Momentum - A Report for Our Friends 2011

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A Report for Our Friends schreiner university • 2011

Mission Statement: Schreiner University, a liberal arts institution affiliated by choice and covenant with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), is committed to educating students holistically. Primarily undergraduate, the university offers a personalized, integrated education that prepares its students for meaningful work and purposeful lives in a changing global society.

Table of Contents


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Schreiner university

Greetings Campus Development Academic Offerings Financial Strength Planning for the Second Century of Service Honor Roll of Donors

greetings from the


Dear Friends, That word “momentum” conjures up images of football announcers soberly informing us that this interception or that touchdown run had shifted the momentum of the game from one team to another. Dandy Don Meredith had more fun with the concept, often referring to “mighty Mo” and his effects. We do tend to personalize this concept of a mounting juggernaut or an invisible flywheel. “Momentum” is truly an accurate title for this update to our friends. The last three years have been dynamic, with Schreiner University improving visibly and in less tangible ways as well. We invite you to campus to experience those improvements firsthand. Until you can, we hope this report will give you a glimpse of the ways our campus is becoming more attractive and functional as well as how our people and programs are pushing Schreiner quality ever higher. We would like you to know some of the personalities—students, graduates, faculty and staff—who give vitality and dimension to the Schreiner story. Purposeful change is fundamental to Schreiner’s future. Please read about our new bachelor’s degree in nursing and MBA initiative, as well as our first three signature undergraduate programs. We have embarked this summer on an ambitious three-year technology plan—most of it invisible to the eye—that is already transforming the level of services we can provide and will in time demonstrate how thoroughly at home Schreiner is in the digital world of the 21st century. Do we really address the “whole person” educationally? See how our Mountaineer Fitness Center serves the cause of health and wellness. Burgeoning student participation in our campus ministry programs, in intercollegiate athletics and

in small living and learning communities offers other measures of a robust campus life. Please take time to marvel with us at our fine new student residences, Faulkner Residence Hall and the Oaks Apartment Complex. Now it is difficult to remember life without them! We must maintain and even increase our momentum to face the challenges confronting all of American higher education. An arena and event center to serve student-athletes, the campus-atlarge and the community is overdue. We recognize an obligation to serve our students’ spiritual life better through a chapel and worship facilities. Music and theatre programs created a decade ago deserve facilities to support the creative expression now so much a part of campus experience. As we manage the challenge of cost and access, building our endowment resources to support scholarships for deserving students is a necessity. And, always, advancing learning opportunities through talented faculty, vibrant academic programs, creative technology use and engaged learning keeps us free from any temptation to become blasé! We are grateful for all of the ways you encourage us and our students. Our journey is more productive and satisfying because you are part of it. So read and enjoy. Be energized. Be proud that you are a part of the Schreiner story. And believe us when we say, “We’re just getting started!”

All the best,

C. Tim Summerlin President

Momentum 2011



Board of Trustees

Officers of the Board Chair: Mr. Michael Pate Washington, D.C. Vice Chair: Mr. Thomas Weir Labatt, II San Antonio Secretary: Mr. Walter Dunlap Dallas Term Expiring 2012 Mr. Atanacio Campos Mr. Dean Krueger Dr. Demmie Mayfield Ms. Nancy Paup Ms. Jane Ragsdale Dr. William Reid Mr. Robert Scott Mr. Max Sherman


New Braunfels Spring Branch San Antonio Fort Worth Hunt Horseshoe Bay Falfurrias Austin

Term Expiring 2013 The Rev. Dr. Stuart Baskin Mr. Philip Hering Mr. Frank Maresh Ms. Vicky Pappas Mr. Darrel Rice Ms. Angie Richmond Mr. Charles Sapp Mr. Nicholas Serafy Mr. Brian Sullivan Mr. Billy Wilkinson Mr. Walter Workman

Tyler Waco Hunt Houston Dallas San Antonio San Antonio Brownsville Austin Austin Kerrville

Term Expiring 2014 Mr. James Alsup Ms. Nancy Anguish Mr. Tom Baldwin Ms. Susan Stephens Brooks Mr. Mark Clements Dr. Gary Allen Crozier Mr. Bill Harrison Dr. Richard Marrs Ms. Janet McKinney Ms. Lea Nye Mr. Robert Parker Mr. Israel Pena The Rev. Dean Pogue Mr. Stuart Sliva

Midland Midland San Antonio San Angelo Spicewood Kerrville San Antonio Los Angeles Kerrville San Antonio Houston Boerne Katy El Paso

Schreiner university

Advisory Trustees Ms. Anne Compton Mr. J. B. (Bubba) Coskey* Mr. Bill Wilson* The Rev. Dr. John Wurster

Dallas Houston Kerrville Kerrville

* denotes inactive status

Trustees Emeriti Mr. James Avery Mr. Peter Baldwin

Kerrville Dallas

University Officers Dr. Tim Summerlin President Dr. Charlie McCormick Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Ms. Peg Layton Vice President for Enrollment and Student Services Mr. Mark Tuschak Vice President for Advancement and Public Affairs Dr. Candice Scott Chief Information Officer and Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs for Library, Technology and Academic Services Ms. Lane Tait Assistant Vice President for Marketing

Deans Dr. Diana Comuzzie Trull School of Sciences & Math Dr. David Smith Cailloux School of Professional Studies Dr. William Woods School of Liberal Arts Ms. Karen Davis Kilgore Director of Development

a message from the

Chairman of the Board

Dear Friends, In some ways, Schreiner has changed dramatically since I arrived in 1969 to prepare myself academically and to play basketball. The campus is certainly transformed, and the breadth of educational offerings far exceeds the young Schreiner Institute I attended. On the other hand, what made Schreiner a wonderful school 40 years ago continues to make it a premier place of learning now. Faculty take their teaching commitments seriously; every student is known by name. Decade after decade, graduates tell stories of how Schreiner personnel— teachers, coaches, dorm supervisors—inspired them to aim high and reach their potential; how Schreiner people would not permit them to settle for less. It is satisfying to watch SU grow as a baccalaureate university thoughtfully led by President Tim Summerlin. Schreiner University is carving out signature programs— distinct areas of exceptional service—and its name is becoming known in wider and wider circles. I never dreamed that someday I would be “commuting” from Washington, D.C., to Kerrville to serve my old school as a trustee. And surely I did not envision a time when my peers would elect me Chairman of the Board of Trustees. I look forward to the challenges of helping Schreiner claim bold goals and finding the human and financial resources to realize them. While serving as chairman is a daunting task, I have observed skilled leadership to emulate. Just last May, Dr. Bill Franklin retired as board chair. His persistence and patience, his creativity and conscience, his personal generosity and willingness to talk to anyone who would listen about our college—all of these gifts of leadership have paved the way for me. I am grateful for such a wise mentor. I know I speak for all of my fellow trustees when I invite you to stay connected, connected to an exciting educational enterprise with a magnificent future. Cordially,

Michael L. Pate

Chairman of the Board

Bill Franklin

Immediate Past Chairman of the Board

Michael L. Pate Partner, Bracewell & Giuliani Washington, D.C.

Momentum 2011


The Pioneers:

Jubilant students gather for a group photo in their sparkling new dorm as they conclude their first semester of college life in December 2010.


Schreiner university

Faulkner Residence Hall provides a state-of-the-art freshman environment

Momentum in

Campus Development Faulkner Residence Hall Mountaineer Fitness Center The Oaks Apartment Complex


elcoming students last fall, the Faulkner Residence Hall is a joint venture between SU and the Austin family whose name it bears. Royce Faulkner, ’49 alumnus, and his wife, Donna, provided the lead funding that made the 170-bed dormitory a reality. At a cost of approximately $7 million, Faulkner offers first-year students a modern, convenient and cozy environment for

sleeping, studying and enjoying fellowship with one another. Standing as a modern sentinel near the front gate, Faulkner has 84 double-occupany rooms, six study rooms, a central living room on each of three floors and a huge multimedia meeting room. Its only problem: Students do not want to move out after their freshman year!

Momentum 2011


Mountaineer Fitness Center is transforming campus life

Yes! Fitness, Wellness, Offices, Lockers, Classes, Recreation We are mightily pleased that the Mountaineer Fitness Center, Cree Tennis Complex and athletic field improvements contribute to campus life and to recruiting efforts every day. From generous friends’ gifts, we have completed 27,000 sq. ft. of health and recreation space for our students and staff. We have also rebuilt the tennis courts, revived the swimming pool area, renovated Edington Gym, upgraded baseball, softball and soccer fields, and have created other recreational spaces on campus.

Completed for Phase I: $10,984,233


student athletes secured academic honors in the fall of 2010. And one third of all athletes earned Dean’s List or President’s List recognition last spring for their academic performance. Last year, 274 student-athletes represented the Mountaineers in 13 sports.


Schreiner university

Philip Anderson Class of 2013 My experiences at Schreiner so far have already given me a lifetime of memories. The soccer program is great and I am making lifetime friends. Each of my professors cares about me and they do an excellent job of making sure you get a good learning experience.

– Philip Anderson Cypress, TX

Photo above:

Philip Anderson traveled to Brazil to play as part of the Southwest Conference Division 3 All-Star team. Barely 14 hours after leaving the U.S., they played the Piracicaba Futebol Club, with Philip making the U.S. team’s first goal.

Momentum 2011


The Oaks Apartment Complex helps students transition as young adults


pening its doors in 2008, the Oaks Apartment Complex provides upperclassmen with semi-private suites and an adjacent community center with large gathering and meeting rooms, pool table and kitchen. Completed this fall is Phase II of The Oaks with an additional 96 beds – all four-bedroom/2 bath units with full kitchens. Phase II also includes a sand volleyball court, gazebo and grilling area, and more laundry space.

Completed: $8,200,000

Peg Layton

Vice President of Enrollment and Student Services

Campus housing provides students the opportunity to transition from living at home with family to living independently as young adults. Our freshman-only residence halls allow new students to make these adjustments within a community where they can share common experiences and begin lifelong friendships. Our upperclass housing is designed to give older students more privacy but still within a supportive environment of friends and classmates with common interests and goals.

– Peg Layton

$24,154,061 in construction projects has been completed in the last three years. SU is proud to have boosted the local economy with jobs, goods and services as these major campus enhancements and refurbishments were accomplished. 10

Schreiner university

Momentum in

Academic Offerings

Masters of Business Administration Bachelor of Science in Nursing Signature Programs

Beth Ann Strausburg Rafferty ’87 When I was a Schreiner student, Advanced Composition was a required course. I kept protesting to Professor Glen Lich (now deceased) that I was an accounting major and would never need to know how to write. After graduation, when I was a public accountant, I thought about Dr. Lich a lot because I wrote audit report after audit report! And written communication continues to be a major part of my responsibilities today. Accounting instructor Mary Harston also comes often to mind. She used to tell us that she was setting high expectations and that we better rise to them. So we did! I look forward to visiting with some current students to share these observations and to tell them that accounting is a wonderful field—packed with variety and opportunity!

Beth Ann Rafferty ’87

CFO and Vice President, Finance Southwest Research Institute

–B eth Ann Rafferty, ’87 Ms. Rafferty began at Southwest Research Institute in 1991 and became assistant treasurer and assistant secretary in 1997. Appointed Chief Financial Officer and Vice President, Finance, in 2011, Beth Ann is responsible for Accounting, Central Proposal Office, Credit and Collections, Contracts, Employee Benefits, Government Property Administration, Information Technology Center, Retirement Program and Risk Management. Headquartered in San Antonio, Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) is one of the oldest and largest independent, nonprofit, applied engineering and physical sciences research and development organizations in the U.S. In 2010, its total revenue was $548 million.

Momentum 2011


Master of Business Administration makes advanced education attainable for working professionals


he brain child of Dr. Charles Torti (see page 16), Schreiner’s MBA opened its doors and its Web presence in September 2011. The hybrid program combines campus and online classes in a two-year degree program. Two courses each semester take place on campus from 6 to 8:30 p.m., while students complete the third course each semester online. All courses involve rigorous problem solving, extensive business writing, computer literacy, business simulations, empirical research and team projects that mirror contemporary business challenges and opportunities. • Decision Making • Management Strategies • Global Economics

• Management Information Systems • Advanced Organizational Behavior • Borderless Marketing

Schreiner is a unique institution that speaks to what I value and know to be true. ‘Learning by Heart’ is not just a feelgood slogan to me; it is the essence of teaching and learning. For me, learning and teaching has always been an intellectual and a spiritual experience. If one fails to engage the spirits of our learners, it is doubtful that they will develop their full mental potential. I chose to teach at Schreiner instead of one of the larger institutions who have offered me employment because I truly believe Schreiner is not in the business of education— as many larger universities are—but is dedicated instead to the art of teaching and the joy of learning. – Charles Salter

2 011 recipient of Schreiner’s Award for Excellence in Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity.






Schreiner university

The number of faculty and students when Schreiner Institute opened its doors in 1923.

Charles Salter

Assistant Professor of Business Charles Salter serves as faculty advisor for the Mountaineer Leadership Conference. Dr. Salter has worked in upper management for three Fortune 500 companies and has owned three entrepreneurial endeavors over the course of 30 years in business. Writing, research, and speaking engagements keep him abreast of the field of management and leadership. He is currently writing a leadership book on “The Sermon on the Mount” and is conducting research on moral development.





The number of full-time faculty and students in 2010.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing BSN degree launches, not a minute too soon


Photo above:

Elizabeth Ferry, an emergency medical technician (EMT) from Boerne, intends to be part of the 2013 nursing class and is completing her prerequisites this year.

Lena Rippstein

BSN Program Director

wenty-six students begin upper-level courses in September 2011 that will lead to the first BSN graduates in May, 2013. After graduating and passing their national licensure exam (NCLEX), these SU alumni will be full-fledged registered nurses. BSN program director, Dr. Lena Rippstein, points out that this new program is the next step in academic excellence that began for Schreiner nursing four decades ago. “The Texas Board of Nursing Examiners approved Schreiner a year ahead of our anticipated schedule. This is in part due to the strong vocational nursing program Schreiner has offered for four decades. In other words, our reputation preceded us, and I am grateful.” “Our national nursing shortage,” explains Dr. Rippstein, “is expected to intensify as baby boomers age and the need for health care grows. Over the past decade, both in Texas and nationally, there has been an escalating demand for RNs that exceeds the current RN-supply — and that nationwide shortage is expected to increase to approximately 260,000 RNs by 2025!” Schreiner is proud to be part of the regional and national health care solution.


Vocational nurses have graduated from Schreiner since 1976. These men and women have paved the way for launching the BSN program this fall.

Momentum 2011


Signature Programs Life Sciences Graphic Design Integrity Ambassadors in Business

Signature programs reflect our intention to offer unique learning experiences. In field biology, you will get out of the lab and into a stream; in graphic design, you will build a portfolio of client-based work; and in the integrity ambassadors in business program, you will embody the understanding that ethics and integrity are the essential business skills and values in the twenty-first century. We are offering one-of-a-kind opportunities for students who want to be professionally prepared and who want to develop the habits of mind that can only be cultivated in a liberal arts institution. And they serve as models of the engaging and experiential modes of learning that other colleges and universities are beginning to adopt.

Dr. Charlie McCormick

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

– Dr. Charlie McCormick


uilding upon academic programs that already have strength and unique qualities, the Schreiner faculty and administration recently named three signature programs to deepen students’ academic experiences and to help Schreiner carve a more recognized academic niche. No longer adolescent, Schreiner’s baccalaureate program graduated its 26th class in May, 2011.

“Undergraduate research at Schreiner provides a unique opportunity for students to form collaborative partnerships with faculty members working on new discoveries and community challenges in an interdisciplinary environment. It is invigorating and illuminating for both the student and their faculty mentor.”

— Dr. Danette Vines, associate professor of chemistry, is a member of Schreiner’s Undergraduate Research Task Force and is the 2011 honoree for the Elmore Whitehurst Award for Creative Teaching.

“If I had gone to any other school than Schreiner, I would not have been able to do as much research. And the research got my foot in the door for the Ph.D. program.”

— Molly Hutcherson ’11

Photo above:

Student and mentor take a moment to celebrate Molly’s acceptance into the doctoral program in chemistry at Baylor University.


Schreiner university

Life Sciences expands offerings to include field biology


chreiner has a fine reputation for preparing students interested in becoming doctors, dentists, veterinarians, pharmacists and medical researchers. Our science grads stretch from South Texas to Vermont to Spain! Dean Diana Comuzzie says becoming a signature program has enabled the department to offer a new course of study: field biology. Students are enjoying the variety of hands-on learning and research opportunities in conservation, ecology and management of Hill Country flora and fauna.

Photo above:

Dr. Chris Distel, assistant professor of biology, enthusiastically gives his biology students Amber Campillo, Brianna Benzinger and Derek Draper hands-on experience.



In financial aid packages will assist 96% of Schreiner’s students this year on their journeys toward graduation.

Momentum 2011


Graphic Design students create real projects for the real world


raphic Design majors gain knowledge and experience by offering their concept and design services to the nonprofit community instead of “pretend” clients. One organization may need a poster campaign; another requests a graphic makeover—from new logos to letterhead, business cards and Web pages. Students learn how to conduct interviews, listen carefully, compete for the business and work in teams to accomplish demanding goals. Along the way, every student develops and fabricates a professional portfolio in original and digital forms. When they graduate, these students are ready for the real world because they have already created partnerships there!

Photo above:

Jennifer Edwards ’10 moved from student intern to graphic designer/marketing assistant at Peterson Regional Medical Center in Kerrville.

Integrity Ambassadors of Business Four-year program instills Life-Long Values


he Integrity Ambassadors in Business (IAB) program involves students in Accounting, Business, Finance, Information Systems, Marketing and Management for each year of their college careers. They learn through a series of online simulations, threaded discussions, formal lectures, ethics debates and other class projects that emphasize that integrity and achieving the bottom line are harmonious goals of good business practices. Program creator Dr. Charles Torti says that the comprehensive IAB curriculum helps students make thoughtful decisions by understanding that different individuals view the same set of facts through a variety of ethical lenses or perspectives. Online case studies and simulations require students to think deeply, to consult others and to tackle increasingly complex situations as they progress towards their degrees. Already, 179 students are in the program and 300 are expected by the end of the 2011-12 academic year. 16

Schreiner university

Dr. Charles Torti,

associate professor of business, created the IAB program. He is the 2011 recipient of the Harriet Garrett Award for Teaching Excellence.

Momentum in

Financial Strength

SU claims ambitious goal to double the endowment to $100,000,000.

Schreiner University, 2001-2011 Endowment records steady growth for the decade. 60 46.6

Dollars, in Millions

50 40 30












20 10 0









As the graph indicates, Schreiner has almost doubled its endowment in the last decade, thanks in large part to estate gifts. (Please see Schreiner Oaks Society information on page 32.)


ow 26 years old as a baccalaureate university, Schreiner is committed to at least doubling its endowment to $100,000,000. Endowment strength is a nationally understood indicator of an institution’s ability to operate confidently in uncertain economic times and to provide a reliable source of income to underwrite important university initiatives. Schreiner employs a 5 percent spend rate with its endowment. This means any program or position that is endowed has a corpus behind it equal to 20 times its annual budget. Schreiner actively seeks endowment funds for the following important projects: • The William Logan Library • Nursing • Campus Ministry • Signature Programs • Student Life Programming

• The Honors Program • Buildings & Grounds • Learning Support Services • The Honors Program

Momentum 2011


Financials: Total assets surpass $100,000,000 2011 Revenues Investments 16%

Gifts and grants 12%

Auxiliary 21%

Net tuition and fees 51%

2011 Expenses Instruction 30%

Auxiliary 19%

Academic Institutional support support 7% Student services 25% 19%

2010-2011 Selected Financial Statistics Assets Cash and cash equivalent $4,031,357 Accounts and pledges receivable 1,684,837 Other assets 1,923,466 Investments 53,929,211 Land, buildings and equipment, net 52,382,091 Total assets $113,950,962 Liabilities Accounts payable Deposits and deferred revenue Notes payable Total liabilities

$2,063,092 891,453 15,748,685 $18,703,230

Net Assets Unrestricted $50,317,965 Temporarily restricted 9,263,590 Permanently restricted 35,666,177 Total net assets $95,247,732 Total liabilities and net assets



Frank W. Maresh Trustee

It is a pleasure to serve as a volunteer for an organization like Schreiner, one that takes seriously its financial responsibilities. As chairman of the Audit Committee, I am proud of the unqualified audit opinions Schreiner receives year after year. – Frank W. Maresh Trustee

A resident of Hunt, Maresh is the retired Vice Chairman of KPMG, U.S. Operations, and retired managing partner of KPMG’s Houston office. KPMG LLP is an international audit, tax and advisory firm. Maresh is also the retired chairman of the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy.

Schreiner is pleased to have 243 named endowed scholarships and aspires to have 1,000 of these permanent family tributes.


Schreiner university


Planning for the Second Century of Service Worship Center Mountaineer Center Campus Master Plan Performing & Fine Arts Complex

Co-curricular programs beckon new facilities

S Schreiner holds sacred the Christian convictions that each student is valuable and unique and that the University’s purpose is to enable every student to grow intellectually, physically and spiritually. I am proud to serve a university that values diversity of people and thought in a setting of open, civil discourse. – The Rev. Gini Norris-Lane Campus Minister

chreiner’s church-relatedness is apparent in a vigorous ecumenical campus ministry program directly involving a large percentage of our students. Replacing the aged Dietert Auditorium with a multi-use and modern building in the same location will symbolize our covenant relationship with the Presbyterian Church (USA) and will encourage and accommodate a lively campus ministry program. New facilities will offer quality space for people of all faiths to gather, enjoy fellowship, study, reflect and worship. Wish List estimates indicate a construction and 20% endowment totaling $3,700,000.


The proposed worship center will symbolize our covenant and support a bustling campus ministry.

Faith-based groups participate in campus ministry, both in relationship to specific denominations and in ecumenical fellowship and service. Momentum 2011


Mountaineer Fitness Center Phase II


ountaineer Center Phase II will complete athletic and recreational facilities on the east side of campus. This will include approximately 31,000 sq. ft. gym and events center, a baseball and softball field house, and lighting for the outdoor baseball and soccer fields. Estimated cost: $10,186,422. Photo to left:

2010 Women’s Golf Team, in their second year of competition, won the American Southwest Conference Championship and advanced to NCAA D-III nationals. Pictured (l to r): Simone Date, Ashley Hernandez, Surraya Minhas, Katlynd Imbody (Front), Liz Calderon (Back), Sarah Stillwell, Gabby Rosales and Rylie Pankratz. Not pictured: coach Anna Macosko.

New Front Gate “One chance to make a first impression”


he proposed new front gate will help announce Schreiner’s presence from the highway and improve traffic flow. SU’s consultants, Terra Design Group of San Antonio, are developing plans for every area of campus, all in harmony with responsible South Texas xeric considerations, of course. Wish List estimate of construction and endowment costs: $1,000,000. 20

Schreiner university

Photo above:

Artist rendering of the proposed new front entrance.

Enhancing a Welcoming Campus Hill Country style


Photos above:

Artist’s rendering of proposed South Plaza, or “Free Speech Court”—optimizing use of strategic space between the dining hall, admissions building and student activities center. With some shade and shelter, this well-trafficked area could be used for hundreds of social and academic activities each year. Phase I, ground preparation, began in the summer of 2011.

lthough facilities built over the last dozen years have achieved wonders for our students, efforts to create a comprehensive master plan have been piecemeal. Our goals are that the Schreiner University campus will be • welcoming from first appearance; • friendly to pedestrians; • suitable for outdoor gatherings; • efficient in moving vehicular traffic; and • aesthetically compatible to its Hill Country setting. Our campus master plan addresses the need to achieve these goals coherently and it will guide non-facility improvements for years to come. Wish List estimate of construction and endowment costs for this courtyard: $830,000.


The number of acres Charles Schreiner donated for the founding of Schreiner Institute. Today, the campus encompasses 176 acres.

Momentum 2011


Performing & Fine Arts Complex modern spaces for life-enriching activities


Photos above:

Artist’s renderings of proposed new facility innovatively incorporate Rex Kelly Pavilion, Hanzsen Fine Arts and new construction.

o college offers a holistic learning program without providing for the study and enjoyment of the arts. Schreiner’s plans for suitable space dedicated to the visual and performing arts reaches back into the 1970s. The growth of majors in graphic design and music and the interest of students in participating in the performing arts have underlined the need for such facilities. Our fine arts center will complete the good work begun for the visual arts in Cailloux Hall and serve both campus and community. Wish List estimate of construction and endowment costs: $10,800,000.

4+1+1+1 and more

Four choirs and ensembles, one Symphony of the Hills, one university drama group, one budding concert band, and countless fine arts and graphic artists find their nourishment at SU (in a variety of buildings).


Schreiner university

Honor Roll

of Donors


he Honor Roll of Donors salutes generous friends, trustees, parents, alumni, businesses, employees, charitable foundations, organizations and neighbors. Schreiner honors our many generous friends whose gifts enable us to provide a quality teaching and learning environment. This Honor Roll summarizes gifts for all purposes received between 12/01/09 and 6/30/11. We have made every effort to present our donors accurately. Please call us at 830-792-7201 if you have questions and accept our sincere apology if we have made a mistake. A3 Studio Wynell & Quentin Aaberg AAUW, Kerrville Branch Brenda & James Abbatiello Ann & Ray Abbott Carol & John Aceti Ella & Emmett Acker Rosa & Brad Adami Carol & Baxter Adams Ione & James Adams Sherrell & James Adams Sandra & Brian Adkins Aetna Foundation Inc. Affordable Printing Tish Aldridge Alice Management Company LLC All Caring Vet Clinic Darleen Allan Frances & William Allen Joe Allen Cynthia & Mike Allen Carolyn & Arthur Allison Mimi & Robert Allison Sandy & James Alsup Paulette & Wayne Alsworth Janie Altgelt Mary & Dionel Alves Clarice & Willard† Amann Elton Amburn American Electric Power Service Corporation Bill Amerine Yvonne & Gordon Ames Courtney & Eric Amsler Christina Anderson Ruby & Kenneth Anderson Janis & Paul Anderson Glenn Andrew Nancy Anguish Walter Ard Argo Group US Ark Veterinary Hospital Arkansas Community Foundation Kristine Arlitt Ann & Bill Armentrout Amy & Mark Armstrong Patricia & James Armstrong Diane & Aaron Arnold Betty Aronsen Elizabeth & Joe Arp Carrie & T.S. Arrington Michael Arthur Tommy Ashabranner Marti & Terry Ashcraft Mac Ashworth

Association of Presbyterian Colleges & Universities Richard Assunto Carrie Astoria Valinda Astoria AT&T Foundation ATEK Plastics Cathy & Samuel Atkins Vivian & Gene Atkinson Nancy & Cecil Atkission Robin & Michael Atteberry Moira Attwell Gaye & Paul Avery Estela & James Avery Beverly & Robert Avery B B Ranch Resort LLC Armen Babajanian Jene & Jackson Babb Michael Babb Karen & Steve Backor Lynn & Rodney Bacon Debbie Bading Baehre Real Estate Denise & Russell Baehre Ilse Bailey & Al Graham Angela & James Bailey Ney Bailey Rena & Marshall Bailey Joyce & Glenn Bailiff Barbara & Robert Baker James Baker Rebecca Baker† Sarah & Howard Baker Stephanie & Michael Balderrama Kathy & Conner Baldwin Sue Dale & J.H. Baldwin Teeka & Peter Baldwin Eleanor & Ray Baldwin Felicia & Thomas Baldwin Mary & Frank Ball Jeanette Ball-Reyes & Jose Reyes Charles & Kathy Balser Margaret & Billy Balthrop Anne Baltuskonis Darlene & Dewayne Bannister Louise Barbee Patricia & Mack Barham Carol & David Barker Elaine & Clyde Barlow Frances & Robert Barlow Linda & George Barnet Theodore Barnett Margaret Barnhart Marcia & Andrew Barrientos Alice & Norris Barry

Courtney & Amos Barton Joyce & Robert Barton Halsey Bascom Mary & Enricue Bascues Amy & Stuart Baskin Martha & William Bass Baublit Jewelers LaVerne & Dayton Baublit Paula & Joel Baulch Lois & Edward Bayer Anne & James Beall Anne & Currie Bechtol Nell Beck Cynthia & Mike Becker Lawrence Becksted Barbara & Adam Bedwell June & Samuel Begeman Jodi & Brian Behrens Arthur Bell Linda Bell Nelwyn & Walter Belt Katchen & Mark Benak Nena & Juan Benavides Lillian & Manuel Benavides Candyce & Bruce Beneke Verna & Joseph Benham Particia Bennett Mary & George Benning Peggy & John Benson Carolyn & Tarilton Benton Jo & Judith Beran John Berchelmann Jennifer & Steven Bergman Bonnie & A. C. Bering Annette Berre Ann & Ed Berrio Luke Berry Catherine & Barry Bettes Kathleen & Winfield Betty Helen & Richard Bialek Kellie Bielke Anita & Carlton Biermann Patrick Biesiadecki Elizabeth Bigelow Karen & Lance Billingsley Betty & Jack† Bills Donald Bingham Camila & John Binnion Virginia & Lonnie Birch Jacqueline & Arch† Bishop Lacy & William Bishop Cindy & Julian Bitner Anonymous Adeline Bizer Candice & Kent Black

Deana & Bill Blackburn Margaret & Edlar Blanton Grady Spencer Blocker Lynn & Theo Blue Beverly & Paul Bobby Sally & Roger Bobertz James Boeker Charlene & G.P. Bolden Renee & Timothy Bolton Jennifer & James Bone Bethany & Christopher Borak Ann & Larry Borchers Michelle Borin-DeVuono Jeannette Boster Ben Boubel Robert Bourquein Zachary Bowen Marianne & Robert Bowers Bruce Bowman Jan & John Bowmer Shawn Box Barbara & William Boyd Gloria & Malcolm Boyd Tracy & Raymond Brach Linda & Jim Bradel Mary & Chester Bradley Ron Bradley V. Bradley Rosa Bradshaw Ron Brandt Patricia & Michael Brewer Irene & Rudolph† Brewster David Bright Jay Bright Logan Brinkley Briscoe Hall Bruce & Shelley Britton Broadway National Bank Broken Arrow Ranch Nancy & John Broocks Alice Brook Brookhill Baptist Church Barbara & James Brooks Randy & Susan Brooks Marcelette & Sexton Broussard Sherry & Charles Brown Patti & Dan Brown Betsy & Douglas Brown Louis Brown Margaret† & Ollie† Brown Nancy Brown Natalie & Cody Brown Stephanie & Houston Brown Patricia & Tom Browne Junie Ledbetter & Gaston Broyles Momentum 2011


Charlotte Brundrett Carolyn & Kenneth Bruner Robert Brunk Barbara Bruno Toni Bryant Vivian Bryant Joan Bryson Clyde Buck Jannell & Jim Bullock

Mandy & Christian Campbell Denise & Colin Campbell Atanacio Campos Mary & Rene Canales Anne & Douglas Cannon Douglas Cannon Cynthia & William Cantrell Helen Capps Deanna & Steve Caraway

Jenny & Dale Chase Susan & J.M. Chastain Sonia & Rogelio Chavez Christine Chenoweth Chevron Matching Gift Program James Chiaro Susan & Larry Chiaro Lacy Chimney E.J. & A.W. Christian

Comanche Trace Ranch & Golf Club Commercial Realty Services Community Foundation of North Texas Community Foundation of the Texas Hill Country Diana & Anthony Comuzzie Scott Conard Lindsay & Carson Conklin Tony Conklin Carol & Craig Conlee Kaleta Conlee Ellen Connelly ConocoPhillips Barbara & Patrick Conway Mildred & Edwin Cook Joe Cook Loring Cook Foundation Michael Cook Phyllis & Royce† Cook Mary & Warner Corbin Patricia & Nicholas Corona Shirley & Julian Coskey Julie & Thomas Coskrey Mae Lindstrom & Dan Cotter Beverly & William Counts Candace & Mark Courmier Martha & Frank Covert Valerie & Mark Covey Cowboy Steak House “My professors in the education department did a phenomenal job. I’ve used so many Camilla Cowden of the skills they taught me, especially when I would get to the end of my rope and Mark Cowden think, ‘What do I do now?’” Joan & Thomas Craft – M elissa Frerichs ’09 Neva Cramer is a fourth grade teacher at St. Francis of Assisi School, Stephanie & Ross Crane M.E. Cravens Houston, TX Debbie & Jerry Crawford Jake Crawley Merri & Dick Bundy Kristen & Richard Carden Church’s Fried Chicken Frances Cree Danny Burda Corinne & Acree Carlisle City of Kerrville Economic Anne & Richard Cree Starla & John Burditt Michael Carlisle Improvement Corporation Brandon Creek Allison & Jason Burleson Carole & Robert Carlson Peggy Clanton Crenwelge Motors Marla & Stuart Burleson Elva & Joaquin Carpenter Holly Clark Timothy Crenwelge Karen & Gordon Burnap Karin & Richard Carpenter Patricia & John Clark Marguerite & Robert Crist Ann & Bradley Burns Yvonne & Rafael Carrasco Meg & Clayton Clark Grace & Neil Crites Debbie & Caleb Burress Jami Carroll-Hinton Ryan Clark Heather & Andrew Crocker Lisa Burrow Carson Distributing Co Inc. Virginia Ruth Clarke Robbie & Harold Crocker Lucy Burrus Melissa & Jarred Carter Kimberly Clarkson Joanne & G.C. Crocker Betty & Allie Burton Susan Carver Erica & William Clarkson Lauri & Robert Crockett Margurite & Robert Burton Helen & John Casbergue Jerry & Mark Clements Coralie Croom† Amy Bush Leo & Emogene Burton Case Ardis & Roger Click Lila & Edward Cross Marilyn & Larry Butcher Foundation Andrea & Jamie Cobb David Crotty Suzanne & Jack Butler Susan & Brian Casey Carolynn & Stanley Cobbs Janett & Harlan Crouse Mary & John Butters Patti Castellow Vickie & Gary Cochrane Robert Crow Byron Buzzini Joey Castiglione David Cockerell Priscilla & Gary Crozier Betty & William Byrd Janda & Jose Castillo Sylvia Coday Katherine & Kenneth Cruce Linda & David Byrne Marilyn Cathey Coffee Homes Janey & Bill Crum The Cailloux Foundation Joseph Cavazos Margie Cole Pamela & William Crumrine Calvary Temple Church Judy & James Cavender Coleman & Company Katherine Culpepper Margo & George Calvert Gladys Chamberlain Marge & Albert Coleman Elizabeth & Robert Cunningham Paul Camfield Boardman Chambers Kathy & Chuck Coleman Ingrid & Stuart Cunyus Camp Flaming Arrow Rose Chandler Jude Gallik & Clinton Coles Anne & Dan Curran Camp La Junta Betty† & James Chaney Loyce & William Collenback Alicia & Christopher Currie Camp Mystic Inc. Diana Chaney Howard Collier Peggy & Thomas Currie Camp Stewart for Boys Inc Dana & Roy Chapler Francelle & Dennis Collins Sharon & E.B. Curry Camp Waldemar Martha Chapman Roma & Howard Collins David Czarnecky Juanita & Bur Campbell Cynthia & Steven Chapman Kathleen & James Collins D. W. Electric Mary & Charles Campbell Beth & Eugene Chappell Rebecca & Paul Colvin Carol & Sam Dalton


Schreiner university

Mary & Harold D’Amico Thomas Daniel Amy & Steve Daniels Carolyn & Henry Darden Milton Dare Beverly & Ralph Daugherty Ruth Davenport Kara David Davidson, Freedle, Espenhover & Overby PC Rachel & Gary Davidson Barbara Davis Brenda & Clifton Davis Deborah Davis Jim Davis Dolores & Leonard Davis Peggy & William Davis Rachel† & Clyde Day Val & Douglas Day Ramon De Leon San Juana & Cleofas De Luna Brenda & John Deer Courtney & Antoine Dehoyos Lena Del Papa Denny’s Restaurant Carol & William Dever Cynthia Diaz de Leon & Ruben Armendariz Patricia & R. Dickey Nancy & Philip Dickinson Debra Dietz Carol & Donald Diltz Dian Dixon Rebecca Dobie Stokes Deborah & Richard Dobie Wanda & James Dobie Beverly & Alvin Dodds Dell Dolce Dominion Foundation Drusilla Dommert John & Karen Dooley Marianne & John Doran Marcia & Wesley Dorman Linda & Lenard Dossey Judith & Rogers Douglas Janie & Robert Douglass Fane Downs Downtowner Pizzeria & Deli Mary & Glen Doyen Eleanor Dozier† Jana & Stephen Drane Betsy Drapela Derek Draper Tomas Duarte W. Dubose Debra Duecker Lucille & Lindsay Duff Staci & Terry Duff Sandra & Donald Duiker Jean & James Duncan Julie & Frank Dunlap Carol Jean & Walter Dunlap Jodie & Jay Dunnahoo Maria & Manuel Duran Milda Durrin Geraldine & Joseph Durso Sue Dyke Jeannette Early†

Anonymous Kenneth Early Tweety & Richard Eastland Marci & Joseph Ecker David Edington Deborah & Carlton Edwards Lana & Danny Edwards Jessica & James Edwards Helen Eisaman Melinda & Samuel Elder Earl Eldridge Denise & Oscar Elizondo Keith Ellis Marsha & Dale Elmore Teak & George Anne Elmore Terri & Dennis Emerson Sylvia & Murphy Emmons Laura & Lawrence English Ben Enslow Donna & Gerry Enslow Enterprise Rent-A-Car Carol & Woodrow Epperson Carole Errett & Scott McCain Jarett Ersch Stephanie & Richard Ertel Leticia & Jorge Escobar Elizabeth & Joshua Eskew Especially Yours Francisco Espinoza Euro-Tex Architectural Engineering LLC Linda & David Evans Diane Evans Joan & F.M. Evans Karen & Bronson Evans Kim Evans Betty & Donald Ewan Beth & Finley Ewing Gail Ewing ExxonMobil Foundation Inc. ExxonMobil Judith & George Eychner Judy & Richard Fairchild Families & Literacy Inc. Jennifer Farhoudi Kamron Farhoudi Edward Farris Fasken Foundation Donna & Royce Faulkner Bruce Faust Elizabeth Fawcett Janis & Charles Feazel Beth & Richard Felner Susan & Robert Fendley Judith & C. Warren Ferguson Peggy & Keith Ferris Fidelity Abstract & Title Co. Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Julie & Scott Fiedler Rudolfo Fierro-Stevens Casey & Joseph Filippone Julia Finger First American Storage First Presbyterian Churches of Bryan Dallas Ft. Worth Ingram

Junction Kerrville Kilgore Midland San Antonio Tyler Uvalde First Presbyterian Church Women of Lake Charles First Presbyterian Church of Dallas Foundation Mattie First Sondra & Charles Fischer Karli Fischer Ray C Fish Foundation Michele & Trey Fisher Diane & Dick Fitch Five Star Cellular Paula & Richard Flach Nancy & Gary Fletcher Judy & J. Fletcher Suzann & Richard Fletcher Ruby Fletcher Kathy & Theodore Floca Lucrecia & Danny Flores Jo & Luis Flores Ramona Flores Foothills Mobile Home Ranch Inc. Millicent Forbes Judith & John Forister William Forrest Cynthia & Edmund Fort Page Foshee Norma & Stanley Foskett Alta Foster Anonymous Penelope & Henry Foster Kevin Foster Judy & Russell Foster Naty & Thomas Fowler Foy Family Foundation Inc. Martha Foy Francisco’s Restaurant Eddie Franco Franklin Family Foundation Sonya & Bill Franklin Charlotte & Larry Franklin Mignonne & Scott Frantzen The Coin B Frederick & Erin Frederick Powers Trust Becky & Larry Freeman Carolyn & Walden Freeman Bonnie & Tim Friesenhahn Katherine & Brian Frilot Mary Froelich Frontier Oil Corporation Frost Bank Frost National Bank Brenda & James Fudge Louise & William Furbush Sandra Fusilier Lorna & Charles Gaddy Connie & Gregory Gaddy Barbara Gainer Loraine & William Galbreath Thelma Gallant Debra & David Galloway Brenda & Fred Gamble

Laura Gamble Helen & James† Gambrell Jan Gambrell Sabrina & Matt Garces Cory Garrett Donna & Logan Garrett Susan & James Garrison Dawna & Rusty Garvin Cecilia & Ernest Garza Fred Garza Jesse Garza Brandon Gaston Laura & Jon Gaswick Lory & Donald Gates Donna & Creston Gay Diane & Steve Gaydou General Electric Foundation Geraldine & Roy Gentry Deborah & Ronald Gerth Amy & Jeffrey Geurin Alyson Geye June & George Gibbons Ann & James Gibbs Gibson Discount Center Dusty Gilliam Sue & T.B. Gipson Judith Glaze Marie & Dennis Glenewinkel Norman Glenewinkel Lois & Gary Godfrey Joan & Gary Goebel Victoria & Stephen Goebel Priscilla Goehring Reuben Gold Gold’s Body Shop Inc. Myra & Steve Golemon Rafaela & Louis Gonzales Lulu Gonzalez Millie & Dwight Goode Susan & Roy Goodwin Rebecca & Thomas Goodwyn Gary Gool The Goolsey Family Trust Patricia & William Gordon Betsy & Henry Gorman Lucy & Tom Gould Patricia Gournay Mark Graff Charles Granstaff Debbie & Mike Graxiola Suzanne & Doug Gray Diane & Robert Green Helen Green Eric Greenfield Vanessa & John Greenlee Mary Greer Cecilia Gregg Claire & Joseph Gregorcyk Theresa & David Gregory Laurie & Heath Gregory Darcee Grice Mary Lou Grier The Neil & Elaine Griffin Foundation Brock Griffin Sarah & David Grimes Dorothy & Erwin† Grimes Stacey & Johnny Grimes

Momentum 2011


Debra & David Grinnan Jane & Dale Groll Guadalupe National Bank Vanessa & Mario Guevara Maria & Reyes Guevera Cimonnett Guilbear Martha Guin Mildred Guin† Gulf-Tex Co. Inc. Doris Gurd Cassity & Abel Gutierrez Zaira & Andres Gutierrez Carlos Gutierrez Jason Gutierrez Lisa & Richard Guzman P.A. & K.O. Haby Gregory Hagen Ruth & Hossein Hagigholam Lorraine Haglund Frances Hahn Joyce Hahn Lou Ann & William Hahn Jean† & Earl Hale Martha & Peter Hamel Deryl & John Hamilton George & Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation Pat & Philip Hamman Gaylia & Thomas Hammond Karen & Michael Hannasch Margaret Harbaugh Jane & Richard Harben Michele & Shaun Hardimon Jody Hardwick Kelley Hargrave Charlotte & Roy Harrell Connie & James Harris Caren & James Harris Betty & John Harris Novia & Ross Harris Doris & Samuel† Harris Betty & Otto Harrison Brenda & Vernon Harrison Rebecca & William Harrison Harry A. Parrish & Associates Carolyn & Houston Harte Patricia Harte Claire & William Hartman Irene & Gerald Hartman Suzanne Hartman & Joe Atkinson Nan & Bill Hatcher Mark Haufler Ann & Frederick Hausheer Chaille & Freddie Hawkins Angelina & Matthew Hawkins Polly & Jack Hay Kaki & Harrell Hayden Mary & Rufus Hayes Susan & John Hays Patricia & John Hays Hearing Care Heart O’ The Hills Girls Camp H-E-B Sug & Don Hedgpeth Margaret & Dale Hedrick Joann & Kennith Hedrick Susan & Joe Heffington


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Joanne & Doug Heitmiller Elva & Charles Hellen Grinstead Henderson Family L.P. Elizabeth Henderson Janice & Carl Hendrix Janie & Marvin Henkes Martha & Melvin Henkes Denise & Frederick Henneke Lesley & Robert Henneke Teresa Henneke Catherine Henry Pat & Robert Henry Ronald Henry Martha & Billy Hensley Helen Herd Helen & James Herget Deedie & Phillip Hering Cara & Bruce Herlin Colton Hermes Maria & Ronald Hermes Joe Hernandez Johnathon Hernandez Pilar Rivera & Jose Hernandez Janet & John Hershner Ruby & James Hesseltine Lillian Heyen Evelyn & Mike Hickey Barbara Hickman Laura & James Hicks Evangeline & Bill Hilburn Carolyn & Truman Hildebrand Tracy & Harvey Hilderbran Hill Country Arts Foundation Hill Country Bluebonnet Home Decor & Imports Hill Country Dental Associates Hill Country Telephone Co-Op Anita & David Hinebaugh Marcia & Noe Hinojosa Marjorie & H.R. Hirsch Tayler Hobberlin Jane & Kyle Hobin Christina & Robert Hobratschk Susan & Robert Hocker Julianne & William Hoegemeyer Mary Beth Hoener Marie & Richard Hoener Richard Hoener M. Hoffman Cynthia & Mark Hoffmann Ethan Hohmann Herbert Holchak Monica & Heath Holcomb Jean & Lewis Holekamp Leah Holekamp Patsy Holekamp Sandra & Bartley Hollander Elena Hollinger Liz & Michael Hollis Robert Holloway Robert L. Holloway Wilba† & Wrather† Holmgreen Anna & Joe Holston William Knox Holt Foundation Homegrown Energy-McBryde Oil Company Sheri & Gilbert Honea Brenda Hoofard

Galina & George Hopkins Michelle & Moton Hopkins Miles Horton Carole & Howard Hovde Diana & Larry Howard Mary Howard Sheryl Howard Sheila & William Howard Judith & Robert Howden Jane & Dick Howell Janet Chene & Tim Huang Robert Huckabay Margaret & John Huddleston Joann Hudson Kathleen Hudson Seth Huerta Barbara Taylor & Elton Gene Huey Jeffery Huff Charlotte & Mike Huff Martha & Don Huge Charlmaigne & Roosevelt Huggins Baker Hughes Foundation Elizabeth & D.M. Hughes Mary & Robert Hughes Betty Hughey Donald Hulse Linda & Robert Humphrey Dee & Charles Hunt Hunt United Methodist Church Kathleen & James Hunter Donn Huot Kristine & Chester Hurst Catherine & James Hurst Shirley & Tom Huser Judy & John Hutcherson Cynthia & Samuel Hutchison Nell & Gene Hutzler IBM International Foundation (IIF) Independent Colleges & Universities of Texas Adelia Ingram Joanna & Roland Ingram Bobbye & Barlow Irvin Linda & Donn Iverson Trey Iverson Izzi Bear Carl Jackson Henry Jackson Ravyn Jackson James Avery Craftsman Inc. Diana James Brittney & Keven Janda Lesa Janica Mary Jelley Ashley Jemison Dorothy Jenkins Matthew Jepson Tanya & Jessie Jimenez JM Lowe & Company John Calvin Presbyterian Church Johnson Controls Foundation Amy Johnson Amy & Kyle Johnson Betty & Andrew Johnson Barbara & Charles Johnson

Cheryl & Roger Johnson Edith & James Johnson Debbie & John Johnson Valra & John Johnson Bonnie & Joseph Johnson Judith Johnson L. Beth & David Johnson Priscilla & Gregg Johnson Marguerite Scott & Richard Johnson Patricia & Richard Johnson Mary & Sam Johnson Janet & Gary Johnston Sara & Robert Johnston Virginia & Hamp Johnston Anna Jones Marilyn & Donald Jones Fran & John Jones Karen Jones Shelby & Ward Jones Diane Joppie Miriam & Hugo Jorda Kay & David Jordan Elise & Russell Joseph Jennifer & Ed Junker Nancy & Edward Junkin Don & Fred Junkin Adele & Sam Junkin Roberta & Glenn Jurek Ellen Leonard & John Kammerdiener Virginia Kapchinski Beverly & Fred Kapelle Jonathan Kaulfus Patsy & Kenneth Kaye William Keaton Donna Keeling Tammy & Todd Keener Elizabeth Keller Lisa & Mark Keller Carey & Stephanie Keller Crystal Kelley Ben Kelly Linda & Arthur Kelly Michael Kelly Suzanne Kelsey Kemmerer Family Foundation Nonanel Kendrick Ruthie Kendrick Patty & William Kendrick Kerr County Abstract Co. Inc. Kerrville Automatic Auto Repair Center Kerrville Daily Times Margaret & Gary Kersey Megan & Jeremiah Kester Ginger & Earl Kilgore Karen Davis Kilgore Charles Kimball James King Jennifer King Kay King Linda & Thomas King Nancy & Terrell King Renee Wash & Stephen King Elsie Kinler Roberta & David Kinneberg Nina Kinney

Dana & Barbara Kirk Gregory Kirkham Brenda & Thomas Kirwan Beverly & Henry Kitzman Margaret & Gaynell Klaerner Monte & Alan Klossen Peggy & Richard Knight Gerrie & Robert Knoll Mary & Alfred† Koebig Joni & Brian Koehler Josephine & Preston Koehler Nancy & Thomas Koger Anonymous KPMG Foundation James Krauter Ann Kretsinger & Joseph McCluggage Frances & Maurice Kroll Kathy & Dean Krueger Kirk Kuykendall L. Duff Enterprises Inc. La Hacienda Treatment Center Laura & Weir Labatt Marsha & Charles Laffoon Laura & William Laing Louise & Paul Lajti Barbara Lakin Elizabeth & Nicholas Landes Carolyn & Kenneth Landrum Mandy & Danny Langbein Beverly Lange Chrystal & Clinton Langford Sandra & Chris Langley Matthew Langston Shirley & Howard Lanham Martha & Samuel Lanham Gale Laning Esther & Robert Lannom Jane & Lee Larkin Bernadell & Stu Larson Diane & Phillip Latham Ann & James Laughlin Rosa & John Lavender Chad Laxson Peg Layton & Steve Spahr Louise & Robert Leahy Melissa Lee Mary & Walter Lee Sherri & Stephen Leffingwell Jennifer & Richard Leggett Edwin Lehmann Betty & Lloyd Leifeste Michelle Leija Teresa & Rafael Leija Sandra & Charles Leinweber Lemeilleur RV Center William Lemoine Lorraine & Ric LeMon Maria & Mark Lenzo Lynda & Craig Leslie Joyce Lespreance Margaret Letscher† Ervin Lett Jonathon Letz B. Levy Patti & Charles Lewis Sandy & Peter Lewis Helen & William Lewis

Caroline & Dennis Liebersbach Carolyn Light Irene & Randall Light Diane & James Lindner Margaret & William Little Heather Logan Elizabeth & Charles Loggie Kelly & Mark Logue

Gerry & Robert Macosko Anna & Ron Macosko Dorothy Mahaffey Christopher Mahr Myrtle Maier Melody Malone Janet & Bob Malson Janet Maltman

Masterson Insurance Constant & Neill Masterson Pamela & Neal Matthews Tricia & William Matthews D. Mattiza Heather Mauze Wanda Kemp-Maxson & R D. Maxson

“I can’t stop raving about Schreiner. The accounting program is the backbone of my career, preparing me for the ‘real world’ by teaching me textbook knowledge and by helping me apply that knowledge in a work environment. Prior to graduation I had three fine job offers, and I know I have chosen the right profession. My Schreiner experience is one that I will never forget and is one of the best decisions I have ever made.” –M att Bogler ’09 Staff Accountant Davidson, Freedle, Espenhover & Overby, P.C., Kerrville The San Antonio CPA Society named Matt the region’s Outstanding Accounting Student in 2010.

Fred Lohmeyer Kimberly & Robert Lohmeyer Kathy London Kay & Flynn Long Cheryl & Robert Long Susan & Kenneth Longacre Richard Longbottom Jean & John Longway Michael Looney† Leslie & Andrew Lopez Michael Lopez Nancy Lopez Lisa & Rafael Lopez Love Creek Orchards Elizabeth & Jason Love Tori Loveless Laurie & John Lowe Alfred Lowrey Evelyn & Donald Luckemeyer Rafael Luebbert Yvonne & Cuney Luke Jan & Mike Lundy LVN Class April 2010 J.E. & L.E. Mabee Foundation Sherman Macdaniel Linda & Dwaine Machann Sue & Douglas Maclay Elaine Macon

Mamacita’s Restaurant & Cantina Inc. Management Company At Stone Oak-Sonterra Inc. Cynthia & Rex Maner Tammy & Joseph Mann Sandra Mann Lorraine Mannering Mansfield Warehousing Service Robert Mansker Mollie & Frank Maresh Richard Marhofer Carolyn & Everett Marley Mary Lynn & Richard Marrs Elizabeth & Echol Marshall Ann & Jerry Marshall Faerie Marston Molly Martin Rhonda & T.R. Martin Bitsy & Truman Martin Abel Martinez Cristina & Jorge Martinez Lydia Martinez Stella Martino Linda & Larry Marwedel Kathleen & Frank Mascaritola Kimberlee Mascaritola Elizabeth & Philip Masquelette

Martha & H. D. Maxwell Mary & James Maxwell Barbara & Sam May Mary Jane & Wendell Mayes Demmie Mayfield Susan Maziarz Kristin & Joe McKinnon Elizabeth & Ben McAndrew Becky & R. McBryde Trevor McCain James McCall Jennie & Harry McCament Sally & Donald McClure McCombs Foundation Inc. Brooks & Mitchell McCorcle Jay McCormack Cayce & Charlie McCormick Joe & Susan McCracken Rhonda & Tracy McCuan Marcia McCulley Juanita McCulloh Marie & Rayburn McCulloh Mary Beth McCullouch Denise & John McCullough Jennifer & Richard McCullough Alice McDaniel Ann & Jack McDaniel Joyce & Luther McDaniel

Momentum 2011


Janie & Julius Neunhoffer Lois Newberry Patsy & Larry Newbolt Nick Newland Frank Newman Nexen Petroleum U.S.A. Inc. Mary & Ferrell Nicholson Lala & Vic Niemeyer Carmen Nieto Ann Nixon Genevieve Nomer “A good day for Greystone, a great day for America” Nancy & Robert Norris Virginia Norris-Lane & Wes Lane Carolyn & Robert Northcutt Northwood Presbyterian Church San Antonio Violette Notis-Diamond & Michael Diamond Helen Nourse & Ray Mead Joan & Chester Nowak Joan & Michael Noyes James Nugent Patricia Nuss Meleah & Edward Nye Alice & Erle Nye Mishael Ochu Kathleen Ocker Kathryn O’Connor & Hewitt Foundation Michelle & Mason Oehler Greystone Academy students finish their mile runs and then return to encourage their Misty & Patrick O’Fiel classmates as they complete their Candidate Fitness Assessments. Schreiner provides Rebecca Ohnemus the bridge between high school and enrollment in the U.S. service academies, offering Rose & A.M. Olander a rigorous academic schedule in an encouraging environment. Cornelius Oldenbroek Gloria Olsen Martha & John O’Neal Bruce Muns Mini-Mart Marilyn & Fred McMahon Theodore O’Neal Marie Murnane Barbara & Roy Minton Nancy McMillan Dorothy & William O’Neal Adele Murphy Mission Presbytery Patricia & Robert McMillan Jean Onion† Linda & Henry Murphy Gail Mitchell Ruth McNay Kerr County Optimist Club Caroline Murr Clovis & Theo Mitchell Amy Shelton McNutt Carolyn Osborn Lenore & Ken Murray Mary & William Mitchell Charitable Trust Anna & John Osborn Sandra & John Murray Jacob Mixon† Verla & Richard McTaggart Sylvia & Daniel Ostos Liz & Patrick Murray Barbara Mize Nancy & Gary McVey Elizabeth & Kelly Owens Catherine & Thomas Murray Sophie & William Mize Nalga & Paul Mebane Flo & Robert Pacharzina Marilyn & Don Murrmann Betty & Tom Mobley Suzanne & Wallace Mebane Paula & Earl Painter Dale Myers Leslie & Ben Modisett Joyce & Donald Mechler Bjoern Palm Julie Myers† Judy & Ricky Moellering Carrie & Andreas Mein Harold Palmer Rita & Daniel Myhaver Carol & Robin Moffat Alleen & William Meinecke Abigail & George Panayiotou Michael Mynatt Nina Moller Kara Melton Jan Parker Laura & Edward Myrick Peggy Monroe Memorial Presbyterian Anonymous Nagle & Nagle Jane & Scott Monroe Church-Fredericksburg Virgil Parker Attorneys-at-Law Jackie Montoya Laura & Charles Mendenhall Janet & Jack Parks Carol Nagle Cheryl & Carl Moore Stephen Mendoza Parkway Presbyterian ChurchRose & Joe Nall Marilyn & E.O. Moore Theresa & Jimmy Menges Corpus Christi National Car Rental Rosemary & Steven Moore Joyce & Paul Mercer Teresa Parman National Shooting Sports Sally & Scott Mooring Richard Mercer Debra & Robert Parmley Foundation Sandra & Rene Morales William Meredith Dianne & Harry Parrish Nationwide Insurance, Brenda & James Moran Merrill Lynch Pierce, Fenner Partain Photographs Joe Cook Agency Isidro & Maria Moreno & Smith Inc. Barbara & Michael Pate Nationwide Matching Education Sheri & Pat Pattillo Matthew Moreno Jan & Earl Merritt Gift Program Dinah & Isaac Morgan Stephanie & Melvin Merzon Nancy & Ted Paup Diane Naylor Janet & Charles Morris Margaret & Robert Meyers Elaine & Sonny Payne Kathy Naylor Antoinette & William Morris Laura & Snick Meyers Jeanetta & Malcom Payne Linda Neal Carol Morrow Theresa & Ryan Meyers Rolando Paz Noelle & Bradford Neely Elizabeth Moseley MG Building Materials Janet & John Peddy Kathy & Don Neuenschwander Myra Peel† Susan & David Motley Martha Miesch Thomas McDonell James McElroy Linda & Joe McGee S.J. & Michael McGinnis Sara & Tom McKeon Janet & Kent McKinney Barbara McLellan Casey McMahon


Schreiner university

Helen Miles Miller & Astorial LLP Betty Miller Joan & James Miller Brenda & John Miller Pam & Randy Miller Ray Miller Laurie & Phillip Milton

Marilyn Moye Patricia Moyer Karen Mueller Karen & Alan Muennink Nancy & Robert Muil Kathryn Mullen & Russell Scott David Mulry Sonia Munoz-Gill & Jeffrey Gill

Emily & David Peeples Jade & Eric Pehl Michael Peinemann Elizabeth & Ralph Pelton Patricia & Israel Pena Sally Pena Susan & William Penland Patty & Paul Pennell Janelle Peralt Judith & Lino Perez Paula & Michael Perich LaRue & Brian Perkins Rae & Jimmie Peschel Peterbilt Motor Company Hal & Charlie Peterson Foundation Sally & Ronald Peterson Charlotte & Larry Petty Gerry & Barbara Pfeil Gerald & Darla Pfiester Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Charolette & George Phair Aneta Phelps Verne Philips Margaret & Andrew Phillips Claude Phillips Jan & Lance Phillips Scott Pichot Wilhelmina Pichot Pines Presbyterian Church-Houston Rosalie & Eddie Pinson Pipeline Skid Service Inc Linda & John Pipkin Christopher Pitcairn Carol & Paul Pitts Jewell Plangman The Plant Haus 2 Tricia & Dean Pogue Dorothy & Jimmie Pogue Rebecca & Robert Poindexter B.J. Polk Sharon & Ed Pollard Etta Poole Jane & Dean Porter Laura & Harry Portwood Susan Posey John Potts Harriet & Harford Powel Amanda Prehn Thomas Prejean Amber Pressler Jane & Mark Price Rebecca & Robert Price Ruth Priest Nelda & Todd Prince Jane & Donald Priour Tamara & Darrell Probst Neita & Emil Prohl Patsy Pruett Carolyn & Thomas Pruett Suzanne Prukop Nelson Puett Foundation Sandra & Michael Pursley Charles Quereau Claire & David Rabson Sarah & J.D. Ragan

Carolyn Ragland Jane Ragsdale & Dick Howell Kathy & Silas† Ragsdale Mitchell Raiborn RAM Foundation Rene & Deandra Ramirez Bertha & Jorge Ramirez Stephanie Ramirez Sara Ramos Shaun Randall G. Randolph Mary & Karl Ransleben Lauree & Kevin Rasso Barbara & Thomas† Ratcliffe Janell Rath Susie & Michael Ray Deborah & Dan Rayfield Nancy & Henry Read Dalene & Robert Reagan Lyndia & William Rector Michael Redman Hazel & William Reece Katie & Michael Reed Seth Reed Joseph Reeh Gloria Rees Charlene & Jim Reeves Louise Reid Foundation Katherine & Douglas Reid Cordelia & Michael Reid Elise & William Reid Joseph Remini Mary & Domingo Rendon Paula & Thomas Repka Louise Reynolds Janet Rhode & John Bailey Elizabeth & Alton Rhoden Rhodia Inc. Rice Interests Ltd. Ann† & Browne† Rice Darrel & Jeffrey Rice Janice & Alan Rich Cheryl & John Rich Cythina & Allan Richardson Sid W. Richardson Foundation Angeline & Edwin Richmond Eloy Rico Tommie & Charles Ridgaway Debbie & Howell Ridout Mary & Robert Rieke J. Rink Darla & Charles Ripley Lena Rippstein Rosemarie & H.L. Risinger Sally & Andrew Ritch Riverhill Women’s Association Alice & Ronald Rivers Renee & Joseph Roach Roberts Auto Sales Ltd. Debby & Gary Roberts Stephenie & Randall Roberts Jerre & William Roberts Sue Robertson Gertrude & Charles Robinson Janet Robinson Jennifer & John Robinson Myra Robinson Gerald Robison

Linda & Roy Rodriguez Viola Rodriguez Ilene & Walter Roemer Susan & Charles Roetter Emmy† & Moak† Rollins Anita & J.R. Rollo Rosemary & Louis Romero Nancy & Robert Rooke Katherine & Charles Roos Ivalu & Randy Rose Ann Ross Elinor Ross† Rotary Club of Kerrville Lisa & Jessie Ruiz Linda & James Runkel C.J. & E.R. Russell Donetta & Aubert Ruth Elizabeth Ryan Lois Rye Safari Club International Hill Country Chapter Inc. Steven Saide Amanda & Tino Salazar Alicia & Ruben Salinas J.B. & Kathryn Sallas Charitable Foundation Kathryn Sallas SALT Group Kelle & Charles Salter San Angelo Area Foundation San Antonio CPA C.E. Foundation San Antonio RCTG BN San Pedro Presbyterian Church San Antonio Norma Sanchez Melinda & Ricardo Sanchez Richard Sanchez Susan Sanders Patia Sandifer Karyn & William Saner Jean & Edgar Sanford Lorraine & Charlie Sapp Saunders Foundation Midge & Clyde Saunders Gayle & Fredric Saunders Edwin Sawyer Candace & Charles Scarborough Tracy Andrews & Hale Schaleben Barbara & Walter Schellhase Cynthia Schiavo M. Schlechte Esther Schlortt Marian Schlunegger Luanne & Ivan Schmedemann Marium Schmerbeck Shirley & Robert Schmerbeck Rolinda & Arthur Schmidt Elizabeth & Kenneth Schmidt Loretta & Charles Schmidt Janice & Robin Schmidt Sara Schmidt Vicki & Dorman Schmidt Dorthy & Wildon Schmidt Melissa & Richard Schneider Suzanne & Victor Schneider Ellen & Paul Schoenfeld

Carolyn & Walter Schulle Catherine & Stephen Schulte Margaret & Manfred Schulz Joyce & Charles Schupp Carla & David Schuster Maria & Thomas Schwennesen Elaine Scogin Kristen & Taylor Scogin Patrick Scogin Lyane & Robert Scoskie Anita Scott Mary & J. Scott Lo-Rena & Kelly Scott Neel & Robert Scott Nancy & William Scott Cathy & Mark Scozzari Gerry & Frank Seaman Anne & David Seidensticker Cynthia Sengel Mary & William Sentesi Serafy Foundation Viveca & Nicholas Serafy Oscar Seth Jan & William Setzler Phyllis & Peter Shaddock Margaret & Edward Shaifer Eugenia Sharp Mary Sharpless Barry Shaw Susan & Jerry Shaw Nancy & Milton Shaw George Shea Barbara & Eldon Sheffer Audrey & Dell Sheftall Fronie Shelton Carol Shepherd Susan & Randall Shepler Gene & Max Sherman Jerold Shetler Maxine Short Laura & Scott Short Laura & Greg Shrader Abigail Shupe Lindsay Shupe Mary Helen & Randall Sibley Jim Siebenthal Aleis Silva Alice Simmons Wyona Simone Marvin Singleton Sisters Four Charity Inc. Sylvia & Sidney Skinner Marlyss & Walter Skipwith Dianne & Chip Slade Leigh & Dufford Slade Susan & Charles Slaughter Jennifer & Stuart Sliva Susan & William Sliva John Smalling Judy & John Smalling Jill & Peter Smetek Mimi & Allen Smith Cheryl & Blake Smith David Smith Anna & David Smith Diane & Ricky Smith Joanna & Eugene Smith Sharon & Ford Smith

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Patricia & George Smith Sandra & J. Fort Smith Jean Smith Jill & John Smith Paul & Kacy Smith Mathew Smith Roberta & Harold Smith Rosabel Smith Michele & Rufus Smith Tamatha Smith Linda & Terry Smith Charlene & Thomas Smith Virginia Smith Ward Smith Sodexo Inc. & Affiliates Lester Solomonsz Linda & Donald Somerville Annette & Larry Sondock Sonterra Property Owners Association Inc. Martha & John South Lois & R.D. Sowards Donna & Kenneth Spahn Dorede & John Speaker Gibi & Frank Speakmon Emma Spearman Lee & Luke Speckman Sandra Speed & Frank Stafford Josh Spencer Richard Spencer Wanda Spivey Sports Medicine & Physical Therapy-Fredericksburg St. Mark Presbyterian Church-Boerne Peggie Stacy Barbara & David Staggs Dian Stai Christine & Mason Standley Mary & Russell Stanger State Farm Insurance Stacy & Michael Stavinoha Jan & Ed Stearns Marissa Stearns Sue & Jack Steele Mariann & Paul Steldt Christy & Nicholas Stepchinski Ernest Stephens Pollyanna & F.L. Stephens Sterling-Turner Foundation Nancy & Alan Stevens Bart Stevens Pat Chastain & Fred Stevens Frances & Jack Stevens Shelby Stevens Clarence Stewart Marilyn & Donald Stewart Gloria Stewart Sandy & John Stewart Susan & James Stinson Norma & Wayne Stockseth Janice Stolle Pat Stone Patricia & William Stone Pat & Thomas Stoner Stephen Stout Vernell & Clifton Stribling Mildred & J.A. Strickland


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Kassaundra & Tyler Strickland Carrie & Joe Stromberg Annette & Steven Sudyka Cynthia & Brian Sullivan Carmen & Charles Sullivan Sheila & Danny Sullivan Charis Sultemeier Mary Ellen & C. Tim Summerlin Hatton W. Sumners Foundation Inc Cori & Zach Sumrall Minniemae Sunday Shelley Swan Katy & Arlo Swanson Nancy & Don Swanson La Nell & Dick Swantner Nell & Francis Swayze Florence Swientek Joyce & John Swift Ruth Swift Tracy & Shane Sykes Keiko & Michael Sykos Synod of the Sun Financial Services Lane Tait Caryn & Jeff Talarico Lynn Tandy Samuel Tannenbaum Karen & Stephen Tanner Karen & Louis Tanner Tapatio Ladies Club Carlos Tapia Linda Tarrant Tanelly Tate Marda & Jerry Tayloe Ann Taylor B. Taylor Erica Taylor Judith & Roy Taylor Linda & Roy Taylor Samantha & Jeremy Taylor Sherry Teel Mary & Charles Teeple Carol Teich Terminix/ABC Pest Control Jeanne & Philip Terrell Elaine & Thomas Terrell Laura Webb & Vernon Teves Texas Independent College Fund Texas Pioneer Foundation Texas Presbyterian Foundation Blythe & Bill Thomas Billie Thomas Irene Thomas Carolyn & James Thomas Deeanna & William Thomas Brenda & Curtis Thompson Charlotte Thompson Liquita & Lawrence Thompson Loretta Thompson Lynda & Ray Thompson Roy Thompson Danetta Beaushaw & Andrew Thomson Katherine & Win Thurber Lois & Jack Thurmond

Sue Tiemann Marcia & Maurice Tinsley Mary & Joseph Tisdel Martha & Jimmy Tom Chrissie & Brandon Tomchuk Carrie & Charles Torti Felipe Tovar Connie Townsend Cloyde & Ethel Lee Tracy Foundation Inc. Tessie & John Trappey Sugie & Charles Travis Marie & Edmunds Travis Aaron Treanor Victor Trevino Jil Treybig Trinity Presbyterian Church Flower Mound Jean & David Tritenbach Joyce & Walter Troegel Kerri & Randall Truelock Trull Foundation Robbie Trussell Tucker Foundation Margarete & Bill Tucker Dorothy Tucker Stephanie Tudyk Anonymous Maxine & Doyle Turnipseed Shannon & Mark Tuschak Carolyn & William Twyford Janice & Kenneth Tyler Amy & Busty Underwood Union State Bank Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Donor Unknown Nan & James Vaden Kathy & Adrian Van Dyke Margaret Van Landingham Janise Van Tassel Keely & Billy Vanacker Marion Vance Kristy Vandenberg Melissa Vanderkam Jane & Edward Vandorn Sandra & Robert Vandorn Melissa & Raymond Vasquez Jeanette & Gary Vaughan Todd Vaughan De’Andre Vaughn Judith & Graydon Vaught Melissa Vela Verizon Foundation Betty Vernon Jerrelyn & Richard Verrett Vicksburg Village Clubhouse Deborah & Lance Vieau Vision Source Gabrielle & Aaron Vogler Phyllis & Frederick Vogt Anonymous Lorna & Alton Vrana Wachovia Wells Fargo Foundation Catherine Wahrmund Toni & David Wahrmund Betty & Jack Walcher

Kathleen Walker Leslie Walker Stuart Walker Wallace Jackson & Lohmeyer Janice Wallace June Wallace Nancy & Edgar Wallace Nancy & Robert Wallace Sana & Bob Waller Marla & John Waller Carol & James Walls Barbara & Robert Walther Melissa & David Wampler Elaine & Martin Wardlaw Emily & James Ware Jean & Stephen Ware Nancy & Bill Warren Marie & Wayne Warren Deborah Wartko-Conner Sylvia & Phineas Washer Water Street Chiropractic Yolanda & Brent Watkins Rebecca Watson Michael Watters Tina Watters Michelle & Arthur Wavell Cynthia & Del Way Bill Webb Jean & Thad Weber Mary & Dave Weekley Darryl Weidenfeller Welch Foundation Lisa & Andy Welch Wells Fargo Banks Marion & Fred Wells Lori Mayles-Wells & Thomas Wells Mary & Christopher Wendel Meredith Wendele Freya & Jeffrey Wendling Steve Wentz Alice & Alan Werchan Linda & Kittredge Werlein Jeanne West Barbara & Kenneth West Joe Westerlage Westminster Presbyterian Church, Austin Westminster Presbyterian Church, Beaumont Carole Wever Carolyn & Danny Wheat Melinda & James Wheeler Whelan Plumbing Co. Inc. James Whetstone Ed Whitacre Betsy & Ed Whitaker Marilyn & Allen White Nichelle White Ruby White Wilberta White Monica Whitehurst & William Newcombe Olin Whitescarver LaShelle & Russell Whitmore Larresia & Lewis Whitten Kristine & Greg Whittington Ann Wickham

Jeffery Wiede Irene & Leroy Wiese Mary & Travis Wilcox Ann & William Wilde Rhonda Wiley-Jones & Bert Jones Lucretia & Carrell Wilferth Elizabeth & Eric Wilfong Lucy & Kenneth Wilke Raynell Wilke John Kerrigan & William Wilkinson Brenda & Bryant Williams David Williams Dominique & Lamar Williams Amanda & David Williams Debbie & Keith Williams O’Gene & Lewis Williams Leslie & Stockton Williams Skipper & E.C. Willmann Wilson Family Chiropractic Andrea & Keith Wilson Deborah & Hiram Wilson Carrie & Jim Wilson Elizabeth & Reginald Wilson Claudie & Stanley Wilson Gail & William Wilson Marion & William Wilson Patrice & John Wilton Joseph Winger Rey & Joe Winsky John Winslow Debbie & Bert† Winston Wisconsin Energy Corporation Foundation Inc. Mary & Bertram Wood Mark Woodhull Sue & James Woods Christine & John Woods Mary & Larry Woods Stephanie & William Woods Deirdre Workman Jerri & Walter Workman Worldwide Tubulars Ida Worthington Marsha & Kenny Worthington Cherry Wright & Jim Bradford Harry Wright Connie Wunderlich Judy & Harold Wunsch Deborah Burks & John Wurster Sabrehna Wyche Craig Yaros Vicki Yates Jerry Yencharis George & Fay Young Foundation Barbara Young Barbara & Darrel Young Phyllis & Robert Young Jan Zenner Katherine & Theodore Zgourides Paul Zoch Patty & Paul Zohlen

† - deceased

Mountaineer Fitness Center Phase I


ountaineer Fitness Center, Phase I, would not have been possible without the enthusiastic and generous support of the following friends, foundations, alumni, parents, businesses and organizations. Together, they have enabled SU to transform campus recreation and fitness and significantly improve recruiting efforts. Patricia & Martin† Allday Traci & Daron Allen Sandy & James Alsup Nancy Anguish Argo Group U.S. Nancy & Cecil Atkission Estela & James Avery Teeka & Peter Baldwin Carol & David Barker Patricia Barnhill Chelsea Barrington Amy & Stuart Baskin Lea† & Arthur Bell Nelwyn & Walter Belt Patrick Biesiadecki Lloyd Brinkman Susan & Randy Brooks Charles Browning† Kennon & James Brunkenhoefer Marilyn & Herman Buchholtz The Cailloux Foundation Effie & Wofford Cain Foundation Camp Verde General Store Patti Castellow Laverne & Fred Chovanetz City of Kerrville Economic Improvement Corporation Loyce & William Collenback Community Foundation of the Texas Hill Country Frances Cree Sue & Harold Cree Anne & Richard Cree Richard James Cree Revocable Trust Priscilla & Gary Crozier Anita & Robert De Kock Linda & Ronnie Denker Carol & William Dever Ruben Armendariz & Cynthia Diaz de Leon Eleanor† & William† Dozier

Carol Jean & Walter Dunlap Nancy & Leon Etzler Linda & David Evans Judith & C. W. Ferguson Ray C Fish Foundation Page Foshee Alta Foster Martha & Joe Foy Sonya & Bill Franklin Linda & Javier Gutierrez Novia & Ross Harris Mary & Rufus Hayes Deedie & Phillip Hering Carley Hermes Colton Hermes Evelyn & Mike Hickey Jane & Kyle Hobin Kristin & Michael Huffman Elizabeth & D. M. Hughes Barbara & Charles Johnson Kathy & Mike Johnson Charlene & Francis Klekar Ruth & Eugene Koncaba Ronnie Koncaba KPMG Foundation Kathy & Dean Krueger Laura & Weir Labatt Carolyn & Kenneth Landrum Peg Layton & Steve Spahr Charlene Leopold Michael Looney† J.E. & L.E. Mabee Foundation Van & Joe Mabee Anna & Ron Macosko Mollie & Frank Maresh Mary Lynn & Richard Marrs Sharon & Ronald Mascheck Mary Jane & Wendell Mayes McCombs Foundation Betty & Tom Mobley Jo & Haskell Monroe Gloria Olsen Sylvia & Daniel Ostos

Barbara & Michael Pate Carrie & John Pesek Nelson Puett Estate Nelson Puett Foundation Jane Ragsdale & Dick Howell Dalene & Robert Reagan Elise & William Reid Angeline & Edwin Richmond Patricia & Charles Robb Stephenie & Randall Roberts Elinor Ross† Kelle & Charles Salter San Angelo Area Foundation Lorraine & Charlie Sapp SBC Foundation Shirley & Robert Schmerbeck Kathryn Schutts Neel & Robert Scott Jennifer & Stuart Sliva Mimi & Allen Smith Sandra & J. Fort Smith State Farm Insurance Sue & Jack Steele Pollyanna & F. L. Stephens Mary Ellen & Charles Summerlin Marylee & Wilbert Supak Jeanne & Philip Terrell Liquita & Lawrence Thompson Carrie & Charles Torti Betty Tucker Dorothy Tucker Anne & Don Turner Kim & David Ulcak Nancy & Edgar Wallace Wells Fargo Banks Ann & William Wilde John Kerrigan & William Wilkinson Jerri & Walter Workman Elaine & Johnny Woytek Phyllis & Robert Young † - deceased

Momentum 2011


Schreiner Oaks Society helps SU build a strong future


he Schreiner Oaks Society recognizes those friends who have included Schreiner in their estate plans. While most of these commitments will not be fulfilled for many years, our entire learning community is encouraged by the knowledge that Schreiner’s financial future grows stronger by each gift. If you have included Schreiner in your will or other means—or if you would like to know how to do so—please call 830-792-7205. You do not have to disclose specific details of your plans to qualify as a member of the Schreiner Oaks Society. Evelin Abernathy Estate Carol & Baxter Adams Linda & Don Adams Traci & Daron Allen Clarice & Willard† Amann Autie M. Anderson Estate Tiffany Andresen Ima Andrews Estate Nancy Anguish H. C. Arbuckle Carrie & Scott Arrington Mardi Ashley Estate Richard Assunto Jeff Austin Estate Estela & James Avery Teeka & Peter Baldwin Darlene & Dewayne Bannister Louise & Jack† Barbee Corey & Raymond Barker Richard Barnes Estate Fred Barttlingck Estate Lea† & Arthur Bell Joyce A. Bellomy Estate Verna & Joe Benham Billy & Francis Benton Estate Marion Bergin Estate Anonymous Anita† & Spencer Blocker Lynn & Theo Blue Chica Greenlee & Allen Boatwright Martha & C. W.† Bocock Marianne & Robert Bowers Cheryl & Chris Bratton Lloyd Brinkman Pat & Tom Browne Barbara & Earl† Bruno Hazel Anne Burnett Debbie Burress Betty & William Byrd Elaine Byrd Estate Kathleen & Floyd Cailloux Estate Cecilia Shepherd Cambias Estate Paul Camfield William Campbell Atanacio Campos Isabel & Carlos Campos Mary & Rene Canales


Schreiner university

Missy & Jarred Carter Susan Carver Helen Hagens & John Casbergue Joseph Cavitt Estate Howard Chamberlain James Chamlee Beth & Eugene Chappell Dale “Chip” Chase Jewel Childs Estate Virginia Ruth & Jack† Clarke Dollie Cline Estate Carolynn & Stan Cobbs Ellen Connelly Shirley & Julian Coskey Martha & Frank Covert Anne & Richard Cree Coralie Croom Estate Janett & Harlan Crouse Priscilla & Gary Crozier Beverly & David† Cummings Elizabeth & Robert Cunningham Peggy & Thomas Currie Virginia & Randall Cutlip Estate Estha Davis Estate Jonnie R. Davis Estate Gloria & Ralph Davis Rachel† & Clyde Day Nancy & Ralph† Denham Lyde & Charles Devall Estate Cynthia Diaz de Leon Alma Dietert Estate Doris & Clarence Dietert Estate Merle & Raymond Dietert Estate Joan Dell Dolce Karen & John Dooley Eleanor & William Dozier Estate Carol Jean & Walter Dunlap Jeannine & Patrick Dunn Laura Lewis Duty Jeannette Early Estate Carlton Eaton Estate Julie & Wayne Eberly Marguerite & Andrew Edington Estate

Rosemary Egan Estate Linda & David Evans Ruth Fagan Estate Jennifer Farhoudi Kamron Farhoudi Donna & Royce Faulkner Gladys & Ralph Fawcett Estate Frances & Marion Ferguson Estate Judith & Warren Ferguson Gordon Findlay Page Foshee Alta & William† Foster Doris Fowler Estate Martha & Joe† Foy Marcia & David Frank Sonya & Bill Franklin Mignonne & Scott Frantzen Carolyn & Wally Freeman Mike Frick Joann & John† Furman B.K. & Fred Gamble Nancy Nixon Garcia Dixie Garison Estate Jessie & Victor Earl† Garrett Mary Florence & Daniel Garza Donna & Creston Gay Patsy & William Goertz Elizabeth & John† Goforth Helen & Daniel† Goodwin Louise Gorelick Averill Gouldy Estate Agatha & V. J. “Tex” Graham Estate Joan & Carroll† Griffin Neil & Gena Griffin Susie & John Grimes Mildred & Fred† Grinstead David Guin Estate Mildred & Walter Guin Estate Zaira & Andres Gutierrez Peggy & John Hainey Elizabeth Hall Elizabeth Halm Jane & Richard Harben Zelma Hardy Estate Charlotte & Roy Harrell Novia & Ross Harris Inez & Frank Harrison Estate Claire Hartman

Florence Hayes Estate Mary & Rufus Hayes Grinstead Henderson Family, L.P. Jean Herlin Estate Carolyn & Kelly Hildebrand Robin Hill Mary & Jerry Hilton Jane & Kyle Hobin M. Frances Hoffman Herbert Holchak Patsy Holekamp Ann & William Hollocher Estate Wilba & Wrather Holmgreen Estate Elsa Hopkins-Calvin Margaret & Richard Hosler Estate Kathleen Hudson Ben E. Jackson Estate Dolores & Johnnie† Jennings Maud Jennings Estate Beth & David Johnson Edith & James Johnson Aileen & Arthur Jones Fran & John Jones George Junkin Estate Nancy & E. Dixon Junkin Don Beth & Fred Junkin Adele & Sam Junkin Susan Junkin Carole & Fred Kelly Patricia Van Reet† & Robert Kelly Karen Davis Kilgore Isabelle Kitch Estate Robert Knight Nell Schreiner Labatt Estate Laura & Weir Labatt Judy & Jack Lander Estate Carolyn & Kenneth Landrum Louise & Garland† Lang Missie & Sam Lanham Ann & James Laughlin Fern Laughlin Estate Peg Layton & Steve Spahr Elizabeth Ledyard Bill Lemoine Henry Lewis Estate Elizabeth† & Charles Liggett Luise Livingston Estate Charlene & William Logan Estate Michael Looney Estate Rachael Luna Estate Gill & Michael MacGregor James Thurman Mackey Estate Sue & Doug Maclay Mollie & Frank Maresh Carolyn & Everett Marley Richard Marrs Ann & Gene Marshall Lorraine & Bill Marten Ruth Marten Estate Mae & James Martin Estate Tricia & William Matthews Gail & Mark Maxwell Estate Demmie Mayfield Mary Margaret Mayfield Karen & Maurice McAshan Cayce & Charlie McCormick Carol McDonald

Aileen & Kingsley† McHenry Edna Ann McMurray Estate Annmarie & Douglas Miles Evelyn & Leon Miller Estate Robert Glenn Miller Luella Milner Estate Oleta & Jacob Mixon Estate Betty & Tom Mobley Ida Rose Dietert & C. E. Moore Estate Daisy Morris Estate Joanne & James† Mosley Modene & Douglas† Motley John Moyer Linda & Leland Murphy Julie & Park Myers Estate Carol Nagle Bennett Nance Estate Nancy Neal Estate Beryl & Erwin Nevill Estate Lois & Harvey† Newberry Jean Nixon Lawrie Nomer Nancy & Robert Norris Gini Norris-Lane & Wes Lane Lea & Kyle Nye Kathleen Ocker Gloria Olsen Dot & Bill O’Neal Me-J. & John O’Neal Jean Onion Estate Jane & Joe Owen Lucy Page Estate Louise Paine Estate Wilma Palmer Estate Lucile Pampell Estate Ernest† & Josephine† Parker Estate Barbara & Mike Pate Laura Patton Estate Lillian Peek Estate Betty & Ralph Pelton David Perry Estate Lavon† & Verne Philips Susan Philips Suzy & Richard Pollard Alpha Mae Pollock Estate Kathryn & Robert Porcher Estate Harriet & Harford Powel Ray Presley Estate Paul Prestwich Estate Caroline & Harwood Puett Ruth & Nelson† Puett Charles Quereau Lou & Henry† Quinius Sara & Tom Ratcliffe Estate Dalene & Robert Reagan Elise & William Reid Ann & Browne Rice Estate Angie & Ed Richmond Hazel Richmond Clara Rickbeil Estate Herbert Rigsbee Estate Stephenie & Randall Roberts Betty Robinson Estate Janet Robinson Myra Robinson Mary & Raymond Roche Estate

Carolyn Roden Gary Rodriguez Lillian Rogers Estate Mary & Bernard Rohe Estate Emmy & Moak Rollins Estate Josephine Romero Estate Louis Romero Caroline Ross Estate

Jeanne & Robert Slobod Estate Rita & Bob Smith Janet & Tom Smith Helen Snow Estate Marty Sorell Lois & Dan Sowards Bernice Springall Estate Mary & Walter Springall

Betty & Jack Walcher Kathie Walker Margaret & Dayton Walkup Estate Barbara & Barton Wallace Nancy & Ed Wallace Eva Wasson Estate Linda Wattonville

A former student, Rick Cree has just completed a nine-year term on the Board of Trustees. The Cree family consistently shares their time, wisdom, leadership and resources, assisting with projects that require travel throughout the state on Schreiner’s behalf.

“If we truly care about the direction of our nation, we must also care about higher education. When young people graduate from Schreiner University, they are wellrounded and thoughtful citizens who understand they must also be leaders—in their communities, their workplaces, their families. “Schreiner is exactly the kind of higher educational institution we are proud to support. We happily made the decision to create an estate plan that includes Schreiner because we know our resources will continue to open up opportunities for young people—forever! And those graduates will be the kind of people our world needs. It’s a win/win combination.” – Anne and Rick Cree, Dallas Elinor & Robert Ross Estate Eloise & Ruben Rusche Estate Elizabeth & Richard† Ryan Jonathan Sallas Estate Ammie Rose & Forrest† Salter Edith Schmerbeck Estate Shirley & Bob Schmerbeck Elaine & Garland† Scogin Neel & Robert Scott Sharon & Loren Scribner Gerry & Frank Seaman Beulah & Creighton Secor Estate Cindy Sengel Betty & Joe Sheeler Barbara & Eldon Sheffer Fronie & Robert† Shelton Susan & Randy Shepler Mary Frances Sherlock Estate Shirley Sherman Abby Shupe Marvin Singleton Mary Sivley Estate Betsy & Gary Slade Susan & Bill Sliva

W. C. Steed Estate Sue & Jack Steele Pat Chastain & Fred Stevens Jean† & Ralph Storm Hettie Streithoff Estate Claudia Sullivan Mary Ellen & Tim Summerlin Lane Tait Mark Talbot Mary Galen Thomas Estate Lois & Jack Thurmond Ethel Lee Tracy Estate Robert Trull Estate Betty & Gordon† Tucker Dorothy Tucker Anne Turner Laverne Turner Lisa & David Turner Shannon & Mark Tuschak Roberta Van Alstyne Estate Barbara Von Brandt-Siemers & Paul Siemers Mary Wagoner Estate Danny & Ed Wagoner Catherine Wahrmund

Rebecca & Scott Weaver June & George Weitz Estate Gordon Wellborn Estate Kit Werlein Caroyl & Cleve† Wheelus Ruth Whitehurst Duane Whitlow Mary Wight Estate Ann & Bill Wilde Billy Wilkinson L. A. Wilson Estate Marion & William Wilson Patrice & John Wilton Jane & Ron Woellhof Marianne Wofford David Wolff Linda & Louis Womack Mary & Larry Woods Louise & Stan Woodward Jerri & Walter Workman Bob Wright Toddie Lee Wynne Estate Robert Young Ron Zarychta † - deceased

Momentum 2011


Endowment Matching Program doubles donors’ impact


he Trustees Endowment Matching Program began in 2010 to inspire families to consider creating named endowments. When a family pledges a single or multiyear commitment of $25,000-$100,000 for current scholarships and grants, the process begins. When at least $25,000 has been received, the Board of Trustees authorizes a matching endowment in the donors’ or their loved ones’ names. For more information about this program, please call 830-792-7215.

Endowment-Level Scholarships

“We cannot imagine living anywhere but Kerr County, close to Schreiner University. The quality of life a university brings to a community is creative and enduring. We were pleased when Schreiner asked us to help build its endowment through the trustees matching program for new scholarships. Endowment is very important to any university, and especially to one with ambitious plans. It’s a lot of fun watching Schreiner grow up!”



Carrie Astoria Jerry & Mark Clements James Avery Craftsman Anne & Rick Cree Nancy & Philip Dickinson Donna & Royce Faulkner Sonya & Bill Franklin Mary Lynn & Richard Marrs Demmie Mayfield Lea & Kyle Nye Barbara & Michael Pate Nancy & Ted Paup Dalene & Robert Reagan Myra Robinson Serafy Foundation Dorothy Tucker

Sandy & James Alsup Nancy Anguish Nancy & Cecil Atkission Susan & Randy Brooks Laurie & Mike Lowe Janet & Kent McKinney Barbara & David Staggs

– Nancy and Philip Dickinson, Hunt, TX

I have the best position in the world—helping build a fine university by working with donors who care about the future, who believe Schreiner is a great place and who want to make a difference in the world by encouraging our students to realize their dreams. Thank you for taking time to read this first issue of MOMENTUM and thank you for your incredible support of our work.


Schreiner university

– Mark C. Tuschak

Mark Tuschak

Vice President for Advancement and Public Affairs

“Here, Everything’s Better”

“The Schreiner students who work for us are enthusiastic, hard-working and a lot of fun. I depend upon them for our workforce. I am proud that the company I serve recognizes the importance of helping Schreiner students and has made a long-term commitment to the Hill Country College Fund.” – G reg Nichols Unit Manager, Kerrville HEB

Photo above:

About 30 SU students comprise a significant part of the local HEB’s workforce. Some return to their hometowns in the summer and work in their local stores, too. These students work hard and enthusiastically to balance academics with their jobs. Some are baggers and checkers, others work in the pharmacy and floral departments, and several are perishable specialists. One accounting major is a bookkeeper. (Three additional employees are new Schreiner graduates who want to stay with the company.)

This charter issue of Momentum is a publication of the University Relations Office and will be distributed to friends of the University once a year. If you have a change of address or any other questions, please call the Office of Advancement and Public Affairs at 830-792-7201. Schreiner University is an independent liberal arts institution related by covenant and choice to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Schreiner University does not discriminate in admissions, educational programs, extra-curricular programs or employment against any individual on the basis of that individual’s race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, veteran status or ethnic origin. Inquires/complaints should be forwarded to the Director of Human Resources, at 830-792-7375.

Momentum 2011



CMB 6229 2100 Memorial Blvd. Kerrville, Texas 78028-5697

“We cannot hold a torch to light another’s path without brightening our own.” – Ben Sweetland

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