Foreign Rights Catalogue 209 - Books for Children and Young People

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Books for Children and Young People

Renate Seelig

Mein allererstes Schlafliederbuch Mein allererstes Instrumentenbuch Mein allererstes Liederbuch 16 pages – paperback Fully illustrated in four colours 15 x 15 cm € 6.95 ISBN 978-3-7957-0364-6 · ED 20493 ISBN 978-3-7957-0365-3 · ED 20492 ISBN 978-3-7957-0673-9 · ED 20667 These paperbound picture books provide the ideal entry into the world of music for the very little ones. In Instrumentenbuch, funny animals present their 14 musical instruments and invite the children to look at and name them. In Liederbuch, colourful pictures with notes and verse texts introduce well-known children's songs. Schlafliederbuch contains the most beautiful lullabies from Schlaf, Kindlein, schlaf via Weißt du, wie viel Sternlein stehen to La-le-lu. This paperbound picture book provides the ideal entry into the world of music for the very little ones. The notes and text verses are complemented by evocative colourful pictures. Renate Seelig, born in Bielefeld, studied at the Academy of Art in Kassel and Hamburg. She worked in advertising agencies and since 1974 as freelance illustrator. She illustrated numerous picture and children's books for various publishers. Renate Seelig lives in Frankfurt.

All Rights Available Books on music for the very little ones To look at, to name and to sing Target group: Children aged 12+ months, parents


Books for Children and Young People

Sabine Hirler

Dorothée Kreusch-Jacob, Lilo Fromm

Cecilias bunte Welt der Musik

10 kleine Musikanten 10 Little Musicians

Illustrated by Eva Bley and Christine Sikasa

24 pages with CD – hardback Illustrated in four colours 21,4 x 21,4 cm € 13.95 ISBN 978-3-7957-0465-0 · ED 9506

32 pages with CD – hardbound Fully illustrated in four colours 21,5 x 27,0 cm € 19.95 ISBN 978-3-7957-0178-9 · ED 20386

What does a little musician do when he feels lonely? He looks for a friend. And soon, there will be an orchestra of 10 players making music together: with rattles, cookware, a drum, a flute, a xylophone, etc. The text is nicely illustrated by whole-page pictures in four colours, making the children familiar with the numbers 1-10. The song of the 10 little musicians is printed at the end of the book. In addition, this book provides suggestions for how to make the instruments described in the story for oneself by using things and materials from everyday life. – It might be fun to stage the song in kindergarten or primary school. This is made easy with the help of the accompanying CD containing a recording of the song to sing-along. That way the performance will be a guaranteed success…

'Pssst …! Hello, can you see me? Guess who I am! Exactly! I'm a musical note …' Cecilia, the smart little note, loves to explore the exciting world of music together with children. She shows them how music was made thousands of years ago, how music is made in other countries, and which instrument families exist. She knows funny rhymes and songs, introduces her friends, the other notes, to the children and knows how to build a drum. And by means of little experiments, Cecilia examines with the children how to create noises and sounds. Cecilia's journey of discovery is narrated on the accompanying CD – with numerous sound examples: from bone scraper to electric guitar, from symphony orchestra to rock band. For children aged 4+ who want to get to know many things about the colourful world of music in a playful way.

Dorothée Kreusch-Jacob, music teacher from Munich, has been known for numerous publications of books and releases of CDs, focussing on new children's songs, musical travels of imagination, music theatre, breathing and silence, movement and relaxation. Lilo Fromm has gained a reputation that extends far beyond the borders of Germany thanks to her illustrated books and picture books. She has received numerous prizes, e.g. the German Youth Book Award and the Gold Medal of the Biennial in Bratislava. She lives in France.

Sabine Hirler studied rhythmics and guitar at the Stuttgart Academy of Music and Performing Arts. She is director of an educational-therapeutic music institute and trains teachers and therapists.

Sold to Korea A note is hitting the road An extraordinary journey through the whole world of music With many rhymes, songs and games

All Rights Available A picture-book to look at, to read, to sing, to do handicrafts, to play – and to learn numbers

CD with sound examples Target group: Children aged 4+, parents, kindergarten teachers, primary school teachers

Target group: Children aged 4+


Books for Children and Young People

Heidi Leenen

Der Elefantenpups. Direktor Fröhlich und das Zoo-Orchester Illustrations by Martin Bernhard Music by Christian Klaessen 32 pages with CD – hardback Numerous colour illustrations 21,8 x 27,5 cm € 19.95 ISBN 978-3-7957-0666-1 · ED 20650 Mr Fröhlich is the director of a large zoo. Every morning, he cheerfully greets the animals in the enclosures, singing merrily. But one day he stumbles in the elephant enclosure and has to be hospitalized. From that day on, life in the zoo changes dramatically: The lion lies in the corner, completely bored; the parrot stops talking, and the tortoise does not move at all any longer. No wonder that there are no visitors. Fortunately, zookeeper Timo has a brilliant idea… For all curious people who want to know how an elephant’s fart sounds on the bass tuba. Heidi Leenen is a teacher with additional training in music who founded Mobiles MusikAtelier in 2000. In this workshop threeto six-year-old children experience music in various forms the fun way. Heidi Leenen works as a lecturer for further kindergarten training and as a specialist in the field of music education. Martin Bernhard, born in Cham, is a versatile artist. He worked as a teacher of children and young people before going freelance as an illustrator in 2004. For more information, see at

All Rights Available Target group: Children aged 5+


Books for Children and Young People

Andrea Hoyer

Im Ballett 32 pages – hardbound Fully illustrated in four colours 21,5 x 27 cm € 13.95 ISBN 978-3-7957-0171-0 · ED 20358 Little Paul accompanies his little sister Mathilde to the ballet school where people are busily rehearsing for a performance of the Nutcracker by Pyotr Tchaikovsky. Little Paul watches a ballet lesson, learns something about the classical ballet and jazz dance, and finds out that ballet is not just for girls. During the general rehearsal for Nutcracker at the opera-house, little Paul steps in for an extra whom is taken ill and suddenly finds himself right in the middle of the action on the stage. Andrea Hoyer studied visual communication at the Berlin Academy of the Arts and has been working as a free-lance illustrator since 1992. She published illustrations in the European Piano Method by Fritz Emonts (Deutscher Musikeditionspreis 1993), among others. Since 1998 she has been writing children’s books of her own. Andrea Hoyer lives in Berlin with her husband and four children.

All Rights Available ‘Andrea Hoyer is extraordinarily good at putting herself in the children’s world.’ Westfalenpost With Little Paul and Mathilde in Nutcracker The most recent volume in the successful picture book series The perfect gift for all little ballet dancers Target group: Children aged 6+


Books for Children and Young People

Andrea Hoyer

Andrea Hoyer

Im Konzert At the Concert

Im Musikinstrumentenmuseum – Flöte, Geige und Giraffe At the museum of musical instruments – Flute, Violin and Giraffe

32 pages – hardback Illustrated in four colours 21,8 x 27,5 cm € 14.95 ISBN 978-3-7957-0420-9 · ED 9187

32 pages – hardback Illustrated in four colours 21,8 x 27,5 cm € 14.95 ISBN 978-3-7957-0470-4 · ED 9528

Little Paul spends the weekend with his Uncle Ludwig, a professional cellist at a large orchestra. He takes little Paul with him to a concert in the evening. On their way, they make a short stop at the violin maker. Little Paul then has the opportunity to take a closer look at a symphony orchestra. He observes how the musicians warm up and gets to know some of Uncle Ludwig’s colleagues and their instruments. Finally, he hears his first symphony concert in its ‘classical’ form: contemporary piece, solo concerto, intermission, and large-scale symphony.

Little Paul visits a museum of musical instruments with his schoolmates. In the museum, one can see instruments from all over the world – very old ones, but also modern ones. Apart from well-known instruments, there are of course many other fascinating things to discover: sonorous stones from Northern Togo, a bone flute, the snake-shaped serpent, a walking-stick violin, an armadillo guitar, a giraffe piano and many more. In an entertaining way, the reader learns a lot about historical instruments and gets to know fascinating information on exotic instruments from faraway countries.

Sold to Japan, Korea, Denmark, Taiwan, Hongkong and Macao Target group: Children aged 6+

Sold to Japan, Korea, Denmark, Taiwan, Hongkong and Macao Target group: Children aged 6+


Books for Children and Young People

Andrea Hoyer

Andrea Hoyer

In der Musikschule At the Music School

In der Oper At the Opera

32 pages – hardback Illustrated in four colours 21,8 x 27,5 cm € 14.95 ISBN 978-3-7957-0339-4 · ED 8842

32 pages – hardback Illustrated in four colours 21,8 x 27,5 cm € 14.95 ISBN 978-3-7957-0346-2 · ED 8947

Little Paul gets a very special present from his grandma for his 6th birthday: he can learn to play a musical instrument if he likes. So the following week his mother takes him to the music school where he can have a look around. Ms von Moll, the headmistress, shows little Paul round the house: he gets to know many instruments, tries some out and listens to the great music concert in the evening.

Little Paul goes to the opera with his grandfather to see Engelbert Humperdinck’s fairy-tale ‘Hänsel and Gretel’. Fascinated by the magic of the theatre, he is happy that his grandfather, who used to work as a stage designer there, makes it possible for little Paul to take a look behind the scenes as well. There he sees what is going on behind and under the stage, and he even takes a look at the orchestra pit, the ballet room, and various workshops. That way he learns a lot about the interesting work of the tailors, make-up artists, props, painters, and sound engineers.

Sold to Japan, Korea, Denmark, Taiwan, Hongkong and Macao

Sold to Japan, Korea, Denmark, Taiwan, Hongkong and Macao

Target group: Children aged 6+

Target group: Children aged 6+


Books for Children and Young People

Dirk Walbrecker, Bernhard Oberdieck

Text by Margret Rettich, Illustrations by Rolf Rettich


Ein Haus voll Musik House Full of Music

The story of Bianca and Nero 32 pages with CD – hardback Fully illustrated in four colours 21,5 x 27 cm € 19.95 ISBN 978-3-7957-0186-4 · ED 20433

32 pages with CD – hardback Illustrated in four colours 21,8 x 27,5 cm € 19.95 ISBN 978-3-7957-0441-4 · ED 9307-50

How sad life can be if there is no one to play with! This is the fate of an old piano which is all alone in a cellar bar. Longingly, it remembers the days when the pianist Tom coaxed beautiful sounds out of it. But who appears in the cellar instead of Tom and starts to produce totally new sounds? First Nero, the amorous black tomcat with the white paws! Then Grrr, the amorous grey tomcat with the grim face! And finally Bianca, the elegant cute white cat with the black paws … A concerto for cats in major and minor modes, on black and white keys, with black, grey and white paws. And who plays best with whom in the end? The text and music of Katzenkonzert can be listened to on the accompanying CD – spoken by Dirk Walbrecker with jazzy classical improvisations by Jenö Nyári.

Book without accompanying music CD € 14.95 ISBN 978-3-7957-0432-2 · ED 9307 There once lived a man whose head was filled with music – but the city was so noisy that he could barely hear the beautiful melodies. So he bought a house in the quiet countryside and invited other musicians to move in: the String family, the Woodwind and Brass families, a man with his piano, a harpist, and several percussionists. Soon sounds droned and groaned, thundered and rumbled throughout the house. This was not what the man had imagined. Find out how the musicians resolve their conflict and become a real orchestra. The CD version of this wonderful story is read by Godela Orff, the daughter of the famous composer Carl Orff. The music was written by the composer Michael Rüggeberg.

Dirk Walbrecker studied German language and literature and educational science, among others. Since 1986 he works as freelance author: He has written screenplays, radio plays, picture books, novels for children and young people. For further information, see his web site at Bernhard Oberdieck sat at the desk of his father at the age of four already, decorating the back sides of business letters. He studied graphic design in Bielefeld, worked as art teacher and in advertising agencies. Since 1978 he works freelance illustrator of more than 180 books for national and international publishers. For further information, see web site at

Margret and Rolf Rettich are well-known authors of children’s stories and picture books, some of which have been made into television films. In 1981 Margret Rettich received the German Youth Literature Award, and in 1997 Margret and Rolf Rettich were awarded the Grand Prize of the German Academy for Children’s and Youth Literature for their lifetime achievements. Michael Rüggeberg, born in 1941, studied composition, conducting and oboe in Munich. He has written and conducted numerous works for television, theatre and film productions, including the wonderful score that forms an integral part of this charming story, and has won several important awards during his career, including the Bavarian State Prize for composition.

All Rights Available When Cats are jazzing… A musical story for young and old cat lovers A concerto with black and white paws

Sold to USA, Korea, Taiwan, Hongkong and Macao

Including CD

A story of musical cooperation

Target group: Children aged 6+, parents

Target group: Children aged 6+


Books for Children and Young People

Elisabeth Volkers, Martina Gollnick

Carl Orff, Annegert Fuchshuber

Meine Reisen mit Familie Mozart Ein Klavier erzählt My Travels with the Mozart Family A story told by a piano

Der Mond. Ein kleines Welttheater The Moon. A little world theatre 41 pages – hardback Illustrated in four colours 21,8 x 27,5 cm € 14.95 ISBN 978-3-7957-0473-5 · ED 9541 Book with CD ISBN 978-3-7957-0478-0 · ED 9541-50 € 19.95

32 pages – hardback Illustrated in four colours 21,8 x 27,5 cm € 13.95 ISBN 978-3-7957-0016-4 · ED 9208 Thekla, the portable piano of the Mozart family, now gathering dust in a dark loft and remembering past – and better – times, has a lot to tell: when Wolfgang made his first composition attempts on the piano and father Leopold made the first great concert tours with Wolfgang and his sister Nannerl in a coach, about the concert performance of the children before Empress Maria Theresia in Vienna (1762), about the trip to Paris and the rough crossing to England, and, finally, about the return to Salzburg in 1766. Mozart is described as a boy who has quite ordinary problems, who gets homesick on his trips and who longs for friendship. In addition, the book gives a short preview of his further musical work. Numerous – sometimes whole-page – pictures as well as an illustrated history of his life paint a colourful portrait of Mozart. With the help of a map, the reader can even follow Mozart’s travel route.

‘In days gone by there was a land where the nights were always dark, and the sky spread over it like a black cloth, for there the moon never rose, and no star shone in the obscurity.’ – This is the opening of the story ‘The Moon’‚ by the Brothers Grimm, set to music by Carl Orff. This story is about four young fellows who stole the moon in a foreign kingdom and placed it on a high oak tree in their own country. When the four men grew old and died, each one of them took one quarter of the moon with him into his grave – and the old state of darkness recommenced. In the world below, however, the pieces of the moon united themselves together again, and suddenly there was light where darkness had always prevailed, and it came to pass that the dead became restless and awoke from their sleep. And soon there was as much activity in the world below as it was on earth – until Saint Peter stepped in… This picture book, with atmospheric illustrations by Annegert Fuchshuber, reproduces the story as told by the Brothers Grimm, together with the complete libretto by Carl Orff. Brief notes on the composer himself and his work are also included. Annegert Fuchshuber (1940–1998) studied at the Werkkunstschule Augsburg. Since 1968 she illustrated and wrote children’s books and books for young people. Her works were translated into several languages and awarded various prizes, such as the German Youth Literature Award (in the category picture-book) and the Austrian Children’s and Youth Book Award (illustration). The books by Annegert Fuchshuber have been published by Ellermann, Ravensburger and Thienemanns, as well as St. Gabriel (Vienna) and Schott Musik International.

All Rights Available A travel story told by the Mozart family’s piano Target group: Children aged 6+

All Rights Available An old fairy-tale in a new musical version. Lavishly illustrated by Annegert Fuchshuber Target group: Children aged 6+


Books for Children and Young People

Christine Mellich, Maren Barber

Christine Mellich, Maren Barber

Charlottes musikalische Abenteuer Charlotte’s Musical Adventures Volume 1

Charlottes musikalische Kreuzfahrt Volume 2 104 pages – hardback Numerous colour illustrations 21,8 x 27,5 cm € 16.95 ISBN 978-3-7957-0652-4 · ED 20590

96 pages – hardback Numerous colour illustrations 21,8 x 27,5 cm € 14.95 ISBN 978-3-7957-0584-8 · ED 20089

Some of the young readers may remember Charlotte – the little winged being with the golden listening horns! Some time ago, she embarked on exciting musical adventures in a belfry… And in this volume? Charlotte is in distress at sea! Fortunately, she is saved by a cruise ship – by Smutje, the ship’s cook. But what a strange ship it is! The cabins are occupied by composers from various centuries… The fun-loving Charlotte is curious and meets 15 great musicians during their cruise. She learns a lot about musical genres (opera, oratorio, string quartet), about musical theory terms (notation, twelve-note music) or instruments (organ). And in the ship’s logs, Charlotte finds funny anecdotes and quotes of the famous masters as well as fascinating music riddles…

Charlotte, a little winged creature, invites all children to spend a day full of music with her. Every hour she meets another composer and embarks on different adventures in which she learns about musical genres (symphony, opera, ballet) and music theory terms (tempo, interval). In addition, the book contains anecdotes and quotations of the musicians as well as interesting music riddles waiting to be solved. For a whole day, the young readers are accompanied by fun-loving Charlotte who is elated by old and new music. Who is Charlotte going to meet in the morning – and who in the evening? Walther von der Vogelweide, Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Robert Schumann, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Claude Debussy, or even Charles Ives? This richly illustrated book provides portraits of 15 composers, from the Middle Ages to the present.

All Rights Available An entertaining cruise with Charlotte and 15 composers from the Middle Ages to the present day!

Christine Mellich studied musicology and philosophy. She worked as an assistant producer for the opera and radio. She writes articles for the Berliner Philharmoniker GmbH, radio stations and music journals, among others. Maren Barber studied communications design and published various books and CD-ROMs for children. She works as a freelance illustrator and graphic designer for the Berliner Philharmoniker GmbH, among others.

Target group: Children aged 8+, instrumental teachers, music teachers

Sold to Korea and Turkey A day full of music, riddles and anecdotes Target group: Children aged 8+, instrumental teachers, music teachers


Books for Children and Young People

Text by Brigitte Endres Illustrations by Christine Reinckens

Text by Brigitte Endres Illustrations by Christine Reinckens

Die verschwundene Millionen-Geige. Die Amadeus-Bande Vol. 1

Die geheimnisvollen Handschriften Die Amadeus-Bande Vol. 2

154 pages – hardback Several illustrations 12,4 x 17,8 cm € 9.95 ISBN 978-3-7957-0651-7 · ED 20598

144 pages – hardback Several illustrations 12,4 x 17,8 cm € 9.95 ISBN 978-3-7957-0671-5 · ED 20664

How can anyone have a name like Amadeus? A rather uncool name, thinks Nikolaj, the new student at the music boarding school of Treuenfels. And besides, what is he supposed to be doing here? His father, a famous tenor, went to school at Treuenfels. As if that were a reason to send his son here too! The fact that Amadeus, Fliege, Cosi and Malu try to treat him without reservation is hardly noticed by Niko. He is bored. But then, a violin worth a million dollar is stolen after a major concert, and not long after Niko is a suspect. Amadeus and his friends, the ‘Amadeus gang’, want to help Niko. But they are drawn into a wild, dangerous chase.

There is a great hustle and bustle at the Castle of Treuenfels: A museum is soon to be opened on the castle premises – with original manuscripts by Mozart, Brahms and Mahler! The Amadeus gang, too, have their hands full rehearsing for the big opening concert and surviving all exams unscathed. Even Igel works flat out to show his teachers what he can do. But then the Amadeus gang find out by chance that manuscripts from the collection of the new museum shall be sold off at an auction house. How can that be? Amadeus, Fliege, Niko, Cosi and Malu soon are certain that they have to be fakes!

All Rights Available Brigitte Endres was born in Würzburg. While working at a primary school in Upper Bavaria, she began to write for her school children. Today she works as an author of children’s books for various publishers and the Bavarian Radio. As ghost writer of five German-language volumes of the St Clare’s book series by Enid Blyton, Brigitte Endres has a lot of experience with boarding school stories. For more information, see at Christine Reinckens, born in Hanover in 1962, studied free art and painting at the Kassel Kunsthochschule.

Target group: For boys and girls aged 9+

All Rights Available Target group: For boys and girls aged 9+


Books for Children and Young People

Beate Dölling, Didier Laget

Drummer gesucht 162 pages – hardback 12 x 18 cm € 9.95 ISBN 978-3-7957-0660-9 · ED 20624 It’s hard to believe! At her parents’ boring symphony concert, of all concerts, wearing her most uncool clothes, Mathilde meets the electric guitar player Leon. For a long time she has dreamt of playing in a real band and pepping up her classical guitar education. Leon is just the person she wants to get going with. And so the two of them make their way through the urban jungle of Berlin – looking for the best bassist and drummer of the city. But this turns out to be more difficult than expected… Beate Dölling worked as a radio journalist for RIAS Berlin, Kinderfunk and Deutschlandfunk for many years and is now a successful freelance author of books for children and young people. Her publications have won several prizes. In writing workshops, she passes on her knowledge and her joy of writing to the pupils. Didier Laget discovered his passion for web design after having worked as a musician and producer of various rock bands for 20 years. He contributes his experience enthusiastically to his courses for children, young people and students. Together with Beate Dölling, Laget has been successfully writing books for young people since 2005. In addition, he makes regular appearances as a music critic on the French radio.

All Rights Available Fresh, racy and exciting: The adventures of a rock band in the middle of Berlin. Target group: Teens aged 12+


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