Sept 15-16: Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.
berkeley springs 

Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles 

Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. September 15 - 16, 2018 2 Day Seminar, Sat & Sun
TOPICS: đ&#x;’Ą Dispelling the Myth of Genes

9 am - 5 pm
 Seminar $180
đ&#x;’Ą BluePrint or Environment?
The Star Theatre
đ&#x;’Ą Fall of Darwinism
Congress and N. Washington Streets Berkeley Springs, West Virgina
đ&#x;’Ą Quantum Biophysics
 đ&#x;’Ą Biology of the Mind
 đ&#x;’Ą Power of the Subconscious 


 Journey into the heart of consciousness
fallline up
SEPTEMBER 15-16, 2018
Bruce Lipton Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., cell biologist and lecturer, is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. Bruce was on the faculty of the University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine and later performed groundbreaking stem cell research at Stanford University. He is the bestselling author of The Biology of Belief, Spontaneous Evolution, coauthored with Steve Bhaerman, and more recently, The Honeymoon Effect. Bruce received the prestigious Goi Peace Award (Japan) in honor of his scientific contribution to world harmony.
OCTOBER 13 -14 2018
Dr. Eben Alexander
Karen Newell
JOURNEY INTO THE HEART OF CONSCIOUSNESS Eben Alexander, MD, was an academic neurosurgeon for over 25 years, including 15 years at t h e B r i g h a m & Wo m e n ’s Hospital, Children’s Hospital, and Harvard Medical School in Boston. He has a passionate interest in physics and cosmology. He is the author of the New York Times #1 bestseller Proof of Heaven, The Map of Heaven and Living in a Mindful Universe.
Karen Newell has spent a lifetime seeking wisdom through esoteric t e a c h i n g s a n d fi r s t h a n d experience exploring realms of consciousness. She empowers others by demonstrating how to connect to inner guidance, achieve inspiration, improve wellness and develop intuition. She is co-founder of Sacred Acoustics, and co-author with Dr. Eben Alexander of Living in a Mindful Universe (Rodale, 2017).
FutureEdition PostScript
JOHN L PETERSEN John L. Petersen is considered by many to be one of the most informed futurists in the world. He is best-known for writing and thinking about high impact surprises—wild cards— and the process of surprise anticipation. His current professional involvements include the development of sophisticated tools for anticipatory analysis and surprise anticipation, longrange strategic planning and helping leadership design new approaches for dealing with the future.
Host/Futurist - John L. Petersen
Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.
Page 4
What Controls the Fate of the Cell?
The Why? - Pages 6-7
Pages 12-13
2018 Bruce H. Lipton, Sept 15-16 Frontier Science is Shattering Old Myths - - Pages 8-9 Dr. Eben Alexander & Karen Newell October 13-14 The Hearts Journey - Pages 16–17 Paul H. Smith Ph.D. - Nov 17 Gateway to a New Paradigm? John L. Petersen - Dec 15 2019 Linda Mouton Howe - Mar 16
event Series
Gregg Braden - Oct 2019 Evidence For a New Human Story? Who Are We? about berkeley Springs Links — Lodging, Dining, Sports etc. Pages 10-11
Rapid Healing or Extinction Pages 14—15 What Parents Should Know Pages 42-43 Gregg Braden Evidence For a New Human Story? Who Are We? Pages 22-30 Dr. Joe Dispenza What does the Spike in the Schumann Resonance mean? Pages 34-59 Live Kryon / Lee Carroll “The Year of Illumination 2018” Pages 44-55 John L Petersen Wild Cards and Trends Pages 58 Store
Page 20-21
Futurist John L. Petersen, specializes in thinking about global futures and trying to influence rapid, positive change. transition

We encourage systemic, non-linear approaches to planning and believe that effective thinking about the future is enhanced by applying newly emerging technology. Therefore, we strive to be agents of change by creating intellectual frameworks & tool-sets for understanding the transition in which we are living. TAI believes that we are living in an era of global transition, to a degree that our species has never seen before. The exponential increase of human knowledge, and the acceleration of its application through technology, is propelling humanity towards a new era of thought and endeavor. Society, science, ecology and commerce are converging at the intersection of danger and opportunity. A complexity and unpredictability that is beyond our past experience characterize the challenges at hand. If humanity's preferred future is to be realized, new tools for strategic planning and problem solving must be invented and combined. We must think differently.
We have made it our mission to help facilitate this transition, and to connect and associate with like-minded people so that we may together embrace the opportunities of this future. In the broadest sense, we help leadership from all sectors chart the most direct course to preferred futures by: •
• • • •
Tracking and evaluating major scientific, technological, social, demographic, and environmental forces that drive change Conducting future-focused studies and initiatives Exploring how trends might crosscut in significant ways Cataloging potential 'wildcards' - low probability high impact events Helping leadership translate information - from data to scenarios - into mental maps by which to guide decision making and build sophisticated organizational visions
EVENT: SEPTEMBER 15-16, 2018
Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. Sept 14-16 Frontier science is shattering old myths and rewriting the fundamental beliefs of human civilization. A “new” biology takes us beyond economic collapse, climate change, religious extremes, and the impending 6th mass extinction event, to reveal that such chaos is a natural step in an unfolding process, rather than the tragic end to a broken planet.. While today’s headlines may make you wonder about the fate of our planet, here is some news that may surprise you: from an evolutionary standpoint, we are exactly where we need to be. We are surrounded by the proof that we are poised on the threshold of a major evolutionary
event, the emergence of a new, giant superorganism called Humanity. To help navigate this turbulent period in our planet’s history, cell biologist and bestselling author, Bruce H. Lipton will take you on a fast paced multimedia journey from the microcosm of the cell to the macrocosm of the mind. The new science of how developmental programming, consciousness, and spirituality interface biology reveals how our thoughts, attitudes and beliefs create the conditions of our body and our place in the world.
Topics provided in this presentation include, among others: Dispelling the Myth of Genes—How the Human Genome Project represents a turning point in human • evolution The Fall of Darwinism and the Rise of Conscious Evolution—How why consciousness and cooperation are as • crucial as competition to our survival and growth Quantum Biophysics—Where mind and matter meet new links between two branches of sciences that will • astonish and inspire you Epigenetics—The “new” empowering science of how environment and our perceptions of life control gene • activity Telomeres—Activating the “fountain of youth” within our cells • Stress and Disease—Understanding the cycle of stress and how it is responsible for up to 90% of disease • The Revealing Biology of Consciousness and Mind—Reclaiming our spiritual, physical and emotional • wellbeing The Power of the Subconscious Mind—Reprogramming your deeply ingrained patterns to live the life you • want The Scientific Foundation—for the necessity of merging allopathic, complementary and spiritual healing • modalities
Fall Series1
Recent advances in epigenetics, cell biology, quantum biophysics and fractal geometry profoundly revise our fundamental beliefs about human biology and planetary evolution.
Berkeley springs 
Weekend escape BATHTUB
George Washington
What Controls the Fate of the Cells? The culture medium, environment, the chemistry. genes. We said the genes control us. I say,
Yes, not the
No, wait.
They were all exact same genes so the difference between muscle, bone and fat cells was not determined by the genes, they all had the same genes. It was determined by the environment. Now look in the mirror and what do you see back? An individual entity. You see yourself as single individual, human entity. It’s a misperception of a singleness for this reason.
Here’s the true bottom line. Click to READ
You are made up to fifty trillion cells. Your body is a community. The cells are the living entity. When I say your name or I say Bruce, that’s a name I give to a community of fifty trillion cells. The cells again are those single living entity. Here’s the point. Jokey but fun and true. You are skin covered petri dish. Underneath your skin are fifty
Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.
trillion cells growing in this petri dish.
Then what’s the growth medium? What? We’re already great on that (Previous Writings). Yeah, but if you change the chemical composition of the blood then you change the fate of the cells. That’s what I showed in the plastic dish to the cell. It doesn’t make a difference if the cells in the plastic dish or the skin dish, it’s still response to the chemical composition of the culture medium, the blood. Now, we’re coming to … Here’s the critical point. Fifty trillion cells, the fate of the cells is determined by the chemistry of the blood.
EVENT: SEPTEMBER 15-16, 2018
Then the next question is, who’s the chemist?
Who controls what chemistry’s in the blood? Is it the brain? The brain is a chemist. Yeah, but now get’s one exciting part, here it comes. What chemistry should the brain put into the blood? Ah, it’s dependent on the mind. The mind does an interpretation of the world and then through that interpretation the brain releases chemistry to coordinate you in the world that you see so that your biology is continuously being adjusted by the chemistry of the blood
which is continuously changing based on your perceptions of life.
EVENT: SEPTEMBER 15-16, 2018
Globally we are at the moment of diagnosis on the planet!
We are standing in front of the doctor and they are telling us we are entering the sixth mass extinction. The shock of this has the potential to have humanity dig deeper than imagined and write a completely new program, unleashing a rapid healing response across the globe.
Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.
How do we change our programs into our wishes and desires? 1. Hypnosis This is the way we learned our programs in the first 7 years of life. During this time the mind is operating in a low vibrational frequency like hypnosis. The theta state is very receptive
We are not victims of
and we do this two time every day before falling asleep and just before waking up.
anything other than
2. Repetition
the programs we are
Through repetition and the creation of "habits," the primary way we acquire subconscious programs after age 7. This can't just be sticky notes on the mirror. This must be felt and
operating from.
experienced. This can be difficult if we are experiencing great contrast to the thing we want.
Change the programs you
Remember habits are by repeating something over and over and over again. Practicing, repeating, practicing!
are operating from. If
3. Energy Psychology (aka super learning)
your subconscious
New belief modification programs that engage the brain's super-learning processes, allowing programs to be changed within minutes. Resources here and at the bottom.
programs match the
4. High Impact Events
wishes and desires of the
An individual may rapidly rewrite programs after an overwhelming or psychologically-
conscious mind, your life
traumatizing life experience (e.g., being diagnozed with a terminal illness). Read more here What's the catch and last piece of the puzzle?! Being Fully Present.
will be one continuous
Through the above four processes, we can rewrite destructive programs that occupy our
honeymoon experience
subconscious field. All of us, yes including you, can safely and easily rewrite limiting subconscious programs using one of four fundamental ways to install new subconscious
(The Honeymoon
Effect) for as long as you
Resources that facilitate rewriting limiting subconscious beliefs, go to other-resources#belief-change
live on this planet.
 JOURNEY INTO THE HEART OF CONSCIOUSNESS Transcending the limitations of the human brain, and of the physical-material realm, allows us to recognize the fundamental truth of our underlying nature. Accessing this infinite awareness enables us to integrate the soul’s journey into our lives here on earth. Decisions, directions, choices and outcomes are transformed through this greater awareness. Through meditation, strengthened heart connections and soul perspective, we can learn to live beyond the illusion, knowing that the answers truly lie within us all.
Berkeley springs
directions to the Ice house access profound insight from personal
best-selling author of Proof of Heaven, and
experience. Any true vision of health must
Karen Newell, co-founder of Sacred Acoustics,
include not only the physical, mental, and
for an illuminating workshop with insights,
emotional realms, but, most importantly, the
discussions, and experiential explorations
through sound meditation and heart activation – to deepen the connection to your soul’s
Becoming aware of the reality of consciousness
journey and how it interrelates with all of
and the binding force of love will lead to
evolving consciousness. Using advanced tools
unprecedented individual growth and
developed by Sacred Acoustics, we will
understanding. As each of us discovers our
e x p e r i e n c e g ro u p s o u n d j o u r n e y s t o
soul’s true purpose, together we can shift the
experience our own connection to inner
current predominant world paradigm into one
knowing and the deeper realities of our
that acknowledges the oneness and
existence. We explore the heart’s crucial role in
interconnectedness of all.
moving us away from the linguistic brain to
Fall Series2
Join Eben Alexander MD, New York Times
I see God as the Creator and prime mover of all that is, at the core of each and every one of us. I see consciousness as fundamental in the universe – all of the observable physical universe emerges from the Collective Mind, the consciousness that originates in God. In deepest truth, there are no actual boundaries between God and us and the entire universe — apparent boundaries are part of the Supreme Illusion that the world “out there” is actually “out there.”
"The knower of the mystery of sound knows the mystery of the whole universe." — Hazrat Inayat Khan
Proof of Heaven

NEW EVIDENCE FOR A NEW HUMAN STORY! Based upon Gregg Braden’s new book Human By Design: From Evolution By Chance To Transformation By Choice
following 5,000 years of recorded history and technological achievements that stagger the imagination, we have yet to answer the most basic question of our existence with certainty. The question is simply “Who are we?” Our answer to this question permeates each moment of our lives. It forms the perceptual eyes—the filters— through which we see other people, the world, and most importantly, ourselves. For example, when we think of ourselves as separate from our bodies, we approach the healing process feeling like powerless victims of an experience that we have no control over. Conversely, recent discoveries confirm that when we approach life knowing that our bodies are designed to repair, rejuvenate, and heal, this shift in perspective creates the chemistry in our cells that mirrors our belief.
Fall Oct 2019
Who Are We?
In what may be the greatest irony of our lives,
Origins? Who am I?
Our Origin: Why It Matters Our self-esteem, self-worth, sense of confidence, wellbeing, and safety each stem directly from the way we think of ourselves, and our origin, in the world. From the person we say yes to when it comes to choosing a life partner and how long our relationship lasts once we create it, to what jobs we feel worthy of accepting, the most important decisions we’ll ever make in life are each based in the way we answer the simple, timeless question “Who are we?”
opinions of their peers that make them feel like their life is worthless. On a larger scale, the way we think of ourselves as individuals determines how countries create the borders to separate them, and how a government justifies sending its army across those borders onto the land, and into the homes, of people in another nation. When we think about it, our answer to this most basic question—“Who are we?”—is at the core of everything
On a more spiritual level, our answer creates the
we do and defines all that we cherish. It’s precisely
foundation for the way we view our relationship with
because the way we think of ourselves plays such a vital
God. It even justifies our thinking when it comes to trying
role in our lives that we owe it to ourselves to answer this
to save a human life, and when we choose to end one.
question as truthfully and honestly as possible. This
The way we think of ourselves is reflected in what we teach our children as well. When their delicate sense of self-worth is threatened by relentless bullying from rivals and classmates, for example, it’s their answer to “Who am I?” that either gives them the strength to heal their hurt and ignore the bullying, or to succumb to the
includes taking into consideration every source of information available to us, from the leading edge science of today to the wisdom of 5,000 years of human experience. This also includes changing the existing story when new discoveries give us the reasons to do so.
Over 150 years ago, geologist Charles Darwin published a paradigm-shattering book titled On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. His book was intended to provide the scientific explanation for the complexity of life that we see today. In one of the great ironies of the modern world, since Darwin’s time, the very science that was expected to support his theory, and eventually solve life’s mysteries, has done just the opposite. The most recent discoveries are revealing facts that fly in the face of longstanding scientific tradition when it comes to human evolution. Among these facts are the following.
Why We Need a New Story
Fact 1: The dashed lines shown on the conventional human evolutionary tree that connect one fossil to another and lead to modern humans at the top are not based on existing physical evidence. While these relationships are believed to exist, they have never been proven, and are described as inferred or speculative relationships. Fact 2: Modern humans arose suddenly on Earth approximately 200,000 years ago, with the advanced features that set us apart from all other known forms of life already developed. Fact 3: Advanced genome analysis reveals that the DNA that sets us apart from other life is the result of a number of ancient, mysterious, and precise processes occurring 200,000 years ago. These include the fusion of ancestral chromosomes that resulted in human chromosome 2, our advanced neo-cortex, and the uniquely human capacities it allows for, including logic, self-healing, sympathy, empathy, and compassion.
New Evidence! The popular story that’s being shared in our classrooms and textbooks today leads us to believe we’re insignificant beings that began as a rare stroke of biological luck long ago, then endured 200,000 years of brutal competition and “survival of the strongest” only to discover that we’re powerless victims in a hostile world of separation, competition, and conflict. The facts listed previously, which are based upon peer-reviewed science, however, now suggest something very different. The processes they describe cannot be accounted for by evolution theory alone, at least not as we know it today. It’s for this reason that we need a new story to accommodate the new evidence. Or conversely, we need to follow the evidence we already have to the new story that it tells.
“survival of the strongest”
New Discoveries Mean a New Story
A growing body of evidence suggests that we are
The power of the new human story may help us
the product of something more than random mutations and
bring true and lasting healing to the racial hate, the sexual
lucky biology. But the evidence can only go so far. The
violence, the religious intolerance, the plague of terrorism
fossils, DNA, ancient cave art, and human burials can only
and other devastating challenges that are sweeping the
show us the remnants of what happened in the past. They
Earth today. To do anything less is simply to place a “Band-
cannot tell us why those things happened. Unless we find a
Aid” on the emotional wound that creates these
way to travel backward in time, the truth is that we may
expressions of fear.
never know the complete “why” of what has made our existence possible. But maybe we don’t need to know. Maybe it’s not
For the first time in the 300-year-long history
necessary to have that level of detail for us to shift the way
of science, we’re writing a new human story that
we think about ourselves and change our lives. The discovery that we are the product of something more than evolution—very likely a conscious and intelligent act of creation—may be all we need to point us in a new, honest, and healthy direction when it comes to the human story. The undeniable fact is that something happened 200,000 years ago that left us with the extraordinary abilities of intuition, compassion, empathy, self-love, selfhealing on-demand, and more. We owe it to ourselves to embrace the evidence, the story it tells, and the healing that it can bring to our lives.
gives us a new answer to the uniquely human question:
“Who are we?”
Gregg Braden is a five-time New York Times best-selling
author, and is internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science, spirituality and human potential! From 1979 to 1990 Gregg worked for Fortune 500
companies, including Cisco Systems, Philips Petroleum and Martin Marietta Aerospace, as a problem solver during times of crisis. He continues problem-solving today as he weaves modern science, and the wisdom preserved in remote monasteries and forgotten texts into real world solutions. His discoveries have led to 12 award-winning books now published in over 40 languages. Gregg has shared his presentations with The United Nations, Fortune 500 companies and the U. S. military and he is now featured in media specials airing on major networks throughout the world. He is a 2018 nominee for the prestigious Templeton Award, established by the late Sir John Templeton, to honor “outstanding individuals who have devoted their talents to expanding our vision of human purpose and ultimate reality.” The United Kingdom’s Watkins Journal lists Gregg among the top 100 of “the world’s most spiritually influential living people” for the 5th consecutive year.
Missing Links with Gregg Braden | Episode 01 Other issues with Gregg Click to View
Click to View
Click to View
Director Kelly Noonan Gores’ documentary takes us on
victims of unchangeable genes, nor should we buy
a scientific and spiritual
into a scary prognosis. The fact is we have more control
journey where we discover
over our health and life than we have been taught to
that our thoughts, beliefs, and
believe. This film will empower you with a new
emotions have a huge
understanding of the miraculous nature of the human
impact on our
body and the extraordinary healer within us all.
health and ability
HEAL not only taps into the brilliant minds of leading
to heal. The latest
scientists and spiritual teachers but follows three
science reveals that we are not
people on actual high stakes healing journeys.
Healing can be extremely complex and deeply personal, but it can also happen spontaneously in a moment. Through these inspiring and emotional stories, we find out what works, what doesn’t, and why. Featuring Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr Joe Dispenza, Anita Moorjani, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Marianne Williamson, Michael Beckwith, Gregg Braden, Anthony William the Medical Medium, Dr. Kelly Turner and many more.
John L Petersen
President and Founder of The Arlington Institute. He is considered by many to be one of the most informed futurists in the world. He is best-known for writing and thinking about high impact surprises—wild cards—and the process of surprise anticipation and for having conceived of and developed the first national surprise anticipation system in the world for the government of Singapore. His government and political experience include stints at the National War College, the Institute for National Security Studies, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and the National Security Council staff at the White House. He is a decorated veteran of both the Vietnam and Persian Gulf wars.
John Petersen forecasts that in the next 10 years, that we'll have 80 times more advancements than we did in the past 100 years! Each "quantum leap" throughout history is followed by another acceleration in knowledge and understanding that happens in one-tenth the time of the previous one. Order Here
Who comes? Visionaries, inventors, scientists, academics, investors, hobbyists, laymen, and authentic grassroots supporters come to learn and network.
Energy Science & Technology
Register Here 2019, July 4 th weekend VIEW LAST YEARS EVENT
What does the SPIKE in the Schumann resonance mean?
By Dr. Joe Dispenza
In 1952, German physicist and professor W.O. Schumann hypothesized there were measurable electromagnetic waves in the atmosphere that existed in the cavity (or space) between the surface of the
earth and the ionosphere. According to NASA, the ionosphere is an abundant layer of electrons, ionized a t o m s , a n d m o l e c u l e s t h a t s t re t c h e s f ro m approximately 30 miles above the surface of the earth to the edge of space, at about 600 miles. This dynamic region grows and shrinks (and further divides into sub-regions) based on solar conditions and is a critical link in the chain of Sun-Earth interactions. It’s this “celestial power station” that makes radio communications possible. In 1954, Schumann and H.L. König confirmed Schumann’s hypothesis by detecting resonances at a
While this phenomenon is caused by lightning in the
main frequency of 7.83 Hz; thus, the “Schumann
atmosphere, many are not aware of the importance of this
resonance” was established by measuring global
frequency as a tuning fork for life. In other words, it acts as
electromagnetic resonances generated and
a background frequency influencing the biological circuitry
excited by lightning discharges in the ionosphere.
of the mammalian brain.
As far back as we know, the Earth’s electromagnetic field has been protecting all living things with this natural frequency pulsation of 7.83 Hz. You can think of this as the earth’s heartbeat. The ancient Indian Rishis referred to this as OHM, or the incarnation of pure sound. Whether by coincidence or not, the frequency of 7.83 Hz also happens to be a very powerful frequency used with brain wave entrainment as it’s associated with low levels of alpha and the upper range of theta brain wave states. This frequency has also been associated with high levels of hypnotizability, suggestibility, meditation, and increased HGH (human growth hormone) levels, in addition to increased cerebral blood-flow levels while this frequency is being stimulated. It would seem then that our nervous system can be influenced by the earth’s electromagnetic field. Maybe that’s why being in nature has always been so restorative and healing. Disconnecting from a typical city setting by reducing our exposure to crowds, traffic, work, and routine life—and instead getting out in natural surroundings—can slow our brain waves down from the aggressive, vigilant, anxious, and impatient states that are seen in higher ranges of beta brain waves to more restorative alpha waves.
Five-fold On January 31, 2017, for the first time in recorded history, the
That’s more than a five-fold increase in resonant frequency
Schumann resonance reached frequencies of 36+ Hz. It was
levels. What does this mean to us as inhabitants of Mother
considered an anomaly when in 2014 this frequency rose from
Earth? According to neuroscience, frequency recordings of 36+
its usual 7.83 Hz to somewhere in the 15-25 Hz levels —
Hz in the human brain are more associated with a stressed
so a jump from 7.83 Hz
nervous system than a relaxed and healthy one.
to 36+ Hz is a big deal.
It has long been suspected that human consciousness can impact the magnetic field of the earth and create disturbances in it (and vice versa), particularly during moments of high anxiety, tension, and passion. If you aren’t aware that we’re living in a time of high anxiety, tension, and passion, then you probably are not aware.
In addition to the highly charged political, social, economic, and personal environments of our current time, many people have also been feeling like time is speeding up. This might explain the intense
Matter is susceptible to electromagnetic fields
disturbance most of us are feeling at this time in history. Could the drastic rise in frequency have something to do with this? As we know from science, the higher the frequency, the more highly diversified the information those frequencies carry. Since we are organic creatures made of matter and susceptible to electromagnetic fields, and because our lives are inseparable from the earth, then if the earth’s frequency is rising, shouldn’t that also raise our frequency?
Are we Evolving? Increases in frequency create increases in
consciousness. Evolution has not always been an easy
Increases in frequency create increases in consciousness,
process, but the
and when our consciousness increases, we have greater
energy behind it—
awareness—and that’s what gamma brain waves are. Gamma
the energy of the
brain waves, which can be more than twice as high as high
unified field—is
beta brain waves, represent an aroused state in the brain,
always moving towards greater degrees of organization and
however, they are not connected to the survival states of
wholeness, both within and without. If the earth’s
emergency mode, but correlated with a kind of super
electromagnetic field is raising, then shouldn’t that allow our
consciousness and awareness, as well as higher amounts of
brain to be able to pick up greater frequencies that are even
love and compassion. As the earth goes through her
higher than the stressed state of high beta brain waves? If so,
metamorphosis, maybe we too have to transition through this
is there a range of brain frequencies above the scale of high
time of emotional intensity related to beta brain waves before
beta brain waves that—instead of being associated with a
we enter a new consciousness of gamma brain wave states.
brain that is over aroused and imbalanced—is associated with
And wouldn’t that upgrade our nervous system and expand
a brain that is more aware, conscious, and creative?
our perception and awareness of reality?
Perhaps we are on the verge of a
I want to show you how powerful you
great evolutionary jump.
Another way to say it is we are going through an initiation, after all, isn’t an initiation a rite of passage from one phase to another? Perhaps the earth is assisting us in lifting the veil, initiating us to a
Dr. Joe
quickening in energy, and enabling us to see our true nature. Maybe when we see, remember, and awaken to who we truly are, human beings can finally move as a collective consciousness from a state of surviving to a state of thriving.
Dr. Joe’s Story Here
Once you have a mystical experience and get your first glance behind the veil, you can never
Project Coherence: Raising the Earth's Electromagnetic Field Livestream Global Meditation - Over 6,000
Research has shown that when we cultivate the emotional
and focus together on a specific goal, their combined intent
states of care, love and compassion, our hearts expand and
creates coherence in the Quantum Field.
we radiate coherent energy that can be used to benefit both ourselves and the world. The more satellites of people
In this CD, Dr. Joe shares some of the scientific studies of
around the world are broadcasting a more a coherent
constructive interference and
organized signature, the greater the influence on the unified
will then guide you on a
field around the earth as well as every individual.
jour ney of healing and harmony to raise the Earth’s
When two or more waves oscillate in tandem and vibrating at
Electromagnetic Field.
the same frequency, experience a phenomena known as
We would love to thank all of
constructive interference – the two waves come together and
you who have joined Dr. Joe
create a resultant waveform with much greater power and
in this global meditation.
amplitude. Similarly, when people share a common purpose
Parent Should Know InSights ~ Bruce H. Lipton,
Genes get “turn on and off.”
The most important thing we need to understand as parents is that everything we say and do for the first seven years of our children’s lives is being recorded and will become their beliefs and behaviors. Until recently, it was thought that genes were selfactualizing…that genes could “turn themselves on and off.” Such behavior is required in order for genes to control biology. Though the power of genes is still emphasized in current biology courses and textbooks, a radically new understanding has emerged at the leading edge of cell science. It is now recognized that the environment, and more specifically, our perception (or interpretation) of the environment, directly controls the activity through a process known as epigenetic control. This new perspective of human biology does not view the body as just a mechanical device, but rather incorporates the roles of mind and spirit. This breakthrough in biology is fundamental in all healing, for it recognizes that when we change our perception or beliefs we send totally different messages to our cells and reprogram their expression. The new biology reveals why people can have spontaneous remissions or recover from injuries deemed to be permanent disabilities.
Monika Muranyi
The Energy of Numbers
“The Year of Illumination 2018” Th e y ea r 2 0 1 8 i n Ti b e t a n numerology is a master number. It adds up to eleven, and the meaning of this number is illumination. So it's like an invitation to allow this year to be the one where the light is turned on in so many minds about what is truly happening for the planet. Today, I give you very esoteric but profound information that speaks about you and who you are. It speaks of a new paradigm of Human Being.
Master Number 11
By Lee Carroll The study this weekend has been both scientific and esoteric. Those
know why, but it has to be there because of the logic of what we are actually observing." This statement refers to the older
who have been in this audience have received something that most
idea that randomness and chance created everything, yet this is now being seen as impossible. It also gives new
do not - a combination of energies. It's a combination of science and
urgency to the question, "Who are you, really?"
what you call spirituality, which then blurs this whole study in a way where
Eventually, even the most closed minded of those who study science will have to come around to a conclusion that
some have to ask, "What really is the difference between them?" So I'll say
things are not as they thought or were told. The very study of Human evolution will come into question. The prevailing
it again: If you believe that God or a creative source created the planet,
ideas of how you got here, and how long it took, are wrong. It is now, post-2012, that there will start to be very clear
then that creative source logically has to be the master physicist. Everything you're looking at and studying is the
indications of another story completely.
creation from an intelligent outside source and, therefore, your science is the study of what this creative source did.
Even with that, your educational textbooks continue to give you a mythology of a lineage of Human development. This
You have to start understanding that there is more than just
will have to change, and I'll tell you why, dear ones. It's because if it does not, there will be a rebellion within the
an overlap between science and spirituality. It is actually the same study. It's a sign of the times that, within your reality,
young people who are looking around and seeing a different truth. This will eventually force a rewrite of a history
even the most scientific Humans are often saying, "We see some kind of an intelligence in the Universe that has affected
that is currently biased in old thinking and old ideas. But that's not what I want to talk about.
all of us. We don't understand how it works and we don't
The Creation Story Revisited
I want to talk about the rest of the story. What follows is completely and totally esoteric, with only occasional
punctuations of science. But it is logical. I wish to tell a story I've told before, but now will be enhanced. It's a story of creation.
your consciousness through biological advancement. They literally changed the
It's one of the greatest love stories that you could have on the planet, and it speaks of those in another part of the galaxy who
magnetic patterns that exist inside the very DNA of the modern Human. From a spiritual
have a spiritual evolution millions of years greater than yours millions. What do you think that might look like? If
aspect, you received the ability to discern God inside, and to sense or discern the potential of a benevolent creator. You
consciousness is evolving within Humans, and since consciousness has been shown to effect physical things, is it
received the ability and free choice to know the difference between dark and light, right and wrong, and feel the love of
too much of a stretch to imagine that your consciousness might be able to eventually control some physics?
God. This was on purpose, as designed by the creative source, and was not an accident or an experiment. You are here on
purpose, dear ones. This is a test of energy for your civilization. The ones who "seeded you" can control many parts of physics
with their consciousness. It's not technology, but a spiritually evolved, loving consciousness. They came to this planet
But it doesn't stop there because there is a timeframe involved. It's a timeframe that we have not discussed fully before, but it
200,000 years ago and changed you. We call them the seed planters, and you call them the Pleiadians. To many, they even
still relates to the perception of the stars that you observe. The stars move slowly in a very consistent pattern that corresponds
are called angels, since when they are seen, it is "out of this world" to you. Is this ridiculous to you? Let me ask you: Did you
with your planet's slow wobble as it goes around your Sun. The wobble of your planet, as you have measured it, is 26,000 years
ever have masters on this planet who seemed to control physics and reality? The answer is "most of them". Think about
long from start to finish. The timeframe [duration] of this test of humanity's free choice of light and dark consciousness is two
it. What if mastery of your spiritual-self creates the ability to alter systems you haven't discovered yet? You have seen it and
cycles of the 26,000-year wobble. Listen. Many have thought it was one cycle. However, it was two.
reported it in your ancient scriptures!
What these seed planters did is to change
The ones who “seeded you”
Humans Have Been Here a Very Long Time
For those who are already lost in this discussion, we review the discoveries and ideas from the ancients, which say there is a great deal of history before your history. You have your own ideas of how long you have been here, and it doesn't go much past 9,000 years. However, there is now evidence that there were some civilizations before yours who even knew about astronomy! We even gave you a channelling while in Turkey about this very subject. The prevailing ideas of this theory had you with five civilizations on the earth - all within one cycle of the 26,000-year wobble. Many believe that moving into 2012 has you beginning the sixth cycle [Dec 21, 2012, was the centering of the wobble]. In addition, the Mayan calendar "long count" is almost exactly one-fifth of the 26,000-year cycle indicating it was the calendar for YOUR civilization. However, now we tell you that the real timeframe of this entire Human test of energy (light and dark) was two cycles - 52,000 years, not one cycle of 26,000 years. That means that Humans like you, thinking like you, and evolved exactly like you, have been here for 52,000 years. So, do you really think Humans have had history on your planet for more than 50,000 years? What are you taught in school? Stand by for a revelation.

What a coincidence! [Kryon being funny] The oldest confirmed
What is your Akash really filled with? How many years have you
civilization that you have measured through DNA and archeological evidence, is indeed approximately 52,000 years
worked this puzzle, old soul? Well, I've just told you! Some of you go back 52,000 years. When you then start looking at the
old! It's in Australia. Here is the proof that Humans like you have actually been around that long. Why 52,000 years? Because
timeline of Lemuria that we have given you, it also starts to make sense. [The history of Lemuria was given during the conference.]
there were approximately 10 civilizations of humanity, not five. We say approximately because they melded into each other, but
Lemuria goes back 50,000 years. We gave this information to you more than a decade ago.
were still distinctly separate. So, if this is true, what do you now think about the teaching you got in school about the length of
the development of civilization. Will you go with the books or with the new evidence?
civilizations [26,000 years]. In fact, it's even difficult to find things that are over 14,000 years [before the Indus Valley group].
Nature does a good job of covering almost everything that Humans do.
These first five cycles didn't have the numbers (amount of
Archeologists are not going to find much from the past five
themselves or were in a place that destroyed them. In smaller numbers, in tribes, this was very possible. You can still war until
but they weren't big. Some of those civilizations had no structures at all, and just like the history of the indigenous of
there are only a few left, no matter how few you are. You can still have dark Human nature, over and over. Take a look at your own
Australia, they moved with the seasons and the food. They never stayed in one place for long, and farming wasn't yet evolved.
known history. This is exactly what you did as well.
Even with the few, however, there were enough of them to disagree with who should share resources. Sound familiar? There
The weather cycles also contributed to this, for when you start to understand that there are actually cycles involved in your current
were enough of them to be afraid of each other, since they met others they didn't know as they travelled. They couldn't "see"
weather shift, you will also see that they relate to the wobble. Isn't it interesting that you have one right now and it's the beginning
each other well, since they didn't share much past their own groups. There were enough of them to go to war with one
of a new wobble cycle?
another. There were enough of them to wound each other and let infections, disease and plague wipe out the few who were left.
Humans) that would give you that which is measurable now as a "civilization", but, dear ones, these groups still destroyed
Within those first smaller civilizations, there were a few structures,
The Profundity of the DNA Shift Now, the next revelation is this something we have discussed before, but the Twist Master needs to hear it again. He is here in the audience and his Lemurian name is Yaw'ee. [This is referring to Dr. Todd Ovokaitys, DNA researcher, who was in the live audience.]. Yes, your Human DNA was changed. We have channelled this since my partner accepted me [Kryon] 28 years ago. We told you that when the Pleiadians' seeds were planted on this beautiful earth [the ones who gave you the knowledge of light and dark], it was done by altering your DNA. It directly gave you a portion of the DNA that the Pleiadians had in them. The biggest thing they gave you was a pair of chromosomes which have been hiding for a long time. I'll tell you about them in a moment. But this pair of chromosomes allows for a specific memory of wisdom - intuition, and an evolved ability to pull yourself out of what you call current "Human nature". It gives you the ability to completely think way beyond war. Dear ones, this has always been a test of free choice, without interference from any outside source, to see if you could discover it. You have. Now you sit in a time, right at the end of the 10th civilization and the beginning of the 11th, and you have figured it out. The energy is changing on the earth for you! There is more ability for you to advance in light right now than there ever has been before. There is now an ability for you to (ready?) become multidimensional.
The Next Step - Becoming Multidimensionally Aware
For the past few years, I have been channelling about this.
any mammal supposedly below you in the evolutionary
In fact, it's the subject of the last publication of Kryon [Kryon Book 14]. What is it like for a Human Being to
chain. Suddenly there was huge "missing link" in what you are currently told about Human evolution, and this has
step out of linearity and become multidimensional? What would it look like? It affects your consciousness. The
remained a puzzle since then.
consciousness we are talking about is the evolving thinking and awareness of a multidimensional Human. It is a
What actually happened is that your DNA changed radically. It changed to reflect the parent seed planter,
consciousness that is higher; one of empathy, compassion, caring, gentleness, benevolence and
the Pleiadian.
greater wisdom. It's a consciousness where you "remember" what makes things work that you've never
Those listening to this who are very spiritual and have strict doctrines [created by Humans] will roll their eyes and say, “I
known in 10 civilizations! From the stars, it's an understanding that war does not work! Appreciation of the
knew it. That New-Age channel says that we came from ETs!”
beauty of life and humanism is the core. It creates a driving, prime directive within every new child born on the planet -
Dear ones, that's not what I'm telling you. Instead, I'm telling you that those so-called ETs, those Pleiadians, knew
Honor life! And, dear ones, it comes from something that happened in your DNA.
God inside. They knew about the creative source far better than you do, and they know everything that has to do with
Today you studied something remarkable, scientific,
the other side of the veil because they were living it. This is what the evolution of consciousness is all about. It brings
beautiful and controversial. You studied in depth what happened when a chromosome pair [labeled number two]
you into an alignment with what is hidden on the other side of the veil. It reveals the connection, finally, to the
suddenly changed 200,000 years ago. Somehow you lost chromosome pair 24, and also somehow there was a
outside - the creative source. God inside has been the premise of the Kryon message for 28 years. Is it really too
morphing of another pair, and pair number two received some startling changes. You ended up with 23 pairs, unlike
much of a stretch for you to think that others in the galaxy knew the "one God" that you know on Earth?
Experiments showed that your DNA might actually be a bit
DNA can actually affect the spin of an electron in a quantum field.

DNA - The Missing 24th Pair of Chromosomes
Back to your DNA - you observe that you have 23 pairs of
Do you understand this premise? You still have 24 pairs, but
chromosomes, and you are beginning to study amazing, big, biological changes from the past - the fusion of some of your
one of them is not seeable, just like gravity is not visible or the magnetic field itself. This very special 24th pair is fully
DNA and the enhancements that occurred during that. Well, you missed something. It's obscure, but there is something
multidimensional and that is why your DNA can actually affect the spin of an electron in a quantum field.
So, what does it mean to you? It means that you have the Science revealed a potential some years ago. Experiments s h o w e d t h at y o u r D N A m i g h t a c t u a l l y b e a b i t
ability to pull yourself out of linear thinking, out of that which always led you right into war and dysfunction! Are you
multidimensional. What they report is that the presence of DNA in a quantum field changes the spin of electrons in that
getting this? You never were wise enough to understand really who you were. This is now changing.
field. When DNA is then removed, the changes that occurred due to the DNA remain. Follow the logic. If the presence of
DNA changed atomic structure in a multidimensional field, it therefore could have a multidimensional component.
are the old souls who have been here for thousands of lifetimes and who experienced the horror of war and have
Let me introduce you to something that we have stated one
been waiting for this very thing. These are the ones who understand the confluence of synchronicity is not chance. It's
time before: You still have 24 pairs of chromosomes. They were moved around, combined, and the new 24th pair is
planned. They also are learning that coherence of a more positive Human consciousness is starting to occur worldwide.
multidimensional. This invisible pair (not in 3D) has been unused for 10 civilizations, and now it's starting to awaken
It's the coherence of a connection to the other side of the veil. It's a connection that you didn't expect and that will
due to the shift. It is also being affected by the radiation that is new in your magnetic field, being slowly created by a new
eventually affect everything that is part of your reality from your politics to your corporations. It's a coherence that will
area in space that your solar system is beginning to go through.
cause trouble, since there are many who wish to keep the old energy as it was.
Those who realize this and begin awakening to this new idea
Dear ones, as odd and eye-rolling as all this sounds, you will see it actually happening. As this 24thpair starts to light up,
planet in seconds. These new and unexpected things that are seen through new discoveries will never be able to be kept
someday you might even meet those who put it there. Again, I ask: Is it simply too bizarre for your mind to imagine that
secret in this new paradigm. Listen, no matter what the paradigms or protocols of the old were, you can't have
others are here with you in your vast galaxy, who are far older and more advanced, and who found the beauty of God?
something be seen and presented to tens of millions that "smiles and says hello" and then have a small group of
Think about it.
leaders or educators tell you it didn't happen. Do you understand this metaphor? You can't hide or deny light any
This is the love story. The earth is not a simulation as some high thinkers have defined it, but rather it may look like it
more. Too many are watching.
since what happened on it is completely artificial. In other words, life was created and developed much too fast on
This will be the frustration that is coming in so many areas. There will be great conflict between what you see and what
Earth to be by chance. That was by design. The Human Being who was changed here 200,000 years ago was by design.
you have been told. Old souls, all of you listening here in this room, this is the free choice of the age. Get ready for it.
There was no randomness in the development of this beautiful, designed system you live in called Gaia. You are in
Indeed, the teacher Gregg is correct [scientist Gregg Braden, who presented in the seminar] - this will eventually define
a profound test of dark and light, as we have been saying for a long time.
who you are and your place in the Universe, and especially your galaxy
It's the end of the channel, but it's the beginning of
I know who you are, dear angelic being with God inside. I
something remarkable. As this information I have given begins to manifest itself, humanity will start to realize that
know who you are. Time for you to see it, too.
they are in total control of what happens next. There will be new hope for this planet that's based on some things that
And so it is. - Kryon
science is just barely starting to see - not admitting yet, but starting to see. You are in a time when new information can fly around the
By Lee Carroll
Kryon - This website is
I ask: Is it simply too bizarre for your mind to imagine that others are here with you in your vast galaxy, who are far older and more advanced, and who found the beauty of God? Think about it.
an esoteric spiritual site featuring channeled information from Kryon, a loving angelic entity. You are looking at the unique and original website for Kryon as channeled by Lee Carroll, the original Kryon channel. This work is now over twenty years old, having been started by Lee in 1989. Since the word Kryon is not proprietary, in the last years there have been many others in many cultures who have come to use the name Kryon in many forms. However, Lee is not affiliated with any other Kryon channelling by any other person, school, or organization using the name Kryon, and is only responsible for his own work as represented by his books and the information on this
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