Economics, Business Studies 1 Education 4 Language and Linguistics
Law 8 Management 28
Politics, Social Theory, History of Ideas 30 Psychology 39 Social Science Research Methods 42 Sociology 43
January – April 2018
Anthropology 1
New titles
Anthropology 1 Economics, Business Studies
Education 4 Language and Linguistics
Law 8 Management 28 Politics, Social Theory, History of Ideas
Psychology 39 Social Science Research Methods
Sociology 43
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January – April 2018
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Anthropology / Economics, Business Studies
Anthropology Recovering the Human Subject Freedom, Creativity, and Decision Edited by James Laidlaw | University of Cambridge
Students and scholars in anthropology and related disciplines are provided with focused debate on cutting-edge theoretical issues with ethnographic essays from across the globe. A classic journal article serves as a focus for debate together with responses by a team of upcoming and distinguished anthropologists to examine the issues from the perspective of varied ethnographic settings. • Tests a radical new approach to questions of human subjectivity • Provides a focussed debate from upcoming and distinguished anthropologists, centred around a classic article in the field • Questions of human subjectivity and post-humanism that are often discussed in abstract terms are explored through a range of vivid, empirical ethnographic essays from across the globe January 2018 228 x 152 mm 216pp 978-1-108-42496-7 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99
Economics, Business Studies Critical Junctures in Mobile Capital Edited by Jocelyn Pixley | Macquarie University, Sydney
During the recent financial crisis, the conflict between sovereign states and banks over who controls the creation of money was thrown into sharp relief. This collection investigates the relationship between government debt and banks’ mobile capital, and the critical junctures in these conflicts over the social-economic purposes of money creation. • Proposes that mobile capital is a primary feature of capitalism and nation states, appealing to readers looking for an understanding of current economic and political issues focused on the impacts of money and finance • Highlights lack of capital controls in global banking, asking whether state needs for funding nuclear arsenals and US desires to maintain dollar supremacy create critical junctures and impasses • Promotes a shift away from ideological debates on neoliberalism and neoclassical economics and towards political and social relations of money, and outcomes on global economic activity, poverty and populations February 2018 228 x 152 mm 321pp 14 b/w illus. 3 tables 978-1-107-18951-5 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00 C TEXTBOOK
Cost-Benefit Analysis Concepts and Practice Fourth edition Anthony E. Boardman | University of British Columbia, Vancouver
This fourth edition is an authoritative and practical introduction to cost-benefit analysis through problem solving. It consistently applies a nine-step framework for conducting the analysis. The book is intended for undergraduate courses in cost-benefit analysis. • A market-leading text that uses a tested nine-step framework for interpreting a cost-benefit analysis • The authors are all prolific researchers, and their hands-on experience brings an applied foundation to the text • Features a new chapter on predicting and monetizing impacts
analysis; 4. Valuing benefits and costs in primary markets; 5. Valuing benefits and costs in secondary markets; 6. Discounting benefits and costs in future time periods; 7. Dealing with uncertainty: expected values, sensitivity analysis, and the value of information; 8. Option price and option value; 9. Existence value; 10. The social discount rate 1; 11. Predicting and monetizing impacts; Part III. Valuation of Impacts: 12. Valuing impacts from observed behavior: experiments and quasi-experiments; 13. Valuing impacts from observed behavior: direct estimation of demand curves; 14. Valuing impacts from observed behavior: indirect market methods; 15. Contingent valuation: using surveys to elicit information about costs and benefits; 16. Shadow prices from secondary sources; 17. Shadow prices: applications to developing countries 1; Part IV. Related Methods: 18. Cost-effective analysis; 19. Distributionally weighted cost-benefit analysis; 20. How accurate is CBA?; Name index; Subject index. December 2017 253 x 177 mm 557pp 978-1-108-44828-4 Paperback c. £49.99 / c. US$65.00
Measuring the Economic Value of Research The Case of Food Safety Edited by Kaye Husbands Fealing | Georgia Institute of Technology
This book analyses the impact of federal research spending in food safety – a public policy question with huge economic ramifications. This innovative study makes use of an extraordinary new data infrastructure and applies new ‘big data’ techniques to show connections between university research funding and subsequent activities of researchers. • Offers a new way of using data to measure the effectiveness of publicly-funded scientific research, focusing on food safety research • Shows traceable, quantifiable impacts of research spending on firms and individuals, especially early-career scientists • Transforms the discussion of research impacts and contributes to an evidence-based ‘science of science policy’ January 2018 228 x 152 mm 209pp 16 b/w illus. 42 tables 978-1-107-15969-3 Hardback £84.99 / US$110.00 P 978-1-316-61241-5 Paperback £26.99 / US$34.99 P
Managing Discovery in the Life Sciences Harnessing Creativity to Drive Biomedical Innovation Philip A. Rea | University of Pennsylvania
Key to biomedical innovation is scientific discovery and its translation into marketable products. This book addresses the link between life sciences discoveries and their dependence on the investor-driven market system through in-depth considerations of the challenges that both scientists and managers must face in the pharmaceutical and medical device industries. • Provides a combination of theory-based management and economics – the challenges faced by scientists in the research laboratory and the challenges faced by investors in deciding which lines of research in which to invest • Uses non-technical language to present complex material in a clear and accessible way, including graphs and figures which demonstrate the critical biology • Debunks some unsupportable or illogical criticisms of the pharmaceutical industry while pursuing the logic of profit-maximizing behavior through the provision of patents to guarantee market exclusivity January 2018 228 x 152 mm 280pp 5 b/w illus. 39 colour illus. 3 tables 978-1-107-13090-6 Hardback c. £65.00 / c. US$99.00 P 978-1-107-57730-5 Paperback c. £21.99 / c. US$39.99 P
Contents: Preface. Part I. Overview: 1. Introduction to costbenefit analysis; 2. Conceptual foundations of cost-benefit analysis; Part II. Fundamentals of CBA: 3. Microeconomic foundations of cost-benefit
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Economics, Business Studies
Termites of the State
Cognitive Capitalism
Why Complexity Leads to Inequality Vito Tanzi
Human Capital and the Wellbeing of Nations Heiner Rindermann | Technische Universität ChemnitzZwickau, Germany
One of the world’s leading public economists offers a sweeping account of modern economic development. In plain language it connects the extreme growth in income inequality, increasing complexity of government regulations, and the workings of political influence to explain the biggest issues facing the world economy today. • An original and broad-ranging account by one of the world’s leading economists and public policy experts • Accessibly written for students and general readers • Provides rich historical context for such macro trends as increasing government intervention in markets, rising inequality, and populist political sentiment December 2017 228 x 152 mm 438pp 978-1-108-42093-8 Hardback £22.99 / US$29.99
Expert Failure Roger Koppl | Syracuse University, New York
Roger Koppl develops a theory of experts and expert failure, and uses a wide range of examples – from forensic science to fashion – to explain the applications of his theory, including state regulation of economic activity. This book will appeal to researchers in economics, philosophy, law, science and technology studies and criminal justice. • Explores the root causes of expert failure, including forensic science errors • Creates a general theory of experts incorporating the social constructionist work of Berger and Luckmann, and Schutz • Develops and clarifies the concept of ‘dispersed knowledge’, which can be applied to the production and distribution of knowledge in society, the economy and business Cambridge Studies in Economics, Choice, and Society
February 2018 228 x 152 mm 240pp 978-1-107-13846-9 Hardback £74.99 / US$99.99 978-1-316-50304-1 Paperback £22.99 / US$29.99
February 2018 228 x 152 mm 350pp 57 b/w illus. 47 tables 978-1-107-05016-7 Hardback c. £65.00 / c. US$100.00 P 978-1-107-65108-1 Paperback c. £21.99 / c. US$34.99 P
The Intangible Economy How Services Shape Global Production and Consumption Edited by Deborah K. Elms | Asian Trade Centre, Singapore
Studies the role of services in development and on sectoral issues, with policy considerations embedded in the analysis. Highlights the evolution and significance of services in the global economy, including as a vehicle for development. Discusses the major pillars that hold the services infrastructure together, namely, its governance and financing mechanisms. • Provides comprehensive explanations of the nature of services and how they enter the global economy • Considers the role of services in development, with particular focus on Asia • Provides practical sector-specific illustrations of how services contribute to the economy, including in finance, business services, and telecommunications Development Trajectories in Global Value Chains
July 2017 228 x 152 mm 206pp 978-1-108-41615-3 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00 978-1-108-40265-1 Paperback £29.99 / US$36.99
Motivation and the Economics of Information Third edition Donald E. Campbell | College of William and Mary, Virginia
This book examines incentives at work to see how and how well coordination is achieved by informing and motivating individual decision makers. Considering the performance of agents, institutions, and a wide range of market transactions, it uses worked examples and lucid general theory in its analysis. • Includes many diagrams and worked exampled for students who struggle with the sophisticated notions of equilibrium • Theory and examples of abstract models are presented rigorously, yet accessibly • Covers a wide range of topics appropriate for both the undergraduate and graduate level Contents: 1. Equilibrium, efficiency, and asymmetric information; 2. Basic models and tools; 3. Hidden action; 4. Corporate governance; 5. Hidden characteristics; 6. Auctions; 7. Voting and preference revelation; 8. Public goods and preference revelation; 9. Matching; 10. Networks; 11. General competitive equilibrium. January 2018 253 x 177 mm 702pp 55 b/w illus. 978-1-107-03524-9 Hardback £99.99 / US$130.00 978-1-107-61033-0 Paperback £41.99 / US$54.99
This book studies cross-country differences in cognitive capital, exploring how levels of education are linked to a nation’s economic development. It is for graduates and research in a wide range of fields, including economics, psychology, sociology and political science. • Addresses key issues of economy, society and politics from a multi-disciplinary perspective, for a variety of readers, scholars and researchers • Uses both quantitative and qualitative approaches to offer clear and concise explanations on economic development for all readers • Refrains from following a biased approach to politics, using a new, stimulating perspective to predict future economic development and offer suggestions to improve economic, political and societal developments
Agent-based Models A Toolkit Edited by Domenico Delli Gatti | Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano
Edited by several of the leading figures in the field, this is the first book to provide a state-of-the-art, accessibly written methodological introduction to the tools and techniques of agent-based modelling. Using these building blocks, readers will learn how to design, simulate, and validate agent-based models in economics. • Applies the major new theory of agent-based modelling to real-world economic topics • Accessibly written but rigourous • Edited by leading figures in the field February 2018 228 x 152 mm 300pp 978-1-108-41499-9 Hardback c. £64.99 / c. US$99.99 978-1-108-40004-6 Paperback c. £29.99 / c. US$49.99
Economics, Business Studies
Wine Globalization
A First Course in Quantitative Finance
A New Comparative History Edited by Kym Anderson | University of Adelaide and Australian National University, Canberra
Leading economists and economic historians examine the development of national wine industries before and during waves of globalisation. This series of chapters on all key wine-producing and consuming countries or regions contains a common core that seeks to explain long-term trends and cycles in wine production, consumption, and trade. • Provides all-new information for each case study, gathered from a global database of annual data on national wine production • Includes an empirically rich global overview chapter, making it possible to compare each country’s wine market developments as relative to the rest of the world • Links to free online database, available at: au/wine-econ/databases February 2018 228 x 152 mm 566pp 106 b/w illus. 63 tables 978-1-107-19292-8 Hardback £120.00 / US$155.00 C
Exclusionary Practices The Economics of Monopolisation and Abuse of Dominance Chiara Fumagalli | Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Milan
Offers a well-rounded perspective on monopolization and exclusionary practices – such as predation, rebates, exclusive dealing, tying, refusal to deal – which speaks to economists, lawyers, policy-makers and practitioners. It provides dedicated technical sections, case studies, and policy discussions. • Functions as a comprehensive guide for practitioners, covering all key areas of exclusionary practices, referring to key academic literature, decisional practice by competition authorities, and key case law • Remains international in scope, relevant to most jurisdictions around the world, covering cases from many industries and different jurisdictions • Contains separate, dedicated technical sections, allowing noneconomists to skip these sections without missing the key messages November 2017 228 x 152 mm 632pp 9 b/w illus. 5 tables 978-1-107-01738-2 Hardback c. £120.00 / c. US$155.00 P 978-1-107-60896-2 Paperback c. £39.99 / c. US$49.99 P
Differential Games in Industrial Economics Luca Lambertini | Università degli Studi, Bologna, Italy
Differential game theory can be a very useful tool in industrial organisation. This volume revisits industrial economics using a dynamic approach to explain firms’ strategies and their impact on the environment and trade flows. It will be of interest to researchers in economics, as well as advanced applications of game theory. • Explains the mathematical treatment of the core models • Covers growth theory, environmental and resource economics and international trade • Includes a tutorial on optimal control and differential game theory March 2018 247 x 174 mm 300pp 25 b/w illus. 978-1-107-16468-0 Hardback c. £59.99 / c. US$99.99 978-1-316-61649-9 Paperback c. £24.99 / c. US$39.99
Thomas Mazzoni | Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald, Germany
A First Course in Quantitative Finance is suitable for economics, finance, econometrics and mathematics students with an interest in quantitative finance. Covering all topics from the architecture of financial markets to derivatives, it uses stereoscopic images to allow 3D visualisation of complex subjects without the need for additional tools. • Provides stereoscopic illustrations allowing 3D perception • Topics are structured to develop student confidence without overwhelming • ‘Quick calculations’ are used to regularly check student understanding and mastery of a concept Contents: 1. Introduction; Part I. Technical Basics: 2. A primer on probability; 3. Vector spaces; 4. Utility theory; Part II. Financial Markets and Portfolio Theory: 5. Architecture of financial markets; 6. Modern portfolio theory; 7. CAPM and APT; 8. Portfolio performance and management; 9. Financial economics; 10. Behavioral finance; Part III. Derivatives: 11. Forwards, futures and options; 12. The binomial model; 13. The Black– Scholes theory; 14. Exotics in the Black–Scholes model; 15. Deterministic volatility; 16. Stochastic volatility; 17. Processes with jumps; Part IV. The Fixed-Income World: 18. Basic fixed-income instruments; 19. Plain vanilla fixed-income derivatives; 20. Term structure models; 21. The LIBOR market model; Appendix A. Complex analysis; Appendix B. Solutions to problems. February 2018 247 x 174 mm 600pp 141 b/w illus. 34 tables 978-1-108-41957-4 Hardback c. £94.99 / c. US$150.00 X 978-1-108-41143-1 Paperback c. £44.99 / c. US$69.99 X PREVIOUSLY ANNOUNCED
Bond Pricing and Yield Curve Modeling A Structural Approach Riccardo Rebonato | Pacific Investment Management Company (PIMCO), California
Rebonato provides an authoritative, clear, and up-to-date explanation of the cutting-edge innovations in affine modeling for government bonds, and provides readers with the precise tools to develop their own models. This book combines precise theory with up-to-date empirical evidence to build, with the minimum mathematical sophistication required for the task, a critical understanding of what drives the government bond market. • Presents a treatment of term-structure modeling that includes both the real-world and risk-neutral measures, allowing the reader to ask fundamental questions about bonds • Critically discusses important models used by practitioners, central bankers, academics, and investors, enabling the reader to understand why these models give different answers, and encouraging them to devise their own models • Minimal mathematics allows the reader to concentrate on the economic and financial content of the model, rather than mathematical equations March 2018 228 x 152 mm 520pp 978-1-107-16585-4 Hardback c. £45.00 / c. US$69.99
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Economics, Business Studies / Education
The Decline and Rise of Institutions
Assessment for Teaching Second edition Patrick Griffin | University of Melbourne
A Modern Survey of the Austrian Contribution to the Economic Analysis of Institutions Liya Palagashvili | State University of New York, Purchase
Institutions are the ‘rules of the game’ that facilitate economic, social, and political interactions. They include legal rules, property rights, constitutions, political structures, and norms and customs. The Austrian economics framework provides an understanding for which institutions matter for growth, how they matter, and how they emerge and change. Elements in Austrian Economics
August 2017 229 x 152 mm 60pp 978-1-316-64917-6 Paperback £15.00 / US$18.00
Education TEXTBOOK
Play in the Early Years Second edition Marilyn Fleer | Monash University, Victoria
The second edition of Play in the Early Years provides a comprehensive introduction to pedagogy and play in the early years. Drawing on classical and contemporary theories, this text examines social, cultural and institutional approaches to play, and explores a range of strategies for successfully integrating play into classrooms. • Offers a comprehensive introduction to classical and contemporary approaches to play, and strategies for integrating play into classrooms • Revised to include new material on intentional teaching, play as learning, digital play and links to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and the Australian Curriculum • Supported by a comprehensive companion website and pedagogical resources which encourage critical thinking and extend learning Contents: 1. What is play?; 2. Children’s perspectives on play; 3. Families at play; 4. Digital play and digital tools to support learning; 5. Playing in schools; 6. Lenses on play: classical and developmental theories of play; 7. Lenses on play: post-structuralist analyses of children’s play; 8. Lenses on play: cultural-historical conceptions of play; 9. Play in the curriculum; 10. Planning for play development; 11. Assessment through play, of and for play; 12. Being a play activist. May 2017 249 x 176 mm 284pp 114 colour illus. 39 tables 978-1-316-63189-8 Paperback £59.99 / US$67.99 X
Grounded in contemporary, evidence-based research, the second edition of Assessment for Teaching provides a comprehensive introduction to assessment and teaching in primary and secondary school settings. Taking a practical approach to assessment and the collaborative use of data in the classroom, this text advances a developmental model of assessment. • Thoroughly revised and updated to include the latest research into competence based assessment, collaborative teaching and learning and assessment • A revised and updated companion website features new materials for instructors • Includes a new case study outlining the implementation of the assessment for teaching approach Contents: Introduction; 1. Assessment as the search for evidence of learning; 2 Collaborative teaching teams; 3. Competence assessment: a clinical approach; 4. Conducting assessments: making sure the evidence of learning is interpretable; 5. Judgement-based assessment; 6. Writing rubrics; 7. Self-regulated teaching and learning; 8. Building a development progression; 9. Guttman analysis; 10. Interpreting data to evaluate growth; 11. Developmental assessment for students with additional needs; 12. Case study: wilderness school, Adelaide, South Australia; Annex 1. School leadership and assessment; Annex 2. Using the online tests and reports: objective testing. December 2017 249 x 176 mm 352pp 79 b/w illus. 45 tables 978-1-316-64073-9 Paperback £54.99 / US$69.99 X TEXTBOOK
Teaching Secondary Science Theory and Practice Edited by Geoff Woolcott | Southern Cross University, Australia
This book provides a dynamic approach to preparing preservice science teachers for practice. Divided into two parts – theory and practice – the text allows students to first become confident in the theory of teaching science before showing how this theory can be applied to practice through ideas for implementation. • Brings together an expert team of authors comprising leading science education researchers and practicing teachers from across Australia • Divides the theory and practice of teaching secondary science, allowing students to master the theory before learning how to implement it in their own teaching • Fosters each preservice teacher’s science teacher identity • Provides practical examples across year levels and subject areas that students can adapt to use in their own teaching Contents: Part I. Theory: 1.1. Contemporary issues in teaching and learning science; 1.2. On becoming a science teacher; 1.3. Theory and practice in science education; 1.4. Real world science in the classroom; 1.5. Improving science teaching practice through collaboration and reflection; 1.6. Assessing science teaching and learning; 1.7. Representation and language in science education; 1.8. Technology, electronic media and science education; 1.9. Celebrating Australia’s diversity through science education; Part II. Practice: 2.1. Engagement practices: a major issue in contemporary education; 2.2. Building identity and commitment to the teaching of science; 2.3. Application of theory in science education classrooms; 2.4. Bringing real world science into the classroom; 2.5. Creating a classroom for engagement with scientific thinking, problem solving and real world contexts; 2.6. Assessing science teaching and learning in the classroom; 2.7. Representation and language in science education; 2.8. Digital technologies in the science classroom and beyond; 2.9. Bringing Australia’s diversity into science education. January 2018 249 x 176 mm 416pp 99 colour illus. 978-1-316-63611-4 Paperback £54.99 / US$89.99
Language and Linguistics
Language and Linguistics Exploring Linguistic Science Language Use, Complexity and Interaction Allison Burkette | University of Mississippi
Exploring Linguistic Science is a textbook for undergraduate and graduate students of linguistics that brings the cutting-edge concept of complexity theory to bear on the traditional components of introductory courses. It meets the demand for new approaches to the study of language, and does so in a way that is not gimmicky or unnecessarily complicated. • The first introductory text on linguistics to include a complexity perspective on language • Lessons are based on real classroom experience that encourages students to think, discuss and explore • Fosters a dialogue between different perspectives on the study of language that encourages students think critically and independently February 2018 247 x 174 mm 254pp 62 b/w illus. 978-1-108-42480-6 Hardback c. £69.99 / c. US$89.99 978-1-108-44095-0 Paperback c. £22.99 / c. US$29.99
Dependency and Directionality Marcel den Dikken | Eotvos Lorand University, Hungary
This volume breaks new ground in syntax by arguing for a ‘top-down’ approach to syntactic structures, and the locality restrictions on filler-gap dependencies. Written by a leading scholar in theoretical linguistics, it represents the first book-length study on the subject and paves the way for important future research. • A compact and comprehensive historical perspective on structure building, ‘movement’ and the cycle, providing an overview of critical issues that will appeal to students and academics alike • The top-down line of analysis provides a counterweight to the dominant trend in the field • Includes a detailed chapter-long discussion of island effects that brings together and critiques existing literature, as well as offering a new analysis of the subject Cambridge Studies in Linguistics, 154
December 2017 228 x 152 mm 280pp 978-1-107-17756-7 Hardback c. £69.99 / c. US$110.00
Gemination, Lenition, and Vowel Lengthening On the History of Quantity in Germanic Volume 157 Kurt Goblirsch | University of South Carolina
Of interest to German, Dutch, Frisian, English, and Scandinavian linguists, and also those in general historical linguistics, phonology, and Indo-European, this book examines the relationship between three major quantity changes in the history of the Germanic language group: consonant lengthening, vowel lengthening, and consonant weakening, highlighting the role of syllable structure. • Uses extensive linguistic data, including examples from historical texts, modern dialects, and the standard Germanic languages • Accessible to linguists in fields other than Germanic, providing chapter summaries and English glosses of all examples for non-specialists • Highly comparative, and presents a broader Germanic picture for English, German and Scandinavian specialists
Thought-based Linguistics How Languages Turn Thoughts into Sounds Wallace Chafe | University of California, Santa Barbara
Discusses the hotly debated subject of the extent to which the structure of language is inseparable from thought. It will appeal to scholars and advanced students in the fields of semantics, pragmatics, the philosophy of language, and psycholinguistics. • Investigates the properties of thoughts, allowing readers to relate them to their own experiences • Explores different ways in which multiple languages organize and communicate thoughts, forging a deeper understanding of language differences • Readers will appreciate the central role of thoughts in their own use of language March 2018 228 x 152 mm 180pp 72 b/w illus. 978-1-108-42117-1 Hardback c. £85.00 / c. US$110.00
English Politeness and Class Sara Mills | Sheffield Hallam University
Politeness plays a vital role in maintaining class differences. This book analyses the interrelationship between politeness and class in British English, focusing on linguistic ideologies and the way class boundaries are marked out by politeness and impoliteness. • A highly revealing account of how politeness is used by and between speakers of British English • Examines the social context of politeness • Includes a range of case studies, enabling readers to see how this approach can be used to analyse politeness in other languages October 2017 228 x 152 mm 156pp 1 table 978-1-107-11606-1 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
Irony Joana Garmendia | University of the Basque Country, Bilbao
Ideal for advanced students and individual researchers in semantics and pragmatics, as well as related fields such as philosophy. It provides a non-specialized audience with the understanding of what irony is and its numerous manifestations. To specialized readers, its analysis of irony offers a deeper understanding and clarification of this form of human communication. • Includes a plethora of activities and example that helps to apply theoretical notions to real ironic cases • Accessibly written, it provides readers with a clear and comprehensive understanding of ironic communication • Compares the main theories and current discussions of the leading approaches Key Topics in Semantics and Pragmatics
February 2018 216 x 138 mm 280pp 978-1-107-09263-1 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
Cambridge Studies in Linguistics, 157
March 2018 228 x 152 mm 284pp 11 maps 5 tables 978-1-107-03450-1 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
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Language and Linguistics
Speech and Language Therapy
Language Conflict and Language Rights
A Primer Louise Cummings | Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Ethnolinguistic Perspectives on Human Conflict William D. Davies | University of Iowa
A comprehensive introduction to the linguistic, medical, scientific and psychological disciplines that are the foundation of speech and language therapy. This book examines professional issues in speech and language therapy and the techniques and approaches that therapists use to assess and treat clients with communication and swallowing disorders. • Each chapter concludes with annotated further readings that allow students to develop their understanding of the chapter topics in a highly targeted way • Key points boxes at the end of each section summarize critical points, to ensure students have sound knowledge of a topic before proceeding to the next section • A comprehensive glossary of over 600 entries that defines all terms used in the book provides quick and easy access
This introduction to ethnolinguistic conflict and language rights issues is designed both for linguists and for anyone interested in language’s role in international and intranational relations. It offers a typology of conflicts and illustrative case studies, with particular attention to the role of language in individual, societal, and national identity. • The first book to support courses on the topic in linguistics, anthropology and international relations • Accessible to non-linguists interested in examining global conflicts from the perspective of ethnolinguistic conflict and language rights • Brings this important topic to the forefront, exploring all of the many ways in which language is the primary vehicle for personal, ethnic, and national identity
March 2018 247 x 174 mm 453pp 44 b/w illus. 2 colour illus. 15 tables 17 exercises 978-1-107-17466-5 Hardback £89.99 / US$120.00 978-1-316-62671-9 Paperback £29.99 / US$39.99
April 2018 228 x 152 mm 320pp 24 b/w illus. 42 maps 25 tables 978-1-107-02209-6 Hardback c. £65.00 / c. US$99.00 P 978-1-107-60658-6 Paperback c. £22.99 / c. US$35.99 P TEXTBOOK
Linguistics in Pursuit of Justice John Baugh | Washington University, St Louis
This book will be of interest to readers who want to learn about how linguistic research can inform legal matters and policies that promote social equity, with emphasis on overcoming racism, sexism, ageism, homophobia, and xenophobia – particularly in societies where such divisions are accentuated by distinctive languages or dialects. • Connects linguistic research to efforts that promote equality, exposing ways in which linguistic research can advance justice • Introduces the concept of ‘linguistic harassment’ and demonstrates how different forms are pertinent to public and private life • Highlights the international presence of linguistic injustice through illustrations from different parts of the world February 2018 228 x 152 mm 256pp 14 b/w illus. 12 tables 978-1-107-15345-5 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00 C
Bilingualism in the Community Code-switching and Grammars in Contact Rena Torres Cacoullos | Pennsylvania State University
Bilingualism is in the spotlight, with mass migration being a feature of our times, reflected in labels like Spanglish. Hotly debated is whether the use of two languages, especially in alternation, or code-switching, brings about grammatical changes. Highlighting the structure of bilingual speech, this book demonstrates that grammatical change is far from a foregone conclusion in bilingual communities. • Provides a scientific approach to language contact, including replicable analyses of thousands of tokens that allow readers to evaluate claims • Showcases data from a new corpus of spontaneous bilingual speech, setting broadly applicable benchmarks for contact studies, in the community and in the lab • Cuts across linguistic sub-disciplines and embraces cognitive, discourse and social factors to demonstrate grammatical continuity under contact February 2018 228 x 152 mm 272pp 61 b/w illus. 1 map 17 tables 978-1-108-41582-8 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00 C
Eye-Tracking A Guide for Applied Linguistics Research Kathy Conklin | University of Nottingham
The only book that walks language researchers through eye-tracking from start to finish, providing a comprehensive overview of the technology – why it is used and how it can be used in applied contexts. The discussion is grounded in concrete examples to give researchers the knowledge and confidence to use eye-tracking to produce high quality research. • Covers the practicalities and important considerations of designing an eye-tracking study and working with the data • Includes guidelines for designing experiments and working with data with the three main eye-tracking systems • Provides ideas for future research in various applied linguistic areas that will enable readers to choose topics and aims for new studies and will help to advance the field Contents: 1. Introduction to eye-tracking; 2. Choosing the equipment; 3. Practicalities of eye-tracking; 4. Researching reading; 5. Researching listening and multi-modal input; 6. Using eye-tracking in other contexts; 7. Working with the data. March 2018 247 x 174 mm 256pp 57 b/w illus. 978-1-108-41535-4 Hardback £69.99 / US$89.99 978-1-108-40120-3 Paperback £23.99 / US$29.99
Practice in Second Language Learning Edited by Christian Jones | University of Liverpool
Explores practice in second language learning, defined as activities which aim to develop skills in or knowledge of a second language. The book features studies that investigate practice in a variety of contexts and is ideal reading for undergraduate and postgraduate students of applied linguistics/TESOL and second language teachers. • Explores practice from a variety of research perspectives including studies using both quantitative and qualitative data analysis • Studies presented are not restricted to English as a second language, and are ideal for teachers and researchers of modern languages such as Spanish and German alongside teachers and researchers of English as a second or foreign language • The opening theoretical chapters will help readers to understand the concepts developed in the chapters describing empirical studies March 2018 228 x 152 mm 283pp 17 b/w illus. 29 tables 978-1-107-13122-4 Hardback c. £85.00 / c. US$110.00 C
Language and Linguistics
Women and Dictionary-Making
The Singlish Controversy
Gender, Genre, and English Language Lexicography Lindsay Rose Russell | University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Language, Culture and Identity in a Globalizing World Lionel Wee | National University of Singapore
This wide-ranging history of women’s contributions to lexicography is aimed at readers interested in women’s roles in writing, the history of English, or the practices of dictionary making. It establishes the importance of women as dictionary patrons, collaborators, readers, compilers, and critics and examines how gender has affected lexicography. • Uncovers the vital but little known role of women as compilers, patrons, users, and critics of dictionaries • Offers a new, more inclusive picture of lexicography and lexicographical practice • Studies a wide range of accessible and engaging sources, from unpublished manuscripts and obscure glossaries to twentieth-century novels and films, as well as popular online and print dictionaries March 2018 228 x 152 mm 256pp 18 b/w illus. 12 tables 978-1-107-18770-2 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00 C
Religious Talk Online
January 2018 228 x 152 mm 247pp 3 b/w illus. 3 tables 978-1-107-18171-7 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
The Cambridge Handbook of Japanese Linguistics
The Evangelical Discourse of Muslims, Christians, and Atheists Stephen Pihlaja | Newman University, Birmingham
In the online world, people argue about anything and everything – religion is no exception. This book explains how and why religious conflict occurs online and how people of different religious beliefs interact on social media. It will appeal to researchers and students in sociolinguistics and discourse analysis, particularly those working on social media and religious language. • Develops new methods for social media research • Explains and expands the development of inter-religious dialogue in online contexts • Provides new insights into how online environments affect religious belief and religious interaction February 2018 228 x 152 mm 200pp 3 b/w illus. 6 tables 978-1-107-15741-5 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
This book is for students and researchers who are interested in language policy and New Englishes, as well as in questions about the nature of language. It argues that a detailed analysis of the Singlish controversy can illuminate broader questions about language, identity and globalization. • Explains the nature of Singlish, the colloquial English spoken in Singapore, through linguistic analysis • Delves into the context of what Singlish is and what it means to its speakers • Argues that the Singlish controversy changes our understanding of the nature of language
Edited by Yoko Hasegawa | University of California, Berkeley
Designed to serve as a comprehensive, yet concise, reference book for researchers interested in the Japanese language and in typological studies of language in general, this handbook explores the diverse and intriguing characteristics of Japanese in comparison with English and other European languages. • Theoretical terms are clearly explained, without the need for prior knowledge of particular theoretical frameworks • Provides a comprehensive and thorough thematic coverage • An ideal textbook for a graduate-level introduction to Japanese linguistics courses Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
March 2018 247 x 174 mm 774pp 51 b/w illus. 5 maps 47 tables 978-1-107-18545-6 Hardback £110.00 / US$145.00 R
Introducción a la sintaxis del español José Camacho | Rutgers University, New Jersey
Written in Spanish, this textbook introduces the syntax of Spanish, exploring the building blocks of complex linguistic expressions. Assuming no prior knowledge of linguistics, it is an essential resource for introductory courses on Spanish syntax, the structure of Spanish, and Spanish linguistics, at the intermediate level and above. • Assumes no prior knowledge of linguistics, and progresses gradually from simpler to more complex ideas, allowing students with no background in linguistics to build a solid knowledge and understanding of syntactic ideas from scratch • Incorporates recent theoretical developments but remains theoryneutral in its framework, offering students a balanced perspective • Highlights variation across Spanish and includes varieties spoken by bilinguals Contents: Introducción; Parte I: 1. Introducción; 2. La clasificación de los conceptos en categorías gramaticales; 3. La creación de estructuras complejas a partir de unidades básicas; 4. La estructura de las categorías funcionales; 5. El Baile de las palabras, y las relaciones entre las palabras; Parte II: 6. La sintaxis de los objetos; 7. Extensiones de la frase verbal. Tiempo y aspecto; 8. Los sujetos; 9. La periferia oracional y el orden de palabras; 10. Las propiedades de los grupos nominales; Lecturas adicionales generales; Referencias bibliográficas; Indice.
The Unmasking of English Dictionaries R. M. W. Dixon | James Cook University, North Queensland
This book describes the historical development of modern dictionaries that treat each word in isolation, and puts forward a new approach to lexicography which contrasts the meanings and functions of words. Written in an easy and accessible style, it will spark lively debate within the fields of lexicography and English linguistics. • Includes a comprehensive account of English dictionary-making from 725 CE until the present day that provides the reader with a snapshot of the evolution of dictionary making, set against changing social conditions • Pays attention to the limitations of present-day dictionaries, specifically and in general • Shows how plagiarism, which would be avoided in other disciplines, is proudly flaunted in lexicography and explains to the reader why a definition in one dictionary is frequently rather similar to the corresponding entry in another dictionary December 2017 228 x 152 mm 220pp 1 b/w illus. 978-1-108-42163-8 Hardback £64.99 / US$84.99 978-1-108-43334-1 Paperback £19.99 / US$24.99
February 2018 247 x 174 mm 325pp 318 b/w illus. 40 tables 978-1-107-19219-5 Hardback £74.99 / US$96.99 X 978-1-316-64233-7 Paperback £28.99 / US$37.99 X
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Language and Linguistics / Law
Standardising English Norms and Margins in the History of the English Language Edited by Linda Pillière | Laboratoire d’Études et de Recherche sur le Monde Anglophone (LERMA), Aix-Marseille Université
Law, Reason, and Emotion Edited by M. N. S. Sellers | University of Maryland, Baltimore
This path-breaking study of the standardisation of English written by leading researchers goes well beyond the traditional prescriptivism versus descriptivism debate and seeks to re-centre the discussion on linguistic communities and language users. It will be welcomed by those working in English language, linguistics and literature. • Discusses a range of English varieties including ‘Englishes’ of the UK, USA, and New Zealand • Includes both theoretical and empirical chapter analysis, providing a philosophical background as well as in-depth case studies • Combines historical and present-day studies, ideal for both historical linguistics and sociolinguistics March 2018 228 x 152 mm 250pp 978-1-107-19105-1 Hardback c. £85.00 / c. US$110.00 978-1-316-64159-0 Paperback c. £29.99 / c. US$44.99
Narratives Online Shared Stories in Social Media Ruth Page | University of Birmingham
Aimed at researchers and students interested in language and new media studies, this book explores how stories are created and consumed online. It is essential reading for anyone interested in the way stories circulate through contemporary media. • Enables readers to understand how large-scale stories are created and consumed online • Proposes a new framework, ‘mediated narrative analysis’, that can be applied to any kind of computer-mediated communication • Uses a rich variety of examples from well-known contemporary social media February 2018 228 x 152 mm 253pp 4 b/w illus. 25 tables 978-1-107-13991-6 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00 C
Language, Sexuality and Education Helen Sauntson | York St John University
A path-breaking study of the role played by language in constructing sexual identities in schools. It will be of keen interest to a wide audience of educational practitioners and academics in the fields of applied linguistics, gender studies and English language and linguistics. • Addresses the timely and much-debated issue of sexual diversity in schools, which is currently undergoing many changes • Uses multiple methods of discourse analysis rather than focus on a single analytical framework, enabling a more systematic and detailed analysis of the data • Focuses on the linguistic dimensions of sexual diversity in schools, ideal for those working in applied linguistics as well as in education and sexuality studies January 2018 228 x 152 mm 202pp 14 b/w illus. 34 tables 978-1-107-12687-9 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00 C
What place do reason and emotion have in justice and the law? This thought-provoking text brings together leading lawyers and legal philosophers to argue that law gains legitimacy and effectiveness when reason recognizes and embraces human emotions for the benefit of society as a whole. • Explores the relationships between law and reason, emotion and the law, and reason and emotion • Argues that reason and human emotion are not conflicting values in a well-constructed legal system, but rather the joint basis of justice in the law • Simplifies legal vocabulary through accessible definitions of the most common terms used when discussing reason, emotion and justice in the law December 2017 228 x 152 mm 250pp 978-1-108-42076-1 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
Searching for Contemporary Legal Thought Edited by Justin Desautels-Stein | University of Colorado School of Law
Searching for Contemporary Legal Thought will help legal theorists, philosophers, historians and students understand current legal problems, legal doctrine, and jurisprudential trends. Thirty leading international scholars probe the relation between law and history, the nature of current legal thought, and the conditions for a new ‘contemporary’ style of law. • Divided into specific sections dealing with the history of legal thought, current legal thought, and the future of legal thought • Suggests new and original ways of thinking about law that escape the stranglehold of neoliberal consensus • Offers lively and original essays from international scholars at the cutting edge of current legal scholarship November 2017 228 x 152 mm 584pp 978-1-107-15067-6 Hardback c. £90.00 / c. US$145.00
The Legal Relation Legal Theory after Legal Positivism Alexander Somek | University of Iowa
The law is a way of relating to one another. In a legal context, we expect to have our claims respected simply because we have a legal right. This book offers a conceptual reconstruction of the legal relation on the basis of a critique of legal positivism. • Offers a conceptual reconstruction of the legal relation on the basis of a critique of legal positivism • Explores a new way of thinking about sources of law • Breaks ground into terrain beyond natural law theory Cambridge Introductions to Philosophy and Law
October 2017 228 x 152 mm 208pp 978-1-107-19801-2 Hardback £79.99 / US$99.99 978-1-316-64800-1 Paperback £26.99 / US$32.99
Your Next Government?
The Cambridge Handbook of Surveillance Law
From the Nation State to Stateless Nations Tom W. Bell | Chapman University Fowler School of Law
Your Next Government? From the Nation State to Stateless Nations reveals the revolution quietly transforming governments bottom-up, inside-out, worldwide. It will attract scholars of international law and trade, special jurisdictions, development policy, urban planning, and political philosophy, as well as lay readers interested in these topics. • Reveals important yet hitherto unappreciated facts about the history, growth, and spread of special jurisdictions • Offers fresh approaches to such old problems as justifying the State and reading a constitution • Prepares readers for a future where networks of special jurisdictions surpass nation states the way that that networked computers surpassed giant mainframes October 2017 228 x 152 mm 280pp 12 b/w illus. 978-1-107-16146-7 Hardback £84.99 / US$110.00 978-1-316-61392-4 Paperback £26.99 / US$34.99
Edited by David Gray | University of Maryland, Baltimore
There is intense interest among policymakers, business leaders, attorneys, academics, students, and the public regarding legal, technological, and policy issues relating to public and private surveillance. This Handbook documents and organizes these conversations, bringing together some of the most thoughtful and impactful contributors to contemporary surveillance debates, policies, and practices. • Provides comprehensive treatment of new and emerging surveillance technologies that will appeal to those seeking a single resource on these complex topics, including practitioners, academics, and students • Offers a thorough overview of legal, regulatory, and market controls on surveillance • Diverse group of authors from all channels (academia, practitioners, government, and civil activists) provide a variety of concrete recommendations on the regulation of surveillance October 2017 253 x 177 mm 786pp 4 b/w illus. 6 maps 12 tables 978-1-107-13794-3 Hardback £135.00 / US$175.00 R
The Foundations of Australian Public Law
Asia-Pacific Judiciaries Independence, Impartiality and Integrity Edited by H. P. Lee | Monash University, Victoria
State, Power, Accountability Anthony J. Connolly | Australian National University, Canberra
In The Foundations of Australian Public Law, Anthony J. Connolly brings together the two traditionally discrete areas of constitutional and administrative law to present Australian public law as a single, integrated body. • Adopts a thematic and integrated approach to the subject matter, through the use of the core concepts of state, power and accountability • Incorporates comparative aspects, drawing on legal and political developments in Europe, North America and Asia • Informed by key ideas in contemporary public law theory and by current developments in the theory and practice of higher education Contents: 1. Introduction: what is Australian public law?; 2. Constitution I: the history of the Australian state; 3. Constitution II: the structure of the Australian state; 4. Legitimation: justifying state power; 5. Legislation: making and unmaking law; 6. Administration: governing lawfully; 7. Adjudication: delimiting state power; 8. Validation: reviewing state action; 9. Protection: human rights and Australian public law; 10. Direction: future trends in Australian public law. May 2017 247 x 174 mm 470pp 978-1-107-67979-5 Paperback £79.99 / US$99.99
Public trust in the judiciary is essential to justice. This book’s contemporary analysis of the role and independence of judges in fifteen countries in the Asia-Pacific exposes the undermining of judicial independence in countries beset by dramatic changes in governments, and the strides to judicial independence in more democratic regimes. • Examines the judiciary’s role, independence and key developments from a diverse range of jurisdictions in the Asia-Pacific • Provides a contemporary analysis of the role and independence of judges that will help readers gain a broad understanding of judiciaries in many jurisdictions of the Asia-Pacific region • Analyses problems confronting judges and courts with the aim of establishing a commonality of standards to strengthen and promote the important values of judicial independence, impartiality and integrity November 2017 228 x 152 mm 360pp 2 b/w illus. 4 tables 978-1-107-13772-1 Hardback £95.00 / US$125.00 C
Vigilance and Restraint in the Common Law of Judicial Review Dean R. Knight | Victoria University of Wellington
Examining doctrinal, conceptual and normative dimensions of judicial review of administrative action, Dean R. Knight explores how AngloCommonwealth courts vary the depth of scrutiny in a variety of ways and critically appraises the virtues of different approaches. • Proposes four distinctive models of variability in judicial review • Provides a method of testing the strengths and weaknesses of different styles of legal reasoning • Explains changes in the complex world of judicial review doctrine Cambridge Studies in Constitutional Law, 19
December 2017 228 x 152 mm 250pp 978-1-107-19024-5 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
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The DNA of Constitutional Justice in Latin America
God and the Illegal Alien United States Immigration Law and a Theology of Politics Robert W. Heimburger
Politics, Governance, and Judicial Design Daniel M. Brinks | University of Texas, Austin
This book traces the development of constitutional courts in Latin America, and develops concepts such as judicial autonomy and authority. It aims to understand the design of judicial institutions and combines qualitative and quantitative evidence to explore the basic purpose of constitutional justice. • Analyzes the constitutional justice systems in Latin America over the last forty years • Presents and explains a new dataset of judicial autonomy and authority for nineteen Latin American countries • Introduces basic concepts of judicial design that can be applied to the study of courts anywhere at any time
Comparative Constitutional Law and Policy
April 2018 228 x 152 mm 250pp 21 b/w illus. 12 tables 978-1-107-17836-6 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
Rewritten Tax Opinions Edited by Bridget J. Crawford | Pace University, New York
Through re-imagined judicial opinions, this volume shows the difference feminist theory and methods can make in tax law. The opinions and accompanying commentary demonstrate that anyone who cares about justice should care about greater diversity in the judiciary. • Shows how feminist thinking can make a practical difference in the decisions judges make, even in ‘neutral’ areas of the law such as taxation • Proposes alternate versions of eleven tax-related cases decided by a variety of courts including the United States Supreme Court, federal circuit courts and the United States Tax Court • Features contributions from twenty-five scholars and lawyers with wide-ranging specialties including taxation, constitutional law, gender studies, Native American rights, race and the law Feminist Judgment Series: Rewritten Judicial Opinions
The Rights Revolution Revisited
The Brazilian Legal Profession in the Age of Globalization The Rise of the Corporate Legal Sector and its Impact on Lawyers and Society Edited by Luciana Gross Cunha | Fundação Getulio Vargas Law School
A comprehensive, empirically grounded analysis of the impact of globalization on the growth of the corporate legal sector in Brazil. The authors examine the transformational effect globalization has had on the Brazilian legal profession, Brazil, and the global market for legal services. • Employs a range of original data from ten empirical studies • Examines how the impact of globalization on the legal profession is mediated by local forces and structures to create a ‘glocal’ result • Looks at how changes in the corporate legal profession are associated with ‘ripple-like’ changes in the legal profession more generally, applying how local trends can reverberate into the emerging global order January 2018 228 x 152 mm 354pp 17 b/w illus. 19 tables 978-1-107-18354-4 Hardback £95.00 / US$125.00 C
Failures of American Methods of Lawmaking in Historical and Comparative Perspectives James R. Maxeiner | University of Baltimore
Institutional Perspectives on the Private Enforcement of Civil Rights in the US Edited by Lynda G. Dodd | City College, City University of New York
In The Rights Revolution Revisited, a distinguished group of political scientists and legal scholars explore the institutional dynamics, scope, and durability of the rights revolution. By offering an inter-branch analysis of the development of civil rights laws and policies that features the role of private enforcement, this volume enriches our understanding of the rise of the ‘civil rights state’ and its fate in the current era. • Emphasizes the role of federal agencies in promoting or hindering effective enforcement of civil rights • Provides an overview of the implementation of leading civil rights statutes, including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX, and the ADA • Features leading political science perspectives about the role of private enforcement of civil rights December 2017 228 x 152 mm 400pp 23 tables 978-1-107-16473-4 Hardback £95.00 / US$125.00
Law and Christianity
December 2017 228 x 152 mm 225pp 978-1-107-17662-1 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
Feminist Judgments
December 2017 228 x 152 mm 350pp 978-1-316-51020-9 Hardback £90.00 / US$110.00 978-1-316-64959-6 Paperback £28.99 / US$35.99
Millions of men, women, and children who enter the United States unlawfully are deemed ‘illegal aliens’ under United States immigration law. Where do these migrants stand within Christian ethics? This book explains the rise of the illegal alien and responds to the law through a theological account of politics. • The development of US immigration law and the term ‘illegal aliens’ is explained through three historical narratives • Readings of biblical passages in conversation with theologians feed discussion of the questions illegal immigration brings up for a Christian understanding of politics • Critically examines federal US immigration laws to provide a fresh, theological approach to illegal immigration
This book shows laymen and professionals alike why America’s legal system, based on common law, fails to provide rules that people can apply themselves, and how sensible statute law works elsewhere. Its historical aspect shows that Americans wanted legislative-made statutes and its comparative aspect details how another legal system succeeds. • Encourages renewing systematization of America’s laws • Facilitates finding the law by people and legal professions and focusing on facts • Legitimizes democratic lawmaking and better realizes the common good • Presents to the people one government of laws instead of competing and conflicting federal and state rules that delegitimize government January 2018 228 x 152 mm 352pp 978-1-107-19815-9 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
Refuge Lost
Emotions and Mass Atrocity
Asylum Law in an Interdependent World Daniel Ghezelbash | Macquarie University, Sydney
Philosophical and Theoretical Explorations Edited by Thomas Brudholm | University of Copenhagen
This interdisciplinary comparative study examines the global spread of restrictive asylum policies with reference to examples from the United States, Australia and Europe. The timely analysis provides guidance for policy-makers, academics and concerned citizens interested in engaging with the debate on the future of the international refugee protection system. • Compares restrictive asylum policies in the United States and Australia • Intervenes in the highly topical international debates on refugees and asylum • Offers new insights that will benefit policymakers and the public alike
A new perspective on collective violence and its aftermath, this unique collection of essays foregrounds the importance of emotions in and after mass violence or genocide. The authors are drawn from a range of disciplines and provide sophisticated and provocative analyses of the emotional responses to mass atrocity. • Bridges two fields of scholarship and enlarges the contextual scope of emotion studies • Explains the meaning and moral value of emotional responses to political mass violence • Aimed at scholars in history, philosophy, psychology, and the social sciences
Cambridge Asylum and Migration Studies
February 2018 247 x 174 mm 218pp 1 b/w illus. 4 tables 978-1-108-42525-4 Hardback c. £90.00 / c. US$120.00 978-1-108-44141-4 Paperback c. £34.99 / c. US$44.99
Comparative Law Second edition Mathias Siems | University of Durham
Comparative Law offers a thorough grounding for students and scholars of the subject, covering essential academic debates and comparative law methodology. Critically debating both traditional and modern approaches to the subject, the new edition includes a wider range of examples and further discussion of the global dimension of comparative law. • Revised and updated throughout to reflect contemporary research • Further practical examples illustrate how the subject can be applied • Offers a global perspective by referencing various legal systems • Includes online supplement, available at http://www.comparinglaws. Contents: 1. Introduction; Part I. Traditional Comparative Law: 2. The comparative legal method; 3. Common law and civil law; 4. Mapping the world’s legal systems; Part II. Extending the Methods of Comparative Law: 5. Postmodern comparative law; 6. Socio-legal comparative law; 7. Numerical comparative law; Part III. Global Comparative Law: 8. Legal transplants; 9. Convergence, regionalisation, and internationalisation; 10. From transnational law to global law; 11. Comparative law and development; Part IV. Comparative Law as an Open Subject: 12. Implicit comparative law; 13. Reflections and outlook. Law in Context
April 2018 247 x 174 mm 500pp 15 b/w illus. 21 tables 978-1-107-18241-7 Hardback c. £79.99 / c. US$125.00 978-1-316-63355-7 Paperback c. £34.99 / c. US$75.00
Transitional Justice, International Assistance, and Civil Society Missed Connections Edited by Paige Arthur | New York University
Transitional Justice, International Assistance, and Civil Society is for scholars, and for civil society, and government officials working on justice for victims of massive human rights abuse. It addresses how justice initiatives are decided upon, created, and funded – and argues that civil society should play a central role in these processes. • Draws on original, qualitative field research, as well as financial data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) • Asks where power truly lies in making decisions about justice for victims of massive human rights abuse • Argues on the importance of civil society in the transitional justice process February 2018 228 x 152 mm 250pp 2 tables 978-1-107-16678-3 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
March 2018 228 x 152 mm 312pp 978-1-107-12773-9 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
Making Migration Law The Foreigner, Sovereignty, and the Case of Australia Eve Lester | Australian Catholic University, North Sydney
Australia is the site for some of the world’s harshest asylum policies. Eve Lester asks how Australian migration law has made such policies thinkable. Her findings provoke a new consciousness about Australia’s responses to unsolicited migration. They also provide a clarion call to others not to emulate the Australian example. • Will appeal to both an Australian and international readership wishing to understand the backstory of how this claim has emerged and been authorised in Australia • Provides fresh insights into Australia’s current policy of mandatory extraterritorial detention of asylum-seekers • Canvasses an area of public policy that has hitherto received very little scholarly attention February 2018 228 x 152 mm 360pp 978-1-107-17327-9 Hardback £95.00 / US$125.00
Prosecutorial Accountability and Victims’ Rights in Latin America Verónica Michel | John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York
In some Latin American countries, private prosecution improves access to justice for victims of crime as well as human rights violations. By examining how citizens use this right to push states to hold perpetrators accountable, Verónica Michel highlights how the rule of law is shored up by individual legal struggles. • Offers the first detailed evidence-based study of the right to private prosecution in Latin America, and its impact on access to justice • Focuses on violations to the right to a judicial remedy in homicide cases, comparing the experience of victims of crimes and victims of human rights abuses • Argues that procedural rights and the criminal justice system can work in favor of victims January 2018 228 x 152 mm 240pp 10 b/w illus. 27 tables 978-1-108-42204-8 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00 C
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Regime Consolidation and Transitional Justice
Rethinking Transitional Justice for the Twenty-First Century
A Comparative Study of Germany, Spain and Turkey Anja Mihr | Universität Erfurt, Germany
Beyond the End of History Dustin N. Sharp | University of San Diego
Regime Consolidation and Transitional Justice explores, by focusing on the long-term impact of transitional justice mechanisms in Germany, Spain and Turkey over a twenty-year period, the effect of justice measures on ‘regime consolidation’, or the means by which a new political system is established and legitimised in a post-transition context. • Explores the effect of justice measures on ‘regime consolidation’ • Demonstrates how transitional justice and regime consolidation are intertwined • Considers the long-term impact of transitional justice mechanisms in Germany, Spain and Turkey February 2018 228 x 152 mm 474pp 978-1-108-42306-9 Hardback £110.00 / US$140.00
Religious Discrimination and Cultural Context A Common Law Perspective Kerry O’Halloran | Queensland University of Technology
Explores the contemporary judicial take on what constitutes religious discrimination in different cultural contexts. This book will be of particular interest for those currently engaged in undergraduate and post-graduate courses in law, social policy, politics and religious studies. • Suggests that present forms of religious discrimination are shaped by past cultural traditions • Demonstrates how many culture war issues – such as abortion and gay marriage – are forms of religious discrimination • Provides a comparative analysis of religious discrimination case law which shows how judicial treatment of matters such as accommodating religious belief in the workplace varies on a jurisdictional basis November 2017 228 x 152 mm 500pp 978-1-108-42305-2 Hardback £120.00 / US$155.00
Searching for Truth in the Transitional Justice Movement Jamie Rowen | University of Massachusetts, Amherst
This book re-imagines transitional justice as a movement, and explains why truth commissions are promoted and created. By exploring how the movement developed, as well as efforts to create truth commissions in the Balkans, Colombia, and the US, it examines the processes through which political actors translate transitional justice into political action. • Proposes a new view of transitional justice as an idea around which a movement emerged and professionalized • Compares three countries where there have been human rights abuses • Offers narrative case studies August 2017 228 x 152 mm 192pp 978-1-107-10876-9 Hardback £79.99 / US$99.99 978-1-107-51969-5 Paperback £24.99 / US$32.99
Rethinking Transitional Justice for the Twenty-First Century examines transitional justice in the world today and asks whether the field might be re-imagined to better suit the diversity and realities of the twentyfirst century. For legal scholars and those working in peace and conflict studies, global studies, and postcolonial studies. • Targets the nexus of transitional justice and peace building • Evaluates transitional justice from a critical legal studies perspective • Pushes readers to re-think conventional answers to the question of how to promote peace March 2018 228 x 152 mm 230pp 978-1-108-42558-2 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
Legislated Rights Securing Human Rights through Legislation Grégoire Webber | Queen’s University, Ontario
Explores how legislatures are able to secure human rights through legislation specifying rights and duties, and the institutional capacities that promote this aim. Opposes theories that place the main or sole responsibility for protecting human rights with courts, showing that legislatures can provide modes of protection that courts cannot provide. • Challenges the dominant theory of human rights law • Situates the legislature as a key actor in securing human rights • Proposes a new understanding of human rights March 2018 228 x 152 mm 216pp 1 b/w illus. 978-1-108-42657-2 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
A New Era for Mental Health Law and Policy Supported Decision-Making and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Piers Gooding | University of Melbourne
This book explores the implications of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) for law, policy and practice that responds to the complex issues raised by mental health impairment and disability. It argues that the support framework of the CRPD holds potential to address persistent shortcomings in mental health law and policy. • Proposes a new approach to mental health and the law • Promotes the application of international human rights law to mental health law, policy and practice • Considers new solutions to longstanding problems regarding coercive mental health treatment Cambridge Disability Law and Policy Series
October 2017 228 x 152 mm 294pp 978-1-107-14074-5 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
Core Socio-Economic Rights and the European Court of Human Rights Ingrid Leijten | Universiteit Leiden
Core Socio-Economic Rights and the European Court of Human Rights focuses on socio-economic rights in the context of the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) and, through review and exploration of core socio-economic protection and rights, offers suggestions for improving the ECtHR’s reasoning in socio-economic cases. • Explores the current state of socio-economic rights protection under the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) • Adds a new perspective to the debate on the ECtHR’s socio-economic rights protection and fundamental rights reasoning • Promotes suggestions for improving the ECtHR’s reasoning in socioeconomic cases Cambridge Studies in European Law and Policy
January 2018 228 x 152 mm 400pp 978-1-107-19847-0 Hardback £95.00 / US$125.00
The Strasbourg Effect Edited by Lauri Mälksoo | University of Tartu
A timely exploration of Russia’s relationship with the European Court of Human Rights to examine whether the Strasbourg court has had the effect of increasing the human rights protection in Russia. This study will be of interest to law and political science scholars with a particular interest in human rights or Russia. • Offers an in-depth analysis of Russia’s relationship with the European Court of Human Rights • Discusses human rights socialization theories in the empirical context of post-Soviet Russia, as well as nativist theories that offer resistance to the liberal/secular concept of human rights • Offers a realist and sceptical look at the implementation of judgments issued by the European Court of Human Rights in the biggest Council of Europe member state European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation
Rethinking Children’s Rights Michael Freeman | University College London
Are the rights we currently afford to children enough? This book restates the importance of law, policy and rights in improving children’s lives. This book will appeal to an interdisciplinary audience who are interested in children’s rights, children’s studies, the history of childhood, international human rights, and comparative family law. • Provides a detailed examination of the development of children’s rights before the Convention on the Rights of the Child, including key legal and philosophical perspectives • Includes an in-depth critique of the Convention and its principles • Explores multiple facets of children’s rights and childhood, appealing to a broad audience of legal, sociological, psychological and social work scholars The Hamlyn Lectures
The Changing Practices of International Law Edited by Tanja Aalberts | Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
Since the Second World War there has been a remarkable expansion of international legal institutions. At the same time, however, international law is challenged by states fearing the loss of their political room for manoeuvre. This book explores how states are responding by developing a new politics of international law. • Explains how states respond to the growing power of international law and international legal institutions • Analyses and compares state practices in regard to international law across a wide range of issues • Provides conceptual tools to understand the parallel developments of legalisation and politicisation within international law February 2018 228 x 152 mm 254pp 978-1-108-42597-1 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
Revisiting the Vietnam War and International Law Views and Interpretations of Richard Falk Edited by Stefan Andersson | Lunds Universitet, Sweden
Under Caesar’s Sword How Christians Respond to Persecution Edited by Daniel Philpott | University of Notre Dame, Indiana
The global persecution of Christians is an urgent human rights issue, yet remains underreported in the mainstream media and by human rights organizations. In this volume a group of wellrespected scholars investigates contemporary persecutions of Christians in twenty-four nations and how Christians have responded to these actions. • Brings attention to the underreported plight of persecuted Christians • Includes details of persecution in twenty-four countries • Will help activists and officials respond more effectively to persecution Law and Christianity
March 2018 228 x 152 mm 508pp 1 b/w illus. 2 tables 978-1-108-42530-8 Hardback £110.00 / US$140.00
A Magna Carta for Children?
March 2018 216 x 138 mm 400pp 978-1-107-15282-3 Hardback c. £69.99 / c. US$115.00 978-1-316-60667-4 Paperback c. £24.99 / c. US$44.99
Russia and the European Court of Human Rights
November 2017 228 x 152 mm 400pp 978-1-108-41573-6 Hardback £95.00 / US$125.00
The Vietnam War was a significant historical event that has had profound implications for international law and state actions. This book brings together essays by top international lawyer and commentator Richard Falk on the Vietnam War and its relationship to international law, American foreign policy, and the global world order. • Outlines the central legal issues of the Vietnam War • Demonstrates the importance of civil society tribunals and the Russell Tribunal in particular • Provides a valuable source of insight about the antiwar movement December 2017 228 x 152 mm 350pp 978-1-108-41915-4 Hardback c. £80.00 / c. US$99.99 978-1-108-40996-4 Paperback c. £27.99 / c. US$34.99
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Peoples’ Tribunals and International Law
Rethinking Human Rights and Global Constitutionalism
Edited by Andrew Byrnes | University of New South Wales, Sydney
From Inclusion to Belonging Ekaterina Yahyaoui Krivenko | National University of Ireland, Galway
This is the first book to analyse how civil society tribunals implement and develop international law. With multi-disciplinary contributions covering tribunals in Europe, Latin America and Asia, this edited collection will interest scholars of law, criminology, human rights, politics, sociology, anthropology and international relations. • Analyses contributions of peoples’ tribunals in applying and developing international law, as well as critiques of peoples’ tribunals • Includes cross-disciplinary academic and activist perspectives, providing unique insights into the phenomenon of peoples’ tribunals • Covers tribunals held in Europe, Latin America and Asia on a range of issues January 2018 228 x 152 mm 310pp 978-1-108-42167-6 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
Legal Authority beyond the State Edited by Patrick Capps | University of Bristol
Leading international lawyers and legal philosophers examine the problem of how authority can be constructed within a rapidly evolving international legal order, as new legal institutions outside the state challenge traditional views of international law. • Opens a crucial new area of inquiry into the nature of international law – a field of law with a growing influence on society • Links the study of legal authority to international law • Analyzes the background and implications of the proliferation of international bodies that have developed over the last two decades March 2018 228 x 152 mm 288pp 978-1-107-19026-9 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
Maritime Boundary Delimitation: The Case Law Is it Consistent and Predictable? Edited by Alex G. Oude Elferink | Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands
October 2017 228 x 152 mm 200pp 978-1-107-12202-4 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
Self-Determination in Disputed Colonial Territories Jamie Trinidad | University of Cambridge
Self-Determination in Disputed Colonial Territories addresses the relationship between self-determination and territorial integrity in some of the most difficult decolonization cases in international law, focusing on historical cases as well as those that remain very much alive today. • Brings clarity to a problematic area within the law of self-determination • Maps the existing law of self-determination in disputed colonial territories • Analyzes the subject of adverse third-party claims Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law, 134
Maritime Boundary Delimitation: The Case Law provides an in-depth understanding of the delimitation of the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zone, and will assist practitioners in determining what to expect from third party settlement of delimitation disputes. • Studies in depth the case law on maritime delimitation • Identifies inconsistencies in the case law on maritime delimitation • Critically engages with the case law and compares individual cases February 2018 228 x 152 mm 350pp 1 b/w illus. 1 table 978-1-108-42479-0 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
Does global constitutionalism have any future in the theory and practice of international law and global governance? This book offers new perspectives and insights into the functioning of mechanisms utilised by global constitutionalism. It will appeal to scholars interested in human rights, international law and critical legal theory. • Proposes a new view of global constitutionalism, reviving debate on this topic in international law • Demonstrates that human rights are antithetical to global constitutionalism, generating new discussions on the meaning of global constitutionalism and human rights • Examines how human rights function, focusing on the mechanisms of human rights rather than the meaning • Uses examples from ancient Greece and early Islam to inform global constitutionalism
March 2018 228 x 152 mm 290pp 1 b/w illus. 978-1-108-41818-8 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
International Law Reports Volume 171 Edited by Christopher Greenwood | International Court of Justice
Volume 171 is devoted to the United Kingdom Supreme Court judgment of 24 January 2017 in R (Miller) v. Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union (together with judgment of the High Court), The Arctic Sunrise Arbitration (2014 award on jurisdiction and 2015 award on the merits) and the WTO Peru-Additional Duty on Imports of Certain Agricultural Products (Complainant: Guatemala). • Devoted to the United Kingdom Supreme Court judgment of 24 January 2017 in R (Miller) v. Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union (together with judgment of the High Court) • Focuses on The Arctic Sunrise arbitration (2014 award on jurisdiction and 2015 award on the merits) • Includes the WTO Peru-Additional Duty on Imports of Certain Agricultural Products (Complainant: Guatemala) International Law Reports, 171
September 2017 219 x 146 mm 828pp 978-1-108-41835-5 Hardback £170.00 / US$240.00
International Law Reports
Legitimacy and International Courts
Volume 172 Edited by Christopher Greenwood | International Court of Justice
Edited by Nienke Grossman | University of Baltimore
Volume 172 is devoted to the 2014 judgment of International Court of Justice in Maritime Dispute (Peru v. Chile), judgment of South African Constitutional Court in National Commissioner of the South African Police Service v. Southern Africa Human Rights Litigation Centre and the 2016 judgment of the English High Court in R (Freedom and Justice Party) v. Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs. • Devoted to the 2014 judgment of International Court of Justice in Maritime Dispute (Peru v. Chile) • Includes the judgment of the South African Constitutional Court in National Commissioner of the South African Police Service v. Southern Africa Human Rights Litigation Centre • Focuses on the 2016 judgment of the English High Court in R (Freedom and Justice Party) v. Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs International Law Reports, 172
November 2017 219 x 146 mm 811pp 4 maps 978-1-108-41886-7 Hardback c. £170.00 / c. US$240.00
International Law Reports
Volume 173 reports on the landmark Norbert Zongo Case, African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights awarding reparations to victims for the first time, Judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the Polisario Case and Appeal judgment of Federal Court of Australia in Ure v. Commonwealth. • Presents the landmark Norbert Zongo Case, African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights awarding reparations to victims for the first time • Reports on judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the Polisario Case • Reports on Appeal judgment of Federal Court of Australia in Ure v. Commonwealth International Law Reports, 173
International Law Reports Volume 174 Edited by Christopher Greenwood | International Court of Justice
Volume 174 is devoted to the 2013 order and 2014 judgment of the International Court of Justice in Whaling in the Antarctic (Australia v. Japan), the 2017 Grand Chamber judgment of European Court of Human Rights in Hutchinson v. United Kingdom and the 2016 Austrian Supreme Court decision in Swiss National Bank Immunity case. • Devoted to reports on the 2013 order and 2014 judgment of the International Court of Justice in Whaling in the Antarctic (Australia v. Japan) • Focuses on the 2017 Grand Chamber judgment of European Court of Human Rights in Hutchinson v. United Kingdom • Reports on the 2016 Austrian Supreme Court decision in Swiss National Bank Immunity case
March 2018 228 x 152 mm 300pp 978-1-108-42385-4 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
15 C
The Performance of International Courts and Tribunals International courts and tribunals play significant roles in international law and global governance, but their procedures and the outcomes they produce vary significantly. The Performance of International Courts and Tribunals presents the concept of performance and interdisciplinary accounts to describe and explain this variation. • Features approaches, methods and authorship from law and political science • Introduces a framework for evaluating performance of international courts and tribunals • Offers original interdisciplinary perspectives Studies on International Courts and Tribunals
April 2018 228 x 152 mm 468pp 17 b/w illus. 3 maps 11 tables 978-1-108-42569-8 Hardback £110.00 / US$140.00 C
Rules of Procedure at the UN and at InterGovernmental Conferences Third edition Robbie Sabel | Hebrew University of Jerusalem
This third edition of an award-winning book provides a comprehensive manual to procedure and conduct of business at the UN General Assembly and at international conferences. This will be a standard reference book for UN and conference delegates as well as scholars and students of international law and international relations. • Presents a fully updated third edition to a previously award-winning book • Examines the history and development of procedure, encouraging scholars to better understand the rules around meetings and conferences • Includes rulings quoted from records of UN General Assembly meetings, as well as assemblies of international organisations and treaty-making conferences December 2017 228 x 152 mm 500pp 978-1-107-17272-2 Hardback c. £89.99 / c. US$140.00
International Law Reports, 174
April 2018 219 x 146 mm 808pp 978-1-108-41883-6 Hardback c. £160.00 / c. US$260.00
Studies on International Courts and Tribunals
Edited by Theresa Squatrito | University of Liverpool
Volume 173 Edited by Christopher Greenwood | International Court of Justice
January 2018 219 x 146 mm 700pp 978-1-108-41885-0 Hardback c. £160.00 / c. US$260.00
This volume provides interdisciplinary insights into international courts’ legitimacy. Experts analyse the drivers of legitimacy of specific courts and how these might differ by the court concerned, as well as the links between legitimacy and democracy, justice and effectiveness. It will appeal to scholars, practitioners, reformers and students of ICs. • Experts in various fields analyse the meaning of legitimacy and its link to justice, democracy and effectiveness • Features in-depth case-studies which outline the legitimacy challenges faced by international courts and offers lessons on how to approach them • Will appeal to those seeking to deepen their understanding of legitimacy in the context of specific courts and across the field of international courts and tribunals
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Sovereign Debt Crises What Have We Learned? Edited by Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky | United Nations
This book aims at improving the understanding of debt crises and of how to resolve them while protecting human rights and the debtor’s economic recovery. To do so, it analyzes fourteen unique or singular debtor countries – some regarded as successful, some as unsuccessful in dealing with debt crises. • Presents a systemic study of debt and financial crises to provide a more consistent understanding to those interested in debt and financial issues • Uses concrete case studies to propose lessons to be learned on how to deal with debt and financial crises • Challenges conventional wisdom on how to prevent or minimize the negative effects of debt and financial crises to contribute to the policy and academic debate November 2017 228 x 152 mm 304pp 23 b/w illus. 17 tables 978-1-316-51044-5 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00 C
Trade Multilateralism in the Twenty-First Century Building the Upper Floors of the Trading System through WTO Accessions Edited by Alexei Kireyev | International Monetary Fund
International trade and economic policy-makers, practitioners and scholars in related fields, and businesses will find useful information and guidance in this book relative to the challenges facing the multilateral trading system and how the experiences of recent accessions to the WTO may help to address these challenges. • Includes contributions from top-policy-makers and chief negotiators, providing first-hand accounts and expertise in trade policy-making • Analyses WTO accessions in the context of global economic and social development • Describes how WTO accessions can function as a tool to accelerate domestic reforms November 2017 228 x 152 mm 460pp 18 b/w illus. 8 colour illus. 20 tables 978-1-108-42128-7 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00 P 978-1-108-43168-2 Paperback £27.99 / US$36.99 P TEXTBOOK
International Investment Law and Arbitration Commentary, Awards and other Materials Chin Leng Lim | The University of Hong Kong
This book is suitable for advanced courses on the substantive law and procedural aspects of international investment arbitration. Awards and other key materials are accompanied by commentary which explains past, current and potential developments in the context of the changing directions in the arbitral jurisprudence and current reform debates. • Accessible commentary accompanies key awards and materials • Historical developments are discussed in the context of the changing directions in the arbitral jurisprudence and current treaty and arbitration reform debate • Every chapter has questions to test reader understanding as well as a list of further reading to encourage exploration of the subject Contents: 1. The origins of investment protection and international investment law; 2. Investment contracts and internationalisation; 3. The metamorphosis of investment treaties; 4. Investment dispute settlement; 5. Jurisdiction, admissibility and parallel proceedings; 6. Applicable laws; 7. Evidence; 8. Provisional measures; 9. Protected investments; 10. Protected investors; 11. Fair and equitable treatment, and full protection and security; 12. Contingent standards: national treatment and
most favoured nation treatment; 13. Expropriation; 14. Umbrella clauses; 15. Defences; 16. Remedies; 17. Costs and legal fees; 18. Challenging and enforcing awards, and the question of foreign state immunities; 19. New directions in international investment law and arbitration. March 2018 247 x 174 mm 566pp 978-1-107-18033-8 Hardback c. £99.00 / c. US$160.00 978-1-316-63220-8 Paperback c. £44.99 / c. US$74.99
The BRICS-Lawyers’ Guide to Global Cooperation Edited by Rostam J. Neuwirth | Universidade de Macau
Explores the role of law in various areas of BRICS cooperation including: trade, investment, competition, intellectual property, energy, consumer protection, financial services, space exploration and legal education. A unique reference book for anyone interested in BRICS and their role in reforming the global governance structures. • The first book to examine the legal perspectives of BRICS cooperation, authored by highly qualified professionals familiar with the realities of the BRICS countries • Provides comprehensive coverage of the national laws and policies of the BRICS countries on the selected issues of their cooperation • Each chapter covers the past and current dynamics of BRICS interaction as well as offering a future-oriented outlook for each of the selected issues and critical suggestions for future courses of action October 2017 228 x 152 mm 408pp 10 b/w illus. 32 tables 978-1-108-41623-8 Hardback £95.00 / US$125.00 C
The WTO Agreements The Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization and its Annexes Second edition World Trade Organization
The WTO Agreements is a definitive reference work for all practising and academic trade lawyers. It is an essential addition to all international law libraries, a vital source book for students taking courses on international economic or trade law and an important resource for economists and political scientists. • Includes the complete and official texts of the WTO agreements in one collection • Provides an indispensable guide to all WTO trade-related negotiations • Updates and replaces The Legal Texts: The Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations (1994) November 2017 228 x 152 mm 512pp 978-1-108-42382-3 Hardback £99.99 / US$130.00 978-1-108-43843-8 Paperback £34.99 / US$44.99
Judicial Acts and Investment Treaty Arbitration
International Environmental Law
Berk Demirkol | Galatasaray Űniversitesi, Istanbul
This book examines judicial acts infringing the rights of foreign investors that can give rise to international responsibility of the state. It addresses legal issues that will be of interest to academics, researchers, and practitioners working in the area of public international law and, particularly, in international investment law. • Introduces a holistic understanding of state responsibility for judicial acts in the investment arbitration context which will help readers to ascertain the procedural and substantive nature of the legal issues involved • Provides an exhaustive analysis of the investment arbitration case law on this particular subject enabling a good comprehension of the interpretation adopted by investment tribunals in approaching such claims to date • Blends theory with practice demonstrating how theory can actually fit in argumentation by parties, as well as in decision-making by tribunals Cambridge International Trade and Economic Law
January 2018 228 x 152 mm 300pp 978-1-107-19846-3 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
Global Lawmakers International Organizations in the Crafting of World Markets Susan Block-Lieb | Fordham University, New York
This book offers the first extensive empirical study of global lawmaking for commerce and trade within the United Nations. It shows who makes law for the world, how they make it, and who comes out ahead. • Proposes a new sociology of international organizations • Shows how international lawmaking works on the inside • Explores how international organizations can adapt to changing global contexts
Second edition Pierre-Marie Dupuy | Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva
Detailed references and numerous figures and tables provide a conceptually clear understanding of contemporary international environmental law suitable for practicing and academic international lawyers who want an accessible, up-to-date and legally rigorous introduction to the subject, as well as non-lawyers seeking a concise introduction. • A concise and conceptually clear introduction to a complex subject that engages with technical aspects that some books avoid to ensure full understanding • Precise and clear language makes international environmental law accessible to those new to the subject • Covers emerging and contemporary topics such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol, the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction, foreign investment and the environment, environmental migration, climate change and human rights, technology diffusion, and environmental security in post-conflict settings Contents: Introduction; Part I. Foundations: 1. Emergence and development of international environmental law; 2. Main features of international environmental law; 3. The principles of international environmental law; Part II. Substantive Regulation: 4. Oceans, seas and freshwater; 5. Atmosphere; 6. Biological diversity; 7. Dangerous substances and activities; Part III. Implementation: 8. Traditional approaches: responsibility/liability/adjudication; 9. Alternative approaches – facilitation and management of ‘noncompliance’; Part IV. Interactions with Other Branches: 10. Interactions with human rights law; 11. Interactions with the law of armed conflict; 12. Interactions with international economic law. March 2018 247 x 174 mm 578pp 36 b/w illus. 1 table 978-1-108-42360-1 Hardback c. £70.00 / c. US$115.00 978-1-108-43811-7 Paperback c. £29.99 / c. US$47.99
Cambridge Studies in Law and Society
November 2017 228 x 152 mm 250pp 5 b/w illus. 17 tables 978-1-107-18758-0 Hardback £79.99 / US$99.99 P 978-1-316-63816-3 Paperback £27.99 / US$34.99 P
Fourth edition Philippe Sands | University College London
The Legitimacy of International Trade Courts and Tribunals Edited by Robert Howse | New York University
This volume investigates the legitimacy of international trade courts and tribunals on the basis of their operation and performance. It covers a number of regional adjudicators that are highly under-studied and features visions from both academics and practitioners across several disciplines. • Provides a comprehensive study of the multitude of international trade courts, offering comparative analysis across the board • Features in-depth analysis of regional ITCTs that are under-studied, and offers substantive discussion of a number of regional adjudicators • Presents an inter-disciplinary study of adjudication legitimacy with visions from political scientists, lawyers and legal philosophers Studies on International Courts and Tribunals
March 2018 228 x 152 mm 400pp 978-1-108-42447-9 Hardback £95.00 / US$125.00
Principles of International Environmental Law
A comprehensive account of one of the fastest growing areas of international law: principles and rules relating to environmental protection. Incorporating the latest developments in treaty and case law for key areas of environmental regulation, this text is an essential reference and textbook for students, academics and practitioners. • The leading textbook in an area of growing importance and complexity, Principles of International Environmental Law is an essential guide for students and practitioners of international environmental law • Contains a new chapter on climate change addressing the significant developments in the field, including the Paris Climate Agreement • Presents critical commentary on some of the world’s most pressing and growing problems including climate change, biodiversity and regulating pollution and waste • Looks at the contribution made by different groups – governments, courts and non-state actors – for a full understanding of the protagonists involved Contents: Part I. The Legal and Institutional Framework: 1. The environment and international society: issues, concepts and definitions; 2. History; 3. Governance: states, international organisations and nonstate actors; 4. International law-making and regulation; 5. Compliance: implementation, enforcement, dispute settlement; Part II. Principles and Rules Establishing Standards: 6. General principles and rules; 7. Atmospheric protection; 8. Climate change; 9. Freshwater resources; 10. Biological diversity; 11. Oceans, seas and marine living resources; 12. Hazardous substances and activities, and waste; 13. The Polar regions: Antarctica and the Arctic; Part III. Techniques for Implementing
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International Principles and Rules: 14. Environmental impact assessment; 15. Environmental information and technology transfer; 16. Liability for environmental damage; Part IV. Linkage of International Environmental Law and Other Areas of International Law: 17. Human rights and international humanitarian law; 18. International economic law: trade, investment and intellectual property; 19. Future developments. January 2018 247 x 174 mm 1000pp 4 tables 978-1-108-42095-2 Hardback c. £110.00 / c. US$179.99 978-1-108-43112-5 Paperback c. £44.99 / c. US$89.99
The Impact of Climate Change Mitigation on Indigenous and Forest Communities International, National and Local Law Perspectives on REDD+ Maureen F. Tehan | University of Melbourne
An examination of REDD+’s impact on indigenous and forest communities and interaction with international and domestic law including biodiversity, tenure and human rights. It provides an in-depth analysis of indigenous peoples and local forest-dependent community rights affected by international climate change law scholarship, appealing to scholars, students and professionals in the field. • Centralizes the engagement of indigenous and forest communities in the context of global developments in environmental law and climate change mitigation, providing an in-depth analysis of indigenous peoples and local forest-dependent community rights instead of the more common analysis of under international climate change law scholarship, which usually focuses on national interests • Assesses the impact of REDD+ on the field of indigenous rights and offers a critical view of the relationships between collective indigenousspecific rights (to consultation, tenure and traditional knowledge) and human rights, and the stances taken on these matters by the REDD+ funding bodies • Provides a critical analysis of various attempts by international organizations and nations to reconcile indigenous and human rights, and examines the trade-offs inherent in each model as applied in forest based emissions reduction schemes, including benefit-sharing in the climate change regime October 2017 228 x 152 mm 440pp 4 b/w illus. 978-1-107-07426-2 Hardback £110.00 / US$140.00
Edited by Burton Ong | National University of Singapore
Readership of this book includes: competition/antitrust law academics, students, practitioners, enforcement agencies and policy-makers. It examines how and why competition policy is needed at a regional level, over and above national competition law regimes, and the role it plays in facilitating the markets within ASEAN. • Offers a broad range of perspectives, appealing to an extensive audience with chapters written by academics, practitioners and policymakers • Experts from within ASEAN member states provide an ‘insiders’ perspective into the development of competition law • Discusses other regional competition regimes offering a neutral comparative perspective • Examines regionalisation of competition law within ASEAN and exposes a wide range of issues arising from specific regional settings March 2018 228 x 152 mm 364pp 2 b/w illus. 9 tables 978-1-107-19799-2 Hardback £95.00 / US$125.00
Arbitrating the Conduct of International Investors Jose Daniel Amado | Miranda & Amado Abogados, Lima
A comprehensive guide for those who might wish to reform international investment law from within by openly allowing for the arbitration of claims submitted by the host state and its nationals. A detailed toolkit, including model texts for treaty and contract, is offered to lawyers, lawmakers and draftsmen. • Proposes reform in investment arbitration to achieve both increased investment flows and improved access to justice • Explores how broadening jurisdictional access will allow other legal benefits to be considered • Provides a full set of comprehensive model texts that support the proposal and can be utilised for implementation January 2018 228 x 152 mm 218pp 10 b/w illus. 1 table 978-1-108-41572-9 Hardback £89.99 / US$120.00
Arbitration in the Digital Age
The Political Economy of Competition Law in China
The Brave New World of Arbitration Edited by Maud Piers | University of Ghent
Wendy Ng | University of Melbourne
The Political Economy of Competition Law in China provides a unique perspective of China’s competition law. Adopting a framework that focuses on key stakeholders and the relevant governance and policy environment, this book examines China’s anti-monopoly law in its legal, institutional, economic, and political contexts. • Provides a unique perspective of Chinese competition law • Proposes a new analytical framework for the anti-monopoly law in China • Critically examines anti-monopoly law in the context of China’s political economy December 2017 228 x 152 mm 432pp 4 tables 978-1-107-15440-7 Hardback £95.00 / US$125.00
The Regionalisation of Competition Law and Policy within the ASEAN Economic Community
Arbitration in the Digital Age analyses how technology can be efficiently and legitimately used to further sound arbitration proceedings. The contributions, from a variety of arbitration scholars, report on current developments, predict future trends, and assess their impact from a practical, legal, and technical point of view. • Highlights all the relevant issues regarding the use of technology in the context of arbitration, and informs the reader about the most recent developments in the field of technology and arbitration • Examines a very topical subject, keeping the reader up-to-date on the most recent trends in arbitration and potential future paths • Theoretical as well as practical perspectives gives the readers the tools so they can keep on the cutting edge of the development of technology and arbitration December 2017 228 x 152 mm 302pp 4 b/w illus. 978-1-108-41790-7 Hardback £89.99 / US$115.00
Chinese Contract Law
Transboundary Water Disputes
Civil and Common Law Perspectives Edited by Larry A. DiMatteo | University of Florida
State Conflict and the Assessment of their Adjudication Itzchak E. Kornfeld | Hebrew University of Jerusalem
In this book Kornfeld analyzes the effectiveness of North American international courts and ad hoc arbitral tribunals, in adjudicating transboundary water disputes and allocating scarce water resources. He traces the historical development of water law, taking into account issues of sovereignty, jurisdiction and scientific evidence. • Examines a series of cases in water law with a particular focus on allocation of water in transboundary disputes • Develops five criteria for measuring the effectiveness of courts and tribunals in water law • Considers the role of states and of international courts and tribunals in adjudicating water disputes February 2018 228 x 152 mm 200pp 978-1-107-18660-6 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
Can Delaware Be Dethroned? Evaluating Delaware’s Dominance of Corporate Law Edited by Stephen M. Bainbridge | University of California, Los Angeles School of Law
This book is aimed at corporate lawyers, academics, regulators, and judges. The leading corporate practitioners and academics who have contributed essays to this volume provide sophisticated analyses of what makes Delaware the leading source of corporate law and the challenges that Delaware faces from other states and the federal government. • Readers will benefit from high-profile experts bringing their deep knowledge to bear on the issues • Contributors include leading corporate law practitioners, providing practical insights • The authors have a wide range of opinions about the quality of Delaware law, with some maintaining that Delaware law is of high quality and others arguing that it is vague and indeterminate January 2018 228 x 152 mm 275pp 978-1-107-15828-3 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
The book is written at both the scholarly and practitioner levels. It is a useful reference for those wanting to know more about Chinese contract law, or for those drafting international contracts, and for students interested in the comparative analysis of contract law. • Provides analysis from scholars from the Chinese, common, civil, and mixed jurisdiction perspectives • Includes analysis of contract formation, validity, performance and breach, and remedies and damages • Features a history of Chinese contract law October 2017 228 x 152 mm 540pp 978-1-107-17632-4 Hardback £110.00 / US$140.00
Economic Transplants On Lawmaking for Corporations and Capital Markets Katja Langenbucher | Goethe-Universität Frankfurt Am Main
Since the financial crisis, corporate or capital markets law has been the focus of attention by academia and media. This book presents a new approach to the risks and benefits of interdisciplinary and policy work for legislators and judges, and will appeal to lawyers and economists working in these areas. • Contrasts different methodological approaches by law and economics • Evaluates, in detail, how legislators can benefit from economic theory • Explains the typical judicial approach to economic theory in Europe International Corporate Law and Financial Market Regulation
October 2017 228 x 152 mm 242pp 978-1-107-08180-2 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
Liability of Corporate Groups and Networks Christian A. Witting | Queen Mary University of London
Contemporary Australian Corporate Law Stephen Bottomley | Australian National University, Canberra
Contemporary Australian Corporate Law provides an authoritative, contextual and critical analysis of Australian corporate and financial markets law, designed to engage today’s LL.B. and JD student. • Explains the rules, principles, doctrines and policies that, together, constitute corporate law in Australia to students taking their first course in corporate law • Locates rules in their legal, social, economic and political context to provide deeper understanding and to recognise how corporations have become an integral part of the contemporary social fabric • The authors’ experience of teaching corporate law for many years brings a logical order to the subject matter with clarity, insight and technical excellence Contents: 1. Context, history and regulation; 2. Corporate law theory and debates; 3. The company as a separate legal entity; 4. Formation and types of companies; 5. The internal rules of a company; 6. Corporate contracting; 7. Decision-making, meetings and reporting; 8. Corporate finance; 9. Corporate fundraising; 10. An overview of directors’ duties; 11. Duty of care, skill and diligence; 12. Duties of good faith; 13. Conflicts of interest; 14. Members’ rights and remedies; 15. Receivership, schemes of arrangement and voluntary administration; 16. Winding up and liquidation; 17. Financial markets and financial services; 18. Takeovers. January 2018 247 x 174 mm 1000pp 3 tables 978-1-316-62827-0 Paperback £99.99 / US$144.99
This book discusses the insolvent entity problem, arising when companies within corporate groups and networks are unable to pay personal injury victims in full. It provides arguments for rules extending liability for personal injuries beyond insolvent entities especially in cases of mass wrongdoing such as asbestos exposure and defective pharmaceuticals. • Features a detailed proposal for the development of a statutory exception to limited liability applicable in cases of personal injury • Proposes development of the common law of conspiracy so as to create a new remedy where companies are in commercial agreements with another which is engaged in objectively reckless conduct • Assesses the law on group and network liability in leading common law jurisdictions to provide a better understanding of what gives corporate groups and networks their cohesion and why the law should be prepared to extend liability beyond the insolvent entity International Corporate Law and Financial Market Regulation
January 2018 228 x 152 mm 510pp 978-1-107-03992-6 Hardback £110.00 / US$140.00
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Putting Children’s Interests First in US Family Law and Policy
The Contested Place of Religion in Family Law
With Power Comes Responsibility Helen M. Alvaré | George Mason University, Virginia
Edited by Robin Fretwell Wilson | University of Illinois
Putting Children’s Interests First in US Family Law and Policy: With Power Comes Responsibility describes and critiques the federal policy of ‘sexual expressionism’, its costs to children, and insufficient federal attempts to ameliorate the situation of non-marital children, using detailed empirical and ethical analyses. • Demonstrates how federal law and policy favour adult sexual expression above children’s welfare • Provides a feminist and anti-poverty case against the separation of sex from marriage • Explores the rise of a federal ‘sexual expressionism’ policy
December 2017 228 x 152 mm 176pp 978-1-107-17649-2 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
The Family in Law Archana Parashar | Macquarie University, Sydney
The Family in Law provides a jurisprudential analysis of current family law, connecting doctrinal discourse with sociological, historical and economic analyses of the institution of family. The approach of the book challenges conventional boundaries of family law, giving readers a solid foundation and edge to their understanding of the topic. • Canvasses a broad range of legal issues including the conventional areas of family formation, divorce, property relations and child disputes, and goes further by including areas such as family violence, reproductive technologies, adoption and abortion, and family policy and welfare • Provides multi-disciplinary perspectives on family law including psychology and sociology; the influence of philosophical, sociological and historical materials on judicial decision-making in this area; and the influence of social policy on legislative reform • Provides an integrated analysis of different areas of family law and draws connections between family law and other social structures, such as the market, workplace arrangements, the education system, the tax system, and welfare regimes Contents: Introduction; 1. Studying family law; 2. The family law and its institutions; 3. Marriage and marriage like relationships; 4. Divorce; 5. Financial relations; 6. Spousal maintenance; 7. Private ordering in property proceedings; 8. Dependency and the law; 9. Child related disputes; 10. Children in court proceedings; 11. Child maintenance and support; 12. Children and family formation. May 2017 247 x 174 mm 474pp 978-1-107-56179-3 Paperback £80.00 / US$128.00
This volume examines clashes over religious liberty within the realm of the family. The contributors evaluate religious claims involving birth control, circumcision, modesty, religious education, marriage, polygamy, shared parenting, corporal punishment, faith healing, divorce, and death. A forward-looking examination of tensions between religious freedom and the state’s protective function. • The first book to explore the implications of Obergefell v. Hodges and Burwell v. Hobby Lobby since the election of President Trump • Covers some of the most intractable and pressing social conflicts in American culture today, including faith healing, access to contraceptives, respect for minority cultures in public spaces, home schooling, the ‘right’ kind of marriage, claims of religious objectors not to facilitate access to emergency contraceptives, and civil marriage • The authors utilize a wide range of analytical tools including: economic theory, constitutional law, social science analysis, empirical methods, historical examination of the law’s development, and comparative perspectives from other countries (Israel, Australia, France, and various parts of Europe) March 2018 228 x 152 mm 400pp 978-1-108-41760-0 Hardback £95.00 / US$125.00
The Jewish Family Between Family Law and Contract Law Yehezkel Margalit | Netanya Academic College
The Jewish Family: Between Family Law and Contract Law examines Jewish family law in the light of new attitudes concerning the role of women, assisted reproduction technologies, and prenuptial agreements, and will appeal to practitioners, activists, academic researchers and laymen readers interested in the fields of law, theology and social science. • Proposes a new understanding of the limits of freedom of contract in modern Jewish family law • Examines Jewish family law in the light of new attitudes concerning the role of women • Promotes the importance of combining Jewish contract and family law to enhance social justice Cambridge Studies in Law and Judaism
December 2017 228 x 152 mm 250pp 978-1-107-16340-9 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
European Criminal Law Kai Ambos | Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, Germany
Since their creation, the European Union and the Council of Europe have worked to harmonise the justice systems of their member states. With a close analysis of secondary legislation and the development of criminal justice institutions, this book examines the advances made so far, the protection of European citizens’ rights, and the difficult co-operation involved. • Offers a comprehensive and systematic treatment of European Criminal Law with multiple sources, which will appeal to readers seeking to gain a thorough understanding of this area of the law and the institutions involved • Provides unique insights into the criminal law and procedure of EU member states, unlike similar books on the subject, which may neglect to include examples of domestic law • Emphasises the protection of the rights of European citizens, appealing both to those with an interest in criminal law and readers more concerned with human rights April 2018 228 x 152 mm 550pp 978-1-107-11969-7 Hardback £110.00 / US$140.00
Secession from a Member State and Withdrawal from the European Union
Human Rights in the Council of Europe and the European Union
Troubled Membership Edited by Carlos Closa | European University Institute, Florence
Achievements, Trends and Challenges Steven Greer | University of Bristol
This is the first book to jointly scrutinise two existential issues for the EU: withdrawal of a member state (i.e. Brexit) and territorial secession (affecting Scotland, Catalonia and beyond). Written for a broad audience, this accessible volume analyses the numerous challenges and considers the political dynamics behind both processes. • Analyses key issues with crucial impact in current European and global events, such as Brexit and secessionist demands in Scotland and Catalonia • Enlightens political and theoretical debates, whilst discussing solutions to practical problems facing the EU • Includes contributors with specialist knowledge of the field and a multi-disciplinary focus September 2017 228 x 152 mm 294pp 978-1-107-17219-7 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00 978-1-316-62336-7 Paperback £27.99 / US$34.99
Solidarity and Conflict One of the world’s leading scholars of EU employment law proposes alternatives to the current employment policies of the EU, particularly those institutionally imposed ones which are perceived by EU citizens to be hostile to their concerns. The book will appeal to scholars of EU law, practitioners and policymakers. • Provides a critical and constructive point of view on European social law developments • Combines information on legal sources with proposals for better policy making • Discusses highly topical issues around austerity and workers’ rights C
Redefining European Economic Integration Dariusz Adamski | Uniwersytet Wroclawski, Poland
Dariusz Adamski puts a new perspective on the main economic policies of the European Union. He demonstrates how these policies have made the European project crisis-prone and explains how to remedy this within the Treaty framework. This original book makes a major contribution to the literature in the field. • Demonstrates the relationship between national policies and the travails of European economic integration • Explains which economic and political theories are useful in understanding the current state of European integration and which can serve as guidelines for reforming it • Will appeal to readers with backgrounds in EU law, economics and politics alike Cambridge Studies in European Law and Policy
March 2018 228 x 152 mm 425pp 978-1-108-42142-3 Hardback £95.00 / US$125.00
Cambridge Studies in European Law and Policy
February 2018 228 x 152 mm 552pp 978-1-107-02550-9 Hardback £120.00 / US$155.00
The Bail Book
European Social Law in Crisis Silvana Sciarra | Università degli Studi, Florence
March 2018 228 x 152 mm 166pp 978-1-107-08606-7 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
The first book-length study of human rights in the Council of Europe and the European Union, this volume makes a vital contribution to the post-Brexit debate in the UK by providing concise, authoritative summaries of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and the fundamental rights case law of the European Court of Justice. • Identifies and discusses core achievements, trends, and challenges in European human rights law • Explains and summarises the case law of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and the fundamental rights case law of the European Court of Justice • Offers valuable information and insights for both students and scholars in law and social science
A Comprehensive Look at Bail in America’s Criminal Justice System Shima Baradaran Baughman | University of Utah School of Law
Examines the causes for mass incarceration of Americans and calls for the reform of the bail system. Traces the history of bail, how it has come to be an oppressive tool of the courts, and makes recommendations for reforming the bail system and alleviating the mass incarceration problem. • Presents the first full-length study of American bail since the 1970s • Shows how America can reduce pre-trial detention • Provides a constitutional and empirical look at a societal problem, with an eye towards public policy December 2017 228 x 152 mm 352pp 5 tables 978-1-107-13136-1 Hardback £95.00 / US$125.00
Punishing Atrocities through a Fair Trial International Criminal Law from Nuremberg to the Age of Global Terrorism Jonathan Hafetz | Seton Hall University, New Jersey
Punishing Atrocities Through a Fair Trial explores why, since the Nuremberg Trials, international courts have struggled to hold perpetrators accountable for mass atrocities while still protecting the fair trial rights of defendants, and argues why international criminal law must adhere to transparent principles of legality and due process. • Provides a new framework for conceptualizing developments in international criminal law • Discusses various aspects of fairness in international criminal proceedings • Highlights the tension between accountability and due process when prosecuting atrocities March 2018 228 x 152 mm 200pp 978-1-107-09455-0 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
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Transitional Justice and the Former Soviet Union
Justice and Diplomacy Resolving Contradictions in Diplomatic Practice and International Humanitarian Law Edited by Mark Ellis | International Bar Association
Reviewing the Past, Looking toward the Future Edited by Cynthia M. Horne | Western Washington University
Focusing on the understudied former Soviet republics, this volume looks at the ways in which state and non-state actors have reckoned (or not) with the legacy of communist-era mass atrocities and human rights abuses through the use of judicial and non-judicial transitional justice programs. • Fills a major gap in the literature as the former Soviet Union has not been studied in this way before • Brings out the theoretical and policy relevance of studying countries that engaged in no or little redress • Will appeal to analysts and practitioners interested in a wide variety of transitional justice methods, practices and processes
March 2018 228 x 152 mm 424pp 978-1-107-19813-5 Hardback £95.00 / US$125.00
Cyber Mercenaries The State, Hackers, and Power Tim Maurer | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington, DC
Cybersecurity has become a front-page issue. This book is written for anybody interested in how states use the internet and hackers to project power. Illustrations and examples make this systematic analysis accessible to the broader public, policy- and decision-makers in government and industry, as well as professors and students. • Explores how and why states use hackers as proxies to project power through cyberspace • Provides specific details and examples to illustrate proxy relationships, including using previously unavailable data • Offers a roadmap for how to deal with cyber proxies and a comprehensive discussion of the various tools of statecraft available for this purpose January 2018 228 x 152 mm 252pp 10 b/w illus. 4 tables 978-1-107-12760-9 Hardback £67.99 / US$84.99 P 978-1-107-56686-6 Paperback £22.99 / US$29.99 P
Rethinking Punishment Leo Zaibert | Union College, New York
Leo Zaibert argues for a novel approach to punishment, drawing on recent developments in moral philosophy. This important intervention into the debate explains how punishment can be fundamentally rethought to address the contemporary challenges of over-criminalization and overpunishment. • Proposes a truly new way of thinking about the justification of punishment • Provides an up-to-date overview of the field • Identifies a number of widespread errors in alternative approaches to punishment April 2018 228 x 152 mm 250pp 978-1-107-19412-0 Hardback c. £69.99 / c. US$110.00 978-1-316-64539-0 Paperback c. £21.99 / c. US$34.99
Justice and Diplomacy is intended for scholars of international relations, human rights and humanitarian law, as well as practising diplomats and jurists engaged in peace negotiations in conflict regions, countries undergoing political transitions following mass atrocities, and other international situations involving suspected war crimes, crimes against humanity, or genocide. • Examines collision points between law and diplomacy concerning five major humanitarian crises • Explores the practical realities of diplomatic and judicial processes • Presents experiences and perspectives from leading personalities in diplomacy and international law February 2018 228 x 152 mm 120pp 978-1-316-51088-9 Hardback c. £69.99 / c. US$110.00 978-1-108-44171-1 Paperback c. £19.99 / c. US$29.99
Leuven Manual on the International Law Applicable to Peace Operations Terry Gill | Universiteit van Amsterdam
A must-have for anyone who wants to have a comprehensive overview of the rules that are to be followed in peace operations conducted by the United Nations, the European Union, NATO, the African Union and other organisations. • Represents the most authoritative manual in the field, developed by a global group of experts • Consists of clearly articulated legal rules together with commentary on interpreting the rules in practice in the field • Offers policy recommendations in cases where the law is silent or unclear January 2018 228 x 152 mm 426pp 978-1-108-42498-1 Hardback c. £100.00 / c. US$125.00 978-1-108-44113-1 Paperback c. £34.99 / c. US$44.99
Commentary on the Second Geneva Convention Convention (II) for the Amelioration of the Condition of Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea Compiled by International Committee of the Red Cross
This book is intended for any practitioner or academic involved with international humanitarian law. It provides an article-by-article commentary on the Second Geneva Convention, setting out the current interpretation based on the latest practice, case law, academic commentary and International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) experience. • The second instalment in a series of article-by-article commentaries on the Second Geneva Convention and Additional Protocols issued by the International Committee of the Red Cross, capturing contemporary developments in their application and interpretation • Contains thorough and up-to-date interpretations from an extensive process involving both the International Committee of the Red Cross and external contributors, as well as peer review by academics and international humanitarian law practitioners, ensuring coherent content while accurately reflecting diverging views • Provides practitioners and scholars with easy access to comprehensive, high-quality legal information Commentaries on the 1949 Geneva Conventions
December 2017 247 x 174 mm 1398pp 978-1-108-42319-9 Hardback c. £150.00 / c. US$190.00 978-1-108-43638-0 Paperback c. £60.00 / c. US$80.00
International Intellectual Property and the ASEAN Way
Trade Secrets and Employee Mobility
Pathways to Interoperability Edited by Elizabeth Siew-Kuan Ng | National University of Singapore
In Search of an Equilibrium Volume 44 Magdalena Kolasa | European Patent Office
This volume proposes a new and original interoperability agenda based on cooperation using the ASEAN Way as a possible solution for regional and international integration of intellectual property laws. It features leading thinkers who draw on their expertise from Southeast Asian jurisdictions that are too seldom discussed in intellectual property commentary. • Offers a detailed study of cooperation between ASEAN nations on substantive law and intellectual property administration • Provides an alternative solution to the current integration model of harmonization of intellectual property laws • Proposes an interoperability agenda based on cooperation using the ASEAN Way as a possible pathway for regional and international IP development
Magdalena Kolasa analyses guidelines for determining the extent to which a former employee may use information learned during employment, arguing for a balance between protection of trade secrets and employee mobility. This book provides the comprehensive, up-to-date legal analysis so badly needed in this important, ever changing field of law. • Contributes to an important field of law neglected in legal research • Presents a comparative analysis of major developments in Europe (EU Trade Secrets Directive) and the USA (Defend Trade Secrets Act) • Discusses a large number of court decisions and various scenarios to inform those practising in the field as well as legislators
October 2017 228 x 152 mm 348pp 17 b/w illus. 978-1-107-16720-9 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
The Copyright/ Design Interface
February 2018 228 x 152 mm 432pp 978-1-108-42422-6 Hardback £95.00 / US$125.00
Speech and Society in Turbulent Times Freedom of Expression in Comparative Perspective Edited by Monroe Price | University of Pennsylvania
Past, Present and Future Edited by Estelle Derclaye | University of Nottingham
A review of the past and current rules regulating the copyright/design interface in fifteen countries that provides normative solutions for the future. It will appeal to academics, practising lawyers, judges, students and policy-makers alike searching to understand the law and find solutions to legal problems involving copyright and design laws. • Reviews the history and evolution of different rules of copyright/design interface in fifteen countries, providing complete information on a countries law over time • Examines the current law of copyright/design interface assisting readers in developing imaginative solutions for the future • Explores problems faced with past and current laws and seeks to find the most appropriate rules that can be used to regulate the interface at the EU and global level • The analysis of design application and registrations statistics can be used to draw further conclusions and develop new solutions Cambridge Intellectual Property and Information Law
January 2018 228 x 152 mm 468pp 78 b/w illus. 11 tables 978-1-107-19867-8 Hardback c. £95.00 / c. US$150.00 R
Copyright Exhaustion Law and Policy in the United States and the European Union Péter Mezei | Szeged Law School, Hungary
This book is a valuable research tool for academics, practitioners, legislators, and students. It provides a comprehensive, comparative insight into the development, the policy considerations and the functioning of the exhaustion doctrine in copyright law. The greatest value of the book lies in its comparative approach and its timely status. • Proposes a concise collection of policy arguments on copyright exhaustion • Collects and analyzes the historical, as well as the most recent court decisions on exhaustion from the US, EU, and several other countries • Provides a critical approach to the status quo of exhaustion and provides a workable solution for the problem of digital exhaustion Cambridge Intellectual Property and Information Law, 43
March 2018 228 x 152 mm 232pp 978-1-107-19368-0 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
Cambridge Intellectual Property and Information Law, 44
This volume explores how societies are addressing challenging questions about the relationship between expression, traditional and societal values, and the transformations introduced by new information communications technologies, and seeks to identify alternative approaches to the role of speech and expression in the organization of societies. • Explores how different societies philosophically approach the role of speech in the composition of their political and social systems • Offers a wide variety of cultural and geographic contexts to identify different modes of thinking about media and expression • Features contributions from scholars of law, philosophy, anthropology, communications, politics and international relations November 2017 228 x 152 mm 356pp 1 b/w illus. 978-1-107-19012-2 Hardback £88.00 / US$110.00 978-1-316-64031-9 Paperback £31.99 / US$39.99
The Great Property Fallacy Theory, Reality, and Growth in Developing Countries Frank K. Upham | New York University School of Law
The Great Property Fallacy is for anyone interested in the role of legal institutions, and specifically property rights in economic, social, and political development – whether in Western history or contemporary developing countries. This book analyzes how rich countries and international institutions can (and cannot) help the rest of the world develop. • Reveals and explains the definitional misunderstandings between economists and lawyers in the nature and application of property rights • Proposes a new empirically based understanding of the role of legal property rights in economic growth • Offers a new perspective on the failure to transplant Western legal institutions successfully in poor countries January 2018 228 x 152 mm 160pp 978-1-108-42283-3 Hardback £74.99 / US$96.99 978-1-108-43694-6 Paperback £18.99 / US$24.99
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Big Data, Health Law, and Bioethics Edited by I. Glenn Cohen | Harvard Law School, Massachusetts
This book is a must-read for academics, policymakers, and health researchers and practitioners interested in the legal and ethical questions and challenges of effectively using big data to improve health. What are the key opportunities, how can we protect privacy, what sort of research oversight is needed, what are the implications for medical innovation, and what paradigm shifts should we expect from the increasing use of big data in the health care sphere? • Focuses deeply on a particular type of big data – that which is health related – but covering a wide variety of issues, including privacy, research, regulation, and more, as well as philosophical and practical considerations • The book is timely, with unique focus and coverage • In addition to thoughtful academic discussions, chapters contain proposed solutions to existing challenges, which take a variety of approaches, from market-based to regulatory March 2018 228 x 152 mm 361pp 6 b/w illus. 2 tables 978-1-107-19365-9 Hardback c. £125.00 / c. US$175.00
Self-Ownership, Property Rights, and the Human Body A Legal and Philosophical Analysis Muireann Quigley | Birmingham Law School
How should the law deal with the challenges raised by advancing biotechnology? This book offers a philosophical and legal re-analysis of the law in relation to property in the body and biomaterials. It will appeal to academics working on issues crossing biotechnology, law, ethics and policy. • Includes a robust discussion of self-ownership and provides a new perspective to the legal literature • Brings together legal and philosophical scholarship in the area and enriches the discourse by taking a wider and more integrated view • Discusses in-depth the legislative and common law background by covering a number of jurisdictions: England and Wales, Scotland, US, Canada and Australia Cambridge Bioethics and Law, 43
February 2018 228 x 152 mm 350pp 978-1-107-03686-4 Hardback £95.00 / US$125.00
Health Law
Frameworks and Context Anne-Maree Farrell | La Trobe University, Victoria
Great Christian Jurists in Spanish History
Health Law: Frameworks and Context adopts a theoretically informed and principles-based approach to examining health law. Appealing to students and academic scholars alike, the text moves beyond traditional medical law frameworks to provide a broader contextual understanding of the way in which law intersects with health. • Offers comprehensive coverage of the subject, with a thematic approach • Takes a concise, student-focused approach • Features contributions from leading authors in the field
These intellectual biographies illustrate the rich and enduring interactions between Christianity and law by examining the contributions that twenty Spanish jurists have made over the centuries to legal ideals, institutions, and practice and how their Christian faith informed their thinking about the law. • Includes historical legal biographies of twenty Spanish jurists from a Christian perspective • Written by world class legal historians, half of whom are from Spain • Analyzes what Spanish law has brought to Western culture, including in former colonies
Contents: Introduction; 1. Health law: frameworks and context; Part I. Frameworks; Section A. Theories, Perspectives and Ethics in Health: 2. Philosophical bioethics and health law; 3. Social perspectives on patient-doctor relations; 4. Social determinants of health and the role of law; 5. Health and human rights law; Section B. Institutions and Regulation: 6. The regulatory framework for health in Australia; 7. Regulating health professionals; 8. Regulating patient safety and redress; Part II. Context; Section A. Patients, Doctors and Health Care: 9. Consent to medical treatment; 10. Substituted decision-making; 11. Medical negligence; 12. Confidentiality, privacy and access to information; Section B. Law at the Beginning and the End of Life: 13. Regulating reproduction; 14. Regulating emerging reproductive technologies; 15. Withdrawal and withholding of medical treatment; 16. Euthanasia and assisted suicide; Section C. Law and the Human Body: 17. Organ and tissue donation and transplantation; 18. Property and human tissue; 19. Biobanks; 20. Human genetics and the law; Section D. Law and Populations: 21. Indigenous health and the law; 22. Health law and people with disability; 23. Mental health law; 24. Public health law; 25. Global health and the law.
April 2018 228 x 152 mm 350pp 20 b/w illus. 978-1-108-42807-1 Hardback c. £85.00 / c. US$110.00
May 2017 247 x 174 mm 428pp 978-1-107-45547-4 Paperback £89.99 / US$140.00
Edited by Rafael Domingo | Emory University, Atlanta
Law and Christianity
A History of Australian Tort Law 1901–1945 England’s Obedient Servant? Mark Lunney | University of New England, Australia
Argues that Australian discussions of law should be seen through the lens of British race patriotism. Only then can it be recognised that there were distinctively Australian contributions to developing the common law of tort in the first half of the twentieth century. • Places twentieth-century Australian tort law development in the context of British race patriotism • Recognises the cultural and intellectual environment in which Australian lawyers operated and how this environment influenced their perceptions of their contribution • Provides a new account of the relationship between general conceptions of national identity and the development of an Australian law; in particular, how far Australian law differed from the English common law it was assumed to follow Law in Context
December 2017 247 x 174 mm 320pp 15 b/w illus. 978-1-108-42331-1 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
Party Autonomy in Contractual Choice of Law in China
The Law and Religious Market Theory
Jieying Liang | The University of Hong Kong
China, Taiwan and Hong Kong Jianlin Chen | University of Melbourne
Liang has made a comprehensive study of the party autonomy principle in China from a practical perspective that includes an analysis of the enforceability of choice of law clauses. Legal practitioners working on commercial contracts between Chinese and foreign enterprises and academics alike will find the book of practical use. • The first comprehensive study in English of the party autonomy principle in Chinese law • Provides detailed analysis of typical cases • Offers practical knowledge to anyone entering an international contract or getting involved in a contractual dispute in China February 2018 228 x 152 mm 298pp 978-1-107-16917-3 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
Trusts and Modern Wealth Management Edited by Richard C. Nolan | University of York
A key collection of essays exploring the often opaque worlds of trust law and practice and related issues of wealth management. Comprising new essays by leading judges, lawyers and academics, this book is a musthave for scholars and practitioners of trust law. • Aimed at an international audience working in trust law and equity • Covers many highly topical areas of practice and development in trust law • Fills a gap in the literature in its focus on trusts and wealth management March 2018 228 x 152 mm 500pp 978-1-107-17049-0 Hardback c. £125.00 / c. US$200.00
Law and Memory Towards Legal Governance of History Edited by Uladzislau Belavusau | Universiteit van Amsterdam
The volume revisits memory laws as a phenomenon of global law, transitional justice, historical narratives and claims for historical truth. It will appeal to those interested in the conflict between legal governance of memory with values of democratic citizenship, political pluralism, and fundamental rights. • Addresses the most current legal and political circumstances and developments that influence the governing of history, exploring both the political environment of memory laws as well as court trials involving historical memory • Covers a wide spectrum of states, representing not only different legal cultures but also different historical, social and political backgrounds • Considers comparative, legal dimensions of memory laws, whereas other literature tends to focus from the perspective of the political and sociological sciences October 2017 228 x 152 mm 458pp 978-1-107-18875-4 Hardback £95.00 / US$125.00
An interdisciplinary approach that’s appealing to scholars in law and also sociological disciplines such as religion, law and society and East Asian studies. Utilises comparative case studies from China, Taiwan and Hong Kong to illustrate the original law and religious market theory. • The interdisciplinary approach is a useful resource for scholars in legal and also sociological disciplines such as religion, law and society, and East Asian studies • Includes rarely-used comparative studies between Taiwan and Hong Kong that shed new light on the topic of law and religion in these countries • The personal and professional experience of the author in Taiwan and Hong Kong reveals interesting aspects of law and religion that have been neglected in English language literature until now October 2017 228 x 152 mm 244pp 978-1-107-17017-9 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
Putting Faith in Hate When Religion Is the Source or Target of Hate Speech Richard Moon | University of Windsor, Ontario
Many recent hate speech cases involve religion either as the source of views that are alleged to be hateful or as the target of such views. Richard Moon examines the complex origins of religious hate speech, using highly topical examples from around the world, to explain the issues legislators face. • Covers a variety of jurisdictions, including the US, Canada, the UK and other European countries • Draws from a wide range of real-world cases and stories • Clarifies for the reader what is at issue in the debates about religion and hate speech February 2018 228 x 152 mm 185pp 978-1-108-42546-9 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
Privacy as Trust Information Privacy for an Information Age Ari Ezra Waldman | New York Law School
This book is perfect for scholars and students of law, sociology, policy, history, and other social sciences. But because it is written in an accessible way and uses real examples from everyday life, it is also attractive to anyone interested in privacy, from informed readers to activists. • Proposes a new way of understanding privacy and privacy law • Contains no jargon and is accessibly written • The book is interdisciplinary, and it includes law and social sciences April 2018 228 x 152 mm 196pp 978-1-107-18600-2 Hardback £76.99 / US$99.99 978-1-316-63694-7 Paperback £26.99 / US$34.99
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Injury and Injustice
Insiders, Outsiders, Injuries, and Law
The Cultural Politics of Harm and Redress Edited by Anne Bloom | University of California, Irvine
This book explores the inescapable experience of injury and its implications for social inequality in different cultural settings. Authors include social theorists, social scientists and legal scholars, and the subject matter extends to the Middle East and Asia, as well as North America. • Takes a broad approach, with contributors including social theorists, social scientists and legal scholars • Studies how politics and law shape the understandings of injuries • Provides new insights into the cultural and sociological attitudes toward injury and legal remedies Cambridge Studies in Law and Society
March 2018 228 x 152 mm 300pp 2 b/w illus. 978-1-108-42024-2 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
Criminalizing Children
December 2017 228 x 152 mm 300pp 7 b/w illus. 978-1-107-18840-2 Hardback £69.99 / US$89.99 978-1-316-63848-4 Paperback £22.99 / US$29.99
International Tax Policy
Welfare and the State in Australia David McCallum | Victoria University of Technology, Melbourne
Between Competition and Cooperation Tsilly Dagan | Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Does the Australian welfare system criminalise children? David McCallum unpacks historical and political developments to examine the treatment of ‘problem children’ over time. With a comparison of indigenous and non-indigenous justice systems, and an analysis of welfare and justice systems, this book shows how present social problems have been reached. • Documents achievements in the history of human sciences, appealing to those interested in sociology and psychology • Provides thorough comparison of treatment of indigenous and nonindigenous children • Details historical and political developments to provide readers with a comprehensive overview of the existing situation Cambridge Studies in Law and Society
Offers a theoretical framework for current international tax policy discussions. Criticising past and present co-operative initiatives, this book embraces structured competition as promoting efficiency and global justice. International tax scholars, policymakers, teachers and students are provided with a coherent vocabulary for the pressing policy issues at stake. • A non-technical account of tax policy in an increasingly globalised era appealing to those interested in international tax law and related issues • A theoretical analysis of international tax policy that provides a necessary foundation for current debates on substantial changes in international tax policy • Offers an integrated multidisciplinary framework for evaluating competing international tax regimes in a global setting Cambridge Tax Law Series
December 2017 228 x 152 mm 260pp 3 tables 978-1-107-11210-0 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
Hunting Justice Displacement, Law, and Activism in the Kalahari Maria Sapignoli | Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
Figuring Out the Tax
This book follows the activist campaign that contested the Botswana government’s removal of indigenous peoples from the Central Kalahari Game Reserve. The means by which indigenous peoples can access a justice system to protect their rights is of interest to a broad audience of human rights scholars and practitioners. • Follows an activist campaign as it employs multiple strategies in a quest for rights and redress of grievances • Considers the social consequences of an indigenous peoples’ engagements with the law • Offers an assessment of what works and what remains as obstacles in a justice cause Cambridge Studies in Law and Society
February 2018 228 x 152 mm 250pp 978-1-107-19157-0 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
This volume takes a forward-looking, intellectually rich approach to understand how Engel’s canonical article in law and society is shaping the discipline, and will be of interest to a wide variety of cultural and legal scholars and students. • Uses a single canonical article as a window into the legal system and legal process • Provides a multidisciplinary exploration highly accessible to scholars of many fields • Shows how status impacts not only the decisions that people make about law, but also how others respond to those decisions Cambridge Studies in Law and Society
December 2017 228 x 152 mm 300pp 978-1-84565-667-6 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
Revisiting ‘The Oven Bird’s Song’ Edited by Mary Nell Trautner | University of Buffalo
Congress, Treasury, and the Design of the Early Modern Income Tax Lawrence Zelenak | Duke University, North Carolina
Recounts the forgotten early development of the federal income tax in the United States. Topics covered range from marriage, to capital losses, to withholding. This book will be of particular interest to tax academics and professionals, but also to anyone wondering how income tax achieved its current form. • Recounts important developments in the early history of the income tax utilising new material which is not covered in existing tax history scholarship • Adopts a chronological narrative approach, making for an entertaining read • Does not assume any particular background in income tax law and will be accessible to a general readership with an interest in income tax Cambridge Tax Law Series
February 2018 228 x 152 mm 325pp 978-1-108-42150-8 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
Pierson v. Post
The Global Evolution of Clinical Legal Education
The Hunt for the Fox Angela Fernandez | University of Toronto
Offers new understandings of the famous foxhunting case, Pierson v. Post, and its role in legal education and legal professionalization. This book is meant for legal historians, lawyers, and law professors and students. • Challenges the view that the law of capture is best and seeks to restore to the case features which have been edited out of its reproduction in law school casebooks • Uses the methods of social history, intellectual history, and law as literary text, appealing to historians immersed in a range of methodological approaches • Begins with an excavation of the details surrounding the case, correcting factual errors, and drawing on the author’s discovery of the original judgment roll Cambridge Historical Studies in American Law and Society
February 2018 228 x 152 mm 354pp 17 b/w illus. 978-1-107-03928-5 Hardback c. £79.99 / c. US$125.00
More than a Method Richard J. Wilson | Washington College of Law, American University
This book explores clinical legal education, from its historical origins of clinical experiments in the earliest days of US university legal education to the now-global reach of clinical pedagogy as a proven tool for effective training of legal professionals. • Comprehensively documents the earliest history of clinical legal education • Provides diverse regional views of the development of clinical training in law • Includes empirical evidence from the United States on the benefits of clinical legal education December 2017 228 x 152 mm 350pp 978-1-107-02561-5 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
Reinventing Legal Education
Learning Law
How Clinical Education Is Reforming the Teaching and Practice of Law in Europe Edited by Alberto Alemanno | HEC Paris
Anthony Marinac | Central Queensland University
This book is for anyone who teaches law. For those just starting out as teaching assistants or those who are senior professors, this book will open the eyes of the reader to the phenomenal innovations taking place in legal education in Europe. Through a series of first-hand accounts collected from across the continent, the reader will be exposed to exciting new ideas about how to make legal education truly impactful (for students, teachers and the broader society). • Demonstrates a desire to document and systematize the fascinating and fast paced changes taking place in legal education in Europe • Focuses on the urgent need to reform legal education in Europe and beyond • Closes the gap in the literature on clinical legal education in Europe March 2018 228 x 152 mm 400pp 978-1-107-16304-1 Hardback £95.00 / US$125.00
Narrative and Metaphor in the Law Edited by Michael Hanne | University of Auckland
This volume brings together distinguished legal scholars with specialists from cognitive theory, journalism, rhetoric, social psychology, anthropology, criminology, and legal activism for a wide-ranging series of conversations about the roles played by narrative and metaphor in the theory and practice of the law. • Takes the form of nine conversations between pairs of eminent scholars in different disciplines • Opens up discussion for the first time of the joint roles of narrative and metaphor in the law • Topics include legal persuasion, gender in the law, judicial opinions and public debate around crime and punishment January 2018 228 x 152 mm 386pp 2 b/w illus. 978-1-108-42279-6 Hardback £95.00 / US$125.00
Learning Law is an indispensable guide for students beginning their law studies. It provides the foundational knowledge and skills required for the study and practice of law, and instils in students a passion for the law. It is written in an engaging and accessible style designed to demystify the law. • Written in an engaging style that is designed to demystify the law and get students excited about their law studies and careers • Includes a fully integrated interactive ebook, replete with useful links and videos as well as extension and revision questions that allow students to test their own knowledge as they go • Encourages students to think critically about the future of the law profession by including an ‘Alternative Voice’ boxed feature for each chapter and ‘Living Law’ case studies that highlight the diversity of career opportunities available to law graduates Contents: Part I. Law, Lawyers and Justice: 1. Welcome to the law; 2. History and justice; 3. Parliaments and courts; Part II. Learning the Laws: 4. Categories of law; 5. Law made by judges; 6. Law made by parliaments; Part III. Research and Persuasion: 7. Frameworks for legal thinking; 8. Analysing and persuading; 9. Grappling with facts; Part IV. Profession and Community: 10. The ethical lawyer; 11. Equality, difference and law; 12. Lawyering in the digital world; 13. Influencing the law. January 2018 255 x 190 mm 450pp 31 colour illus. 4 tables 978-1-316-64279-5 Paperback with VitalSource Enhanced eBook £80.00 / US$115.00 -
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Project Cost Overrun Causes, Consequences, and Investment Decisions Esbjörn Segelod | Mälardalens Hőgskola, Sweden
Moral Human Agency in Business A Missing Dimension in Strategy as Practice Mona Ericson | Jönköping International Business School, Sweden
Recent scandals in the business world show that companies are not living the values officially communicated. Ericson illustrates how practitioners can employ moral values, giving the example of coffee production, from-bean-to-cup. This refreshing book will be of interest and use to strategy researchers, business leaders and sustainability directors. • Promotes a reintroduction of ethics and morality into business strategy and practice, at a time of growing public concern regarding the unethical practices of the business world • Utilises an engaging real-world examination of coffee production to illustrate the inclusion of ethics and morality across the full span of the strategy-practicing activities involved in producing Löfbergs coffee, from-bean-to-cup • Combines an interdisciplinary range of conceptual approaches, including strategy as practice, moral philosophical and temporal relational perspectives January 2018 228 x 152 mm 167pp 978-1-108-42188-1 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
Agility.X How Organizations Thrive in Unpredictable Times Edited by Christiane Prange | Tongji University, China
Executives, students and consultants looking for guidelines and applicable concepts for utilizing agile thinking will find this book invaluable, as it provides insights from world-class experts on leadership, strategy and organization, alongside seasoned practitioners who have successfully implemented agility programs. • Combines theoretical expertise with a variety of managerial experiences, presenting a lively, readable account for practitioners interested in learning about ‘real-life’ agility, backed up with substantial conceptual foundations to ignite thinking • Includes interviews with top executives from a variety of industries, giving practical insights into the ways in which executives deal with agility challenges • Combines insights from a wide range of managerial functions and perspectives, such as control, branding, and leadership, illustrating the importance of a multi-functional view of agility March 2018 228 x 152 mm 254pp 11 b/w illus. 4 tables 978-1-108-42420-2 Hardback c. £34.99 / c. US$44.99
This book offers a new way of thinking about the causes and consequences of cost overrun to firms and society. It is ideal for academic researchers in project management, management accounting and corporate finance, as well as for managers in the private and public sectors. • Approaches the topical subject of project cost overrun in a new light, providing new perspectives and approaches on the positive effects of cost overrun, differences in the logic of economics and politics, and terror management theory • Provides scholarly, critical analysis and evidence to support the practical backbone of the work, allowing readers to apply their knowledge to real-life situations • Approaches private and public sector projects with equal importance, using previously-unseen data from the private sector to highlight valuable lessons on cost overrun November 2017 228 x 152 mm 276pp 14 b/w illus. 17 tables 978-1-107-17304-0 Hardback £39.99 / US$49.99 P
Rethinking Career Studies Facilitating Conversation across Boundaries with the Social Chronology Framework Hugh Gunz | University of Toronto
Rethinking Career Studies provides a comprehensive overview of career studies, bridging the various scholarly discourses in the field. Students, researchers and practitioners will be introduced to the ways in which career studies relate to other areas of the social sciences and gain insight into career outcomes and their influencing factors. • Proposes a new approach to career scholarship that encompasses various fields and perspectives • Introduces the Social Chronology Framework to enable readers to study the connections between different fields on the topic of careers • Poses new questions regarding careers in the organizational and managerial fields December 2017 228 x 152 mm 310pp 23 b/w illus. 978-1-107-05747-0 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
Problem Solving in Organizations A Methodological Handbook for Business and Management Students Third edition Joan Ernst van Aken | Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands
An indispensable guide enabling business and management students to develop their professional competences in real organizational settings, this new and fully updated edition of Problem Solving in Organizations equips the reader with the necessary toolkit to apply the theory to practical business problems. • Encourages readers to use the theory gained in their disciplinary courses by showing them how to problem solve in fuzzy, ambiguous and politically charged, real-life organizational contexts • Provides an in-depth explanation of the various aspects of organizational problem-solving, showing how to adapt the approach to specific situations and how to be flexible in scheduling the work • Theories are illustrated throughout with examples from reallife problem-solving projects, helping readers to understand the complexities that they will encounter in the field Contents: Part I. Introduction: 1. Scope and nature of this handbook; 2. Types of student projects; 3. Problem-solving projects; Part II. The Problem-Solving Project: 4. Intake and problem definition; 5. Theoryinformed diagnosis of business problems; 6. Solution design; 7. Change plan design and the change process; 8. Evaluation, learning and project termination; Part III. Methods: 9. Qualitative research methods; 10. Searching and using scholarly literature; 11. Quality criteria for research; Part IV. Designs, Designing and Design Science Research: 12. Designs and designing; 13. Design science research: developing generic solutions for field problems; Part V. Cases: 14. Cases. December 2017 247 x 174 mm 299pp 17 b/w illus. 2 tables 978-1-108-41626-9 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99 X 978-1-108-40277-4 Paperback £34.99 / US$49.99 X TEXTBOOK
managing across corporate boundaries; 7. Building new management capabilities: key to effective implementation; 8. Shaping the transnational future: defining an evolving global role. February 2018 253 x 177 mm 500pp 978-1-108-42243-7 Hardback c. £120.00 / c. US$150.00 978-1-108-43669-4 Paperback c. £54.99 / c. US$69.99
Ethical Theory and Business Tenth edition Denis G. Arnold | University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Integrating new theoretical readings, over twenty new case studies on current business scandals, and updated legal cases, Ethical Theory and Business guides students to a rich understanding of business ethics, corporate responsibility, and sustainability. The tenth edition includes both of state-of-the-art normative and social science perspectives. • Chapters include academic readings from both philosophical and social science perspectives, business case studies, and legal case summaries, leading students to a rich understanding of the theoretical and applied aspects of business ethics • Entirely new chapters on IT, markets, and management and leadership reflect key ethical questions facing the modern business environment and the best recent writing on these topics • More than twenty newly written case studies draw students into important recent business controversies, such as consumer fraud at Wells Fargo, sexual harassment at Fox news, systemic corruption at FIFA, and business practices at Uber Contents: Preface; 1. Ethical theory and business practice; 2. The rights and responsibilities of employees; 3. Managing, leading and governing; 4. Diversity and discrimination in the workplace; 5. Ethics and information technology; 6. Marketing ethics; 7. Corporate social responsibility; 8. Environmental sustainability; 9. Ethical issues in international business; 10. Ethical markets; 11. Economic justice. April 2018 279 x 216 mm 600pp 978-1-108-42297-0 Hardback c. £120.00 / c. US$150.00 978-1-108-43526-0 Paperback c. £51.99 / c. US$64.99
Transnational Management Text and Cases in Cross-Border Management Eighth edition Christopher A. Bartlett | Harvard University, Massachusetts
Transnational Management offers an integrated framework describing the strategic tasks, organizational capabilities and management roles and responsibilities for successful and responsible managers of international businesses in today’s global environment. Original frameworks, influential concepts and practical examples are included throughout. • An integrated research-based conceptual framework links strategy, organization and management to help students develop a clear and consistent view of the integrated agenda of transnational management • Conceptual frameworks and theoretical models are linked to practical application through carefully selected and relevant practical case materials • Concepts and cases represent the strategic, organizational and management challenges of firms in both developed and developing countries, providing students with a geocentric rather than ethnocentric world perspective Contents: Introduction; 1. Expanding abroad: motivations, means and mentalities; 2. Understanding the international context: responding to conflicting environmental forces; 3. Developing transitional strategies: building layers of competitive advantage; 4. Developing a transitional organization: managing integration, responsiveness, and flexibility; 5. Creating worldwide innovation and learning: exploiting cross-border knowledge management; 6. Engaging in cross-border collaboration:
Supply Chain Management A Learning Perspective Third edition Bowon Kim | Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
The author adopts the learning perspective to help students see supply chain management (SCM) issues from a strategic perspective. This unique approach enables managers to observe SCM issues at a fundamental level and also guides researchers to see real issues of SCM in actual managerial context. • Adopts a unique approach (the learning perspective) to guide students and managers to identify the root causes of any managerial problem, understand complex supply chain management (SCM) issues, seek sustainable solutions, and develop robust supply chain strategies effectively • This fully revised edition includes five new chapters with many sections re-organised based on reviewers’ feedback to match instructors’ teaching preferences • Supports students and managers in their understanding of sustainability and innovation in SCM, global supply chains, and the configuration and connection issues in the supply chain Contents: Part I. Basic Principles in Operations and Supply Chain Management: 1. Value chain and value creation; 2. Learning and learning perspective; 3. Fundamentals of operations and supply chain management; Part II. Structural Dimension of Supply Chain Management: 4. Supply chain configuration and connection; 5. Strategic roles of inventory; 6. Logistics, procurement, and supplier relationship; Part III. Infrastructural Dimension of Supply Chain Management: 7. Supply chain coordination;
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Management / Politics, Social Theory, History of Ideas
8. Strategic tools of supply chain capability; 9. Innovation and technology; Part IV. Sustainable Value Chain Management: 10. Global supply chain management; 11. Sustainability and supply chain management; Index. February 2018 247 x 174 mm 500pp 978-1-107-13774-5 Hardback c. £90.00 / c. US$149.99 978-1-316-50276-1 Paperback c. £34.99 / c. US$59.99
Politics, Social Theory, History of Ideas Machiavelli’s Florentine Republic Michelle T. Clarke | Dartmouth College, New Hampshire
Machiavelli is one of the most commonly assigned writers in colleges and universities across the world and among the few political philosophers of the Western canon to have a general readership outside academia. This book will also be essential reading for scholars in a variety of academic fields, including political theory, intellectual history, and Renaissance studies. • Makes the Florentine Histories accessible to contemporary audiences interested in Machiavelli’s political theory, and especially his republicanism • Introduces readers to key examples of this primary source material,and offers extended comparative analyses with the Histories • Highlights where and how Machiavelli is engaging with questions central to political theory, including those at the heart of The Prince and The Discourses March 2018 228 x 152 mm 236pp 978-1-107-12550-6 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99
Firms as Political Entities Saving Democracy through Economic Bicameralism Isabelle Ferreras | Belgian National Science Foundation
Seeking a fresh perspective on one of the major issues of our day, global financial capitalism and its devastating effects on our democracies, this is an ideal text for students and teachers in the political sciences and philosophy; corporate and labor law; economic sociology; social and economic history; and industrial relations, business, and management. • Offers a new perspective on firms as political entities rather than purely economic organizations, giving readers a new way to look at the problems of the globalized world • Presents a new history of capitalist democracies and addresses the contradiction between democracy and capitalism by examining the distinction between corporations and firms • A ground breaking proposal for governing the firm inspired by the history of political bicameralism November 2017 228 x 152 mm 198pp 6 b/w illus. 978-1-108-41594-1 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99
Nature, Action and the Future Political Thought and the Environment Edited by Katrina Forrester | Harvard University, Massachusetts
A fascinating examination of the relationship between humans and nature, providing a valuable contribution to the history of political thought and environmental political theory. World-leading political theorists and historians investigate the history of political ideas to make sense of climate change through history. Essential reading for scholars and students of environmental studies and political theory. • The first volume to show how the history of political thought can address environmental problems and the politics of climate change • Includes world-leading historians of political thought discussing the pressing political problem of climate change, many for the first time • Readers can explore a range of approaches through essays which combine history and theory in accessible and scholarly ways January 2018 228 x 152 mm 247pp 1 b/w illus. 978-1-107-19928-6 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99
World Crisis and Underdevelopment A Critical Theory of Poverty, Agency, and Coercion David Ingram | Loyola University, Chicago
The book examines the impact of poverty and other global crises in generating forms of structural coercion that cause agential and societal underdevelopment. It draws from discourse ethics and recognition theory in criticizing injustices and pathologies associated with underdevelopment. • An unprecedented, comprehensive synthesis of many different themes and critical theoretical approaches • Proposes an interdisciplinary approach that is unprecedented in scope, one that brings together social science, philosophy, migration studies, economics, political science, religion studies, and international law/ relations • Proposes an accessible summative narrative supplemented by more detailed technical discussions in footnotes January 2018 228 x 152 mm 392pp 978-1-108-42181-2 Hardback £90.00 / US$120.00
Flattery and the History of Political Thought That Glib and Oily Art Daniel Kapust | University of Wisconsin, Madison
This book focuses on a key topic in the history of political thought: flattery. Enriching contemporary discussions of rhetoric, democratic theory, republicanism, and representation, it discusses Cicero, Pliny, Castiglione, Hobbes, Mandeville, Smith, and the Federalist Papers, while engaging scholarship from classics, political theory, history, and rhetoric. • Delivers a timely conceptual and historical discussion of a neglected topic in the history of political thought • Develops new interpretations of key figures from the history of political thought in light of their engagement with the topic of flattery • Engages with a wide range of scholarship from classics, literature, political theory, history, and rhetoric January 2018 228 x 152 mm 248pp 978-1-107-04336-7 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99
Politics, Social Theory, History of Ideas
Political Realism in Apocalyptic Times
Margaret Thatcher and the Middle East
Alison McQueen | Stanford University, California
This book is for: anyone interested in apocalyptic thinking in politics, who will find examples of how this thinking shapes contemporary discourse; scholars of the history of political thought, who will find new interpretations of Machiavelli, Hobbes, and Morgenthau; and scholars of international relations, who will find a novel account of the political realist tradition. • Highlights the possibilities and dangers of apocalyptic rhetoric • Offers a new and nuanced account of the political realist tradition • Gives original readings of Machiavelli, Hobbes, and Morgenthau January 2018 228 x 152 mm 248pp 6 b/w illus. 978-1-107-15239-7 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99
Democracy and Goodness A Historicist Political Theory John R. Wallach | Hunter College, City University of New York
John R. Wallach proposes a new democratic theory that emphasizes the need to understand its roots in history, power, and ethics, with a primary focus on human activity, not consent. It challenges the dominant perspectives on democracy including liberalism, moralism, poststructuralism, and realism. • Generates stronger discussion between critical political theory and practical politics than is currently offered by liberal-conceptual, moralist, poststructuralist and realist political theories • Illustrates how history need not be anachronistic nor tradition-bound but a source of critical perspective on present and future democratic politics and ethics • Engages historical and analytical scholarship on democratic ethics to bridge the gap between critical and consequentialist political theory (Plato and Machiavelli), the horizon of virtue and the practice of rights January 2018 228 x 152 mm 300pp 978-1-108-42257-4 Hardback c. £64.99 / c. US$99.99 978-1-108-43556-7 Paperback c. £22.99 / c. US$34.99
Botero: The Reason of State Edited by Robert Bireley | Loyola University, Chicago
Giovanni Botero is a significant but often overlooked figure in early modern political thought. This translation of his 1589 volume, Della ragion di Stato, which first popularised the term ‘reason of state’, introduces Botero to a wider Anglophone audience and demonstrates his opposition to Machiavelli’s seminal work, The Prince. • Introduces an influential but often overlooked late Renaissance writer to a wider Englishspeaking audience • An important primary source for understanding contemporary reactions to Machiavelli, and the anti-Machiavellian tradition • Enriches our understanding of early modern Italian and Counter Reformation political thought Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought
September 2017 216 x 138 mm 270pp 978-1-107-14182-7 Hardback £64.99 / US$79.99 978-1-316-50672-1 Paperback £24.99 / US$32.99
Azriel Bermant | The Institute for National Security Studies, Israel
Margaret Thatcher and the Middle East questions claims that the former prime minister sought to counter the Foreign Office Middle East policy, and maintains that the prime minister was actually in close agreement with the Whitehall bureaucracy on the Arab-Israeli conflict. • Presents a fresh narrative of Britain’s role in the Middle East based upon recently declassified papers • Unique in its examination of Margaret Thatcher’s Middle East policy and Anglo-Israeli relations, appealing to those interested in the legacy of Margaret Thatcher, the Conservative Party, British foreign policy, the Middle East, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Europe-Israel relations and British Jewry • Sheds new light on Margaret Thatcher’s relationship with Ronald Reagan, and presents a new angle on the debate surrounding the legacy of the Balfour Declaration and the British Mandate in Palestine • Unique in its discussion of pro-Israel interest groups in Britain September 2017 229 x 152 mm 273pp 978-1-316-60630-8 Paperback £22.99 / US$29.99 Also available 978-1-107-15194-9 Hardback £64.99 / US$99.99
Politics beyond Black and White Biracial Identity and Attitudes in America Lauren D. Davenport | Stanford University, California
The US multiracial population has surged since 2000, and is projected to soar over the coming decades. This book investigates the rise of multiracial identities and their implications for American society and political behavior. It will appeal to scholars of political science, sociology, psychology, and racial and ethnic studies. • The first political science book to examine the political and social implications of the rise of multiracial identities • Evaluates both the construction of racial identity and the political attitudes associated with these identities • Draws on a mix of robust quantitative and qualitative data and reaches across disciplines to engage broad theoretical debates about politics, race, identity, and culture March 2018 228 x 152 mm 251pp 19 b/w illus. 30 tables 978-1-108-42598-8 Hardback c. £64.99 / c. US$99.99 P 978-1-108-44433-0 Paperback c. £22.99 / c. US$29.99 P
The Space between Us Social Geography and Politics Ryan D. Enos | Harvard University, Massachusetts
The Space between Us brings the connection between geography, psychology, and politics to life. By going into the neighborhoods of real cities, Enos shows how our perceptions of racial, ethnic, and religious groups are intuitively shaped by where these groups live and interact daily. His accessible writing makes even the most rigorous of social science research widely appealing in this timely book. • Presents new theory and evidence while synthesizing over eighty years of research across multiple fields • Draws on evidence from important recent events, including the 2016 election, and evocative examples • Takes a sophisticated mixed methods approach, including the use of laboratory studies and in-depth interviews October 2017 228 x 152 mm 314pp 978-1-108-42064-8 Hardback £29.99 / US$39.99
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Politics, Social Theory, History of Ideas
The Political Writings of Alexander Hamilton
Documenting Americans A Political History of National ID Card Proposals in the United States Magdalena Krajewska | Wingate University, North Carolina
Volume 1 Alexander Hamilton Edited by Carson Holloway | University of Nebraska, Omaha
The Political Writings of Alexander Hamilton provides a comprehensive collection of Hamilton’s most enduringly important political writings, covering his public career, from 1775 to his death in 1804. Presented in a convenient two-volume set, this book provides a unique insight into the political ideas of one of America’s leading founders. • A comprehensive two-volume collection of Alexander Hamilton’s most enduringly important political writings • Provides a detailed insight into the political thought of one of America’s leading founders • Makes a significant contribution to the study of Alexander Hamilton, examining both his political thought and his statesmanship November 2017 253 x 177 mm 648pp 978-1-108-42222-2 Hardback £110.00 / US$145.00
October 2017 228 x 152 mm 304pp 978-1-316-51010-0 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99
Fragmented Democracy
Medicaid, Federalism, and Unequal Politics Jamila Michener | Cornell University, New York
The Political Writings of Alexander Hamilton Volume 2 Alexander Hamilton Edited by Carson Holloway | University of Nebraska, Omaha
The Political Writings of Alexander Hamilton provides a comprehensive collection of Hamilton’s most enduringly important political writings, covering his public career, from 1775 to his death in 1804. Presented in a convenient two-volume set, this book provides a unique insight into the political ideas of one of America’s leading founders. • A comprehensive two-volume collection of Alexander Hamilton’s most enduringly important political writings • Provides a detailed insight into the political thought of one of America’s leading founders • Makes a significant contribution to the study of Alexander Hamilton, examining both his political thought and his statesmanship November 2017 253 x 177 mm 428pp 978-1-108-42223-9 Hardback £110.00 / US$145.00
This book is about how Medicaid intersects with federalism and how it affects the lives of the people who use it and shapes their democratic citizenship. The primary audience is academics and informed members of the public interested in American politics, public policy, healthcare, inequality, contextual effects, and democracy. • Investigates how Medicaid affects political participation and democratic citizenship • Shows how federalism works in everyday life – as it intersects with poverty and race – to clarify the stakes of policy choices • Sheds light on previously unconsidered mechanisms of political inequality • Puts the voices and experiences of Medicaid beneficiaries front and center January 2018 228 x 152 mm 232pp 16 b/w illus. 3 maps 11 tables 978-1-316-51019-3 Hardback £64.99 / US$84.99 P 978-1-316-64958-9 Paperback £18.99 / US$24.99 P
The Road to Inequality
How the Federal Highway Program Polarized America and Undermined Cities Clayton Nall | Stanford University, California
The Political Writings of Alexander Hamilton Alexander Hamilton Edited by Carson Holloway | University of Nebraska, Omaha
The Political Writings of Alexander Hamilton provides a comprehensive collection of Hamilton’s most enduringly important political writings, covering his public career, from 1775 to his death in 1804. Presented in a convenient two-volume set, this book provides a unique insight into the political ideas of one of America’s leading founders. • A comprehensive two-volume collection of Alexander Hamilton’s most enduringly important political writings • Provides a detailed insight into the political thought of one of America’s leading founders • Makes a significant contribution to the study of Alexander Hamilton, examining both his political thought and his statesmanship November 2017 253 x 177 mm 1300pp 978-1-107-08847-4 2 Hardback Volume Set
This is the first comprehensive political history of national ID card proposals and developments in identity policing in the United States. Examining how national ID card proposals have been woven into political conflict across a variety of policy fields, the book focuses on the period from 1915 to 2016. • Provides the first comprehensive political history of national ID card proposals and identity policing developments in the United States • Covers a period of 100 years and proposals and controversies across a variety of policy fields • Draws on extensive archival research, high-level interviews, and public opinion data
£190.00 / US$250.00
Demonstrates the federal highway program’s role in the geographic sorting of Democrats and Republicans on urban-suburban lines, and in undermining investment in urban mobility. The book will appeal to audiences interested in public policy, polarization, inequality, and the politics of transportation and urban investment. • Shows how public policy operates by geographic mechanisms to create long-lasting social and political outcomes • Shifts the focus of research on partisan polarization and its effects to the local level, while still telling a national story • Draws on decades of previously untapped data and presents analysis accessibly March 2018 228 x 152 mm 256pp 978-1-108-41759-4 Hardback c. £75.00 / c. US$99.99 978-1-108-40549-2 Paperback c. £26.99 / c. US$34.99
Politics, Social Theory, History of Ideas
Class Attitudes in America
Civic Hope
Sympathy for the Poor, Resentment of the Rich, and Political Implications Spencer Piston | Boston University
How Ordinary Americans Keep Democracy Alive Rodrick P. Hart | University of Texas, Austin
This book is for people who want to understand how Americans think about class groups and the implications of class attitudes for politics. Piston shows that sympathy for the poor and resentment of the rich are powerful forces shaping American public opinion about policies and candidates for political office. • Corrects widely held myths about how Americans think about class groups • Uncovers an important and neglected determinant of public opinion and political behavior • Draws on rich empirical data, including open-ended surveys that take ordinary people on their own terms to show the words people actually use when talking about politics March 2018 228 x 152 mm 210pp 43 b/w illus. 978-1-108-42698-5 Hardback c. £75.00 / c. US$99.99 978-1-108-44712-6 Paperback c. £29.99 / c. US$34.99
Cycles and Social Choice The True and Unabridged Story of a Most Protean Paradox Thomas Schwartz | University of California, Los Angeles
The centuries-old paradox of voting is that majorities sometimes prefer x to y, y to z, and z to x – a cycle. This book is about the numerous and diverse sources and consequences of cycles, under majority rule and countless other regimes. Their discovery constitutes much of the mathematical theory of voting and social choice. • Examines the sources and consequences of cycles and instability in the mathematical theory of voting and social choice with more numerous and varied sources and consequences of cycles and instability than those found in any other book • This book is more simple and succinct, and yet more rich and accurate, than other books on social choice • Includes many new and surprising results which should fascinate economists, philosophers, applied mathematicians, and especially political scientists March 2018 228 x 152 mm 200pp 37 b/w illus. 19 tables 978-1-107-18091-8 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99 C
Votes from Seats Logical Models of Electoral Systems Matthew S. Shugart | University of California, Davis
This book is for students of electoral and party systems, those interested in institutional reform, and those yearning for a more scientific social science. Four basic laws of party seats and votes are constructed by logic and tested with data. The physics-like approaches used could advance other social science topics. • Establishes four basic laws of party seats and votes • Interconnects electoral, party and presidential systems in a quantitative way • Constructs simple quantitatively predictive logical models of the type more widespread in physics October 2017 228 x 152 mm 348pp 52 b/w illus. 48 tables 978-1-108-41702-0 Hardback £74.99 / US$99.99 P 978-1-108-40426-6 Paperback £25.99 / US$31.99 P
Based on a highly original analysis of 10,000 letters to the editor from 1948 through the present, Civic Hope is the most capacious history to date of what ordinary Americans think about politics and how they engage in argument. • Highly original analysis of 10,000 letters to the editor collected over a period of sixty-five years, supplemented by survey and interview data • Offers insight into the textured nuances of public opinion, tracking changes over time and across geographic and partisan differences • Makes an original argument about how the people next door persevere to keep democracy alive through a culture of argument at the grassroots level Communication, Society and Politics
January 2018 228 x 152 mm 336pp 36 b/w illus. 25 tables 978-1-108-42264-2 Hardback c. £75.00 / c. US$99.99 P 978-1-108-43562-8 Paperback c. £18.99 / c. US$31.99 P
Manufacturing Political Trust Targets and Performance Management in Public Policy Christina Boswell | University of Edinburgh
Manufacturing Political Trust offers researchers across the social and political sciences an original account of how performance measurement has been used as a means of producing political trust. Boswell draws on a range of theoretical approaches to understand how and why governments persevere in monitoring performance to increase trust and accountability, despite its adverse effects. • Employs a range of theoretical approaches from across the social and political sciences to examine the use of performance targets in public policy • Focuses on the highly topical subject of political trust, and how governments attempt to address voter mistrust in politicians and political institutions • Analyses the highly relevant subject of contemporary UK immigration and asylum to illustrate the pitfalls of using performance measurement targets January 2018 228 x 152 mm 230pp 978-1-108-42120-1 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99
Crossroads of Migration Comparative Immigration Regimes in a World of Demographic Change Anna K. Boucher | University of Sydney
A versatile, wide-lens study of immigration policy and demography worldwide. While its breadth and interest in the fundamental building blocks of immigration governance will interest undergraduate students and non-specialists, its rigor, scope, and the novelty of its analysis make it essential reading for graduate students and migration experts. • Introduces a universal empirical conceptualization of an immigration regime • Assembles and analyzes a new cross-national, standardized database of immigration demographic outcomes in thirty countries • Presents a novel, transparently derived taxonomy of immigration regimes worldwide March 2018 228 x 152 mm 313pp 24 b/w illus. 15 tables 978-1-107-12959-7 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99 C
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Politics, Social Theory, History of Ideas
Making Peace in Drug Wars
War in International Thought
Crackdowns and Cartels in Latin America Benjamin Lessing | University of Chicago
Jens Bartelson | Lunds Universitet, Sweden
Drug wars have ravaged Latin America, from Pablo Escobar in Colombia and El Chapo in Mexico to the favelas of Rio de Janeiro. This book helps social scientists, area specialists, and policymakers understand why state crackdowns often backfire, and why deterrence-based approaches have been successful but hard to implement and sustain. • The first systematic study of ‘cartel-state conflict’ and the first study of drug war in general to include both Mexico and Brazil • Has enormous policy relevance throughout Latin America and in the US, and is central to many ongoing hemispheric debates including drug prohibition, mass incarceration, borders, and policing • Strikes a balance between intellectual rigor, accessibility, and wide policy relevance November 2017 228 x 152 mm 348pp 41 b/w illus. 978-1-107-19963-7 Hardback £74.99 / US$94.99 978-1-316-64896-4 Paperback £27.99 / US$34.99
November 2017 228 x 152 mm 242pp 978-1-108-41935-2 Hardback £69.99 / US$89.99 978-1-108-41049-6 Paperback £26.99 / US$34.99
Preventing Black Market Trade in Nuclear Technology
Strengthening Electoral Integrity
Edited by Matthew Bunn | Harvard University, Massachusetts
Pippa Norris | John F. Kennedy School of Government, Massachusetts
Norris offers a theoretical framework for comparing the strengths and weaknesses of agencies and programs with the threats and opportunities for electoral assistance worldwide, establishing a new research agenda in comparative politics, development studies, electoral studies, and voting behavior, and arguing the case for international democratic programs. • Compares the strengths and weaknesses of agencies and programs with the threats and opportunities for electoral assistance • The theory is tested empirically with new data using worldwide comparisons • The trilogy establishes a new research agenda in comparative politics, development studies, electoral studies, and voting behavior August 2017 228 x 152 mm 390pp 42 b/w illus. 15 tables 978-1-107-05260-4 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.00 P 978-1-107-68166-8 Paperback £27.99 / US$34.99 P
Constructing Global Order
Every nuclear weapons program for decades has relied on the illicit import of key technologies. This book explains how states procure what they need to build nuclear weapons, what is being done currently to stop them, and how to strengthen global efforts to prevent such trade in the future. • Provides a brief review of recent proliferation cases, focusing in particular on strategies that states like North Korea and Iran pursued to procure key technologies for their nuclear programs through illicit means • Provides overviews of the broad range of global efforts to restrict illicit trade in nuclear technology – from intelligence gathering, to sanctions and interdiction, to export controls, to finance and banking measures, to law enforcement, to internal compliance programs in the private sector, and more • Identifies gaps within and between existing areas of focused effort and proposes measures for filling gaps in existing efforts and strengthening controls on illicit trade March 2018 228 x 152 mm 394pp 5 b/w illus. 2 tables 978-1-107-16376-8 Hardback £90.00 / US$120.00
America’s Middlemen
Agency and Change in World Politics Amitav Acharya | American University, Washington DC
This book questions the conventional image of the West as the leader and the Rest as the follower in the making of global order. It discusses how nonWestern actors have been a challenger as well as contributor of ideas and norms that have shaped change and transformation in world politics. • Develops a broader framework for studying change and transformation in world politics, allowing the rapid changes in sovereignty and security to be understood clearly • Offers new concepts and research avenues to study norm diffusion ‘from below’ in contrast to the existing focus on top-down approaches to security and order building • Reveals the role of non-Western actors in the origins of new ideas such as humanitarian intervention, human security and multiple pathways to regional cooperation April 2018 228 x 152 mm 208pp 5 b/w illus. 11 tables 978-1-107-17071-1 Hardback £61.99 / US$79.99 978-1-316-62178-3 Paperback £21.99 / US$28.99
A philosophical and historical inquiry into the meaning of war in international thought; how assumptions about the nature of war have shaped our understanding of the modern world and the role of war within it. It will be of interest to scholars and students of international relations, international law, intellectual history and political theory. • Features fresh readings of key texts that provide readers with a new take on the problem of war in international thought • Enables readers to explain and understand the role of war in international relations • Provides a new way of viewing contemporary war, and its changing nature over past decades
Power at the Edge of Empire Eric Grynaviski | George Washington University, Washington DC
Explores how unusual figures, such as traders, missionaries, and slaves, have contributed to the shaping of American history by making deals with militias, tribes, and rebels. This book is suitable for general readers and undergraduate students in American Indian studies, history, sociology, political science, and international affairs. • Proposes a new theory of agency in international politics that will resonate in interdisciplinary conversations about agency and politics • Provides fresh and new histories of important events in international politics • Features extensive and innovative use of archival evidence March 2018 228 x 152 mm 300pp 7 b/w illus. 1 map 978-1-107-16215-0 Hardback £76.99 / US$99.99 978-1-316-61472-3 Paperback £22.99 / US$29.99
Politics, Social Theory, History of Ideas
Face-to-Face Diplomacy
Protean Power
Social Neuroscience and International Relations Marcus Holmes | College of William and Mary, Virginia
Exploring the Uncertain and Unexpected in World Politics Edited by Peter J. Katzenstein | Cornell University, New York
Face-to-face diplomacy is the most ubiquitous practice of world politics, seen as essential by leaders, but dismissed as irrelevant by political scientists. Drawing upon social neuroscience and psychology, this book addresses this puzzle to create a theory of face-to-face diplomacy that is relevant for both students and scholars of world politics as well as practitioners and policymakers. • A ground-breaking theory of face-to-face diplomacy that answers ‘why do leaders expend so much energy pursuing face-to-face diplomacy when international relations theory suggests it is useless?’ • Provides a new methodological and epistemological approach to incorporating social neuroscience into international relations theory, featuring concrete examples • Presents new evidence and a fresh analysis of landmark cases of twentieth-century diplomatic history that continue to be debated today
Despite repeatedly being surprised by unexpected change, mainstream international relations continues to assume that the world is governed by calculable risk based on estimates of power. Protean Power highlights and challenges this assumption by arguing for the acknowledgement of uncertainty as an important condition of political and social life. • Introduces the concept of ‘protean power’ to help scholars of international relations better understand responses to unexpected change in world politics • Distinguishes ‘protean power’ as the agile reaction to uncertainty, from the conventional notion of ‘control power’ that focuses on risk calculation • Includes twelve real-world case studies to illustrate and analyse the ways in which these power dynamics interact
January 2018 228 x 152 mm 300pp 978-1-108-41707-5 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99
January 2018 228 x 152 mm 380pp 1 b/w illus. 5 tables 978-1-108-42517-9 Hardback c. £75.00 / c. US$99.99 978-1-108-44125-4 Paperback c. £18.99 / c. US$32.99
Strong NGOs and Weak States The Pursuit of Gender Justice in the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Africa Milli Lake | Arizona State University
Why have courts in eastern DR Congo offered robust responses to sexual and gender-based violence, while South African courts failed to take gender justice seriously despite strong legal infrastructure? As Lake explains, state weakness can actually create opportunities for NGOs and activists to influence local human rights law and practice. • Challenges existing knowledge of human rights and transnational advocacy by demonstrating that NGOs often show more immediate, direct and visible results of their human rights advocacy in weak states than in strong ones • Advises policy-makers, practitioners, and donors in the fields of human rights and the rule of law of the unintended consequences of bypassing the central state in pursuit of narrow human rights goals • Authored by a scholar and practitioner possessing first-hand expertise in human rights advocacy, rule of law development, and legal capacity building across sub-Saharan Africa April 2018 228 x 152 mm 322pp 5 b/w illus. 2 maps 1 table 978-1-108-41937-6 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99 C
The Sword’s Other Edge Trade-offs in the Pursuit of Military Effectiveness Edited by Dan Reiter | Emory University, Atlanta
This book is for technical and non-technical readers interested in foreign policy, military history, and international relations. It presents new ideas about military effectiveness, in areas such as military robotics, nuclear weapons, insurgency, war finance, and public opinion. It explains how pursuing military effectiveness can incur political and military tradeoffs. • Develops new ideas about important elements of military effectiveness • Mathematical treatments are avoided • Addresses contemporary policy topics such as drone strikes, military robotics, counterinsurgency, and others
Cambridge Studies in International Relations, 146
Authoritarianism and the Elite Origins of Democracy Michael Albertus | University of Chicago
This book explores the origins of democracy and the impact that autocratic legacies have after democratization. It examines why those who benefited under the previous dictatorship continue to do so after they step down from power. It therefore addresses longstanding questions that have appeal to academic, policy, and lay audiences. • Brings a new approach to one of the most important topics in politics: the origins of democracy and its consequences • Covers a broad historical and geographic scope, presenting data on and discusses political regimes throughout the world since 1800 • Uses state of the art quantitative (statistical) and qualitative (process tracing) methods December 2017 228 x 152 mm 322pp 14 b/w illus. 16 tables 978-1-107-19982-8 Hardback c. £64.00 / c. US$99.99 P 978-1-316-64903-9 Paperback c. £19.99 / c. US$29.99 P
On Feeding the Masses An Anatomy of Regulatory Failure in China John K. Yasuda | Indiana University
The book examines the politics of regulatory policymaking, supply chain management, and standards setting in the world’s largest food production system. By understanding China’s scale problem in governance, scholars, policymakers, and business leaders will be able to identify the root causes of and potential solutions to China’s food safety crisis. • Assesses China’s food safety problems in comparative context • Utilizes interviews with government officials, internal food safety documents, and policy experimentation sites • Provides in-depth case studies drawing from extensive fieldwork December 2017 228 x 152 mm 225pp 10 b/w illus. 14 tables 978-1-107-19964-4 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99 C
November 2017 228 x 152 mm 310pp 10 b/w illus. 5 tables 978-1-108-41672-6 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99 P 978-1-108-40413-6 Paperback £26.99 / US$34.99 P
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Politics, Social Theory, History of Ideas
Authoritarian Capitalism
The Politics of Unfree Labour in Russia
Sovereign Wealth Funds and Corporate Intervention in East Asia and Beyond Richard Carney | China Europe International Business School
Human Trafficking and Labour Migration Mary Buckley | University of Cambridge
Since 1945, the liberal-democratic model spread across the globe, ultimately prevailing over communism. Today, a new statistauthoritarian model is on the rise. Rather than rejecting capitalism, authoritarian leaders harness it to uphold their rule. Anyone interested in understanding how this process is unfolding will be interested in this book. • Proposes a new argument for why authoritarian regimes intervene in the corporate sector • Examines sovereign wealth funds through a political economy framework that considers the broader corporate sector and political institutions in which they are embedded • Distinguishes among three types of authoritarian regimes, identifying the specific political regime attributes that contribute to more aggressive or passive forms of state-led corporate intervention • Cases on China, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, and Taiwan are placed in comparative perspective, with rich empirical detail about the owners of East Asia’s largest corporations both before and after the Asian financial crisis and the rise of liberalizing reforms Business and Public Policy
March 2018 228 x 152 mm 288pp 978-1-316-51011-7 Hardback c. £64.99 / c. US$99.99
How Politicians Use Corporate Welfare for Political Gain Nathan M. Jensen | Washington University, St Louis
A rigorous analysis of fiscal incentives, arguing that politicians choose to employ economically inefficient policies to claim credit for economic development. This book will be of interest to researchers and teachers in the fields of political science, economics, public policy, urban development and management. • Provides rigorous empirical analysis, involving cutting-edge methods including survey and natural experiments, regression discontinuity designs, and matching estimators; these techniques will give sophisticated readers confidence in the argument and policy conclusions • Includes a chapter on comparative incentive programs and an analysis of Vietnam and Russia that broadens the reach of the study beyond western democracies to authoritarian political systems • The vivid description and unique presentation of the analysis will benefit readers familiar with well-known case studies such as Ferguson Electric, Google in Lenoir North Carolina, and the Kansas City border wars Business and Public Policy
State Capacity and Economic Development Present and Past Mark Dincecco | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
State capacity plays an important role in marketoriented economic development today. This Element analyzes the historical origins of state capacity, with a focus on Western Europe. By taking a long-run approach, it provides a new perspective on the deep-rooted relationship between political and economic development.
Engagement and Activism during the 2011 Arab Uprisings Nermin Allam | Princeton University, New Jersey
This examination of women during and since the 2011 uprising in Egypt uncovers their voices and their experiences of revolutionary action. Allam analyses the history of women’s political participation and reflects on the current situation in order to understand the dynamics of gender and women’s rights in Egypt. • Delves into the contexts of the Egyptian uprising to understand the historical and modern dynamics of gender and women’s rights in Egypt • Combines approaches from multiple disciplines including political science, religious studies, gender studies and regional history • Includes many detailed and first-hand accounts from female protestors December 2017 228 x 138 mm 244pp 978-1-108-42190-4 Hardback £76.99 / US$99.99 978-1-108-43443-0 Paperback £22.99 / US$29.99
Syria, the Strength of an Idea The Constitutional Architectures of Political Regimes Karim Atassi | United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Turkey
Using a multidimensional approach at the crossroad of constitutional law, political science and international relations, this book provides readers with a comprehensive overview of the complex Syrian political reality and, ultimately, with a better understanding of the current Syrian crisis. • Offers analyses of twenty-five Syrian constitutions (including draft constitutions and constitutional texts) and innovatively classifies the different political regimes during a one-hundred-year period • Explains the causes of the Syrian crisis (obsolete political system, economic liberalization, deterioration of the social situation and unsolved regional issues), situating the war in Syria with its national and regional ramifications • Retraces the persistence of the main elements of a Syrian model to help experts involved in the Syrian crisis to identify grounds that may facilitate a peaceful solution February 2018 228 x 152 mm 538pp 978-1-107-18360-5 Hardback c. £59.99 / c. US$115.00 978-1-316-63501-8 Paperback c. £24.99 / c. US$37.99
Elements in Political Economy
October 2017 229 x 152 mm 92pp 978-1-108-43954-1 Paperback £15.00 / US$18.00
January 2018 228 x 152 mm 342pp 1 map 17 tables 978-1-108-41996-3 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99 978-1-108-41270-4 Paperback £26.99 / US$34.99
Women and the Egyptian Revolution
Incentives to Pander
December 2017 228 x 152 mm 264pp 978-1-108-41890-4 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99
Mary Buckley’s wide ranging book analyses human trafficking out of the Russian Federation since the collapse of the Soviet state, labour migration into Russia from Central Asia, and internal migration resulting in forced labour. It will interest students and scholars of Russian and Eurasian studies, politics, sociology, and migration and gender studies. • Draws upon numerous Russian sources and original data from public opinion polls, focus groups and interviews with experts that link to global issues • Raises moral issues and leaves readers with ethical questions to address themselves • Provides readers with definitions of key terms including ‘human trafficking’, ‘smuggling’ and ‘unfree labour’ to provide a comprehensive and easy to read text • Systematically takes readers through relevant points of history, socioeconomic change, law, politics, policies and social attitudes
Politics, Social Theory, History of Ideas
Regulating Islam Religion and the State in Contemporary Morocco and Tunisia Sarah Judith Feuer | The Washington Institute for Near East Policy
Drawing on a range of previously unexamined sources, this comparative study of two contemporary Arab nations proposes a compelling new theory that accounts for the complexities of religion-state dynamics across the Arab world. These case studies will appeal to anyone keen to understand the post-uprisings Arab landscape, including both scholars and policymakers. • Proposes a new theory to account for the varied nature of religionstate relations in the Arab world • Utilizes an extensive array of Arabic and French documents, as well as interviews with policymakers from Morocco and Tunisia • Examines the evolving nature of Islamic education in two contemporary Arab countries December 2017 228 x 152 mm 300pp 7 b/w illus. 4 tables 978-1-108-42020-4 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99 C TEXTBOOK
The Handbook of the Political System of Israel Itzhak Galnoor | Hebrew University of Jerusalem
A unique, comprehensive Handbook that provides a systematic description of the major components of the Israeli political system: the institutions, their legal underpinning, power relations, public participation, political culture, and the unresolved political problems. The Handbook skilfully integrates detailed basic data with an analysis of structures and processes. • Features detailed information about Israel’s political system including all the institutions of Israel’s democracy as well as its evolution and current functioning • Presents data on Israeli society and politics collected from official sources as well as new material based on primary research conducted by the authors • Exemplifies Israel as a parliamentary democracy Contents: Part I. Establishing the State: The Supremacy of Politics: 1. The formative early years of the state (1948–53); 2. Does Israel have a constitution?; Part II. Institutions Matter: 3. The presidency and the symbols of power; 4. The Knesset: first among equals?; 5. The executive branch and attempts to strengthen it; 6. The judiciary’s growing involvement in public life; 7. Monitoring mechanisms: the state comptroller and state commissions of inquiry; Part III. Political Society: 8. Political participation: have Israeli citizens given up on the political system?; 9. Political parties: can we get along without them?; 10. Elections: the vague verdict of the Israeli voter; 11. Government coalitions: a steering mechanism in the political system; 12. Civil society: the third sector that grew unnoticed by the state; 13. The media in Israel: do they strengthen or weaken democracy? Part IV. Open Policy Problems: 14. Security reigns supreme; 15. Arab citizens of Israel; 16. Politics, society, and economics: how did the state provide for the society?; 17. Religion and state: between social conflict and political accommodation; Part V. Democracy in Israel: 18. Political culture in Israel. February 2018 253 x 177 mm 950pp 52 b/w illus. 76 tables 978-1-107-09785-8 Hardback c. £95.00 / c. US$150.00 X
Faith and Politics in Iran, Israel, and Islamic State Theologies of the Real Ori Goldberg | Tel-Aviv University
Faith and Politics in Iran, Israel, and the Islamic State considers political theologies formulated in Iran and Israel over the course of the twentieth century and proposes that these theologies have drawn their strength from a commitment to their concrete, divinely infused reality. • Presents political theologies formulated in Iran and Israel over the course of the twentieth century • Explores religious phenomena dominating the attention of the world • Proposes a different, comparative and interlinked understanding of Iran, Israel and IS December 2017 228 x 152 mm 208pp 978-1-107-11567-5 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99
Women and Social Change in North Africa What Counts as Revolutionary? Edited by Doris H. Gray | Al Akhawayn Univeristy, Morocco
This volume offers an analysis of how intentional and unintentional actions of men and women contribute to social change. Most chapters are based on extensive field work on migration, in domestic violence shelters, mosques, at funerals and in the legal sphere to shed light on diverse forces leading to social transformations. • A novel approach to assessing women’s rights and social change • Provides grass-roots perspectives on a wide range of issues not normally considered in the context of social change • Based on extensive field work that sheds light on the real-life experiences of women in the region December 2017 228 x 152 mm 440pp 978-1-108-41950-5 Hardback £90.00 / US$120.00
Facing Barriers Palestinian Women in a Jewish-Dominated Labor Market Vered Kraus | University of Haifa, Israel
This book analyses the labor experience of Israeli Palestinian women, arguing that state policies and widespread discrimination hinder their low labor force participation and success. It is for researchers in a variety of disciplines, including Middle East studies, politics, sociology, anthropology, law, race and ethnic studies, and gender studies. • The first comprehensive study of Israeli Palestinian women’s employment in over forty years • Offers a new perspective on low labor force participation of Arab and Muslim women, focusing on inter-group differences • Provides concise, easy to follow statistical analyses embedded in its historical and political context December 2017 228 x 152 mm 284pp 74 b/w illus. 978-1-316-51047-6 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99
Multiculturalism in Turkey The Kurds and the State Durukan Kuzu | Coventry University
Looking at the situation of Kurds in Turkey through the lens of multiculturalism, this book offers a comparative analysis of attempts to find a solution to the often violent situation. Looking at wider contexts of state and nation-building projects, this book is ideal for scholars and policy makers working on Turkish politics, Kurds, national minorities, multiculturalism and conflict resolution. • Approaches multiculturalism in Turkey in an original light, going beyond existing approaches to offer a new critical perspective • Bridges the gap between political theory and social science in the context of self-government and national minorities • Addresses the political accommodation of the Kurds in Turkey March 2018 228 x 152 mm 248pp 13 b/w illus. 1 map 2 tables 978-1-108-41782-2 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99 C
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Politics, Social Theory, History of Ideas
Voting Behavior in Indonesia since Democratization
Party Systems in Latin America
Critical Democrats Saiful Mujani | Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Institutionalization, Decay, and Collapse Edited by Scott Mainwaring | John F. Kennedy School of Government, Massachusetts
This book is for students of Indonesian politics, politics of the developing world, of democracies, the Muslim world, and for those interested in the scientific study of voting behavior world-wide. It is assignable in undergraduate and graduate classes, and it will also be a valuable guide to policy makers and professionals assessing Indonesian and other democracies. • Provides the first systematic surveys of Indonesian voting behavior since democratization in 1999 • Connects the Indonesian case to greater comparative political science electoral behavior theory • Presents a data-based argument and scientific analysis
January 2018 228 x 152 mm 324pp 978-1-108-42179-9 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99
January 2018 228 x 152 mm 530pp 43 b/w illus. 56 tables 978-1-107-17552-5 Hardback £95.00 / US$120.00 P 978-1-316-62752-5 Paperback £31.99 / US$39.99 P
Unmaking China’s Development The Function and Credibility of Institutions Peter Ho | Tsinghua University, Beijing and Technische Universiteit Delft, The Netherlands
Institutions and Democratization in Africa
China is an enigma: an emerging power burdened with all of the ‘wrong’ institutions – informal, insecure and opaque. Ho explains this development through compelling new case-studies of property and resources, appealing to all readers uncomfortable with mainstream economics, and to scholars across geography, sociology, law, anthropology, administration and politics. • Provides an alternative theoretical explanation for China’s development • Proposes a new methodology to analyze institutions and their role in economic growth • Posits critical, new concepts in relation to credibility, function and dynamic disequilibrium October 2017 228 x 152 mm 336pp 978-1-107-09410-9 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99
China’s Crisis of Success William H. Overholt | Harvard University, Massachusetts
China’s Crisis of Success re-examines China’s rise to superpower status, showing that, despite social and administrative strengths often unacknowledged by Western commentary, continued success now requires re-invention of its economy and politics. Xi Jinping’s extremely risky strategy for re-invention could lead to success, stagnation or a great crisis. • Interdisciplinary, it explains China from the perspectives of economics, politics, sociology and environmental science • Breaks stereotypes of inexorable rise or inevitable collapse to explain both China’s great strengths and great weaknesses • Analyses China’s current crisis and suggests possible future options, within the context of a larger framework of the model of China’s development • Explodes myths among economists that China is a socially extractive system and among political scientists that China’s communist system creates unique weaknesses of corruption, environmental degradation and administrative weakness January 2018 228 x 152 mm 317pp 978-1-108-42169-0 Hardback £64.99 / US$84.99 978-1-108-43199-6 Paperback £19.99 / US$25.99
This book is essential reading for scholars and students of comparative party systems, democracy, and Latin American politics. It generates a wealth of new empirical information about Latin American party systems and contributes richly to major theoretical and comparative debates about party systems and democracy. • Proposes a new understanding of party system institutionalization in Latin American politics • Provides a wealth of new information about Latin American party systems • Analyzes the importance of party system institutionalization for democratic politics
How the Rules of the Game Shape Political Developments Edited by Nic Cheeseman | University of Oxford
This book provides a state-of-the-art overview of the main political institutions in Africa, from elections to political parties and legislatures, arguing that previous literature has underplayed their impact. With chapters written by leading figures in the field, the book is essential reading for established researchers and undergraduate students. • Presents a new way of understanding African politics that challenges received wisdom and seeks to kick-start a new research agenda • Provides a comprehensive analysis of the most important political institutions on the continent so that the book can be used as a textbook • The book features some of the best known and best respected figures in the discipline, including Daniel Posner, Catherine Boone, Rachel Riedl, Muna Ndolo, Staffan Lindberg, Anne Pitcher, and many more January 2018 228 x 152 mm 368pp 18 b/w illus. 2 maps 18 tables 978-1-107-14824-6 Hardback £76.99 / US$99.99 P 978-1-316-60255-3 Paperback £24.99 / US$32.99 P
Doomed Interventions The Failure of Global Responses to AIDS in Africa Kim Yi Dionne | Smith College, Massachusetts
This book is for students and scholars studying political economy, public policy, and global health, and all those who are interested in knowing how ordinary Africans think about the response to the AIDS epidemic. It studies the divergent priorities of donors and citizens in response to AIDS intervention in Africa. • Questions the nature of democratic AIDS interventions in democratizing contexts, bringing attention to the disconnection between policymakers in the West and the intended beneficiaries in rural Africa • Shifts the perspective of study on AIDS intervention to that of the citizens and their local leaders • Avoids overly technical discussion of statistical results, making the book ideal for students, scholars and the general reader November 2017 228 x 152 mm 224pp 18 b/w illus. 5 tables 978-1-107-19559-2 Hardback £69.99 / US$89.99 P 978-1-316-64688-5 Paperback £22.99 / US$29.99 P
Politics, Social Theory, History of Ideas / Psychology
Coups, Rivals, and the Modern State Why Rural Coalitions Matter in Sub-Saharan Africa Beth S. Rabinowitz | Rutgers University, New Jersey
Forms of Fellow Feeling
In states with weak institutions and strong ethnoregional challengers, consolidating politically by developing a strategic rural coalition is the necessary first step towards state building, economic development, and democratization. Through demonstrating this, Rabinowitz upends the long-held assumption that African leaders must only cater to urban constituents to secure their rule. • An extensive resource offering a quantitative and qualitative analysis of state development across forty-four African states • Proposes new typology of neo-patrimonial strategies • Presents engaging historical narratives of specific leaders and their attempts to hold power January 2018 228 x 152 mm 304pp 29 b/w illus. 22 tables 978-1-108-42046-4 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99 C
Empathy, Sympathy, Concern and Moral Agency Edited by Neil Roughley | Universität Duisburg–Essen
This collection addresses a perennial issue that is of concern in many different disciplines: what is the basis of our capacity to act morally? In this unique volume, renowned scholars from psychology and philosophy are brought together to discuss the emotional foundations of moral agency. • Brings together renowned scholars from psychology and philosophy to discuss cutting-edge research in the field • Covers a wide array of emotional and affective aspects of moral agency • Will appeal to readers who are interested in theoretical accounts of the basis of morality as well as readers who are interested in scientific approaches December 2017 228 x 152 mm 352pp 12 b/w illus. 978-1-107-10951-3 Hardback £95.00 / US$125.00
Insurgent Fragmentation in the Horn of Africa
Cognitive Neuroscience
Rebellion and its Discontents Michael Woldemariam | Boston University
Insurgent fragmentation is central to the dynamics of contemporary civil wars. This book is one of the few extended treatments of this phenomenon and will be of interest to both scholarly and nonscholarly audiences interested in the evolution and behaviour of insurgent groups, and conflict dynamics in war zones around the world. • Presents a compelling new theory of rebel fragmentation in contemporary civil wars • Introduces new historical evidence on the Horn of Africa’s major insurgent organizations • Demonstrates that battlefield developments are central to the cohesion of rebel groups February 2018 228 x 138 mm 336pp 16 b/w illus. 5 tables 978-1-108-42325-0 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99 C
Quranic Schools in Northern Nigeria Everyday Experiences of Youth, Faith, and Poverty Hannah Hoechner | Université Libre de Bruxelles
An ethnographic study of Qur’anic schools in northern Nigeria that debunks stereotypes about such schools being recruitment grounds for Boko Haram and other violent groups. Drawing on extensive fieldwork, Hannah Hoechner explores through the eyes of students the true nature of being young, poor, and Muslim in a context of pervasive inequality. • Provides valuable insights into the role that religion plays in the everyday lives of poor, young Qur’anic students • Offers a novel perspective by bringing research from education studies, poverty research, and youth studies to bear on debates about Islamic education • Uses ethnographic and participatory methods to uncover the real perspectives of Qur’anic students and their communities in northern Nigeria
Fourth edition Marie T. Banich | University of Colorado Boulder
Updated fully, this accessible yet thorough text highlights the most important issues in cognitive neuroscience. Written by two experienced teachers, the consistent narrative ensures that students link concepts across chapters. Clinical applications, case studies and examples demonstrate the real-world significance of the science. • Provides a readable yet thorough text that highlights the most important theoretical, conceptual and methodological issues in the neural basis of cognition • Introduces students to the fascinating intersection of brain and cognition, and explores how the brain supports mental functions such as perception, memory, language, attention, emotion, and social cognition • Engages students and relates the material to real-world concerns through the use of examples within the text, and a focus on clinical applications such as developmental disorders, brain injuries and dementias, as well as opening case studies and ‘In Focus’ boxes Contents: Part I. Fundamentals: 1. Introduction: history and definitions; 2. The nervous system; 3. Methods; Part II. Neural Bases of Mental Functions: 4. Motor control; 5. Sensation and perception; 6. Object recognition; 7. Spatial cognition; 8. Language; 9. Memory and learning; 10. Attention; 11. Executive function and decision making; 12. Emotion; 13. Social cognition; Part III. Broader Applications: 14. Psychopathology; 15. Brain development and plasticity; 16. Generalized cognitive disorders; 17. Neuroscience and society; Endpapers; Glossary; References; Index. February 2018 279 x 216 mm 786pp 394 colour illus. 22 tables 978-1-107-15844-3 Hardback c. £124.99 / c. US$199.99 X 978-1-316-50790-2 Paperback c. £64.99 / c. US$99.99 X
The International African Library, 54
March 2018 228 x 152 mm 240pp 10 b/w illus. 978-1-108-42529-2 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99
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The Moral Psychology of Internal Conflict
Depression and the Self Meaning, Control and Authenticity Tamara Kayali Browne | Australian National University, Canberra
Value, Meaning, and the Enactive Mind Ralph D. Ellis | Clark Atlanta University, Georgia
This book will interest moral and political psychologists, philosophers, and social scientists concerned with inner emotional conflicts driving ethical thinking beyond mere emotivism, toward moral realism. It combines ‘basic emotion’ theories (e.g. Panksepp) with hermeneutic depthpsychology of the conflict between a basic truth-seeking exploratory drive and equally powerful confabulatory motivations. • Proposes a new approach to moral psychology that avoids the naturalistic fallacy problem, which avoids reducing ethics to emotional feelings • Pulls together clinical and experimental psychology, including some basic neuroscience, with careful philosophical methods for ethical thinking • Takes both an enactivist and a hermeneutical approach to the depth psychology of internal conflict around moral and social issues January 2018 228 x 152 mm 256pp 978-1-107-18995-9 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
January 2018 228 x 152 mm 208pp 2 b/w illus. 978-1-107-13865-0 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00
Psychopathology A Social Neuropsychological Perspective Alison Lee | Bath Spa University
States of Consciousness The Pulses of Experience Thomas Natsoulas | University of California, Davis
This volume extends Thomas Natsoulas’ development of the psychology of consciousness by giving sustained attention to the stream of consciousness and its component ‘pulses of experience’. Combining scholarship across psychology, philosophy and cognate fields, Natsoulas highlights surprising connections between the works of leading theorists of consciousness. • An interdisciplinary study covering a broad range of material relating to consciousness • The book is well-written and engaging, endowing readers with a thorough understanding of the field • Synthesizes discussions of leading figures, both historically and in recent work January 2018 228 x 152 mm 470pp 978-1-107-08350-9 Hardback £110.00 / US$140.00
This psychological study explores experiences of, and meanings attached to, depression. Drawing on research interviews with women who have experienced depression, Browne argues that in depression, perceptions of control and the self are intertwined, and that this has important implications for diagnosis and recovery. • Uses individuals’ reflections on their experiences of depression to shed light on our concepts of the self • Challenges common understandings of depression as a chronic and endogenous illness • Suggests that the feeling of control, in its different guises, is a key lever in perceptions of the self • Offers a reason for why some view their depression as chronic while others do not
The Nature of Human Intelligence Edited by Robert J. Sternberg | Cornell University, New York
Robert J. Sternberg invites nineteen highly-eminent psychological scientists to share their research programs and findings on human intelligence. Each chapter answers a standardized set of questions, and the outcome represents a wide range of substantive and methodological emphases to highlight the incredible diversity of perspectives in the field. • Describes the research programs of the nineteen most eminent psychological scientists studying intelligence • Each author answers a standardized list of questions to ensure uniformity of the issues covered in the various chapters • The authors chosen were those most highly cited in the three recent major textbooks on human intelligence (by Hunt, Mackintosh, and Sternberg and Kaufman) • The authors represent a wide variety of approaches to human intelligence January 2018 228 x 152 mm 352pp 26 b/w illus. 5 tables 978-1-107-17657-7 Hardback £76.99 / US$99.99 P 978-1-316-62964-2 Paperback £26.99 / US$34.99 P
An undergraduate textbook offering alternative perspectives to the dominant biomedical model of mental distress, using both psychosocial and neuropsychological approaches. The authors encourage critical awareness in students and structure the book according to stress and coping in everyday life, common and severe forms of mental distress, and recovery. • Questions the validity of the dominant diagnostic framework of psychopathology (grounded in the DSM and ICD) • Presents a variety of perspectives on mental distress, emphasising the importance of context, relationships and neuropsychological processes • Encourages critical engagement through pedagogical features such as reflection points in each chapter, and provides a balanced discussion of issues from differing perspectives and authors, supporting classroom debate • Fills a much-needed gap in the market for instructors who do not want to base their class on the DSM/ICD approach to abnormal psychology Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Madness: a history of ideas; 3. Emotions and normal life; 4. Control, stress and coping; 5. Distress; 6. Psychosocial perspectives on distress; 7. Psychosis: symptoms and causes; 8. Psychosocial perspectives of psychosis; 9. Recovery; 10. Psychological therapies; 11. The treatment of mental distress with psychiatric medication; 12. Conclusions. February 2018 246 x 189 mm 400pp 9 b/w illus. 4 tables 978-1-107-00981-3 Hardback c. £70.00 / c. US$120.00 978-0-521-27902-4 Paperback c. £32.99 / c. US$49.99
Written Off
Preventing War and Promoting Peace
Mental Health Stigma and the Loss of Human Potential Philip T. Yanos | City University of New York
This book tells the story of how mental health stigma comes to have a profound impact on the lives of people diagnosed with mental illnesses. It goes beyond previous volumes by explaining how community attitudes and behaviors come to impact diagnosed individuals’ self-images and their subsequent participation in community life. • Provides a unified account of the mental health stigma literature • Connects personal stories to research findings • Gives an ‘inside view’ from the author’s clinical, research, and teaching experiences
A Guide for Health Professionals Edited by William H. Wiist | Oregon State University
January 2018 228 x 152 mm 230pp 19 b/w illus. 2 tables 978-1-107-19695-7 Hardback £19.99 / US$24.99 G
This book emphasizes the underlying preventable causes of war, particularly militarism, and focuses on the methods health professionals can use to prevent war. It provides a broad perspective of war and health, with an emphasis on actively engaging to prevent the underlying, politically-charged causes of war. • Presents a new paradigm for the engagement of health professions in the prevention of war and the promotion of peace • Offers a variety of skills and activities used to proactively prevent war and promote peace • Explores the ways militarism is embedded in US society and how that promotes the propensity to war
The First Year of College
November 2017 228 x 152 mm 250pp 14 b/w illus. 17 tables 978-1-107-14668-6 Hardback £85.00 / US$110.00 C
Research, Theory, and Practice on Improving the Student Experience and Increasing Retention Edited by Robert S. Feldman | University of Massachusetts, Amherst
The Cambridge Handbook of Applied Psychological Ethics
This book examines the first year of college from a variety of perspectives to paint a comprehensive picture of the intersecting challenges facing today’s students and higher education institutions. • Using a variety of perspectives, this book examines the first year of college • Includes theoretical and practical discussions useful to both scholars and training professionals • Introduces new ideas from other disciplines, providing comprehensive coverage of the topics December 2017 228 x 152 mm 386pp 13 b/w illus. 19 tables 978-1-107-17628-7 Hardback £95.00 / US$125.00 C
This handbook is the first to focus entirely on applied ethics in psychology. Every chapter focuses on the application of ethics to the realistic (and typically complex and confusing) ethical dilemmas in which mental health and other psychology professionals sometimes find themselves. • The first handbook to focus entirely on applied ethics in psychology • Includes real-world, complex ethics cases across a variety of practice settings, populations, and topics • Builds on an introductory knowledge of ethics Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology
March 2018 253 x 177 mm 702pp 9 b/w illus. 6 tables 978-1-107-12454-7 Hardback £135.00 / US$175.00
Installation Theory The Societal Construction and Regulation of Behaviour Saadi Lahlou | London School of Economics and Political Science
Installation Theory: The Societal Construction and Regulation of Behaviour provides researchers and practitioners with a simple and powerful framework to analyse and change behaviour. Informed by a wide range of empirical evidence from the real world, it includes an accessible synthesis of theories and models for change analysis and management. • Proposes a new theory of social construction, based on massive empirical evidence obtained with a powerful technique of digital ethnography, from fields as diverse as family meals, road traffic, policing, nursing or piloting nuclear plants • Presents a synthesis of many theories of the determinants of behaviour in an original and easily applicable framework • Introduces a new unit of analysis, ‘installations’, which supercedes previous models in explanatory power for everyday situations December 2017 228 x 152 mm 510pp 978-1-107-13759-2 Hardback £110.00 / US$140.00
Edited by Mark M. Leach | University of Louisville, Kentucky
The Cambridge Handbook of the Global Work– Family Interface Edited by Kristen M. Shockley | University of Georgia
The Cambridge Handbook of Work-Family Interface is a response to growing interest from academics, practitioners, and the popular press in understanding how people manage their work and family lives, and how this management is affected by various dynamics, such as psychology, business, family studies, sociology, political science and economics. • Provides summaries of work-family research in nine regions across the globe • Presents a broad, international, cross-cultural approach to the workfamily interface • Appeals to those with an interest in starting cross-cultural work-family research Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology
February 2018 253 x 177 mm 714pp 21 b/w illus. 16 tables 978-1-108-41597-2 Hardback £135.00 / US$175.00 R
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Psychology / Social Science Research Methods
The Cambridge Handbook of Sociocultural Psychology
A History of Modern Psychology Per Saugstad | Universitetet i Oslo
This book provides students with an engaging and global history of psychological science, from the birth of the field to the present. This text is an ideal introduction for advanced undergraduate students, as well as interested readers. • Offers a unique global perspective on the development of psychology as an empirical science • Includes extensive coverage of the development of the field in the United States, Britain, Germany, France, Russia, and Scandinavia • Explores psychology’s connection to physiology, evolutionary biology, psychiatry, and neurology Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. The scientific and intellectual environment of the mid-1800s; 3. The early physiological study of perception; 4. Expansion of German experimental psychology; 5. Phenomenology and Gestalt psychology; 6. Early British psychology; 7. British comparative psychology; 8. Russian reflexology; 9. The study of clinical psychology and unusual mental states in France; 10. Psychodynamic psychology; 11. Early American psychology (1890–1920); 12. Behaviorism; 13. Neobehaviorism; 14. Social psychology; 15. The psychology of personality in the United States; 16. The study of cognition in Europe and the United States, 1920–60; 17. Physiological psychology; 18. Revolt against traditions; 19. Important trends in the psychology of the 21st century. February 2018 253 x 177 mm 528pp 978-1-107-10989-6 Hardback c. £80.00 / c. US$120.00 978-1-107-52546-7 Paperback c. £39.99 / c. US$70.00
Culture across the Curriculum
An international overview of the current state of our knowledge in sociocultural psychology that focuses on how human actions, mediated with cultural artefacts within social practices, produce meaningful personal experiences and shape behaviour. This second edition provides expanded coverage of art and aesthetics, economics, history, religion and politics. • Shows how everyday objects, art, literature, religion, history and money are instrumental in shaping experience and behaviour • Attention is paid to nomothetic and idiographic approaches • Provides methodological tools for expanding the empirical knowledge within the field in new areas Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology
March 2018 247 x 174 mm 701pp 54 b/w illus. 8 maps 2 tables 978-1-107-15769-9 Hardback c. £135.00 / c. US$175.00 R 978-1-316-61028-2 Paperback c. £76.00 / c. US$99.00 R
Social Science Research Methods TEXTBOOK
Research Methods and Statistics Bernard C. Beins | Ithaca College, New York
A Psychology Teacher’s Handbook Edited by Kenneth D. Keith | University of San Diego
This book will be useful to teachers of psychology across a broad range of courses in the various subfields of the discipline. It provides both content and teaching ideas and aids to support the integration of cultural and cross-cultural information in the teaching of mainstream psychology courses. • Infuses cultural concepts across the psychology curriculum • Provides diverse perspectives on the relation between psychology and cultural context • Offers ideas for teaching activities and exercises designed to integrate culture in teaching March 2018 228 x 152 mm 400pp 9 b/w illus. 6 tables 978-1-107-18997-3 Hardback c. £60.00 / c. US$99.99 978-1-316-63976-4 Paperback c. £25.99 / c. US$39.99
Second edition Edited by Jaan Valsiner | Aalborg University, Denmark
The textbook is a comprehensive introduction to statistics and research methods. It will help students develop critical thinking skills about research and data analysis they might encounter, and will help them evaluate claims based on research. The book is intended for students in statistics, research methods, and experimental psychology courses. • Presents the pitfalls of research so students can avoid them and understand the problem solving aspect of research • Includes ‘living’ research examples that are contemporary and interesting to capture student’s interest in the topic • Offers guidelines for creating APA-style papers, presentations and posters Contents: Part I. Understanding Research: 1. Psychology, science, and life; Part II. The First Steps in Conducting Research: 2. Ethics in research; 3. Planning research: generating a question; 4. Practical issues in planning your research; 5. Organizing data with descriptive statistics; Part III. Creating Experiments: 6. Conducting an experiment: general principles; 7. Basic inferential statistics; 8. Looking for differences between two treatments; 9. Looking for differences among multiple treatments; 10. Multiple independent variables: factorial designs; Part IV. Correlational and Nonexperimental Research: 11. Principles of survey research; 12. Correlation, regression, and non-parametric tests; 13. Research in depth: longitudinal and single-case studies; Part V. Culture and Research: 14. People are different: considering cultural and individual differences in research. November 2017 253 x 203 mm 468pp 978-1-108-44471-2 Paperback £59.99 / US$79.99
Social Science Research Methods / Sociology
Research Methods A Tool for Life Third edition Bernard C. Beins | Ithaca College, New York
The textbook is an introduction to the importance of scientific research in everyday life and uses familiar examples to keep students engaged. It covers experimental research before other types of research, so students can learn about experiments early in the semester. The book is intended for undergraduate courses in research methods. • Presents controversies in psychology to stimulate student interest while explaining important methodological concepts • Analyzes the important effects of culture and society on research • Study and review questions allow students to practice and master the material Contents: 1. Psychology, science, and life; 2. Ethics in research; 3. Planning research – generating a question; 4. Practical issues in planning your research; 5. Measurement and sampling; 6. Conducting an experiment – general principles; 7. Experiments with one independent variable; 8. Experiments with multiple independent variables; 9. Expanding on experimental designs: repeated measures and quasi-experiments; 10. Principles of survey research; 11. Correlational research; 12. Studying patterns in the natural world – observational approaches; 13. Research in depth – longitudinal and single-case studies; 14. People are different – considering cultural and individual differences in research; Appendix A. Writing a research report; Appendix B. Statistics review; Appendix C. Statistical tables. September 2017 234 x 191 mm 474pp 978-1-108-43623-6 Paperback £63.99 / US$79.99
The Science of Qualitative Research Second edition Martin J. Packer | Universidad de San Buenaventura, Colombia
This textbook is a valuable resource for students and faculty aiming to learn about the origins and issues of qualitative research in the social sciences. The second edition has been considerably expanded, and includes a new chapter that illustrates how to conduct research on the constitution of humans. • Reviews and explains the multiple origins of qualitative research today in the social sciences, so students will learn about relevant literature across multiple fields • This revised edition includes a new chapter which provides a concrete example of a research project that studies constitution • The pedagogical features include important background summary boxes, and tables and figures used to illustrate central concepts
Australian Social Policy and the Human Services Second edition Ed Carson | University of South Australia
Australian Social Policy and the Human Services introduces readers to the complex field of social policy development, implementation and evaluation. Drawing on the evolution of policymaking practices and debates surrounding the delivery of human services, the text explores the links between policy and practice in contemporary Australian society. • Equips readers with a critical understanding of the role of human service workers across a range of key policy areas • Addresses contemporary debates in social policy and emerging issues in citizenship and globalisation • A comprehensive suite of pedagogical resources encourages critical thinking and engagement Contents: Introduction; Part I. Debates and Principles: 1. Fundamental debates in social policy; 2. Personal and professional values in human services practice; Part II. Australian Social Policy: 3. The history of Australian social policy; 4. The policymaking process; Part III. The Human Services: 5. Funding and governance in Australian human services; 6. Australian human service organisations; Part IV. Australian Policy in Practice: 7. Income support; 8. Employment; 9. Housing; 10. Health care; 11. The family and child welfare; 12. Indigenous Australians; 13. Citizenship and globalisation; Conclusion. June 2017 247 x 174 mm 448pp 11 b/w illus. 7 tables 978-1-316-62103-5 Paperback £60.00 / US$75.00
Reign of Appearances The Misery and Splendor of the Public Sphere Ari Adut | University of Texas, Austin
The book proposes a radically unconventional account of the public sphere that will appeal to scholars, intellectuals, and the educated public. It challenges common wisdom by arguing that the public sphere can undermine liberal democracy, law, and morality. • Challenges the common wisdom that public sphere is always good for democracy • Asserts that spectatorship – and not civic participation – is the essence of the public sphere • Argues that spectatorship, which is a much-disdained stance, is an existentially vital aesthetic experience January 2018 228 x 152 mm 200pp 978-1-107-18093-2 Hardback c. £17.99 / c. US$29.99
Contents: Part I. The Objective Study of Subjectivity: 1. What is science?; 2. The qualitative research interview; 3. The analysis of qualitative interviews; 4. Hermeneutics and the project for a human science; 5. Qualitative analysis reconsidered; Part II. Ethnographic Fieldwork – the Focus on Constitution: 6. Calls for interpretive social science; 7. Dualism and constitution: the social construction of reality; 8. Constitution as ontological; 9. The crisis in ethnography; 10. Studying ontological work; Part III. Inquiry with an Emancipatory Interest: 11. Qualitative research as critical inquiry; 12. Emancipatory inquiry as rational reconstruction; 13. Social science as participant objectification; 14. Archaeology, genealogy, ethics; 15. A historical ontology of ourselves; 16. The concrete investigation of constitution. November 2017 228 x 152 mm 550pp 7 b/w illus. 28 tables 978-1-108-41712-9 Hardback £89.99 / US$120.00 X 978-1-108-40450-1 Paperback £34.99 / US$44.99 X
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Women and Microfinance in the Global South
Egocentric Network Analysis Foundation, Methods, and Models Brea L. Perry | Indiana University
Empowerment and Disempowerment Outcomes Lynn Horton | Chapman University, California
Women and Microfinance in the Global South incorporates a meta-synthesis of thirty qualitative empirical cases from Asia, Africa, and Latin America to explore the links between microfinance and women’s empowerment, questioning how microfinance facilitates the economic and sociopolitical empowerment of women. • Provides a global, comparative study of microfinance and women’s empowerment • Questions how microfinance facilitates the economic and sociopolitical empowerment of women • Explores the intersections of neoliberal ideology and feminism January 2018 228 x 152 mm 250pp 3 b/w illus. 8 tables 978-1-108-41872-0 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99
Mobilizing without the Masses Control and Contention in China Diana Fu | University of Toronto
When it is illegal for organizations to rally people to take to the streets, what do they do? This book theorizes a new pathway of civil society mobilization in contemporary China – mobilizing without the masses. It is for scholars, students, policy makers, NGO practitioners, and the educated reader. • Explains a novel dynamic of mobilization under authoritarianism • Uses political ethnography to study hard to access organizations, including illegal ones • Offers a bottom-up, disaggregated approach to studying repression Cambridge Studies in Contentious Politics
November 2017 228 x 152 mm 210pp 2 b/w illus. 7 tables 978-1-108-42054-9 Hardback £69.99 / US$89.99 P 978-1-108-43041-8 Paperback £21.99 / US$27.99 P
Iran Auto Building a Global Industry in an Islamic State Darius Mehri | University of California, Berkeley
Since the revolution of 1979, scholars have portrayed the Islamic State’s industrial development capacity in a negative light. This book shows how Iran was able to overcome this negative portrayal by constructing local and global networks to create the capacity to build an industry with high local manufacturing content. • Focuses on how countries can develop an industry without global economic integration • Shows how a nation can obtain higher value added technology without dependence on large multinational corporations • Will appeal to development, political economy and economic sociology scholars who study how intermediate states achieve successful development outcomes Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences
October 2017 228 x 152 mm 194pp 19 b/w illus. 11 tables 978-1-107-17167-1 Hardback £75.00 / US$99.99 C
Egocentric network analysis is used widely across the social, information, and health sciences. Until now, there has been no single reference for researchers seeking guidance on best practice in egocentric network analysis. This book fills this gap, synthesizing a diverse and diffuse body of knowledge on this method and its applications. • Assumes little to no prior knowledge of networks or statistics • Includes many graphics to increase visual appeal and illustrate difficult or important concepts • Aimed at students, practitioners, and researchers interested in using egocentric network data and methods Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences
February 2018 228 x 152 mm 354pp 978-1-107-13143-9 Hardback £74.99 / US$99.99 978-1-107-57931-6 Paperback £26.99 / US$34.99
A Aalberts, Tanja..............................................13 Acharya, Amitav...........................................34 Adamski, Dariusz.........................................21 Adut, Ari......................................................43 Agent-based Models......................................2 Agility.X.......................................................28 Albertus, Michael.........................................35 Alemanno, Alberto.......................................27 Allam, Nermin..............................................36 Alvaré, Helen M............................................20 Amado, Jose Daniel......................................18 Ambardi, Kuskridho......................................38 Ambos, Kai...................................................20 America’s Middlemen...................................34 Anabtawi, Iman............................................19 Anderson, Kym...............................................3 Andersson, Stefan........................................13 Andrieu, Wilfrid..............................................8 Arbitrating the Conduct of International Investors...................................................18 Arbitration in the Digital Age........................18 Arnold, Denis G............................................29 Arthur, Paige................................................11 Aschauer, Christian.......................................18 Asia-Pacific Judiciaries....................................9 Assessment for Teaching................................4 Atassi, Karim................................................36 Austin, Graeme W.........................................23 Australian Social Policy and the Human Services.....................................................43 Authoritarian Capitalism...............................36 Authoritarianism and the Elite Origins of Democracy................................................35
B Bail Book, The..............................................21 Bainbridge, Stephen M.................................19 Banich, Marie T.............................................39 Baradaran Baughman, Shima........................21 Bartelson, Jens.............................................34 Bartlett, Christopher A..................................29 Baugh, John...................................................6 Beamish, Paul W...........................................29 Beauchamp, Tom L.......................................29 Beins, Bernard C.....................................42, 43 Belavusau, Uladzislau...................................25 Bell, Tom W....................................................9 Benedek, Wolfgang......................................13 Berends, Hans..............................................29 Bermant, Azriel.............................................31 Big Data, Health Law, and Bioethics..............24 Bilingualism in the Community.......................6 Bireley, Robert..............................................31 Blander, Dana...............................................37 Blass, Abby...................................................10 Block-Lieb, Susan.........................................17 Bloom, Anne................................................26 Boardman, Anthony E.....................................1 Bodenhorn, Barbara.......................................1 Bohoslavsky, Juan Pablo...............................16 Bond Pricing and Yield Curve Modeling...........3 Boothby, William H.......................................22 Borgatti, Steve.............................................44 Boswell, Christina.........................................33 Botero: The Reason of State..........................31 Bottomley, Stephen......................................19 Boucher, Anna K...........................................33 Bowie, Norman E..........................................29
Brazilian Legal Profession in the Age of Globalization, The......................................10 BRICS-Lawyers’ Guide to Global Cooperation, The.......................................16 Brinks, Daniel M...........................................10 Brogan, Michael...........................................27 Browne, Tamara Kayali..................................40 Brudholm, Thomas........................................11 Buckley, Mary...............................................36 Bunn, Matthew............................................34 Burkette, Allison.............................................5 Burns, Lawton R.............................................1 Busch, Signe Veierud....................................14 Byrnes, Andrew............................................14
C Cacoullos, Rena Torres....................................6 Calcagno, Claudio..........................................3 Camacho, José...............................................7 Cambridge Handbook of Applied Psychological Ethics, The............................41 Cambridge Handbook of Japanese Linguistics, The............................................7 Cambridge Handbook of Sociocultural Psychology, The.........................................42 Cambridge Handbook of Surveillance Law, The.............................................................9 Cambridge Handbook of the Global Work–Family Interface, The........................41 Campbell, Donald E........................................2 Can Delaware Be Dethroned?.......................19 Capps, Patrick..............................................14 Carney, Richard............................................36 Carrol, Gareth................................................6 Carson, Ed...................................................43 Chafe, Wallace...............................................5 Changing Practices of International Law, The...........................................................13 Cheeseman, Nic...........................................38 Chen, Jianlin................................................25 China’s Crisis of Success...............................38 Chinese Contract Law...................................19 Chisholm, Rhianna.......................................27 Civic Hope...................................................33 Clarke, Michelle T..........................................30 Class Attitudes in America............................33 Closa, Carlos................................................21 Cognitive Capitalism......................................2 Cognitive Neuroscience................................39 Cohen, Harlan Grant....................................15 Cohen, I. Glenn............................................24 Commentary on the Second Geneva Convention...............................................22 Comparative Law.........................................11 Compton, Rebecca J.....................................39 Conklin, Kathy................................................6 Connolly, Anthony J........................................9 Constructing Global Order............................34 Contemporary Australian Corporate Law.......19 Contested Place of Religion in Family Law, The...........................................................20 Copyright Exhaustion...................................23 Copyright/Design Interface, The....................23 Core Socio-Economic Rights and the European Court of Human Rights...............13 Cost-Benefit Analysis......................................1 Coups, Rivals, and the Modern State.............39 Crawford, Bridget J.......................................10 Criminalizing Children..................................26 Critical Junctures in Mobile Capital.................1
Crossroads of Migration...............................33 Culture across the Curriculum.......................42 Cummings, Louise..........................................6 Cunha, Luciana Gross...................................10 Cyber Mercenaries.......................................22 Cycles and Social Choice..............................33
D Dagan, Tsilly.................................................26 Davenport, Lauren D.....................................31 Davies, William D............................................6 De Castro Halis, Denis..................................16 Decline and Rise of Institutions, The................4 Delli Gatti, Domenico.....................................2 Demirkol, Berk.............................................17 Democracy and Goodness.............................31 den Dikken, Marcel........................................5 Dependency and Directionality........................5 Depression and the Self................................40 Derclaye, Estelle...........................................23 Desautels-Stein, Justin....................................8 Devereux, John.............................................24 Differential Games in Industrial Economics......3 DiMatteo, Larry A.........................................19 Dincecco, Mark.............................................36 Dionne, Kim Yi..............................................38 Dixon, R. M. W...............................................7 DNA of Constitutional Justice in Latin America, The.............................................10 Documenting Americans...............................32 Dodd, Lynda G..............................................10 Doe Rodriguez, Martin.................................18 Dominello, Francesca....................................20 Domingo, Rafael...........................................24 Doomed Interventions..................................38 Doutriaux, Yves............................................22 Dubinsky, Stanley...........................................6 Dupuy, Pierre-Marie......................................17
E Economic Transplants...................................19 Egocentric Network Analysis.........................44 Ekins, Richard...............................................12 Ellis, Mark....................................................22 Ellis, Ralph D................................................40 Elms, Deborah K.............................................2 Emotions and Mass Atrocity..........................11 Engel, David.................................................26 English Politeness and Class...........................5 Enos, Ryan D................................................31 Ericson, Mona..............................................28 Ethical Theory and Business..........................29 European Criminal Law................................20 Exclusionary Practices.....................................3 Expert Failure.................................................2 Exploring Linguistic Science............................5 Eye-Tracking...................................................6
F Fabra, Adriana..............................................17 Face-to-Face Diplomacy................................35 Facing Barriers.............................................37 Fagiolo, Giorgio..............................................2 Failures of American Methods of Lawmaking in Historical and Comparative Perspectives..........................10 Faith and Politics in Iran, Israel, and Islamic State..............................................37 Family in Law, The........................................20
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Farrell, Anne-Maree......................................24 Feldman, Robert S........................................41 Feminist Judgments......................................10 Fernandez, Angela........................................27 Ferreras, Isabelle...........................................30 Feuer, Sarah Judith.......................................37 Figuring Out the Tax.....................................26 Firms as Political Entities..............................30 First Course in Quantitative Finance, A............3 First Year of College, The...............................41 Flam, Helena..................................................1 Flattery and the History of Political Thought..30 Fleck, Dieter.................................................22 Fleer, Marilyn..................................................4 Follesdal, Andreas........................................15 Forms of Fellow Feeling................................39 Forrester, Katrina..........................................30 Foundations of Australian Public Law, The.......9 Fragmented Democracy................................32 Freeman, Michael.........................................13 Fu, Diana.....................................................44 Fumagalli, Chiara...........................................3
G Gabbay, Daniela Monteiro............................10 Gallegati, Mauro............................................2 Galnoor, Itzhak.............................................37 Gammeltoft-Hansen, Thomas........................13 Garmendia, Joana..........................................5 Gasser, Urs...................................................24 Gemination, Lenition, and Vowel Lengthening................................................5 Gerards, Janneke..........................................21 Gest, Justin..................................................33 Ghezelbash, Daniel.......................................11 Ghirardi, José Garcez....................................10 Gill, Terry......................................................22 Gliszczy ska-Grabias, Aleksandra...................25 Global Evolution of Clinical Legal Education, The...........................................27 Global Lawmakers........................................17 Goblirsch, Kurt...............................................5 God and the Illegal Alien..............................10 Godden, Lee Carol........................................18 Goldberg, Ori...............................................37 Gooding, Piers.............................................12 Gover, Kirsty Ann..........................................18 Gray, David....................................................9 Gray, Doris H................................................37 Great Christian Jurists in Spanish History.......24 Great Property Fallacy, The............................23 Greenberg, David H........................................1 Greenwood, Christopher.........................14, 15 Greer, Steven................................................21 Griffin, Patrick................................................4 Grossman, Nienke........................................15 Grynaviski, Eric.............................................34 Gunz, Hugh..................................................28
H Hafetz, Jonathan..........................................21 Hall, Kath.....................................................19 Halliday, Terence C........................................17 Hamilton, Alexander.....................................32 Handbook of Israel’s Political System, The.....37 Hanne, Michael............................................27 Hart, Caroline...............................................27 Hart, Rodrick P..............................................33 Hasegawa, Yoko.............................................7 Hassani, Arian................................................2
Health Law..................................................24 Heimburger, Robert W...................................10 Henderson, Stephen E....................................9 Henriksen, Tore............................................14 Heracleous, Loizos........................................28 History of Australian Tort Law 1901–1945, A...........................................24 History of Modern Psychology, A...................42 Ho, Jean.......................................................16 Ho, Peter......................................................38 Hoechner, Hannah........................................39 Holbraad, Martin............................................1 Holloway, Carson.........................................32 Holmes, Marcus............................................35 Horne, Cynthia M.........................................22 Horton, Lynn................................................44 Howse, Robert..............................................17 Human Rights in the Council of Europe and the European Union............................21 Hunting Justice.............................................26 Husbands Fealing, Kaye..................................1
I Impact of Climate Change Mitigation on Indigenous and Forest Communities, The....18 Incentives.......................................................2 Incentives to Pander.....................................36 Infanti, Anthony C.........................................10 Ingram, David...............................................30 Injury and Injustice.......................................26 Insiders, Outsiders, Injuries, and Law.............26 Installation Theory........................................41 Institutions and Democratization in Africa.....38 Insurgent Fragmentation in the Horn of Africa........................................................39 Intangible Economy, The.................................2 International Committee of the Red Cross.....22 International Environmental Law..................17 International Intellectual Property and the ASEAN Way...............................................23 International Investment Law and Arbitration.................................................16 International Law Reports.......................14, 15 International Tax Policy.................................26 Introducción a la sintaxis del español..............7 Iran Auto......................................................44 Irony..............................................................5 Irwin, Robert................................................40
J Jensen, Nathan M........................................36 Jewish Family, The........................................20 Johnson, Ryan C...........................................41 Johnson, Stanley R.........................................1 Jones, Christian..............................................6 Judicial Acts and Investment Treaty Arbitration.................................................17 Justice and Diplomacy..................................22
K Kapust, Daniel..............................................30 Karpin, Isabel...............................................24 Katzenstein, Peter J.......................................35 Keith, Kenneth D...........................................42 Kerfelec, Valérie..............................................8 Kern, Jackson Shaw......................................18 Kerr, Lorraine................................................43 Khadar, Lamin..............................................27 Kim, Bowon.................................................29
Kim, Sung Hui..............................................19 King, John L...................................................1 Kireyev, Alexei..............................................16 Knight, Dean R...............................................9 Kolasa, Magdalena.......................................23 Köpcke, Maris...............................................12 Koppl, Roger..................................................2 Kornfeld, Itzchak E........................................19 Krajewska, Magdalena.................................32 Kraus, Vered.................................................37 Kretzschmar, William......................................5 Kuzu, Durukan.............................................37
L Lahlou, Saadi...............................................41 Laidlaw, James...............................................1 Lake, Milli....................................................35 Lambertini, Luca.............................................3 Lane, Julia I....................................................1 Lang, Johannes............................................11 Langenbucher, Katja.....................................19 Language Conflict and Language Rights.........6 Language, Sexuality and Education.................8 Law and Memory.........................................25 Law and Religious Market Theory, The...........25 Law, Reason, and Emotion..............................8 Leach, Mark M.............................................41 Learning Law...............................................27 Lee, Alison....................................................40 Lee, H. P.........................................................9 Lee, Karen..............................................14, 15 Legal Authority beyond the State..................14 Legal Relation, The.........................................8 Legislated Rights..........................................12 Legitimacy and International Courts..............15 Legitimacy of International Trade Courts and Tribunals, The......................................17 Lei, Chen......................................................19 Leijten, Ingrid...............................................13 Lessing, Benjamin........................................34 Lester, Eve....................................................11 Leuven Manual on the International Law Applicable to Peace Operations..................22 Lewis, Diana...................................................8 Liability of Corporate Groups and Networks...................................................19 Liang, Jieying...............................................25 Liddle, R. William..........................................38 Lim, Chin Leng.............................................16 Linguistics in Pursuit of Justice........................6 Low, Kelvin F. K.............................................25 Low, Patrick...................................................2 Lunney, Mark...............................................24 Lynch, Holly Fernandez.................................24
M Machiavelli’s Florentine Republic..................30 MacKenzie, Ruth..........................................17 Magna Carta for Children, A.........................13 Mainwaring, Scott........................................38 Making Migration Law.................................11 Making Peace in Drug Wars..........................34 Malesky, Edmund.........................................36 Malin, Martin B............................................34 Mälksoo, Lauri..............................................13 Managing Discovery in the Life Sciences.........1 Manufacturing Political Trust.........................33 Margalit, Yehezkel........................................20 Margaret Thatcher and the Middle East........31 Marinac, Anthony.........................................27
Maritime Boundary Delimitation: The Case Law...........................................................14 Martínez-Torrón, Javier.................................24 Maurer, Tim..................................................22 Maxeiner, James R........................................10 Mayrhofer, Wolfgang....................................28 Mazzoni, Thomas...........................................3 McCallum, David..........................................26 McCann, Michael.........................................26 McCarthy, Maureen A...................................42 McQueen, Alison..........................................31 Measuring the Economic Value of Research....1 Mehri, Darius...............................................44 Menaldo, Victor............................................35 Mezei, Péter.................................................23 Michel, Verónica...........................................11 Michener, Jamila...........................................32 Mihr, Anja....................................................12 Miller, Bradley W...........................................12 Mills, Sara......................................................5 Mobilizing without the Masses.....................44 Moon, Richard.............................................25 Moral Human Agency in Business.................28 Moral Psychology of Internal Conflict, The.....40 Motta, Massimo.............................................3 Mujani, Saiful...............................................38 Multiculturalism in Turkey.............................37
N Nall, Clayton................................................32 Narrative and Metaphor in the Law..............27 Narratives Online...........................................8 Natsoulas, Thomas.......................................40 Nature of Human Intelligence, The................40 Nature, Action and the Future.......................30 Neuwirth, Rostam J......................................16 New Era for Mental Health Law and Policy, A.....................................................12 Ng, Elizabeth Siew-Kuan...............................23 Ng, Wendy...................................................18 Nielsen, Jennifer...........................................27 Nolan, Richard C..........................................25 Norris, Pippa................................................34 Nosworthy, Beth...........................................19
O O’Halloran, Kerry..........................................12 Olsen, Henrik Palmer....................................14 On Feeding the Masses................................35 Ong, Burton.................................................18 Osakwe, Chiedu...........................................16 Oude Elferink, Alex G....................................14 Overholt, William H......................................38
P Packer, Martin J............................................43 Page, Ruth.....................................................8 Palagashvili, Liya............................................4 Paparinskis, Martins.....................................16 Parashar, Archana.........................................20 Park, James..................................................19 Party Autonomy in Contractual Choice of Law in China.............................................25 Party Systems in Latin America......................38 Pauly, Mark V..................................................1 Peel, Jacqueline............................................17 Pellicer-Sánchez, Ana......................................6 Peoples’ Tribunals and International Law.......14
Performance of International Courts and Tribunals, The............................................15 Perry, Brea L.................................................44 Pescosolido, Bernice A..................................44 Philpott, Daniel............................................13 Piano, Ennio...................................................4 Piers, Maud..................................................18 Pierson v. Post..............................................27 Pihlaja, Stephen.............................................7 Pillière, Linda..................................................8 Pinilla, Vicente................................................3 Piston, Spencer.............................................33 Pittard, Marilyn..............................................9 Pixley, Jocelyn................................................1 Play in the Early Years.....................................4 Political Economy of Competition Law in China, The.................................................18 Political Realism in Apocalyptic Times............31 Political Writings of Alexander Hamilton, The...........................................................32 Politics beyond Black and White...................31 Politics of Unfree Labour in Russia, The.........36 Potter, William C...........................................34 Practice in Second Language Learning............6 Prange, Christiane........................................28 Preventing Black Market Trade in Nuclear Technology................................................34 Preventing War and Promoting Peace...........41 Price, Monroe...............................................23 Principles of International Environmental Law...........................................................17 Privacy as Trust.............................................25 Problem Solving in Organizations..................29 Project Cost Overrun....................................28 Prosecutorial Accountability and Victims’ Rights in Latin America..............................11 Protean Power.............................................35 Psychopathology..........................................40 Punishing Atrocities through a Fair Trial.........21 Putting Children’s Interests First in US Family Law and Policy................................20 Putting Faith in Hate....................................25
Q Quigley, Muireann........................................24 Quranic Schools in Northern Nigeria.............39
R Rabinowitz, Beth S.......................................39 Raffer, Kunibert............................................16 Rea, Philip A...................................................1 Rebonato, Riccardo........................................3 Recovering the Human Subject.......................1 Redefining European Economic Integration...21 Refuge Lost..................................................11 Regime Consolidation and Transitional Justice.......................................................12 Regionalisation of Competition Law and Policy within the ASEAN Economic Community, The.........................................18 Regulating Islam..........................................37 Reign of Appearances...................................43 Reinventing Legal Education.........................27 Reiter, Dan...................................................35 Religious Discrimination and Cultural Context.....................................................12 Religious Talk Online......................................7 Research Methods........................................43 Research Methods and Statistics...................42 Rethinking Career Studies.............................28
Rethinking Human Rights and Global Constitutionalism......................................14 Rethinking Punishment.................................22 Rethinking Transitional Justice for the Twenty-First Century..................................12 Revisiting the Vietnam War and International Law......................................13 Richiardi, Matteo............................................2 Rights Revolution Revisited, The....................10 Rindermann, Heiner........................................2 Road to Inequality, The.................................32 Rosa, Alberto...............................................42 Roughley, Neil..............................................39 Rowen, Jamie...............................................12 Ruiz-Fabri, Hélène........................................17 Rules of Procedure at the UN and at InterGovernmental Conferences........................15 Russell, Lindsay Rose......................................7 Russia and the European Court of Human Rights.......................................................13 Russo, Alberto................................................2 Ryback, Timothy W........................................22
S Sabel, Robbie...............................................15 Sands, Philippe.............................................17 Sapignoli, Maria...........................................26 Saugstad, Per...............................................42 Sauntson, Helen.............................................8 Schramme, Thomas.......................................39 Schwartz, Thomas.........................................33 Sciarra, Silvana.............................................21 Science of Qualitative Research, The.............43 Searching for Contemporary Legal Thought.....8 Searching for Truth in the Transitional Justice Movement......................................12 Secession from a Member State and Withdrawal from the European Union........21 Segelod, Esbjörn...........................................28 Self-Determination in Disputed Colonial Territories..................................................14 Self-Ownership, Property Rights, and the Human Body.............................................24 Sellers, M. N. S................................................8 Seybert, Lucia A............................................35 Shah, Timothy Samuel..................................13 Sharp, Dustin N............................................12 Shen, Winny.................................................41 Shockley, Kristen M......................................41 Shugart, Matthew S......................................33 Siems, Mathias.............................................11 Simm, Gabrielle............................................14 Simpson, Brian.............................................27 Singlish Controversy, The................................7 Skarbek, David...............................................4 Slowe, Rose..................................................21 Smith, Sophie...............................................30 Solidarity and Conflict..................................21 Somek, Alexander...........................................8 Sonneveld, Nadia.........................................37 Sovereign Debt Crises...................................16 Space between Us, The.................................31 Spector, Leonard S........................................34 Speech and Language Therapy........................6 Speech and Society in Turbulent Times..........23 Spender, Peta...............................................19 Squatrito, Theresa.........................................15 Stan, Lavinia................................................22 Standardising English.....................................8 State Capacity and Economic Development...36
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States of Consciousness...............................40 Sternberg, Robert J.......................................40 Stremlau, Nicole...........................................23 Strengthening Electoral Integrity...................34 Strong NGOs and Weak States.....................35 Supply Chain Management...........................29 Svetlicinii, Alexandr......................................16 Sword’s Other Edge, The...............................35 Syria, the Strength of an Idea........................36
Taagepera, Rein............................................33 Tanzi, Vito......................................................2 Teaching Secondary Science............................4 Tehan, Maureen F.........................................18 Termites of the State......................................2 Thought-based Linguistics..............................5 Tomlins, Christopher.......................................8 Trade Multilateralism in the Twenty-First Century.....................................................16 Trade Secrets and Employee Mobility............23 Transboundary Water Disputes......................19 Transitional Justice and the Former Soviet Union........................................................22 Transitional Justice, International Assistance, and Civil Society.......................11 Transnational Management..........................29 Trautner, Mary Nell.......................................26 Travis, Catherine E..........................................6 Trinidad, Jamie.............................................14 Trubek, David M...........................................10 Trusts and Modern Wealth Management.......25
U Ulfstein, Geir..........................................15, 17 Under Caesar’s Sword..................................13 Unmaking China’s Development...................38 Unmasking of English Dictionaries, The...........7 Upham, Frank K............................................23 Urbina, Francisco J........................................12
V Valsiner, Jaan...............................................42 van Aken, Joan Ernst....................................29 Vanheusden, Alfons......................................22 Vayena, Effy.................................................24 Vigilance and Restraint in the Common Law of Judicial Review.................................9 Vining, Aidan R...............................................1 Viñuales, Jorge E..........................................17 Votes from Seats..........................................33 Voting Behavior in Indonesia Since Democratization........................................38
W Waldman, Ari Ezra........................................25 Wallach, John R............................................31 War in International Thought........................34 Webber, Grégoire.........................................12 Wee, Lionel....................................................7 Weimer, David L.............................................1 Weisberg, Robert..........................................27 Welfel, Elizabeth Reynolds............................41 Weller, Penelope...........................................24 Whannell, Robert...........................................4 White, Shelley K...........................................41 Wiist, William H............................................41 Wilkins, David B...........................................10 Wilson, Bradford P........................................32
Wilson, Richard J..........................................27 Wilson, Robin Fretwell..................................20 Wine Globalization.........................................3 Witting, Christian A......................................19 Woldemariam, Michael.................................39 Women and Dictionary-Making......................7 Women and Microfinance in the Global South........................................................44 Women and Social Change in North Africa....37 Women and the Egyptian Revolution............36 Woolcott, Geoff..............................................4 World Crisis and Underdevelopment.............30 World Trade Organization.............................16 Written Off...................................................41 WTO Agreements, The..................................16 Wu, Tang Hang.............................................25
Y Yahyaoui Krivenko, Ekaterina........................14 Yakinthou, Christalla....................................11 Yanos, Philip T...............................................41 Yasuda, John K.............................................35 Yonay, Yuval.................................................37 Young, Margaret A.......................................18 Young, Oran.................................................15 Your Next Government?.................................9 Yowell, Paul.................................................12
Z Zaibert, Leo..................................................22 Zang, Michelle Q..........................................17 Zelenak, Lawrence.......................................26
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