SCIENCE TO SAGE International
roots of Existence
Spiritual Archeologist, New Revelations Our Common Roots
SCIENCE TO SAGE Themed, designed , layout and produced by Karen Elkin
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convergence of leading-edge
bringing a new renaissance. The
science and ancient wisdom is
fusion of ideas, disciplines, and
bridging the heart and mind, science
cultures has always advanced
and spirituality, and East and West.
civilization, be it from the
Ta k e a q u a n t u m l e a p i n y o u r
renaissance of the Middle East to
understanding of the mysteries of our
Middle Ages of Europe, again, we
stand at this crossroad. The new
TABLE OF CONTENT All material is copyrighted by Science to Sage or is copyright of the authors. Science to Sage reprints these articles with the consent of authors.
Harvey Kraft - The Lost History and Cosmic Vision of Siddhartha Gautama Karen Elkins - I Am That, I A Chapter 1, InsideOUT, A journey into our Universe James Mahu - Philosophy, Poetry and Ar Lynnclaire Dennis - A Universal Foundation & A Cardinal La Lynnclaire Dennis - Near-Death Experience & Ar Richard Merrick & Karen Elkins - Common Root Excerpts from Venus BluePrin Excerpts from InsideOUT, A Visual Guide into Our Universe
INTERVIEWS Wate Dr. Gerald Pollac Ph.D West Marri Evolution in Consciousnes Dr. Miceal Ledwit The Rise and The Fall of the Halo, and more Sound Healing Jonathan Goldma ________________
Cover by James Mah
The Enlightenment of the Buddha, some 2,500 years ago, was an isolated event wherein he suddenly understood the essence, nature and scope of Existence. According to traditional stories written several hundred years after his passing this achievement was a pre-ordained, supernatural breakthrough.
Or was it? After 15 years of research and writing, I unearthed archeological, linguistic and scriptural evidence that suggests the historical Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, was already the most brilliant, educated, and
humanitarian leader before he achieved his all-knowing Enlightenment.
Gautama the
During his lifetime, Babylon, a city that the Bible had epitomized as the capital of ancient decadence, was in the 6th C. BCE the world’s incubator of mathematics, astronomy, philosophy and psychology. Prior to his designation as the Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, a Saka Prince and visionary prodigy, had spent many years in Babylon where he became the leader of the interfaith Magi Order. Based at the Esagila Ziggurat complex, temple for the Babylonian God, Marduk, the Magi had more on their minds than the performance of religious duties. The Chaldean Emperor Nebuchadnezzar brought them initially from Medes (ancient northern Iran) to Babylon at the beginning of that century. After the dream interpreter Daniel the Judean had been named Chief Magus, their mission was to
nd a Theory of Everything
that could be acceptable to all religions.
Golden Mean Some 70 years later, Siddhartha Gautama was named to that post based on his philosophical discovery of the Middle Path doctrine, which was later cast in the west as the Golden Mean As Chief Magus Siddhartha Gautama had led the e orts of a team that included Vedic, Judean, Greek, Chaldean, Egyptian and Assyrian “researchers.” During his tenure, after a long absence from Babylon by the then sitting Persian Emperor, Kambujiya, the Magi vacated the throne and placed Gautama in the role of philosopher-king of Babylonia. When Kambujiya suddenly dies, Darius the Great, a disciple of Zoroaster and believer in the Persian God Assura Mazda, led a violent overthrow and seized the Persian throne. Simultaneously, Zoroaster orchestrated a purge of the Magi Order. Calling Gautama an imposter and pretender to the throne, he was forced to ee for the forests of the Indus ahead of an attempt on his life
Theory of Everything T O
This is where Buddhism begins. Sitting under the “Cosmic Tree,” a metaphor for the star-studded Universe, in “Bodh Gaya,” meaning Enlightened Biosphere, he attained Perfect Enlightenment. According to Buddhist scriptures, he immediately embarked on a teaching course to unveil his cosmic vision, which he de ined as the Truth of the Reality of All Existence. In that respect, the Buddha, a mortal human being, personi ied the unlimited
potential of the human mind to see the unseen.
Cosmic Tree
science to sage
The course lasted some 40 years and spanned a series of cosmological visions that connected the human mind with a dynamic, universal infrastructure. Apropos to the Magi’s quest for an interfaith Theory of Everything, he participated in discussions about spirits, gods, afterlife, soul, mind, and nature spanning a wide range of beliefs from shamanism to Egyptian, Sumerian, Vedic and Brahmanic views. Within his revelations, as recorded in the Buddhist sutras, Babylonian mythos and symbology was present. Using a judicious method of responding to questions based on the ability of listeners to understand (Upaya), he explored and deconstructed a host of religious views seeking to explain the meaning and purpose of life and
death, and the role of one’s thoughts and actions in determining the conditional state of one’s existence.
space, scale, and dimension
constituted the essence, nature and scope of Existence. In his remarkable Theory of Everything, achieved without the use of modern scienti ic tools and centuries of exploration, he offered a description of the cosmos, inclusive of time, space, scale, and dimension. In addition, he tied the infrastructure of the Universe to the unconscious process by which humans de ined a “relative self” — an identity carved by each person’s engagement with Existence. The image of self was formed within the context of a dynamic matrix, a veritable “software of life,” that allowed for one’s state of mind to re lect in one’s experiential world. In unveiling the foundation of life, he proposed a scaffold for Existence, a boundless undercarriage of the Universe and everything in it. He named it the Threefold Field of Form, Formlessness and Desire.
“This Threefold Field of Existence described the essence of each and every phenomenon, as well as the scope and nature of all phenomena. … In the Buddha’s view, any phenomenon no matter its apparent form was in essence rendered from a formless “set of data” —composed of memories and potentials. This actionable information operated across past, present, and future, and even across lifetimes. It was called “Karma” and referred to all possible phenomena whether they were constituted of a person, groups of people or things, a
eeting thought, or emotion, or all of existence
The Perfect Enlightenment of the Buddha was an inner-facing visionary revelation of the hidden works that
All forms of phenomena, matter and energy, inanimate and organic beings, space-time, or other dimensions, were manifestations of Form, the
eld of actualized Existence. All
expressions of Form, however, emerged out of the Formless
eld, the information
underlying Existence, including memories and potentials
The third facet, the eld of Desire, converted potentials into actualized phenomena and back again, bridging Form and Formlessness. As all things were made of a blend of manifestations (Form), possibilities (Formlessness), and transformations (Desire), every phenomenon in this holistic, interactive super-system, from a thought to a rock, a person, or a spirit, whether de ned as an entity or a constituent component, existed simultaneously across the Threefold Field of Existence.
Form, Formless The Threefold Field of Form, Formlessness, and Desire provided a
exible mechanism upon which the world could
exist…. As the Law of Cause and Effect operated seamlessly across the Threefold Field of Form, Formlessness, and Desire, it collected and managed the data that determined the parameters of any manifestation, such as the coordinates of time, place, scale, appearance, circumstances, and qualities at birth. This underlying modus operandi of continuously updated Karma con gurations—recording, reading, recon guring and rewriting it—produced the circumstances and conditions related to all phenomena whether they related to an individual, groups, or things.
— The Buddha from Babylon
Initially, Siddhartha Gautama proposed a “big bang” model for the emergence of the Universe. He envisioned the Universe as a colossal Buddha named Universal Radiance Buddha (Vairochana) whose streaming light produced innumerable Buddha-stars emanating across all space, time, and scale. Their collective mission was engendered by in inite wisdom permeating everywhere and forever. There is no end of worlds in all directions No equals. No bounds, yet each is distinct The Buddha’s unhindered power emits a great ligh Clearly revealing all of those lands
— Flower Garland Sutra (Avatamsaka), Vol. 1.1
Each strand of the colossal Buddha’s hair was likened to an ocean of space that knew no bounds. Even the tip of a single strand represented a breathtakingly large space. In it the distance between stars was so great that none could ever touch. As the light of the Universe expanded, more and more Buddha-worlds emerged, continuously producing more Buddha-world copies at various times, in various places, and at various levels of scale—all this activity for the purpose of advancing Life. “Each tip of (Vairochana’s) hair strands contained numerous worlds, the spaces between those worlds so far apart there could be no chance of interference among them, each world manifesting immeasurable spiritual powers and teachings for civilizing all living beings”. — Flower Garland Sutra (Avatamsaka), Vol. 1.1 Not only did he address the macrocosmic model of the Field of Form, but he also produced a view of its microcosmic strata on an in initesimal scale.
Expanding Universe
Particles d u s t
Buddha in Sarnath Museum (Dhammajak Mutra)CC BY-SA 3.0
Earlier, ancient Vedic seers had proposed that the entirety of large-scale Existence had emerged forth from “an in initesimal spec,” a monad (Skt. Paramanu) described as a unit of dust too small to be considered a particle. As the Paramanu existed for less than a measurable length of time, it also represented the shortest possible increment of time. They further observed that two such monads formed one atom (Skt. Anu), described as a “grain of Heavenly stardust.” In the Buddha’s micro-scale In inite Wisdom Cosmology, the two-part Anu formed the nucleus at the core of Existence. The smallest de inition of Form in the Threefold Field of Existence was the Anu, a binary essence at an in initesimal scale. Inherent in his articulation of structure was the thesis that nothing could exist in the Field of Form as a singular unit; all things in Existence, regardless of scale, had to be composite constructs—a temporary union of two or more related units. Therefore, there could be no absolute, no singular, wholly independent unit in a totally relational realm of Existence.
In every atom he sets up an enlightenment site . . A Buddha appears everywhere in in nite lands; in each atom, too the realms therein are all in nit in all (these in nite lands) he abides for endless eons . . .
— Flower Garland Sutra (Avatamsaka), Vol. 1.1
in one’s present life would determine the circumstances of their next birth. People of the time feared the unrelenting Cycle of Soul Reincarnation across Six Worlds (Skt. Samsara) that threatened to turn them into hellions, hungry ghosts, angry demons, wild animals, or primitive humans. They had little to no hope for relief until the Buddha shocked them to the core by declaring that all gods were mortal, and that they were elemental and celestial forces representing the Mind of Nature. He then replaced Soul with Karma, announcing that the Law of Cause of Effect gave everyone the power to rewrite their destiny, rather than it being bestowed by the gods. “The Buddha clari ed that all the conditions of Samsara existed simultaneously in the here and now in the human realm. Those who seek liberation from the cycle of conditional existence should focus on awakening from its spell. Understanding the Buddha’s profound revelation, some disciples saw their Karma through this gate of liberation by grasping that the Six Worlds were metaphors for temporary conditions appearing and disappearing in the eeting moments of life. — The Buddha from Babylo
In India, Brahmin seers espoused a doctrine based on the premise that the type of sins one cultivated
t r a n s f o r m a t i o n a l
Clearly, he developed the earliest known concepts of applied transformational psychology, which, as the Buddha, he used to foster virtuous behavior, mental clarity, emotional wellness, and spiritual evolution. He shifted the focus from religious efforts to curb and control the psychological and social behaviors of the individual toward the pursuit of awakening people to the Universal-Mind all mortal beings possessed. For the sake of the future he left behind a grand vision of the human psyche as a pliable system that either operates on a default basis or may be guided and shaped by its user. He recognized that our destiny—individually and
collectively—was always in our hands.
In the next stage of his cosmological elucidation, the Cosmos of Relativity, the Buddha would suggest that the cyclical power of Existence was dependent on relationships. In his view, all phenomena cycled through Existence: originating, developing, temporarily holding together, deteriorating, ending, and then remanifesting. But depending on relative factors, the direction life would take could either repeat itself like a cycle on a single track, or take the path of a spiral pattern, either soaring upwards toward evolution or down the vortex of devolution.
Chart by Walter Russell
Milne mode
He now proposed that all phenomena in the Field of Form were in actuality temporary projections of information into a dimension of apparent Reality. From this perspective Existence was fundamentally a holographic manifestation of virtual data seemingly appearing to have substantial form only due to relative factors. In the Cosmos of Relativity, a very dif icult concept to comprehend, the origin of any phenomenon depended in some way on another phenomenon. In other words, not any “one” thing could exist without the countervailing manifestation of an “other” in relation to it. According to the Buddha, because one thing could not exist independently of some other thing, all things that existed were related to one another. In this cosmos, “Reality” referred to a temporary bond between relative things, not to the reality of the things themselves.
H o l o g r a p h i c
Damien Donnelly-DLP rainbow effect.
Moreover, he explained, all relative phenomena were in essence an empty core — a dimension that was Void (of Relativity). This paradox, the emptiness of phenomena, was a critical factor in the makeup of Existence. The Cosmos of Relativity, Existence as we know it, was in essence Void (of Relativity). How could that be? Ironically, this meant that Existence was a paradox. However, the Void (of Relativity), free of relative context, still had non-relative functions, such as storage of cosmic information, universal laws, and Buddha-wisdom. Because it was absent of relativity, it was not con ined by space, time, scale, or substance. And yet, it contained the information that produced the “illusion” of space, time, scale, and substance, which manifested in the Field of Form across the Cosmos of Relativity.
Emptiness “All that has Form is deceptive. When it is seen that all Form i fundamentally void of relativity, the Buddha is recognized [in al things] . . . [and] all things are recognized as Buddha-things”.
— The Diamond Cutter Sutr
In the inal stage of his cosmological treatise, the Buddha offered a superseding vision about the infrastructure of Existence. In the Lotus Cosmology he revealed that the Void (of Relativity) contained the Perfectly Endowed Reality of Life Everlasting. In the Lotus Sutra, Gautama Buddha called upon all the Buddhas from all across the Universe, past, present, and future to assemble in his Buddha Land of Tranquil Light, around a colossal tower-temple that housed the treasure of Universal Truth He then invited all his followers, past, present, and future, to enter this transcendent Reality and discover therein the transforming power of the True Self, the original identity at the core of human life, a universally
endowed enlightenment available to all, without exception.
This portal, hidden in a space below the surface of Existence, is the gate that mortal beings could use to make a cosmic leap to higher consciousness once they discover that they were endowed with Perfect Enlightenment all along. The Declarer of Truth perceives the “True Aspect of Existence exactly as it is. There is no ebb or ow of birth and death, and ther is no existing in this world, and later entering the afterlife. What exists is neither substantial nor empty, neither single and absolut nor separate and diverse. Nor is Existence what it appears to b in the eyes of people perceiving it as a continuum through past present and future. Such things the Declarer of Truth sees clearl and without error….
The Buddha from Babylon: The Lost History and Cosmic Vision of Siddharth
I, ever knowing all beings, includin Those who walk, and those who do not walk, in the Buddha Way
According to the various upright principles of salvatio
Expounded in every cosmology of the Buddha
I, forever keep this single thought in my mind
How shall I cause all the living to enter the Supreme Wa and speedily acquire their Buddha-bodies
Purchase on — Lotus Sutra, Chapter 16 – Revelation of the Tathagata of Life Everlasting
Amazo 1nc2Bi
I Am That, I Am that, I am
a child of the cosmos I am
Genesis "Spirit of God is said to have "hovered over the waters"
“All that is manifest is filled with God. All that is un-manifested is filled with God. From God all things flow. All things come from Him, yet He alone does not change”.
— Isha Upanishad —
we are Birthed in Expanding Universes You, like the creator, can create in the image and likeness of self.
From a sea of consciousness you emerge and then collapse back into the abyss. Again and again you explode onto the scene, inhaling and
exhaling; and back into the pattern and matter of life.
formula The Formula for life is - water, light & molecules/particles “...mechanism for building condensed masses is now experimentally verified. In order for it to work, all that is needed is water, light, and molecules/particles. Even if those entities bear the same charge, they will self-assemble into a condensed mass. This process is presumably the first
step in producing the condensed mass that ultimately became the cell”. — Gerald Pollack
void the absence light
“The substance, or body, of God is light. The substance of all 'created' things is light. Light is the living substance of Mind in action. Life is the pulsing, electromagnetic oscillation of thinking mind.”
Walter Russell, The Universal One
Photo by José Manuel SuárezCC 2.0 Generic
+ -
water The Formula for water : Hydrogen and Oxygen molecules Chemically, pure water is composed of only two common elements, hydrogen (light &
re) and oxygen
(air). The water molecule (drop) is made up of two hydrogens and one oxygen that are joined together by sharing their electrons.
Hydrogen Bonds are instrumental in transferring information
The water molecule looks like this: The sharing of the electrons creates what is known as polar covalent bonds. The word polar connotes that the bond is more positively charged on the side nearest the hydrogen (male), and more negatively charged near the oxygen (female).
The molecule of water is
+ air/Gas fuel of life
shaped like a triangle.
Water molecules, such as the one modeled above rapidly move toward a pyramidal structure, right, when supercooled. - (Greg Stewart/SLAC)
Water is the engine of life
Water Travels water carries the charge Water vortexes spin Water carries information
water transfers light
Photo’s & Research credits: Fuchs & Woisetschlaeger
the word
We Live in a sea of sound vibration
In the beginning, the Word existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.
matrix Water can actually be programmed or structured by electromagnetic and sonic frequencies in the form of photons (light waves) and phonons (sound waves).
SonoluminescenceCC BY-SA 2.5
“The word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.” - John 1
Water Sound Image Courtesy of Jon DePew
atoms of air
“The atoms and molecules in the air are excited by the vocal folds in your larynx, creating a tiny pearl o acoustic energy that rapidly expands out of your mout and rushes away at around 700 miles an hour. Th atoms and molecules of air within this expandin bubble are bumping into each other, each collisio transferring your voice vibrations to the nearest atom or molecule. As these ‘bumps’ occur they cause infrare light to be created due to the friction between th magnetic shells of the air particles. The infrared ligh carries with it the modulations of your voice as amplitude-modulated infrared light that rushes away a the almost inconceivable speed of 186,000 miles per second. Unlike the sound of a voice, which become inaudible after about one mile, the infrared light create by your voice--hypothetically--rushes out into space where it travels for eternity, carrying your words or songs to the stars. Thus, there is a direct relationship between sound and light and in fact there can be no light in the Universe without sound because light is only created when atoms collide with each other, and such collisions may be de ned as ‘sound’. So light and life owe their existence to sound.
Words, SPEEC graphic and CymaScope images by John Stuart Reid
sound to light
“Light and life owe their existence to sound.” - John Stuart Reid
god particle “Like a drop of water in water vapor. The Higgs particle is considered to be a carrier of a force”.
The Higgs boson, also know as the “God Particle”, is a particle. It gets its mass like all other particles: by interacting with ("swimming in") the Higgs eld... It can be thought of a dense spot in the Higgs eld, which can travel like any other particle. Like a drop of water in water vapor. The Higgs particle is considered to be a carrier of a force. Higgs bosons obey the conservation of energy law, which states that no energy can be created or destroyed, but instead it is
transferred. —Wikipedi
Chart by Water Russell Bubble diagram by Drake/CC3.0, Hydrodynamics simulation,Public Domain/US Gov.
Water’s - Atomic Arrangement Water Images by Georg Schroecke
The eld is activated by a force outside of itself. What is this “One Force” within the Field? As the ocean is the source, the drop when given air/gas ignites in nite creative potential within a lattice/atomic structure.
the force
“Surfaces differ as to atomic arrangements and may have difference negatively charged atoms instead of oxygen.”
— Gerald Pollack
source In Genesis, it says “Let there be Light”, and Brahma speaks “aham, I AM, creating the wave, the optical illusion and vibrating the universe into existence.”
“Surface is composed of triangles”. - Plato Prism Illustration by Spigget
Damien Donnelly-DLP rainbow effect.
Scattering of light depends on the wavelength or frequency of the light being scattered.
light waves “What it really comes down to, is the light spectrum is imprinting "information" into
the water.” — Randy Hatton
octaves W a t e r C a r r i e s t h e f u l l r a n g e o f o c t av e s Hydr ogen is 1 and Oxygen is 8
Nature divides all of her expressions of energy into octaves and tones of equal constants of equal dimension. The dimensional relationships of octaves and tones vary in ratio which are absolute and universal. — Walter Russell, “The Universal One”
“All that is manifest is filled with God. All that is un-manifested is filled with God. From God all things flow. All things come from Him, yet He alone does not change.” — Isha Upanishad
Image credit: <a href=''>jesterarts / 123RF Stock Photo</a> TimothyRias/Dispersive Prism Illustration by Spigget
Acoustic Chamber “The ancient Egyptians also celebrated the idea of a musical universe by employing harmonic proportions in the design of their pyramids and burial chambers. John Stuart Reid acoustical experiments in the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid demonstrated that certain resonant frequencies would create vibratory patterns corresponding to some twenty hieroglyphs, suggesting that Egyptian writing may actually have its genesis in this early science of resonance. “ — Richard Merrick
Chart by Walter Russell’s
Photo’s by Alexander Lauterwasser
Harmonic Patterns Cell
Georgepehli/CC 3.0 Wikimedi
LiquidLIQUID to Solid TO SOLID Consider atomic resonance as a structural guide for the emergence of life by way of predictable harmonic patterns found in organic chemistry. “Living Things are made of water”
Photo by Kirt L. Onthank/Turtle
— The Quran
Diffuse re CC BY-SA 3.0/GianniG46 - Own wor
Photo & Copyright Alexander Lauterwasser, Germany
Cymatics images
harmonic evolution Based on this and the latest neurophysiological research, a harmonic Gaussian interference model for cellular entrainment is presented to explain the origin of common organic geometries, including cardioid, ellipsoid and spiral primitives, as well as 3fold exo and 5-fold endoskeleton structures. From this, a recursive harmonic Hilbert space is de ned for use in evolutionary classi cation, physiological analysis and organic simulations. Excerpts from Harmonic Theory by Richard Merric
Harmonic Evolution is the missing link in Darwin’s Origin of Species. Recent studies on the mesoscopic structures of water and carbon, together with the latest geometric DNA mapping theories, suggest that life emerges and grows according to predictable harmonic patterns found in organic chemistry, preserving and propagating speci c atomic geometries into living organisms
“I Am in everything. I uphold the heavens. I Am the foundation which supports the planets. I Am the light that shines everywhere, that gives joy to souls.” — Manichean Psalm
light Atom/Adam to Light/Eve
Atoms Images by Jon DePew
Matter is made up of atoms, composed of little dancing electrons which revolve around a nucleus in much the same fashion as the planets revolve around the sun
Everything is in proportion and relative, from the smallest atom and cell to our expanding universe. Nothing is an island unto itself. We live in a universe, within universes and there is a universe within us. Blood
Spheres of influence Inside & Out
energy and force that surround and intertwine matter The Nemescope produced images that have never been seen by human eyes. What is most spectacular regarding the photographs taken through the Nemescope is the dramatic lines of energy and force that surround and intertwine matter. In addition to the lines of force between atoms, the Nemescope showed magnetic ux lines surrounding a magnetic.
The north/south lines of
force Images and text courtesy of Steve Ros
“Surface is composed of triangles”. - Plato
lines of force between atom Images taken by the Nemescope
“All particles are fundamentally connected to all other particles...” Adam the Dream healer
Vibration registers as harmonic waves, nodal points, and in radial patterns. This may be compared to the lay lines of our planetary grid or the body’s neural path ways, also know by the Chinese as meridian points. This grid is woven into every aspect of our universe.
78 HZ
the World Wide-Web
Man has always inquired into the nature of
To understand this blueprint of creation
reality. Findings suggest that we live in a
puts a new spin on our understanding of
universe constructed of bioelectrical and
our place in the field of limitless
magnetic impulses that are expressed as a
possibilities and allows us to see our
sea of pure consciousness. The sea of
interconnectedness within the web of life
dancing particles sends waves, and forms shapes that reveal we live in an intelligent,
creative and elegantly designed universe.
Human Cells
Life burst onto the scene with a Big Bang. All life, beginning with our cells is a cosmic explosion supported in an ocean of devotion. We are nourished and sustained in the womb of our mothers’ universe. And, from this cocoon, life emerges
Delta Vision Roy van Heesbeen Cell into anaphas
Spin creates the portal for light and life. Your spin is visible in your imprint, your finger print, and your bodies’ design Your spin makes you distinct "Matter is Energy. Energy is Light. We are all Light Beings." - Albert Einstein
“...And God said, Let there be light: and there was light”. - Genesis, 1. 1
Portal for Light “I Am in everything. I uphold the heavens. I Am the foundation which supports the planets. I Am the light that shines everywhere, that gives
joy to souls”. - Manichean Psalm
North Pole
North Pole Radiating an Auric Field
plasma Crown human to planets Light Emanation
Images show that from humans to planets, celestial bodies have a plasma fountain. The illustration of planet earth, via NASA, shows the pole’s crown, gases (oxygen) are released and the green area shows the
exchange of plasma (fire) pouring back into the atmosphere ( ethers/ waters) . We know this phenomena as the Northern Lights or aurora borealis and in humans it is called an aura. I don’t know why we would consider this “woo woo” as it is pure science.
NASA Image
Jupiter - Credit: J. Clarke (Univ. Michigan), NASA
L o g o s R a t i o
Golden Egg
cosmic Egg
Golden Ratio Within a cocoon, within a womb,
within a shell life reveals itself in a perfect Golden Ratio,
harmonic ratio 1.61803
“He is the Creator who creates himself” - The Kybalion
Images: NASA/ wikepida/Spiral by Richard Merrick copyright reserved.
Evolution & Revolution Life evolves within stages, all have ages, and cycles within time--solar to cellular system.
Life is always rearranges us! This metamorphous
Human Cells
reminds us not to get stuck in one mode of expression or experience. Dance gracefully through all the seasons of your life. There is a reason, as it teaches us different Wikipedia
stages of reason.
The Alpha and the Omega “There is no death. Only the changing of worlds.” - Chief Seattle
You are the Alpha and the Omega; life without end. All is made of stardust and all of life experiences the natural cycles of birth, creation and death. This idea is as old as time. It’s ‘chemistry 101’– solids, liquids, and gases. All ‘matter’ gets recycled, and re-birthed, hence reincarnated.
cannot be created or destroyed. Matter can only change states “I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is, and who was, and who is to come,” - the Almighty. Revelation 1:8
Also consider the ‘law of conservation of energy or matter’, as defined, energy
SCIENCE WITH SOUL, Don’ t reduce me to a m achine! I, Cronholm144.
We need to look no further than the mechanical view of science to see it’s missing the heart of what it means to be alive! We are more than a particle of matter. We are animated, charged and have desire-our matter matters to us. “In the beginning there was only the vast and quiet, endless, world ocean. These gods, in their nine-fold manifestation ... out of which emerged Schu and Tefnut. Thus had Ptah devised them: the seeing eyes, the hearing ears, the breathing nostrils, reporting everything to the heart” “Ptah had devised the whole world in his heart...and thus it was”. “I Am the soul which dwells in the heart of all that exists. I Am the beginning. I Am the middle. I Am the end of all things which have life” - The Bhagavad Gita
Your heart’s design is as infinite as the cosmos.
The Tin Woodman as pictured in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum,
time “Time renews all things, time like a circle is where all points link, past, p r e s e n t f u t u r e r e vo l v i n g i n t h e heavens....The cosmos is constantly changing but in a measured way..” Hermes
Milne mode
All of life evolves from the inside, revealing
Light Traveler
and expressing itself on the outside.
From its center, your center, the now is where you create every moment. If you stay focused on the past events, you stay frozen in that time. As light beings you are projecting your reality as you perceive it at any given moment. Observe where you are trans xed, as this is where you are xed. Where are you now?
Consider that a black hole is a condensed mass that has collapsed into a eld of matter?
Like eddies we
see in nature, they whirl into vortexes that propel life,
yet they also also keep us xed in a gravitational eld.
black holes in space “We are all black holes wandering
space. Origin lies at the center of all
around in space, drawing in what we
things. Origin and destiny are the
need, to resolve these issues in order
alpha and omega of one’s life, and in
to become our one true self. We are
most aspects…the same thing” - Don
not objects walking around in space,
but rather space wandering around in
“...there is no difference between the center of the physical reality and the center of the non-physical reality. In every cell and atom, within all that exists in the universe - the center is the same.” - Eliza Mada Dalian, In Search of the Miraculous: Healing into
Holographic We Live in a Fractal & Holographic Universe
The Mandelbrot Set reveals the nature of
“Essential Nature can be seen even by the
our fractal and holographic universe. Within
novice, yet the novice does not recognize
these vortexes you see interlacing webs,
it. Seeing only a part, it is like he sees
and unfolding expressions from the One.
only one half of the universe” - The Surangama Sutra
Mandelbrot set by
Mandelbrot set by
Mandelbrot Set
unlimited “I AM that which cannot be measured or known, but I reveal Myself as I wish...I am the All, since I exist in
“Because You are unlimited, neither the lords of heaven nor even You Yourself can ever reach the end of Your glories. The countless universes, each enveloped in its shell, are compelled by the wheel of time to wander within You, like particles of dust blowing about in the sky. The srutis, following their method of eliminating everything separate from the Supreme, become successful by revealing You as their final conclusion” Bhagavata Puran
Angelica owerhead by Chiswick Chap CC 3.0
“Particle physicists today say that everything in the universe is fundamentally constituted not of particles as we once thought but of
Vibration is creation
tinier than tiny strings and that these
“the Sound Current vibrating in all creation
strings vibrate as if infinitesimally small
can be heard by the inner ears.” - Dianne
violins are playing the music of life.
Collins, Do You QuantumThink?
Creation is vibration. Vibration is creation. Vibrations generate sound waves that pattern themselves into what we call reality. People have been trying to tell us this for a long time.” Dianne
Collins, Do You QuantumThink?
Works by Gert Buschmann
It’s fundamental and elemental Matter, Your matters, Create the Illusion of Separation
We exist within a Living Cosmos
The Master Mind The Mastermind of this desig
My perfect mat
A complete spectru
Is electric and magneti
We dance by desig
My aura, earth’s boreali
Full of possibilitie
Like galaxies entwine
A technicolor display
A creative spar
Angels’ wings embraced
This is my divinity
It’s not by chance tha Whirling intensity through
Mother Earth is the same as m
It’s all entwine
Crystal in for
Like a we
The strength of this vorte
Her batter
The interne
This coming togethe
Her heart’s puls
A perfect connect
Is fractal in expressio
Expresses like me
Of expanding dimensio The Mind of God reveal
Transcending time and space
Its thundering thought
This energetic displa Rotates and circulate
Lighting up the heaven
My radio wav
Around me, the eart
My mind and my thoughts
My frequenc
the sun and spins the moon
The channels I tune i Overwhelmed by its immensit
Creates my destiny
Its force and conductivit
I say he is a scientist and a I’m a master creato Mixed in cla
From the sun, forms the star
Bonded by chemistr
He/She has left creating up to
So I can reflect back the light in
My elements at play
yo He/She has given you a sphere
That was given by Him/He
Gravity holds my shap
of influence from which to vie
As it nourishes me
My geometric patter
and you can see what orbits
My blueprin
Yet I can be reduce
To a particle, then a wav
My creation on display
From an Ada This essence emanates from m
A brilliant reflectio
A perfect unio
It’s the perfect feedback loop to see where you are hooped
To emerging as Ev
mystic to
It lights up the worl
Some ask what God i
By Karen Elkin
Dr. West Marrin August 5, 1pm Central Tim
Universal Water: The Ancient Wisdom and Scienti c Theory of Wate supporting or emulating them in our approach to natural resource and energy challenges. Water can serve as a model for the decisions and strategies we employ to address today's environmental and technological issues, including those that are rarely associated with water. The second edition of Hydromimicry presents thirty examples of mimicking water's unusual attributes and is available through Amazon
West is a scientist, educator, and founder of corporations and foundations focused on diverse water quality projects. He is the author of three books and journal articles that address a range of topics.
Hydromimicry examples cited in this article and many more, visit
Hydromimicry: Strategies for a Water Planet explores the micro- and macroscale roles of water with a focus on
Ancient Wisdom
There are several seemingly important, yet undeniably puzzling, insights that ancient cultures left us regarding the physical substance of water. First, it is a sacred gift (usually bestowed by the “Creator” of our universe) that imparts life to the world and, in doing so, mediates an essential exchange of energy and information between the observable and unobservable worlds. It was often proclaimed that all worldly forms emerge from the primordial waters through the substance of water and eventually return to the primordial waters through the substance of water. Second, this life-imparting process is inherent in a type of water that was generally known as living water or the water of life, which was perceived to be distinct from the more plentiful ordinary water that is required to sustain life. The processes or energies responsible for the transition from ordinary to living water remain a mystery; however, most of the so-called holy water used for
Water By Dr. West Marrin
ceremonial purposes is merely a surrogate for this living water. Third, water was a substance of untold wisdom (often possessing the attributes of memory and discernment) that should be honored and respected for both its life-giving and life-taking attributes. Many cultures considered water to be a communicative entity, not unlike the myriad life forms that owed their very physical existence to it. Based on these ancient insights, it is not dif cult to understand why water was almost
universally considered to be sacred.
SCIENCE TO SAGE RADIO Why We Understand So Little About Water! Dr. Gerald Pollack To summarize, at least four factors bear responsibility for the painfully slow emergence of new principles: (i) the blighted history of the water eld has kept scientists away; (ii) water is so common that everyone presumes that the fundamentals have been resolved; (iii) deviating from mainstream views can be unsettling; and (iv) questioning the prevailing wisdom has always been a risky business, in science as elsewhere. These obstacles have combined to produce a long-term stall. I am trying my best to crank up that stalled engine. Dr. Gerald Pollack at the University of Washington laboratory, have discovered that water is NOT always H2O. When touching most surfaces, water transforms itself into so‐called Exclusion Zone (EZ) water, whose formula is H3O2. EZ water differs in all respects from H2O. And, there is a lot of it, everywhere
The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor documents this fundamental discovery and uses it to explain common everyday phenomena, which you have inevitably seen but not really understood products/the_fourth_phase_of_water
http:// www.ebnerandson the_fourth_phase _of_water
Mirrored in a pool of water Orchestrating the heart virtues leads us to a point where
we ultimately observe our energy field or soul signature.
Philosophy, poetry and art by James Mahu
James Mahu referred to his paintings as “activational art,” a premise he carried into his entire body of the WingMakers Materials. The paintings activate a sense of the ne-grained dimensions of alternative realities. There’s a narrative inside each painting… a story is being told, and it has to do with our spiritual nature.
“Copyrighted artwork and writings are reproduced with permission from”
can convey a tremendously complex concept in a single character. . . . “Senzar is a language that ows between alphabetic characters, mathematical symbols, and musical notes. It is an integrated language, sometimes referred to as the Universal Language of
Light, or the Insignias of First Source.”
“Ideographic language
“Copyrighted artwork and writings are reproduced with permission from”
Human instrument ...the robust understanding that we are part of a vibratory
eld that
energetically encompasses us, records our ways, generates our holographic reality, and re-invents us anew on the timeline racing to and from eternity.
The strings
Life-energy is always in a state of
human instrument to expand the life-
becoming. It is never static or regressive
energy that encircles its sovereign reality
in its natural state. The human instrument
within physical existence and transform it
is very capable of nurturing this natural
to new levels of expression that more
expansion of energy to forge new
accurately re ect the perspective of the
channels of expression and experience.
Sovereign Integral.
In fact, it is the primary purpose of the
The energetic heart is composed of six
In doing this, you not only apply your
primary forms of expression: Appreciation,
emotional energies for the purpose of creating
C o m p a s s i o n , F o r g i v e n e s s , H u m i l i t y,
and maintaining a coherent personal state, but
Understanding, and Valor. Braided together,
you also create a coherent eld around you; a
these six behaviors constitute the essence of
eld that touches and intersects with others
the energetic heart and, when expressed in our
through the principles of quantum
daily lives, enable it to perform its function as a
entanglement, resonance, coherence, and non-
portal to our inmost self or soul. (See diagram
locality. The energies of our emotional eld are real and interconnected in a vast assemblage of
Regardless of what signi cance we assign to our intellect or brainpower, it is but one form
intention and information that is near boundless in its embrace
of intelligence, and while it has an important place within our world, no doubt, it is not the
The denser emotions like jealousy, greed,
primary intelligence of our Self. Our primary
and anger enter this cosmic eld and inform its
intelligence is empowered through our
baser instincts, creating the conditions for strife
emotional mastery and our ability to conduct
and instability within our manifest reality. The
our life from the platform of the six heart virtues,
ner energies that compose the six heart
which in turn unite us to the lighted realms of
virtues, inform the divine instincts of the cosmic
our intuition, which is our coherent connection
or quantum
to the universal eld of information, referred to
Thus, we are left with a choice to conduct our
by physicists as the quantum vacuum
personality and emotions so they inform the
eld that enfolds the multiverse.
quantum eld in which we all live with the divine “What one can express through their heart
frequencies that uplift and support all life. If this
is gold to the iron of the mind.” The gold, in this
is our choice, then mastery of the six heart
case, is the ability to express the six heart
virtues is an ef cient and effective method for
virtues in tandem, separately, or as an
its attainment
ensemble team to the various situations that life unveils. It is learning to modify your actions based on these six virtues and observing how they re-calibrate your value system, re-vitalize your energy and creativity, and re-coup your
sense of balance and emotional poise
The Six Heart
We approach our divinity through the heart and not the head.
Separate Being
“Copyrighted artwork and writings are reproduced with permission from”
Waking this morning,
I remember you.
Drunken by a lonely name
We were together last night
you stagger forward
only a thin sheet of glass between us.
into my nights, into my dreams,
Your name was not clear.
and now into my waking.
I think I would recognize its sound,
If I try to forget you
but my lips are numb
you will precede my now.
and my tongue listless from the
I would feel your loss
climb to your mouth.
though I can’t say your name
Your face was blurred as well,
or remember your face.
yet, like a distant god
I would awaken some morning
you took your heart and hand
and long to feel your skin upon mine
and there arose within me
knowing not why.
a separate being.
Feeling the burn of our re
so clearly that names and faces
I think you were lonely once.
bear no meaning
Your only desire, to be understood,
like a candle icking its light to the
turned away by some vast shade
noonday sun.
drawn by a wisdom
you had forgotten.
So you sang your songs
in quiet summons to God
hoping their ripples would return
and gather you up.
Continue you.
Brighten your veins
and bring you the unquenchable
kiss of my soul.
The Collected Works of the WingMakers The written works of James Mahu are extensive, comprising thousands of pages of text ranging from poetry, philosophy, spiritual novels, and papers. The Collected Works of th WingMakers Vol. 1 is full color throughout with an amazing view into both cosmology an personal spirituality. For any student of the esoteric works, you’ll nd this volum to be an indispensable part of your library
John Berges, a student of the spiritual traditions for over 40 years, provides great guidance to the reader in form of his carefully attributed introductions, footnotes, indexes, and insightful and diligent add-ons that he brought to this incredible collection of philosophic and deeply spiritual materials Learn More about CWW 1
A Universal Foundation & A Cardinal Law
By Lynnclaire Dennis
H um a n i t y h a s a long habit of showing up on
underground where it cannot be extinguished.
the scene and pulling up
Better still, no one can predict when or where
or blowing up the roots
the ames of renewal will break free. Genuine
of existence.
understanding transforms our lives because it frees us to move off the altar or otherwise alter
Too often, it ’s in the
our position.
name of science, good or
The renewal of perspective is essential to
‘ G od ’ t h at w e de s t roy
responses that prove wise over
what is, all the while
time. Transformation requires that we
justifying, rationalising or spiritualising to explain the inexcusable.
purposefully illumine dark spaces to uncover lies and secrets that have been employed to mystify freedom’s simple truth. The Mereon Matrix is helping us demystify the conundrums generated by a few who use confusion, doubt
This article is a new perspective on what’s
and all manner of belief to manipulate the
necessary to identify points in common and
from there to construct the simple blocks of
Let me open this perspective with a quote
genuine understanding. This means opening
“To me, the human move to take
eld where unity grows because of a
The planet takes care of us, not we of it.
remarkable diversity. Here is where ideas
Our self-in ated moral imperative to guide
spark and when they are bellowed by the
a wayward Earth, or heal our sick planet, is
breath of dialogue, a grassroots
re ignites.
evidence of our immense capacity for self-
Far more than a ‘movement’, such a re burns
delusion. Rather, we need to protect
laughable - the rhetoric of the powerless.
that day we will nd ourselves standing in the
responsibility for the living Earth is
fences we’ve built in our misunderstanding. On
the gates to one day take down the walls and
systems within systems Gertrude Stein was onto something when she said “A rose is a rose is a rose.” Human life and every type of system are interconnected, nestled as a whole within a System of systems. The only way to affect meaningful and lasting change in the world, a relationship, an organisation, a political party and the environment is to change the only
thing you can, you.
“Someday after harnessing the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energy of love, and then, for the second time in history, man will discover re.” — Pierre Teilhard de Chardi The word ‘catholic’ is a verb, an active principle
race will do what they must: resign from
that indicates the universal connection. The
greediness that leads to neediness. It’s time to
Mereon Matrix is about unity, perspective and
abandon all the ‘rat races’ and weapons that
paradox [Elsevier 2013 Dennis et al], and reveals
threaten to make us next in the long and fast
knowledge regarding a nexus that links Time and
growing list of endangered species. Turning the
Space; it’s a bridge that unites life and death; it
barrel of a gun into a knot isn’t good enough. It’s
links humanity with the core of creation; and as a
time to melt the metal down and turn them into
yoke of light it has the strength to bond us heart-
plough sheers.
to-heart and mind-to-mind. This scienti c discovery [Elsevier 2013] was not the result of anyone looking for it. Unable to be attributable to a human as a clever invention, it is leading to a new to understanding as it deepens our awareness of ‘what is’. Its power as a spiritual technology of mindfulness makes it a remarkable tool for social innovation and transformation. After more than two decades of scienti c investigation, while no one can say ‘what’ the Mereon Matrix is or give an account of its genesis, it is shedding light on a common taproot that may help us understand our existence and indeed, evolve and endure. The appearance of this Matrix in the world is a demonstration of grace. In 1994, Nechung Kunten, Dharma Protector and the Chief Tibetan Oracle, called it a treasure, yet some have expressed that it is a gift that humanity does not deserve. The latter is a suggestion that I respectfully protest with every bre of my being. Self-understanding and comprehending the interconnections that we share with one another
and Mother Nature is the only way the human
“Beauty is the beginning and end of all true knowledge: to know anything, one must rst love, and having known one must nally delight; only this corresponds to the trinitarian love and delight that creates.” - David Bentley Hart, the Beauty of the In nit
A cultural paradox is resolved in the
‘like-minded’ or like-hearted? Only
exploration of the cubic nature of the Mereon
when fists are unclenched do ears and
Matrix. By using this knowledge as a
eyes open. Then mouths close and
foundation for true dialogue, true spiritual
hearts and minds open and we’re able
leaders can issue a call for humans to identify
to stay at the table long enough to
the common seed that was planted in what is
clearly see the way towards renewal.
an exceptional shared ground. The Pattern
Innovative solutions are sourced and built
offers an opportunity to engage in a discourse
using a shared logic. That this can occur
of unity, sharing what ‘is’ rather than
using the knowledge that quite literally
continuing the struggle to own a piece of land or
underscores the meaning of the word
ghting a war to control what’s under it.
‘religion’ is can help us discover the true
This dynamic frame work offers a means to
meaning of ‘miracle’. The word religion nds
issue an invitation for individuals and groups
its root in the Latin verb ligo, meaning to tie,
to come together to resolve tension by rst
to make a secure connect. In its root we also
honouring diversity.
nd the words ‘yoga’, ‘yoke’ and ‘knot’. The
relationship to the Cube, highlighting
something new from those who are
are identi ed as in common are based on a
ours. How often do you discover
Christianity and Islam’s common root. Points
whose perspectives are different from
following is a unique perspective of Judeo-
Tr u e l e a r n i n g c o m e s f r o m p e o p l e
AT THE HEART OF SACRED Many philosophies, ancient and modern, regard geometry as ‘sacred’. In terms of the Mereon Matrix it has been of utmost import to address this as so many diverse cultures and ancient wisdom traditions use geometry to designate meaning. In embracing the realm of spirit, we de ne it to be: “The act of number unfolding in space; those points of agreement that are individually and collectively based on values both meaningful and measurable; noble actions that include and yet transcend any singular de nition of faith.” Sacred is thus the good that we do, that which is audible and visible. Early languages are embedded with meaning, reason and logic found in every letter of every word. A letter was also further weighted in signi cance by its numerical value. This article uses a remarkably simple chart put together by Stan Tenen of The Meru Foundation in which he compares the Arabic and Hebrew languages. He identi es points in common and ascribes a universal meaning. The Arabic de nitions are those of Geoges Ifrah, a French historian whose focus is mathematics. My exploration began with the name Abraham, the Patriarch of Judaism, Islam and Christianity. The foundation of all three religions is set in a quintessentially cubic world, anchored in the man known as אַבְָרהָםto Jews, Abraham to early and modern Christians, and Ibrāhīm, إبـراهـيمto Muslims. Using the Mereon Matrix, let us consider how diverse perspectives are honoured as we awaken to the realisation that the bond exceeds what is embodied in an exceptional human.
Israel derives its name from his grandson, Jacob, the Third Patriarch who is said to have ‘wrestled
with an angel’, whereas his Grandfather only had an encounter with one. The rst part of the name is derived from the verb lisrot, לִׂשְרות, meaning ‘to wrestle, to work’; and the second half, ‘El’, אֵל, is the Hebrew name for God. Israel can thus be considered a place where ‘those who are born or are called strive to understand and know the Divine’. A secular Jew might articulate their inheritance as leading them ‘to strive in life to know and do good work’. Looking at the lineage between Abraham and the naming of a land, we meet Second Patriarch, Isaac, Yitzhak, whose name means ‘one who laughs’; and Jacob’s mother, the second Matriarch Rebecca, Rivka, whose name means ‘to bind’. Thinking of the meaning of the name Yitzhak as someone ‘who knows joy and laughs’ is serious considering that this is the name given to the son Abraham tied to the altar, the child he was prepared to sacri ce if God would only command him to do so. But God didn’t show up or speak. Instead, an angel appeared, and recognising that his love of the divine exceeded life itself, instructed him to untie his son and sacri ce a ram
Jews are called to pray three times a day while facing towards Jerusalem, the original site of the Temple. The eastern wall of a synagogue is reserved for the rabbi with the congregation facing west. Most Jewish homes have a mizrach, a wall plaque that is placed upon an eastern wall as a ‘pointed’ reminder to pray. Christians are called to “Pray without ceasing”. Short of dedicating one’s every waking moment to intentional prayer, a calling to which some are indeed called, I can only interpret this admonition to mean ‘to actively live in the ow of light and allow love to ride every breath, catalysing a pure intent that leads to compassion in tone and word, and correct action.
Five Books, Ten Commandment
The rst ve books of the Tanakh are called the Torah. Meaning “instruction” and “teaching” these ve books comprise a singular concept that is central to the life of every observant Jew and meaningful to those who are secular. According to the interpretation of the ancient text, the Torah was created prior to the creation of the world, and was used as the blueprint for Creation. The Torah is the divine calling one into being, inviting one to embrace life with all its joy, trials and tribulations. It is a call to celebrate a ligature with the divine by through the active principles as embodied in a set of moral, civil and religious laws known as Halakah. The Hebrew name of each book is taken from the rst phrase in each: 1) Genesis is Bereshit, ‘in the beginning’; this is the rst sound heard to arise from the silence; 2) Exodus is Shemot which means ‘To name’; 3) the third book is Leviticus is Vayikra, taken from the rst phrase ‘To be called’; 4) Numbers, the fourth book, is Bamidbar meaning ‘In the desert’; and 5) the fth book, Deuteronomy, is Devarim, meaning ‘Words’, this, the second word, and the rst distinctive word.
Three Points in Time and Foreve
T h e r e i s n o n e e d t o e x p l a i n t h e Te n Commandments, also known as a Decalogue. These moral laws are known to most as a standard of ethics that are related to what must be done to ‘know God’
THE NAME Abraham made the connection, a special covenant that binds the Jewish people with God. Taking the parts of his name, אַבְָרהָם, and considering the meaning of each letter, using the Tenen/Ifrah charts, the following is found Aleph is the rst letter of the Hebrew alphabet. It is silent and has a numerical value of 1. It means ‘Master’ which again is designated in a larger context by Tenen as ‘All Consciousness’ Bet is B, the second letter with a mathematical value of 2. It means ‘in’, ‘House’, and ‘to receive’ Resh is R, the 20th letter it multiplies the Bet tenfold having a mathematical value of 200, its meaning is ‘head’, again, a universal place of Radiance according to Tenen; He is H, the fth letter and has a value of 5. Its meaning is ‘window’ and is considered by Tenen to be related to a universal ‘connection’; and nally Mem is M, the 13th letter that has value of 40 and means ‘Water’ that in terms of Meru meaning is connected to ‘Source’
Name as Numbe The Hebrew language also assigns a numerical value to every letter; in this case it is 1 + 2 + 200 + 8 + 40 to a total of 251. This is the 64th prime number. Its signi cance is further revealed in mathematics. The sum of three consecutive primes, 79 + 83 + 89 is 251. The sum of seven consecutive primes, 23 + 29 + 31 + 37 + 41 + 43 + 47 is also 251.
Furthermore, 251 is the smallest number that can be expressed as the sum of three cubes in two ways: 13 + 53 + 53 and 23 + 33 + 63. Meaning in Name + Number Considering the meaning found in the name אַבְָרהָם, it can be poetically articulated as; “From the silence a House is built ready to receive. Its roof is open, a window of joy through which the strand of connection and water, the medium of life, freely ow.” In Gemantria, the linking of letter and numbers, the number 251 is related to the phrases, “The Lord is exalted’, and ‘Founded in God”, and refers as well to ‘a mountain’. It is particularly interesting to note that all religions and creation myths have a mountain. The Temple Mount is sacred to Jews and Christians as the place where Abraham is said to have built the altar on which he was willing to sacri ce his Isaac. Its Hebrew name is Har haBáyit, ‘The House on the Mountain’.
The Cub
The core of the mystical aspects of Judaism is the Kabala, the ancient wisdom that is considered so profound that one is not allowed to study it until the age of forty. The word literally means receiving and is derived directly from the word for Cube. Again, for those looking to consider the depth of this work let me refer you the Mereon Matrix, Elsevier 2013, and the work of Stan Tenen and the Meru Foundation
‘The Tree of Life’ is the commonly known descriptive expression for the symbol shown in a) Figure 3. This tree diagram represents the esoteric mysteries of the Jewish faith that are the heart of Judaism, the knowledge of the Kabbalah whose name shares a common root with the Ka’ba; Cube; and Ka’aba, meaning ‘fullness’. Images b) and c) reveal that the connection is far more than in name. In the Cube they share a common ground that links heaven and earth, human and divine. These images reveal that this powerful symbol is simply one branch on the Tree given that the Mereon Matrix reveals 11 Cubes in the entire system In b) and c) the ‘Sephiroth’ are lifted from circles, 2D, to 3D spheres. When placed on the cube it is clear that the ten attributes or emanations through which all is created or manifests in the Jewish tradition are de ned by this structure. At the centre volume sits the eleventh and invisible sphere, the Da’at that is the realm of ‘Knowledge’ where all knowledge and information ows into a single point of union where it is said to de ne the space of synthesis; where the right and left brain meet; the place where intuitive wisdom is combined with analytical understanding. However, what is particularly meaningful in the context of the Mereon Matrix is this: only three of the Sephiroth t on the vertices of the Cube, this again, the symbol of physical manifestatio
Keter, ‘Crown’ is the 1st Sephiroth; colourless and invisible it represents the Ineffable, the Source so sublime that it is incomprehensible to ma Tiferet, ‘Beauty’, is the 6th Sephiroth and indicates a place of beauty that is lled and over owing with light; and incredibly Malkuth, the 10th Sephiroth, translated as the ‘Kingdom’, means ‘the Bride’ The connection of these points can be stated as: ‘Beside the Ineffable, the Bride appears, her radiant light illuminating the beauty of that which was invisible, her song heard by all who come to celebrate with joy. Clearly, more than one ‘Tree of Life’ ts on a single Cube. At least three are required to cover all eight corners. The overlapping Sephiroth exponentially increase the strength and power as each arises from the Da’at, the 11th and unseen Source. This can be considered the ‘divine seed’ that occupies the Core at the
te lli
cc By-Sa 3.0 by Yoavlemmer
. They are;
centre of all life, the impetus that moves the breath and heart of every human being.
CHRISTOS Compassion is refuelled and re-sourced from this inner space where the pulse of life is reenergised. That which is ‘divine’ is realised in the strength and wisdom that ows as light when sound transforms into beauty and radiates into the world through acts of loving kindness. In this illustration you see the Cube unfolding to reveal how by removing one face the cross transforms into a Cup that is able to over ow. Open the centre and the cube becomes a channel through which the knowledge of love can ow into the world. It is in the latter that the very heart of Christianity’s message. ‘Christos’ means ‘to anoint with light’, and is a title that was given to a man named Jesus because of how he lived.
the following quote from the Qur’an, Chapter 2, verse 190, where the Prophet presents what can only be considered a higher Jihād when he tells his followers; “Fight in the cause of Allah those who ght you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loves not transgressors.”
The word ‘Islam’ is derived from the Arabic root salema, which means peace, purity, and surrender. The word ‘Muslim’ means ‘one who submits to God’. A spiritual awakening at the age of 40 led Mohammad to be declared a prophet of God. Founder of Islam, Muslims today consider him the last prophet. While acknowledging Ibrāhīm as his Patriarch, Mohammad separated Islam from Judaism’s Abrahamic belief of submission to God as it is written in the Jewish Torah where this doctrine is rooted in Abraham’s willingness to kill his son Isaac if God so commanded. Mohammad turned this from an act of blind obedience to take another life into a willingness to take one’s own life, self-sacri ce the ultimate act. Islamic fundamentalists use this as the foundation for the type of Jihād that we are most familiar with today, the religious justi cation for martyrdom. There are actually ve types, and it is important to consider
I is alif’; the rst letter, it is equivalent to ‘A’; its value is 1: and Ifrah con rms that it means Allah. Tenen put this into a larger context and describes it as ‘ALL’ with a further reference to ‘Consciousness’. B is ba, its value is 2, and according to Ifrah, it means ‘He who remains’. Another scholarly perspective of the ba is that it is ‘the key to heaven; that everything is created from a dot and the dot under the letter ba represents the start of creation’. Universal meaning as interpreted by Tenen is ‘House’. R is ra; its value is 200; and it means ‘Rabb’ translated as ‘Lord’ by Ifrah. Its d e e p e r meaning is ‘a Master who cherishes and sustains’. Tenen translates this into a universal matrix of meaning as ‘Radiance’.
H is he, its value is 8 and according to Ifrah it means ‘Guide’ to Allah. Again, in Tenen’s larger context this is de ned as ‘Connection’. M is mim, its value is 40 and Ifrah translates this as ‘King’. Tenen attributes a universal meaning as ‘Source’
Cubic and Numeric Valuin The numerical value of Ibrahim, إب ـ ـ ــراه ـ ـ ــيمis 251, the 64th prime number. Its signi cance is further revealed in mathematics. The sum of three consecutive primes, 79 + 83 + 89 is 251. The sum of seven consecutive primes, 23 + 29 + 31 + 37 + 41 + 43 + 47 is also 251. Furthermore, 251 is the smallest number that can be expressed as the sum of three cubes in two ways: 13 + 53 + 53 and 23 + 33 + 63. Linking the letters and value of the numbers, the number 251 is related to the phrases, “The Lord is exalted’, and ‘Founded in God”, and refers as well to ‘a mountain’. It is particularly interesting to note that all religions and creation myths have a mountain. Here it is the Temple Mount, the place where Abraham is said to have built the altar on which he was willing to sacri ce his Isaac. Sacred to all three major religions, in Arabic it is Haram alSharif, ‘noble sanctuary’.
Linking Name with Numbe
Putting this into a continuous thought, one might poetically say; “Ibrāhīm was a messenger whose words echo to all carrying a message of divine Consciousness that issues from the Source, the master of creation. His message is that there remains within the heart of every being a seed that is only divisible by itself and thus cannot be separated from the One for it is a whole spark of the Divine that cherishes and sustains all life
through the light of connection that Creation established between life and itself.”
5 and 5 + Muslims in every corner of the world turn ve times a day to pray towards Mecca. Five is also the number of the foundational tenets of Islam, the Five Pillars of the Faith: 1) Shahadah: declaring there is no god except God, and Muhammad is God's Messenger; 2) Salat, ritual prayer ve times a day; 3) Sawm, fasting and self-control during the blessed month of Ramadan; 4) Zakat, giving 2.5% of one’s savings to the poor and needy; and 5) Hajj, to make the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime if they are able to do. In Shia Islam this number doubles, Furū al-Dīn, to The Ten Ancillaries of the Faith, ten practices that must be performed. They are: 6) Jihād, to struggle to please God; 7) Amr-Bil-Ma'rūf, to enjoin with what is good; 8) Nahi-Anil-Munkar, to forbid what is evil; 9) Tawalla, to express love towards that which is Good, all who desire truth, righteous people and are supporters of truth and justice; and 10) Tabarra, to live in disassociation from evil.
CONSIDER THE CUBE Like numbers many forms are as hidden in spiritual traditions as they are obvious in Islam. At the heart of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, stands the Kaaba. It is surrounded by the spectacularly beautiful Al-Masjid al-Haram, the most sacred mosque in Islam. Every Muslim strives to make at least one pilgrimage during their lifetime to the place that their faith asserts to be the centre of the world. Translated literally, Kaaba means ‘cube’, the eight corners of the Kaaba roughly point toward the four cardinal directions of the compass. Four lift to heaven and four are anchored on Earth.
It is aligned with the rising of the star Canopus and aligns approximately with the sunrise of summer solstice and the winter solstice’s sunset.
The original Kaaba, a structure wrapped in mystery that is now shrouded by Time, is believed to have been built by Sayyidna Ibrahim.
Ancient ancestral seeds of distrust have long been sown and have grown suspicions over time that have been cross-fertilised by dogma, assumption and cynicism. They have led to thickets of social and moral tangles that caused war and continue to make resolving matters of substance a thorny process at best. For all of these reasons, it’s seldom that parties with divergent perspectives are able to see clearly and make their way together towards higher ground. Creating conditions for a ‘peak’ experience, where discovering a shared perspective opens hearts and minds must be our mandate. Only then can we engage in dialogue and discover the space where genuine understanding is resourced. Madeleine Albright, former United States Secretary of State addressed the media about the seemingly endless stream of war going on the world over. She admitted that many US citizens don’t have a clue where some of these countries are and summed up the ‘state of the world in ve words: “…the world is a mess. The state of your life is re ected as the state of the world. The health and well-being of every system is at peril due to the adversarial attitudes and the actions of warring perspectives.
True dialogue begins by identifying new seeds and carrying them to a new perspective to determine how and where to plant them. Connections are made as perceptions shift, and what was previously invisible becomes visible. When there is an agreement to move
towards resolution based on shared values, and with true humility to actively believe the ‘best’ of each other, the unity of mind and heart begin to weed out the roots of divisiveness. Climbing out of long entrenched positions and lling them expands the garden, and in making room for new growth, diversity is honoured and unity is celebrated. The renewal of perspective leads to mutually bene cial visions that are ‘inpowered’ for positive outcomes. Transformation begins when we willingly nd accord and agree to grow in a new direction. Yes, it requires lightening up! The fastest way for this to happen is to put down the old and heavy baggage so many of us lug around. Doing so immediately lifts the heart and enables the mind and spirit to see beyond the fragile hope for peace and all its laboured expectations. Discovering the source of compassion is one thing; but pulling out your cup and willingly drinking from it is another. When enough have the courage to do so, the bottom falls out of fear and we create a channel through which wisdom can ow. In doing so, true and defensible growth begins that is sourced in wisdom, this, the extraordinary constituent that is essential to sustain continued interaction and judicious actions. It’s time for individuals of courage, those with truly good hearts, to willingly come together. It’s time for coherence between personal morals and values and a noble global ethos. Restorations begins when the empyrean Love that seeded all creation sprouts anew, when the unity that occurs through diversity is realised by the human heart and accepted by the brain.
Internal unity is the key that unlocks the mysteries and unleashes the harmony that is possible in human relationships The resources necessary for human life on planet Earth have expiration dates. No one is exempt from ‘downsizing’. The quality of life is compromised by the degree of disorder in our inner worlds as sooner than later what is going on inside plays out in ‘real time’ and impacts our relationships and the environment. The rst step towards peace of mind and the unimaginable, Peace on Earth, is to reconcile our inner and outer lives. Doing so allows us to consciously co-create conditions where we can continuously innovate
and renovate our lives. Only then can we work together to build a mutually enjoyable life where bene ts extend beyond the visible boundaries of a relationship. While our life, home and planet are exposed to astronomical events, our greatest vulnerability comes from ‘inside jobs’. The worst are the consequences of decisions that we take without making time to suf ciently consider. So it is we fail to expose the pitfalls, potholes, boulders blocking the path and thus we miss the inevitable outcomes. Humanity’s greatest peril exists in the simple fact that what we do to ourselves we do to the world. If the actions of the greedy few are allowed to continue, and the world’s masses are forced to live in a state of chronic subsistence, humanity is accelerating on the fast track to extinction.
Endurance demands and depends upon our willingness to encourage and embrace evolutionary
CO-OPERATION AND COMPETENCE Years ago, an economist evaluated the Mereon Matrix as a tool for economic transformation. His investigation led to one word: ‘Flawless’. But this assessment was followed by the declaration that the world would have to fall apart for humans to willingly rebuild it with this template. That day came and never left. The Nash Equilibrium is the heart of every business model: simply said, it’s ‘know your competition’s strategy and use it against them’. Bottom line: lie, steal, cheat; take no prisoners; win at any cost The Mereon Model is simpler and far more effective, saying: come together based on a unitive vision and shared values; identify the diverse competences, and then cooperate. Bottom line: resources are regenerated; everyone wins and everyone bene ts How we pollute and poison our inner worlds and our relationships is directly related to the way we are allowing pesticides, un ltered diesel, lethal airborne particulates and chemical spills to wreak havoc on the health and wellness humanity and the planet.
In his 2010 book ‘The Tipping Point’, Malcolm Gladwell introduced the lay world to a scienti c concept explaining how when something that was once thought of as unlikely or rare, actually happens and causes a cascade of unpredictable and irreversible changes. Events that were once thought to be random are quickly becoming normal as the catastrophic droughts, res and storms occur on a regular basis.
Nature and scienti c understanding are both at the edge of unimaginable tipping points. One thing is certain: the only way to endure is to catalyse a turning point in our social dynamics. The Mereon Matrix is a framework that offers us a logical way to meaningfully begin to heal our lives and our relationships in order to take the next step on the journey towards human evolution. A path towards true progress, it eradicates stalemates and compromises by requiring that we question our intent and motives. It means that we make a clear statement of our vision and our values and remember where our actions have taken us in the past before we take action. When participants in a system, a relationship, a family, a classroom, a business or community members at large, embrace positive change they become social architects. They discover how when energy, materials and resources are not equally distributed, the entire system is at risk. Nuclear disasters like the one at Fukishima are horrifying examples of how the consequences of a local event extend to undermine Nature’s global infrastructure. Far more terrifying than the threat of nuclear disaster is the devastation that is intentionally being ignited by human greed. What will it take for those whose minds and hearts are locked to open to consider a new perspective? What will it take to unclench a st and release the need to be right? What will it take to understand that a perceived right to control, manipulate or legislate a single path to ‘good’ or God is the road to perdition?
Earth is the Mother of us all.
cubed together
come together based on a unitive vision and shared values; identify the diverse competences, and then cooperate. Bottom line: resources are regenerated; everyone wins and everyone benefits.
“Where there is charity and wisdom, there is neither fear nor ignorance.” We are the result of her evolutionary journey. Every one of us carries her history and the future, our story shared because the energetic interconnection between us is not one-way. Today our words and actions are imprinting the planet in ways that are not yet visible; but they will certainly be readable in hind sight. The knowledge inherent within the Mereon Matrix leads to understanding by way of a sequential methodology that allows us to transcend hopelessness. It shows us how to begin to make wise use of the most precious and limited resource we have, our time. The rst requirement involves
St. Francis of Assisi
you answering one question; do you have the courage to live your lifetime? If you are, and have the willingness to do what must be done, what we can accomplish together is credible. By harnessing the power of human will we can remember our passed errors and in light of the current moment clearly anticipate the future as we respond. This dynamic knowledge lets us respire the spirit of human conscience and consciously co-create the richly textured Potential that arises when we dare to cooperate and ow with the light into the universal eld of Consciousness.
By Lynnclaire Dennis
Lynnclaire Dennis presents the story behind the mathematical and scientific knowledge of life and living she recovered in a series of N e a r D e at h E x p e r i e n c e s . A n inspiring story, this book chronicles the genesis of the long journey towards remembrance.!product/ prd12/2431435581/a-footprint-in-eternity
Ancient Dream simplicity once known
Near-Death Experience
"I recall precisely the moment that I broke the
no such thing as a beginning, a middle, or an
bonds of this inimical world and was immersed
end. Furthermore, it was here that I determined
in the warmth of the light. Suddenly I was safe,
that I was out of time as well, even though I
warm, and basking in the luminous sunlight
had a corporal existence.
high in the luminous sunlight high in the alpine meadows of Mt. Rainier. I was no longer over the Alps – I was in Washington State. Somehow this made perfect sense.
"Here, in a place
"Never before had I considered that there might be such things as coexistent realities. Never had I imagined that there might be concurrent realms.
lled with vivid and joyous
childhood memories, I took extraordinary comfort in the rmness of the ground beneath my feet. With gratitude and wonder, I wandered through the valley, su used with a certain knowing that I had crossed a cosmic frontier. Was this heaven, or was it perhaps some place beyond that celestial other-world I'd always hoped to be good enough to enter? All I knew – and knew for certain – was that time and space were nothing more than attenuated wisps of human invention. Both were webs of light created in my consciousness.
"As my being expanded I saw the cords of years that bound me to the planet. The bond, which was braided from strands of days, bands of months, and ribbons of years, fashioned a nexus between then and now. No doubt this was the mountain of my childhood, but it was essentially di erent. It was real, yet it was out of sync with the abstraction of linear time. As I stood there I realized that if time was all here now, then it could not be a straight
line. This could only mean that there could be
Sacred marriage of fire & water Heaven and Earth, Logos and Sophia, realised in the renewal and rebirth of all that is, inside and out...
Never in my wildest dreams had I thought
there might be a way to remember and feel di erent times and events as if they were happening right now. I realized that in life, death is merely the other side of a threshold over which I could not 'normally' see. So, too, in death, life and the land of the 'living' were on the other side of a very thin veil.
"It struck me that perhaps neither heaven nor Earth is as black or white as I had heretofore believed.
"It was then that I looked down at my body and with amazement wondered, "Where did this gown come from?" I was no longer bound in heavy, restricting layers of winter wool, but was wearing an exquisite white gown that appeared to be fashioned of a fabric some master designer had created by splashing star dust on ligree spider webs. I watched as it seemed to
oat above my
skin. It was as if a million tiny wings kept it from putting even the weight of a feather on my body.
A sense of lightness A remembrance of Love, it is a reminder to courageously uphold Purpose with compassion...
permeated my being to what I thought must be a cellular – indeed a
'soulular' – level.
Returning Home
In every breath the human will has an encounter with the Divine spirit. Entering the Cosmic kaliedescope is an opportunity for liberation and true progress. Surrendering the need for painful process is the beginning of freedom.
The Spirals of Life To resist change is to renounce life itself. Our choice is to surrender and evolve or to die and begin the Journey all over again...
Art & Revelation By Lynnclaire Dennis "And then I heard the MUSIC. It was a tone so sublimely perfect that remembering it still brings me to tears. I knew then, and know now, that I was hearing the symphony of angels, the song of the universe, what some have called the 'Music of the Spheres'. All thoughts melted in its melody and everything else ceased to be of any importance. I closed my eyes and began to dance, moving to the resonant vibration that coursed through my essence. The melody seemed to issue from a single point and was composed of one verse, a song whose mystical tone my entire being knew and sang. I bathed in its melody as utter joy lled my being, and as the sound washed over my spirit, I felt all confusion purged from my consciousness.
"Standing beneath this euphonious canopy of grace, I knew love was being awakened at the depths of my soul. Moving with this aria of elegant mercy, I began my return to the dawn of totality as a growing sense of
within my heart, mind, and soul."
Oneness swelled
Jon DePew Three things create ALL things! Discover ancient secret--it’s
the True Da Vinci Code. Article Her As seen in Science to Sage
Click and Read
Check out Related Article As Seen in SCIENCE TO SAG
The Raise and Fall of the Hal As seen in the hit What the Bleep Do We Know?!
Dr. Miceal Ledwit Dr. Miceal Ledwith will discuss the evolution in consciousness based on his talked entitled the "Conversation". We will discuss how the brain forms and processes fundamental and crippling beliefs, especially religious beliefs. Ideas to be covered: Religion, a Sexist Organization? The gods of Men, Mary Magdalene Enigma, Orbs and the veil, How can Little Green Men be Made in the Image of God?
Dr. Miceal Ledwith, L.Ph., L.D., D.D., LL.D (h.c), served as a Catholic priest and as
Professor of Theology and College President for over 25 years in Ireland. During the course of his academic and a d m i n i s t r a t i v e c a re e r s h e l e c t u re d extensively to interested adult groups in many countries and continues to speak at venues all over the world today. He is a long-time member of Ramtha's School of Ancient Wisdom and has been invited to speak at Events held by the school for several years at many venues throughout the world. He was one of the scholars featured in "What the Bleep Do We Know," and its sequel "Down the Rabbit Hole."
August 19t
The rise and fall of the halo
Roots by Richard Merrick
Excerpts from Venus BluePrint
By Karen Elkins excerpts from InsideOUT, a visual guide to our universe
Science to Sage Radio with Richard Merrick Click Here
It has been said that there are 100 common threads that have been identified across ancient traditions. Starting with the flood stories how could there be so many coincidences? New discoveries in science and the so called ‘forbidden’ archeology beckon a simple question, is the bible, ancient Sumerian and Vedic text, fact or fiction? We have been divided for so long in a fight for who is right! Perhaps it is time to look at our similarities and work together to discover, what to me, looks like one story. From this perspective maybe we can begin to heal our planet. What I love is that we have so much in common, yet within all these stories there are beautiful artist expressions. _ by Karen Elkins
Yu the Great
One Story
Epic of Gilgamesh, Tablet 11: Story of the Flood
One Story The Deluge and the Bible
Floods Stories Creation Stories Giant Lore Space Ships Sun Gods Enlarged Skulls Ruins pointing to the heavens Advanced Technology Gods mating with women of the earth Dragon Myths Pyramids of the World
... to name a few.
By Richard Merrick
Common Ground Abrahamic religious concepts were
understand these religions and how they were altered for political reasons.
adopted from the
The only thing missing in the Abrahamic religions
Babylonians who
is the entheogenic plants once used to make the
received them primarily from the Vedic Sumerians, though also the Egyptians, Persians and Indians.
"Jamba Juice" communion. Without years of practice in yoga and meditation, consuming the sacred plant was the only way to "open up the Sun Gate," "ascend the sacred mount to meet God" and become "born again" into heaven.
This was the original purpose of religion - direct experience and communication through altered
In truth, Islam, Judaism and Christianity have the
states of mind. Through communion with the
same sacred mountain of the Vedics, same
teacher plant, one could be "saved" or
temple concept, same ascension beliefs, same
"redeemed" by learning how to properly exit the
communion ceremony, same notion of heaven
body upon death and how to navigate upward to
and same basic hierarchical organization of
Indra's heaven. Absent this preparation, it was
deities, including the Trinity concept. Understand
believed one was doomed to repeat the cycle and
the Rig-Veda and Vedic Cosmology and you will
be reincarnated once again into the material world of pain.
The Trinity The Christian Trinit Trikaya, three bodies of Buddh Beelshamen formed a triad with the lunar god Aglibol and the sun god Malakbel ("Messenger, or, Angel of the Lord").
Central Asian monk teaching East Asian monk (image below). 9th century fresco from the Bezeklik Thousand
Mudra’s East to West a mudra is a hand gesture that activates an
energy centers.
Buddha Caves near Turfan, Xinjiang, China.
Vatican Cour
Liquid, solids, Gases, Plasmas Access Your Inner wisdom Revealing the divine construct of the cosmos
Dionysus Staf
Staff Of Osiris
Staff of Pope
Assyrian Winged God Tammu
The access point was known to ancients and mystics as the pineal gland. The pinecone is often the icon for this idea. This is one divine channel that takes you beyond the physical spectrum. “It is revealing advanced insights regarding Magnetic Wave & Particle distribution principles”.
- Jon DePew
INspiration, INsight
The light of the body is the eye: if therefore your eye be single, your whole body shall be full of light. - Matthew 6:22
As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of
all matter. - Max Planck
North American Dream Catchers
East to West “The first peace, which is most important, is that which comes from within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells the great spirit, and that this center is really everywhere — it is within each of us.”
Black Elk, Sioux holy man, 1863–1950
Flower of Life in China
Flower of Life Wisdom of the Ancient ’s
Flower of Life in Egypt
Michelangelo's systematizing of the Campidoglio
Referencing back to Jon DePew’s work stating three things make everything in our know universe, consider that when you
Holy spaces are designed to bring you to an altered state,
look at the architecture from around the world many holy sites
hence the “alter”, entrain and en-trance, hence the en-trance,
are built with 3 entrances by design. The center is the “zero
and the atmosphere is your “atoms”-sphere. re-minding you
point” (God) and the left and right entrances reveal the choices
that heaven is within and at hand..
we have in life--to do the right or wrong thing
You are the pilla and the foundatio of your creation DNA strands Pillar & DNA
Pillar of light
It’s in your DN Your DNA is your antenna, Your transducer and receiver of your In-form-mation at play You are the templ The House of God is built into you to remind yo You are Lights creatio An emanation and a revelation of God’s array
Temples are a Mirror Refection of You ...a system of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols. - Masons
tetrahedron Light Body
The Four Corners Marduk and the Dragon Marduk, chief god of Babylon, with his thunderbolts destroys Tiamat the dragon of primeval chaos
China, Babylon, Europe
• Four Creatures four fixed signs of the zodiac • Four faces • Four elements • Four forces of nature • Four seasons
These 4 beasts are associated with Assyrians, the zodiac, the vision of prophet Ezekiel and it looks like the Chinese too. Consider that astrology is in every culture. • Aquarius as the winged man, spring, ai • Taurus as the ox/bull, summer, eart • Leo as the lion fall, r • Scorpio as the eagle, winter, wate
In the bible it describes these living creatures as a tetrad (4 fold)... (1:4) "I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the North, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself ... the colour of amber.""the likeness of four living creatures". (Ezekiel 1:5) Each of them had four faces and four wings, with straight feet with a sole like the sole of a calf's foot, and "hands of a man" under their wings. Each had four faces: The face of a man, the face of a lion on the right side, the face of an ox on the left side, and the face of an eagle. (Ezekiel 1:6-10)
“The Christ (derived from the greek word Christos, meaning the "anointed one") who inaugurated the age of Pisces as the Jesus of Nazareth, himself says; "When the Sign of Man shall come, he will enlighten you in all things” .
The Lord Krishna in the Golden City from the Harivamsha/
of the Times Prash Trivedi a Vedic Astrologer states, “these different Ages were characterized by use of common symbols by all the civilizations which happened to exist at that time in history. In my mind their is no doubt that all the cultures and civilizations past and present have a common origin. I also think that the science of astrology is the common link between the symbolism of all these cultures. This is the most simplistic approximate of the breakdown of the Ages after the Great Flood around 10,000 BC”. •
10000 - 8000 BC : Age of Leo
8000 - 6000 BC : Age of Cancer
6000 - 4000 BC : Age of Gemini
4000 - 2000 BC : Age of Taurus
2000 - 1 BC : Age of Aries
1 - 2000 AD : Age of Pisces
2000 AD onward : Age of Aquarius
“The Christ (derived from the greek word Christos, meaning the "anointed one") who inaugurated the age of Pisces as the Jesus of Nazareth, himself says ; "When the Sign of Man shall come, he will enlighten you in all things .
"Whenever there is decay of righteousness and exaltation of unrighteousness, O Bharata, than I Myself come forth for the protection of the good, for the sake of establishing righteousness, I am born from Age to Age."
He was worshipped by the early Amorites and by the inhabitants of the cities of Ebla (modern Tell Mardikh, Syria) and Ugarit (modern Ras Shamra, Syria). He was also a major member, or perhaps head, of the pantheon of the Philistines His name appears in Hebrew as ( דגוןin modern transcription Dagon, Tiberian Hebrew Dāḡôn), in Ugaritic as dgn (probably vocalized as Dagnu), and in Akkadian as Dagana, Daguna usually rendered in English translations as Dagan Wikepeida
Ernst Wallis - Illustration from "Illustrerad
verldshistoria utgifven av E. Wallis." volume I, 187
The Ichthys is a popular symbol for Jesus the sherman, yet hidden within it is an ancient link to the Rig-Veda and Aryan homeland of Armenia.
There is an ancient belief that the Sun is born from the sea. This is because the Sun appears to rise out of the sea from the eastern horizon. For this reason, solar deities are often depicted as halfman/half- sh, the very rst one being Vishnu.
In the Hari Purana, the god Vishnu is shown as having assumed the form of a sh, with a human head, in order to reclaim the Vedas lost during the deluge. Having enabled Visamitra to escape with all his tribe in the ark, Vishnu remains with them for some time and gave them instruction.
This narrative is probably the original story behind the Babylonian god Oannes, described by Berossus in the 3rd century BC as the man- sh who arrived from the sea and taught the Babylonians agriculture, writing, geometry and mathematics. This in turn is cognate with the Biblical story of Jonah being swallowed by a whale and Noah returning from the sea in his ark.
Oannes/Jonah/Noah may also be the source for the Canaanite god El-ha-iom or El-yoni which is Akayoni (Okeanos) as well as Yona of the Gauls, the Jowna or Jona of the Basques, John of the Scandinavians, the old Yona of the Trojans and the Yawna of the Parsis.
The Assryo-Babylonian god Dagon was another such sh god descended from the Ugarithic "Dgn," pronounced "Dagnu." Here, the Hebrew word "dag" meaning sh replaces the Vedic "vish" to make Dagnu.
All of these gods are solar deities born from the sea. More than this, they are all reinterpretations of the Vedic god Vishnu originating in Armenia - the home of Mount Ararat and Noah.
Ararat was symbolic of the transcendental Mount Meru and Noah was Vishnu. The ark at the summit of Ararat that reseeded the world is a metaphor for Vishnu the Sustainer who lives in Svarga, the heavenly summit of Meru, and saves the world from Shiva the Destroyer. Vishnu is a redeemer and savior like the Sun itself, which balances halfway between the sea and sky. His symbol is the Ichthys - a Vesica Piscis or sh section of two harmoniously balanced circles.
Evolution of Creation. Emergence of Cosmic Egg out of the Cosmic Waters.
cosmic Egg
Orphic Egg World Egg Golden Egg
is an ancient fertility symbol commonly
associated with Venus and that the tradition of coloring and hiding Easter eggs actually originated in the fertility rites associated with many Venusian goddesses For instance, the egg symbol was sacred to the Babylonians. They believed that a Cosmic Egg of wondrous size fell from the heavens into the Euphrates river. From this marvelous egg, the goddess Ishtar (another Venusian goddess) was hatched. For this reason, the egg came to symbolize the spring celebration of Austrõn, Ôstarâ, or Eástre, a later Saxon goddess descended from Ishtar In time the Cosmic Egg story migrated to many other parts of the world. In Rome a representation of it preceded processions in honor of the Mother Goddess Roman. The egg was also part of the sacred ceremonies of the
Mysteries of Bacchus, who incidentally is associated with the Green Man carved throughout Rosslyn chapel. The Druids used the egg as their sacred emblem, and in Northern Europe, China, and Japan, eggs were colored for their sacred festivals. Yet the egg as a fertility symbol has an even more ancient origin The Sanskrit term for the Cosmic Egg is Brahmanda, Brahm meaning “cosmos” and Anda meaning “egg.” In the Vedic Upanishads (appendices to the Vedas), the Hiranyagarbha or “golden fetus” was believed to have oated around in emptiness for a while before breaking in half to form the Dyaus (Heaven) and Prithvi (Earth). In this way, the egg rep- resented celestial fertility and was associated with the feminine planet Venus. Together, the Cosmic Egg and Venus symbolized renewal and everlasting life at the top of the World Mountain of Meru
Text Richard Merrick
In Greek myth, particularly Orphic thought, Phanes is the golden
Primordial Being who was hatched from the shining Cosmic Egg that was the source of the universe. Called Protogonos (First-Born) and Eros (Love) — being the seed of gods and men — Phanes means "Manifestor" or " R e v e a l e r, " a n d i s related to the Greek words "light" and "to shine forth." Wikepeida The earliest version of the Cosmic Egg originated in Sanskrit scripture and is known as Brahmanda, meaning 'expanding egg.' In the Rig-Veda it is called Hiranyagarbha, meaning 'golden fetus' or 'golden womb.'
Even the interstellar clouds of gas that create stars are called EGGs, an acronym meaning Evaporating Gaseous Globules (EGGs). There is real truth in the Cosmic Egg concept
Some might recognize it as the Orphic Egg, an egg enwrapped with a serpent. Others might prefer to understand it as the latest map of the universe showing an egg-like distribution of galaxies.
Text and diagrams by Richard Merrick
Chart and writing by Richard Merrick
Evolution of the Human Body Harmonic Lattice Stone temples built according to human proportions, which is to say the proportions of our solar system, will resonate sympathetically with the body and brain. Indeed, all living things evolve within a harmonically resonating lattice, which ancient peoples appear to have understood quite well.
For instance, the Egyptian 19-grid was used for thousands of years to illustrate the human body and in the layout of sacred spaces, such as the temple at Luxor [Schwaller de Lubicz]. It corresponds perfectly to a grid of standing waves tuned to the spinal frequency of a musical perfect fth
In his book Serpent in the Sky, John Anthony West agrees: "It is harmony that is responsible for the speci c physical phenomena that scientists call 'reality,' but that wiser men realise is but the physical aspect of reality to which our senses have access. We speak of musical 'form'. We know it is the result of harmonies that may be reduced to vibrations -- that is to say, to number. But we tend to think of musical 'form' metaphorically, whereas we should regard it literally. See an animation of this illustration here: http:// w w w. i n t e r f e r e n c e t h e o r y. c o m / C l a s s r o o m / Diatonic%20Model%20(Body).html
Sonic Temples The Tree of Life
Cathedral floor plan
east to west Vedic floor plan
“This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy.
Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness”. - The Dalai Lama
The Venus Goddesses Throughout recorded history, the pentagonal
Babylonian Ishtar and Indian Shukra to the
cycle of Venus has been repeatedly associated
Saxon goddess Eastre and Greek Aphrodite.
with the feminine aspect of God from
“Rossyln Chapel was in fact part of a more complex, multi-layered “sacred” geometry corresponding to the human body and fertility.” - Richard Merrick By Richard Merrick, insights and chart from his book Venus
Joint Venture
Electro Proto Neutron
Vedic Wisdom
In Vedic wisdom, it takes both the Male and Female Divine for the creation of the universe. Shiva and Shakti together manifest the universe. Shiva is the pure being, existence itself, and Shakti the pure will to put everything into motion
Electromagnetic wave-Author-SuperManu/GFDL, CC-BY0uSA
Matter to Pattern, Mother & Father Mater is the Latin word for Mother, which gives rise to matter. Pater is the Latin word for father, which evolves pattern. The marriage of Mater and Pater creates form out of matter and pattern. The Kabbalah The Kabbalah sees the human soul as mirroring the Divine. God created man in His own image, in
Joining is not satisfactory when forces of matter and motion are unequally yoked.
the image of God He created him, male and female He
created them, ..
S e r p e n t , The Sun
Here is a comparison between
the vajra symbol to designate a
for a crown with thunderbolts in
the Peruvian god Virachocha
chief creation god or goddess of
his hands. In this picture, his
and the Indian god Vishnu,
the culture.
lightning bolts appear to double
along with a host of other
as serpents
serpents in both hands. More
was worshipped as the god of
generally, these serpents are
the sun and storms. He was
replaced by lightning bolts or
represented as wearing the sun
In the case of Virachocha, he
deities depicted holding
By Richard Merrick
Japan’s Raising Sun
ALL cultures from China, Africa, Australia, the America's, Egypt and India speak of gods descending from the heavens and gifting knowledge to advance civilization. The gods of ancient times seem to have descended from the ‘open sky’. In Sanskrit “div’, means sky, day, shine. It also relates to the word divine and divinity. ‘Deity’ is derived from the Latin world ‘dea’ (goddess) and ‘deus’(god). The Japanese word for Emperor, means ‘heavenly sovereign’. The yellow wheel icon= rising sun. Tawa for the Hopi = Sun Spirit. Are they looking at the sun and/or a golden “disc”? Anyway you look
A Leap Mankind at itGiant there seems to for be a “God figure” inside the “chariots of light” "When they moved, the others moved; when they stopped, the others stopped; and when they rose from the earth, the wheels rose along with them; for the spirit of the living creatures [Cherubim] was in the wheels." Ezekiel 10:17 "The Baptism of Christ", by Dutch painter Aert De Gelder, 1710
Victory stele of Naram-Sin/p/photo by Rama
Greek, India, Hebrew, Japanese, Celtic, Egyptian, Babylonian, Chinese, African, South American ...etc!
Santa Barbara, Califorina Cave Drawings
Wheedling New Ideas Vedic Wisdom
"I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself ... the color of amber”.
The Pushpaka chariot that resembles the Sun and belongs to my brother was brought by the Sun Chariot
powerful Ravana; that aerial and excellent chariot going everywhere at will .... that chariot resembling a bright cloud in the sky ... and the King [Rama] got in, and the excellent chariot at the command of the Raghira, rose
up into the higher atmosphere. - Ramayana
Reexamining History
There are too many books we hold as fact, yet we cherry pick what we choose to believe. Curious minds like those of Zecharia Sitchin, for example, have spent their lifetime exploring our history. Our prescribed sets of beliefs don’t align. Michael Cremo has written numerous books on ‘forbidden archeology’ and is an authority on abnormalities that don’t fit our current historical timeline
Ancient Indian Vimanas
So when we look to past ‘stories” consider the idea of ‘cargo cults’ in the context of ancient mythology? During World War II when the military arrived on remote islands in the South Pacific, with Western technology/cargo, and then the war ended and the “goods” no longer arrived. Native tribe” created rituals and alters of sorts hoping for their return. You might just say they kept looking to the sky for their deities and they worshiped the pilots that came Christen
So when we look to bible and Vedic text this idea could also be relevant. And if “they” did come, what might their agenda been? This notion does not dismiss the idea of a creator, or a force. Yet it just might give us a different perspective and a way of looking at some belief systems and who we have worshipped.
South America
Ancient Influences Two daughters of Akhenaten; Nofernoferure, c. 1375-1358 BC
Many unusual elongated skulls of ancient
These ancient astronauts gave rise to our modern civilization, assisting early man to take a quantum leap into the sciences of astronomy, mathematics, arts and agriculture.
humans appear around the world. They are found in Europe, Central and South America and Central Asia. Note the
“Art as facts” and skulls on display around the world suggest that some of these visitors had elongated skulls
depiction of the eyes. It seems it was a planetary discovery and a recovery of HIS-STORY.
Some indigenous cultures went so far to emulate the gods by binding their skulls so they too could ‘have the look’. And the Pre-Inca tied a string to to get their eyes to cross eyed. Why such a strange fashion? Was it be honor the gods
South America
Toltec stone statue
Men of renown , oh what a great wonder There were giants (also known as the Nephilim) in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. - Genesis 6:4
Where these the “men of renown”, from East to West, from Quetzalcoatl, to Amun? They all seemed to have possessed an appetite for women. Was the the birth of the demigod, and the hierarchical order. In many of these cultures women were no better than cattle, expected to perform ‘sexual offerings’ or rituals at the temples. Harems, concubines, and virgins were prized. Others were stoned, widowed or burned Why would our loving God treat his creation with such disrespect? Are these the fallen angels run a muck? Also could this interference also be the missing link in Darwin’s big idea?
Karen Ekin
Michael Tellinge
Megalithic Ideas for a
And, there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight. Numbers, 13. 33
Stonehenge - “The severe erosion on the fallen tall megalith, is conclusive geological evidence that Stonehenge is probably well over 1 million years old. How and why it is still in its place is merely a function of continued use and abuse by many civilizations over an extended period”.- Michael Tellinger Have you ever wondered how we evolved from apemen to super human capable of building the ‘wonders of the world’? This confounds even
the sharpest of minds
Richard Merrick was the founder and CEO of Postfuture, a pioneering rich-media communications provider for companies like Best Buy and Microsoft. Under his leadership, the company grew from a tiny start-up in 1999 into the top digital communications company of 2004 and 4th fastest growing technology company in Texas. Prior to this, he was the technology founder and elected CEO of 7th Level, a global CD-ROM game publisher and Internet technology company known for such award-winning titles as TuneLand Starring Howie Mandel and Monty Python's The Quest for the Holy Grail.
Merrick's work spans many areas of digital media, including search engines, graphics operating systems, multi-media authoring applications, interactive games, voice-response Web agents and dynamically personalized Internet communications. Throughout his career he has been invited to speak around the world on the future of digital media and cited as an expert in leading publications.
He is an improvisational pianist & composer, archetypal artist and independent researcher into the physics, history and social rami cations of harmonic science. He received his B.A. (magna cum laude) and M.S.C.S. degrees from the University of Texas at Dallas.
The Suppression of Ancient Harmonic Science
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Francesca Mason Boring’s -Connecting to our Ancestral Past, integrates a deep understanding of Family Systems Constellations with indigenous life & wisdom. Francesca Boring is a Family Constellations facilitator who has trained with many masters of Family Constellation as well as with her own Elders & aboriginal teachers.
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