WearealreadytwoweeksintoSchreinerUniversity’s102ndfallsemester,andwhat anincrediblestartithasbeen!
Afterasummerfilledwithhostingcampers,theTexasHillCountry’suniversityhas once again transformed into a vibrant hub of activity. The campus entrance is adornedwithcolorfullandscaping,andthankstorecentrains,thegroundsarelush andgreen.Eachmorning,theCorpsofCadetsandCrossCountryteamkickofftheir routines, the campus diner is buzzing with breakfast preparations, and our dedicated facilities and security teams ensure our spaces are ready for the day ahead. And, of course, the deer still roam, adding their charm to our beautiful campus.
Lastweek,wehadthehonorofcelebratingour102ndAcademicConvocation.Our esteemedfacultyandstaff,dressedintheirdistinctiveacademicregalia,joinedus towelcomethenewestmembersoftheSchreinerfamily ourincomingfreshmen while also celebrating the return of our continuing students. We recognized championship teams, celebrated student scholarship and engagement, and were inspired by Dr. Kristen McAlexander, our Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, whoservedasthekeynotespeaker.
As part of the celebration, we shared a special video titled We Are Schreiner, produced by our marketing department, which highlights the excitement of welcomingournewstudents.Iencourageyoualltotakeamomenttowatchit it isafantasticreflectionofthespiritthatthrivesonourcampus.

On that same day, we celebrated the groundbreaking for the future Edington Sports Performance Complex (formerly Edington Gym). The space was filled with excited students, eager about the possibilities this new facility brings to campus. This addition will allow Schreiner to grow its NCAA Division III offerings with the introductionofanewsport yes,itisfootball!
Constructionisalreadyunderway,withfencesupanddemolitioninprogress.We are looking forward to hosting a ribbon-cutting ceremony next fall, so stay tuned formoredetails!

TheStudentActivitiesBoardkickedoffthesemesterinstyle,welcomingstudents back with a variety of fun events, including dodgeball, a block party, bingo, a hypnotistshow,adrive-inmovie,andaconcertattheTrailheadBeerGarden.And donotworry noneoftheseactivitiesinterferedwithcoursework!(Well,thatisthe storyIwastold).
Ididmybesttocatchasmanyoftheseeventsaspossible,buttherewassomuch happeningthatIcouldnotseeitall!Belowareafewhighlightsfromthefestivities. Be sure to follow the Student Activities Board on Instagram @schreiner sab to stayupdatedonfutureevents.

AsIsitinmyofficeintheMurrayAdministrationBuilding,Iamfilledwitharenewed senseofenergyreflectingontheincrediblemomentswehavealreadyexperienced as we begin this 102nd academic year. I am hopeful that our students will fully embrace the countless opportunities available to them, soak in the creativity and wisdom our faculty bring both in and out of the classroom, and make lifelong memories whether in the residence halls, on the court or field, in the recording studioorblackboxtheater,inthelaborlecturehall,orevenupintheair.
What a remarkable start to the year! I look forward to sharing more updates with youastheacademicyearunfolds.Thereissomuchtocelebrate.