Jon DePew
I am an independent scientific researcher.
In the year 2003 and after a long journey of searching and resisting the urge to give up many times, I made a most important discovery, a visual symbol or better termed A "VISUAL" & "MATHEMATICAL FORMULA".
I have been sharing it with everyone ever since.
Jon DePew
Chalice Esoteric teachings Ancient architecture of amazing splendor and mind boggling complexity within their designs. These mysterious clues have been puzzling mankind for hundreds to thousands of years. Keeping millions of people from receiving a simple and most wonderful truth. It has never been publicly revealed as to what these things really were representing for the human race. Until 2003 the first time revealed with this complete understanding and the actual physical demonstrations of Proof. WWW.CORALCASTLECODE.COM
When you have finished reading this article, everything that was for so long a mystery, will be understood as representing that there are only three things that nature needs to create everything that is within our Universe.
Ancient Principles of Persia
Here are some examples of Ancient Designs which are utilizing the Divine Template. The Divine Template is actually representing the segmented Blueprints of Two Magnetic Currents and the Neutral Particles of Matter ". Alternating Magnetic Spectrum Waves are working hand in hand with the distributions of the Neutral Particles of Matter. Electricity is only a piece of what was once whole and complete. Not very efficient. Embracing these principles allows us to have "ENERGY COMPLETE" and it also shows us the blueprint's of it's Harmonic Formations of Matter and the harmonious Magnetic Distributions within them!
The way engineer's and scientist's utilize Electricity today is NOT a complete energy form.
Two Magnetic Currents & the Neutral Particles of Matter are all Nature ever needed to create all of it's Divine Majesty. This includes every single aspect of Life and Creation.
Nature is doing everything it does with only "THREE THINGS
MAGNETIC DOMAINS (GREEN IS THE NEUTRAL ZONE) There is not one thing in existence that isn't contained within
or derived from the MAGNETIC SPECTRUM.
RGB is actually representing THREE INDIVIDUAL
Not only on this Earth, but throughout the entire UNIVERSE.
Scientist's and Mathematicians have created very unnecessary and complicated reasonings with their many misguided equations and attempts to understand what they are really working with. It's not just about a vortex mathematical system only, and or one particular geometry alone, Their approach should be embracing a COMPLETE ENERGY formula which represents only THREE THINGS. Those three things are two individual magnetic currents of equal strength and the Neutral Particles of matter they orbit as a common core.
Math itself does not show all of these dynamic flexible attributes. Especially as it is applied presently in the scientific communities. The Solution is for scientist's to approach geometries first ! Then they should apply their math equations to the principles revealed within the magnetic
structuring Geometries.
As a whole complete magnetic system we can utilize harmoniously distributed Magnetic Energies in ways that are absolutely It is revealing advanced insights regarding
wonderful and
Magnetic Wave & Particle distribution principles.
most efficient .
Con t in u ing this chain of magnetic growth through every level of Nature's creations from the most simplistic life forms all the way up to Nature's most complex dynamic structuring . The main messages that should be embraced and not to be missed here, is the wonderful fact that Nature is doing everything it does with only "THREE THINGS".
All of the mathematical equations contained within Sacred Geometry are really representing the segmented blueprints to these "THREE THINGS".
Sacred Geometry represents the segmented blueprints of TWO individual N&S pole magnetic currents and the neutral particles of Matter.
DNA strands
DNA is also created and structured by the same three things, as is everything else that exists within our universe.
There is only one Complete Formula of Energy, and this is "IT".
DNA strands
Tree of life -Sephirot
Cathedral floor plan Tree of Life
Divine Temples East to West
Vibration Chambers
Adam To Eve
This Divine Template is a complete Energy Formula .Â
What is thought of as the Divinci Code by most, isn't an accurate interpretation. This Divine Template , is a complete Formula and Blueprint to Magnetic Energies. This is what should be considered to be the

TRUE Divinci Code.
Phi is the fundamental mathematical formula to apply to these magnetic formations, BUT not in the way it is utilized presently by so many researchers and scientists. Their perception of PHI is very limited because of their misunderstandings in regards to nature using only three things to make everything it creates.
Here are some helpful points to absorb: Phi also has a scale of octaves , it covers every aspect of these sacred geometries. Sacred Geometry is once again really only representing Two individual MAGNETIC CURRENTS and the NEUTRAL PARTICLES of MATTER.
Phi is the fundamental mathematical formula to apply to these magnetic formations, BUT not in the way it is utilized presently by so many researchers and scientists.
Mathematician's in general don't realize they are only applying a fraction of PHI and missing a large percentage of it, thus not ever using it in a whole form for their equations.
Max Ronnersjรถ
All the mysteries of the Fibonacci numbers and really anything to do with Nature's energetic manifestations, are all held within this Divine Template.
If Magnetic Currents are very flexible in their functionality, than that means the mathematical equations of PHI must be applied exactly in the same way. Just as the three primary colors can produce millions of individual colors.
These two Magnetic Energies can never achieve their natural SCALES of MAGNETIC HARMONIC DISTRIBUTION that way. These two magnetic forces perverted, and utilized separately, in either our using the Positive or Negative, but never both at once. Giving birth to what we have termed Electricity. Our societies misunderstanding of this most important aspect of Life and Creation, has destroyed any and every possibility of achieving a Harmonious usage of Energy. This discovery eliminates these misunderstandings of our most important fundamental Principle of Life and Creation. It reveals what energy really is,
in it's COMPLETE FORM and it's
most EFFICIENT use and applications.
harmonic distribution
Flexible Magnetic Currents
Illustration in comparing a Dragonfly's eyes with these Harmonic Magnetic Vibrations. Water Vibration Experiments in Magnetic Resonance
The Grid
Dragonfly's eyes
Harmonic Grid
Vibrating Water Experiments Reveals the Exact Magnetic Structuring
Exactly as the sound, so an electrical wave is re ected, and the same evidence which is afforded by an echo is offered by an electrical phenomenon known as “Stationary� wave-that is , a wave with xed nodal and ventral regions. Instead of sending sound -vibrations toward a distant wall, I have sent electrical vibrations toward the remote boundaries of the earth, and instead of the wall the earth has replied. In place of an echo I have obtained a stationary electrical wave, a wave re ected from afar. - Tesla
Wired for Charge
Magnetic Wave &
Particle distribution
Divine Architect This is what mathematicians strive to understand. Although what should be understood by them is that just using math can be a much weaker approach to understanding Energy than actually working with it hands on and with the accurate geometries it displays for us to learn from. Magnetic Geometries reveal the many dynamics and wonderful flexibility of magnetic energies. The geometries of magnetic energies is a much stronger approach to understand energetic principles. There is no better teacher than nature itself. The Bottom line is that the geometries will reveal all of the numbers and show their proper placements and functionalities within the magnetic standing wave patterns and or Harmonic Magnetic Distributions. All the scientists and researchers need to adjust is their BASE foundation , and all the scientific obstacles they presently face would instantly become achievable with great success. They will gain refreshing new understandings that will bring them endless directions of very rewarding
scientific explorations and discovery.
This is the real meaning of "Squaring the Circle" and or "Cubing a Sphere"Â
Flower of Life
ART as Facts
Piecing the Sacred Geometry connection to these principles and some other very important unique discoveries, I worked out on my own in my own individual hardwork and endless original experimentations. Although I do not think I would have ever discovered it if it wasn't for the wonderful insights of Ed Leedskalnin and Nikola Tesla, among a few others from history who's truth shined through and stayed with me in all that work.
Please Note: This is not a theory and should not be taken as such.
Magnetic Chain
Divine measure
Divine compass
If you take the time and effort to understand what is being revealed here in this article , you will never be the same as a person , it opens up a wonderful door of personal power & growth.
It's giving us a true
"MASTER KEY to the UNIVERSE" and it allows us an advanced individual scientific
religious , philosophical, understanding that will bring you endless personal pleasure and give birth to a brand new refreshing and truthful outlook for everything you do and experience ... As well as instilling into your being a newly formed
"JOY for LIFE"
much more dynamic levels of perceptions within your life
Cycles in Time
secret societies
Links of experiments showing proof of these principles sitebuildercontent/sitebuilder les/ JonDePew2006a.mpg sitebuildercontent/sitebuilder les/ sitebuildercontent/sitebuilder les/ JonDePewSinebubblerelease.mpg
links to VIDEO clips of my water experiments sitebuildercontent/sitebuilder les/ WF.mpg sitebuildercontent/sitebuilder les/
g sitebuildercontent/sitebuilder les/ FLWM.mpg
About Jon DePew I have been researching energy on my own for many years. I do my own experiments as to confirm or disprove my own thoughts pertaining to energy. This technique of doing experiments of my own conception and not just replicating others experiments, has enabled me to uncover some very important and original discoveries which is now changing science on a daily basis. There are many self imposed restrictions scientists have placed on themselves, and thus causing science not to progress forward as quickly as it should have. Doing my own work and absorbing anything I felt was relative to TRUTH in regards to Energy is how I advanced to a level that has been o verwhelming in rewarding and truthful knowledge. I've studied through the years a few great researchers of energy from history such as Nikola Tesla , Edward Leedskalnin , Albert Cushing Crehore among others. I only absorbed and focused my attention on what I felt were TRUTHS within all my reading, and original experimenting of my own design. Then one night doing some physical scientific experiments, I saw something in my magnetic work similar to the ancient Flower of Life design. This instantly made me realize that all of Sacred Geometry was really the SEGMENTED BLUEPRINTS to MAGNETIC ENERGIES .. This conclusion also tied together some work of Ed Leedskalnin, an immigrant from Latvia and the builder of the Coral Castle or also known as Rock Gate. An amazing muti-ton hand carved coral stone complex located in Homestead Florida. Ed Leedskalnin had left a subtle visual design on the cover of one of his small self published booklets entitled "MAGNETIC CURRENT". This was a design showing two flexible curves seen in many ancient designs and architectures.
So on my own, I took those two curves and proved my conclusions of Sacred Geometry being the Blueprints of Magnetic energies. I proved it visually , mathematically, and most importantly in real working PHYSICAL SCIENTIFIC DEMONSTRATIONS.
Divine Law
Divine Plan
Examples of these Physical demonstrations and new levels of discovery in Science & Physics can be seen at my website links: MAGNETICSPECTRUM.COM CORALCASTLECODE.COM
Josh Toms
- Creative Energy Renaissance is a talk based around art’s in uence in human culture and how art has been used in the most advanced cultures as a way to communicate new expression. Due to the unlimited amounts of new expressions artwork can convey the focus of this talk will be the human connection to geometry and how the human mind has imprinted geometrical understandings in relation to universal energy throughout history. Why is geometry so important to energy? Why focus on geometry’s artistic relation to human creativity and energy systems? In this talk I will be going into detail as to why art is important in geometry, physics, engineering, nanotech and computer programing. Geometric creativity will unite
our inherent and self-event connection to nature with an understanding that builds con dence with tangibility. If we are able to perceive these geometric connections I believe we will be able to recognize how we all are connected. Each culture is expressing different artistic and theological metaphors inherently teaching the same creative force concept. The creative force has many different names. God, Source, Sound, Energy, Magnets, Resonance, Fractals, Soul. Consciousness, Geometry, Ect… Call this creative force whatever you want. We are all perceiving the same prism but from different angles. The point is we all have a piece of the PI. I will show you how we are all connected and how this Creative Energy Renaissance will give us a new look at the power of creative artistic expression.