Personal, Social & Emotional
Development: Continue to encourage an understanding of feelings of others and regulate appropriate behaviour. Promote opportunities that incorporate taking turns and sharing.
Physical Development: Children will be using the large apparatus in PE lessons, and West Lancashire Coaches will be leading on developing children’s Fundamental Movement Skills (running/jumping/throwing etc). Children also extend this in their outdoor play and work on their fine motor control through play and letter formation in lessons.
Literacy: We will be taking a deep dive into work of Julia Donaldson, exploring books like Stick Man, The Gruffalo and Room on a Broom. The children will learn to retell some of the stories verbally and use them as impetus for writing, whilst exploring the use of rhyme and repetition.
Communication & Language: Children will practise speaking to different audiences, through Drawing Club, and through role play. We are exploring way to use drawing to develop children's imagination and story-telling skills.

Reception Spring 1: The Best of Julia Donaldson

Maths: We will be focussing on deepening the understanding of number to 10, focussing on 6, 7 and 8 to start with. They will learn some early number bonds and doubles consolidate the concept of one more/one less and use opportunities to apply number in their play.
RE: We will be learning about Lunar New Year, the children will find out about how this is celebrated in countries across the world.
Expressive Arts: Small world and role play areas are available at all times! This half term the children will be able to role play different stories in the outdoors.
Understanding the World:
We will be learning about different animals and their habitats. We will find out about hibernation and will discover how some animals adapt during the winter months. Children will be encouraged to make comparisons and explore the natural world around them.