Foreign Rights Catalogue 209 - Books for Children and Young People

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Books for Children and Young People

Renate Seelig

Mein allererstes Schlafliederbuch Mein allererstes Instrumentenbuch Mein allererstes Liederbuch 16 pages – paperback Fully illustrated in four colours 15 x 15 cm € 6.95 ISBN 978-3-7957-0364-6 · ED 20493 ISBN 978-3-7957-0365-3 · ED 20492 ISBN 978-3-7957-0673-9 · ED 20667 These paperbound picture books provide the ideal entry into the world of music for the very little ones. In Instrumentenbuch, funny animals present their 14 musical instruments and invite the children to look at and name them. In Liederbuch, colourful pictures with notes and verse texts introduce well-known children's songs. Schlafliederbuch contains the most beautiful lullabies from Schlaf, Kindlein, schlaf via Weißt du, wie viel Sternlein stehen to La-le-lu. This paperbound picture book provides the ideal entry into the world of music for the very little ones. The notes and text verses are complemented by evocative colourful pictures. Renate Seelig, born in Bielefeld, studied at the Academy of Art in Kassel and Hamburg. She worked in advertising agencies and since 1974 as freelance illustrator. She illustrated numerous picture and children's books for various publishers. Renate Seelig lives in Frankfurt.

All Rights Available Books on music for the very little ones To look at, to name and to sing Target group: Children aged 12+ months, parents


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