Quintessence: The Thrill Issue

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to get your heart racing

by Lily Yates

Midnight Drives 1. Hallelujah by Panic! At The Disco 2. The Distance by Cake 3. Anna Sun by Walk the Moon 4. Kiss the Sky by Shawn Lee’s Ping Pong Orchestra 5. We Are Young by fun. 6. Speed of Love by Owl City 7. Midnight City by M83 8. Flashed Junk Mind by Milky Chance 9. Instant Karma by Scattered Trees 10. Fallingforyou by The 1975


Every student knows that high school life can be mundane. Between long classes, extracurriculars, jobs, and dinner with the family, things can get stale fast. However, it’s safe to say that some of the most dynamic and memorable experiences of one’s life take place during the adventure that is the teenage years. This edition of Quintessence showcases three playlists, diving into musical explorations of these electrifying

Rollercoaster Ride 1. Let’s Go by Tiesto 2. Cheap Sunglasses by RAC 3. Happiness by Sam Sparro 4. Summer by Calvin Harris 5. Golden by Parade of Lights 6. Saola by Beat Connection (ODESZA Remix) 7. Burnin’ Up by The Jonas Brothers 8. Good As New by Vacationer 9. The River by Saint Raymond 10. Float by Pacific Air

A day at the amusement park brings to mind a variety of deliciously vivid sights, smells, tastes, and sensations. Whether it be the crunch of buttery popcorn, the sound of adrenalinefueled laughter, or the muggy July air, that “rollercoaster rush” never fails to satisfy even the most ravenous craving for adventure.


Spectral Haunts

Have you ever taken a walk through the forest in the dark? Then maybe heard a branch snap or felt the wind go right through your sweatshirt? Something about hearing nothing but leaves rustling around you both unsettles and intrigues. so if you’re looking for shivers, seek out the deserted and darker shadows. 1. Devil May Cry by The Weeknd 2. Once Upon A Dream by Lana Del Rey 3. The New Year by Azure Ray 4. Disturbia by Rihanna 5. She Wolf by Shakira 6. Sympathy by Scattered Trees 7. Angels by The xx 8. As Much As I Ever Could by City And Colour 9. Fire Escape by Foster The People 10. Woods by Bon Iver


Th e Black Angel

By: Gabby Giesler Dark, hovering trees pair with ancient, rustic tombstones - Fairview Cemetary in Council Bluffs conveyed a peaceful atmosphere as opposed to spooky. The grounds of the cemetary are plentiful - paved roads wind throughout and lead to the main attraction, The Black Angel. In memorial of Ruth Anne Dodge, the angel stands alone in a garden decorated with fountains and blossoming flowers. It was sculpted in rememberence of a series of dreams and visions Ruth had shortly before death by Daniel Chester French. During the day, the angel is a beautiful sight. However, legend has it that on the night of September 5th, the angel’s eyes will turn red and follow those who are in the cemetary late at night. She is also rumored to heal those who are afflicted with illness. Above all, the angel’s history is blessed and the statue is worth visiting and respecting.




Around the Campfire

Skutt Catholic students and teachers open up about their scariest experiences. By: Allison Heithoff

Artwork by Max Korensky

It’s a chilly fall day, dark with night, but illuminated by the full moon. You are sitting around a warm, crackling fire cozily buried under a blanket and roasting a marshmallow. The night is still, but alive with the chirping of cicadas and the distant howl of a wolf. This is usually about the time somebody steps forward and tells a scary story, aiming to inflict terror on you. This time, however, here are some thrilling stories that have inflicted horror upon the very students and teachers at Skutt Catholic. Snuggle up and read on if you wish.

“One night during my senior year of high school, I was getting close to missing my curfew, so I took a shortcut home. It was a gravel road over railroad tracks without lights, a path that my parents told me to never use after dark. My dad had always told me to check the back seat of the car before driving off, just in case someone was hiding back there, but since I was in a rush, I neglected to do this. At the time I had very long hair, and as I was racing around one of the curves, I suddenly felt “someone” pulling my hair. Holding the steering wheel with one hand, I tried to hit the “person” in the backseat and during this process I ended up in a mud-filled ditch. As I sat in the car, I continued pleading with the “person,” but after five minutes of not getting a response, I got the nerve to look over my shoulder and sure enough there was nobody there. I had gotten my long hair stuck on something on the car seat and when I shifted my shoulders going around the curve it felt like someone was pulling my hair. Since this was before cell phones, I had to wait until some other fool came speeding by to get me out. “ -Mrs. Klosterman, Guidance Counselor


“When I was in about eighth grade, my dad, brother, his friend, and I had gone to Monster Jam for my brother’s birthday. Afterwards we had to go drop his friend off at his house, but his house was really downtown. I’ve been downtown, and its been fine, but his dad lived in a really sketchy part of downtown. The houses were set up really weird and there were light poles around back and the back alley was one-way. So, my dad decided to park in one of those alleys because there was no room in the driveway. He left with my brother and his friend and told me to stay in the car while they went to go drop him off. They were taking forever and keep in mind my phone was dead so I had no way to contact them. All of a sudden a car pulls up behind me and here I am, just a prepubescent little girl, and I look out the passenger side window to see this big guy coming up. He bangs on the window all mad and trudges away, and then this other guy come up to the driver side banging on the window, yelling at me wondering why our car was parked in the one-way alley. I was in no way in control over the situation, and by this time I was bawling and utterly terrified trying to get my phone to turn on. I was thinking worst case scenario because I watch Criminal Minds and people always end up getting killed in alleys like that. Finally they came back and my dad was just like, ‘Why didn’t you just tell them to go away?’ He was totally unconcerned. “

-Junior Bethany Cary


“So I was about 10 years old and had just moved into my new house from Fremont, when one night at about 10:30 p.m. my parents made me walk my dog. Then all of a sudden my dog broke loose and started running away from me, and I had no idea where he went. Then I heard something behind me and looked over my shoulder and there were four raccoons following me. When I walked faster, they walked faster, then when I walked even faster, they went even faster and I started full-on running all the way down to my house with them right behind me. My house was locked and I didn’t have a key so I started banging on my front door as hard as I could while the raccoons were gaining on me and finally my family opened the door. I jumped in and slammed the door just in time, but as I looked back, one of the raccoon arms was stuck in the door and the rest were still outside the front door.”

-Junior Grace Boothe

“Back when I was in college, I lived in a small apartment that had steps to get in from the outside. One night when I was getting home, a man dressed like a woman with a purse told me to stop and said he wanted to talk to me. I tried to get into my apartment pretty quick, but it was on the third floor and he started coming up the steps opposite of mine, and met me right as I was gettting into my apartment. I got inside and closed the door, when he started banging on the doors and windows trying to get in. He kept telling my roommate and I that he needed something, but we didn’t open the door. Finally, between our neighbors and ourselves, we called the police and they showed up and arrested him. The guy didn’t have any identification, and all he had in his purse were three knives.” -Mr. Turman, History Teacher


AA History of History Of Horror Horror By: Molly Gubbels


I find myself constantly thrown into a frenzy in which I am shouting at my television in a feeble attempt to stop someone from going into the dark, mysterious cellar. Despite my desperate pleas, characters simply don’t take my advice seriously. It’s always “let’s split up” or “let’s go into the house where the murderer killed his victims a year ago.” Predictable and frustrating as they may be from time to time, there is always a demand for horror movies. Over the course of my 16 years on this planet, I have lived to see some of the scariest horror icons ever. Now, I don’t find the homicidal maniacs nearly as frightening as their ability to jump out from behind something, but nonetheless, they are the defining factor of any good horror movie. One of the weirdest things I’ve come to learn about horror movie villains is that they NEVER die. You could literally shoot them five times in a row and they’d still get up and walk away (lookin’ at you Michael Myers). But, I digress. Though they’re not for everyone it’s clear that horror movies as a whole have come a long way over the course of history from dress wearing momma’s boys and blood thirsty birds to child possessing demons and ouija boards. Alfred Hitchcock, the king of horror himself, would be absolutely amazed by our modern maniacs. Whether it’s Freddy Krueger with his claw hands or Saw with his maniacal murder strategies, horror movies have proven themselves worthy to bear the title. Of course, there are all different kinds of horror movies out there, so whether you’re into blood and gore, classic murderers or the supernatural, there’s always something in the works for you.


Horror Throughout history

“Psycho” (1960) - Alfred Hitchcok brings a whole new meaning to the term “Mama’s Boy.”

“The Birds” (1963) You’ll never look at birds the same way again.

“Insidious” (2010) Tiptoeing by the window may be fatal in some cases.

“Saw” (2004) - Not every game can be as innocent as Candyland.

“Sinister” (2012) - It is NEVER a good idea to check the creepy attic.

“The Collection” (2012) - It’s not his coin collection they’re referring to.

“Halloween” (1978) Proving that a bullet doesn’t always kill you.

“Silence of the Lambs” (1991) - Fava beans are always best with a side of liver and a nice chianti.

“The Conjuring” (2013) You can run and you can hide.

“My Bloody Valentine” (1981) - Rethink that heart shaped box of chocolates, gentlemen.

“A Nightmare on Elm Street” (1984) - You’re not even safe in your dreams.

“The Visit” (2015) Looks like Nanna forgot to take her meds again.



Hitting The Road Living in Nebraska doesn’t have to be boring.

Tom Hermanek

If you’ve been looking for something to do on a long weekend, or have nothing planned for one of Skutt Catholic’s odd Wednesdays off, then look no further. These one day road trips will give you that thrill of leaving town, and you can still be home in time to finish that English paper you’ve been putting off.

Indian Cave State Park 65296 720 Rd, Shubert, Neb.

This spectacular park has earned the title of ‘Nebraska’s Best Kept Secret’.

Believe it or not, fascinating caves and scenic river views can be enjoyed,

without leaving the otherwise bland state of Nebraska, at Indian Cave State Park. This hidden gem is located just under 2 hours’ drive from Omaha, making it a great day trip. The main attraction of this park is the cave for which it is named (pictured at bottom left). A closer look at the rock formation reveals various charcaters carved into the stone. These characters were carved into the rock thouands of years ago by Indian tribes, hence the name, ‘Indian Cave’. Just down the road a trail begins which meanders up a steep incline. After a walk of ten minutes or so, hikers reach a lookout point with a scenic view of the Missouri River (top right), which is situated opposite the cave. The park also contains two cemeteries--the St. Deroin Cemetery (top left) and the Half-Breed Cemetery. A visit to either of these Indian burial grounds can be a bit eerie, but nonetheless fascinating, as many of the residents lived centuries ago.


South Omaha S 24th Street, Omaha, Neb.

South Omaha is a diverse area with a great deal of historical value. It’s home to the the Livestock Exchange Building (left), Jacobo’s, a hispanic grocery store and purveyor of the best salsa in town, as well as many other unique establishments which characterize the area. Not to mention that it’s only a 20 minute drive from West O.

Stop #1

First, I’d reccomend making a stop at, or at the very least, driving by the Livestock Exchange Building. The building served as the midwest’s epicenter for livestock trade throughout the 20th century. The has since been converted to apartments, and the top floor has been converted to a ballroom. It’s an impressive stucture that’s worth the stop.

Stop #2

You’ll also want to stop by Jacobo’s Hispanic grocery store located 24th Street and Highway 275. It’s where the locals go for their groceries, so be assured that your getting truly authentic Mexican food. Don’t leave without picking up some of Omaha’s best salsa.

Stop #3

While you’re in the area, you’ll want to stop in to one of the many Hispanic ice cream parlors, like La Michoacana. These unique parlors sell a frozen confection known as the paleta, which is similar to ice cream on a stick, or an ice cream popsicle.


How Ruff Riders Roll By: James Keeley The first day of school this year, senior John Paul Rigatuso showed up, same as always. Something, however, was different. While all the other students were rolling in on four wheels, John Paul showed up on two. This is because.. (drumroll please) John Paul was now the proud owner of a Harley Davidson motorcycle. The bike is 2004 Harley Sportster. The man is John Paul Rigatuso. The rest is history.



House House Of Of Horrors

Omaha’s Haunted Attractions Peter Quinn

The adrenaline of being chased by a chainsaw in a tight hallway is a sensation that descends perfectly into the fall season. This sensation is only sought out by the greatest of thrill seekers, and can only be found in specified locations. Omaha presents a plethora of option. From the kings of haunted house game, Scary Acres and Mystery Manor, to some of the newer editions, Shadow’s Edge and Haunted Hallow, there are an array of factors that go into the uniqueness of each. Mystery Manor emits the most eerie enviroment of all, due to the fact that is an old apartmentbuilding. It is also the only one with an interesting lore about an axe murder taking out the family staying there, adding a malicious and uneasy aura when walking the halls of the manor. Scary Acres presents three choices; The Haunted Woods, because who doesn’t love slowly walking through the woods in the dark of night, The House on the Hill, which is a house full of canniballistic red necks, and the Master’s Castle, which is a castle full of multiple terrors. To add to the increasing anxiety before you enter the attractions, they have workers equipped with the chainsaws to taunt the people in line. The fall season is the only time to catch these petrifying attraction, so act fast thrill seekers. Choose your fate wisely.




the The Ultimate Ultimate Adventure doesn’t happen in your comfort zone.

By: Nessa Woosley

Catfish noodling Catching catfish with only your hands may seem slightly barbaric, but it does add a whole new exciting dynamic that fishing with a rod and reel could not possibly replicate. This activity may result in a loss of fingers and other injuries.

Stay in a glass igloo to watch the Northern Lights in Finland


Go to a Drive-In Movie Theater

Eat in an underwater restaurant

Bucketlist Bucketlist

Visit castles in Europe

Zip lining

Vacation in Bora Bora

Zorbing Who wouldn’t want to roll around in a giant hamster ball? All that is needed to enjoy this activity is a zorb and plenty of room. Most people like to enjoy their zorbing experience by rolling down on hills and with friends. There are commercial facilities around the world who have a course and zorbs available for a fee. Zorbing can also be enjoyed on the water.


See your favorite band in concert

Stargaze all night

Swim with dolphins

Cheese Rolling There are whole festivals dedicated to this obscure activity. The objective is to be the one to catch the 11 pound cheese wheel that is rolling and bouncing down the hill. Not only does the cheese bounce, the participants tend to fall and roll down the hill as well. The winner gets to keep the cheese. It can get pretty intense and even as a bystander this event can be highly entertaining.


Music Mania By: Hannah Klemme


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Skutt Catholic’s very own fearlessly surrenders his talents for all to hear Art is one of the most honest and vulnerable forms of expression. This medium of communication is often veered away from due to the judgment that can come with it. Senior Luke Heffron uses his musical capabilities to share a message with the world, which can be a scary thing. With an album on iTunes and an EP in the works, Heffron is a confident individual that exposes his talents without hesita-





prove you


tion. The award-winning songwriter records and produces his work right in his own bedroom. With a few live performances under his belt, he brings this work to a new dimension under the spotlight. “It’s personally conveying the songs to other people and I think it brings a new side to the tracks,” says Heffron. Over the past few years, Luke has played a variety of venues, from coffeeshops to festivals, and even The Waiting Room. He has big plans for his future and maybe we’ll be seeing him headlining Coachella or performing at the Grammy’s someday. The possibilities are endless with the amount of dedication and motivation Luke has for this industry. But focusing on the nearest and most practical future, Luke sees himself attending a musical college to broaden his skills in producing and performing. As for the present, Heffron is focused on the EP that is being released in the fall of 2015. “The theme of the EP is ‘Waiting.’ When you’re young, a lot of people will push you to prove who you are, but sometimes you don’t have to prove anything at all.” Luke surely has proven his talents to us through his unparalleled success. Keep your eyes peeled for Luke’s latest material and be sure to check out his past compositions available on iTunes, Spotify, and Google Play.


Sock Expression



By: Kayley Anderson The reality of private school is that despite all the pros of uniforms the opportunities for self expression are few and far between. However, we are given some leeway in that what we wear on our feet has little to no restrictions. The only requirement is that socks be worn visibly above the ankle with any shoes we want. Thus, sock and shoe combinations have become the most thrilling fashion statements we are allowed to make and make them we do. Everything from food to art to sports can be seen on the feet of our students. Boldly describing our personaities and preferences, socks are an important part of self-expression. The best have been compiled in a showcase of not only socks but the students themselves.


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