SCIENCE TO SAGE where’s our superman? International E-Magazine
Ryoko Spencer ~ The Real Philosopher: The Silent Vision of the Soul’s Vibratio Socrates Geens ~ The Sacred Gat Will Schneider ~ Lucifer’s Game: You’re playing it whether you know it or not Sonia Choquette ~ Your 3 Superpower Randall Bell, Ph.D. ~ Becoming Your Own Super Her Nietzhe’s philosophy ~ Overman or Superma
Doreen Virtue ~ Little Light-worker
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We too often look outside of yourself for solutions. If we don’t want to repeat the same old patterns we need to look within. What if your are your own super hero. My question as a kid was how
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This issue was inspired by my friend Michael Crisp
Ryoko Spencer ~ The Real Philosopher: The Silent Vision of the Soul’s Vibratio
Socrates Geens ~ The Sacred Gat
Will Schneider ~ Lucifer’s Game: You’re playing it whether you know it or not
Sonia Choquette ~ Your 3 Superpower
Randall Bell, Ph.D. ~ Becoming Your Own Super Her
Nietzhe’s Philosophy ~ Overman or Superma
Doreen Virtue ~ Little Light Worker
All material is copyrighted by Science to Sage or is copyright of the authors. Science to Sage reprints these articles with the consent of authors
et Science to Sage take you on a scienti c and mystical journey where the sciences, spirituality, world philosophies, and ancient wisdom fuse. Explore with leading-edge scientists, innovative thinkers, mathematicians, mystics and artists from around the world.
What sets Science to Sage apart? Our rich visual weave and imagery makes complex ideas accessible. Each edition is themed, and likened to the renaissance, we bridge disciplines so you can witnesses the interconnections of ALL things.
Imagine the Creator as a scientist and his/her toolbox is the physical elements. They include water, earth, air, and re. In
modern science, they nd form in liquids, solids, gases, and plasma. They are expressions of the same things. These elements are the building blocks of universes, from minuscule interatomic distances to the vastness of galactic arrays. ALL, including us, are made from stardust. Within this cyclical weave of elements is a connected tapestry which evolves geometry, chemistry, biology, and physics — this is our living matrix and the byproduct is the beauty we see. Rediscover the our human story. It has been hidden in plane view. Science to Sage lifted the veil. Editor, Researcher, and Graphic Designer Karen Elkins
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The Real Philosopher
The Silent Vision of the Soul’s Vibration By Ryoko Spencer
A philosopher, a lover of wisdom, seeks reality and truth. The philosopher wants to know who we are, where we come from, why we are here, how to live. So I was disappointed to find that much of academic philosophy has lost its ancient roots, and is often nothing more than a job with long summer vacations. For Socrates, however, philosophy was his whole life. He believed that the true philosopher was a mystic who seeks rational understanding, while preparing for the time when we leave this world. The real philosopher wants to clear away the obstacles that block us from knowing reality and experiencing deeper unity. But the way to deeper unity can involve painful transformation, and we are trained to avoid this type of pain, and often even pathologize it. My hope is that we will stop repeating harmful patterns and move from vibrations of irrational fear and hate to greater vibrations of love and unity. But I am not being naïve. I am not ignoring the fact that sometimes people get caught in very horrible vibrations and do awful things. We need to
be strong, and not allow these lower vibrations to overtake us.
Floor mosaic in St Mark's Basilica, Venice sometimes attributed to Paolo Uccello
Good Vibrations Our soul generates vibrations, and the more we can receive spiritual light from the One, the more beautiful the soul vibrates. Everything in the universe vibrates uniquely, and all souls are different pieces of the great cosmic puzzle. All souls are pure in essence, but life in the humancreated world gives us a lot of bumps, allowing us to experience virtue, desire, compassion, selfishness, and so on, which effects the way we vibrate. There are universal vibration patterns, and yet each individual thing still has its own unique vibration. As Karen Elkins puts it, “We are dancing in a vibrational sea of consciousness.” Our goal is to be a tool for the Divine vibrations to flow into this world. The more you clean up your immature ego, the more your soul’s vibration will invite the Divine to use it like a door to this world. But it is quite dangerous to keep yourself unconscious or unaware of vibrations that flow below the surface of your usual awareness. If you attune yourself to the wrong vibration unconsciously, you can be used in bad ways, and do harm to yourself and others. To attain higher consciousness, the soul needs to be cleansed so that it is easy for the light from the One to penetrate it. The vibration of Divine love allows for unity in separateness. The soul vibrates in its spiritual essence until incarnation, and then it also takes on animalistic vibrations. For whatever reason, in this human life we forget how to live spiritually, and we forget that we are here to develop spiritually, to return to the source. Instead of living in a way that makes good use of all the challenges and limitations we encounter in life, we get caught by them and falsely believe that they are the most real things. Good vibrations help us in many
ways, especially in facing our challenges and breaking through our current limitations.
In one sense, we are all soulmates here, but it is also true that we vibrate more harmoniously with some people and less with others. The closer our vibrations match, the more likely we are to be closer soulmates. I don’t mean that our vibrations must be the same, but they need to have the right balance of similarities and differences to be the best match. These soulmates are able to help each other directly and indirectly to follow their divine mission. The more aware you become of your own vibrations, the more likely you are to vibrate in a way that attracts and keeps those who will be your best match. What many people seem not to realize, however, is that meeting your close soulmates is not all love and light and happy times. On the contrary, it can also be an incredibly difficult and sometimes quite painful relationship. Sometimes the feeling of love can be very painful—a desire for a type of unification that can never be achieved while we are physical creatures. It is also very challenging. A great soulmate will reflect back to us our ugliest hidden parts of ourselves, and we will no longer be able to ignore them. When this happens, it can be very tempting to run away and assume that the conflict should be avoided. But this type of conflict that comes from meeting one of your close soulmates is exactly what you need. Don’t blame them, or yourself. Accept it as a challenging gift. Well, that may be easy to say, but it is difficult to do sometimes in the moment! To remember love, you need to touch it. You need to experience it. You need to be ripped apart by it. I am not talking only about romantic or sexual love, although that can be a powerful part of it. To develop in our highest way, we need to set aside the deception of our ego and open to the guidance of our soulmates who vibrate love in just the way we need it. Training with your
soulmates is such a beautiful experience.
Theatrical masks of Tragedy and Comedy. Mosaic, Roman mosaic, 2nd century AD. - Wikimedia
Training with Soulmates
How Many Characters are in there? By Wmpearl (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
By developing your inner philosopher, you will be better able to interrupt your unconscious storytelling and see things from an objective point of view, one that is more rational and based on reality.
After coming to understand myself much more deeply, I started seeing more clearly how things vibrate. The way I used to react to specific topics was basically my unconscious copying of somebody else, some energetic pattern I encountered in my past. People can look or feel very similar when they think similarly or have similar intentions, and that is because those thoughts and intentions significantly influence how they vibrate. Even if there is no physical resemblance, they look or feel similarly in an energetic way, and we need to become attuned to that type of perception. When we get angry, we vibrate certain geometric patterns. When we feel compassion, we vibrate different geometric patterns. By understanding our own vibrational patterns, we can better sense the vibrations coming from others. Sometimes it shows up in their body language, but it is possible to feel the subtle vibrations even if a person is masking them through their behaviour. By understanding ourselves and our vibrational patterns more deeply, it is far easier to understand others more deeply, too. An important part of self-discovery is realizing that you have many different characters or personalities inside yourself. Often we assume that having more than one personality is a type of mental illness, but that is not necessarily true. The denial of our multiple personalities is actually a sign of spiritual illness. Everyone has different characters inside them, but we get forced into the straightjacket of whatever personality seems most acceptable to society. Then we wonder why someone suddenly acts completely out of character—sometimes dangerously—and we want to say they are insane. But we are all like that to some degree. We smile and pretend all day long. But to those who can sense the underlying vibrations, our game is transparent. You have a lot of characters inside you, more than you might assume, and they can come out unconsciously. That is what makes them so dangerous, and makes you scared of them and try to suppress them. But the act of suppressing them only ends up making it more likely that they will be acted out unconsciously. This becomes a vicious cycle. By developing your inner philosopher, you will be better able to interrupt your unconscious storytelling and see things from an objective point of view, one that is more rational and based on reality. Everybody decides the next direction they will take at every moment, and how and what we decide always has some reason behind it, whether or not we are aware of it. Usually our decisions are based on our beliefs, many of which are unconscious and often false. We had better learn to make these beliefs
conscious if we want to move in a more beautiful and healthy direction.
The Dark Beauty Dr. Sara Ahbel-Rappe, a professor of Greek and Latin, tells us that “Plato expressed the path to perfection as a synthesis of love and knowledge.” We are all beautiful souls, an expression of the Divine, a spark of eternal light. But we have become injured and have lost our spiritual warrior wings. Our human-created society emphasizes division, and we forget how to find the way home to where we truly belong. Soul remembers who you are and what you are supposed to do, but it needs to have the opportunity to remember. It can remember more clearly when all that is not you is cleared away. The effort is not so much in seeing as in cleaning, because when the mind is cleansed sufficiently, it sees naturally. There are some important differences between what I am talking about here and what is often called “New Age”. I don’t mind the label so much, if it transforms to include being rational as well as intuitive, admits objective reality, and realizes that we cannot simply say “love and light” and expect everything to be perfect. We also need to go through the difficult work of facing our own inner darkness. Some of what we believe is dark, and some of what we are scared of because of those beliefs, is actually beautiful and divine and necessary for us to embrace in order to grow. Other types of darkness within us may be quite awful—even horrific—but we need to safely understand those parts of ourselves as well. If we don’t, then they will find a way to surface. They are demanding our attention, and we have to give it to them. But not too much attention: not an obsession. It
must be the right amount of attention, sufficient for transformation and purification.
We all have an important role to complete within the cosmic order, and part of that role is facing our inner darkness. Anyone who says they do not have a dark side is lying or caught in self-deception, because we all have a dark side. Just look at all the war, hatred, and killing humans have done for as long as we have been around. The difference in modern times is that we now have greater means to destroy the whole species instantly. Let’s stop pretending everything is “perfect as it is”, because it simply isn’t. We need to transform and raise our vibrations. By working together and getting in touch with our own souls, we will be better able to clear the way to reality.
About the Author Ryoko is co-founder and CEO of Param Media, a multiple award winning publishing and media company that is inspiring pioneers of the New Renaissance. Her first book, The Mystic Light, will be released later this year.
@RyokoSpencer (coming soon)
By Socrates Geens
This painting shows the sacred gate, which opens to the
Sacred gate with the golden seal of transformation
spiritual dimension. The two gate panels represent the male and female energies. On the canvas, these complementary aspects are connected by a golden circle.
The middle seal contains three snakes meeting in the midpoint of the painting. These three golden snakes represent transformation on the level of the body, heart, and mind. Focusing the corresponding energies in uni cation, as well as the courage to enter the alchemical process of transformation, unlocks the sacred gate...
All Images are Copyright of Socrates Geens
Sacred gate with the seal of universal This painting mirrors the power of Avalokitesvara, the embodiment of universal compassion. Avalokitesvara is the dynamic aspect of Amitabha, one of the ve dhyani Buddhas. He is the manifestation of supreme wisdom and the benevolent expression of the heart, which alleviates all suffering by transforming the different poisons into life elixir. It is told that thousand arms sprouted from Avalokitesvara's body in order to help wherever possible. My painting shows a combination of the Buddhist wheel of life and the nature of compassion embodied by Avalokitesvara. The wheel of life categorizes the different incarnations of non enlightened existence. In the axis usually the three aspects which keep the wheel of suffering in a perpetual movement are shown. In my painting however, we see Avalokitesvara as the lotus bearer in the center. His mantra OM·MANI·PADME·HUM is resonating continuously in order to alleviate all aspects and causes of suffering, as shown in the traditional wheel of life. In the background of the painting, the mantra syllables are repeated in the corresponding Braille writing, as well as in sign language. This was my creative way to depict the endless effort of this enlightened Bodhisattva to bring happiness and true wisdom to all who are still spiritually deaf and blind.
All Images are Copyright of Socrates Geens
Milarepa's cave Milarepa is known as the greatest Tibetan Yogi. Born around the year 1000, he at rst was seduced onto the path of magic in order to avenge his abused family. Later on he deeply regretted his erroneous deeds, whereupon he started looking for a master. After a long search he met his true guru, Marpa. After many hardships, Milarepa was sent for a retreat in the Himalayas, where he remained many years meditating in secluded caves. His main nourishment consisted of the nettles he found around the cave. A simple soup was prepared in his cooking pot, his only possession. It is told that Milarepa's skin and hair gradually turned into a greenish shade. As such Milarepa is always depicted in a greenish colour, accompanied by his cooking pot.
On the painting, this cooking pot can be found at the bottom of the outer square, which symbolises the body. The cooking pot with the nettle soup provided his physical nourishment. Inside the inner square we see the meditating Milarepa, surrounded by light. On top of this inner cave we nd a small Om sign, representing the spiritual food for his inner being. The further we go inside the cave the more light is radiating, Milarepa himself being the source.
Empowerment on the path of transformation
This painting is dedicated to Amoghasiddhi, one of the ve Dhyani Buddhas. The ve wisdom Buddhas represent the ve principal qualities of the Buddha, and each one of them is related to one of the ve elements. Amoghasiddhi, linked to the element air, embodies the commitment to fearlessly pursue transformation. In Tibetan iconography his vehicle is the winged man, called Garuda, eagerly ying higher and higher. On the painting Garuda is symbolised by the wings at the four sides of the canvas. Amoghasiddhi’s symbol is the visvajra or double vajra. The vajra or dorje is one of the most signi cant ritual utensils in Tibetan Buddhism. This diamond scepter symbolizes the supreme insight, which in its indestructible power cuts through all suffering and illusion. Its design contains all the principal elements of Tibetan cosmology. In the painting, I decided to surround the visvajra by 9 x 12 rows of boddhisattva gures. In the East the number 108 epitomises cosmic consciousness. As such these gures are a witness to the power of Amoghasiddhi, and an invitation to all of us to courageously walk the path of transformation.
All Images are Copyright of Socrates Geens
Born in 1960 as Hedwig Geens I lived with my parents and three brothers in a small village in the Flemish part of Belgium. As a child I dreamt of becoming a stuntman or a private detective and would endeavour to practise these skills whenever the opportunity arose. The qualities required for both these professions would, in their own way, prove bene cial in my spiritual journey later on! A few members of my family had artistic talents but one of my elder brothers in particular was especially gifted. As a student in Leuven he used his artistic talents to design political posters as he believed in a better society with greater equality by changing the political and social structures. I was to choose a radically different path, one that focused on transforming the individual (starting with myself) in the hope that ultimately this would bring peace and happiness for all.
Socrates Geens
By the time I was fourteen I had joined the renowned Aum Yoga Anga Niketan yoga academy in Mechelen and had started practising yoga and meditation on a daily basis. At the age of sixteen I travelled to Scotland to visit Kagyu Samye Ling, the rst Tibetan Buddhist Centre to have been established in the West. In the library I discovered the book In Search of the Miraculous: Fragments of an Unknown Teaching by P. D. Ouspensky, an exposition of the ideas and esoteric principles of G. I. Gurdjieff. The book left me with a profound longing to further explore Gurdjieff's teachings but it would take many years before this wish would become ful lled through my meeting with Shantam Dheeraj. In November 1978 I set foot on Indian soil for the rst time and travelled to the Yoga Niketan Ashram in Rishikesh. Overlooking the Ganges I intensi ed
my yoga practice and particularly enjoyed the pranayama classes led by a sweet little Indian teacher who we called Swamiji. However the Ashram did not meet my high expectations. At one point the resident yogis suddenly became furious when some monkeys tried to steal their food and they chased them back into the forest in a rage. I could understand them wanting to protect their provisions but was shaken by the sheer anger present. It seemed it took more than a few yoga classes to establish inner peace and compassion and I decided to discover if India had more to offer. After covering 5.000 miles by bus, boat and train I ended up in Pune at the Ashram of
Lucifer’s Game:
You’re playing it whether you know it or not!
We’re all fated in different ways.
…the journey of inner growth can seem more like a maze than a path. And this maze is fraught with dead ends, with passageways of ‘smoke and mirrors’, …
But be careful what you pray for! On the surface, it sounds awesome to be ‘on a spiritual path’, to be heeding the clarion call from our deeper nature. But, I suspect, this ‘path’ for each of us, is far from the lovely image of a trail, gracefully threading its way over the hills and dales of our inner landscape, leading onward to the glowing land of Enlightenment. In my own experience, after well over three decades of serious metaphysical commitment, the journey of inner growth can seem more like a maze than a path. And this maze is fraught with dead ends, with passageways of ‘smoke and mirrors’, with slippery stretches where we actually are sliding two steps backwards for each step up. And, like any traveling into new, foreign terrain, the value of a seasoned, experienced guide is paramount. Yet, for every true guide, this maze is peppered with assorted semi-deluded ‘masters’, legends in their own mind, who promise short cuts and who profess to ‘know the Way’. Of all the tools carried in ones ‘backpack’ on this unique journey back to Spirit, perhaps one of the most
important is a well-crafted ‘bullshit detector’; one that not only warns of dangers afoot but also can point out where we’re mired in our own selfdeceptions.
One key area of inner i l l u s i o n i s h o w w e ’v e designed our own selfimage. For those who consider themselves a spiritual person, there’s a strong tendency to ‘lean towards the light’, when it comes to who we present ourselves to be, both to the world and to ourselves. This image, naturally enough, is paved with many a lightfilled quality. I’m loving, I’m kind, forgiving, truthful, a person of integrity, and so on. That’s excellent as these are clearly characteristics to nurture and expand. But wait a minute… What about my very unspiritual side? What about the rather extensive slice of my psyche that doesn’t fit my rosy picture as a
spiritual being? Yes, I’m a generous person…but what about my greedy streak? It’s true that I have a loving heart but how about my mean-spirited vengeful side? And on it goes… For every ‘light-filled’ quality, there is a darker counterpart that, typically, has gotten pushed down and away into our unconscious, into our Shadow. Thus, instead of unfolding into Wholeness, which is the true hallmark of a Realized soul, we get waylaid. We get stuck within this ‘split’, basking in the light and ignoring, as best we can, our darker side. And the price we pay for this deception is very steep. We can see it playing out when a highly evolved guru or teacher or ‘man of God’ takes a disastrous fall from grace, as they get sabotaged from below by their unexplored, disowned and rejected Shadow. But can we see it in our own nature? To what degree are we simply, dangerously, kidding ourselves? Hateful? Moi?
As the caretaker of our Shadow side, he nurtures all our rejected selves and, from time to time, encourages these buried, disowned traits to erupt up from the dark and
in ltrate our lives.
I believe this specific arena deserves serious airing and inquiry. To address this, I spent the last three years immersed in writing a metaphysical novel. I’m a storyteller and I chose that format to bring home my message. Personally, I recoil from anything ‘preachy’, but an absorbing narrative that (arguably!) engages the reader and ‘draws them in’ is the perfect medium to weave my message into the fabric of my tale, for those who can hear it. Lucifer’s Game is a story about the potential range and depth of our human consciousness, in general, and how it’s manifesting in one man’s spiritual journey, in particular. It’s an exploration into the dance, the ebb and flow between the light and the dark within us. Lucifer, in my tale, has no religious connotations and his m.o. has nothing to do with making us ‘sin’. Oh, he’s slippery, devious, powerful and incredibly manipulative but his interest with we humans is something else altogether.
The story unfolds in Hawai’i. Lucifer, appearing in the humorous form of a corpulent, bombastic, rude, disheveled
tourist, pays a visit to a man, Jackson Trent, who has spent decades ‘working on himself’ via various metaphysical teachings. Jackson’s focus has been primarily in seeking to expand and ‘wake up’ his consciousness but has only given lip-service to his Shadow side. What ensues between the two is a deep dive into the nature of our psyche and addresses how our awareness, our sense of self, is split between our ‘light’ and our ‘dark’ sides. Lucifer, who highly encourages this split, reveals that he is the Master of the Shadow World; that realm buried deep into our unconscious where we systematically push down and away all of our rejected, unsavory characteristics that we have disowned, that we’ve labeled ‘not me’. As the story unfolds, we see that the ‘game’ Lucifer plays with us takes place on multiple levels. As the caretaker of our Shadow side, he nurtures all our rejected selves and, from time to time, encourages these buried, disowned traits to erupt up from the dark and infiltrate our lives. In his view, the havoc that’s wrecked is the price we pay
for pushing away what we don’t want to acknowledge within our own nature. Secondly, as the ‘torchbearer’ for the unconscious, another key role that Lucifer plays is to keep the consciousness of the human race in a constant, foggy, hypnotic state of ‘waking sleep’, which makes it much easier for him to manipulate us. He derisively refers to humanity as Sheeple, easily herded down a particular path of his choosing. But Jackson, who has spent years developing ‘mindful Presence,’ has learned to snap out of that sleepy state and has started to ‘wake up’. This gradual evolving of Jackson has put him on Lucifer’s ‘radar’, which is the real reason why he’s paying Jackson this visit. Thus, another aspect of Lucifer’s Game is played out as Lucifer attempts to seduce Jackson into his Shadow world by offering him incredible Power. Jackson’s shadow side begins to emerge through this juicy temptation. He finally recognizes that Lucifer has manipulated him, and this realization ignites the mindbending climax of the story.
About : Will Schneider The conflict within Lucifer’s Game is in getting to the realization that we must recognize and ‘own’ our Shadow. Only then can we can truly own our Light. As Lucifer secretly confides to Jackson, we must descend down into our Shadow and individually recognize our darker characteristics, our Shadowlings, eventually acknowledging each one. “I see you, I feel you, I own you as a legitimate part of the whole of me. You’re not free to run roughshod over my life, but I no longer reject and disown you, nor do you need to blindside and subvert me.”
From this powerful stance of bringing conscious awareness to our dark side, Shadowlings can be gradually eased out of their hiding and integrated into one’s conscious self, turning alienated, angry adversaries into potential allies. The untapped creativity of Shadowlings can be released. By holding the Light and the
Shadow in balance, one can bring about a fresh and powerful state of inner equanimity, which can lead one through the Shadowland and on to the grounded footing of true spiritual Wholeness. We must pass through the Shadow world, not avoid it, to truly arrive at a more expanded, integrated consciousness. So that’s my contribution. All of us who have chosen to take up the challenge of inner growth, who are magnetically drawn to uncovering Spirit within, have something we’ve learned that we can share with each other; swap nuggets of our own Realizations that might be helpful to someone else. Lucifer’s Game is my offering.
I suggest that one key to our own evolution is to turn the tables and beat Lucifer at his own game…
Will Schneider has spent most of his adult years dedicated to m e t a p h y s i c a l exploration and inquiry. 35 years of deep training from a variety of exceptional spiritual teachings has allowed him to develop a wideranging platform of knowledge and understanding regarding the inner landscape of our humanity and our potential range of consciousness. Follow his blog category/snap-out-of-itblog/
Your 3 Best Superpowers
by Sonia Choquette
Sonia Are you aware that all humans are blessed with three incredible super powers that give you the ability to live with great peace of mind and tranquility, to create anything your heart desires, and to navigate through life in a guided and protected way? Do you know that these three super powers can
Yes, I know it is hard to believe that all of these
So just exactly what are these three super powers,
make you timeless, ageless, limitless, and full of
suggestions are true, and yet they are. We humans
you may wonder?
vitality, if properly cultivated?
all have access to three super powers that, if
And that these super powers have the ability to guide you to make the best decisions, have the best timing, and ow with life in the best possible along the way?
powers because they are innate in all of us. As
eliminate your fears, and add to your abundance, while helping you ful ll a sense of purpose—all at
spiritual beings, we have the power to live extraordinary lives by cultivating these three inborn qualities. And to do so is relaxing, easy, and readily attainable.
Meditation, imagination, and intuition. These are the three super powers that, when combined and used consistently, can determine the greatness and quality of your life’s journey and keep you safe and secure every step of the way. It is not dif cult to develop these super powers because they are innate in all of us. As spiritual beings, we all possess the power to live extraordinary lives by cultivating these three inborn qualities. And to do so is relaxing, easy, and
even fun.
the same time?
lives. Better yet, it is not dif cult to develop these super
can improve your health, ease your stress,
power to live the most magical and blessed of
synchronistic way, adding magic and attracting joy
Do you know that your three best super powers
developed to their fullest capacity, give us the
Meditation, Imagination, and Here’s How They Work . . .
determines who we choose to be, how we choose
opportunities, while at the same time alerting us
to live, and what we choose to do. Imagination is
to danger and distraction if we drift from our true
When we use our rst super power—meditation—
the force that de nes our life’s unfolding.
we control our response to our conscious thoughts, which gives us freedom and peace of mind. We detach from our monkey mind long enough to remember that we are not our intellect or our emotions, but rather spiritual beings on a
mind in order to remember our true nature as divine and creative spirits, to remain in charge of our own destinies. By cultivating our imagination, our second super power, we develop the capacity to envision and create enriched lives that are ful lling and abundant in the ways that matter to us. Imagination is the paintbrush that colors the
landscape of our lives. Our imagination
experience on every level: mental, emotional, and
When we exercise our third super power, our
and rise above the mundane reactions of our ego
imagine. It drives human expression and
thought and feeling, but not constrained by them.
patterns. It gives us the space to refresh, revive,
imagine, yet we always create what we do
human journey, endowed with the powers of
and relieves stressful thinking and feeling
creativity. We cannot create what we cannot
Meditation calms our minds, clears our heads,
Imagination is the energetic force behind all
intuition, we avail ourselves of the grace of an inner guidance system that leads us to our hearts’ desires and out of harm’s way. Our intuition keeps us true to ourselves and in integrity with our authentic nature. As divine beings, we all have an inner guidance system designed to lead us to our fullest potential, our most authentic expression of
When we develop these three super powers and put them into action in our lives, we become grounded, inspired, creative, abundant, and energized, owing with a sense of peaceful purpose, and in harmony with the world around us. These three super powers allow us to open our hearts, drop our defenses, wake up our spirits, and create our dreams. They ease our fears, eliminate our worries, give us the strength to face dif culties with grace, help us to recognize and seize opportunities, and show us the way to success every moment of the day.
self, and our highest good, while at the same time
These are the three super powers that all the
steering us away from what does not re ect our
successful and satis ed people I have guided and
true nature, ful ll our sense of purpose, or keep
coached have possessed. It was their secret to
us safely on our path. Intuition is the inborn
success and I want it to be yours as well.
compass that keeps us on course when we set sail for our greatest dreams, pointing out
Your Super Powers Are
Meditate on This . . .“Om” Jump Start Maybe you are a little curious about “om-ing” yourself right now. Go on and give it a try. Make sure you are alone so you do not feel self-conscious. Start by taking in a big, deep breath. But rather than gulp in the air, purse your lips and sip it in like drawing on a straw, for as long as you can, keeping your belly soft as you do. When you reach your full lung capacity form your lips into a round O shape. Now, slowly allow the air to pass through your lips while you sound out a long OOOOOO, pushing the sound out from your belly until you almost reach the end of your breath. Then press your lips together and end with an MMMMM sound. That’s it. You did it. Now repeat this, only the next time try to relax your throat and allow the sound to rise from your belly and ow freely through your throat and jaw, like a foghorn.
The following is an excerpt from Your 3 Best Superpowers by Sonia Choquette. It is published by Hay House (October, 2016) and is available in bookstores and online at
My En“chant”ed Introduction to Meditation
Enjoy this experience. Don’t be too serious or you won’t feel the pleasure and bene t of doing this.
Finally, bring the edges of your lips up to your ears and smile and breathe in.
Continue, only this time keep your eyelids closed and bring your eyes to the center point of your forehead, to the place of your third eye, your intuitive inner eye.
Hold it for a moment, then exhale and relax.
Be sure to keep your shoulders relaxed. Pull the air into your belly and push out the sound OOOOOOMMM from your belly. Repeat this at least 10 times, more if you can. Breathe in deeply between each OM and exhale slowly with each OM, not rushing to the end. You may feel a little light-headed after this, so when you complete your last OOOOOMMMMM keep your eyes closed as you return to your normal breathing pattern, until you feel steady and grounded inside. Then slowly rub your palms together and place them over your eyes. Tap gently on the third eye with both middle ngers, and then pull your palms to your lap. Allow your eyes to open and drift to the oor and breathe. On the next in-breath, bring your eyes to eye level and breathe.
Allow your eyes to travel to the space above you and breathe.
That’s it. You have just completed your rst simple meditation practice. If you enjoyed this, do it a few times every day. My own introduction to meditation was through chanting meditation, which I learned from my rst psychic development teacher, Charlie Goodman, when I was just a teenager. Charlie told me he was going to teach me to meditate, then asked me to close my eyes and follow his example as he took in a big deep breath and then let out a booming “OOOMMM.” It shocked me. I instantly burst out laughing and couldn’t stop. I wasn't prepared for this and it startled me. I continued to laugh out of nervousness. He totally ignored me as he kept on repeating the in-breath, followed by “OOOMMM” after “OOOMMM.” For ve minutes, I laughed and he chanted, neither of us stopping on account of the other. But then something strange happened to me. I stopped laughing and tried it. I took in my own less-than-deep breath and let out a faint, insecure teenage “ooommm.”
When my little “om” connected with his big “OM,” I felt our joined vibration ow throughout my entire body. I loved the feeling. It calmed me down. It quieted my mind. And because of that I did it again and again. I was meditating. We continued for another 10 full minutes. At rst I only “om-ed” when I was in class with Charlie, but in a matter weeks I found myself doing it under my breath just before I went to sleep at night. It was relaxing. I was a sensitive kid, and it helped me let go of my teenage worries. And when I did, I slept better and had great dreams. Soon, I found myself “om-ing” during the day, as well. I “om-ed” in my car on the way to school. I “om-ed” my way home. I “om-ed” in the bathtub. I “om-ed” while preparing dinner and while doing the dishes afterward, even bursting into a few rounds of “Om, Om on the Range.” I liked om-ing. It stopped me from thinking and worrying. It had a soothing effect on me and helped me feel grounded and present. It made everything so much easier. The longer I did it each time, the more calm and relaxed I became. Thus I was introduced to my rst super power and began my lifelong commitment to the power and joy of meditation.
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Sacred Sites: Discovering the Mysteries of Earth Energie Tuesday, August 16 6:30pm to 8:00p Free Evening Lectur
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The Resonant Self: Brain-Based Meditations for Connection, Understanding & Healthy Wellbein Nonviolent Communication Trainer & Family Constellation Facilitator
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Becoming Your Own
super hero
By Randall Bell, Ph.D.
There are heroes everywhere these days—both in fact and fiction. There are superheroes in tights on the giant screen, heroes in the local news, heroes in just about every book and movie and TV show. You only have to choose which one you want, like a buying shoes or a new pair of slacks. Heroism, it
formula. We are taught how to read and write and add and subtract, but schools don’t teach how—or why—to live a rich life. And the superheroes from the movies don’t set much of
seems, is abundant. What’s less obvious is that rather than
an example. In fact, those heroes in the media who save
picking a ready-made hero off the shelf, we can choose to be
whole cities and the human race in less than two hours hide
heroes ourselves.
Those qualities that we so
admire in the heroes of books and history are in all of us waiting to be realized. Why pick one when you can be one? Society does not teach us how to do this. Like most of the
important tasks in life, there’s no quick recipe, no easy
the fact that real heroism begins with the smallest things.
Many believe in at least one of the two great lies. The rst great lie is that we are perfect and awless. The second is that there is no hope. While polar extremes, both lies have the same result. Both lies
I have also spent innumerable hours with people who have
destroy growth. The solution is to honestly assess that one
gone through the harshest disasters and calamities—re-
thing we can actually control—ourselves. Changing even the
settlers in Chernobyl, victims of Hurricane Katrina, survivors of
smallest things can change our perception and our attitude,
the World Trade Center terrorist attacks, and parents who had
and by changing who we are we can change our lives.
their homes showered with radioactive fallout from the nuclear
Cultivating rich habits, rituals, and routines is the most direct
tests on Bikini Atoll. They had gone through bitter situations,
way to a rich life. Real heroism is about enriching our lives
yet they came out sweet. They had attributes that had
and the lives of others. Real heroism is about growth and
apparently lain dormant for decades. While the victims were
once everyday people, tragedy awakened them out of their complacency. They emerged far better off than they had been
As a sociologist and economist I’ve consulted on major
disasters all over the world, from Hurricane Katrina to the World Trade Center to the Nuclear Testing Site on the Bikini
I have seen people take a dive after disaster strikes, but I’ve
Atoll. My work has taken me to all 50 states and all seven
also seen people survive and even thrive. I’ve met some real-
continents. During my 25-year career, I have probably seen
life heroes. Over the years, I asked myself what fundamental
more disasters than any other person in history. Most
difference there was between these three types of people,
importantly, however, I’ve had the privilege to meet the people
those who dive, those who survive, and those who thrive.
behind the statistics.
What made a person thrive in the face of disaster? I started noticing patterns, and eventually studying these patterns,
more than the disasters themselves, became my passion.
Suffering is part of life. Failure is part of life. And though they often don’t make it into the superhero movies, small disappointments are everywhere, especially if we look for them. It could be any one of what I call the “Difficult D’s,” such as disease, death, divorce, disability, drugs, defeat, being dumped. The list goes on. Some people cause their own disappointments. Others just get it handed to them. But the basic fact is that suffering and failure are things all people experience. In fact, they are the things that makes us all human and bind us together. While nobody can deny that suffering, disasters, and disappointments are part of the fabric of life, my personal focus is on those “post-traumatic thrivers.” These are the people who teach us how to be real heroes. These are the people who are resilient and come out the other side of a disaster stronger than before. They are people who actually grow in real, visible ways. What I have come to realize is that this kind of resilience is rarely an accident. The pattern I have seen is that these people thrive
deliberately by making some key choices.
thrivers Post-traumatic thriving is the highest level of human
performance. This is where we become heroes.
What are those things that thrivers do? Post-traumatic thrivers accept challenges, great and small. They don’t operate under that delusion that they are entitled to a life of continual bliss. They deal with the annoyances of live, roll with the punches, and have a contagious sense of gratitude.
When setbacks hit, as they always do, there are only these three options.
They gravitate toward the positive and live in the solution, not the problem. They tend to be inclusive and fun because they are confident with who they are. They know they are prepared for
• The first is to take a dive and let the issue become a permanent setback.
whatever comes. And when the challenges do come, when the disaster strikes, they behave with dignity, take responsibility, and never blame others. In fact, they not only accept challenges—
• The second is to work back to the pre-disaster level and survive.
they welcome them as opportunities to grow and attain a greater freedom. Challenges are like gifts, showing them where they are not yet free, where they can still grow.
• This is admirable. The third option, however, is the most interesting. This is where the setback wakes up unrealized potential and one actually elevates higher than one was
Post-traumatic thrivers tend to have faith in a higher power.
Though many people ride on the momentum of their parents’ and grandparents’ faith well into adulthood, recommitting to the
Post-traumatic thriving is the highest level of human
spiritual journey, however we define it, is at the core of post-
performance. This is where we become heroes.
traumatic thriving. This is a conscious, deliberate decision. Many faiths have a formal ceremony for this choice, but no formality can replace the honest, heartfelt decision to recommit. When life gets hard, spiritual gifts and pleasures may be all that’s left. I have seen again and again how faith in a higher power can allow post-traumatic thrivers to grow and flourish
despite all odds and expectations.
About Dr. Bel Randall Bell, PhD is a socio-economist and the CEO of Landmark Research Group, LLC. Prior to this, he led a national practice at PricewaterhouseCoopers, the world’s largest consulting rm The strategic and problem-solving skills of Dr. Bell are well established. He consulted on the World Trade Center, the Flight 93 Crash Sites, the BP Oil Spill, Hurricane Katrina, the Nuclear Testing on the Bikini Atoll and several tragedies including Jon Benet Ramsey, OJ Simpson and the Heaven’s Gate mass suicide mansion. This has given Dr. Bell unprecedented access and insights into disaster, recovery and prosperity. His research has taken him to all 50 states and the seven continents. He is known for his ability to analyze complex situations and present his ndings in an interesting, organized and intelligent way.
Art Canvas for Science and Philosophy
...Go Deep
Friedrich Nietzsche philosophy the
Overman or Superman Between the very many interventions of his sister Elisabeth and also given the misrepresentations of his work that are associated with the Nazi Era it is dif cult to get a true picture of Friedrich Nietzsche and his philosophical legacy. He began to actually write Thus Spake Zarathustra in February of 1883 but the germ of the idea behind it had been developing in his mind for some eighteen months. In Ecce Homo it is related how the idea occurred to him in August 1881 and remained in gestation. When he came to actually write based upon his initial idea Nietzsche felt that he was actually inspired - as one of the most intriguing quotes from Ecce Homo suggests:
"One hears but one does not seek; one takes - one does not ask who gives; a thought ashes up like lightning, it comes of necessity and unfalteringly formed”.
Friedrich Nietzsche quotes from Ecce Homo and Thus Spake Zarathustra His fundamental contention was that traditional values (represented primarily by Christianity) had lost their power in the lives of individuals. He expressed this in his proclamation "God is dead." Since God is dead Neitzsche sees the necessity for the emergence of the Übermensch, the Overman or Superman, who is to replace God. Overman, or Superman, quotes present in Thus Spake Zarathustra include:- When Zarathustra came into the next town, which lies on the edge of the forest, he found many people gathered together in the market place; for it had been promised that there would be a tightrope walker.
"I teach you the overman. Man is something that shall be overcome. What have you done to overcome him? And Zarathustra spoke thus to the people:
"All beings so far have created something beyond themselves; and do you want to be the ebb of this great ood and even go back to the beasts rather than overcome man?
What is the ape to man? A laughingstock or a painful embarrassment. And man shall be just that for the overman: a laughingstock or a painful embarrassment. You have made your way from worm to man, and much in you is still worm. Once you were apes, and even now, too, man is more ape than any ape. "Whoever is the wisest among you is also a mere con ict and cross between plant and ghost. But do I bid you become ghosts or plants? "Behold, I teach you the overman. The overman is the meaning of the earth. Let your will say: the overman shall be the meaning of the earth! I beseech you, my brothers, remain faithful to the earth, and do not believe those who speak to you of otherworldly hopes! Poison-mixers are they, whether they know it or not. Despisers of life are they, decaying and poisoned themselves, of whom the earth is weary: so let them go. "Once the sin against God was the greatest sin; but God died, and these sinners died with him. To sin against the earth is now the most dreadful thing, and to esteem the entrails of the unknowable higher than the meaning of the earth.
What Nietzsche relates that God is dead in the hearts and minds of his own generation of modern men killed by an indifference that was itself directly related to a pronounced cultural shift away from faith and towards rationalism and science. This same God, before becoming dead in men's hearts and minds, had provided the foundation of a "Christianmoral" de ning and uniting approach to life as a shared cultural set of beliefs that had de ned a social and cultural outlook within which people had lived their lives.
From Book 1, Zarathustra's Prologue, 3 Zarathustra, however, beheld the people and was amazed. Then he spoke thus: "Man is a rope, tied between beast and overman - a rope over an abyss. A dangerous across, a dangerous on-the-way, a dangerous lookingback, a dangerous shuddering and stopping. "What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not an end: what can be loved in man is that he is an overture and a going under. "I love those who do not know how to live, except by going under, for they are those who cross over. "I love the great despisers because they are the great reverers and arrows of longing for the other shore. "I love those who do not rst seek behind the stars for a reason to go under and be a sacri ce, but who sacri ce themselves for the earth, that the earth may some day become the overman's.
"I love him who does not hold back one drop of spirit for himself, but wants to be entirely the spirit of his virtue: thus he strides over the bridge as spirit.
"I love him who lives to know, and who wants to know so that the overman may live some day. And thus he wants to go under. "I love him who works and invents to build a house for the overman and to prepare earth, animal, and plant for him: for thus he wants to go under. "I love him who loves his virtue, for virtue is the will to go under and an arrow of longing.
The context in which the Overman or Superman is to be judged to be such is implied by Neitzsche's past work. He maintained that all human behavior is motivated by the will to power. In its positive sense, the will to power is not simply power over others, but the power over oneself that is necessary for creativity. Supermen are those who have overcome man - i.e. the individual self - and sublimated the will to power into a momentous creativity.
Supermen are creators of a "master morality" that re ects the strength and independence of one who is liberated from all values, except those that he deems valid. Such power is manifested in independence, creativity, and originality. Nietzsche saw the Superman as the answer to the nihilistic rejection of all religious and moral principles that would be consequent on a widespread acceptance that God is dead. The Superman being the exemplar of true humanity. Although he explicitly denied that any Overmen or Supermen had yet arisen, he mentions several individuals who could serve as models. Among these models he lists Socrates, Jesus, Julius Caesar, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Shakespeare, Goethe, and Napoleon. Nietzsche's philosophical concepts were often concerned with areas that came within the interest of the emerging school of Existentialism and came to the particular notice of numerous thinkers, writers, and theologians who were themselves broadly interested in Existentialism. Amongst these are Karl Jaspers, Martin Heidegger, Martin Buber, Paul Tillich, Albert Camus and Jean-Paul Sartre.
By Shaahin (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
From Book 1, Zarathustra's Prologue, 4
The School of Athens by Raphael, 1509, showing Zoroaster (left, with star-
Indigo Children represent a special breed of individuals who have come to our planet to bestow us with their gifts. They’re here to change our political, educational, nutritional, family, and other systems. They’re also here to help all of us reach our potential by becoming more natural and more
by Doreen Virtue
Little Lightworker Like the early settlers to North America or
Indigo Children are often labeled “ADD” or
Australia, Indigos are self-reliant, strong-willed,
“ADHD,” meaning that they either have Attention
headstrong, and creative. They have a job to do,
De cit Disorder or Attention De cit with
and they won’t let anyone stand in their way.
Hyperactivity Disorder, respectively. But these
Earlier generations were given the intuitive
children aren’t disordered! The world they’re
message: “Change the government, heal the
trying to t into is! It’s lled with unnaturalness
world.” They started out in that direction but
and dishonesty. And, as, Dawn, an Indigo Child
allowed apathy and family responsibilities to
who will be quoted throughout this book, put it,
discourage and distract them. The Indigo
“Oh, we’re attention-de cit-disordered, all right.
Children won’t let the same thing happen—
We have a de cit of attention from our parents,
unless we drug them into submission, that is.
as well as other adults whom we need help and
Yet, there are some people who resent the
guidance from.”
change that these children represent. They would
In our modern world, people lie to themselves
like the school system to remain in its present
and each other, subsisting on processed food
state, and they’d like the Indigo Children to
and dirty air. Each day, they go to jobs they hate
comply. Since you can’t force Indigo Children to
and detach from their underlying feelings of
do anything, and they see coercion as a form of
discontentment. These children, on the other
dishonest manipulation, drugging is being used
hand, aren’t equipped with the ability to
as an insidious method of making the Indigo
dissociate and lie to themselves. They’re
Child “ t in.”
incredibly telepathic and have too much integrity to betray themselves. In a way, Indigo
Children are healthy role models for all of us.
The following is an adaptation from The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children by Doreen Virtue.
Indigo Children are a group of individuals who rst arrived on this planet in the late 1970s. Some of them came earlier as the “explorer” Indigo Children. The earliest Indigo Children arrived in small groups in the late 1950s and 1960s to scope out the planet for the larger group that would follow.
Perhaps ADHD actually stands for: Attention Dialed into a
you can see that it’s a synonym for plus and positive. The truth is that Indigo Children do have many characteristics that are positive, and they can be a plus for their family and community. Indigo Children are built for a tough mission that
There’s a story about a child who encountered a huge pile of manure. She took a shovel and began digging the manure furiously. Her mother saw this
Indigo Children are young eccentrics who make
behavior and said, “My goodness! What are you
their own rules and live by their hearts and wit. Yet,
even this propensity has positive effects. Dr. David Weeks, of the Royal Edinburgh Hospital in Scotland, conducted interviewed with 1,100 “eccentrics.” He found that they shared three
“I know that with this much manure, there must be a pony in here somewhere!” replied the little girl.
They also have fewer health problems than the
way. So often, these children have been punished,
general population and live longer. In addition, Dr.
scolded, and ridiculed—if not at home, then by
Weeks found that “eccentrics tend to be cheerful,
teachers and peers. They develop shame about
idealistic, and full of projects to improve or save
who they are. This shame tarnishes the luster on
the world.” So, there are many pluses to being
their golden gifts. Like a dog who has been beaten
doesn’t provide enough stimulation, Indigo
too much, Indigo Children often walk with their
Children seek or create it themselves.
Dr. Weeks concluded that the eccentrics “share an
Gifted and ADHD children share many similar
overriding curiosity that drives them forward and
stimulation and excitement in their lives. It’s as if their brains were wired to be able to withstand high amounts of stress, and if the environment
characteristics, including high IQ’s, creativity, and a
bothered with making their beds!
their behavior and dig for the pony in the same
Children seem to require a high degree of
projects they start, whereas ADHD children leave
sense of humor; and (3) a creative imagination.
camp prepares soldiers for combat, Indigo
busy dreaming up ways to save the world to be
With Indigo Children, we often have to reframe
educational, and social systems. Almost like boot
ADHD child is that gifted children nish the
primary characteristics: (1) a strong will; (2) a good
will involve rebuilding our government,
population.” Indigo Children and eccentrics are too
organizational skills . . . instead of Ritalin.
And, if you look at the term ADD as the word add,
the only difference between a gifted child and an
need, then, is guidance with respect to
and stresses of daily life that plague the general
projects un nished. Perhaps what ADHD children
penchant for risk-taking. In fact, experts say that
often makes them oblivious to the small irritations
heads hanging down and their “tails” between their legs. Much of their behavioral problems stem from the trauma of shame and emotional abuse, rather than from their “ADD.”
, if you look at the term ADD as the word add, you can see that it’s a synonym for plus and positive. The truth is that Indigo Children do have many characteristics that are positive, and they can be a plus for their family and community.
Indigo Children know that they’re different from the majority. Many of them have told me, “I feel like a bus dropped me off on this planet, and I wonder when it’s coming to pick me back up and take me home.” Fortunately, there are enough Indigos alive right now so that they can form peer groups at school. Like the cliques that many of us recall (“The Jocks,” “The Socialites,” and so on), a new group has formed . . . and they are the Indigo Children
“I feel like a bus dropped me off on this planet, and I wonder when it’s coming to pick me back up and take me home.” This social group can form a buffer to ease the pain
you received no money for it? Sure, you’d be told
existential angst. These days, children begin
of being teased or reprimanded for being different.
that “someday” all that work would lead to
questioning the meaning of life at very young ages.
Without this social support from friends or family,
compensation, but you’d never be quite sure how
Perhaps you did, too.
sensitive Indigo Children may believe that
that would actually occur.
something is wrong with them. This can lead to
Although Indigos learn and act differently, it doesn’t
Indigos are highly creative children, and they think
mean that they’re less intelligent. Dr. Jane Healy,
outside of the box. This thinking style has created
author of Endangered Minds, states that IQ scores are
“ADD does not produce delinquency,” says Jeffrey
many of the world’s breakthrough inventions. Yet, if
up among students today, as compared to prior
Freed, M.A.T., author of Right-Brained Children in a
it’s not understood and properly channeled, the
generations of students. These Indigo Children are
Left-Brained World, “but I believe the mislabeling
Indigo’s brilliance may lead to a diagnosis of ADD or
no dummies! It’s just that their overall IQ score
and shaming associated with it are contributing
ADHD. Many researchers believe that Einstein,
re ects a shift, with higher scores in nonverbal
factors. The majority of these rebellious mis ts might
Edison, da Vinci, and other great thinkers would have
intelligence ratings, and a dip in the verbal skills
have led happy, productive lives were it not for their
been labeled ADD were they alive today. Of course,
department. But, since IQ ratings are derived from
‘crime’ of having a different learning style.”
knowing what we do about them now, we would
combining nonverbal and verbal skills, the overall
certainly not have wanted these brilliant scientists
ranking is higher today than ever before.
acting-out, or becoming highly introverted.
Indigos feel old when they’re born. In some ways, they know a lot more than adults, yet they have limited opportunities to express their gifts because
and philosophers to have been thwarted in their meaningful work.
However, you may not see evidence of the Indigo Children’s intelligence in their report card. Instead,
of time and money constraints in the educational
And meaning is the key to working with your Indigo
their brilliance shines through in high scores on
system. School and homework take up the whole day
Child. My work as a spiritual counselor has convinced
video games, in creating gorgeous beaded
—and it doesn’t pay them a dime, to boot! How
me that every psychological malady always boils
necklaces, or memorizing every word to their favorite
would you feel if you had to go somewhere all day
down to one thing: The person isn’t working on their
songs. In this book, we’ll discuss ways to transfer that
long, be with people who teased or shunned you,
Divine Life Purpose. Just because your child is, well,
intelligence to other life areas, such as school and
were told that something was wrong with you—and
a child, doesn’t mean that he or she doesn’t have
family relationships.
The following is an adaptation from The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children by Doreen Virtue. It is published by Hay House (May, 2001) and is available in bookstores and online at