Year 6 Spring 2 Curriculum Overview

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Fractions, Decimals and Percentages:

This half term we are going to be looking at what a percentage is and how to find a percentage of a given amount. We will also be exploring the equivalence between fractions, decimals and percentages. Children will use this knowledge to order fractions, decimals and percentages.


As the term progresses, we will start to look at algebra where numbers and quantities (called variables) are represented by letters and symbols in expressions and equations.

Area and volume

Towards the end of the half term, we will revise finding the area and perimeter of shapes and extend this knowledge into finding the area and perimeter of compound shapes. Children will also learn about how to calculate the volume of a shape.

English: We will begin the term with a debate about deforestation where the children will consider various viewpoints around the topic. They will then use this to write a balanced argument for the question ‘Which is best: renewable or fossil fuels?’. Following this, children will write a persuasive letter about the need to protect endangered species. In grammar and sentence work, we will look at the subjunctive form which the children will use in their formal writing. We will recap the wide range of punctuation used by Year 6 and the meaning of a range of grammatical terms.

Year 6 Spring 2:

Geography Focus

RE: In RE we will explore the theme of racism and prejudice and what can be done to reduce this in 2025.

Science: In Science, we will be studying the topic of 'Animals Including Humans'. Firstly, we will explore the human circulatory system, and describe the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood. We will then discuss the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way our bodies function.

Reading: The children will continue to work on their retrieval skills, their understanding of vocabulary and phrases, how to infer from the text and how to use evidence to support their ideas. They will read a wide range of texts and extracts including poetry and non-fiction texts across a variety of themes. We will also mark World Book Day.

DT– Structure: Playgrounds

In this collection of lessons children will design and build playground apparatus featuring a variety of different structures, giving consideration to how the structures will be used. Drawing upon new and prior knowledge of structures, they will use a range of materials to reinforce, add decoration and identify what makes a successful structure.

Geography – Energy

Our Geography topic for this half term is looking at where our energy comes from. We will be exploring the natural resources and energy found in the United States and compare these with the United Kingdom. Within this topic, there will be the opportunity to carry out some fieldwork to consider where would be the best location for a solar panel within the school grounds.

PSHE: We will begin the half term with a focus on Online Safety, looking closely at online relationships. Towards the end of the half term will be 'Relationship, Health and Sex Education (RHSE) week, where the children will recap what they know about puberty and build on this understanding.

Year 6 Spring 2: Geography Focus

Spanish: Comer sano / Healthy lifestyles:

Computing: This unit explores computer networks including the internet; how they can provide multiple services, such as the World Wide Web; and the opportunities they offer for communication and collaboration.

• Name and recognise 10 foods and drinks considered good for your health.

• Name and recognise 10 foods and drinks not considered good for your health.

• Say what activities they do to keep in shape during the week

Music: This half term’s focus element of music is timbre. During this half term, the children will listen and appraise songs from theatre and will learn how to perform songs from the show What a Knight.

PE: In PE we will develop skills in net and wall games and also dance.

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