Psychoenergetic Science Applied to the Mind-Body Concept

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Psychoenergetic Science Applied to The Mind-Body Concept by

William A Tiller, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Stanford University, Department of Materials Science & Engineering

Introduction This author tends to think of nature as radiating to all humanity on many different bands of information and energy. Over the past four hundred years, orthodox science has learned a great deal about one of these bands, the electromagnetic (EM) band, and almost nothing about any of the other bands. We are a slowly evolving species and we need to develop a science that encompasses all of these bands of informational radiations. To clearly discriminate such a future science from today’s orthodox science, which has many, many EM parts, let us use a metaphor and call it “the ladder of understanding” and illustrate it via Figure 1. Today’s orthodox science, as wonderful as it is, is all contained within the bottom rung of this Ladder of Understanding.

Figure 1. A metaphorical description of “the Ladder of Understanding”.


As we reflect upon our world and upon the humankind that populates its surface, one soon perceives that there are several categories of phenomena and information wherein we need to gain understanding in order to enhance our life’s journey. These natural phenomena might be classified as (1) all things of the physical, (2) things of the psyche, (3) things of the emotion, (4) things of the mind and (5) things of the spirit. In addition, we also need to eventually create a meaningful perspective or quantitative reference frame (RF) from which to view these different classes of phenomena and information. Ultimately, our understanding of all this information must be internally self-consistent relative to some overarching RF. Since we are an evolving species, growing in understanding via a bootstrap process, we must build this ladder of understanding, step by step, by our individual and collective efforts and climb upon it, rung by rung, as we slowly evolve to higher states of beingness! From an overly simplistic view, one might say that, for the past 400 years, orthodox science has dealt with multiple aspects of the metaphorical reaction equation MASS



with each term being convertible to the other via Einstein’s E=mc2 relationship. Here, m=mass, c=velocity of EM light through physical vacuum and E=energy. Over this 400 year time period, orthodox science has also come to accept the existence of (1) the four fundamental forces of gravity, electromagnetism, the short range nuclear force and the long range nuclear force, (2) quantum mechanics (QM) with Planck’s discrete energy changes rather than continuous steps in energy exchanges between different atomic energy levels and De Broglie’s concept of simultaneous particle and wave behaviors for electric charge-based matter, plus (3) relativity theory’s (RT) predictions that both mass, m, and energy, E, must increase to infinite values as velocity, v, changes from v<<c to v=c, (4) the reference frame (RF) for studying nature is a distance-time-only RF and (5) the unstated assumption of orthodox science since the days of Descartes is that “no human qualities of consciousness, intention, emotion, mind or spirit can significantly influence a well-designed target experiment in physical reality”. All of this great work has created the substantiality of the bottom-most rung in Figure 1. However, it is very important to recognize that orthodox science strives to find internal self-consistency with respect to all experimental data discovered in nature relative to its operational RF of distance-time. Anything else, if there is such, must be rejected. Unfortunately, for today’s orthodox science, natural phenomena like consciousness, intention, emotion, mind, spirit, love, psychophysiology, parapsychology, etc, are real but are not distance-dependent functions. Thus QM and RT, in their present form, can say nothing meaningful about this class of phenomena. This fact signals the ultimate demise of today’s orthodox science and orthodox medicine as absolute guiding principles in the future evolution of our species.


Expanding the Picture Frame The title of this chapter requires that the natural qualities of consciousness, intention, emotion, mind, spirit, etc, somehow become operational factors in our future science and future medicine. In parallel with my former orthodox science studies at Stanford University, this author has worked towards this goal for the past 40 years. Both experimentally and theoretically. This work has culminated in clearly distinguishing what we have labeled psychoenergetic science from today’s orthodox science. This is a science that includes human consciousness in the form of specific intentions as a significant experimental variable in the study of nature. Thus, it is a simple but profound expansion of both (1) the parameters of today’s orthodox science and (2) the larger reference frame needed for studying substantially more of nature’s manifold expressions. To significantly test the unstated assumption of today’s orthodox science, four well-designed target experiments were created and run to see if that assumption was viable in today’s world. The results are in and were robustly successful in proving that this unstated assumption of orthodox science, since the days of Descartes, is in grievous error in today’s world! The four target experiments, that will ultimately change our present world view, are the intention experiments conducted by this author and his colleagues over the past 13 years. These robustly successful experiments, once and for all, transformed the metaphorical Equation 1 to its psychoenergetic counterpart given here by Equation 2 MASS ⇄ ENERGY ⇄ INFORMATION ⇄ CONSCIOUSNESS.


With this important step, humankind makes the irrevocable move from strict adherence to the first rung of Figure 1 to a toehold on the second rung of our Ladder of Understanding! In Equation 2, although we probably do not all agree on the same definition for the word consciousness, we would all probably agree that consciousness manipulates information in the form of numbers, words, symbols, etc. Fortunately, for the past 60-70 years(1), we have known that any process in nature that increases the information content, ∆I, of the universe automatically decreases the thermodynamic entropy, ∆S, by an equal amount, i.e.,

∆S = - ∆I.


Further, since both entropy change and energy change are both portions of the Gibbs or Helmholtz thermodynamic free energy function change, ∆G, in nature(2 ), while positive ∆G drives all the processes in nature that we know of, the connectivity of Equations 2 and 3a are completely lawful because, at constant temperature,

∆G = ∆(pv) + ∆E – T∆S = ∆(pv) + ∆E - T(So – ∆I).


Equations 2 and 3 form the theoretical cornerstone of psychoenergetic science(3). 3

The Four Target Experiments The key experimental step needed to confirm the operational nature of psychoenergetic science was to unequivocally prove, via a series of human intention experiments, that in today’s world the unstated assumption of orthodox science is quite wrong! Our various steps in the four groundbreaking experiments were (a) to carefully design four different intention experiments:(4) (1) To increase the acid/alkaline balance (pH) of a specific type of water by ∆pH=+1.0 pH units (a factor of 10 decrease in hydrogen ion, H+, content of the water) with no chemical additions to the system, (2) to decrease the pH of this same type of water by ∆pH=-1.0 pH units with no chemical additions to the system, (3) to increase the in-vitro thermodynamic activity of a specific liver enzyme, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), by a significant amount (~30% for example) by simply exposing a vial of this ALP to a highly “intention-conditioned” experimental space for about 30 minutes and (4) to increase the in-vivo ratio of ATP/ADP in the cells of fruit fly larvae by a significant amount as a result of lifetime exposure of the larvae to a highly “intention-conditioned” experimental space. This should cause the larvae to become more physically fit and thus significantly lower the larval development time, τ, to the adult fly stage; (b) run continuous background studies of each experiment in a normal, non-intentionconditioned experimental space, (c) design and utilize four identical simple electrical devices(5 ), each to serve as a host for one of the four experiments, (d) design an experimental protocol for humans to mentally/emotionally imprint an intention into each such host device from a deep meditative state(5 ) and (e) place the appropriate device within ~0.5 meters of the operating experimental apparatus, plug the device into an electrical outlet, switch it on (total electric power radiated was less than one microwatt) to continuously run in that experimental space and wait for changes to manifest in the continuous data-stream. For all four experiments, the gathered data conformed to the general pattern of Figure 2(6).


Figure 2. For any typical physical measurement, Q, the qualitative magnitude change, QM, is plotted versus the degree of locale conditioning produced by continued IHD use.

Here, QM is the magnitude of the measured property under investigation as a function of experimental space processing time, t, via the intention-host device (IHD). QM0 is our background value for a normal space while QM1 is the measured value after the device had intention-conditioned the space to a significantly higher level of physical reality. Non-linear changes in QM begin to appear at t1 ~1 month(6), and always in the direction of the specific intention in the IHD, while it begins to plateau at t2 ~2 to 3 months. Generally, QM1~QM0 + the intention imprint target goal. Experimentally, we found that for target experiment #1, ∆pH=QM1-QM0~+1.0 pH units; #2, ∆pH~ -1.0 pH units; #3, ∆ chemical activity ~30% with p<0.001 and #4, ∆(ATP/ADP) ~+15% with p<0.001 and ∆τ ~ -25% with p<0.001(4).

Two Key Experimental Characteristics of an IHD-Conditioned Space A. A DC magnetic field effect: Subsequent experimental studies showed that, when QM in Figure 2 had plateaued, measuring pH in the presence of a DC magnetic field as in Figure 3a, shows a strongly increasing pH (more alkaline) when the south pole points upwards into the measuring vessel of water and a decreasing pH (more acidic) when the north pole points upwards into the water as shown in Figure 3b(7).


Figure 3a. Experimental set-up for testing changes due to a DC magnet placed under the water vessel with either the N-pole or S-pole axially and vertically aligned and pointing into the water.

Figure 3b. pH changes with time for pure water for both N-pole up and S-pole up axially aligned DC magnetic fields at 100 and 500 gauss for an IHD-conditioned space.


This behavior does not occur when QM~QM0 and our normal physical reality obtains. The reason for this result is very straightforward and is the expected result when only magnetic dipoles and electric charges are present (as in our normal physical reality, the U(1) EM Gauge symmetry state(8 )). This is because both the magnetic force and the magnetic energy contribution for a single magnetic dipole is proportional to H2 (the magnetic field strength is H) and is independent of orientation in space. The presence of the Figure 3b result is thus strikingly anomalous with respect to the U(1) EM Gauge symmetry state but not with respect to an SU(2) EM Gauge symmetry state(8 ) where both electric charges and magnetic charges simultaneously coexist and can interact with each other. Thus, the presence of the Figure 3b result being associated with “space conditioning” via the use of an IHD is very suggestive that magnetic monopoles have been accessed in nature once one has first significantly increased the EM Gauge symmetry state of the experimental space via the use of human consciousness (see Equations 2 and 3) in the form of a specific intention to condition the experimental space to a higher level of physical reality! It is important to recognize that, in our present world, this SU(2) EM Gauge symmetry state is a thermodynamically metastable state that must be pumped up to that level from the thermodynamically stable U(1) EM Gauge symmetry state by sustained human consciousness if one wants to reproduce the Figure 3b result. This is somewhat analogous to the D-space optical pumping required to produce an inverted population of electron states in certain atoms necessary to generate “lasing” action of coherent optical beams in today’s orthodox science and medicine. Continued optical pumping is required for sustained laser action. Returning to Figures 3, it seems reasonable to hypothesize that the experimental presence of a DC magnetic field effect in any space, even in the human body, can be taken as evidence for the existence and presence of this higher EM gauge symmetry SU(2) state rather than our normal U(1) state in nature. I and my colleagues tested this hypothesis on the human body via the use of simple bar magnets and advanced kinesiological techniques(9,10). We found that the south-pole placed within ~ 1 cm of an active body point significantly strengthened the arm while the north-pole significantly weakened it. Our ultimate conclusion was that the acupuncture meridian system in humans was already at the SU(2) level. Further, from this result, we deduced that human intention, conscious or unconscious, directed at their own acupuncture meridian system, could significantly alter the flow of “chi” or “Qi” (the magnetoelectric spectrum of body energies) which, in turn, modifies the flow of electromagnetic energies in our U(1) gauge symmetry state body and thus our own behaviors and capabilities. B. Significant measurement oscillations: The second very anomalous behavior to appear in the experimental data was the development of quite low frequency oscillations in the water pHmeasurements, water electrical conductivity, water temperature and air temperature (pH, σ, TW and TA) in an IHD-conditioned room(11). The frequency of these waveform oscillations were always in the 10-1 to 10-5 Hertz range, far lower than any human electrophysiology measurements like EKG, EEG, etc, (although the Baroreflex frequency where the heart interacts to entrain the brain is at 0.14 Hertz). In addition, the fundamental frequency and all the higher harmonics in the periodic oscillations all nest with each other, i.e., all are identical for pH, TW and TA, no matter where in the room they are measured 7

(σ not tested) as if something very fundamental in nature is driving the whole room in a coherent-like fashion. To illustrate, when a Faraday cage (FC) containing a central water vessel with pH and Tw monitors is placed in an IHD-conditioned laboratory (see Figure 4)(12 ) with a line of thermistors to monitor TA located every 15 centimeters from the center of the FC to a location in the hall outside the room about 3.5 meters away, we were able to measure the spatial variation of the oscillation amplitude, ∆TA (~3˚C with a measurement accuracy of ±0.01C depending on the type of thermistor used).

Figure 4. An IHD-conditioned laboratory with a line of thermistors monitoring TA located every 6” from the center of the Faraday cage (FC) to a position ~3.5 meters from the FC (located in the hall outside the room).

Considering the water vessel as the source of these oscillations, ∆TA does not decay with distance in a normal way (for a U(1) EM Gauge symmetry state space) but exhibits an anomalous intermediate maximum a few feet away from the cage as indicated by Figure 5. Looking at the frequency spectrum for ∆TA, both close to the cage center and ~3.5 meters away in the hall with the door closed, Figure 6 shows the harmonic frequency nesting phenomenon over this distance of ~3.5 meters – very anomalous indeed! Since temperature oscillations in air can arise if a temperature inversion exists at that location in the room (warm air below and cold air above), we wanted to check and see if this was the cause of the ∆TA-oscillations. To do this, we put a fan on the floor at Position X in Figure 4 and another on a tabletop at Position Y(11 ). The strength of these fans was sufficient, at ~2 meters away, to strongly blow a piece of sheet paper off a table top placed close to the line of thermistors. Thus, if the ∆TA-oscillations were due to a density inversion in the air, the air would become homogenized and the ∆TA-oscillations would 8

disappear. This did not happen(11 )! Our major conclusion from this result was that the ∆TA-oscillations does not have any significant relationship to something involving movement of the air molecules!

Figure 5. Showing that ∆TA does not decay with distance in a normal way but exhibits an anomalous intermediate maximum about a meter away from the Faraday cage.

Figure 6. Showing a very anomalous harmonic frequency nesting phenomenon over ~3.5 meters in the IHDconditioned room.


Our next ∆TA-oscillations experiment involved removing this water vessel and Faraday cage out of this particular laboratory (see Figure 4) to a remote location ~100 meters away. A conventional expectation as a consequence of this action would be that the ∆TA-spatial profile of Figure 5 would quickly collapse after the source was removed. However, this did not happen! Instead, the profile of Figure 5 remained as a phantom profile for quite some time and just slowly decayed over several weeks to months(12 )! Our conclusions from probing these oscillation characteristics are: (a) These oscillations arise from the vacuum level of physical reality. Here, the vacuum level is defined as all the space between the fundamental particles making up the electric charge-based atom/molecule level of physical reality. (b) This new vacuum level of physical reality is normally not strongly influenced by processes occurring in the gas phase but appears to exhibit macroscopic coherence effects. (c) This vacuum level exhibits qualities that are not spatially homogeneous or isotropic and generally exhibit patterns that change very slowly with time. (d) In an intention-host device-conditioned space, the local measuring instruments are all “enhanced” in capability so that they can somehow access the new level of physical reality and (e) perhaps the most important conclusion to be drawn from (A) the DC magnetic field effect and (B) the very low frequency, coherent, property oscillation effect is that we have revealed the existence of two uniquely different levels of physical reality. The first is our normal, electric charge-based atom/molecule level while the second is a new magnetic information wave type of substance functioning at the coarse physical vacuum level of reality. Since the latter is normally not accessible instrumentally from the U(1) state, one can deduce that the IHD “conditions” the experimental space to a higher gauge symmetry state of nature wherein these same but “conditioned” instruments can now also access this second level of physical reality to some degree. This type of property behavior can be meaningfully expressed in the form (see Figure 2)

QM = Qe + αeff(t) Qm = QM0 + (QM1 – QM0).


Here, QM is the total measured value, Qe is the U(1) Gauge state electric charge-based material value, Qm is the coarse magnetic charge-based vacuum material value while αeff is a coupler-material coefficient generated via the IHD as a function of time, t. αeff~0 in our normal U(1) Gauge reality but can be increased in magnitude (+ or -) via the application of human consciousness in the form of an activated intention-host device. This is a very profound example of a mind-body interaction of which much more will be said later. To fully digest what is to come, some theoretical foundation needs to be laid.

A Bit of Theory In the 1890’s, Planck(13) showed us that energy exchanges between electric-charge-based atoms and molecules occurred in discrete-sized rather than continuous-sized steps. In the early 1920’s de 10

Broglie(14) proposed to us that a quantitative particle/pilot wave concept had theoretical validity and, less than a decade later, this concept was also found to have experimental(15) validity. Schrödinger’s wave equation, a second-order distance-time differential equation containing a distance-time potential function, yielded a mathematical solution for particle wave functions(16). Thus, the key corner stones for today’s quantum mechanics (QM) had been laid. Much more recently, Harrison has shown us that the simultaneous coexistence of particle and waves in distance-time allows one to ultimately calculate all the equations of today’s QM(17). Thus, today’s QM is very well suited as an analytical tool for that class of natural phenomena that are distance-time-dependent. However, it is not well suited for serious investigation of those classes of natural phenomena that are not distance-time-dependent. Natural phenomena like consciousness, intention, emotion, mind, spirit, etc., do not appear to be distance-timedependent phenomena; thus, our reference frame (RF) for viewing nature’s manifold expressions must be expanded appreciably if one wishes to fully understand mind-body phenomena. As our next step, I wish to elucidate some quantitative understanding of the de Broglie particle/pilot wave concept. However, before doing so it is important for the reader to realize that the waves in nature that are cognitively accessed by humans are not the continuous waves described in textbooks. Rather, they are merely modulations of particle densities (water waves, sound waves) and particle flux densities (light waves).

Figure 7a. The De Broglie particle/pilot wave concept of the 1920’s, for which he won a Nobel Prize, proposed that every particle had a pilot wave envelope enclosing it and moving at the particle’s velocity. This was eventually to be called “the wave particle duality of QM”.


Figure 7a is the commonly held picture of the de Broglie particle/pilot wave concept obtained by using a non-relativistic analysis of the situation(18). Via this type of analysis one finds that

vg = vp


where vp is the particle velocity and vg is a wave group velocity. However, when one uses a relativistic analysis of the situation(19), one finds that

vg = vp and vpvw = c2


where vw is the true pilot wave, vg is the group wave generated by motion of the true pilot wave and vp is the relativistic particle velocity. This situation is illustrated in Figure 7b. From Equation 7b, since

Figure 7b. Schematic of true pilot waves.

distance-time-only relativity theory tells us that vp < c, always, vw > c, always. Thus, these pilot waves stream into view from the left at vw>c to both move the group wave along at vg = vp and stream out of view to the right. Since vw > c, it is unobservable to us both cognitively and via conventional instrumentation. 12

This is an extremely important theoretical finding but it appears to violate distance-time relativity theory since we have a faster than c pilot wave interacting with a slower than c group wave, vg, interacting with an electric particle moving at the same velocity, vp. In order to resolve this relativistic dilemma, this author has proposed the existence in nature of a moiety, from the domain of emotion which lies beyond distance-time, that can travel at v > c as well as v < c to act as a coupler substance (deltrons) illustrated in Figure 8(20). The deltrons, which also appear to

Figure 8. A higher dimensional level substance, labeled deltrons, falling outside the constraints of relativity theory and able to move at velocities v ⋛ c, acts as a coupling agent between the electric monopole types of substances and the magnetic monopole types of substances to produce both electromagnetic (EM) and magnetoelectric (ME) types of mediator fields exhibiting a special type of “mirror Principle” relationship between them.

exhibit qualities of consciousness, form bound sheaths around both the v < c particle and the v > c moiety. Thus deltron/deltron interactions are thought to produce indirect interactions between the v < c particle and the v > c moiety. The next piece of the theoretical picture is to first ask where electric atom/molecule substance comes from in nature and then expand that picture to include the subtle domains of substance needed to “flesh-out” the Ladder of Understanding illustrated in Figure 1. The original concept came from Dirac(21) in the mid-1920’s and is illustrated in Figure 9. Dirac’s hypothesis was that a cosmic ray of


Figure 9. Schematic energy spectrum associated with the Dirac analysis. A band of forbidden energies exists 2 between E = ±mc for particle-antiparticle creation of mass 2m.

sufficient energy traveling through the negative energy sea of the physical vacuum suffered an interaction event with the “stuff” of this negative energy sea so as to create an electron-hole pair with sufficient excess energy to cross the gap of disallowed energy states into the lowest levels of the positive energy state band(21). This hole became the first piece of anti-matter, called the positron experimentally discovered by Anderson in the early 1930’s. The orthodox scientific community hated the concept of negative energies because they did not understand such a concept even though it is a natural consequence of the relativistic energy equation for a particle. However, one notes from Figure 10, which is a quantitative plot of both the potential well

Figure 10. Potential energy for the Be2 dimer as a function of Be atom separation distance, r, plus the first ten bound vibrational levels.


and the allowed electron energy states in that well as two beryllium atoms interact to form the Be2 dimer(22). Thus, if one takes the origin of energy at the minimum of the well, all these electron energy states have positive energy relative to that origin; however, if one takes the origin as the dissociation location of this Be2 dimer, all these electron states have negative energy relative to that chosen origin. Further, if we postulate the presence of an over-arching potential well of higher dimensional order enfolding all of what we might call nature (all of the physical vacuum), then Dirac’s negative energy sea can be readily appreciated(21). For many, this might be taken as allowed evidence for the existence of God! This author has expanded upon Dirac’s original energy band concept to provide some detailed structure for the physical vacuum(23). This is illustrated in Figure 11a which represents both a word

Figure 11a. An energy level diagram embracing both classical physical substances and “unseen” vacuum substances.

Identification for the various rungs in the Figure 1 “Ladder of Understanding” and a proposal for discriminating the various energetic/information levels of the evolving human. Further Figure 11b


Figure 11b. A structural representation of our RF with the duplex space in the center. If one counts the entire duplex space as a 4-space, then the entire multidimensional representation is a 7-space. If instead, we count the duplex space as a unique member of the general 8-space, then our RF is eleven-dimensional.

discriminates the higher dimensional nature of (1) the magnetic information wave band, (2) the emotion domain band, (3) the mind domain band and (4) the spirit domain band of this simulator or classroom in which we are growing and evolving(23). One of the author’s working hypotheses is that each of these bands of vacuum state energies house successively finer types of wave-like substance moving at successively higher and higher super luminal velocities (all invisible to conventional sensor probes from the U(1) EM Gauge symmetry state) as one proceeds from the magnetic information wave domain to the spirit domain(24). Because of their wave-like nature, even though of different bands of qualitatively different kinds of substance, frequency-type resonances between different bands are expected to exist so that energy/information, in principle, can be exchanged between bands. With this base of theoretical background, we shall now focus our attention on the first and second rungs of the Ladder of Understanding. From the earlier experimental findings of this chapter, there appears to be two uniquely different levels of physical reality (see Figure 2 and Equation 4) that can be uncoupled (ιeff~0) or partially coupled (~0.1 < ιeff < ~0.9). These two are the electric chargebased atom/molecule subluminal substance and the magnetic charge-based, information-wave, superluminal substance. As a simple metaphor, (1) the uncoupled state is the U(1) electromagnetic (EM) gauge symmetry state where the only mathematical undetermined factor is the phase angle of the electron wave function(8) so one could classically visualize electrons moving in discrete orbits around a 16

nucleus (the Bohr model) where much, much smaller magnetic information wave moieties zip through the empty spaces available between these orbits without interacting with or perturbing the slowly moving electrons in their orbits. For case (2), when a sufficient concentration of activated deltrons are present, one has coupled state formation. This is the SU(2) EM gauge symmetry state where there are now two mathematical undetermined factors present, (a) the electric monopole (electron) wave function phase angle and (b) the magnetic monopole wave function phase angle. Here, the magnetic information wave moieties begin to orbit around the individual electron orbits which, in turn, orbit around the atom’s nucleus. This is a “dance” within a “dance” which, for macroscopic systems, leads to a much richer thermodynamics and a significantly larger thermodynamic free energy, G. (see Equation 3b) In passing, it should be noted that gauge symmetry breaking occurs where the activated deltron population decreases below some critical value (that is presently unknown) and the system drops to the U(1) EM gauge state level from which today’s orthodox science instrumentation is completely unable to access magnetic monopoles ( as a multitude of experiments from the 1960’s and 1970’s has shown). The final piece of this theoretical perspective deals with the first coherent step in the development of a new reference frame for viewing nature’s distance-time-dependent class of phenomena. Such a new reference frame (RF) is essential if we are to ultimately understand mind-body phenomena. This proposed new RF is a duplex RF consisting of two, reciprocal, four-dimensional subspaces, one of which is distance-time. Thus it is a special member of an eight-dimensional RF (actually sevendimensional because of some specifics connected with time). The distance-time subspace (D-space) is ideal for subluminal, electric-charge-based particle behavior while the reciprocal subspace (R-space) is a frequency domain, ideal for superluminal, magnetic-charge-based information wave behavior. If negligible excess activated deltrons are available, substances of these two subspaces do not meaningfully interact with each other and each is in a U(1) gauge symmetry state. As more deltrons are activated, so, in Equation 4, αeff appreciably increases in magnitude, macroscopic coupled state reality obtains and the materials of the two subspaces begin to seriously interact with each other. Now, human intentions can directly alter the properties of this composite of coupled state/uncoupled state material(25). From a mathematical perspective, because the two subspaces are reciprocals of each other, thermodynamic equilibrium between the very different materials of the two subspaces, which can only be attained when αeff is of significant magnitude, requires that a property or quality in one subspace has a conjugate property or quality in the other subspace given mathematically by deltron-modulated Fourier transform relationships(26). Now, a new and superior formulation of an expanded quantum mechanics that meaningfully incorporates the effects of consciousness as a significant experimental variable is possible. Thus, mind-body effects can now, in principle, be seriously addressed!

The Three Selves Postulate Keeping Figure 11a in mind as a classification of the hypothesized substances available to us in the universe, I have proposed elsewhere(27) that Figure 12 represents a useful metaphor for describing 17

Figure 12. An energy level diagram embracing both classical physical substances and “unseen” vacuum substances. the whole person. This metaphorical self consists of three key zones: (1) the outermost zone, consists of two interpenetrating layers of (a) uncoupled electric charge-based substance (outermost layer) and (b) magnetic charge-based substance (innermost layer), with the coupled state acupuncture meridian system functioning in this inner layer, constitutes the personality self. This personality self is thought to be our biobodysuit that we put on when we are born into this distance-time classroom and shuck off when we appear to depart from this classroom. (2) the middle zone, consisting of three interpenetrating layers of (a) emotion-domain (including deltrons) substances, (b) mind-domain substances and (c) an aspect of spirit domain substances, thought to be the entity that is truly evolving in this overall “life” process, is called the soul self. And (3) the central zone, is thought to be the high spirit self, the source self or the God self, the creator of all these various substances, are at the very core of our being. All these various unique substances exist within the same space but (a) have different mass densities, (b) travel at different velocities (most at v>c), (c) have different ranges of energy (mostly at E<0), (d) have different degrees of coherence relative to our source self and thus (e) have different fundamental information content densities. The substances associated with the spirit level (the finest substance) to the substances associated with the electric charge-based atom/molecule level form a relative universe (a simulator so to speak) that can be altered in any way imaginable by humans via direct application of consciousness and intentions. The substances of the high spirit level are thought to form an absolute universe(28). A metaphorical picture of this construct is presented in Figure 13. 18

Figure 13. An energy level diagram embracing both the relative universe with expansion into the absolute universe lovingly guided by “the all”.

To me, we are all spirits having a physical experience as we ride the river of life together. Our spiritual parents dressed in these biobodysuits and put us in this playpen that we call a universe (a cosmos – a simulator) in order to grow in coherence, in order to develop our gifts of intentionality and in order to become what we were intended to become - co-creators with our spiritual parents! For me, consciousness is a byproduct of spirit entering denser matter. However, spirit seems to need built-in infrastructure so that it can attach to that denser matter. This is what we must create in our personality and soul selves via our thoughts, attitudes and actions. This is our bootstrap process for becoming more awake, more aware and more conscious. In this way we build more infrastructure into the various levels of self. We are the product of our physical and non-physical life processes and are ultimately built by our personal choices/efforts that we make in this “simulator”. The cosmos is our classroom and, from Equations 3, as we build ourselves via the information content inherent within the infrastructure we have created in our multidimensional selves, we continuously restore the thermodynamic free energy potential to our cosmos! 19

Before proceeding to discuss the application of this experimental data, theoretical constructs and my working hypotheses, to the mind-body relationships, it is perhaps useful to illustrate two benefits to humans associated with (1) growing in personal coherence and (2) seriously developing our gifts of intentionality. First, on the topic of personal coherence, consider a 60 watt light bulb. When switched on, it gives some light but not a great deal of light. This is because the number of EM photons exiting the light bulb surface per unit time are largely out of phase with respect to each other so that a great deal of destructive interference occurs. However, if one could somehow adjust the phase of each of these photons so that they were totally in-phase with each other then, for the same number of photons exiting the light bulb per unit time, the energy density would have been increased to a value many times that at the surface of the sun. The same situation exists with respect to humans. Their latent potential is huge with respect to their present actualization of that latent potential. However, by conscious application of inner self-management techniques like yoga, Qigong, HeartMath, Sufism, etc., great increases in their internal coherence state become possible(29). One might reasonably ask what is the latent potential energy stored in the physical vacuum (E<0 states) relative to that stored in our physical cosmos because that would give us a type of quantitative estimate for what is to be gained by working on the various strata of the physical vacuum. Great physicists like John Wheeler, David Bohm and others have calculated that, for today’s quantum mechanics (QM) and relativity theory (RT) to be internally self-consistent, the physical vacuum is required to contain a latent energy density of ~1094 grams per cubic centimeter with each gram being converted to EM energy via the Einstein, E = mc2, relationship. This is a very large number but what does it mean to us in a practical example? Astronomers have given us a number for the average mass density in the physical cosmos(30). Multiplying this number by the volume of a sphere of radius 15 billion light years gives us a very large number for the total EM energy storage present in our physical cosmos. On the other hand, we can calculate the volume of physical vacuum present within the interior of a single hydrogen atom (mostly empty space) which comes to about 10-24 cubic centimeters (cc). When we multiply this very small volume by 1094 grams per cc, we obtain a number that is about a trillion times larger than the total EM energy stored in the physical cosmos. Thus, adding up all the electromagnetic energy stored in all the planets, stars and cosmic dust in our physical cosmos, we find that the number is trivial compared to that stored in one cubic nanometer of physical vacuum. One must therefore conclude that exploration by humans of the physical vacuum both within themselves and outside of themselves is tremendously important for humanity’s future.

Application to Mind-Body Relationships A. The Silver Colloid Metaphor: It is well-known that if one takes a vessel of water with bacteria in it and also sprinkles a bunch of silver (Ag) colloid particles in it, most of the bacteria will be killed. From this result, people presumed that physical contact between the bacteria and the silver was the killing mechanism. This led to what one labels as chemical medicine and the founding of the pharmaceutical industry. 20

What is not so well known is that (1) if one sets up a water vessel containing bacteria and also sets up a nearby fluorescent lamp containing silver electrodes (or a very thin film of Ag on the walls of the tube), (2) ignites a gas discharge in the tube and (3) places an outside lens system to focus some of the emitted light onto the water vessel, one also kills the bacteria in the water. Thus, one learns that it is not just physical contact between the bacteria and the silver surface that is important, rather, it is one of more unique EM photons in the emission spectrum of Ag that is sufficient to kill the bacteria(31). This process leads to energy medicine as exemplified by the use of cold laser technology as a healing methodology. From the earlier content of this chapter, it should also be clear that the use of an intention-host device (IHD) specifically imprinted to significantly weaken the immune systems of the bacteria in the water vessel will also render the bacteria to a harmless or totally dead state. This type of process was eventually lead to information medicine acting via an Equation 3-type of physics.

B. The Zeroth-order Quantitative Approximation: As discussed earlier, in psychoenergetic science applied to physical reality (the personality self), there are two uniquely different levels of substance plus deltrons involved in partially coupled state processes (see Figure 2 and Equation 4) expressed symbolically as

QM = Qe + αeffQm.


Here, Equation 4 is just the zeroth-order mathematical approximation for the general result illustrated by Figure 2. Higher order mathematical approximations can be readily derived but involve the taking account of a variety of macroscopic information entanglements that are beyond the scope of this introductory chapter. Out present working hypothesis to explain the nature of the Figure 2 results is illustrated via Figure 14. A specific intention is thought to originate at the level of spirit, imprinting a specific information stimulus pattern on the nodal points of the mind lattice(32) in our simulator. This, in turn, causes activation of this nodal network to radiate two complementary patterns, one to the R-space magnetic information wave domain to represent the essential information inherent in the original intention and the other to activate a spectrum of deltrons from the emotion domain substances. This deltron population is thought to act as a kind of “toner” in a Xerox machine and, via the R-space/D-space, deltron-modulated Fourier transform process, shift the information inherent in Qm to the experimental measurement result, QM, of Equation 4. As mentioned much earlier, in Equation 4, QM is the actual experimentally measured value of the property quality, Q, under consideration in the original intention; Qe is the contribution coming from the electric charge-based atom/molecule level, Qm is the contribution coming from the intention affected, magnetic charge-based information wave level and αeff is the deltron coupling coefficient which can range from zero to one. 21

Figure 14. Human consciousness, and specifically human intention, appears to be able to activate this deltron population, and thereby modulate this electric/magnetic monopole substance coupling, so as to alter the specifics of the EM state of the space wherein an object rests, and thus the experimentally measurable properties of that object. It appears that, in at least all vertebrates, the acupuncture/meridian system is always at the partially coupled state of physical reality. Thus, both unconscious and conscious intentions with strong desire can enhance the quality and intensity of chi/Qi (the magnetoelectric (ME) spectrum) flowing in this system. This, in turn, induces electric (EM) currents to flow in our electric charge-based atom/molecule body to vitalize the organs, bones, muscles and tissues of this aspect of our personality self. For the manifestation of large mind-body effects in humans, the following steps are useful: (1) the recognition that we are dealing, here, with mind/emotion body psychoenergetic phenomena, (2) the recognition that sustained, long-term, attention/intention processes are involved for very successful results, (3) the recognition that human intentions work directly on the innermost layer of the personality self and then indirectly on the outermost layer and (4) the recognition that the human unconscious, the human acupuncture meridian system and homeopathy all function in this innermost layer of our personality self which is a template for all the evolutionary processes occurring in our familiar electric atom/molecule layer. 22

Certainly healing interventions by medical practitioners can occur at both the Qe and the Qm level of physical reality in Equation 4. However, it is important to realize (a) that the mathematical sign of the Qm-term can be made of either positive or negative value via intention, (b) that, for simplicity, although Qe is mostly a mathematical scalar, Qm is always at least a vector and thus always leads to information entanglement between the several parts of a medical “system” event (doctor + treatment + placebo +patient) so that a placebo is not an inert entity in the mathematical formulation of the system event but rather is elevated to the state of a dynamic “player” via information entanglement with all the other “players” in the overall event and (c) the deltron population active in the αeff –term of Equation 4 is crucial since it appears to be quite responsive to human consciousness and human intent. This author strongly recommends that the reader accesses my website,, to read and freely copy any of my White Papers that have been placed there, especially White Paper XV if one is interested in selfhealing and preventative medicine (see the appendix to this chapter).

References 1a. 1b. 2a. 2b. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12.

Shannon, C.E. “A Mathematical Theory of Communication”, The Bell System Technical Journal, 1948, 27, 379-423 (July) and 623-656 (October). Brillouin, L, Science and Information Theory, Second Edition, Academic Press, New York, NY, 1962, Chapter 12. Gibbs, J.W., The Collected Works of J. Willard Gibbs, Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, 1957, Volumes I and II. Mayer, J.E. and Mayer M.G., Statistical Mechanics, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, 1941, pp 105-106. Tiller, W.A., Psychoenergetic Science: A Second Copernican-Scale Revolution, Pavior Publishing, Walnut Creek CA, 2007. Tiller, W.A., Dibble, W.E. Jr. and Kohane, M.J., Conscious Acts of Creation: The Emergence of a New Physics, Pavior Publishing, Walnut Creek, CA, 2001. Ibid, pp 12-20. Ibid, pp 169-172. Ibid, pp 172-173. Moriyasu, K., An Elementary Primer of Gauge Theory, World Scientific Publishing Co, Pte, Ltd., Singapore, Malaysia, 1983. Tiller, W.A., Dibble, W.E. Jr. and Krebs, C.T., “Instrumental Response to Advanced Kinesiology Treatments in a ‘Conditioned Space’”, Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine, 2004, 13, (2) pp 91108. Tiller, W.A., Dibble, W.E. Jr. and Fandel, J.G., Some Science Adventures with Real Magic, Pavior Publishing, Walnut Creek, CA, 2005, pp 82-91. Reference 4, pp 174-194. Ibid, pp 194-205. 23

13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.

Planck, M., The Theory of Heat Radiation, Dover, New York, 1955 and Ann. d. Phys. (1901) 4, 553564. de Broglie, L., Phil. Mag., 1924, 47, 446. de Broglie, L., New Prospectives in Physics, New York, Basic Books, 1962. Schroedinger, E., “Quantization as an Eigenvalue Problem”, Annalen der Physik, 1926, 79, 361. Harrison, W.A., Applied Quantum Mechanics, 2000, World Scientific, Singapore. Schubert, E.F., “Physical Foundations of Solid State Devices”, Section 3, Eisberg, R.M., Fundamentals of Modern Physics, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, NY, 1961, pp 140-146. Reference 3, pp 128-130. Dirac, P.A.M., Proc. Roy. Soc., 1925, A109, 642. See Aitchison, I.J.R. and Hey, A.J.G., Gauge Theories in Particle Physics, Adam Hilger Ltd., Bristol, U.K., 1982, pp 6-15. Patkowski, K., Spirko, V. and Szalewicz, K., “On the Elusive Vibrational State of Beryllium Dimer”, Science, 326, 1382-1384. Reference 3, pp 152-155. Tiller, W.A., Science and Human Transformation: Subtle Energies, Intentionality and Consciousness, Pavior Publishing, Walnut Creek, CA, 1997, pp 54-62. Tiller, W.A. and Dibble, W.E. Jr., “White Papers I and XI”, Reference 24, pp 67-100 and Reference 4, pp 240-270 and 304-327. Reference 3, pp 147-149. Reference 24, pp 55-92. Ibid, pp 212-218. Ross, H., The Fingerprint of God, Promise Publishing Co., Orange, CA, 1989, p 73. Brooks, J.H.H. and Blum, B.J., “Spectral Catalysts”, U.S. Patent #6,033,531, 2000. Reference 24, pp 55-59.

Appendix: White Paper XV Preventative Medicine/Self Healing via One’s Personal Biofield Pumping and Balancing by

William A. Tiller, Ph.D.

Introduction In my book “Science and Human Transformation”(1), I utilized human energy field insights gained from some of my 1960-1980 experimental research studies to produce self-healing and preventative 24

medicine for myself and my family. I have always been pleased to share these insights with others when they show an interest. I have found great personal benefits via following and expanding these procedures but, at present, I do not know how universal all of these results might be for others. I do know that some of them have been stated to be quite beneficial for others. In the 1970’s, I did a variety of energy field experiments with a well-known dowser, WC,(2) and came to recognize a seeming-correlation between our three proposed main energy circuits in the body and the Eeman’s Relaxation Circuit of the 1920’s(3a). Eeman’s experimental arrangement is illustrated in Figure 1a and consists of a subject plus copper mats and copper wires(3b).

Figure 1. (a) Illustration of the Eeman’s Relaxation Circuit and (b) Tiller’s modification of Eeman’s design.

The back of the head (base of the brain) and the left hand appeared to be of one subtle energy polarity while the base of the spine and the right hand appeared to be of the opposite subtle energy polarity. Under ideal conditions, the individual subject is aligned along the magnetic flux lines of the earth with their head to the north and their feet to the south (with ankles crossed left over right). If he/she is energy right-handed and connected in this way, they will just deeply relax in this particular circuit and this brings about both balancing of the energies in his/her body plus an influx of new energy into their system (at least that has been my personal experience). If the hand connections are reversed, a tension circuit is created which energy right-handed people find almost unbearable after a little while. If the individual is left-handed, energy-wise, the situation is reversed. In the experiments I have personally carried out on myself with this type of circuit, I have utilized the slightly simpler circuit illustrated in Figure 1b. Each copper mat of Figure 1a has been replaced by a simple copper loop, one around the head making contact at the base of the brain and looping around to the front over a region ~3 inches above the eyebrows and a couple of inches away from the head. The other copper loop is around the waist making contact at the base of the spine level with a loop diameter large enough to easily pull on over the shoes and trousers and slide up the body to the hips leaving the front part of the loop about 2 inches to 3 inches above the body. When lying on top of a bed in the Figure 1b circuit connection (not always with the head pointing north), I noted a strong subjective feeling of energy flowing through my body, sometimes quite 25

intensely in certain locations of the body before that part completely relaxes. After a one-half hour session in the circuit, I felt greatly relaxed, energized and mentally centered for the following 6 to 10 hours. I learned to do this before mid-afternoon in order not to be wide awake at my normal bed-time. Back in the 1970’s-1980’s, I found this to be so effective that I would even take this on business trips to ensure that I was able to deliver high quality performance. I eventually came to attribute the utility of this modified Eeman’s circuit to an equalization of some biological “subtle energy” potential within the three main body circuits(4). My hypothesis was that the left hand drew energy from the head circuit, fed it through the trunk of the body and out the right hand into the leg circuit. I hypothesized that, in this way, the three main information wave (Qi) circuits of the physical body were “shorted out” to equalize their subtle domain potentials and that it was this that allowed my normal electric charge-based physical body to deeply relax. I eventually assumed that this line of speculation was close to the truth and that the copper serves only as a reasonable conductor of this information wave (Qi) energy present in the human biofield. I then decided that, in principle, if a human could learn to “pump” this energy within their own bodies, similar results might be obtained by just using one’s bare hands.

Learning How to Pump “The Subtle Energy” In my case, I found that by sitting quietly (often watching a television program), and placing my hands in full contact, palm to palm, while resting the hands in my lap, I subjectively felt some type of weak energy current flow up my left arm and down my right arm. It seemed to cross the trunk of my body from left to right. The longer I did this, the stronger the flow of this current seemed to be. It was almost as if the flow of this subtle current reduced the resistance to this flow which, in turn, increased the magnitude of this current flow. Separating the palms seemed to reduce the magnitude of the current flow. I speculated on an explanation for this phenomenon and eventually hypothesized that the minor chakras at the center of each palm were intimately involved in this subtle energy flow process. For me, this subtle energy appeared to flow out of the right palm chakra into the air to become part of my biofield and from my general biofield into the left palm chakra up the left arm, across the trunk of my body and down the right arm, etc. From my experimental work with dowsers, particularly WC(2), a second major body circuit was in-flow via the minor chakra in the center of the sole of the left foot, flow up the left leg and across the groin followed by flow down the right leg and out the minor chakra at the sole-center of the right foot. The third discrete energy circuit of the body appeared to be in-flow from the biofield through the left eye and out-flow through the right eye to the general biofield. Presuming that the impedance to this subtle energy flow is appreciably larger for travel through the air than for travel through the epidermis and dermis, placing the two palms in intimate contact should enhance the magnitude of this flow through the arm/trunk circuit. Likewise, placing the soles of the feet together should also be therapeutic. In any event, I performed the palm-to-palm exercise for about 30 to 60 minutes a day for about a month and subjectively noticed an appreciable increase in subtle energy flows within my body plus an enhanced body vitality. I felt that I was now ready to perform a few “healing” experiments on myself.

Some Self-healing Experiments 1. In the early 1970’s, I began to wear glasses for reading and for driving my car and I didn’t like the inconvenience. About the same time, an MD friend told me about an experiment conducted in China 26

on children with vision problems who needed to wear strong glasses to see and read effectively. They were told to massage certain acupuncture points around the eyes as these relaxed the tensions in the eye muscles. After a few months of doing these exercises daily, most of the children were able to see and read well without using their glasses. This sounded like something I could check out by trying it on myself. Figure 2(5) is a diagram of the eyes and nose with the location of six points, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 clearly marked around both eyes: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6,

situated at the inner edge of the eyebrow (a bladder meridian point). situated at the inner corner of the eye (the start point of the bladder meridian). situated about 0.5 inches below the center of the eye (the start point of the stomach meridian). situated about 0.25 inches beyond the outer corner of the eye (the start point of the gall bladder meridian). situated about 0.25 inches beyond the outer edge of the eyebrow (the end point of the triple warmer meridian). situated about 0.5 inches above the center of the eyebrow (a point of the gall bladder meridian).

My steps in this personal experiment were as follows: A. With light to medium pressure, starting with point #1 on each eyebrow, massage in a clockwise/counter clockwise direction for 9, 18 or 27 rotations and then do likewise in the opposite direction for the same number of rotations. B. Do the same procedure for points #2, #3, #4, #5 and #6 in sequence. C. Then, placing two finger tips touching the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows, run the finger tips in opposite directions at moderate pressure out along the eye brows in a rotary motion around the eye and up the outer nostrils back to the starting point. Do this 9, 18 or 27 times. This should feel very good! I did this, and still do this several decades later, every morning for about 5 to 10 minutes. Within about two months of starting the exercise, I no longer needed to wear glasses for either reading or driving. That was about 40 years ago and I still have excellent vision (although now that such small print is being used for newspapers, I now use 1.5 times drugstore magnifiers for easy reading).


Figure 2

2. All during the 1960’s and early 1970’s, I had a severe lower back problem and would generally visit my favorite chiropractor every winter when the weather turned cold. The severity was such that I would go three times a week for the first month (diathermy, manipulation, etc.), twice a week for the second month and once a week for the third. In the early 70’s I decided to try an experiment using my own hands to heal the problem. Every day, first thing in the morning and last thing at night, I would sit erect and place my hands on my back (overlapping my spine) and start as high up on the back as I could reach. Initially, I would leave the hands there for ~1 minute or so and then shift them a palm-width lower for the next minute or so and then progressively lower until I reached my tailbone. It seemed as if my right hand was acting like an energy hose injecting energy into the back, which stimulated the neural system and activated the vascular system. I didn’t miss a day of this practice and found that I suddenly didn’t need to visit the chiropractor at all for the next 15 years. So long as I didn’t do anything stupid like walking a long way carrying a heavy suitcase in one hand or spend a long time shoveling heavy snow, I no longer needed to visit my friendly chiropractor. 28

3. A common malady for some people is that they have trouble turning off their brain in order to fall asleep. I was one of those people when I was younger. However, once I learned how to pump subtle energy, I discovered a solution to my sleeping problem via using my hands instead of copper wires in the Figure 1a configuration. I would lie in bed on my left side with my head on the pillow. My left hand placed on my neck at the base of my skull, my right hand was placed on my tail-bone and my left ankle was placed over my right. I would lie that way for 15-20 minutes and then resume my normal sleeping position and I quickly fell into restful sleep for the duration of the night. The body orientation with respect to north does not seem to be strongly critical. 4. Over the years, I have found it possible to reduce and often eliminate the stress from a certain region of the body by placing the hands on the body in such a placement as to enhance the natural subtle energy flow. For example: (1) Sore Left Thigh: Place the right palm on the thigh closer to the knee and the left palm closer to the groin, thus bracketing the sore region and increasing the bioenergy flux through the left thigh region. (2) Sore Right Thigh: Place the right palm on the thigh closer to the groin and the left palm closer to the knee, thus bracketing the sore region and increasing the bioenergy flux through the right thigh region. (3) Indigestion after eating: Place the left palm on or below the stomach and the right palm higher up on the chest, both being centrally located on the body. (4) Sore throat: Place the left palm on upper chest just below the throat and the right palm on throat up under the chin. (5) Headache: Place left palm on forehead and right palm at back of the head at base of brain area. The procedure #3 above has also been therapeutic for the elimination of female menstrual cramps by having the female lie face-up on a couch and me kneeling on the floor beside it. I place the left hand under the base of her skull while the right hand I s placed under the tailbone of her spine. Relief of her internal stress usually occurs within 5 to 10 minutes. In all cases where one person is using their hands to ease the pain, stress or ailment of another, I have found it useful to run cold water over the wrists after such a treatment. My working hypothesis is that everyone has the inherent capacity to build the necessary infrastructure into themselves by practice, practice, practice on themselves to find out what works best for them. In all of these procedures, as the energy form causing the initial pain passes out of the region and through one’s trunk circuit, a type of energy polarization can often develop in the wrist joints and this diminishes the magnitude of the subtle energy current flow. Thus, periodically, I have found it useful to rotate the wrists which appears to discharge this polarization energy (often with a sharp “crack” sound). This seems to allow the subtle energy current flow magnitude to increase back to its initial level. A second mode of subtle energy (Qi-energy) adjustment appears to be the one-handed mode. For example, by placing one’s left hand on one’s own body or on someone else’s body, subtle energy of this particular type can be removed from that location. By using only the right hand, this particular type of subtle energy can be introduced into the body at a specific location. If an individual has a pain at a particular location in his/her body, then he/she or someone else appear to be able to diminish the magnitude of such pain by simply placing the left hand on the particular location of the body and holding the right hand away from the body to release the subtle energy stream into the atmosphere. 29

The left palm appears to act something like a suction pump to pull a subtle energy stream from the subject’s body at the location of contact, with this stream passing through the practitioner’s body and out into the atmosphere via the right palm. My present working hypothesis is that this subtle energy stream carries with it some quality of the particular subtle energy form causing the pain. I have observed that, if one makes contact with the acupuncture meridian and acupuncture points of that pain area, the effective treatment time is decreased. When one presses on these acupuncture points with the fingertips (even through clothing), the effective treatment time is further decreased.

The Great Importance of Human Intention and the Coupled State of Physical Reality In White Papers #1(6) and #3(7), the great difference between the coupled state vs. the uncoupled state of physical reality was described. Experimentally we learned that one of the characteristics of the coupled state was what was labeled the D.C. magnetic field polarity behavior(8). In our normal reality, the uncoupled state, a magnetic dipole cannot influence the pH (acid/alkaline balance) of water. This is because the magnetic force and magnetic energy of a magnetic dipole are independent of dipole orientation in a space of the U(1) electromagnetic gauge symmetry state. However, when one lifts the EM gauge symmetry state of an experimental space via use of an intention-host device, the same DC magnetic field polarity experiment shows that, with the south pole of the magnet pointing into the water, the pH-measurement increases strongly in the alkalinity direction. Inverting the direction of the magnet relative to the water so that the north pole of the magnet points into the water, causes the pHmeasurement to decrease strongly in the acidic direction (see Figure 3). Using a kinesiology procedure of muscle testing(9) while bringing a pencil-shaped bar magnet up to unique body points showed that, when the south-pole of the magnet was within ~1 centimeter of the points, the arm tested very strong. However, when the magnet was simply turned end over end so that the north-pole faced these same body points at about ~1 centimeter separation, the arm tested very weak(9). Thus a D.C. magnetic field polarity effect is present in humans indicating that some human body system is at the coupled state of physical reality! Since the propriocepters in human muscles are subtly connected to the body’s acupuncture meridian system, this strongly supports the working hypothesis that the human acupuncture meridian system is always at the coupled state of physical reality. Thus, humans have the latent ability to utilize their own specific intentions to alter various properties of their own body’s tissues, muscles and organs in beneficial ways if they will only believe that they can do so and make the personal effort to train themselves to do so. For some time, ~3-4 years, my colleagues and I have had the technical ability to experimentally measure the quantitative change in excess thermodynamic free energy for the aqueous hydrogen ion, H+, as a space transitions from the uncoupled state of physical reality to the coupled state of physical reality via the use of our intention-host devices. Since that time, we have wanted to convert such a measurement system into a user-friendly biofeedback device for human self-training to significantly increase their ability to “intend” to make such beneficial changes to the materials and organs of their own bodies. Hopefully, within the next year we will find the funds to seriously set this project in motion! The following section outlines why I think it is possible for us to significantly upgrade our preventative medicine capabilities.


Figure 3. pH both DC

changes with time for pure water for N-pole up and S-pole up axially aligned magnetic fields at 100 and 500 gauss.

From Maintained Intention to Body Structure Changes Our body structure at the physical level is stable and sustained by a type of chemical homeostasis or chemical pattern which, in turn is kept stable by a pattern of electrical and magnetic potentials and other positive space-time patterns of potential. The positive space-time patterns of energy are themselves kept stable by specific reciprocal space (R-space) patterns of energy which themselves are stabilized by energy field patterns at the mind and emotion levels of the universe. At this point it is useful to recall Wolf’s Law of bone structure. If one of our bones receives a non-uniform stress for an extended period of time, the bone will grow new trabeculae (a type of bone girder) in the exact location needed to maximally support this stress distribution.The system, via the piezoelectric effect, produces certain field changes, and these changes cause ions and molecules to be carried to specific locations where they can agglomerate into the specific tissue and structural components of the trabeculae. Carrying this idea further, we can think of mental field patterns as acting like a stress to influence the magnetochemical potential of the magnetic information wave molecules at the reciprocal (R-space) level of the body. Via the deltron coupler link, this pattern produces the required correlate at the positive space-time level (D-space) of physical chemicals and thus finally to influence the physical structure of the body. It is important to realize that, when we remove the body stress that creates a certain pattern of trabeculae in a bone, the trabeculae do not dossolve at once. Rather, they may dissolve only very slowly (under the proper regime of physical exercise) because of the detailed molecular dynamics involved. They may maintain the body’s distorted shape for a very long time even though the initial cause has been removed. The same is true for physical structures generated by emotional or mental states. However, when these unharmonious patterns, which scatter energy from the main flow at the various levels already discussed, are finally removed, more energy will be available for body function. To illustrate further how maintained intention can produce structural changes in the body gland or organ to enhance its level of functioning, consider one process for making a magnetic material in the 31

laboratory. Let us say that we are going to make a magnetic material out of a metallic alloy called permalloy. One way is to heat the solid up to a high temperature where the magnetic precipitates in the alloy go into solution in the solid (very much like salt or sugar and water would go into solution as you heat the water). Then after soaking at the high temperature range for some time, you cool the material through a critical temperature range and you find that little particles of a magnetic material come out of solution (again very much like salt or sugar would come out of solution if you cool it enough). Now, think of these little magnetic particles as being like needles with a field direction arrow on them. They precipitate out of solution and the arrows are pointing in all kinds of different directions as illustrated in Figure 4a. The total or net magnetic field, Hnet, of this

Figure 4. Schematic illustration of the formation of a magnet by the precipitation of a magnetic phase from solution under (a) no applied field and (b) the influence of an applied field, Happlied.

material would be the sum of all the components of these arrows pointing in a particular direction. Of course because most of the individual arrows are almost randomly oriented, the sum in any direction is 32

very small. Thus, although we have made a magnetic material, it is not a very good one! All right, now what can we do about that? Suppose we think “let us apply a strong magnetic field, Himposed, directed upwards along the axis of the bar as illustrated in Figure 4b. Now, with this imposed magnetic field present, as the magnetic particles come out of solution both their birth and growth are influenced. Now, instead of being randomly oriented, they align themselves more closely with this applied field. After you cool the sample down and take away the imposed magnetic field, you find that your bar now has a very strong net magnetic field when you add up all the little arrows. You now have a material with a very large internal magnetic field. Basically, you have processed the material in such a way as to increase the polarization in a particular direction; that is, to a useful polarization in this direction. You have done it via the influence of an applied external field during the birth and growth process of these magnetic precipitates. Now that we have this physical picture firmly in mind, let us see how it can be done with a gland in our body. I first want to postulate that a key part of the glandular functioning is related to the gland functioning the way it does largely because of its structure on a cellular level. What we want to do is alter that essential structure at the subtle level. We make this alteration by the sustained application of a specific mind/emotion field; that is, we decide what is the ideal behavior and we mentally apply that image to the gland. As an illustrative example, let us pick up on the thymus gland that we wish to alter. We want to make it polarized so as to much more easily radiate via the love mode than the hate mode. Thus, we take our highest conception of what is the expression of love and we intentionally apply that to the thymus and literally hold that image on the gland. Metaphorically, we can now think of this gland with some intention field pointing in a particular vector direction that represents a high expression of love. In the gland as in other parts of the body, millions of cells die as new ones are born every moment. Now we have a situation wherein cells are born in the presence of this influence field, this polarization field, and so orient or polarize themselves to be more closely aligned to this influence field rather than the field of the unconstrained gland. Think of the influence of this intention field as that of putting a constraint on the gland so that it functions more easily when it operates in the love expression mode. However, it is still difficult for it to function consistently in this mode because its easy groove of operation is the habit groove, and that may not be a very high expression of love. With the persistent application of a specific intention, all the cells in that gland will have been born under the influence of that field. With time, the gland is restructured in the presence of the specific intention, and it is eventually able to function in its new habit mode when it expresses this new image of love. Then the intention field may be removed and consciousness can be directed to work elsewhere because the gland will now respond automatically in this new ideal way. This same procedure is the one responsible for the generation of the vital circuitry between the glands or between the subtle sensory system and the brain; that is, this is how the key linkages are made at the neural level of the physical and subtle bodies. The repeated act of trying to do a particular thing focuses the intention on the unconnected nerve ends that are important for successful fulfillment of the act. This intention field is ultimately manifest at the physical level as a voltage gradient between these nerve ends. The electrical stress polarizes the intervening cells so that they are eventually organized into appropriate nerve cells and the connection between the nerve endings is made. Electrical pulses can now flow and information can be transferred along this new transmission line so that the brain may now know of the message that the sensory receptors have been trying to get through for so long. It seems to be a continual “muscle-building� type of process, wherein greater and greater degrees of organization are developed in our bodies, allowing us to function with ever-growing capabilities. This is indeed the path of conscious evolution. 33

A Simple Exercise to Nourish our R-space Body I have always taken as an important working hypothesis that the R-space body (magnetic information wave body) which contains the acupuncture meridian system and a portion of the chakra system, is the template and precursor for construction of the electric charge-based atom/molecule body. In this regard, it is important to note that all the meridians end or start at the fingers and toes specifically at the base of the nails (see Figures 5 and Table 1)(10). The processes of walking, running, working with one’s hands, etc., produce stimuli to these particular points which beneficially activate these meridians which, in turn, tend to nourish our D-space body. About a year or so ago, I decided to further stimulate this meridian stimulation process by adding it to my daily acupressure/massage morning routine, specific attention to the base of the nail’s points (immediate following my “around the eyes” set of points). I started first with the hands and then the feet. While sitting in a chair, my left hand was placed on my right thigh just above the knee and, starting with my baby finger, I took my right thumb and forefinger and both squeezed and pressed down on the finger at the base of the nail (I do it 36 times). I do the same, one finger at a time progressing towards the left thumb (which I do 45 times, instead of 36). Then I reverse the roles of the hands and, with the left thumb and forefinger, start on the right hand baby finger and squeeze/press down exactly, as with treatment of the left hand. Next, while still sitting in the chair, I bend down to my bare feet and simultaneously treat my left toe nails with my left hand for squeezing/pressing (from baby toe to big toe) and treat my right toes in an identical fashion with my right hand. This entire process takes only about 5 to 10 minutes a day. Note that the middle toe has its kidney meridian first point starting at the sole of the foot located between the two mounds. This point should be pressed 36 times. My personal experience is that doing this is beneficial for my body but also that the rate of observed beneficial change in health state is slower than with the eye exercises. However, this may be the situation because I am a fairly healthy person (at age 80) and more obvious changes might be apparent if I had heart issues or other particular organ issues (once again, look carefully at Figures 5 and Table 1 for which finger and toe correlates with which organ). To complete the acupuncture meridian picture with identified start and end points that one may wish to massage as an investigative experience, see Figures 6(11).


Figure 5a

Figure 5b


Table 1 Baby finger on each hand Baby finger Next finger in Middle finger Index finger Thumb

1 2 3 4 5 6

Heart Meridian Small Intestine Meridian Triple Heater Meridian Circulation Meridian Large Intestine Meridian Lung Meridian

7 8 9

Bladder Meridian Baby toe Outer nail base Gall Bladder Meridian Next toe in Outer nail base Nothing on middle toe but the start point for the kidney meridian is on the foot as shown in Figure 5b Stomach Meridian Toe next to big toe Outer nail base Liver Meridian Big toe Outer nail base Spleen-Pancreas Meridian Big toe Inner nail base

10 11 12

Inner nail base Outer nail base Outer nail base Inner nail base Inner nail base Inner nail base

End point Start point Start point End point Start point End point End point End point

End point Start point Start point

Figure 6a. The Conception Vessel Meridian. This meridian acts mainly on the yin energy. It is not an integral part of the general energy circulatory system but is related to it as a secondary channel. The energy flow is ascendant, running from the perineum to the chin.


Figure 6b

Figure 6c

References 1.

W.A. Tiller, Science and Human Transformation, Subtle Energies, Intentionality and Consciousness, (Pavior Publishing, Walnut Creek, CA, USA, 1997). 2. W.A. Tiller, Science and Human Transformation, Subtle Energies, Intentionality and Consciousness, (Pavior Publishing, Walnut Creek, CA, USA, 1997) pp 152-162. 3a. L.E. Eeman, “Co-operative Healing” (Frederick Muller, Ltd, London, 1947). 37

3b. Commercially available for purchase via 4. W.A. Tiller, Science and Human Transformation, Subtle Energies, Intentionality and Consciousness, (Pavior Publishing, Walnut Creek, CA, USA, 1997) pp 158-160. 5. Adapted from J. de Langre, “The First Book of Dō-In Guide Pratique” (Happiness Press, Hollywood, CA 1971). 6. W.A. Tiller and W.E. Dibble, Jr., “A Brief Introduction to Intention-Host Device Research”, see, White Paper I. 7. W.A. Tiller, “Why CAM and Orthodox Medicine have some very Different Science Foundations”, see, White Paper III. 8. W.A. Tiller, Psychoenergetic Science: A Second Copernican-Scale Revolution, (Pavior Publishing, Walnut Creek, CA, USA, 2007) pp 71-72. 9. Ibid, pp 84-89. 10. Adapted from Mary Austin “Acupuncture Therapy” (ASI Publishers Inc, NY, NY, 1972) pp 12, 13. 11. Adapted from Reference 10, pp 248, 250 plus from Y. Manaka and Urquhart, “The Layman’s Guide to Acupuncture” (Weatherhill, New York, 1972) p 69.


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