Friends of the SLHC 2011 Newsletter

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Friends of the Schwenkfelder Library & Heritage Center THE LENAPE AND THEIR CULTURAL CHANGES IN THE SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES Sunday, November 6, 2:00 pm The Friends of the Schwenkfelder Library & Heritage Center invite the general public to their fall program about the Lenape Native Americans with Darius Puff. The program will be held on Sunday, November 6, 2011 at 2:00 pm in the Meeting Room of the Heritage Center. Darius Puff is a retired Berks County police officer, having served with the Boyertown Police Department for approximately 32 years with the last 20 as Chief of Police. He is a Penn State grad with an Associate Degree in Community Service and a BS in Criminal Justice. A few years prior to retirement he became involved in giving talks about his Native American heritage to various civic groups in his area. He decided

October, 2011 THE ICE INDUSTRY IN THE UPPER PERKIOMEN VALLEY Sunday, January 22, 2012, 2:00 pm (snow date: Sunday, February 5) NOTE: This program was presented in January, 2011 and we had an overflow audience, so the Board decided to repeat the excellent presentation. The thought of January makes us shiver with visions of snow, sleet, and cold weather. So why not add some ice to the January mix! That is exactly what Friends will be doing at 2:00 pm on Sunday, January 22, 2012 when they present a program about the ice industry that flourished throughout the greater Perkiomen area in the early 1900s. It was a necessary and often perilous operation in the days before refrigeration. Continued, page 4

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DOWSING TRADITIONS AND STORIES Back Porch Seminar Sunday, March 25, 2012, 2:30 pm 2:00 pm—Annual Meeting of the

Friends of the Schwenkfelder Library & Heritage Center “Did you know that dowsing can be used for water divining, home and garden, archeological searches, earth mysteries, health and wellbeing and much, much more?” - American Society of Dowsers website. Join us for a fascinating afternoon with three dowsers: Keith Schaffer of Exeter Township, John Grubb of Bally, and Leroy Bull, President, American Society of Dowsers who will tell us of their dowsing experiences. Candace Perry will moderate this panel discussion.

Cookies for Christmas Market Can you help the Heritage Center welcome friends and visitors on Saturday and Sunday, December 3 and 4 during the Christmas Market? Friends have been providing friendly greetings and Christmas cookies for many years and are very much enjoyed by guests visiting during the Christmas Market. Please help us by baking a batch or two of Christmas Cookies and bring them to the Heritage Center on Friday, December 2 or Saturday or Sunday, December 3 or 4 during the Christmas Market.

The Friends of the Schwenkfelder Library & Heritage Center exists to provide on-going support for the purposes, projects, programs, and goals in both preservation and education to the Schwenkfelder Library & Heritage Center.



Friends Donations to Heritage Center Many Thanks! The Friends have supported the Heritage Center with a variety of much needed “wish-list” items. Below is a list of the wonderful things the Friends have provided over the past year. •

Archival Supplies: 10 drop front boxes of various sizes, 100 pamphlet envelopes, labels and label holders of various sizes and rare book strips.

Supply of two different size light bulbs for exhibit lights

Chair for Front Desk volunteers to replace the chair we’ve used for ten years.

Western Digital Elements, 2 TB Desktop External Hard Drive for the transferring of large video files to DVDs

Mat Cutter for cutting labels and mounting boards for exhibits

Mat Board for mounting exhibits

Good quality laser printer and cartridge for the Administrative Assistant

Foam Core Board for making exhibit labels

2nd Annual Children’s Grundsau Lodsch “Grundsau Lodsch fer Yunge“ Sunday, January 29, 2012 (snow date February 19, 2012) Meeting at 4:00 pm, meal to follow Join us February 6, 2011, for the Heritage Center’s first annual Groundhog lodge “Grundsau Lodsch” meeting for kids “Yunge”! Families can now be a part of the tradition of celebrating PA German culture and honoring our culture’s important symbol: the Groundhog, “die Grundsau”. R.S.V.P to Rebecca 215-679-3103. If you would like to volunteer to assist with event set up, leading our group in dialect song, crafts, playing music, and/or in clean up after the event, please contact Rebecca Lawrence, Museum Educator.

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HIGHLIGHTS OF PROGRAMS 2010/2011 The Friends had a super response to our programs for the last year. Two programs filled the meeting room and for one program, after the meeting room was filled to standing room only, people had to be turned away. Here are last years highlights: Building the Suburban Water Company Dam in Green Lane, November 7, 2010. We filled the meeting room for our panel of experts: Ed Hildenbrand, John Katrinak and Donald Moll with Robert Wood as Moderator. We learned many personal stories of the changes brought about by the building of the dam. Also, stories were shared about the building of the dam itself. The Ice Industry in the Upper Perkiomen Valley, January 23, 2011. Larry Roeder and Jason Flexer brought the crowds out as over 250 tried to attend and some had to be turned away! This was our best attended program we have held. Because of the huge turnout, the Board has decided to offer this program again in January, 2012. The Pennsylvania Barn, March 20, 2011. Robert Ensminger, retired professor from Kutztown University and recognized expert on the Pennsylvania Barn, provided a lively and stimulating slide presentation on his research into the roots of the Pennsylvania Bank Barn. We had another great turnout for this very interesting program. Bob was the speaker fro the first Friends program in 1993, and it is fitting that he joined us for the 20th Annual Meeting Program as well. Field Trip, Kulp’s General Store Museum, May 1, 2011. The Friends invited the general public to join them for a field trip off site to the newly opened Kulp’s General Store Museum in Vernfield. Owner Mike Hart welcomed a good size group of about 40 people and provided a most fascinating peek at his restoration of this General Store.

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Minutes of the Annual Meeting 2011 The nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Friends of the Schwenkfelder Library & Heritage Center was held Sunday, March 20, 2011 at 2:00 pm in the Reading Room of the Heritage Center. Executive Director David W. Luz presided for the Board in the absence of an official president of the Friends. The Minutes of the March 21, 2010, Annual Meeting were approved as printed in the fall issue of the Friends’ Newsletter on a motion by George Schenkle and a second by Fred Seipt. Treasurer Kim Jacobs reported the following current balances: Checking: $ 2,987.23 Savings: $ 3,281.01 CD: $ 9,614.92 The report was accepted on a motion by Lee Schultz and a second by Gerald Heebner and will be filed for audit. It was reported that an audit of the accounts has been conducted.


As Executive Director for the Heritage Center, Rev. Luz thanked the Friends for their support by providing many useful items in the past, such as the blackout shades for the meeting room. Thus far this year Friends has contributed $1,200 to fund items including archival supplies, matt board, a matt cutter, and a printer cartridge. The current exhibit in the meeting room of colorful Pennsylvania German influenced art work and murals done by local school students was pointed out and admired. Other new exhibits will soon be in place, including one on local baseball. The meeting adjourned on a motion by Gerald Heebner and a second by Betty Hildenbrand. The program on the Pennsylvania Barn presented by Mr. Robert Ensminger began at 2:30 pm. Mr. Ensminger, a widely respected authority and author on the origins of the four bay Pennsylvania Barn, is retired from a career teaching in local schools and Kutztown University. After the program the approximately 150 attendees enjoyed PA Dutch style refreshments. Roselyn Parry, Secretary

Membership Chairman Ray Fluck, reported the following: 56 - Life Memberships 107- Individual Memberships 87 - Family Memberships 250 total paid members Ray was available to take new and renewing memberships after the meeting. The following candidates were submitted for election at this meeting: President—no candidate Vice President—Lucy Kern Secretary—Roselyn Parry Board Members: Marlene DeLong, Ray Fluck, Betty Hildenbrand, Ruth Yoder, Barbara Heist A motion to elect these members was made by Kay Bachkai and seconded by Kim Jacobs. The motion was approved unanimously.

Board of Directors 2011/2012 President: Vacant Vice President: Lucy Kern Secretary: Roselyn Parry Treasurer: Kim Jacobs Membership Chair: Betty Hildenbrand Members at Large: Kay Bachkai, Barbara Heist, Edmund Kuhns, Ray Fluck, Ruth Yoder, Marlene DeLong




The Lenape, Sunday, November 6, 2011 Continued from page 1 to add to his life-long love of history and his own native background by learning as much as possible about the Lenape people and their culture. His programs teach others about the early lives of these people and the changes that their society went through in the 18th century through the use of artifacts (real and reproductions), furs, and traditional storytelling. He has given programs to various scouting groups, state and county parks and historical sites including Ricketts Glen State Park, Francis Slocum State Park, Peter Wentz Farmstead, Conrad Weiser Homestead, Morgan Log Home, Daniel Boone Homestead, Pottsgrove Manor, and others. Programs have also been given at Millersville University, Penn State (Altoona and Lehigh), Kutztown University, Reading Area Community College, and Rutgers University as well as several elementary and middle schools both public and private and many different local civic groups, historical societies, and public libraries.

The Ice Industry, Sunday, January 22, 2012 Continued from page 1 Larry Roeder, the editor and publisher of the Town and Country, has written extensively about local history including the ice industry. Larry will be sharing some of his research into this “icy” topic. Remember his great “Valley Past” articles in the newspaper? Jason Flexer, the current owner of the former Sweinhart/Heimbach Ice Company in East Greenville, now the Nolt Ice Company, will contribute to the story of how the ice industry has evolved to the present day. Jason lives in Hosensack, the site of the former large and prosperous ice house. Both of the presenters are native sons. Hopefully, there will be no ice or snow outside on January 22, but a snow date of February 5 is planned just to be safe.

PA German Dialect Conversation Group (for adults) “Mer wolle widder Deitsch Schwetze“ Second Thursday each Month, 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm Free and open to the public. No RSVP required.

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The Friends: 20 Years and Going Strong! The year 2011 marks the 20th Anniversary of the Friends of the Schwenkfelder Library & Heritage Center. Its hard to believe that 20 years have gone by since we first organized. Many programs and service by the Friends and the members of the Board of Friends have helped the Heritage Center over the years. We’ll be looking at the Friends organization, some of the leaders and programs in the next few newsletters. We start at the beginning: October 25, 1992, the Friends of the Schwenkfelder Library & Museum (now Heritage Center) first met as an educational and support organization to the Schwenkfelder Library (they had incorporated June 6, 1992). A dedicated group of ten individuals had met for over a year studying the idea and finally bringing the recommendation to fruition. Members were: David Luz—President Richard Markley—Vice President Elizabeth Grill—Secretary Elizabeth Dewey—Treasurer Members at Large: Ronnie Backenstoe Gerald Coyle Dallas Graber Ex-Officio Board Members: Dennis Moyer, Director Fred Seipt, President, Board of Directors The first Annual Meeting was held on May 5, 1993 with the following officers and board members elected: David Luz—President Richard Markley—Vice President Kay Bachkai—Secretary Elizabeth Grill—Treasurer Members at Large: Ronnie Backenstoe Ralph Bieler Gerald Coyle Dallas Graber Ex-Officio Board Members: Dennis Moyer, Director Fred Seipt, President, Board of Directors The program for the first Annual Meeting was Robert Ensminger, The Classification and Evolution of the Pennsylvania Barn.


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A TOUR OF PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN TRADITIONS & FOLK ART Saturday, December 3—9:30 am to 4:00 pm Sunday, December 4—12:00 noon to 4:00 pm Join us for our annual Christmas celebration at SLHC and also at our dear friends’ sites, Goschenhoppen Historians and the Mennonite Heritage Center. Our visitors are promised distinctly different festive holiday treats at each location, but we all share the wish to bring our patrons a bit of the warmth of Christmases past to their present – and presents! Start out with us: SHOP: Schwenkfelder Library & Heritage Center’s I ♥ THE HOLIDAYS Christmas Shopping Fun EXHIBITS: Traditional Christmas Putz; Brad Hendershot, Artist; 18th Century Fraktur; The Legacy of Christopher Schultz SPECIAL PROGRAM: PUPPET WORKSHOP with artist Francine Schmitt, Saturday, December 3, from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm, Participant Fee—call the Heritage Center for details Then on to the Goschenhoppen Historians: SHOP: Vintage Christmas Collectibles, Home Baked Goodies, Folk Festival Craftsmen’s Wares EXHIBIT: Trees and Trains, 18th and 19th century holiday exhibits in the Museum LOCATION: Red Men’s Hall, Routes 29 & 63, Green Lane Finish your day at the Mennonite Heritage Center: SHOP: Pennsylvania German Folk Art Sale, featuring the finest traditional crafts EXHIBIT: Life Milestones: Depictions of Mennonite observances of birth, school, baptism, weddings and death; A Place of Peace art exhibition LOCATION: 565 Yoder Road, Harleysville For more information, directions or decisions about inclement weather call the Schwenkfelder Library & Heritage Center at 215-679-3103 or the Mennonite Heritage Center at 215-256-3020.

Friends Memberships! The Friends of the Schwenkfelder Library & Heritage Center is a not-for-profit association providing ongoing support for the projects, programs and goals in both preservation and education at the Heritage Center. We encourage you to be a supporter by joining the Friends as a member, renewing your current membership or encouraging others to become a FRIEND today! Your interest and suggestions would be very beneficial promotionally for the Heritage Center. Our education programs have proved very popular and well-attended.

As a member of the Friends you’ll receive these benefits: • • • • • •

Newsletters to keep you up-to-date on all the Friends activities Meeting new “Friends” who share your interest in local history Free admission to seminars, lectures, and special events Meetings featuring guest speakers A 10% discount in the Heritage Gift Shop for the duration of your membership Volunteer opportunities to work “behind the scenes” or as museum docents.



105 Seminary Street Pennsburg, PA 18073 Phone: 215 679-3103 Fax: 215 679-8175


Help us with Christmas Cookies For December 3 and 4 Please bring to the Heritage Center Friday, December 2!

Friends Programs 2011/2012 Sunday, November 6, 2:00 pm Lenape Indians—Darius Puff

December 3 (Sat.), 9:30 am—4:00 pm, and December 4 (Sun.), noon—4:00 pm Christmas Market—Friends provide cookies Sunday, January 23, 2012, 2:00 pm (snow date, Feb 5) The Ice Industry in the Upper Perkiomen Valley (repeated by popular demand) with Larry Roeder and Jason Flexer Sunday, March 25, 2012, 2:00 pm Annual Meeting and Back Porch Seminar on Dowsing Heritage Center Hours

Mon CLOSED Tues 9-4 Wed 9 - 4

Thurs 9 - 8 Fri 9-4 Sat 10 - 3 Sun 1-4

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