Art at Ashurst Wood Primary School

The National Curriculum for Art and Design aims to ensure that all pupils:
• produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences
• become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques
• evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design
• know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.

Art at Ashurst Wood Primary School

Art at Ashurst Wood Primary School

At Ashurst Wood children are taught art in a way that ensures progression of knowledge and skills and follows a sequence to build on previous learning. We have designed a two-year rolling programme using materials from Access Art.

Art in the Early Years Foundation Stage.

“It is important that children have regular opportunities to engage with the arts, enabling them to explore and play with a wide range of media and materials”.
EYFS Framework

Sketch Books

From Year 1, sketchbooks are used across the school for children to practise the skills that they are learning and to develop their ideas. This ensures that teaching is focused on the learning process leading up to the final piece of work and the development of skills using a range of different materials and processes.

Artists, craft makers and designers

In both KS1 and KS2 our children learn about a variety of artists; craft makes and designers. The children learn about the range of their work, the historical and cultural context and relate what they have learnt to their own work.

Assessment of Art

We have a progression of knowledge that underpins our art curriculum. Children are assessed against the key knowledge each year with key end points being at the end of Reception, Year 2, Year 4 and Year 6.
By the end of KS1
Drawing & Sketchbooks
Substantive knowledge
Know and use the vocabulary – tone, line, primary colours,
Surface and colour
Substantive knowledge
Know and use the vocabulary – plate, negative & positive, line, shape, symmetry, texture.
Recognise, name and mix primary colours
Substantive knowledge
Working in three dimensions
Know and use the vocabulary – sculpture,
Disciplinary knowledge
Draw lines of different sizes and thickness.
I can make choices about which colours I’d like to use in my drawing.
Colour (own work) neatly following the lines.
Show different tones by using coloured pencils.
Draw from observation
Study the work of an artist and listened to how the artist made the work. Share how they feel about the work.
Talk about what I like in my drawings, and what I’d like to try again.
Explore different methods and materials as
ideas develop.
Show different tones by using coloured pencils.
Use some of the ideas of artists studied to create pieces.
Disciplinary knowledge
Use body parts to make prints
Explore environment and take rubbings of found textures.
Use as variety of methods to create an in-print from which a print is made.
Create a repeat print
Use sketchbooks to test out ideas.
Experiment with hues by changing the amount of primary colour added.
Identify colours and shapes in a still life
Use gestural marking
Explore watercolour and the effects you can make.
Think about the marks made and develop them.
Disciplinary knowledge
I have explored what we mean by “sculpture” and I thought about what I like about different pieces of sculpture
Use sketchbooks to make drawings inspired by sculptures.
Make small sculptures out of different materials.
Share work and listen to what other people like about it.
Use imagination to transform familiar objects.
Cut materials with simple tools
Fold, tear and crumple paper to make collage (transform from 2D to 3D)

What our children say

It’s fun and it helps you relax.
I like art because I like being creative.
It calms me down.
I can let my imagination run wild! It makes me happy.
Art is my favourite subject because I find it fun and therapeutic.
I like using different materials like clay and the batik. My favourite part is getting messy!
I like art because you have freedom to do what you want.