computing Computing - AS/A2
Exam Board: OCR
How do computer languages work and how are they used in the real world? How is computer software designed? What is a computer network and why are they important? How do processors work?
Is Computing for you? You must have achieved at least 5 GCSEs at grade C or above, including a at least a grade B in GCSE Maths You want to learn more about how software is designed and implemented in a programming language. You prefer to learn how Internet technologies and processors work rather than spending time designing web pages (this is covered in Information and Communications Technology). You want to develop problem-solving skills.
You want to concentrate on the fundamentals of hardware and software, networking and practical systems development. You have good mathematical skills and want to use it to learn a programming language to code your own project in the second year. You are keen to do extra reading outside of class, making use of the Department’s specialised collection of books, magazines and journals. You may wish to consider studying AS/A2 Maths, AS Use of Maths or AS/A2 Statistics alongside this subject to help you develop the necessary mathematical skills required to study Computing.
What will I learn?
Computing teaching staff will use a wide variety of teaching methods to lead you to success. These range from short lectures and demonstrations to independent learning exercises that you carry out in your own time.
AS Year Computer Fundamentals You will gain an appreciation of computing fundamentals, including hardware, software, the presentation, structure and management of data, how data is transmitted and networked, the life cycle of systems development, the characteristics of information systems, and the implications of computer use.
The Department has access to an interactive whiteboard and LCD projector so demonstrations and activities are interactive, so you can see the effect of your actions and decisions in real time.
Programming Techniques & Logical Methods You will be introduced to Python. You will use it to create small, easy to code programmes that will illustrate basic concepts in the understanding of how computer languages work and are used.
A2 Year
How will I be assessed? The AS year will be assessed through 100% written examination. In the A2 year, you will start your practical coursework project which will make up 20% of the overall assessment.
What activities can I get involved in?
Advanced Computing Theory You will learn about the function of operating systems, the function and purpose of translators, how computer architectures are structured, how data is represented, how data is structured and manipulated, high level language programming paradigms, low level languages and how databases function.
The College has lots of exciting enrichment and C.V building opportunities including the chance to earn the Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award, learn a new skill, learn a language, join a club, take up or develop a sport or take on a new challenge. See the College Prospectus for further information about what is on offer.
Where does it lead? The Practical Project (coding in Python) You will build upon your experience gained in the previous programming module to build up to more complex examples that will allow you to develop many of the skills and techniques you will need to attempt the online exam.
Expect more from your sixth form
After successfully completing the AS or A Level in Computing, you may consider developing your studies at a higher level. Computing and ICT courses are very popular subject choices at degree level with possibilities including Computer Science, Multimedia, Web Design, Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Business Systems and Electronics. Job opportunities in Computing are excellent and your skills could lead you to employment anywhere in the world.
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