Schulich School of Law: Wellness at Weldon

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Wellness at Weldon

An interactive guide to keeping your mind and body healthy during law school

Table of Contents L a w S c h o o l S t r e s s o r s .................................................................................................... 1 A c a d e m i c .............................................................................................................................1-2 Academic Advising................................................................................................................................2 Student Advocacy..................................................................................................................................2 Disabilities...................................................................................................................................................2 E m o t i o n a l H e a l t h .............................................................................................................. 3 Dal Counseling........................................................................................................................................... 3 P h y s i c a l H e a l t h ..............................................................................................................4-6 Dalplex.......................................................................................................................................................... 4 Clinic............................................................................................................................................................... 4 Nutrition...................................................................................................................................................... 5 Balance......................................................................................................................................................... 6 Career Developm ent ...........................................................................................................7 L a w S tu d en ts S o ciety …….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...7 Spiritual H e a l t h ...............................................................................................................8-9 Multifaith Centre................................................................................................................................8 Meditation...................................................................................................................................................9 Social...............................................................................................................................................................9 S e x u a l H e a l t h ......................................................................................................................10 Allies............................................................................................................................................................ 10 Halifax Sexual Health Centre..................................................................................................... 10 Women’s Resources & Fa m i ly H e a l t h ....................................................................11 Women’s Centre.....................................................................................................................................11 Child Care....................................................................................................................................................11 R esources for Aboriginal and African Canadian S t u d e n t s ......................12 F i n a n c i a l Suppor t ............................................................................................................ 13 Money Matters..................................................................................................................................... 13 Money Saving Tips............................................................................................................................. 13 What to do if you feel like dropping o u t ................................................................ 14 C o n t a c t s ................................................................................................................................. 15 S o c i e t i e s at We l d o n ......................................................................................................... 16 .

Wellness is about keeping your lifestyle balanced and healthy; it’s about taking care of your mind as well as your body. You will adapt to the fast-paced learning environment, but many do find it stressful at times. If you experience high stress levels, anxiety or depression, take advantage of the many wellness resources Dalhousie offers.

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Hyper-anxiety over grades is usually misplaced and can become counter-productive. Your pre-law academic performance enabled you to be admitted, so your chances of successful completion of your degree are extremely good. Although many law students do experience some grade deflation compared to their undergraduate studies, students also often see an overall improvement in law school from year to year. 1

If you are anxious about the academic demands of law school, make an appointment to see the Associate Dean Professor Michael Deturbide ( or Assistant Dean, Academic, Professor Elizabeth Hughes ( They offer: - academic counseling, - an overview of other support available, - information regarding the accommodation process. Assistant Dean Hughes also: - co-ordinates the Academic Success Program, which offers group and individual skill-building sessions, led by upper year students, - offers a course selection session, each year in March, for first year students, and - matches first year students with professors for additional course advising. If you want advice on the various specialties or certificates, please connect with the relevant Director. Information on courses and on the process for seeking accommodation can also be found under the “current students” tab on the law school website: DSAS (the Dalhousie Student Advocacy Service) exists to aid students with academic appeal and discipline matters. Call 494-2205 to speak with a student advocate.

For Dal’s office of Human Rights, Equity and Harassment Prevention, visit or

If you have intellectual, learning or physical disabilities, speak with the Assistant Dean, Academic, Elizabeth Hughes ( for information regarding the supports that are available. 2

If you

Emotional Health You may also want to turn to professors for course assistance or more general advice. Remember: the professors were once law students too. Dal all

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Career Planning Exam Anxiety Speak Easy Study Skills -

Substance Abuse

Couples Group Anger Management Coping with Loss

If you

Check out some of these workshops offered at Dal




Physical Health


Dal offers a number of services to help you maintain your physical health during your studies. Staying active is important for your mental health, too!

The Dalplex is the university’s recreation centre, which offers free weights, cardio equipment, a pool, racquet sports and group fitness classes. Full time Dal students have a membership included in student fees, so take advantage of the perks.

Check out the Dalplex website for more information and group fitness schedules: Dalhousie has an on-campus medical clinic located at 1246 LeMarchant Street, only a few blocks away from Weldon. Your student health plan will cover a substantial portion of most prescriptions up front. Dal Health Services Booking Line - 494-2171 Nurse - 494-2171 or Website - Check out the details of your health plan here:

Medical Clinic 4


Whether you’re eating on-campus or at home, your diet will make a big difference in managing the stresses of law school. The extra time it takes to watch what you eat will pay off.

Tip – try tracking your eating habits online at a website like Dal has many on-campus dining options, many of which accept your DalCard as a payment method. Loading a budgeted amount of money onto your card can save you time during hectic school days. Plan ahead to make sure you’re eating properly throughout the day.

Here’s a list of restaurants and cafes on campus: Check out Dal’s off-campus meal plans to free up even more time Dal also offers group workshops for individuals who struggle with eating disorders: Need a pick-me-up? Instead of an energy drink or a second cup of coffee, try a complex carbohydrate like an apple. It’ll give you the boost you need without dehydrating you or filling you up with sugar.



As a law student, there’s a lot of pressure on you to excel. You might find yourself studying right through meal times, or drinking energy drinks at midnight to keep studying. However, pushing yourself this hard can backfire and have negative effects. Law school doesn’t have to consume your life. You can do well while maintaining balance.

Try these tips to keep your body at peace with your mind : 1. Walk a lap of wherever you’re studying every hour. 2. Try desk exercises: 3. Pick an activity you like and ALWAYS get yourself away from studying to enjoy it, at least once per week. It may feel like you’re wasting time, but clearing your head will boost how efficiently you study.

Check out these online workouts for a quick study break: 6




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Check out the CDO website for updated information and contacts: The Law Students Society is a student-run organization at Weldon that serves the student body. Stop by room 340 to meet your executives, ask questions, voice concerns or grab a cup of coffee.


The LSS is home to your Wellness Committee who partner with the Law School to bring you the Weldon-centric wellness programming. During your first year, students will be able to run for the position of section representatives. This representative will be a communications liaison between the LSS and your section. Check the LSS website to find out who your student representatives, co-chairs, and executives are and how to get in touch with them:


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- Monday night dinners (free!) for any Dal students - Christian Students Group - Baha’I Devotional Group - Catholic-Christian Outreach - Christian Meditation - Christian Chapel - Roman Catholic Confession - Islamic Prayer Visit the Multifaith Centre website for full schedules, more information and advice on how to deal with aggressive religious groups on campus:


Meditation is a simple practice but it isn’t easy, and it’s helpful to have a structured program in which to learn the fundamentals. At the Schulich School of Law, we offer an 8-week Mindfulness in Law course to give students a solid grounding in meditation practice. This involves instruction in: • • • •

Mindfulness theory Practicing sitting, standing & walking meditation Qi gong breathing Discussions and journaling

Contact Assistant Dean Sarah Kirby at for further information. For more information on mindfulness in law generally, visit It’s also possible to start by practicing on your own with the help of a few basic tools, such as guided recordings. The following website is a useful resource for beginners: who like you

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Sexual Health


In addition to medical services offered by Dal, these on-campus resources are available to all Dal students.

Dalhousie is a welcoming environment for all people. OutLAW is the law school’s student society for LGBTQ students:

Dalhousie’s main LGBTQ society is called DalOUT; learn more about it here: Dal also offers an Allies program on campus to support students, staff and faculty of the LGBTQ community. Find an ally or become one here: The Halifax Sexual Health Clinic offers anonymous STI testing, including blood work, without a doctor’s referral. It is also equipped with literature on sexual health, contraceptives and resources for students.


Visit for more information on the services offered. 10

Dalhousie offers resources for female students, single parents and students with families. Check out some of these services that encourage family wellness and personal health.

The Dal South House (SoHo) offers a multitude of resources to female students including childcare, familyfriendly events, single parent bursaries, advocacy, and community resources for sexual health and emergency services. The SoHo is also a welcoming study and lounge space with a library and kitchen Email:

Dalhousie offers non-profit childcare facilities for students with children. Check out the University Children’s Centre for more information Family Service Association, 420-1980 Professional for-free counseling services for individuals, couples, and families.


Resources for Aboriginal and African Canadian Students The Mi’kmaq are the First Peoples of Nova Scotia and African Nova Scotians were among the first settlers of the Province. Through the Dalhousie Aboriginal Law Students Association (DALSA), the Dalhousie Black Law Students Association (DBLSA) and the Indigenous Blacks & Mi’kmaq Initiative (IB&M) and other organizations, Aboriginal and Black students make a dynamic contribution to the Law School, the University and the broader community. The Indigenous Blacks & Mi’kmaq (IB&M) Initiative recruits promising Black and Aboriginal law students, particularly from historically underrepresented Mi’kmaq and African Nova Scotian communities, to fulfill its broad mandate of decreasing structural discrimination by increasing representation in the legal profession. It also serves as a resource for current students and promotes the understanding of Aboriginal legal knowledge systems and African Canadian legal perspectives within legal education. More information can be found at: Contact:, 902-494-1639 The Native Education Counselling Unit, a division of The Confederacy of Mainland Mi'kmaq, provides educational and support services to all native postsecondary students in the Halifax/Metro area. Location: 2nd Floor, 6286 South Street. 902-494-8863 The Black Student Advising Center serves the needs of students of African descent at Dalhousie.


Financial Support

Money Matters

Law school is a huge time commitment and many students choose not to work during the school year, although some law students do continue to work part-time. Money can therefore be a major stressor. Here are some tips and resources to help you budget.

The Dal Money Matters website is designed to help students budget for the school year, track tuition fees, and apply for financial aid. html Check out Dal’s website for more help:

1. Invest in a few good travel mugs and keep instant coffee or tea bags in your school bag. There’s hot water in the lounge and $2 a day adds up to an expensive habit.

Money Saving Tips

2. Take advantage of Student Discount Tuesdays at Sobey’s or Superstore when grocery shopping. 3. Eat for free when you can. Go to Law Hour for the fact go to any law school event that offers a meal. St. Andrews Church on Robie and Spring Garden also offers a free homecooked dinner for Dal students on Tuesdays. 13

What to do if you feel like dropping out...

Some students may consider withdrawing from Law School. For some, this will be a positive choice that will enable them to invest confidently in another career direction. For others, thoughts of dropping out may arise out of circumstances which seem daunting at the time, but for which there are remedies.

Such decisions are best made when students have had the opportunity to carefully reflect on their situation. Feedback from others who have some distance from the situation, but who are empathetic, may also be helpful. You • • • • • • • • • •

are not alone in your class if you experience: Loneliness or homesickness Personal crisis Physical or mental health problems Money shortfalls Work overload Social dislocation A sense of discontinuity or feeling unready Political or social alienation Boredom Substance-related problems

If these kinds of obstacles seem too burdensome, start talking rather than letting your isolation grow. Speak with your fellow students, your friends, your family, your professors, the Associate Dean or one of the Assistant Deans. Facing such dilemmas openly and involving others in your decisionmaking may give you some perspective and save you a great deal of time and stress. When you feel like things are getting out of hand, remember that you are not alone. 14

Academic Counseling and Support Michael Deturbide - Associate Dean - 494-1041 Elizabeth Hughes - Assistant Dean, Academic - 494-1043 Student Services and Support Sarah Kirby - Assistant Dean, Student Services - 494-7115 Career Development Office Rose Godfrey – - 494-1018 Sarah Kirby – - 494-7115 Megan Dixon – - 494-2068

Law Students Society President – Anthony Rosborough - VP Executive – Marc Njoh - VP Finance – Aggrey Semi - VP Academic – Jennifer Hand - VP External – Leah Staples - VP Communications – Lindy Herrington -

Dalhousie Contacts Athletics and Recreation Services - 494-3372 Dal Intramurals - - 494-2002 Dalhousie Counseling Services – - 494-2081 Multifaith Centre - - 494-2287 Health Services - - 494-2171 Student Health Promotion - - 494-6830 Women’s Centre – - 494-2432 Allies at Dalhousie - Student Accounts - - 494-3990 Neighbourhood Concerns - 494-2517 Dalhousie Student Union - - 494-1106 15

Societies at Weldon

Get to know the student societies around Weldon. Check out the DSU website for more student societies outside of the law school as well: 494 - 3990

Artist Legal Information Society …………….…..………………...………………....…… Business Law Association of Dalhousie… Christian Legal Fellowship ............................................................................... Community Outreach............................................ Dalhousie Aboriginal Law Students’ Association…...……..... Dalhousie Asian Law Students’ Association……..….………………………..…… Dalhousie Black Law Students’ Association…............................... Dalhousie Feminist Legal Association …….……. Dalhousie Jewish Law Student’s Association............................................ Dalhousie Journal of Legal Studies.................................................................................... Dalhousie Sports and Entertainment Law Society................... Domus Legis Environmental Law Students’ Society........................................................................... Health Law Students’ Association.......................................................... Intellectual Property Law Association at Dalhousie................. John E. Read International Law Students’ Society........................................... Law Hour Committee......................................................................................................... Multi-Disciplinary Law OutLAW............................................................................................................. Pro Bono....................................................................................................................................... Student Activist Law Students’ Association........................................... Weldon Times.................................................................................... Wellness Committee ……………………………………………………………...….

Get passionate about the cause that brought you to law school! Join a society and enrich your law school experience.


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