OurGui di ngPr i nci pl es :
•T owor kl ocal l yt oens ur emaxi mum s uppor twher eandwheni ti sneeded.
•T opr ovi deacat al ys tf or i nnovat i onandpr obl em s ol vi ng.
T heF yl deCoas tMul t i Academy T r us ts eekst owor kwi t heducat i onal i ns t i t ut i onsacr os st heF yl de.I t s member sar eatt hehear tofour l ocal communi t y.
As t r ongf ocusofbes tpr act i ce t eachi ng,l ear ni ngandl eader s hi p i nt hedevel opmentofacur r i cul um t hati sbot hdemandi ngand per s onal i s edt oi ndi vi dual pupi l needs .
•T oi ns pi r eagener at i ont obet hebes t t heycanbe.
•T of os t ercol l abor at i onandknowl edge s har i ngacr os soureducat i onal communi t i es .
L ear ner sar eatt hehear tofwhatwedo. T hei rout comesands ucces s esdr i veus t obet hebes twecanbe.
Bei ngout war df aci ngands har i ng r es our ces ,i deasands t andar dsi skeyt o ourcul t ur eofcont i nuousi mpr ovement .
OurKeyObj ect i ves :
T r ans f or m Cons i s t ency Out s t andi ngVal ue
OneVoi ce
L ear ni ng At t ai nment
1.T ot r ans f or mt hel i vesofyoungpeopl ebyr ai s i ngas pi r at i onsandachi evement s at16. 2.T ogi vel ear ner scons i s t encyofs t andar dsacr os sdi f f er ents chool st oenabl e conf i dentpr ogr es s i ont ot henex tl evel . 3.T os har er es our cesandknowl edget opr ovi deout s t andi ngval uef ormoneyand r educedupl i cat i on. 4.T ohaveonevoi cei nar api dl ychangi ngex t er nal envi r onment . 5.T opr ovi depr of es s i onal l ear ni ngcommuni t i est os uppor tt eacherdevel opment . 6.T or ai s eat t ai nmenti nEngl i s h,Mat hsandS ci ence.
Cent r al S er vi cesf orS pons or ed Academi es : T heMul t i AcademyT r us twi l l pr ovi deanumberofcor eandaddi t i onal s er vi ces ,s el ect edaccor di ng t oneedf r om t hef ol l owi ngl i s t .Cor es er vi cesi ncl udeL eader s hi p,F i nanceandHRS uppor t .T hatwhi ch f or mspar toft hecor eort headdi t i onal s er vi cesi si nt hef i r s ti ns t ancenegot i at edwi t hi ndi vi dual s chool s .
SchoolI mpr ovementT eam: OurMul t i AcademyT r us templ oysdes i gnat ed Nat i onal ,L ocal andS peci al i s tL eader sofEducat i on. Al l haveex t ens i veex per i encei nt heF yl deCoas t ofi mpr ovi ngout comesf orl ear ner st hr ough ef f ect i veandener get i cl eader s hi p. Headt eacher s–whowi l l pr ovi deconf i dent i al s uppor tt ogover nor sandt hel eader s hi pt eam. Seni orL eader s–whoof f ers peci al i s tcur r i cul um, t eachi ngandl ear ni ngandpupi l behavi our
Cent r alSer vi cesT eam:
advi ce.S el feval uat i onanddet ai l edpl anni ng i skeyt oal l ours uppor t .
F i nance:account ancy,f i nanci al advi ce,f i nanci al s ys t emsadvi ce,dat amanagement ,MI Ss ys t ems , i ns ur ancepr ocur ement ,f i nanci al r egul at i ons , pr ocur ement ,s t af ft r ai ni ng,r i s kmanagement t r ai ni ngandover s i ght . Res our ces :bui l di ngsmai nt enanceadvi ce,capi t al bi ddi ngadvi ce,pr oj ectmanagement ,heal t hand s af et yadvi ce,cat er i ngadvi ce,I CTpl anni ng advi ce,ef f i ci encys avi ngsadvi ce. HumanRes our ces :HRpol i ci es ,cont r act sof empl oyment ,HRadvi ce,I ndus t r i al Rel at i onsadvi ce ands uppor t ,HRt r ai ni ng,s uppor tf orr ecr ui t ment andr et ent i onofs t af f . Mar ket i ngandPubl i cRel at i ons :Medi ar el at i ons . Eventmanagementadvi ce.Pr omot i onal s uppor t . Gover nance:Devel opmentandt r ai ni ngof gover nor s .Cl er ki ngs er vi ces .
Addi t i onal Of f er : Ours pons or edacademi esaut omat i cal l ygai napl aceont heF yl deCoas tT eachi ng S chool L eadGr oup,t hes t eer i nggr oupf oral l t eachi ngs chool act i vi t i es .
T hi sgi vest heacademi esdi r ectacces st oandi nf l uenceon: • I ni t i alT eachi ngT r ai ni ng-s chool di r ectt r ai neet eacher sbas edi nt heT eachi ng S chool Al l i ances chool s . • Col l abor at i veCPD-at wi l i ghtpr ogr ammet ar get i ngs i gni f i canti s s uesoft heday e. g.cur r i cul um i nnovat i ons ,bes tpr act i ce. • Pr ogr ammest oi mpr oveT eachi ngandL ear ni ng-T heOut s t andi ngT eacher s pr ogr ammef ort hos ewant i ngt oachi eveGr ade1i nt hecl as s r oom.T he I mpr ovi ngT eacher spr ogr ammeenabl i ngpar t i ci pant st or ef l ectont hei r under s t andi ngands t r engt hent hei rknowl edgeofl ear ni ngandt eachi ng s t r at egi es . • L eader s hi pDevel opment( t oi ncl udegover nance)-Anat i onal l yr ecogni s ed mi ddl el eader spr ogr ammeandt henew NPQS L ,bot hpr ovi di ngoppor t uni t i est o devel opt omor r ow’ smanager s . • Res ear chandDevel opmentPr oj ect s-Act i onr es ear cht hati mpr ovest eachi ng, l ear ni ngorl eader s hi pi nt hehomes chool ass t af fdevel opgr eat erunder s t andi ng oft hei rownpr act i ce. • Addi t i onals uppor tf r om SL EsandL L Es-T ai l or edt ot hes peci f i cdemandsoft he s chool ,s peci al i s ts uppor tcanqui ckl ybeputi npl acet omeett heneedsoft he l eader s hi pt eam. • Coachi ng-Coachi ngi sdepl oyedacr os sal l s chool si nt heF yl deCoas tT eachi ng S chool Al l i ancebot hwi t hi nandacr os ss chool s ,bot hs t af ft os t af fand pupi l t opupi l .
“T eachi ngs chool swi l l beoft hehi ghes tqual i t y,ex ampl esoft hebes ts chool si nt he count r y.T heywi l l dr aw t oget herout s t andi ngt eacher sandl eader swhoar e commi t t edt os uppor t i ngot hers chool s ” . Nat i onalCol l ege.
AF yl deCoas tS pons or edAcademy: T heS chool ofChoi ce
Eachs chool wi l l havei t sownl ocal AcademyCounci l of14r epr es ent at i ves .Amaj or i t y ofgover nor swi l l beMul t i AcademyT r us tappoi nt ees . EachAcademyCounci l wi l l bedr awnf r om member soft hel ocal communi t y,s t af fand par ent s . EachAcademyCounci l wi l l under t aker es pons i bi l i t i esonbehal foft heMul t i Academy T r us t ,e. g.t os etandmoni t ort hebudget ,t os etandmoni t orpupi l achi evementt ar get s , t omoni t ort hequal i t yoft hecur r i cul um andpupi l pr ogr es s ,t or evi ew s t af fs t r uct ur esand per f or mancemanagement ,t omoni t orpol i ci esandpr ocedur es ,i ncl udi ngs t at ut or y compl i ancemat t er s .
“T heT eachi ngS chool mus tdoandbes eent odot heor di nar yt hi ngsi nan ex t r aor di nar yway.T heymus tdoi tcons i s t ent l yt obeagr eator gani s at i on…. Bei ngcons i s t ent l yex t r aor di nar yappl i esmos tt ot hecor ebus i nes spr oces s esof t eachi ngandl ear ni ng” . Pet erMat t hews .
T heF yl deCoas tT eachi ngS chool Boar dMember s : AL ocal S ol ut i on
T r us t ee:J ohnBoyl e J PCAi f sDi PF S: J ohnmovedt ot heF yl deCoas t 26year sagoasanAr eaBank Manager .S ubs equent l yhebui l t hi sownF i nanci al S er vi ces , Cons ul t ancyandPr oper t y Bus i nes s es .J ohnhasex per i ence i nF i nance,Account i ngand Commer ci al L egal mat t er sand ofCor por at eGover nance.Agover norofBl ackpool S i x t h F or m Col l egef or10year s ,l at t er l yact i ngasChai r ,J ohni s al s oaJ us t i ceoft hePeace.
T r us t ee:T onyNi chol s on B. A. ,NPQH,NL E: ANat i onal L eaderi nEducat i on andPr i nci pal ofHodgs on Academy,T onyhaswor kedasa S chool I mpr ovementPar t ner ,as aNat i onal Chal l engeAdvi s er andanadvi s ert oHeadt eacher s t hr ought heGai ni ngGr ound i ni t i at i ve.Hodgs onAcademyhas hel das peci al i s mf ors chool i mpr ovementwor kt hr ought heRai s i ngAt t ai nment T r ans f or mi ngL ear ni ngr out eandhol dsdes i gnat i onas aS S ATAdvancedCons ul t antS chool .
T r us t ee:F el i ci t yGr eeves MAPGCEDMSOBE: ANat i onal L eaderofEducat i on wi t h37year sex per i encei n educat i on,12i nt heF yl deCoas t , 15year swi t hamaj orAwar di ng Body,10year sapar t t i meOf s t ed I ns pect orandt hel as tf ouryear s wor ki ngonNat i onal Chal l enge T r us t sandons chool Gover ni ng Bodi es .Fel i ci t yi sPr i nci palofBl ackpoolSi xt hFor m Col l ege.
CompanySecr et ar y: AmandaPi ckup L L BACA: Amemberoft heI ns t i t ut eof Char t er edAccount ant swi t hcl os e t ot enyear sex per i encewor ki ng i neducat i on.Amemberoft he Gover ni ngBodyofaF yl deCoas t hi ghs chool andChai roft hei r F i nanceandRes our cesCommi t t ee, Amandai saMemberoft he Bl ackpool L ocal Aut hor i t yS chool F or um.
T r us t ee:Kei t hRyder ACMA,CGMA: AChar t er edManagement Account antandCompany Di r ect orbas edi nt heNor t hWes t . Kei t hi sChai rofGover nor sat Hodgs onAcademyi n Poul t onl eF yl de.Hei sapar entof s t udent satHodgs onAcademy andBl ackpool S i x t hF or m Col l ege. Kei t hi scur r ent l yChai roft heF yl deCoas tT eachi ngS chool T r us t .
T eachi ngS chool Al l i ancePar t ner s : T hef ol l owi nggi vesaf l avourofoural l i ancepar t ner sandt hes uppor tt heyof f er .
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T heEs s ent i al sofaS ucces s f ul Par t ner s hi p L umbyandF os ket t2005
1.Cl earandex pl i ci tobj ect i ves 2.Commonval ues 3.F ort hegr eat ergoodf oral l 4.Eachpar t nerbr i ngsadi s t i nct i vecont r i but i on 5.Eachpar t nerhasi t sowni dent i t yandcul t ur e 6.Gr eatpar t ner s hi psi nvol vecompr omi s esandf l ex i bi l i t y 7.Cl earl i nesofcommuni cat i onanddeci s i onmaki ng 8.Dynami candevol vi ngovert i me