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January – April 2018

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HUMANITIES 37003.indd 1

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Classical Studies


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January – April 2018


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05/12/2017 13:09


Archaeology Climate without Nature A Critical Anthropology of the Anthropocene Andrew M. Bauer | Stanford University, California

This book appeals to students and researchers of natural and social sciences. It reviews Anthropocene evidence from Earth system science in light of archaeological and ecological data for long-term humanenvironment interactions. It also discusses different conceptions of human-environment relationships derived from anthropology important for addressing concerns which are about conservation, sustainability, and climate change. • Proposes a new and deeper reading of the Anthropocene that will appeal to all scholars who are concerned with the long-term humanenvironment relationship • Presents an uncritical narrative of the Anthropocene that reproduces modernist and technocratic notions of Nature that limit its abilities to generate a politics of global warming • Reviews, engages, and critiques new materialism, posthumanist, and ontologically oriented theory in the social sciences and humanities February 2018 228 x 152 mm 300pp 8 b/w illus. 2 maps 2 tables 978-1-108-42324-3 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99 C

Colonization and Subalternity in Classical Greece Experience of the Nonelite Population Gabriel Zuchtriegel | Paestum Excavations, Italy

Creativity in the Bronze Age Understanding Innovation in Pottery, Textile, and Metalwork Production Lise Bender Jørgensen | Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim

This book explores the nature of creativity in a critical period of human history – the European Bronze Age – through developments in three key crafts – pottery, textiles, and metalwork. It will interest students and teachers of prehistory/ archaeology, craft studies (especially textiles, metal, and pottery), as well as those interested in creativity. • Focuses on an underexplored but critical aspect of prehistoric material culture through the exploration of creativity, offering readers new insights and understandings of the European Bronze Age • Case studies showcase specific objects from all over prehistoric Europe as a complement to wider discussions of materials and concepts, giving readers accessible ways of understanding key issues by providing specific examples • This book widely covers Europe and has a unique focus on three key prehistoric materials by experts in the field, providing important teaching and learning opportunities for instructors and students based on data, some of which is completely new


January 2018 253 x 177 mm 350pp 69 b/w illus. 3 tables 978-1-108-42136-2 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99 C

The Archaeology of Imperial Landscapes

By looking at social and economic structures, exploitation, violence, and subjugation in the colonies, this book aims to paint a different picture of Classical Greek culture – with some far-reaching implications on Classical philosophy, in particular Plato and Aristotle, and their modern legacy. • Proposes a new view of Classical Greece, appealing to those who are uncomfortable with elitist and classicist narratives of Ancient Greece • Uses postcolonial and subaltern studies in the field of Classical archaeology, making it an interesting resource for readers who are interested in new approaches in the field of Classical archaeology, which is traditionally rather conservative • Combines archaeological field work (such as excavation, field surveys, pottery analysis) with close readings of literary sources and political philosophy, offering new perspectives for a broader range of disciplines: archaeology and ancient history, as well as political philosophy and economic history

A Comparative Study of Empires in the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean World Edited by Bleda S. Düring | Universiteit Leiden

October 2017 253 x 177 mm 282pp 74 b/w illus. 6 tables 978-1-108-41903-1 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99 C

The Archaeology of the Caucasus

The studies in this volume focus on how rural economies and seemingly peripheral communities were often profoundly transformed by empires. Through a comparative approach to archaeological data, it outlines patterns in widely differing imperial contexts in the ancient world. • Introduces a shift from classificatory approaches to ancient empires • Provides a bottom up study of ancient empires and their hinterlands • Presents a comparative archaeology of ancient empires that shows why empires are a meaningful category and how a comparative study of them is feasible by focusing on marginal and rural areas February 2018 253 x 177 mm 410pp 46 b/w illus. 35 maps 6 tables 978-1-107-18970-6 Hardback £90.00 / US$120.00 C

From Earliest Settlements to the Iron Age Antonio Sagona | University of Melbourne

Students of antiquity often see the ancient Caucasus as a bewildering array of cultural complexes. This book coherently brings together a vast quantity of diverse and often fragmented evidence from both sides of the frontier, encompassing the period from the earliest arrivals to the end of the early Iron Age. • Provides the first survey to strike an appropriate balance between material culture and theory • Over 100 original drawings and photographs offer an instant entree to the material culture of the Caucasus, making this the most highly illustrated resource in the field • Presents information from non-Western language resources previously inaccessible to many researchers Cambridge World Archaeology

November 2017 253 x 177 mm 590pp 131 b/w illus. 978-1-107-01659-0 Hardback £110.00 / US$140.00


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Archaeology / Art / Classical Studies

Social Memory and State Formation in Early China Min Li | University of California, Los Angeles

Aside from archaeologists and historians of China, this book caters to scholars and students interested in the study of social memory, state formation and comparative studies of ancient civilizations. It provides an archaeological perspective on the genealogy of knowledge and power in their spatial, temporal, technological, and formal representations. • Proposes a new paradigm on the foundation and emergence of the classical tradition in early China • Proposes a new perspective on the social memory and state formation as two cornerstones of social developments in early China • Employs a wide range of historical and archaeological data in order to explain the development of ritual authority and particular concepts of kingship over time in relation to social memory


March 2018 253 x 177 mm 582pp 113 b/w illus. 34 maps 3 tables 978-1-107-14145-2 Hardback £110.00 / US$140.00 C

Art Art Patronage, Family, and Gender in Renaissance Florence The Tornabuoni Maria DePrano | University of California, Merced

This book examines the art commissioned by Tornabuoni men for themselves and the family’s women in fifteenth-century Florence, within their societal, domestic, and religious contexts, expanding Renaissance studies for scholars of art history, literature, history, gender studies, material culture studies, museum specialists, graduate and undergraduate courses, and general readers. • Expands scholarly dialogue of family art patronage for art historians and historians • Illustrates how fifteenth-century Florentine families used art to honor or remember female relatives and contributes to scholarly discussion of place of women in Italian Renaissance society, demonstrating that not just brides and new mothers were honored with art in fifteenth-century Florentine society • Demonstrates that women were honored with art of the same quality (artistic and material) and intellectual rigor as the men in the family commissioned for themselves • Expands primary published source material on the Tornabuoni family and contributes to primary source material for material culture studies

Classical Studies Supports in Roman Marble Sculpture Workshop Practice and Modes of Viewing Anna Anguissola | Università degli Studi, Pisa

Figural and non-figural supports are ubiquitous features of Roman sculpture in stone but have never before been the subject of a close investigation. This is the first full treatment of a fundamental subject and overturns previous assumptions about Roman visual traditions and the reception of Greek art. • Presents the first treatment of a fundamental subject in the history of marble sculpture in the Greco-Roman world • Highly illustrated, including reconstruction drawings which will allow readers to visualise statues as they were originally made • Discusses economic aspects of the Roman marble and art trade February 2018 247 x 174 mm 286pp 68 b/w illus. 978-1-108-41843-0 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99



Art and Immortality in the Ancient Near East Mehmet-Ali Ataç | Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania

There has been a renewed scholarly interest in apocalyptic thought in the ancient Near East. This book probes the visual dimensions and implications of this inquiry, which are otherwise missing in the fields of art history and ancient Near Eastern studies. • Proposes a new way of looking at the imagery of ancient Near Eastern art, and favors a metaphysical perspective • Adopts a diachronic approach and deals with a number of periods and cultures of the ancient Near East, including Egypt, in a comparative framework • Puts the study of apocalyptic thought in the forefront of the interpretation of the art of the ancient Near East of the second and first millennia BCE March 2018 253 x 177 mm 350pp 59 b/w illus. 1 map 978-1-107-15495-7 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99


February 2018 253 x 177 mm 513pp 107 b/w illus. 16 colour illus. 978-1-108-41605-4 Hardback £105.00 / US$135.00 C

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Classical Studies

The Roman Villa in the Mediterranean Basin

Texts and Violence in the Roman World

Late Republic to Late Antiquity Edited by Annalisa Marzano | University of Reading

Edited by Monica R. Gale | Trinity College Dublin

A comprehensive treatment of Roman rural domestic architecture in a Mediterranean-wide context from early origins in Italy to the collapse of the Roman Empire. The book examines the technology and economic history of villas as venues for pleasure and leisure, work, intellectual pursuits, hospitality, decoration (mosaics, wall painting, sculpture), collecting, bathing, and Christian identity. • Shows a wide view of Roman villas throughout the Roman Mediterranean from their inception in the third/second century BCE to their end in the sixth century CE, coordinating sites from region to region so that locally known sites are seen in large historical perspective • Offers an outline of methodological issues (origins of villas, slavery in agriculture, social/economic import) in a clear, non-scholarly way, making it an excellent overview of the intellectual aspects of archaeological study of villas for a general educated audience as well as a scholarly one • Gives an up-to-date account of famous villas, little-known sites in often-neglected regions (former Yugoslavia, Libya, Southern Italy), and new discoveries (in Greece at Marathon, and Eua Loukou in Sicily), some dating to 2016, offering a reliable, contemporary account of the phenomena associated with Roman villas March 2018 253 x 177 mm 500pp 244 b/w illus. 21 maps 978-1-107-16431-4 Hardback c. £100.00 / c. US$160.00 R

Lucilius and Satire in SecondCentury BC Rome Edited by Brian W. Breed | University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Considers linguistic, cultural, and literary trends that fed into the creation of Roman satire in second-century BC Rome. In particular provides new perspectives on the foundational identification of satire with what it means to be Roman and satire’s unique status as ‘wholly ours’ tota nostra among Latin literary genres. • Seeks to understand Lucilius’ satires in their second-century BC context • Combines literary, historical, and linguistic approaches, appealing to specialists in different fields interested in early Roman literature • Relates the satires to Roman social realities, other contemporary literary genres, and to the diversity of languages spoken in secondcentury Italy February 2018 228 x 152 mm 320pp 978-1-107-18955-3 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99


Claudian the Poet Clare Coombe | The Oratory School, Reading

Reappraises this fourth-century Latin poet’s use of story telling and poetics for political propaganda. Argues that Claudian creates a Stilicho who is an epic hero, gigantic barbarians, and a universe under threat of chaos, and thereby retells the story of his patron and convinces his audience of his political agenda. • Provides a comprehensive analysis of Claudian’s carmina maiora • Applies a still underused methodology for the proper understanding of Late Antique poetics • Links poetics and Late Antique culture, especially in the role of political propaganda April 2018 228 x 152 mm 234pp 978-1-107-05834-7 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99

Examines the often graphic depictions of violence which are characteristic of many genres of Latin literature, from Plautine comedy to the Christian martyrdom narratives of Late Antiquity. It will be of interest to scholars and students of Greek and Roman literature and culture, and of cultural studies more broadly. • The first comprehensive study of representations of violence in Latin literature • Covers a wide range of genres in Latin poetry and prose over a long period of time • Draws on a number of modern social and cultural theories, opening up new perspectives for classicists and appealing to scholars of other disciplines February 2018 228 x 152 mm 400pp 978-1-107-02714-5 Hardback £90.00 / US$120.00



Aulus Gellius and Roman Reading Culture Text, Presence, and Imperial Knowledge in the Noctes Atticae Joseph A. Howley | Columbia University, New York

Demonstrates the importance of Gellius’ Noctes Atticae for the history of reading, thought, and intellectual culture in the Graeco-Roman world. Argues that Gellius is in close conversation with predecessors both Greek and Latin and also offers new ways of making sense of the text’s ‘miscellaneous’ qualities. • Shows a new way to read the Noctes Atticae as a work of literature • Explains Gellius’ place in the Western history of reading • Situates the Latin author Gellius in terms of both Latin and Greek contemporaries and predecessors April 2018 228 x 152 mm 224pp 978-1-316-51012-4 Hardback c. £64.99 / c. US$99.99


Roman Literature under Nerva, Trajan and Hadrian Literary Interactions, AD 96–138 Edited by Alice König | University of St Andrews, Scotland

The first holistic study of Roman literature and literary culture under Nerva, Trajan and Hadrian (AD 96–138). Authors treated include Frontinus, Juvenal, Martial, Pliny the Younger, Plutarch, Quintilian, Suetonius and Tacitus. Key topics and approaches include recitation, allusion, intertextuality, ‘extratextuality’ and socioliterary interactions. • The first holistic study of literature under Nerva, Trajan and Hadrian (AD 96–138), reaching beyond individual authors and genres • Presents a wide range of novel and stimulating approaches to a spread of contemporary texts and topics • Raises new methodological approaches to intertextuality and ‘interactions’ in literary culture, introducing readers to current debates March 2018 228 x 152 mm 496pp 1 b/w illus. 978-1-108-42059-4 Hardback £105.00 / US$135.00



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05/12/2017 13:09

Classical Studies

Carthage in Virgil’s Aeneid

The Mortal Voice in the Tragedies of Aeschylus

Staging the Enemy under Augustus Elena Giusti | University of Warwick

Sarah Nooter | University of Chicago


This book argues that the voice is a crucial link between bodies, thought, and mortal identity in the tragedies of Aeschylus. It first presents conceptions of the voice in Greek poetry and philosophy and then shows how Aeschylus’ tragedies gain meaning from the rubric and performance of voice. • Provides a new approach to how Greek drama was experienced and had meaning, making use of current theory on voice and sound • Proposes a new way of understanding Aeschylus’ plays based on close reading • Gives a new account of ancient Greek poetry in view of the philosophy of Plato and Aristotle

Explores the ideological use of Carthage in the most authoritative of the Augustan literary texts, the Aeneid of Virgil. Addressed to students and scholars of the classical world interested in the literature and ideology produced under autocratic regimes, the representations of enemies and the relationship between history, poetry, and myth. • Provides a new literary and historicist reading of Virgil’s Aeneid and its Augustan context • Investigates afresh the ideology of Caesar Augustus in relation to the wider history of ideologies and autocratic regimes • Engages in a range of approaches of great current interest, such as the representation of the other and the erasure of subalterns from classical texts

October 2017 228 x 152 mm 318pp 978-1-107-14551-1 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99

March 2018 216 x 138 mm 300pp 978-1-108-41680-1 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99


Intertextuality and Reception Richard Rawles | University of Edinburgh

The first study in English for a generation of the ancient Greek poet Simonides, approaching his work both through intertextual readings and through his ancient reception. In antiquity Simonides was as famous as his contemporaries Aeschylus and Pindar, and the book will be important for all scholars of Greek poetry. • Combines a new study of Simonides’ fragments with a study of his reception in antiquity • Provides many new readings, both of Simonides’ fragments and of the anecdotes about him • Focuses particularly on traditions concerning Simonides’ parsimony or greed C

Slave Theater in the Roman Republic

Volume 56 Edited and translated by Amin Benaissa | University of Oxford

The most comprehensive edition of the fragments of Dionysius, a key Greek epic poet of the first century CE. It provides an extensive introduction, an integrated translation, and in-depth linguistic and literary commentary. The book is essential for all scholars interested in Greek epic poetry, as well as in Hellenistic and imperial Greek poetry. • A comprehensive and accessible edition of Dionysius’ poetic fragments, our most crucial evidence for the development of Greek epic poetry in the early imperial period • Includes new fragments and takes into account recent re-evaluation of the papyri, resulting in a substantially improved and more reliable text • Provides a facing-page English translation with a detailed commentary on linguistic and literary aspects of individual fragments Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries, 56

December 2017 216 x 138 mm 366pp 978-1-107-17897-7 Hardback £90.00 / US$115.00

Plautus and Popular Comedy Amy Richlin | University of California, Los Angeles

As war ravaged Italy in the 200s BCE, slave actors spoke truth to power. Based on the plays of Plautus, this book brings the voices of Roman slaves to the history of theater and illuminates a major body of evidence for the history of slavery. An inspiring story of resistance. • Proposes a new view of Roman comedy drawing on the whole corpus of plays and fragments before Terence • Opens up a major new source for the history of slavery which emphasizes the slaves’ own perspectives • Provides many new insights employing tools drawn from philology, performance theory and gender studies December 2017 228 x 152 mm 573pp 1 map 4 tables 978-1-107-15231-1 Hardback £110.00 / US$140.00


Dionysius: The Epic Fragments

Simonides the Poet

April 2018 247 x 174 mm 320pp 2 b/w illus. 978-1-107-14170-4 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99

Cambridge Classical Studies



Sophocles: Oedipus the King Editor (introduction and notes) P. J. Finglass | University of Nottingham

This major new edition of Sophocles’ Oedipus the King, the first full-scale edition for a hundred and thirty years, takes a fresh look at a landmark in world literature. A newly constituted text is accompanied by a detailed introduction and commentary, as well as a full scholarly translation. • Provides the first full-scale analysis since the nineteenth century of Sophocles’ masterpiece • Presents a new edition of the Greek text alongside a much more accurate critical apparatus and a full scholarly translation • Includes a detailed introduction and commentary which deal with literary, dramatic, textual, and metrical approaches to the play, as well as with its reception in antiquity Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries, 57

March 2018 216 x 138 mm 706pp 978-1-108-41951-2 Hardback £135.00 / US$170.00

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Classical Studies



Euripides: Hecuba

Tacitus: Annals Book XV

Editor (introduction and notes) Luigi Battezzato | Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale Amedeo Avogadro

Editor (introduction and notes) Rhiannon Ash | University of Oxford

A new interpretation of the most widely read play of Euripides from antiquity to the Renaissance. This edition offers new textual suggestions, and gives detailed guidance on problems of language and literary interpretation. It will be useful for upperlevel undergraduates and graduate students, as well as being of interest to scholars. • Includes a detailed and accessible introduction and commentary exploring the complexity of intertextual relationships, mythical paradigms, moral dilemmas, metaphors and conflicting social practices • Based on a new edition of the Greek text which provides fresh solutions to textual problems • Provides clear guidance on the language of the play, integrating some concepts from contemporary linguistics into a commentary on a classical text Contents: Preface; Abbreviations; Key to metrical symbols; Introduction; 1. Euripides: life and works; 2. The date of the Hecuba; 3. Production; 3.1 Casting the play; 3.2 Stage movements; 4. Myth; 5. Characters and reciprocity: charis, xenia, philia; 6. Hecuba’s revenge; 7. Reception; 8. Transmission of the text; 9. Presentation of textual evidence in this edition; 10. Metre and language; Symbols, sigla and abbreviations used in the edition of the Greek text; Hecuba; Commentary; Works cited; General index; Index of Greek words. Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics

January 2018 216 x 138 mm 320pp 978-0-521-19125-8 Hardback £79.99 / US$99.99 978-0-521-13864-2 Paperback £23.99 / US$29.99



Herodotus: Histories Book VI Editor (introduction and notes) Simon Hornblower | All Souls College, Oxford

New text and full commentary for one of Herodotus’ most varied books, covering the collapse of the Ionian Revolt and the glorious victory at Marathon, as well as court intrigue at Sparta, Kleomenes’ grisly death, and Hippokleides’ ‘dancing away his marriage’. Suitable for undergraduate and graduate students, teachers and scholars. • A full and up-to-date edition of one of Herodotus’ most varied books, which includes his account of the Battle of Marathon • Pays particular attention to literary aspects of the text, whilst also including material on important historical background and the book’s place in the Histories • Provides a new Greek text and considerable notes to aid students with translation Contents: Preface; List of abbreviations; Introduction; 1. The spirit of Marathon; 2. Architecture; 3. Kleomenes and impiety; 4. The qualities of book 6; 5. Language and dialect (by A. M. Bowie); 6. Text; Commentary; Works cited; Index of subjects; Index of Greek words and phrases. Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics

November 2017 216 x 138 mm 354pp 2 b/w illus. 7 maps 978-1-107-02934-7 Hardback £79.99 / US$99.99 X 978-1-107-60941-9 Paperback £24.99 / US$31.99 X

Unlocks the difficulties and complexities of this challenging yet popular text for students and instructors alike, making Tacitus’ Latin more accessible than ever. The introduction and the commentary elucidate the cultural and historical context of the work and the literary artistry of the author. • The commentary provides detailed linguistic support for students, making Tacitus’ famously challenging Latin more accessible • A comprehensive introduction explores the historical and literary background to this central and popular text • Book XV includes several extraordinary episodes from Nero’s notorious reign as emperor, including the Great Fire of Rome in AD 64


Contents: List of maps; Preface; List of abbreviations; Introduction; 1. Tacitus; 2. The sources, historiography, and Nero; 3. Annals 15: structure and artistry; 4. Parthia and Armenia; 5. The perils of gloria: Corbulo and Seneca; 6. The Pisonian conspiracy; 7. Speeches, style, and language; 8. Manuscripts; Corneli Taciti Ab Excessv Divi Augusti Liber Qvintvsdecimvs; Commentary; Select bibliography; Indexes; 1. General index; 2. Latin words. Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics

December 2017 216 x 138 mm 384pp 2 maps 978-1-107-00978-3 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99 978-0-521-26939-1 Paperback £24.99 / US$31.99


Philosophic Silence and the ‘One’ in Plotinus Nicholas Banner | University of Exeter

Plotinus, the greatest philosopher of Late Antiquity, discusses at length a first principle of reality – the One – which, he tells us, cannot be expressed in words or grasped by thought. This book explores this act of writing the unwritable. It will interest students of Platonism and mysticism. • Approaches the use of themes of silence and secrecy in Plotinus in a way which accounts for their social and rhetorical, as well as their philosophical, significance • Utilises methodologies from a number of fields, including classics, history of religions, and philosophy • Constructs a model of a mode of discourse – philosophic silence – which determined in part the ways in which Platonist philosophers were expected to engage in public secrecy February 2018 228 x 152 mm 271pp 978-1-107-15462-9 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99


Augustine and the Dialogue Erik Kenyon | Rollins College, Florida

Argues that Augustine’s dialogues betray a sophisticated pedagogical method combining strategies for ‘un-learning’ and self-reflection with a willingness to proceed via provisional answers. By shifting the focus from doctrinal content to questions of method, it seeks to reframe scholarly discussions of Augustine’s earliest surviving body of works. • Addresses fundamental questions about the purpose and method of Augustine’s dialogues • Examines questions of continuity across Augustine’s dialogues from a new perspective focused on methodology • Explores Augustine’s self-presentation as writing dialogues in the ‘Academic’ tradition of Plato, Cicero and Plotinus April 2018 228 x 152 mm 274pp 3 tables 978-1-108-42290-1 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99


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05/12/2017 13:09

Classical Studies

The Ambivalences of Rationality

The Embodied Soul in Plato’s Later Thought Chad Jorgenson | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munchen

Ancient and Modern Cross-Cultural Explorations G. E. R. Lloyd | Needham Research Institute, Cambridge


Cross-cultural examination of rationality and the irrational across ancient societies (Greece and China especially) and modern ones (as revealed by ethnography). Are rationality and the irrational well-defined universals or merely cultural constructs? This study shows how to avoid the weaknesses of both extreme positions. • Provides a cross-cultural examination of notions and practices of rationality in ancient and modern societies, with a particular focus on Ancient Greece and China • Challenges both universalist and relativist assumptions, presenting an alternative which avoids the weaknesses of these extreme positions • Examines critically deep-seated conceptions in Western thought, many of which stem from Ancient Greece, e.g. nature and binaries such as appearance and reality and the literal and the metaphorical January 2018 228 x 152 mm 200pp 978-1-108-42004-4 Hardback £34.99 / US$44.99


Aristotle’s Physics Book I A Systematic Exploration Edited by Diana Quarantotto | Sapienza Università di Roma

Provides a comprehensive and in-depth study of this important text, the first book of Aristotle’s foundational treatise on natural philosophy. The book includes a new translation, while leading experts provide fresh interpretations of key passages and raise new problems. It is important for scholars and students of ancient philosophy, philosophy and the history of science. • Provides a comprehensive and in-depth study of Physics I, a text central to Aristotle’s science of nature and his wider philosophy • Presents fresh interpretations of key passages by leading scholars, who also raise a number of new problems • Includes a new translation of the Greek text December 2017 228 x 152 mm 307pp 978-1-107-19778-7 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99


Melissus and Eleatic Monism Benjamin Harriman | University of Edinburgh

The first English-language monograph on Melissus of Samos, the most prominent representative of Eleaticism as inaugurated by Parmenides. Includes a reconstruction of the preserved textual evidence for his philosophy. Important for those working on the Presocratics, fifth-century BCE intellectual life, and the development of philosophical arguments. • The first comprehensive account in English of Melissus, a key figure in early Greek philosophy • Includes a full reconstruction of Melissus’ fragments, enabling a new understanding of his arguments and methods • Explores what Melissus gained from Parmenides and how he helped to establish the tradition of Eleaticism

Advances our understanding of Plato’s conception of human nature, particularly the interaction between body and soul, how reason affects emotions, pleasures, and desires, the nature of happiness, the role of politics in the good life, and the fate of the soul after death. • Proposes a new interpretation of Platonic dualism • Organised thematically, rather than by dialogue • Situates Plato’s arguments in their cultural context Cambridge Classical Studies

March 2018 216 x 138 mm 248pp 978-1-107-17412-2 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99


Aristotle’s Generation of Animals A Critical Guide Edited by Andrea Falcon | Concordia University, Montréal

Provides a critical and philosophically informed exploration of this, one of the most mature, sophisticated, and carefully crafted scientific writings, in which Aristotle gives an account of animal reproductive processes. Important for scholars and students of ancient philosophy and of the history and philosophy of science. • The first volume entirely devoted to this very important and sophisticated work • Examines many aspects of the work and opens up new avenues of inquiry • Provides in-depth discussion of Aristotle’s embryological, zoological, and medical views Cambridge Critical Guides

November 2017 228 x 152 mm 320pp 3 b/w illus. 1 table 978-1-107-13293-1 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99 C

The Journey of Christianity to India in Late Antiquity Networks and the Movement of Culture Nathanael J. Andrade | State University of New York, Binghamton

Explores how ancient and late antique Christianity traveled through Asia by examining the social networks that connected the ancient and late antique Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean, central Asia, and Iran. Focuses in particular on the narrative tradition regarding the apostle Judas Thomas. • Proposes a new understanding of Christianity traveled from the Roman Mediterranean to India and central Asia • Suggests new ways of conceiving how the various societies of the Mediterranean, East Africa, Indian Ocean, and Asian hinterland were connected in antiquity • Interrogates the significance of both literary evidence and the evidence of material culture for the question April 2018 228 x 152 mm 318pp 3 maps 978-1-108-41912-3 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99


Cambridge Classical Studies

April 2018 216 x 138 mm 288pp 978-1-108-41633-7 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99

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Classical Studies


Freed Slaves and Roman Imperial Culture

Empires and Exchanges in Eurasian Late Antiquity

Social Integration and the Transformation of Values Rose MacLean | University of California, Santa Barbara

Rome, China, Iran, and the Steppe Edited by Nicola Di Cosmo | Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey

Empires and Exchanges in Eurasian Late Antiquity offers an integrated picture of Rome, China, Iran, and the Steppes during a formative period in world history. It illuminates the interconnections and networks that tied countless local cultural expressions to far-reaching inter-regional ones. • Proposes an integrated view of Eurasia during the period c.250–750 CE that brings together Rome, China, Iran, and the central steppe lands, allowing readers to gain a fresh approach to a coherent transformational period in World History that has not been discussed within these chronological and geographical parameters before • Brings together in an innovative way two areas that are the focus of considerable current interest, late antique studies and silk road studies, offering new methodologies for integrated study • Introduces the concept of ‘Eurasian Late Antiquity’, which is not based on the centrality of the Roman Mediterranean World, helping readers understand the commonalities, differences, and exchanges over a broad geographic area, including Rome, China, Iran, and the steppe lands between them January 2018 253 x 177 mm 500pp 39 b/w illus. 9 maps 978-1-107-09434-5 Hardback c. £90.00 / c. US$130.00


Afterlives of Augustus, AD 14–2014 Edited by Penelope J. Goodman | University of Leeds

The first systematic survey of changing views of the Roman emperor Augustus from his death to the present day. Casts new light on the historical individual, and on the political, religious and cultural debates which have surrounded him. It will appeal to historians of all periods from antiquity to the present. • Gives a holistic view of Augustus’ reception history from his death to the present day • Demonstrates how much assessments of Augustus have always depended on the values and experiences of the viewer • Uses the post-Classical receptions material at the heart of the book to cast valuable light back on the study of the historical Augustus March 2018 247 x 174 mm 400pp 24 b/w illus. 1 map 978-1-108-42368-7 Hardback c. £90.00 / c. US$120.00


April 2018 228 x 152 mm 228pp 10 b/w illus. 978-1-107-14292-3 Hardback c. £64.99 / c. US$99.00




Rome and the Making of a World State, 150 BCE–20 CE Josiah Osgood | Georgetown University, Washington DC

Surveying the fall of the Roman Republic and the establishment of imperial government, this volume can be used as the main textbook in courses on Roman history and Latin literature. Engagingly written, it includes forty-five maps and illustrations and extensive suggestions for further reading. • Offers a new, more positive view of the Late Roman Republic, challenging the entrenched idea that the Late Republic was a period of inexorable decline • Gives a clear narrative of political history while also introducing major economic and cultural developments, allowing students to learn of up-to-date research in the field and the different approaches historians take • Provides many maps and illustrations, demonstrating how material evidence is important for our understanding of Roman history January 2018 234 x 156 mm 284pp 38 b/w illus. 10 maps 6 tables 978-1-107-02989-7 Hardback c. £60.00 / c. US$99.00 P 978-1-108-41319-0 Paperback c. £18.99 / c. US$29.99 P

Models from the Past in Roman Culture A World of Exempla Matthew B. Roller | The Johns Hopkins University

Disabilities and the Disabled in the Roman World A Social and Cultural History Christian Laes | Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium

The first ever monograph in English on an important section of the population of the Roman world which has too often been neglected. A methodological introduction is followed by a headto-toe approach, dealing with mental problems, visual impairment, deafness, muteness, speech and mobility impairment. • The first scholarly study of the subject in English • Comprehensively engages with literary sources, legal texts, epigraphy and papyrology, as well as with material evidence such as iconography • Adopts an explicitly comparative approach which constantly seeks dialogue with new approaches and studies concerning other periods March 2018 228 x 152 mm 258pp 978-1-107-16290-7 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99

Argues that freed slaves contributed to the transformation of Roman values under the Principate by modelling strategies for the negotiation of power that were appropriated by the aristocracy. Examines the profound impact that a marginal social group had on the development of elite culture. • Examines freed slaves’ impact on Roman cultural history • Identifies new factors in the transformation of elite values under the Principate • Combines analysis of inscriptions with close readings of literary texts


This book investigates historical examples in Ancient Roman culture, presenting a coherent model for understanding their rhetorical, moral, and historiographical functions. It will engage anyone interested in how societies, from Ancient Rome to today, evaluate and commemorate past actors, and invoke them as norms or models for later imitation. • Proposes a coherent model and unified theoretical framework for understanding how exemplary figures and actions come into being, and what meanings and functions they have, in Roman culture and society • Shows how the different operations of exemplarity are linked together as a single conceptual unit, such that each operation presupposes and projects the existence of others • Provides detailed case studies of particular exemplary figures and new interpretations of numerous individual texts and other monuments February 2018 228 x 152 mm 346pp 3 b/w illus. 1 map 978-1-107-16259-4 Hardback c. £64.99 / c. US$99.99


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05/12/2017 13:09

Classical Studies

Caria and Crete in Antiquity Cultural Interaction between Anatolia and the Aegean Naomi Carless Unwin | Center for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University, Massachusetts


Mythologies shaped identities; this book examines what regional mythologies reveal about the social and cultural orientation of Caria in antiquity. Although the Carians were an Anatolian people, their integration into the mythological framework of the Greek world reveals that interaction with the Aegean was a fundamental aspect of their history. • Undertakes a comprehensive examination of the relationship between Caria and the Aegean, challenging the theoretical divide between Anatolian and Aegean cultures • Adopts a methodological approach to the study of mythology which considers both the origins and social functions of myths • Breaks down the mechanisms of cultural interaction, with an emphasis on individual agency for the transmission of cultural forms July 2017 247 x 174 mm 284pp 978-1-107-19417-5 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99


Roman Political Thought Jed W. Atkins | Duke University, North Carolina

Accessible to students and non-specialists, this book provides an engaging guide to Roman political thought and its enduring relevance for contemporary liberal democracies. It uses a thematic approach that relates key political ideas to Roman republicanism, covers all major periods of Roman history, and includes the contributions of early Christianity. • Shows how the Romans contributed to key political ideas of lasting importance and provides a comprehensive account of Roman ‘republicanism’ • Includes introductions to all periods of Roman history, key Roman authors, and relevant scholarship in the fields of political theory, Roman history, ancient philosophy, Latin literature, and early Christian studies • Suggests how Roman political thought is applicable to modern liberal democracies, focusing on the United States as a case-study Key Themes in Ancient History

April 2018 228 x 152 mm 248pp 978-1-107-10700-7 Hardback c. £60.00 / c. US$80.00 978-1-107-51455-3 Paperback c. £19.99 / c. US$26.99



Learn Latin from the Romans A Complete Introductory Course Using Textbooks from the Roman Empire Eleanor Dickey | University of Reading

This is the only introductory Latin textbook to feature texts by ancient Romans specifically for Latin learners. It includes clear explanations of grammatical concepts, 5,000 easy practice sentences, and 158 longer passages (from inscriptions, graffiti, and Christian texts, as well as Catullus, Cicero, and Virgil – and, of course, the ancient Latin textbooks). • Passages are taken from leading literary writers like Cicero, Catullus and Virgil, and from inscriptions and graffiti, as well as the ‘colloquia’ • Grammatical terminology is introduced from the start, allowing students to gain confidence immediately • All noun and adjective paradigms are given in both the British order and the American order • Includes over 5,000 short practice sentences and over 150 longer passages for continuous reading practice

principal parts; 5. Genitive case, sum; 6. First and second conjugations, past participles; 7. Dative case, possum; 8. Second declension in -r and -ius, substantivization; 9. Ablative case, prepositions, eō; 10. Demonstratives and imperatives; 11. Reading texts; Part II: 12. Personal pronouns, partitive and objective genitives; 13. Present subjunctive, quis; 14. Third declension; 15. Subordination, imperfect subjunctive, purpose clauses; 16. Sequence of tenses; 17. Fourth and mixed conjugations; 18. Reading practice; 19. Infinitives and indirect statement; 20. Reflexives; 21. Third-declension adjectives; 22. Reading practice; Part III: 23. Demonstratives, ablative of agent; 24. Participles; 25. Relative clauses and volō; 26. Reading practice; 27. Deponent verbs: forms from first two principal parts; 28. Indirect commands; 29. Deponent verbs: perfect-stem forms; 30. Fear clauses and long sentences; 31. Reading poetry; Part IV: 32. Passive voice, agent and means; 33. Result clauses; 34. Fourth and fifth declensions; 35. Time and place; 36. Reading practice; 37. Nōlō and mālō; 38. Regular comparison; 39. Imperfect tense; 40. Irregular comparison, negatives; 41. Gerundives; 42. Reading practice; 43. Adverbs; 44. Pluperfect and future perfect tenses; 45. Impersonal verbs; 46. Perfect and pluperfect subjunctives; 47. More subordinate clauses; 48. Reading practice; Part V: 49. Ferō; 50. Conditional clauses; 51. Fīō; 52. Ipse and iste; 53. Reading practice; 54. Indirect questions; 55. Numbers; 56. Relative clauses with the subjunctive; 57. Ablative absolute; 58. Īdem, expressions of price and value; 59. Reading practice; 60. Gerunds I; 61. Gerunds II; Appendices: 62. How to use the appendices; 63. Further grammatical explanations and exercises; 64. Key to further exercises; 65. Alphabetical glossary of grammatical terminology; 66. The metre of Virgil’s Aeneid; Cumulative vocabulary, Latin to English; Cumulative vocabulary, English to Latin; Index of grammatical topics covered; Index of Latin passages included. January 2018 247 x 174 mm 350pp 1 b/w illus. 123 tables 978-1-107-14084-4 Hardback c. £55.00 / c. US$85.00 X 978-1-316-50619-6 Paperback c. £19.99 / c. US$29.99 X PREVIOUSLY ANNOUNCED TEXTBOOK

An Independent Study Guide to Reading Latin Second edition Peter Jones | Friends of Classics

Accompanies the bestselling Latin course and is designed for students learning Latin on their own or with only limited access to a teacher. Contains notes on and translations of the Latin texts appearing in the Text and Vocabulary volume and answers to the exercises in the Grammar and Exercises volume. • Accompanies the bestselling course, providing notes on and translations of the Latin texts appearing in the Text and Vocabulary volume and answers to the exercises in the Grammar and Exercises volume • Can be used by students learning Latin independently • Uses a fresh, modern, spacious design, making it easier to navigate Contents: General introduction; 1. Plautus’ Aulularia; 2. Plautus’ Amphitruo; 3. Early Roman history: from Aeneas to Hannibal; 4. Provincial corruption: the Verres scandal 73-71; 5. The conspiracy of Catiline in Rome 64-62; 6. Poetry and politics: Caesar to Augustus; Additional reading for sections 1B to 5G. January 2018 247 x 174 mm 190pp 10 tables 978-1-107-61560-1 Paperback c. £20.99 / c. US$34.99


Contents: Preface; Introduction; The pronunciation of Latin; Part I: 1. Verbs: inflection and word order; 2. Nouns: nominative, vocative, and accusative of first and second declensions; 3. Adjectives: gender, agreement, neuters, and vocabulary format; 4. Tenses: future, perfect, and

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Classical studies / History – American


Property and Dispossession

The Cambridge Grammar of Classical Greek

Natives, Empires and Land in Early Modern North America Allan Greer | McGill University, Montréal

Evert van Emde Boas | University of Oxford

This entirely new, comprehensive reference grammar of Classical Greek is aimed at students, teachers and academics. It combines traditional grammatical description with the latest insights from Greek and general linguistics, covering morphology, syntax, and textual coherence. Succinct yet full analyses are accompanied by numerous original examples. • The first comprehensive grammar of Classical Greek in English for a century, combining traditional grammatical description with the latest insights from general and Greek linguistics presented in a theoretically neutral fashion • Contains a wealth of original examples taken from all genres of Classical Greek literature in order to help the reader understand actual usage in ancient texts • Includes a section on textual coherence, without parallel in other grammars, which discusses particles and word order and uses a close analysis of four sample passages in order to illustrate the ways in which these and other features work together

Allan Greer examines the processes by which forms of land tenure emerged and natives were dispossessed from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries in Mexico, New England, and French Canada. The book’s geographic scope, comparative dimension, and placement of indigenous people on an equal plane with Europeans makes it unlike any previous study of early colonization in the Americas. • Provides a comparative approach to the colonization of North America, including a study of French, English, and Spanish colonies • Considers colonization in an indigenous America, contrary to the prevailing Eurocentrism of the history of early modern imperialism • Focuses on property formation as a central dimension of colonization

January 2018 247 x 174 mm 575pp 5 b/w illus. 130 tables 978-0-521-19860-8 Hardback c. £100.00 / c. US$160.00 R

Imagining Union in the Age of Revolutions, 1783–1833 Benjamin E. Park | Sam Houston State University, Texas

Ancient Greece and China Compared Edited by G. E. R. Lloyd | Needham Research Institute, Cambridge

A pioneering, methodologically sophisticated set of studies describing and analysing key features of ancient Greek and Chinese civilisations, including issues in philosophy and religion, in art and literature, in mathematics and the life sciences, in agriculture, city planning and institutions. Provides a model for collaborative, comparative work on ancient civilisations. • Provides pioneering comparative studies of ancient Greece and China which reveal to readers aspects of each civilisation that would be missed by concentrating on just one of them • Adopts an interdisciplinary approach exploring both cultural and intellectual activities and their social and political background • Boasts an international cast of contributors including both senior and up-and-coming scholars January 2018 247 x 174 mm 384pp 978-1-107-08666-1 Hardback £90.00 / US$120.00


Studies in North American Indian History

January 2018 228 x 152 mm 400pp 21 b/w illus. 4 maps 978-1-107-16064-4 Hardback £76.99 / US$99.99 978-1-316-61369-6 Paperback £22.99 / US$29.99


American Nationalisms Traces how Americans imagined forms of nationality during the country’s first five decades within the context of European discussions taking place at the same time. Focusing on three case studies – Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina – this book demonstrates how citizens in different states imagined competing forms of federalism in the fifty years following independence. • Proposes a new way for understanding how nationalism was understood in early America, showing how ideas of ‘nation’ and ‘union’ evolved in different ways and at different rates throughout different American states • Demonstrates that regional divergences were in existence from the founding period, engaging three different states during America’s first fifty years • Demonstrates how ideas concerning nationalism were expressed in politics, religion, patriotic rituals, anti-slavery activism, and fiction December 2017 228 x 152 mm 264pp 8 b/w illus. 978-1-108-42037-2 Hardback £39.99 / US$49.99



Performing Disunion The Coming of the Civil War in Charleston, South Carolina Lawrence T. McDonnell | Iowa State University

History – American Return to Kahiki Native Hawaiians in Oceania Kealani Cook | University of Hawai’i, West O’ahu

Most histories of interactions between different peoples/nations in Oceania tend to focus on relationships between Islanders and empires. This important new study instead unpacks the history of the connections between different groups of Pacific Islanders, focusing on Hawai’i both before and after annexation by the US. • Focuses on relationships between Native Hawaiians and other Oceanic peoples, rather than between Pacific Islanders and empires • Unlike most books on Hawai’i, this book restores a sense of continuity in Hawaiian and Native Hawaiian history before and after annexation by America • Portrays Native Hawaiians in roles commonly envisioned as the domain of European and American imperial actors: missionaries, diplomats, tourists, and travel writers

Lawrence T. McDonnell examines how ordinary men took practical steps at ground level to make secession happen in the American South. Using Charleston, South Carolina as the epicenter of his research and analysis, McDonnell examines the Minutemen in historical context, exploring the political and cultural dynamics of their choices. • Blends together analysis and narrative to examine the everyday choices of ordinary men at street level, offering a radically new explanation of the causes of the American Civil War using a micro-historical approach • Introduces a group of unstudied events, actors, ideas, and problems that broaden and enrich our understanding of the internal contradictions that drove the South to secession • Works to reconstruct the social context in which young Charlestonians enacted disunion, analyze the dynamics of those performances, and discover the common core of what they thought their actions meant Cambridge Studies on the American South

March 2018 234 x 156 mm 424pp 978-1-107-18493-0 Hardback c. £64.99 / c. US$99.99 978-1-316-63621-3 Paperback c. £22.99 / c. US$34.99


Studies in North American Indian History

January 2018 228 x 152 mm 278pp 978-1-107-19589-9 Hardback £39.99 / US$49.99


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05/12/2017 13:09

History – American


US Health Policy and Health Care Delivery

Japanese-American Relocation in World War II

Doctors, Reformers, and Entrepreneurs Carl F. Ameringer | Virginia Commonwealth University

A Reconsideration Roger W. Lotchin | University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Carl F. Ameringer’s analysis of the relationship between health policy and healthcare delivery offers a fresh perspective on the current configuration of the US healthcare system, its historical roots, and its major differences with systems in other countries, particularly in the provision of primary and specialty care. • Analyzes three distinct arenas of healthcare: the professional sphere, the corporate sphere, and the government sphere • Explains why the US healthcare system has come to be unique in the world • Shows how other countries provide universal access at much lower costs and with better overall results

Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor created a climate of fear in America, which eventually resulted in the relocation of the Japanese-Americans. Roger W. Lotchin challenges the prevailing notion that racism was the cause of this, and instead argues that it was a consequence of nationalism. • Emphasizes the importance of war on Western society and explains the relationship between war and race • Explores a clearer definition of the concept of racism and restores the idea of complexity of motivation to the relocation narrative • Encourages a more realistic understanding of historical narratives, minimizing the concept of racism

March 2018 228 x 152 mm 206pp 1 b/w illus. 3 tables 978-1-107-11720-4 Hardback c. £60.00 / c. US$99.00 978-1-107-53984-6 Paperback c. £18.99 / c. US$28.99


Babies Made Us Modern How Infants Brought America into the Twentieth Century Janet Golden | Rutgers University, New Jersey

Placing babies’ lives at the center of her narrative, historian Janet Golden analyzes the dramatic transformations in the lives of American babies during the twentieth century. She examines how babies brought ordinary families into the modern worlds of medicine, consumerism, social welfare, and psychology. • Examines how babies shaped American culture in the twentieth century • Draws from over a thousand baby books, using fascinating examples of how infant life changed in this time period • Includes analysis of babies from diverse backgrounds G


LBJ’s 1968

Proprietary Capitalism, Corporatism, and the ‘New Competition,’ 1890–1940 Laura Phillips Sawyer | Harvard Business School

American Fair Trade explores the contested political and legal meanings of the term fair trade from the late nineteenth century through the New Deal era. This history of American capitalism argues that business associations partnered with regulators to create codes of fair competition that reshaped both public and private regulatory power. • Proposes a new perspective on business-government relations, investigating the reciprocal relationships between business and government • Provides a clear explanation of US antitrust history without narrowly focusing on corporate consolidation and ‘big business’ cases, exploring the complexity of antitrust law and jurisprudence • Moves beyond partisan politics to explain the growth of the administrative state, showing how conservative business groups supported progressive public policies that they viewed as being in their interest and beneficial to society

Power, Politics, and the Presidency in America’s Year of Upheaval Kyle Longley | Arizona State University

December 2017 228 x 152 mm 405pp 978-1-107-07682-2 Hardback £47.99 / US$59.99

Drawing on an extensive trove of written and oral sources, Longley explores how President Lyndon Johnson perceived the most significant events of 1968 and how he responded. He highlights many of the challenges faced by the president during this year, which LBJ characterized as a ‘year of a continuous nightmare’. • Analyzes the crisis management style of a President • Features modern continuities in policymaking and political discourse, providing readers with a better understanding of the ongoing debates in today’s political sphere • Highlights the challenges facing a president after five years of almost non-stop change and a rising conservative backlash

Conjugal Misconduct

February 2018 228 x 152 mm 374pp 12 b/w illus. 978-1-107-19303-1 Hardback £23.99 / US$29.99


American Fair Trade


March 2018 228 x 152 mm 288pp 15 b/w illus. 978-1-108-41500-2 Hardback c. £18.99 / c. US$29.99

April 2018 228 x 152 mm 320pp 20 b/w illus. 1 map 978-1-108-41929-1 Hardback c. £79.99 / c. US$99.99 978-1-108-41039-7 Paperback c. £23.99 / c. US$29.99



Defying Marriage Law in the Twentieth-Century United States William Kuby | University of Tennessee, Chattanooga

Examines the experiences of couples in controversial unions and the legal and cultural backlash against contested marital arrangements in twentieth-century America. Will appeal to readers studying marriage law, gender, sexuality, class, and race in the US and those seeking historical insight into the recent debates over the definition of marriage. • Links a wide array of unconventional marriage practices, offering many colorful examples of marital nonconformity • Shows the diverse cast of characters involved in the creation and recreation of marriage law • Challenges readers’ assumptions about what makes a proper family, and of what role the law should play in this designation Cambridge Historical Studies in American Law and Society

March 2018 228 x 152 mm 312pp 10 b/w illus. 978-1-107-16026-2 Hardback £39.99 / US$49.99

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05/12/2017 13:09

History – American / History – British

A New Plantation World

Civil War and Agrarian Unrest

Sporting Estates in the South Carolina Lowcountry, 1900–1940 Daniel J. Vivian | University of Kentucky

The Confederate South and Southern Italy Enrico Dal Lago | National University of Ireland, Galway

Examines the transformation of architecture and landscape involved in the making of ‘sporting plantations’ in coastal South Carolina by wealthy sporting enthusiasts. Vivian explores the meaning of plantations in American culture, how new sporting estates affected historical memory of slavery, and the consequences for contemporary views of the South Carolina coast and its past. • Shifts the focus from labor relations and agriculture to cultural attributes and associated discourses, emphasizing the relationship between mythic visions of the southern past and the historic view of plantations • Examines the evolutionary development of plantations beyond agriculture and coerced labor • Reveals class-based alliances between elite white northerners and southerners during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, challenging the views of sectional identities during this era of reunion

This is the first book that compares the Confederate South and Southern Italy during 1861–65. Through this comparison, it sheds light on the collapse of the Confederacy as opposed to the survival of the Italian Kingdom by focusing on the activities carried out by anti-Confederate and anti-Italian Southerners. • The first systematic comparison of aspects of the American Civil War with a contemporaneous civil war in another country: Italy • Utilizes the comparison between the Confederate States of America and the Kingdom of Italy to shed light on the reasons for the rise (and survival or fall) of nineteenth-century nations • Provides a valuable contribution comparative history and the study of nineteenth-century nationalism and nation-building Cambridge Studies on the American South

January 2018 234 x 156 mm 477pp 978-1-107-03842-4 Hardback £47.99 / US$59.99

11 C

Cambridge Studies on the American South

Febuary 2018 228 x 152 mm 363pp 20 b/w illus. 978-1-108-41690-0 Hardback £47.99 / US$59.99


The Great Uprising

History – British

Race Riots in Urban America during the 1960s Peter B. Levy | York College of Pennsylvania

Anglo-Saxon England

The race riots of the 1960s constituted one of the central developments of recent American history. By examining three specific revolts, Peter B. Levy provides a new framework for understanding why they took place and offers a rich description of their impact on millions of ordinary Americans. • Provides a new framework for understanding race riots, challenging the narrow conceptualizing of the revolts as ahistorical and unconstructive bursts of anger • Builds on rich resources to present an in-depth consideration of those most impacted by the riots • Reminds readers that these riots of the 1960s were a seminal development in recent American history

The forty-fifth volume of Anglo-Saxon England focusses on Anglo-Saxon culture and history from the seventh to the seventeenth century, from the recent discovery of the ‘Trumpington Cross’ to a study of a seventeenthcentury Anglo-Saxon Grammar. This volume also addresses the Burghal Hidage and the iconography of the Fuller Brooch. • A collection of original research covering various aspects of AngloSaxon culture and history, from the seventh to the seventeenth century • This volume covers a broad range of topics, from the recently discovered ‘Trumpington Cross’ to an early Anglo-Saxon Grammar, published in the seventeenth century • Also included is a record of the Seventeenth Conference of the International Society of Anglo-Saxonists, held in 2015

January 2018 228 x 152 mm 338pp 20 b/w illus. 978-1-108-42240-6 Hardback £74.99 / US$99.99 978-1-108-43403-4 Paperback £22.99 / US$29.99

October 2017 228 x 152 mm 350pp 978-1-108-41925-3 Hardback £90.00 / US$120.00

Edited by Rosalind Love | University of Cambridge



Medieval Ireland

The Captive’s Quest for Freedom Fugitive Slaves, the 1850 Fugitive Slave Law, and the Politics of Slavery Richard J. M. Blackett | Vanderbilt University, Tennessee

Re-examines the 1850 Fugitive Slave Law, how the actions of fugitive slaves changed the face of the abolitionist movement, and the reactions of communities around them. The first book to explore the impact fugitive slaves had on the politics of what was the critical decade leading up to the Civil War. • Re-examines the political significance of the Fugitive Slave Law • Analyzes the ways in which the actions of slaves influenced local and national politics • Provides a new take on the slave’s concept of freedom, widening our view of the antislavery movement by placing slaves at the center of discussion Slaveries since Emancipation

March 2018 228 x 152 mm 502pp 12 b/w illus. 7 maps 978-1-108-41871-3 Hardback £94.99 / US$120.00 978-1-108-40777-9 Paperback £24.99 / US$32.99

Anglo-Saxon England, 45


Clare Downham | University of Liverpool

In this concise and accessible survey of Ireland from AD 400 to 1500, Clare Downham critiques the notion that Irish society was archaic and that the main agents of change were foreign invasions. Instead she uses the under-explored primary sources to highlight internal changes in religion, politics, culture, and more. • An accessible and up-to-date survey of medieval Ireland • Brings into focus the abundance of primary sources available to explore Ireland’s past • Challenges the notion of cultural segregation in the island Cambridge Medieval Textbooks

December 2017 216 x 138 mm 420pp 18 b/w illus. 5 maps 978-1-107-03131-9 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99 P 978-1-107-65165-4 Paperback £22.99 / US$29.99 P

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05/12/2017 13:09

History – British

Early Common Petitions in the English Parliament, c.1290–c.1420

The Reformation of the Decalogue

Edited by W. Mark Ormrod | University of York

Religious Identity and the Ten Commandments in England, c.1485–1625 Jonathan Willis | University of Birmingham

This volume contains previously unpublished fourteenth-century parliamentary common petitions, statements of grievance and requests for reform that provided the basis for much of the royal legislation of the period. These petitions express many of the concerns of the period, from the rights of the church to the consequences of revolt. • This volume contains previously ‘lost’ fourteenth-century parliamentary common petitions • Shows how common petitions provided the basis for much of the royal legislation of the period • These petitions express deep concerns of the many political, economic and social problems of the period, including the consequences of war, plague and revolt


Camden Fifth Series, 52

November 2017 216 x 138 mm 310pp 978-1-108-41967-3 Hardback c. £44.99 / c. US$79.99


Empire of Sentiment

Cambridge Studies in Early Modern British History

The Death of Livingstone and the Myth of Victorian Imperialism Joanna Lewis | London School of Economics and Political Science

October 2017 228 x 152 mm 404pp 18 b/w illus. 3 tables 978-1-108-41660-3 Hardback £90.00 / US$120.00 C

Empire of Sentiment opens up a new area of the emotional history of imperialism, showing why a history of the emotions is crucial to understanding how an empire was built, run and understood. It offers new perspectives on the Victorians, imperial culture, the role of humanitarianism, heroic exploration and death. • Proposes a new understanding of the role of emotion in the history of colonial rule in Africa and its legacy • Highlights the role of myth and memory for Europeans and Africans in their understanding of colonial rule • Explains why the British Empire was seen as a liberating and humanitarian empire for so long January 2018 228 x 152 mm 302pp 16 b/w illus. 3 maps 978-1-107-19851-7 Hardback c. £34.99 / c. US$49.99

Providing new insights into the history of the English Reformation and the role of the Ten Commandments, this book covers topics such as monarchy and law, sin and salvation, and puritanism and popular religion. It will be ideal for anyone with an interest in the history or theology of Tudor England. • The first study to provide a comprehensive view of the entire Decalogue • Introduces a new genre of source material by identifying and analysing surviving examples of Elizabethan and early Stuart ‘commandment boards’ in parish churches • The book is multi-disciplinary in approach, incorporating sources and methods from art history, musicology, and literary and material culture studies, alongside history and theology


Female Friends and the Making of Transatlantic Quakerism, 1650–1750 Naomi Pullin | University of Warwick

This original interpretation of the lives and social interactions of Quaker women in the British Atlantic between 1650 and 1750 highlights the unique ways in which adherence to the movement shaped women’s lives, as well as the ways in which female Friends transformed seventeenthand eighteenth-century religious and political culture. • The first comprehensive history of early transatlantic Quakerism • Provides historical agency to women traditionally excluded from Quaker history • Uses rich documentary evidence to reveal women’s relationships within the family, the local Quaker community, as Friends, and with the nonQuaker world


The Cambridge History of Ireland Volume 1: 600–1550 Edited by Brendan Smith | University of Bristol

The thousand years explored in this book witnessed developments in the history of Ireland that resonate to this day. Interspersing narrative with detailed analysis of key themes, the first volume in the Cambridge History of Ireland presents the latest thinking on key aspects of the medieval Irish experience. • Places the Irish experience in the broader context of medieval European developments, allowing for comparisons and contrasts with other countries to emerge • Contains new and original perspectives from the leading scholars in the field • Written in an accessible style and supported by full scholarly apparatus and carefully selected maps, tables and illustrations The Cambridge History of Ireland

February 2018 228 x 152 mm 700pp 36 b/w illus. 4 maps 2 tables 978-1-107-11067-0 Hardback c. £100.00 / c. US$160.00 R

Cambridge Studies in Early Modern British History

April 2018 228 x 152 mm 324pp 5 b/w illus. 5 tables 978-1-316-51023-0 Hardback c. £64.99 / c. US$99.99

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05/12/2017 13:09

History – British / History – European



The Cambridge History of Ireland

The Cambridge History of Ireland

Volume 2: 1550–1730 Edited by Jane Ohlmeyer | Trinity College Dublin

Volume 4: 1880 to the Present Edited by Thomas Bartlett | University of Aberdeen

Offers fresh perspectives on the political, military, religious, social, cultural, intellectual, economic, and environmental history of early modern Ireland, within their global and comparative contexts, to explain in an accessible manner how and why people acted as they did in the transformative and tumultuous years between 1550 and 1730. • Places the Irish experience in the broader context of early modern European and global developments, allowing for comparisons and contrasts with other countries to emerge • Contains new and original perspectives from the leading scholars in the field • Written in an accessible style and supported by full scholarly apparatus and carefully selected maps, tables and illustrations

Copiously illustrated, this volume situates the Irish story, or stories – for much of these decades two Irelands are in play – in a variety of contexts, Irish and Anglo-Irish, but also European, Atlantic and, latterly, global. A landmark publication by the most recent generation of historians of Ireland. • Places the Irish experience in the broader context of modern European and global developments, allowing for comparisons and contrasts with other countries to emerge • Contains new and original perspectives from the leading scholars in the field • Written in an accessible style and supported by full scholarly apparatus and carefully selected maps, tables and illustrations

The Cambridge History of Ireland

February 2018 228 x 152 mm 952pp 978-1-107-11354-1 Hardback c. £100.00 / c. US$130.00

February 2018 228 x 152 mm 700pp 33 b/w illus. 4 maps 10 tables 978-1-107-11763-1 Hardback c. £100.00 / c. US$160.00 R


The Cambridge History of Ireland



The Cambridge History of Ireland Volume 3: 1730–1880 Edited by James Kelly | Dublin City University

Provides new and original interpretations of a crucial phase in the history of Ireland that, while focused firmly on the island and its traditions, transcends and moves beyond the nationalist narrative of the twentieth century to provide a history of late early modern Ireland for the twentyfirst century. • Offers new perspectives on Ireland during the era of Protestant Ascendancy, a complex phase of historical change, and presents what can be perceived as a necessary ‘post-revisionist’ narrative of Irish history • Places the Irish experience in the broader context of late early modern European and global developments, allowing for comparisons and contrasts with other countries to emerge • Written in an accessible style and supported by full scholarly apparatus and carefully selected maps, tables and illustrations The Cambridge History of Ireland

February 2018 228 x 152 mm 700pp 54 b/w illus. 2 maps 978-1-107-11520-0 Hardback c. £100.00 / c. US$160.00 R

The Cambridge History of Ireland General Editor Thomas Bartlett | University of Aberdeen

This authoritative and engaging four-volume history vividly presents the Irish story – or stories – from c.600 to the present, within its broader Atlantic, European, imperial and global contexts. Written by an international team of experts, this landmark history reflects recent developments in the field and sets the agenda for future study. • A landmark survey of Irish history from c.600 to the present day, which will be an essential reference set for anyone seeking to understand Ireland’s tangled history • Written by a team of more than 120 leading historians from around the world, this is the most comprehensive and authoritative history of Ireland yet attempted • Combines narrative and thematic chapters to provide a fresh and upto-date view of 1500 years of Irish history The Cambridge History of Ireland

February 2018 228 x 152 mm 2800pp 978-1-107-16729-2 4 Volume Hardback Set

c. £350.00 / c. US$450.00 R

History – European HIGHLIGHT

The Middle Ages in 50 Objects Elina Gertsman | Case Western Reserve University, Ohio

The extraordinary array of objects from the European, Byzantine and Islamic worlds included in this volume illuminates the full and rich history of the Middle Ages. Lavishly illustrated, the book suggests how each object was used and understood within the wider cultural context in which it was made. • Offers a new yet salient way to explore and visualize the Middle Ages • Organized in a way suitable to either systematic reading or leisurely browsing • Each object is beautifully illustrated in full color, alongside historically accurate spot maps March 2018 246 x 189 mm 250pp 51 colour illus. 32 maps 978-1-107-15038-6 Hardback c. £24.99 / c. US$39.99 G

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05/12/2017 13:09

History – European


Conquest and Christianization

Reformation Europe

Saxony and the Carolingian World, 772–888 Ingrid Rembold | University of Oxford

Second edition Ulinka Rublack | University of Cambridge

The political integration and Christianization of Saxony has long been counted among Charlemagne’s failures. This accessible account of the conquest re-evaluates this view and shows how the success of this transformation has important implications for how we view governance, the institutional church, and Christian communities in the early Middle Ages. • Offers a new synthesis of the history of Saxony in the Carolingian period • Suggests a more grassroots model of Christianization • Accessible to students and non-specialist readers

Reformation Europe shows how Luther and Calvin built up their charisma and provides a unique discussion of Protestant everyday culture across Europe. The only textbook available to include evidence from the period’s rich material culture, it is now updated for the anniversary of the circulation of Luther’s ninety-five theses. • An original and fresh presentation of how Luther and Calvin transformed Europe and the wider world • Integrates an understanding of the history of emotions with an account of what being Protestant meant for ordinary Europeans • This edition has been updated for the anniversary of the Reformation, and now includes more illustrations to underline the importance of visuality and materiality as they shaped and reflected people’s understandings of themselves and the world

Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought: Fourth Series, 108

December 2017 228 x 152 mm 300pp 1 b/w illus. 5 maps 978-1-107-19621-6 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99 C

New Approaches to European History, 54

Sight, Touch, and Imagination in Byzantium

September 2017 228 x 152 mm 270pp 54 b/w illus. 1 map 978-1-107-01842-6 Hardback £59.99 / US$74.99 P 978-1-107-60354-7 Paperback £19.99 / US$24.99 P

Roland Betancourt | University of California, Irvine

Considering the interrelations between sight, touch, and imagination, this book offers a new approach to how we understand the way that ancient and medieval people believed they saw, and the role that our imagination played in this process. An indispensable contribution to the history of optics, philosophy, and science. • Proposes a new understanding of theories of vision in the Byzantine world • Surveys material from the ancient and medieval Greek worlds • Discusses secular and religious, high and low texts April 2018 228 x 152 mm 419pp 3 tables 978-1-108-42474-5 Hardback £90.00 / US$120.00


Guide to Byzantine Historical Writing Leonora Neville | University of Wisconsin, Madison

Provides essential guidance to undergraduates, graduate students, and scholars of medieval and classical studies interested in Byzantine historical writing. It distils the results of complex, specialist, multilingual scholarship into an easily understood format, making it easier to approach the history of the medieval Eastern Mediterranean. • Provides a comprehensive introduction to Byzantine traditions of historical writing • Contains a chapter on every overtly historical text written in Greek between 600 and 1480 • Each chapter discusses the content, the time of composition, and the authorship of the history as well as its medieval manuscripts and published editions and translations, and provides a starting bibliography April 2018 228 x 152 mm 300pp 2 tables 978-1-107-03998-8 Hardback c. £50.00 / c. US$85.00 978-1-107-69116-2 Paperback c. £19.99 / c. US$36.99


The Economy of Ethnic Cleansing The Transformation of the German-Czech Borderlands after World War II David W. Gerlach | Saint Peter’s University, New Jersey

This study explores the local dynamics of ethnic cleansing in the German-Czech borderlands after World War II. It demonstrates that resettlers’ search for social mobility, the government’s contradictory policies and the need for German workers profoundly influenced the nature of ethnic cleansing in the context of the early Cold War. • Demonstrates how the search for material gain and social mobility, rather than simply violence and nationalism, shaped the postwar German expulsions • Discusses how the immediate post-war period was chaotic and supported Communist policies • Offers a new examination of migration in the context of ethnic cleansing or forced migration, studying the relationship between the two and their overlapping migration patterns November 2017 228 x 152 mm 330pp 7 b/w illus. 3 maps 978-1-107-19619-3 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99 C

Anti-Jewish Violence in Poland, 1914–1920 William W. Hagen | University of California, Davis

This interdisciplinary study of Great War era pogroms will engage scholars of Eastern Europe and ethnic violence, and anyone interested in Polish-Jewish relations. William W. Hagen shows that collective anti-Jewish violence enacted scenarios expressing war-generated anxieties and resentments, understood by perpetrators more in folk-cultural than political-ideological terms. • The first deeply researched history in any language of Great War era pogroms in Poland • Reconstructs grassroots collective behavior in light of folk culture and social psychology • The multi-lingual research draws on widespread new sources – including archives in Poland, Austria, Israel, and New York City – and myriad first-person testimonies April 2018 228 x 152 mm 570pp 17 b/w illus. 2 maps 978-0-521-88492-1 Hardback c. £40.00 / c. US$80.00 978-0-521-73818-7 Paperback c. £24.99 / c. US$37.99

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05/12/2017 13:09

History – European


Christian Democratic Workers and the Forging of German Democracy, 1920–1980

My Opposition The Diary of Friedrich Kellner – A German against the Third Reich Friedrich Kellner Edited and translated by Robert Scott Kellner

William L. Patch | Washington and Lee University, Virginia

A remarkable account of Nazi Germany at war and of one man’s struggle against totalitarianism. Friedrich Kellner’s diary unflinchingly charts the country’s path to dictatorship and genocide and demonstrates just how much ordinary Germans really knew about the actions of the Nazi regime. • A remarkable first-hand account of everyday life under National Socialism during the Second World War which documents just how widespread awareness was of the unfolding of the Holocaust • A timeless portrayal of the individual’s struggle against totalitarianism which still resonates today • Includes the dramatic story of the Kellner family and of how the diary was brought to light by Scott Kellner, Friedrich’s grandson • The author’s writings are interspersed with contemporary clippings from the German press January 2018 228 x 152 mm 498pp 53 b/w illus. 978-1-108-41829-4 Hardback £27.99 / US$34.99


Italy’s Jews from Emancipation to Fascism Shira Klein | Chapman University, California

Shira Klein’s deeply researched book on Italian Jews will appeal to anyone interested in Italy, modern Jewish history, Fascism and World War II, and the Holocaust. This cultural history offers an unusually broad scope, spanning over a century and extending from Italy to Palestine and America. • Draws on previously unstudied sources on Italian Jewry, giving voice to the stories of women and children so often lost in historical accounts • Offers a new perspective on one of modern Italy’s most enduring myths – Italian benevolence towards Jews during World War II • Expands the traditional boundaries of European Jewish history to appeal to anyone interested in both the prewar and postwar periods January 2018 228 x 152 mm 384pp 13 b/w illus. 978-1-108-42410-3 Hardback £90.00 / US$120.00


The Struggle for the Streets of Berlin

January 2018 228 x 152 mm 350pp 978-1-108-42411-0 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99



The Rights of the Roma The Struggle for Citizenship in Postwar Czechoslovakia Celia Donert | University of Liverpool

A new interpretation of citizenship in socialist Eastern Europe and non-Western histories of human rights, based upon the vivid social and political history of Roma in Czechoslovakia. Celia Donert rewrites Roma as agents, not victims, of social citizenship, drawing on extensive original research in Czech and Slovak archives. • Demonstrates the centrality of the Romani experience to understanding the history of citizenship, statelessness, genocide and minority rights in contemporary Europe • Contributes a new perspective to histories of citizenship and the legacies of genocide in postwar Europe • Provides a history of Roma in Czechoslovakia based on a wide range of local archives, ethnographies, memoirs and interviews Human Rights in History

November 2017 228 x 152 mm 336pp 13 b/w illus. 978-1-107-17627-0 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99


Mussolini’s Nation-Empire Sovereignty and Settlement in Italy’s Borderlands, 1922–1943 Roberta Pergher | Indiana University, Bloomington

Politics, Consumption, and Urban Space, 1914–1945 Molly Loberg | California Polytechnic State University

Molly Loberg reconstructs the vibrant, volatile, and lost topography of interwar Berlin. She charts the contests for Berlin’s streets during the Weimar Republic and Third Reich and their transformation into a means of communication, lens of perception, and stage of action for both commercial and political life. • The interdisciplinary approach draws on lively and diverse primary sources, including police reports, commercial and political advertising, artwork, film, and citizens’ letters • Through the lens of the city, it brings together political, economic, social, and cultural history, which will appeal to readers in any of these subfields • Encompasses the whole period from 1914 to 1945, crossing the typical barriers of chronology and periodization in German and interwar history April 2018 228 x 152 mm 320pp 20 b/w illus. 978-1-108-41764-8 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99

Why has democracy flourished in the Federal Republic of Germany? This book illuminates the pivotal role played by the half million veterans of the Christian trade unions of the Weimar Republic, who sought with great success after 1945 to alleviate class conflict through welfare legislation and worker participation in management. • Painstaking archival research uncovers new evidence unknown even to specialists in the field • Integrates the analysis of party politics, labor history and labor relations, and Catholic Church history • Illuminates what German political actors truly learned from the dissolution of the Weimar Republic and the experience of the Third Reich

The first exploration of how Mussolini’s Italy employed population settlement inside the nation and across the empire to consolidate its rule. Roberta Pergher shows how ordinary citizens became uncertain agents of Italianization as the regime responded to new interwar norms of sovereignty and national self-determination. • Transforms understandings of fascist population policies • Challenges perceptions of nation and empire as separate projects under fascism • Reconceptualizes sovereignty as everyday ‘common sense’ New Studies in European History

November 2017 228 x 152 mm 288pp 3 b/w illus. 978-1-108-41974-1 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99



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05/12/2017 13:09

History – European / History – other areas

History – other areas

Beyond the Racial State Rethinking Nazi Germany Edited by Devin O. Pendas | Boston College, Massachusetts


Transatlantic Antifascisms

A fundamental reassessment of the ways that racial policy worked and was understood under the Third Reich. Leading scholars explore race’s function, content, and power in relation to society and nation, and above all, in relation to the extraordinary violence unleashed by the Nazis. • The first systematic critique of the ‘racial state’ interpretation of Nazi Germany • It will appeal to both Nazi specialists and academics and graduate students of modern European history, genocide studies and Holocaust studies • Situates the Third Reich in the context of both German and global history by studying Nazi policy and ideology alongside a broader comparative analysis of Nazi racism Publications of the German Historical Institute

November 2017 228 x 152 mm 546pp 978-1-107-16545-8 Hardback £74.99 / US$99.99 978-1-316-61699-4 Paperback £26.99 / US$34.99


Colonial Captivity during the First World War

Antifascism became perhaps the most powerful ideology of the twentieth century and yet no historian or social scientist has previously defined its nature and history. Michael Seidman fills this gap by analysing antifascisms in Spain, France, the UK, and USA from the Spanish Civil War to World War II. • The first major study of the two basic types of antifascism – revolutionary and counterrevolutionary • Shows how antifascist unity was formed and collapsed during the era of World War II • Provides new interpretations of the Spanish Civil War, the French Popular Front and World War II November 2017 228 x 152 mm 330pp 21 b/w illus. 978-1-108-41778-5 Hardback £69.99 / US$89.99 978-1-108-40586-7 Paperback £21.99 / US$28.99



The Cambridge History of Communism

Internment and the Fall of the German Empire, 1914–1919 Mahon Murphy | Kyoto University, Japan

This study fills a vital gap in our knowledge of internment of German citizens in African and Asian colonies during the First World War, allowing a deeper understanding of the global reach of the conflict. It explores the implications for the collapse of empires during the twentieth century. • Addresses a widely unknown aspect of the First World War and colonial history • Offers an integrated analysis of internment in British colonies around the world • Explains how the First World War fits into the history of the downfall of imperial powers Studies in the Social and Cultural History of Modern Warfare, 52

September 2017 228 x 152 mm 256pp 2 maps 978-1-108-41807-2 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99

From the Spanish Civil War to the End of World War II Michael Seidman | University of North Carolina, Wilmington


Memory Laws, Memory Wars The Politics of the Past in Europe and Russia Nikolay Koposov | Emory University, Atlanta

Volume 1: World Revolution and Socialism in One Country 1917–1941 Edited by Silvio Pons | Università degli Studi di Roma ‘Tor Vergata’

Volume One of The Cambridge History of Communism deals with the tumultuous events from the Russian Revolution of 1917 to the Second World War, analyzing the roots, impact, and development of communism, historical personalities such as Lenin, Stalin, and Trotsky, and the development of the movement on a global scale. • Charts the rise of communism as a global force from the Russian Revolution and Civil War to the Spanish Civil War and the outbreak of the Second World War • Situates Communist history in the context of the aftermath of the First World War, the crisis of empires, the Great Depression, and the rise of Fascism in Europe • Written by a team of leading international contributors from a range of disciplines The Cambridge History of Communism

Examines the development of memory laws in Europe, Ukraine, and Russia and the contrasting purposes they serve in the identity politics of the East and West. This is a major contribution to the history of memory and ongoing conflicts over the legacy of the Second World War, Nazism, and communism. • The first survey of memory laws and so essential reading for students of historical memory and historiography • Integrates discussion of Western Europe with the less known cases of Eastern Europe • Offers a unique perspective as a vocal critic of Putin’s history politics

September 2017 228 x 152 mm 676pp 978-1-107-09284-6 Hardback £120.00 / US$150.00


New Studies in European History

October 2017 228 x 152 mm 336pp 978-1-108-41972-7 Hardback £69.99 / US$89.99 978-1-108-41016-8 Paperback £22.99 / US$29.99

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History – other areas


Women and the Cuban Insurrection

The Cambridge History of Communism

How Gender Shaped Castro’s Victory Lorraine Bayard de Volo | University of Colorado Boulder

Volume 2: The Socialist Camp and World Power 1941–1960s Edited by Norman Naimark | Stanford University, California

Volume Two of The Cambridge History of Communism explores the rise of Communist states and movements after World War II. Key themes include the relationship between East European parties and Moscow, and the spread of communism in Asia, Africa and Latin America, as nationalism fed anti-imperialist sentiment. • Charts the onset of the Cold War and the growth of communism across Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America • Analyzes the transformative and tumultuous geopolitics, political economy, society and culture of Communist revolutions and movements around the globe • Written by a team of leading international contributors from a range of disciplines The Cambridge History of Communism

September 2017 228 x 152 mm 700pp 978-1-107-13354-9 Hardback £120.00 / US$150.00


By documenting the centrality of women rebels and Castro’s hearts and minds campaign, this book shatters the Cuban War Story’s mythology of an insurrection waged and won by bearded guerrillas alone. Rebels used gender as a tactic to protect themselves, attack enemy morale, and attract public support. • Provides fresh details about the Cuban insurrection and guerrilla war, including women’s participation and rank and file rebels • Proposes a new theory about how the Castro-led rebels won, giving readers a new understanding of Castro’s victory • Introduces gender analysis to the Cuban insurrection, giving a new perspective for feminist readers and those interested in gender and war February 2018 228 x 152 mm 304pp 978-1-107-17802-1 Hardback £62.99 / US$79.99 978-1-316-63084-6 Paperback £18.99 / US$24.99



Frontiers of Citizenship A Black and Indigenous History of Postcolonial Brazil Yuko Miki | Fordham University, New York


The Cambridge History of Communism Volume 3: Endgames? Late Communism in Global Perspective, 1968 to the Present Edited by Juliane Fürst | University of Bristol

Volume Three of The Cambridge History of Communism charts the global Cold War in its last two decades, the collapse of Soviet socialism, the resurgence of China as a global power, and the transformation of the geopolitics and political economy of Cold War conflict. • Charts the rise of China as a global power and the collapse of Soviet socialism • Proposes new historical perspectives on the fifty year decline and eventual fall of Communist revolutions in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, and questions the continuing legacies of the Communist era • Written by a team of leading international contributors from a range of disciplines The Cambridge History of Communism

September 2017 228 x 152 mm 658pp 978-1-107-13564-2 Hardback £120.00 / US$150.00

An engaging, innovative history of Brazil’s black and indigenous people that redefines our understanding of slavery, citizenship, and national identity. Focuses on the interconnected histories of black and indigenous people on Brazil’s Atlantic frontier, and makes a case for the frontier as a key space that defined the boundaries and limitations of Brazilian citizenship. • The only book on postcolonial, nineteenth-century Brazil that engages both black and indigenous histories and major themes in Latin American history • Emphasizes narrative over historiography and theory, with an innovative methodology • Addresses major themes appealing to many disciplinary fields, such as race, nation, popular politics, citizenship, slavery, abolition, labor, violence, law, and geography Afro-Latin America

December 2017 228 x 152 mm 314pp 18 b/w illus. 1 map 1 table 978-1-108-41750-1 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99 C

The Mexican Revolution’s Wake


The Making of a Political System, 1920–1929 Sarah Osten | University of Vermont


The Cambridge History of Communism Edited by Silvio Pons | Università degli Studi di Roma ‘Tor Vergata’

The Cambridge History of Communism is an unprecedented global history of communism in the twentieth century. This three volume reference work examines communism in the context of wider political, social, cultural, and economic processes, while at the same time revealing how communism contributed to shaping them. • The first global survey of the Communist movement, utilizing the mass of material that has become available since the fall of the Soviet Union • Written by a team of leading international contributors from a range of disciplines • Analyzes the successes and failures of Communism, its leaders, key events and ideological differences

A social and political history of regional socialist parties that set critical precedents for the creation of Mexico’s single-party system following the Mexican Revolution. For scholars and students of modern Latin America across disciplines. • Includes a four-state comparison of socialist parties in Southeast Mexico, which contributes a truly regional perspective to a field dominated by locally-specific histories • Addresses the origins of Mexico’s idiosyncratic post-revolutionary political system, and facilitates comparisons with histories of stateformation elsewhere in the world • Highlights the political histories of less-studied states in Mexico, and offers background on relevant figures and events, complicating and enriching previous interpretations of this history with new data Cambridge Latin American Studies, 108

February 2018 228 x 152 mm 304pp 8 b/w illus. 2 maps 978-1-108-41598-9 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99


The Cambridge History of Communism

September 2017 228 x 152 mm 1950pp 978-1-316-63458-5 3 Volume Hardback Set

£325.00 / US$400.00


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05/12/2017 13:09

History – other areas

Naturalizing Africa

A History of African Popular Culture

Ecological Violence, Agency, and Postcolonial Resistance in African Literature Cajetan Iheka | University of Alabama


Karin Barber | University of Birmingham

This book analyses how African literary texts have engaged with pressing ecological problems in Africa. It is a multi-disciplinary text, for both researchers and scholars of African Studies, the environment and postcolonial literature. • Proposes a new view of agency in African and postcolonial studies, away from a human intentionality paradigm • Offers a new understanding of violent resistance in African and postcolonial studies • Showcases literature’s critique of environmental problems in Africa and their imagined solutions, for those interested in conversations of sustainability in Africa November 2017 228 x 152 mm 240pp 978-1-107-19917-0 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99


The Struggle over State Power in Zimbabwe Law and Politics since 1950 George Hamandishe Karekwaivanane | University of Edinburgh

This book examines the role of the law in the constitution and contestation of state power in Zimbabwean history. It is for researchers interested in the history of the state in Southern Africa, as well as those interested in African legal history. • Offers readers a unique long-term study of law and politics in Zimbabwe, providing an extensive overview in one key text • By avoiding technical legal concepts, the book offers a multidisciplinary approach to Zimbabwean law and history • Taking forward important debates in the social and political history of law in Africa, it will appeal to students and scholars interested in historiographical debates in African history African Studies, 139

November 2017 228 x 152 mm 336pp 14 b/w illus. 3 tables 978-1-107-19020-7 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99 C

Transforming Sudan Decolonization, Economic Development, and State Formation Alden Young | Drexel University, Philadelphia

This book traces the development of a new Sudanese state during the postcolonial era, following how economic development fostered state formation and civil war. It is for historians of colonial and postcolonial Africa. It offers important archival research for those examining the economic history of Sudan and the wider region. • Provides the reader with a historical treatment of debates on postcolonial state formation which intervenes in social science debates on bureaucrats in African and Middle Eastern states, bridging gaps between multiple disciplines • Explains Sudan’s civil wars through the lens of economic and development policy, disputing the claim in existing literature that postcolonial civil war was not the result of ethnic or religious tensions • Provides an easy introduction to development studies and economic history across Sudan and the wider region, ideal for non-specialists

In this book, Karin Barber offers a journey through the history of music, theatre, fiction, songs, dance, poetry, jokes and film from the seventeenth century to the present day. It provides an ideal text for students and researchers seeking to learn more about the diversity of popular cultural forms in African history. • Proposes the first comprehensive historical account of popular culture in Africa • Provides the first comparative overview of popular culture across subSaharan Africa • Raises central questions and issues about the nature of different popular cultural forms and how they are generated in specific historical circumstances New Approaches to African History, 11

January 2018 228 x 152 mm 224pp 978-1-107-01689-7 Hardback £57.99 / US$75.00 978-1-107-62447-4 Paperback £18.99 / US$24.99


The Nature of Disaster in China The 1931 Yangzi River Flood Chris Courtney | University of Cambridge

This book will appeal to students and scholars of Chinese history, environmental history, and disaster studies. It analyses of one of the most lethal floods in history, exploring its environmental, social, and cultural dimensions. It examines the historical development of water problems in Yangzi region, which remain relevant today. • The first in-depth analysis of one of the most lethal floods in human history • Integrates multiple different historiographical approaches, including environmental, cultural, social and disaster history • Examines the long-term development of one of China’s most pressing contemporary environmental problems Studies in Environment and History

February 2018 228 x 152 mm 320pp 19 b/w illus. 3 tables 978-1-108-41777-8 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99 C

Islam in Israel Muslim Communities in Non-Muslim States Muhammad Al-Atawneh | Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

Focussing on the evolving role of Islamic law in the construction of a Muslim minority identity in Israel, this valuable contribution to the literature on Islam in Israel, as well as Islamic studies and Israel studies in general, will be of great interest to scholars and students alike. • Provides important up-to-date data about Muslims living in Israel • Suggests a unique window through which to view the most influential Islamic organizations in Israel today • Examines personal, social, and geographic factors influencing evolving Muslim identities in Israel January 2018 228 x 152 mm 201pp 4 b/w illus. 124 tables 978-1-108-42326-7 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99 C

African Studies, 140

November 2017 228 x 152 mm 194pp 1 b/w illus. 2 maps 978-1-107-17249-4 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99 C

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History – other areas / History – cross discipline

Arabic Thought against the Authoritarian Age

Global Gifts The Material Culture of Diplomacy in Early Modern Eurasia Edited by Giorgio Riello | University of Warwick

Towards an Intellectual History of the Present Edited by Jens Hanssen | University of Toronto

The Middle East is often depicted as a landscape of war, authoritarianism, and social unrest. This book, full of cutting-edge scholarship, illuminates underappreciated aspects of the intellectual and cultural history of the post-war Arab world and explores the contributions of Arab writers, poets, and intellectuals to politics, culture and social change. • Showcases new approaches to the study of post-war Arab intellectual history • Reconsiders liberalism, radicalism and authoritarianism in the modern Middle East • Historically contextualizes the Arab uprisings January 2018 228 x 152 mm 471pp 978-1-107-19338-3 Hardback £105.00 / US$135.00

Studies in Comparative World History

December 2017 228 x 152 mm 319pp 42 b/w illus. 3 tables 978-1-108-41550-7 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99 C



History – cross discipline

Psycho-nationalism Global Thought, Iranian Imaginations Arshin Adib-Moghaddam | School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London

Psycho-nationalism focuses on the history of the use of Iranian identity under the Shah, as well as by the governments since the 1979 Iranian revolution, to offer an exploration into the psychological and political roots of national identity and how these are often utilised by governments. • Introduces a new concept in our understanding of politics and nationalism • Explores the psychological and political roots of national identity • Provides the first global history of nationalism in Iran The Global Middle East

November 2017 228 x 152 mm 224pp 978-1-108-42307-6 Hardback £59.99 / US$74.99 978-1-108-43570-3 Paperback £19.99 / US$24.99

Global Gifts examines the ways in which material goods contributed to the growth of political exchanges between Asia, Africa and Europe, and specifically how those exchanges influenced the global production and circulation of art and material culture before 1800. • Explores the history of Eurasian diplomacy before 1800 • Reconsiders the culture of diplomacy through the study of gift exchange • Investigates cases from a range of European and Asian political exchanges


The Lighthouse and the Observatory Islam, Science, and Empire in Late Ottoman Egypt Daniel A. Stolz | Northwestern University, Illinois

In this fresh take on astronomy’s role in modern Islamic practice, science and technology are linked with the cultural, material, and political transformations of Ottoman Egypt in the nineteenth century. • Places the rise of modern sciences in a transnational context that also considers the role of non-Western empires • Focusing on astronomy allows readers to understand continuities and ruptures between pre-modern and modern scientific practices • Offers a practice-centered approach to understanding science and religion that moves beyond a textual interpretation Science in History

State Formations Global Histories and Cultures of Statehood Edited by John L. Brooke | Ohio State University

This anthology examines the global history of states, drawing upon both modernist and postmodernist theory. As an overview of approaches to the study of states, this collection is valuable to both scholars and students interested in states from a historical, political, or cultural standpoint. • Addresses the topic of state formation from a global perspective, examining states from South America to Europe and from Africa to the Middle East • Looks at the process of state formation and reformation, instead of simply examining the structure of a state • Allows for comparative analyses by exploring the entire history of the state, from the Bronze Age to the present April 2018 228 x 152 mm 332pp 1 b/w illus. 2 maps 4 tables 978-1-108-41653-5 Hardback c. £64.99 / c. US$99.99 P 978-1-108-40394-8 Paperback c. £19.99 / c. US$29.99 P

January 2018 228 x 152 mm 350pp 19 b/w illus. 2 tables 978-1-107-19633-9 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99 C

Kokoda Beyond the Legend Edited by Karl James | Australian War Memorial

In this book, Karl James brings together eminent military historians from Britain, the United States, Japan and Australia to reassess the principal battles from both Allied and Japanese perspectives, providing readers with a more complete understanding of one of the major turning points in the Second World War. • Brings together leading historians from Australia, Britain, the United States and Japan to re-examine the Kokoda campaign from both Allied and Japanese perspectives • Moves beyond the legend to discuss why Kokoda holds such a significant place in Australian military history • Includes images from both the past and present, providing readers with a visual history of the region April 2017 228 x 152 mm 396pp 48 b/w illus. 10 maps 978-1-107-18971-3 Hardback £39.99 / US$59.99


Vist our website at 37003.indd 19

05/12/2017 13:09

History – cross discipline

Joining Hitler’s Crusade

The Economic Consequences of the War

European Nations and the Invasion of the Soviet Union, 1941 Edited by David Stahel | University of New South Wales, Canberra


West Germany’s Growth Miracle after 1945 Tamás Vonyó | Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Milan

Hitler’s Operation Barbarossa, the German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, is typically thought of as a German war against the Soviet Union, but in fact soldiers or volunteers from eighteen other European nations fought with the Wehrmacht in the east. This study tells each of those national stories. • This study offers a concept never written about before – why so many countries, both Axis and non-Axis powers, opted to take part in Operation Barbarossa • With every chapter grounded in usually inaccessible languages, and some not yet covered in Anglo-American discourse, this study offers a completely new slant on the well-known aspects of 1941 • It presents many new interpretations of Operation Barbarossa, none of which follows the usual German-dominated perspective December 2017 228 x 152 mm 456pp 20 b/w illus. 2 tables 978-1-316-51034-6 Hardback £64.99 / US$84.99 P 978-1-316-64974-9 Paperback £22.99 / US$29.99 G

For many, Germany’s post-war economic power was based on liberal market reforms and the Marshall Plan. This book disputes this old myth. Quantitative evidence shows instead how the re-emergence of Germany as a leading industrial power was founded in the Second World War itself and the conditions it left behind. • Combines vast amounts of research, comprising contemporary economic and statistical analyses and historical studies that are not easily obtainable • The book’s rich quantitative evidence is presented in an accessible form and placed into a broader historical context with the data being of interest to both economists and historians • Each chapter focuses on a unique aspect of Germany’s economic development, making the information easy to navigate Cambridge Studies in Economic History – Second Series

February 2018 228 x 152 mm 304pp 27 b/w illus. 26 tables 978-1-107-12843-9 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.00 C

Brands, Geographic Origin, and the Global Economy

Destroy and Build Pacification in Phuoc Thuy, 1966–72 Thomas Richardson | University of New South Wales, Sydney

A History from the Nineteenth Century to the Present David M. Higgins | Newcastle University

In this new work, Thomas Richardson explores the 1st Australian Task Force’s (1ATF) implementation of pacification in Phuoc Tuy between 1966 and 1972. He argues that pacification, and Australian military history at large, remains a subject discussed only in the context of its impact on the Australian force rather than on its own merits. • Challenges the accepted historiography of the fight against insurgency in Vietnam • Discusses the policy of pacification on its own merits, rather than by its impact on Western forces • Introduces readers to a commonly overlooked aspect of the war in Vietnam

An interdisciplinary history of the campaign to secure international protection of indications of geographic origin, including ‘Made in …’ slogans. It will appeal to students of business and economic history, geography, legal history and marketing. • Covers the origins of the topic from medieval times to the present • Includes detailed case studies of certain terms such as ‘Made in the US’ and ‘Swiss made’ • Explores why certain geographically-branded items became so popular, including ‘New Zealand lamb’ and ‘Anchor butter’

Australian Army History Series

The Cambridge Dictionary of Modern World History

June 2017 228 x 152 mm 296pp 12 b/w illus. 6 maps 978-1-107-18973-7 Hardback £44.99 / US$69.99


Learning to Fight Military Innovation and Change in the British Army, 1914–1918 Aimée Fox | King’s College London

A new perspective on the British army and learning and innovation during the First World War, detailing the challenges and opportunities faced by an organisation in a time of crisis. Suitable for military practitioners, scholars and students interested in military history, the First World War, and civil-military relations. • Analyses multiple operational theatres, allowing readers to better understand the challenges facing the British army during the war • Proposes a new model for learning in military organisations which will appeal to anyone interested in the challenges of learning in complex organisations • Provides a new and illuminating case study on organisational learning and innovation that demonstrates how innovation is not the preserve of modern military forces

Cambridge Studies in the Emergence of Global Enterprise

April 2018 228 x 152 mm 368pp 978-1-107-03267-5 Hardback £90.00 / US$120.00


Edited by Chris Cook

A comprehensive guide to the main global events, personalities and themes which have shaped the modern world from the eighteenth century to the present. Compiled by an international team of leading scholars, the book combines extended overviews of major themes with shorter entries on key individuals and events. • A comprehensive and truly global account of modern world history, with almost 2,500 entries written by an international team of historians • Addresses the need for an introductory guide for students taking the increasing number of world history courses • Combines broad overviews of key themes with shorter entries on the individuals and events which have shaped the modern world November 2017 247 x 174 mm 758pp 978-0-521-84771-1 Hardback £120.00 / US$150.00


Cambridge Military Histories

November 2017 228 x 152 mm 278pp 3 b/w illus. 1 table 978-1-107-19079-5 Hardback £31.99 / US$39.99 C

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History – cross discipline

Oceanic Histories

The Invention of Race in the European Middle Ages

Edited by David Armitage | Harvard University, Massachusetts

This collection presents a new vision of world history, focused not on the land but on the 70% of the Earth’s surface covered by water. Leading experts introduce the history of oceans (Indian, Pacific, Atlantic) and seas (South China, Mediterranean, Red, Black, Baltic, and more) for teachers, students and researchers. • Creates a new vision of world history through its oceans • Presents cutting-edge historiography accessibly for scholars, teachers and students • Guides to further reading and resources facilitate teaching of oceanic history classes and encourages future research linking oceans and seas Cambridge Oceanic Histories

December 2017 228 x 152 mm 330pp 11 maps 978-1-108-42318-2 Hardback £76.99 / US$99.99 978-1-108-43482-9 Paperback £19.99 / US$24.99


This book is for readers who may or may not be familiar with the Middle Ages, but are interested in race and racism, and want to know how far back in time racism begins to appear. The book does for race studies what feminism, queer studies, postcolonial studies, have done to change how we view the past. • Covers a wide range of groups in seven chapters, including Jews, Muslims, Africans, Native Americans, Mongols, and Romani; currently, books on premodern race only address Jews, Muslims, and blackness of skin • Women, children, and issues of sexuality are represented and discussed in each chapter making this a pertinent resource for feminist and gender studies, as well as race, medieval, and early modern studies • A genuinely interdisciplinary work that contains translations for all foreign and premodern languages discussed within the text February 2018 253 x 177 mm 350pp 978-1-108-42278-9 Hardback c. £39.99 / c. US$49.99



The 1848 Revolutions and European Political Thought

Comrades against Imperialism Nehru, India, and Interwar Internationalism Michele L. Louro | Salem State University, Massachusetts

Edited by Douglas Moggach | University of Ottawa

This book studies Jawaharlal Nehru’s use of internationalism and anti-imperialism to unite the Global South between the world wars and provides an important history of the interwar years. For those interested in modern India, British imperialism, anti-colonial nationalism, decolonization, international history, and the Cold War. • Utilizes archival sources from India, the United Kingdom, the United States, the Netherlands, Germany, and Russia to create a global, interpretative framework of the often overlooked interwar years • Rethinks the histories of Nehru and India to look beyond locality, province, and nation in order to consider the solidarity across the Global South • Offers Nehru’s appropriation on anti-imperialism as a case study in the new field of global intellectual history

The 1848 Revolutions in Europe marked a turning-point in the history of political thought, raising fundamental questions of democracy, nationhood, freedom and social cohesion, and helping to define liberal, socialist, and conservative ideological currents that continue to orient contemporary politics. This volume examines 1848 and its legacy in a pan-European perspective. • Offers a comparative and comprehensive examination of the 1848 Revolutions in pan-European perspective • Includes essays from international experts from five countries to highlight various national and disciplinary angles • Studies the emergence of essential modern issues, such as democracy, nationalism, religion, and the economy February 2018 228 x 152 mm 340pp 978-1-107-15474-2 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99


From Humanism to Hobbes Studies in Rhetoric and Politics Quentin Skinner | Queen Mary University of London

Global and International History

March 2018 228 x 152 mm 304pp 7 b/w illus. 978-1-108-41930-7 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99

Geraldine Heng | University of Texas, Austin


The Frigid Golden Age Climate Change, the Little Ice Age, and the Dutch Republic, 1560–1720 Dagomar Degroot | Georgetown University, Washington DC

The first detailed analysis of how climate change influenced the Golden Age of the Dutch Republic, from the middle of the sixteenth century to the early decades of the eighteenth century. For environmental historians, scholars of Dutch history, and anyone interested in climate change. • The first historical study that explores how a society prospered as the climate changed • Focuses on commerce, conflict, and culture in examining a society during the Little Ice Age • Bridges several disciplines, including historical climatology, paleoclimatology, early modern history, maritime history, environmental history, climate history, and the history of war and science

By focusing on the role of rhetoric in the writings of Machiavelli, Shakespeare and Thomas Hobbes, Quentin Skinner offers new insights into many of their major works. This important volume will be of particular interest to students and teachers of early modern history and literature. • Presents new research on the political theory of Machiavelli and Thomas Hobbes • Reveals Machiavelli’s and Shakespeare’s debts to classical rhetorical texts • Offers new interpretations of Thomas Hobbes’s theories of representation, sovereignty and the state March 2018 228 x 152 mm 434pp 45 b/w illus. 978-1-107-12885-9 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99 978-1-107-56936-2 Paperback £22.99 / US$29.99


Studies in Environment and History

February 2018 228 x 152 mm 360pp 978-1-108-41931-4 Hardback £90.00 / US$120.00


Vist our website at 37003.indd 21

05/12/2017 13:09

History – cross discipline / Literature – American


The Jurisprudence of Style

The Cambridge History of Latina/o American Literature

A Structuralist History of American Pragmatism and Liberal Legal Thought Justin Desautels-Stein | University of Colorado Boulder


Justin Desautels-Stein focuses on the development of pragmatic liberalism, between 1870 and the present. Using property law, constitutional law, and antitrust law as case studies, he places the intellectual history of liberalism into a contemporary legal context. • Offers new interpretations of legal history, pragmatism and jurisprudence • Explains the problems with contemporary liberalism, for readers who want to understand criticisms of pragmatism and liberal legal thought • Supports courses in legal history, American legal thought, American intellectual history, critical legal theory, and jurisprudence Cambridge Historical Studies in American Law and Society

February 2018 228 x 152 mm 332pp 978-1-107-15665-4 Hardback £39.99 / US$49.99


Literature – American Herman Melville and the Politics of the Inhuman Michael Jonik | University of Sussex

Herman Melville and the Politics of the Inhuman offers a bold and innovative take on an enduring figure of American literature, and will interest readers of literary criticism, poetics, philosophy and politics. Jonik has us rethink not only Melville’s political philosophy, but also our own deeply inhuman condition. • Contributes key discoveries regarding Melville’s relation to philosophy, especially the importance and influence of Spinoza • Offers nuanced and ambitious philosophical reading of Melville’s politics, bringing new insight into the structure of political community • Proposes new terms by which Melville can contribute to the theoretical discourses on the nonhuman, appealing to those interested in new materialism, posthumanism, animal studies, ecocriticism, object theory, or ‘impersonal’ approaches to American literature February 2018 228 x 152 mm 280pp 978-1-108-42092-1 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99


Edited by John Morán González | University of Texas, Austin

This volume offers state-of-the-art research on the field of Latina/o literature. By emphasizing both roots and routes, and covering new geographic and linguistic configurations that recognize the priority of migration and displacement as a necessary complement to language-based or national traditions, this volume will interest scholars working in Latina/o, American and Latin American literatures, in addition to scholars of periods and movements. • Redefines the contours of Latina/o American literature, updating the definition of ‘Latina/o’ to address the diaspora of the Latin American and Caribbean region previously occupied by Spain and Portugal’s empires, including Haiti and Brazil • Moves beyond competing reference texts to include in-depth critical examination of key figures, genres and historical periods at the forefront of scholarly conversations, appealing to scholars working outside of Latina/o literary studies on historical periods • Moves from traditional literary genres to performance, sound and electronic forms, pushing literary scholars of literature to consider the limits and future of literature beyond the traditional genres and formats February 2018 229 x 152 mm 550pp 978-1-107-18308-7 Hardback c. £110.00 / c. US$180.00

A History of American Crime Fiction Edited by Chris Raczkowski | University of South Alabama

A History of American Crime Fiction fuses the history of popular crime fiction genres with traditional literary history as currently taught in university English departments. It will appeal to lay readers, students, and academics. • Divided into sections similar to those used when teaching canonical literary history in university English classes, making it useful for instructors of literary historical period based classes and scholars focusing on those periods • Includes more extensive treatment of television crime fiction than previous histories, making it of interest non-academic readers • Proposes a new view of crime fiction history as intertwined with canonical literary history, appealing to readers interested in both popular fiction forms and literary fiction forms November 2017 229 x 152 mm 392pp 978-1-107-13101-9 Hardback £84.99 / US$110.00

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Literature – American

American Literature in Transition, 1940–1950

American Literature in Transition, 2000–2010

Edited by Christopher Vials | University of Connecticut

Edited by Rachel Greenwald Smith | Saint Louis University, Missouri

This collection brings together scholars from a wide range of fields to provide crucial contexts for interpreting the literature of the 1940s. Essays from scholars in literature, history, art history, ethnic studies, and American studies show how writers intervened in the global struggles of the decade. • Features canonical, non-canonical, and emergent authors of the 1940s • Uses literature to highlight the historical open-endedness of the period, allowing readers to see that transitions such as the move from WWII antifascism to Cold War anticommunism was not inevitable, but contested and negotiated via works of the imagination • It is attuned to the transnational turn in American literary studies and American studies, allowing readers to see ‘American literature’ as global project, one that intervened not only in a rarefied world of arts and letters, but in US projects outside its borders American Literature in Transition

December 2017 228 x 152 mm 368pp 4 b/w illus. 978-1-107-14331-9 Hardback £84.99 / US$110.00


Edited by Steven Belletto | Lafayette College, Pennsylvania

American Literature in Transition, 1950–1960 explores the under-recognized complexity and variety of 1950s literature by focalizing discussions through a series of keywords and formats that encourage readers to draw fresh connections among literary form and the theories, institutions, cultures, and social phenomena. • Proposes that the 1950s was a dynamic decade in American literature, appealing to those interested in learning about 1950s American literature in depth • Radically expands the field of 1950s literature, introducing readers to important texts and figures that have been understudied for too long • Organized into four categories: Cultural Issues; Varieties of Literary Experience; Schools, Movements, and Sensibilities; and Formats and Genres, allowing readers to quickly find material relevant to their area(s) of interest American Literature in Transition


American Literature in Transition, 1970–1980


American Literature in Transition

December 2017 228 x 152 mm 394pp 5 b/w illus. 978-1-107-14929-8 Hardback £84.99 / US$110.00

American Literature in Transition, 1950–1960

November 2017 228 x 152 mm 350pp 4 b/w illus. 978-1-108-41823-2 Hardback £84.99 / US$110.00

Crafted for general readers, students, and scholars alike, this volume charts recent transformations in American literature. It covers a wide range of topics – from genre fiction and the rise of Amazon to the literature of 9/11 and the prominence of digital technology in literary culture. • Offers a broad account of the literary culture of the 2000s, making it a a useful volume for teaching twenty-first century literature or for scholars needing an overview of the decade’s most important developments • Organized according to thematic, formal, and institutional clusters, allowing scholars and students to find work on a few major thematic developments of the decade, such as awareness of ecological crisis • Chapters are brief, free of jargon, and argument-driven, making it an engaging read for specialists and non-specialists alike


The Cambridge Companion to the Literature of the American Renaissance Edited by Christopher N. Phillips | Lafayette College, Pennsylvania

This volume gives a fresh look at the American Renaissance, the years before the Civil War that saw the rise of authors such as Melville, Stowe, Douglass, and Whitman. A team of distinguished scholars interprets major authors’ works, exploring themes of race, gender, place, memory, reading, labor, and pleasure. • Provides valuable new insights into the American Renaissance while orienting students and non-specialist scholars to this field of American literary studies • Expands traditional canons of American literature to include women, African-American writers, and Native American writers, and considers the politics of the American Renaissance canon over time • Re-conceptualizes F. O. Matthiessen’s ideas that brought about his American Renaissance to offer new ways to engage with the ideas and the period Cambridge Companions to Literature

February 2018 229 x 152 mm 262pp 7 b/w illus. 978-1-108-42091-4 Hardback £64.99 / US$84.99 978-1-108-43108-8 Paperback £22.99 / US$29.99


The Poetics of Insecurity American Fiction and the Uses of Threat Johannes Voelz | University of Frankfurt

Edited by Kirk Curnutt | Troy University, Alabama

This book is for devotees of the 1970s, which has to date celebrated the decade’s music, fashion, and film. For the first time, it takes a comprehensive look at the literary developments of the decade, assessing writers as diverse as Toni Morrison, Erica Jong, and Philip Roth. • Offers sociohistorical readings of themes, genres, and cultural issues of the 1970s as they relate to period literature • Explores new contexts for appreciating such critical and popular works as James Dickey’s Deliverance, Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye, Marilyn French’s The Women’s Room, and perhaps that quintessential 1970s’ novel, Erica Jong’s Fear of Flying • Offers readings of either critically overlooked or popularly forgotten 1970s’ works

The Poetics of Insecurity addresses a key concern of modern America – security – through close readings of American literary works. It combines literary studies with the philosophy of time and sociological theories of modernity, and provides new approaches to canonical American authors from the past two centuries. • Provides the most in-depth exploration of the link of security and literature to date • Makes the narrative dimension of security accessible to readers • Provides an interdisciplinary approach to security Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture, 165

December 2017 228 x 152 mm 280pp 978-1-108-41876-8 Hardback c. £64.99 / c. US$99.99


American Literature in Transition

March 2018 228 x 152 mm 476pp 4 b/w illus. 978-1-107-15076-8 Hardback c. £84.99 / c. US$110.00


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Literature – American / Literature – English


Walt Whitman in Context Edited by Joanna Levin | Chapman University, California

Designed for students and scholars, Walt Whitman in Context provides brief, provocative explorations of thirty-eight different contexts – geographic, literary, cultural and political – in which to engage Whitman’s life and work. • Explores thirty-eight different contexts in which to engage Whitman’s work • Draws on such recent critical approaches as ecocriticism, gender and sexuality studies, the history of the book, and print culture • Essays are written by pre-eminent and emerging Whitman scholars Literature in Context

April 2018 228 x 152 mm 350pp 9 b/w illus. 978-1-108-41895-9 Hardback c. £70.00 / c. US$120.00



Literature – English English Authorship and the Early Modern Sublime

Edited by Steven Meyer | Washington University, St Louis

This Companion is designed for undergraduates, graduates and faculty that wish to understand how the sciences and humanities inform one another. This up-to-date guide to literature and science explores major figures, genres and theories in the field, showing that the two area of studies are more closely aligned than they typically appear. • Offers a new understanding of literature and science that demonstrates how an entire field of study has changed in recent decades as well as what the basis of that change is • Describes the extensive overlap of literature and science with science studies, showing that the former is by no means just a subfield of the latter • Promotes the integration of elements in the contemporary world that are often taken to be opposed, allowing readers to understand the limitations and imprecision of frequent claims for a literature/science (’two cultures’) dichotomy Cambridge Companions to Literature

Fictions of Transport in Spenser, Marlowe, Jonson, and Shakespeare Patrick Cheney | Pennsylvania State University

Studying the sublime in late sixteenth- and early seventeenth-century writing, this book advances our understanding of Renaissance literature as a field in the arts and humanities today. Above all, the chapters feature a model of creative excellence and social liberty that explains the greatness of the English literary Renaissance. • The first book to place the sublime at the heart of poems and plays in late sixteenth- and early seventeenth-century England • Links recent work on the classical or medieval sublime and the modern sublime • Introduces a new model of authorship featuring an aesthetics of sublimity focussing on writers such as Edmund Spenser, Christopher Marlowe, William Shakespeare, and Ben Jonson February 2018 228 x 152 mm 300pp 2 b/w illus. 978-1-107-04962-8 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99

The Cambridge Companion to Literature and Science


The Cambridge Companion to Postcolonial Travel Writing Edited by Robert Clarke | University of Tasmania

The Cambridge Companion to Postcolonial Travel Writing provides a variety of perspectives and approaches on a new and exciting field of academic scholarship in the humanities, appealing to students, graduates and scholars. • Presents a comprehensive overview of developments in the field of postcolonial travel writing, appealing to students, teachers and researchers interested in the field • Offers a lively and accessible introduction to the topic of postcolonial travel writing, benefiting students new to the field • Provides readers with a firm grounding in the prevailing themes and preoccupations of the field, giving readers a broader understanding of the forms of travel and the way travel writing challenges postcolonial theory

January 2018 229 x 152 mm 324pp 978-1-107-07972-4 Hardback £74.99 / US$96.99 978-1-107-43903-0 Paperback £24.99 / US$32.99


The European Book in the Twelfth Century Edited by Erik Kwakkel | Leiden University Institute for the Arts in Society

The first comprehensive study of how European books were made and used in the historical period known as the ‘long twelfth century’ (1075–1225). The book takes a multidisciplinary approach, blending book history (codicology, palaeography, art-history) and contextual studies (reading, libraries) with text-based investigations in such fields as medicine, classics, and philosophy. • Delivers the first comprehensive study of the European book in the historical period known as the ‘long twelfth century’ (1075–1225) • Brings together a number of interrelated cultural-historical events such as monastic reform and the introduction of Greek and Arabic science and philosophy to place in context the development of the manuscript and book during the ‘twelfth-century Renaissance’ • Chapters by leading scholars offer a multi-disciplinary approach to studying the phenomenon of the book in the twelfth-century from a European point of view Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature, 101

March 2018 228 x 152 mm 384pp 44 b/w illus. 1 table 978-1-107-13698-4 Hardback £90.00 / US$120.00


Cambridge Companions to Literature

December 2017 229 x 152 mm 287pp 3 b/w illus. 978-1-107-15339-4 Hardback c. £55.00 / c. US$90.00 978-1-316-60729-9 Paperback c. £18.99 / c. US$29.99

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05/12/2017 13:09

Literature – English


Gods and Humans in Medieval Scandinavia


Retying the Bonds Jonas Wellendorf | University of California, Berkeley

Third edition William Shakespeare Edited by Norman Sanders

This third edition of Othello features a completely new, illustrated introduction, together with an updated commentary, notes and a revised reading list, providing students with a deep and up-to-date resource. • The textual commentary has been revised and updated with an eye, and ear, to the contemporary student reader • Provides an updated list of further readings to reflect the latest developments in Shakespearean criticism • The introduction’s emphasis upon performance equips students to analyse the significance of different stagings, from first performances up to the groundbreaking productions of the Royal Shakespeare Company in 2015 and the New York City Theater in 2016 Contents: Introduction; Note on the text; List of characters; The play; Supplementary notes; Textual analysis; Reading list. The New Cambridge Shakespeare

April 2018 228 x 152 mm 240pp 15 b/w illus. 978-1-107-12908-5 Hardback c. £49.99 / c. US$94.99 978-1-107-56971-3 Paperback c. £8.99 / c. US$17.99



Third edition William Shakespeare Edited by M.M. Mahood | University of Kent, Canterbury

For this updated edition of one of Shakespeare’s most problematic plays, Tom Lockwood has added a new introductory section on the latest scholarly trends, performance and adaptation practices which have occurred over the last two decades. • Features a new introductory section on the latest scholarly trends and global performance practices • Analyses the latest forms of the play’s adaptation • Provides an updated list of further readings to reflect the latest developments in Shakespearean criticism Contents: Introduction; Note on the text; List of characters; The play; Supplementary note; Textual analysis; Appendix: Shakespeare’s use of the Bible in The Merchant of Venice; Revised reading list. The New Cambridge Shakespeare


The Experience of Education in Anglo-Saxon Literature

March 2018 228 x 152 mm 224pp 978-1-108-42497-4 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99


Edited by Thomas A. Prendergast | College of Wooster, Ohio

This exploration of literary form in the works of Geoffrey Chaucer delivers a timely and fresh approach to the study of one of the best known medieval English poets. This definitive collection of essays offers a variety of approaches to Chaucer and to the analysis of form. • Presents a fresh and definitive study of literary form in the works of Geoffrey Chaucer • Brings ‘new formalist’ approaches to bear on a range of Chaucer’s works • Brings a focus to Chaucerian moments of formal disorder and disruption, mistakes and problems Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature, 104

April 2018 228 x 152 mm 260pp 978-1-107-19284-3 Hardback c. £64.99 / c. US$99.99


Middle English Mouths Late Medieval Medical, Religious and Literary Traditions Katie L. Walter | University of Sussex

Through new readings of canonical Middle English texts in relation to broader traditions and practices of the body and the senses, knowledge and ethics, this study offers an original contribution towards a history both of the human body and of medieval Christianity. • The first full length monograph study of the centrality of the mouth to Middle English thought • Focuses on the ‘everyday’ body rather than the extreme or grotesque • Offers new readings of canonical Middle English writers including Geoffrey Chaucer and Julian of Norwich Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature, 105

Irina Dumitrescu | Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn

This engaging study explores how early medieval writers reflected on the nature of education and the acquisition of wisdom. By studying representations of teaching and learning in five early English texts, Irina Dumitrescu sheds light on the underappreciated emotional and cognitive complexities of Anglo-Saxon instruction. • An original and engaging study of early English education – a research area from which such nuanced critical investigations have been largely absent • Investigates the emotional and cognitive complexities of early English education through the close reading of five texts including Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of the English People as well as some lesser known works • Combines careful literary analysis with educational history Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature, 102

January 2018 228 x 152 mm 320pp 978-1-108-41686-3 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99


Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature, 103

Chaucer and the Subversion of Form

The Merchant of Venice

February 2018 228 x 152 mm 210pp 978-1-107-14168-1 Hardback c. £49.99 / c. US$94.99 978-1-316-50664-6 Paperback c. £8.99 / c. US$17.99

The first monograph in English on the medieval Scandinavian reception and re-interpretation of pre-Christian Scandinavian religion. Contextualizes the canonical Prose Edda by drawing on a range of less well known texts. Translations are provided of all quotations from medieval texts. • Presents the first study in English to explore ways in which medieval Scandinavians received and re-interpreted pre-Christian religion • Contextualizes the canonical Prose Edda through a close reading of less well-known mythological literary works including the Saga of Barlaam, the Hauksbók manuscript (c.1300) and Saxo Grammaticus’ History of the Danes • Offers full translation of Old Norse textual passages to provide an accessible study


April 2018 228 x 152 mm 320pp 978-1-108-42661-9 Hardback c. £75.00 / c. US$99.99


Shakespeare and the Soliloquy in Early Modern English Drama Edited by A. D. Cousins | Macquarie University, Sydney

The only book that comprehensively studies the soliloquy’s history and diversity of form, its theatrical functions, rhetoric, and socio-cultural significances in the period from Marlowe and Shakespeare to Davenant. • Offers a new history of the early modern soliloquy, unparalleled in its scope • Provides detailed case-studies of key playwrights • Close-readings will enable both literature students and theatre studies students to grasp the verbal and dramaturgical aspects of the form March 2018 228 x 152 mm 300pp 978-1-107-17254-8 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99


Vist our website at 37003.indd 25

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Literature – English



Celebrating Shakespeare


Commemoration and Cultural Memory Edited by Clara Calvo | Universidad de Murcia, Spain


On the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death, this collection of fifteen new essays written by leading scholars explores the variety and complexity of commemoration that has made Shakespeare a global cultural icon. Using rich visual images, new research and astute analysis, the volume will appeal to scholars and students of Shakespeare, literature and cultural history. • Presents commemoration as a social practice that has kept Shakespeare culturally alive worldwide • Provides the critical perspectives on a variety of commemoration practices, from traditional anniversaries through cultural tourism: Shakespeare gardens, sculptures, cottages and cartoons • Features over forty figures that illustrate the questions explored October 2017 229 x 152 mm 403pp 46 b/w illus. 978-1-107-64313-0 Paperback £22.99 / US$34.99 Also available 978-1-107-04277-3 Hardback £74.99 / US$120.00


Volume 2: Later Collections, Print and Manuscript Anne Finch Edited by Jennifer Keith | University of North Carolina, Greensboro

This edition provides, for the first time, authoritative texts, textual apparatus and commentary for all known works by Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea. This second volume provides established texts of Finch’s later collections in print and manuscript form, Miscellany Poems, on Several Occasions (1713) and The Wellesley Manuscript, as well as uncollected poems and letters. • The first ever complete, critical edition of the works of Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea (1661–1720) • Provides established texts of Finch’s later collections in print and manuscript form • Includes a comprehensive introduction, extensive explanatory notes and thorough textual commentary March 2018 216 x 138 mm 600pp 7 b/w illus. 978-1-107-06865-0 Hardback c. £80.00 / c. US$125.00


The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea



The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea

Volume 1: Early Manuscript Books Anne Finch Edited by Jennifer Keith | University of North Carolina, Greensboro

Anne Finch

This edition provides, for the first time, authoritative texts, textual apparatus and commentary for all known works by Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea. This first volume provides established texts of Finch’s early manuscript books, including Poems on Several Subjects and Miscellany Poems with Two Plays written under her pen name, Ardelia. • The first ever complete, critical edition of the works of Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea (1661–1720) • Provides established texts of Finch’s early manuscript books • Includes a comprehensive introduction, extensive explanatory notes and thorough textual commentary March 2018 216 x 138 mm 600pp 6 b/w illus. 978-1-107-06860-5 Hardback c. £80.00 / c. US$125.00

The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea


Scholars and students of women’s writing, poetry, and seventeenth- and eighteenth-century literature have long called for a complete, critical edition of the works of Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea. This edition provides, for the first time, authoritative texts, textual apparatus and commentary for all known works by this important writer. • The first ever complete, critical edition of the works of Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea (1661–1720) • Provides established texts of all Finch’s poems, plays, and letters, organized by their appearance in Finch’s authorized collections • Includes a comprehensive introduction, extensive explanatory notes and thorough textual commentary March 2018 216 x 138 mm 1400pp 13 b/w illus. 978-0-521-19622-2 2 Volume Hardback Set c. £160.00 / c. US$275.00 R

The Bible on the Shakespearean Stage Cultures of Interpretation in Reformation England Edited by Thomas Fulton | Rutgers University, New Jersey

Shakespeare’s audience was not simply well-versed in the Bible’s content – they were also informed in biblical exegesis, modes of interpretation such as typology and harmonizing, and on the polemics of literal versus figurative reading. This is the first volume to consider how this interpretive knowledge shaped Shakespeare’s plays. • The first volume to integrate the study of Shakespeare’s plays with the vital history of Reformation practices of biblical interpretation • Brings together some of the foremost international scholars in the field of ‘Shakespeare and the Bible’ • Explores Shakespeare’s engagement with scriptural interpretation across the tragedies, histories, comedies, and romance April 2018 228 x 152 mm 310pp 978-1-107-19423-6 Hardback c. £64.99 / c. US$99.99

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05/12/2017 13:09

Literature – English

Shakespeare’s Double Plays

Believing in Shakespeare

Dramatic Economy on the Early Modern Stage Brett Gamboa | Dartmouth College, New Hampshire

Studies in Longing Claire McEachern | University of California, Los Angeles

Presenting the first comprehensive study of how Shakespeare designed his plays to suit his playing company, Brett Gamboa demonstrates how Shakespeare turned his limitations to creative advantage, and how doubling suited his unique sense of the dramatic. • Presents a new theory about how Shakespeare designed plays for his original company, and the way the company casted and performed those plays • Includes speculative casting charts for all Shakespeare’s plays written for his company (c.1594–1610), that have significant implications for modern productions • Explores the idea of the boy actor in considerable detail, making a more detailed and diverse argument for these boys being older than is commonly supposed

This book provides a historically sensitive account of the invention of suspense in Shakespeare’s plays in conjunction with Protestant thought, and how the belief of an audience in a play functions in relation to the belief of the characters in the plays. • Explores how belief was understood to operate in early modern England and not simply to study what those beliefs were • Offers a study of the relations between believing in a Shakespeare play and believing in salvation • Delivers a new approach to the study of dramatic irony and suspense in the plays of Shakespeare

April 2018 228 x 152 mm 316pp 10 b/w illus. 40 tables 978-1-108-41743-3 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99

A History of Early Modern Women’s Writing




Edited by Patricia Phillippy | Kingston University, London


Moving Shakespeare Indoors Performance and Repertoire in the Jacobean Playhouse Edited by Andrew Gurr | University of Reading

The year 2014 witnessed the opening of the Sam Wanamaker Playhouse, based on seventeenthcentury designs. This volume considers the effects that more intimate staging, lighting and music had on performance and repertory. It will find a substantial readership among scholars of Shakespeare and Jacobean theatre history. • The first major attempt to identify features of early staging when companies moved from outdoor to indoor venues • Picks out many examples showing what and why certain features of the plays altered when written for indoor playing • Clarifies many features of the plays required by the conditions of the time they were written for November 2017 229 x 152 mm 306pp 16 b/w illus. 23 colour illus. 978-1-108-43875-9 Paperback £22.99 / US$29.99 C Also available 978-1-107-04063-2 Hardback £67.00 / US$103.00 C

Shakespearean Arrivals The Birth of Character Nicholas Luke | University of Queensland

This book provides a novel account of how Shakespeare creates his great tragic characters. It examines Shakespeare’s technique in orchestrating dramatic events alongside Christian notions of rebirth, Badiou’s philosophy of event, and process philosophy. It appeals to those interested in Shakespeare, aesthetics, and subjectivity. • Proposes a new model of Shakespeare’s tragic character • Engages critically and creatively with both contemporary and early modern notions of the self • Presents a close and original reading of Shakespeare’s major tragedies (Romeo and Juliet, Othello, Hamlet, Macbeth, King Lear) February 2018 228 x 152 mm 300pp 978-1-108-42215-4 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99

March 2018 228 x 152 mm 338pp 4 b/w illus. 978-1-108-42224-6 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99

A History of Early Modern Women’s Writing is an indispensable first-stop for students interested in British women’s writing from the Reformation to the Restoration. Four introductory chapters exploring central debates in the field are essential reading for graduate students and scholars, while eighteen historically-based chapters provide original scholarship on the most important writers, themes, and ideas in the field. • Includes chapters by leading scholars in the field, both veterans and newcomers, that cover a wide range of writers and subjects • Chapters are arranged across three historical periods (1526–1676) according to six themes • Includes four methodological or theoretical chapters by leading scholars in the field April 2018 229 x 152 mm 472pp 11 b/w illus. 1 table 978-1-107-13706-6 Hardback £105.00 / US$135.00


Agency and Religion in Early Modern Literature Timothy Rosendale | Southern Methodist University, Texas

Combines a study of early modern works, including those of Shakespeare, Milton, Marlowe, Donne, Kyd, with religion and philosophy to focus on the foundational and perennial problem of agency: what are the nature, limits, and implications of humans’ capacity to will and do things? • Provides a broad and accessible exploration of how the ideas of salvation in early modern England were expressed in the works of some of the period’s great writers, including Marlowe, Donne and Shakespeare • The first full length study of the implications of the agency of salvation on our understanding of early modern literature • Accessible to a wide readership, from the scholar to the interested general reader March 2018 228 x 152 mm 300pp 978-1-108-41884-3 Hardback c. £64.99 / c. US$99.99



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Literature – English

Shakespeare, Love and Language

Shakespeare Survey 70

David Schalkwyk | Queen Mary University of London


This book delivers a comprehensive investigation into the historical context of the concept of love that Shakespeare inherited. Professor Schalkwyk explores the ways in which Shakespeare’s treatment of love may be illuminated by the philosophy and theory of writers including Plato, Ludwig Wittgenstein and Jacques Derrida. • The first full-length study of love in the works of Shakespeare for thirty years • Combines philosophical, historical, theoretical and linguistic approaches to the treatment of love on the works of William Shakespeare • Provides close readings of Shakespeare’s work illuminated by the ideas of writers such as Plato, Wittgenstein and Derrida January 2018 228 x 152 mm 280pp 978-1-107-18723-8 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99

Adam Smyth | Balliol College, Oxford

What was a book in early modern England? Material Texts in Early Modern England focuses on neglected bibliographical cultures, including cutting, destruction, recycling, and errors. It explores how authors including Herbert, Milton, and Cavendish responded to this rich bibliographical context. • Connects the study of the early modern book to literary texts of the same period, appealing to both literary scholars and book historians • Re-examines the nature of the book in the early modern period, revising established narratives about the history of the book and of print culture • Brings together meticulous archival work and literary reading, allowing this book to be used for different purposes C

Apocalypse and AntiCatholicism in SeventeenthCentury English Drama Streete studies the political uses of apocalyptic and anti-Catholic rhetoric in a wide range of seventeenth-century English drama, focusing on the plays of Marston, Middleton, Massinger, and Dryden. Drawing on recent work in religious and political history, he rethinks how religion is debated in the early modern theatre. • Encourages a broader view of drama’s engagement with religious ideology • Examines the close connections between early modern literary, religious, and political history • Chapters focus on writers such as Marston, Middleton, Massinger, Shirley, Dryden and Lee

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Shakespeare Survey, 70

December 2017 246 x 189 mm 406pp 978-1-108-41744-0 Hardback £89.99 / US$115.00


Rhetoric, Medicine, and the Woman Writer, 1600–1700 Concerned with rhetoric’s role in shaping knowledge, culture, and society, this book shows how writers of both sexes engaged the discourse of learned medicine. Will appeal to students and researchers of early modern authors as well as those interested in the histories of gender, medicine, and rhetoric. • Confirms the role of a range of female authors in early modern medicine’s discursive self-fashioning • Considers a range of genres in examining how medical and popular works shaped even as they were inflected by the self-fashioning discourse of early modern medicine • Offers a model of how rhetorical analysis can deepen our understanding of ideologies and cultures February 2018 228 x 152 mm 208pp 978-1-108-42519-3 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99



New Essays on John Clare Poetry, Culture and Community Edited by Simon Kövesi | Oxford Brookes University

Adrian Streete | University of Glasgow

August 2017 228 x 152 mm 298pp 3 b/w illus. 978-1-108-41614-6 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99

The seventieth volume in the annual series of volumes devoted to Shakespeare study and production. The articles are drawn from the World Shakespeare Congress, held 400 years after Shakespeare’s death in July/August 2016 in Stratford-upon-Avon and London. The theme is ‘Creating Shakespeare’.

Lyn Bennett | Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia


Material Texts in Early Modern England

January 2018 228 x 152 mm 260pp 4 tables 978-1-108-42132-4 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99

Creating Shakespeare Volume 70 Edited by Peter Holland | University of Notre Dame, Indiana


John Clare (1793–1864), one of England’s most important early chroniclers of nature and environmental change, was keenly interested in natural history, folk culture, balladry and the literary tradition. This collection assesses Clare’s work from many different angles – analysing his engagements with religion, ecology, ‘green’ politics, class prejudice and working-class culture. • Ranges across thematic, theoretical and historical issues relating to John Clare, a poet only now being recognized for his commitment to community and the environment • Provides access to complex and diverse ideas and approaches, introduced by a revisionist account of the reception history of Clare since his first publication • Includes an environmental polemic from one of Scotland’s leading creative writers and poets – Professor John Burnside October 2017 229 x 152 mm 256pp 1 b/w illus. 978-1-108-43909-1 Paperback £19.99 / US$29.99 Also available 978-1-107-03111-1 Hardback £67.00 / US$103.00


05/12/2017 13:09

Literature – English

The Poetics of Decline in British Romanticism

Desperate Remedies Thomas Hardy Edited by Richard Nemesvari | Wilfrid Laurier University, Ontario

Jonathan Sachs | Concordia University, Montréal

This book provides a historically-nuanced account of anxieties about decline in Romantic-era Britain. Combining close readings of Romantic literary texts with study of works from political economy, historical writing, classical studies, and media history Jonathan Sachs offers, through the lens of decline, a new way of understanding British Romanticism. • Provides new perspectives on British Romanticism by exploring ideas of decline in literary and wider cultural contexts • Offers close readings of texts that focus on three aspects of literary experience: questions of value, the fascination with ruins and literature’s market culture • Draws on a wide range of literary texts alongside works of political economy, historical writing, classical studies, and media history

Desperate Remedies (1871) is the first volume in The Cambridge Edition of the Novels and Stories of Thomas Hardy. This critical edition of Hardy’s first published novel offers an authoritative text and wide ranging contextual material including a comprehensive introduction supplemented by textual and explanatory notes. • The first volume in The Cambridge Edition of the Novels and Stories of Thomas Hardy • Desperate Remedies (1871), Hardy’s first published novel, is a detective story with Gothic elements • Offers an authoritative text and textual apparatus, comprehensive introduction, and explanatory notes

Cambridge Studies in Romanticism, 118

Under the Greenwood Tree

December 2017 228 x 152 mm 244pp 6 b/w illus. 978-1-108-42031-0 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99


The Caribbean and the Medical Imagination, 1764–1834 Slavery, Disease and Colonial Modernity Emily Senior | Birkbeck College, University of London

During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the Caribbean was known as the ‘grave of Europeans’. Drawing on a wide range of fictional and non-fictional accounts this book explores the cultural impact of such widespread disease, revealing how literature was crucial to the development and circulation of new medical ideas. • Provides the first substantial study of colonial Caribbean literatures in the context of the high rates of disease and death in the region • Develops a connection between the field of medical humanities, the history of medicine and colonial Caribbean literatures • Draws on a wide range of resources from first-hand accounts of local physicians and travellers to drama, fiction and poetry Cambridge Studies in Romanticism, 119

April 2018 228 x 152 mm 296pp 6 b/w illus. 978-1-108-41681-8 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99


April 2018 228 x 152 mm 750pp 3 b/w illus. 978-1-107-03692-5 Hardback c. £85.00 / c. US$150.00



Thomas Hardy Edited by Simon Gatrell | University of Georgia

Under the Greenwood Tree (1872) is the latest book in the Cambridge Edition of the Novels and Stories of Thomas Hardy series. This critical edition of Hardy’s second published novel offers an authoritative text and includes wide-ranging contextual material, including a comprehensive introduction supplemented by textual and explanatory notes. • Delivers a comprehensive scholarly edition of Thomas Hardy’s second published novel as part of the Cambridge Edition of the Works and Stories of Thomas Hardy • Provides an authoritative text, including Hardy’s own revisions and for the first time excluding errors introduced by printers • Enables greater understanding of the life of the novel through extensive textual apparatus, introduction and critical notes The Cambridge Edition of the Novels and Stories of Thomas Hardy

April 2018 228 x 152 mm 320pp 3 b/w illus. 978-1-107-08902-0 Hardback c. £75.00 / c. US$120.00


The Nigger of the ‘Narcissus’ A Tale of the Sea Joseph Conrad Edited by Allan H. Simmons | St Mary’s University, Twickenham, London

An Underground History of Early Victorian Fiction Chartism, Radical Print Culture, and the Social Problem Novel Gregory Vargo | New York University

The radical press of the Victorian era fostered daring literary experiments that helped shape mainstream literature. This book adds significantly to the study of Victorian literary culture by exploring the interplay between canonical social problem novels and journalism and fiction appearing in the periodical press associated with working-class protest. • Sheds new light on the connections between mainstream Victorian writers and working-class literature and politics • Shows the influence on mainstream Victorian literature of the journalism and fiction which appeared in the working-class periodical press • Highlights how print culture and radical studies are engaged in broader literary and historical scholarly debates Cambridge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture, 110

December 2017 228 x 152 mm 280pp 978-1-107-19785-5 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99

The Cambridge Edition of the Novels and Stories of Thomas Hardy

The latest publication in the widely praised Cambridge Edition of the Works of Joseph Conrad (1857–1924) is the first, comprehensive critical edition of The Nigger of the ‘Narcissus’ (1897). This volume offers scholars an authoritative text based on Conrad’s original manuscript completed in 1897, supported by extensive introduction and notes. • Delivers the first comprehensive critical edition of Joseph Conrad’s early masterpiece, The Nigger of the ‘Narcissus’ (1897) • Provides a full and authoritative guide to the history and composition and reception of the publication • Includes explanatory notes, maps, illustrations and glossaries to encourage better understanding of the texts The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Joseph Conrad

November 2017 216 x 140 mm 386pp 7 b/w illus. 2 maps 978-1-107-14140-7 Hardback £79.99 / US$99.99 R


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Literature – English

Novel Theory and Technology in Modernist Britain

Ted Hughes in Context Edited by Terry Gifford | Bath Spa University

Heather Fielding | Purdue North Central

Novel Theory offers a new history of how modernists renovated the theory of the novel, and reveals that technology played a key role in their thinking. It will find interest amongst graduates and scholars working on modernism, the novel generally, and the relationship between literature and technology. • Reveals links between early twentieth-century theories of technology and of the novel • Excavates technology’s crucial role in modernist novel theory • Presents an unexpected side of feminist writer Rebecca West


March 2018 228 x 152 mm 280pp 978-1-108-42604-6 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99

Literature in Context


T. S. Eliot and the Dynamic Imagination Sarah Kennedy | University of Cambridge

How is a poem made? From what constellation of inner and outer worlds does it issue forth? T. S. Eliot and the Dynamic Imagination charts the relations between metaphor and creativity in Eliot’s poetry and criticism in dialogue with developments in ‘new physics’, optics, colour theory, cognitive psychology, and anthropology. • Contextualises Eliot’s work in relation to the intellectual currents of his time • Engages with recent developments in the theory of metaphor while modelling their application to a clear range of examples • Provides close-readings of Eliot’s poetry, plays and criticism that will appeal to students and general readers who are looking for guidance in their reading of a difficult and allusive poet March 2018 228 x 152 mm 280pp 978-1-108-42521-6 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99

Ted Hughes in Context brings together thirty-four contributors who inform new readings of Hughes’s work, and conceptualize it within long-standing critical traditions with a new awareness of his posthumous importance. It will appeal to readers, students, and scholars of Hughes’s work. • Explains the complex range of contexts in which Hughes wrote • Reveals opportunities for new readings, especially in neglected aspects of Hughes’s work • Brings together the leading experts in their fields to inform new readings of the works of Ted Hughes


Night and Day Virginia Woolf Edited by Michael H. Whitworth | Merton College, Oxford

The edition is intended for literary scholars and students with an interest in Virginia Woolf, modernist literature, women’s writing, and the history of the novel in the twentieth century. It is more thorough than any previous edition, as regards textual variants, explanatory notes, and the Introduction. • Explanatory notes provide thorough historical annotations, helping readers understand the historical and literary resonances of objects, phrases, and scenes as never before • The introduction gives a detailed account of the composition of the novel • The introduction also gives a detailed account of the critical reception of the novel from publication to Woolf’s death (1919–41), informing readers more than ever before about the range of critical opinion about the novel

April 2018 228 x 152 mm 410pp 978-1-108-42555-1 Hardback c. £82.99 / c. US$110.00


Law and Literature Edited by Kieran Dolin | University of Western Australia, Perth

Law and Literature presents an accessible new study of the many ways in which law and literature interact by providing a multi-focused history of literature’s critical interest in ideas of law and justice, ranging from classical tragedy to comics, and from East Africa to Elizabethan England. • Provides a multi-focused history of literature’s critical interest in ideas of law and justice • Explores how legal concepts and practices contribute to literary studies • Presents a history of law and literature, and its contemporary applications December 2017 229 x 152 mm 399pp 978-1-108-42281-9 Hardback c. £84.99 / c. US$110.00


Queer Friendship Male Intimacy in the English Literary Tradition Part 1 George E. Haggerty | University of California, Riverside

Queer Friendship shows how love between men has a rich and varied history in English literature. Only rarely specifically sexual, these samesex friendships are memorable because they give shape to the novels of which they are a part, and question the assumption that the love between friends is different from the love between lovers. • Explores the complexities of male-male relations beyond the simple labels of sexuality • Opens the English literary canon to a new understanding of the role of friendship in determining the meaning of male relations • Places friendship at the center of English literary tradition April 2018 229 x 152 mm 232pp 2 b/w illus. 978-1-108-41875-1 Hardback c. £64.99 / c. US$99.99


The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Virginia Woolf

December 2017 216 x 138 mm 792pp 1 b/w illus. 3 maps 978-0-521-87895-1 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00 R

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Literature – English / Literature – European and World

Time and Literature Edited by Thomas M. Allen | University of Ottawa

Time and Literature features twenty essays on topics from aesthetics and narratology to globalisation and queer temporalities, and showcases how time studies, often referred to as ‘the temporal turn’, cut across and illuminate research in every field of literature, as well as interdisciplinary approaches drawing upon history, philosophy, anthropology, and the natural sciences. • Provides readers with their own tools to employ in their own research • Enables scholars who are new to time studies to quickly learn a lot about this topic • Maps the direction for the study of time and literature for the coming decade Cambridge Critical Concepts

March 2018 229 x 152 mm 350pp 978-1-108-42275-8 Hardback c. £65.00 / c. US$110.00

Edited by J. Roger Kurtz | Drexel University, Philadelphia

This book offers an overview of the origins of literary trauma theory, records the evolution of the concept of trauma in relation to literature, addresses the relevance of literary understandings of trauma, and examines how the concept has impacted the study of literature. • Offers an overview of the main developments of trauma theory since its origins • Traces the growth of the most important literary-critical movement of recent times • Evaluates the prospects for the immediate future of trauma studies Cambridge Critical Concepts


Literature – European and World

This Companion provides a comprehensive, chronological survey of Latin American poetry from the Colonial period up until the present day, analysis of modern trends ranging from LGBT to Latino/a poetry, and six succinct essays on the major figures, ranging from Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz to Octavio Paz. • Proposes a comprehensive and up-to-date view of Latin American poetry, including evaluations of twenty-first-century Latin American poetry • Contains a special section on modern trends in Latin American poetry, such as LGBT, Latino/a and New Media poetry • This book has a broader coverage than other companions to Latin American poetry – several essays explore Brazilian as well as SpanishAmerican poetry March 2018 228 x 152 mm 332pp 7 b/w illus. 978-1-107-19769-5 Hardback £71.99 / US$92.99 978-1-316-64785-1 Paperback £24.99 / US$32.99



Reading Dante in Renaissance Italy Florence, Venice and the ‘Divine Poet’ Simon Gilson | University of Warwick

The first comprehensive account of the critical and editorial reception in Renaissance Italy of the work of Dante Alighieri (1265–1321), investigating a range of responses to his work. The book covers significant topics including arguments surrounding Dante’s authority as a ‘classic’ poet, and contemporary developments in philology, theology, science and printing. • Delivers the first comprehensive study of the reception of Dante’s work in Renaissance Italy, with particular attention drawn to Florence and Venice • Builds on Simon Gilson’s very successful publication Dante and Renaissance Florence (Cambridge, 2005) which covered the period 1350–1481 • Contests the received notion that Dante’s work was eclipsed in this period January 2018 228 x 152 mm 400pp 4 b/w illus. 978-1-107-19655-1 Hardback £90.00 / US$120.00


Vladimir Nabokov in Context

The Global South and Literature

Edited by David Bethea | University of Wisconsin, Madison

Edited by Russell West-Pavlov | Eberhard-KarlsUniversität Tübingen, Germany

The Global South and Literature explores the historical, cultural and literary applications of the term applied to twenty-first-century flows of transnational cultural influence, tracing their manifestations across the Global Southern traditions of Africa, Asia and Latin America. • Traces the history and genealogy of the term the ‘Global South’ • Provides a large number of case studies from the realm of literary and cultural studies • Maps out the current scope of the ‘Global South’, with reference to literature from those nations March 2018 229 x 152 mm 364pp 11 b/w illus. 1 table 978-1-108-41526-2 Hardback c. £65.00 / c. US$110.00

Edited by Stephen M. Hart | University College London

Cambridge Companions to Literature


Trauma and Literature

February 2018 229 x 152 mm 411pp 978-1-107-17664-5 Hardback c. £65.00 / c. US$110.00

The Cambridge Companion to Latin American Poetry

Indispensable for understanding the historical, cultural and intellectual contexts of Nabokov’s work for students of English, American and Russian literary and cultural studies. This book is also essential reading for established scholars wanting to keep up with the new approaches and methodologies in Nabokov studies which this collection showcases. • Takes an updated and contemporary approach to Nabokov and his work that combines literary and historical scholarship • Readers are able to easily familiarise themselves with the important contexts of Nabokov’s life through concise and lively essays • Takes full account of the Russian and American contexts of Nabokov’s life and work Literature in Context

February 2018 228 x 152 mm 280pp 978-1-107-10864-6 Hardback c. £65.00 / c. US$95.00



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Literature – European and World / Music

Franz Kafka in Context Edited by Carolin Duttlinger | University of Oxford

This innovative book places Kafka’s work in its many varied contexts. Accessible essays by leading Kafka scholars discuss his texts from new and often unexpected angles. They include his relation to Czech literature, modern culture, the role of Prague in the First World War, and friendship, illness and sexuality. • Includes a wide range of topics that place Kafka’s iconic works in historical, cultural, political and biographical contexts • Engaging articles, ideal for students, present new and often unexpected perspectives on Kafka’s writing that root them firmly in their time and culture • Contains thirty-five concise articles covering Kafka’s life, works and world Literature in Context


December 2017 228 x 152 mm 342pp 978-1-107-08549-7 Hardback £76.99 / US$99.99


Ireland, Reading and Cultural Nationalism, 1790–1930


A History of Irish Working-Class Writing Edited by Michael Pierse | Queen’s University Belfast

This book constitutes a wide-ranging and authoritative chronicle of the writing of Irish working-class experience. Ground-breaking in scholarship and comprehensive in scope, it represents a significant intervention in Irish studies and English literary studies generally, charting representations of Irish working-class life from eighteenth-century poetry to Celtic Tiger drama. • The first study to address the Irish working-class in poetry, drama, fiction, song, memoir and film as a corpus

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The Cambridge Companion to Irish Poets offers a fascinating introduction to Irish poetry from the seventeenth century to the present. Each chapter gives an overview of a poet’s work and guides the reader through the wider cultural, historical and comparative contexts. It will appeal to students, graduates and general readers of Irish poetry. • Takes a fresh look at twenty-nine Irish poets from the seventeenth to the twenty-first centuries, providing a historical view while focusing on individual lives and achievements • Essays are written by world authorities in their field in vivid and lively language, giving clear access to a comprehensive overview of Irish poets and their work in both Irish and English • Provides a concise and detailed understanding of the traditions of Irish poetry November 2017 229 x 152 mm 414pp 978-1-108-42035-8 Hardback £69.99 / US$89.99 978-1-108-41419-7 Paperback £26.99 / US$34.99

This book examines literacy and reading habits in nineteenth-century Ireland. Including a chapter on W. B. Yeats, this study traces the emergence of an Irish ‘common reader’ through historical and literary analysis to demonstrate how developing cultural nationalism in Ireland served as an engine for literary revival. • Provides the first extensive study of the cultural and political implications of increased literacy and developing reading habits in nineteenth-century Ireland • Delivers an in-depth analysis of how readers and reading were thought of in Ireland from 1790–1830 • Combines historical and literary analysis to explore the emergence of the Irish ‘common reader’ and cultural nationalism

November 2017 229 x 152 mm 482pp 978-1-107-14968-7 Hardback £105.00 / US$135.00

Edited by Gerald Dawe | Trinity College, Dublin

Cambridge Companions to Literature

Bringing the Nation to Book Andrew Murphy | University of St Andrews, Scotland

November 2017 228 x 152 mm 262pp 978-1-107-13356-3 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99

The Cambridge Companion to Irish Poets


Music Olivier Messiaen’s Catalogue d’oiseaux From Conception to Performance Roderick Chadwick | Royal Academy of Music, London

This book assembles a rounded picture of one of the longest and most important piano works of the twentieth century, including historical evaluation, analysis and performance studies. Accessibly written and containing unique insights into Messiaen’s methods, this book will appeal to a range of readers including students, musicologists and pianists. • This first comprehensive study of the origins of this major twentiethcentury work reveals important insights into Messiaen’s compositional methods • Includes an account by Peter Hill of his time working with Messiaen before making his acclaimed recording of Catalogue d’oiseaux • Offers an unparalleled exploration of the composer’s birdsong notebooks, enabling readers to join Messiaen on his creative journey and to appreciate how this work stimulated new directions in his own and other music Music in Context

December 2017 247 x 174 mm 254pp 13 b/w illus. 7 tables 104 music examples 978-1-107-00031-5 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99 C


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Music / Philosophy





Guillaume Du Fay

A Philosophical Biography Dale Jacquette

The Life and Works Alejandro Planchart | University of California, Santa Barbara

This authoritative and comprehensive exploration of Du Fay’s music and context will appeal to students, scholars, and others interested in medieval music. The volumes provide analysis of this important composer’s entire corpus, as well as examining the church and musical history of the fifteenth century. • Provides a detailed biography of one of the most important musicians of the fifteenth century, exploring how the increasing professionalization of music enabled Du Fay to construct his own identity as ‘a composer’ • Offers an in-depth examination of all of Du Fay’s music, including a number of recently discovered works, with numerous examples • Presents the most complete description yet of the workings of the Cathedral of Cambrai, one of the major musical institutions of the fifteenth century, which will benefit scholars of both music and liturgy February 2018 247 x 174 mm 950pp 15 b/w illus. 36 tables 69 music examples 978-1-107-16615-8 2 Volume Hardback Set c. £150.00 / c. US$250.00 R KEY REFERENCE

The Cambridge History of Medieval Music Edited by Mark Everist | University of Southampton

The only authoritative exploration of music in Western Europe during the medieval period for over a quarter-century, this volume is essential for students of the early history of music. Leading names investigate key figures and genres within their social, cultural and geographical contexts and trace the interactions between them. • The first comprehensive study of medieval music in Western Europe for over twenty-five years • Provides thorough coverage of liturgical and vernacular music from notation and instruments to chant, motet and the music of the troubadours • The definitive reference point for scholars of medieval music, featuring up-to-date research from world-leading authors

Dale Jacquette’s lively and incisive biography charts Frege’s life from its beginnings in small-town north Germany, through his student days in Jena, to his development as an enduringly influential thinker. His rich and informative biography will appeal to all who are interested in Frege’s philosophy. • Brings to life one of the most important and influential figures in analytic philosophy • A sweeping and comprehensive account of the development of Frege as a thinker • Includes incisive discussions of Frege’s major philosophical works February 2018 228 x 152 mm 702pp 28 b/w illus. 4 tables 978-0-521-86327-8 Hardback £35.00 / US$45.00 P


Model Theory and the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice Formalization without Foundationalism John T. Baldwin | University of Illinois, Chicago

Surveys the history of modern model theory, emphasizing the significance, both for philosophy and for mathematical practice, of its mid-twentieth century transformation. Rich in both context and technical detail, this book will appeal to those working on the history and philosophy of mathematics. • Explains the philosophical significance of the transformation in model theory and its impact on traditional mathematics • The technical logic is grounded in historical and philosophical contexts, making the subject accessible to philosophers as well as mathematicians • Includes source materials from model theorists discussing their methods and motivations January 2018 247 x 174 mm 384pp 8 b/w illus. 978-1-107-18921-8 Hardback £90.00 / US$120.00


The Cambridge History of Music

February 2018 228 x 152 mm 1226pp 54 b/w illus. 276 music examples 978-0-521-51348-7 2 Volume Hardback Set c. £160.00 / c. US$200.00 R

Institutional Corruption


Provides distinctive theoretical analyses of issues in corruption, collective responsibility and integrity systems, and applies these in various public- and private-sector settings. The result is a wide-ranging, theoretically sophisticated yet empirically informed work on institutional corruption and how to combat it. It will interest philosophical theorists as well as practitioners. • Provides a new theory of corruption and presents a distinctive philosophical account of collective moral responsibility • Explores practical, real-world approaches to combating corruption in a variety of settings in both the public and private sectors, from government and policing to business and finance • Uses numerous examples of famous cases of institutional corruption to illustrate its different manifestations

Abortion Rights For and Against Kate Greasley | University College London

Philosophical, reasoned, and conversational dialogue between two moral philosophers who argue strongly on either side of the abortion debate. This book presents critical discussion of contentious ethical issues including the right to life, women’s rights, and infanticide, and provides compelling arguments both for and against abortion rights. • Structured like a debate, with each philosopher presenting an opening argument before responding in turn to the other, engaging critically with each other’s reasoning • Presents strong cases both for and against abortion rights, discussing contentious but important issues including the right to life and women’s rights • Features sustained dialogue which acknowledges points of common ground, facilitating a fuller and more in-depth debate November 2017 228 x 152 mm 240pp 978-1-107-17093-3 Hardback £84.99 / US$110.00 978-1-316-62185-1 Paperback £23.99 / US$29.99

A Study in Applied Philosophy Seumas Miller | Charles Sturt University, New South Wales and Technische Universiteit Delft, The Netherlands

October 2017 228 x 152 mm 296pp 978-0-521-86946-1 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99



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Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: The Phenomenology of Spirit

Sympathy in Perception Mark Eli Kalderon | University College London

Edited and translated by Terry Pinkard | Georgetown University, Washington DC


This edition of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit (1807) offers a new translation, an introduction, and glossaries to aid readers’ understanding of this central text, and will be essential for scholars and students of Hegel. • A new English translation of Hegel’s most influential text, rendering its technical terminology accurately and consistently • Includes an introduction to provide context for the work and its translation and a two-way glossary to enable readers to compare German and English terms • This early nineteenth-century text proposed a radical picture of the relation of mind to world and of people to each other, and was key to the formation of later philosophies Cambridge Hegel Translations

February 2018 228 x 152 mm 612pp 978-0-521-85579-2 Hardback £89.99 / US$120.00


Wide-ranging investigation into the current state of the philosophy of perception, arguing for new approaches when thinking about touch, hearing and vision, and drawing on continental and analytic traditions. This book will be important for those working on ontological and metaphysical aspects of perception and feeling. • Presents a wide-ranging study of the nature of perception, discussing touch, hearing and vision • Provides a new account of perception based on touch, opening up new avenues for philosophical enquiry and challenging traditional, visionbased treatments • Draws on centuries of history of the philosophy of perception as well as bringing together analytic and continental approaches November 2017 228 x 152 mm 240pp 978-1-108-41960-4 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99


The Factive Turn in Epistemology Edited by Veli Mitova | University of Johannesburg

Spinoza: Ethics Demonstrated in Geometric Order Edited by Matthew J. Kisner | University of South Carolina

Spinoza’s Ethics is one of the most historically and philosophically significant texts of the early modern period. This new translation is based on a new critical edition, and the volume also offers an introduction, chronology and glossary to make this notoriously difficult text accessible to students. • A new translation of this classic text, avoiding the problems and criticisms of existing translations and providing a fresh perspective for scholars and students • Contains supplementary materials including a detailed glossary, introduction and chronology, making the text more accessible • Complements the new critical edition of Spinoza’s Ethics, allowing for an enhanced understanding of this important philosophical work Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy

February 2018 228 x 152 mm 309pp 978-1-107-06971-8 Hardback £69.99 / US$89.99 978-1-107-65563-8 Paperback £22.99 / US$29.99



Schopenhauer: The World as Will and Representation Volume 2 Edited and translated by Judith Norman | Trinity University, Texas

The World as Will and Representation contains Schopenhauer’s entire philosophy. Volume 2 clarifies his metaphysics of the will and contains important reflections on topics including sex, desire, death, and salvation. This new translation reflects the eloquence and power of Schopenhauer’s prose, and renders philosophical terms accurately and consistently. • An up-to-date, scholarly and readable translation of the second volume of Schopenhauer’s major work • This volume marks the completion of the series of six translations of Schopenhauer’s works • Contains indispensable supplements to the first volume, covering the philosopher’s thought on psychology, desire, sex, death, and salvation

This volume marks a sea change in epistemology – the move away from thinking of reasons for belief as psychological to thinking of them as facts. It will advance current debates around this ‘factive turn’, exploring core epistemological themes such as perception, evidence, justification, knowledge, scepticism, rationality, and action. • Engages with major recent developments in epistemology: the move away from thinking of reasons for belief as psychological states to thinking of them as facts • Explores six core epistemic themes: perception, evidence, justification, knowledge, rationality, and action • Presents clearly written essays from leading scholars in the field on a comprehensive range of topics February 2018 228 x 152 mm 288pp 2 tables 978-1-107-17565-5 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99


Aquinas’s Summa Theologiae A Critical Guide Edited by Jeffrey Hause | Creighton University, Omaha

This book provides cutting-edge investigations of metaphysics, ethics, law, and theology in the Summa Theologiae, Thomas Aquinas’ most important work. These in-depth critical essays will appeal to those interested in the history of philosophy and theology, medieval studies, and issues around the nature of the human and the divine. • Presents critical analysis of Aquinas’ most important work, exploring the particular purpose and teaching of the Summa Theologiae • Leading experts provide cutting-edge studies on Aquinas from a variety of philosophical and theological perspectives • Addresses issues of ethics, theology, metaphysics, and law Cambridge Critical Guides

April 2018 228 x 152 mm 280pp 3 b/w illus. 978-1-107-10926-1 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99


The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Schopenhauer

January 2018 228 x 152 mm 742pp 978-0-521-87034-4 Hardback £100.00 / US$130.00

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Early Modern Women on Metaphysics Edited by Emily Thomas | University of Durham

Investigates early modern women philosophers’ views on metaphysics, including matter, time and mind. It uncovers neglected perspectives and demonstrates their historical importance. Cutting-edge and fully contextualised, this volume will be essential for scholars and students of early modern philosophy, religion and science, as well as of the history of feminism. • Brings to light new avenues of metaphysical enquiry based on the writing of previously neglected female philosophers • Features detailed philosophical analysis as well as valuable historical and intellectual contexts • Discusses many topics including free will, reality, gravity, time, matter, mind and body March 2018 228 x 152 mm 288pp 978-1-107-17868-7 Hardback c. £75.00 / c. US$99.99


Kant and his German Contemporaries Volume 1: Logic, Mind, Epistemology, Science and Ethics Volume 1 Edited by Corey W. Dyck | University of Western Ontario

This is the first collective study in English devoted to examining how Immanuel Kant’s work engages with the philosophy of his lesser-known German contemporaries, particularly with respect to key aspects of his thinking in logic, metaphysics, epistemology, theory of science, and ethics. This volume will be important for advanced students and scholars. • Explores key elements of Kant’s theoretical and practical philosophy in the light of his most immediate historical context • Demonstrates the depth of Kant’s engagement with other, less wellknown, philosophical figures of eighteenth-century Germany • Presents fresh and detailed insights into the work of Kant and others on logic, metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and theory of science December 2017 228 x 152 mm 329pp 14 b/w illus. 978-1-107-14089-9 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99


Kant on Reality, Cause, and Force


The Pragmatic Enlightenment Recovering the Liberalism of Hume, Smith, Montesquieu, and Voltaire Dennis C. Rasmussen | Tufts University, Massachusetts

This is a study of the political theory of the Enlightenment, focusing on four leading eighteenth-century thinkers: David Hume, Adam Smith, Montesquieu and Voltaire. Dennis C. Rasmussen argues that these thinkers exemplify a particularly attractive type of liberalism, one that is more realistic, moderate, flexible, and contextually sensitive than most other branches of this tradition. • Defends the Enlightenment against its many critics across the political spectrum • Groups together key thinkers of the Scottish and French Enlightenments • Devotes attention to Voltaire, who has garnered strikingly little attention from political theorists and philosophers in recent decades November 2017 229 x 152 mm 359pp 978-1-107-62299-9 Paperback £19.99 / US$32.99 Also available 978-1-107-04500-2 Hardback £77.00 / US$124.00


Edited by Kelly Sorensen | Ursinus College, Pennsylvania

Kant argued for three mental faculties: cognition, feeling, and desire. Feeling has been somewhat overlooked by scholars, and this volume is the first to provide multiple perspectives on this key topic in relation to ethics, aesthetics, and emotions. It will interest historians of philosophy as well as theorists of emotion. • The first essay collection devoted to Kant’s philosophy of the mental faculty of feeling, a topic highly relevant to ethics, aesthetics, and the emotions • Brings together leading scholars to address key questions and engage with each other’s work • Contextualises the faculty of feeling within Kant’s Anthropology from a Pragmatic Viewpoint and within his wider thought February 2018 228 x 152 mm 280pp 978-1-107-17822-9 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99

A study of Kant’s category of reality, showing how it came to shape his mature concepts of cause and force. The book covers the development of the category from its roots in early modern philosophy and through Kant’s own early thought, and clarifies its importance to his philosophy of science. • Presents an original perspective on Kant’s category of reality and its relationship with the concepts of cause and force, exploring a commonly neglected topic • Discusses the link between Kant’s major work, the Critique of Pure Reason, and his philosophy of science, described in the Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science • Includes extended discussion of early modern thought, tracing the roots and development of Kant’s concept of reality

Kant on Persons and Agency



Kant and the Faculty of Feeling

From the Early Modern Tradition to the Critical Philosophy Tal Glezer | Max Planck Institute for the History of Science

December 2017 228 x 152 mm 244pp 978-1-108-42069-3 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99



Edited by Eric Watkins | University of California, San Diego

This volume investigates Kant’s conception of what a human being is and how a human being can act autonomously. Scholars explore fundamental topics such as freedom, autonomy, and personhood from both practical and theoretical perspectives, and consider their importance within Kant’s wider system of philosophy. • Explores Kant’s views on autonomy, freedom, and personhood both as questions in their own right and in the context of his wider system of thought • Essays written by twelve leading international Kant scholars present fresh and up-to-date insights into his philosophy • Addresses the lasting influence of Kantian thinking in this area and the continuing importance of the issue of agency for our lives today December 2017 228 x 152 mm 280pp 978-1-107-18245-5 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99


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Nietzsche’s Metaphysics of the Will to Power

The Aporetic Tradition in Ancient Philosophy

The Possibility of Value Tsarina Doyle | National University of Ireland, Galway

Edited by George Karamanolis | Universität Wien, Austria

This book argues that Nietzsche’s will to power provides an account of how values fit into the natural world, challenging Hume indirectly through critical engagement with Kant’s idealism. It will be important for scholars of Nietzsche’s metaphysics and of the history of philosophy and science more generally. • Presents a fresh perspective on a controversial aspect of Nietzsche’s philosophy, showing how it contributes to debates about naturalism and normativity • Demonstrates how the will to power thesis provides Nietzsche with the necessary conceptual and metaphysical resources to address the problem of nihilism • Engages with the influence of Kant and Hume on Nietzsche’s account of nature and value

This is the first comprehensive study of the method, source, and aims of aporia in ancient philosophy, examining how diverse philosophers (including Plato, Aristotle, Plutarch, the Sceptics, and Plotinus) used the state of puzzlement, rooted in conflicts of reasons, as a central tool in philosophical enquiry. • Provides the first systematic exploration of the state of aporia, or puzzlement, in ancient philosophical enquiry, examining its source, function, and aims • Compares approaches to aporia taken by a wide range of philosophers and schools, including the Presocratics, Plato, Aristotle, Plutarch, the Sceptics, Plotinus and Damascius • Discusses key issues of method and methodology as well as dialectic and knowledge, presenting readers with multiple detailed perspectives

February 2018 228 x 152 mm 254pp 978-1-108-41728-0 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99

December 2017 228 x 152 mm 320pp 1 b/w illus. 978-1-107-11015-1 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99


Peirce on Realism and Idealism

Evil in Aristotle Edited by Pavlos Kontos | University of Patras, Greece

Robert Lane | University of West Georgia

This book presents an original interpretation of the American philosopher Charles Peirce’s views on reality, truth, and the relationship between the mind and the external world. It explores topics including pragmatism, scholastic realism, and generality, and will be important for students and scholars of American philosophy and metaphysics. • Shows how Peirce’s views on reality and truth intersect, providing a new interpretation of his pragmatic theory and arguing that his realism and idealism are compatible • Explores topics including scholastic realism, generality, vagueness, investigation, and the relationship between the mind and the external world • Draws upon unpublished manuscripts to illuminate Peirce’s metaphysics, allowing a wider understanding of his philosophy January 2018 228 x 152 mm 240pp 978-1-108-41522-4 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99



The Cambridge Companion to Wittgenstein Second edition Edited by Hans Sluga | University of California, Berkeley

Charts the development of Wittgenstein’s work on a wide range of topics, particularly language, logic, and mathematics. This second edition includes a new introduction and five new chapters – on Tractarian ethics, Wittgenstein’s development, aspects, the mind, and time and history – as well as an updated and comprehensive bibliography. • An updated edition of this accessible and wide-ranging volume, charting the work of one of the most important philosophers of modern times • Includes five entirely new chapters on the mind, time and history, Tractarian ethics, aspects, and Wittgenstein’s development • Contains a new introduction which sets Wittgenstein and his thinking in its twentieth-century context, and a fully updated bibliography to reflect advances in recent scholarship

These essays provide the first full study of Aristotle’s notion of evil, and shed light on its content, potential, and influence. They show that his theory is both attractive and elaborate, tracing its development in ancient and modern philosophy and reconstructing Aristotle’s account of ‘radical evil’. • Provides the first systematic account of Aristotle’s notion of evil, showing that it is both elaborate and attractive • Considers the question of ‘radical evil’ in Aristotle, a highly disputed topic in ancient and modern philosophy • Traces the influence of Aristotelian thought on evil in later philosophers’ work, making this book important for those interested in moral philosophy as well as in the history of philosophy February 2018 228 x 152 mm 300pp 978-1-107-16197-9 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99


A History of Mind and Body in Late Antiquity Edited by Anna Marmodoro | University of Oxford

The first integrated history of this important topic, this book explores ideas about mind and body during this period, considering both pagan and Christian thought about issues such as resurrection, incarnation and asceticism. Figures such as Numenius, Pseudo-Dionysius, Damascius and Augustine are discussed from historical, theological and philosophical perspectives. • The first volume to explore pagan and Christian ideas about mind and body during a time of great intellectual innovation • Its interdisciplinary approach will appeal to readers from fields in philosophy, theology and classics, with all translations included • Provides an overview of the period as well as chapters dealing with individual themes and figures, allowing detailed understanding of topics in their wider context March 2018 228 x 152 mm 432pp 978-1-107-18121-2 Hardback £74.99 / US$96.99


Cambridge Companions to Philosophy

January 2018 228 x 152 mm 564pp 978-1-107-12025-9 Hardback £79.99 / US$99.99 978-1-107-54594-6 Paperback £27.99 / US$34.99

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Philosophy / Religion

Philosophy of Action

Translating Christianity

Edited by Anthony O’Hear | Royal Institute of Philosophy, London

Edited by Simon Ditchfield | University of York

This volume contains notable essays on philosophy of action based on the Royal Institute of Philosophy lecture series. A wide range of topics relating to action are covered, including the nature of action and issues related to virtue, ethics, freedom and responsibility. • Presents work from an internationally distinguished team of lecturers • A wide range of topics related to action are discussed • Brings together ancient conceptions of action and contemporary philosophical thought

‘Translating Christianity’ is the theme of Studies in Church History 53. More people pray and worship in more languages in Christianity than in any other religion. This volume brings together scholars to explore the challenges of translating Christianity in linguistic, physical, ecclesiastical and metaphorical terms. • Explores the challenges of translating Christianity – more people pray and worship in more languages in Christianity than in any other religion • Examines the act of translation in multiple senses, from the linguistic to the metaphorical • Covers a range of periods and places including Anglo-Saxon England, twentieth-century Australia and eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Burma

Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements, 80

August 2017 228 x 152 mm 300pp 978-1-108-41489-0 Paperback £23.99 / US$32.99




Studies in Church History

June 2017 228 x 138 mm 494pp 978-1-108-41924-6 Hardback £65.00 / US$105.00


The Cambridge Companion to Quakerism

Time in the Babylonian Talmud

Edited by Stephen W. Angell | Earlham School of Religion

An up-to-date, innovative, highly accessible introduction to Quaker studies, the first that is explicitly global in its authorship and giving full coverage of the different branches of Quakerism. Includes major sections on the history of Quaker faith and practice, expressions of Quaker faith, regional studies, and emerging spiritualities. • Gives a full representation of the true history and the complete global picture of Quakerism so the eighty percent of Quakers living outside North America and Europe can be understood in depth • New trends in Quakerism are identified and explained for the first time in an introductory text • Gives succinct treatments by leading authorities of the key aspects of Quaker history and practice, based on the most up-to-date research Cambridge Companions to Religion

February 2018 228 x 152 mm 404pp 2 b/w illus. 1 table 978-1-107-13660-1 Hardback c. £90.00 / c. US$110.00 978-1-316-50194-8 Paperback c. £27.99 / c. US$34.99


An Incarnational Model of the Eucharist James M. Arcadi | Fuller Theological Seminary, California

Scholars and students in theology, religion, liturgy, and philosophy of religion will value this cutting-edge examination of Christ’s presence in the Eucharist that draws on contemporary conceptual resources from speech-act theory, metaphysics, and philosophy of mind. Corollary discussions of the Incarnation, divine omnipresence, and the nature of consecration are also included. • Updates a neglected motif in Eucharistic theology, appealing to Christians interested in the central act of Christian worship • Utilizes contemporary analytic philosophical concepts, appealing to philosophically-inclined theologians, scholars of religion, and philosophers of religion • Offers constructive models for divine omnipresence, the nature of consecration, and the Incarnation, making it a useful resource for scholars working on a variety of corollary topics Current Issues in Theology, 10

March 2018 228 x 152 mm 300pp 978-1-108-42589-6 Hardback c. £64.99 / c. US$99.99



Natural and Imagined Times in Jewish Law and Narrative Lynn Kaye | Ohio State University

This book describes how rabbis of late antiquity thought about time through their legal reasoning and storytelling, and what these insights mean for thinking about time today. It makes accessible complex legal texts and philosophical ideas and explains their relevance for the history and philosophy of time, theology, comparative religion, intellectual history of late antiquity and legal studies. • Introduces a new method for studying concepts in Talmudic texts, helping others conduct conceptual research in rabbinic and other late antique legal literatures • Connects literature of late antique Judaism with broader theoretical, theological and philosophical debates about time, appealing to readers who are interested in time but are not rabbinic literature specialists • Clarifies complex Hebrew and Aramaic source material, making texts that are understood by relatively few experts more accessible February 2018 228 x 152 mm 202pp 3 b/w illus. 978-1-108-42323-6 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99



The Cambridge History of Judaism Volume 6: The Middle Ages: The Christian World Edited by Robert Chazan | New York University

Volume six examines the history of Judaism during the second half of the Middle Ages. From the smallest and weakest of the world’s Jewish centers in the year 1000, the Jewish communities of western Christendom emerged – despite considerable obstacles – as the world’s dominant Jewish center by the end of the Middle Ages. • Features essays written by acknowledged experts in the various sub-fields of medieval European Jewish, assuring knowledgeable and dependable syntheses of current scholarship • The volume is usefully organized into three segments: 1) the Jewries of various geographic areas; 2) aspects of Jewish social and communal history; 3) aspects of Jewish intellectual and spiritual history • Offers a diversity of authorial perspectives, with chapters written by authors from major centers of Jewish scholarship like North American and Israel and by scholars from smaller European centers as well The Cambridge History of Judaism

April 2018 228 x 152 mm 950pp 2 maps 1 table 978-0-521-51724-9 Hardback c. £110.00 / c. US$180.00


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Biotechnology, Human Nature, and Christian Ethics Gerald McKenny | University of Notre Dame, Indiana


Participants in biotechnology debates often argue that human nature has normative status, so that ethical evaluations of biotechnologies that affect human nature must consider their implications for human nature. Focusing on Christian ethics in conversation with secular ethics, this book is the first thorough analysis of this controversial issue. • Mathematical treatments are avoided, making this accessible to a wider range of readers • Proposes a new view of social science and is descriptive, critical, and constructive, allowing readers to find formulations of the major positions, critical analyses of them, and an exposition of an entirely new position • Focuses on Christian ethics in conversation with Jewish and secular ethics, appealing to various disciplines New Studies in Christian Ethics

January 2018 228 x 152 mm 240pp 978-1-108-42280-2 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99


Kierkegaard and Religion Personality, Character, and Virtue Sylvia Walsh | Emory University, Atlanta

Intended for general readers as well as Kierkegaard specialists, this work focuses on the concepts of personality, character, and virtue in Kierkegaard’s thought, examining them from the standpoint of what it means to exist religiously as a whole, authentic self or human being in relation to God and other persons. • Explores and clarifies the concepts of personality, character, and virtue in Kierkegaard’s thought, for readers • Elucidates the dialectic of jest and earnestness, human agency and divine agency, human striving and grace in Kierkegaard’s thought • Relates Kierkegaard’s concepts of personality, character, and virtue to alternative approaches in contemporary philosophy, theology, and empirical psychology Cambridge Studies in Religion, Philosophy, and Society

February 2018 228 x 152 mm 265pp 978-1-107-18058-1 Hardback £71.99 / US$92.99 978-1-316-63228-4 Paperback £21.99 / US$28.99

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0-9 1848 Revolutions and European Political Thought, The.............................................21

A Abortion Rights............................................33 Adib-Moghaddam, Arshin.............................19 Afterlives of Augustus, AD 14–2014...............7 Agency and Religion in Early Modern Literature..................................................27 Al-Atawneh, Muhammad.............................18 Ali, Nohad....................................................18 Allen, Thomas M...........................................31 Ambivalences of Rationality, The.....................6 American Fair Trade......................................10 American Literature in Transition, 1950–1960...............................................23 American Literature in Transition, 1970–1980...............................................23 American Literature in Transition, 2000–2010...............................................23 American Nationalisms...................................9 Ameringer, Carl F..........................................10 Ancient Greece and China Compared..............9 Anderson, Greg............................................19 Andrade, Nathanael J.....................................6 Angell, Stephen W........................................37 Anglo-Saxon England...................................11 Anguissola, Anna...........................................2 Anti-Jewish Violence in Poland, 1914–1920...............................................14 Apocalypse and Anti-Catholicism in Seventeenth-Century English Drama..........28 Aporetic Tradition in Ancient Philosophy, The............................................................36 Aquinas’s Summa Theologiae.......................34 Arabic Thought against the Authoritarian Age...........................................................19 Arcadi, James M...........................................37 Archaeology of Imperial Landscapes, The........1 Archaeology of the Caucasus, The...................1 Aristotle’s Generation of Animals....................6 Aristotle’s Physics Book I................................6 Armitage, David...........................................21 Art and Immortality in the Ancient Near East.............................................................2 Art Patronage, Family, and Gender in Renaissance Florence...................................2 Ash, Rhiannon................................................5 Ataç, Mehmet-Ali...........................................2 Atkins, Jed W..................................................8 Augustine and the Dialogue...........................5 Aulus Gellius and Roman Reading Culture......3

B Babies Made Us Modern..............................10 Baldwin, John T............................................33 Banner, Nicholas............................................5 Barber, Karin................................................18 Bartlett, Thomas...........................................13 Bashford, Alison...........................................21 Battezzato, Luigi.............................................5 Bauer, Andrew M............................................1 Baur, Michael...............................................34 Bayard de Volo, Lorraine...............................17 Believing in Shakespeare..............................27 Belletto, Steven............................................23 Benaissa, Amin...............................................4 Bender Jørgensen, Lise...................................1

Bennett, Lyn.................................................28 Betancourt, Roland.......................................14 Bethea, David...............................................31 Beyond the Racial State................................16 Bhan, Mona...................................................1 Bible on the Shakespearean Stage, The.........26 Biedermann, Zoltán......................................19 Biotechnology, Human Nature, and Christian Ethics.........................................38 Blackett, Richard J. M...................................11 Bradford, Phil...............................................12 Brands, Geographic Origin, and the Global Economy...................................................20 Breed, Brian W...............................................3 Brooke, John L..............................................19

C Calvo, Clara..................................................26 Cambridge Companion to Irish Poets, The.....32 Cambridge Companion to Latin American Poetry, The.................................................31 Cambridge Companion to Literature and Science, The...............................................24 Cambridge Companion to Postcolonial Travel Writing, The.....................................24 Cambridge Companion to Quakerism, The.....37 Cambridge Companion to the Literature of the American Renaissance, The..............23 Cambridge Companion to Wittgenstein, The............................................................36 Cambridge Dictionary of Modern World History, The...............................................20 Cambridge Edition of the Works of Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea, The.............26 Cambridge Grammar of Classical Greek, The..............................................................9 Cambridge History of Communism, The...16, 17 Cambridge History of Ireland, The...........12, 13 Cambridge History of Judaism, The...............37 Cambridge History of Latina/o American Literature, The............................................22 Cambridge History of Medieval Music, The....33 Cambridge Pocket Diary 2017–2018, The.......1 Captive’s Quest for Freedom, The..................11 Caria and Crete in Antiquity............................8 Caribbean and the Medical Imagination, 1764–1834, The........................................29 Carthage in Virgil’s Aeneid..............................4 Cartwright, Sophie.......................................36 Celebrating Shakespeare..............................26 Chadwick, Roderick......................................32 Chaucer and the Subversion of Form.............25 Chazan, Robert............................................37 Cheney, Patrick.............................................24 Christian Democratic Workers and the Forging of German Democracy, 1920–1980 ..............................................15 Civil War and Agrarian Unrest.......................11 Clarke, Robert..............................................24 Claudian the Poet...........................................3 Climate without Nature..................................1 Colonial Captivity during the First World War...........................................................16 Colonization and Subalternity in Classical Greece........................................................1 Comrades against Imperialism......................21 Conjugal Misconduct....................................10 Conquest and Christianization......................14 Conrad, Joseph............................................29 Cook, Chris..................................................20

Cook, Kealani.................................................9 Coombe, Clare...............................................3 Courtney, Chris.............................................18 Cousins, A. D................................................25 Creativity in the Bronze Age...........................1 Curnutt, Kirk................................................23

D Dal Lago, Enrico...........................................11 Dandelion, Pink............................................37 Dawe, Gerald...............................................32 de Bakker, Mathieu........................................9 Degroot, Dagomar........................................21 DePrano, Maria..............................................2 Derrin, Daniel...............................................25 Desautels-Stein, Justin..................................22 Desperate Remedies.....................................29 Destroy and Build.........................................20 Di Cosmo, Nicola............................................7 Dickey, Eleanor...............................................8 Dionysius: The Epic Fragments........................4 Disabilities and the Disabled in the Roman World..............................................7 Ditchfield, Simon..........................................37 Dolin, Kieran................................................30 Donert, Celia................................................15 Dong, Qiaosheng...........................................9 Downham, Clare..........................................11 Doyle, Tsarina...............................................36 Dumitrescu, Irina..........................................25 Düring, Bleda S...............................................1 Duttlinger, Carolin........................................32 Dyck, Corey W..............................................35


E Early Common Petitions in the English Parliament, c.1290–c.1420........................12 Early Modern Women on Metaphysics..........35 Economic Consequences of the War, The.......20 Economy of Ethnic Cleansing, The.................14 Embodied Soul in Plato’s Later Thought, The..............................................................6 Empire of Sentiment.....................................12 Empires and Exchanges in Eurasian Late Antiquity.....................................................7 English Authorship and the Early Modern Sublime.....................................................24 Euripides: Hecuba...........................................5 European Book in the Twelfth Century, The...24 Everist, Mark................................................33 Evil in Aristotle.............................................36 Experience of Education in Anglo-Saxon Literature, The............................................25

F Factive Turn in Epistemology, The..................34 Falcon, Andrea...............................................6 Female Friends and the Making of Transatlantic Quakerism, 1650–1750.........12 Fielding, Heather..........................................30 Finch, Anne..................................................26 Finglass, P. J....................................................4 Fox, Aimée...................................................20 Frank, Siggy.................................................31 Franz Kafka in Context.................................32 Freed Slaves and Roman Imperial Culture.......7 Frege...........................................................33 Frigid Golden Age, The..................................21 From Humanism to Hobbes...........................21

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Frontiers of Citizenship.................................17 Fulton, Thomas.............................................26 Fürst, Juliane................................................17



Gale, Monica R...............................................3 Gamboa, Brett.............................................27 Gatrell, Simon..............................................29 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: The Phenomenology of Spirit............................34 Gerlach, David W..........................................14 Gerritsen, Anne............................................19 Gertsman, Elina............................................13 Gifford, Terry................................................30 Gilson, Simon...............................................31 Giusti, Elena...................................................4 Glezer, Tal....................................................35 Global Gifts..................................................19 Global South and Literature, The...................31 Gods and Humans in Medieval Scandinavia...............................................25 Golden, Janet...............................................10 Goodman, Penelope J.....................................7 Greasley, Kate..............................................33 Great Uprising, The.......................................11 Greenwald Smith, Rachel..............................23 Greer, Allan....................................................9 Guide to Byzantine Historical Writing............14 Guillaume Du Fay.........................................33 Gurr, Andrew................................................27

H Hagen, William W.........................................14 Haggerty, George E.......................................30 Hanssen, Jens...............................................19 Hardy, Thomas..............................................29 Harriman, Benjamin........................................6 Hart, Stephen M...........................................31 Hause, Jeffrey...............................................34 Heng, Geraldine...........................................21 Herman Melville and the Politics of the Inhuman...................................................22 Herodotus: Histories Book VI..........................5 Higgins, David M..........................................20 Hill, Peter.....................................................32 History of African Popular Culture, A.............18 History of American Crime Fiction, A.............22 History of Early Modern Women’s Writing, A...............................................................27 History of Irish Working-Class Writing, A.......32 History of Mind and Body in Late Antiquity, A...............................................36 Holland, Peter..............................................28 Hornblower, Simon.........................................5 Howley, Joseph A............................................3 Huitink, Luuk..................................................9

I Iheka, Cajetan..............................................18 Incarnational Model of the Eucharist, An.......37 Independent Study Guide to Reading Latin, An......................................................8 Institutional Corruption................................33 Invention of Race in the European Middle Ages, The..................................................21 Ireland, Reading and Cultural Nationalism, 1790–1930...............................................32 Islam in Israel...............................................18 Italy’s Jews from Emancipation to Fascism.....15

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J Jacquette, Dale.............................................33 James, Karl...................................................19 Janaway, Christopher....................................34 Japanese-American Relocation in World War II........................................................10 Joining Hitler’s Crusade................................20 Jones, Peter....................................................8 Jonik, Michael..............................................22 Jorgenson, Chad............................................6 Journey of Christianity to India in Late Antiquity, The..............................................6 Jurisprudence of Style, The............................22

K Kaczor, Christopher......................................33 Kahn, Coppélia.............................................26 Kairoff, Claudia Thomas................................26 Kalderon, Mark Eli........................................34 Kant and his German Contemporaries...........35 Kant and the Faculty of Feeling.....................35 Kant on Persons and Agency.........................35 Kant on Reality, Cause, and Force.................35 Karamanolis, George....................................36 Karekwaivanane, George Hamandishe..........18 Karim-Cooper, Farah.....................................27 Kaye, Lynn....................................................37 Keitel, Elizabeth..............................................3 Keith, Jennifer..............................................26 Kellner, Friedrich...........................................15 Kellner, Robert Scott.....................................15 Kelly, James..................................................13 Kelly, Thomas Forrest....................................33 Kennedy, Sarah.............................................30 Kenyon, Erik...................................................5 Keynes, Simon..............................................11 Kierkegaard and Religion..............................38 Killick, Helen................................................12 Kisner, Matthew J.........................................34 Klein, Shira...................................................15 Kokoda........................................................19 König, Alice....................................................3 Kontos, Pavlos..............................................36 Koposov, Nikolay..........................................16 Kövesi, Simon...............................................28 Kuby, William...............................................10 Kurtz, J. Roger..............................................31 Kwakkel, Erik...............................................24

L Laes, Christian................................................7 Lane, Robert.................................................36 Law and Literature.......................................30 LBJ’s 1968...................................................10 Learn Latin from the Romans..........................8 Learning to Fight..........................................20 Lefebvre, David..............................................6 Levin, Joanna...............................................24 Levy, Peter B.................................................11 Lewis, Joanna...............................................12 Li, Min...........................................................2 Lighthouse and the Observatory, The.............19 Lloyd, G. E. R..............................................6, 9 Loberg, Molly...............................................15 Lockwood, Tom............................................25 Lomas, Laura................................................22 Longley, Kyle................................................10 Lotchin, Roger W..........................................10 Louro, Michele L...........................................21

Love, Rosalind..............................................11 Lucilius and Satire in Second-Century BC Rome..........................................................3 Luckyj, Christina...........................................25 Luke, Nicholas..............................................27

M Maas, Michael................................................7 MacLean, Rose...............................................7 Mahood, M.M..............................................25 Marmodoro, Anna........................................36 Marzano, Annalisa..........................................3 Material Texts in Early Modern England........28 McDonnell, Lawrence T...................................9 McEachern, Claire........................................27 McEathron, Scott..........................................28 McKenny, Gerald..........................................38 Medieval Ireland..........................................11 Melissus and Eleatic Monism..........................6 Memory Laws, Memory Wars........................16 Merchant of Venice, The................................25 Methuen, Charlotte......................................37 Métraux, Guy P. R...........................................3 Mexican Revolution’s Wake, The...................17 Meyer, Steven...............................................24 Middle Ages in 50 Objects, The.....................13 Middle English Mouths.................................25 Miki, Yuko....................................................17 Miller, Seumas..............................................33 Mitova, Veli..................................................34 Model Theory and the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice...............................33 Models from the Past in Roman Culture..........7 Moggach, Douglas.......................................21 Morán González, John..................................22 Mortal Voice in the Tragedies of Aeschylus, The..............................................................4 Moving Shakespeare Indoors........................27 Murphy, Andrew...........................................32 Murphy, Mahon............................................16 Mussolini’s Nation-Empire............................15 My Opposition.............................................15

N Naimark, Norman.........................................17 Naturalizing Africa........................................18 Nature of Disaster in China, The....................18 Nemesvari, Richard.......................................29 Neville, Leonora...........................................14 New Essays on John Clare............................28 New Plantation World, A..............................11 Nietzsche’s Metaphysics of the Will to Power.......................................................36 Nigger of the ‘Narcissus’, The.......................29 Night and Day..............................................30 Nooter, Sarah.................................................4 Norman, Judith............................................34 Novel Theory and Technology in Modernist Britain.......................................................30

O O’Hear, Anthony...........................................37 Oceanic Histories..........................................21 Ohlmeyer, Jane.............................................13 Olivier Messiaen’s Catalogue d’oiseaux.........32 Orchard, Andy..............................................11 Ormrod, W. Mark..........................................12 Osgood, Josiah...............................................7 Osten, Sarah................................................17

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P Park, Benjamin E............................................9 Patch, William L............................................15 Peirce on Realism and Idealism.....................36 Pelling, Christopher........................................5 Pendas, Devin O............................................16 Performing Disunion.......................................9 Pergher, Roberta...........................................15 Phillippy, Patricia..........................................27 Phillips, Christopher N...................................23 Philosophic Silence and the ‘One’ in Plotinus.......................................................5 Philosophy of Action.....................................37 Pierse, Michael.............................................32 Pinkard, Terry...............................................34 Planchart, Alejandro.....................................33 Poetics of Decline in British Romanticism, The............................................................29 Poetics of Insecurity, The...............................23 Politis, Vasilis................................................36 Pons, Silvio.............................................16, 17 Poole, Kristen...............................................26 Pragmatic Enlightenment, The.......................35 Prendergast, Thomas A.................................25 Property and Dispossession............................9 Psycho-nationalism......................................19 Pullin, Naomi...............................................12

Q Quarantotto, Diana.........................................6 Queer Friendship..........................................30 Quinn-Judge, Sophie....................................17

R Raczkowski, Chris.........................................22 Rasmussen, Dennis C....................................35 Rawles, Richard..............................................4 Reading Dante in Renaissance Italy...............31 Reformation Europe.....................................14 Reformation of the Decalogue, The...............12 Rembold, Ingrid............................................14 Return to Kahiki.............................................9 Rhetoric, Medicine, and the Woman Writer, 1600–1700....................................28 Richardson, Thomas......................................20 Richlin, Amy...................................................4 Riello, Giorgio..............................................19 Rights of the Roma, The...............................15 Rijksbaron, Albert...........................................9 Roller, Matthew B...........................................7 Roman Literature under Nerva, Trajan and Hadrian.......................................................3 Roman Political Thought.................................8 Roman Villa in the Mediterranean Basin, The..............................................................3 Rome and the Making of a World State, 150 BCE–20 CE..........................................7 Roseman, Mark............................................16 Rosendale, Timothy.......................................27 Rosenfeld, Jessica.........................................25 Rosenwein, Barbara H..................................13 Rublack, Ulinka............................................14

Sawyer, Laura Phillips...................................10 Schalkwyk, David.........................................28 Schopenhauer: The World as Will and Representation..........................................34 Scourfield, J. H. D............................................3 Seidman, Michael.........................................16 Selden, Mark................................................17 Senior, Emily.................................................29 Shakespeare and the Soliloquy in Early Modern English Drama..............................25 Shakespeare Survey 70.................................28 Shakespeare, Love and Language.................28 Shakespeare, William....................................25 Shakespeare’s Double Plays..........................27 Shakespearean Arrivals.................................27 Sidwell, Keith C..............................................8 Sight, Touch, and Imagination in Byzantium.................................................14 Silverthorne, Michael....................................34 Simmons, Allan H.........................................29 Simonides the Poet.........................................4 Sivasundaram, Sujit......................................21 Skinner, Quentin...........................................21 Slave Theater in the Roman Republic..............4 Sluga, Hans..................................................36 Smith, Brendan......................................12, 13 Smith, Stephen A..........................................16 Smyth, Adam................................................28 Social Memory and State Formation in Early China..................................................2 Sofaer, Joanna................................................1 Sophocles: Oedipus the King...........................4 Sorensen, Kelly.............................................35 Spicer, Andrew.............................................37 Spinoza: Ethics.............................................34 Stahel, David................................................20 State Formations..........................................19 Stedman Jones, Gareth.................................21 Stek, Tesse D..................................................1 Stern, David G..............................................36 Stevenson, John ..........................................20 Stig Sørensen, Marie Louise............................1 Stolz, Daniel A..............................................19 Strauss, Julia C..............................................19 Streete, Adrian.............................................28 Struggle for the Streets of Berlin, The............15 Struggle over State Power in Zimbabwe, The...........................................................18 Supports in Roman Marble Sculpture..............2 Sympathy in Perception................................34

University of Cambridge.................................1 Unwin, Naomi Carless....................................8 US Health Policy and Health Care Delivery.....10

V van Emde Boas, Evert.....................................9 Vargo, Gregory.............................................29 Vivian, Daniel J.............................................11 Vladimir Nabokov in Context........................31 Voelz, Johannes...........................................23 Vonyó, Tamás...............................................20

W Wallace, Rex...................................................3 Walsh, Sylvia................................................38 Walt Whitman in Context.............................24 Walter, Katie L..............................................25 Watkins, Eric................................................35 Weiss, Max...................................................19 Welchman, Alistair.......................................34 Wellendorf, Jonas.........................................25 West-Pavlov, Russell.....................................31 Wetzell, Richard F.........................................16 Whitley, Edward...........................................24 Whitton, Christopher......................................3 Whitworth, Michael H...................................30 Williamson, Diane........................................35 Willis, Jonathan............................................12 Women and the Cuban Insurrection..............17 Woolf, Virginia..............................................30 Wunderlich, Falk...........................................35


Y Young, Alden................................................18

Z Zhao, Jingyi Jenny...........................................9 Zuchtriegel, Gabriel........................................1

T T. S. Eliot and the Dynamic Imagination.........30 Tacitus: Annals Book XV.................................5 Tamarkina, Irina...........................................14 Ted Hughes in Context.................................30 Texts and Violence in the Roman World..........3 Thomas, Emily..............................................35 Thomson, Rodney.........................................24 Time and Literature......................................31 Time in the Babylonian Talmud.....................37 Transatlantic Antifascisms.............................16 Transforming Sudan......................................18 Translating Christianity.................................37 Trauma and Literature..................................31



Sachs, Jonathan...........................................29 Sagona, Antonio.............................................1 Sanders, Norman..........................................25

Under the Greenwood Tree...........................29 Underground History of Early Victorian Fiction, An.................................................29

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