The Awakening Awareness Process

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Awareness Process

The Process The Awareness The Experience 1 of 64

By Sperry Andrews 
 Design by Karen Elkins

The Process The Awareness The Experience

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Awakening ‘my’ Awareness Playing Zorro, I dared to walk out on a tree limb at the age of four to learn to “save the day’ and understand my mother’s grief when her parents took their lives. The branch broke and landed on my heart. In a near-death experience, there was only deathless consciousness, with no body, heart, or mind, and no sense of self, ‘informed’ by absolute stillness in complete silence as an unbounded imageless awakeness. The ‘presence of this absence’ has never faded. It is as ‘real’ today - as it was then.

futile and can go on endlessly promising to make life behave the way one’s ego imagines it should. When filled only with the knowledge of these thoughts and things, ‘my’ mind cannot begin to know or revel in the actual integrity of an imageless choiceless awakening. By being aware of awareness itself (e.g. conscious awareness), I have found that ‘our’ best qualities can be amplified far beyond what ‘most of us’ have known how to experience. Life can be effortless.

As cells in the body of humanity, it seems ‘all of our’ creativity, freedom, love, and mutual understanding depends entirely on how well we pay attention. We may notice that what we pay attention to determines who and what we experience ourselves to be, suffering attraction and avoidance as pleasure and pain when we do not perceive the indivisible nature of existence. Yet, by utilizing our capacity to be awake-as-awareness together, our perceptions become far more organized. As the incomparably unique perceptual faculties of a universal body, heart, and mind, a conscious collective intelligence, with altruistic motivations, innately loves and respects ‘our’ mutual understanding.

‘It’ has tirelessly assisted this human body, heart, and mind to learn about this quality of awakeness or, by degrees, feel “fragmented” by my own, and ‘our’ collective unconsciousness — as follows: 
 This ‘I’ has found, individual and collective attention can be exclusively organized by ideas and activities. Yet, whenever attention is allowed to become overly identified with these fragments of a greater whole, a mindmade ‘ego’ tries to take control of these pieces of experience - to create a “peace” that is missing. This trying is 3 of 64

‘Awakeness’ appears…

…whenever our awareness, is relatively uncluttered by unnecessary thoughts and imagery. Then, it (can) serve as a mirror – uniting, transforming, and evolving our capacity for insight, as well as mutual understanding, allowing true love and wholehearted awe to spontaneously and effortlessly arise. 
 By sharing awakeness, the delusions of separation dissolve, enlightening our selves, and - by extension - all of humankind. This simple way of being together has reliably allowed anyone interested to experience this mirror-like ‘awakeness’ with others. Forty years of experiential research has shown, we (can) successfully collaborate on awakening to our own primordial nature. By being awake, as both one and many, the relative (that which must change) becomes conscious of the absolute (that which WE ALL ARE that is eternal - which cannot change). 4 of 64

Johannes Plenio

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 we (can) simply allow awareness to reveal what is received and reflected. It is like a perfectly polished ‘mirror’ that has no image of its own. What arises (can) be experienced in you and also within ‘others.' 7 of 64

What is it like for awareness to be aware of itself?

 celebrates ‘us'
 the moment it’s 
 consciously observed. 8 of 64

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Sharing Consciousness Consciously

Conscious observers are aware 
 of receiving and reflecting 
 as both One and Many.

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Orchestrating Awareness

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Avoiding the “VOID” and “SELF” Discovery Our key to understanding how nonexistence could incorporate all the countless forms we know and love begins with recognizing the difference between geometric structures defined by the arrangement of points in space and imagining the unimaginable, a Void with no geometry, no points, no space, and no time. It is exciting to intuitively sense how one can flow into the other and back again. Surely, by itself alone, ‘nothing’ would continue to be nothing at all. Yet taking into account that this universe may well be a scientific validation that something can come from nothing, a case is made for furthering future research. When “dead,” I (Sperry) had no body, heart, or mind. There were no images or thoughts and no objects. Yet, this ‘I’ still ‘existed’ as awareness itself. There was no ‘me,’ no mind-identified form to confuse who and what I had been and would always be. This ‘I’ has had thousands of such epiphanies since then. “When you are both alive and dead, how superb the smallest pleasure.” - Bunan Even though the formless awareness ‘I’ was then is still who ‘I’ am now, it has not always been easy for a ‘me' to embody or comprehend the unconditional love that appears to arise as if from nowhere. When unaligned, ‘my’ mind wants to know: “What is this love that loves? This love that makes us one: I in you—you in me?” Countless others may have asked this same question, as there are now thousands of children and millions of adults who have reported having had near death experiences (NDEs). Some researchers have asked if humanity might be adapting—to better manage the limitations of social (self-centric) fragmentation. Having spent decades of time and attention contemplating how wholly interdependent existence and nonexistence appear to be, it has been more than a little frightening to face the fact that ‘we’ have been here for thousands of generations, yet so few seem to have experienced or understood where we have come from, where we are now, or how we can get to where are we going. Perhaps nothing can flow into being something and then return to being nothing at all without changing ‘its’ essential nature? As an analogy, waterfalls are examples of gravity attracting a liquid to fall toward the center of the earth, while the heat of the sun causes the water to evaporate, forming clouds that rain back down, making waterfalls possible. This closely resembles Douglas Hofstadter’s concept of a “strange loop”—a path taken through a hierarchical system that eventually puts us back in the place where we started. Hofstadter argues that strange loops are a key tool in understanding how consciousness operates. What if an unchanging absence (or nothingness) causes the evolution of “something” to be impermanent? Can there be an end with no beginning?

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I Witness

In to Me, I See.

It is said the gateway to the soul is through the eyes, as this is where one’s love and fear reside. It takes courage, vulnerability and a willingness to open, to let one’s wounds arise. It has been through “awakened awareness” and the piercing clarity, insight, and expansive space of these processes that re-present and allow a clearing to be witnessed in each and every instant. Staying present is easier said than done. Internally there can be a tug of war between what is felt and what is ‘real.' We bump up against ‘our own’ conditioning, rules and restrictions that reside inside. Many do not want to be seen, as they have not known it’s safe to be seen and witnessed. This is an invitation to the “Awakening of Awareness” that ‘We all’ can be seen and set free. Karen Elkins 15 of 64



Relaxing our focus requires effortless awareness, rapport, and the presence of undivided attention. We experience what it takes to listen carefully to someone. Moment-by-moment, we explore an ever deeper sense of rapport which - in turn - alters our understanding of what it means to be conscious with an ‘other.’ The more completely we share a sense of undivided attention with another BEING, the more we share a sense of breathing together, of feeling together.

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What’s hidden 
 under the surface? Are you feeling worthy? Do you want to ‘please’? Are you able to share?

This is a subtle process. It requires a deepening sense of relaxation and the gradual development of

"effortless concentration" 17 of 64

The Process Build rapport by sustaining eye contact with each partner. Speak solely about sharing sensations and emotions--giving less attention to thoughts and intuitions - for the time being - as we explore the nature of perception its Self. Instead of being focused by our imagination, a stream of interconnected ideas or coordinated physical activity, we focus on building rapport 
 while taking turns attempting to describe what is beyond words - our experience of being ‘a byproduct’ of awareness. 18 of 64



“A tte al ly




pr se ov pa id ra es te th fe e at ‘g ur lu es e’ th in at to in un te ita gr ry at ob es je ct s” 19 of 64

Our perceptions only occur indivisibly in the moment. When our so-called ‘conscious mind’ is fully present and integrated with this immediacy, we can experience unconditional love.

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Self Realization 

Relationships are profoundly freed by the ease of mutual understanding. True individuality is emerges from sharing our actual unity. 21 of 64

The Process By immersing our selves in an ever more
 sensitively shared rapport, we increase our ability to empathize with and become All ‘others.’ Our minds and bodies serve as a lens as do our eyes and ears for attending to whatever we choose to notice. We clearly seem designed to receive, reflect, and be whatever we attend to. 22 of 64

The Awareness 23 of 64

“These are no strangers at all… but rather, extensions of my self!/Self.” - G.D.

The Process We speak only about what we perceive to be shared, as it is occurring in the moment. We trust that a perception that seems to be shared with at least one other person, actually is. We name the person(s) with whom we seem to be sharing a perception.

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The Awareness As the fog of separation begins to lift, a brilliant yellow light seems to descend into our innermost vision.

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The Process Create a safe and powerful space for love-in-action to happen. We play this dance to 
 become more unconditionally loving, 
 we discover that undivided attention, when focused on itself,
 IS unconditional love.

Sustain person-to-person soft-focus eye contact.

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Anchor in what you are…

The Awareness By sharing awareness consciously together, we awaken to who and what we all truly are, karmically tasked as incomparably unique individual 'selves' to mutually understand one another and permanently establish our access to an ‘enlightening’ universal intelligence. 28 of 64

Awake ‌as awareness its Self, 

the illusions of separation


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“Our heart hopes more hearts will connect this way, breaking down long-established boundaries of separation ... and in that space of the Void, this amazing miracle happens, words do not get twisted. My sincerest desire is that many more of us will participate in this radically simple, amazingly effective means of connecting – consciously and lovingly. …I am so astonished at the depth of connection that I felt/feel. Really life-changing. Now I've felt the shade of Love so strongly, I don't want to walk in the sun anymore!” - G.D.

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Mirror-like Awakeness 31 of 64

The Process … speak in present tense only, reminding anyone who refers to the past or future, by saying “past” or “future”

being what is now

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“The Seeing is the Doing.” 
 - J. Krishnamurti

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“Our conscious conversation simply and gently, yet profoundly, revealed the truth that all of humanity has been seeking forever. In just a few minutes, as Sperry pointed our awareness to awareness itself, the illusion of separation began to dissolve. My sense of having a separate body melted in the warm, delicious energy that engulfed the whole group. Thoughts had no power and floated by like clouds. Emotions transformed into what I experienced to be the empty fullness spoken of by the sages, or eternal Love itself. The embodiment of what cannot adequately be spoken of happened. It was blissful, and once experienced, nothing can or will ever be the same. This is a life changing event.”
 - Judy Woodrow, editor

welcoming what we all are

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We find all our unmet needs within the heart of awareness

Acknowledge, liberate and set yourself free.

Make no effort.
 Allow yourself to feel 
 what you are avoiding. This unlocks the lock to what has not been
 felt or integrated.

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Shadowy areas of ourselves begin to integrate with our preferred masks.

Typically we go through several stages of clarity and chaos on our journey to awareness. Consider your shadow is what you are embarrassed and/or ashamed of. 
 What do you not want others to see?

Avoid using unnecessarily complicated concepts including judgments and comparisons

“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” — Carl Jung

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We may intuit or feel what is happening in the group as a whole and express it. It is not uncommon to notice mixed feelings in the group. For example, there might be a sense of awkwardness as well as a sense of relaxation, fear and, also, heartfelt love, a holding back as well as a letting go. We have learned to look outside our 'selves'
 for awareness, when all we need to do is 
 be aware of what we sense and feel.

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Why do I have so little control? What are my unconscious limiting beliefs?  
 By allowing awareness to reveal the answers, my unconscious can be felt and understood. 41 of 64

encourages interactive, energetic, and authentic communication and creativity to emerge effortlessly. 

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“The barriers between us melted, 
 and we came into a co-creative flow. 
 In this space, we were completely free from inhibition, doubt, judgment, or fear. We had access to much higher levels of understanding, compassion, wisdom, and trust. It seems that this quality of experience prevents miscommunication, misunderstanding, and conflict that can arise. A person or situation we re-act to is mirroring what we need to heal within ourselves. These mirrored moments reveal hidden patterns, bringing clarity for one to witness and release.” - S.L.

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We re-invent ‘what is’ and imagine what has never existed. How well we pay attention, as well as what we pay attention to, 45 of 64

determines how we are, what we can do, and who we become.

Silence is always ok, yet remember the main point of this exercise is to allow ourselves to share undivided attention while speaking and moving.

When we say what we are sensing and feeling, we learn to express what we are experiencing.

This integrates our heart, body and mind as a whole.

While this process is enjoyable, even ridiculous at times, laughter grinning, and joking-- especially at the beginning--tend to dissipate our ability to concentrate on the ENERGY of undivided attention. 46 of 64

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“I feel a sense of peace inside of myself that is unsurpassed.”

Avoid excluding the group by escaping into your inner space. 
 Anyone can say, “So,” to anyone else, or to the group as a whole, 
 if there is prolonged silence. We want to invite 
 our ‘selves' and one another to be fully felt and seen.

Each person takes a turn. When not speaking, we’re listening. 
 As a result, we are silent a majority of the time. We share awareness as if we were looking into a mirror together. 
 We want to come out of ourselves and share ourselves with each other. This is about being transparent and not about control. 
 Only by being what we are, openly and honestly, 
 can we learn to trust and feel safe with each other.

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When was the last time you REALLY looked into someones eyes? Did you see the mirror of their soul. Did they take you beyond? Did you lose yourself in their space?

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When we are aware of awarenesses acting as a mirror the less vulnerable we are. 
 Two way mirrors can also show us o ur flip side.

The pain of the past can show up as over compensation as a narcissist or an empath. This dance seeks balance, as over- giving or over-taking…entitled or not , it is just the flip side of the coin. Both seek one thing… acceptance 
 and love. 50 of 64

What Am I Being? How Am I Showing Up?

We cannot know true freedom if we are suffering from an overactive imagination.

51 of 64 Nasty Gepp/Pixabay

“When I witnessed 
 my ‘self’ as “this one” my prism, my lens, was a prison, and I was the making of my mind. 
 I was confined by my conditioning, 
 reflecting and projecting,
 repeating patterns, and
 these matters in my mind. Through this witnessing and presence, it opened up my world, my mind. I became more expansive and illusions began to dissolve and resolve deconstructing the walls of my mind. “ - Karen Elkins 52 of 64

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“Sitting with this sensory emotion, I felt it shift to a peaceful stillness, Love beyond all Love. The body called self, became as no-self. The feeling of vastness with all beings emerged into a Oneness. And the Light that enveloped my experience manifested into no-thing, a Void that was filled with Bliss. I have had a near death experience and found in it, clarity of who we really are, yet, this evening, I have discovered a newness of what it means to create and co-create our Evolutionary Story.” 
 - S.Murray.

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Be Still in the ALL

“I experienced in true essence, 
 the core truth of what we are as Universal Beings. It shifted to an awareness that my heart was opening and in it was, a knowing. I could feel thoughts, concepts, images and information transforming into the "Be Still" 
 that is all-knowing” - S.M. 55 of 64

We re-invent ‘what is’ and imagine what has never existed. How well we pay attention, as well as what we pay attention to, determines how we are, what we can do, and who we become.

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“You are where your attention takes you. In fact, you are your attention. If your attention is fragmented you are fragmented. When your attention is in the past, you are in the past. When your attention is in the present moment, you are in the Presence of God and God is present in you. Let yourself die to all that does not really exist and discover what does. Let go of all you think you know.� ~ Ken Carey 57 of 64

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Endless Possibilities

Integrating individual and collective consciousness into an unfolding flow, we're now vitally alive as an ever awakening awareness, co-creating with every form, wherein we are tasked with insight and intensity to support a world that works for everyone.

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Tuesday 3-4:30 Pm Thursday 6-7:30 Sunday 11-12:30
 Pacific Time

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Free Booklet Click Here 61 of 64

Brooke : Sperry is a delight to be with joyful, deep, transparent, open hearted, warm, generous, intelligent, compassionate and fun. Being in one of his groups is to be joyously invited and effortlessly led into the space of deep Peace, Love and relaxation that we know to be our essential nature. His heart felt warmth, unconditional love, intuitive knowing and spacious, embodied Presence create the space for anyone to join and truly share in a unified field of Truth, mystery, emptiness, fullness, Light and much more... He brings hope and promise for the world to find liberation and to know and embody this Love together as a collective whole. I wholeheartedly recommend spending time with him!

Stacy : What I really admire about Sperry's Vision is the Passion and Knowing he embodies to bring it to all humanity. I often reflect on the lessons and expansive experiences gleaned during our creative time together. It was because of his dedication and unshakable faith in Humanity, that his work is an integral part of the whole. He continues to inspire me to BE the spirit we are. – Stacy Lynn Floyd, Life and Health Coach

- Brooke Hall, Brooke Hall, Marriage &

John : I have known and worked with Sperry for several years. He has an amazing skill of bringing groups of strangers into an effortless rapport in a very brief period of time. The depth of connection and spontaneous harmony that this process evokes with ease and rapidity, is remarkable. On numerous occasions I have observed large groups of people come into rapid consensus and resolve formerly "unsolvable" interpersonal problems. As a business owner myself, I recommend Sperry's work as a simple, skillful method of getting teams on the same page and headed in the same direction.

Family Therapist

Paul : As a Senior Program Manager in the c o m p u t e r i n d u s t r y, I h a v e fi r s t h a n d experience working with high performance teams. With limited resources and tight deadlines, team synergy is crucial. Sperry’s work enables every participant to experience a deep connection with every other participant. I’ve found that this promotes mutual respect as well as the dropping of the façade that causes separation. Sperry’s work experientially promotes an immediate shift in consciousness, enabling a higher level of group alignment and synergy essential to competing in our fiercely competitive environment. Highly recommended for team development !

- Paul Simons, PMP – Sr. Program Mgr.

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- John Lumiere-Wins, Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy, MFTintern, Master Brainwave Optimization Technologist, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, Certified Hypnotherapist

TESTIMONIALS: for the Group Insight Game and Sharing Awareness Consciously Together Paul : As a Senior Program Manager in the c o m p u t e r i n d u s t r y, I h a v e fi r s t h a n d experience working with high performance teams. With limited resources and tight deadlines, team synergy is crucial. Sperry’s work enables every participant to experience a deep connection with every other participant. I’ve found that this promotes mutual respect as well as the dropping of the façade that causes separation. Sperry’s work experientially promotes an immediate shift in consciousness, enabling a higher level of group alignment and synergy essential to competing in our fiercely competitive environment. Highly recommended for team development !

Richard : Sperry Andrews’ approach to facilitating collective and mindful group consciousness is vital for bringing together and empowering people in everyday venues, as well as in business settings and corporate cultures. I have experienced first-hand how simple yet powerful Sperry’s approach is, and how it can easily be applied across diverse settings and populations. His process enables insight to spontaneously arise in a spirit of openness and conscious communication that facilitates people moving forward to implement creative solutions to individual and group movements. I wish every person, business, and corporate culture would integrate and implement Sperry’s work into the everyday hum of both workplace culture and personal life. His work encourages interactive, energetic, and authentic communication and creativity to emerge effortlessly.

- Paul Simons, PMP – Sr. Program Mgr. Jocelyn : Conscious Conversation with Sperry Andrews is an uncomplicated, accessible experience. The container formed by the process is inviting, safe and flexible: there is adequate structure and agreement to focus awareness and ample flexibility for emergence. The process is so direct and clear that no one needs any prior experience to be able to access the collective, meditative field or to participate in sustaining it by expressing their awareness in the moment. It calls one into openheartedness and playfulness as well as into authenticity and clarity. It is affirming, revelatory and inspires great hope for our capacity to walk in profound connectedness to source with every breath of our co-creating life. 
 Jocelyn Rasmussen, Professional Singer

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- Richard Miller, PhD. Psychologist, President of the Integrative Restoration Institute, author of The iRest Program for Healing PTSD



ONLINE GATHERINGS BOOK A GROUP SESSION Sperry Andrews – Research Partner CQ-i Consciousness Quotient Institute

Sperry Andrews, co-director Human Connection Institute

82-84 Emanoil Porumbaru St., Suite 2 Bucharest, 011428, Romania Tel: # 505-629-0700 (USA)

Lifeboat Foundation

Design by Karen Elkins

Advisory Board Member Philosophy and Media-Arts 64 of 64

Photo’s by Unsplash & Pixabay

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