About Science to Sage

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The Vision Science to Sage is dedicated to a golden age of wisdom. The goal is to weave a beautifully tapestry between the scientists, sage, alchemist, artist, inventors and innovative thinkers.

To Inform To Enlighten To Education To Inspire

Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. - Albert Einstein

The great minds of our time are bringing a new renaissance. The fusion of ideas, disciplines, and cultures has always advanced civilization, be it from the renaissance of the Middle East to Middle Ages of Europe, again, we stand at this crossroad. The new convergence of leading-edge science and ancient wisdom is bridging the heart and mind, science and spirituality, and East to West. Take a quantum leap in your understanding and unravel the mysteries. There is nothing new under the sun, it just waits our inquiry...ask and the door shall be open.

"Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality." - Carl Sagan

FOR THE CURIOUS MIND who dares to re-think!

The Tool Box The The The The The The

Book E-Zine Design Studio Events School One Hub

The Book “INsideOUT”, the book bridges core concept of new science with ancient wisdom. It is a visual guide to the wisdom of our designer universe.

InsideOUT coming soon

“The Tree of LIfe” - reveals common characteristics between the life of a tree and a human. written & Designed by Karen Elkins, inspired and most photo’s by Robin Clark.

The E-Zines Science to sage international e-zine invites us to explore core concepts from the book “INsideOUT” and beyond. Explore with innovative thinkers, new science and artists within a frame work that is themed examining across disciplines to see the interconnectedness. its smart and arty

Check us Out Click Here

Vancouver, BC edition supports local community events and artist

The Events ... meet innovative thinkers that ignite your mind, heart and spirit. Science to sage and friends events


The Design Studio ...promotes your passion and life work.

Portfolio click here

The School Science to Sage started in 2004 as the Silbury Education and Resource Centre for Gifted and Creative Learners. Our vision has always been about educating the heart, mind and spirit. Over the years we have continued to be at the leading edge of information for the curious, creative and innovative mind.

http://www.sciencetosagestudio.com/ science-to-sages-root-silbury/

The One Hub ...our goal is to bring like minded ideas, innovators and resources to a central hub.



FOR THE CURIOUS MIND who dares to re-think!

Science to sage books by Karen Elkins

InsideOUT fuses the wisdom of the ages with leading-edge science. It takes fractured ideas and weaves them into a beautiful tapestry.

InsideOUT is designed as a “coffee table� style book acting as a visual guide synthesizing complex ideas and making them simple to understand. I hope it gifts you many ah h moments as it did me.

Karen Elkins

The Book Coming Soon

A Universal Design

Art, Math & Science

A Seed of Intelligent InsideOUT the book is supported by a ... Website Resources E-Zine Events

To Engage where the mystical, the magical and the miracle of life are explored.

Science has Spirit

We Are Connected...

Revisit His story

What inspired me.... I was awakened at 4 am by a voice. I like to call it Source. It gifted me the outline for the book, guiding and inspiring me along the way. My quest was to know the heart and mind of God. As a child I always was curious about “God’s Designer Studio”. I was fascinated how he created so much variety. It

So from here you can explore some of the ways that God, the Force, the Field creates and innovates. This is what has come through to me. It seems when you have a question - events, people and “downloads/inspiration” come to the mind support your quest.

seemed as though there was an endless array of creatures, no one of kind of anything.

For the Inquiring Mind

Coming Soon

“The Tree of LIfe” - reveals common characteristics between the life of a tree and a human. written & Designed by Karen Elkins, inspired and most photo’s by Robin Clark.

Click Here For FREE E-Book

To book a Speaking Engagement Contact robin@rbc.bc.ca Design Work Contact Karen @ sciencetosage@gmail.com


smart & arty

Check us Out Click Here

Science to Sage Magazine is themed which goes in-depth to explore on the edge of the new frontiers where the science and the spirt of you meet. It is inspired by the book InsideOUT.


FOR THE CURIOUS MIND who dares to re-think!

Read More of Dr. Miceal Ledwith Articles as seen in S2S

Read more about light...as seen in S2S


View Issues Wow, it looks great.You do a really great job on this magazine Karen, I can't wait to share this on my fan page. - Cheryl Lee Harnish Karen, wow, what a nice visual collection. Clifford Pickover Thank you from Bruce, Margaret and me! Â We so appreciate what you are doing and know how much Love you put into your work! - Sally Thomas

New Perspectives

Check It Out- Free Venus Rising

Purchase Subscription 10 issues $99

6 months of Artists as seen in S2S

smart & arty

Science to Sage e-zines and its other enterprises are dedicated to a golden age of wisdom. The goal is to weave a beautifully tapestry between the scientists, sage, alchemist, artist, inventors and innovative thinkers.

Reviews ... You are an amazing artist and such an advanced consciousness. I don't know of a more beautiful and important magazine and we deeply appreciate our opportunity to be a part of it.- Foster Gamble

Your magazines are treasures. They are magnificent. I am blown away.


James L Oschman, Ph. D

...I think you took a really hard subject and made it understandable to a general audience. Good job! - Kim Gifford, Thunderbolts Project



magazine of


proportion that will stir the vital essence of each one of us with contributions from Dear Konstantin, Pollack and many more visionaries of our time. - Krishna


Congratulations my friend!!!

These are so amazing!!! - Pete

Events for your senses

Events on-line

Expand Your Mind...

Articles by Dr. Joe Dispenza as seen in S2S

Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times Freddy Silva始s articles as seen in S2S


Design Studio

Portfolio click here

Science to Sage Design Studio organizes events, create marketing materials: Ads, flyers, and e-zines for Events, or destination, as well as catalogues for products. www.sciencetosage.com sciencetosage@gmail.com

E-Zines tailored for you & Social Media Brochures Event Promotion Travel Products Programs Services Tour India

Vision Portfolio click here


Miracle Edition

Releases Book Launches

Silbury Education & Resource Center

http://www.sciencetosagestudio.com/ science-to-sages-root-silbury/

Science to Sage started in 2004 as the Silbury Education and Resource Centre for Gifted and Creative Learners. Our vision has always been about educating the heart, mind and spirit. Over the years we have continued to be at the leading edge of information for the curious, creative and innovative mind. Our e-magazine, Science to Sage International, is faithful to the original spirit of Silbury’s courses. The e-magazine is themed so you can see the interconnectedness across disciplines; it honuors the creative side of life, and encourages you to explore the wonders of our universe and your own place in it.

Wisdom... If We Only Knew... How beautiful we are, The Grandness of the universal design, The Creativity we are meant to express, The Power we possess, The Gifts we hold.... and the stories we have been told.

Vision Science to sage is a vision of Karen Elkins

www.sciencetosage.com sciencetosage@gmail.com

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