Creativity: The Elixir of Life? written by Kimberly Faith

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June 2024

Inspiration can be found in the most unexpected of places.

Who could have guessed at the beginning of 2024 that Dee Tonken, a grandmother, would be inspired to write not one, not two, but three children’s books, with plans to release another trilogy later this year? Her inspiration was drawn from two places.

The first was a special boutique museum in Waynesboro, VA based on the works of Walter and Lao Russell. For months, Dee attended the volunteer meetings for the museum and each time she would be inspired to spread the message of love, light, balance, and harmony. Dee warmly says “I wanted to honor Lao’s request from decades ago to bring the message of love to young people.” Her second source of inspiration was her relationship with Alora, her eight-year-old granddaughter who gave Dee “fresh eyes to see the world.”

There has been a recent surge of interest in the works of Walter Russell, particularly following the featured actor Terrance Howard on The Joe Rogan Show, which now has over 10 million views. Lao and Walter Russell’s unique blend of a living philosophy backed by science captivates audiences all over the world, highlighting remarkable insights into the secrets of the universe.

“It was the intersection of the Russell work and spending time with my granddaughter that I found a deep stirring inside to motivate the next generation to live an inspired life,” says Dee. Was this a daunting task for this grandmother, a life-long learner and seeker living in a quaint town on the coast of Maine? Not at all. It was a labor of love, fueled by a newfound passion and understanding of the greater truths about reality. “What I love about the Russell material is it gives substance and grounding to all of the esoteric material I had studied over the years.”

Dee dusted off her creative skills and allowed the ideas to flow from her heart until they crystallized into a trilogy of children’s books – all of which were written, illustrated, and published by her. “They are take-along books,” Dee enthusiastically shares, “designed to inspire not only children but to give a respite to parents from the chaos of the world.”

When asked how she learned of the work of Walter and Lao Russell, Dee says she had been studying spiritualism for many years and in one of the courses she was enrolled in, they mentioned a woman named Lao Russell, a name she was unfamiliar with. Dee’s curiosity led her to learn more and she hasn’t looked back since. “For all of the years I have studied spirituality, I could have saved myself time if I had just come to the Russell material in the first place. The work supports everything I have studied esoterically for more than 50 years. I appreciate the living application and groundedness of their cosmogony.”

Dee speaks of how her granddaughter was watching her study the books written by the Russell’s. There came a day when they could not visit together in person due to illness and Alora was motivated to create a miniature book of her own, modeling what her beloved grandmother was reading. This act of love from her granddaughter created an opportunity for Dee to have a conversation about how much Walter Russell loved nature, to which Alora replied, “Oh, I love nature too.” It was in that moment that Dee asked herself, “How can I bring the inspired teachings of the Russells about love, balance, nature, and harmony to a world that really needs hope?” Thus, the Nana Dee and Ari series of books was born. “All of this came out of nowhere and I was delightfully blindsided by it,” says Dee in her modest way.

In today’s world where youth seems to be valued over wisdom, some wonder about their contributions to life as they age. Can I still make a difference? Are my skills still relevant? Do I still matter? Dee is on a quest to remind others in the more “seasoned” chapters of their lives that it is never too late to learn, create, and grow. “Find your passion and dive into it,” Dee exclaims. “Even though I have enjoyed the arts over my lifetime, I am now living a life of more creativity. Thirty years ago I had my own illumination which said the best part of my life would be my later years and I have believed that ever since. I am excited every day to get up. When you find something you are passionate about, it gives you inspiration and purpose. Creativity energizes life. Don’t buy into the old storyline that you are not creative. We are all artists in our own right . . . we are designed to be creators.”

May we all be inspired by this gift of love to the world from the remarkable Nana Dee – love for her granddaughter, love for the Russell work, and her love for humanity. Lao Russell once said, “It is always in the little things shared with love that we find our greatest happiness.

From a grandmother’s love and care, Dee Tonken has created a beautifully illustrated book with a timely message for everyone! This heart-felt story is filled with gentle, inspiring and encouraging wisdom that underscores the vital themes of love, kindness and harmony while showing practically how to revere, care for, and commune with nature and all living things.

Implicit and central in the writing is a viable and practical solution on how our being separate from nature can be restored and healed at the deepest level. The loving conversations between Alora and Nana Dee also highlight the critical importance of personally transmitting this timeless universal wisdom from one generation to the next.

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Willie, Lost But Not Really is book 2 in the Nana Dee and Ari Take-Along Series. It tells a heartwarming story of a baby harbor seal pup, who finds friendship and adventure with a young girl, Alora Borealis, in a small Maine coastal town. Together, they uncover the power of Love, Nature, kindness, and harmony.

This beautiful tale intertwines a journey of discovery and the profound connections between life and the natural world, highlighting the impact of empathy and the essence of community where every being has its place. Join Willie and Alora in a transformative journey that celebrates the wonders of nature and the bonds of friendship.

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Deborah (Dee) Tonken is a storyteller from Maine, raised on Peaks Island in Casco Bay. She graduated in 2014 from the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Returning to her coastal roots, Deborah developed a deep appreciation for its wildlife and natural beauty. Her Nana Dee and Ari Take-Along Book Series distills complex philosophical concepts into clear, practical lessons. Designed for all ages, her books blend universal principles with light, engaging storytelling, enriched by vivid, captivating illustrations. Each page invites reflection on Love, Nature, Kindness, and Harmony, making profound ideas accessible and enjoyable for readers of all ages.

Through her writing, Deborah seeks to inspire a deeper understanding and appreciation of our interconnected world, encouraging readers to

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