Science to Sage - Human VS Transhumanism

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John L Petersen Gregg Braden Elana KingsleyPennyFreelandKellyL.Dennis TRANSHUMANISM: A SLIPPERY SLOPE? BLURRING THE LINE BETWEEN MAN & MACHINE


TABLE OF CONTENTS Gregg Braden From Victims To Superhumans John L Petersen Human VS Transhuman Elana Freeland Engineered Transhumanism Kingsley L. Dennis Neuro-Techno Totalitarianism Penny Kelly How Plasma, Consciousness, and the Nature of Reality TRANSHUMANISM: A SLIPPERY SLOPE? BLURRING THE LINE BETWEEN MAN & MACHINE CROSSING THE LINES OF BIOLOGY, TECHNOLOGY AND EVOLUTIONEVEnt

Let Science to Sage take you on a scientifc and mystical journey where the sciences, spirituality, world philosophies, and ancient wisdom fuse. Explore with leading-edge scientists, innovative thinkers, mathematicians, mystics and artists from around the world. What sets Science to Sage apart? Our rich visual weave and imagery makes complex ideas accessible. Each edition is themed, and likened to the renaissance, we bridge disciplines so you can witnesses the interconnections of ALL things. Imagine the Creator as a scientist and his/her toolbox is the physical elements. They include water, earth, air, and fre. In modern science, they fnd form in liquids, solids, gases, and plasma. They are expressions of the same things. These elements are the building blocks of universes, from minuscule interatomic distances to the vastness of galactic arrays. ALL, including us, are made from stardust. Within this cyclical weave of elements is a connected tapestry which evolves geometry, chemistry, biology, and physics — this is our living matrix and the byproduct is the beauty we see. Rediscover the our human story. It has been hidden in plane view. Science to Sage lifted the veil.

Editor, Researcher, and Graphic Designer Karen Elkins

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Crossing the Lines of Biology, Technology and Evolution

From Victims To Superhumans

Transhumanism is a philosophy that believes we humans are a flawed form of life, incapable of correcting the emotional, biological and physical “defects” that often lead to our suffering.

And it’s because we’re born with these perceived flaws that are beyond our control that we’re thought of as vic9ms. The thinking goes, that as vic9ms, we need something to save us. In the modern world, technology is heralded as that “something.” The exponen9al rise of synthe9c and ar9ficial intelligence, nanotechnology and virtual reality is viewed as the savior that will deliver us from our suffering, disease and, ul9mately, even from death itself.

The irony that’s overlooked by transhumanis5c thinking is that the technology touted as the answer to our limita5ons, actually mimics our own inherent biology and the natural, though o:en untapped, abili5es that we’ve had since we were born. Within the advanced so: technology of our neuroplas5city, bioplas5city, gene5c plas5city and chemical signaling systems that we use on a daily basis, we already have the seemingly superhuman poten5al to do what the nanosensors, computer chips and AI algorithms are now aBemp5ng to replicate. Only we do it beBer. With an easy shi: in perspec5ve and the way we think of ourselves, new discoveries are telling us that we’re only beginning to awaken the extraordinary poten5als that reveal the deepest truths of our humanness. And as we do, the transhumanism that mimics our capabili5es, while limi5ng our imagina5on, crea5vity and emo5onal connec5ons, is recognized as a dangerous choice for the next step in human evolu5on. It’s this realiza5on that leads to our des5ny as evolved humans living the new human story.

The choices we humans have made in past centuries were limited to influencing our rela5onships with the world around us. We made the choice to burn oil as the fuel that would power our civiliza5on, for example. We chose to apply the knowledge of spliGng an atom to release its energy to building the most potent weapons of destruc5on in human history. As powerful as these discoveries, and others, have been however, their impact has been limited to changes in the external world. And this is precisely why the crossroads that we face today is both cri5cal, as well as dangerous.

1. be locked into a futuris9c society of human-machine hybrids where we’ve traded our cherished quali9es of intui9on, our life9mes of memories and the bonds of love and in9macy for the convenience of ar9ficial intelligence (AI) that gives us fast thinking responses, efficient decision-making logic, and virtual reali9es that replace genuine rela9onships and experiences. Or we will…

As you’re reading this, the policies are already being wriEen, and the technology is already being implemented, that are changing the world within us. They change us, our emo9ons, our healing abili9es and who we are as humans. The advanced technology that’s being merged with the human body today is permanently changing the way our brains func9on; it’s changing the way our immune system responds to viruses, bacteria and the contagions of the world; it’s changing the emo9onal bonds between parents, children and family members; it’s altering our ability to communicate with subtle energies emiEed from other forms of life and the higher realms of existence that physicists have revealed and confirmed; and perhaps most concerning of all, it’s changing our ability to think, feel, share emo9ons and preserve the values that we cherish as families and socie9es— the very essence of our humanness.

By the year 2030 we will have made the choice, and we’ll be well on our way to one of two kinds of society. We will either:

2. awaken to the deep truth of our untapped poten9als and, for the first 9me as a species discover what it means to be fully human. We can only make the informed choice that determines which of these paths we choose, however, if we know who we are as humans and what’s at stake. This book is wriEen to help us do precisely that and to choose wisely.

I’m making this dis9nc9on because the threat that we face today is fundamentally different. Rather than searching for a way to adapt to the world outside of us, we’re on the threshold of forever changing the world within us—the very essence of our being— and we’re doing it to ourselves by choice.

The Choice is Ours

We’ve faced tough decisions before in our collec9ve past. When the climate changed 50,000 years ago and our planet was plunged into an ice age, for example, our ancestors had to think and respond quickly. They had to adapt or die. Recognizing that the seasons had disappeared and the weather was not improving in their Northern Europe homeland, they began to migrate to find a warmer climate. They chose to adapt to the world around them. The key here is that they were searching for an environment outside of themselves that allowed them to live and thrive.

For the first time in the history … of our species we have within our grasp the technology to second guess our natural processes and redesign our biology to keep, or to eliminate, human quali9es that are some9mes thought of as messy and inefficient. The choice is ours to make and if we fail to do so, the choice will be made for us by the corpora9ons, policies and poli9cs that benefit the most from the technology. This is the part of the conversa9on that is not being shared in mainstream media, classrooms and textbooks. Through slick adver9sing and sexy marke9ng our young people are being teased with what appear to be superhuman advantages and the “benefits” of new discoveries that enhance their everyday experiences. Ul9mately this conversa9on takes us directly to the heart of the deepest ques9ons of our existence.

American inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil has a long history of successfully predic9ng where our adop9on of technology will lead, and what kind of world it will lead to. In 1990 he accurately predicted the adop9on of the internet for business and everyday households as well as the emergence of driverless cars powered by AI. In 2005 Kurzweil recognized that the human-machine merger of transhumanism was coming. He also recognized that, unless something changes in our thinking, the transi9on will be complete even sooner than many people expect. It will happen, he said, and it will be embraced in plain sight as “progress” and the next step in our evolu9on without the long-term implica9ons being made clear to the general public. “When you talk to a human in 2035” he says, “you’ll be talking to someone that’s a combina9on of biological and non-biological intelligence.” If Kurzweil is right, we have only a few years to determine our future rela9onship to technology. What sets today apart from cri9cal moments in our past is that if we make the wrong choices what we stand to lose is monumental, unprecedented and irreversible. It’s us. We stand to lose ourselves, and the unique qualities of our humanness that set us apart from other forms of life.

What Kind Of World Do We Want?

Today, Ray’s focused on his research at Google. His team is developing computer software that will bring human-like abilities to digital tools. Ray says this new era of amazing, intelligent software won’t replace humans — but it will augment + expand civilization. futurist Ray Kurzweil

We’re More Than We’ve Imagined!

Without a doubt technology is here to stay. We’ll probably never revert to a world without electricity, computers and ar9ficial intelligence, at least not by choice. And honestly, we’d probably never want to. Technology has made all of our lives easier and the necessi9es of life more convenient. We are the genera9on, however, that must now decide how the technology we’ve created is to be used, and the role it plays in our everyday lives. Ul9mately, I believe that we’ll mature into a middle ground where we use technology to support our growth and empower us in a healthy way, rather than rush to surrender our humanness to a sterile world of logic, and efficiency void of vulnerable emo9on, care and compassion. The science is clear: We’re an advanced form of life with the ability to selfheal, self-regulate, self-generate and rejuvenate every organ, each gland and all 9ssue in our bodies. As we awaken our own “so` ” technology and heart intelligence, for the first 9me in our existence we have the opportunity to know what it means to be pure human.

We withoutpotentialsuperhumanhave-tech.

The discoveries tell us we’re not the powerless vic5ms that we’ve been led to believe we are. And even more importantly, they show that we’re so much more than scien9sts have believed possible in the past. The discoveries reveal that the hi technology being promoted in our outer world actually mimics what we already do in our bodies, except we do it beEer. Once we understand the discoveries and the truth of our own seemingly-superhuman poten9als, the machines that steal away our humanness begin to look much less aErac9ve.

Recent discoveries in the neurological and bio sciences provide a direct contradiction to the mainstream narrative when it comes to who we are and the role of technology in our lives.

About Gregg Braden

Gregg Braden is a five-/me New York Times best selling author, scien/st, and visionary in the emerging paradigm bridging science, social policy, and human poten/al. From 1979 to 1991 Gregg worked as a problem solver during /mes of crisis for Fortune 500 companies, including Cisco Systems, where he became the first Technical Opera/ons Manager in 1990. He con/nues problem-solving today as his work reveals deep insights into our origin, our poten/al, and how these understandings inform the policies underlying everyday lie and the emerging world. His research resulted in the 2003 discovery of intelligent informa/on encoded into the human genome, and the 2010 applica/on of fractal /me to predict future occurrences of past events. To date Gregg’s research has led to 16 film credits and 12 award-winning books now published in over 40 languages. Gregg was a 2020 nominee for the pres/gious Templeton Prize, created b Sire John Templeton to recognize living individuals who have “harnessed the power of science to explore the deepest ques/ons of the universe and humankind’s place and purpose within www.greggbraden.comin.”



Humanity is full up against the most momentous issue to confront the species: the accelerating attempt to use technology – at every level – to fundamentally change what a human being is. VS Transhuman

By Futurist John L Petersen

This is nothing less than a multidimensional, concerted assault on the functioning of our brains, emotional systems, bodily systems, subtle energy systems, social order, economy, environment, climate and governments and nation states – all pointed at a multi-front effort to rapidly capture the ultimate control of almost all individual humans.



What Fluoride

It’s as though a very sophisticated strategy has been executed over many decades to dominate -- and then manipulate – every key component of human existence. F irst they introduced fluoride into the water to pacify the populace . . . and dumb them down. Then they captured the food supply by buying up all of the seed producers and genetically modifying the major food crops to take up glyphosate which is then transmitted through food to all humans. Increased cancer is only one proven byproducts of exposure to these pesticides and herbicides.

Wellthinking.known futurists (one who is actively orchestrating this scenario), have for years predicted that within eight years (2030), all brains would be connected to the internet cloud and we would not require the hand, eye and ear accessed devices that we do now. The interface would be nanobots too small to see but embedded throughout the brain and rest of the body – obviously communicating directly to the larger global information system.

Of course, all that’s useful if you already have captured information about almost everything that a person has said and done over the past decades . . . as the social network and tracking and search programs do. Augmented by complicit telephone and internet service providers, authorities have available more information about you than you do. Former senior social media executives say they knew more about individuals than the citizens knew about themselves!

How do you think those nanobots will be (or have been), inserted everyone’sintobrain?

Then they targeted the air we breathe, initiating a planet-wide program of repeatedly spraying the atmosphere with a witch’s brew of things like aluminum, barium and nano devices, (among far more alarming items). That has been going on for years. Presumably every human on the planet has ingested these things by the simple (and necessary), act of breathing. There are substantial reports suggesting that some of the components of the “chemtrails” respond actively and selectively to activation by satellite and terrestrial electronic systems. Apparently they have the capability to independently know where you are, what you’re doing, how you’re feeling . . . and maybe even, what you’re

You can move things along nicely by hijacking the global voting machine industry so that predetermined candidates win, and, of course, controlling the major media. It’s important that the correct message be uniformly communicated – all the time – to everyone. When the media is completely controlled, any other avenue of news transmission is far less effective. Look up the CIA’s Project Mockingbird. It also helps if you control the major funding for scientific research – like the National Science Foundation does. It simplifies the shaping of the desired narrative if you control the resources that researchers require to pursue “science.” They figure out very quickly what ideas “sell” and which ones they can get funded. Everyone jumps on the bandwagon and knows that to jump off is professional and economic suicide. They’re smart, after all. They catch on quick!

Disinformation Hijack


Who are you? That’s the point.

If you were putting something like this together, you’d naturally like to see how it works, Right? Here’s a great idea: how about trying it out on a global pandemic? That would test the system. Figure out who played along, and how well the distribution, communication, process and control systems operated. “Let’s try to see how many people we can scare enough that they’ll put our stuff into their bodies . . . and change their DNA (if they don’t die).” You’d also need to significantly weaken the bonds within families and breakup the integrity of social systems. People love each other . . . and talk to and support each other. That’s a problem if you’re trying to destroy the whole system so that you can reconstitute it in a way that eliminates personal independence. It’s control – dependence – that you’re after. A good way to break up the social system is to introduce structural instability by attacking the fundamentals, like the definition of the core operational entities (humans). Make the definition of men and women – which has endured unchanged from the beginning of time – and underpins all of our self-image -- unstable. Now western society is awash with notions that men can be women and women can be men, etc. At last count there were literally dozens of variations that were being promoted.

WorthStudiesaView Pandemic



altering drugs that eliminate our everyday reality, current smart phones and other electronic devices effectively remove the everyday conversations (and attendant personal relationships), that have always been the fabric of the human experience.

A lso, the notion that all of our history should be canceled because those in the past did not live up to the standards that a certain segment of our current society thinks is acceptable is amazingly naïve – completely discounting the changing mores and context that is the essence of our evolutionary past. There are always shortcoming associated with how we pursue our present incarnation of the human experiment . . . but humanity, on balance, has made extraordinary progress over the centuries and the path to an emergent new humanity will necessarily be built on top of our historical successes, not its shortcomings. Standard? way to discount (and suppress) humanity, is to Noeverydayfunctionspushconsumingmagnetictechnologiesintroducethataresoandthattheybasichumansocialoutofone’sexperience.differentthanmind-

Living to WHO’s

The overarching control of huge social groups has utilized the compromised information infrastructure to execute the most advanced manipulation of perspectives and awareness in history. Literally described as mass hypnosis – also called mass formation – it renders the susceptible to complete, unwitting, subservience to the messaging that is broadcast through the global communications network.

It’s a dry run for the next, more threatening (and fearful), event that is cued up. Will it be Monkey Pox, or an EMP blast that takes down the internet. Maybe it will be the aliens, inbound on a mission to obliterate human life. Take your pick.

Something will be required to keep the emergency alive.

Television was the beginning of the conditioning, capturing multiple daily hours of most people’s lives while leaving them oblivious to the subliminal messaging that was shaping interests, desires and values.

Covid “pandemic”), and even offered themselves up for genetic modifying injections that they have been convinced will protect them from a virus that has never been isolated – in a context where any research at all will make clear that there is no “pandemic” in any conventional terms.


The television (and now internet related devices), were just the beginning – the first step – towards putting in place the infrastructure to enable large-scale control of humanity. First focused on merchandising for advertisers and now more broadly encompassing politics, social values . . . and, of course, cueing up for your own genetic modification (or demise).

Having set the stage for all this with an enormous system that is vacuuming up extraordinarily detailed information about almost everyone in the developed world, it was just a short step – knowing already all about the likes, interests and perfidies of all of their potential targets – to take advantage of the extraordinary experiments and discoveries of the CIA’s MKULTRA program about how the human mind works and can be manipulated and controlled.

Transhumanism is a system of total control.


Converting paper currency over to digital money will allow the controllers to shut off or modulate the access to funds (and the resulting food, transportation, employment, information and education), to anyone who doesn’t toe the party line.

Questions would not be allowed. 1984 anyone?

Integrating these capabilities into terrestrial electronic networks (WIFI and cell systems), and satellite-based capabilities (e.g. Starlink), that can actively probe any selected individual at will and can selectively (and generally), introduce desired ideas and thoughts when deemed necessary.

Bringing all of these initiatives -- and more – together into an organized and synchronized effort to fundamentally “reset” the world is a wildly impressive task. Things like this don’t just “happen.” This is not the end product of chaos theory. These events are not the gravitation toward strange attractors. This giant undertaking is being planned and managed. There is an objective. And there is a timeline.

There is a distinct sense that the time is short – that an imperative is driving the process. On the near horizon a window is closing and the antagonists either have to rapidly capture the high ground in this assault . . . or their whole purpose – their raison d'être evaporates. Maybe it’s a big cosmic event that is headed this way. Perhaps we’re downstream of a much larger struggle that is transpiring off the planet or in other dimensions and we’re just mirroring the larger events (as above, so below). Maybe you just get one chance at something this big and complex and once you get it started you can’t really stop it.

Whatever it is, be assured that we haven’t reached the end yet. There are a handful of years to go before it is all sorted out. And what emerges from this epochal transition will certainly be a new world – no matter which decision you make.

I’d guess that it’s a natural type of transition that species (on other planets), have gone through in order to rise to the level that is necessary for their next phase of evolutionary development. Much like childbirth, this represents a major crucible event that surfaces the conditions that allow all of the participants to make the necessary big decisions about who they really are and which path they’re going to follow. Is it the technocratic road to transhumanity . . . or the evolutionary jump to a new human who is more fully in charge of the extraordinary, innate capabilities that reside within us all?


John Petersen is the founder and president of The Arlington Institute, a “think tank” committed to facilitating the transition to a new world. TAI feels that this reality is multidimensional and therefore is open to information from a wide spectrum of sources that might be able to illuminate the road ahead. TAI’s major objective is to help the emergence of a design for a new world that can be a vision that can provide direction By Futurist John L Petersen to all ventures

Coming Soon Replay November 19 December 10

All life on earth can be considered a unit, a glaze of sentience spread thinly over the crust. In toto, its field would be a hollow, invisible sphere inscribed with a tracery of all the thoughts and emotions of creatures.all O. Becker, MD, The Body Electric, 1985

- Robert

An Introduction . . .

- biologist,syntheticArkin,UCBerkeley

How far does the military doctrine of full spectrum dominance extend? All the way from the atmosphere into the living cell and its DNA, all the way into your thoughts. The theinfrastructuresyntheticconceptionoriginalofbiologywastobuildthetomakeengineeringofnewbiologicalfunctionvastlymoreefficient,predictable,transparentandsafe.


If there is a physical body, there is also a spiritual body. - St. Paul, I Corinthians 15:44 “Too Dangerous?”

From the PFN/TRAC patent that brings down jets and stops cars and controls the Internet of Things (IoT), to vaccines that install kernels so dead man switches can be flipped and pilots die in flight, a death cult is running the “dual use” technology that Smart Cities embody. Across and above America, pulsed signals streak to and fro, power lines glow, toaster ovens and electric lights and hair and clothes dryers emanate, exude, lead. Cell phone, laptop, and wireless frequencies pulse billions of times per second at low power. Human and animal bodies and brains attempt to pulse at their ancient natural frequencies, but radiation drowns out the Schumann life signal of 7.83 Hz. Neural conditions like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease) are on the increase, along with breast and testicular cancer, childhood leukemia, immune system dysfunction, Alzheimer’s, brain tumors, thyroid imbalances, headaches, difficulty concentrating, chronic fatigue, miscarriages, low sperm counts, assaults on DNA. Blood flow fluctuates with pulsing electromagnetic waves. Eyeballs have trouble moving, pupils can no longer take in much light.

“Too smart?”

It all goes back to the Cold War and when the criminal intelligence-military-industrial phalanx of power in league with the nuclear industry was hijacked by the Jet Propulsion Lab Oversight Committee whose Cal Tech chair was intelligence community superstar (according to Newsweek) U.S. Navy Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, long-time insider of the George H.W. Bush crime syndicate in alliance with Texas Big Oil and the Carlyle Group.

Still, every era has its challenges. Ours just happens to be planetary powers running world-class technologies to subvert nations and Nature and the very genetics of what it is to be human. Still, the desire for technological planetary domination is hardly new; what is new is the technology, particularly nanotechnology. In the 17th century, alchemist John Rudolf Glauber (1604-1670) envisioned: . . . the existence of a group of scholars—“men endowed with a quick and penetrating mind”—whose only task must be to develop and perfect more and more sophisticated armaments . . . war will no longer be won by brute force but by the intelligence of scholars and engineers: “Force will yield to skill, for skill often succeeds in overcoming force.” British Empire movers and shakers spent the next few centuries making sure that the masses lived by “faith alone” while the intelligentsia were indoctrinated with materialism and the maxim to live by “power alone.” Hardly anyone now can imagine (much less perceive) that human thought is not produced by the brain like sausage but is scalar and originates in holographic dimensions beyond the four (3-space and Time) we are limited by the electromagnetic spectrum to perceiving.

It is obvious to those who know what they’re looking at that the secret space program of the “breakaway civilization” is going great guns to dominate all aspects of planet Earth, including control over our Sun and its systems.

Multiple Dimensions

Plato spelled out our existential dilemma long ago in his “Allegory of the Cave,” which I chanced to read when I was nine years old. That subtle bodies interpenetrate all living physical bodies to create biofields, and that less perceptible entities share our planet’s quantum in-folded dimensions ( inorganic life? ) are truths that were consigned to mysticism and science fiction until sophisticated instruments and sensefree thinking were allowed in universities. Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle further loosened the bands constricting free thinking by postulating the existence of multiple dimensions that obeyed their own laws of consciousness. Even the microcosm of atoms, whether as particle or wave, defied exact measurement in the presence of a human consciousness. Obviously, old terms like forces, æther, angels, demons, and death needed revisiting.

Internet of bodies

Today, techno-magicians control machines that detect and read the radio frequency to gamma waves spectrum and beyond as they extend human perception and thinking into quantum dimensions. As the Earth environment was prepared for full spectrum dominance, biotechnology talents were turned to the epigenetics of creating a new species of human being, the famed free will creation that scientist Rudolf Steiner said comprised the religion of the gods. …if you penetrate through and look at the universe with a holographic system, you arrive at a different view, a different reality. And that reality can explain things that have hitherto remained unexplainable scientifically – paranormal phenomena, synchronicities, the apparently meaningful coincidence of events.

Karl H. Pribram, MD (1919-2015); quoted in The Technology of Success, ed. Susan Ford Collins, 2003

My previous two books on geoengineering studied weather engineering, chemical and electromagnetic atmospheric operations, planetary / geophysical operations, directed energy warfare operations (C4ISR), and detection / obscuration of exotic propulsion craft, along with some of the politics of control the operations serve.

Geoengineered Transhumanism: How the Environment Has Been Weaponized by Chemicals, Electromagnetics, & Nanotechnology for Synthetic Biology, the third and final book in my geoengineering trilogy, is not simply more of the same but takes a radical turn into synthetic biology.

In Part 1 (“As Above, So Below”) brings readers up to speed on what is still going on in the heavens under the chemistry and electromagnetics of geoengineering, much of whose carefully devised flotsam and jetsam fall earthward to assault all that is living through the environment they must breathe and eat from.

In Part 2 (“Surviving the Smart City”), we turn our attention to the “dual-use” technologies of surveillance, neural weapons and biowarfare operations embedded in the UN “sustainable development” Smart City restructuring of society for the impending Transhumanist transformation of Human 1.0 into the “enhanced” Human 2.0 being genetically altered from the inside out. With Part 3 (“The Transhumanist Trojan Horse”), we enter the decidedly occult precincts of eugenicsminded global elite bloodlines and secret societies that have sought for millennia the technology by which to turn the human masses into synbio (synthetic biology) golems or homunculi. From “The Magical Human Head, Brain, & ‘Second Brain’” to the genetics of the recent bold COVID-19 occult assault on the human genome, the intent being to replace the natural human body and brain (protein, carbon) with a nanoparticle silicon / polymer / graphene-based hydrogel brain-computer interface (BCI) for total artificial intelligence (AI) Cloud domination over any and all future attempts to individually develop or fine-tune free will.

Natural viruses are not the cause of diseased, imbalanced conditions, but the effect. Not so with engineered synthetic viruses. The only way a natural virus can be transmitted is not by contagion but by injection; synthetic viruses, on the other hand, can be triggered by means of 5G (60 GHz) millimeter / tetrahertz waves.

What 5G Really Means Barrie Trower is a former Royal Navy Microwave Weapons Expert

Planetarily, exotic weapons system that serves the secret space program whose sights are set on Earth and space domination. While the slow-to-awaken Child of Man is the embattled protagonist of this book, the central Faustian antagonist is actually the quantum subatomic world of nanotechnology, populated at this point by natural and synthetic smart dust, bacteria, viruses, nano-sensors, microprocessors, all being inhaled and ingested and implanted in weaponized and genetically engineered forms—like the earlier Morgellons “intelligence agents” now being supplanted by gene therapies loaded with graphene-based hydrogel (GBH) and quantum dots—all working in concert with chemical synergies triggered by 5G / 6G transmitters. From the heat pyrolysis of jets to our ionized plasma atmosphere, nanobots are in sync with RF and microwave pulses calibrated and recalibrated for exact pulsing between sky-based satellites, ISS, and geostationary battlespaces, all the way down to ground-based towers, OTH radar units, NexRads, wind farms, fracking liners, utilities, smart meters, 5G / IoT, radio telescopes, particle accelerators like CERN, and inevitably into our bodies and brains. Is this simply the latest bid for world power by cunning, wealthy technocrats bent on milking human societies for profits and subjecting them to a genetic “shortcut” for space travel and an irradiated AI-run civilization? No, this bid is far more nefarious, as these genetic shortcuts change entire lineages forever and impact individual subtle bodies and souls / psyches. The COVID-19 power play is about supplanting the natural genomes already machine.

The new and improved version for Human 2.0 bodies and brains is a magnetic smart dust made up of magnetic, amphiphilic (polar and nonpolar) particles encasing droplets of organic and aqueous (water-based) solvents, which in the presence of an external magnetic field, move. The magnetic smart dust contains a semiconductor laser diode and MEMS beam-steering mirror for active optical transmission; a MEMS corner cube retro reflector for passive optical transmission; an optical receiver, signal processing and control circuitry; and a power source based on thick-film batteries and solar cells. It falls from the sky like glitter, tracks movement, money, biometrics, temperature, chemical composition / signatures, etc. Magnetic dust-coated droplets are best distributed by aerosol electrospray in magnetic fields because a larger number of nanoparticles (and droplets) is assured for manipulation.

Once something is described as “smart,” we know it is synthetic and has undergone gain of function patent manipulation.

Define evil simply as deep hatred for the human being and all of life, and it is not difficult to see how the struggle between biophilia and necrophilia (psychoanalyst Erich Fromm’s paradigm) is right now at a fever pitch as we face what may be the ultimate challenge for all of humanity.

The sheer scale of massive corporate entities (Egregores) at every level of governance, media, and society colluding with controlled government bureaucrats to dominate every level of society and individual free will by means of technology and fear, is simply too great to fathom, much less fathoming the prospect of organized evil. In Appendices 1 and 13, “Invisible Mindsets” and “Movers and Shakers” respectively, this problem is examined.Inthe 19th century, the poet William Wordsworth (1770-1850) sagely wrote, The Child is Father of the Man. Destroy the child, and you destroy the human being. Destroy enough children’s souls, and the future of human consciousness is doomed.

Once you have read and grasped how this has been done, you will be ready to consider what it takes to remain human in an Earth period populated by artificial life, intelligent machines, hybrids, synths, clones, and nano robots everywhere outside in society and inside our bodies and brains. Yes, programmed tiny machines with a swarm hive mind consciousness have been implanted in us.

Millions have now been inoculated with a “gene therapy” that implants into the natural human genome both software and a weaponized Spike protein while “5G flu” is sold to the public as a pandemic. In the Smart City environment that has been epigenetically prepared by chemicals, electromagnetics, and nanotechnology for AI control, natural human health, physical and mental, is at an all-time low, as the ancient immune system struggles with what has been intentionally bioengineered to weaken and sneak around it for Transhumanist synbio transformation.

At this point, we must admit that world events have spun into the precincts of evil disguised as technological achievement. It is difficult for the majority of humanity to imagine both the mindset and the means that seek to control all of life for eugenic and planetary goals.

Remain Human

We cannot solve such problems with the same thinking that created them. Ruminate on this sage insight as you read and finally arrive at the Conclusion …”

Elana Freeland is a writer, ghostwriter, teacher and lecturer who researches and writes on Deep State issues like geoengineering, MKULTRA, ritual abuse, targeting and invasive electromagnetic weapons. She is best known for her geoengineering trilogy Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth (Feral House, June 2014), Under An Ionized Sky: From Chemtrails to Space Fence Lockdown (Feral House, February 2018), and now forElectromagnetism,HasTranshumanism:GeoengineeredHowtheEnvironmentBeenWeaponizedbyChemicals,&NanotechnologySyntheticBiology (October 2021). Under An Ionized Sky has been translated into Serbian and is recommended at a Technical University in Serbia, Nikola Tesla's home nation; to date, it is the only book available to the public about how Tesla technology has been weaponized on a planetary scale. Elana came of age in the eye of the Sixties maelstrom. Her 4book series Sub Rosa America: A Deep State History exposes the hidden history of America since President John F. Kennedy's televised assassination. Her second major during her undergraduate days was biology. Later, she earned a Master of Arts degree from St. John’s College in Santa Fe, New Mexico concentrating on historiography, and her thesis was awarded honors. Her website : Her daily post : one Facebook site left, EMF Planetary Engineering, plus Groups (“Geoengineered Transhumanism with Elana Freeland”). See her also at Twitter, Odysee and Bitchute. Color edition of Geoengineered Transhumanism: product/geoengineeredtranshumanism/ The War of the Worlds, he imagined creatures from outer space attacking humanity using advanced technology. Humanity is finally saved by our most basic of life forms, the bacteria which co-inhabit this planet. But what if, instead of humanity, the tiniest of life forms DNA, mitochondria and all the numerous cells which inhabit this planet came under attack. This alarming scenario is actually in fact exactly what is happening with the use of Nano-technology. There is profound loss of biodiversity on this planet, and most of us had been too busy to notice that this is absolutely deliberate.


Metaphysics, physics, and myth intermingle\ at quantum junctures. Is it, then, just coincidence that our bodies are composed of 70 percent water, and water molecule electrons are made to rotate by the WiFi frequency of 2.4 GHz (2450 MHz), the frequency of microwave ovens and 4G iPhones, to force a dielectric loss of water? WiFi initiated the assault on our bodies via water, and now 5G, “the new Wi-Gig,” is initiating the assault on our oxygen.





See my previous book Hijacking Reality: The Reprogramming & Reorganization of Human Life (2021)

Humanity is presently undergoing a transition from one consensus reality into a newly reprogrammed one. There is an organized, global project to manipulate and force this emerging ‘reality narrative’ into a scenario that supports a particular agenda of control and power. And the danger here is that this power agenda appears to be co-opting a path of transhumanism for its goals.

AShortTranshumanistSummary Neuro-Techno Totalitarianism

By Kingsley L. Dennis

Transhumanism is not only a bodily experience but also a socio-cultural one as it will redesign and reprogram our current social and cultural systems and institutions.

What we may be witnessing is a dangerous shift from the homo sapiens to the robosapien.

The human nervous system, and not only the mind, will be impacted from these changes. Those who support, and are presenting this techno-narrative, will use this as a push for transhumanism, calling it a necessary step forward in humanity’s evolutionary biological mutation. Such a physical mutation will inevitably cause a cognitive one too. Most people are already subjected to a relentless and ongoing controlled cognitive mutation through the manipulated mainstream media with its propaganda and propagation of authoritative narratives. What we are now seeing is a merging of social consciousness with techno-evolution that is supported by regimes of biopower, biosecurity, and biocapitalism. This ‘new modernity’ is attempting to instigate a revolutionary disciplining of the physical ‘subject body.’


The consensus reality that is emerging is going to present to the modernizing world a modified psychological dimension. There will be a concerted effort, which has already begun, to get the majority of people believing in the main, dominant narrative – a narrative of digital acceleration and increased technologized social control. It is not only an external program but also a form of psycho-power that aims to persuade and manage how people think. That is, not only a potential path of techno-totalitarianism but of a neuro-techno totalitarianism.


World Economic Forum

The global power agendas now arising (as part of the Fourth Industrial Revolution) are intent on eradicating existing geographical categories and definitions so that we may soon find ourselves belonging more to an ‘unreal digital-physical machine’ of programmed and automated codes of algorithmic conduct rather than a human-centric habitat. This mutation of the global-urban environment into ‘technological-complexes’ is occurring at a pace more rapid than any previous social-cultural transition. It is changing faster than human cultural habits and social conditionings are accustomed to; and for many people, it is stressing them to the max. We need to recognize that our experiences of the world are going to be increasingly altered by technology as new forms of regulation, surveillance, and psycho-power emerge to form the hybrid of neurotechno totalitarianism. This hybrid results from three consecutive steps that can be described as comprising i) the permanent connective wiring of interactions between humans; ii) the replacement of living experience; and iii) the insertion of techno-devices and enhancement of neural programming.


The third step – the insertion of techno-devices and enhancement of neural programming – moves away from the cognitive-psychological focus of the previous two steps and enters the terrain of hardware. It refers to the manipulation of neural systems through devices, prostheses, modifiers, and enhancers. Neural manipulation through biological, chemical, or technological intervention is already a growing area for exploration and experimentation. Several well-funded neurotechnology companies are already developing implantable brain-machine interfaces (BMIs); most notably is the Neuralink Corporation that was co-founded by tech-entrepreneur Elon Musk in 2016. Such explorations suggest acting upon brain neuroplasticity to create and reshape neuro-synaptic pathways. It opens the way for a huge intervention from biocapitalism –as well as authoritarian bodies – to enact psycho-sabotage or subversion through neuro-dominance.

Replace lived experience Interactions between Manipulate neurosystems

The first step – the permanent connective wiring of interactions between humans – forms the medium for the socio-cognitive mutation. The mobile/cellular phone, in particular, has created a global infrastructure that has opened the way for a pervasive interconnectivity of interactions. The individuality of personal lives is being collectivized and subsumed into a form of commercial singularity (e.g., the rise of the ‘influencers’). Social communication is becoming subsumed into the ‘electronic swarm.’

The second step – the replacement of living experience – relates to the notion of hyperreality and of simulation. It regards the replacement of current lived experience with the simulations of standardized and automated stimulus. This can also be seen occurring through the advancement of automations, augmented-reality (AR), and the emerging Metaverse. There is already an increasing acceptance of the ‘replacement’ of the lived experience.

To summarize, the social mind has been struggling against its own lobotomy. People have been programmed into a mode of compliance and conditioned to be dismissive of alternative ideas that go against the mainstream status quo. In this, we are being prepared to mimic the automation of the coming machinic assemblage of neurotechno totalitarianism. And yet, at the same time, and within the very same processes, there is concurrently the potential for neuroemancipation and conscious evolution.

KINGSLEY L. DENNIS, PhD, is a full-time writer and researcher. He previously worked in the Sociology Department at Lancaster University, UK. Kingsley is the author of numerous articles on social futures; technology and new media communications; global affairs; and conscious evolution. He is the author of over twenty books including UNIFIED: Cosmos, Life, Purpose; Hijacking Reality; Healing the Wounded Mind; The Modern Seeker; Bardo Times; Breaking the Spell; New Consciousness for a New World, and the celebrated Dawn of the Akashic Age (with Ervin Laszlo). Kingsley also runs his own publishing imprint, Beautiful Traitor www.kingsleydennis.comwww.beautifultraitorbooks.comBooks.

Kingsley L. Summarize


Very Short Course

Whether understanding is complete or accurate is not as important as the fact that they grasp what they can and build their reality in accordance with what they know and believe is possible.

By Penny Kely

We live in an electric universe and each human is a tiny, individualized location of unique plasmas in an ocean of plasma . You are an electric universe! Plasma Fields of Energy EarthSky

“From the smallest particle to the largest galactic formation, a web of circuitryelectricalconnects and unifies all of nature… We live in an electric -universe.”Wallace Thornhill Space OceanBrain NoEthericArtificial

The placement and spacing of the particles will be based on the charge associated with each particle and the lines of magnetic forces surrounding them. Move one and they all adjust.

Whenever you have a current of electricity, a magnetic field will form around the current at right angles to the direction the electrons are moving.

The more pushing there is, the farther and faster they go. The farther and faster they go, the greater the voltage. Voltage is electrical pressure.

A Very Short Course in Electricity and Magnetism

When electrons move along a path, you get a current of electricity.

Plasma is a magnetic field that holds various kinds of particles in it.

Moving electrons may or may not go very far, but like kids lined up to go out to the playground, they end up jostling and bumping into one another.

If you disturb the particles. they will tend to go back to where they were because they are in specific electromagnetic relationships with one another.

Mind/Space – Mind is the awareness property of space. Space is the location aspect of Mind. It is silent and still.

– A Pattern is a group of particles working together. Intent is the maintenance aspect of a Pattern and is composed of the unique combination of Mind, Consciousness & Intelligence embedded in the pattern


– The next transition is to particles and intelligent communication. A particle is the form communicating, and intelligent communication broadcasts information about the particle.


Plasma – Think of plasma as the combination of waves of energy (consciousness) that congeal into particles (intelligence) then arrange themselves into patterns (intent) that then become physical “stuff.”

These 5 stages are the transitions that occur as the immaterial Source moves toward becoming the plasma that is used to create a human being, a cat, cow, ocean, tree, fish, beetle, continent, or any other material “stuff.”


A Very Short Course in Metaphysics:

– When Mind/Space starts moving, it transitions to become Consciousness/Energy. This transition is a change to motion and feeling. Consciousness is the feeling aspect of Energy. Energy is the motion of Consciousness.

The Source – silent, still, blissful, containing only pinpoints of light, known in ancient times as The Void, The I AM, and more recently as God. Motion begins. Mind/Space starts moving, vibrating.The big mystery – what starts the motion?

Very Short Course Mind/Space Very Short Course Consciousness/Energy Very Short Course How is Matter Created?

Mass appears – particles take shape and become aware of one another

Very Short Course Intelligence/Particle

Very Short Course Intent/Pattern

Motion begins. Mind/Space starts moving, vibrating.The big mystery – what starts the motion?

Very Short Course What starts the motion?

Very Short Course Plasma …

Plasma…groups of frequencies, fields, and particles that arrange and refine themselves, establishing boundaries, communication signals, and the preliminary functions necessary to become a 3-dimensional physical being!

Plasma moving as local Very Short Course becomePlasmacanveryintricate

Plasma in Action! – frequently forms pairs of counter-rotating vortices Plasma creating a crop circle: 2 plasma vortices, each containing microwaves, electric fields, ionized gases, magnetic fields, and thermogradients – all interacting with the Earth’s electric and magnetic fields! Very Short Course Spirals are VERY Common

Very Short Course exceeding that of matter in gaseous, liquid, or solid states. It has a tendency to form into cellular and filamentary structures. Electric Universe

Very Short Course in Tessellation:

Particles can also arrange themselves round the hollow bubble-areas creating tessellated patterns.

Chocolate Very Short Course Coffee

will have plasma formation. The first set of conclusions you can draw from all of the above: Where you have motion you will have currents ◦Where you have currents, you will have magnetic fields.


- Keshe


You and I are collections of currents, magnetic fields, and Becauseplasma. we are made of plasma, we are self-organizing, self-repairing, and self-directed by virtue of the capacities of Mind, versionmakeshavingSinceattributeandConsciousness,TheintelligenceWeembeddedIntelligenceConsciousness,andIntentintheplasma.tendtothinkofunseenandpowerasGod.actionsofMind,Intelligence,IntentarewhatwetoGod.wearemadeofplasmathesecapacities,thiseachofusauniqueofGod-stuff!

second set of conclusions you can draw from all of the above:

Currents Portals for Electric things from the tiniest microbe to the biggest galaxy are collections of currents, their magnetic fields, and plasma formation plasma is a magnetic field or group of fields holding particles in specifically arranged relationships that produce specific kinds of matter and their characteristics. is a of fields.”


. A


Let’s go a little deeper into plasma to look at the phenomenon of binaural frequencies.

Let’s go a liEle deeper into plasma to look at the phenomenon of binaural frequencies.

Very Short Course

Let’s put this information about beat frequencies into action. We all begin as plasma when two different frequency signatures interact: that of an ovum and a sperm. The result is a set of beat frequencies – let’s call them binaural frequencies – that then begin to interact. The interaction of these binaural frequencies with some of the original or adjacent frequencies produces a further set of beat frequencies called trinaural frequencies…that then interact to produce quadnaural frequencies and so on,

You can now begin to understand the value of learning how to read and manage the frequencies, fields, and plasma that make up the surrounding world! #2



• Because each transition of Source (Mind/Space) toward becoming physical matter retains the capacities of the previous state. Mind-space holds awareness of existence. Conscious-energy is aware of existence and can feel. Intelligent-particles are aware of their existence and can feel and will communicate.



We can also see the importance of Levengood’s research. Levengood’s research demonstrated that “plasma responds directly to consciousness,” individual, as well as mass consciousness. Why does plasma respond to consciousness?

Once you understand that your body is a “house of fields” and that plasma responds directly to consciousness, you can begin to see the value of learning to manage your own consciousness!

• Patterns are able to do all of the above, as well as maintain themselves through intent Everything is alive and aware! #1

W.C. Levengood me say it again…Human beings, plants, animals, fish, trees, rocks and all things in existence are a collection of particles held in place by plasmas created by the complex interactions of frequencies that produce binaural, trinaural,

Levengood discovered that the human being was a set of plasmas, with each organ and type of tissue having its own frequency

• In the future, the ability to restore individual frequency signatures will allow us to bring someone “back to life.”

• Feeling – the ability to differentiate between motion and stillness

• The understanding that the human is an electric universe explains many things… When a frequency is missing, or you have extra frequencies courtesy of bacteria or parasites, important biological and chemical reactions may not occur or may occur only partially. When your frequencies get “out of tune,” you will not feel well.

• Touch – the ability to sense mass even when blindfolded and to shape or produce materials using frequencies

•signature.There are many different kinds of matter that make up the body: skin, hair, heart, muscle, bone, liver, kidney, lung, pancreas, stomach, teeth, fascia, eye, fingernail, brain, glands, fluids, colon, spleen, nerves, valves, and more.

• Healing is based on the ability to reset your frequencies to their original rates.

• The total set of frequencies in an individual is called their “frequency signature.” The signature of each individual is unique.

• Each of these types of matter is the result of a unique plasma, which is a unique arrangement of frequencies, fields, and their particles.

• Walking, running, and other forms of motion – the ability to maintain upright balance in the presence of many pressing magnetic fields

• Consciousness of physical presence – the ability to maintain one’s frequencies

Very Short Course Everything is alive and listening!

• Smell – the ability to sense the frequency of various chemicals

Everything about the human energy system is based on frequencies…

• When your frequencies get seriously out of tune, you will age.

• Vision – the ability to sense light waves Hearing – the ability to sense sound waves

• Taste – the ability to differentiate between the frequency of a strawberry and a steak

• Sexual experience – the ability to retune one’s frequencies

• When enough of your frequencies die out, so will you.

Reverse the aging process in a plant, animal, or human


Erase tumors, stimulate the natural rebuilding of missing arms and legs, change the mindset or consciousness of an individual, find an individual signature of someone anywhere in space and time.

• Develop sources of free energy that are not based on fossil fuels and that can be tapped directly from the space around us, thus making space travel a reality because we won’t have to carry fuel for the journey.

Very Short Course

Erase a disease by erasing the frequencies that produce the disease.

Make a copy of the energy signature of a physical location or a civilization at any point in time and use that signature to create a hologram of that time and place that you can enter and enjoy.

Make a copy of the plasma energy signature of any food or substance, then infuse that signature into water and use it to nourish or heal

Increase plant health, vigor, rate of growth and productivity

Enhance the germination of seeds

Using frequencies and plasma we can:

Manufacture materials out of “thin air” by duplicating their plasma structures in ways similar to the way we now duplicate chemical structures

Very Short Course With and Without Charge/Plasma

Very Short Course

What is the collective current? What is a culture?

HealthTheNew Paradigm

“…it takes years, sometimes decades, for a scientist to design and carry out research on a subject, it takes another couple of years to write it up, submit it here and there, get the peer review process going, and finally get it published. When it’s finally in print, it’s written in the language of science, which the general public doesn’t even understand.”

The old paradigm was seen as mechanical and often described as “a great clockwork. ”The new may be a “great consciousness.”

“The result is that it takes fifty years for relevant information to trickle down into the minds of the public. Fifty years!! Meanwhile, that information could have made a difference in people’s lives much sooner. It might have saved a life. It might have saved a mind. It might have made the whole journey easier or better in

Very Short Course

…. hosts a Tea and Consciousness on the first three Wednesdays of the month from 7-9 PM. It is $35 to register for the Tea, and there are lots of questions about all sorts of topics, some just requiring common sense or information, others requiring intuition.

…has over 700 videos online - YouTube, Bitchute, Rumble, Odyssey, Patreon. And the audios are on Spotify, ApplePodcast, Google Podcast, Stitcher. They cover a wide range of topics related to consciousness. Shop:

Classes: Intuition 1 - Your Brain and the Gift of Consciousness Intuition 2 - The Language of Energy Intuition 3 - Dreams...The Pool of Creation Intuition 4 - Clairvoyance and the Art of Seeing Intuition 5 - Past Lives, Future Lives Intuition 6 - Multidimensional Existence and The End of Time Intuition 7 - Power and Consciousness

My big passion is getting people to envision a New Earth and New Human.

… publishes a Look-See at the middle of every month that looks at what is going on and where we are going as a population, and a Tarot reading at the beginning of each month that asks big questions about topics like governance, food, war, health, etc. and analyzes the messages in the cards.

Penny Kely …

Penny holds a degree in Humanistic Studies from Wayne State University and a degree in Naturopathic Medicine from Clayton College of Natural Health. She is the mother of four children, has contributed to, co-written, or edited 23 books with others, and has written 13 books of her own:

• The Elves of Lily Hill Farm

• Consciousness and Energy, Vol. 4, Trump, The Sting, The Catastrophe Cycle, and Consciousness

• Child of the Brown Earth – a small book of poems about connecting to Mother Nature

• Spiritual Emergency in the U.S. – an ebook • 17 Pointers for Creating a New Earth – an ebook

Bio - Penny Kelly, ND

• The Evolving Human – A True Story of Awakening Kundalini

• The Revival – Path to a New Earth/New Human

Penny Kelly is a writer, teacher, author, publisher, consultant, Naturopathic physician, and researcher of consciousness. Early in her career she was an engineer for Chrysler Corporation, but left there in 1979 after a full, spontaneous awakening of kundalini to study the brain, consciousness, intelligence, intuition, and cognition. This was followed by 18 years of work as an educational consultant specializing in Accelerated and Brain-Compatible Teaching and Learning, working with both schools and Aftercorporations.purchasing acreage in 1987, she raised grapes for Welch Foods for a dozen years while also building Lily Hill Farm, now a large B&B. She worked with Dr. Wm. Levengood, biophysicist, for 15 years, studying materials from crop circles and animal mutilations, and researching plasma, energy, and Pennyconsciousness.wasinvolved in Community Gardening in Kalamazoo and Battle Creek, MI through grants from the Kellogg Foundation, and a member of the Tipping Point Network whose focus is sustainability in all sectors of life. She maintained a worldwide counseling and coaching practice for over 40 years, teaches a half-dozen courses in Developing Intuition, as well as courses in Organic Gardening, and Getting Well Naturally. Penny hosts a weekly Tea & Consciousness gathering online for those with questions about consciousness. She maintains a website for book sales, creates podcasts for Apple, Google, Spotify, and Stitcher, as well as videos for Patreon, YouTube, BitChute, and Odyssey. She is a regular guest on other video channels and travels widely to speak and teach.

• Consciousness and Energy, Vol 3, Religion, Sex, Power, and the Fall of Consciousness

• Planet Earth: Her People, History, and Current Dilemma

• Consciousness and Energy, Vol 1, Multi-dimensionality and A Theory Consciousnessof • Consciousness and Energy, Vol 2, New Worlds of Energy

• Getting Well Naturally From The Soil To The Stomach

• Robes – A Book of Coming Changes

Transhumanism, medical technology and slippery slopes

U.S. scientists have achieved the previously unthinkable task of remotely controlling the brains of living beings. The beings, in this case, are genetically engineered fruit flies and the neurons responsible for causing the flies to spread their wings. But this is only the beginning.

- By Dr. Joseph Mercola

Remote Controlled Brain Communication?

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