Science to Sage I n t e r n a t i o n a l
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EVOLUTION REVOLUTON Is humanity’s cultural story causing humanity’s cultural crisis
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The great minds of our time are
convergence of leading-edge
bringing a new renaissance. The
science and ancient wisdom is
fusion of ideas, disciplines, and
bridging the heart and mind,
cultures has always advanced
science and spirituality, and East
civilization, be it from the
and West.
renaissance of the Middle East to
Take a quantum leap in your
Middle Ages of Europe, again, we
understanding of the mysteries of
stand at this crossroad. The new
our universe.
Evolution Revolution • Neale Donald Walsch - Is humanity’s cultural story
Special thanks to the contributors. I am grateful for their articles and inspired work. Their contribution and fascination with water enriches and transforms our understanding of our designer universe.
causing humanity’s cultural crisis?
• Gregg Braden - Who Are We?
• Richard Tarnas - Thought Experiment
• Don Estes - Moving Molecules
• Interview with Ervin Laszlo, by Randall Melnyk
• Teza Zialcita - Akashic Records
• Dr. Joe Dispenza - Change
• Michelle Corey - Stress Kills • Mike Adams, the Health Ranger - Vaccines • Aeron Goldhert - Tesla Energy Lights for Wellness
• Krishna Madappa - Wellness at Your Finger Tips
All material is copyrighted by Science to Sage or is copyright of the authors. Science to Sage reprints these articles with the consent of authors
Is humanity’s cultural story causing humanity’s cultural crisis?
by Neale Donald Walsch We are inviting you, here in this space, to engage in a conversation, we call it The Conversation of the Century, about what kind of new story we could be telling
our children, and each other, about life on Earth in every one of its expressions.
A New Conversation WHAT HUMANS BELIEVE TO BE TRUE IS WHAT IS HURTING HUMANITY THE MOST In a statement of enormous clarity, God
“Most humans try to change things by
has revealed to humanity the cause of all of
focusing on behaviors. They keep thinking
its dysfunction.
they can make things better by doing something. So, everyone is running around
“All behaviors are created by beliefs,”
trying to gure out what they can do. The
God said in the book The New Revelations.
focus is on doing something, rather than
Even “automatic reactions” are based on
on believing something.
what you believe is occurring, is about to occur, or could occur, He said. All
“But radical forces within your societies
behaviors are sponsored by beliefs.
have always sought to change things by using the power of thought, not action, for
“You cannot make a long-term change in
they know that thought produces action.
behaviors without addressing the beliefs
Get a person thinking a certain way and
that underlie them,” God said, and then
you can get a person to act a certain way.
repeated the statement, because the
It is not easily done the other way around.”
brevity of that statement belies its importance. You cannot make a long-term
God o ered killing as an example. You can
change in behaviors without addressing
rarely get a person to go out and kill
the beliefs that underlie them.
another person simply by telling him to do
Then God o ered a fascinating insight into
reason. And “reason” exists only in
world events in the 21st Century. “Those
thought. And thought is always based in
societies that are now causing, and that
Belief. So, if you want to get one person to
have historically caused, the most
kill another, the fastest way to do that is to
upheaval in your world are those societies
give him a belief that supports the action,
that have focused on beliefs,” She said.
and can sponsor it.
so, the Deity said. You have to give him a
Seek to change beliefs, not behaviors. One such belief, God said, might be that killing is what God wants, that it is doing the Will of God, and that one will be rewarded in heaven for doing it.
“That could be a very powerful belief, a very powerful incentive. And so, while
most of
the world is seeking to bring about change by telling people what to DO, those who truly know how to motivate people are bringing about change by telling people what to believe. Do you get it?” God’s statement concluded with this observation: “Your world is facing enormous problems right now, and you must solve the problems at the level of belief. You cannot solve the problems at the level of behavior. Seek to change beliefs, not behaviors. After you change a belief, the behavior will change by itself. You can take whatever action you want to take to alter someone else’s behavior or to stop it, but unless you alter the beliefs that produced such
behavior, you will alter nothing and stop nothing.
Join the evolution revolution
That is what the Evolution Revolution — a
Civilizations, with large or prosperous nations
global outreach of the Spiritual Activism art of
acting as if they are always “right” because
Humanity’s Team which I have joined people
they have the “might”, and small groups of
around the world in collaboratively creating —
people using violence and terrorism as what
is all about. It is all about starting this
they have determined to be their only means of
discussion, in earnest. It is about igniting this
giving themselves a voice?
exploration. It is about empowering our species
Are we a species that is content to have 1% of
to change, if it truly chooses to.
the people own or control more wealth and
And let us make no mistake about it, this is
resources than 50% of the planet’s inhabitants
a spiritual decision, not a political decision.
— while 2.6 billion people do not even have
Politics are nothing more than
indoor sanitation, and 1.5 billion are to this day
one’s spirituality, demonstrated. It doesn’t feel
without electricity?
to me that we can any longer a ord to stand
Are we a species that watches over 650 of its
aside from our world, watching it disintegrate
children die every hour of starvation, and still
right in front of us, while we engage in our own
insists that while we can send a man to the
private, personal spiritual development
moon, there is nothing we can do about this
practices. All of us BEING in the world, and
tragedy that occurs every sixty minutes?
ACTING in the world, as Who We Really Are is
Who are we? And who do we choose to be?
the biggest spiritual practice of all…unless I have badly misunderstood something.
Neale Donald Walsch I want to hear this message.
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God is talking to all of us, all the time. In this time of ever increasing turmoil on our planet,
experience that when what you experience of God
people everywhere are turning to God, begging,
differs from what you’ve heard of God,
hoping, praying to hear God’s message for
you automatically discard the experience and own
themselves and for our world. In their supplications,
the words, when it should be the other way around.”
the earnestly seek to know: Can one even have a
Your experience and your feelings about a thing
conversation with God
represent what you factually and intuitively know
God herself tell us yes. His words to humanity are
about that thing. Words can only seek to symbolize
clear: “I talk to everyone all the time. The question is
what you know, and can often confuse what you
not to whom does God talk. The question is, who
Many words have been uttered by others in God’s
Early in Conversations with God-Book One we are
name, and many thoughts and feelings have been
told that God communicates with us most often
sponsored by causes not of God’s direct creation,
through feeling. Feeling is the language of the soul
and many experiences result from these. So, the
“If you want to know what’s true for you about
challenge is one of discernment – the dif culty is
something,” God said, “look to how you’re feeling
knowing the difference between messages from God
about it. Feelings are sometimes dif cult to discover,
and data from other sources Here, in God’s own words, is a basic rule: God’s message is always your Highest Thought (that thought which contains joy), your Clearest Word (words which contain truth), your Grandest Feeling (that feeling you call love). Anything less is from another source.
and often even more dif cult to acknowledge. Yet hidden in your deepest feelings is your highest truth. God also communicates with thought, and often uses images and pictures to do so, which makes thoughts more effective than mere words as tools of communication In addition to feelings and thought, God also uses the vehicle of experience as a grand communicator
The next question is whether God’s messages will be
When feelings, thought and experience all fail, God
heeded. Most are not. Some because they are too
uses words to communicate. Words are the least
good to be true; others because they seem too
effective communicator; they are most open to
dif cult to follow; many because they are simply
misinterpretation because they are merely utterances
misunderstood; and most because they are not
– noises that stand for feelings, thoughts and
received. God’s most powerful messenger is
experience. They are symbols, signs, insignias. They
experience, and even this you ignore
are not Truth. They are not the real thing
Your world would not be in its present condition were
Words may help you to understand something.
you to have simply listened to your experience. The
Experience allows you to know. Yet there are some
result of your not listening is that you keep re-living it,
things you cannot experience, so God has given you
over and over again. For God’s purpose will not be
other tools of knowing (i.e., feelings and thoughts)
thwarted, nor will God’s will be ignored. You will get
“Ironically, you have placed so much importance on
the message, sooner or later. God will not force or
the Word of God, and so little on the experience,”
coerce you, however, for She has given you free will
God said. “In fact, you place so little value on
— the power to do as you choose — and He will
never take that away from you.
“I talk to everyone all the time. The question is not to whom does God talk. The question is, who listens?”
How? Feeling is the language of the soul Also thoughts and images Words are the least effective communicator; they are most open to misinterpretation because they are merely utterances – noises that stand for feelings, thoughts and experience Experience allows you to know
Neale Donald Walsch
More Articles and Interview "Neale Donald Walsch: Conversations with Humanity" – OM Times, March, 2013 issue "A Revolution Is What's Called For Here" – Origin Magazine, March/April, 2013 Issue "Let the Conversations Begin" – Watkins Mind Body Spirit Magazine, Spring, 2012 Issue "The BIG Question: What is God's Role in the Law of Attraction?" – Law of Attraction Magazine, 2012 Issue
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MAYBE WE SHOULD CHANGE THE QUESTION: CAN ART CHANGE PEOPLE'S LIVES? - J In 2011, JR receives the TED Prize and wins a "wish to change the world". He creates Inside Out, an international participatory art project that allows people worldwide to get their picture taken and paste it. As of January 2014, over 195,000 people from more than 108 countries have participated. Each Inside Out project around the world is documented, archived and exhibited online for all to share.
The artist JR owns the biggest art gallery in the world. He exhibits in the streets of the world, making art for all and catching the attention of people who are not typical museum visitors. From his very beginning when he found a camera on the Paris subway to the present days with projects like WOMEN ARE HEROES, THE WRINKLES OF THE CITY, UNFRAMED JR has been invited to make and share art all around the world.
The People’s Art Project
A global art project transforming messages of
personal identity into works of art
The restoration work being carried out on the Pantheon is one of largest projects in Europe and the monumental self-supporting scaffolding system is a great technical feat. The Centre des Monuments Nationaux has chosen to commission contemporary artist JR to create a participatory work inspired by his INSIDE OUT project, encapsulating the humanistic and universal values embodied by the Pantheon. Over 4,000 people participated in JR’s itinerant photobooth truck, which visited eight national
monuments in France between March 5th and March 29th, to add their face to a mosaic around the drum beneath the dome of the Panthéon in Paris. JR’s installation covers the dome, the cupola, and the floor of the Pantheon. The outside artwork will be exposed throughout the construction phase which is taking place on the Pantheon’s upper parts, whereas the inside installation will remain until the day after the “Nuit Blanche”, on October 5th, 2014.
banglades dhak korai slum
THE SOULSIDE OUT The Bangladesh action is in honor of the millions of women working in the Bengali garment industry: leading the struggle for socio-economic justice in one of the world's poorest, and most densely populated countries now synonymous with sweatshops. Earlier this year, the Rana Plaza collapse killed over 1,100 workers and became the second deadliest building collapse in history, next to 9/11. The installation went up on the waterfront of Dhaka's largest slum village, Korail, on Sept. 13th, 2013. Home to over 150,000 rural-to-urban migrants attempting to move into the city and out of poverty, the houses covered with prints are actually garment workers.The eyes look up into the high rise lofts of two of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the capital, 'we're
watching you.' The message is Dignity In Industry.
MEDELLIN , COLOMBIA f ac e s i n p l a c e
DAKOTA We are the Lakota Tribe. We still exist.
"These people represent the different faces of the Tunisian society, people that agree to live with mutual respect for others."
JR exhibits freely in the streets of the world, catching the attention of people who are not typical museum visitors. In 2006, he created Portrait of a Generation, portraits of suburban "thugs" that he posted, in huge formats, in the bourgeois districts of Paris. This illegal project became "official" when the Paris City Hall wrapped its building with JR’s photos. In 2007, with Marco, he made Face 2 Face, the biggest illegal exhibition ever. JR posted huge portraits of Israelis and Palestinians face to face in eight Palestinian and Israeli cities. In 2008, he embarked on a long international trip for Women Are Heroes, in which he underlines the dignity of women who are often the targets of conflicts, and created The Wrinkles of the City. In 2010, his film Women Are Heroes was presented at Cannes. In 2011 he received the TED Prize, after which he created Inside Out, an international participatory art project that allows people worldwide to get their picture taken and paste it to support an idea and share their experience.
He has since created the Unframed project where images that exhibit the past of a neighborhood or city are interpreted and re-contextualized in present day through JR's pastings. In 2013, his film based off his project, Inside Out: The People's Art Project premiered at Tribeca FIlm Festival. Inside Out continued to grow with Photobooth trucks bringing the process directly to the streets in locations such as New York, Amsterdam, London, and Paris. As of April 2014, nearly 200,000 people from more than 112 countries have participated. In 2014, he collaborated with the New York City Ballet for their Art Series, and choreographed his own ballet based off his beginnings. As he remains anonymous and doesn’t explain his huge full-frame portraits of people making faces, JR leaves the space empty for an encounter between the subject/protagonist and the passer-by/ interpreter. That is what JR's work is about, raising questions...
In order to participate in the Inside Out Project, you need to organize a Group Action. Gather 5 or more people around a same statement, submit their portraits, we will print them as posters and send them to you so you can create and coordinate an exhibit together by pasting them in your community! The exact rules can be found in our Group Action Guidelines. Start by creating an account and we will be in touch shortly!
WHAT IS A GROUP ACTION An INSIDE OUT Group Action happens when one or more group leaders commit to leading their own independently organized project somewhere in the world. Group leader(s) choose a statement and gather a minimum of five participants to have their portraits taken with the statement as their focus. The digital images are sent to the INSIDE OUT studio, printed into 36” x 53” posters and shipped back to the group leaders who paste them in the public space of their choice.
Who Are We?
by Gregg Braden
But How Much More? “Without an understanding of who we are, and from where we came, I do not think we can truly advance.” — LOUIS LEAKEY (1903–1972), ARCHAEOLOGIST AND NATURALIST
There is a single question that lurks at the very
how we share resources such as food, water,
core of our existence.
medicine, and other necessities of life; when and
It’s the unspoken question lying beneath every
why we go to war; and what our economy is
choice we’ll ever make. It lives within every
based upon. What we believe about our past even
challenge that will ever test us, and it’s the
justi es our thinking when it comes to saving
foundation for every decision we’ll ever face. If
human life, and when we choose to end it.
God had a cosmic question “counter” to track the
In what may be the greatest irony of our
things we humans wonder about most, then I
existence, in the presence of the most advanced
have no doubt that the device would have maxed
science in the history of our world, we still haven’t
out and returned to zero so often after registering
answered this most basic question of our lives.
this question alone that even God would have lost count of how many times it’s been asked!
The question at the root of all questions—the one that has been asked countless times by countless individuals during the estimated 200,000 years that we’ve been on Earth—is simply this: Who are we?
While the question itself appears brief and simple, the way in which we answer it has implications that we simply cannot escape. It tears directly into the heart of each moment of our lives, and forms the lens that de nes the way we see ourselves in the world and the choices we make. The meaning we give to these three words
permeates the fabric of our society. It in uences
More Than Evolution,
Since the mid-19th century, scientists have been on a search to nd fossilized evidence of the succession of human ancestors linking us today with our earliest beginnings, a succession believed to exist based on the “theory of evolution.” Because of the ideas that Charles Darwin proposed a century earlier, the fossils of ancient humanlike creatures found in Africa and elsewhere throughout the world were being linked with us.
Since 1859, the scienti c discussion of human origins has centered around a notion known best as the theory of biological evolution. While countless versions of evolutionary theory have been described in countless classrooms, journals, and textbooks over the past 150 years, the general idea of evolution has remained essentially the same. In a nutshell, the theory proposes that all life, including human life, is related, and began with a common ancestor. Since that ancestor, life-forms have changed over long periods of time to become those we see today. And while Darwin’s theories do not d e s c r i b e p re c i s e l y h o w t h e common ancestor of all life came into existence, assumptions drawn from his theories imply the answer.
Darwin rst shared his ideas with the general public through the book most widely known by its popular title, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. A closer look at the 1859 publication, however, shows that the book was originally published with a longer, two-part title that gives a very di erent sense of what it intended and what it might address. Before being shortened to the familiar one we see today, the original title of Darwin’s book was On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the
The Search Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.1
With this book, Darwin planted the seeds in his time of the controversy that continues to rage throughout the modern world today. It’s the depth of the emotional response triggered by what his book implies, and the way that his ideas are interpreted, that is the root of some of the most divisive beliefs between peoples and the justi cation for some of the greatest human su ering in recorded history.
Darwin formed his evolutionary theory from rsthand observations that he made over the course of his now-famous ocean voyage that began in 1835. During this voyage, he observed a greater variety of plants and animals than had any other European scientist of his day. Much of Darwin’s theory is based upon observations that he made while studying fossils and wildlife, especially species of birds, in the Galapagos Islands. It wasn’t until his return to London that he realized that what he originally thought were specimens collected from di erent families of nches, for example, were actually variations of the same family.
The question Darwin faced was how to explain the di erences, such as beak size and shape, among nches that had developed isolated from one another on separate islands. The additional discovery of fossilized remains of creatures resembling modern-day animals, although much larger in size, added to the mystery Darwin confronted.
Using sound scienti c methods of observation, hypothesis, experiment, and analysis, Darwin applied the best methods of his day to explain what he had discovered during his historic journey. The result of his work led to his theory of evolution by natural selection.
In essence, Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection states that: •
Changes happen in a species (random mutations from the environment or reproductive errors. The members of a population that have life-supporting changes, like stronger beaks for cracking harder nuts, or camou age-like coloring for protection, have an advantage over other members of the same species that don’t share these characteristics. This portion of the theory is summarized in the term microevolution.
Over time and under changing conditions, traits possessed by individuals that ensure their survival will win out over other traits possessed by members of the same species that don’t ensure survival. Because they will survive longer, individuals with bene cial traits will produce more o spring that will also have the desirable traits. This part of Darwin’s theory is described as natural selection.
Eventually, the members of a species with the new changes mutate to the point that they can no longer breed with members of the original group. These members become a new species separate from their original ancestors. This process is called speciation.
Does the evolution that we see around us apply to human life as well? Does it explain how we’ve come to “be” as we “are” today? Is what Darwin observed as the “struggle for life” in the natural world the root of the human struggle that we see throughout the world today? These kinds of questions cut right to the core of the deepest controversies raging over the ideas about human development, the seeds of which were planted a century and a half ago.
Natural Selection
When I look at the essence of the argument that Darwin published more than a century and a half ago, along with the data that he and others have accumulated since that time, the observations themselves make perfect sense. There can be little doubt on the part of anyone with an honest and open mind that the process of evolution, in and of itself, is very real. It is a fact that we see con rmed in the fossil record of species living in the past. We see it in nature today.
But while the process of evolution is a fact in the plant and animal kingdoms, the big question is, what does it mean for us?
Objections to Darwin’s Ideas
Objections to Darwin’s Ideas
Evolution Assumption 3: Existing species may evolve into entirely new species slowly, over long periods of time.
Evolution Assumption 2: Nature doesn’t endow a species beyond what it needs to live.
Evolution Assumption 1: Life may arise spontaneously from nonliving material.
Many of the objections to Darwin’s work appear to be less about the idea of evolution itself, and more about what the theory implies and the assumptions that are drawn from it. In other words, Darwin was speculating about life processes that neither he nor anyone else had witnessed. He dispelled any doubt as to whether he personally believed that his theories applied to life beyond the plant and animal kingdom in general, and to us, speci cally.
In On the Origin of Species, he describes his sense that we, like other forms of life on Earth, are the result of evolutionary selection occurring over very long periods of time. In a single statement in the Conclusion of the book, he summarizes his ideas about how that would have occurred: “We must likewise admit that all the organic beings which have ever lived on this earth have descended from some, one primordial form.”2
Some of the objections to Darwin’s theories are based on a purely emotional aversion to the idea that we could have evolved from less sophisticated forms of life. Some are based in religious doctrine stating that humankind is special, created directly by the hand of God. And while the theory of evolution is largely embraced by the scienti c community today, the emergence of new technology has enabled discoveries in areas ranging from cell biology to genetics, leading a growing number of scientists to question whether Darwin’s theory is the complete explanation for why life—and more speci cally, human life—is the way it is.
The main concerns regarding evolution stem from three assumptions that are the keys to the theory:
A closer look at these assumptions shows, based upon what is known and validated as scienti c fact today, that accepting them in their entirety presents serious problems. Let’s take a brief look at each one.
Evolution Assumption 1: Life May Arise Spontaneously from Nonliving Material Rarely have I found it possible to use the word never when talking about a scienti c theory. But this is one of those opportunities.
It’s a scienti c fact that life has never been documented to form from any combination of stu that’s not already living. For mysterious reasons that scientists have struggled to understand for at least 300 years, it simply has not occurred.
Evolutionists often address this contradiction by suggesting that although we don’t see the spontaneous creation of life today, the conditions for such processes may have been present at some time in the past, and then been destroyed by the development of life itself. The fact is that they don’t know with certainty that this has ever happened. No one does. And that’s the problem with the assumption.
The scienti c attempt to create organic stu from a “soup” of inorganic stu in modern times inevitably brings to mind the landmark experiment of chemist and biologist Stanley Miller and Noble Prize–winning physical chemist Harold Urey at the University of Chicago in 1952.3 The initial experiment was conducted using the elements and compounds that scientists in the mid-20th century believed made up Earth’s early atmosphere (water vapor, ammonia, hydrogen, and methane) and various forms of catalysts, like simulated lightning, to trigger the simplest beginnings of life.
While no living material resulted from the experiment, the study reported that ve amino acids were present at the end. When scientists evaluated the earlier experiments in 2008, however, it was shown that there were actually 22 amino acids produced. While this sounds like encouraging support for Darwin’s ideas, the analysis also discovered that the early models of Earth’s atmosphere were not accurate.
New discoveries have revised the scienti c thinking regarding Earth’s early atmosphere. When the Miller-Urey experiment was repeated with a new chemical composition (water vapor, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen), none of the building blocks of life were produced. The absence of even a single amino acid has pretty much led to the end of this kind of thinking.
From this experiment, and others that have been performed since, there appears to be something that science simply has yet to account for—some missing ingredient in the recipe of life that has never been present in the laboratory experiments. Even when the conditions of temperature, moisture, and chemistry seem favorable for the spontaneous genesis of life, it also seems that there’s some force beyond the properties of chemistry that’s needed to breathe life into the elements of creation.
This force does not appear to be accounted for in the theories of Darwin or his disciples, or in the conventional wisdom of modern scientists. Of the three assumptions of evolutionary theory, this one appears to be the weakest, and I would not be surprised to see this part of the argument disappear from the conversation in the 21st century.
Evolution Assumption 2: Nature Doesn’t Endow a Species
Beyond What It Needs to Live
In essence, this assumption is that living things only develop the traits that give them an edge in life when they need them, and not before. These new traits provide individuals with a greater opportunity to survive and live longer and will be passed on to new generations slowly, over periods of time, through the process of natural selection. The language for this assumption is commonly that “nature never over-endows a species beyond what is needed for everyday existence.”
While this assumption is based upon Darwin’s observations and may explain the change in the beak size of nches that enables them to better crack nuts (adding to their food supply), or in the coloring of moths to match the tree bark used for camou age (protecting them against predators), the assumption breaks down when we try to apply it to humans—and speci cally to the size of our brains. Here’s why.
The increase in the brain capacity of modern humans is one of the anomalies that doesn’t t well into the template of evolutionary theory.
Simply put, our brains became larger than they needed to be faster than evolution suggests they should have. The increase in size gave early humans capabilities believed to have been beyond what would have been required by the rst of our kind (Homo sapiens), who lived on Earth 200,000 or so years ago.
This may be best illustrated through a simple table showing the proposed lineage leading to the modern humans of today. Because this sample of our supposed ancestors is based upon the tree of relationships that evolutionists generally accept, I’ll use it to show why evolutionary theory doesn’t seem to apply when it comes to the size of our brains.
The list that follows shows the most recent branches of the evolutionary tree that are believed to lead to us, and the approximate brain size for each ancestor along the way. The capacity is measured in cubic centimeters (cm3). 4
Approximate Age
Approximate Brain Capacity
Homo sapiens (Modern human)
200,000 YBP
1,450 cm3
Homo heidelbergensis
600,000 YBP
1,348 cm3
Homo habilis
2,500,000 YBP
700 cm3
Modern humans appeared about 200,000 years ago, with a brain capacity about 100 cm3 larger than our ancestors had 400,000 years earlier. Contrary to the idea of evolutionary theory, this was more than is believed to have been needed at the time, and has not changed since.
While the brain sizes are approximate, they tell a story that has direct bearing on one of the basic assumptions of evolutionary theory. It took nearly 2 million years (approximately 1.9 million years) for the brain capacity to increase from 700 cm3 to 1,348 cm3 (between H. habilis and H. heidelbergensis), a growth of 648 cm3. But it took only 400,000 years for the next increase of 102 cm3 (between our nearest known ancestor, H. heidelbergensis, and modern humans). In evolutionary terms, this most recent gain happened in the blink of an eye, and maybe more important, occurred before it is believed that we needed it.
The same brain that makes us capable of abstract thinking—which gives us the power to formulate complex mathematical equations and simulate possibilities in our minds before we choose them, as well as to create the values and beliefs currently driving the most advanced civilization in the history of the world—possesses abilities far in excess of what the rst of our kind needed to survive day by day when they appeared 200,000 years ago. According to the ideas of evolutionary theory, it shouldn’t happen this way.
“As Darwin himself stated in his theory, “Natural selection acts only by taking advantage of slight successive variations; she can never take a great and sudden leap, but must advance by short and sure, though slow steps.”5
While the size of our brains is one fact of human existence that presents a big problem for evolutionary theorists, it’s also only an aspect of a larger problem: the anatomical form of the modern human itself. Our brains haven’t changed much for the last 200,000 years, and our bodies haven’t either. We have essentially the same bodies today as fossils show that our ancestors had 200 millennia ago. The question is: Why? If evolution really applies to us as much as it does to other forms of life, then why have we remained unchanged over this period of time?
When we think of the enigma of how our brains developed, it underlines even more the powerful observation of evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould regarding fossil evidence in the geological record and the “awesome improbability of human evolution.”6
Evolution Assumption 3:Existing Species Ma Evolve into Entirely New Species Slowly, Over Long Periods of Time This third assumption of evolutionary theory states that the mutations within a group can go so far as to create an entirely new species: a form of life with DNA so di erent from the previous ones they’ve evolved from that they can no longer mate with the original population. The biggest problem with this theory is that it is based upon speculation, not fact. To the best of my knowledge, there is no documented evidence of a new species emerging from an existing one. When it comes to humans, it may be that what we see as the ability to adapt better describes what has been observed, and possibly been mistaken for evolution, than the process of evolution itself.
The indigenous tribes of the Arctic and Siberia, for example, have developed extra esh around their eyes, allowing them protection from the perpetual glare of sunlight re ected o the snow and ice that greet them outside their homes each day. While this characteristic is believed to be a direct response to their environment, it’s a change in their appearance only.
The members of these tribes have lived in, and adapted to, the harsh environment of the polar regions for at least 10,000 years. During that time, however, they have not evolved into a new species of human, and there appears to be no evidence that they will. Genetically, these people still belong to the species Homo sapiens. Their bodies have simply adjusted to the conditions of the environment that their world presents to them.
If species do, in fact, truly evolve with new DNA, rather than adapt over time, it’s reasonable to expect that somewhere in the ongoing search that began in 1859, at least one transitional form would be discovered in the fossil record. Instead, as the case of modern humans and Neanderthals illustrates, species thought to have evolved from one another over time have instead been found to have lived and died alongside one another, during the same time. The fact that Neanderthals’ DNA is so di erent from ours has placed them on a separate branch of the human evolutionary tree and left us where we were to begin with. As of this writing, there is no physical evidence of transitional species to support this assumption of evolution. This makes our descent from Neanderthal, for example, impossible.
Speaking in speci c and technical terms, paleontologist and evolutionary biologist Steven M. Stanley leaves no room to doubt the fact of this lack of transitional evidence in the fossil record. “The known fossil record,” he states, “fails to document a single example of phyletic evolution accomplishing a major morphologic transition and hence o ers no evidence that the gradualistic model can be valid.”7 While Stanley and other evolutionary biologists, such as Gould, o er new insights into why this lack of evidence may exist, the fact is that it does.
The geological record itself shows that the vast majority of species that have lived on Earth
appeared during the Cambrian explosion, a period that is to biology what the big bang is to astrophysics.
It was during the Cambrian explosion, about 540 million years ago, that “all of the eight major animal body plans in existence today, along with 27 minor ones, had emerged. And no new body plans have developed since.”8 The key idea to grasp here is that the basic elements of life on Earth appear to have emerged in a relatively brief span of time—not as the result of a slow evolutionary process over a long period.
Evolution: Does the Evidence Support the Theory? With problems in the three basic assumptions of Darwin’s theories, where does that leave us? In On the Origin of Species, Darwin himself acknowledged the lack of evidence showing one species transitioning into another:
. . . the number of intermediate varieties, which have formerly existed on the earth, [must] truly be enormous. Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such nely graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and serious objection which can be urged against my theory.9
It’s clear that there are big problems with Darwin’s evolutionary theory, especially when it’s applied to humans. After 150 years of direct questioning by some of the best minds of our time, and serious investigations conducted under the auspices of the most prestigious universities in the world, the problems haven’t gone away. These troublesome facts have led a growing number of scientists to approach the question of life’s origins from a di erent direction.
Discovering What We’re Not, To Know Who We Are
The rst “map” describing the building blocks of life was established by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953. Through their model of the DNA molecule, the door was opened for an entire science devoted to identifying people based on the genetic traits that make them who they are, and that also make them di erent from anyone else.
From eye and hair color, to gender, to predilections for certain diseases, the determinants of how our bodies look and work are stored in the blueprint of our genetic code, or DNA. Once Watson and Crick unlocked the code holding the evidence of our past, the science of matching segments of DNA to determine paternity, identify missing persons, and link perpetrators to crime scenes has become a keystone in the elds of law enforcement and forensic medicine. It has also become the foundation for one of the most successful crimesolving series in the history of television: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. In the year 1987, the same techniques used in CSI-type investigations—the results of which are accepted as evidence in the highest courts of law today—were applied to the study of human origins for only the second time in history. In 2000, researchers at the University of Glasgow Human Identi cation Centre published the results of their investigation comparing DNA from a species believed to be our ancestors to that of modern humans.10 Along with co-workers in Russia and Sweden, the scientists tested ancient DNA from an unusually well-preserved Neanderthal infant discovered in a limestone cave in northern Caucasus, at the border of Europe and Asia.
The exceptional condition of the child’s remains is a story, and a mystery, unto itself. Normally such beautifully preserved remains are found only in frozen specimens, like those found in the icy polar regions. It was this state of preservation that allowed 30,000-year-old DNA from the infant to be compared to the DNA of humans today. It was also the rst time that such
tests could be performed on a body that had already been carbon-dated. The study concluded that the possibility of a genetic link between Neanderthals and modern humans is remote.
The report suggests that modern humans were not, in fact, descended from Neanderthals.11 While in theory the science of genetic comparison should solve the mystery of our ancestry, the results are actually raising more questions regarding our evolutionary lineage and origins, and opening the door to “forbidden” territory.
The term early modern human (EMH), or anatomically modern human (AMH), has replaced Cro-Magnon as the descriptor for our closest ancestor. Scientists now believe that the physical di erences between the bodies of contemporary humans and those of EMHs are so slight that they don’t justify a separate grouping. In other words, although ancient humans didn’t necessarily behave like us, they looked like us. Or, conversely, we still look like them: our appearance hasn’t changed much since our rst ancestors appeared on Earth about 200,000 years ago. This fact has proven to be a problem for those who look to slow evolutionary changes over long periods of time to explain how we’ve come to be as we are.
In 2003, advances in DNA technology allowed for even more ambitious comparisons of ancient DNA. This time the tests compared Neanderthals and our earliest con rmed ancestors, the EMHs. The team of European scientists studied the DNA from two EMHs, one that was 23,000 years old and another that was 25,000 years old, with DNA from four Neanderthals between 29,000 and 42,000 years old. The ndings, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, stated: “Our results add to the evidence collected previously in di erent elds, making the hypothesis of a ‘Neanderthal heritage’ very unlikely.”12 In other words, the Neanderthals portrayed as the cavemen in motion pictures and cartoons are not the ancestors of EMHs. This means that we didn’t evolve from them, and they cannot be our ancestors.
The report suggests that modern humans were not, in fact, descended from Neanderthals.
The Mystery of “Fused” DNA Since the discovery of the genetic code, an additional mystery has emerged regarding the chromosomes that distinguish one species from another. Biological instructions are contained within the chromosomes for members of a species, determining things like the structure of their bones, the size of their brains, how they metabolize, and so on. Apes have 24 pairs of chromosomes, or a total of 48. Humans have 23 pairs, or a total of only 46. Although it looks like we’re “missing” an entire set of chromosomes compared to our nearest relatives, our genetic maps reveal an interesting curiosity.
A closer look at the chromosomes that appear to be absent from our gene pool shows that human chromosome 2 is remarkably similar—and actually “corresponds”—to chromosomes 12 and 13 of the chimpanzee, as if they somehow were combined (fused) into a single larger piece of DNA.13 Interestingly, this fusion occurred only in the case of humans.
I’m including the technical terminology from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (October 1991) that describes this fusion: “We conclude that the locus cloned in cosmids c8.1 and c29B is the relic of an ancient telomere-telomere fusion and marks the point at which two ancestral ape chromosomes fused to give rise to human chromosome 2.”14 (My italics.)
The two chromosomes that seem to be missing from our DNA appear to have been found, merged into a single new chromosome that is unique to us.
Additionally, there are other characteristics of human and chimp genes that look almost identical.12
How did this merging of DNA happen? Scientists simply don’t know. But the conclusion drawn from the studies opens a mysterious door that may allow us to ultimately nd the answer to t h i s q u e s t i o n . I t ’s t h e f a c t t h a t t h e s e chromosomes are fused together, and the way they’re fused, that has led scientists to conclude
that only a rare process could have given rise to such a genetic phenomenon.13 These studies are telling us that the arrangement of the DNA that makes human chromosome 2 (and us) unique is not something that we would normally expect from Darwin’s evolution through natural selection.
What could have happened in the distant past to produce such changes in the fundamental code of life? The short answer is that we don’t know. Based upon a comparison of human and primate physiology, however, there is a growing body of evidence suggesting that as Homo sapiens, we may not t neatly into a traditional tree of evolutionary steps.
New data from DNA, and the lack of fossil evidence supporting the notion of human evolution from lower primates, suggests that we may, in fact, be a species unique unto ourselves. Rather than being descendants of earlier forms of primates, this theory takes the approach that we’re separate and distinct from them. A comparison of primate and human characteristics such as bone density—and our ability to shed tears, perspire, and grow hair rather than fur— supports this theory, while fueling controversy for proponents of both creationism and evolutionary theory.
Although such ndings may ultimately raise more questions than they answer, each stage of investigation adds to what we know about ourselves and further de nes our place in the universe and in our role in creation. Additional evidence in the fossil record lends credibility to these studies, indicating that, while we may share genetic characteristics with less evolved forms of life, we’ve developed independently from them along our own genetic timeline. Ours may be a much older species than previously thought, and we may have changed very little with respect to evolution during our time here.
Clearly, for both traditional as well as emerging theories of our origin, the sources of information are incomplete, leaving interpretations open to revision as new evidence comes to light.
Embracing The Facts While modern science is designed to help us understand ourselves and our relationship to the world, many of the discoveries that tip the scales one way or another on the key issues of our time have yet to be presented in our textbooks and classrooms. They have yet to trickle down through the years-long shift in thinking that must happen before they’re accepted into the mainstream curriculum. This means that we’re placing the hopes, trust, and promise of our future in the hands of young people who are learning science based upon obsolete beliefs.
If we could bring the essence of the 20thcentury discoveries regarding ourselves and our past together, what would they tell us? What does the best science of our time con rm about who we are and who we aren’t?
The partial list that follows gives an idea where the new science appears to be headed. It is a fact that:
1. . . . the theory of living cells mutating randomly (evolving) over long periods of time does not explain the origin or complexities of human life.
2. . . . the biological link between humans and earlier humanlike life-forms in our ancestral tree is inferred and not yet proven.
3. . . . DNA studies con rm that we did not descend from Neanderthal families, as previously believed— they’re not our ancestors.
4. . . . we have changed little since the early modern humans (EMHs) appeared about 200,000 years ago.
5. . . . it’s highly unlikely that the precise fusion of DNA that makes us human
could have happened purely from natural processes of evolution.
So now that we know some of the things we’re “not,” what does the best science of our time tell us about who we are? One hundred and fty years ago, Charles Darwin proposed that we’re the end product of a 200,000-year journey: survivors of an evolutionary competition who have had to ght for our place on Earth in the past, and must continue to do so today.
Each of these ideas is based upon a false belief derived from scienti c information that, at the very least, is incomplete. In some cases, it’s just wrong (Deep Truth, 2010).
Before we can answer the question of who are we, we must honestly consider the facts that we’ve asked science to reveal. In doing so, we quickly discover how the false assumptions of the past have led us into a proverbial rut on the road of discovery, where we are spinning our wheels in our search for the answers to life’s mysteries. Life does not exist in a vacuum. We are surrounded by variables of history, culture and society that must be taken into account when it comes to making sense of why people “are” as they are today. In just the same way, the origin of human life did not occur in a vacuum. To answer the deepest questions of our origin, we’ve got to look beyond the fossils and the DNA themselves.
If we’re serious about discovering our origin, we must begin with a concerted e ort to give ourselves a truthful, honest and factual account of what happened 200,000 years ago. And to do so means we must look beyond the fossils that have been our focus for 150 years. We owe it to ourselves to draw upon every shred of credible evidence, from every possible discipline— physical, biological, genetic, archaeological and more—and to weave that evidence into an updated and revised story of our past.
If our ancestors didn’t evolve as Darwin’s theory suggests, then how did AMH (anatomically modern humans) suddenly “appear” on earth? What triggered the primate chromosomes 12 and 13 to mysteriously “fuse” into the single larger chromosome 2 that gave rise to our human traits? Was the catalyst purely a uke of nature? And if not, was a catalyst of another kind involved? If the best science of the 21st century leads to a place where the answer to this last question is “no,” then we’ll be faced with a new question to answer. And the way we answer it will have repercussions that tear into the very fabric of the scienti c, religious and spiritual traditions of the world. The answer will also hold the potential of being the one of the most powerful and unifying discoveries of our existence. The trail to the root of our origin is hot and it’s leading to a place where science, religion and our deepest heart-felt beliefs merge into a new story of us. The question is “Are we ready?” Are we ready to embrace the implications of what the best science of our time shows us? We won’t have to wait long to nd out.
5. On the Origin of Species: p. 89.
6. Stephen Jay Gould, Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1989): p. 24.
7. Steven M. Stanley, Macroevolution: Pattern and Process (San Francisco: W.M. Freeman and Co., 1979): p. 39.
8. “Explosion of Life,” The Shape of Life, PBS. Website: ife/episodes/ explosion.html.
9. On the Origin of Species: p. 151.
10. University of Glasgow, “Rare Tests on Neanderthal Infant Sheds Light on Early Human Development,” ScienceDaily (April 4, 2000). Website: http:// 2000/03/000331091126.htm.
11. Ibid.
12. Hillary Mayell, “Neandertals Not Our Ancestors, DNA Study Suggests,” National Geographic News (May 14, 2003). Website: http://
13. Yuxin Fan, Tera Newman, Elena Linardopoulou, and
Barbara J. Trask, “Gene Content and Function of the Ancestral Chromosome Fusion Site in Human Chromosome 2q13-2q14.1 and Paralogous Regions,”
1. Complete works of Darwin online: http://darwin-
Genome Research, vol. 12 (Cold Spring Harbor
Laboratory Press, 2002): pp. 1663–1672. Website:
2. Ibid: p. 246.
3. Notes describing the Miller-Urey experiment. Website: cruise_chem/Exobiology/miller.html.
14. J. W. IJdo, A. Baldini, D. C. Ward, S. T. Reeders, and R. A. Wells, “Origin of Human Chromosome 2: An Ancestral Telomere-telomere Fusion,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States
4. Compilation of hominid characteristics, including
of America, vol. 88, no. 20 (October 15, 1991): pp.
cranial capacity. Website:
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Gregg Braden Since 1986 Gregg has explored high mountain villages, remote monasteries, and forgotten texts to merge their timeless secrets with the best science of today. His discoveries are now shared in 34 languages through such paradigm-inspiring books as: The God Code, Deep Truth, and his newest, The Turning Point: Creating Resilience in a Time of Extremes.
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Thought Experimen
by Richard Tarna
Let us imagine that you are not the disenchanted mechanistic universe of conventional modern cosmology, but rather a dee Souled, subtly mysterious cosmos of great spiritual beauty and creative intelligence.
imagine that you are being approached by two different epistemologies—two suitors, as it were, who seek to know you.
To whom would you open your deepest secrets? To which approach would you be most likely to reveal your authentic
Would you open most deeply to the suitor—the epistemology, the way of knowing—who approached you as though you were essentially lacking in intelligence or purpose, as though you had no interior dimension to speak of, no spiritual capacity or value; who thus saw you as fundamentally inferior to himself (let us give the two suitors, not entirely arbitrarily, the traditional masculine gender); who related to you as though your existence were valuable primarily to the extent that he could develop and exploit your resources to satisfy his various needs; and whose motivation for knowing you was ultimately driven by a desire for increased intellectual mastery, predictive certainty, and efficient control over you for his own sel enhancement? Or would you, the cosmos, open yourself most deeply to that suitor who viewed you as being at least as intelligent and noble, as worthy a being, as permeated with mind and soul, as imbued with moral aspiration and purpose, as endowed with spiritual depths and mystery, as he? This suitor seeks to know you not that he might better exploit you but rather to unite with you and thereby bring His ultimate goal of
forth something new, a creative synthesis emerging from both of
knowledge is not
your depths. He desires to liberate that which has been hidden by
increased mastery,
the separation between knower and known. His ultimate goal of
prediction, and
knowledge is not increased mastery, prediction, and control but
control but rather a
rather a more richly responsive and empowered participation in a
more richly
c creative unfolding of new realities. He seeks an intellectual
responsive and
fulfillment that is intimately linked with imaginative vision, moral
transformation, empathic understanding, aesthetic delight. His act
participation in a co-
of knowledge is essentially an act of love and intelligence
creative unfolding of
combined, of wonder as well as discernment, of opening to a
new realities.
process of mutual discovery. To whom would you be more likely to
reveal your deepest truths?
…intellectual ful llment that is intimately linked with imaginative vision,
moral transformation, empathic understanding, aesthetic delight.
This is not to say that you, the universe, would reveal nothing to the first suitor, under the duress of his objectifying, disenchanting approach. That suitor would undoubtedly elicit, filter, and constellate a certain “reality” that he would naturally regard as authentic knowledge of the actual universe: objective knowledge, “the facts,” as compared with the subjective delusions of everyone else’s approach. But we might allow ourselves to doubt just how profound a truth, how genuinely reflective of the universe’s deeper reality, this approach might be capable of providing. Such knowledge might prove to be deeply misleading. And if this disenchanted vision were elevated to the status of being the only legitimate vision of the nature of the cosmos upheld by an entire civilization, what an incalculable loss, an impoverishment, a tragic deformation, a grief, would ultimately be suffered by both knower and known. I believe that the disenchantment of the modern universe is the direct result of a simplistic epistemology and moral posture spectacularly inadequate to the depths, complexity, and grandeur of the cosmos. To assume a priori that the entire universe is ultimately a soulless void within which our multidimensional consciousness is an anomalous accident, and that purpose, meaning, conscious intelligence, moral aspiration, and spiritual depth are solely attributes of the human being, reflects a lon invisible inflation on the part of the modern self. And heroic hubris is still indissolubly linked, as it was in ancient Greek tragedy,
to heroic fall.
What is the cure for hubristic vision? It is, perhaps, to listen—to listen more subtly, more perceptively, more deeply. Our future may well depend upon the precise extent of our willingness to expand our ways of knowing. We need a larger, truer empiricism and rationalism. The lon established epistemological strategies of the modern mind have been both relentlessly limiting and unconsciously “constructing” a world it then concludes is objective. The objectifying ascetic rationalism and empiricism that emerged during the Enlightenment served as liberating disciplines for the nascent modern reason, but they still dominate mainstream science and modern thought today in a rigidly undeveloped form. In their simplistic myopia and onesidedness, they seriously constrain our full range of perception and understanding. The disenchanting strategy can be said to have served well the purposes of its time—to differentiate the self, to empower the human subject, to liberate human experience of the world from unquestioned pre-given structures of meaning and purpose inherited from tradition and enforced by external
Our future may well depend upon the precise
authority. It provided a powerful new basis for criticism and defiance of
extent of our
established belief systems that often inhibited human autonomy. It also at
willingness to
least partly succeeded in disciplining the human tendency to project onto the
expand our ways
world subjective needs and wishes. But this differentiation and empowerment of the human being has been striven for so single mindedly as to now be hypertrophic, pathologically exaggerated. In its austere universal reductionism, the objectifying stance of the modern mind has become a kind of tyrant. The knowledge it renders is literally narro minded. Such knowledge is at once extremely potent and deeply deficient. A little knowledge may be a dangerous thing, but a massive amount of knowledge based on a limited and sel isolating set of assumptions may be very
dangerous indeed.
of knowing.
The remarkable modern capacity for differentiation and discernment that has been so painstakingly forged must be preserved, but our
challenge now is to develop and subsume that discipline in a more encompassing, more magnanimous intellectual and spiritual engagement with the mystery of the universe. Such an engagement can happen only if we open ourselves to a range of epistemologies that together provide a more multidimensionally perceptive scope of knowledge. To encounter the depths and rich complexity of the cosmos, we require ways of knowing that fully integrate the imagination, the aesthetic sensibility, moral and spiritual intuition, revelatory experience, symbolic perception, somatic and sensuous modes of understanding, empathic knowing.
Above all, we
must awaken to and overcome the great hidden anthropocentric projection that has virtually defined the modern mind: the pervasive projection of soullessness onto the cosmos by the modern self’s own will to power. Objectifying the world has given immense pragmatic power and dynamism to the modern self but at the expense of its capacity to register and respond to the world’s potential depths of meaning and purpose. Contrary to the coolly detached sel image of modern reason, subjective needs and wishes have unconsciously pervaded the disenchanted vision and reinforced its assumptions. A world of purposeless objects and random processes has served as a highly effective basis and justification for human sel aggrandizement and exploitation of a world seen as
the pervasive projection of soullessness onto
undeserving of moral concern. The disenchanted cosmos is the shadow of the modern mind in all its brilliance, power, and inflation. As we assimilate the deepening insights of our time into the nature of human knowledge, and as we discern more lucidly the intricate mutual implication of subject
the cosmos by the
and object, self and world, we must ask ourselves whether this radically
modern self’s own
disenchanted cosmology is, in the end, all that plausible. Perhaps it was
will to power.
not as truly neutral and objective as we supposed, but was in fact a reflection of historically situated evolutionary imperatives and unconscious
needs—like every other cosmology in the history of humanity.
The disenchanted cosmo is the shadow of the modern mind in all its brilliance, power, and in ation
Perhaps disenchantment is itself another form
but is now not only limiting for our cosmological
of enchantment, another highly convincing
understanding but unsustainable for our
mode of experience that has cast its spell over
the human mind and played its evolutionary role
Perhaps it is time to adopt, as a potentially more fruitful hypothesis and heuristic starting point, the second suitor’s approach to the nature of the cosmos. Humanity’s “progress of knowledge” and the “evolution of consciousness” have too often been characterized as if our task were simply to ascend a very tall cognitive ladder with graded hierarchical steps that represent successive developmental stages in which we solve increasingly challenging mental riddles, like advanced problems in a graduate exam in biochemistry or logic. But to understand life and the cosmos better, perhaps we are required to transform not only our minds but our hearts. For our whole being, body and soul, mind and spirit, is implicated. Perhaps we must go not only high and far but down and deep. Our world view and cosmology, which defines the context for everything else, is profoundly affected by the degree to which all our faculties—intellectual, imaginative, aesthetic, moral, emotional, somatic, spiritual, relational—enter the process of our knowing. How we approach “the other,” and how we approach each other, will shape everything, including our own evolving self and the cosmos in which we participate. Not only our personal lives but the very nature of the universe may demand of us now a new capacity for sel transcendence, both
How we approach “the
intellectual and moral, so that we may experience a new
other,” and how we
dimension of beauty and intelligence in the world—not a
approach each other, will
projection of our own desire for beauty and intellectual mastery,
shape everything,
but an encounter with the actual unpredictably unfolding beauty and intelligence of the whole.
including our own evolving self and the cosmos in which we participate.
This article was excerpted from Cosmos and Psyche: Intimations of a New World View, published by Viking. Copyright 2006 by
Richard Tarnas.
Archetypal Cosmology and Deep Histor Richard Tarnas is the founding director of the graduate program in Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco, where he currently teaches. Born in 1950 in Geneva, Switzerland, of American parents, he grew up in Michigan, where he received a classical Jesuit education. In 1968 he entered Harvard, where he studied Western intellectual and cultural history and depth psychology, graduating with an A.B. cum laude in 1972. For ten years he lived and worked at Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California, studying with Stanislav Grof, Joseph Campbell, Gregory Bateson, Huston Smith, and James Hillman, later serving as Esalen’s director of programs and education. He received his Ph.D. from Saybrook Institute in 1976 with a dissertation on LSD psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, and spiritual transformation. From 1980 to 1990, he wrote The Passion of the Western Mind, a narrative history of Western thought from the ancient Greek to the postmodern which became a best seller and continues to be a widely used text in universities throughout the world. In 2006, he published Cosmos and Psyche: Intimations of a New World View, which received the Book of the Year Prize from the Scienti c and Medical Network in the UK. Formerly president of the International Transpersonal Association, he is on the Board of Governors of the C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco. In addition to his teaching at CIIS, he has been a frequent lecturer at Paci ca Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara, and gives many public lectures and seminars in the U.S. and abroad.
M I N D & M AT T E R Wa v e F u n c t i o n C o l l a p s e o f Intention into Reality (As captured by our Human Neurocomputer
“Scientists use telescopes to pear into the past by observing the distance to the stars of the external universe.
microscopes reveal that the future unfolds from the internal inuverse. Every manifested reality originates on the inside and unfolds outwardly into the external world where it continues to ow further into the past.” - Don Estes
By Don Estes
TRIUNIT Reality has a triune nature where two opposing polarities are balanced and resolved by a third, associative energy. A standing structure cannot be built from two opposing poles. Only using a third pole from an equidistant point allows the structure to stand. Being in the middle leads to mediocrity.
Being able to
differentially choose between the two extremes in any given situation is preferred…consciousness becomes the third associative force between the animal and spiritual selves.
Consciousness arises as the third associated energy to balance and resolve the difference between the spiritual and animal natures
Reality consists of Things (Truth), Meanings (Beauty) and Values (Goodness
Truth is to Beauty what Beauty is to Goodness
Abracadabra “I create what I speak”
Abracadabra is derived from an ancient Aramaic language meaning “I create what I speak”. Languages are the literal transmission of light, math, vibration, ratio and logos. “in the beginning was the word and the word was good...” The power of the word itself is absolute creation”. - Josef Tyls
What magical
to you spell out?
Akashic Records We are the collective consciousness of the new energy
By Teza Zialcita
A Living Library Living libraries of life are the knowledge and information of consciousness that had been living and present in this
eld of
energy and light in your domain and multidimensions that you tap into. In a sense we are all connected to these libraries of life when we are open to this new energy that this earth had been going through. All the informations that are given to humanity is for the clearance and puri cation of the old paradigm, the gridlocks that bond the matrices of the energetic eld of our planet Earth.
We are now living in accelerated time and space, we can not keep up with the turmoils, disasters that are causing su erings to humanity and your collective consciousness is wide open to now called COMPASSIONATE WISDOM. We are the collective consciousness of the new energy that is here and will be here with the transformation and changes that are taking place in this time
of multidimensional living.
Mother Earth Open your heart, mind and body to these vortexes of energy that are welcoming you to be a participant in the elevation and evolution of human consciousness.
It’s not easy to comprehend all these informations and intelligence that you are acquiring but it will help to open your mind if you are grounding yourself to the Mother Earth’s energy by simply staying close to her creations, nature, animals, plants and living beings that are co-habitating in your space. You will know that as you increase your knowledge you are given more responsibilities in your daily undertakings but rest assure this will be guided and will be brought in an e ortless motion and ow of events.
There are list of things that are needed to take place for this new energy to ourish in your life. You have open a portal of light and higher vibration in your emotional intelligence that will be taken care of when you are ready to surrender to your new acquired information. They are given to be treasured and that you are a gift to these channels of love and light. We are not here to bring fear but to help others in their own path of enhancement in their journeys towards light.
We are going to communicate to you in your re ections, silence, meditation when your mind is completely shut o to the world and illusions of this ego. Your ego becomes the hindrance in your enlightenment. Open your heart, mind and body to these vortexes of energy that are welcoming you to be a participant in the elevation and evolution of human consciousness. We chose you to be a channel of love and light, you are a bearer of this information and knowledge that wish to convey to others within their eld of bodies that are open to the majestic and magni cent roles of their existence.
Open your eyes to the unseen and it will speak to you in your dreams and the other realities will come forth with their communications and informations ready to be revealed in this time and space. We are here and always open to you, when you call and ask. Be aware that you are
surrounded by many vibrations and protect your self energetically to other energies that wants to steal what you embody. The embodiment of this sacred teachings is owing like a river and you will come in contact to these sages, avatars, mystics who continually guards, guides and teaches in your evolution of consciousness.
The Living libraries are open and accessible to those who are called, there will be numbers of human beings that are gifted with this because they heed and play their roles in their existence. They have come to be ambassadors of light, bringing information to elevate human consciousness. We are accessible through your journeys wherever you are and whenever you allow this in your mind, body, heart and spirit. We are one in this uni ed light of space and Universal bodies. The body that you are occupying is sacred and be in tune with what is needs. Speak to your body and it will tell you where you are misaligned and balance is needed to function and serve in this light body. Don’t discount what it manifest, if there is pain, it is talking to you to listen and honor the pain where it is coming from. Support your body in the changes that are taking place to hold this light in penetrating your cellular memory to heal and be wholesome in the transformation that you are partaking.
You are only given what you can take and let go of things that are not needed or important. What’s important is that you are balance, in tune and happy. The joy that you are, carries this vibration that will help others in their path of self realization that the answers are simple to this ascension. Be still and love your body, self and the living beings that surround you. This will make the transition more fun and joy. Laugh more and share your new found self in light of this new world.
Clearing When we are aware of our blockage then we can see what lies beyond the illusions.
thoughts, we are expansive and multi-
m a n i f e s tat i o n w e w i l l
dimensional beings of light and love. We
encounter blockages or things that seem to hinder
forget who we truly are, we become attached to our illusions.
Steps in Shifting our Blockages:
us from our intentions or projects. These are the things that will come into our awareness and we can see these as our barometers to our way to success. We should pay attention to what
fear of intimacy, scarcity mentality..) Ask what is the mirror?
these things are and turn these around as
2. Ask the universe, God or your Higher
our solutions to our problems. Blockages
Self where is this coming from? What is
are seemingly problems or illusions that
the roots of this blockage?
will serve as our doors for opportunities. Blockages are signs of misaligned energy. When energy is not in alignment, we have to know that it is the ow of energy that
3. Meditate, re ect and embrace the cause of
problem. Ask what is the
works. There is a hidden resistance in our
4. Forgive yourself or others, let go and
energetic elds when we have this in our
release. Ask am I ready to let go?
realities. Awareness is the wisdom and key to manifestation. When we are aware of our blockage then we can see what lies beyond the illusions. We can then shift our perspectives and see the roots of the problem. When we are experiencing misalignment of energy, the most
5. Believe that you are being supported by a nurturing universe. Trust and faith in the divine energy.
6. Self love is the answer to fear. Courage to move forward.
common denominator is being hard on
7. Being grateful for your blessings. Fill
ourselves. As human beings, we get
the void with blessings and sharing of
accustom to our unconscious negative
your gifts to others.
beliefs, conditioning and patterns of behaviour that make us feel small. We live inside this box inside our head. We are
more than our physical and mental
1. Become aware of the blockage ( ie.
Saboteu What is your Saboteur archetypal energy in your life patterns? What is your Saboteur archetypal energy in your life patterns? This is the energy that somehow keeps repeating itself in a cycle of events or karma that eventually will keep com i ng u p u n t i l you g e t t h e spiritual lesson behind these experiences. One can only see through others
when one can see through his own self and shadow. What is the point of helping others if he himself can’t help his own self? We are one, a person will come into your space to mirror to you what you needed to learn in this lifetime. We can keep running away from this lesson but this will come back in a different form or situation. The difference between us is nothing but we are all just a space occupying this elds of perceptions and
projecting to us what we are inside. When I start seeing from my heart’s perspective, all I see and feel is love. The fear dissipates and allow light to penetrate our hearts. Releasing the pain body, allowing emotions to arise from the deepest seat of the soul Our Saboteurs are here to highlights our fear and empower us to the changes that we need to do to reconcile us to our truth. To have courage and boldness that there is more to life than all of these illusions. We are too busy analyzing what’s right or wrong that we get caught in the drama of pain and entanglement. Freedom of spirit is when you can rise up to the occasion of the drama and say this is enough. We are here to face what we have and grow from here. To open the doors of our hearts and allow our souls to blossom.
Our own saboteur is our own self, we are blind to our illusions because we identify with our ego. When we are in fear, we can not see the light, we are blinded by the truth. The truth will set us free but this takes a shift from our own ego and self destructive behaviour. Whatever that is you are adding to your authentic self just like addictions to food, drugs, sex, alcohol or anything that brings in pleasure to take away the pain of facing your truth. These are the portals that this Saboteur Archetypal energy exist between our midst. When we try to hide our truth and acts like everything is normal or pleasurable, we deny ourselves of true healing. Our pain body emotionally eats us away, we become out of tune and stays in the lower vibrational elds of emotions like negative, fear, anxiety and worry. This is not our truth, we are loved. The most painful of all the things that we do is to destroy our true essence when we put ourselves in chaotic situations. Nobody deserves to be in suffering, we can only shift when we acknowledge that we have our problems and that we have the power to choose what we want to see in our destiny
The way to our truth is to face our own shadow, release blaming others for whatever situations we
Love is precious and don’t take it for granted. If we put our thoughts in the midst of our hearts and allow this space of love we will understand why we are in this negative situation once again. Calling us to empower and live our essence. There is only love and fear, realizing that fear is not going to help us become who we are suppose to be light workers in this lifetime, we need to wake up from all illusions and be strong for our souls purpose. We are given situations to rise up and not stay in the dark, integrate the shadow, acknowledge the mistake and grow from it. We will never rise up if we keep repeating the same mistake and pattern of our own illusions. Let us light each others path to our true light then we can feel true ful llment in our true hearts desires
are in because it is always our choice to be in this disposition. When we recognized that we have the power to do so, to change and let go, we encourage change in our lives. We have to empower to shift and turn this destructive force into inner peace. Releasing attachments to whatever that is disturbing our inner peace and nally realizing that it takes one step to journey into peace. We don’t help others when we stay in a relationship that is not healthy, we become enablers of their mistakes. We can only lead them into the light and better actions when we ourselves become strong enough to leave the situations, facing fear in the face and truly forgiving others for this con ict. Forgiving our own selves for being in a chaotic relationships with others. Let go of guilt this emotion only leads to lower vibrations and the only way to transcend this is to acknowledge that you feel guilty but ready to allow love back into your space We are all going through this emotional and mental releasing and clearing of our elds as we shift vibrationally into our higher selves. Our higher selves that we are connecting needs to clear all of our hidden lower vibrations such as fear, anger, pain, sufferings, negative and destructive behaviors and many others. We are in the path of enlightenment and many are called to take this path of spiritual warrior. To be vessels of love and light, we have to be clear of all shadows and ego. To be able to hold this high vibrations of love, we become one in all our thoughts, words and deeds. We are the Akashic Records healers of this lifetime. We bring others to their true path of light workers. Don’t be discourage of the challenges that are in your elds. As we transcend this lifetime, we release all that is not of light and we radiate this true light wherever we are. Because this is our truth, to help others in their path of healing and light. We are free spirit, loving, compassionate, kind sentient beings who is in the path of oneness Blessings!
Heart Without forgiveness we are lost in the dark because we attached ourselves to the shadows of our souls.
What are these blockages from our heart chakra energy centre? These come from the energy elds and our Akashic Records. Starting from unhealed or unresolved relationships from others, past lives incarnations, DNA and family ancient lineage that we inherited. These energetic imprints produced lower emotional vibrations such as anger, shame, guilt and other unconscious conditioning or patterns of negative energy.
Our hearts store these magnifying force elds which is stronger than what our brain holds. According to the recent Scienti c research the heart, like the brain, generates a powerful electromagnetic eld.”The heart generates the largest electromagnetic eld in the body. The electrical eld as measured in an electrocardiogram (ECG) is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the brain waves recorded in an electroencephalogram (EEG).”Knowing these facts make us realize that we are more connected to this force of universal energy. With this in mind, we will unravel the mystery of the mystical journeys of our hearts.
Our hearts hold the wisdom of our souls. When we open our hearts and allow forgiveness for others, we create the magical bond of love and create oneness in our existence. Without forgiveness we are lost in the dark because we attached ourselves to the shadows of our souls. Our souls are light and it carries trillions of informations that we can tap into. These informations or knowledge turns
Our hearts hold the power house for creations, together with our alignment with the universal mind of God. When our hearts are closed or blocked we are unable to tap into the vastness and expansive selves that we are. Thus, creating a gap for our desires to come true.
into wisdom and nds home within our hearts. They are triggered when we ask questions.
When we meet others for the rst time, sometimes our hearts beat fast and act like we already know these people. It is because our hearts have consciousness and memories of our past lives, incarnations and Sacred Contracts. We are meant to meet these souls in this timeline or lifetime because we made a contract with them. Even if negative situations arise from these relationships it is still a contract. Negative situations make us learn our lessons or make us stronger and transcend our selves as human beings. This is about nding the treasures in darkness. We nd light in the darkness that make us beacons of light for others.
When we want to create, we have to start with naming what feelings do we want to feel? What makes us feel alive and vibrant? These are our compass toward our soul’s purpose and heart driven lives. When we connect and know these core feelings, our intentions for our creations become clear and free from distractions. We are being guided by our hearts and we are in the ow on the universal energy. We become co creators of our desires and we collaborate with the Source of creations.
Opening the Akashic Records help release blockages and energetic imprints from our hearts consciousness. The vibrations of the Akashic elds help us to evolve in our souls growth and ascension process. It aligns us to our highest potential and highest good of all humanity. As we heal our hearts and souls Records, we create a rippling e ect in our collective consciousness b e c a u s e o u r h e a r t s re c e i v e t h i s i n o u r electromagnetic elds. It allows others who are vibrating in lower emotional frequency to receive these codes of light and they become attune to their positive vibration.
Steps in opening your heart and Akashic Records Steps in Shifting our Heart Blockages : 1. Create a sacred space for meditation. Light a candle.
2. Open your Akashic Records and say this prayer, ” I forgive consciously or unconsciously myself for hurting others. I forgive others consciously or unconsciously for hurting me.” Feel that in your heart, put your right hand in your heart.
3. Say this release prayer ” I release any attachments, beings, entities, souls, unconscious negative beliefs, patterns, conditioning, bonding from my energy elds to go back to the Source of love and light. Let it be with love and grace.”
4. Ask questions regarding your patterns or blockages from your Akashic Records.
5. Don’t resist, judge or fear what is given.
6. These messages are for you to feel and listen. Allow this energy to ow in your body, mind, heart, soul and spirit.
7. Thank the Ascended Masters, angels or spiritual Teza Zialcita is an Akashic Records healer, teacher, spiritual writer and nurse. Author of Universal Conscious Self, a book about taking simple steps to connect to your true essence. She has the gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience. She was declared clinically dead by a medical Doctor when she was two years old, had a vivid memory of this out of body experience, and knew then that her life is bigger than this human consciousness.
Vancouver, Canad (604) 737-8858
O World Project Interview -
Ervin Laszlo The O World Project is a multi-media initiative encompassing the artistic, scientific, spiritual and social perspectives of human endeavor. The intention of O World is to celebrate the diversity of human culture and creativity,
to provoke the conscious evolution of our species, and to add another voice of inspiration for a new paradigm of global unity and community.
More Interview Here
R a n d a l Melny Randall is the Founder and
President of RPM In nity Productions Ltd., a media
production company whose mission is to create audio and visual projects
intended to inspire, expand and enlighten.
Randall is dedicated to the pursuit and dissemination of knowledge and has combined this passion with his love of
lm-making to create
socially conscious, and consciousness-provoking documentaries,
lms and multi-
media projects.
In his capacity as producer and creator of the O WORLD Project, Randall has interviewed and featured luminaries representing a myriad of human archetypes, including Nobel Prize winning Scientists, Religious/Spiritual leaders, Social Activists, Billionaire Capitalists and Politicians.
More Interview Here
Chronic Illness – Is the Imbalance in Your Mind or Your Body?
by Michelle Corey
Do toxic emotional states lead to ill health? Or does ill health contribute to a chronic state of unhappiness?
The answer is both. Our chronic negativity can make us sick, and then our poor health inspires more negativity. They reinforce each other.
“What I have observed is that many people in the consciousness movement don’t pay much attention to the physical body. They tend to throw the “Newtonian” baby out with the bath water so to speak and then wonder why all their hard work in consciousness doesn’t translate into a vibrant and
healthy physical body.”
The New Age concept that “our thoughts create our reality” contains a wisdom that is often misinterpreted. Many people have turned that wisdom into more of a New Age Guilt Trip. I see a lot of people struggle needlessly when they mistakenly blame past traumas and negative thinking alone for their chronic illness. I’ve seen thousands of clients who have spent hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars on therapies such as counseling, psychotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, bio-feedback, hypnotism, and spiritual healing with the hope of turning their health around only to see very little, if any, improvement. While these therapies can have tremendous value, they focus on the cognitive, spiritual or emotional aspect of health and typically gloss over, or worse, totally ignore the physical imbalances.
Many people ignore the negative in uence that excess ca eine, sugar, carbs, drugs (even prescription and over-the-counter drugs), and alcohol can have on our brain. These poor coping strategies disturb the clarity and peace of mind that can be the foundation of a ourishing life.
The point is: work on healing your emotions to heal your body, but also work on your body to heal your mind. Otherwise it’s like learning to dance while carrying a bowling ball: grace will be di cult to achieve.
The Cause of Chronic Illness: is Chronic Stress in All Its Forms! It only took me a couple of years of research in chronic illnesses such as autoimmune disease, heart disease and cancer before I began to see the physiological connections between chronic stress (emotional, infectious, and toxic), and chronic illness.
Needless to say, I was dumbfounded at how our medical system could be missing these connections!
We’ve all heard the saying “Stress kills,” but how many of us have really taken that message to heart? Sadly, not many of us even know what it means—that is, until we get sick, and even then most of us will try to ignore, minimize or work around our
stresses as if they don’t exist.
The Guilt Trip
“The root of all health is in the brain. The trunk of it is in emotion. The branches and leaves are the body. The flower of health blooms when all parts work together.” – KURDISH SAYING
New Age
Our Cup Runneth Over…But Not in a Good Way! The total amount of toxins your body is enduring at any given time is called your body burden. The total amount of stress you have at any given time is called your total stress load. We each have a limit to how much body burden or total stress load we can take. I explain it to my clients this way: we are each born with a cup: some of us have small cups, while others have larger ones. The amount of stress and toxins we can tolerate depends on the size of our cup. It doesn’t matter how big your cup is; there is a limit to how much it can hold before it spills over.
We all have genetic strengths and weaknesses, and each of us has a maximum limit of how much we can take before we get sick. For some, it’s the cardiovascular system that breaks down after years of chronic stress, and they might have a heart attack. For others, it’s lowered immunity, and there might be a diagnosis of cancer. For those of us with autoimmune conditions, our immune systems become confused and overwhelmed and attack our own tissues. We live in an increasingly toxic world and most of us—yes, most—are living at or just below our “maximum full” line. We are literally stressing ourselves to death, and we’re not even conscious of it. In fact, we take drugs to mask our symptoms so that we don’t have to feel how sick, tired, depressed, anxious, and unhappy we really are. We eat foods full of chemicals we can’t even pronounce, we work at jobs we hate, we watch terrifying stories on the news, and when that’s not enough we watch violent lms and TV shows for “fun.” We drink too much co ee and booze, tolerate lousy relationships, and slather on personal care products that could kill a cockroach. We clean our homes with poisons, breathe in smog and chemicals and then take prescription drugs to relieve our pain and symptoms. It’s a vicious cycle and the more stress we endure, the more unhealthy coping mechanisms we have to come up with, just to keep going!
The human body was not intended to be a hazmat dumping zone, but unfortunately that is what we have become. We are told that we should be able to “handle it,” and that if we get sick that there is something fundamentally wrong with our physiology or our genes.
The Science of Epigenetics In 2010, a paper in Science Magazine reported that while risks of developing chronic diseases are attributed to both genetic and environmental factors, 70 to 90 percent of disease risks are probably due to di erences in environments.
Your doctor might tell you that you have a genetic predisposition that led you to develop your chronic disease but the science of Epigenetics informs us that if we give our body the proper ingredients and a positive, non-toxic, inner environment, it can give us optimum health and the best expression of our unique genetic code.
My experience has shown that by removing the physical, emotional and environmental factors that underlie your condition you can get better.
The bottom line is that you have a lot of control over your health and your genetic expression!
Cup Runneth Over … B u t N o t i n a G o o d Wa y !
Do Frogs Have Bad Genes? When scientists report that a third of the world’s amphibians are dying o and becoming extinct due to toxic exposures and reduced habitats, do they blame it on the animal’s bad genes? No! In fact, as Russell A. Mittermeier, president of Conservation International (CI) says, “Amphibians are one of nature’s best indicators of overall environmental health. Their catastrophic decline serves as a warning that we are in a period of signi cant environmental degradation.”
Apparently some scientists understand that frogs are sensitive creatures, with permeable skins, that are unable to tolerate toxic chemicals. I’m not sure why the same wisdom doesn’t apply to humans.
I’m always surprised when I hear medical experts talk about “bad genes” and “genetic defects” in relation to chronic illness. It may be true that some people naturally have better detoxi cation pathways than others, but that doesn’t mean that any of us are built to tolerate the insane levels of chemicals we’re exposed to! If you live on planet earth, you have been exposed to far too many toxins, regardless of your genetics. If you have a chronic illness, chances are that you more sensitive than others and your illness serves as a huge wake up call for humanity!
Genetic testing can be an invaluable tool that can help you discover how your unique genes may be a ected by stress, poor nutrition and toxins, and can help your practitioner design a program to help you get better or avoid getting sick in the rst place. But it’s a mistake to see yourself as “genetically awed” just because you’re getting sick in our increasingly toxic world. Just like our amphibian friends, your body is designed to thrive in a healthy environment that includes clean air, clean water and clean food – don’t forget that!
Journey to Recovery The Cure for Chronic Illness Starts with Empowerment The knowledge of how to gain vibrant health is not reserved for the doctor or licensed healthcare practitioner. In fact, the wisdom resides in your own heart and the cells of your in nitely wise body. Listen to your heart. Listen to your body. Become whole.
The journey to recovery is simple, but it’s not easy. You don’t “catch” a chronic illness overnight. Reversing the process begins with going back to a time when you were well, and then creating a timeline that links life events with the appearance of symptoms. Essentially, I want to help you connect the dots between traumas, certain emotions, exposures to toxins, infections and allergic foods, and the onset of your symptoms.
All chronic illnesses are essentially caused by risk factors such as chronic stress, high carbohydrate diets, poor gastrointestinal health, nutrient deficiencies, compromised liver function, infections and toxins. We simply cannot expose ourselves over and over to these “body burdens” and expect ourselves to thrive.
Imagine every negative event, toxic exposure, poor food choice, infection and trauma as splinters that have been festering in your body and causing irritations. Your work will be to gently remove the splinters one by one and let your body heal.
The notion that chronic illnesses, such as autoimmune, heart disease and cancer, are incurable is ludicrous. The very nature of the disease process tells us that all diseases can be cured.
The body knows how to be healthy and will naturally move toward vibrant health if given what it needs, such as happy thoughts and ful lling relationships; vibrant food and proper nutrients; healthy GI and eliminatory systems; good detoxi cation pathways; and healthy environments.
The Functional Mind-Body approach I am introducing is a results-based holistic healing program that blends the sciences of functional medicine, psychology, epigenetics and nutrigenomics with the classic principles of detoxi cation and mind/body awareness. My goal is to help you to put an end to the confusion of chronic illness, drop the struggle, and step into a more powerful, healthy version of yourself.
It’s my wish that you take the Functional Mind-Body approach to heart and nd your own path to health. I believe you came here to heal yourself and to be a
source of healing for all of us.
e kinds of stre
at can a e
1. Acute stress in any form (psychological and physical) can cause a rise in the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol, which suppress T-cell activity. This is why you may catch a cold after a stressful event.
2. Chronic stress in any form can cause adrenal fatigue, which causes the hormones cortisol, adrenaline and norepinephrine to become depleted. This can allow immune system T-cells to get out of control, resulting in in ammation and an imbalance between T-cells and B-cells. 3. Chronic stress can impair methylation, which can suppress T-cell production. Impaired methylation of T-cells may be involved in the production of autoantibodies. 4. Chronic infectious stress can cause both B-cells and T-cells to be overproduced resulting in autoimmunity. 5. Gastrointestinal stress, perhaps caused by parasites, yeast or an overgrowth of bad bacteria, affects all the cells of your immune system, and disrupts the balance between T-regulator cells and Th1 and Th2 cells. 6. Food allergies and sensitivities, for instance to gluten, can cause Bcells to be overproduced, which may result in an accidental attack on healthy tissues. 7. Nutrient de ciency is a form of stress that can be at the root of an autoimmune response; for instance, selenium and iodine de ciencies have been found to cause thyroid in ammation, thus driving up the production of T-cells and B-cells. 8. Exposure to heavy metals can cause both T-cells and B-cells to be overproduced. 9. Certain medications and vaccinations can be “antigenic,” which means that the body produces antibodies to the substance, thus initiating an immune response. In some cases this can trigger an autoimmune response. 10. Literally thousands of environmental toxins from cleaning products and pesticides to dry cleaning
uids and plastics can become antigenic and trigger an autoimmune condition.
List of
Recovery A U T O I M M U N E R E C O V E RY
Michelle Corey is an Autoimmune Recovery
system and cure herself of lupus and Hashimoto’s
Expert, Medical Advocate, Certi ed Nutrition and
thyroiditis. Her functional mind-body autoimmune
Wellness Consultant and advisor to the Academy
recovery protocol has helped hundreds of others to
of Functional Medicine and Genomics, as well as
do the same.
the Functional Medicine University. She is a member of the Institute of Functional Medicine and the National Association of Healthcare Advocacy Consultants.
In her groundbreaking book The Thyroid Cure, The Functional Mind-Body Approach to Reversing Your Autoimmune Condition and Reclaiming Your Health, (Vibrant Way Press) Michelle presents conditions such as Hashimoto’s, Graves’ Disease,
protocols, diets and therapies, Michelle was able to
Lupus, Celiac, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia
identify and remove the stresses on her immune
and Chronic Fatigue.
over $100,000 testing different treatment
readers with the keys to reversing autoimmune
After over seven years of full time research and
Michelle’s posts •
Reframing the Autoimmune Process
Improve Your Methylation and Raise Your Glutathione to Heal Autoimmunity!
How to Survive the Holidays on an Autoimmune Healing Diet
Choosing Thyroid Medication for Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
Autoimmune Repair Program at a Glance
Another Perspective on the Th1 Versus Th2 Dominance Hypothesis
The Cause of Autoimmune Conditions: Chronic Stress in All Its Forms!
Make Your Health a Top Priority
Get Vibrant! Join our conversation on Facebook!
“Amazing & Informative” - Karen Elkins
You Can Cure your
Autoimmune Condition "It’s my wish that you take the Functional Mind-Body approach to heart and nd your own path to health. I believe you came here
to heal yourself and to be a source of healing for all of us.” - Michelle Core
The Thyroid Cure is the most comprehensive and wellresearched book on the topic of autoimmune disease, it’s triggers and how to heal naturally.
The Functional Mind-Body Approach is a results-based holistic healing program that blends the sciences of functional medicine, psychology, epigenetics and nutrigenomics with the classic principles of detoxi cation and mind/body awareness.
Michelle Corey, CNWC
Autoimmune Recovery Expert
Praise for “The Thyroid Cure” The Thyroid Cure is a book that not only covers every aspect of thyroid health and auto-immunity but goes way beyond. It is a guidebook for living life at our highest level physically as well as mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Michelle Corey gives us her inspiring personal story that details her health struggles and her challenging road back to health.
This book eloquently teaches us about the limitations of the current health care system and empowers us with knowledge, practical steps and resources to take back control of our lives and our health. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to improve their health and live an extraordinary life.
Dr. David Jockers, DC, MS, CSCS
Author of SuperCharge Your Brain – The Complete Guide to Radically Improve Your Mood, Memory and Mindset.
The world has a new friend. Michelle Corey has created a masterpiece on the topic of thyroid disease. Millions of people su ering with thyroid disease will appreciate her ability to bring to light the underlying root causes of this autoimmune disorder. You will nd yourself glued to the pages amazed with her insight into how to nally heal your autoimmune disease!
Ron Grisanti D.C, D.A.B.C.O., D.A.C.B.N., MS
Founder of Functional Medicine University
Autoimmunity can be reversed when the underlying burdens of allergens, microbes, toxins and stress are removed, allowing the body’s natural healing capacity to prevail. Michelle Corey’s comprehensive new book, The Thyroid Cure, is essential reading for anyone with any kind of autoimmune condition who wishes to reverse the autoimmune process and feel better fast!
Mark Hyman, MD
Author – The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet Chairman – The Institute for Functional Medicine
Chapter Sample Order Here
Your Guidebook and Personal Guru to Healing Yourself Michelle Corey presents you with the keys to reversing your autoimmune condition. The book recounts Michelle’s personal journey, healing her own autoimmune condition, and shares her extensive and passion-driven research so that you can heal yours.
Taking Time Out from Technology to Change
By Dr. Joe Dispenza
Change would seem inevitable in the Information Age.
But is it? Technological advances in the delivery of information have presented the world with countless opportunities to send and receive news tailored to the demands and desires of the recipients. The prospects appear unlimited to communicate positions, to create and mobilize communities, and to generate inspiration and motivation for new ideas. Change would seem inevitable in the Information Age. But is it? Is it possible that
our technological culture is creating an addiction to the external world and homogenized communities? Is a society committed to finding satisfaction from external stimuli prone to the comfort of conformity and less likely to seek, much less embrace, change? Let's take a look at what neuroscience and biology have to say about change.
Let's take a look at what neuroscience and biology have to say about change.
Even the vast array of actions and behaviors that we've repeatedly performed throughout our lifetime is also tattooed in the intricate folds of our gray matter.
Current neuro-scientific theory tells us that the brain is organized to reflect everything we know in our environment. The different relationships with people we have met, the variety of things we own and are familiar with, the cumulative places we have visited and have lived at different times in our lives, and the myriad of experiences we have embraced throughout our years are all configured in the soft plastic tissues of the brain. Even the vast array of actions and behaviors that we've repeatedly performed throughout our lifetime is also tattooed in the intricate folds of our gray matter. For the most part, our brain is equal to our environment.
Therefore, in our waking day, as we interact with all of the diverse stimuli in our external world, it is the environment that activates different circuits in the brain and, as a result,
For the most part, our brain is equal to our environment.
we begin to think (and react) equal to the environment. As this process occurs, our brains will then fire familiar circuits that reflect past known experiences already wired in our brain. When we associate with the external world we think in familiar automatic hardwired ways. If we believe the notion that our thoughts or our actions have anything to do with our future, how can we ever be in control of our destiny? In other words, in a normal day, as we consciously or unconsciously respond to familiar people, as we recognize the host of common things in different known places at certain predictable times, and when we experience the same conditions in our personal world, we will, more than likely, think and behave in automatic memorized ways.
We have been told that our brains are essentially hardwired with unchangeable circuitry " that we possess, or better put, are possessed by, a kind of neurorigidity that is reflected in the type of inflexible and habitual behavior we often see exhibited. The truth is that we are marvels o f f l e x i b i l i t y, a d a p t a b i l i t y a n d a neuroplasticity that allow us to reformulate and re-pattern our neural connections to produce the kind of behaviors that we want. The truth is that we have far more power to alter our own brains, our behaviors, our personalities, and ultimately our reality, than previously thought possible. How about those individuals in history that have risen above their present circumstances, stood up to the onslaught of reality as it presented itself to them, and made significant changes?
For example, the Civil Rights Movement would not have had its far-reaching effects
Therefore, even though he hadn't embraced the physical experience of freedom yet, the idea was so alive in his mind that there was a good possibility that his brain "looked like the experience already happened".
if someone like Martin Luther King, Jr., had not, despite all the evidence around him (Jim Crow laws, separate but equal accommodations, snarling attack dogs, and powerful fire hoses), believed in the possibility of another reality. Though Dr. King phrased it in his famous speech as a "dream", what he was really promoting and living was a better world where everyone was equal. How was he able to do that? Simply put in his mind, he saw, felt, heard, smelled, lived and breathed a different reality from most other people at that time. It was the power of his vision that convinced millions of his cause. The world has changed because of his ability to think and act greater than conventional beliefs. Not only did King consistently keep his dream alive in his mind, he lived his life as if his dream was already unfolding. He was uncompromising to a vision greater than his circumstances.
To change then is to think and act greater than our present circumstances. It is to think greater than our environment.
Because of the size of the human frontal lobe and our natural ability to make thought more real than anything else, this type of internal processing allows us to
become so involved in our dreams and internal representations that the brain will modify its wiring without having experienced the actual event. This means that when we can change our minds independent of environmental cues, and then steadfastly insist on an ideal with sustained concentration, the brain will be ahead of the actual external experience. In other words, the brain will look like the experience already happened. As the brain changes before the future event actually occurs, and we embrace the very circumstances that challenge our mind because there is no evidence of the particular reality we are insisting on, we will have created the appropriate circuits in place to behave equal with our intentions. Simply said, the hardware has been installed so that it can handle the challenge. When we change our mind, our brain changes and when we change our brain, our mind changes.
In other words, the brain will look like the experience already happened.
Neuroscience has proven that we can change our brains just by thinking differently. Through the concept of mental rehearsal (to repeatedly imagine performing an action in the mind or to think about something over and over again), the circuits in our brains can reorganize themselves to reflect our very intentions. People who were taught to mentally rehearse one handed finger exercises for two hours a day for five days demonstrated the same brain changes as the people who physically performed the same movements. To put this into perspective, when we are truly focused and singleminded, the brain does not know the difference between the internal world of the mind and the external environment.
The brain does not know the difference between the internal world of the mind and the external environment.
What made Dr. King unique, or any great leader for that matter that changed the course of history and the world, was that his mind and body were united to the same cause. In other words, he did not think and say one thing and then behave contrary to his intentions. His thoughts and actions were completely aligned to the same outcome. This is not a bad working definition of true leadership. When we can place our mind on a desired goal and then we discipline the body to consistently act in alignment with that end, we are now demonstrating greatness. We are literally living in the future and, even though we cannot physically experience that reality yet with our senses, the vision is so alive in our minds that the brain and the body will begin to change in order to prepare us for the new experience. In one study, men who mentally rehearsed doing bicep curls with dumbbells for a short period of time every day, showed (on the average) a 13 per cent increase in muscle size without ever touching the weights. Their bodies were changed to match their intentions.
Those chemicals that are released are called emotions.
So when the time comes to demonstrate a vision contrary to the environmental conditions at hand, it is quite possible for us to be already prepared to think and act, with a conviction that is steadfast and unwavering. In fact, the more we think about or formulate an image of our behavior in a future event, the easier it will be for us to execute a new way of being, because the mind and body are unified to that end. So what is it then that talks us out of true change? The answer is: our feelings and our emotions. Feelings and emotions are the endproducts of an experience. When we are in the midst of any experience, all of our five senses are gathering sensory data and a rush of information is sent back to the brain through those five different pathways. As this occurs, gangs of neurons will string into place and organize themselves to reflect that event. The moment that these jungles of nerve cells become patterned into networks, they fire into place and release chemicals.
So what is it then that talks us out of true change? The answer is: our feelings and our emotions.
We can remember experiences better because we can remember how they feel. For example, do you remember where you were on 9/11? You probably can clearly recall very well where we were that day at the exact time interacting with certain people, because you can remember that novel feeling that woke you up enough to pay attention to whatever was causing that unique internal change in chemistry. More than likely, it was a different feeling from one you had in a long time.
Back to the concept of change. If emotions brand experiences into long-term memory, then, when we are faced with current obstacles in our life that require thinking and acting in new ways, when we use familiar feelings as a barometer for change, we will most certainly talk ourselves out of our ideal. Think about this. Our feelings reflect the past. They are familiar to us in the sense that they have already been experienced. To change is to abandon past ways of thinking, acting and feeling so that we can move into the future with a new outcome. To change is to think (and act) greater than how we feel, to be greater than past familiar feelings that root us back to the past behaviors and attitudes. Emotions like
Emotions and feelings then are neuro-chemical memories of past events. fear, worry, frustration, sadness, greed, and self-importance are familiar feelings that, if in the midst of transformation we decide to succumb to, will surely point us in the wrong direction. Most likely, we will return to the old self, driven by those same emotions and performing the same behaviors. Can we then begin to contemplate change for ourselves? To take the time and begin to think independent of the barrage of environmental stimuli, is a skill that when properly executed, will change the brain, the mind, and the body to prepare us for the future. The art of self-reflection is dying in a technological culture that saturates us with so much information that we become addicted to the external world and we rely on the outer conditions to stimulate our own thinking. How free are we? Most are lost without the thrill of entertainment, text messaging, phone calls, and the internet. To make the time to meditate, to remind ourselves of new ways to live independent of the external world, to plan our future, to mentally rehearse the behaviors we want to change and to think about new ways of being, will surely set us apart from our predictable genetic destiny.
Emotions brand experiences.
To make the time to meditate, to remind ourselves of new ways to live independent of the external world, to plan our future, to mentally rehearse the behaviors
we want to change and to think about new ways of being, will surely set us apart from our predictable genetic destiny.
“We’re all faced with great opportunities brilliantly
disguised as impossible situations.” - Dr. Joe Dispenza
The Quantum Field responds not to what we want; it responds to who we are being. - Dr. Joe Dispenza
Tesla Energy Light’s
On the Subtle Energy Field
Subtle body mage by Chris Lovelidge
Tesla Energy Lights™ is a personal energy fueling system designed to donate electrons, recharge and permeate one's subtle energy bodies with compatible high frequency subtle energies.
"subtle energy" is unseen, it is a soft commodity like the air we breathe Because life force known as "subtle energy" is unseen, it is a soft commodity like the air we breathe, for it is necessary for all people, animals and plants to be alive. Tesla Energy Lights™ are specially formulated with very LOW voltage output so the energy can have a permeable influence of compatibility for our fragile electrical systems and soft delicate bio fields. The selected tubes we choose and their placement in the carousels are designed to deliver a full spectrum of harmonic ions emanating from our hand made proprietary noble gas crystal tubes. Heterodyning is possible by employing the yin and yang to harmonize profound shifts toward balance with our EXCLUSIVE 2 unit uni-polar system. Exposure to these frequencies can empower the user to enjoy clearer thinking, positive feelings and higher awareness by directing and interacting with balanced energies. We can now detect shifts objectively with Kirlian photography merged via computer algorithms to produce repeatable data. The energy measured on the GDV (Gas Discharge Visualization) camera reveals energy shifts in volume, symmetry and alignment for each
and every person without exception.
Dual Polarities Why 2 units instead of 1? Elementary... our nature is dual. We live in counter opposing energies much of the time and need to feed and balance both. Consider how much sense the dual polarities make as in male and female genders, left and right sides, split brain hemispheres not to mention our universal electrical systems having both a live (positive) and a ground (negative) polarities. Can you imagine what it would be like to have to live in a world with 1 gender? Which one could we do without? It would be impossible. Life simply would not not be the same, which is why The Tesla Energy Lights™ are so different than any other energy system. We have
What the Tesla Energy Lights™ provide is the
developed our unique life form system from
ability to lie down in between each polarity
inspiration, intuition and we feel with Divine guidance.
(bias) unit to enter in to one's "alpha" state. That
Our clients confirm this as they advance their lives on
is the same altered state of consciousness we
multiple levels. Many sessions supports one's
go to when we pray, meditate or dream. So
intentions that in turn promotes increased attraction to
when one is in between the Lights, one
one's goals. Many report the ability to connect in
becomes like the filament of a light bulb,
relationships with much more profound emotional
"enlightened". Our research and experience
intimacy. We invite you to view our many videos as
over the last 25 years is about creating balance.
our users are more than happy to share their
And that means less resistance, more
coherence and with less stress sometimes can be observed as supporting a positive mood. The most commonly heard response from users is
"wow", "what a power nap".
Stress Release Taking a bath in the field of Divine Love quartz crystal center tubes are energies for spiritual and heart felt connection with self and others like hearted.
Focused Meditation
Enhanced Intention
Hi-Chi quartz Crystal Tubes with exclusive Tube-in-atube” multi-gas technology expands frequencies
Dr Claude Swanson Quantum Physicist on Tesla Lights
Monks from Tibet.--The comments we have heard from their experiences on the Lights is that they can reach the state of mediation in 5 minutes what normally would take them 45 minutes to reach their state of consciousness goals.
Spiritual Experiences
The tubes are 1" in diameter by 27 to 30 inches for massive amounts of the mixed-gas soft feminine YIN energies.
Why quartz crystal tubes? They allow virtually 100% of the available
Inside each AC/DC base are 2 essential fine
frequencies whereas traditional sodium or pyrex
crystals lab created for consistency. We make
filter out a percentage of the available full
“AfterGlow”™ magnetic crystals by
spectrum of harmonic frequencies.
imbedding them with special wafer magnets to create its own closed circuit energy system. Once the crystals are charged up with chi in a Tesla session, the user now has available the energy for satellite use when away from Light sessions. This is also a great alternate way of providing energy to those who have pacemeakers. We have seen by measuring the subtle energy with the GDV camera, like values of shifts occur for people with pacemakers as if they actually had a session. This presents a great safety feature using “AfterGlow”™ crystals.
Yin Energy add calming of mind, & opens feelings of the heart.
With GDV, “Gas Discharge Visualization” GDV, “Gas Discharge Visualization” detects parasympathetic and physical energy shifts
Before and After
Solutions Center
Before After Tesla Energy Lights session
before and after
"Tesla energies
reduce suicide among Veterans" Aeron Goldheart, CHt. also brings us the latest application of how the Tesla energies are working to reverse 22 veteran suicides per day - That's (8,000 per year) more deaths than both Afghanistan and Iraq wars. Tesla is the world's best example of how to "pay it forward" for humanity with his wisdom. Tesla Energy Lights technology picks up the baton where Nikola Tesla left off by supplying a custom hand crafted, properly tuned Tesla coil system that broadcasts low voltage full spectrum yin and yang balanced harmonic frequencies resulting in the transmission absorbable bio-field plasma multi-dimensionally.
Vets & Users Speak their Truth after Light & Air Frequency Sessions
“pays it forward” Aeron Goldheart, CHt.
Through Electrophonic Imaging
Inventor Dr. Konstantin Korotkov
Measure Human Wellness
The incredible implications for energy analysis of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual conditions with applications in wellness, psychology, sound therapy, biophysics, genetics, forensic science, agriculture,
HOW DOES BIO-WELL WORK Using the powerful technology of Gas Discharge Visualization, Bio-Well illustrates the state of a person’s energy field. When a scan is taken, a high intensity electrical field stimulates emission of photons and electrons from human skin; powerful imaging technology captures photon emissions given off by each finger. The images are then mapped to various organs and systems of the body, tapping into Chinese energy meridians. The images created using the Bio-Well system are based on the notions of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This concept was first proposed by Dr. Reinhold Voll in Germany, later further developed by Dr. Peter Mandel, and then clinically verified and corrected through 18 years of clinical research by a team led by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov in St. Petersburg, Russia. Bio-Well utilizes a weak, completely painless electrical current applied to the fingertips for less than a millisecond. The body’s response to this stimulus is the formation of a variation of an “electron cloud” composed of light energy photons. The electronic “glow” of this discharge (invisible to the human eye) is captured by an optical CCD camera system and then translated into a digital computer file. The data from each test is converted to a unique “Photonic Profile”, which is compared to the database of hundreds of thousands of data records using 55 distinct parametric discriminates, and charted so that it is available for discussion and analysis. A graph of the findings is presented as a two-dimensional image. To study these images, fractal, matrix, and various algorithmic techniques are linked and analyzed.
Video How it Works
Private Readings, Group or Research Contact : Krishna Madappa Private Reading
BIOLOGY OF WELLNESS AT YOUR FINGER TIP composed of light energy photons
The EPC/GDV technique is accepted by Russian Ministry of Health as a Medical technology and certified in Europe. More than 1000 doctors, practitioners and researchers benefit from using this technology worldwide. More than 150 papers are published on GDV in over 40 different countries.
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SCIENCE TO SAGE A Door to Conscious Science
The Good Fight: David vs Goliath stories, in real life.
Click Here to View
he Good Fight, with Ben Wikler is podcast and radio show that tells David versus Goliath stories about changing the world from the behind-theslingshot point of view. We air on 1480 AM in DC every Tuesday and Friday at 3pm. The Good Fight is powered by our sponsor and partner,
The Good Fight features a mix of comedy, activism, interviews, explanations, and stories about epic ghts for justice. Our guests range from unknown grassroots activists to U.S. Senators. We cover politics, but not in the cableTV sense of "discussing issues"—we believe in the power of stories, and in the power of having fun.
News doesn’t always have to be bad. A show about people changing the world: who they are, what they're doing, and how you can get involved.
The program is produced by Ben Wikler, Zach Young, and Harum Helmy. Garlin Gilchrist II of co-hosts the Win Report. Wikler founded the show's predecessor, The Flaming Sword of Justice, with Aaron Swartz in 2012. After The Good Fight launched in November 2013, with help from founding executive producer Laurenellen McCann, it reached the #1 spot on the iTunes charts and was named one of Apple's Best Podcasts of 2013; in July 2014, The Guardian pro led the show in its Listen To This column and The Telegraph featured it in its list of "The Best Podcasts for News, Politics, and Current A airs," calling it "refreshingly anti-cynical," "expertly
produced," and "a welcome reminder that news doesn’t always have to be bad."
You can nd The Good Fight on iTunes, subscribe via RSS, or check out the show on Stitcher.
Download full report here
"This report is an absolute mustread for parents everywhere. It contains the facts about vaccines, children and immune health that the vaccine manufacturers and government health authorities don't want circulated. Whether or not you choose to vaccinate yourself or your children, you owe it to yourself
to hear both side of the story before making a decision, and this report tells you the side of the story your doctor was never taught in medical school." -Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, editor of
Flu Shot Hoax Admitted! In other words, GlaxoSmithKline confirms there is no evidence to back this flu shot.
Flu Shot Hoax Admitted u_shot_scienti c_fraud_controlled_trials.html How to prevent u season viruses from infecting you With Ebola on everybody's minds these days, the topic of disease prevention, and particularly how to avoid viral infections -- incidentally, the annual rite of " u season" is also upon us -- is surely on every survivalist's radar. But learning how best to prepare for, well, the worst poses its own set of unique challenges because, quite frankly, real solutions for disease eradication aren't exactly popular media's thing Most mainstream news outlets simply tell people to constantly wash their hands and avoid human contact, but this is hardly foolproof, nor is it practical or even necessary. Strengthening one's immune system should be the rst line of defense, and learning how to effectively prevent infection the second. The latter approach is two-pronged, meaning there are safe and effective ways to kill viruses on surfaces as well as inside your body, and knowing both is critical for long-term survival
What's in Your Vaccine? Some vaccines don’t work; others kill. An Italian court reveals another vaccine cover-up. Formerly hidden documents clearly link sudden death in children to speci c childhood vaccines
Ultraviolet C light disinfects water, sterilizes surfaces Measuring in wavelengths between 100 and 280 nanometers (nm), as de ned by the World Health Organization, ultraviolet C, or UVC (short wave), light is one effective way to rid exposed surfaces of harmful pathogens. A growing number of hospitals, which are notorious for harboring antibioticresistant "superbug" pathogens, have chosen this non-toxic method as a rst-line defense against pathogens, and you can, too The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers recognizes UV light as effective in the puri cation of water, as it destroys harmful microbes including yeast, bacteria, algae, molds, viruses and oocysts. Many water treatment facilities use UV light to control microorganisms, as it penetrates the cell walls and cytoplasmic membranes of organisms and rearranges their DNA, effectively blocking them from
Toxic! no studies!
UV robots at hospitals are already proving to be more effective than bleach at cleansing equipment and sterilizing rooms. Up to 25,000 times more powerful than natural sunlight, UV robots can be programmed to shine light on all exposed or potentially compromised surfaces, including under beds and between curtain folds. After about 10 minutes, anything living on surfaces will be rendered completely sterile "We can clean and disinfect a room (by hand) to an 85% level, but when we use the ultraviolet light we can clean that room to 99.9%," stated Dr. Ray Casciari, a pulmonary disease specialist at St. Joseph Hospital, to CNN. "This is the future of hospitals because 85% is not enough.
Silver, copper solutions prove effective against harmful pathogens The metals silver and copper are effective disease killers as well. The colloids of both metals exert an "oligodynamic effect" on microorganisms, effectively killing fungi, viruses, molds and various living cells, even at very low concentrations. Put simply, silver and copper colloids bind to the proteins of pathogens and basically deactivate them, resulting in their death Researchers from the National College of Kathmandu in Nepal described this process in a 2002 study they published, which looked at how metal ions interact with microorganisms. They wrote "The exact mechanism of this action is still unknown but some data suggest that the metal ions denature protein of the target cells by binding to reactive groups resulting in their precipitation and inactivation. The high af nity of cellular proteins for the metallic ions results in the death of the cells due to cumulative effects of the ion within the cells.
Excellent sources of manganese Nuts -- Nuts are one of the best sources of manganese for vegetarians and vegans. One 28 gram serving of hazelnuts, for instance, supplies us with 78 percent of our RDI. Pecans, macadamia nuts and walnuts also contain over 40 percent of our RDI per 28 grams. Other nuts, such as almonds, cashews and pistachios, contain fewer (but still high) concentrations of manganese Aside from their manganese content, nuts are also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, plant sterols (which are known to reduce LDL cholesterol) and L-arginine, a semi-essential amino acid that can boost cardiovascular function. Some people like to soak their nuts in water before eating them, since soaking mimics the natural germination process that occurs in nature, which helps neutralize antinutrients and activate certain enzymes
Seeds -- Seeds often contain similar nutritional pro
les to nuts, so it isn't surprising that they're also high in manganese. Pumpkin seeds seem to be the best source, containing 1.3 milligrams of the mineral (64 percent of the RDI) per 28 gram serving. Chia seeds, sesame seeds, axseeds and sun ower seeds are also excellent sources, with one 28 gram serving of each providing us with at least 30 percent of our
RDI of manganese. What about Hemp Seeds!
Seeds also tend to be rich in zinc, magnesium and bene cial plant compounds called phytosterols,. Like nuts, seeds (especially chia seeds) bene t from being soaked in water before consumption. See on the right side panel - PHYTOMUNE Beans -- Beans are one of the longest-cultivated crops and have been an important source of protein throughout the Old and New World. They are also consistently high in manganese. Half of a cup (85 grams) of lima beans and winged beans, for example, contain just over half of our RDI. Chickpeas, adzuki beans and white beans are packed with manganese as well Other excellent sources of manganese include leafy green vegetables such as spinach and kale, most dried herbs and spices (especially cloves), rice bran, garlic, blackstrap molasses and sun-dried tomatoes. Most whole foods contain small amounts of manganese, however, which is why people who eat a diet rich in organic whole foods are rarely de cient in it Vitamin C - fruits and vegetables with the highest concentrations We've all had it drilled into us: citrus fruits are the source for vitamin C. But citrus fruits aren't the only source. They aren't even the best source! The amount of vitamin C in one serving of papaya, strawberries, pineapple, bell pepper, broccoli, or Brussels sprouts exceeds the amount of vitamin C in a medium orange Many fruits are high in vitamin C. Here is a list from The World's Healthiest Foods of the fruits and vegetables with 50% or more of the daily requirement of vitamin C in each serving
Fruits Highest in Vitamin •
Papaya (one medium) - 224% (Papaya seeds can be dried and used like black pepper; makes great enzyme supplement Strawberries (one cup) - 113 Pineapple (one cup) - 105 Oranges (one medium) - 93 Kiwi - (1 - 2 in) 85% (Eat the peels! Cantaloupe (1 cup) - 78 Grapefruit (1/2) - 59
• • • • • •
What is surprising is the number of vegetables that meet the criteria.
Vegetables highest in vitamin • Bell Peppers (1 cup red or yellow) - 157% (green peppers are unripe peppers • Broccoli (1 cup) - 135 • Brussels sprouts (1 cup) - 129 • Cauli ower (1 cup) - 73 • Kale (1 cup) - 71 • Cabbage (1 cup) - 69 • Bok Choy (1 cup) - 59 • Parsley (1 cup) - 54 • Turnip greens (1 cup) - 53 • Sweet potato (1 cup) - 52 Vitamin C is needed for the immune system, but that is not its only claim to fame. Vitamin C is needed for many physiological functions. It is an anti-oxidant. It is a cofactor for eight enzymes, thereby aiding in developing and maintaining scar tissue, blood vessels, cartilage, hormonal stability, biosynthesis of neurotransmitters, and transport of fatty acids into mitochondria
Conclusio If you want to supplement your vitamin C through a natural food source, two of the best alternatives are rose hips and orange peels. A tablespoon of rose hips provides as much vitamin C as an orange. Try freezing the orange or lemons and limes and blend them in whole into your smoothies! Or salad dressings etc!
caused by healthy the u rather than the CLICK HERE issues is A formerly woman with noshot: previous medical caused by the u rather than the shot: CLICK HERE dead after receiving a u shot. The CDC says her death was The media continues to ignore the most likely cause of the recent caused by the u rather than the shot: CLICK HERE The media continues to ignore the most cause of the recent measles outbreak, viral shedding, whichlikely occurs after a child is measles outbreak, shedding, which occurs after a child is vaccinated: CLICK viral HERE The media continues to ignore the most likely cause of the recent vaccinated: CLICK HERE measles outbreak, viral shedding, which occurs after a child is Another fact the media ignores is that CDC reports reveal no vaccinated: CLICK HERE Another fact measles the media is but thatmore CDC than reports no from deaths from inignores 10 years 100reveal deaths deaths from measles in 10HERE years but more than 100 deaths from the vaccinations: CLICK Another fact the media ignores is that CDC reports reveal no the vaccinations: CLICK HERE %
Video and Article Links Video and Article A formerly healthy woman with Links no previous medical issues is A formerly woman with The no previous medical issues is dead after healthy receiving a u shot. CDC says her death was Video and Article Links dead after receiving a u shot. The CDC says her death was
Cartoon by Mike Adam
Adam Abraham In 2007 I started a radio show, Talk For Food, which gave me a reason to contact people who were doing amazing things — inventors, visionaries, doctors, scientists, healers — and talk w i t h t h e m . T h i s e x p e r i e n c e h a s profoundly impacted my life, and in turn, the lives of my subscribers, listeners, and viewers around the world.
Having always been the philosophical type, I have long enjoyed dialogue and conversation about life and its nature. It may have started after I rst learned about death as a child, and realized
Thought for Food
pretty quickly, that it scared the crap out of me. Every time the idea of death entered my mind, I’d get nervous when I imagined that fateful moment. Fortunately, the thought would pass, but it was clear to me that I need to get over that fear before the moment arrives
You can also nd me in video form on my YouTube Channel
S e e Yo u r Wo r l d t h r o u g h t h e L e n s o f Innovative Thinkers and Visionaries
Light, Fire, Water are the elements of life.
Miracles, Story,Technology & Energy