Nursery Spring 2 Curriculum Overview

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Personal, Social & Emotional Development:


To play with one or more other children, extending and elaborating play ideas. To support children to find solutions to conflicts and rivalries.

Physical Development: To spend time outdoors using the balance bikes and scooters. PE with large equipment to develop core strength and shoulder stability to promote good fine motor control as well as regular sessions of Dough Disco and Squiggle whilst you wiggle. Promote regular practice of name writing.

Understanding the World:-Begin to make sense of their own life story and family history. Children to share their family traditions and routines. To look for signs of the changing seasons and create maps related to text such as Handa’s Surprise and our local community.

Nursery Spring 2: Come Outside

Maths: To learn how we can count and represents numbers 7 and 8 and explore capacity through adult led and exploratory activities and play. To develop the children’s understanding of how we can make a number as well as learn how to write them.

Expressive Arts: To join different materials and explore different textures, including junk modelling.

Literacy: To enjoy sharing multiple books daily, and to explore quality texts including Hello Spring, We’re going on a bear hunt and Billy’s bucket. To develop children’s phonological awareness, so that they can spot and suggest rhymes, count or clap syllables in words and begin to recognise words with the same initial sound as well as identify words which are segmented. Children will be encouraged to recognise their name in various prints.

Communication & Language: Children to talk with adults and friends, one to one and in small groups and developing a wider range of vocabulary. Encouraging them to listen to longer stories and begin to show an understanding of what has happened and talk about the story.

Using role play to create and recreate narratives from their own lives and stories.

To learn and practice the songs for the Easter church service.

RE: To understand why we celebrate pancake day. To participate in the school Easter service in church.

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