploring Oberwesel’s old town wall and towers, hiking to see the famous Heinrich Heine’s Loreley, bravely touring the Rheinfels Fortress and tunnels and biking along the Rhine river. Together, the students created a newspaper with a collection of their adventures. Here is a sample of some of their very creative ideas!

Chaperones: Homeroom Teacher: Casey Gauß German Teacher: Anja Knabe Director of Academics for Learning & MYP Coordinator: Rebecca Jones-Bürk

SPORT by Cem Ertugrul Am 14 Mai haben wir einen Ausflug ins Schwimmbad unternommen auch wenn der Weg länger war als die Zeit die wir im Schwimmbad waren, war es ein entspannender Ausflug. In unserer Freizeit haben wir meist Tischtennis gespielt oder Fussball. Unsere Betreuer haben sich alle Mühe gegeben dass wir einen abweglungsreichen Altag haben, dazu gehörten lange Wanderungen zur Loreley oder schöner Fahrradausflügen am Fluss.


Day 3: The Mystic Loreley by Heidi Watts I stood there standing, watching the site of the Rhine, The enjoyment flowed through my body, it was a never-ending line, The intrigue I have leaves me empty because of the myth she holds, I memorize all the details of the story that has been told.

Day 4: Biking in the Rain by Alisz Reed A single drop of crystal clear, A single drop of rain, As it patters round the bicycles, And glitters on the lane. The pedals turning faster, The clothes are getting wet, But upon our faces, There is a smile yet.

Grade 8.9 Class Trip to Vienna Chaperones: Homeroom Teacher: Robin McMullen Humanities and German Teacher: Ray Schneider Administrative Intern: Genevieve Rumancik

From April 29th to May 3rd Grade 8/9 visited the historic city of Vienna with three of their teachers. The class stayed at a youth hostel close to the city center, which enabled them to see and experience many of Vienna’s historic sights. These included the Kunsthistorisches Museum, the Mozart Haus, St. Stephan’s Cathedral, Schönbrunn Palace, a Rope Climbing Course on an island in the Danube, the famous Prater amusement park, the United Nations building, and the Hofburg Palace.


Grades 8.9.10 Klassen 8.9.10


Grade 8.9 Science: Robin McMullen Grade 10 Science: Carrie Scafe

Biodegradable Plastics Workshop Experimenta Science Museum Science - Grades 8.9 and 10 Students in grades 8, 9 and 10 visited a wo r k s h o p i n H e i l b ro n n a t t h e Experimenta Science Museum to learn about biodegradable plastics and their potential usage. After being confronted with the problems caused by the extremely slow decay of common plastics, students extracted starch from potatoes and then made starch-based plastic plates and plastic foil that when improved could be used in plastic bags. After practicing a myriad of lab techniques and successfully making different types of plastics, students were guided in a discussion of how feasible it could be to use these biodegradable plastics on a widespread basis.

Grade 10 Science and Technology Science Teacher: Carrie Scafe Technology Teacher: Robin McMullen

Building and Powering a Sustainable City... Continued! A Joint 10th Grade Technology and Science Project

Building and powering a sustainable city using a floodlight as a sun and a fan for wind, turned out to be a very large project. As the project progressed, many questions were scientifically answered and designs improved, but it wasn’t enough. New questions continually arose and it became clear that the students wouldn’t be able to power the city in the way that they intended – at least not this year. The windmills were inconsistent in their power generation and the ski-lift was fickle often coming off of its track. Systematically, the students worked through problems and improved their designs and then time ran out. It’s now time for the next generation to step in as it would be in a real life city. 10th grade students ended the unit by passing on their knowledge and their recommendations to next year’s 10th grade students, so that they can continue where they left off and not have to start from the beginning. Even students in Mr. Knight’s class (grade ½) were involved in learning from their elders. Who knows how large this project will be? Perhaps these younger students will add their mark to this city in the years to come as well!

Grade 10 Internship Homeroom teacher: Rebecca Jones-B端rk Internship coordinator: Ray Schneider

All of our grade 10 students prepared for and participated in an internship program this year. The preparation work they did was shared at the Schlau Schau at the beginning of February (see the last issue of the magazine for details).

Leonard practices with Harry (grade 9).

Our students were out working for various companies and institutions from February 18th to March 1st. Finn Widmann worked at the Graf Zeppelin Hotel in downtown Stuttgart. Leonard Dinkelacker worked with a surgeon whose specialty is carrying out operations on the vascular system. Paul Pickelmann was part of a fitness training team. Vincent von Heesen worked for a real estate firm. Ebba Watts was seen at our school serving up meals with our school caterer. Jenny Weaver got a good overview of how information technology is set up in military installations. Our pictures show the students practicing for interviews and talking to the whole school about their work experiences. We received excellent reports from all of the companies for which our students worked. We hope to be able to add these institutions to a list of internship possibilities as our program grows over the years.

Jenny practices with Leopold (grade 9).

Mrs. Jones-B端rk guides Paul as he practices with Genevieve (grade 9).

Vincent practices with Liana and Mascha (grade 9).

Flexible Friday: Yoga and Mediation The second nine-weeks of Flexible Friday offered students different options for classes to try out. The choices provided by teachers were: Cricket, Chess, Group and Circle Dances, Coordination Games, Crocheting, Knitting, Creating Brilliant Balloons, Yoga and Mediation, “24”, Writer’s Corner and Geography Bee The Yoga and Meditation group was led by Genevieve Rumancik and Casey Gauß. 20 students from grades 3-9 signed up. Over the nine weeks, we learned about and practiced different kinds of yoga, mindfulness meditations, other guided meditations and Pilates. It was interesting to conclude the unit with the thinking routine, “I used to think, and now I think...” We were impressed to see how the students’ ideas had shifted.

We used to think... “We thought it was easy.” “We thought yoga and Pilates were the same thing.” “We thought that yoga was more for elderly people.” “We thought only flexible people could join yoga.”

...and now we think “Yoga controls your mind and your body.” “Yoga is for all age groups.” “Yoga and meditation improve your concentration.” “Yoga is a good way to stretch.” “Yoga was invented in India and is over 5,000 years old.”


THE GREEN TEAM Wildnislauf für Waldpatenschaften Walk for the Wild

Schüler engagieren sich geneinsam für den Erhalt von Wildnisgebieten und für regionale Umweltprojekte ihrer Schulen. Students across Germany unite in an intercultural activity dedicated to raising environmental awareness and conserving both international and local natural habits.

Just over 20 students, from first grade to fifth grade, lined up for the start of “Walk for the Wild 2013,” an event organized by the Green Team for Wilderness International. The 15 minute-long sponsored walk was held to raise money to protect Canadian temperate rainforest land. The students completed up to 10 laps around the school (one lap was approximately 300 meters). We estimate that we will be able to raise about € 400 when all the donations have been made. This money will be used to protect 500 square meters (e.g. 8 of our classrooms) of rainforest! We thank all of the families who supported their child’s wish to make a contribution to protecting our environment. -Jennifer King and the ISS Sindelfingen Campus Green Team

LIBRARY NEWS Librarian: Julia Daniels

Visiting Author Author David Fermer visited ISS Sindelfingen in October to read books to and with the Middle Years students. Although he comes from England, he writes his books in both German and English

Visiting Illustrator Illustrator Sarah McMenemy from The United States came to ISS Sindelfingen in April 2013. She held workshops with students to show them how she illustrates her books and practice sketching and drawing with different groups.

Reading in the Library Kindergarten visits the library once a week to listen to a story and to borrow books for reading.

A New Rug The PTG (Parent Teacher Group) donated money to buy a rug for the ISS Sindelfingen Library. We decided on a rug with a map of the world to remind us of all of the different places from which we come!

Painting the Returns Box The Spanish mother tongue students painted the library Returns Box. They listened to fairy tales in Spanish and painted these stories on the box.

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