english literature English Literature - AS/A2
Exam Board: WJEC
Literature is language at its most expressive and insightful. What can literature tells us about ourselves and our world? How do texts written long ago continue to speak to us today? What is distinctive about the way authors use language?
Is English Literature for you? • You must have achieved at least 5 GCSEs at grade C or above, including at least a grade C in both English Language and English Literature GCSE You must enjoy reading a wide range of literature including novels, plays and poetry. There will be an emphasis on independent reading as part of the course as you will study six texts each year and will be encouraged to read more widely.
You like linking books to their context – for instance what was happening in the world at the time. You enjoy exploring how different readers have interpreted texts in different ways. You want to be encouraged to think for yourself about the ideas and attitudes you will be reading about. You want to improve your written communication skills.
What will I learn?
It has been suggested that through studying English Literature, “You develop the insight of an artist, the analytical precision of a scientist, and the persuasiveness of a lawyer”
AS Year Poetry and Drama 1
(Prof. Moran, Brunel University). You will explore work produced by two poets and one dramatist.
Prose Study and Creative Reading You will study and analyse two novels and with guidance, choose a third as a stimulus text for a piece of creative writing, written in a genre of your choice.
A2 Year
How will I be assessed? You will be assessed through both written exams and coursework. Exams will make up 60% of the overall mark while coursework will make up the remaining 40%.
What activities can I get involved in?
Period and Genre Study You will explore three texts; two must be of different periods and genres, one prose and the other poetry.
Poetry and Drama 2 You will study three texts including a Shakespeare, a further drama from the period and a collection of pre-1800 poetry. You will then compare it in an exam to one you have not read before.
You will have the opportunity to attend live theatre performances which will enhance your enjoyment and understanding of the set plays you will study. The College has lots of exciting enrichment and C.V building opportunities including the chance to earn the Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award, learn a new skill, learn a language, join a club, take up or develop a sport or take on a new challenge. See the College Prospectus for further information about what is on offer.
Where does it lead? Some students may choose to go on to study English courses at University and may be interested in a career in the media, performing arts, teaching or journalism. English Literature is also a subject that will complement a variety of other University courses within the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and Law. This is because it develops the ability to read, reflect, and critique – and then state your conclusions clearly, which is essential to many kinds of work – as is the ability to construct and defend an argument.
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