Meeting National Curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety. Priority should always be given to ensuring that pupils can perform safe self-rescue even if they do not fully meet the first two requirements of the National Curriculum programme of study
What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort can swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres?
What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort can use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke, and breaststroke]?
That percentage of your current Year 6 cohort are able to perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations?
If your schools swimming data is below national expectation, you can choose to use the Primary PE and sport premium to provide additional top-up sessions for those pupils that did not meet National Curriculum requirements after the completion of core lessons. Have you done this?
Have you provided CPD to improve the knowledge and confidence of staff to be able to teach swimming and water safety?
Review of last year 2023/24
Equipment has been purchased for PE lessons, extra-curricular activities and break time activities.
• All children in a class participating in rugby lessons at the same time due to everyone having a ball
• OPAL play has been well-received by children, staff and parents. It has been monitored by governors with widespread praise for the activities that are now on offer to the children at breaktimes and lunchtimes.
We have increased participation in competitive sport.
Year 6 Top-Up swimmers
Children understanding how to stay healthily physically and emotionally
• The Federation Cup saw a high proportion of children take part in some competitive sports against Minster
• Children were selected rather than first come/first served. As a result, children who would not normally take part/find sport more challenging or are SEND children were able to be included. This provided an inclusive and nurturing environment for the children with a focus on competition as well as self-achievement
• By the end of KS2, 73% of children were able to swim 25m due to swimming lessons in Year 5 and top up swimming in Year 6.
• Survey – 100% of children said they know how to cope or what to do when feeling sad.
• Teachers report that children understand the importance of a balanced diet – taught through the curriculum and in Healthy Bodies Week.
Intended actions for 2024/25
What are your plans for 2024/25?
How are you going to action and achieve these plans?
1. Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils Week Beginning 19th May – Sports Week
• Sports Day
• PANNA Football assembly and workshops
• Kent Panthers Basketball assembly and workshops
• Relaunch of Monkton Mile and active challenges
• Golf taster session at local golf course
Develop links with local sporting centres and part-fund enrichment experiences for children
• Climbing centres
• Golf courses
• Athletic tracks/stadia
• Indoor bowls (Minster)
• Indoor tennis courts
• Padel tennis (Whitstable)
2. Increased participation in competitive sport
Develop a Sports Council made up of staff, parents and children
• Council will lead inter and intraschool fun sports sessions
• Council will be responsible for creating fun and engaging termly intra-school tournaments and house competitions to be run at lunchtimes.
• Purchase trophies, badges, certificates
Thanet Passport Membership
• Receive emails from Mike Povey re. events/tournaments
• Sign up for events/tournaments and ensure staff member allocated
Enhance Federation links and sustain the development of The Federation Cup with new sports and focus on different children, incl. ages, SEND, gender, confidence, Thrive etc.
• Indoor bowls
• Ten-Pin Bowling
• Gymnastics
Provide transport in order for more children to access competitive sport away from school
3. Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity Maintain PE/Sport equipment in order for wider sporting opportunities to be as inclusive and active as possible
• Gymnastics equipment (indoors)
• Gymnastics equipment (outdoors) e.g hanging bars, exercise machines
• Balance Bikes/Scooters
Top-Up swimming for children in Year 6 who cannot swim 25metres
• Investigate mobile swimming pool and feasibility
• Book swimming and travel
Breakfast Club and After School Club to run Mondays to Fridays until 6pm with the promotion of sports each day
4. Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
Internal and external PD courses for school staff to improve and share good practice and to develop their own confidence. External providers will be invited in to school to deliver sportspecific enrichment days. In addition to benefitting our pupils, these sessions will provide valuable CPD for our class teachers and teaching assistants.
• Staff survey to identify aspects of teaching PE that needs enhancing
o Cricket (Term 5 led by Paul McCarthy)
o Gymnastics – gym specialist to be sourced and bought in to teach a series of staff meetings) – Premier Education to deliver gymnastics and handball enrichment as well as CPD for teachers £2000
Rolling purchase of our PE Scheme of Work – PE Planning https://peplanning.org.uk/
OPAL trainingfor alstaff inorder tosupervise, deliver great playtimeactivities withRiskBenefit Analysis.
5. The profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement
School staff will continue to plan ways to effectively raise the profile of PE and sport. In particular, we will seek to make effective use of our already established weekly celebration assemblies, sports noticeboard and school website.
• Initiatives to help raise the profile PE and sport during this academic year have included:
• Announcing sports results (including star players) during weekly celebration assemblies
• Purchasing trophies for successful teams/individual pupils and displaying them in our trophy cabinet
• Nominating a sporting super star each term
• Presenting individual medals to the winning teams in our termly intra-school competitions
• Nominating year 6 sportspersons of the year (1 boy and 1 girl)
• Presenting a trophy to the winning house at the end of sports day
• Presenting an intra-school competition shield to the winning house at the end of each year
• Keeping our sports notice board up-to-date (including a display of our star players)
Each Year Group/Class to have an OAA day outside of school (Betteshanger Country Park)
• These days will provide the pupils with an opportunity to take part in new activities such as climbing, canoeing and high ropes, activities which cannot be provided in school.
What impact/intended impact/sustainability are you expecting?
• Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
a. Increase in children taking up sport in and out of school
• Increased participation in competitive sport
a. 90% of children in school taking part in a taster session/fun activity or competitive sport
• Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity
a. Equipment being readily available increases participation and active learning during lessons
b. Lessons being taught are consistently of good/outstanding quality
• Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
a. All teachers feel secure teaching all sports in our curriculum to a good/outstanding standard
b. All midday supervisors feel confident and secure engaging with children during OPAL Play regarding specialized sports sessions
• The profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement
a. PE and sport in school is consistently high profile and ‘in the news’
b. All children feel motivated and inspired to play sports
How will you know? What evidence do you have or expect to have?
Parent Surveys
Pupil Surveys
Teacher Reports
Formative assessment/summative assessment
PE Notice Board with Sporting Stars etc
Monitoring and auditing
Keeping records of who has taken part in a sporting event
Assessments, both formative and summative
Lesson monitoring
CPD for teachers and how to use equipment
Staff surveys
Monitoring triangulation
PE Notice Board Surveys
What impact/sustainability have you seen?
What evidence do you have?