Year 3 Spring 2 Curriculum Overview

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English: Our quality text for this half term will be the marvellous book by Philip Pullman, 'The Firework Maker's Daughter'. We will be having a weekly reading comprehension session, followed by a range of different drama, speaking and listening and writing opportunities. These will include instructional writing and narrative writing. We will be focussing on using technical vocabulary, consider our verb choices and use of verbs as well as recapping the grammar features we have learnt so far.

Year 3 Half-term: Spring 2

Science: We will be learning about plants and identifying and describing the functions of the different parts of a plant. We will then explore the requirements for plant life and growth, learn about the life cycle of a plant and investigate the way water is transported within plants.

Whole class reading: In our reading lessons, we will be continuing to read a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts linked to our theme work. We will be focusing on retrieval and inference skills and building our knowledge of vocabulary. We will also be focusing on making accurate predictions and explaining our ideas about a text.

Maths: We start this half term by learning all about length and perimeter. We will be measuring in metres, centimetres and millimetres and looking at equivalent lengths. We will then compare, add and subtract length. We will then learn about perimeter using our understanding to measure and calculate perimeter. We will continue the term by looking at Fractions, learning about numerators and denominators in both unit and non-unit fractions. We will then compare fractions and learn about equivalent fractions.

PE: Working each week with WLSP, the children will take part in dance. The children will be taking part in tennis lessons with the teacher.

Music: This half term’s focus element of music is timbre. This unit of work is based on reggae music and in particular Bob Marley. Children will recap how to play the keyboard and learn to play along with and improvise to reggae songs.

Year 3 Half-term:

Spring 2

Art: This half term, we will be exploring painting and mixed media by understanding how to use tints and shades to give a 3D effect and applying our learning to create a still life painting.

PSHE: This half term we will be focusing on online safety and through our computing sessions we will explore how we can keep ourselves safe online


Las formas / Shapes:

• Name, recognise and remember up to 10 shapes in Spanish.

• Attempt to spell some of these shapes in Spanish and to remember which shapes are un or una.

Computing: This half term we will be looking at internet safety exploring how we can keep ourselves safe online. Geography: Are all settlements the same? We will be describing different types of settlements, including the physical and human features, and how land use has changed in the local area. We will then compare land use in our local area with an area in New Delhi.

RE: This half term we will be continuing to deepen our understanding of our topic on prayer as well as learning about the Easter story and why this is an important festival for Christians.

Design Technology: This area of the curriculum will be covered in Summer.

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