E v o l u t i o n a r y
R e s e a r c h
E x p e d i t i o n
+HIQF?>A? I@ NB? #IMGC= -CH>m !F=B?GS I@ !S;BO;M=; Exc l us i v e Tour wi t h Li l i ya Kari panov a and Kri s hna Madappa
3-14 November 2012
?RNL;IL>CH;LS DIOLH?S into the mysterious and enigmatic jungles of the Amazon! To get in touch with the energy erupting from the very heart of the Earth and receive the transformations that will expand the boundaries of your perception of this world, to deepen the understanding of yourself, of your celestial nature and reveal to you that which you would not be able to see or experience otherwise, even in the deepest state of meditation! During this journey you will acknowledge and witness the full magnificence of your own soul and its union with the One Celestial Intelligence.
a Russian colleague of professor K. Korotkov (inventor of
Bioelectrography), is a healer, professional practitioner and teacher in the field of energy healing and practical meditation. I am working with the most advanced methods available today. I work with EMF Balancinng Tehnique, Signature Cell Healing, DNA & Theta Healing and PSYCH-K.
Since 2007, I have embarked in many spiritual journeys to Sri Lanka, India, Cancun/Mexico, the Amazonian jungles/Peru, where I took part in countless ceremonies with Mayan shamans and Peruvian shamans to open my mind to a wider and true understanding of this world. The experience obtained in my journeys enabled a more rapid awakening of my consciousness and the evolution of the soul. As such, I wanted to become a guide for other people. I started organizing spiritual journeys focusing on the originality and distinctiveness of each one.
Research Team
+LCMBH;’M greatest joy is in assisting all to reconnect to their Divinity within. Founder of The Essence of Life, Krishna Madappa is an educator, essential oil clinician, researcher, storyteller, shaman and Ayurvedic specialist based in Taos, New Mexico. Born and raised in the Andaman Islands, India and educated both in India and the USA in engineering and bio-field sciences, he is totally immersed in scientific research and explorations of subtle energies and frontier sciences. As a Holistic Consultant, Krishna is dedicated to awakening and heightening conscious awareness through continued studies on Human Energy Fields, essential oils, water, sound and light. Krishna travels globally conducting lectures, experiential learning intensives, and retreats along with small group and individual sessions, enriching and empowering the lives of all he meets. Krishna’s lectures on holistic healing demonstrate how pure Vedic and Ayurvedic principles can be incorporated into our daily lives in order to enhance a qualitative lifestyle. He demonstrates how the use of EPC (electro photon capture), essential oils and mindful daily practices enhances the process of mind-body- spirit integration. He is an advisor to “The International Union of Medical and Applied Bioelectrography” (iumab.org) and is an active member of the “International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine” (issseem.org) and recently named new Board of Trustee member for Southwestern College (swc.edu) in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Krishna is also a founding member of the Institute for Science, Spirituality and Sustainability (issstaos.org), a non-profit organization based in Taos, New Mexico..
The most important scientific work of our trip - research the process of healing and transformation through the Ayahuasca Ceremonies, which will practically prove the real healing power of this process! 1) The most important thing is that each participant will not only experience the changes happening to himself, but will also receive a visual confirmation of the experience on a computer screen!
• You will be able to see the changes taking place in your delicate body energies, in the Chakra system and the physical body. • This will be accomplished with the help of special GDV devices operated by Dr. K.Korotkov (the devices are able to record and process data from the energy fields of space, the human aura, and determine the vibration frequency of any liquids and plants). • We will explore the psycho-emotional, energetic and physical condition of all participants at the beginning and during the entire trip. Each participant will receive a full interpretation of what he or she sees. • We will also examine the Ayahuasca drink itself on our devices, its vibration frequency and the vibration used in preparing the herbs to ensure that they indeed possess a powerful healing force. • We will be investigating the response (reaction and changes) to what is happening during the ceremony of celestial energy. • And also what is happening to the energy field of shamans during and after the ceremony. We will constantly communicate, discuss our findings, research and share experiences after the ceremony.
2. In the daytime and during the free days between Ayahuasca ceremonies, we will be conducting joint ceremonies and practices which will help develop the ability to preserve a state of inner peace and balance. This is most crucial in these difficult times for all, times of great global changes, great instability and time acceleration!
3. Especially for you, our transformational journey - the «Puja» ceremony conducted by Krishna. Here we will be calling upon the strength and wisdom of the Gods, the Universe and Nature!
Participation in shamanic ceremonies with the sacred Ayahuasca and scientific research of the transformation process of consciousness with the use of modern GDV equipment with an Electro-Photon Imaging devices developed by visionary biophysicist Dr. Konstantin Korotkov from St.Petersburg, (www.korotkov.org)
!S;BO;M=; CM ; GCL;=OFIOM ... healing broth used by the indigenous population of the Amazon for millennia. Ayahuasca brings all your Consciousness from the 10% of the brain focused on the 3rd dimensional reality to the 90% of brain associated with the whole universe, where there are absolutely no limitations! You may think that this might be accomplishable through meditation, but these experiences have an essential difference! The unique experience with Ayahuasca is that you literally become that who we all really are! You become Ethereal Essence, which has its own individual consciousness, able to take on any form and be transported to any space and dimension! You can become water, plant, air, sound, stars! You can lead telepathic dialogues with the spirits of animals, plants, and of entirely different worlds! And all this is as real as the reality of our 3d dimension! The only thing that you do not feel is your body! As if all that you have left of your form are the eyes, through which you can see the bright, incredibly colorful kaleidoscope of multiple realities! Though the main point of this process is self - acknowledgement, of the universe within oneself! And to the extent of your existence in this life, a vision of your multidimensional being will be revealed! In just a few ceremonies, you can accomplish that which would have required years of meditation! Ayahuasca removes emotional blocks, opens the heart and dissolves our deepest fears and trauma of this life and of previous incarnations. Ayahuasca has long been concealed by the indigenous people of the Amazon from the "white" people of the modern Western world, in order to avoid it being abused and misunderstood. This is a very serious process! During the session, there is an alignment of your DNA with the DNA of the Universe, and you are filled with new Codes and models of mental and physical Harmonious reality. This way you receive an impetus and highest landmark that will serve you as a Beacon, always guiding you in the right direction throughout your daily life. You will never be the same! This is not easy for everyone at first, to learn your inner Universe, all your facets and perhaps meet eye to eye with your far from angelic counterparts.
!S;BO;M=; is the name given to both the central ingredient of a South American Indian psychoactive potion (a species of the Banisteriopsis genus) and the potion itself. Almost invariably other plants are mixed together with the jungle vine Banisteriopsis; about a hundred different species are known to have been added to the potion at different times and places. Ayahuasca is made in the form of a drink or potion. The bark of the Banisteriopsis vine is either mashed to a pulp and then mixed with cold water or, in other regional methods of making the potion, it is boiled for a number of hours and then the resulting liquid is c o n s u m e d. Ay a h u a s c a g a i n e d a reputation for providing telepathic powers and a psychoactive alkaloid found to be present in it was named telepathine (now known to be the same as the alkaloid harmine found in Syrian rue). Harmaline is also present in both ayahuasca and Syrian rue. Other psychoactive plants are often added to Ayahuasca to achieve visionary states of consciousness; for example leaves from Psychotria viridis, which is a source of dimethyltryptamine (DMT). The harmala alkaloids serve to potentiate these brewed compounds by preventing their breakdown in the digestive tract. The harmala alkaloids are not especially psychoactive on their own, even at high dosages, when vomiting and diarrhea become the main effect.
In addition to ayahuasca, other native names include yajĂŠ, caapi, natema, pindĂŠ, kahi, mihi, dĂĄpa and bejuco de oro, the last meaning 'vine of gold. Ayahuasca itself means 'vine of the soul.
4BLIOAB G?>CN;NCIHm NL;CHCHA ;H> P;LCIOM B?;FCHA M?MMCIHM SIO =;H MJ??> OJ the healing and evolution of the soul, as if going up on an elevator.
The ceremonies are accompanied by the Ikaros chanting - shamanic healing songs, which help release negative energies, cleanse the physical body, spiritual cleansing and healing, protection, related to the Spirit.
The evolutionary ascent with Ayahuasca is similar to the ascent of a high-speed rocket! The vibrations of your slender body increase so rapidly that the physical, dense body simply cannot keep up adjusting to the higher vibrations. Because of that, many people who have this experience can feel great discomfort and become unwell after the passage of these ceremonies. However, during our special expedition you will not be alone by yourself and with your experience after the ceremony. Me and Krishna, in the Light of our Hearts and professionalism in working with emotional balancing energy fields, surrounding you with the energy of Unconditional and Infinite Sacred Love, will guide each participant through the process so that your experience is most harmonious. We also have extensive experience with Ayahuasca and telepathic inter-spatial voyages. Contributing to the harmonious passage of this process are also multiple practices and ceremonies, which we will be conducting during daytime. This will facilitate the frequency increase of vibrations in your body, in order to speed up the evolution of cells and nourish your body with light. Therefore, certain physical healing may also occur. During the Ayahuasca ceremony, there is a special state of consciousness, the sounds of Ikaros completely merge with visions and sensations, the chanting sounds as if inside the participants of the ceremony and you yourself become one with the song. The sounds of the night jungle complement the Ikaros and enhance the immersion into the world of Ayahuasca. For our tour, we specifically sought out a shaman who is magnificent at chanting the beautiful songs of Ikaros!
0OG;2CHLC !G;TIH ,I>A? is located on a private reserve on the banks of Huallaga River at the foothills of the Andes mountain range, right where the Earth’s Kundalini is now located (for several years, this most important energy has been migrating here from the Himalayas, where people have been searching for Shambhala). Its proximity to the Kundalini land, gives enlightenment and awakening to a whole new level of existence. This is especially relevant if you intend to explore your consciousness and express your feelings! And that is exactly what we will accomplish together! Unbelievable, but the fact that this center is located among the purest jungle environment, surrounded by mountains, rivers and waterfalls, while we can stay in comfortable accommodations with shower and toilet, hot and cold running water and electricity (which is also an important factor for conducting our research work). Our group will consist of people from Russia, Japan and America. Join us and complement our international group!
Now then! You have an unique opportunity to get a "three in one" deal! 1. Transformation with Ayahuasca 2. A complete scientific observation of your transformation with modern GDV devices 3. Additional achievement of valuable practical experience from the Masters of skill for reaching a state of balance. Plus the ceremonies with Krishna, where just simple communication already fills you with joy and happiness, raises your vibration and enhances your Light! Your life will change qualitatively! You will find peace, joy in living every moment and a completely new perception to life! Do not miss your chance to rise to the next level and take part in a stunning scientific research!
November 4 - First day arrival, check-in, a delicious lunch and a short rest, followed by a gathering on the open air veranda for a group initiation to the World Meditation Spheres of All Possibilities with Tom Kenyon to plant the seeds of a new, more benevolent reality for all mankind! Through the meditation of all people in the world who are connected to it, guided by the Hathors (you can get more information on the website www.tomkenyon.com and already start preparing). Can you imagine what a powerful and amazing feeling we will experience united in our international group, while being so close to the Kundalini of the Earth! Afterwards we will celebrate this event with an assorted vegetarian dinner! November 5 - Breakfast will be served every morning to your room! During the day we will conduct preliminary studies with the GDV. In the evening, our first magical ceremony, meeting with lady Ayahuasca. At the same time, during and after the ceremony, we will be conducting our research with GDV.
November 6 - in the free days between ceremonies we will perform daily practices and During 10 days, you will receive 5 Ayahuasca ceremonies.
small ceremonies. At your request, we can also visit waterfalls, venture into the jungle, wonder at the magnitude of trees and the variety of flora and fauna. You will be able to transcend to the reality of “Avatar“!
November 7 - communication and practices in the daytime. In the evening - the second ceremony. Once again, we find ourselves in the alchemy of Ayahuasca! Magical sounds of the night jungle and Ikaros; we will be fast forwarded into the 90% part of our consciousness, which is always in touch with all Things! Again the journey awaits you to the boundless knowledge of Jehovah and its inner universe! The following Ayahuasca ceremonies every other day.
Food: A special vegetarian cuisine will be prepared especially for us (a necessary requisition for the ceremony passage with Ayahuasca). Light breakfast, but a buffet for lunch and dinner, so we will have a wide variety of dishes to choose from. We can enjoy wonderful, freshest dishes cooked in a clay oven. In the days of shamanic ceremony - without dinner.
4I L?ACMN?L. please contact
Liliya Karipanova
<lily.yuri017@ gmail.com>
You can address your questions at the following e-mail: lily.yuri017@gmail.com. You have to fly to Lima/Peru by yourself. We will meet you at the Lima Airport on November 3, 2012. Alternatively, you will be greeted by a person with our tour sign, who will guide you to the meeting place. The cost of this wonderful and unique tour (does not include airfare to and back from Lima): With advance payment before October 15, 2012 - 2,550 USD. The advance payment is 50% (1,275 USD), the other 50% (1,275 USD) due upon arrival in Lima. With payment after October 15, 2012 - tour price - 2,850 USD. Only 15 people can participate in this phenomenal event. Information of our expedition has been sent to centers in USA, Europe, Russia, Japan + Brazil. So we will be filling this expeditions capacity quickly. Therefore, if you choose to receive this experience with us and be part of this group register as soon as you decision is made and pre-payment arrangements have been satisfied. If you do not wish to gain experience with Ayahuasca, you can just melt into the virgin purity and beauty of the jungle nature, as well as take part in our research, daily practices and ceremonies and attend the evening ceremonies, without taking Ayahuasca (as healing occurs even if you are just present in this space). In this case you will receive a 250 USD discount to the tour price. Tour price includes the following: * Stop at Lima, upon arrival, 1 night * Local Airfare Lima-Tarapoto- Lima * All transfers within the country * Local 2 rooms with shower and toilet, There is also an improved suite, with jacuzzi, air-conditioning and 1 queen size bed + 1 sofa You can pick it up for an additional fee $ 200/per or $ 400 for the whole room for upto 2 or 3 people * 3 meals a day * Shamanic ceremonies with Ayauyaska * Research on GDV device with full interpretation * The daily practices and ceremonies with Krishna
)H ,IP? ;H> ,CABN %H?LAS f,CFCS; h +LCMBH;
4I L?ACMN?L contact Liliya Karipanova <lily.yuri017@ gmail.com> http://youtu.be/vYTS-cYZicU Designed by Karen Elkins/sciencetosage.com