What is aether?

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SCIENCE TO SAGE International

dale pond michael twichell dr. west marrin hartmut warm georg schrocker clay taylor

What’s Aether? the mysterious connection between water and aether

aether gravity harmony of the spheres: a new view of the ancient concept

Art by Mike Twichell

Online Magazine


Editor, Themed, designed , layout and produced by Karen Elkin Advertisin Submit Articles Desig sciencetosage@gmail.co

water~aether Water is the medium from which life comes fourth. Life is said to have emerged from the seas, and spiritual texts note that we are the living waters Water is nature’s recycling system, owing from liquids, solids to gases. It is but one substance in an everchanging state. Hence, this is another place where science and spirituality bridge, as we are the alpha and the omega, life without end Water is also the mixer of life. Water’s force moves and groves all aspects of life. Its current design channels vortexes of energy, be it whirlwinds, to whirlpools consolidating and gathering matter into information of energy This information is transferred via water’s crystalline structure, as it has many fazes and faces, it moves like a symphony of vibrational energy. Its tetrahedron structure is but a prism of light, which registers wave lengths, which is measured on the spectrum of light. It also carries its information through lines of conductivity. Water acts like a battery. It receives and circulates radiant energy, recharging and sustaining life. Water is the universal solvent, it is the solution we bath in, take in, and it is the tape recorder within. Like crystalline formations, it records impressions, and transmits in-form-a-tion, while replay our lines. Water is the solution which gives resolution to life









the solution for life






Dale Pond ~ What is Ether Dale Pond ~ Celestial Current Clay Taylor ~ Art and the Magnetic Matri West Marrin, Ph.D. ~ A Historical Perceptive on the Mysterious Connection between Water and Aethe

Special thanks to the contributors. I am grateful for their articles and inspired work. Their contribution and fascination with water enriches and transforms our understanding of our designer universe.

Georg Schrocker ~ Water Charged by Ligh Mike Twichell ~ Aether Gravity ~ (art and article Water Charged by the Light ~ Georg Schrocker Hartmut Warm ~ Harmony of the Spheres: A New View of the Ancient Concep

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E-Zine S C I E N C E



Conscious Science


Einstein confirmed existence of aether

What is Ether? “The atomolic substance is what is termed the ether which lls all space and is the transmitting medium for all celestial and terrestrial forces. This is the liquid ether of occult science.” — Keely



“vibrating bundles of focalized energy”

The term ether is a general catch-all term. It encompasses a multitude of diverse subtle or


substances all of which are within the subatomic and ner range of elements of matter.

In SVP terms there are two major states of ether. The rst is Aether which is undifferentiated (depolar) and resides at the seventh subdivision of matter and energy. When differentiated (polarized) the aether breaks down into the wide variety of subatomic or quantum entities. These are on the fourth, fth and


sixth subdivisions.




ether and aether


Compound Interetheric















etheric elements In orthodox science this wide array of quantum

As molecules are composed of atoms, atoms

entities has been explored to reveal the speci c

are composed of identi ed quantum entities or

identities and characteristics of individual

the unidenti ed elements of ether (etheric


elements such that there are currently


recognized muons, leptons, etc. All of which were lumped together as the "ether" in previous

There are countless etheric elements (quantum

times most notably during that time when atoms

entities). These subtle elements have many

were considered to be the smallest possible

attributes. At the

particle which was held to be indivisible into

subdivision) etheric substance is the same as

anything smaller. Since about 1890 it was

Undifferentiated Mind. As there is no

gradually learned the atom was not

differentiation of aether at this level there is

indestructible and indivisible but could in fact be

likewise no differentiation of Mind at this level.

divided into its constituent component parts.

Mind or Consciousness is at this level Knowing

These constituent parts taken as a whole was

or Whole Mind. Once differentiation (refraction)

the ether. Today these parts have been

occurs Knowing Mind becomes Thinking Mind

individually identi ed as the various quantum

of the ego or intellect

ner higher state (seventh

elements known now as muons, leptons, etc

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0Ae5fXy4Zk http://www.svpwiki.com/tikiindex.php?page=subdivision










by Dale pon

Books Universal Laws Revealed: Keely's Secrets ; The de nitive volume on Keely's work, 40 Laws and discoveries. See also SVP Compendium of Terms and Phrases ; A 4,000+ glossary of terms and phrases relative to sound and vibration. Additional books, articles, etc: see Bibliography

Dale Pond is a renaissance man with a diversi ed yet general background in chemistry, physics, mechanical engineering, machinist, metal working and tool making, computers, mathematics, acoustics, hydrodynamics, geometry, music, and common law (and some other stu too!). His experience includes technical writing, farming, lecturing, corporate training, business, metal and wood working, manufacturing, publishing and authoring scienti c and philosophical journals and books. Maker of Musical Dynaspheres: Atlin, Symael, Altea, Alcea, Alya and Eloniss.” Pond family adventures in central Brazil .





At the leading edge of new paradigm thinking, he has been able to show that vibration / oscillation is the principle underlying all things. Vibration / oscillation is the connecting link between spirit, Mind and matter - the magic key for creating new experiences, worlds and universes.

As an internationally renowned lecturer, Dale has presented workshops and seminars at the Swiss Association for Free Energy Conference , the International Keely Conferences, Sound and Vibration Conference, International Symposium on New Science, International Forum on New Energy, United States Psychotronics Association Conference, the Alchemy of Sound Conference, Science and Consciousness Conferences, TeslaTech Conferences and many others. Pond Science Institute 921 Santa Fe Avenue La Junta, Colorado 81050 Written, edited and published The Journal of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics from 1985-1992 60 monthly issues.

Aetherometry Milestones

aetherometry By Paulo Correa and Alexandra Corre Aurora Biophysics Research Institut Click Here to Read Article



Pages 94-105




one substance, ever changing state

a recycling system






INTRODUCTION Historically, water has been associated with the ubiquitous unseen realm that purportedly animates and gives rise to the observable world. This unseen realm is often referred to as etheric or akashic according to the ancient Greek and Hindu t r a d i t i o n s , r e s p e c t i v e l y. Although the etheric realm was believed to have affected matter, forces, and cause-andeffect relationships in our observable world, we are unable to detect its presence. So, what exactly is the etheric realm? From the perspective of mainstream science, there is no acknowledgment of or accepted d e s c r i p t i o n f o r a e t h e r, relegating any connection

between water and aether to ancient and esoteric theories. There are, however, indications that the particles and forces currently recognized by science constitute only a fraction of those in the universe. Scientists have posited that there are mysterious types of dark (i.e., unobservable) energy and matter that profoundly affect the gravity-related phenomena of universal expansion and galactic rotation. While astrophysicists ponder these seemingly inexplicable observations and unsubstantiated hypotheses, a group of theoretical physicists have posited that all forces and particles result from vibrational differences among tiny strands

of energy known as strings. String theory further predicts that the universe is composed of more spatial dimensions than we are able to perceive. Another possibility for the unobservable stuff or non-stuff of the universe is charged particles, also known as plasma (as the fourth phase of matter), which theoretically respond to long-range electromagnetic forces that accelerate and distribute them throughout the cosmos. Electric currents aligned to the Earth’s magnetic fields are responsible for the colorful polar auroras. Similarly, electric currents aligned to cosmic-scale magnetic fields are theorized to produce the matter and create the patterns

From the sun beaming on this window, forming particles of light, and then transforming crystalline water structures, these images below displayed the organic metamorphic process of re, to particles, to water. This is the recycling system showing us how we return from where we have come; and this is elemental to all life. - Karen Elkin

fire/sun particles of light water/crystalline



How any of these present-day scientific theories might relate to the ancient understanding of aether is a provocative, but as yet unanswered, question. The socalled luminiferous aether that was proposed and later refuted by nineteenth-century physicists is not synonymous with the ancient aether from which the material world was believed to have emerged and to which it ultimately returns. Early science usurped the term “aether” in postulating a luminiferous gas or gaslike fluid beyond earth’s

atmosphere; however, most ancient descriptions of aether neither limit it to outer space nor equate it with ordinary matter. Many translations suggest the ancient aether was not of the observable world, and instead was a type of force, energy, field or non-material essence.

so, what is the relationship between the ancient aether and water?

Those naturalists and philosophers who delve into the esoteric and often controversial relationship seem to gravitate toward explanations involving mediation. In other words, water is hypothesized to somehow bridge or integrate the very different energies and properties of the seen and unseen realms; however, the mechanisms by which water could perform this feat have never been demonstrated.




m a s s = wat e r , a i r , f i r e

elements & geometries




During the fth century BC, the philosopher Empedocles proposed that all matter in the universe was composed of differing combinations of four original substances and two moving forces. Empedocles referred to these four substances as the Elements of re, air, water, and earth, and he identi ed love and strife as the moving forces. The moving forces

energize the combining or dissociating of Elements, such that matter can be neither created without love nor uncreated (destroyed) without its opposite moving force of strife. So stated, this concept of the four Elements has served as a fundamental understanding of nature for an astonishing number of ancient cultures worldwide (e.g., Greek, Aztec, Hawaiian).

elements & geometries The four Elements and the mysterious aether, or akasha, from which they were understood to have emerged are intimately linked to a unique set of three-dimensional geometries known as the Platonic solids The five regular Platonic solids include the tetrahedron as fire (1), the cube as earth (2), the octahedron as air (3), the dodecahedron as aether (4), and the icosahedron as water (5). Reprinted from Universal Water.1

tetrahedron as fire

fir air wat e r

cube as earth

dodecahedron as aether

octahedron as air

icosahedron as water

space to air

States of Matter fire to water


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Mount_Yasur#/media/ File:Mount_Yasur_at_night_-_Lava_Explosion.JPG

water to earth

spheres undifferentiated potential These regular solids are correctly

gas planets

understood in an extended sense, whereby spinning them about the center vertex creates a circumscribed sphere. Sacred geometry associates the sphere with the infinite and undifferentiated potential of the universe, and it is through these solids that the material world (as angular geometries) was apparently connected to the so-called

water planets

Absolute (as a sphere), representing the unmanifested source of a manifested plane that is composed of both seen and unseen realms. Whereas the Absolute is

fiery sun

unmanifested, the aether (as a dodecahedron) is manifested but unobservable.

It is said that a nebula contains gas (air), ice grains (water), and dust (particles). This is the beginning of our solar system. This is the primordial soup, the recipe for life. - Wikepeida

Public Domain

Water Images by Georg Schroecke

The icosahedron (representing water) and dodecahedron were considered to symbolize transcendent principles and to span the observable and unobservable worlds, whereas the cube and octahedron (related to the number 2 and its square root) were considered to represent crystallized matter in the observable world. The tetrahedron is self-reciprocating and the most basic molecular geometry of water, which displays other platonic solids in the form of molecular clusters. Because the observable world (represented by the cube) supposedly emerged from the aether via the mediator of water, it follows that the icosahedron and dodecahedron are mathematically related to the cube according to the golden ratio. The golden ratio is an irrational number that was considered by many ancient cultures to serve as the mathematical blueprint underlying the material world. Also known as phi, the golden ratio is present in nature and many man-made creations (e.g., flora, fauna, geology, architecture, music). The intimate relationship between aether and water was exemplified in the ancient Hawaiian tradition, wherein the word for water (wai) was commonly substituted for that of the etheric life force (mana) when describing its movement through the body. Babylonian and Egyptian traditions suggest that everything manifested must have emerged from the primordial waters that were figuratively positioned between the unmanifested realm of heaven and the material domain of earth. Moreover, water was frequently used as a metaphor for this manifested etheric force or life energy, which was known by the names of prana, chi and ki. “Water can be imagined as a water world containing fire, inherent within this process are all the elements. It form’s

life is constituted by fundamental

and function’s unites living and

states of matter flowing from one

social systems”. ~ Lynnclaire

state to another

Denis, Mereon Matrix

planets, plants to people do not exists without air, water and fire


~ karen elkins

heart centered

energy inner chi

divided by 3 unfold by 3

electrical discharge pattern

golden ratio




charged field magnetic current current’s formula

Human embry 8-9 week CC BY-SA 3.0/ Anatomist9

a water network “ W a t e r ’s t h r e e - d i m e n s i o n a l tetrahedral lattice is configured so that its concentric coordination spheres form the templates for socalled sacred geometries (e.g., Platonic solids, Flower of Life).”

spectral focus


Flower of Life

So, how might water ful ll its role as a mediator of energy or information between the etheric and observable worlds? This is one of many bizarre questions regarding water that philosophers and naturalists have pondered. While there is nothing resembling a consensus, some theorists believe that a key may lie within water’s complex and ultra-dynamic molecular network. One of the most profound discoveries about liquid water is that it consists of extensive interconnected networks, rather than random collections of agitated molecules. Individual water molecules are the network’s components and serve as building blocks for the water network. Water’s molecular network is linked together via magnetictype connections known as hydrogen bonds. The liquid network is frequently described as highly dynamic inasmuch as the links between components are constantly exchanged (on a timescale of trillionths of a second), permitting water molecules to alter their orientation to one another. Systems theorists have posited that dynamic networks can display a range of complex behaviors based on the rules for switching network connections. In other words, the behaviors of an entire system (i.e., any entity composed of many similar components) may simply relate to the manner in which the connections between individual components are exchanged among each other. Unfortunately, the shuf ing (i.e., breaking and forming) of hydrogen bonds within water’s network is so rapid and complex that scientists are unable to decipher the rules that may govern the process. Much of what is assumed about water’s vast networks is extrapolated from brief glimpses and mathematically modeled to produce a more complete description (see Figure 2). FIGURE 2. A depiction of water’s hydrogen-bonded network comprised of individual water molecules where hydrogen bonds (white lines) intersect oxygen atoms (black spheres). Reprinted from Perspectives on Biogeochemistry.




spectral focus

functional counterparts If aether is present within the manifested world, then it should be physical—at least in some form. Yet we appear to be unable to perceive it using either our gross or extended (i.e., technologyaided) senses. Rudolf Steiner was a modern philosopher who attempted to explain the existence and function of the aether in a technical, rather than scienti c, manner. Sometimes considered mystical or metaphysical, Steiner’s ideas focused on an etheric aspect of the physical world that cannot be observed, but that orchestrates the observed matter and forces. Following in Steiner’s tradition, naturalist Theodor Schwenk postulated that all organic formation is based upon etheric forces, which utilize the medium of water that vibrates in resonance with them and permits the passage of

formative impulses to the material world. Notice that Schwenk believed water acts as a mediator between the aether and material world via the mechanism of vibration. Is water the observable counterpart of the unobservable aether? Does water serve as a mediator between realms? Does water’s large vibrational range (greater than 20 octaves) permit it to transfer energy or information between matter and aether? Is water a really a complex system that produces recognizable patterns (e.g., ordered, disordered) and behaviors (e.g., chaotic) as a result of its switching molecular connections? Whether any of these questions are relevant is unknown, but they represent interesting ways to view the mysterious relationship between aether and water that has spanned much of recent human history.





1. Marrin, West. Universal Water. Maui, HI: Inner Ocean (2002) 2. Degens, Egon. Perspectives on Biogeochemistry. Heidelberg, Germany: SpringerVerlag (1989)

DL ‘West’ Marrin, PhD ~ Article West is an applied scientist and educator, as well as a founder of an NGO, two private rms, a multimedia forum and an consultancy that assists environmental, entrepreneurial and educational groups on d i v e r s e w a t e r- r e l a t e d issues. He has authored three books on the science or mystery of water and journal articles on the topics of water pollution/remediation, biogeochemistry, hydromimicry, art-science projects and the waterenergy-food nexus. He was an Adjunct Professor at San Diego State University and holds degrees in the biological, environmental, and water resource sciences. He has presented classes and workshops at the community and university levels focusing on water quality, perception, and technologies. As a surfer and diver, he spends much of his time in water.

Georg Schroecker ~ Water Images Georg is an electrical engineer. His fascination with water started when he started taking images from his high powered microscope. He reveals the hidden world of water Website:http://www.wasser-lebt.at/index.php?id=2 Book: Water World: The Hidden Magni ed Coming Soon.

Website: http://www.watersciences.org Books: Universal Water, Altered Perceptions, Hydromimicry





Read Full Article Her Pages 60-70


E-Zine S C I E N C E related







water Charged by Light

Water images by Georg Schrocker

ever changing and rearranging matrix

spine of creation

prism of light

planes of existence

spheres of electrical charge liquid, solids, gases, plasma the elements of life

Water images by Georg Schrocker http://www.wasser-lebt.at/


A Theory and Art by Mike Twichell

THE RUNAWAY TRAIN In the 1800’s scientists believed that the aether was the medium for light to travel. They also believed that the aether was the medium for magnetism and gravity. These scientists were on the right path and they were close to discovering the truth, until the failure of the MichelsonMorely experiments and other similar experiments to detect the aether put an end to it all.

And once Einstein’s

equations were able to explain gravity without the aether the deal was done – the aether was abandoned. Now many of today’s scientists squander their time away working with the empty space model, with their explanations for gravity becoming more and more obscure and further and further from the truth. In fact, this empty space model is eerily reminiscent of Ptolemy’s geocentric model that was propounded for centuries. Something simple must come along and derail this runaway train of nothingness, and I believe the Twichell Theory of Gravitation is just simple enough to do it.

THE TWICHELL THEORY OF GRAVITATION The Twichell Theory of Gravitation was born out of my vision of the biological Universe. In my vision I saw the “Tree of Life”. Our Milky Way was like a branch in this tree. But it wasn’t a branch it was more like the tip of a root - a root that was grinding its way through the soil of the Universe – the aether. The matter atoms were part of the tree and the aether was the soil. I envisioned that like any living thing, the matter atoms needed nutrition, and to get it they absorbed the aether. Now this is very philosophical, and whether or not this vision is even correct is almost inconsequential - because it has led to a great theory. One that has explained every gravitational phenomenon I have come across since I began to write about it. I documented all my theories of the biological Universe and of aether gravity. I later pulled all of the aether gravity related portions and published them in The Twichell Manuscript – Volume I – Aether Gravity. The biological Universe theories I left unpublished for a future volume of the manuscript. For although the philosophy in the biological Universe theory was interesting, I knew there was an immediate need for the science of aether gravity. The essence of The Twichell Theory of Gravitation is that matter objects “absorb” aether and in doing so they create gravity. The theory states that the Michelson-Morely experiments failed because the aether moves “with” the spinning Earth from west to east, with the only relative motion being down as the aether gets sucked into the Earth. The theory relies quite heavily upon Bernoulli’s Principle. The following illustration shows the nested spirals in the aether that Michelson and Morely were unaware of.

highlights Listed below are the highlights of the theory, all of which are described in detail in my book, and many of which are described briefly here.

• • • •

Aether is absorbed by matter, creating gravity Aether whirlpools form when matter spins Aether whirlpools are nested galaxy/star/planet/proton Aether pressure variation flattens spiral galaxies, solar systems and Saturn’s rings

• • • • • • • • • • • •

Aether density variation and Snell’s law explain gravitational lensing Aether density variation explains the Pioneer anomaly Aether density variation explains the Allais effect Aether density variation explains black holes Aether absorption geometry explains supernovae Aether manipulation can be used to create anti-gravity Aether whirlpool variation explains the Coriolis effect Aether whirlpool variation explains plate tectonics Aether creates magnetism and electricity with vortices Aether proton vortices are the source of magnetism and atomic bonding Aether absorption drives the inner/outer core mechanism of the Earth Aether gravity explains the smoking guns of general and special relativity



CC BY-SA 3.0 Kraaiennest

At the very heart of the Twichell Theory of Gravitation sits Bernoulli’s Principle, from the world of fluid dynamics. In fact it is Bernoulli’s Principle that really gives the aether gravity theory an amazing boost, very likely making it superior to any other gravitational theory.

Bernoulli’s Principle describes the inverse relationship between speed and pressure. For instance, fluid moving through a tapered portion of a pipe will speed up. As it speeds up, the pressure in the tapered portion of the pipe actually becomes lower. Essentially what is happening is that the flux through the pipe must remain constant, so in order to keep the flux constant the water molecules must speed up through the tapered portion of the pipe. The same phenomenon applies with air molecules over the wing of a plane. To get over the upper curved portion of the wing in the same amount of time the particles above the wing must separate and speed up. This creates less pressure above the wing which creates the lift. This is Bernoulli’s Principle at work.

across its entire surface area. The illustration that follows shows two concentric shells surrounding a non-spinning gravitational source that is absorbing aether.

We can apply these same principles of fluid dynamics to the aether. For example, imagine the aether pouring into a spherical astronomical object. For simplicity first imagine a non-spinning object such as our Moon. Now one of the keys to Bernoulli’s Principle is that the flux must remain constant. So with our example sphere or Moon, the entire sphere is absorbing aether and the inward flux of aether into it must remain constant

Now imagine a spinning astronomical object like the Sun or Saturn. For here we find that Bernoulli’s Principle also explains why spiral galaxies, solar systems and the rings around planets like Saturn are so flat! This is because the aether rotates with any spinning object that is absorbing it. It forms a whirlpool as it is getting absorbed. And the aether is moving the fastest at the equatorial plane of these spinning objects. So from Bernoulli’s Principle we know that faster motion with constant flux means lesser pressure. So a spinning astronomical object absorbing aether will have a valley of lesser aether pressure at its equatorial plane. This valley of lesser aether pressure is actually a valley of stronger gravity. Matter objects will come to rest in this valley. Objects that try to move above the valley will get forced back down. Objects that try to move below the valley will get forced back up. So this is not rocket science anymore - in fact the simplicity is quite beautiful. The dismissal of the aether hid this simplicity from us. But now it is time to take it back again and embrace it.

The geometry of concentric spherical shells helps us to visualize this - as the aether flows into what is a tapered volume it must be speeding up to keep the flux the same. So by applying Bernoulli’s Principle we can know that the aether is speeding up as it approaches and as it enters the absorbing sphere. This speeding up creates lesser aether pressure. Lesser aether pressure means higher gravity. Note that the speeding up can also be looked at as the stretching of space. This stretching of space is another way to interpret gravity.

AETHER THE CORIOLIS EFFECT There are two components to the Coriolis effect - one from latitude and one from altitude. Both components come from variation in the aether whirlpool surrounding the Earth. The aether whirlpool is fastest from west to east at the Earth’s equator and this west to east velocity diminishes with latitude. But at the same time the whirlpool speed diminishes with altitude. Each of these variations contributes to the Coriolis effect in its own way. I will describe the latitude variation first. The west to east speed of the aether whirlpool at the Earth’s equator matches the speed of the Earth’s surface at the equator, or approximately 1040 mph. As one moves away from the equator either north or south, the west to east speed diminishes with the cosine of the latitude. This affects weather systems, namely hurricanes. In the northern hemisphere, the eastward speed of the aether is greater to the south and less to the north. This creates more eastward force to the south and less eastward force to the north. This makes weather systems in the northern hemisphere move in a counter clockwise direction. In the southern hemisphere, the eastward speed of the aether is greater to the north and less to the south. This creates more eastward force to the north and less eastward force to the south. This makes weather systems in the southern hemisphere move in a clockwise direction. This is the gravitational pull of the aether doing this. The air molecules are getting forced along by the aether as it rotates with the Earth.

Now let’s consider the portion of the Coriolis effect related to altitude. For as a plane rises up above the Earth it is entering not only a portion of the aether that contains less gravity because of its altitude, but also a portion of the aether whirlpool that is not spinning as fast as the whirlpool at ground level beneath it. It is this lessening of the west to east force of the aether whirlpool at altitude that creates the altitude portion of the Coriolis effect. In our example the rising plane will experience what seems like a westward force in the absence of the stronger eastward force below. As the plane rises there is also a smaller force on the plane toward the nearest pole. This is because of the stronger west to east force of gravity toward the Earth’s equator. It can be confusing unless you reverse it and imagine a craft entering the Earth’s gravitational field, in which case the entering craft is pulled eastward and toward the equator. So to understand the Coriolis effect is simply to understand that these forces reverse when the craft leaves the field. This is why the Coriolis effect is sometimes considered a “fictional” force, or the “appearance” of a force when viewed from within the rotating reference frame of the Earth, but really it is proof of the lessening speed and lessening force of the aether whirlpool as one gains altitude.

GRAVITATIONAL LENSING The importance of having a theory built upon strong fundamentals cannot be overstressed, and the Twichell Theory of Gravitation has just that. When the correct model is applied physical phenomenon commonly considered as complex suddenly become trivial. This happens again and again with this theory. And in this example, it happens with gravitational lensing. With the theory of aether gravity, gravitational lensing can be explained through the simple application of Snell’s law, which states that the direction of light will bend toward the normal when entering a medium where the speed of light is slower. Well with the aether gravity model, the speed of light is slower closer to a large source of gravitation because the aether density is less. This causes the light to bend toward the normal, or toward the source of gravity.

Now of course rather than entering a discrete new medium, like is commonly seen in association with Snell’s law, in this case there exists a gradual change in the medium. So the light will bend gradually toward the normal. Now I should point out that we should expect the lensing to be stronger near an equatorial By Loeg Alexandrov/ plane, since this is where the Public Domain aether is stretched the most. The illustration that follows shows two discrete aether mediums for the sake of simplification.


Before reaching the end of their missions, when the Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 unmanned spacecrafts reached the distant reaches of our solar system they were slowing down more than was expected. This is known as the Pioneer anomaly, and it is another phenomenon that is easily explained with the aether gravity model. Firstly, allow me to describe the request and response ranging technique that was used to determine the distances to the Pioneer spacecrafts. A range request signal was sent from the Earth to the spacecraft. When the spacecraft received the request signal it would emit the response signal. When the response signal was received here on Earth, the distance to the spacecraft was computed by dividing the round trip time by two and then multiplying by the speed of light. Any motion of the Earth and spacecrafts while the signals were in flight was factored into the distance as well. However, let me point out here that the “assumption” that the speed of light is constant is wrong.

the “assumption” that the speed of light is constant is


For the aether density will increase as the distance from any gravitational object increases. In this case the gravitational object is the Sun. Thusly we can expect that when these anomalies grew large enough to be noticed the Pioneer spacecrafts were in a denser aether environment. The speed of light is faster in these remote portions of our solar system because the aether is denser. And because the speed of light is faster, the response message will come back sooner than expected and the distance to the spacecraft will be calculated as being less. Thusly explaining what is called the “Pioneer anomaly”.

TIME DILATION In an experiment by Hafele and Keating in 1971, commercial jet airliners were armed with Cesium atomic clocks and flown both eastward and westward around the Earth. At the end of the flights the clocks were compared with a ground clock. The results were meant to prove the validity of Einstein’s special and general relativity theories. Now although splitting nanoseconds over the course of days is a difficult thing to attempt, and even though the results were supposedly “massaged” so that they would match the predicted results, the results are not what I am disputing – it is the interpretation of the results that I am disputing! Hafele and Keating interpreted the results to mean that time was indeed warping! They made this mistake because they made the “assumption” that Cesium atomic clocks operate exactly the same in all gravitational and kinematic environments. This was their stake in the sand. Sadly, this was a mistake.

Gravity and motion slow clocks not because of any sort of weird science fiction “time dilation”, they slow clocks because gravity and motion affect the aether density inside the clocks.

Time does not warp - it is simply that Cesium atomic clocks do not operate the same in all gravitational and kinematic environments. Gravity and motion slow clocks not because of any sort of weird science fiction “time dilation”, they slow clocks because gravity and motion affect the aether density inside the clocks. For as the tiny aether particles rush between the relatively massive gaps between the Cesium atoms, the aether particles speed up because of Bernoulli’s Principle. And when the aether speeds up, its density becomes less. And when the aether density becomes less, the Cesium atoms have access to less aether so they resonate slower. And the lesser aether density also makes it so the vibrations from the Cesium atoms travel slower. And once this happens the clock is running slower. This is pure physics of the aether and fluid dynamics applied to the aether. There is no strange time dilation going on.

Hafele and Keating

The dismissal of the aether has led to over 100 years of futility for the scientific world

AETHER AND GENERAL RELATIVITY The dismissal of the aether has led to over 100 years of futility for the scientific world. And the hypocrisy is thick when general relativity shows that light is affected by gravity, yet the believers of the empty space model insist that emitted photons are massless. So allow me to briefly point out here that all the smoking guns of general relativity can easily be explained with my simple aether gravity model.

Gravitational Lensing was already discussed – it can be reduced down to Snell’s law if the aether model is applied. So this is not a smoking gun. Rotational Frame Dragging states that light traveling in the direction of rotation of a massive object will move past the object faster than light moving against the rotation. With the aether whirlpool model this is a no-brainer. Gravitational Time Delay states that light takes longer to get to where it’s going because it takes a longer route. Well the obviousness of this statement is painful. Yet once again this is Einstein’s way of describing the aether whirlpool – not rocket science. Gravitational Redshift states that the electromagnetic waves leaving a gravitational source redshift. Looked at another way the waves lose their frequency. This is because the energy of an electromagnetic wave is essentially equivalent to its frequency. So the waves lose some energy when escaping gravity – not a smoking gun. Static Mass Increase states that an increase in the inertia of large astronomical objects is seen when other similar objects are nearby. The reason academic empty space believers find this

to be complex is that they think every ounce of gravity is contained within the gravitational source – because they don’t know about the whirlpool of aether rotating around the absorbing object, or the force that it contains. So when two galaxies interact at their outer limits scientists scratch their heads and propose overly complex ideas like “Static Mass Increase”, when all that is happening is an interaction between the two aether whirlpools. Warping of Spacetime states that Einstein wanted to keep his cake, yet he wanted to eat it too. Einstein propounded the empty space model, yet out of the other side of his mouth he said that space warps. How can you warp something that isn’t there? Well you can’t. So by proposing this Einstein was unwittingly admitting that the empty space model was invalid. And as I described previously the time warping experiments are based upon the incorrect assumption that Cesium atomic clocks operate the same in all gravitational and kinematic environments. So to set the record straight, the warping of space is true – this is the aether whirlpool.

AETHER INSIDE THE EARTH The flux of aether enters the Earth to feed the absorbing matter. The older matter resides toward the core. The matter density increases inside the Earth, but the aether density decreases. There are three reasons for the decrease in aether density. The first reason is that the aether is getting absorbed. The second reason is that the aether is speeding up to get through all the atoms. And the third reason is that the aether is speeding up because it is constantly moving into a smaller geometrical sphere. The latter two reasons come from Bernoulli’s Principle. Note that the Zero Point Energy scientists need to be aware that the aether is coursing downward through their vacuums as it enters the Earth. As the aether gets sucked into the Earth, the tiny aether particles move in massive numbers between the relatively vast gaps separating the nuclei of the matter atoms. Light entering the Earth gets cancelled through destructive interference, but the gravitational flow of the aether continues. A single aether particle will adopt the spin of any wave and contribute to the wave as the particle moves through the wave into the Earth. This is the secret to understanding aether gravity.

Although electromagnetic waves are cancelled when entering the Earth, the magnetic field of the Earth is large enough to extend from the core to the end of the Earth’s magnetosphere. This magnetic field represents vortices in the aether or twisting of the aether, as opposed to the flowing and stretching of aether that is gravity. The two are seemingly inseparable as the Earth’s aether absorbing vortex or outer core seems to be the driving force of the electro-dynamo. We also need to pay attention to the direction of aether flow inside the Earth. It flows straight in at the poles, but underneath the equator it flows inside the Earth in the shape of the whirlpool. As this whirlpool forces the matter of the Earth along with it, this creates the shearing force of plate tectonics, as well as the friction, heat and volcanic activity associated with it. For the inner layers of the Earth are moving west to east faster than the surface of the Earth! We notice another interesting phenomenon when we consider the Earth’s solid inner core. For how can there possibly be a solid inner core when it is supposedly surrounded by a hot liquid magma outer core? Well the aether gravity model actually provides us with a hypothesis for this. Since the aether is the source of heat transfer, the solid inner core could indicate that the aether isn’t reaching the inner core! And if there is no aether there can be no light - which is a form of a black hole! And because the mass phenomenon is related to the rate of aether absorption, this would mean the inner core of the Earth is massless! So this is a rather large hypothesis. I realized it was the geometry of a spherical object absorbing aether that could explain the solid inner core of the Earth. Our spherical Earth contains a volume of protons and neutrons absorbing aether, where the volume is given as 4/3▪R3. But the aether can only enter through the

surface area, which is given by 4▪R2, which is an entire factor of R less than the volume. So what happens is that the volume requires more aether than can be provided through the surface area, so not enough aether can make it to the center. This creates an aether bubble at the inner core. Not only does this geometry explain the inner core, but curiously it fits right in with my vision of the biological Universe, or the Tree of Life. Since now we are looking at a deadwood core, or the xylem of the Tree of Life. The xylem is the part of the tree that brings the water and nutrients from the soil up to the rest of the tree, found at the center where the dead hollow cells can transmit the water. I wondered about this inner core and how the atoms must be starved for aether, yet I also believe the smaller sub-aether reaches the inner core. I also hypothesized about the possibility of Moon Birth when a massive gravity wave or a giant electromagnetic tug from the Sun could force the inner core out through a volcanic hotspot, recycling the old dead inner core into a new branch in the Tree of Life, or a moon. More on this amazing theory can be found in my book.

SUPERNOVAE Now that I have described the aether bubble that may form at the core of spherical aether absorbing objects, we can hypothesize that this is the source of the supernova. For with the aether bubble notion we can simply imagine that the aether bubble can pop, creating an implosion that is followed by an explosion, or supernova. Compared to the Earth, we can imagine a star having an even larger bubble in the aether at its core. This inner core of the star would contain a strange dense variation of matter vacant of surrounding aether. Protons and neutrons with no surrounding aether to radiate is an exotic state for matter, yet if these nuclei are indeed compacted and spherical then with the aether missing the space between the spheres would be empty, which would mean a vacuum, and we know that nature abhors a vacuum (sub-aether may reach inside these vacuums). So because the aether is extremely tiny, pervasive, dense, strong, fibrous and supportive, lack of aether would mean lack of support. So the hypothesis states that the surrounding matter and space can cause this aether bubble to pop or implode, leaving a super dense neutron star spinning in its wake, followed by the supernova.


Illustration by R.J. Hall. Redrawn CC BY-SA 3.0

There is also something scientists call “electron degeneracy” which supports my hypothesis. Electron degeneracy is where the electrons collapse down to their associative nuclei inside the cores of stars. Well since I knew that an electron was merely the pole of the proton magnet, and I knew that the proton magnet was merely a vortex in the aether, then a situation with no electrons matched a situation with no aether - because if the aether is all gone it is impossible for the proton to generate any electrons. So this was another clue that my aether bubble hypothesis was correct.

closer to a galactic core we have more stretched space or lesser aether density. And other variables exist such as gravitational waves and interactions with other nearby stars that can burst the bubble of a star. And we can even entertain more complexities from the concept of the biological Universe, such as the sex of the star, or the sacrifice of the star to the birth of the cell belonging to the larger biological system. Academic scientists call these supernovae “star deaths”, but one look at a planetary nebula (another misnomer) and one can plainly see this is a birth, or a cell division.

So although the concept of an imploding aether bubble is simple, the situation is actually quite complex when all the variables are considered. Firstly, the aether density does not suddenly go to zero at the inner core, but rather there is a decline in aether density along the radius of the star. The deeper into the star you get the denser the matter becomes but the less dense the aether becomes. Matter and aether share space. But the denser matter toward the core of the star requires more aether, so right away we see the aether density inside the star cannot be diminishing linearly.

So even with the simplistic aether model we quickly run into many complexities when using it to explain supernovae. But the model strangely provides unique insights which could never be seen using the empty space model. For the aether bubble provides the impetus for a gravitational collapse. Clearly when compared against the empty space model the aether gravity full space model is the superior model.

There are also variables that come from outside the star as well. For instance, the rate at which the star grows is a factor of the density of the hydrogen cloud it is growing in, and this rate can control the life of the star. A star that grows too fast will go supernova before a star that grows slowly. And the density of the aether surrounding the star is not always a given. For the aether density surrounding the star is related to the size of the star itself and how much it is stretching space. A large star stretches space more and has a lesser aether density coming into it. And distance from the core of a galaxy is another variable, since

Bubble photo by Tomasz A. Poszwa

the bubble

Photo by ulotrixx

How can you have a hole in nothing?


BLACK HOLES The Twichell Theory of Gravitation states there are two types of black holes. There is the traditional type, and there is the new type that I just described that may exist inside planets and stars, and the centers of galaxies as well. The new type is on the “inside” of an astronomical object, where it is black simply because the aether cannot reach the core. And because the absorption of aether creates the mass phenomenon, these inner black holes are massless. There may even be a third type of black hole associated with the gravitational collapse that precedes the supernova. But here I discuss what I consider to be the traditional type of black hole, where it is black on the outside. Regarding the “traditional” black hole - academic scientists have been bending over backwards for years trying to understand them. These scientists struggle to understand black holes because they are using the empty space model. How can you have a hole in nothing? So the hypocrisy is laughable when academic scientists attempt to explain a hole in empty space. But with the aether gravity full space model the black hole is easy to explain. To begin, we first need a gravitational source with a very long lifetime - one that has grown so massive that it is able to create the black hole. Then applying our full space model we can know that the Schwarzchild radius is simply the point where the aether particles get stretched so far apart that they can no longer transmit their vibration unto the next

aether particle. And since space is stretched more along an equatorial plane we should expect the blackness to extend further along this plane as well. Now because that was so easy, I will go one step further and hypothesize about the physics of the vibration between aether particles, so that we can know more about what is going on at the Schwarzchild radius. For is it really as simple as the aether particles no longer touching? For what does touching mean if there is no friction to transfer spin? And how can there be friction if the aether particle is the smallest particle? There must be particles even smaller than aether particles. I call them sub-aether particles. I call them sub-aether particles. So in the upcoming volume of my manuscript tentatively entitled Sub-Aether Physics I plan to describe magnetic vortices in the sub-aether that interconnect the particles of aether. This is really just an extension of my current theory that proton aether vortices connect atoms. So at the Schwarzchild radius what I am hypothesizing is that the sub-aether vortices that connect the aether particles get stretched to the point where they break. This line of thinking leads me to predict additional nested Schwarzchild radii inside of the Schwarzchild radius - one for each sub-layer of space below the aether layer. So what I am stating is that black holes could be nested just like everything else. Black may be a relative term based upon one’s location and ability to detect vibrations in the controlling layer of space.

An 1847 depiction of the Norse Yggdrasil

With all of the aether absorption I have been describing, one might be wondering where the aether goes once it is absorbed. Well this is an excellent question. And the answer is not even important to the current model. However understanding more is always important so allow me to guess or hypothesize about where the aether goes. For our first guess, we can go back to the philosophical concept that began the entire theory – The Tree of Life. So with the tree concept, the aether is essentially going back in time into the Tree of Life filling in the blanks that we cannot see in the Cosmic Web. Stretched to frequencies that are far too high for us to see or detect. If our solar system is like a tiny atom inside of this tree, then seeing the tree from our tiny point of reference is nearly impossible.

AETHER AND ITS DESTINATION These neutrons could be considered “births”, where the source of birth began with the absorption of the surrounding aether.

Along with this we can hypothesize that the destination for the aether may be the neutrons. For deeper into the Earth there are a lot of neutrons or isotopes of the elements. These neutrons could be considered “births”, where the source of birth began with the absorption of the surrounding aether. We can also look to the law of conservation of energy. We can know that the aether is not being destroyed, just converted. So the result of the conversion could be the light and magnetism that emanates from the absorbing protons. For as tiny proton sized supernovae absorb aether, implode, explode and repeat, their associative resonating frequencies could represent the frequency of their implosions and explosions of the aether. And their magnetic field could be related to the spin they take on after the implosion, like tiny neutron stars. And this spin is needed to create the magnetic vortex in the aether that will connect the proton to the next proton in the next atom. Without this connectivity there can be no atomic bonding! And we can never forget that atoms are alive since they connect to form molecules, and the molecules connect to form cells, and cells connect to form tissues and organs, and these form what we call intelligent life. In my opinion the intelligence must exist at the tiny level in order to make all of this happen. And the question remains – where does the aether come from? Does it come from the combination or networking of the even tinier sub-aether? Are these sub-aether particles to the aether as aether is to matter? I believe the fractal design of nature tells us it must be so. So if layers of space like this exist then the source of the aether layer resides in the existence of the sub-layers. And the existence of this seemingly infinite Universe or Multiverse fractal transcends science and philosophy and arises from Almighty God.

art and article by Michael holdt twichell

Michael Holdt Twichell is an electrical and software engineer, as well as a gravitational theorist. In 2011 Michael selfpublished his book The Twichell Manuscript – Volume I - “Aether Gravity”. Michael spoke on Aether Gravity at the 2014 Extraordinary Technology Conference in Albuquerque. He also spoke on Aether Physics at the 2015 Extraordinary Technology Conference. His article entitled “Aether Gravity” was also published in the 2015 Apr/May/June issue of the Extraordinary Technology Magazine. Graduated from Arizona State University in 1987 with Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering, Michael has had a long career as a software developer. He is also an artist in his spare time; creating paintings and music. Michael is currently focusing on the second volume of his Twichell Manuscript, entitled “The Biological Universe”. He is interested in designing anti-gravity technology, as well as designing an experiment that can be used to finally prove the existence of the aether.

miketwichell@yahoo.com. www.miketwichell.com “The Twichell Manuscript – Volume I – Aether Gravity” available at www.amazon.com.

AETHER AND THE FINAL EXPERIMENT Those interested in contributing to my experiment that will finally prove the existence of the aether can contact me through my website at www.miketwichell.com.

cosmic egg

heaven within portal’s the for light of life

"Matter is Energy. Energy is Light. We are all Light Beings." Albert Einstein “I Am in everything. I uphold the heavens. I Am the foundation which supports the planets. I Am the light that shines everywhere, that gives joy to souls.” Manichean Psalm “People conform to the earth. The earth follows the conventions of the sky: the sky emulates the Tao. The Tao conforms to its own nature.” The Tao Te Ching



New View

of the Ancient Concept

The idea that a special order

spheres in the following

of nature as we understand

exists in our solar system, a

wonderful lines and although

this notion nowadays; he was

kind of harmony of the

human beings cannot hear the

seeking for the common bond

spheres, has had a place in

celestial music, they are

which connects music,

cultural history for thousands

nonetheless linked to the

geometry and astronomy: the

of years. Pythagoras (c. 580 -

cosmic order which embraces

‘Harmony of the World’, as he

496 BC) discovered the

all things

called his main work,

coherence between the

published in 1619. For him

simplest relations of small

Also in 1597, the German

these ‘secret powers, which

whole numbers and musical

astronomer Johannes Kepler

hold this world together’2, were

intervals, and he was

(1571-1630) published his rst

geometric archetypes at work

convinced that the same laws



in musical intervals and also in

were also valid in the cosmos.

Cosmographicum. And in the

creation. On Earth, he thought,

These ideas were taken from

subsequent two decades he

they play a role in weather

Greek antiquity in different

discovered the fundamental

conditions. These archetypes

variations up to the end of the

planetary laws. With their aid

live also in the inner soul of

Middle Ages. In 1597 William

he managed to raise those

the human being who, without

Shakespeare expressed the

ancient concepts onto a new

them, would be incapable of

concept of a music of the

level. Kepler was not

perceiving harmony

endeavouring to discover laws

There’s not the smallest orb which thou behold’s But in his motion like an angel sings Still quiring to the young-ey’d cherubims Such harmony is in immortal souls But, whilst this muddy vesture of deca










Doth grossly close it in, we cannot hear it.1

Kepler Pythagoras



I discovered geometric figures of striking beauty... About 15 years ago a deeper

believe that we are lost and

exploration of music and its

homeless in the cosmos and

spiritual meaning led me to

who think that our blue planet is

investigate more profoundly the

no more than a dust particle

striking beauty which

question as to whether ideas of

lacking any relationship with the

arise when the motions of

a harmony of the world and of

universe, may well be inclined to

the spheres can still hold their

approach things on Earth with a

the different planets are

own against the background of

similar attitude


I discovered


gures of a

depicted in relation to one another over long periods

modern astronomical knowledge and calculation methods. Our

What began with a scrutiny of

view of the cosmos is of great

Johannes Kepler ’s ideas

importance for our philosophy of

concerning the harmony of the

life and also for our sense of

spheres nally became my own

being connected with, or

search for order in our solar

estranged from, nature. Who

system. I found that there are

can claim that the discoveries of


modern astronomy - however

correspondences with musical

fascinating they may be - have

intervals, although of a kind that


given us some spiritual stability

differs from what Kepler, and

planets. Strangely enough, this

and con dence? Those who

also others, had thought. Most

co-operation has almost no part



of time.

As in music, where a

single note

rst gains meaning

within the coherence of a melody or a harmony, the hidden order in the solar system is rst

reve a l e d i n t h e of the

to play in current ‘of cial’ astronomy. Yet in its clarity it could be eminently suitable as an aid to renewing our feeling of being connected with the cosmic order which humanity, for the most part, has lost over the last three or four centuries. We can say that the harmony of the spheres which ‘we cannot hear’ is made visible in these planetary movement gures. As Shakespeare put it: ‘The orbs ...










sing ... in motion’

Venus-Earth Figure

Venus-Earth linklines, period 8 year

Venus-Earth linklines, a) continually plotted in the plane of the ecliptic, stepping interval 3.9 days, 20 times, starting at a position of conjunction (arrow); b) 45 times; c) 76 times (opposition); d) 151 times




(next conjunction). Inside: Venus orbit, outside: Earth orbit, Sun in the centre

Imagine two planets circling

(Earth-centred)view; it is thought

round the Sun at a certain point

even the Babylonians knew

in time, for example the Earth

about it. The number

and its inner neighbour, Venus.

often attributed to Venus, in

Both planets are somewhere on

reality however - i.e. in the

their elliptical orbits that lie in a

heliocentric (Sun-centred) view -

plane, known as the ecliptic,

it is a relationship between two

from which the different orbits

planets which expresses itself in

deviate only very slightly. We

this way

Venus tablet of Ammisaduqa

ve was

can imagine a connecting line between them, which I have termed the linkline. Some time


later, for example three or four days, the planets have covered a part of their orbits. Venus has covered a somewhat greater segment of its journey because it moves faster than the Earth. Again we draw a linkline, which has shifted and turned slightly. If we continue this procedure - in the same stepping interval - for 8 years, the

owerlike form of

Fig.2 arises (for intermediate stages see Fig.1).3 It is ordered according to the number


This corresponds to a cycle of 5 conjunctions, occuring in a period of nearly eight years, where the two planets are in line with (and both on the same side of) the Sun (see Fig.3). The order according to the number Example: Jupiter/Saturn conjunction on 22 June 2000 (dotted line: opposition






ve also exists in the geocentric



Movement Structures in the Planetary System

graphically in this way in

gure according to the number

corresponding diagrams. There is

ve is to be found in the nearly

always a result of some kind, but

precise ratio of 13:8 of the orbital

a precise geometric gure ordered

periods of Earth and Venus. In

according to a small integer (up to

astronomy, ratios like this (ratios

the number 12) emerges only in

of small whole numbers) are

two cases. The rst we have just

called resonances. They can

seen, and the second is shown in

affect the long-term stability of the

Fig.4. Here the relation between

orbits of planets and asteroids,

the two giant gas planets, Jupiter

exerting either a stabilizing or a

and Uranus, manifests

destabilizing in uence, depending

geometrically. Because they move

on the ratio involved. The reason

very much more slowly, we have

for this in uence lies in what we at

selected a correspondingly longer

present understand as the

stepping interval between the

gravitational interactions between

linklines as they follow one

the celestial bodies involved being

another. Incidentally, the

intensi ed by resonances. The

that arises is independent of the


gures shown here

exact chosen interval (it doesn't

give an overall impression of

play any role, if you take e.g. 60

these gravitational effects or, in

or 71 or 83 days etc), as long as it

other words, of the co-operation of

is not too long or too short. So far,

the planets

the inner region of our planetary


system is characterized by a veEvery conceivable combination of

pointed star, which we see in the

planets can be depicted

centre of the star- ower in Fig.2

and which also arises when the

sequential conjunction positions of both planets are connected. And the outer planetary system is represented by the six-pointed star. In all probability these two star- gures have been those most frequently used - in different ages and cultures - to represent certain symbolic contents: the order in the cosmos (hexagram) and the position of the human being within it (pentagram). In a certain way they correspond, therefore, with the archetypes which Johannes Kepler postulated geometrically and which C.G. Jung much later interpreted psychologically. For Jung archetypes were innate models of behaviour, imagination


and experience in the collective subconsciousness of mankind. That some geometric gures are truly archetypes which speak to human beings mostly in an unconscious manner we can all check for ourselves by paying close attention to where and for what purpose these

gures -

above all the pentagram - are used
















Jupiter-Uranus linklines, period 248.6 year




The reason for the genesis of the


L. Esposito (University of Colorado, Boulder), and NASA

Figure 5

Venus-Earth linklines at Venus/Pluto conjunctions, period 616.7 years, scale in millions of km

We turn now to some examples of the relationships between the inner and the outer planetary system. Here the representation

reciprocal metamorphoses of the


two star- gures, which characterize the inner and the outer planetary system,

of the linklines will be expanded

demonstrate clearly that there are

so as to make it possible in each

not only certain geometric

case to show how three planets

relations between in each case

relate with one another. The

three planets, but also that the

depiction is based on the

different formations are

conjunction dates of two of the

scienti c de nition of what a

mysteriously related to one

three planets involved. Also, with

planet is supposed to be, a

another. These pictures are

regard to celestial mechanics, the

de nition which fails to take

surely astonishing

position of the conjunction

account of how the members of

between any two planets is the

this community relate with one

The gravitational force of the Sun

most important one, because at


keeps the planets in their orbits. But the planets also have some

interactions cause the orbits to

shown between one of the two

now relate to Mars, Earth’s

change - in rhythms of tens of

planets involved in the

nearest outer neighbour. As in the

thousands to hundreds of

conjunction and the third planet.

method described above, the

thousands of years. But the


rst example (Fig.5) shows

Jupiter/Uranus linklines are

planets never leave their spheres,

Venus, Earth and Pluto. At every

depicted as Mars/Jupiter

and overall the system remains

Venus/Pluto conjunction a linkline

conjunctions (and as before, the

stable. That is by no means self-

is drawn between Venus and

result would be almost identical if

evident, and up to now nobody

Earth (if we take Earth/Pluto

Mars/Uranus conjunctions were

knows the reason why they

conjunctions the result is almost

taken). After about one-and-a-half

behave in this way.4 It is also

identical). When some centuries

millennia, the six-pointed star,

noticeable that apart from the

have passed, we see that through

which is still faintly recognizable

Sun the forces of the giant gas

the participation of Pluto the ve-

in the outer part of the diagram

planets in the outer region of the

fold star- ower of the Venus/

(Fig.6), has changed into the now

system have the strongest

Earth relation has changed to a

familiar ve-petalled ower. In its

balancing effect on the planetary

six-fold one. The reader will no

inner part there is once again a

interplay. In addition we nd that

doubt agree that this

hint of the pentagram. Whereas

the relationship of the three most

transformation is rather

we earlier saw the number


massive planets, Jupiter, Saturn

surprising. And, by the way, this is

being changed into the number

and Neptune, brings about the

also a hint that Pluto does indeed

six, we now see the converse

best-regulated and most

belong to the community of the

geometrical effect of the six being

astonishing emergence of

planets, regardless of the current

changed into the

different geometric forms


Jupiter and Uranus, which we


conjunction a linkline can be


periods of time these gravitational


the hexagram of


have seen:


strongest. At each position of


each other as well. Over long


second of the two archetypes we


gravitational interaction is the


effect on the Sun and indeed on


Our next starting point is the


each other and therefore their




this moment they are nearest to

ve. These

linklines were shown.) The lines

twelve has been associated

some thousands of years,

linking the chronological

with the perfection of the

geometric gures involving the

planetary positions form two

heavens (the 12 signs of the

number twelve arise between

hexagons and the sequence of

zodiac, the 12 gods in the

these planets in all possible

positions as such appears in

Greek Pantheon and many

con gurations. (See Fig.7 as an

three four-cornered star-like

others), we may claim that it is

example showing the

formations. In geometry the

scarcely possible to conceive of



gure is termed an

a more appropriate image.

Neptune at Jupiter/Neptune

astroid (see Fig.8). Three

Furthermore it can be shown


astroids interweave to form a

that the order according to the

12-pointed star- gure and, in

number twelve also underlies

In this case the positions of

combination with the


the movement dynamic of the

Neptune as seen from Saturn

traced by the lines, the result is

whole solar system which is

are depicted and connected

a geometrical expression of

determined predominantly by

sequentially at the conjunctions

perfection capable of touching

the three planets mentioned

mentioned. (A very similar

the very core of our being

here together with Uranus.5 It

almost as music does.

If we

therefore seems very probable

view, though on another scale,

now remember that from

to me that the unexplained

when the midpoints of the

ancient times the number

stability of the planetary system

gure of Saturn/

gure arises in the heliocentric

Figure 6

Jupiter-Uranus linklines at Mars/Jupiter conjunctions, period 1453.9 years, scale in








millions of k



Between them, over periods of

Twelve Olympians

Figure 7

Twelve Signs of the Zodic

Neptune as seen from Saturn at Jupiter/Neptune conjunctions, period 8,947.4 years. The points represent the planetary positions, the lines are the successive connections between two positions

Figure 8



Finally let us turn to ancient

he actually used the angle

in this sense we have to state,

concepts about the harmony of

velocities, i.e. the angles which

for the present, that the

the spheres. From Pythagoras

the planets cover within the

probability for a harmony of the

onwards people understood this

same unit of time - for example

spheres in the planetary

to be a correspondence

one day - as seen from the

system, such as Kepler thought

between certain planetary


he had discovered cannot be stated with any certainty, it is

The decisive question, however,

not greater than that of a

for instance the octave 2:1, the

is how to interpret this ‘music of

random distribution

fth 3:2, the fourth 4:3 etc.).

the spheres’ against the

Pythagoras and his successors,

background of modern

This was the matter-of-fact

however, were able to specify

astronomical and mathematical

analysis which stood at the

only very generalised

possibilities. Probability

beginning of my search for the

correspondences, which

calculation, as yet undiscovered

order in our solar system. But

differed in some instances, for

in Kepler’s day, is what is

deep down I was convinced that

there was as yet no way in

needed to

nd some sort of

the basic ideas of Pythagoras

which they could have

answer to this question. If we

and Johannes Kepler were true,

determined the parameters of

determine a certain number of

even though Kepler’s concrete

the planetary orbits such as

ratios, for instance the ratios

speci cation had turned out to

distances, velocities and so on

between the velocities of the

lack plausibility. As I continued

with even a minimum of

different planets, we will always

to work I found that there was

accuracy. This was not possible

nd some which correspond

indeed a statistically highly

until Johannes Kepler

more or less precisely with

signi cant correspondence

discovered the planetary laws.

musical intervals. So even

between the ratios of certain


rst law states that the

without a detailed knowledge of

parameters of the planetary

planets move in elliptical orbits.

probability calculation one can

orbits and musical intervals.

Based on this, and with the aid

imagine that there will be a

Within the scope of this article I

of his other laws, he was able to

certain statistical mean

can only outline the main ideas

calculate the velocities at the

(average) or mean probability

o f m y, n o t a t a l l s i m p l e ,

points of the elliptical orbit



investigations which have led to

closest to and farthest from the

correspondences. Only if the

this result.6 We have to take not

Sun (perihelion and aphelion,

investigated relationships show

the angle velocities, as Kepler

see Fig.9). He believed he had

a correspondence that is

did, but the orbital velocities

found in their ratios an excellent

signi cantly higher than the

(e.g. the Earth circles round the

correspondence with musical

statistical mean can one speak

Sun at a speed of about 30km/

intervals. (To be more precisely,

of a good correspondence. And



intervals (musical intervals are






relationships and the musical




The Harmony of the Spheres after Kepler

By calculating these velocities at

clump together more and more

which the modern concept of the

those points where the planets

until, if all goes well, they reach

world has thrown us. But there is

are at the distance of their semi-

the size and shape of planets at

nothing to stop us asking

minor axis from the Sun (see

some point. Even without

ourselves whether the scienti c

Fig.9) and relating these with the

knowing anything about

view, determined by purely

aphelion (when the planet is

probability calculation one can

intellectual thinking, can grasp all

farthest from the Sun) velocities,

assume that in this kind of

aspects of existence, and


genesis of planets the


whether we want to grant it this

correspondence with musical

location of their orbits and

power. For sometimes, if we hear

intervals. The probability of this

velocity ratios are indeed purely

a piece of music which moves us

result being purely by chance is

random. This concept does not

d e e p l y, w e k n o w : h e r e , i n

only about 1:1600. In other

allow for a ‘harmony of the

between the notes, something is

words, there is a certainty of

spheres’ or if it came about it

at work, something which is more

99.9% that this is proof that the

would be an utterly gigantic

than what the physically

harmony of the spheres, believed

accident. (But of course the

transmittable vibrations and the

to exist by Pythagoras, Kepler

current view of the world teems

physiologically perceivable

and many others, is more than a

with entirely improbable random

sounds can tell us. And it seems

‘beautiful dream’ as it is often

incidents which had to happen so

that also in the cosmos, at least

called in scienti c literature. It can

that the Sun, the Earth and all the

in our solar system, something is

be found in the concrete orbital

plants, animals and human

at work which is beyond our


beings living on it could arise.) In

purely intellectual grasp,

my opinion a genesis by chance

something which is able to help

According to the current scienti c

and an all-encompassing spiritual

us see in a new light the old ideas

theory, planets arise from discs of

sense (which also reveals the

of a harmony of the spheres and

gas and dust surrounding young

signi cance of how the individual

of a cosmos within which -

suns. Incessant collisions cause

phenomena relate to one

despite all suffering in this world –

the initially diffusely distributed

another) are mutually exclusive.

we are harmonically integrated

and minute dust particles to

This is the true dilemma into






nd a very precise





Figure 9 - The ellips

Biographical Note Hartmut Warm,

born 1956, is a civil engineer and

independent researcher in astronomy, geometry, the history of harmonics and musical aesthetics. He has

All planetary movement gures are from

taught, lectured and published widely on these and other

the book "Signature of the Celestia

subjects, and in particular on his discoveries relating to the


solar system and its inherent order. He lives and works in

or produced with the computer program of

Hamburg, Germany.

the same name, trial version http://www.keplerstern.com/The_Program/ the_program.html Copyright Keplerstern Verlag, Hamburg. More information www.keplerstern.com

1 William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice, Act V, Sc.1

Publications in English: Signature of the Celestial Spheres, Rudolf Steiner Press 2010

2 Quotation from Goethe’s Faust 3 This mode of depicting the Venus/ Earth relationship appeared independently in: John Martineau, A little book of coincidence. A similar

(German: Die Signatur der Sphären - Von der Ordnung im

drawing had already been published in

Sonnensystem, Keplerstern Verlag, Hamburg 2001; 3.

Neil F. Michelsen, Tables of Planetary

edition 2011)

Phenomena 4 see: e.g. Ivars Peterson, Newton’s

Geometry and Harmony in the Movement Relationships of

Clock. Chaos in the Solar System, W.

the Planets, in: Symmetry: Art and Science, 2010/1-4,

H. Freeman and Company, New York

Special Issue for the Festival-Congress of ISIS-Symmetry


'Symmetry: Art and Science', Gmünd/Austria 2010

5 This cannot be shown in detail here. See: Hartmut Warm, Signature of the

Symmetry and Harmony in the Planetary System: Expanding on Johannes Kepler's 'Harmony of the World" in: Symmetry: Art and Science, Editors :George Lugosi,











Denes Nagy, Wroclaw and Krakow, 2009

Celestial Spheres, Sophia Books/ Rudolf Steiner Press, Forest Row 2010, Chapter 12 6 Ibid., Chapter 4.

the computer program signature of the celestial spheres The program ‘Signature of the Celestial Spheres' invites you to embark on a journey of discovery through our cosmic home with its extraordinary phenomena of movement n this example – in 3 (out of 750) steps – we have a ve-fold star- ower created by the linklines between Venus (green) and the Earth over the course of 8 years

You will get to know the phenomena of planetary movement and the basics of astronomy in a vivid, exciting and playful way. T hese pictures allow you to experience the marvellous order in our solar system which con rms in an entirely new way the age-old dream of a harmony of the spheres.








Detailed information

by clay taylor & josh toms

"The attractive vibration of the solar sympathetic ow is "coincident to" and diverts, the terrestrial magnetic sympathetic

ow. This force is the

"celestial current", the prime third of the triune electric

ow. This "celestial current" induces

"aqueous disintegration" and "thermal concentration" which "two prime conductors" display a "coincident sympathetic chord” with the "celestial current". "Aqueous disintegration" and "thermal concentration" are the link with the celestial without which there would exist nothing but a luminous radiance like the Aurora, a reaching out for concordance without an answering "sympathetic attractive diversion" to create "unstable equilibrium" of terrestrial magnetism, resulting in the bipolar current. Were there no "aqueous disintegration" and "thermal concentration" to link the etheric dominant, the absence of the sun on one side would result in terrestrial magnetism and Electricity remaining static or stable - the highest degree of chaos." "Disturbance of equilibrium" and "sympathetic equation" are the dual powers by means of which all forms of motion and of terrestrial life are governed. These two dual forces are in turn moved and regulated by Electricity and magnetism." "The sympathetic stream from the sun to earth, by its positive and negative interchange with the earth's neutral center, keeps intact the magnetic force in the "polar envelope" making this "polar envelope" a great magnet of itself."

image by clay taylor


The Snell Manuscript by Dale Pond



celestial current

interconnected by Clay Taylor

by the web

magnetic weave

current frequency in form

by Clay Taylor

clay Taylor "Clay Taylor is a multidisciplinary polymath based out of Los Angeles, California. He works to constantly unify his seemingly disparate interests into a cohesive body of work Emerging as a graduate of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas with a degree in Film and Writing, his lifelong devotion to philosophy and the visual, musical and literary arts coalesced into an ultimate study of harmonic proportion and the personal pursuit of understanding and wielding the geometric solution to the magnetic nature of energy itself.

More Articles by Jon Depew and Clay Taylor

Through both personal experimentation and the help of many accomplished masters, he works to incorporate the lessons he has learned directly into his art, so as to help visually convey the profound beauty of the one great art and science to others.

www.sciencetosa gemagazine.com


Jon DePew http://www.coralcastlecode.com








Our future technology will need to embrace these axioms of perfected harmony just as nature does so e ortlessly. Doing so is the only true solu on to our dangerous and destruc ve ine ciencies that plague and harm ourselves and our planet. Few truly recognize that the knowledge of perfected harmony and the keys to its engineering are here before us at this very moment, ready for the coming renaissance and the next era of enlightenment.

WOW FOR THE CURIOUS MINDED who dares to re-think! The magazine is also EXTREME as an art canvas, conveying the new sciences in the true universal language - pictures; making complex ideas simple to grasp. The most common response to the magazine is


Wow, it looks great. You do a really great job on this magazine Karen, I can't wait to share this on my fan page. Cheryl Lee Harnish


Karen, what a nice visual collection. Let me know when it goes live on the Web, and I can tell people about it. - Cli ord Pickover Your magazines are treasures. They are magni cent.


James L Oschman, Ph.D.



S C I E N C E ff

Karen you do good work! I’m proud and grateful to work with you. - Dale Pond - Pond Science Institute ...I think you took a really hard subject and made it understandable to a general audience. Good job! Kim Gi ord, Thunderbolts Project

landmark magazine of vibrant proportion that will stir the vital essence of each one of us with contributions from Dear Konstantin, Pollack and many more visionaries of our time. - Krishna Maddapa


I am blown away.

It looks great! You have rocked it once again. You are an amazing artist and such an advanced consciousness. I don't know of a more beautiful and important magazine and we deeply appreciate our opportunity to be a part of it.- Foster Gamble


One word: ! Arnaud Saint-Paul



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That's spectacular. Beautiful

presentation! Very attractive and gets the basic ideas across. - Michael Schneide

Oh wow. That is amazing. Thank you so much Karen - Josh Toms



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