Dan Wills Works in Articles

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Dan Wills Fractal Explorer and Digital Image Synthesist Science to Sage Magazine would like to acknowledge Dan Wills and his amazing fractal Art. He work has graced many of our issues enhancing and enlivening the written words of innovators and world thinkers - thank you Dan. http://ultraiterator.blogspot.com/

Dan始s Works, Authors words, Designed by Karen Elkins Bruce Lipton Lynne McTaggart Jack Canfield William Gladstone John Wong Paul Scott Symphony of Sound Science to Sage

Dan Wills

Fractal Explorer and Digital Image Synthesist

Are images of fractals art? - It's up to each individual to decide what they believe about that. I would suggest that they are only partially artistic. Some might say that a photo of a tree was artistic, however the beauty in it has come from a natural process. The photographer has used a combination of luck and skill in order to get the image, the same is true of fractals. Unless you're inventing new formulas yourself, it's most fair to liken the process of generating fractal imagery to a kind of mathematical photography. The subjects of the work are the formulas, and it's difficult to add any deeper message to a fractal work. Certainly there is lots that you can control in terms of how the landscape is dressed and presented, but most of the lay of the land is already defined by inescapable mathematical (or, more generally: computational) fact. I personally believe that the universe is here because of selforganization (or self-synthesis, you could say). Fractals are tied to self-organization, as the automatic processes of self-organization help to build linkage across scale levels that gives rise to selfsimilarity. If we look into the natural world we see that self-organizing systems often do generate fractals. Perhaps this scale-invariance is caused by the action of a central 'story' - like a proto-self, that governs self-generation spanning many scale levels. Perhaps we love looking at fractals because we feel related to them? They resemble things within us and surrounding us - and they abstractly illustrate the primal story of imaginary things becoming real. Dan Wills

I have been generating digital fractal images for many years

- going back to a glorious day on which I un-deleted an archive of

Fractint (an old DOS fractal program) from a floppy disk. For some years now I have used a Windows application called UltraFractal. I run it under the Linux operating system (using an emulation software called 'Wine'). UltraFractal is essentially a 'photoshop'-like layering and compositing software for fractals. Fractals are defined and colored by iterated transformations of complex numbers - in short - by formulas. UltraFractal has a large, diverse and actively developed formula collection. I've done a very small amount of formula authoring, not enough to say that I've really mastered it, besides my math is not strong enough to really do it properly. I tend to focus my programming abilities elsewhere, I've written (in python) and released a little software tool called 'uprMash' that manipulates UltraFractal UPR files (saved fractals). The idea behind uprMash is to explore motion-blur in fractals: The concept that the virtual 'shutter' could be left open while one of the fractal parameters is varied, leading to a range of states being blended together. It was quite refreshing to see fractals which didn't have everything perfectly in focus, some nice results from uprMash can be seen on my Picasa galleries (http://picasaweb.google.com/gdanzo).

The activity of the formula authors and the wider UltraFractal community is one of my inspirations. Many excellent insights and fascinating new ideas, suggestions and pointers from fellow fractal explorers have led me to delve into these beautiful, bizarre, intensely abstract fractal places. I share credit with the community for bringing these images into reality for all to see. Another thing that spurs me on in creating these images is the satiation of a peculiar curiosity about the finer structures in an existing fractal image. Zooming in, resolving more detail, the desire to find out what something looks like closer up. Looking towards a literally-infinite micro-scale horizon. The use of fractal software in discovery, manipulation and focusing to resolve certain features or textures in fractals is a thrill that is mostly reserved for the person using the fractal software (who you would normally call the 'artist'). I agree with the Orbit-Trap bloggers about this at least: A major part of the 'art-experience' that happens to-do-with fractals, is the actual experience of exploring. The operator of the software IS the audience, at least in part. The desire to share the beauty of the exploration experience for this universe of image synthesis is something that encourages me to take these photos along the way. To let others see what I saw on the journey. I also explore fractals to discover unique aesthetic qualities. There is occasionally the exciting possibility that one might be the first human to have discovered some of these places. Indeed there is infinite variability in the shapes and textures in the vast universe of computationally definable images. The kinds of infinity you're dealing with are way beyond astronomical, and this is mind-boggling in a very pleasant way.

Ode to the Brain! by Symphony of Science

Symphony of Science - the Quantum World! Symphony of Science - the Quantum World!

BRUCE H. LIPTON PH.D We are truly living in exciting times. The challenges and crises facing the world today are portents of imminent change in civilization. We are on the threshold of an incredible global evolutionary shift.

Fractal Art by Dan Wills http://ultraiterator.blogspot.com/

The Role of Spirituality in a World shift

The current panoply of global crises collectively reveals we are facing our own extinction. Scientists acknowledge that the current degradation of the environment and the massive loss of species, are evidence that we are deep into the sixth mass extinction to hit Earth since the origin of life. Unlike the first five massive die-offs, attributed to physical causes such as life-destroying geological upheavals and the impact of comets and asteroids, the current wave of extinctions is due to a source much closer to home: human behavior. Our way of life is wreaking havoc in the global community and our survival is now in question. Crises are harbingers of evolution. Albert Einstein wisely proffered, “We cannot solve the problems with the same thinking that created them.”

Consequently, the planet’s hope and salvation lies in the adoption of revolutionary new knowledge being revealed at the frontiers of science.

Albert Einstein wisely proffered, “We cannot

This new awareness is shattering old myths and rewriting the “truths” that shape the character of human civilization.

solve the problems with the same thinking that created them.” Albert Einstein/Public Domain

New science revises four fundamental beliefs that shape civilization. These flawed assumptions include: 1) The Newtonian vision of the primacy of a physical, mechanical Universe; 2) Genes control biology; 3) Evolution resulted from random genetic mutations; 4) Evolution is driven by a struggle for the survival-of-the-fittest.

Darwin’s theory ... accordingly, we evolved by pure “chance,” which by extension means: without an underlying purpose for existence.

These failed beliefs represent the “Four Assumptions of the Apocalypse,” for they are driving human civilization to the brink of extinction.

Modern science is predicated on “truths” verified through accurate observation and measurements of physical world phenomena. Science ignores the spiritual realm because it is not amenable to scientific analysis. As importantly, the predictive success of Newtonian theory, emphasizing the primacy of a physical Universe, made the existence of spirit and God an extraneous hypothesis that offered no explanatory principles needed by science . In the wake of Newtonian theory, with the Hand of God out of the way, society has been preoccupied with dominating and controlling Nature. Darwin’s theory further exacerbates the situation by suggesting that humans evolved through the happenstance of random genetic mutations. Accordingly, we evolved by pure “chance,” which by extension means: without an underlying purpose for our existence. Darwinian theory removed the last link between God, spirit and the human experience.

Additionally, Darwinism emphasizes that evolution is based on “the survival of the fittest in the struggle for existence.” For science, the end of the evolution struggle is simply represented by “survival.” As for the means to that end, apparently anything goes. Darwinism leaves humanity without a moral compass.

A mechanical Newtonian Universe in combination with Darwin’s theory of random evolution disconnects us from Nature and spirit, while legitimizing the exploitation and degradation of our fellow humans and the environment.

Modern science has led the world to shift from spiritual aspirations to a war for material accumulation. In addition to terrorizing the world’s human population, scientific “progress” has terrorized Mother Nature herself. Our credo, “Better Living Through Chemistry,” has led to our efforts to control Nature with toxic petrochemicals. As a result, we have polluted the environment, undermined the harmony of the biosphere and are rapidly driving ourselves toward extinction.

The new physics provides a modern version of ancient spirituality.

All is not lost. Advances from science’s frontier offer new insights that provide a bright Light at the end of this dark tunnel. Firstly, in contrast to the emphasis on the Newtonian material realm, the newer science of quantum mechanics reveals that the Universe and all of its physical matter are actually made out of immaterial energy. Atoms are not physical particles; they are made of energy vortices resembling nano-tornadoes.

Quantum physics stresses that the invisible energy realm, collectively referred to as the field, is the primary governing force of the material realm. It is more than interesting that the term field is defined as “invisible moving forces that influence the physical realm,” for the same definition is used to describe spirit. The new physics provides a modern version of ancient spirituality. In a Universe made out of energy, everything is entangled, everything is one.

Biomedical research has recently toppled the widespread belief that organisms are genetically controlled robots and that evolution is driven by a random, survival-of-the-fittest mechanism. As genetically controlled “robots,” we are led to perceive of ourselves as “victims” of heredity. Genes control our lives yet we did not pick our genes, nor can we change them if we don’t like our traits. The perception of genetic victimization inevitably leads to irresponsibility, for we believe we have no power over our lives.

Our thoughts, attitudes and beliefs control behavior, regulate gene expression and provide for our

The exciting new science of epigenetics emphasizes that genes are controlled by the environment, and more importantly, by our perception of the environment. Epigenetics acknowledges that we are not victims, but masters, for we can change our environment or perceptions, and create up to 30,000 variations for each of our genes.

Quantum physics and epigenetics provide amazing insight into the mystery of the mind-body-spirit connection. While Newtonian physics and genetic theory dismiss the power of our minds, the new science recognizes that consciousness endows us with powerful creative abilities to shape our lives and the world in which we live. Our thoughts, attitudes and beliefs control behavior, regulate gene expression and provide for our life experiences.

life experiences.

In contrast to random mutations, science has identified “adaptive” mutation mechanisms, wherein organisms adjust their genetics to conform to existing environmental conditions. We did not get here by chance. Every new organism introduced into the biosphere supported harmony and balance in the Garden. Every organism is intimately engaged with the environment in a delicate pas de deux. Human existence is not a random accident, but a carefully choreographed event that takes into account the cooperative nature of the biosphere. Humans evolved as the most powerful force in supporting Nature’s vitality. However, we have misused that power and are now paying the price for our destructive behavior.

The crises we face present us with the greatest opportunity in human history – conscious evolution. Through consciousness, our minds have the power to change our planet and ourselves. It is time we heed the wisdom of the ancient indigenous people and channel our consciousness and spirit to tend the Garden and not destroy it.

The story of human life on Earth is yet to be determined. Our evolution depends on whether we are willing to make changes in our individual and collective beliefs and behaviors, and whether we are able to make these changes in time. The good news is that biology and evolution are on our side. Evolution – like heaven – is not a destination, but a practice.

A miraculous healing awaits this planet once we accept our new responsibility to collectively tend the Garden. When a critical mass of people truly own this belief in their hearts and minds and begin living from these truths, our world will emerge from the darkness in what will amount to a consciousnessbased Worldshift — a spontaneous evolution for humans, by humans.

by Dr. Bruce Lipton Ph. D Forum on Science and Spirituality. See http:// ervinlaszlo.com/forum/.

A miraculous healing awaits this planet once we accept



responsibility to collectively tend the Garden.

Building Blocks of DNA Found in Meteorites from Space Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2011/08/09/ building-blocks-dna-found-in-meteorites-from-space/ #ixzz1UYY9LkCq

By Jack Canfield and William Glad"one

#e Golden Motorcycle Gang Oh, what glorious beings they were! Flying through the universe on their magnificent golden motorcycles, the cosmic wind in their hair, going wherever they chose, traveling at light speed, sometimes even faster. Their bodies were ephemeral yet defined, and they enjoyed the ageless youth gifted to their species. Only a few thousand years old, they were considered adolescents, not yet the elders of their planet or their universe—elders who each had tens of thousands of years of experience in dealing with complex worlds and the moral difficulties that arose from engaging those worlds.

The following is excerpted from the new book The Golden Motorcycle Gang: a Story of Transformation (November 11, 2011) and is reprinted with permission of Hay House and the authors Jack Canfield and William Gladstone. Š 2011

The beings traveled through this beautiful, endless day, which was much like the many they’d enjoyed together on their annual solstice











Enlightenment, they were fast approaching the time when they would graduate and be given assignments to ensure the balance and stability of the universe for eons to come, much like their elders before them. Today, however, was a day to enjoy the carefree exhilaration of their youth and freedom. Dozens of them rode together, sharing their boundless joy through their thoughts, for they communicated only with thoughts. Their thoughts shaped words, which they immediately understood; yet communication was instantaneous, faster than words could ever be, and infinitely more clear. It was a perfect day and they were in high spirits. Suddenly Jack noticed a small bluish planet off to his right. It was about 50,000 miles below but clearly visible to him. “Hey, look over there. That planet seems to be in trouble. I can sense the energy coming from the surface—and it’s full of turmoil, sadness, anger, even rage. I’ve seen this planet before; I have sensed its people and their growth and their struggles. Although there have always been some discordant sparks from this world, I’ve never felt such sorrow as I’m feeling today.” Such was Jack’s instantaneous thought to his riding friends, or as they liked to call themselves, the Golden Motorcycle Gang. On that magical motorcycle ride through the universe, Jack and his friends had easily picked up on the negative energy coming from planet Earth. The suffering radiating from the dazzling blue ball was unmistakable.

The year on Earth was 1943, and great conflict was raging on much of the planet. The battles engulfed a great deal of its middle band, from one great ocean to the next. The planet was divided into groups called “nations,” which were sometimes the result of geography but oftentimes the result of human choice. Many of the largest and most militarily well-armed nations were focused on the fighting. Almost all the human beings on the planet at that time were thinking about this great conflict, whether their nation would exist if and when the battles ever ended, and if their loved ones would survive and return from the battlefields around the world. Jack looked around and realized that for perhaps the only time in his existence, he had no explanation for the energy being emitted by this planet. What was this “war,” as the humans called it? What in a human’s life could happen that would convince him or her that it was right and good to end the lives of millions of other identically created life-forms?

Attribution: RIA Novosti archive, image #44732 / Zelma / CC-BY-SA 3.0

Jack decided he needed to learn as much as he could, as quickly as he could, about this concept of “war.” War was not a reality in the outer reaches of the universe where he lived, and although he lacked the understanding of the impulse to hate and kill, he knew he would not be able to help planet Earth unless he learned more about war and the decision to kill others. “Yes, what a tragedy,” his close friend Michael thought back. “Such a beautiful blue planet, so full of life, creativity, and joy despite the clear tumors that seem to be infesting it now.” “Tumors? I never thought of these ills as tumors, but that planet needs some help,” Jack thought back to Michael. “I think we should do something. All our decades of training at the Academy of Enlightenment have prepared us for our roles as masters of harmony. I think we should stop by this planet and see what we can do to help.” Mark, another member of the Gang, looked at Jack in disbelief. “Jack, this is the first day of our solstice break. We have a great voyage ahead of us. We can go anywhere and everywhere, no responsibilities, no fixed agenda, just experiencing all that the universe has to offer and the solidarity of great friends. Do you know how long it might take to get that little blue globe back on track? It could take us several human lifetimes or more, and that would certainly put a damper on our fun.”

“That may be so, but look at them,” Jack replied. “They’re slowly destroying themselves. They’re in real trouble. Think how great it would be to get that planet back into balance. I have tuned in to it, and it is a really special place—with many different species and lots of variety with respect to geography, climate, and creative ideas. It could be a really fun place. And, what’s most ironic is that it’s their wonderful diversity that is dividing them into opposing factions and threatening their continued existence. What makes them so special is also what’s causing them to face extinction. “The people there call their planet ‘Earth.’ There has only been intelligent life on Earth for ten or twenty thousand years. That planet is not much older than we are. We should take a little time to see if we can prevent the catastrophic events that we can sense are ahead for them. I think it would be an adventure . . . and when we get back to the Academy, if we can get this Earth back to health, we would probably get all kinds of extra credit for it.” Jack added this overly optimistic goal, knowing it would probably appeal to his fellow riders. “Well, since you put it that way, I can’t let you go alone,” Mark shot back. “So if you’re bound and determined to go down there, I guess we’re all going to have to join you.” “Absolutely,” beamed Michael and Janet; along with Steve, Bob, Martin, and Marcia. The rest of the Golden Motorcycle Gang silently voiced their approval. Mission accepted!

M$sion Accepted!

In what seemed to them no more than the blink of an eye, each had taken form as new beings—“human beings,� born on planet Earth. The Gang had failed to mention one critical element of their mission of intervention and redemption: once they were born into human bodies, they would forget that they were cosmic beings with unlimited lifetimes. In order to grow and develop as human beings on Earth, many years would pass before they would remember who they truly were and why they had chosen to be born into a body. And so our story of the Golden Motorcycle Gang and their adventures on planet Earth begins.

Evolve to


This one force of Eternal Energy pervades our entire Universe, filling Infinite Space, underlying and sustaining all creation. We live in a constant sea of vibrating energy.

The over 30 trillion cells of our body are tides and rhythms of this Creative Pulse of Unified Consciousness




forming constantly shifting patterns that shape us physically, emotionally and mentally. Both scientists and mystics now agree that all of existence comes from the same Source and that everything is interconnected. instrument,




Similar to an




Universe moves and vibrates with us...even our thoughts, our silent sounds of electromagnetic vibration.

We are, in essence, a consciously

aware, bio-electric, magnetic field of energy that flows, vibrates and creates.

Human kind has now just entered into the Unified Consciousness of the Age of Aquarius. Every 26,000 years our sun, at the center of our planetary system, cycles around and for a window of time lines up directly with the Milky Way system, the very core of our Galaxy.

At this

time, a high-vibrational field is emanating from the centre of the Galaxy, bathing our planet in Unity Consciousness. With the help of this Ascension Pulse of Cosmic Energy, now is an opportune time for humanity to take a Quantum Leap in Consciousness. It is also a time of great change and flux. Our community, in Vancouver, BC, along with thousands of others worldwide, gathered together on 11.11.11 to welcome in the new Aquarian Age with an 11-minute OM starting at 11am, OM being the Vibrational Sound of the Creation of the Universe Itself. And the highest vibration of energy we can attune to here. It was a Uni-Verse, collective chant directed right to the very core of our Galactic Mother in Remembrance of our deepest connection and truest nature. A Collective Attunment of Sound Vibration aimed at entraining humanity to Unity Consciousness. We are now beginning the Great Re-Turning to Source Energy and the Eternal Identity of our True Nature.

Evolve 11.11.11

Later that night, at 3am, I was awoken with a resounding voice in my mind, saying


In my heart I

recognized this to be humanity’s new call to personal freedom and creative expression. That inner activism hold the key to our evolution here and that in order to grow into our full potential as human BEings,

we must Evolve – to THRIVE.

Our evolution requires that we realize that we are the Guru we have been waiting for and that the “what” in “what now” can and will come from each one of us. We are all being asked to be Soldiers for Inner Peace – be-coming, within, the change we want to see in the world.

Photo by James Scott

Flower PDTillman/GNU/Flicker

Awakening from the Dream

Fasten your metaphysical seat belts for the ride of your life! We could be on the brink of what’s shaping up to be a global shift in consciousness. An opportunity for a collective awakening experience could be more of a possibility now than at any other time in human history.

The evolution of mind to a new plateau of awareness may be not only the most important experience we can have in life, but also a very necessary part of our present evolutionary process as a human species. Why all the hype and excitement about awakening all of a sudden? Technological breakthroughs in Quantum Physics combined with an onslaught of predictions from an extraordinary variety of sources and ancient Wisdom Cultures have everyone buzzing in the anticipation of 2012. Simultaneously, we are at a critical point in sustaining our current consumption of Mother Earth’s resources and maintaining the status quo of outdated financial and political institutions. The human race is the result of a few billion years of evolutionary right choices. It boggles the mind to contemplate the evolutionary miracle it took for life to appear on this planet. Statistical science says that the odds of life being created here would be like an explosion in an ink factory writing the Bible.

There has never been a more opportune time for us than now to personally tune into and connect with the Universal Intelligence of Creative Power that could have been behind this miracle of creation.

Dan Wills Fractal Art http://ultraiterator.blogspot.com/

Journey into the Your


with Cacao

As Seen

Science to Sage M a g a z i n e


Dec 2011, Volume 5

Science to Sage I n t e r n a t i o n a l

M a g a z i n e

Cycles and Spin •

The Greek Blunder Interview


Foster Gamble Bernini Ferris Wheel Victor Schbouger with Jeane Manning

Vortexes Recovering Duality

Fractal Time Gregg Braden

Meet Genius & Inventors

Jack Canfield

ImageBreeder/Public Domain

“Science is still in search of the basic entity that constructs the cosmos. God, therefore, would be a system too complex for science to discover. Unless the basic reality of aakaash – space – is recognized…” Paramahamsa Tewari

East Meets West

Fractal Art by Dan Wills http://ultraiterator.blogspot.com/

by a new-energy organization in 1993 to travel around the world visiting inventors and testing their breakthroughs. He also invited Tewari to speak at a conference in Colorado where I interviewed the scientist/ sage from India for my first new-energy book.


ertain discoverers of energy breakthroughs have made the journey from science to sage. One of those, Paramahamsa Tewari of India, was already on that journey by the 1970s, learning from a spiritual teacher about “the conscious ocean of energy from which the material worlds emerge and into which the visible world submerges.” As a Sanskrit scholar he is very aware that he lives in a sacred land of timeless wisdom. (Sanskrit is an ancient language of India. Hindu scriptures and classical epic poems are written in Sanskrit.) As a professional engineer Tewari is well educated in modern science; at the same time, he writes books such as Spiritual Foundations.

Tewari.org Theory Paper Alternative Energy

And in his spare time he has built working prototypes of a magnetic generator that taps into that ocean of energy surrounding us. He named his invention the Space Power Generator. East met West when Toby Grotz, a younger power plant engineer in the USA, heard about Tewari. Experienced with use of measuring instruments, Grotz was funded

Tewari and Grotz had common interests; Grotz had deeply studied the late Walter Russell’s concepts about matter being created out of the space fabric and returning to it again and again in a rhythmic balanced interchange. As do Tewari’s, Russell’s concepts described perpetual swirling, vortexian movements of invisible “space” tightening into compression then expansion in endless cycles. Tewari describes in physics terms how electrons are created out of the background sea of energy like swirls in a lake. As proof of his theories, Tewari recently achieved another milestone with his energy invention – again validated by test engineer Grotz. Tewari’s newer model is called the Reaction-less Generator. It can produce excess electrical power without any increase in power input. If Tewari’s invention passes further testing to decide if it can be feasibly engineered into a mass-produced nonpolluting generator of electricity, this scientist-sage will celebrate a mission accomplished. Spreading the good news will be up to the rest of us. Written by Jeane Manning Author of “Break Through Power” http://changingpower.net/ (See Walter Russell on Science to Sage Web site.)

The Language of

The language of silence has not been totally lost to the mist of time like some ancient languages, but is being revived. Indeed, it is the tool of the present transformation that will herald a new age of unity consciousness because there is only one silence at the most fundamental level of reality.

September 2011

by John Wong Dan Wills Fractal Art http://ultraiterator.blogspot.com/

SURVIVAL OF THE FAIREST Fractal Art by Dan Wills http://ultraiterator.blogspot.com/

by Lynne McTaggart

For the last two years, I have been holed away, writing a new book, The Bond. Now that it’s done, I want to tell you a little about this project and why I wrote this book.


ll of us now sense that we have reached the symptomatic of a deeper problem, with more

end of something. Since the millennium, potential repercussions than those of any single commentators of every variety have been trying to cataclysmic event. They are simply a measure of get a handle on the collective significance of the the vast disparity between our definition of continuous crises besetting us in modern times: ourselves and our truest essence. banking crises, terrorist crises, sovereign-debt For hundreds of years we have acted against crises, climate-change crises, energy crises, food nature by ignoring our essential connectedness crises, ecological crises, manmade and otherwise.

and defining ourselves as separate from our

“The world as we know it is going down,” a Wall world. We’ve reached the point where we can no Street broker told reporters in September 2008, longer live according to this false view of who we after Lehman Brothers collapsed and Morgan really are. Stanley threatened to follow suit. It is the “end of capitalism as we know it,” declared filmmaker Michael Moore, when American auto giants General Motors filed for bankruptcy. It is the end of our dependence on fossil fuel, announced President Barack Obama, about the Deepwater Horizon oil-rig explosion. It is the end of nature, wrote Bill McKibbin in his book of the same name. It is the end of oil, wrote journalist Paul Roberts in his book of the same names. It is the end of food because it is the end of oil, declared Roberts in his follow-up book. With various Japanese reactors poised for a meltdown, it is the end of nuclear power.

What’s ending the story we’ve been told up until now about who we are and how we’re supposed to live — and in this ending lies the only path to a better future.

Living a lie As I began researching and studying the latest discoveries in a vast array of disciplines—general biology, physics, zoology, psychology, botany, anthropology, astronomy, chronobiology, and cultural history—the more it became clear to me that the lives we’ve chosen to lead are not consistent with who we really are. A new understanding is emerging from the

For those who take stock in the Mayan Long laboratories of the most cutting-edge physicists, Count calendar and the apocalyptic significance of biologists, and psychologists that challenges the 2012, it is the beginning of the end of the world.

The beginning in the ending

very way we conceive of ourselves. Frontier scientists in every field have all found evidence that individuals are far less individual than we thought

But the crises we face on many fronts are they were.


Is enlightenment some far off mystical state, eternal bliss, found somewhere over the rainbow, or is enlightenment right here, right now, on the street where you live? Are you enlightened? Is the bus driver or the woman doing yoga at the gym? Was Buddha enlightened, or Jesus, or Rumi? What about Socrates? The Oracle of Delphi was a woman. Was she enlightened? Who cares about enlightenment? Most struggle just to make it through the day. Half of the people living on the planet don’t have clean drinking water. Environmental pollution, traffic jams, suicide bombers, shabby schools, poor health care, wars, rising prices, two jobs, longer work weeks, lying politicians. Who has time to be enlightened? As the world heats up so do the challenges we face. Our challenges are becoming bigger, faster and more

complex. These problems can’t be solved at the level that created the problem. Conflicts between cops and robbers, Republicans and Democrats, Arabs and Jews, unions and corporations, street gangs, husbands and wives, emanate from the categories that define their relationships. One has to go beyond the category that caused the problem to see the problem clearly and from that expanded position ask penetrating questions. If you and I, ordinary people, don’t see beyond the level that causes our problems, their expanding weight, complexity and intensity will crush us. We have no choice. The time has come for each of us to become enlightened, not in a cave, not on the shores of the Ganges, in some temple or monastery. We haven’t the time. We must become enlightened right here, right now, as we meet the day-to-day challenge of living.

Insight and intelligence can’t come from the conditioned level in which we live most of our lives. Pa t t e r n s . . . w i t h i n Patterns..repeatable and predictable!

Fractal Art by Dan Wills http:// ultraiterator.blogspot.com/

Is there a Time Code Calculator that can predict the future? Is 2010 the year in which the fate of humanity might hang in the balance? Can we work together to address the critical issues facing our world in time to re-write the 2012 doomsday scenarios and create a better future? The man behind the questions (and their provocative answers) is scientist and seer, Gregg Braden. “The best minds of our time are telling us and the science is telling us that we are facing a time unlike any other in 5,000 years of recorded human history. The greatest challenges that human civilizations have ever faced are converging on a single generation. We’re faced with problems that have to be solved within the next 8–10 years for us to survive.” he says. A former geologist and aerospace computer systems designer, Braden has devoted the last 22 years to researching ancient wisdom traditions, studying the ice cores in Antarctica and working for Global Coherence. Time is running out, he says, as we approach one of the most pivotal periods in the history of civilization. Braden is the New York Times bestselling author of such groundbreaking books as The Divine Matrix and The Spontaneous Healing of Belief and others. Now he adds yet another paradigm-shattering book to his impressive resume: Fractal Time:The Secret of 2012 and a New World Age. I’ve had the pleasure of interviewing Gregg Braden three times previously, but have never found him more focused and passionate about rewriting the future as he was on this occasion. Fractal Art in Article by Dan Wills - http://ultraiterator.blogspot.com/

It’s About Time for a New World Age An Interview with Gregg Braden Linda M. Potter

Gregg Braden

LP: What kinds of planetary changes are we talking about, and how did they lead to the destruction of earlier civilizations? Can we escape that same fate? GB: Specifically, those were changes in climate, in temperature, in seasons which impacted their ability to do simple life-sustaining things like growing food. So they started to fight each other for the vestiges of these disappearing resources, and in their fighting everyone lost — no one won – and the civilizations collapsed and disappeared. We’ve got to ask ourselves, are we making the same mistake today? Are we fighting one another in our fear of a changing world? And, if so, can we recognize it and change things before we go the way of those past civilizations? This is the value of understanding the past. What I’m seeing happening — and I admit I’m an optimist — is the changes in our world are driving the governments and nations of our planet to work together with greater levels of cooperation because we need to to get through the cycles. I think the outcome is that we’ll continue to work together even though the cycles no longer demand it, because we find that we’re better people and we have a better world when we work together. In that way, I think we will fulfill the 2012 prophecies that say the world will never be the same again, that it’s the end of the world as we’ve known it. LP: You talk a lot about cycles and their importance in determining our future. How does science explain these cyclic patterns and the resulting planetary changes? GB: There are two key scientific discoveries that have helped us understand what is happening. The first is the discovery that there is a powerful source of energy at the center of our Milky Way galaxy. It is a powerful magnetic field that ebbs and flows and has a profound effect upon life on Earth. Some peer-reviewed scientific journals are now linking what they call biodiversity, the rise and fall of life on earth and the changes in life on earth with this powerful field of energy. The second discovery is that our location (proximity) to this field of energy determines how strongly we are influenced by it. Our orbit around the core of Milky Way Galaxy is not a perfect circle. If it were, the energy would be the same all the time. Rather, it is an ellipse, an elongated circle. When you see an elongated circle drawn around the point of energy at the core, you can see that there are places along that orbit where we’re closer to that source of energy than others. When we are closer, the influence of that energy is more pronounced than when we’re at points that are further away. We happen to be at a point in the cycle right now where the magnetic field is lessened, and we have more energy from the sun influencing our planet. That energy heats up the ocean, heats up the atmosphere, melts the ice, causes sea levels to rise, and triggers changes in weather patterns. As a result, the climate changes.

Lost Civilizations

Sunken Cities off the Coasts of Japan, Cuba, and Dwarka in India


LP: Is this the recurring pattern that is responsible for what we are experiencing on Earth at this time? GB: Yes. What looks like radical changes occurring on the Earth right now are actually changes that are perfectly aligned with the changes the Earth has always seen when we reach this point in the cycle. In the past, the warming seems to be intense but brief, and it’s followed by a cooling period that lasts longer than the warming period. If we look and compare where we are now with the cycles in the past, we’re right on track with the changes that come with the end of what the Mayans called a World Age Cycle. LP: Can we meet the physical challenges on the planet and survive the end of this World Age? GB: I’m not that concerned about our ability to meet the challenges of the physical changes. We’re already doing it and I think we’re doing a good job. My concern is how we deal with the personal, social and cultural changes that are presented to us as a factor of the cycle. How do we respond? How do we treat one another as we go through the changes? We’re answering that question right now. LP: You have created a very intriguing tool you call the “Time Code Calculator” that can predict when cycles will repeat. How exactly does it work? GB: The cycles occur on a rhythmic, regular basis that we can calculate using very simple mathematics that govern much of our natural world. The same mathematics that govern the orbits of planets and the life cycles of many forms of life governs the cycles of time. Knowing that, when I wrote Fractal Time, I wanted to share with our readers that the cycles follow simple mathematics we can calculate at home on our own. We don’t need big computers to do it. What I found was that people don’t like a lot of math in their books (he laughs). So, I moved the math to appendices at the end, and I found that they didn’t even like math at the end of their books. So what I did was automate these very simple mathematical calculations into an interactive calculator that’s available on my website. The calculator works with cultural, global and personal cycles following any one of three modalities: Mode 1:When can we expect something in the past that happened to happen again? Mode 2:What date in the past holds the conditions we can expect for the future? Mode 3: When can we expect the conditions of a personal experience— either positive or negative — to repeat in our lives?

Linda Potter: Let’s begin by talking about your new book, Fractal Time. Could you give us some insights into how it came about? Gregg Braden: First, a little background. Ancient texts and traditions have always viewed our lives, our relationship to the earth and the cosmos in terms of cycles. They viewed time as a great wave of energy that pulses through the universe on a regular, cyclic rhythmic basis. Each time it reappears, the pulse carries patterns of energy from the past which we experience time and time again. What modern science now is beginning to understand is that the ancients were right and we do, in fact, live cycles within cycles within cycles. Fractal Time was an opportunity for me to marry the best science of the day with the wisdom of our past to give a greater depth and meaning to the changes we are seeing today. It’s no secret that something is happening. We all sense that life is not business as usual on planet earth. We’re living unprecedented changes in our civilization. Many individuals tell me they are living unprecedented changes in their personal lives as well. So my question is, “Could these two things be related?” Is it possible that the changes that come with the great cycles on the planetary level could be triggering cycles of changes in our personal lives as well?

Milky Way Rift

LP: Where do we begin looking for those answers? GB: I think it is important to begin with facts, and it is a fact that we are living the end of a rare and mysterious cycle of time that began 5,125 years ago in the year 3114 B.C. and completes with a rare astronomical event that occurs on December 21, 2012 A.D. It’s a fact that this 5,125 year cycle has occurred in the past a number of times. Ancient and indigenous traditions, specifically Mesoamerican traditions, identify at least four of these cycles leading up to the cycle that we’re experiencing now. It’s a fact that each time cycles were completed and new cycles began, they were accompanied by conditions of change that were catastrophic for the people living during that time. It is a fact that when we overlay cycles of time on the archaeological history of our planet (gleaned from studying the ice cores of Antarctica and the sea floor sediments in the oceans), what we find is that some civilizations in our past collapsed when they reached the point in their cycles where we find ourselves in our cycle today. We find that the cycles are intense, and we’re definitely living in one of those intense cycles. However, they also appear to be brief. We are a rare generation living at an equally rare period of time where we’re straddling the world that has been in one cycle with the world that is emerging because of the birth of the next cycle. We’re the generation that is living that transition. I think it’s helpful to know, to be able to go into the past and see we what we can realistically expect. Milky Way and Dark Rift/ Sclipse.sx/CC 3.0

There are brief instructions on the website that are intended to go with the more detailed instructions that are in the book. By entering [into the calculator] an event from the past that became the seed event for a particular cycle, you can find when that cycle will repeat (again and again). Those are the fractal cycles. LP: The calculator relies on “Seed Events” to forecast the future. How do we identify a seed event? GB: What we know is that each cycle begins with a seed event — an event that sets in motion a pattern of energy that will continue on a rhythmic basis, again and again, until the pattern is changed. For example, in our personal lives, the first time we experience loss, hurt or betrayal, it leaves an intense emotional imprint. That first experience becomes the seed event that sets into motion a pattern of energy that will repeat again. So the cycle of that hurt, loss or betrayal — the conditions that led to that experience will show up again and again in our lives on this rhythmic, predictable basis until something changes our pattern. That doesn’t mean that the experience has to repeat, that we must be hurt, or we must be betrayed; it means the conditions are in place to make it more likely. LP: Is the calculator’s purpose, then, to warn us of what may lie ahead? GB: In part. But, the patterns aren’t just about bad things. They work for good things also, like success, abundance, love, caring — all of those things. But, rarely do we get stuck in patterns of joy or patterns of abundance! Mode #3 on the Calculator helps us determine those personal cycles. Linda M. Potter is a popular speaker and the author of If Only God Would Give Me a Sign! available at Barnes & Noble, independent book stores, through Amazon.com or at wordkeepersinc.com.You can contact her through her website, www.lindampotter.com or at linda@lindampotter.com.

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