Spring 2012 Newsletter

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science expo



4"$$5-"%6,34%)7"%+,"$*8"!)$ Welcome to the spring edition of the Science Expo News Bulletin! We are very excited to announce that Science Expo 2012 is soon taking place at the Ontario Science Center on February 25th 2012. hard at work to prepare for what promises to be an exciting day. Two years since our inception, Science Expo has grown from provincial conference. As Co-Presidents and Co-Founders of this organization, we are so proud to see what it has grown into, but it wouldn’t have been possible without the hard work of everyone involved. We would like to give a special thank you to our amazing team and the ambassadors who brought this vision to life. Even for those of you who are unable to make it out to the conference, we hope to convey some of the excitement to you through this newsletter. As you read through the articles, we hope you are inspired to take action and get involved with STEM opportunities in any way you can.

a local 2-hour event to a full day

*!)",!5(%7*-7(*-7)$ - Science Expo 2012 taking place on Feb 25th at the OSC -2nd Annual Science Expo Scholarship Awarded -Grace Wang wins Science Expo Photo Contest with 323 likes. - Science Expo reaches over 600 likes on Facebook

We started Science Expo after our last science fair competition and thought what better way to end our science fair journey than to start it for someone else. It is our hope that Science Expo will act as a catalyst in your STEM journey and help to empower your future.

- Susie Pan and Hillary Dawkins Co-Presidents, Science Expo

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*!$*8"%)7*$%*$$'" Spotlight on STEM: U of T Mentorship Program.................... 2 Word from the President: Check out ISSYP!.......................................... 3 Science Feature: Stem cells made simple................................................. 5 Tech guru talks about STEM experiences...................................... 6



science expo





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Nicholas Schiefer speaking at TedxToronto in September 2011 Jackson, Emily. Science fair gold medalist, 17, invents better way to search Internet. The Globe and Mail. Retrieved February 1, 2012 from http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/technology/science-fairgold-medalist-17-invents-better-way-to-search-internet/article2118962/

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science expo


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