Foreign Rights Catalogue 2009 - Non-fiction for Children and Young People

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Non-fiction Books for Children and Young People

Monika and Hans-Günter Heumann

Musiklexikon für Kinder

Monika and Hans-Günter Heumann Illustrated by Andreas Schürmann

Die Welt der Musik entdecken

Musikgeschichte für Kinder

Encyclopedia of Music for Children

Eine spannende Zeitreise

Discovering the world of music Illustrated by Andreas Schürmann

The History of Music for Children

192 pages – hardback Illustrated in four colours More than 200 colour illustrations 250 articles, over 50 music examples 21,8 x 27,5 cm € 19.95 ISBN 978-3-7957-0025-6 · ED 9161

176 pages – hardback Illustrated in four colours 21,8 x 27,5 cm € 19.95 ISBN 978-3-7957-0489-6 · ED 9162

An exciting time travel

Is there anyone who has not once wished to go time travelling and be in a different century in just a second? In this book, the two music-loving kids Clara and Frederik undertake an exciting journey through music history where they learn about different epochs: from classical antiquity to the present day. But how does one travel into the Stone Age? A time-travel machine may be helpful – but this is all that is revealed for now… After each journey through time the reader gets a lot of valuable and interesting information: Was there a kind of notation in ancient Egypt? Who was the first professional musician? What is the origin of the musical? The answers to these and other questions are given in boxes, tables, illustrations and photos. This edition also contains a quiz and amusing stories about great composers. So now, let’s start: Into which century do you want to journey?

From Absolute Pitch via ‘Blues’ to ‘Zither’ – this dictionary contains clear and suitable answers for children to questions on musical terms, genres and epochs, instruments, composers, interpreters, etc. The answers are given either in short, easily comprehensible articles or in the form of a dialogue between Clara and Frederik, two music-loving children who accompany the reader through the dictionary. The explanations on the origin of the words make the present book a work of reference that children like to consult and look at. The informative texts are complemented and illustrated by numerous music examples, phonetic transcriptions of foreign-language terms, as well as more than 200 photos and lovely four-colour illustrations. The explanations contain cross references, and a detailed index of more than 1,000 headwords enables the reader to find entries which are not explained in an extra article. Hans-Günter Heumann, born 1955 studied piano, music education and musicology at the Musikhochschule Hannover and composition in New York and New Orleans before becoming a piano teacher and composer focussing on the publication of educational piano literature. He is especially interested in imparting a sound knowledge of music and making a wide audience acquainted with it. Andreas Schürmann, born 1962 in Wuppertal, studied Fine Arts and Russian at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz and at the Pushkin Institute in Moscow from 1982–1989. Since 1991 he has been working as an Arts and Russian teacher at the Gutenberg Gymnasium in Mainz.

Sold to Hungary, Spain, Korea, Brazil An exciting time travel through music history Target group: For children aged 8+

Sold to Estonia, Korea, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Hungary The only encyclopedia of music for children. The ideal gift with a lot of comprehensible and fascinating information! More than 25,000 copies sold already! Target group: For children aged 7+


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