Knutsford News

Welcome to the December edition of Knutsford News 2024.
I am delighted to share with you some of the wonderful experiences and opportunities that have enriched our school community this term. It is a pleasure to see our values of ambition, respect, and kindness come to life. These experiences not only enhance our students’ learning but also contribute towards their personal development journey and nurture the qualities that make Knutsford Academy a vibrant and inclusive school.

May I take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Mrs Karen Key, Headteacher
Legally Blonde The Musical
ThecastofLegallyBlondewowedsell-outaudienceswiththeirperformancesinthepenultimate weekofterm.Thisfunandfrothymusicalwasarealjoyforthemtoworkonandjudgingbythe applauseandfeedback,abighitwithouraudiences.Congratulationstoallinvolvedandthankyouto ourinvaluablevolunteers!

Our Star of the Week rewards initiative has run since September and prizes will be presented to one lucky winner from each year group in the Christmas assemblies. Each time a student is Star of the Week, their name is entered into the draw and a winning name is picked to receive the year prize - thanks to the generosity of our sponsors:

Two Wheel Claims, Irlams Estate Agents, Marketing, RIX, Manchester Airport, Hibbert Homes and KDR Talent Solutions.

Student Leadership
School Parliament
Elections have taken place to select a new School Parliament, which includes students from Years 7-13. They meet to discuss important school issues such as the system of rewards and the extra-curricular opportunities available.

Student Leadership

New Student Councils
Congratulations to everyone who was elected by their year group to represent them on the Student Council. Their role will include supporting fundraising events and meeting to discuss topics relevant to their year groups at school.
Year 7

Year 9


Year 11

Religious Studies Conference at The Grange
Year 12 and Year 13 Religious Studies students attended a conference entitled "The Smoking Gun: arguments for and against the existence of God" at The Grange School in Hartford. This included talks on the Cosmological and Ontological arguments, with explanations of different religious experiences. Two of our students also took part in a live debate, questioning the existence of God. This has helped to enrich our curriculum and enhance students' UCAS applications.
Languages Play at Lower School
Year 7 and 8 students watched a Spanish/French play performed by the Flying Theatre Company. The play was interactive and our students had fun responding in the language they are learning with us at Knutsford Academy. Muy bien! Très bien!

Sixth Form Musical Theatre Showcase

BTEC Sixth Form students have performed their Musical Theatre November Showcase. It was a wonderful display of their performance skills and for Year 13 students, contributes towards the assessed practical elements of the course.

Conway Dance Residential
Performing Arts staff had the pleasure of taking 20 Year 10 and 11 GCSE Dance students to the Conway Dance Residential this term. The students participated in over 10 hours of creative and performance workshops including an intensive professional repertory session with Boy Blue Dance Company. The students were a real credit to the school.
Year 10 Art Students Trip to Liverpool
This October the Art & Design staff took Year 10 Art groups to The World Museum in Liverpool. Students took part in a workshop, looking at hermit crabs, lobsters, crabs and a variety of fish and jellyfish. They produced some fantastic, energetic line drawings and took a lot away from the experience that has transferred into some fabulous work in school.

New Library!
This term we have opened a new library for upper school students; a project funded by The Academy Fund. Its location and carefully thought-through reading areas will help students enjoy reading for both pleasure and study. Ms. White, the new librarian, has helped convert a classroom into this new space, which houses a large variety of fiction and non-fiction books of different genres. It also includes PC workstations where students can complete homework during break or lunchtimes, supporting them to take control of their learning and time in a calm environment.

Here is Miss Page's English class exploring the shelves!
Sixth Form Students visit The Guardian

Year 12 English and Media students enjoyed a fantastic day at The Guardian newspaper headquarters in London. They learnt about how news content is created each day across its print and digital platforms before writing their own feature articles.
Young Reporter Scheme

The Young Reporter Scheme, in partnership with Newsquest Media Group, provides a platform for student-written articles for budding journalists from Years 10 - 13. We are incredibly proud of our published reporters, who now have articles live on the Knutsford Guardian website. Congratulations to: Tom Walker, Grace Wall and Jess Congleton.

Bon Voyage to our French Guests!
This term we hosted our French Exchange Students, from St Marthe St Front school in Bergerac. They had a fantastic time with their host families and explored all that the North West has to offer.
Our own students will be going to France during the Easter holidays. During this trip, they will be visiting Josephine Baker's house, Château des Milandes, in the Dordogne.

Sixth Form London Art Trip
InOctoberagroupofSixthFormstudentsembarked onadaytriptoLondon,visitingtheVictoriaand AlbertMuseum(V&A),theNaturalHistoryMuseum andtheNationalPortraitGallery. AttheV&Athey exploredRenaissancemasterpiecesand contemporarydesign.AttheNaturalHistory MuseumandNationalPortraitGallerytheyviewed someincrediblepiecesfromthenaturalworld,and studiedportraitsfromfivecenturies.

Barcelona Sports Tour
At half term 90 students and 9 staff left Knutsford and arrived in Barcelona to sunshine and a stunning beach. They played Laser Tag and Footgolf, visited RCD Espanyol Stadium and played football against local teams. The level of football was brilliant and the hospitality from the Spanish sides was exceptional.

Senior UK Maths Trust Competition
InNovember,agroupofYear11-13Mathsstudentstookpartin theSeniorUKMathsTrustCompetition.Eightstudents performedsohighlytheywereawardedcertificatesfortheir scores!
GabrielLausecuredaGoldaward,witha'BestinSchool'score. HewasthenselectedtotakepartintheAndrewJobbings KangarooChallenge,inwhichheearntacertificateofMerit,a hugeachievement!
ZaraBoweswon‘BestInYear’andaSilvercertificate,alongwith AlfieTaggart.IsyCopping,SamDobson,TillyGilbert,Casper CoulstonandHarrisonFisherwereallawardedBronze.Isyalso enteredtheMathematicalOlympiadforGirlsinwhichshewon aDistinctionforherwork.
TheproblemsontheSeniorMathsChallengearedesignedto challengebothbeginnersandexperiencedproblem-solvers. Welldonetoallourcompetitors!


Remembrance Sunday Community
Thank you to students and staff who represented Knutsford Academy at the Service of Remembrance at St John's Church in Knutsford on Remembrance Sunday. On Monday 11th November the whole school observed a two-minute silence.
Street Buddies
Students at Westfield Drive have been donating hats, gloves, socks, hand and foot warmers and Christmas selection boxes for Street Buddies, a local charity that supports the homeless in Manchester. We have been delighted by the generosity of our Westfield Drive community, with over 500 items donated! Lou and Sara from Street Buddies (pictured here with three of our Student Ambassadors and Mrs Szkolar) pass on their thanks.


to local Care Home
Some of our Year 7 and 8 Student Ambassadors and School Parliament, visited Sharston House, a local care home. After chatting to the residents, they handed out Christmas treats, sang Christmas Carols and AJ played the piano!
Environmental Officers
Our Year 8 Environmental Officers were busy planting daffodil bulbs kindly donated by Cottons Hotel & Spa. The Environmental Officers are part of our new Student Ambassador scheme, and are already working hard to make positive changes to the school environment.
Children in Need

Last month we raised £1,067.34 for BBC’s Children in Need appeal. Thank you to all our students, parents, carers and staff who donated!

Sport Round-Up
Year 7 netballers made their school debut in the Mid-Cheshire festival in September. A fantastic attitude and spirit led to 3 wins!
TheYear8netballteambeatWeaverhamHighSchoolwitharesounding30-2scoreline!Theyplayed somefantasticnetball.
OurU16mixedYear10/11teamnetballteamcompetedintotheCountytournamentwherethey playedseveralgames,includingopponentsfromKingsMacc,WilmslowandLeftwich.Theybeat AlderleyEdgeinthesemi-finalandthenLymminthefinaltofinishasPlatewinners.

Cross Country: Qualifiers & Regional Final
Students from Years 7-10 attended the English Schools Cross Country first round in Warrington this term. The competition is a team event and Mr Williams and Mrs Ince were really impressed with the excellent effort shown by all of the students. We are pleased to announce that the junior boys qualified for the second round and travelled to Bromsgrove to race in the ESAA Cross Country Regional Final. They competed brilliantly against a strong field. Well done to Jonty, Ben, Tom, Charlie, Jenson, and Jaxon for their incredible performance!

Our rowers ventured out on to the water for the first time in October. Despite some trepidation to begin with, they quickly took to it and absolutely loved it - well done!

Well done to the first squad of Year 7 to represent the school in the Vale Royal Football Festival. They played 5 games: drew two and won three - what a great start!
Massive congratulations to our Year 8 team for their outstanding attitudes and performance at the Vale Royal Football Festival in Hartford!

Well done to the Year 9 team who competed in the Vale Royal Football Festival, at Winsford. Their attitudes and team spirit were amazing and a credit to our school.
The Year 10 team played against a highly skilled Trinity College in Manchester.
And our Sixth Form Football Academy squad has made an impressive start to the season - unbeaten in five games! Thank you to our sponsors McHale & Co Solicitors and Acorns to Oaks who have enabled us to have home and away kits this year.

Hockey Rugby
Our hockey players have benefited from our partnership with Knutsford Hockey Club again this term, enjoying some high quality coaching on Wednesdays after school. We have had good performances in the Trafford tournaments and fixtures so far.

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Ruck in the muck and plenty of it! The team have enjoyed their rugby this term - we need a few more players at each age group so that we can get some fixtures underway in the second half of the season!