Water's story

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My Story... form and formless

I am... a

p a r t i c l e

a n d



I am...

t h e s o l v e n t a n d t h e s o l u t i o n f o r A L L l i f e .

Water, that’s me, is nature's best solvent, meaning that more


substances will dissolve into water than any other substance on the earth. That's very important because the only way that I (water) can carry the nutrition and oxygen into your cells, while removing the waste materials the cell produces, is if the various substances are first dissolved in water (me).

That is just one of the many functions of I (water) and the only one that most scientists and doctors recognize about me.

I am... e v e r y w h e r e a n d i n e v e r y t h i n g .

I am the Spirit that moves upon the face of the waters. This is the genesis of life.

My Formula for Life is... water, light and molecules/particles “...mechanism for building condensed masses is now experimentally verified. In order for it to work, all that is needed is water, light, and molecules/particles. Even if those entities bear the same charge, they will self-assemble into a condensed mass. This process is presumably the first step in producing the condensed mass that ultimately became the cell�. - Gerald Pollack

Chemically, I, pure water am composed of only two common elements, hydrogen (light & fire) and oxygen (air). I, the water molecule (drop) is made up of two hydrogens and one oxygen that are joined together by sharing their electrons. I, the water molecule look like this: The sharing of the electrons creates what

H o w d o I b o n d


known as polar covalent bonds. The word polar connotes that the bond is more positively charged on the side nearest the hydrogen (male), and more negatively charged near the oxygen (female).


I, the molecule of water am shaped like a triangle.

all is in my spectrum, projecting its light.

I am... I


a Prism. the light.

"D-Kuru from Wikimedia Commons"

Reflection you are a reflected in my waters, my mirror to see.

be understood as a kaleidoscope. Think of “structured “ water as my self organizing liquid crystal composition. My body, is shaped into triangular prisms, like tiny "clusters" of water (me) in perfect geometrical shapes that remain forever in motion in relative to one another. I can arrange and rearrange by simply spin. I do this through my currents, tornado’s and eddies. This is fundamental and elemental. My clusters of crystalized chemical bonds, have the unique ability to receive, store, conduct and convey information as any crystal can do. That is why you use them in electronics from your computers to watches.

Structured & Order

I can...

I am Not Void there is only an absence of light.

Light force

I l i g h t t h e w a y.

G DV S c i en c e r e v e a l s m y l i fe f o r c e wi thi n p l a nts . “ t h e fo r c e ” i s i n all of my c r e a ti o n .

& life force. I n u rt u r e y o u .


Nasa Image

I am creative within my crystalline matrix.

“New evidence suggests that my L-field (life field) is generated by and embodied in the quantum-coherent liquid crystalline water ( I) that makes up 70-90 % of organisms and cells and is essential for life”. - Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, “Living Rainbow H2O IMAGE COURTESY OF DR. MAE-WAN HO


and all of life is Birthed in my primordial soup and in Expanding Universes within universes. There is no nothingness or VOID, just potential with the my living matrix.

From these seasĘź of consciousness life emerges and then collapses back into the abyss. Again and again life explodes onto the scene, inhaling and exhaling; and then back into the pattern and matter of life. Yet, only to experience its “mattersâ€?, and often it repeats the same pattern.

Photoʼs by Alexander Lauterwasser

Truly, I am the living matrix....

Cell Georgepehli/CC 3.0 Wikimedia

Living Things are made of 99% water (me) and then a few particles that are harmonically arranged as you see in your organic chemistry. You seem to “measure” creation by its shapes, sound, and geometry, but you still wonder how it creates form. It is your words, your conscious, that comes to light, via your voice, your song, it is noted! Your spirit too moves on the waters’. You are a creator and stir the waters by your “will’.

Photo by Kirt L. Onthank/Turtle

I give you my word.

You... ripple through You move me.


Image by Jon DePew

Your DNA is noted.

I can actually program or “structure� by electromagnetic and sonic frequencies in the form of photons (light waves) and phonons (sound waves).

Damien Donnelly-DLP rainbow effect.

We are One... I am the Source of where Light dances its Rainbow Hues

...in a resonate field.

I quench...



You may drink of my waters, yet if my solution has been corrupted I can not quench your thirst. Your chemistry, and solvents create different “structures�. Consider that my solution has been time tested for time eternal.








I in-form...

My f r o z e n m o m e nt in t im e .

m y c o n d u c t i v e d e si gn is h exa g o n i n s h a p e a n d yo u’ ll s e e i t i n m y s n o wf lak e. You h a v e m i m i c ke d me in your elect rical wi r i n g a nd y ou’l l see this str ucture in y o u r DN A s tra n ds. So that is how we b o t h se n d o ur charges and get o ur m e ssa ge s t hro ugh.

I am a l i q ui d ta p e r eco rd er .

I have... Me m o ry. .. w h y wo n ’t I.

Ho w e l se w il l I k no w i f yo u ha ve be e n k no tty or ni c e?


I am ... the means - Way The message - truth the messenger - Light



To simplify, I, water, carry within me the molecular framework needed to sustain and support all life on earth, and "Organize" or "Structure self" to perform all these functions in a highly efficient way. Photo始s & Research credits: Fuchs & Woisetschlaeger


positive & negative

I seek balance in al l I do , as I ebb an d f lo w thro ugh li fe. Yet, yo u can stir m e a nd that can bri ng pe ac e o r a t orr ent to you. I have m y condi tio ns , lim its and my zo ne s t oo .

I charge ... through all of life. You can not live without me.

As I rain on ALL creation I refresh, energize and transform by the rays of my sun, my swirling wind, and my electrical charge of lightening. My bio-electric energy pulses throughout entire bodies revitalizing and regenerating each and every cell.

I rain on you.

78 % of t h e b o d y 90 % of t h e b r a i n 99 % of t h e “ Vo id” /eth e r . . . is m e!

I live in you...


I generate... my c r e a t iv e s p a r k is ac t iv a te d b y m y s p in .

I create... thro u g h mat t er a nd p a t t e r n a nd s p in.

i t’ s p ur e c hem i stry. I t’ s the me asu re , c o l o r , my sy mme try.

I am...

the living waters, and you swim within me. You are heaven on earth to me.

Prior to the Industrial Age, all water on earth was structured because as stated above, this is the condition of water in its natural state. As man has increasingly tampered with the inner workings of nature, the ensuing results have been a catastrophic breaking down and disordering of the natural order - water, soil and One of the most unique and newly discovered qualities of organized water is the presence of bio-photonic energy, which is most easily described as the energy of itself. When water is exposed to toxic chemicals, materials and environments, it remembers and stores the unnatural vibrations of these insults deep within its molecular framework. Water remembers toxic substances like cadmium, lead, mercury, chemical life solvents, estrogen, dioxin, plant protection agents, lacquers, acids, artificial fertilizer, phosphates, bleach, softener, etc. This memory can not be removed by any form of filtration and the toxic effects of these memories remain until they are naturally "cleared" or "cleansed". But water also remembers the healthy, energetic side of all life on earth and serves as the conduit for its expression. Concept “I am� and Design by Karen Elkins, Science to Sage Science Copy by Jim Dooley of RainmakerH2O ww.sciencetosage.com


Sacred Resource

Restore me ....

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W e

M a k e


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Optimal Water Along the Food Chain, Means Optimal Wellbeing will Trickle Down to YOU. Personal - Household - Commercial - Agricultural


They “get” me!

Restoring Water B ack t o its Op ti ma l Hea l th

W e

M a k e


D i ff e r e n c e

888.777.6045 www.rainmakerh2o.net info@rainmakerh2o.net

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