Year 4 Spring Newsletter
We hope you had a wonderful break over Christmas 5! All the children worked their socks off last term so we are excited to see what amazing progress they will achieve this term. ☺

4H made HUGE progress last term! This half term 4LW and 4B will be swimming.
Please ensure children have their swimming kit and earrings are removed.
4H Tuesday afternoon
4B Wednesday afternoon
Year 4 Curriculum
This term we will be focusing on the following topics:
Geography: The Amazon: Rivers and Rainforests.
Maths: Multiplication and division, fractions and decimals.
Writing: Story writing, diaries and leaflets.
Science: Animals and their habitats.

4B: Monday (indoor)
4LW: Wednesday (indoor)
4H: Thursday (outdoor) Friday (indoor)
Please ensure your childs P.E. kit is in school for these days.

Year 4 times
Drop off: 8:45
Pick up: 3:15
Thank you for helping us to dismiss the children safely from the railings. We will continue to ensure the children leave promptly.
We are regularly encouraging the children to drink plenty of water throughout the day.
Please could you ensure your child has a water bottle.


We have an exciting trip booked for Spring. We will be visiting the Yorkshire Sculpture to support our art topic on sculptures More information will be provided soon!
Did you know you could access free ebooks on Oxford Owl? Simply follow the link below to find hundreds of books. They can also be viewed on a tablet.
Y4 Times Table Test
This is now a compulsory test for year 4 children and will take place in June. The test is timed and children will be expected to quickly and accurately recall their times tables up to 12 x 12. It is important children practise regularly at school as well as at home. Times table Rockstars can help prepare your child for this test.