Water Solutions For Our Water World

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water s ol u t i on s for a water planet

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International Themed, designed , layout and produced by Karen Elkin Advertisin Submit Articles Desig sciencetosage@gmail.co

There is no shortness of will and

then don’t even landscape in unison with

passion. There is no shortness of

the environment - grass in a desert

innovation Indigenous people lived in harmony with So what is the problem

mother earth. They knew it was their life support system. Where did we lose this

There is always that cliche that says it

common sense

always begin with you, so I’ve given you a lot of links to pick from and take action

Industries globally have contributed to our fast track towards extinction. Keeping

Our oceans are dying and our land is

our head in the sand will not save us

drying up. Birds are falling from the sky

from this pending catastrophe.

and sh are washing aground. Everything is upside down.

We need to WAKE UP and ACT NOW

Water shortages are no longer relegated

And, water is only one issue, it’s also

to the 3rd world. We've built in places as

about energy, power and food.











though the resources are limitless and




Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t Dancing with Water - M.J Pangman, M. S. & Melaine Evans Solution of Life - West Marrin Ph.D.

Water Rights - Excerpts Global Research Fukushima Nuclear Disaster - Video Clip with Dr. Helen Caldicott Thorium was the Alternate Path - Richard Martin Thorium Links - Robert Hardraves Letter to the World from Walter Russell - Read by Adam Abraham MarineBio - The Problems with Ocean Dumping & The Great Pacific Garbage Patch TedTalk Filtering Your Water - Michael Pritchard Life and Evolution - Alick Bartholomew Quinton, Ocean Plasma Universal Standing Wave Principle - Art by Gabriel Kelemen

Sustainable Solutions for Our Water World - West Marrin, Ph.D. Desalinations Ideas - Graphene, OKEANOS & Desolenator Gizmag - Huge Reserves of Freshwater Lie Beneath the Ocean Floor

Primary Water: Water for a Thirsty World - Greg O’Neill Primary Water - Excerpts by Christopher Bird The

Cloudbuster Method -

James DeMeo Ph. D.

Rex Research - Links to more water solutions Gizmag: Algae could both provide biofuel and clean up The Energy-Water Connection - Sandia.gov

California’s Epic Drought /Video with Ellen Brown


Turbine Bridge - Adam Wiercinski Fracking - News Clips USGS - Man-Made Earthquakes Smart Meters and Water Meters - Josh Del Sol Listening to the Buddha: how greed, ill-will and delusion are poisoning our institutions - Article by Zen scholar David Loy, Art by Igor Morski 545 People - Charlie Reese eunoia - Lisa Parks Talk for Food Video’s with Adam Abraham: MJ Pangman, Bengt, Dan Nelson, Gerald Pollack Ph.D. Natural News - Mike Adams Rainwater Harvester Drinking Water from Air - Watergen The Water World of Georg Schroecker - Excerpts What is Going Down the Drain - Robert Slovak Historic Water Tower - Adam Wiercinski Harvesting Water - Warka Water

Fog Catcher - FogQuest Creating Water Out of Thin Air - Billboards History of Dowsing - Steve Herbert Dowsing for Water: And the Water for Humanity Fund Turning Tears into Life: Giving Water - Steve Herbert Practical Actions: Technical Information

Geoff Lawton - Permaculture


Electricity for Water Pipes - Lucid Energy

A critical step awaits our evolution...

Many books have been written about the importance of water for a healthy body and mind. More has been written about contaminants, ltration and puri cation. Everywhere, we can read of diminishing water resources and of water rationing. All this is evidence that we are becoming more aware of the signi cance of our relationship with water. Yet, so far, little emphasis has been placed on understanding water as a living essence—the foundation of life on Earth.


Photo by Vivek Chugh/vivekchugh.com



“Age of Water”

...an understanding of water as conscious.

This critical step awaits us in our evolution. When we learn to treat water as a conscious being, rather than as a commodity to be harvested, sold, and abused, we will begin our return to the natural order of things. Only then will we make the transition into what Charles Eisenstein refers to as the “Age of Water”.


Photo by Andreas Krappwwies/http://www.krappweis.com

Eisenstein, in his book, The Ascent of Humanity, identi es the Age of Water as an era during which we instinctively treat the Earth and everything on it as sacred. This long-awaited time is at our doorstep now. It is a time to take hands with Mother Nature and return to the garden we were born into. It is a time to discover the keys to creation (the same keys that will create sustainable solutions for our future). Entering the Age of Water, we will surely discover that returning the life force to water is synonymous with stepping into life in a whole new way.




...It is a me to take hands with Mother Nature and return to the garden we were born into...

article on the science of water

new science reveals New science reveals that organization, even more than ingredients is key to life. This revelation gives new signi cance to the discovery of water’s liquid crystalline geometry. Molecular organization in water establishes a superior medium for the transmission of signals and information. According to MaeWan Ho “Liquid crystalline water is involved in the relay and storage of information; in the ampli cation of biological signals; and in the transduction of a variety of forms of energy.” Evidence of molecular organization also establishes rm ground for accepting water as a living component of our world.

MJ Pangman discusses the significance of liquid crystalline water

...water is a living component of our world...




Photo by Tibor Fazakas/http://opart.ro/

dancing with water Dancing with Water will help you to step into the Age of Water. It will teach you how to work with the water you have and how to return its liquid crystallinity, its vitality and its ability to support life to the fullest. As a guide to naturally treating, structuring enhancing and revitalizing your water, Dancing with Water will also help you to connect with water on a conscious level and to honor the role water plays in the dance of life.

Dancing with Water will help you to step into the Age of Water. Part I ...is designed to help you develop an appreciation for water’s unique qualities—the interplay of natural forces that in uence water’s liquid crystalline state. Part I introduces the elements that keep water balanced —movement, vortices, minerals, gases, geometry and the ow of energy.

Part II ... of Dancing with Water is a dance guide with step-by-step instructions for how to use Nature’s tools to create liquid crystalline water capable of carrying signals and messages deep into the tissues and cells of your body. Learning the “dance steps” in Part II will introduce you to a new level of awareness—and a new level of health—based on superior hydration, more e cient detoxi cation, improved cellular communication and enhanced nutrient absorption. These bene ts translate to improved energy, softer skin, faster recovery, slower aging, heightened awareness and the reduction of a variety of symptoms.

The book combines existing science with wisdom available through the intuitive arts— validating, balancing, and expanding on the best science has to o er. more about the book







articles on water science here...

Photo by Sarah Miles/http://herodoll.net

Dancing with Water around the world. The authors’ different backgrounds (one in science, the other in the healing and intuitive arts) offer a unique perspective. The book combines existing science with wisdom available through the intuitive arts—validating, balancing, and expanding on the best science has to offer. The authors invite you to step in with them now, and immerse yourself in the Dance with Water.

MJ Pangman, M.S. MJ Pangman is an author and speaker in the eld of complementary medicine. Since the year 2000, ever since she observed its powerful e ects on her own body, MJ has focused her writing on the subject of structured water. Her book, Hexagonal Water – The Ultimate Solution, is a re ection years of research on the molecular structure of water documenting the emerging evidence in support of its biological signi cance.

Melanie Evans





Some of Melanie’s earliest childhood memories are of connecting with the Earth’s elements and to the natural systems that maintain balance on the planet. She remembers being at the ocean as a 3-year-old and of understanding the life force held there. Even at that age, she experienced a “knowing” that the ocean was the origin of life. Melanie has always lived close to a body of water. She has spent many hours “listening”—merging with water in a way similar to the way Viktor

During 2003-2004 MJ worked with the eminent, Korean scientist Dr. Mu Shik Jhon to make his book, The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key, available in English. The book, published in 2004, outlines over 40 years of Dr. Jhon’s research on the structure of water.

MJ’s background in the natural sciences gives her an understanding of chemistry, biology, and quantum physics; her ability to explain the complex in simple terms makes her writing easy and enjoyable to read.

Schauberger described merging with water’s consciousness in the Austrian forest. To Melanie, water is a kindred spirit; it is our connection with Spirit and our pathway to higher consciousness.

Melanie uses her intuitive abilities as a practitioner in the healing arts. This has provided many opportunities for her to witness the interplay between the forces in nature and human biology. She can’t wait to have others join her in the “dance” she has always danced with water.

the solution of life Water is not only everywhere, but constitutes everything. “...ours is truly a water planet and that

but indeed mandatory. Many of our recent

recognizing and respecting water’s critical

choices have ignored the wisdom of both

roles in processes such as climate change,

water and nature in adopting technologies

energy selection, food production, economic

and management schemes that violate,

stability, technology development, human

ignore, or just override water’s natural

health, and global con ict is not only wise,

rhythms, patterns, and preferences.”


west marrin, ph.d.



A C T, R E S P O N D


water rights The New “Water Barons”: Wall Street MegaBanks are Buying up the World’s Wate Water is a political commodity. Typically water resources are owned and managed by governments. There is strong public opposition to the idea that private companies might be able to own water and make a profit from selling it (indeed in the James Bond film ‘A Quantum of Solace’ the bad guy, Dominic Greene, plots to own and control Bolivia’s water supply).

Former President George H.W. Bush’s Family Bought 300,000 Acres on South America’s and World’s Largest Aquifer, Acuifero Guaraní

A disturbing trend in the water sector is accelerating worldwide. The new “water barons” — the Wall Street banks and elitist multibillionaires — are buying up water all over the world at unprecedented pace Familiar mega-banks and investing powerhouses such as Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, UBS, Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse, Macquarie Bank, Barclays Bank, the Blackstone Group, Allianz, and HSBC Bank, among others, are consolidating their control over water. Wealthy tycoons such as T. Boone Pickens, former President George H.W. Bush and his family, Hong Kong’s Li Ka-shing, Philippines’ Manuel V. Pangilinan and other Filipino billionaires, and others are also buying thousands of acres of land with aquifers, lakes,

water rights, water utilities, and shares in water engineering and technology companies all over the world. read mor





water rights • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Arrowhead Aqua Spring Calistoga Deer Park Deep Spring Ice Mountain Glaciar Klosterquelle Nestle Wellness Nestle Pure Life Ozarka Poland Spring Perrier S. Pellegrino S. Barnardo Water Line Zephyrhills

Don’t by bottled water

Nestlé in the US Nestlé, one of the largest food corporations in the world, is also in the water business, leasing or owning 50 spring sites throughout the US. However, in many places where Nestlé operates, they have unlawfully extracted water from aquifers,[17] engaged in pricegouging tactics, [18] and polarized c o m m u n i t i e s .[19] F o r e x a m p l e , i n Colorado, over a period of a few years, Nestlé spent a large amount of money negotiating a water deal with the threemember Board of Chaffee County Commissioners and with the Aurora City Council, while buying land in the areas near where the Arkansas River runs. Close to 80 percent of the county’s 17,000 residents opposed the deal, [20] mainly because environmentalists (citing Nestlé’s detrimental impact in communities where they already operate) raised alarms about the potentially devastating consequences for Aurora City’s watershed and nearby wetlands.[21] After a 7 to 4 vote of approval by the Aurora City Council and a unanimous agreement by the Chaffee County Commissioners, over the next decade Nestlé will extract 650 million gallons of Arkansas Valley water so that

every day they can load 25 trucks with 8,000 gallons of water, drive 120 miles to a bottling plant in Denver, and fill millions of plastic Arrowhead Springs water bottles to be sold in the western US. In addition to being targeted by locals who want control of their water sources back, Nestlé is also at the epicenter of the growing bottled water controversy. The company dominates nearly a third of the lucrative US bottled water market[ with seven domestically-produced subsidiary brands (including Arrowhead Springs, Calistoga and Poland Spring)—making Nestlé a key contributor to one of today’s most significant environmental threats. That is, US consumers purchase about 28 billion bottles of water every year, but recycle only about 23 percent of the plastic petroleum-based containers used for water or soda. The rest end up polluting roadsides, landfills and oceans, and leach toxins into ecosystems while taking about a millennium to degrade.

Nestle's Water division is enormous. Check out this partial brand list:

Vivendi and Suez in Mexico Water privatization now has a firm foothold in Mexico, thanks to President Vincente Fox’s PROMAGUA initiative, which uses a $250 million World Bank grant to promote privatization of the country’s water resources. This program, now operational in 27 of Mexico’s 30 states, encourages cities with populations of 100,000 or more to sign their water concessions over to corporations for contracts lasting between five and fifty years. This has allowed Vivendi and Suez, two major players in the water game, to partner with smaller companies to turn one-fifth of Mexico’s municipal water systems into profitmaking businesses. However, in the process of making massive amounts of money from Mexico’s formerly public utilities, these multinational corporations have drastically raised rates, cut service to customers who can’t pay their bills, weakened water quality, and skimped on making essential infrastructure improvements.[25] While these two companies are foreign-owned, they also have large operations in the US. Vivendi became North America’s largest water company in 1999 after purchasing US Filter (a leading manufacturer of commercial and residential water purification systems).[26] Suez, meanwhile, is the parent company of United Water, the second-

largest private operator of municipal water systems in the US—where it has established a reputation for environmental destructiveness. For example, Suez has been responsible for sewage overflows in Milwaukee, Wisc.; contaminating drinking water in Gloucester, Mass.; and dozens of discharge limit violations in Gary, Ind.[27] So if Suez, Vivendi or another private corporation tries to take control of your community’s municipal water system, be sure to join or organize an effort to keep this resource in public hands.

How You Can Help You can radically reduce your dietary water consumption by going vegan, because growing plant foods requires far less water than producing animal products. [35] You can also make a difference by not buying bottled water and boycotting companies like Nestlé and Coca-Cola, whose water privatization schemes hurt people and the environment http://www.foodispower.org/ More Stories Here http://www.foodispower.org/water-usageprivatization/

act Corporations are taking control of the world's water in three ways: (1) through “water mining” of the aquifers and vast sources of water that feed streams, and rivers; (2) through long-term leases or concessions allowing corporations to take over the delivery of water systems and the collection of revenues; (3) through “managing” municipal

water systems. - http://www.solidarity-us.org/node/469

The nuclear reactors involved in the 2011 crisis at Fukushima I in Japan are GE designs,[74] and the architectural designs were done by Ebasco,[75] formerly owned by GE. Concerns over the design and safety of these reactors were raised as early as 1972, but tsunami danger was not discussed at that time.[76] As of 2014, the same model nuclear power reactors designed by GE are operating in the US,[77] such as the controversial Pilgrim Nuclear Generating Station, in Plymouth, Massachusetts. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ General_Electric

energy problem

A World Nightmare Here are the publicly known methods to reduce the radioactivity of Nuclear Waste

energy solution Dr Helen Caldicott - Fukushima Nuclear Disaster- You won't hear this on the Main Stream News.

Nuclear Facts you'd be more comfortable not knowing from a very clued up professional who will not be bought or intimidated into silence: Dr Helen Caldicott, true to style, tells it as it is/as she sees it/like you wont usually hear it.


North Korea Nuke News Proves Deadly Folly Of Obama's Iran Policy - Forbes

Nuclear Meltdown Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal/NYTimes Russia is stealthily threatening America with nuclear war...Crimea and also Denmark.


Fukushima update 2015/ The Science and it’s Affect



Fukushima breaking news 2015


Death to

Fukushima News 3/20/15: Our Worst Fears Realized! Melted Fuel Is GONE From





“Thorium was the Alternate

energy solution

“It’s a safer, more abundant fuel that could’ve revolutionized nuclear power. The problem is, it has almost nothing in common with what we’re doing now.”

“Thorium is the younger sister to uranium, less volatile, slower to self-consume, and as many have contended without success, much better suited as a source of nuclear power than uranium. SuperFuel by award-winning science writer Richard Martin tells the Cinderella story of thorium in a fast paced, insider's account. This short, well written book is a must read for those interested in understanding thorium's past and its potential to be a clean, renewable energy source for the future.

President, Atomic Heritage Foundation

Energy Revolution in the Making According to the International Energy Agency, worldwide demand for energy will rise by nearly 40 percent by 2035—a gure that many analysts, citing booming economic growth in the nations of China, India, and Brazil, consider low. Meeting that demand with current energy technologies will result in the addition of many billions of tons of carbon into Earth’s atmosphere. Yet to build enough wind, solar, and other renewable energy projects to signi cantly reduce coal and oil use would require time and re- sources we simply do not have

the decision in the early 1970s to abandon R&D on thorium power, despite ample proof of its low cost, safety, and ef cacy Based on groundbreaking archival research and hundreds of hours of exclusive interviews, Martin’s game-changing new book—SuperFuel: Thorium, The Green Energy Source for the Future— provides a gripping untold story of the science, the personalities, and the political, military and economic forces that shaped American nuclear power policy and ultimately led to the energy crisis we face today

There is a solution—a form of nuclear power produced with thorium, a naturally-occurring element that is so safe you can hold it in your bare hand, that’s four times more abundant than uranium, and that’s so dense and highly ef cient, a ball bearing- sized amount could provide all the power an average person will consume in their lifetime. Furthermore, innovative liquid-fueled thorium reactors are 200 to 300 times more fuelef cient than standard reactors and so small and portable they can be mass-produced in factories. Thorium reactors will also solve the problems of nuclear waste and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction: you can't make a bomb with thorium, and liquid-fueled thorium reactors can actually burn waste from existing, conventional reactors

The most important science and technology book of the year, SuperFuel also brings us word of the global thorium revival movement in progress, powered by a new generation of scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs who have put their careers and their reputations on the line to battle the nuclear power establishment and bring thorium back on line

So why aren’t we using it now That is the puzzle that led one of America’s leading energy writers, Richard Martin, to conduct a three- year investigation into the secret history of one of the greatest technological missteps of the 20th century

Post Scrip Several countries, including waking giants India and China, have announced or con rmed plans to build thorium power reactors. The U.S. is not among them In the last year China has made clear its intention to become a major supplier of nuclear technology on the world market, focusing in part on liquid-fuel reactors using thorium. Those reactors are inherently safe, meaning that a meltdown or other out-of-control accident is physically impossible. Meanwhile, the United States, which pioneered the development of thorium reactors a half-century ago, continues to pursue the failed nuclear power SuperFuel: Thorium, the Green Energy Source for strategies of the 1970s.

the Future Author: Richard Marti http://superfuelbook.com

About this Boo



















Video • Fast-edited video of Washington DC presentation to Thorium Energy Allliance • Dartmouth College Aim High presentation, Sept 2010 • YouTube presentation to Google Tech Talk series, May 26, 200 Presentation slide • Aim High! prepared for Renaissance Weekend 2012 • Aim High! PowerPoint slides you can watch or use, Feb 26, 201 • Aim High! PDF of slide • Ten-minute Aim High SlideCast presentation to President's Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear future, Aug 30, 2010. • Aim High! full presentation for Washington DC, May 5, 201 • Aim High! for ASM Spring Symposium, May 19, 201 • Liquid Fuel Nuclear Reactors at Google, May 2010, SlideCast presentation with audio, including history of several early liquid fuel reactors • Nuclear Ammonia: Thorium's Killer App, Oct 2011, iTheo conference at CCN Article • Liquid Fuel Nuclear Reactors, Jan 2011 APS Forum on Physics and Society • Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors in Jul/Aug 2010 American Scientis Document • Two-page summary of the presentation (Word) • Six-page statement of bene ts (Word))) • Thorium Energy and Security Act of 2010 with amendments by Robert Hargraves, sent from Senator Gregg to Senator Hatch

THORIUM: energy cheaper than coal is a new book about two energy technologies that can solve global warming, sustainability, and energy poverty. Energy cheaper than coal is the only realistic way to dissuade 7 billion people in 250 countries from burning coal to make electricity. Thorium and the molten salt reactor provide the means to manufacture liquid fluoride thorium reactors (LFTR) at a price that will undercut coal, economically.

You can contact the author at robert.hargraves@gmail.com The Aim High presentation has also been presented in a course, Energy Policy and Environmental Choices: Rethinking Nuclear Power, given at the Institute for Lifelong Education at Dartmouth Interesting related web site


http://energyfromthorium.com Energy from Thorium is a rich site, with a blog about current events concerning the liquid uoride thorium reactor, and also a technical forum, where volunteer engineers, scientists, and professionals exchange ideas about technical designs and social bene ts http:// ibe-energy.com/ Flibe Energy is a US startup company intending to build a molten salt reactor. Flibe is shorthand for Fluoride salts of Lithium and Beryllium, the preferred molten salt




























http://www.thoriumenergyalliance.com/ 9

http://www.thoriumenergyalliance.com/ Thorium Energy Alliance sponsors annual conferences about thorium power, principally the liquid uoride thorium reactor

T OX I C OC EANS Stephen Palumbi There's a tight and surprising link between the ocean's health and ours, says marine biologist Stephen Palumbi . He shows how toxins at the bottom of the ocean food chain nd their way into our bodies, with a shocking story of toxic contamination from a Japanese sh market. His work points

Following the mercury trail

a way forward for saving the oceans' health — and humanity's:


The Problems with Ocean Dumping Although policies on ocean dumping in the recent past took an "out of sight- out of mind" approach, it is now known that accumulation of waste in the ocean is detrimental to marine and human health. Another unwanted effect is eutrophication. A biological process where dissolved nutrients cause oxygen-depleting bacteria and plants to proliferate creating a hypoxic, or oxygen poor, environment that kills marine life. In addition to eutrophication, ocean dumping can destroy entire habitats and ecosystems when excess sediment builds up and toxins are released. Although ocean dumping is now managed to some degree, and dumping in critical habitats and at critical times is regulated, toxins are still spread by ocean currents. Alternatives to ocean dumping include recycling, producing less wasteful products, saving energy and changing the dangerous material into more benign waste According to the United Nations Group of Experts on the Scienti c Aspects of Marine Pollution , the amount of ocean dumping actually brings in less pollution than maritime transportation, atmospheric pollution, and land based pollution like run-off. However, when waste is dumped it is often close to the coast and very concentrated Waste dumped into the ocean is categorized into the black list, the gray list, and the white list. On the black list are organohalogen compounds, mercury compounds and pure mercury, cadmium compounds and pure cadmium, any type of plastic, crude oil and oil products, re ned petroleum and residue, highly radioactive waste, any material made for biological or chemical warfare The gray list includes water highly contaminated with arsenic, copper, lead, zinc, organosilicon compounds, any type of cyanide, ouride, pesticides, pesticide by-products, acids and bases, beryllium, chromium, nickel and nickel compounds, vanadium, scrap metal, containers, bulky wastes, lower level radioactive material and any material that will affect the ecosystem due to the amount in which it is dumped The white list includes all other materials not mentioned on the other two lists. The white list was developed to ensure that materials on this list are safe and will not be dumped on vulnerable areas such as coral reefs.











Alternative: Graphene light bulb heads for shops

mercury filling to landfills, to your fish! EPA...the vast majority of mercury-containing lamps are considered a hazardous waste. If you do not test your mercurycontaining lamps and prove them non-hazardous, you must assume they are hazardous waste and handle them accordingly.

Mercury poisoning

m or e h a z a r d o u s wa s t e ! Health Ranger research breakthrough: How to block nearly all the mercury in your diet using common, everyday foods

are we insane?


Learn more: http:// www.naturalnews.com/ 044339_dietary_mercury _heavy_metals_removal. html#ixzz3X9fe73cM

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch


Capt. Charles Moore of the Algalita Marine Research Foundation rst discovered the Great Paci c Garbage Patch — an endless oating waste of plastic trash. Now he's drawing attention to the growing, choking problem of plastic debris in our seas:






Stop Plastic Trash - Take the Pledge



http://marinebio.org/ fi


Michael Pritchard:

How to make lthy water drinkable

Buy One Bottle Use Your Tap Safe, Clean, No Polluting, Non Toxic

Water ltered in your hands, reuse to rescue our planet




Articles/Video’s Take Action Against Ocean Pollution Actions we should all take right now against ocean pollution around the world (know of an action not listed? Email us): House Bill Risks Mid-Atlantic Oil Spill Please act now and tell your Senators to oppose increased offshore oil drilling! Tell Congress to Fight Ocean Plastic! Demand support for the Reauthorization of the Marine Debris Research, Prevention and Reduction Act Help Stop Killer Algae! 3 Steps to Fund Water Quality Monitoring Stop Plastic Trash - Take the Pledge Help prevent an oil spill disaster in the Gulf of St. Lawrence Hold the Mercury ~ Grocery Stores: Post Mercury Warnings



Help Protect and Restore Ocean Life Help us protect and restore marine life by supporting our various online community-centered marine conservation projects that are effectively sharing the wonders of the ocean with millions each year around the world, raising a balanced awareness of the increasingly troubling and often very complex marine conservation issues that affect marine life and ourselves directly, providing support to marine conservation groups on the frontlines that are making real differences today, and the scientists, teachers and students involved in the marine life sciences Join us today or show your support with a monthly donation.

photo by Donna Adenine

We are not just killing our oceans, but ourselves.



70% Of The World's Oxygen Comes From The Ocean



Universal Standing Wave Principle

Morphodynamics CREATION to Genesis

Gabriel Kelemen


http://www.cosminnasui.com/ 2013/12/gabriel-kelemen http://www.fotocommunity.com/ photographer/kelemen-gabi/ photos/110789 http://pictify.com/user/ kelemengab http://www.dailymotion.com/ kelemengab https://www. ickr.com/photos/ 9480002@N03







About Gabriel

more images here

C Y M AT I C S THE Science of Sound and Vibrational Healing Conference

November 6-8, 2015 • Atlanta, GA

International Sound Therapy Association 10th Anniversary Celebration! Open to the Public! Doctors, Nurses, Therapists, Healing Arts Practitioners from all professions and the General Public are welcome Experience the Art and Science of Cymatics Learn the healing aspects of Cymatics Begin a New Career in Therapeutic Sound


by Gabriel Kelemen “The quantum or etheric field is universal and water is common in the Universe, associated with life or potential life, it seems natural to view them as complementary, working together”.

Articles The Spiritual Path Nature and the Sacred The Miracle of Water http://alickbartholomew.co.uk/books/

“Water acts as ‘the medium’ (the melody or music) — cosmic information (script or templates) as ‘the message’. You might call this a candidate for

the‘Unified Field Theory”.- -Alick Bartholomew

water is the driver of life and evolution

Rene Quinton Our bodies are a microcosm of the sea The Primordial Ocean hosted the emergence of

In 1904 Rene Quinton published his groundbreaking

cellular life on Earth nearly 4 billion years ago. It

findings in, L’eau de Mer Milieu Organique

offered the ultimate building blocks of creation – the

(Seawater, Organic Plasma). It revealed that the

entire Periodic Table of the Elements. From this

composition and proportions of the elements in

mystifying beginning, all species, plant and animal,

seawater were strikingly similar to the blood plasma

evolved in this “marine plasma” sanctuary, for several

of the preponderance of animal species. He

billion years.

proceeded to demonstrate this to the medical elite of

Then something equally amazing occurred only several hundred million years ago. Evolving sea life ventured out to leave the ocean and seek a terrestrial existence. It was Rene Quinton, a revolutionary biologist in the late 19th century, who proposed:

was to take the ocean with it”

meticulously prepared (microfiltered and unheated) isotonic solution of seawater harvested from the Atlantic Ocean. Rene Quinton referred to this precious fluid as Plasma de Quinton (used as a blood plasma replacement in both World Wars). Today, Original Quinton Marine Plasma, as it is

“The only way life could leave the ocean

Europe by transfusing the blood of canines with a

called, is a revered mineral and trace element dietary supplement for those seeking an optimal wellness lifestyle.

we are a living aquarium ”Fish, amphibian and reptile, warm-blooded bird and mammal – each of us carries in our

“We are a veritable marine aquarium” - Rene

veins a salty stream in which the elements are


combined in the same proportions as seawater. This is our inheritance from untold millions of years ago, when a remote ancestor, having progressed from the one-celled to the many celled, first developed a circulatory

It is the microcosm of the sea itself. When you restore the quality of this internal sea aquarium to its original marine inheritance, every cell, organ, and tissue begins to respond and function as it was intended.

system in which the fluid was merely the water of the sea”. - Rachel Carson, marine biologist,

The molecular gift of Quinton Marine Plasma is that

environmentalist and author of Silent Spring

it contains the full spectrum of electrolyte minerals

It is truly awe-inspiring to think that the very first single cell, with its specific mixture and balance of nutrients, dictated the future genetic code that

and trace elements in the ratio we inherited from the sea. Rene Quinton told us that human blood plasma and extra-cellular fluids should mirror this very composition to support homeostasis.

would be the primitive inheritance of the most complex mammals living today. It would be our genetic inheritance. In the single cell is the mystery of the spark of life, captured in marine plasma. When considered in this light, it is no surprise that our bodies respond so profoundly to the effects of this gift from the sea. Our land-locked bodies strive each day to recreate the primordial marine environment from which our single-celled ancestors emerged. A complete spectrum of minerals and trace elements is necessary to carry out virtually every physiological process in the body.

Laboratoires Quinton -

Everything in the human body responds to the

Producing Authentic Marine

condition of our extra-cellular fluid – the “Internal Ocean” or “Milieu Interior” as René Quinton often

referred to it.

Plasma - Click & View

René Quinton was the first researcher to discern and to investigate the similarity between seawater and blood plasma composition.

Laboratoires Quinton provides two drinkable seawater nutritional products. One is a diluted “isotonic” marine plasma known to support restoring and balancing the Bioterrain and the other is an undiluted “hypertonic” marine plasma for optimal mineralization. Hundreds of thousands of healthminted individuals and health practitioners worldwide have discovered the benefits of regaining their lost marine inheritance.

Laboratoires Quinton harvests its marine plasma seawater from Atlantic Ocean plankton-rich blooms that are internationally protected, pristine and pure. These massive self-purifying zones are like huge biological factories that are capable of eliminating natural and manmade toxins using complex biological processes. Plankton blooms are not only guardians of the ocean’s purity but they are also responsible for generating more than half the oxygen we breathe. Laboratoires Quinton seawater is harvested from the optimal bioactive depth of 100 ft. then refrigerated to 4 degrees Celsius during transportation to the processing facility. This extreme care preserves the bioactive qualities of the minerals, trace elements and fragile marine cofactors (any heating diminishes critical properties).

The raw seawater undergoes an intensive monthlong quality control inspection and analysis. If approved, it is immediately cold-microfiltered and sealed in its special glass ampoules to protect and assure the organic qualities of marine plasma.

Since 1897, authentic marine plasma continues to be harvested, processed and packaged by Laboratoires Quinton in Alicante, Spain. The modern, advanced facility uses the original protocols specified by its founder, Rene Quinton.

Laboratoires Quinton – ( french and spanish) www.laboratoiresquinton.com Original Quinton North America – (engish) www.originalquinton.com

s u s ta i n a b l e s o l u t i o n s f o r o u r wat e r w o r l d

west marrin, ph.d.

CURRENTS o f c h a n g e Water in the form of oceans, clouds, and atmospheric vapor is the major controller of long-term climate regimes and short-term weather on Earth.

In addi on, our planet uses water in producing, modifying, and dissolving the vast array of features that we recognize as the planet’s surface. During this period of changing global climate, the availability and quality of water itself has become a concern because it serves as a requisite component and mediator of our natural and anthropogenic life support systems. A high priority of our postmodern culture is to collect, conserve or somehow create more freshwater to meet the everincreasing demands. A challenge that we face is doing so in a manner that does not sacri ce sustainability for expedience. Many of our current water issues include the unforeseen consequences of just such sacri ces.































A range of technologies, management strategies, and cultural or perceptual shi s has been proposed to address the water crises. As part of a recent technology innova on program, the U. S. Environmental Protec on Agency is ac vely solici ng and suppor ng a variety of innova ons for water resources. Their program is not limited to developing technologies, but also includes promo ng cultural shi s or formula ng management strategies that could assist in solving the issues related to freshwater. The use of cultural tradi ons in evalua ng new water technologies and strategies is exempli ed by decision-making algorithms, based on indigenous views of human and environmental factors, that ensure water

is in harmony with its watershed prior to use for other purposes. Restoring ancient and e cient water systems can be preferable to building new ones, in terms of both ef ciency and ef cacy. This brief review ar cle presents some solu ons for water that are described in more detail by other authors in the issue. The primary focus is on novel or innova ve solu ons that are poten ally sustainable, energye cient, a ordable, and expected to generate minimal adverse e ects. The selected examples are categorized as technological or management/cultural and are contrasted with proposed solu ons that are less likely to sa sfy the aforemen oned criteria.

Switching from large, energy-ine cient centralized water systems (many of which have deteriorated as a result of neglected infrastructure) to smaller-scale systems has been proposed as an alterna ve to repairing or reconstruc ng centralized systems. Small-scale systems require energy-e cient designs, o en using state-of-the-art materials and demanding a more “hands-on” role from individual water users (i.e., for oversight and maintenance) than do large centralized systems.

Water from Air Water can be collected from the air using passive devices constructed aboveground from natural materials (e.g., bamboo) and fabrics designed to enhance the condensa on of atmospheric water or fog. Condensa on collectors or wells can also be constructed underground to u lize the cooler temperature of soil, compared to that of the air, in producing condensate that is used directly to irrigate plant roots or brought to the ground surface to provide water for other purposes. A more expensive technique to collect water from air (although more energy ef cient than conventional electrical systems) u lizes wind power to operate a combined humidity condenser and water treatment unit.

Rainwater Harves ng





























Portable rainwater harves ng units are composed of a foldable catchment made of a washable fabric that is posi oned above a moveable barrel to collect precipita on water primarily for non-potable uses. This is a low-cost alterna ve to the more popular household-scale water harves ng systems that



Technological include roo op catchments that are plumbed to a cistern, where the water can be treated for potable uses. Rainwater harves ng, combined with grey water collec on, represent some of the most energye cient and cost-e ec ve means of conserving water resources.

High-Tech Water Treatment Engineers have developed a reusable bag that, when lled with non-potable water and set in the sun for several hours, ac vates a specially coated mesh that destroys organic chemicals or pathogens and adsorbs metals. It can be used hundreds of mes and produces up to 10 liters of potable water per day. The same light-ac vated technology can be used to treat contaminants and pathogens present in small surface waters or water storage tanks via the disbursement of oa ng discs that are coated with the mul -func onal nanotechnology.

photo by danist soh

rainwater harvesting

iltrates below the root zone of plants. Prerequisites for rainwater harvesting include observing and emulating water lows in the localized catchments, and the technique is often used in combination with an agricultural technique known as permaculture. Permaculturists mimic natural patterns and processes in a watershed to create sustainable designs by using the outputs (wastes) from one compartment as the inputs (resources) to others.




Low-Tech Water Treatment Inventors have developed a so-called “drinkable book” containing pages that are printed on lter paper coated with silver nanopar cles capable of destroying bacterial pathogens and providing clean water for a month. Instruc ons for proper sanita on and hygiene are printed on the pages, which are then placed in a specially designed lter box prior to introducing the contaminated water. Similarly, there are a number of emerging water treatment techniques that u lize parts or uids from plants to treat pathogens or chemicals in water on an emergency basis.

water dis llers. The s lls heat salty water with direct sunlight (not requiring photovoltaic cells) and collect the dis llate via gravity; hence, they are inexpensive, simple to maintain, and can provide pure water for an en re family. Alterna ves to solar dis lla on are household-scale reverse osmosis units powered solely by the water pressure in the distribu on system. Larger reverse osmosis systems require considerable energy, some of which can be provided by solar panels or wave-powered pumps, to force the salty water through the synthe c membranes.

Urban Runo U liza on

the drinkable book cleans and purifies water with advanced filtering paper

Urban ooding dangers and declining groundwater levels beneath highly populated areas (o en causing ground subsidence) may have a common solu on via the channeling of runo into median or roadside planters by making curb cuts or using permeable pavement (e.g., pervious concrete or paving grids). This diverted runo from hard surfaces serves the threefold purpose of irriga ng roadside plants (in lieu of using potable or reclaimed water), recharging the groundwater aquifers beneath ci es, and reducing the volume of urban runo that must be treated or diverted.

Energy E cient Desalina on Water containing salt concentra ons that exceed the drinking water standard, but are substan ally less than those in seawater, can be treated using small solar
































the sheets cost only pennies to produce

permeable pavement

Watersheds or groundwater basins have proven to be the most reliable management units for devising sustainable strategies because they are de ned by hydrological, rather than by poli cal, boundaries.

So ware & Sensors Various so ware tools have been developed over the last decade to increase people’s awareness of water use pa erns, to assess the nancial and security implica ons of water for corpora ons, and to provide data for water resource agencies. Management has also bene ted from advanced monitoring techniques that u lize remote sensors and satellite imagery to rapidly collect data on cri cal parameters, permi ng changes in water quality and quan ty to be assessed on a realme basis. Whether on smartphones or satellites, more sophis cated sensors and so ware may be a key to informing us more quickly about the changing local hydroscape.

Footprints & Exchanges Perhaps the conceptual tools that have most in uenced water management during the last two decades are water footprints and virtual water. Water footprints can be calculated for individuals, na ons and products to evaluate both direct and indirect uses of water and to iden fy the types of water involved (e.g., green for precipita on, blue for surface and ground waters, and grey for water required to dilute pollutants). Surprisingly, about 90% of a person’s water footprint is devoted to food, so that dietary changes and a reduc on in food waste are o en the most e ec ve ways to conserve water. Virtual water is an es mate of the total water required to manufacture products or provide services and is now rou nely calculated as a means to track the exchange (import and export) of global water resources among trading partners.

boundaries defined by hydrology rather than

























politics ti



A Di erent Percep on Beyond the implementa on of technological breakthroughs and management schemes are the changes that humans must make in their percep on of water as an integral component and mediator of almost every structure and process on this planet. The ancient roots of this percep on led to a realiza on that water is much more than just a commodity or resource and that its behavior in the natural world actually shows us the most successful means of managing it. The prac ce of emula ng water’s natural processes and structures was noted in a previous issue as hydromimicry, which is less likely to spawn technologies or strategies with unan cipated impacts or unsustainable prac ces than are those that force water to adapt to our mandates.

Relevant Educa on Educa ng children on the subject of water has tradi onally been performed mostly on a representa onal basis (from books and tradi onal views of water as a natural resource and nancial commodity), where the students have very li le or no opportunity to personally interact with water and to “know it” experien ally, as well as intellectually. An over dependence on representa onal learning necessarily leads to the collec ve acceptance of percep ons that o en lack diversity and, perhaps, any real resonance with children’s experience or intui on of water that are developed early in life. At a me when crea vity and intellect are essen al to developing novel solu ons, relying solely on the la er may not be the best tac c.

Right to Water





















































In 2010, the United Na ons General Assembly voted to adopt a declara on that water for drinking and sanita on is a human right. Although it was a strong humanitarian statement, it is unlikely to alter the legal, poli cal, sociological or nancial hurdles that stand in the way of its becoming a reality. Moreover, the private and public agencies that could grant this “right” do not

possess absolute control over water or the hydrologic processes that a ect its availability. Throughout most of human history, water has been considered a gi from nature to be appreciated, rather than a right from ins tu ons to be demanded. As such, this declara on re ects as much about our personal disconnect to water as it does about a belief that everyone is en tled to it.

Resource Security Water has been recognized as a na onal security issue in the U.S. and other na ons because of its poten al vulnerability to terrorism (e.g., via a acks on infrastructure) and its lack of availability during crises (e.g., following natural disasters). This represents a rela vely new way of perceiving water by industry and government. Water’s rela onship to security also stems from its essen al roles in producing food and energy, preserving human and ecosystem health, limi ng con icts between neighboring states, managing emergency situa ons, and stabilizing nancial markets.

Consumer Choices Although rarely listed under the heading of water conserva on, prac ces such as reducing our electricity and gasoline bills, ea ng more locally grown and organic foods, switching to a diet that includes less meat, building with recycled materials, and using fewer paper products all contribute to the quan ty and quality of water available to us. Consumers o en fail to realize that almost every product and service they consume requires “hidden” water, and choosing water-e cient ones does impact the availability and condi on of both local and global water resources.

every product and service consumed requires “hidden” water

eat local eat less Meat “Meat” production requires differing amounts of water depending on the species of animal being “processed.” For instance, pig production consumes the most water of any livestock sector because many factory farms rely on “flushing systems”—basically, the pigs live on slatted floors through which their waste drops into water troughs underneath that are periodically drained, conveying








manure to slurry lagoons.

questionable solutions Conven onal seawater desalina on, wastewater recycling, geoengineering, and transcon nental water importa on are a few of the solu ons that have been proposed to address the shortage of available freshwater. While useful for a limited meframe or in certain loca ons, these technologies have drawbacks related to energy requirements, environmental e ects and sustainability.

Geoengineering Many of largest contributors to atmospheric carbon dioxide are recommending the “sequestering” of carbon in the oceans or underground in saline aquifers. The former can have devasta ng e ects on ocean chemistry and biodiversity, whereas the la er can pollute potable groundwater aquifers. Technologies such as cloud seeding have long been hyped as a poten al means of increasing local rainfall and, although poten al side e ects are o en minimal, their reliability is s ll in ques on. Fer lizing the oceans with soluble iron and crea ng tropical tree planta ons have been proposed to limit the rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, but their e ects on soil produc vity, ecosystem stability and cri cal water quality parameters are unknown.

Water Reuse




















































The reuse of wastewater can produce potable water, although treatment to drinking water standards is both energy- and water-intensive. Constructed wetlands, or living machines (wetland-like systems), and various types of treatment lagoons that u lize aqua c plants or micro algae to remove pollutants from wastewater streams are signi cantly more e cient than are conven onal treatment facili es. While wetlands cannot produce potable water, they can produce water suitable for irriga on, cooling, and other household purposes. Water reuse and conven onal seawater desalina on may eventually become expensive

necessi es for providing potable water; however, exploring more energy-e cient alterna ves that produce fewer wastes may be prudent in the interim.

Water-Dependent Fuels Conven onal energy sources (e.g., fossil fuels, nuclear, hydroelectric) are major users and/or polluters of water, but a number of supposedly “green” energy sources are nearly as water ine cient. Hydrogen gas is o en touted as a subs tute fuel, but most hydrogen gas is produced by reac ng steam with natural gas, a process that is both water consump ve and pollu ng. Bioethanol is even more water unfriendly as a result of its dependence on cul va ng starchy plants that have the same irriga on demands as food crops and that pollute waters with pes cides, fer lizers and processing wastes. Moreover, the global produc on of bioethanol has been linked to regional food shortages. Alterna vely, the combined ac ons aqua c algae and bacteria can produce hydrogen gas in a complex process that generates a renewable fuel.

A common response to drought is moving water from where it is to where it is not. Much of the U.S. Southwest was developed (or overdeveloped) using this tac c, and now the hunt is on for water from more distant sources. Beyond the enormous energy demands of transpor ng water through pipelines or canals and the staggering costs of building the required infrastructure, impor ng en re water supplies is neither sustainable nor secure. Similarly energy ine cient is the proposed shipping of bulk water (via large tankers) between con nents. There are even ques ons as to whether shipping a more limited volume of bo led drinking water makes sense.

The restoration of a pre-Inca water technology in the Andes Mountains may serve as a means of addressing the drought that has a ected the city of Lima, Peru. Originally built between AD 500 and 1000, the ancient stone canals captured water from rivers and surface runo

in the mountains

during the rainy season, permitting water to recharge the underlying


groundwater that supported springs in the lower elevations even during the dry season. Lima’s water utility

Many of the water crises we face today stem

company has determined that it is more cost-e ective to grout the

from the collec ve belief that we can

ancient canals, which

manipulate the planetary water cycle so that it



neglected for centuries, than to pursue

conforms to our desires—no ma

energy-intensive technologies such as

the pa erns and rhythms of the natural world. Can we learn to adapt to water’s behaviors and preferences, or will we con nue to demand that water adapt to ours? In our e ort to manage water and avert poten al crises using the most expedient alterna ves, we have o en overlooked their longterm consequences. I refer to water crises, rather than to water shortages, because there is no less water on the planet today than there was a thousand years ago. What have changed are the number of people (par cularly in regions with limited water resources), the widespread reloca on and degrada on of water, the recent shi s in global precipita on pa erns, and the assump on that technology alone will ul mately solve these crises.

seawater desalination. Restoration of the canals keeps surface runo


draining directly into rivers where it causes and,

oods during the rainy season instead,




underground where it can be accessed (via springs) during the dry season. Other











grazing; however, grouting the canals is projected to have the greatest impact, perhaps reducing Lima’s water de cit by as much as 60 percent Source: http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn27311preinca-canals-may-solve-limas-water-


































Bulk Water Imports

Reviving Ancient Water Solutions

er how contrary to

West is a scientist, educator, and founder of corporations and foundations focused on diverse water quality projects. He is the author of three books and journal articles that address a range of topics. 
 More information is available a www.watersciences.org References to hydromimicry visit https:// www.researchgate.net/ pro le/Dl_Marrin/ contribution www.watersciences.org/documents/ Marrin- EnergyBulletin.pdf."

AUTHOR: West Marrin, Ph.D.


Explorations Books by West Marrin, Ph.D.





















Water Issue













science & consciousness

Desalination at the speed of light

The OKEANOS Evolution The Okeanos WaterChip™ is a solid-state, Massively Paralleled Desalination (MPD) platform

To put all of this another

that employs a newly characterized, patent-pending

way, we are in essence

micro-electrochemical process to desalinate with radical energy-ef ciency. We desalinate millionths of

exploiting the power of the

a liter at a time – that is, we “Microdesalinate” – and

electron to harness and

we do this using tiny microstructures, which are then massively paralleled to produce useful water ows.

redirect the built-in,

Desalination in tiny volumes allows us exploit a form of energy that simply cannot be generated in

corrosive energy of

“macroscale” (e.g. liters of space). This form of

seawater towards the useful


energy is called an “electrochemical eld gradient” and using it to do the “work” of desalination is


advantageous because this work is limited by

desalination, and we do

electron rather than ion-transfer kinetics, making it far more ef cient than those processes that function

this in very tiny volumes.

in the dimensions of space you are used to thinking about - such as Reverse Osmosis, Electrodialysis or






heat/evaporative based methods



COST-EFFECTIVENESS – Worldrecord desalination ef ciency = dramatic reduction in operational expenses RELEVANCE – Cost-effective desalination will provide profound economic, political, environmental and humanitarian bene ts across the globe ELEGANCE – Operation without extreme hydraulic pressures, massive electrical currents or intense heat sources make for simple, compact installations with small system footprint CLEANLINESS – Operation on alternative energy sources, and/or reduced burden on dirty, coal-powered grid energy results in direct environmental bene ts FEASIBILITY 1. Pretreatment. No membranes means minimal pretreatment required other than basic sedimentation. Elimination of the need for chemicals, lters, treatment ponds etc. results in massive capital and effective operational savings 2. Post treatment. No post treatment required. Complete disinfection, de-boronation, and heavy metals removal without the use of chemicals, which have to be added and then removed with other technologies in expensive (capex/opex) multistage processes





Maintenance. No membranes also means no fouling and the minimization of maintenance capital and labor 6. SCALABILITY 1. Operating expense scales linearly with output rates – unlike other technologies which require massive operational economies of scale and capital accessories (e.g. energy recovery systems) to reach what might loosely be called “economic competitiveness” 2. Highly modular framework – systems to address from small to large scale (e.g. municipal) needs 7. FLEXIBILITY – On demand programmability for seawater vs. brackish waters means no need for source water dependent con guration/ equipment, further enhancing effective operating ef ciencies 8. SAFETY 1. Bacteria, viruses and particulates are removed as ef ciently as salt, without the use of expensive and cumbersome coagulants or chemicals 2. On demand monitoring of system performance in real tim 9. DURABILITY – no moving parts, no extreme operating conditions (e.g. hydraulic pressures or voltages) 10. MANUFACTURABILITY – recent advances in microelectronics fabrication and proprietary designs translate into capital (e.g. system purchase) expenses on par with today’s technologies.

Copyright © 2013 Okeanos Technologies






















Over 97% of the world's water is in our seas and oceans with only 1% of the worlds water supply available for drinking.

Help us develop the most a ordable and environmentally friendly water puri cation technology ever! That’s where Desolenator can make the di erence. We take the solar radiation that hits the surface of the system and harness ALL of it.

Key features include: •


expensive, have consumables and which are

• • • •






usually powered by fossil fuels or solar stills which have a low yield, Desolenator is robust, energy independent and has no moving parts. During its lifetime Desolenator will desalinate water at a lower cost per litre than any system at

high performance solar panel embedded boiler and pum remote monitoring syste food grade material robust casing and alloy unit is ready for use anywhere (coastal, high TDS / contaminent / arsenic/ saline groundwater etc. scenarios)

this scale available on the market today.

support ff









Graphene Nanotechnology Makes Desalination 100 Times More Efficient Engineers at Lockheed-Martin recently developed and patented a molecular ltration membrane called Perforene which can desalinate seawater using only 1/100th the energy of the best existing desalination systems.
 Perforene is made from graphene, the exciting new nanomaterial which comes in the form of one-atom thick sheets of carbon atoms. Like an overzealous nanotechnology, graphene seems to photobomb itself in as the solution to numerous environmental problems such as, storing electricity, removing air pollution, advanced photovoltaics, high strength materials and now desalinating water Under a microscope, this material looks like a mesh net with holes as small as one hundred nanometer. These holes are small enough to block the chlorine and sodium ions in salt water but large enough to allow pure water molecules to pass through The material was invented by Lockheed engineer. In an interview with Reuters, Stetson said that this new material is 1000 times stronger than steel and 500 times thinner than the best existing reverse osmosis desalination lter He said, “The energy that’s required and the pressure that’s required to lter salt is approximately 100 times less.
















Why desalinating water is not energy ef cient Desalination typically uses at least 3 kilowatt-hours per cubic meter. To put this into familiar terms, lling

a 2 liter bottle with desalinated water consumes the same amount of energy as running a 15-watt compact uorescent light for 24 minutes The energy required to purify two liters of freshwater would only run the same light for less than two minutes This may not seem like a lot of energy, but it adds up According to information published by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the world’s desalination plants consume approximately 360 million kilowatt-hours each day. Because of their gluttonous energy consumption, desalination plants are nearly always collocated with electrical power generating stations Nuclear power is often used. But in a bit of political doublespeak, the desalination plants are said to generate electricity. Electricity “generated” by existing desalination plants is only the excess energy produced by the collocated power plant that hasn’t been consumed If unconsumed energy is the same things as producing energy, Lockheed-Martin’s desalination technology might become one of the most important sources of energy and water in the Middle East. The company is seeking commercialization partners and hopes begin manufacturing this amazing new material in 2015 Source

Algae could both provide biofuel and clean up


Algae grows in pools of wastewater in Houston, Texas (Photo: Rice University) Algae may indeed be a potential source of biofuel, but it can also nd use in things like nutritional supplements and cosmetics. When it's grown commercially, its growth is usually aided with chemical fertilizers. The cost of those chemicals cuts into the pro ts, however, plus the fertilizers are also needed for more traditional crops. That's why scientists from Houston's Rice University are looking into growing algae in municipal wastewater – the water would already contain its own free fertilizer, plus the algae would help clean it up Led by researchers Meenakshi Bhattacharjee and Evan Siemann, the Rice team experimented with growing various strains of oil-rich algae in open-air pools containing water from one of Houston's wastewater treatment plants. Although the solids had already been ltered from the water, it still contained the nitrogen and phosphorous that the algae needed to feed upon After 14 weeks, it was found that not only did the algae thrive, but that it consumed over 90 percent of the nitrates and 50 percent of the phosphorous in the water. If too much of these nutrients remain in wastewater after it's released back into the environment, it can cause major environmental problems such as algae blooms In a previous study, researchers in Kansas likewise attempted to grow algae in wastewater. In that case, the algae consumed much less of the phosphorous, which might have been due to the fact that the weather was cooler. That could mean that the technology is better suited to regions with warm climates, such as Texas The scientists are now examining other variables that might affect the process, along with evaluating the cost-effectiveness of the system. A paper on the research was recently published in the journal Algae By Ben Coxworth

Source: Rice University









April 6, 2015

Huge Reserves of Freshwater Lie Beneath the Ocean Floo

The discovery was made by researchers at the National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training (NCGRT) and the School of the Environment at Flinders University. The scientists estimate there is around half a million cubic kilometers of what they describe as “low salinity” water, which means it could be processed into fresh, potable water economically The reserves formed when ocean levels were lower and rainwater made its way into the ground in land areas that were not covered until the ice caps melted 20,000 years ago, causing sea levels to rise









"The volume of this water resource is a hundred times greater than the amount we’ve extracted from the Earth’s sub-surface in the past century since 1900," says study lead author Dr. Vincent Post. "Our research shows that fresh and brackish aquifers below the seabed are actually quite a common phenomenon.

To access these non-renewable water reserves, it would be necessary to drill into the seabed from man-made, offshore platforms or from the mainland or nearby islands. Despite the high costs involved, the water would require less energy to desalinate than it does to desalinate sea water, although a careful assessment of the economics, sustainability and environmental impact of the exploration of such water reserves would be necessary Post added that humanity needs to be careful not to contaminate these aquifers while drilling for oil or disposing of carbon dioxide as suggested in some carbon capture and storage proposals Water scarcity is set to be one of the biggest environmental challenges of the 21st century, with global warming, deforestation, overpopulation, industrial demand, irrigation and several other factors taking a huge toll on the planet’s water reserves. According to UN-Water, in 2011 some 768 million people lacked access to suitable sources of drinking water. Seawater desalination plants are becoming a more widely-used source of drinkable water, but the process is generally costly and extremely energy-intensive The team's research is described in a paper published in the December 5th issue of Nature Source: Flinders University


Scientists in Australia have reported the discovery of huge freshwater reserves preserved in aquifers under the world's oceans. The water has remained shielded from seawater thanks to the accumulation of a protective layer of sediment and clay. And it’s not a local phenomenon. Such reserves are to be found under continental shelves off Australia, China, North America and South Africa

Primary Water 
 Water for a Thirsty World Where does water come from, what a simple question to consider, but do you really know the answer? “Primary water, the original source of our oceans, is still being created by geological forces. That water, usually in a potable form, comes to the Earth's surface in thousands of places, some well known like Jericho and Bahrain where it has provided drinking water for thousands of people for thousands of years. It pours into deep mines all over the world. The hallmark of new, or primary, water springs and wells is that they provide water at constant temperature and ow. But this worldwide source of “new water” has been ignored by geologists and laymen in most countries including the United States. They were taught that all potable water comes from the “hydrological cycle” which merely recycles water already on the surface.”

article by greg o’neill

Primary Water: Earth's Untapped Gift

“Primary water is new water formed by chemical reactions deep in the Earth. This water, driven by massive pressure, works its way toward the surface through faults and ssures in normally impervious crystalline rock. While you may have to drill deeper for Primary Water, it is generally not subject to pollution or variations in rainfall, and usually sustains production for decades. --- Michael H. Salzman, author of the deeply compelling book,”New Water For A Thirsty World”, published in 1960.

Talk for Food with Adam Abraham www.primarywaterinstitute.org

http://upriser.com/posts/alarmbells-toll-for-human-civilizationas-world-s-12th-largest-megacity-is-running-out-of-wate http://www.sliptalk.com/ ygeyser-in-nevada/2/

water solutions







Riess ... mainly looked for "restricted faults" or breaks in the earth's crust which rarely reach to the earth's surface. Where these vertical pipes or fissures or fumaroles did reach the surface, great natural springs of primary water occurred. "You take the creek up in Kings Canyon National Park," he elaborated, "why, it flows at several thousand gallons a minute and it is above all drainage in any direction. Moose Lake, in the same area, also has no visible watershed and that, too, flows at several thousand gallons a minute. Even in dry summer months on mount WhitnOPEN READERey at about 13,000 feet there is a sheer granite wall with a protrusion on its face that cups a small lake. If that lake water is rain or snow, then all we have to do is hang tanks on the Empire State Building or the Eiffel Tower and expect a constant flow of water." - Author: Christopher Bird

Earth Generated Water: ongoing within the Earth Article Here: Author: Christopher Bird

In the early 50's, a geo-chemist, metallurgist, mining engineer and dowser named Stephan Riess theorized that a vast supply of water ran under the Mojave desert large enough to supply the needs of all the people in southern California. Riess's conclusions were corroborated by a study done by civil engineers. Their findings revealed that there was as Riess called it, primary water travelling in the deep rock fault system under the desert that had nothing in common with the water in the alluvium sedimentary aquifers. This rock fissure water was also so pure that chlorination was unnecessary, and it ran like deep, life-giving veins in the earth. In fact, Riess contended that most underground water did not originate via precipitation that had gradually percolated through the soil as p r e v i o u s l y t h o u g h t . Wa t e r i s incompressible, so once it has reached a depth where the density of the soil becomes equal to its own, it simply cannot "seep" downward any further. He felt instead that the largest quantities of water underground were formed from the elements within the earth, and constituted primary water that had never seen the surface of the earth before. Freshwater springs that spew forth large volumes of water off the coast of islands are good examples.

As proof of his theory, Riess drilled a number of deep, successful wells, and turned barren, California desert land into fertile, productive acreage. A southern California magazine, Fortnight, ran a 2-part article in 1953, and diagnosed why such a discovery was ignored by local politicians. There was simply too much money to be made in the vast water transport systems planned that California's financial and political leadership had to ignore Riess's discovery. Riess asked, "Why should huge sums of money be spent to build pipe lines over great distances, when Mother Nature has created her own pipe lines? It is certainly far more economical to pump water vertically up 450 feet than to pump and transport it laterally for 450 miles!" By 1958, Riess's work was noticed by the Israeli government and they invited him to find water for their new city of Eliat on the Red Sea's Gulf of Aquaba. Riess met with the then Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion and his advisors who urged him to go ahead with his search for water as soon as possible. On May 29, 1959, the Jerusalem Post announced that the Riess-located well was sufficient enough to supply a city of more than 100,000 people including industry and outlying villages!

Several active Riess wells today: Escondido, California Riess and his successor, Morad Eghbal, each located several wells in the late 1970's on private property both for the personal use of the owner as well as for the commercial water development for surrounding towns that needed to purchase water. These well are in operation and producing today.

Cottonwood, Idaho The city of Cottonwood was running out of water and the traditional, professional geologists the city had hired to find water declared that there was no hope of success. The city then turned to Stephan Riess, Riess immediately located two wells for them. The first generated more than 250 gallons per minute. The second, produced over 500 gallons pre minute. At the city's request, Riess returned to locate a third well for Cottonwood's future expansion. This well produced over 550 gallons per minute. All three wells continue to supply the city of Cottonwood today.


Primary Water 
 Water for a Thirsty West

The Reich

cloudbuster method The Reich cloudbuster method has no chemicals, no active EM or anything else being pumped into the atmosphere, but rather utilizes a property of "living water" as Schauberger might say, as it exists in liquid form at the ground, to stimulate changes in gaseous water in the atmosphere towards raindrops and coalescence. Also circulation motions react to these changes once they are initiated, creating a spreading "chain reaction" of sorts that propagates outwards to affect larger regions of drought or dryland In the actual working of these instruments, there is no 'squeezing' of water out of the atmosphere as per cloudseeding, and hence no "dry shadow" downwind. The successful operation leads to a restoration of the natural cycles and processes of rain-dry-rain-dry pulsation, after which we retire home. Like using a de brillator to get the heart going again, after something has led to a stoppage or blockage. Except there's no lightning bolts coming off the cloudbuster. It is much more gentle and subtle, more like a gentle

massage during midwifery, as compared to the hard obstetrics of the cloudseeders It is not anything used over long periods, only short periods, like a form of atmospheric acupuncture. In fact, many of the concepts used in acupuncture, such as removing of energy blockages, are similarly developed in Reich's original theory of its operation. However, he didn't come to it by eastern metaphysics, but rather on the line of early vitalism and Freudian libido theory, and persisting ideas on the cosmic ether of space. Freud had the larger in uence upon Reich, whose work indicated "libido" was a speci c biological-sexual-emotional energy, measurable bioelectrically, and later objecti ed as life energy, or orgone energy His ndings on the atmospheric energy are the most amazing of all his work, but I con rmed it years back at University of Kansas, and in many other eld trials. The data is pretty good, and I'm now trying to convince the water bureaucrats in California to sponsor a project against their water crisis. 












by James DeMeo Ph.D.

"The old 'ether-theory'


physics was never disproven, but it fell out of favor around the same time Reich discovered the atmospheric orgone continuum. Reich's arguments thereafter were received with skepticism as there were no parallel concepts in modern physics. However, the old 'ether-theory' is making a comeback, and possibly that situation will change as well. For now, I simply make note that Reich's discovery was never factually refuted by replication of his experiments with negative results -in fact, I was the

rst academic

scientist to actually attempt such experiments, and got positive results. Reich was attacked by his critics purely for theoretical disagreements -- they could not believe it was possible, and so never bothered to attempt the experiments. This was exactly what Galileo's critics did, when they refused to 'look into the telescope' to con rm his observations. With Reich, however, there has been a long line of scientists and naturalists outside the universities who have con rmed his ndings -- I was simply the

rst university

academic to do so, and so I owe a big debt to both Reich and also the






Dr. Wilhelm Reich and two of his students operating the “CLOUDBUSTER”

others who kept his work alive over these many years."

I read Dr. Wilhelm Reich’s book, Selected

So I built his devices, including several

Writings, when still an undergraduate

orgone energy accumulators, using Reich’s

student, and found it both exciting and

plans, and con rmed many of the subjective

stunning. I could hardly put it down. The

parameters he reported. I experienced the

book outlined an entire set of new

radiant warmth from the walls, which

discoveries, ranging from the biology of

sensibly penetrated deep inside one’s

sexuality, to emotions and cancer, and

organism; the increased visual perception;

hence into biophysics, atmospheric science,

and the luminous anomalies not described

and cosmology. With amazement, I learned

in any textbook. I found that it also promoted

his books had been banned and burned,

the healing of small cuts and burns,

rst in Europe, then later by the U.S. Food

sometimes with a speed signi cant enough

and Drug Administration, which also

to observe directly during treatments

engineered Reich’s death in prison. This only fed my curiosity. Only scientists of

I tried Reich’s other experiments, using

historical signi cance suffered such a fate.

millivoltmeters and electroscopes to

His life-energy science, called orgonomy—

document laboratory anomalies he reported,

after the orgone energy he discovered—

nearly all of which were reproducible. The

offered so many hopeful developments for a

accumulator not only enhanced biological

suffering humanity. I could not rest easy

growth but also displayed a measurable

without knowing for certain: Was it true? Or

increase of electrical charge inside as

not? And so I followed the red thread

compared to outside

Reich left behind, as in the myth of Ariadne in the Labyrinth, following wherever it led I began by obtaining photocopies of his banned and burned journal articles and books, plus articles by others, such as those published in the Journal of Orgonomy, which reported experiments by various MDs and PhDs from around the world that veri ed Reich’s

ndings. If it was all madness, as

Reich’s critics claimed, then what of this large body of published empirical evidence?









The critics simply ignored it



following the red thread James DeMeo Ph.D.

'New' Method for Drought-Abatement and Desert-Greening I then assisted Dr. Blasband with several

dissipation trials were also carried out on isolated

cloudbusting experiments, using his

cumulus clouds, which were photographed in

apparatus as constructed according to

sequence, every minute, with subsequent digital

Reich’s designs. A cloudbuster is a large

evaluation of cloud areas. After selecting and

antenna-like instrument that can be aimed at

tracking a cloud with the necessary characteristics

any point in the sky, whereupon it can alter the dynamics of clouds, to grow or shrink them using various techniques, even to the point of bringing rains during drought

over ve minutes, a coin- ip decided if the selected cloud would be in the control group and remain untested, versus the test group affected by aiming the cloudbuster at its core. The results showed an approximate doubling of the speed of clouddissipation for the test group of clouds versus the

On my rst experience, a fully stagnant atmosphere

control group

choked with “smog” and visibility limited to one mile at best was opened up where the sky had been

My professors were pleasantly surprised by the

scanned within 15 minutes of work, as if some giant

results. But when word of my results spread, those

theatre curtains had parted, revealing clear blue

who felt “Reich” and “orgone” besmirched the

skies and well-de ned clouds. Rains came shortly

reputation of the university unethically worked to

thereafter. During the operations, many birds

suppress and block further research on the subject.

reacted to the biological

eld effects of the

Nevertheless, my work was formally accepted and

cloudbuster, ying around the apparatus with loud

the graduate degree program was completed.

chirping. I also could sense its effects. It was as

Subsequent work with the cloudbuster over the next

Reich had described some 30 years earlier

30 years further veri ed Reich’s claims that his methods could bring rains even under droughty and

A year later, as a graduate student in the

desert conditions

Geography-Meteorology Department at the University of Kansas, I undertook cloudbusting

For example, a major drought-breaking operation in

experiments for my graduate thesis, attempting to

the southeastern United States in 1986 ended what

show some results—any results, in more elaborated

was an historical drought of most severe conditions,

proofs. Several of the department professors, while

and the South Carolina State Climatology Of ce

constructively critical, agreed to the test. The twelve

was suf ciently impressed to include my paper on

cloudbusting operations I undertook to bring rain

the operation in the proceedings of a conference

were analyzed by reviewing percent-cloud-cover

focused upon the drought. Nobody had predicted it

and rainfall data from 278 National Weather Service

would end with the widespread and persisting rains

weather stations in Kansas. Anomalous increases in

that developed shortly after work with the

cloud cover and signi cant rains developed on the

cloudbuster had begun. This was one of the few

days of these operations, with a persistence effect

cases where I could get my ndings published, as I

over several additional days. This was about four

would later discover when a mainstream blackout

times more rain than on the three days immediately

descended over the subject.
















before operations commenced. A series of cloud-

An averaged Rainfall-Doubling Effect from

scienti c organizations, and even at a few leading

cloudbusting Experiments in Arizona, from ve pre-

universities, generally by the diminishing number

announced dates of operations in 1989.

of graying “maverick eccentrics” still surviving within the academy. More signi cantly, however, I

In 1989, a major experiment to increase rains was

was invited to carry out new experiments, working

undertaken in Arizona with the cloudbuster, on ve

against critical drought situations using Reich’s

pre-announced dates with noti cations sent to the

cloudbusting methods, which were as big a break-

NOAA weather modi cation of ces. National

through in atmospheric science as the orgone

Weather Service data from 424 rain-gauges in the

accumulator was in medicine and biology

region of Arizona, Southern Nevada, and Southeast California were used for the analysis. An

A severe three-year drought of historical

averaged rain fall-doubling effect was produced by

proportions was ended in Israel by a team effort

the experimental work over that same large area.

using the cloudbuster. That work, which I

The results were communicated to of cials in

organized and directed in 1991-92, was supported

Washington, D.C., but only silence and “academic

by private foundations with logistical support and

dirty-tricks” resulted. A major symposium, entitled

approvals from the Israeli government.

“WilhelmReich: A Reappraisal,” which I had organized through the American Association for the

The experiment resulted in widespread and

Advancement of Science for their annual

saturating rains that quickly developed across the

conference in San Francisco, was undermined by

entire eastern Mediterranean and ending the

the “skeptics” and censored

historical drought with equally historical unprecedented rains. However, the meteorologists

Subsequently, I was subjected to the

dismissed the results as the consequence of Mt.

mud-slinging fury of the professional

Pinatubo erupting six months earlier on the other

“skeptic clubs.” They harassed my

side of the planet, so our proposal for a follow-up

family and me; we were threatened with

“Negev Greening Project” went nowhere

burglary and death. And smear-hate mail was sent to the department chairmen in the

Author James deMeo standing near the trailer-

university where I was employed, and to editors of

mounted cloudbuster kiremti (Tigrinya word for

journals that published my papers. I later learned

“good rains”), during eld work in Eritrea, Africa.

that NOAA of ces had purged their les of all the

Apparatus is packed-up for transport. I was

publications I had sent them that documented the

subsequently invited to lead a team of scientists

effectiveness of the cloudbuster. Dr. Blasband and

into Namibia and later Eritrea, again with private

several of his associates also suffered similar

foundation funds and full logistical supports from

abuse. Still, I pursued the topic

the respective governments. A 12-year drought








rains spreading over the region.


invited to speak by private physician’s groups and


with the cloudbuster, with excellent and persisting


miserable way he was treated. I was grati ed to be


southern Africa, was abruptly reversed by our work


respect for Reich’s work and dismay at the


approaching widespread famine conditions for


Serious scientists globally have increasingly shown



pattern in Namibia, with an acute 3-year situation

University of Kansas Field Trials, 1977-1979 Full-sized Reich Cloudbuster, developed from the original principles as discovered by Dr. Wilhelm Reich in the 1950s, and used for ending droughts and greening deserts. The apparatus shown here were constructed by James DeMeo, PhD. These and similar devices have been used by Dr. DeMeo in various projects in the USA, Israel, Namibia and Eritrea (Africa), to successfully end droughts and green deserts.

the cloudbuster Unlike the better-known method of "cloud-seeding" where chemical stimulants are dispersed into the atmosphere to affect a small region, cloudbusting uses no chemicals whatsoever, and has both long-distance and persisting effects. It functions by excitation and triggering motion within the large energy continuum surrounding the Earth, and in which localized energy potentials are observed to create clouds and weather fronts.

rain solutions

hind the Aswan High Dam. In fact, Lake Nasser

meteorologists blocked our plans for a more

not only Thermal Anomaly inside the orgone

prolonged effort at drylands greening. A pattern

Energy Accumulator, versus a thermally-balanced

developed, where those in charge of weather

control enclosure, over 11 dry sunny days in

forecasting or who ran well- nanced cloud-seeding

September 2008. (with yellow dot) = Solar noon;

operations—and who could do nothing about

grey dot = midnight. This experiment was

severe drought situations—became irritated by our

undertaken inside a well-ventillated but highly

successful work. But this was not uniformly so

insulated shaded enclosure under a heavy forest canopy. The anomaly peaked at Solar noon, with

The operations in Eritrea were even more

minima near midnight, unrelated to the daily

fantastic, nearly “unbelievable” in fact, given how

temperature maximum and minimum. on overcast

that nation had been suffering under 30 years of

rainy days, even with a signi cant diurnal

chronic below-normal rains before our research

temperature variation, the anomaly basically

team arrived and started working. In that case,

vanished. This graphic is representative of similar

however, the rst year of results was so dramatic,

results obtained by the author over several years

producing above-normal rains after decades of

of evaluation lled but over owed out into the open

drought, that of cials delightfully agreed to nance

Sahara Desert, creating several gigantic new

a ve-year project. And so every summer over the

lakes, which are still visible today on Google Earth

following years, I would assemble and lead a team

just northwest of Aswan.

of professionals in Asmara to work against the chronic drought conditions. At the height of our

But few people know of this work as it could not be

experimental work, which in fact consumed more

published outside of our own in- house journal, in

in expenses than the available funds, we had three

spite of (or because of) the excellent data and

cloudbuster devices working in different locations,

documentation. The Eritrea experiments showed

coordinated by radio communications. Data

that Reich’s discovery could even bene t the open

analysis for the aggregate period showed a ~50%

S a h a ra D e se rt, w h i ch i s n o sm a l l fe a t.

increase in the average daily percent of maximum

Unfortunately, Eritrea and Ethiopia collapsed into

rainfall, contrasting the quantities which fell over

open warfare shortly thereafter, forcing my

the entire nation be- fore operations to the period

decision to end the project, as our international

after operations commenced

team was put at risk

Though this did not quite match the rainfall-

Over the last decade, I have backed away from the

d o u b l i n g e ff e c t a s s e e n i n t h e A r i z o n a

dif cult eldwork overseas and mostly settled into

experiments, it also took place in a much more

laboratory investigations of the orgone energy

dif cult atmospheric situation. Eritrea sits right at

itself, documenting its existence and physical

the southeastern corner of the Sahara Desert. But

properties. I’ve also investigated the old ether- drift

of equal or greater signi cance, the increased

experiments, based upon identi ed similarities

rains over the Nile River Basin dramatically

between Reich’s orgone energy continuum, which

increased ows in the Nile River far downstream,

lls all space, and the cosmic ether of nineteenth





lling of Lake Nasser be-
















yielding the



However, political reactions by the head

century physics.

away without bothering to investigate. On top of

Wilson in the late 1920s, which were the most

that are the malicious “skeptics” who have the ear

signi cant ever undertaken, actually measured and

of main- stream journalists and whose criticisms of

con rmed a real ether-drift signal. But he did so

Reich often elevate their standing in the scienti c

through identi cation of its material composition,

community. They ll the media with every kind of

which could be re ected or blocked by metal plate,

false and malicious claim about Reich’s biography

in a manner similar to the metal composition of the

and science. And any internet search on his name

orgone accumulator. Work by Albert Michelson on

or terms also produces the most stunning array of

Mt. Wilson also con rmed this effect, but both men

mystically exaggerated claims and gadgets from lay

were defeated by the heavy-handed politics of

enthusiasts and eBay hawkers, making quite a

science, as I reported in detail in several articles,

mess of it all

and one invited presentation to a Society for Scienti c Exploration conference in 2006. Newer

Nevertheless, my own experiments and those of

work by Yuri Galaev at the Ukraine Radiophysics

many others, too numerous to mention here, have

Institute has further con rmed the Miller result

validated the facts and truth of Reich’s science,

“down to the details.” But again, only a few appear

which is reproducible and has been veri ed many


times on the major details. And all within the best traditions of the natural sciences

It is easy to be a re exive skeptic of Reich’s work. The authentic experimental work is fantastic enough. Reich knew this and called it the “too much” factor, which caused some people to turn

James DeMeo, PhD. Orgone Biophysical Research Lab Ashland, Oregon, USA demeo@orgonelab.org
















Dayton Miller’s interferometer experiments atop Mt.

Speaker... www.waterconf.org/ www.facebook.com/ waterconf

James DeMeo, Ph.D., is a research scientist and former university professor, now Director of the Orgone Biophysical Research Lab, which he founded in 1978. His work and research is interdisciplinary, from cross-cultural, historical studies on the effects of drought and deserts on the origins of warfare and social violence, into laboratory experiments on cosmic cycles and life-energy subjects, and extensive confirming research on Wilhelm Reich's sex-economic and orgone biophysical findings. He has published over 100 journal articles and book-chapters on the issues of energy resources, health, cultural history, environmental problems, and experimental orgone biophysics. His websites are http:// www.saharasia.org and http://www.orgonelab.org, and he blogs at http://obrlnews.wordpress.com.

the energy-water connection Energy production requires a reliable, abundant, and predictable source of water, a resource that is already in short supply throughout much of the U.S.

The electricity industry is second only to agriculture as the largest user of water in the United States. Electricity production from fossil fuels and and the world.

nuclear energy requires 190,000 million gallons of water per day, accounting for 39% of all freshwater withdrawals in the nation, with 71% of that going to fossil-fuel electricity generation alone. Coal, the most abundant fossil fuel, currently accounts for

52% of U.S. electricity generation, and each kWh generated from coal requires withdrawal of 25 gallons of water. That means U.S. citizens may indirectly depend upon as much water turning on the lights and running appliances as they directly use taking showers and watering lawns. According to the 2001 National Energy Policy, our growing population and economy will require 393,000 MW of new generating capacity (or 1,300 to 1,900 new power plants-more than one built each week) by the year 2020, putting further strain on the nation’s water resources.


water, power, & food shortage?

Alex Jones on - Why California is Running Out of Water

Harvesting renewable, low-cost

Electricity from Water Pipes ADVANTAGE

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Clean, baseload energy without the intermittency of wind and sola Virtually no impact on water o No environmental effec Quick installatio Recovers process-based energ Operates across a wide range of head and ow conditions

Water to wire power syste Quali es for Investment Tax Credit Modular installation scales to power available in pipelin Works well behind the meter to power smart water grid devices The LucidPipe Power System can be installed in a day and energy generation can begin in less than a week. This keeps permitting and installation costs low and project returns high.

municipalities and agricultural irrigation districts worldwide can deploy our in-pipe hydropower system to generate millions of megawatt hours of renewable electricity from the water already owing through their pipelines – without interrupting ow.

energy solution


electricity, water- and energy-intensive industries,

Municipal Water Systems
 The LucidPipe Power System provides a way for cities and municipal water agencies to become more energy ef cient and develop a new revenue stream that can help reduce the cost of delivering clean, safe drinking water. It can also be used to generate power in remote, off-the-grid locations and can enhance water security by providing emergency back-up power
















when the grid is not available.

The LucidPipeTM Power System from Lucid Energy is a new, water-to-wire energy recovery solution that enables water-intensive industrial, municipal and agricultural facilities to produce clean, reliable, lowcost electricity from their gravity-fed water pipelines and ef uent streams. LucidPipe utilizes a patented, in-pipe turbine that captures energy from fastmoving water inside of large diameter, gravity-fed pipelines, with no impact on ow or operation. Depending on head pressure, ow and pipe diameter, each LucidPipe turbine produces up to 100 kilowatts of renewable, zero- emissions electricity by extracting excess head pressure. To maximize power generation, multiple LucidPipe units can be rapidly and easily installed into a single pipeline for a system that can produce more than a megawatt of electricity HOW IT WORK LucidPipe utilizes a unique, lift-based, vertical axis spherical turbine that ts inside of large diameter (24”-96”) water pipes. Water ows through the hydrodynamic turbine, generating power as the turbine spins. The hydrodynamic turbine has been carefully designed and lab-tested to maximize ef ciency and power generation without interrupting the ow of water. As velocities increase, power production increases. Due to the lift-based design of LucidPipe, the system generates power across a very wide range of ow conditions, volumes and velocities. LucidPipe extracts very little head pressure per turbine, just 1–6 PSI (1-4 meters). This allows the modular LucidPipe system to be placed

in series, while allowing for uninterrupted water ow. LucidPipe does not need to be placed in a pressure transient zone or where extreme differential pressures are needed. The modular nature of the LucidPipe Power System and the operational exibility it affords make it truly unique PROVEN TECHNOLOG Lucid Energy successfully piloted LucidPipe in a water pipeline at Western Municipal Water District in Riverside, California. This pilot fed more than 20 megawatt hours of renewable electricity to the grid. As a result of the successful pilot, Riverside Public Utilities decided to install a permanent system. The LucidPipe Power System installation at Riverside was awarded a 2011 Outstanding Energy Management Award by the California-Nevada section of the American Water Works Association The City of Portland, Oregon have installed a 42″ four-turbine LucidPipe Power System that began generating electricity in January 2015. This project was the rst in the U.S. to secure a 20-year power purchase agreement for electricity produced by in-pipe hydropower in a municipal water pipeline Lucid Energy is actively engaged with other major cities and industrial customers in the US and around the world who are leaders in smart water and energy innovation, are interested in clean, local sources of energy and want to reduce their operating costs.




















Clean with no environmental impac

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inspired by nature


Turbine bridge Moving facade creates dynamic, living architecture between the historic area. Curved shape of the blades makes that water flows back to the river after emersion. Turbine bridge is not only link between the two sides of the river. The idea was to create a multifunctional space on the Amstel River. For this purpose, its shape is designed as a giant ship's hull floating on the river. Main level of the bridge is a public space with pedestrian and bicycle path. There is also cafe, bicycle repair and administration office. On the roofs of this functions there are leisure terraces with playground. Plant rooms, turbine engines and storage are located underneath the deck. The characteristic shape of the bridge, referring to hourglass, is formed by the flow for a boat in the middle of the Amstel canal. In the centre of the bridge there is a meeting point for different decks and paths. A sustainable multi-functional watermill may reflect the ecological lifestyle of Amsterdam city.


U.S. Geological Survey


Introduction to Hydraulic Fracturing

health issue! wealth issue!

Frack and Crack Fracking has been linked to groundwater contamination, heightened earthquake activity, exacerbation of drought conditions, and a

Hydraulic fracturing (or

variety of health concerns for humans and the

fracking), as it generates

local environment

massive demand for water and water services. Each oil well developed

pressure nationwide to respond over increased transparency of chemicals used in the fracking process. As RT has reported, industry has avoided divulging -- often under the cover of of cial regulatory agencies -- just what chemicals are involved in their toxic injection

uids. Yet

drillers insist the chemicals do not endanger human health, contradicting ndings by scientists and environmentalists “What [oil and gas producers] have been doing, especially in the [California’s agriculturally fertile] Central Valley, is injecting this very contaminated, very salty -- often containing benzene -- water into shallow aquifers and shallow water supplies,” Helen Slottje, of the Community Environmental Defense Council, told RT “Water is not replaceable, we don't have any alternative sources for water. But we do have alternative sources for natural gas and oil.”

energy problem

Oil and gas companies are under increasingly intense

requires 3 to 5 million gallons of water, and 80% of this water cannot be reused because it’s three to 10 times saltier than s e a w a t e r. C i t i g r o u p recommends water-rights owners sell water to fracking companies instead of to farmers because water for fracking can be sold for as much as $3,000 per acre-foot instead of only $50 per acre/foot to farmers.

California water crisis has been completely mismanaged – conservationist New Insight on Ground Shaking from Man-Made Earthquakes







shaking it up

It's time to ask ourselves a fundamental question:

is this universe abundant or scarce? As was always the plan, "smart" meters are now facilitating austerity measures and penalties in a for-pro t state of manufactured lack Fines are now being arbitrarily imposed from "smart" meter data, with utilities now apparently assuming the power of judge and jury The Long Beach Water Department admits, "We are using [smart meter data] speci cally for an enforcement tool to go after those customers who we’ve gotten lots of complaints about.

Since the 1970s, when Brown took his rst turn as governor, California greens have successfully halted construction on new water storage facilities. In other words, while the state’s population has doubled since the 1960s, there have been no major water retention projects completed To make matters worse, the water that remains doesn’t all go to humans. The Wall Street Journal

And authorities have started a social media snitching campaign to get people to photograph and lm so-called "water wasters" — people who many not be doing anything more than watering their lawn in a normal way. Meanwhile, 80% of Californian water is used by commercial agriculture operations, including Con ned Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs). (link

explains that the state’s

And as with all Hegelian ploys, it's evident that California's water-rationing crisis is actually a

years, hundreds of thousands of acre

man-made disaster.

Francisco Bay to protect sh in the

The state has halted

construction of any new water storage facilities since the 1970's, and regulators have "let more than 2.6 million acre-feet out into the bay." Literally ushing 850 billion gallons of fresh water into the ocean, during the past two winters amid the drought. (link

“environmental regulations require that about 4.4 million acre-feet of water – enough to sustain 4.4 million families and irrigate one million acres of farmland – be diverted to ecological purposes. Even in dry feet of runo

are ushed into San

Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta. Then comes the kicker: “During the last two winters amid the drought, regulators let more than 2.6 million














acre-feet out into the bay.” - link



smart electric and water meters

smart meters effects on your blood

The corporate-government complex' disconnected patt has become this: crises are created on purpose (explicitly or by intentional mismanagement) in order to technocratically enslave everyone - one drop at a time, so less alarm bells ring

fascism is de

ned as a corporate-government

merger of power. It is "socialism with a capitalist veneer," according to the Concise Encyclopedia of Economics Let us be clear: the de nition now applies As awareness of the problem continues to grow exponentially and we get closer to its root, here is what I understand to be the antidote, and what I am myself striving toward 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

truth: accepting and sharing what's happening (both negative & positive) intention: including positive visualization or prayer for real solutions strategy: building a tangible plan and advocate tea action: removing consent, and enforcing individual liability; an mass-participation: community is much more powerful than the sum of its members

We cannot wait for others to do it for us, or for some magical leader to appear out of the woodwork

Josh del Sol Director & Producer, Take Back Your Power e josh@thebigpitcher.org v 800-396-9012 www.takebackyourpower.net Winner: Leo Award for Best Feature Documentary (BC) Winner: Indie Fest Annual Humanitarian Award Winner: AwareCinema Transformational Film of the Year Facebook / Twitter / YouTube

As Was Always the Plan: California WAter Authorities Using Smart Meter Data as Evidence to Impose Fines

California's Water Rationing: A Man-Made Disaste “So

instead of conserving water to bene t taxpayers, California of cials literally ushed 2.6 million acre-feet of fresh water into the ocean.” http://www.greenprophet.com/2014/12/ graphene-nanotechnology-makesdesalination-100-times-more-e cient

The solution is necessarily coming via all of us, as we are learning (perhaps the hard way) that we cannot entrust the responsibility for our lives to any external human being, organization, or structure - no matter how convenient or gadgetized the short-term path of least resistance is As a caterpillar's body is necessarily dissolved in the cocoon, the old structures are dissolving in this time of systems breakdown. It can feel a bit unnerving However, as "imaginal" cells within a caterpillar realign to its new body structure, the creation of a new pattern is emerging through everyone who would like to participate, in protecting life and creating something new























By Josh del So

https://www.ge.com/sites/default/ les/ ge_luke_clemente_BofA_121009_0.pdf

Hundreds of empowered groups are springing up worldwide, saying no to a corporate smart grid… and yes to democracy & positive solutions. Use this section to find other active groups in your region.

Josh del So

with Foster Action Gamble

Producer & Director, Take Back Your Power

Strategy Guide » USA (by state) » Canada (by province) » Australia & New Zealand » Europe & UK » Asia » Central & South America

Hundreds of thousands of citizens across the United States, Canada, Australia and United Kingdom have realized that they have power over their utility companies and governments. The following action steps are based on their experience. See more at






Take Action SYNOPSIS THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream -- uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.

click to view

Listening to the Buddha: how greed, ill-will and delusion are poisoning our institutions

As a Buddhist who’s passionate about social and political engagement, I’m fascinated by the contemporary relevance of Buddhist teaching. The Buddha didn’t say much about evil, but he often spoke about the three roots of evil or “three poisons” of greed, ill will, and delusion. When what we do is motivated by these poisons, the inevitable result is dukkha: “suffering,” but not just suffering at the level of each individual. All institutions are the mirror image of the motivations that make them work. So when politics and economics are based on the worst aspects of human nature, the inevitable result are societies riddled with inequality and violence.

By Zen scholar David Loy Art by Igor Morski

a radical transformation is called

Art by Igor Morski

The Buddhist emphasis on motivation sheds new light on the key questions of our time: the destruction of the environment, the exploitation of human beings, and the use of deception to quell dissent and debate. If institutionalized greed, ill will and delusion lie at the root of these problems, a radical transformation is called for. Nothing less will do. Our present economic system institutionalizes greed; our addiction to militarism institutionalizes ill will; and the corporate media institutionalize delusion. If greed is defined as “never having enough,” then that also applies collectively: corporations are never large enough or profitable enough, their share value is never high enough, and our GNP is never big enough. In fact, we cannot imagine what “big enough” might be. Built into these systems is the belief that they must keep growing, or else they will collapse. But why is more always better if it can never be enough? Who is responsible for this collective fixation on growth? All of us participate in one way or another, as employees, consumers, investors, and pensioners. The problem is that we rarely take personal responsibility for results that are collective: any awareness of what is happening tends to be diffused in the impersonal anonymity of the broader economic process. Consider the stock market, high temple of the economic system. On one side are many millions of investors, mostly anonymous and unconcerned about the details of the companies in which they invest, except for their profitability and share price. If they invest in mutual funds, investors rarely know where their money is invested anyway.

On the other side of the market, the desires and expectations of those millions of investors become transformed into an unremitting pressure for growth and increased profitability that every CEO

must respond to, preferably by maximizing shortterm results. Even if the CEO of a large transnational corporation wants to reduce the company’s impact on climate change, for example, any action at the necessary scale will threaten corporate profits, and they will lose their job. Corporations are legally chartered so that their first responsibility is not to their employees or customers, or to the members of the societies in which they operate, or to the ecosystems of the earth, but to their stockholders, who with few exceptions are concerned only about returns on their investment. In short, our economic system has its own built-in motivations based on greed. It’s the same with ill-will. One example of ill-will at work is the punitive legal system of the USA, which incarcerates vast numbers of people, mostly those on low incomes and people of color. White-collar criminals rarely end up in prison, at least for very long. An even more forceful example is our obsession with military spending and the weaponization of security. Measured by the power of its armed forces and the resources that are devoted to them, the United States is the most militarized society in world history. Each year in the USA, as much money is lavished on the armed forces as in the next six or seven largest economies combined. In 2011, US military spending was over $718 billion. The need to “defend ourselves” apparently requires well over 700 military installations overseas, and more than 900 at home. No wonder there’s so little money left over for education, health and social services. To justify that colossal expense, the military needs an enemy. The end of the Cold War removed the traditional enemy of the USA, but the “war on terror” replaced it with another.

This is already by far the longest war in US history, and it may never come to an end. Using drones to assassinate suspected terrorists, along with anyone else who happens to be nearby, ensures that a dependable supply of angry people are produced who have good reason to hate the USA. If terrorism is the war of the poor and disempowered, then war is the terrorism of the rich.

The US and most other countries are dominated by power elites that are composed of governments and large corporations, including the major media. People move seamlessly between these institutions, because there is little difference in their worldviews or their goals - expansion, growth and control. Politics remains “the shadow cast by big business over society,” as John Dewey once put it.

What about the third of the three poisons, or delusion? “The Buddha” literally means “the awakened one,” which implies that the rest of us are un-awakened. Each of us lives inside our own dream-like bubble of delusions, which distorts our perceptions and expectations. Buddhist practitioners are familiar with this problem, yet all of us live inside a larger bubble that determines how we understand the world and ourselves collectively. The institution that is most responsible for molding our collective sense of self is the media, which has become a kind of “international nervous system”.

The role of the media in this unholy alliance is to “normalize” this situation, so that members of the public accept it and continue to perform the roles that are required of them, especially the frenzied production and consumption that are necessary to keep the economy growing.

Genuine democracy requires an independent and activist press, in order to expose abuse and animate debate. In the process of becoming megacorporations, however, the major media have abandoned all but the pretense of objectivity. Since they are profit-making institutions whose bottom-line is based on advertising revenue, their main concern is to do whatever it takes to maximize those profits. It is not in their interest to question the grip of consumerism itself. An important component of any education worthy of the name is to realize that many of the things that we think are natural and inevitable (and therefore should be accepted), are in fact conditioned, and therefore can be changed.

The world doesn’t need to be the way it is; there are other possibilities. The present role of the media is to foreclose those possibilities by confining public awareness and discussion within narrow limits.

It’s important to realize that we are not being manipulated by a clever group of powerful people who benefit from this process. Rather, we are being manipulated by a deluded group of powerful people who benefit materially, but are also victims of their own propaganda. Not realizing that their own well-being is dependent on the well-being of other people, they are also caught up in the collective web of delusion. As the Viennese satirist Karl Kraus once said, “How do wars begin? Politicians tell lies to journalists, and then believe what they read in the newspapers.” The same applies to shared fantasies about the necessity of consumerism and perpetual economic growth, and the denial of impending ecocatastrophe. If the Buddha is correct that greed, ill will, and delusion are the causes of our suffering; and if it’s true that they’ve been institutionalized in all of our systems, then these are matters for deep and urgent concern. Awakening to the nature of these institutional poisons is just as important as the individual awakening that lies at the core of Buddhist teaching. In fact, the two are inseparable.

“How do wars begin?

Politicians tell lies to

journalists, and then believe what they read in the newspapers.” The same applies to shared fantasies about the necessity of consumerism and perpetual economic growth, and the denial of impending eco-catastrophe.

Art by Igor Morski

David Robert Loy is a professor, writer, and Zen teacher in the Sanbo Kyodan tradition of Japanese Zen Buddhism. He is a prolific author, whose essays and books have been translated into many languages. David lectures nationally and internationally on various topics, focusing primarily on the encounter between Buddhism and modernity: what each can learn from the other. He is especially concerned about social and ecological issues.

Igor Morski graduated with honors from the Interior Architecture and Industrial Design Faculty at the State Higher School of Fine Art in Poznań (now the University of Arts). In the late 80’s and early 90’s he worked for public broadcasting company Polish Television creating set design for TV theatre, culture and commentary shows. In the early 90’s the artist pursued a career in press illustration, working for leading Polish titles including „Wprost”, „Newsweek”, „Businesweek”, „Businesman Magazine”, „Manager Magazine”, „Charaktery”, „Psychologia dziś” or recently „Focus”. So far, he has created about 1000 illustrations. His work also regularly appears in international magazines (American „Deloitte Review”, Australian „Prevention”, „Money”, „ITB” and „Men’s Health”, “Womans Health, George). He is a winner of many prestigious awards including Communication Arts Excellence Award (2008, 2010) and Applied Arts Award (2010). Igor Morski is co-owner of a graphic design studio Morski Studio Graficzne in his hometown. His advertising art has been commissioned by Saatchi & Saatchi Singapore, Saatchi & Saatchi Sydney and Abelson Taylor among others.

6:30 to 8:00p

cost: free https://www.banyen.com/events/lo Buddhism and the Ecological Challeng Public Lecture at UB Friday May 15, 6:30 – 8:00p Asian Centre Auditorium, 1871 West Mal Free Admission, Open to Publi http://buddhism.arts.ubc.ca/2015/03/25/publiclecture-david-loy-on-buddhism-and-the-ecologicalchallenge Transforming Self, Transforming Societ Daylong Meditation Retrea Saturday May 16, 9:00am – 4:00p Mountain Rain Zen Community, 2016 Wall Stree Suggested donation $40 – 100, no-one turned away for lack of fund Pre-registration: www.DavidLoy2015.eventbrite.ca Awakening in the Age of Eco-Crisi Dharma Tal Sunday May 17, 10:00am - 12:00p Mountain Rain Zen Community, 2016 Wall Stree Dana / donations accepte






















Thursday May 14, 2015




Talk and Book signin

3608 West 4th Ave

Polish graphic designer, illustrator and set designer. Presently, he focuses on mixed media graphic art, based manly on photo manipulation, drawing, recently also 3D.

and Ethics in the Modern Worl

Banyen Books & Soun

About Igor Morski


A New Buddhist Path: Enlightenment, Evolution,


Tickets: (604) 737-885 1-800-663-8442/(604) 732-791 3608 West 4th Ave,Vancouver B http://www.banyen.com

books, sound, gifts & events 8




e-motion of water “Eunoia” is a performance that uses my brainwaves -- collected via EEG sensor-- to manipulate the motions of water. It derives


from the Greek word “ey” (well) + “nous” (mind) meaning “beautiful thinking”. EEG is a brainwave detecting sensor. It measures frequencies of my brain activity (Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma, Theta) relating to my state of consciousness while wearing it. The data collected from EEG is translated in realtime to modulate vibrations of sound with using software programs. EEG sends the information of my brain activity to Processing, which is linked with Max/MSP to receive data

and generate sound from Reaktor.

video 1 video 2

your body is 2/3rd water your thoughts stir within

lisa park Korean 5 elements of

emotion •h a p p i n e s s •d e s i r e •a n g e r •s a d n e s s

•h a t e

Tesla Tech Conferences & Magazin


2015 ExtraOrdinar Te c h n o l o g y Conference Albuquerque, NM - Embassy Suite July 29-Aug







talk about energy with Adam Abraham

Rethinking "Free Energy" with Peter Lindemann, Ph.D.

with Adam Abraham I’ll end this missive with the reminder that life doesn’t weigh in the balance, as it will always “be”… but consciousness does. Human evolution does. Freedom does. Health does. Peace does Indeed, the way that health and quality of life can be restored, is through the return to balance, made possible by and through the amazing uid that is water.

Dancing with Water New Science of Water Conversation with MJ Pangman


The Alchemy of Water: A Conversation with Bengt


talk for food

Dan Nelson,

Hydration, and the Power of Efficient Water Part I

www.waterconf.org/ www.facebook.com/waterconf

Professor Gerald Pollack/facebook

The Fourth Phase of Water

with Gerald Pollack

california is the us bread basket regularly purchase several crops produced solely in California. http://www.cdfa.ca.gov/statistics/

Stephen Hume: Massive water-diversion scheme stirs in its grave

As mega-drought spreads in the U.S. West, a grandiose plan to divert Canadian water south is being discussed anew...STORY HERE

not just a california issue

The state produces nearly half of USgrown fruits, nuts and vegetables. Across the nation, US consumers

photo by Rob Krause, Sacile, Italy

twist on the problem

California’s Epic Drought: 
 by ELLEN BROWN Movies - Water Wars 1958 hit The Big Country starring Gregory Peck, Clint Eastwood’s 1985 Pale Rider, 1995’s Waterworld with Kevin Costner, and the 2005 film

No Backup Plan for California Drought with One Year of Water Left the new “water barons” Chemtrails Killing Organic Crops, Monsanto’s GMO Seeds Thrive

Batman Begins. Most acclaimed was the 1975 Academy Award winner Chinatown with Jack Nicholson and Faye Dunaway, involving a plot between a corrupt Los Angeles politician and land speculators to fabricate the 1937 drought in order to force farmers to sell their land at low prices. The plot was rooted in historical fact, reflecting battles between Owens Valley farmers and Los Angeles urbanites over water rights.



Drought-Tolerant Crops and Varieties chart

edible desert plants

Growing Food in a Hotter, Drier Land: Lessons from Desert Farmers on Adapting

drought tolerate desert gardening "Permaculture is about designing sustainable human settlements.

It is a philosophy and an

approach to land use which weaves together microclimate, annual and perennial plants,


- Bill Mollison (co-creator of Permaculture)

needs into intricately connected, productive


animals, soil, water management, and human

A typical lawn uses 10,000 gallons of water a year. Consider FAKE grass, if you must!

1 2

desert landscape



tips Use our Plant Search tool to help you find the perfect plants for your yard and create a list of plants you can take to the local nursery on your next visit. Choose Desert-Hearty Plants Select plants that do well in our desert climate. Although nurseries offer a wide variety of plants, you'll have the greatest long-term success by focusing on hardy, low-water-use plants. Find a wide variety of low maintenance and native plants using our Plant Search. Some Recommendations Try some of these shrubs, trees and plants: Valentine Bush - Masses of tubular red flowers begin blooming in early February and continue into March. They like full sun. Cassia - This shrub's bright yellow blooms appear from January through March and sporadically the rest of the year. Rosemary - A good companion plant for the cassia, rosemary blooms during the same periods. Spanish Lavender - Expect blue spikes of color in spring and fall. Autumn Sage - Don't let the name fool you. This hummingbird favorite blooms all year, but most profusely from October through April. Sweet Acacia - Puffy yellowish-orange flowers perfume the air from February through April. Palo Verde - Count on a shower of golden-yellow blooms beginning in March. Desert Willow - Native to local washes, this tree is beloved by hummingbirds and bees and produces clusters of fragrant orchid-like blossoms, ranging from white to deep purple. Texas Mountain Laurel - This tree's large purple clusters of wisterialike flowers looks as good as they smell. Chaste Tree - Long, narrow spikes of purple flowers cover this shrublike tree in early summer. Trees When buying a container-grown tree, look for a firm, straight trunk, good symmetry of branches and foliage free of browning or disease. Check the roots: the soil mix should stay in contact with the roots. Never buy a container-grown tree with tightly congested roots or one with thick roots poking through the drainage holes. For best results with any bare-root trees, plant before mid-February. Plenty of small, fine-white, moist roots that are evenly spread out suggest a healthy tree.

http://www.snwa.com/land/ maint_tips_spring.html

By Mimicking Natural Crystal Blue can reduce agricultural water usage up to 30%

water savings up to


Revitalizing & Optimizing Wellness


People, Plants, Animals & Environment


Water in it’s natural form carries within its perfect molecular


structure all that is needed to serve as a catalyst for igniting and sustaining all life on earth.

The inner walls of each Crystal Blue unit there an appropriate blend of crystals, rare earth and highly paramagnetic minerals that together provide a very bene cial and healing e ect to the water. "Paramagnetic rock also has a profound in uence on water. When it is brought near water the collective force from billions of individual rock particles (each one a tiny magnet) generates a strong, non-polar magnetic

eld that brings rapid

structure to water."






no waiting! no wasting! purchase INSTANT HOT WATER HEATERS

shower & sink Selecting a Water Heater Selecting the right point of use water heater size and model is based on four simple criteria: Use – How you plan on using the water heater will determine how much hot water it needs to supply. It will also determine if it’s advantageous for you to have a single unit for your entire home, individual units at each point of use, or a combination of both. Configuration – A point of use water heater is most often used to augment a standard household hot water system but can also replace your central hot water heater with a series of point of use heaters. Consult a plumber and electrician to determine if a series of point of use water heaters will work for you. Location – The area where your water heater will be installed and the availability of the power supply will help determine the capacity of the unit you select. Tank or Tankless – Most point of use water heaters rely on a tank to maintain a ready supply of hot water, however some point of use water heaters are tankless and only heat water as needed.

Use How you use your water heater determines the type and size you need. For example, if you use the water heater sparingly for washing hands, you’ll need a smaller water heater than if you use it for more prolonged periods, such as for washing dishes. Tank Tank point of use water heaters come in a variety of sizes ranging from 2.5 gallons up to 20 gallons. For a single fixture where the hot water demand is low (hand washing, for example), a 2.5 gallon unit is often enough. If you plan on supplying multiple fixtures or have a greater hot water demand (dishwasher, washing machine, or a shower) you will need a larger capacity model. Tankless Tankless point of use water heaters are rated by the number of gallons of water per minute (gpm) they provide. Identify how many of the fixtures and appliances you might have running at the busiest time of the day and select a water heater that provides the gallons per minute you require. Refer to the table of typical flow rates for fixtures and appliances below to get an idea of the minimum gpm you require for your point of use water heater.

I got this text from HomeDepot

Pool covers

Leak Detection Dye Tablets The leak detection dye tablets are an easy way to check for leaks in your toilet. Just drop the tablets in the tank of the toilet and wait 30 minutes. Do not flush! If the water color in the bowl becomes colored, you have a leak.

A pool cover can help save 10,000 to 15,000 gallons of water each year by reducing evaporation.

Water & Energy Conservation Companies that Provide Water Conservation Kits Niagara Water Conservation 45 Horsehill Road Cedar Knolls, NJ 07927 Phone: 800-831-8383 Fax: 973-929-1400 www.niagaraconservation.com

water audit & retrofit kits The kits include:

Easy-to-follow instructions Kitchen faucet fixture Bathroom sink aerators (2) Water flow testing bag Leak detection tablets Thread-sealing Teflon tape Water-efficient shower head

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

AM Conservation Group, Inc. 2301 Charleston Regional Parkway Charleston, South Carolina 29492 Contact: Phil Di Beta Phone: 800-777-5655 www.amconservationgroup.com New Resources Group, Inc. PO Box 320049 Fairfield, CT 06825 Toll Free: 888-674-4332 Phone: 203-366-1000 Fax: 203-366-1004 www.nrgideas.com

Applications • Sustainable Gardening • Small Scale Farming • Clean Drinking Water

Standalone Rainwater Harvester Rainwater is naturally distilled water and represents clean drinking water when it falls from the sky. It only becomes contaminated when it touches other surfaces. Since RainSaucers™ catches rainwater onto a food safe surface, it can easily serve as a source of drinking water (in developing countries. In the U.S, compliance with state regulations must be considered.


All the electricity required to pump water to your house means that municipal water is nowhere near a sustainable resource. Rainwater, on the other hand, is delivered free by Mother Nature right to your backyard. All you need to do is capture it. RainSaucers™ makes that part easy with a DIY system that gives you the flexibility to harvest rainwater right where it's going to be needed, no pumping required. In addition, the food safe surface of the RainSaucer™ gives you confidence your rainwater doesn't contain unwanted roof contaminants.

HOME/CONTACT /www.rainsaucers.com

Mike Adams Oregon criminalizes permaculture; claims state ownership over all rainwater - ponds and swales restricted - jail time for violators Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/ 036615_Oregon_rainwater_permaculture.html#ixzz3XPqGZf00

State of Oregon declares war on permaculture and sustainable living

R.I.P. Bill of Right s 1789 - 2011

Collecting rainwater -- and sunlight -- are practices taught in sustainable living, permaculture and throughout the green movement. Rainwater capture using ponds and swales is one of the most important strategies for restoring a local landscape. See a good video overview of this here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keXhHMmA2Xk These rainwater capture practices help trees grow more quickly and accelerate the return of animal life to any region. They can even be used to restore a desert to a lush, food-producing forest. Watch these remarkable videos with Geoff Lawton: http://tv.naturalnews.com/v.asp?v=C8103CF932... http://tv.naturalnews.com/v.asp?v=566CDDCCEA... http://tv.naturalnews.com/v.asp?v=9F5EE67E76... http://tv.naturalnews.com/v.asp?v=E6AA432FA7... See more permaculture videos on the permaculture channel at TV.naturalnews.com: http://tv.naturalnews.com/Browse.asp?memberi...

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/ 036615_Oregon_rainwater_permaculture.html#ixzz3XPqXqtsz

Drinking Water from the Air

provides a continuous water supply

Safe and readily available drinking water is important for public health India, a country with a population of over a billion people, has been going through a third of the population, i.e., approximately 300 million people, live in urban areas. But at present most of the cities in India do not provide continuous water supply to all their citizens, and not even a half the urban poor have access to household connections. In most cities, water is supplied for a period of between 1 and 6 hours per day Groundwater, which constitutes 85% of the source of drinking water in India, is highly polluted with microbiological, and more important, chemical contaminants Some residential water suppliers add chlorine to drinking water to remove certain microbial pathogens, but none of them provides a full solution for chemical contaminations found in the water

pure, clean water

rapid process of urbanization. Currently, a

• No Need for Municipal Water
 No Storag • No Bottled Wate • No Need for Puri cation system









Received awards for Innovation and Global Thinker

removes any dust and dirt from the air before it is

ltered through a unique

multi-stage water puri cation system to provide the nest quality drinking water. The water is then stored in an integral tank, which is kept continuously sterile, ensuring the conservation of safe, premium drinking water at all times.


State-of-the-art Water-Gen technology

• Feature • Independent of any water supply – Water-Gen produces, lters, and serves pure, tasteful drinking water. An internal 30-liter water tank accumulates water always ready for use • Cost-effective solution – Includes the patented GENiusTM technology by Water-Gen, a world recognized leader in energy ef ciency. Drinking water costs as little as 1.8 rupees per liter (including electrical requirement and consumables) • Operates anywhere, anytime – The unit produces 20-40 liters per day under a wide range of climate conditions, anywhere nationwide. Water-Gen continually optimizes the water production and energy ef ciency of the unit according to changes in climate conditions (day-night, seasons, geographic location, etc. • Easy to use – No special installation is required for full operation. Simply connect the unit to any available power source • Healthy – Water is kept continuously clean and sterile, using a unique technology that diminishes the growth and development of bacteria, algae, and viruses. Required minerals are added for taste and health • Complies with all required standards – World Health Organization (WHO) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards • The addition of minerals is done through a mineralization lter built speci cally to our needs.

Imagine clean drinking water o -grid and when no electricity supply is available. The unit is operated by rechargeable ba eries backed by


















collapsible solar panels.

Both water and electricity systems crashed and Water- Gen’s Spring unit was used to deliver drinking water Water-Gen began in 2009, in the defense market, designing state-of-the-art solutions for supplying water. Among these are: atmospheric water generation (drinking water-from-air), treatment of air conditioning run-off water, and batteryoperated mobile water puri cation units. The products are designed as ground, vehicle-mounted, and back-carried installations. The company has been selling its products to customers such as the US Army, UK Army, French Army, Israel Defense Force, and others During the course of the past year, Water-Gen has entered civilian mass market. Using the same reliable and low-cost technology, Water-Gen has been able to design unique Atmospheric Water Generation units and Battery powered water Puri cation units, all based on its proven, wellestablished know-how.

Water from Air - safe and readily available drinking water is important for public health. With WaterGen technology you can produce highest quality of drinking water available without any risk of contamination found both in surface and groundwater sources. Water-Gen state of the art technology removes any dust and dirt from the air before it is ltered in a unique multi-stage water puri cation system to provide the nest quality of drinking water. The produced water is then is stored in an integral tank, which is kept continuously sterile, allowing conservation of safe, premium drinking water at all times Additional eld of using it’s unique technology is air drying and dehumidi cation eld for common home appliances such as: air dehumidi ers, laundry dryers, air conditioners, equipment for dry storage, chemical plants, food, medicine etc. In these areas, Water-Gen technologies can decrease energy consumption signi cantly (saving up to 40% of the energy consumption) by using inexpensive materials (mostly simple plastic), small size, and highly ef cient methods and components. For example, allowing commercial laundry dryers to meet energy rating of “A” rather than commonly available “B” and “C” energy rating
















davidg@water-gen.com www.water-gen.com

The Water World of Georg Schroecker

Paul’s Well

Mineral Water

Drinking Water Energy Drink

wonder of water

Dew Drop

More Images here..



Ending water uoridation is not a pipe dream. Since 1990, over 300 communities in the United States and Canada -- representing millions of people -- have rejected water

uoridation schemes.

Read below to learn the seven ways you can join this historic movement. Then ask yourself: what role would I like to play?
 http:// uoridealert.org/faq/

TAKE ACTION http:// uoridealert.org/take-action Facebook and Twitter








There are unpredictable levels of unregulated contaminants in public water supplies. What is going down your drain?

by Robert Slovak

(Pharmaceutical drugs and medicines referred to as Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, EDC's; Personal Care Products (PCPP's) such as lotions, cosmetics, perfumes; specific radionuclides from nuclear leakage and accidents that are infiltrating surface and ground water.

health improvement. Bear in mind that there are no magic technologies that selectively remove the bad contaminants and leave in the beneficial constituents. For those seeking contaminant-free water you must start by separating virtually all the contents, leaving pure water.

There are chemicals intentionally used in water treatment that many experts consider health compromising (chlorine, chloramines, chlorine dioxide, aluminum sulfate and fluoride). Be aware too that some of the highest risk contaminants form in water as the result of the chemical reaction between water treatment additives such as chlorine.

Safer Medication Disposal

RULE #1 - The primary responsibility of any home POU drinking water system is to reduce the highest amount and the most categories of contaminants. So many well-intentioned consumers forget this and opt for the distraction gadgetry, features and water "effects" not based on sound science much less

Full Article Here

Follow these simple steps for proper disposal methods, suggested by SNWA and the University of Southern Nevada College of Pharmacy: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Collect expired or unused medications. Remove all labels with personal information, leaving warning labels intact. Dump all pills in a sealable bag. Crush the pills with a heavy object. Add an absorbent product to the bag, such as coffee grounds, kitty litter or sawdust. Pour liquid medications into the mix and seal. Discreetly hide in the garbage.

generate vortex water

The process of optimizing water is accomplished by passing the water through a collection of perfectly arrayed, precision ground glass spheres arranged in a meticulously configured geometric pattern known as the "flow form."


Most people think we have solved the problem of providing healthy drinking water for everyone. However, we force the water through chemical cleaning processes with toxic chemicals like chlorine added to it. When then press the water through pumps and pipes of iron, concrete or plastic without considering the consequences for the quality of water. Viktor Schauberger, who spent his lifetime studying the inherent properties of water, called the result of such treatment dead water. Schauberger observed the whirling motion of water in streams and rivers which meander and flow in a natural way, factors which are responsible for its bouyancy and self-cleaning abilities. He also recognized the importance of the vortex movement for the life-energetic properties of water.

NOTE: The Wasserwirbler is a water energizing device, not a waterpurification device.

The Wonderful World of Water, How to Purify and ReEnergize your Water

Since it is not possible to make natural living spring water available to everybody, the German engineer Wilhelm Martin, in an effort to improve the quality and life energy charge of tap water, developed a small device based on Schauberger's findings that can be attached to the tap or shower. By going through this "Wirbler" (Wirbel is the German word for vortex), the water is directed into a spinning vortex and thus regains the original spiral movement we can observe in natural creeks and rivers. According to Schauberger, only whirling vortex water can be living water.

h t t p : / / w w w. o r g o n e l a b . o r g / c a r t / yvortex.htm

simply living water

https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=tNe_BiwdRuc

out of the box thinking

Historic Water Tower

Historic Character Architecture of the tower is an example of neo-Gothic prison style which is characterized by unique details and materials. This concept provides maximum visibility of the characteristic parts of the building and ability to see it from a different

perspective than before.

Building is crowned by

revitalized water supply system, which through a special openwork structure, collects rainwater and allows using it easily. Shape, adapted to its ecological function, keeps lines of an old tower's helmet, and the bottom of the tank is visible in the interior of the bar what is another attraction of this place .


inspired design

think local

harvesting water from the atmosphere Air always contains a certain amount of water, irrespective of local ambient temperatures and humidity conditions. This makes it possible to produce water from air almost anywhere in the world. Locations with high rates of aerosol and humidity are best to install WW.

WW is a vertical structure designed to harvest potable water from the atmosphere (it collects rain, harvests fog and dew), it is estimated to collect up to 26.4 gal (100 L) of drinking water every day.

WW design and development activities have been mainly conducted at the Architecture and Vision labs, in Italy. Since we started with the WW projects we have built several full scale p ro t o t y p e s a n d c o n d u c t s several experiments. A number of 11 prototypes have been constructed to date and WW has been assembled and constructed for test, demonstration, exhibition in several countries such as: France, Germany, Ethiopia, Brazil and Lebanon.

The Story Visiting small isolated communities up on high

these people with Warka Water (WW): An

plateau in the North East region of Ethiopia,

environmentally, socially and

we witnessed this dramatic reality: the lack of

sustainable solution to potable water


natural environment but often without running

The root cause of Ethiopia’s major health

water, electricity, a toilet or a shower. To

problems is the spread of diseases

survive here, women and children walk

perpetuated by the lack of clean water and

everyday for miles towards shallow and

sanitation systems. Only 44% of the general

unprotected ponds, where the water is often

population has access to safe drinking water,

contaminated with human and animal waste,

and merely 34% in rural areas (WHO/UNICEF

parasites, and diseases. They collect the

March 2012). Water quality is severely poor

water using dry carved pumpkins and carry

and often contaminated by human and animal

the water back in old plastic containers, which

waste. The impact of poor water quality on the

are extremely heavy.

health of communities is shocking –

approximately 54,000 children die each year Recent studies show that only 34% of

directly from diarrheal diseases and 217,000

Ethiopia’s population has access to an

more die from related illnesses, such as

improved water supply. This implies that

malnutrition, pneumonia and malaria (UNICEF

approximately 60 million people lack safe

February 2012).

 To help improve this dramatic situation, we




made it our mission to nd a solution and help


potable water. The villagers live in a beautiful

rural population that faces challenges in accessing drinkable water. It is

rst and foremost an

architecture project. WW should not be considered as the solution to all water problems in developing countries but rather as a tool that can provide clean water in selected areas, particularly in mountainous regions where conventional pipelines will never reach and where water is not available from wells. These remote communities,


mimicking natures design

Warka Water is an alternative water source to

The name of the project ‘Warka’ comes from the Warka Tree, which is a giant wild

g tree native to

Ethiopia. It constitutes a very important part of the local culture and ecosystem by providing its fruit and a gathering place for the community.

often with limited nancial means, struggle to nd reliable supplies of clean water for the people, the animals and for agriculture WW is designed to be owned and operated by the villagers, a key factor that should help guarantee the success of the project. WW not only provides a fundamental resource for life – water – but also creates a social place for the community, where people can gather under the shade of its canopy











for education and public meetings

http://www.warkawater.com arturo@architectureandvision.co www.architectureandvision.co www.facebook.com/architectureandvisio

FogQuest: Sustainable Water Solutions Fog Collection | Rainwater Collection | Rural Water Projects http://www.fogquest.org/

Photo Credit/FogQuest/Melissa Rosato

a new life source more video’s here

Article Sources:

http://www.hu ngtonpost.com




Creating Water Out of Thin Air 
 Ingenious Billboard Helps Alleviate Drinking Water Shortages Using the power of technology to help ease water security issues, Peruvian ad agency Mayo DraftFCB and the University of Engineering and Technology in Lima have joined forces to create the rst watergenerating billboard. Built in Lima, Peru, the innovative structure pulls moisture from the air and condenses it into clean, potable water.

One of the driest places on Earth, Lima receives less than two inches of rainfall per year yet has an atmospheric humidity of around 98 percent – making the city an ideal location for the water-producing billboard. The system collects water from the air, condenses it in a similar manner as an air conditioner and then puri es the water through reverse osmosis. The billboard can generate up to 96 liters of water per day, which is stored in 20-liter tanks and dispensed via a spigot at the bottom of the structure. The billboard has already provided 9,450 liters of clean water in three months of operation.







About 700,000 of the city’s residents don’t have access to clean water, while another 600,000 rely on cisterns which require lling by hand or with a pump. The billboard helps improve sanitation and health in the community, where individuals would otherwise be

forced to draw from polluted wells. The structure costs $1200 to install and runs o electricity from city power lines. The university hopes to o set operating costs through advertising revenue from the billboard.

promoting innovations

http://pe.fcbmayo.com/? portfolio=airhuerta


Ingenious Billboards

http://www.huf ngtonpost.com/ 2013/03/18/billboard-lima-peru-watercrisis_n_2901882.html

watering hole to garden

Excerpt from History of Dowsing by Steve Herbert

WHAT IS DOWSING? by Steven G. Herbert

Dowsing is defined as the search for information by means of a hand-held instrument and faculties beyond the five physical senses. Going far beyond what may be your stereotypic image of a farmer in his coveralls walking around his field looking for water with a forked stick, it is an art practiced by people from all walks of life, using a great variety of instruments and for a limitless number of applications. Tangible target dowsing is used to locate water, but also underground cables and pipes, ore and minerals, oil and gas, archaeological sites, buried treasure, and so on. In informational dowsing, a device such as a pendulum can answer yes or no to your questions by its coded movements. One may ask advice about a choice of jobs, relationship issues, decisions about where to live, or virtually any choice of action. The source of the information transcends the ego and conscious mind. As we master the art of dowsing, inevitably we learn to tap into higher levels of Mind and Spirit.


In many of the Egyptian tombs, objects have been found which Ater identifies as pendulums used for dowsing. A common item in tomb paintings and reliefs show men with skirts which have a Yrod sewn right into it. And the many variations of the common ankh may well have been a SA dowsing tool. But perhaps the most common type of dowsing tool was the straight rod. Some were plain and some were decorated or had symbols added. The rod was called “WAS”, derived from the ancient Sanskrit word “Vasati”, meaning “He lives – He dwells”, i.e., the deity responding dwells within the rod. Most WAS wands featured a forked shape at the lower end. Ater suggests the rod itself represented a shaft of sunlight and the fork the splayed ends of sunlight or hands, a very common motif in Egypt. Thus, the dowsing staff itself represents the light that reveals all, the Light which was revered in this culture. The top end of the rod commonly featured what resembled a jackal head, a small projection, or the curved shape of the lotus calyx.

The staff of the Egyptians may have gone even beyond eliciting answers to questions from the gods. Certain magical powers may have been attributed to it as well. Moses may have been versed in all the arts associated with the staff, having been brought up among the higher class of Egypt. We are all familiar with the story of how the Egyptian magicians cast down their staffs which turned into snakes, thereby Aaron, the brother of Moses then cast his staff down which turned into a snake that swallowed up the others (Exodus 7:12). Also in Exodus, in 4:14 is described how Moses with his rod delivered the plagues and divided the sea. Even more well known is the story of how Moses brought forth water by striking a stone with his staff (Exodus 17:1-7 and Numbers 20:9-11, 29:8-11). Used as a dowsing instrument, the staff, rather than a pulling down motion, probably leaned outward to indicate a dowsing response. We can see how one could say, as in the 23rd Psalm “thy rod and thy staff they comfort me”.


Happy villagers pump well from their new well in India

Dowsing for Water: And the Water for Humanity Fund The Water for Humanity Fund was established in 1991 to fund water resources development, purification, protection or conservation in areas of critical need worldwide. Its mission is to improve water resources wherever it goes in terms of accessibility, quantity and quality. Water resources development and sanitation improvements go handin-hand, as the latter falls under the realm of water protection. Both serve the ultimate goals to reduce morbidity and mortality, improve health and increase productivity and the quality of life. Improving water resources and sanitation is often the first step needed before any other development programs can be initiated. The aspect which makes the Water for Humanity (WFH) Fund unique among all other water resources aid and development organizations is the added aspect of dowsing. WFH Fund is a subsidiary

organization, operating under the umbrella of the American Society of Dowsers, based in Danville, Vermont. Thus, the secondary purpose of the WFH Fund is to demonstrate the practicality of dowsing and build credibility for the art. In all its projects, the WFH Fund highly encourages its partnering local organizations to utilize traditional water dowsers, whether or not they also consult the advice of professional hydrogeologists. A very high success rate of drilling or digging is the result, also increasing the efficient use of donation dollars. Whenever WFH committee members or volunteers travel to project sites themselves, they offer training in dowsing. How gratifying it is to teach rural farmers this skill, no matter their level of education, to find water as well or often better than university-trained professionals with expensive equipment. This is empowering, and it is a skill that is transferable to so many other aspects of their lives.

by Steve Herbert

To date, over the 24 years of its existence, the WFH Fund has funded projects in 17 countries, spanning North, Central and South America and the Caribbean, Africa and Asia. Its range of sponsored projects include foremost dug or drilled wells, and also rainwater harvesting, spring capitation, appropriately technological pumping, water filtration and composting latrines. We also have supported water delivery on the Eastern Navajo reservation in New Mexico, USA. When WFH Fund representatives travel to project sites, often at their own expense, in addition to dowsing training, they may train rural farmers to operate and maintain portable drilling equipment, consult on appropriate pumping technologies, oversee the distribution of household water filtration devices and supervise the building of composting latrines. WFH Fund’s philosophy is that each and every project must be environmentally sustainable, technologically appropriate, and culturally sensitive and respectful.


Appropriate technology is defined as technology that is relatively simple, which can be fabricated at the local level with locally available materials. It is a technology which is within the capacity of the beneficiaries to operate and maintain, and for which replacement parts are readily available. In the vast majority of well projects which the WFH Fund sponsors, for example, manual pumps are installed which fits this description. Two examples of many are the India Mark II pump, and the rope and washer pump. Another reason for the preference for these pumps is environmental. It is expected that with a manual pump, the aquifer or groundwater source can not be over-pumped.



Fund supports water delivery on the Navajo reservation in Ne Mexico, USA A man in Honduras is traed to dowse for wate

A home-made slow-sand bio- lter in Honduras


A ceramic water lte

Water filtration is another area in which the methods we promote have passed the test of the technological appropriateness. In surveying the gamut of choices available, the options first eliminated were those which involved chemical treatment, which introduces this risk of exposure to carcinogens, and those which necessitate boiling, which requires firewood and is both environmentally unsustainable and increases the burden on women to gather it. The two methods which made the grade are the ceramic water filter and the slow-sand biofilter. The former can be made of locally available clay mixed with screened sawdust, low-fired to produce a flower pot-like filter element that fits in the top of a fivegallon bucket. The latter is made of a concrete or plastic container filled with a column of fine sand, which in time also develops a biological layer on top of the sand containing beneficial bacteria which reduces the pathenogenic organisms before they filter out in the sand. Both methods feature an effective pore space of one micron, which prevents passage of 100% of all worms and protozoa (and their eggs and cysts), and 90% to 99% of all bacteria and viruses. Even though of the 2.5 billion people in the world who lack proper sanitation facilities, approximately one billion still practice open defecation in fields and forests, the WFH Fund rejects the pit latrine as a solution. In its view, the pit latrine is neither environmentally sustainable nor hygienic. It is characterized by a highly objectionable smell due to anaerobic decomposition, and clouds of flies which in the wet contents breed and become disease vectors. Instead, the WFH Fund promotes the doublevault, alternating-use and urine-separating system. In the tropics especially, this system works essentially passively, managing oxygen, moisture, temperature and carbon to nitrogen ratio, to produce through aerobic decomposition a useful product from human waste. Such fertilizer can be used on gardens or field crops to produce more nutritious vegetables, thus closing the nutrient loop. It can be a system actually aesthetically pleasing to use.



A composting latrine in Honduras

The Water for Humanity Fund is managed by a ninemember committee, presently all-volunteer transitioning to include a part-time position for the Program Manager. Steve Herbert has occupied the Secretary and Program Manager position since 1997.


He came to it with an educational background of a B.S. in Geology and an M.A. in Anthropology, plus the experience of a tour in the US Peace Corps in Senegal, West Africa. In Senegal, his position was as an Agroforestry Extension Agent, but here he also successfully dowsed water well sites all over that country and designed and built composting latrines suited to both the climate and culture of Senegal. Since then, he has made ten trips to date to Central and South America and the Caribbean, in part as a WFH ambassador to conduct a full range of trainings and projects, often with sponsorship of the US Partners of the Americas and Farmer to Farmer programs. Other WFH Committee members have made similar excursions to Haiti, Nicaragua, Bolivia and Kenya. In considering proposals which have been submitted to the WFH Fund, the committee uses a strict set of criteria by which we judge these. First, they must submit proof of being a legitimately registered society, and when applicable, also registered to receive foreign contributions. We look for a professionally prepared proposal, introducing the organization and its situation, describing the project and its activities, and providing an itemized budget with various attachments. The committee assesses whether there is true need which is supported by evidence. Grants are awarded with preferences given where the greatest amount of people will benefit in the most cost-effective way.


The Committee of the WFH Fund must further assure that sustainability is built into the project. In the case of a well project, for example, we insist that a pump maintenance organization and pump repair fund be formally set up, and that certain members of the committee are trained in maintenance and repair and are supplied tools to do the job. In all cases we want to see the beneficiaries involved in forming a committee, not only to manage the project during construction, but long into the future. We also look to see how the recipients themselves are contributing, whether it be as a percentage of the monetary cost, or in-kind in the form of manual labor, supply of materials, transportation of materials, security, and hospitality to the workers, for example.

A yound man is trained to operate a portable drilling rig in Hondura

A rope & washer pump in Honduras


In the proposals which the WFH Fund receives from all over the world, there are a number of problems which are characteristically listed as related to insufficient access to adequate supplies of safe and potable water. Insufficient rainfall or ill-timed distribution of rainfall tops the list, whether caused by natural or human induced climate change. Certainly deforestation and environmental degradation at the local level is a common contributing factor. Naturally following from this is dropping water tables, often accelerated by over-pumping of aquifers by large-scale agriculture. Surface waters which may be the only alternative are nearly always polluted by bio-contaminants such as animal and human feces, and corresponding parasites and disease. Or they may be contaminated by industrial wastes. Retention ponds may be silted in or available government-provided taps may run only infrequently and sporadically. Unheeded appeals to the government very often are reported. Very commonly described are long walks by the women and children to fetch water, often facing hazards along the way. Always there are the ever-present water-borne diseases which afflict them, sapping the family finances in treating them, and causing missed time from work or school. In places like India there may be unique difficulties faced, like the prevention of approaching the better water sources due to being of a lower caste.

GARY SISK WALKS HIS TALK: Turning Tears into LifeGiving Water
 The Story of the Wind Walker Human-Powered Pum by Steven G. Herbert

These are the problems faced around the world suffered by the target populations which the Water for Humanity Fund addresses in partnership with local organizations. By maintaining a high degree of internal integrity, the Water for Humanity Fund has operated with great efficiency in honoring the generosity of it s donors in providing this precious resource of clean water to those in vital need around the world.

Steve Herbert is an earth scientist, transpersonal anthropologist, freelance writer and international dowser. He offers his services as a dowser of water, earth energies and for agriculture. He now serves as Program Manager of the American Society of Dowsers’ Water for Humanity Fund. He can be reached by cell phone at (603) 616-7872, or by email at waterdowser@hotmail .com. The website of the WFH Fund is www.dowsers.org/wfh.


For more information on The American Society of Dowsers or the Water for Humanity Fund, call (802) 684-3417 in Danville, Vermont, email them at asd@dowsers.org, or visit them at their website at www.dowsers.org.

“How do you pump water mechanically from great depths, where there is no electricity?” Read Here....


and so much more!

How to make Water

down to earth



Wa t e r a n d S a n i t a t i o Over 2000 online resources,


technical briefs and drawings, and

Rainwater Harvesting


Water and Sanitation General Document

Water Pumping and Lifting

Water Quality and Treatment

Wells, Tubewells and Drilling

audios and videos, on a range of topics and sub-topics, and in di erent languages. The resources are all focused on small-scale appropriate technologies aimed at improving access to infrastructure and enterprise development for people living in poverty. Authors range from Practical Action sta


our global o ces to technical professionals from other organizations.






Primary Water & Water Resource Development s u s t a i n a b i l i t y / R E A D


article by Lyn Hebenstreit

Maji Mengi - Abundant Water Global Water Global Water is based upon the belief that the lack of access to safe drinking water is the primary cause of hunger, disease and poverty throughout the developing world. Founded in 1982, Global Water is a volunteer-based, international, non-pro t humanitarian organization with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status in the United States. We’re focused on providing safe water supplies, sanitation and hygiene facilities, and related health programs for rural villagers in developing countries.

FairWater FairWater's mission is to rehabilitate abandoned handpumps in Africa, and promote reliable, cost-e ective O&M solutions
 to maintain handpumps at low-cost. FairWater promotes Durable BluePumps and Water Filters for Africa.

Safe Water Today

Moses was perhaps the first primary water hydrologist. After wandering for 40 years in the wilderness, the Israelites were

By promoting and marketing low cost, low tech ceramic Home Water Treatment Filters, Safe Water Today provides a sustainable solution for the elimination of waterborne diseases in developing nations.

getting thirsty. So “Moses lifted up his hand, and with his rod he smote the rock twice: and the

No Water No Life

water came out abundantly, and




NWNL has chosen six case-study watersheds to illustrate current universal threats to freshwater systems and o er possibilities of sound management policies and solutions. They are North America’s Columbia, Mississippi and Raritan River Basins and northeastern Africa’s Nile, Omo and Mara River Basins.

the congregation drank, and their beasts also.” (Numbers 20:11)

This is a video reading of an Open Letter to the World of Science that adorned the beginning of the book, "A New Concept of the Universe" by Walter Russell (1871-1963).

by Walter Russell Open Letter to the World of Science read by Adam Abraham Russell described ushering in a New Age of Transmutation, wherein metallurgists would create new "rustless," more malleable metals, chemists would produce unlimited hydrogen to power vehicles that could transmute it from the atmosphere so e ciently, that gas tanks aren't needed.



Adam Abraham

Adam's Blog: Thought For Food

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