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dance Dance - AS/A2

Exam Board: AQA

How do choreographers communicate their ideas? What are the stages of the choreographic process? What has influenced the development of different dance styles? What are the key physical training elements for a dancer? What skills help a dancer to produce an expressive performance?

Is Dance for you?

You want to learn how to become a confident and critical performer.

• You must have achieved at least 5 GCSEs at grade C or above. Acceptance onto the course is through a practical audition when your suitability for the practical element of the course will be assessed.

You are keen to perform in both groups and solo pieces and create your own imaginative dances.

You want to gain experience in choreography and performance, as well as engaging in critical thinking about dance as an art form. You are prepared for the physical and academic demands of studying Dance.

You wish to study through a mixture of practical work and theory – combining your creative and academic abilities.

What will I learn?

How will I be assessed?

AS Year

AS Dance is 40% written exam and 60% practical performance and choreography. A2 Dance is 50% written exam and 50% practical performance and choreography. The written work will consist of short, structured questions and essays on aspects of training, performing, choreography and professional dances. The practical assessments will be based upon your choreography and performance work – whether solo or as part of a group.

Understanding Dance You will develop an understanding of dance as well as critical skills for the analysis of choreography and performance. You will study a number of dance works from a variety of genres and styles and investigate the variety of ways in which a choreographer uses different features in order to communicate to an audience. You will develop your knowledge and understanding of the theory behind training a dancer and apply this to your own experience.

Choreography and Performance You will learn about the process of solo choreography: from investigation and research of ideas, through to outcome. You will then choreograph and perform a solo piece from a choice of four starting points. You will also perform in a duo or trio in a specific dance style.

There will be opportunities for all dance students to perform in A2 group performance pieces. This will involve rehearsal time during lunchtimes or after College. You will also have the chance to attend live professional performances throughout the year. The College has lots of exciting enrichment and C.V building opportunities including the chance to earn the Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award, learn a new skill, learn a language, join a club, take up or develop a sport or take on a new challenge. See the College Prospectus for further information about what is on offer.

A2 Year Dance Appreciation: Content and Context You will gain an appreciation and understanding of the historical and cultural context of dance through the analysis, interpretation and evaluation of different dances. You will also gain a critical appreciation of practitioners and their works by studying a set work and a set area and style of dance.

Group Choreography and Solo Performance You will choreograph a group dance of between two and three minutes duration from a choice of starting points. You will also perform a solo dance in a performance style linked to the area of study for the written exam.

Expect more from your sixth form

What activities can I get involved in?


Where does it lead? This course is suitable for anyone wanting to pursue performing arts or pure dance at Higher Education level. It is also complementary for any course requiring good communication, analysis and group work skills. It provides a thorough insight into the breadth of skills and knowledge required for dance practitioners which students could later extend through a vocational training course. Whether you plan to become a professional dancer, actor or singer, this Dance course will greatly benefit the development of your movement and dance skills. In addition to performing, choreographing and teaching, this course might lead to other exciting careers such as dance therapy, arts journalism or movement therapy.

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