Welcome Booklet

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Developing Learning for Life

Our Values and Ethos

Developing Learning for Life

At Castle Primary and Nursery Schoolwe believe increating an inclusiveculture of learningwhere allchildrenwillbechallenged in their thinking, to achieve the best oftheir abilities and striveto become lifelong learners.

We will empower ourchildrento become respected citizens to enable them to make valuable contributions bothlocally and globally and to contribute to our world's sustainable future.

Our school publicly supports diversity and actively promotes good personal and community relations. Diversity is recognisedas having a positive role to play within the school.

Forest School

Forestschool aims to raise self-awareness and self-esteem whilst enhancing learning in an outdoor environment. We have qualified staffwho engage our young learners in rewarding and safe learning experiences. Our children take part in achievable taskswhich connect them withnature, fostering and encouragingfree exploration, resilience and leadership skills.

Our Nursery

Our Nursery takes childrenfrom the ageof 3 years who work and play alongside our Reception children. Their curriculum covers all aspects of learning throughplay to encourage physical, intellectual, emotional, social and language development.

Our qualified staff arewell trained and have many years of experience in childcare. We have stafftrained indeveloping physicalskills through Forest School, fostering curiosity and wonder of the outdoor environment.


Wewere rated Good by Ofsted, June2023.

'Castle Primary is a friendly and welcoming school.'

'Parents, pupils and staffbelieve there is a real community feel to the school. '

'Pupils benefit from a wide range ofopportunities that enrich the curriculum.'

How to apply

For nursery places for children aged three years contact the school office on 01782 433218 to register yourinterest.

For Reception aged children, applications should be made direct to the LocalAuthority by 15th January each yearfor places starting the following September.

01782 433218

office@castleprimary.co.uk wwwcastleprimary.co.uk Headteacher - MrsSallyDakin

Castle Primary School and Nurseryis part ofthe Learning Partnership, a new multi-academy trust consisting of primary and secondary schools across East Cheshire and North Staffordshire.

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