look out!
Physics, Chemistry and Biology of
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Why? At least four factors bear responsibility for the painfully slow emergence of new principles: (i)
the blighted history of the water field has kept scientists away; (ii) water is so common that everyone presumes that the fundamentals have been resolved; (iii) deviating from mainstream views can be unsettling; and (iv) questioning the prevailing wisdom has always been a risky business, in science as elsewhere. These obstacles have combined to produce a long-term stall.
Lets crank a stalled engine!
Listen to what they have to say • Ivan Cameron, University of Texas • Vittorio Elia, University of Naples • Alexander Konovalov, University of Kazan • Konstantin Korotkov, University of St. Petersburg • Luc Montagnier (Nobel Prize) • Marian Sedlak, Slovak Academy of Sciences • Stephanie Seneff, MIT • Patrizio Signanini, University of Chieti • Roumiana Tsenkova, Kobe University • Vladimir Voeikov, Moscow University Manjir Samanta-Laughlin, Author • Tom Wysmuller, JSC Climate group • James deMeo, Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory • Bill Bengston, St. Josephʼs College • Carlos Haubi, University of Aguascalientes • Ian Trousdell, Foundation for Water • Josef RaDost, Vancouver Oxygen Research Technologies • Ilya Digel, University of Applied Science, Aachen • GunWoong Bahng, KRISS, Korea • Glen Rein, Quantum Biology Research Laboratory • Irina Grigorieva, University of Manchester • Gerald Pollack, University of Washington
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Why We Understand So Why We Understand Little About Water So Little About Water
Water is central to life — so central that Albert Szent-Györgyi, the father of modern biochemistry, once opined: “Life is water dancing to the tune of solids.” Without that dance, there could be no life.
You might find it hard to believe, but few scientists study water. Most scientists
Scientists shun water for a second reason. Water seems to have acquired a rather
presume, as do lay people, that everything about this common substance must already be known — so whereʼs the scientific challenge? Better to pursue some trendy area like molecular biology or nanoscience
mystical character. Ancient religious gurus felt certain that water was endowed with exotic healing powers. Think of “holy water.” This mystical tinge makes water research a potentially risky business: an exotic finding
rather than plunge into boring water.
may be viewed as the work of the devil, rather than as the work of science. Better to avoid the risk of condemnation.
Snippets from The Fourth Phase of Water Snippets from The Fourth Phase of Water
By Dr. Gerald Pollack By Dr. Gerald Pollack
Microscopic Images Courtesy of Water by Georg Schroecker Microscopic Images Courtesy of Water by Georg Schroecker Images from upcoming book Water Worlds: The Hidden Magnified Images from upcoming book Water Worlds: The Hidden Magnified
Water is central to life — so central that Albert Szent-Györgyi, the father of modern b i o c h e m i s t r y, o n c e opined: “Life is water dancing to the tune of solids.” Without that dance, there could be no life.
Why We Understand So Little About Water
You might find it hard to believe, but few scientists study water. Most scientists presume, as do lay people, that everything about this common substance must already be known — so whereʼs the scientific challenge? Better to pursue some trendy area like molecular biology or nanoscience rather than plunge into boring water. Scientists shun water for a second reason. Water seems to have acquired a rather mystical character. Ancient religious gurus felt certain that water was endowed with exotic healing powers. Think of “holy water.” This mystical tinge makes water research a potentially risky business: an exotic finding may be viewed as the work of the devil, rather than as the work of science. Better to avoid the risk of condemnation.
by Georg Schroecker
Given that centrality, you might assume that we in the 21st century know pretty much all
The Mystery
there is to know about water. All answers should be in by now. Yet the previous chapter confirmed otherwise, showing how little we really know about this familiar and pervasive substance. Consider what Philip Ball has to say on that issue. Ball is one of the premier science writers of our time, author of H2O: A Biography of Water, and a long-time science consultant for the journal Nature. Ball puts it this way:
“No one really understands water. It’s embarrassing to admit it, but the stuff that covers two-thirds of our planet is still a mystery. Worse, the more we look, the more the problems accumulate: new techniques probing deeper into the molecular architecture of liquid water are throwing up more puzzles.”
The Puzzle
The Social Behavior of H2O Biologists, for example, often regard water as the vast molecular sea that bathes the important molecules of life. We do not picture water molecules as seriously interacting with anything. But water molecules must interact. Think of the simple water droplet: at least some of the gazillions of water molecules that make up the droplet must stick to others, for without cohesion there could be no droplet. Those cohesive interactions cannot be static.
Energy Drives Ordering The separated charge provides the energy that drives the ordered crystal formation,
This same principle may also hold for metals. Common metals exhibit atomic
here by the like-likes- like attraction. Thus, the energetics powering the formation of salt and sugar crystals may operate much like the energetics involved in the formation of EZ and ice. Energy drives ordering.
crystallinity. When heated to melting, metals become more amorphous. The question arises whether the radiant input used for melting provides the energy needed to fuel recrystallization, as in salt and sugar crystals. If so, then the same thermodynamic principle could remain applicable:
Ice formation does require energy; it exploits the potential energy of charge separation which is delivered as the positive proton charges combine with the negative EZ t o b u i l d c ry s t a l l i n e i c e . Hence the energetics of iceformation match the energetics of EZ buildup. Both processes require energy.
Ordering Requires Energy
Batteries Made From Water
Battery! The skies above unleash a flash of lightning, discharging hundreds of thousands of volts of raw energy to the earth始s surface. Those lightning strikes occur so frequently around the world that, according to atmospheric scientists, the earth始s surface cannot dissipate the accumulating negative charge, leaving it electrically negative. Standing on the ground, your nose is about 200 volts more positive than your toes. While lightning and its electrical consequences are not the subjects of this chapter, charge definitely is. Like clouds, EZs contain concentrated electrical charges. Those charges carry potential energy, just like the thundercloud始s charges. And the consequences can be equally impressive. - Chapter 5 Image by Georg Schroecker
by Georg Schroecker
Consider biology. Charged entities such as membranes, proteins, and DNA all interface with water; exclusion zones should appear in abundance. Those EZs bear charge, which means they carry electrical potential energy. Since nature rarely discards available potential energy, EZ charge may be used to drive diverse cellular processes ranging from chemical reactions all the way to fluid flows. Opportunities abound.
by Georg Schroecker
Atomic Arrangements
How does the EZ construction process begin? Hydrophilic surfaces generally contain oxygen atoms, and one possibility is that those surface-oxygen atoms form a template. If enough of those atoms始 positions correspond to the positions of oxygen atoms on the EZ honeycomb, then the surface itself could be thought of as the first EZ plane. Additional planes would then easily stack from that template plane. Of course, no material surface provides a perfect match. Surfaces differ as to atomic arrangements and may have difference negatively charged atoms instead of oxygen. Some surfaces might therefore prove less adept at nucleating EZ layers; they would be considered less hydrophilic.
The structure of the EZ is more like the n-type, with excess electrons borne by oxygen atoms. - Dr. Gerard Pollack Sounds human, as our structure is brought to life with oxygen (breath) - Karen Elkins
Shifting successive planes by 60째 yields a helical structure.
Structural model of common ice. Oxygen atoms are red. Hydrogen atoms (not shown) lie midway along the lines connecting the oxygen atoms. Interplanar protons link every other oxygen. The linkages create a pucker, which makes the arrangement of atoms seem less planar and more tetrahedral.
Mineral Water Fern: a very small amount of stone salt, dissolved in water creates a picture like a fern? Â - has water a memory? a fern is a very old plant on this world - appr. 400 mill. years! Georg Schroecker
Spa Water
The evidence for water memory? ...came
from experiments involving successive
dilutions of biologically active substances. Take such a substance dissolved in water, and dilute it. Then take a bit of this dilute solution and dilute it again; repeat this process again and again. After you have diluted it enough times, all you have left is water; statistically, none of the original substance remains. Benveniste and colleagues would continue to dilute it even well beyond that stage of nothing remaining and still found that the solution could have as much biological impact as the original. Pouring either the concentrated substance or the serially diluted substance onto cells could trigger the same molecular dance. It appeared that the diluted water retained a “memory� of the molecules with which it had been in contact, for only those molecules were specific enough to initiate that dance. Preposterous, thought the editor of Nature, Sir John Maddox. How on earth could water retain information? But not everyone shared that seemingly obvious response. Homeopaths use a similar procedure when preparing their remedies, and some members of the homeopathic community felt that a distinguished scientist had finally vindicated their approach. Benveniste, on the other hand, was less interested in homeopathy than in science. Reacting to the summary rejection of his findings by Nature, Benveniste asked colleagues in three other
laboratories to repeat his experimental protocols to see if they could obtain the same results. Remarkably, they did. And, once again, Benveniste submitted a report of the findings to Nature. The journal responded the same as before. Evidently, no matter how many laboratories could reproduce the result, the findings looked so improbable that some experimental gremlin clearly must have been lurking in that diluted water. With the polywater incident still very much in mind, Nature smelled a rat. Under pressure to act fairly, the journal finally agreed to publish the results, albeit with one condition: the editor reserved the right to summon a committee to look over the shoulders of the French scientists as they performed their experiments; then the committee would report back to the readers of Nature. The French group accepted the stipulation. The paper quickly appeared, along with an appended disclaimer of skepticism. The editor indicated that he would launch an investigation: a committee of peers would determine just what those French scientists were really up to.
The committee of peers was, in fact, a committee of sleuths. ( chapter 2)
by Georg Schroecker
Something unpredicted is happening that drives microspheres from certain material surfaces. Although our artifact-seeking experiments consumed a good deal of our e n e r g y, t h e y b r o u g h t a n unexpected clue. Those meterlong exclusion zones struck us as implying some kind of crystallike structure, for crystals easily grow to such lengths: think of an icicle.
Crystals also exclude particles as they grow. The prospect that the EZ might be some kind of crystal-like material intrigued us.
Black hole water from high mountain springs creates some times a pictures with a "black hole" surrounded with a blue color - is this a indication for charged water?
Are Protons Really Present Inside Vesicles? The most direct strategy for probing the insides of vesicles is simple: collect their contents to see whether the gathered molecules contain protons. We followed this strategy using the expedient of boiling. When water boils, bubbles break at the surface and their contents get expelled as vapor. We collected that vapor, condensed it into liquid, and measured the liquid’s pH. The pH progressively diminished with boiling time. This meant that the insides of the bursting bubbles contained positive charge (Fig. 14.5, blue curve). Meanwhile, as the container loses positive charge, that loss should be reflected in the residue; the residual water’s pH should progressively increase. That expectation was confirmed (Fig. 14.5, red curve). Thus, protons
moved from the water to the vapor, presumably as the bubbles burst and they poured from inside the bubbles. A second test for interior protons used infrared imaging. If a bubble’s interior contained water alone, without protons, then that water should not radiate much differently from the water around it. However, the interior radiates substantially more than the exterior (Fig. 14.6). Extra radiant energy implies active charge movement (Chapter 10) — a feature anticipated if concentrated protons jitter inside the bubble.
Fig. 14.7
Bubble collapse. Similar to Figure 14.6, except that one bubble pops spontaneously. Note the dispersal of the zone of high radiant energy. Scale in °C.
Results of boiling experiments. Blue curve indicates pH of the vapor, collected after various durations of time. Red curve indicates pH of water remaining in the container following boiling.
Infrared image of surface bubbles. Bubbles were created by blowing air into a surfactant solution (TWEEN 20/water). Bubble interior (orange) generates more infrared energy than the exterior (blue). Darkness of thin bubble boundaries is expected — EZs generate little infrared energy. Scale in °C.
Breathing Pipes of a Dewdrop
....some  dewdrops are surrounded by a very small capillary tube....magnification 500x.
Dr. Gerald Pollack The Future We began by asking a simple question: why do exclusion zones exclude? The more we looked, the more we found. Finally, there emerged four general principles, and various insights, which you have
The key to making progress in all of these arenas must include a fresh willingness to admit that the emperor has no clothes. Even the greatest of scientific heroes might have erred. Those scientists were human: they ate the same kinds of food we eat, enjoyed the same passions we enjoy, and suffered the same frailties to which we are prone. Their ideas are not necessarily infallible. It might seem
encountered scattered throughout the book. Seeing how far those principles can take us is a temptation to which I
irreverent, but if we hope to penetrate toward ground truth, we need the courage to question any and all foundational assumptions,
have admittedly succumbed. I originally intended to include material on physics and biology in this book, but
especially those that seem vulnerable. Otherwise, we risk condemning ourselves to perpetual ignorance.
readers of preliminary drafts prevailed on me to stick to water’s chemistry. However, the principles elaborated here extend naturally into other scientific domains; there fore, I plan to follow up with additional books. There is much to say, particularly about physics and biology.
1 2
Buy This Book Preview several chapters.
Honors & Awards Pollackʼs book, Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life (www.cellsandgels.com) builds on the central role of water for biology. It provides evidence that much of the water in the cell is very near to one or another hydrophilic surface
■ ■ ■ ■
and therefore ordered, and that cell behavior can be properly understood only if this feature is properly taken into account. It goes on to show that seemingly complex behaviors of the cell can be understood in simple terms once a proper
■ ■
understanding of water and surfaces is achieved. The book is an award-winning best seller, yet it has aroused debate because it questions some long-held basic features of cell function such as membrane channels and pumps.
Selected Publications ■
Many others
have praised the insights obtained from building on a foundation of first principles (see book website above). One prominent reviewer from Harvard University opines that the book is “a 305 page preface to the future of cell biology.”
Honorary Professor, Russian Academy of Sciences 2005 Fellow, Biomedical Engineering Society, 2005 National Science Board Task Force for Transformative Research, Advisor, 2005-2006 Inaugural Chair, Annual Conference on the Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Water, 2006, continuing Annual Faculty Lecture Award, 2008 See archived video of the lecture Founding Editor-in-Chief, WATER :A Multidisciplinary Research Journal www.waterjournal.org 2009 NIH Transformative R01 Award, 2009.
Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life, Ebner and Sons, Seattle, 2001 Zheng, J.-M., Chin, W. –C, Khijniak, E., Khijniak, E., Jr., Pollack, G. H. Surfaces and Interfacial Water: Evidence that hydrophilic surfaces have long-range impact. Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 127: 19-27, 2006. Klyuzhin, I, Symonds, A, Magula, J and Pollack, GH: A new method of water purification based on the particleexclusion phenomenon. Environ. Sci and Techn, 42(16) 6160-6166, Ovchinnikova, K and Pollack, GH: Can water store charge? Langmuir, 25: 542-547, 2009. Zhao, Q, Ovchinnikova, K, Chai, B., Yoo, H, Magula, J and Pollack, GH. Role of proton gradients in the mechanism of osmosis. J. Phys Chem B 113: 10708-10714, 2009. Nagornyak, E, Yoo, H and Pollack, GH: Mechanism of attraction between like-charged particles in aqueous solution. Soft Matter, 5, 3850 – 3857, 2009. Chai, B, Yoo, H. and Pollack, GH: Effect of Radiant Energy on Near- Surface Water. J. Phys. Chem B 113: 13953-13958, 2009.
1. I place the water samples on an object slide of a microscope using a dropping pipette. 2. The water evaporates after a while. 3. The residues can be observed under the microscope.
Microscopic Images Courtesy of Water by Georg Schroecker Images from upcoming book Water Worlds: The Hidden Magnified
Georg Schroecker http://www.wasser-lebt.at/
Welcome to WATER - a multidisciplinary journal that brings together wateroriented research from diverse disciplines. www.waterjournal.org
The Reich
cloudbuster method by James DeMeo Ph.D.
The Reich cloudbuster method has no chemicals, no active EM or anything else being pumped into the atmosphere, but rather utilizes a property of "living water" as Schauberger might say, as it exists in liquid form at the ground, to stimulate changes in gaseous water in the atmosphere towards raindrops and coalescence. Also circulation motions react to these changes once they are initiated, creating a spreading "chain reaction" of sorts that propagates outwards to affect larger regions of drought or dryland. In the actual working of these instruments, there is no 'squeezing' of water out of the atmosphere as per cloudseeding, and hence no "dry shadow" downwind. The successful operation leads to a restoration of the natural cycles and processes of rain-dry-rain-dry pulsation, after which we retire home. Like using a defibrillator to get the heart going again, after something has led to a stoppage or blockage. Except there's no lightning bolts coming off the cloudbuster. It is much more gentle and subtle, more like a gentle massage during midwifery, as compared to the hard obstetrics of the cloudseeders. It is not anything used over long periods, only short periods, like a form of atmospheric acupuncture. In fact, many of the concepts used in acupuncture, such as removing of energy
blockages, are similarly developed in Reich's original theory of its operation. However, he didn't come to it by eastern metaphysics, but rather on the line of early vitalism and Freudian libido theory, and persisting ideas on the cosmic ether of space. Freud had the larger influence upon Reich, whose work indicated "libido" was a specific biological-sexual-emotional energy, measurable bioelectrically, and later objectified as life energy, or orgone energy. His findings on the atmospheric energy are the most amazing of all his work, but I confirmed it years back at University of Kansas, and in many other field trials. The data is pretty good, and I'm now trying to convince the water bureaucrats in California to sponsor a project against their water crisis.
Listen in
"The old 'ether-theory'
physics was never disproven, but it fell out of favor around the same time Reich discovered the atmospheric orgone continuum. Reich's arguments thereafter were received with skepticism as there were no parallel concepts in modern physics. However, the old 'ether-theory' is making a comeback, and possibly that situation will change as well. For now, I simply make note that Reich's discovery was never factually refuted by replication of his experiments with negative results -in fact, I was the first academic scientist to actually attempt such experiments, and got positive results. Reich was attacked by his critics purely for theoretical disagreements -- they could not believe it was possible, and so never bothered to attempt the experiments. This was exactly what Galileo's critics did, when they refused to 'look into the telescope' to confirm his observations. With Reich, however, there has been a long line of scientists and naturalists outside the universities who have confirmed his findings -- I was simply the first university academic to do so, and so I owe a big debt to both Reich and also the
Dr. Wilhelm Reich and two of his students operating the “CLOUDBUSTER�
others who kept his work alive over these many years."
following the red thread James DeMeo Ph.D. I read Dr. Wilhelm Reichʼs book, Selected
So I built his devices, including several
Writings, when still an undergraduate
orgone energy accumulators, using Reichʼs
student, and found it both exciting and
plans, and confirmed many of the subjective
stunning. I could hardly put it down. The
parameters he reported. I experienced the
book outlined an entire set of new
radiant warmth from the walls, which
discoveries, ranging from the biology of
sensibly penetrated deep inside oneʼs
sexuality, to emotions and cancer, and
organism; the increased visual perception;
hence into biophysics, atmospheric science,
and the luminous anomalies not described in
and cosmology. With amazement, I learned
any textbook. I found that it also promoted
his books had been banned and burned, first in Europe, then later by the U.S. Food and
the healing of small cuts and burns, sometimes with a speed significant enough
Drug Administration, which also engineered
to observe directly during treatments.
Reichʼs death in prison. This only fed my curiosity. Only scientists of historical
I tried Reichʼs other experiments, using
significance suffered such a fate. His life-
millivoltmeters and electroscopes to
energy science, called orgonomy—after the
document laboratory anomalies he reported,
orgone energy he discovered—offered so
nearly all of which were reproducible. The
many hopeful developments for a suffering
accumulator not only enhanced biological
humanity. I could not rest easy without
growth but also displayed a measurable
knowing for certain: Was it true? Or not? And so I followed the red thread Reich
increase of electrical charge inside as compared to outside.
left behind, as in the myth of Ariadne in the Labyrinth, following wherever it led. I began by obtaining photocopies of his banned and burned journal articles and books, plus articles by others, such as those published in the Journal of Orgonomy, which reported experiments by various MDs and PhDs from around the world that verified Reichʼs findings. If it was all madness, as Reichʼs critics claimed, then what of this large body of published empirical evidence? The critics simply ignored it.
'New' Method for Drought-Abatement and Desert-Greening I then assisted Dr. Blasband with several cloudbusting experiments, using his
dissipation trials were also carried out on isolated
apparatus as constructed according to Reichʼs designs. A cloudbuster is a large antenna-like instrument that can be aimed at any point in the sky, whereupon it can alter the dynamics of clouds, to grow or shrink
sequence, every minute, with subsequent digital
them using various techniques, even to the point of bringing rains during drought. On my first experience, a fully stagnant atmosphere
cumulus clouds, which were photographed in evaluation of cloud areas. After selecting and tracking a cloud with the necessary characteristics over five minutes, a coin-flip decided if the selected cloud would be in the control group and remain untested, versus the test group affected by aiming the cloudbuster at its core. The results showed an approximate doubling of the speed of clouddissipation for the test group of clouds versus the control group.
choked with “smog” and visibility limited to one mile at best was opened up where the sky had been
My professors were pleasantly surprised by the
scanned within 15 minutes of work, as if some giant
results. But when word of my results spread, those
theatre curtains had parted, revealing clear blue
who felt “Reich” and “orgone” besmirched the
skies and well-defined clouds. Rains came shortly
reputation of the university unethically worked to
thereafter. During the operations, many birds reacted to the biological field effects of the
suppress and block further research on the subject.
cloudbuster, flying around the apparatus with loud
the graduate degree program was completed.
chirping. I also could sense its effects. It was as
Subsequent work with the cloudbuster over the next 30 years further verified Reichʼs claims that his
Reich had described some 30 years earlier.
Nevertheless, my work was formally accepted and
methods could bring rains even under droughty and A year later, as a graduate student in the
desert conditions.
Geography-Meteorology Department at the University of Kansas, I undertook cloudbusting
For example, a major drought-breaking operation in
experiments for my graduate thesis, attempting to
the southeastern United States in 1986 ended what
show some results—any results, in more elaborated proofs. Several of the department professors, while
was an historical drought of most severe conditions,
constructively critical, agreed to the test. The twelve
was sufficiently impressed to include my paper on
cloudbusting operations I undertook to bring rain were analyzed by reviewing percent-cloud-cover
the operation in the proceedings of a conference focused upon the drought. Nobody had predicted it
and rainfall data from 278 National Weather Service
would end with the widespread and persisting rains
weather stations in Kansas. Anomalous increases in
that developed shortly after work with the
cloud cover and significant rains developed on the
cloudbuster had begun. This was one of the few
days of these operations, with a persistence effect
cases where I could get my findings published, as I
over several additional days. This was about four
would later discover when a mainstream blackout
times more rain than on the three days immediately before operations commenced. A series of cloud-
descended over the subject.
and the South Carolina State Climatology Office
An averaged Rainfall-Doubling Effect from
scientific organizations, and even at a few leading
cloudbusting Experiments in Arizona, from five pre-
universities, generally by the diminishing number
announced dates of operations in 1989.
of graying “maverick eccentrics” still surviving within the academy. More significantly, however, I
In 1989, a major experiment to increase rains was
was invited to carry out new experiments, working
undertaken in Arizona with the cloudbuster, on five
against critical drought situations using Reichʼs
pre-announced dates with notifications sent to the
cloudbusting methods, which were as big a break-
NOAA weather modification offices. National
through in atmospheric science as the orgone
Weather Service data from 424 rain-gauges in the
accumulator was in medicine and biology.
region of Arizona, Southern Nevada, and Southeast California were used for the analysis. An
A severe three-year drought of historical
averaged rain fall-doubling effect was produced by
proportions was ended in Israel by a team effort
the experimental work over that same large area.
using the cloudbuster. That work, which I
The results were communicated to officials in
organized and directed in 1991-92, was supported
Washington, D.C., but only silence and “academic
by private foundations with logistical support and
dirty-tricks” resulted. A major symposium, entitled
approvals from the Israeli government.
“WilhelmReich: A Reappraisal,” which I had organized through the American Association for the
The experiment resulted in widespread and
Advancement of Science for their annual
saturating rains that quickly developed across the
conference in San Francisco, was undermined by the “skeptics” and censored.
entire eastern Mediterranean and ending the historical drought with equally historical unprecedented rains. However, the meteorologists
Subsequently, I was subjected to the
dismissed the results as the consequence of Mt.
mud-slinging fury of the professional
Pinatubo erupting six months earlier on the other
“skeptic clubs.” They harassed my
side of the planet, so our proposal for a follow-up
family and me; we were threatened with
“Negev Greening Project” went nowhere.
burglary and death. And smear-hate mail was sent to the department chairmen in the
Author James deMeo standing near the trailer-
university where I was employed, and to editors of
mounted cloudbuster kiremti (Tigrinya word for
journals that published my papers. I later learned that NOAA offices had purged their files of all the
“good rains”), during field work in Eritrea, Africa. Apparatus is packed-up for transport. I was
publications I had sent them that documented the
subsequently invited to lead a team of scientists
effectiveness of the cloudbuster. Dr. Blasband and
into Namibia and later Eritrea, again with private
several of his associates also suffered similar
foundation funds and full logistical supports from
abuse. Still, I pursued the topic.
the respective governments. A 12-year drought pattern in Namibia, with an acute 3-year situation
Serious scientists globally have increasingly shown
approaching widespread famine conditions for
respect for Reichʼs work and dismay at the
southern Africa, was abruptly reversed by our work
miserable way he was treated. I was gratified to be
with the cloudbuster, with excellent and persisting
invited to speak by private physicianʼs groups and
rains spreading over the region.
University of Kansas Field Trials, 1977-1979 Full-sized Reich Cloudbuster, developed from the original principles as discovered by Dr. Wilhelm Reich in the 1950s, and used for ending droughts and greening deserts. The apparatus shown here were constructed by James DeMeo, PhD. These and similar devices have been used by Dr. DeMeo in various projects in the USA, Israel, Namibia and Eritrea (Africa), to successfully end droughts and green deserts.
the cloudbuster Unlike the better-known method of "cloud-seeding" where chemical stimulants are dispersed into the atmosphere to affect a small region, cloudbusting uses no chemicals whatsoever, and has both long-distance and persisting effects. It functions by excitation and triggering motion within the large energy continuum surrounding the Earth, and in which localized energy potentials are observed to create clouds and weather fronts.
rain solutions
However, political reactions by the head
hind the Aswan High Dam. In fact, Lake Nasser
meteorologists blocked our plans for a more
not only Thermal Anomaly inside the orgone
prolonged effort at drylands greening. A pattern
Energy Accumulator, versus a thermally-balanced
developed, where those in charge of weather
control enclosure, over 11 dry sunny days in
forecasting or who ran well-financed cloud-seeding
September 2008. (with yellow dot) = Solar noon;
operations—and who could do nothing about
grey dot = midnight. This experiment was
severe drought situations—became irritated by our
undertaken inside a well-ventillated but highly
successful work. But this was not uniformly so.
insulated shaded enclosure under a heavy forest canopy. The anomaly peaked at Solar noon, with
The operations in Eritrea were even more fantastic, nearly “unbelievable” in fact, given how
minima near midnight, unrelated to the daily temperature maximum and minimum. on overcast
that nation had been suffering under 30 years of
rainy days, even with a significant diurnal
chronic below-normal rains before our research
temperature variation, the anomaly basically
team arrived and started working. In that case,
vanished. This graphic is representative of similar
however, the first year of results was so dramatic,
results obtained by the author over several years
producing above-normal rains after decades of
of evaluation filled but overflowed out into the open
drought, that officials delightfully agreed to finance
Sahara Desert, creating several gigantic new
a five-year project. And so every summer over the
lakes, which are still visible today on Google Earth
following years, I would assemble and lead a team
just northwest of Aswan.
of professionals in Asmara to work against the chronic drought conditions. At the height of our
But few people know of this work as it could not be
experimental work, which in fact consumed more
published outside of our own in- house journal, in
in expenses than the available funds, we had three
spite of (or because of) the excellent data and
cloudbuster devices working in different locations,
documentation. The Eritrea experiments showed
coordinated by radio communications. Data
that Reichʼs discovery could even benefit the open
analysis for the aggregate period showed a ~50%
Sahara Desert, which is no small feat.
increase in the average daily percent of maximum
Unfortunately, Eritrea and Ethiopia collapsed into
rainfall, contrasting the quantities which fell over
open warfare shortly thereafter, forcing my
the entire nation be- fore operations to the period
decision to end the project, as our international
after operations commenced
team was put at risk.
Though this did not quite match the rainfall-
Over the last decade, I have backed away from
d o u b l i n g e ff e c t a s s e e n i n t h e A r i z o n a
the difficult fieldwork overseas and mostly settled
experiments, it also took place in a much more
into laboratory investigations of the orgone energy
difficult atmospheric situation. Eritrea sits right at
itself, documenting its existence and physical
the southeastern corner of the Sahara Desert. But
properties. Iʼve also investigated the old ether- drift
of equal or greater significance, the increased
experiments, based upon identified similarities
rains over the Nile River Basin dramatically
between Reichʼs orgone energy continuum, which
increased flows in the Nile River far downstream,
fills all space, and the cosmic ether of nineteenth
yielding the first-ever filling of Lake Nasser be-
century physics.
Dayton Millerʼs interferometer experiments atop Mt.
away without bothering to investigate. On top of
Wilson in the late 1920s, which were the most
that are the malicious “skeptics” who have the ear
significant ever undertaken, actually measured and
of main- stream journalists and whose criticisms of
confirmed a real ether-drift signal. But he did so
Reich often elevate their standing in the scientific
through identification of its material composition,
community. They fill the media with every kind of
which could be reflected or blocked by metal plate,
false and malicious claim about Reichʼs biography
in a manner similar to the metal composition of the
and science. And any internet search on his name
orgone accumulator. Work by Albert Michelson on
or terms also produces the most stunning array of
Mt. Wilson also confirmed this effect, but both men
mystically exaggerated claims and gadgets from lay
were defeated by the heavy-handed politics of science, as I reported in detail in several articles,
enthusiasts and eBay hawkers, making quite a mess of it all.
and one invited presentation to a Society for Scientific Exploration conference in 2006. Newer
Nevertheless, my own experiments and those of
work by Yuri Galaev at the Ukraine Radiophysics
many others, too numerous to mention here, have
Institute has further confirmed the Miller result
validated the facts and truth of Reichʼs science,
“down to the details.” But again, only a few appear
which is reproducible and has been verified many
times on the major details. And all within the best traditions of the natural sciences.
It is easy to be a reflexive skeptic of Reichʼs work. The authentic experimental work is fantastic enough. Reich knew this and called it the “too much” factor, which caused some people to turn
James DeMeo, PhD. Orgone Biophysical Research Lab Ashland, Oregon, USA demeo@orgonelab.org
Speaker... www.waterconf.org/ www.facebook.com/ waterconf
James DeMeo, Ph.D., is a research scientist and former university professor, now Director of the Orgone Biophysical Research Lab, which he founded in 1978. His work and research is interdisciplinary, from cross-cultural, historical studies on the effects of drought and deserts on the origins of warfare and social violence, into laboratory experiments on cosmic cycles and lifeenergy subjects, and extensive confirming research on Wilhelm Reich's sex-economic and orgone biophysical findings. He has published over 100 journal articles and book-chapters on the issues of energy resources, health, cultural h i s t o r y, e n v i r o n m e n t a l p r o b l e m s , a n d experimental orgone biophysics. His websites are h t t p : / / w w w. s a h a r a s i a . o r g a n d h t t p : / / www.orgonelab.org, and he blogs at http:// obrlnews.wordpress.com.
Water is the source of life and light
by Ph.D., Professor Konstantin Korotkov
Water is Life! But water is also
Light! We have said that without water life on Earth would be impossible in principle. And anyway, it seems that any conceivable life forms can exist only in the presence of water. Even in its quiet state water emits photons, and they can be detected by supersensitive equipment. And by the activity of the emission one can see the reaction of water on the rising of the Moon, a change in atmospheric pressure or human emotions. One of the methods of such studies is Electrophotonic Imaging (EPI) based on Gas Discharge Visualization (EPI/GDV) technique, increasingly used to study health and psychological state.
EPC water test
Water Test
The patient places his fingers on the screen of the device, and the computer analyzes the glow that is developing around the fingers when short electric pulses are applied to them. This is a modern computer version of the well-known Kirlian effect. EPI/GDV technique has earned recognition of medical professionals as well as analysis of well-being and express diagnostics of the state of individual organs. Clinical trials conducted in the largest Russian and American universities and research centers have shown high efficiency of the developed diagnostic method. Under the impact of the electric field almost all objects of the environment glow; and, of course, water and other liquids glow, too. EPI/GDV research of water glow was published in many papers, and a number of theses on this subject were defended. It was shown that the nature of glow characterizes the structure of the liquid. Distilled water produces a small even circle of light; the glow of tap water is brighter and more inhomogeneous, whereas activated liquids produce bright flashes of glow. All parameters of these kinds of glow are measured quantitatively, so that we can assess the “character” of the tested water sample. EPI/GDV technique quantifies the response of water to the environmental conditions and to different effects. As an example let’s take the dynamics of change in the glow area of drops of two samples of water immediately after opening the sealed bottles and 4 hours later.
Using this method, you can test the quality of bottled water and its compliance with the manufacturer's parameters, and such verification is much faster and cheaper than chemical analysis. The sensitivity of EPI/GDV in studies of water enables us to study the reaction of water to various influences. For example, you can record a statistically significant difference in the glow area when comparing the initial water and water exposed to alternating magnetic field or acoustic waves. An interesting issue is to study the influence on the water of the form effects, in particular, pyramids, historical and religious buildings. During expeditions to the Russian North, to Mexico, Peru, India, Venezuela we conducted a series of experiments during which water samples were placed in the area of the object under study for a few hours, after which, in many cases a statistically significant difference was found in the parameters of EPI/GDV images of the samples as compared with the control ones.
EPC/GDV CAMERA by Dr. Korotkov
During such experiments it was observed that the result depends strongly on the time when the water was under the influence of the object. In 2009 a long experiment was conducted. Two liters of filtered tap water were poured into a glass jar and settled for several hours, after which the water was poured into two sterile 1-liter glass vessels, so that with the closed lid of the vessels there was no air inside. Both vessels were sealed. One vessel was placed under an opaque pyramid; the second was put at a distance from the pyramid and covered with light-proof cloth. The pyramid was oriented to the cardinal points. In this position the samples remained for 3 months, after which the vessels were opened and each sample was measured 8 times. Measurements showed that with 99% probability the tested samples had a statistically More Âťsignificant difference. This quite objectively proves that the pyramid affects water, and hence the human body. However, it is unclear how much time should be spent under
the pyramid, of course, if you have not yet turned into a mummy. The informative power of EPI/GDV method for studying liquid-phase objects was demonstrated in the studies of glow of microbial cultures, the blood of healthy individuals and cancer patients, blood reaction to allergens, homeopathic remedies of 30C potency, flower essences, and ultra low concentrations of various salts. A large series of studies have shown statistical differences in the glow of natural and synthetic essential oils having the same chemical composition by the results of spectrographic studies, as well as fruits and vegetables grown organically and with the use of fertilizers. You may find a lot of references in our books and on different web-sites. Of particular interest was the work on the influence of human emotions on water, and this issue is worth considering at greater length.
Pyramid Influence
http://korotkov.org/analysis-of-stimulated-electrophotonic-glow-of-liquids/ Konstantin Korotkov, PhD. Professor St. Petersburg University of Informational Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, Russia
He has published over 200 papers in leading journals on physics and biology, and he holds 17 patents on biophysics inventions. Prof. Korotkov has led a research career for over 30 years, combining rigorous scientific method with an insatiable curiosity about things of the spirit and the soul with deep respect for all life. He is also a scholar in philosophy and a serious mountaineer of 25 years experience. He has given lectures, seminars and training sessions in 43 countries, presenting papers and workshops at more than 100 national and international conferences.
Ph.D., Professor Konstantin Korotkov holds the following positions: • Deputy Director of SaintPetersburg Federal Research Institute of Physical Culture. • Professor of Computer Science and Biophysics at Saint-Petersburg Federal University of Informational Technologies, Mechanics and Optics. • Professor of Research in Saint Petersburg Academy of Physical Culture.
He is the author of 9 books; Most of them are translated to English, French, German, Italian and Spanish, including Light After Life: Experiments and Ideas on After-Death Changes of Kirlian Pictures, USA 1998. Aura and Consciousness – New Stage of Scientific Understanding, Russian Ministry of Culture, 1998. Human Energy Fields: Study with GDV Bioelectrography, USA 2002. Spiral Traverse, (USA?) 2006. An editor of the book: Measuring Energy Fields: State of the Art. GDV Bioelectrography series, USA 2004. At the V Congress of the International Union of Medical and Applied Bioelectrography (IUMAB) in Curitiba, Brasil, (Brazil, in USA) in 2001, Dr. Korotkov was elected as President of the IUMAB by the world’s most prominent researchers. He was re-elected as a President in 2005 and 2010. He is a Member of the Federal University Scientific Board on new medical technologies, Member of the Scientific Board of the European Society of Predictive Medicine (France) and of the Editorial Board of the «Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine» (USA). The EPC/GDV technique is accepted by Russian Ministry of Health as a Medical technology and certified in Europe. More than 1000 doctors, practitioners and researchers benefit from using this technology worldwide. More than 150 papers are published on GDV in (how many) different countries.
• President of the International Union for Medical and Applied Bioelectrography. •
Consultant for Aveda Co (USA).
• Member of the Editorial Board: «Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine», “Journal of Science of Healing Outcomes”.
Books available : http://www.backbonepublishing.com/books/other-books
by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov
The Energy of Consciousness
The EPI/GDV (Electro Photon Imaging) system provides non-invasive, painless and almost immediate evaluation which can highlight potential health abnormalities prior to even the earliest symptoms of an underlying condition, and suggests courses of action. These may include identifying an area for further medical exploration, suggesting products that may be beneficial (such as vitamins, minerals, supplements), or evaluating energy, stress and vitality. In each case, the EPI scan can provide a broad spectrum of information and supportive suggestions.
This book describes spiritual adventures with mediums, healers, and ordinary people on various continents. It is written by mountaineer, professor and a world renown scientist, who has devoted his life to the study of spiritual worlds from a scientific perspective.
EPI utilizes a weak, electrical current applied to the fingertips for less than a millisecond. The body’s response to this stimulus is the formation of a variation of an “electron cloud” composed of light energy photons. The electronic “glow” of this discharge (invisible to the human eye) is captured by an optical CCD camera system and then translated into a digital computer file. http://gdvusa.org/ http://korotkov.org/
Science, Information, and Spirit this is a recurring slogan of his work for many years. This is a book about unusual situations in the world around us, and about unusual lives of apparently o rd i n a r y p e o p l e i n d i ff e re n t c o u n t r i e s . Measurements of health, prayer and love these are only some topics of these studies. Life – is a great adventure in our everyday reality, and you may receive a strong impulse of optimism by reading this book. http://www.gdvplanet.com/component/k2/item/ 120-the-energy-of-consciousness
Light of dancing water Brazilia, The Temple of Peace
Courtesy of Krishna Madappa Bio-electrography image of water http://krishnamadappa.com/
The 9th Annual Conference on the Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Water October 9-12, 2014, Bulgaria
“Message from Water� and Science
Yasuyuki Nemoto Director of IHM General Institute (On Behalf of Dr. Masaru Emoto)
• Approximately 1 ml of water sample is put on a Petri dish. • Usually, 50 water drops are observed for each water sample.
invisible to Visible
Magnetic Resonance Analyzer (MRA), Invented by Ronald J. Weinstock
First Water Crystal Photograph of Micro-clustered Water (1994)
the memory in water
London, UK
Vancouver, Canada
Paris, France
Tap Waters in the World
Berlin, Germany
Tokyo, Japan
Lake Maggiore in Switzerland
Natural Waters in the World
Ice of the Antarctica
Sanbuichi Spring Water,Yamanashi Prefecture in Japan
effect of Imaging on Water
Thank You
Water exposed to the word “You fool” or “Thank you” in Japanese for 24 hrs.
effects of Words on Water
“Love & Gratitude”
A new hypothesis (the 4th phase of water) by Dr. Gerald Pollack offers the first plausible scientific explanation for Emoto’s findings. It is possible that the energy of positive and negative emotions affects the structure of the 4th phase of water differently. As a result, the shapes of water crystals could be changed.
effect of Emotion on Water
Input • Light (Infrared) • Emotions & Thoughts • Words & Images • Prayers • Healing Energy • Psychic Power
• Electric Power • Physical Movement • Biochemical Reactions • Self-Healing Power • Immunological Capacity • Connection to Energetic Bodies
It seems that good water shows beautiful water crystals, while bad water does not show any crystal at all. •
Water can be changed by music, images, words and prayers.
Water likes LOVE & GRATITUDE.
Dr. Emoto’s Conclusion
•Dr. Emoto’s insight that water can be changed by our thoughts, emotions and prayers ...could that be true. •We think that Dr. Pollack’s findings on the 4th phase of water may explain the phenomena described in “Message from Water”. • Dr. Emoto’s work has been inspirational around the world.
In Memory of the Late Dr. Masaru Emoto 2014
His last word was “Arigato”. (“Thank you” in Japanese) We believe his last word was to you, everybody. He was so grateful for you and thanked you all so very much. He used to say, “Life is LOVE which is a gift from God and parents, and DEATH is gratitude for going to a new dimension”. So now he is in another dimension and continues to look over us warmly with love and gratitude. We are going to carry on his mission of spreading the power of “love and gratitude”. We thank you very much for offering prayers for Dr. Emoto, and please send your love, light, and gratitude to him once again. With much love and gratitude, OME Staff http://hado.com/ihm/
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Physics, Chemistry and Biology of