Year 1
Half-term: Autumn 2
Theme: Run, run as fast as you can!
In Year 1, we believe that homework should consolidate the learning that has taken place in school and engage the children in sharing this new knowledge with their families. Please choose and complete at least 6 activities from the grid over the course of the half-term Homework can be recorded in the homework book or brought into school in any other form (photos, posters etc). We teach the children to take pride and responsibility for their own work in class and expect homework tasks to be completed to the same standard Please refrain from using felt tip pens in the homework book, as these often bleed through to multiple pages. We can’t wait to see your work!
Don’t forget to read your Phonics books at home 3 times a week, as well as sharing other stories with people in your family
We would also like to encourage the children to practise their letter formation and Red Words with an adult at home wherever possible. A letter formation card and the next set of red words are attached.
Traditional tales
This half term our Quality text is ‘The gingerbread man’.
We would like children to enjoy sharing this story with their family. Perhaps you could visit the library and see if you can find a copy of this story, or any other traditional tales. There are also lots online.
In Science we will learn about the different types of trees – deciduous and evergreen. Can you spot any trees in your local area? Maybe you can draw and label the parts of a tree?
Children’s choice
Spend some time with your family doing something you enjoy. This could be going on a walk, a day out, playing a game, baking, or being creative.
Number bonds to 10.
This half term we are introducing ‘Number Ninja’ sessions where we will learn number bonds to 10. Please support your children to learn these at home.
In art we will explore drawing and will use 2D shapes to create work inspired by ‘Kandinsky’s circles’. Can you create a piece of art work using 2D shapes?
Great Fire of London
In History we will learn about the Great Fire of London and what life was like in 1666.
Can you use junk modelling resources to build a Tudor house?
Brushing teeth
In PSHE we will learn about the importance of bushing our teeth. Can you keep a diary of your tooth brushing for a week?
In Geography we will look at aerial photographs and making maps of our school and playground. Can you make a map of your house/ bedroom/ garden/ anywhere else you are familiar with?
We continue to focus on writing sentences that include a capital letter, finger spaces, and a full stop. Can you write some sentences about our Gingerbread man story?