International Journal of Diabetology & Vascular Disease Research – IJDVR
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Harmonizing Eating and Exercise Circadian Rhythms for Optimal Glucose-Insulin and Vascular Physiology
This article establishes a global but individual public program based on rhythmic circadian eating and exercise extent and rate to harmonize intermediary metabolism. This will help optimize glucose assimilation and insulin dynamics towards healthier heart and vascular functions. Any and every circadian meal must have its matching physical activity to optimize substrate oxidation and waste management. Link : Article Name :
An Increase of Maximal Intima-Media Thickness in Bilateral Carotid Arteries Strongly Suggests the Existence of Coronary Stenosis in Japanese Type 2 Diabetic Patients
An association of an increase of maximal intima-media thickness (IMT) of carotid artery to coronary artery stenosis was evaluated in Japanese type 2 diabetic (T2DM) out-patients without any typical cardiac symptoms or history. Maximal IMT from common carotid artery to internal carotid artery was measured by ultrasonography in T2DM outpatients without any typical symptoms or history of coronary artery disease (CAD). The patients with a significant increase of maximal IMT over 1.5 mm were consulted to cardiologists, and the existence of coronary artery stenosis was evaluated by multiple detector-row computed tomography (MDCT). The patients with coronary artery stenosis suspected by MDCT were additionally evaluated the existence of CAD by coronary angiography. From April 2013 to December 2014, we found 17 patients with an increase of maximal IMT in bilateral carotid arteries and 9 patients with an increase of maximal IMT in unilateral carotid artery in T2DM outpatients. The patients with a significant increase of maximal IMT in bilateral carotid arteries had higher incidence of coronary artery stenosis by coronary angiography (76.5 %) thanthose in unilateral carotid artery (11.1%). The 47.1 % of the patients with an increase of maximal IMT in bilateral carotid arterieswas judged to needpercutaneous coronary intervention therapy. In conclusion, a significant increase of maximal IMT in bilateral carotid artery strongly suggests the existence of coronary artery stenosis in Japanese T2DM patients. Screening of maximal IMT in bilateral carotid arteries should be beneficial for the detection of silentischemia in coronary artery. Link :
Article Name : Pathophysiologic Aspects of Hypertension
Hypertension is defined as a sustained increase in blood pressure. Historically, the level of blood pressure designating hypertension has been a systolic blood pressure of 140 mm Hg or more and/or a diastolic blood pressure of 90 mm Hg or more. However, the risk imparted with increasing blood pressure is continuous, such that the level of blood pressure must be considered within the context of the overall cardiovascular risk profile. Clearly, antihypertensive treatment helps to prevent both cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events, the dreaded complications of increased blood pressure. Nevertheless, hypertension remains unrecognized or inadequately treated in the great majority of patients. This work aims to review the essential key element for the understanding of hypertension's pathophysiology.
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Effect of Aqueous Extract from Erythrea Centaurium in Merione Shawi
The aqueous extract of E. centaurium, administered to merione at 200 mg/kg for 6 months produced a significant reduction in glycemia, insulinemia, fructosamine and glycosylated haemoglobin. It also exhibited an important decrease of lipidic parameters such as cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglycerids. The results showed no significant diminution of the weight.
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Article Name : A Short Review of Some Medicinal Plants And Phytocompounds With Hypotensive And Hypoglycemic Activities
This paper aims to review some medicinal plants and compounds of botanical origin which are capable to lower plasma glucose levels and blood pressure. Hypoglycemic natural products comprise flavonoids, xanthones, triterpenoids, alkaloids, glycosides, alkyldisulfides. aminobutyric acid derivatives, guanidine, polysaccharides and peptides. Hypotensive compounds include flavonoids, diterpenes, alkaloids, glycosides, polysaccharides and proteins.
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On Research to Optimize Eating Timing: Simple Solutions for Complex Problems Recent accomplishments in animal and human physiology have contributed to urgency for creating innovative research on timing of nutrient intake . These findings suggest that feeding and eating times during the 24-h period matter in how efficiently nutrients are utilized and partitioned into different tissues notable splanchnic and peripheral tissues. Shifting eating time from morning to evening in once-daily fed dairy and beef cattle has increased nutrient efficiency and milk fat and energy production. Such effects have mainly been resulted from altered circadian and postprandial rhythms of nutrient intake and energy-yielding metabolites and hormones .On the other hand, evidence exists that human glucose intolerance and insulin resistance develop as day ends and night begins. Thus, despite the discovery that evening feeding may improve production and economics in foodproducing animals, due to inter-species differences in evolutionary intermediary metabolism and eating behaviour, it could seriously impair the human physiology and health. Link : Article Name:
Treatment of Hypercholesterolemia in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Numerous studies have shown that statins reduce cardiovascular events including stroke and mortality in diabetics. The American Diabetes Association 2013 guidelines recommend that diabetics at high risk for cardiovascular events should have their serum low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol reduced to <70 mg/dL with statins. Lower-risk diabetics should have their serum LDL cholesterol reduced to < 100 mg/dL. The 2013 American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association lipid guidelines recommend giving high-dose statins to adult diabetics aged ≥75 years with atherosclerotic vascular disease (ASCVD) unless contraindicated with a class I indication and moderate-dose or high-dose statins to diabetics with ASCVD ≥75 years with a class IIa indication. Diabetics ≥ 21 years with a serum LDL cholesterol of ≥190 mg/dL should be treated with high-dose statins with a class I indication. For primary prevention in diabetics aged 40 to 75 years and serum LDL cholesterol between 70 to 189 mg/dL, moderate-dose statins should be given with a class I indication. For primary prevention in diabetics aged 40 to 75 years, a serum LDL cholesterol between 70 to 189 mg/dL , and a 10-year risk of ASCVD of ≥7.5% calculated from the Pooled Heart Equation, high-dose statins should be given with a class IIa indication. For primary prevention in diabetics aged 21 to 39 years or older than 75 years and a serum LDL cholesterol between 70 to 189 mg/dL, moderate-dose statins or high-dose statins should be given with a class IIa indication. There is no additional ASCVD reduction from adding nonstatin therapy to further lower non-high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol once an LDL cholesterol goal has been reached. Clinical trials have found no lowering of cardiovascular events or mortality in diabetics treated with statins by addition of nicotinic acid, fibric acid derivatives, ezetemibe, or drugs that raise serum HDL cholesterol. Link :
Article Name: Hyperglycemic Challenge and Distribution of Adipose Tissue in Obese Baboons Background: Blood glucose levels regulate the rate of insulin secretion, which is the bodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mechanism for preventing excessive elevation in blood glucose. Impaired glucose metabolism and insulin resistance have been linked to excess body fat composition. Here, we quantify abdominal muscle and abdominal adipose tissue compartments in a large nonhuman primate, the baboon, and investigate their relationship with serum glucose response to a hyperglycemic challenge. Methods: Five female baboons were fasted for 16 hours prior to 90 minute body imaging experiment that consisted of a 20-min baseline, followed by a bolus infusion of glucose (500mg/kg). The blood glucose was sampled at regular intervals. The total volumes of the muscle, visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue were measured. Results and discussion: We found that adipose tissue composition predicted fluctuations in glucose responses to a hyperglycemic challenge of a non-human primate. Animals with higher visceral adiposity showed significantly reduced glucose elimination. The glucose responses were positively correlated with body weight, visceral and muscle fat (p<0.005). Polynomial regression analysis showed that body weight, visceral and muscle were significant predictors of serum glucose responses (p<0.001). Conclusions: These results reveal the similarity between humans and baboons with respect to glucose metabolism and strengthen the utility of baboon for biomedical research. Link: