Spring / Summer 2012
London’s Calling
Josh Rotherham
YFC’s response to the London 2012 Games
A Real Hero awarded
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2. A Lasting Legacy for Newham Youth Love E7 Mission 3. Brazilian Creative Arts Group 4. yfc one’s Katie Woods on disability and God 5. A New Season for Fort Rocky 6. Facing a Future with no RE 7. Studio D’s Positive Message 8. Join the Race
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2012 is going to be remembered for many reasons – including the Queen’s 60th Jubilee and London hosting the Summer Olympic Games. The eyes of the world are going to be on Britain this year, so let’s get ready.
At a time when many people are finding life hard, it’s always worth lifting our spirits and celebrating good things. We have the best news in the world, which does not change with circumstances, so let’s get together in our families, churches and communities across Britain and work out what we are going to do to reach out to people with the life-transforming news that Jesus brings. There are so many things we can do, and plenty of people and resources to help us take
the initiative and get things going as you will read inside. The Torch relay for example, will be a great opportunity to get out on the streets and give out free drinks and food or provide an area where people can sit down and have a break. If you aren’t already doing so, why not organise specific times of prayer for your area and talk to other churches so you can combine resources and share vision? Great excitement
At Youth for Christ, we are running lots of exciting events, alongside other organisations and churches throughout Britain and helping to produce resources for people to use during the Olympic Games. We are working closely with More Than Gold who enable churches in Britain to engage with the 2012 Games and are organising regional ‘Get Set’ training days for people to see the range of activities that can be achieved this year.
Our DNA is working with young people – we love them – so our local Centres around Britain are setting up events this summer that are as varied as their ongoing youth work. We are also organising two youth missions in London (pages 2 and 3). The YFC Centre Directors in those areas have
We are praying for transformation, in the lives of young people as they come face to face with Jesus
met with churches and youth leaders and are ready to receive international and national teams of young people who will work alongside local young people in drop-in cafés , children’s clubs, sports activities and tournaments plus big screen events and practical
works of service provided by local councils. As our plans come together we pray that God will use us by His Spirit, as His church moves out from the buildings and onto the streets of Britain. We are praying for transformation, in the lives of young people as they come face to face with Jesus in their communities and also in the lives of those taking part in mission, whether they are British or have travelled half way across the world to join us in this significant year.
If you need information on bringing a team to help with the London youth missions, please contact Judy Lloyd on judy.lloyd@yfc.co.uk and visit our website www.yfc.co.uk/olympicoutreach for other ways to help . If you would like to attend a More Than Gold training day or use some of their excellent resources, visit www.morethangold.org
Welcome! Welcome to this edition of Youth for Christ’s newspaper. As you read about our plans for the summer, lives that have been changed through our work and our many exciting local initiatives, I hope you are blessed and encouraged by what God is doing. Young people have so much potential and need others to believe in and support them. Some of the ways we are doing this include schemes to help young people back into employment, drama groups counteracting negative stereotypes and awards honouring young heroes who are helping their community. As a ministry though we long to not only see young people grow and develop but for them to meet Jesus Christ and find real, full and eternal significance as they come to Him. That’s why in this special Olympic year, we are running varied, relevant evangelistic missions all across Britain. As people take the Gospel to others on the streets, at events, in churches, in youth clubs and in schools please pray that the Lord of the harvest will give us much fruit. Every blessing, Gavin Calver YFC National Director P.S. For more information about our work go to www.yfc.co.uk Youth for Christ Coombswood Way, Halesowen West Midlands B62 8BH Tel: 0121 502 9620 Fax: 0121 561 4035 Email: yfc@yfc.co.uk Web: www.yfc.co.uk You can follow us on Twitter: @Youth4Christ Facebook: www.facebook.com/BritishYFC YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/ YOUTHF0RCHRIST National Director: Gavin Calver Charity No: 263446 A company limited by guarantee. Registered in England no: 00988200 Scottish charity no: SC039297