SCIENCE TO SAGE International Magazine, Edition 49, November 2018
Relationship Healing
Mind Part 4 - three axioms of physical ontology
WRITTEN Content Mind, the Scalar Force of Light ~ Dale Pond
Developing a Personal Relationship with the Divine ~ Dr. Joe Dispenza The Mind/Ego in Relationship to Health ~ Robert Dursi
Staying Calm in the Eye of the Storm ~ Dr Joe Dispenza
The Deduction (Part 4) ~ Klee Irwin
More than Champions ~ Film Producer Dr. Kevin McAfee WHAT IS REALITY? ~ Klee Irwin THE CODE THEORETIC AXIOM:THE
Lies and Love: Cleansing the Heart to Make room for Radical
Love ~ Vanessa D. Wert
Radio Interviews Robert Dursi Ted Knut
Dr. Larry Dossey
et Science to Sage take you on a scienti c and mystical journey where the sciences, spirituality, world philosophies, and ancient wisdom fuse. Explore with leading-edge scientists, innovative thinkers, mathematicians, mystics and artists from around the world.
What sets Science to Sage apart? Our rich visual weave and imagery makes complex ideas accessible. Each edition is themed, and likened to the renaissance, we bridge disciplines so you can witnesses the interconnections of ALL things.
Imagine the Creator as a scientist and his/her toolbox is the physical elements. They include water, earth, air, and re. In
modern science, they nd form in liquids, solids, gases, and plasma. They are expressions of the same things. These elements are the building blocks of universes, from minuscule interatomic distances to the vastness of galactic arrays. ALL, including us, are made from stardust. Within this cyclical weave of elements is a connected tapestry which evolves geometry, chemistry, biology, and physics — this is our living matrix and the byproduct is the beauty we see. Rediscover the our human story. It has been hidden in plane view. Science to Sage lifted the veil. Editor, Researcher, and Graphic Designer Karen Elkins
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“All motion is thought, and all force is mind force.” ~ John Keely
Mind Forces are the Celestial Forces
“There is a celestial mind force, a great sympathetic force which is life itself, of which everything is composed.” ~ Keely
Mind, the Scalar Force of Light Scalar forces are to be found categorized within the chart of Nonmaterial depolar and polar Energy and Matter. These scalar or Mind forces are the celestial forces Keely engineered into his machines. Mind Force is not observable within 3D newtonian classical forces, but are nonclassical, non-newtonian, unobservable pure potential, when undifferentiated (depolar). Thinking differentiates (polarizes) this balanced potential setting 3D newtonian things into motion and hence materialization which has a built in mechanism to void or rebalance that motion. Invisible causes have visible effects. Spirit is substance, as Spinoza taught: "The universe is one. There is no supernatural; all is related, cause and sequence. Like fire, which is a spiritual order of vibration, spirit is latent in all matter. One might as well try to operate a steam-engine without its boiler as to give motion to matter against the conditions imposed by nature, or to propose a new method of controlling the action of our physical organisms (other than through the sympathetic transfer of our mental forces) as an improvement on the
one instituted by the Almighty. [Bloomfield-Moore]
What is Mind Force? Mind Force is the ultimate non-observable scalar potential from which all observable force and matter comes through differentiation (refraction). Undifferentiated Mind (what some call the Mind of God) is therefore a common concept and thread connecting Keely, Russell, Cayce and Quimby. Matter is solidified tenuous mind substance. Russell called it "frozen Light" or “crystallized Light”. Mind stuff or substance is a range of energy densities as shown in the Etheric Element table. In other words, Mind is a form of tenuous matter (fine gas, plasma or ether) that can be: • concentrated into form as Sai Baba has done, • as heat as Qigong Master Jo demonstrates, • as adding or subtracting mass and weight as Hubbard explains, • as manipulating matter as Uri Geller has shown, • as electrically powered motion as Daniel Pomerleau demonstrates, • as powering and controlling flying craft as Otis T. Carr developed, • as effecting matter as Emoto shows with his wonderful water crystals affected by mere thought and vibrations of music. • Princeton University proved beyond all doubt that Mind is a force and can effect matter, as demonstrated in paranormal phenomena, psycho-cybernetics, telekinetic, psycho-kinesis, fire walking, extra-sensory perception, psi, psionic, radionic phenomena. Or perhaps this: Hands of Power? When Keely says "All force is Mind Force" and then he harnessed this primal Mind Force in his machines we should investigate it further. This concept has been extensively written about by Blavatsky, Rudolf Steiner, Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, Quimby, Hubbard,
Reich and countless others of equal note.
The luminiferous ether, the compound interetheric or celestial mind force is the great sympathetic protoplastic element life itself. Its sympathetic outreach is mind flow or will force sympathetic polarization to produce action and sympathetic depolarization to neutralize it. Polar and depolar differentiation result in motion. It is the soul of matter from which all forms of motion receive their introductory impulse. [Keely]
Luminiferous Ether
Light of Mind Mind Force is sometimes called "Thinking with the Heart" or Whole Mind. This is not the split mind of the ego or intellect which invariably leads one astray or into error. Quarks play an important and foundation role in electrical and chemical processes (chemism). This is vital to SVP because Mind Substance has to have chemical properties else how would (chemical or molecular) drugs effect physiology, consciousness equilibrium and diverse psi phenomena? Quarks also having a fundamental role in electrical phenomena tells us electrons are not all there is to consider in electricity. It is assumed then quarks and gluons are a part or portion of the
interetheric (celestial) streams so often referred to by Keely which is the media or conveyor of Mind Force an etheric disturbance demonstrated by so many exceptional people. It is further presumed the endocrine system, operates on the quark and photon subdivisions of Mind Substance which would account for psi phenomena. This revolutionary idea is explained by the fact that atoms, Keely's atomic subdivision, are composed of electrons, protons and neutrons - Keely's interatomic subdivision. These three are composed of photons, Keely's etheric subdivision. Photons are composed of quarks, Keely's interetheric subdivision. Therefore quarks and gluons are the first level of differentiation of Undifferentiated Mind Force or Keely's compound interetheric subdivision of Mind and Force. This interetheric level of Mind and Matter is where thought, intuition, telepathy, remote viewing and clairvoyance happens. These unseen forces are the non-observable scalar forces that originate observable newtonian effects.
This matrix of matter and energy
shows how our
consciousness is integral to everything that is and happens around us as every thing is ultimately
composed of this Mind Substance.
Subdivision link The progression of humanity can be seen in its discovery,
another huge leap forward.
development and use of knowledge paralleling the discovery and What this means in simple terms is while we use electrons to run
Therefore human progress is a reflection of humanity's
our machinery and we are just now learning how to use photons
expansion or elevation of Mind, Awareness or Consciousness.
in lasers and micro chips. Keely used photons, quarks and
These ages blend and overlap but as each is adapted into
gluons (thought) to operate his machines over 100 years ago. He
society leaps in development and use of tools and processes
was a visionary of our age as were the early developers of
result in surges of general well being, commerce and societal
interetherically operated radionic and psychotronic devices -
expansions of science, industry, philosophy and politics. As we
though not yet accepted into general science or society. Lyndon
can see from Figure 19.4 above humanity is on the cusp of
use of these levels or subdivisions of Matter and Energy states.
The topic of Mind Force is controversial and few are as
living process presently known to us, is a general law. That law is
controversial as Lyndon LaRouche, a polymath, best known for
definable as a condition of progress from lower to higher modes
his politics and economics. In his perennial quest for knowledge
of thermodynamics of all forms of life, as the fruit of this same set
of the human condition he had this to say about Mind Force as a
of terms. The universe, most clearly the human species,
human characteristic:
depends for the survival of existing and improved species on
This thermodynamical characteristic of living processes
increase of the relative "energy-flux density" in the flow of various
generally, is carried over from other forms of variously living and
expressions of progress and upward-directed evolution of living
extinct species and human cultures. This general principle of all
Two giant donuts of charged particles called the Van Allen Belts surround Earth. Credit: NASA/T. Benesch, J. Carns
Keely says of the human state of mind: The sympathetic conditions that we call mind are no more
an order of vibratory, oscillatory velocity, which causes it to evolve
immaterial in their character than light or electricity. The
its own luminosity. This celestial, latent power, that induces
substance of the brain is molecular, while the substance of the
luminosity in this medium, is the same that registers in
mind that permeates the brain is interetheric and is the element by which the brain is impregnated, exciting it into action and controlling physical motion. In order to trace the successive triple impulses, taking the introductory one of sympathetic negative
all aggregated forms of matter, visible and invisible. It is held in the corpuscular embrace until liberated by a compound vibratory negative medium.
outreach, towards the cerebral neutrals, which awaken the latent element to action, we find that mind may be considered a specific
What does this activity represent, by which luminosity is induced
order of interatomic motion sympathetically influenced by the
in the high etheric realm, if not to indicate that even this order of
celestial flow and that it becomes when thus excited by this
ether is bounded by a greater region still beyond?
medium a part and parcel of the celestial itself. The activity of the corpuscles represents its outflow from the
It is as static as the head of the
luminiferous track towards the molecular centers of neutrality,
positive negative attractor, until influenced by certain orders of
conditions of luminosity have no thermal forces associated with
The brain is not a laboratory.
vibration, when it reveals the true character of the outreach so induced. The brain is the high resonating receptacle where the sympathetic celestial acts, and where molecular and atomic motion exhibits itself, as according to the intensification brought to bear upon it by the celestial mind flow.
always under a state of luminosity of an especial order? Its characteristics are such, from its infinite tenuity and the
sympathetic activity with which it is impregnated, that it possesses
them, although, paradoxically, all thermal conditions emanate from that source. The tenuity of this element accounts for it. It is when the streams come in conflict with crude matter that heat is evolved from its latent state and a different order of light from the etheric luminous is originated, the sun being the intermediate transmitter.
The question arises, Why is this condition of the (luminous) ether
revealing the connecting link between mind and matter. These
All planets and systems are sympathetic intermediates, the whole of one system, connected in sympathy for each other, the brain of Deity.
Edgar Cayce spoke often about the Mind or consciousness and its direct effects on our lives. Photo by Naletu/
Edgar Cayce To him the Mind is the builder of our lives - as we think so is our life. In his philosophy we are not victims of circumstances but creators of all life’s experiences; i.e., your life and everything that happens to you, good, bad or otherwise. “Mind is the builder and that which we think upon may become crimes or miracles. For thoughts are things and as their currents run through the environs of an entity's experience these become barriers or stepping stones, dependent upon the manner in which these are laid as it were. For as the mental dwells upon these thoughts, so does it give strength, power to things that do not appear. And thus does indeed there become that as is so oft given, that faith is evidence of things not seen”. ~ Edgar Cayce If the Mind dwells upon the spiritual things, then it follows that it becomes what it has dwelt upon, what it has lived upon, what it has made itself a portion of. But if the Mind dwells upon self-indulgences, selfaggrandizement, self-exaltation, selfishness in any of its forms, in any of its variations, then it has set itself at variance to that First Cause; and we have that entered in as from the beginning, that of making will - through the Mind - at variance to Creative Forces before it has come into the movements of
matter that we know as physical, material.
Sixth Sense Mind Force in a form of Higher Consciousness is sometimes called sixth sense, inner promptings, intuition, gut feeling, hunch, seeing or knowing with the Mind as opposed to seeing or sensing with the five linear physical senses. It is Knowing without limitations or constraints of Time and Space because Mind Force operates nonlinearly beyond Time and Space. Conscious awareness is KNOWING. Unawareness means that one does not yet know. Knowledge is within him which he can know Man becomes a higher being with greater power as he acquires knowledge. In knowledge alone lies power. Only through knowledge can man become co-creator with God. “Knowledge can be obtained by man only through awareness of the Spirit within him. Lack of that awareness is the tragedy of today's civilization”. ~ Russell “All knowledge ~ then, now, or in the future, is latent within self ~ would man but begin to understand. The stamp, the image of the Creator is a part of the heritage of each soul”. ~ Cayce “Every man contains, developed or embryonic, all conditions of the Infinite; therefore no height is too great to reach. Impossibility is a meaningless word to the man who apprehends the fathomless contents of his own nature”. ~ Keely
Nonlinearly Beyond Time and Space
Princeton University
28 years lab
In an effort to answer the question “is Mind Force a real force” the engineering department of none other than Princeton University conducted a thorough 28 year series of laboratory experiments using proper and accepted protocols and rigor. They wanted to be certain that when they released their findings the question would be answered by rigorous science that would withstand all challenges. Their project was called the ‘P.E.A.R. Proposition’. What did they prove?
experiments…rigor with accepted protocols… isn’t it time we take
Nearly three decades of intense experimentation leave little doubt that the anomalous physical phenomena appearing in the PEAR studies are valid, and are significantly correlated with such subjective variables as intention, meaning, resonance, and uncertainty. This finding is not trivial. Princeton University is one of the top rated science and engineering universities of the world. If Princeton University says Mind Force is real then we can take it to the bank. In fact several top level science and engineering corporations did exactly that and have set up Psychic Labs to explore what can be done with this ‘new’ force. When multi-billion dollar international corporations begin investing in something they do it with their eyes wide open. Of course there are now countless individuals and organizations exploring Mind Force, as exercised through our Will, because isn’t that who we are? Some of these organizations are none other than UCLA,
Stanford, University of Virginia and Georgia, and Texas A&M.
Mind Force seriously?
Dale Pond is a renaissance man with a diversi
ed yet general background in chemistry,
physics, mechanical engineering, machinist, metal working and tool making, computers, mathematics, acoustics, hydrodynamics, geometry, music, and common law (and some other stu too!).
His experience includes technical writing, farming, lecturing, corporate training, business, metal and wood working, manufacturing, publishing and authoring scienti c and philosophical journals and books. Maker of Musical Dynaspheres: Atlin, Symael, Altea, Alcea, Alya and Eloniss.”
Pond family adventures in central Brazil.
At the leading edge of new paradigm thinking, he has been able to show that vibration / oscillation is the principle underlying all things. Vibration / oscillation is the connecting link between spirit, Mind and matter - the magic key for creating new experiences, worlds and universes.
As an internationally renowned lecturer, Dale has presented workshops and seminars at the Swiss Association for Free Energy Conference, the International Keely Conferences, Sound and Vibration Conference, International Symposium on New Science, International Forum on New Energy, United States Psychotronics Association Conference, the Alchemy of Sound Conference, Science and Consciousness Conferences, TeslaTech Conferences and many others.
Pond Science Institute
921 Santa Fe Avenue
La Junta, Colorado 81050
Written, edited and published The Journal of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics from 1985-1992 - 60 monthly issues.
Developing a Personal
RELATIONSHIP WITH THE DIVINE To enter into any relationship, you’d have to agree that the first step is to have the desire to be in a relationship. If your heart is not in the relationship, it’s not going to work because by their very nature, relationships are heart centered. To have a successful relationship, you’d want to be clear on what you want in that relationship, as well as who you are willing to be or become—after all, a relationship is a partnership. It’s a two-way street. In addition, you must believe you are worthy of the relationship you seek, and you must be willing to put in the time and attention to create and nurture it. For example, you can’t have a relationship with somebody for one day and expect them to be there for you all the time. You have to be willing to invest time and energy into creating a loving and trusting bond. To have a relationship with the Divine is no different.
By Dr. Joe Dispenza
WHERE IS YOUR ATTENTION? The divines an intelligence, consciousness, and an awareness,
As you’ve probably heard me say by now, where you place your
and since consciousness is awareness and awareness is paying
attention is where you place your energy, and wherever or
attention—and paying attention is being present—it is always
whatever you place your attention and energy on expands. So if
present with you.
you put your attention and energy on a relationship with the Divine, then as your attention on it expands, there should be
more of its intelligence available to you in your life
Face by Larm Rmah/
GO BEYOND YOUR D SENSES world we experience through the senses and therefore, it is an
was, you would be more willing to interact with it on a regular
immaterial energy. Since it exists beyond our three-dimensional
basis, would you not? Thus, it begs the question: How much
world of the senses, you can only experience it with your
time in your waking day do you put your attention on this
awareness. In other words, you can only become conscious of
invisible intelligence
it. Most people don’t even believe that it’s real, but if you knew it
The consciousness of the Divine exists beyond the material
Elevate Your State … Think of the Divine as a great parent that is seeking a relationship
ocean, or the infinite night sky, you stand in awe and forget about
with you. But a relationship must be two sided, which means you
your fears, limitations, small mindedness, and judgements. You
have to be willing to come to the altar in an elevated state. What
surrender to the beauty and power that shapes beaches, earth,
does it mean to come to the altar in an elevated state?
and rock. It is this surrender to love, and this trust in the path of love, that allows growth in relationships.
When you think of an altar, whether it exists within the four walls of a
Just as you say I want wealth or
structure or in the presence of the
health—yet walk around in lack,
grandiosity of nature, coming to the
worry, fear, or the disbelief that the
altar in an elevated state means you
possibility of a healthy you exists—
are joyful, grateful, and excited to be
you can’t say I want a relationship
in the presence of something greater
with the divine and not invest your
than you. You are sincerely entering
time and energy into it. Why would
its house with an energy that
this intelligence help you with
matches its energy—an energy that
wealth or health unless you have
enthusiastic. It also means you have a desire and a passion to
want? After all, it is the nature of this intelligence to endorse
connect with this intelligence, which happens to be a greater
whoever we are being. If you’re feeling separate from it,
mind than your own. As an example, because everyone can
impatient, frustrated, and angry, since it honors free will, it says
relate to having expansive experiences in nature, when you are
ok, go for it and do it yourself, but I will be here when you are
in the presence of a towering mountain range, the beauty of an
ready to seek me.
constructed an idea regarding what kind of wealth and health you
is inspired, joyful, willful, conscious, mindful, loving, present, and
Let it ow down on you…
When you can get out of your own way and stop trying to force outcomes, ask it for help and guidance, and surrender to it and trust its loving intelligence and intelligent love, like water flowing down a mountain, the benevolence of this …
great parent will
nd you
through the path of least resistance—a path that you
have created yourself.
Dr. Joe Dispenza The author of the New York Times bestseller You Are the Placebo, as well as Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself and Evolve Your Brain, draws on research conducted at his advanced workshops since 2012 to explore how common people are doing the uncommon to transform themselves and their lives. Becoming Supernatural marries some of the most profound scienti c information with ancient wisdom to show how people like you and me can experience a more mystical life.
Readers will learn that we are, quite literally supernatural by nature if given the proper knowledge and instruction, and when we learn how to apply that information through various meditations, we should experience a greater expression of our creative abilities; that we have the capacity to tune in to frequencies beyond our material world and receive more orderly coherent streams of consciousness and energy; that we can intentionally change our brain chemistry to initiate profoundly mystical transcendental experiences; and how, if we do this enough times, we can develop the skill of creating a more e cient, balanced, healthy body, a more unlimited mind, and greater access to the realms of spiritual truth. Topics include:
* Demystifying the body’s 7 energy centers and how you can balance them to heal
* How to free yourself from the past by reconditioning your body to a new mind
* How you can create reality in the generous present moment by changing your energy
* The di erence between third-dimension creation and fth-dimension creation
* The secret science of the pineal gland and its role in accessing mystical realms of reality
* The distinction between Space-Time vs. Time-Space realities And much more
Using tools and disciplines ranging from cutting-edge physics to practical exercises such as a walking meditation, Dr. Joe o ers nothing less than a program for stepping outside our physical reality and into the quantum eld of in nite possibilities.
Dr. Joe’s youtube
Evolve Here
Read Here
Four Pillars of Healing
Thoughts The Language of the Body The Mind/Emotion Connection Two possibilities: One of disease
One of health
This is the nature of duality. One possibility is when the body’s physical condition has been manifested outwardly directed by the individual mind/ego self as disturbed thoughts, behavior and actions.
Experts from In nite Health (Quantum
Medicine) By Robert A. Dursi
The Five Senses The cerebral brain acts as the center of a limited mind/ego acting as a physiological, sound wave instrument for processing input from the ve senses; sight, hearing, etc. (collecting data and gathering intellectual information like a computer data bank) from the perceived beginning time of the person’s individual existence.
The ego/mind has a limited perception of its self or its conscious awareness when the information gathered, stored and expressed
has only been from the external world of the senses thus it reacts to the world of external perception as though it’s the only possibility, a mirror of itself. If it were to do otherwise it would be negating its own identity of perceived self worth, self pride and cease to exist as an individual ego/mind. This is against its (ego) self perpetuating tendencies for its survival and very existence.
The identi es itself as a self perpetuating entity operating from external perceptions.
External laws of nature of cause and e ect This external or mirrored perception of self is therefore ruled by the perception of external laws of nature of cause and e ect, beginnings and endings and disease and death ultimately in uencing its physical condition. Based on the ego’s direct involvement and participation in the outward expression of self-identity, self-worth and self-pride it thus continues the pattern of opposites
The power struggle of dualities The ego then identi es itself as a self perpetuating entity operating from external perceptions. By doing so it plays into the power struggles of dualities of self-pride ful llment, be they for good or evil, up or down, rich or poor, success or failure, illness or health, life or death etc.
Inconsistency with the conscience
The ego/mind, when involved in attempts of self ful llment externally, becomes one or both of two possibilities; addicted and/or frustrated.
Addiction, frustration and resentment are disturbed emotions inconsistent with the inner voice, (conscience) or higher self consciousness which seeks peace, harmony, health, love and truth of Oneness (the conditions that would simply exist without the perception of seeking ful llment of desires through dualities).
Addiction and/or frustration
When addicted, the involvement and hypnosis of the addiction causes the pendulum to swing to the opposite be
The ego may temporarily feel grati cation but when the temporary grati cation doesn’t last the need arises for yet another involvement in the world of dualities of people, places or things and the desired ancestral predisposed emotional ful llment attached to any one or all of these.
It involves itself in these dualities and perpetuates duality based on its own instincts for survival, self perpetuation and misguided attempts at ful llment of its desires externally, through the senses, of people, places or things.
Temporary grati cation
When frustration, addiction or both occur, due to a lack of ful llment, eventually the pattern leads to resentment for the person or persons, place or things involved in the action or reaction of the ego/mind’s expressed desire for ful llment. The subject of the desired emotional ful llment of the self/ ego, be they a person, place or thing becomes the target of resentment for non ful llment.
Attempted ful llment of desire
it for good or evil, success or failure, health or illness etc. creating another never ending action and reaction, cause and e ect necessity, potentially realizing temporary grati cation but never lasting ful llment. Frustration arises similar to addiction by non ful llment from the person, place or things.
The creation of guilt and or denial
. The liver is identi ed with anger
When an inconsistency or con ict occurs between the outer actions of the person and the inner self or conscience, guilt is created. Again, if the ego wants to self perpetuate through its desires, which it does for self grati cation, hopeful ful llment and preservation of its existence, then it must bury or suppress the guilt or inconsistency with its inner self (conscience) brought on by the frustration of non ful llment and thus resentment leading to guilt or it will self annihilate or deny its own existence all together which it does not or will not do voluntarily while functioning from a lower self/ego experience.
• The kidneys are identi ed with fear
• The lungs are identi ed with grief, sorrow and loss
• The spleen/pancreas are identi ed with over-concern, worry and anxiety
• The heart is identi ed with excitement
The external perception or self identity is a mirror of its inner consciousness releasing through the consistency or inconsistency and on through the window of the conscience. The guilt experienced from resentment blocks the manifestation of the higher or inner consciousness through thoughts (thus actions) leading to confusion and discordance between inner peace, health, truth etc. and the outer manifestation of the same.
This is why if a person has anxiety it is known to be associated with the pancreas which functions as a blood sugar level regulator by secreting the hormones insulin and glucagon in an attempt at balance.
• The true feeling or the balanced perception associated with the pancreas is concern.
• Over-concern is a disturbed imbalanced emotion of concern.
Therefore, depending on the circumstance of the external involvement or thought process of the ego/mind and the emotion attached to it, will determine where in the body (correlating organ and glands) the guilt will be buried or suppressed.
There are correlating organs and glands that are identi ed with and for every ego centered, disturbed or unful lled emotion including; anger, fear, worry, anxiety, over or under-excitement and grief, sorrow and loss such as the following examples:
On the physical plane the anxiety condition can be alleviated by balancing blood sugar levels with proper food intake as described in the Function of the Pancreas on blood sugar levels, but the condition will return if the upstream causes are not corrected.
The world of duality with its laws of cause and e ect leaves no other choice but to pendulum swing to the negative opposite emotion of the sought after desire seeking self ful llment through the external perception of the senses.
The pendulum swing of opposites
• Over-concern leads to worry, which leads to anxiety and on to panic attacks as the emotions become more disturbed and suppressed.
Unblock, Resolve emotional discord When the discordant vibration of a disturbed emotion cannot be or is not resolved and released or balanced properly it creates an imbalanced or blocked energy ow to that organ or gland depending on the respective suppressed emotion to correlating organ or suppressed emotion to gland relationship.
Unresolved emotional discord will not stay buried forever as inconsistency (imbalance) so it comes out “so to speak” sideways as a disturbance of the natural harmonious gland/organ function.
It just becomes a matter of time before the disturbance or imbalance “ nds its way out” through the corresponding energy
pathway of the meridian system connected to it leading to an external symptom known as disease, which is actually a blockage of life force through the chakra/meridian pathway.
The outer malady is a sign that imbalance and disturbances exist inward and upward to the source of the original unful lled emotional cause be it greed, jealousy, avarice, anger, lust, fear etc. or whatever unful lled ego/self centered emotion or desire is perpetrated by the ego/mind in its attempt at self grati cation and ful llment of its desires to perpetuate its self value and self pride through people, places or things.
From that moment on, she could detect the emotion starting to take hold of her.
We supported the glands with a glandular extract supplement for about a month. Glands make hormones that are synonymous with emotions that lead to thoughts etc..
She would then listen to the acetylcholine balancing frequency and the palpitations went away for good!
A good example of how the ow chart can help you identify the source of the outer symptom. or problem is shown in a patient named Angie. Angie was a conscientious health aware woman in her middle fties. She ate well, she took her supplements as I recommended and listened to her frequencies that I provided her. She told me of a problem that popped into her life for no apparent reason. She was having heart palpitations that came and went without a pattern. She couldn’t gure out what caused them. It frightened and tormented her. She thought she might die any day. I suggested standard diagnostics along with voice prints to see what shows up if anything. She nally had diagnostic tests done to a great outcome. Everything was normal according to the tests. What I suggested after taking a voice print of her was
that her thoughts were creating an excess amount of the neurotransmitter Acetylcholine which is a neuro-muscular neuro-transmitter. The excess amount was “mis ring” to the muscles. Whenever her emotions were out of balance they activated the thought which activated the neuron production and then caused the target (the heart) which represents excitement to mis re. When she saw the chart and understood it as to how one led to the other and on to the next... She got it!
If we are “caught up” in any of the above disturbances, the inconsistency with our inner self (regardless of the speci c emotion to disease relationship) simultaneously, also manifests as the general term …Stress.
The threats, emotional or physical should more be understood as emotional and physical. Although, each can individually be a source of the condition, they both will eventually manifest regardless of which one started it (our perception).
“Responding appropriately” means meeting the challenge. It is an automatic response to external stimulus! (The ght or ight response).
“ T h e S t o r y o f t h e Tw o The Cherokee grandfather explaining to his grandson the story of the two wolves that live within each of us and are constantly at a tug of war with each other. The one wolf on one side represents all that is good... joy, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, humility, etc. the other wolf represents all that is evil... fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, resentment, false pride, ego, etc.
The grandson listens, waits and then says, Grandfather, which wolf wins? The grandfather says, the one you feed!
It’s a beautiful ancient story with tremendous wisdom, but I say this… I will feed neither and I may feed both. I will rise above the duality of opposites with true love for all and allow all to balance. Complimentary opposites of Yin and Yang! If you desire one, you will eventually experience the other and then the other and then the other etc!
The pendulum swing of duality in perpetuity.
Call for a truce and have peace, love, harmony and “In nite Health”!
True Love has no opposite!
True Love is All!
“In nite Health”
Robert Dursi on Awakening Zone with Karen Elkins (Sept 2014)
Robert Dursi, C.N.M. worked in the
elds of allopathic and
alternative medicine for the past twentyeight years in various capacities, including as an administrator, owner of medical practices, consultant, practitioner, author/
Leading Edge Computerized Technology New Energy Medicine
w r i t e r, p r o d u c t d e v e l o p e r a n d consummate medical researcher. A long time student in graduate level Homeopathy, Biochemistry, Immunology and Blood Morphology, Mr. Dursi is a
By Robert Dursi Excerpts from Infinite Health (Quantum Medicine)
Certi ed Nutritional Microscopist, Holistic Health Counselor and Bio Resonance Sound Therapist. Currently, he runs a private health and wellness practice in Santa Monica, California. Mr. Dursi has been a student of Eastern/Western religions and philosophy for over 35 years, including Judaic/Christian, Hinduism, Zen Buddhism, Esoteric astrology and spiritual healing. He has traveled extensively in the
Far East to Japan, Thailand and China, and has studied metaphysics at the Maher Baba ashram in India. He is a long time advocate of ecumenical cooperation in the elds of spirituality and Eastern/Western medicine as well as environmental ecology and sustainability He is the developer of the FREQix Sound Therapies where by he can create custom treatment solutions, drawing from an extensive computerized database of nutritional, biochemical, pharmaceutical, herbal, chemical, anatomic and physical conditions
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If you don’t realize that we’re living in what are overtly challenging times, then you’re probably not paying attention. In the micro sense, it seems everybody I know is going through something on a personal level. In the macro sense, these personal journeys are being exacerbated by threats of nuclear attacks, political breakdowns, nancial crises, racial tension, mass shootings, devastating earthquakes, erupting volcanoes, merciless wild res, storm-of-the-
Staying Calm in the Eye of the Storm
century hurricanes, and more. It is indeed a sign of the times… but I’m not playing the game, and I invite you
to do the same.
By Dr. Joe Dispenza If you believe your thoughts and feelings have an effect on your reality, the moment you react to these external events with survival emotions, you begin putting more of your attention on them, and if you’re putting your attention on these event (events over which you have no control), you’re giving away your power to them.
Every time you react with fear and anxiety, because fear and anxiety are emotions and emotions are energy, they only serve to feed the next
Feelings effect reality
moment of unrest. What we need to learn how to do in this moment of history is to be in the stillness—to become the eye of the hurricane. The eye of a hurricane is a place of calm, around which spins the storm. We become the eye when we pull ourselves out of the chaos and into the present moment. This is, after all, why we do all the training we do—because it’s in the eternal present moment where all of creation is engendered.
By regulating internal emotions independent of external conditions, this is how we begin
to master our environment.
Humanity is in the throes of a push and pull whereby there’s
random act of kindness for a stranger, call someone you
collective consciousness
haven’t talked to in a long time, forgive someone or forgive
that wants to evolve, yet old ways of being and
least, be loving and kind to yourself and those around you,
an ever-growing
outdated modes of consciousness are struggling to hold on to the known. Depending on the lens through which you view this idea, these struggles could range anywhere from the world’s power structures all the way down to our individual egos. The more you react to your outer world and keep your attention on emotionally charged issues, the more you feed the problems because it’s your energy that keeps them alive. Multiply that by a million, or a billion, and it seems obvious why things might seem like they are getting worse. The stronger your emotional reaction to external events, the more you’re displacing your energy in the opposite direction of creation—creative energy that you could turn inward and use for creating a better life, healing your body, or empowering your energy into a new experience, to name but a few While we need to be cognizant and vigilant of injustices in our society, I would encourage you from time to time to disconnect from the news, and if all you see is tragedy and
yourself for something you’ve been holding on to. At the very because everyone is going through their own challenges Remember—fear and anxiety result from anticipation of events that have not yet happened, and as we know, we are the creators of our reality. If you nd yourself spinning out in your mind into an unknown future or regretting about the past, just pull yourself back into the present moment. Why? Because when you change your energy in the present moment, you change your future. That’s being the best example of change—changing your choice—in a world that looks like it might be falling apart It’s human to react to these global events, so if you do, just don’t spend a lot of time there. Just get over it. Don’t talk about them, give them energy, give them life, or make them something else. Don’t propagate them, because when you begin to tell stories about the events, you feed them
negativity in your social-media news feeds, perhaps
Now is not a time to contract. Now is a time
disconnect from them as well. If you don’t want to completely
to expand into love, after all, love conquers
disconnect, then be a force for adding light and love to those
social feeds. Better yet, in your day-to-day life, perform a
Anchored to the past?
three axioms of physical ontology
The deductive thoughts above are a string of carefully reasoned choices about what might be more likely than not. Via this deductive approach, which rejects aggressive or non-maximally reduced axioms,
we land on the ultimate axiom. Consciousness exists because we are choosing to wonder if we are conscious. And because we have evidence that our consciousness exists, the argument that consciousness is the foundational substance is better justi ed than speculations with less evidence, such as the simulation hypothesis. It is also more explanatory than stopping at the axiom that energy just is or that some abstract information theoretic
Platonic symbols just are.
Axioms are always religious in some sense, where that term implies faith or belief
axioms can be dangerous if they are unsupported by experimental evidence or logical reasoning.
Penrose, Tononi, Koch, Nagel, Dretske and many others have written about the notion of a pan-consciousness being physically realistic and logically necessary. The plausible theory of a pan-
in something that cannot
consciousness as the substrate for a code-theoretic physical
be shown to be true.
idea growing in academic circles that the universe is a computer
framework is more natural and less fantastical than the popular simulation existing in a di erent universe. It is more realistic because we have physical evidence for the sub-parts of the idea:
However, good axioms
(1) Consciousness self-organizes from fundamental particles
are carefully reasoned.
(2) there is no upper limit on how sophisticated it can become or
and forces,
how much of the energy of the universe can self-organize into it and,
Structureless smooth spacetime is an example of a weak axiom with no reasoned logic or evidence to support it – just as there was no good evidence supporting the belief that water is a smooth continuous substance. Resting comfortably on aggressive physical axioms, such as energy just is, prevents exploration of further truth and leads to possibly false scienti c ideas. For example, if we accept the axiom that spacetime is smooth, it becomes mathematically logical that a black hole contains an in nity at the center – a singularity. However, if
spacetime is quantized, there is no singularity. Clearly, our
(3) neural network formalism, not computer theoretic formalism, is where and how consciousness emerges physically. Neural networks operate according to codes, not deterministic algorithms.
All energy is self-organizing
The plausibility of all energy self-organizing into a conscious system is not logically problematic, given what we know of physics today. What is problematic is the idea of a trans-temporal consciousness and retro-causality, which one would presume is necessary to act as a substrate for the physics of space-time and particles.
That is the concern, not the probability of exponentially self-
causality. Indeed, there is some physical evidence for it in the
organizing consciousness. The lack of certainty about this lies in
form of Daryl Bems experiments and various delayed choice
the fact that there is not a predictive quantum gravity theory that
quantum eraser experiments. And we do know with experimental
can predict the possibility or impossibility of trans-spatiotemporal
certainty that nature is inherently non-local, where entangled
networks. However, with the recent work of Susskind and
particles are causally connected over arbitrarily large distances of
Maldacena and the fact that general relativity and quantum
time and space.
mechanics both allow non-local connections, it seems more plausible than not plausible.
If the universe is code-theoretic, it tra cs in the substance of all codes – meaning. Geometric or physical meaning has virtually no
Accordingly, until a predictive uni cation theory is discovered, we
subjectivity, while other forms of meaning, such as humor, are
can realize that there are no deal killers to the notion of retro-
highly subjective. Similarly, geometric symbols have very low subjectivity because mathematical meaning is encoded directly into the symbols themselves[ REF Number Theory]. For example, the body diagonal of the self-referential symbol of a square is the length times the square root of 2 – intrinsic meaning with very low subjectivity.
Such symbols have the ability to act as the quasi-physical symbols/building-blocks of a
geometric reality
Figure 1 represents the loop of
ve causally
connected phases of the code-theoretic universe. It shows the self-actualized hierarchical loop of emergence. It is approximately as fantastical as big bang cosmology and the simulation hypothesis. It is physically plausible and logically selfconsistent. It rests on the most reduced axiom possible, the deduction of Descartes. We hold it out as the lesser of evils, where all deep fundamental physical and cosmological models are audacious but where a scientist must choose the one with the best explanatory power, logical self-consistency and
most irreducible starting axioms.
The Principle of E cient Language The code theoretic axiom leads
theoretic axiom, the principle of
directly to the principle of e cient
e cient language, which can be
language. We provide here a preview
de ned thusly:
summary of it.
One might say that the overarching
purpose is to e ciently express
principle of classic physics is the
meaning with its ultimate conserved
principle of least action. It directly led
quantity – quantized actions of the
to Noethers second theorem about
evolving pan-consciousness substrate,
symmetries in nature, which
speci cally syntactically free binary
underlies the most powerful physical
choices in the self-emergent code
theory, the standard model of particle
theoretic network. E ciency is
physics. If the code theoretic axiom is
achieved by:
true, reality is about meaning. There should, therefore, be a more general universal principle of which the
Emmy Noether ffi
There are symmetries in nature.
Because reality is code theoretic, its
principle of least action and Noethers
(1) operating as a neural network code that generates maximal meaning from binary actions and
theorem are special cases. Put
(2) strategically places these
di erently, those two foundational
syntactically free choices in order to
p r i n c i p l e s w o u l d b e re c a s t a s
generate maximal physical and higher
predictions and manifestations of the
order meaning.
overarching principle tied to the code
Neural Network Following, is a summary of the ideas necessary to make sense of this otherwise obscure de nition:
A neural network, as opposed to a standard computer, is an array of points distributed in space upon which information can be creatively computed and in which information is exchanged. Computer theory is concerned with e cient creation of information, the solution of problems. Information theory is concerned with e cient transportation and networking of information. Neural network theory is concerned with the e ciency of both. Nature has demonstrated that freewill can emerge in a neural network and act back upon the systems
behavior in a feedback loop becoming the emergent behavior of the network.
self-emergent consciousness a connection between points/nodes as being on or o . Part
Conserved Quantum of Action
of the mathematical formalism of such a neural network graph drawing. If the substrate of an information theoretic
abstract or information theoretic neural network living as
reality is emergent consciousness, the ultimate conserved
information in a self-emergent consciousness, the
quantity is syntactically free choice, which is the fundamental
fundamental binary action is a choice to recognize or register
quantum or action of consciousness.
theory is graph theory expressed on a spatial graph – a
energy, which is used to turn a connection on or o . In an
In a physical neural network, the conserved quantity is
Quantum of Consciousness
with very low subjectivity. Class II meaning, such as irony, appears to be transcendent of geometry and number. The
The simplest choice between quantities of identical things is
substrate of reality is the point space of the network, which is
the choice between two things. The simplest thing is either
inherently geometric so if irony exists in this reality it must
the empty set or the dimensionless point. It is di cult to build
relate to the code – to geometry. The ordered sets of frozen
a graph theoretic neural network formalism or make
states forming dynamic physics is numerical. Remarkably,
geometric symbols from empty sets. Points, on the other
class II meaning is always built upon class I meaning. For
hand, serve both purposes very well. Accordingly, one can
example, the thought of irony shifts particle positions and
have a possibility space of points in some symmetry space,
dipole orientations in the body. This then changes particles in
such as H3. When they are chosen to be on, they connect to
the universe that are entangled with those particles and also
other points (nodes) of the network to form geometric pattern
changes other particles via gravitational, electromagnetic and
– the physical information of spacetime and particles.
quantum wave function damping and resonance interactions.
E ciency
Accordingly, the class II meaning of irony cannot transcend its connection to geometry
E ciency in this context is the greatest ratio of meaning to binary choices. We will now discuss some more concepts to help us better contextualize this de nition of e ciency.
and physicality on the network, even if one supposes it is possible for a consciousness to exist in the gravitational or electromagnetic
Meaning comes in two fundamental classes: Class I meaning,
which is geometric and numerical. This is physical meaning
It’s a binary code Conserved and Non-Conserved Quanta of Meaning
additional rank of meaning beyond the letters. And sentences have an additional rank of meaning above the rank of the
Fundamental class I meaning is conserved and can be
words and so on up through paragraphs, chapters, etc. The
reduced to binary choices in the graph theoretic network. An
hierarchy can continue in nitely, such that an in nite amount of
example would be particle spin states mapping the mass of a
higher order non-conserved meaning can emerge from a nite
black hole to its surface area. However, emergent class II
amount of conserved base meaning.
meaning, such as the complexities of a biosphere, is not conserved. An in nite quantity of class II meaning can exist on
Special Dimensions Related To Maximally E cient
a conserved and
nite substrate of binary actions as
fundamental class I meaning. This is due to a simple fact of code theory, where each emergent symbolic object in a code
Because the principle of e cient language requires the
can act as a symbol in a higher order code. For example, 10
universe to operate with the most e cient neural network
million letters in a novel can be scrambled. The base
formalism possible, it implies reality must be based as an
information of 10 million letters remains conserved. But when
interaction between 8D, 4D and 3D according to the following
ordered as a code, they can form words. The words have an
logic, which is only in summary form due to the limited of
scope of this addendum.
Two Letter Codes A Fibonacci chain is a 1D quasicrystal of the simplest form because it contains only two letters or lengths. A two letter code is generally more powerful than, say, a 50 letter code. All quasicrystals are codes. The dynamism of the Fibonacci chain code is called phason dynamics. It is rule based and de ned by geometric
rst principles, where non-locally connected particle patterns with
wavelike qualities propagate along it.
Quasicrystal Code Possibility Spaces A Fibonacci chain can be understood as a sequence of binary operations of on and o on a point space called the possibility space, which is itself a Fibonacci chain of a smaller scale. The points that are on or o
are governed by
syntactical rules and degrees of freedom in the phason code. For example, if we have an in nitely long Fibonacci chain possibility space, and we select some point to be on or o , we will force an in nite number of other points to be on and another in nity of points to be o . This is called the empire of the point that was selected to be on by the code user. Each vertex type in a quasicrystal has its own empire. The reason for this is based on the trans-dimensional cut + projection geometric rst principles of quasicrystals, where a shift in the cut window in the higher dimensional lattice instantly causes many points to enter the cut window that sends points to the 1D quasicrystal and many to exit the
Twodimensional aperiodic tiling based on the Fibonacci word
cut window – making some points in the possibility space of the quasicrystal turn on and others turn o . Quasicrystals are inherently non-local, where a change at one location, in uences objects at distant locations.
By User:Mysid [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Non-Locality of Quasicrystals The deep non-locality of quasicrystals makes them remarkably e cient binary codes, where a single binary choice instantly drives a large number of additional binary choices without having to exercise additional choice actions. If choice is the conserved quantity, this unique feature of quasicrystals in the universe of all binary codes makes them uniquely powerful.
Fibonacci With this knowledge we can now recast the question of e ciency as:
In any dimension, what is the most powerful network of Fibonacci chains, where
single binary choices generate the largest quantity of automatic binary choices?
To understand this idea, consider the rst example, where the
to the three mentioned above. The 4D Elser-Sloan quasicrystal
registration of one point as being on in the possibility space
has vertexes of degree 120. Our compound of ve copies of this
instantly generates the automatic registration of a large number
quasicrystal has vertexes with degree 600. As mentioned,
of other points as being on and o
along the chain. If we
quasicrystals are languages. The 5-compound of the Elser-
crossed this 1D possibility space with another Fibonacci chain
Sloan quasicrystal has vertexes (the degree-600 vertexes) that
possibility space that shared the crossing point, a binary action
are the convergence at a point of 300 Fibonacci chains, the
on that point would generate twice as many automatic binary
highest possible in any dimension – a conjecture we plan to
choices, generating changes on both Fibonacci chains.
prove in a future paper. The second highest density network of
We conjecture that the densest network of point sharing Fibonacci chains in any dimension is a 5-compound of the Elser-Sloan quasicrystal in 4D that we published, which is derived by cut + projection of a slice of the E8 lattice in 8D. E8 is the densest packing of 8-spheres in 8D and corresponds to the largest exceptional Lie algebra, which generates an in nite number of higher dimensional Lie algebras. Projecting lattices of a higher dimension than that of E8 to 4D will not generate a
Fibonacci chains possible in any dimension is called the quasicrystalline spin network, discovered by our group. It exists in 3D and is derived from the Elser-Sloan quasicrystal. Accordingly, it encodes E8 based gauge symmetry physics. The interplay between these 4D and 3D quasicrystals is the basis of our quantum g r a v i t y p ro g r a m ,
denser network of Fibonacci chains than the Elser-Sloan
called emergence
quasicrystal. No dimension higher than 4D can have
theory. We plan on
quasicrystals made of Fibonacci chains. This relates to sphere
developing a proof
kissing problems and the fact that 4D contains six regular
that the second
polytopes. In all dimensions higher than 4D, there are only three
densest network of
regular polytopes and they are all crystal related pol topes; the
Fibonacci chains in any
hyper-cube, hyper-tetrahedron and hyper-octahedron. 3D and
4D contain quasicrystal associated regular polytopes in addition
quasicrystalline spin network.
E8 2d Projection
Quasicrystalline spin
the quasicrystalline spin network. However, our 3D object
binary choices to class I and class II meaning. If
may indeed be more powerful than the compound of the
consciousness, or something akin to it, is the substrate of an
Elser-Sloan quasicrystal, even though it may be the second
information and code theoretic reality, the conserved quantity
highest density network of Fibonacci chains in any
would be the simplest possible choice, which is a choice of a
dimension. This is because it possess a second regime of
point or a connection being on or o . And the most e cient
binary codes based upon aperiodic patterns of alternating 3
binary choices possible in any dimension exists on the 5-
and 5 periodicity.
network would be maximally e cient in terms of the ratio of
compound of the ElserSloan quasicrystal in 4D and, in 3D,
A quantum gravity code based on the quasicrystalline spin
Code Power: Restriction of Freedom
of 1D quasicrystals, which are each composed of aperiodic strings of double well potentials. That is, they organize into
A powerful and general code is an ordering scheme of a small
strings of energy wells that have a signi cant fraction of both
number of symbols that is maximally simple. Here we can speak
occupied and unoccupied sites. This freedom at or near the non-
of restriction of freedom. Restriction of symbol types and
zero limit drives high probabilities for quantum tunneling, wherein
restriction of classes of syntax. The ultimate restriction of symbol
atomic coordinate changes occur with spatiotemporal
types is 2. Anything less is not a code. And anything more,
coordination over long distances creating wavelike patterns in
weakens the power of the code in many cases. A spatial code
the material and exhibiting low entropy but high dynamism. This
would be the simplest two spatial objects. Flat 1D is the simplest
is an example of the principle of e cient language operating at a
space and a line is the simplest dimensional object in that space.
scale far larger than the Planck scale origin from which quantum
So two di erent lengths would be the simplest two spatial
gravity and particle physics emerges.
symbols, just as on and o
are the simplest two symbols in a
computer code.
So an important dictate of the principle of e cient language and the code theoretic axiom is that reality will use a code with the maximally reduced number of symbols and simplest syntax necessary for the simulation of physical reality. At emergent scales, such as solid state physics, the principle of e cient language predicts that when spatiotemporal freedom in a system of oscillators approaches the non-zero restriction, anomalous physics will occur. The nonzero limit is the quasicrystalline
phase, where networks of atoms self-organize into 3D networks
E-Magazines Part 1 of 4
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What is Reality?
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About Klee Irwin Klee Irwin is the founder and director of Quantum Gravity Research.
He is committed to giving back through philanthropic initiatives, such as supporting Cambridge Quantum Computing,,, Moon Express, launch of Singularity University in 2008, etc. Irwin is also an advocate and member of many professional organizations including the American Physical Society, American Association for the
Advancement of Science.
"Our lm team creates family based movies om stories igniting the family of man, and when using the visual language of lm with mission and purpose, our dream is to make lms that matter GRP is dedicated to social entrepreneurship producing optimal returns for investors in two areas, nancia y and socia y. Our family iendly lms supporting patriotism, sports, inspiration and hope, which are key when
making lms based on the
golden rule."
More than Champions by Film Producer Dr. Kevin McAfe
Coaching 21 years in college basketball under Head Men’s Basketball Coach, Bob Hoffman of the Mercer University Bears has taught me more than I dreamed. Even more, I have realized how stories impact the men we coach every year. We ask questions about what kind of player are they “off the court” and “on the court” and do they live by a mantra of the “golden rule”? What do they believe and why? We also have a non pro t where we are working to understand what is happening to our planet. DECODING EARTHS SECRETS which talks about many areas that relate to our planet.
We should live life by helping others and conducting ourselves with behavior which calls us to a higher standard of living. We base our standards on many sources, but the genesis of our lms calls for us to be “more than a champion”. Mike Ditka said, “A champion isn’t just an individual who plays great on Sunday, but someone who is a champion every day of their life. Tal Bonham, an amazing leader; who passed years ago said, “The dash in between the dates on the tombstone preaches our own funerals, in how we lived our lives” as we he was heralding a great grandmother who lived a life worth following Motion pictures can take us to “journeys” within our imagination where far away galaxies and worlds are still struggling with the same issues we face every day. As a lmmaker, I have personally chosen to create lms that challenge the human spirit, illuminating stories where truth goes beyond imagination and hopefully allow the audience to make their own choice, in how the ethos of the lm might impact their lives. I believe stories can change the world and the parables lived by ordinary people who do extraordinary things capture my heart in a major way. So we use the visual language of lm to impact culture with positive messages.
Every family has a story and the story we continue to write is a mere re ection upon how we truly live, how we treat this earth and how we move forward as a people. Being a lmmaker for over 42 years we nd many challenges, but the greatest of these relates to which stories we will explore, discover and eventually tell. Going past the context of the story is the ethos for every second in a full length feature lm. When we see stories of tragedy turned into triumph and recall the best in the human spirit, this is what motivates us all for our lm company. www.grp
MORE THAN CHAMPIONS is a story of an African immigrant from Ghana who comes to America in 1963 to an all white Southern University in Georgia during the same week as Martin Luther King’s famous speech, “I have a dream”. This moving story which begins in dramatic fashion lled with hatred and toxic relational challenges provides a character arc leading us into triumph. Sam, now in his eighties is still writing his story and every day encourages others, helps others and is a powerful testimony of hope in the face of adversity. ELLENS LIGHT is an amazing story of a woman who was one of the few survivors in the bombings launched by Osama bin Laden in August 1998 in Kenya and Tanzania. She was left in the bottom of the rubble with a building on top of her emaciated by shrouds of glass leaving her blind. Through over three dozen surgeries a year later would be handed a ten year old granddaughter to raise who became “her eyes”. The inspirational story of her love for “all people” through this tragedy sharing a light in her darkness captured our imagination and we are thrilled and honored to be working on this new lm.
THROUGH THE VALLEY was our award winning lm shot in Rwanda, Africa and Nashville Tennessee about two men who would do anything for their daughters during the most challenging times. One had to take desperate measures to
Below are some speci c lm story examples.
save his daughter, while another in the middle of the genocide where 800,000 people were killed had to miraculously get his family out of the horror. People who begin to do something dramatic point all of us to the opportunity to realize, the story is never over. We cannot acquiesce and throw in the towel when the barriers are high, but instead nd a way we can be a part of the solution Recently in Colorado as a lm director I was asked to host a lm screening with one of our new award winning lms shot in Romania. Nicholas Karas who is an Executive Producer on Ellen’s Light, with his son Executive Producer Aristotle Karas and Glenn Brown. They are now all serving as Executive Producers for our lms at GR PRODUCTIONS. Nick is the brother of Ellen and has recently got his family engaged in bringing hope to the world through our feature lms, documentaries and books. Nick brought Karen Elkins the magazine editor of Science to Sage, along with United States Airman and veteran from the Air Force, Glenn Brown who had an amazing story as the founder of ice hockey in the Republic of Turkey. Isn’t it amazing how so many stories can impact culture. This has led us to create BUZ HOCKEYI - BREAKING THE ICE in a new pioneering story sharing the amazing sports victories among the Turkish people. www.veritasmission www.grp
Having worked on the
lm lots from early days
with Disney to Universal Studios, Sony Pictures and making lms, the goal has always been to nd amazing tales where hope blossoms. Stories can change the way we think, the process we use when we plan and foster imagination when we dream.
This is our dream, what is yours.
Love is the most powerful force on earth.
By Vanessa Werts, author of
Lies and Love: Cleansing the Heart to Make room for Radical Love The Sound of Love by Vanessa D. Werts Love is the most powerful force on earth. It has the ability to heal broken hearts, fractured by life-imposed realities, and the capacity to accept and cover immeasurable shortcomings. Love is the standard that wars against hate; it will always prevail. We all need love to be healthy ~ mentally, spiritually, and some might even say, physically. Without love, how can the heart stay
motivated, hopeful, and believe that it has purpose?
Not one person’s life is a mistake or a waste.
We all have a purpose for being alive ~ a calling to answer while we’re here ~ that is rooted and purposed in love. In understanding our individual, unique calling, we must also learn to love. It is love that touches our lives and makes us better —not material things, status or money.
Encouragement and Promise gives her clear vision to navigate the troubled seas of dating,
protection, and validation. The sound of love, will minister life to
while providing for his son, an example of the makings of a
the spirit of a newborn baby in neonatal care, fighting against
man. A loving mother impresses upon her young son’s mind,
the odds; it will fan the flickering flames of an aloof marriage
the character of his future wife, and teaches her daughter the
into a blazing fire again, and will draw two souls together to
ways of a virtuous woman. This same sound of love is
vow to spend the rest of their lives building and growing as
available and, is indeed mighty enough to heal the deep
one. A father’s sound of love expressed to his young daughter
wounds of oppression and bias that plague America.
Love has a sound. It is the voice of encouragement, promise,
We are better than mean-spirited words being shot like fiery arrows from one person or group to another. We are not the heartless nation we see playing out on television, social media, and in our communities and neighborhoods. Yet sometimes I wonder if basic human kindness is slipping away from us ~ one hostile word and one bullet at a time. Since the beginning of civilization until now ~ have we not learned to love? Considering that love is the heart’s greatest desire, and we all want and need it, to be healthy and whole, a mutual understanding of love is in order, wouldn’t you say? This is how love is defined in the Bible: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” Now tell me, what heart
wouldn’t dance to this radical sound of love?
The growing dark cloud of hatred that looms over this great nation, is not who we are.
Love demonstrated to others according to this mutual understanding, would reset a nation, putting an end to careless words and actions that cause pain, and open the door for healing and restoration to begin. Let us learn to love one another, remembering that we all just want to be accepted, considered, and respected. Let us purpose in our hearts today, to release the sound of love whenever we open our mouths to speak.
Who knows? Your voice might hold the sound that brings healing to a family, a friend, a community, a
nation. Be unrelenting in the power of love.
Image by Larm Rmah/
Let’s take this one step further and make it really easy. If you had a great relationship with your mother, and you asked her to make you a sandwich at midnight, would she make it for you? If you were worthy, your mother would think ~ I love my kid, he/she is on task and doing the right thing, and we have a great relationship. I will make it. She would do this because she loves you, wants to feed you, nurture you, and please you. In other words, the Divine is willing to meet you if you make the effort to be in a healthy relationship with it.
Connection, patience, time, attention, intimacy, vulnerability, surrender, trust~these are all of course other examples of things that make up a relationship. There also has to be love, admiration, presence, a willingness to listen, and patience. There has to be honesty, truthfulness, and a willingness to grow together. Above all else, you have to want it and be passionate about it. Just as all these elements are required to have a relationship with another human being, so too are they
required to have a relationship with the Divine.
Connection Patience Time Attention Intimacy Vulnerability Surrender Trust
Every relationship is personal, and your relationship with the divine is no different, so it’s up to you to think about and define all the things you want to invest to make the relationship great.
So take some time to gure out what you want, what you’re willing to offer, and who you’re willing to become in this
relationship~and don’t forget to keep the dialogue going.