Water and Wellness Products Line

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Easy to


Purifying, Mineralizing to Activating Cells



REMOVES 78 CONTAMINANTS The AquaTru delivers pure water to your daily life – it requires no water line, fits on any counter, and can be used anywhere in the world.

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CELLULAR NUTRITION Original Quinton is pure marine plasma which, over decades of research, has been shown to support cellular nutrition and offers nature's complete spectrum of nutritional elements: minerals, vitamins and micronutrients. Simply Quinton delivers the minerals essential for optimal body health.

See the Studies

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See the Studies

A unique and patent pending combination of all-natural minerals are the only active ingredients in Active H2. This distinguishes Active H2 from other synthetic chemical formulas.

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The Ideal Drinking Water Appliance For Home, Office and Clinic

“Simply the best, most convenient water purification system for you on the market today.

WATER PURIFICATION Distillation and Reverse Osmosis (RO), combined with high-grade activated carbon are unmatched in their ability to fulfill the most important principal of seeking pure healthful water - removing contaminants. AquaTru's 4-stage purification process removes or substantially reduces virtually all of the toxic chemicals in your tap water. Some of those contaminants include: lead, Chromium 6, disinfection byproducts (carcinogens), herbicide, pesticides, and rocket fuel. AquaTru is certified to remove over 10x more contaminants than the best selling pitcher water filter.

Removes EVERY Known Contaminant Category •

No installation or water connection!

Best NSF listed contaminant reduction!

Highest water-use efficiency of 70%!

No microbial growth health risk!

World-class, user-friendly design!

Approved by Robert Slovak


It’s So Simple, Just Plug it in. Portable Design No Installation Required

Tap Water Tank

Dispense Button

Digital Display Tells you when to change the filter

• Purified Water Tank • Twist in the filters, fill reservoir and then plug in. It’s that easy.

• Zero installation, no hoses, valves or plumbers required.

4 - Stage Reverse Osmosis Purification STAGE 1 & 2 > Mechanical Pre-Filter Removes sediments and cloudiness (turbidity) from water. STAGE 3> High-Efficient US-Made Reverse Osmosis Filter Removes toxic inorganic contaminants including lead, Chromium 6 and drug residue. STAGE 4 > Activated Carbon Pre-Filter Removes more than 99% of chlorine and chloramines.

Easy to Replace Filters

High contaminant reduction efficacy - NSF/ANSI Listed.

Highest water use efficiency of 65-70% (recovery).

Eliminates microbial growth common to most RO systems

AquaTru™ water containers made from BPA/BPS free TRITAN polymer

Filter Last Approximately 2 years, Replacement cost $59.95 set Pre/Carbon Filter: $ $19.95 plus Shipping Reverse Osmosis Filter: $49.95 VOC Carbon Filter: $29.95 LINK


A D V A N C E D C O U N T E R T O P D R I N K I N G W AT E R P U R I F I E R Contaminants

Bottled Water

Inorganics Aluminium Antimony Arsenic Asbestos Barium Beryllium Cadmium Chloride Chromium Copper Cyanide Lead Mercury Nickel Nitrate Nitrite Selenium Thallium Fluoride Lead Mercury Nickel Nitrate Nitrite Selenium Thallium

POU Media Filters

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Alkaline Ionizers




SOCs (Synthetic Organics) Herbicides Insecticides Pesticides PCBs

? ? ? ?

VOCs (Volatile Organics) Benzene MTBE Petroleum Products Solvents Plastics


Unknown Quality

? ? ? ? ? No Reduction

Partial Reduction

Effective Removal


Requires Additional Technology

The EPA has not set a new drinking water standard since 2001. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates about 100 contaminants in our tap water, but a study conducted by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) found over 300 harmful contaminants in tap water serving over 53.6 million Americans.

Tap Water DANGERS! Harmful contaminants in our unregulated drinking water include: – Disinfection byproducts – Perchlorate (rocket fuel) – MTBE (gasoline additive) – Prescription drug residue like anti-depressants & hormones from birth control.

Disinfection byproducts are carcinogens which are produced when drinking- water-disinfectants like chlorine and chloramine react with naturally-occurring or decaying matter in the water to form byproducts that pose serious health risks. Nitrogen and phosphorus from agricultural runoff contaminate our groundwater supply posing health risks. A study by the EWG found that over 43 million Americans in 42 states drink water that is polluted with chromium, much of it likely being in the carcinogenic form of Chromium-6

Contaminant category overview Microbes, Heavy Metals, Synthetic Organics, Volatile Organics, Disinfectants, Disinfection Byproducts, Radionuclides, Endocrine Disrupters, Personal Care Products...

Bacteria, Virus, Protozoa, Helminths

Glyphosate (Monsanto RoundUp herbicide)

PPCPs (ingredients used in personal care products)

EDCs (plastics, drugs, pharmaceuticals of all types)

SOCs (pesticides and synthetic chemicals of all types)

Aluminum (from aluminum sulfate flocculation)

Fluoride (Hexafluorosilisic Acid)

TTHMs, Haloacetic Acid (disinfection byproducts - DBP’s)

Chlorine, Chloramines, Chlorine Dioxide (disinfectants)

Top contaminant concerns in public tap water

Beyond Filtration, TRU Purification Most pitcher and refrigerator filters are only designed to make your water taste better, but not necessarily safer, which is of primary importance. Filters remove simple chemicals like chlorine, but may leave

Typical pitcher water filters are certified to remove only 5 contaminants VS AquaTru 78.

behind a toxic chemical concoction for you to drink. Protect your family with safe, healthy drinking water while helping to eliminate plastic bottle waste and safeguard the environment. Order AquaTru today and

make your water, pure water.

BPA & PBS Free No Recycling No Footprint No Plastic Waste

SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT Bottle Your Own Water According to the Pacific Institute, it takes over 17 million barrels of oil to produce the plastic required for bottled waters consumed by Americans in a year, which is enough oil to fuel more than 1 million cars for an entire year. The Pacific Institute estimates that it takes 3 liters of water to create 1 liter of bottled water. Over 73 billion half-liter bottles of water are consumed in the US per year. Only 29% are recycled, meaning 50 billion bottles end up in landfills or polluting our waterways. • The recommended eight glasses of water a day (1460 pints). At $.25 a pint (if you buy at Costco) that will cost you $365 a year.

• At a $1.00 a bottle at a convenience store that’s $1460.



We go down deep to bring you the essential elements for life. Studies & Benefits: • Immune System Alert • Anit- Obesity • Anit- Diabetic • Enhances Cellular Nutrition for Alzheimer’s • Assist with Balancing Blood Pressure & More Click Here & Read

Quinton products support your biological terrain

supplying total iono-

minerals to the extracellular fluid. These balanced blend of minerals supports normal cellular osmosis. Quinton Isotonic also contributes to normal digestion and production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. With the depletion of elements from our soils, hence our food, you need the quintessential elements that are life supporting, rejuvenation and self-sustaining.


PLANKTON BLOOM SOURCE FOUNDATION NUTRITION TWO TYPES Isotonic – The “Medicine” 9000 mg/l elements • Rapidly accesses the • extracellular matrix. Blood plasma substitute • Shifts to Parasympathetic • Hypertonic – The Nutrient 33,000 (mg/l) elements • Complete cellular nutrition • Ultimate sports electrolyte •


What is Quinton? Extracted from a living plankton bloom in the Atlantic Ocean, Quinton™ offers nature's complete spectrum of nutritional elements: minerals, electrolytes, vitamins & micronutrients. Quinton is the only natural, organically purified, raw, unheated seawater solution available as a nutritional supplement. Discover the high bioavailability of seawater The key advantage of pure seawater is the quick absorption and delivery of minerals in the body.

The Benefits of Quinton: Supports the Immune System • Essential for when your body is under life stressors • Can help to balance cellular nutrition Supports Resilience • Quinton contains a high content of magnesium and hydrating electrolytes • Excellent for jet lag, brain fog, demanding physical and mental efforts May enhance mental function and stamina • Contains up to 78 of nature's essential minerals and trace elements the body relies on for cellular health

• Can help to stabilize mood, and may promote restful sleep



Is there anything wrong with drinking pure distilled and RO water? Nothing except that we recommend minerals be added to your family’s daily drinking water to take advantage of the water as a nutrient delivery system and to structure the pure water for enhanced bioavailability.



WHY! Habitat Crisis | Dr. August Dunning [OTF2017]


Quinton Hypertonic® is excellent for use when an immediate revitalizing effect is desired for the body or to support exertion with major physical or psychological effort. Benefits of Quinton Hypertonic®: • Supports electrolyte balance, normal energy metabolism • Helps reduce tiredness • Enhances the normal nervous system and brain function • Supports protein synthesis and normal muscle function • Helps keep our bones and teeth healthy • Supports the process of cell division. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Quinton Hypertonic® is pure seawater harvested from protected plankton blooms following the protocols of Frenchman Rene Quinton (1866–1925). Quinton Hypertonic™ supports electrolyte balance, normal energy metabolism, and improved alertness.* Quinton Hypertonic® supports normal functioning of the nervous system, protein synthesis, bone formation, and normal muscle function.* The minerals provided by Quinton Hypertonic® play an important role in cell division.*Quinton Hypertonic® is excellent for long-term use and is easily absorbed into the body when taken orally.*

Original Quinton Hypertonic® 30 ampules of Marine Plasma QUINTON Regular price $44.00


Quinton Isotonic™ supports homeostasis and natural rehydration.* It supports the biological terrain, supplying total ionominerals to the extracellular fluid.* This balanced blend of minerals supports normal cellular osmosis.* Quinton Isotonic® also contributes to normal digestion and production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.* Benefits of Quinton Isotonic®: • Supports normal digestion by producing the hydrochloric acid in the stomach. • Keeps the immune system alert. • Balances cellular nutrition. • Quinton Isotonic® is pure seawater harvested from protected plankton blooms by Laboratories Quinton, following strict protocols established by Frenchman Rene Quinton (1866–1925). These protocols

Original Quinton Isotonic® 30 ampules of Marine Plasma QUINTO Regular pric $44.0

ensure that the product is of the highest quality and purity. Quinton Isotonic® is diluted to an isotonic concentration to conform to the human extracellular matrix (bio-terrain). Quinton Isotonic® is excellent for long-term use and is easily absorbed into the body when taken orally. Due to its composition, Quinton Isotonic® is associated with weighted and infinitesimal


biological effects through a large number of





its bio-components.*


H BIOMEDICINE Oxidative-Stress Buster

most remarkable recent discoveries in nutraceutical science.

WHAT IS MOLECULAR HYDROGEN? The most notable property of molecular H2 infused water is its ability to function a as powerful antioxidant like no other – rapidly neutralizing the most damaging free-radicals into water! The consequences of this is profound - putting the brakes on one the body’s primary indicator of health issues, Oxidative Stress. Keep fit and charged with H2 nano bubbles.




The health benefits of molecular hydrogen, H2, is one of the

Approximately 3.6 billion years ago Molecular Hydrogen served as the original energy source for Primordial cellular life, fueling its metabolic processes and protecting it from the hostile environment of early Earth. Without it, life would not exist. Health researchers worldwide are rediscovering these forgotten benefits in a big way. There are now more than 1000 peer-reviewed scientific papers*, including animal and human studies, demonstrate that Molecular Hydrogen can be a beneficial nutrient in nearly every facet of human physiology, especially at the cellular level. WHAT IS MOLECULAR HYDROGEN? Active H2 Ultra tablets are a groundbreaking new supplement for adding the benefits of high-dose Molecular Hydrogen to pure drinking water. As the tablet reacts, millions of tiny hydrogen nanobubbles infuse and saturate the water. Hydrogen is the first and most abundant element in the Universe! Two atoms combine to form hydrogen gas (H2) the smallest and most mobile molecule. This exclusive property gives it a greater cellular bioavailability than any other nutrient or nutraceutical. Molecular Hydrogen can rapidly diffuse into cells, mitochondria, and fluids throughout the body to deliver its unique and abundant benefits. What Can Molecular Hydrogen Do For Health? Active H2 Ultra tablets conveniently provide

a high dose of the key active ingredient,

WHAT DOES MOLECULAR HYDROGEN DO? Molecular Hydrogen, making it superior to silica hydride and chemical hydride formulas, magnesium hydrogen sticks, alkaline water ionizers (electrolysis) or having to buy medical hydrogen gas and infusing it into water under pressure. Active H2 Ultra - Made from Basic and Natural Ingredient. The natural and proven Active H2 Ultra formula consists of a proprietary blend of pure magnesium, malic acid, tartaric acid, and dextrose that act synergistically to generate Molecular Hydrogen. Magnesium - As one of the most vital dietary minerals, it is a required mineral co-factor in more than 300 enzymes used in the human body. A government study confirms that 68% of Americans are deficient. Malic and Tartaric Acid - These natural molecules are also produced within the mitochondria (the cell’s batteries). Malic Acid supports the body’s energy reserves with improving mental clarity and reversing muscle fatigue. Tartaric acid is commonly used in for many natural applications for its safety and good taste, and finally stearic acid, which can support and improve mitochondrial function. Many health-minded people have discovered Active H2 and are reporting more energy, better focus, improved physical performance, fast recovery, and an overall increase in their state of health.



Molecular Hydrogen currently being/has been studied for: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


ranging and powerful health benefits, and the evidence is STRONG. Over 850 peer-reviewed, scientific articles have shown H2’s remarkable potential for over 170 disease models, and many more high-impact clinical studies are currently underway.



Molecular Hydrogen may have wide-

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.

Cancer Allergies Inflammation Cerebral Vasospasm Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) Atherosclerosis Gastrointestinal Diseases Metabolic Syndrome Insulin Resistance and Glucose Intolerance Obesity Hypertension and Dyslipidemia Fatigue Molecular Hydrogen and Energy for Organ Function Gastrointestinal Function Inflammatory Bowel disease Pancreatitis Liver Function Chronic Pain and Inflammation Immune Function Allergy Autoimmune Conditions Cognitive function and Neurodegeneration Alzheimer’s Disease Parkinson’s Disease Stress Induced Cognitive Decline Abnormal Cell Division

www.nih.gov www.molecularhydrogenfoundation.org www.molecularhydrogenstudies.com


Drink Litewater

not Heavy Water Deuterium water (heavy water) deteriorates your cell function. Lite water is the water of centenarians.

Litewater is water depleted in deuterium. It is the purest, cleanest water that exists, free of all impurities and the closest water to the metabolic water inside our cells. Scientists, studying the cause of aging, discovered that even when a small amount of deuterium containing heavy water is removed from normal water, the benefits are profound. Excess deuterium interferes in all biological process and is known to damage the mitochondria over time. Drinking deuterium depleted water allows you to reduce your total body burden of deuterium. A few drops of heavy water in every glass of water we drink doesn't seem like much, but the cumulative effect is eye-opening, we have four times more deuterium in our blood than the most essential nutrients and minerals we require to live while deuterium slows down all reactions up to 9 times (9x)! This is known as the Kinetic Isotope Effect. With regular consumption of Litewater, a more complete purification of the whole body from deuterium occurs. This process may assist to increase the functional activity of cells, organs and somebody systems.



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