Personal, Social & Emotional
Development: We will be talking about the importance of keeping healthy and having good personal hygiene. We will continue referring to our learning buddies to promote positivity to learning.
During the half-term, we will focus on ‘more than’ and ‘less than’. The children will be introduced to the concept of odd and even numbers. Finally, the children will explore how to ‘parts’ make the whole.
Expressive Arts: The children will be creating using a range of materials during craft activities, focussed on celebrations such as Mothers' Day and Easter. We will also be singing songs in preparation for our Easter celebration in church.
Literacy: We will be using non-fiction texts to find out about life cycles, seasons and celebrations. As their phonic knowledge develops, the children will apply their skills to writing, and we will be using Drawing Club to encourage children to tell and write simple stories.
Reception Spring 2: Watch Me Grow!
RE: We will be learning about the Christian Easter story and the children will find out about how this is celebrated in countries across the world.
Communication & Language: Children will continue to develop their skills in communicating to different audiences. This may be through role play, show and tell or through comprehension and understanding of the stories and topics we study in class. New vocabulary will be modelled and shared through drawing club and topic work.
Physical Development: Children will continue to use the large apparatus in outdoor play lessons, and PE with the coaches from West Lancashire Sports Partnership. They will be developing their strength and coordination through play.
the World:
We will be celebrating the arrival of Spring and thinking about the things that make seasons different. We will be learning about life cycles of plants and creatures! We sill also be visiting ‘Windmill Farm’ later in the term!