Gazelle Book Services Christianity 2018
Forthcoming Titles Discovering Christianity Christian Prayer Teaching Christianity Christian Spirituality Christian Leaders & Ministry Biblical Studies Christian Theology Christian Philosophy Christian History Christian Issues Bestselling Titles
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Christian Prayer
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Christian Spirituality
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Bestselling Titles
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Forthcoming Titles A New Testament Theology Craig L Blomberg Craig Blomberg has now crowned his distinguished career to date as a careful reader and interpreter of the New Testament by tackling the largest and most difficult of challenges--that of writing a New Testament theology. Blomberg's text draws upon his proven ability to read ancient texts in historical context, his deep knowledge of the various textual traditions that comprise the New Testament, and a sympathetic competency to see the New Testament as a lived text. A New Testament Theology is a major achievement by a seasoned scholar and one that will serve teachers and students alike.Blomberg presents the task as twofold: chronological and synthetic. Blomberg thus plots actors, authors, and books of the New Testament in a reconstructed chronological order, highlighting both the dominant and distinctive themes for each. Examinations of Jesus and the early church come first, followed by those of the early Jewish Christian writings of James and Jude, and then the missionary letters of Paul (treated together). Blomberg then unpacks the contributions of Mark, Matthew, and Luke, followed by the Pastorals (treated as an extension of Lukan thought even though originating in Paul), Hebrews, 1 and 2 Peter, and the Johannine corpus of gospel, epistles, and Revelation.As Jesus' ministry begins with the proclamation that "the time has come," the recurring, unifying, and synthetic theme of the entire New Testament is, according to Blomberg, the fulfillment of the Old Testament promises, both directly and typologically, explicitly and implicitly. Blomberg's careful inductive reading demonstrates the Bible's remarkable cohesion and foundational importance for the contemporary church. While the grand finale of God's cosmic redemption is still in the future, the determinative events for human well-being have already taken place in Christ. This is the conviction that drives Christian life from generation to generation: the ages have turned, God's victory is assured, even though there is still much work to be done.
Reviews: Craig Blomberg has sifted through the complexity of voices in the New Testament and early church and has sought to show both a stunning uniformity of their conviction that in Jesus God has brought the plan of the ages to fulfillment while he also provides a gentle reminder that there is plenty of room for diversity of thought and theme. Blomberg brings to the table his vast reading, note-taking, and careful sorting out of bibliography. —Scot McKnight, Julius R Mantey Professor of New Testament, Northern Seminary HB 9781481302272 £69.99 October 2018 Baylor University Press 736 pages
An Angel for You Gifts of Grace and Wisdom Anselm Gruen Spiritual master and Benedictine monk Fr. Anselm Gruen presents a persuasive way to incorporate the ancient wisdom of angels with our modern world as people strive for a happy, fulfilled life. This inspirational guide explores angel qualities and their meanings, rooting each in Western tradition and revealing how to apply them to everyday life. A resource of comfort and strength, this valuable exploration addresses a wide array of concepts—from universal themes of love, community, and harmony to the encouraging qualities of confidence, enthusiasm, and endurance. To meet the challenges of a changing world, Fr. Gruen brings alive these qualities that make life both full and fulfilled.
About the Author: Anselm Grun, OSB, is a monk of the Benedictine abbey of Munsterschwarzach, Germany, where he has been cellarer since 1977. He is the author of many books, lectures, and courses on themes of spiritual life. PB 9780824520410 ÂŁ14.99 April 2019 Crossroad Publishing Company 288 pages 75 b/w illus & 15 line drawings
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Calming the Chaos How to Live Beautifully in a Broken World Carol Giles Let's be honest. Ugliness lurks all around -- even inside us if people really knew us. And the world we live in reflects that ugliness. In Calming The Chaos, Carol Giles wrestles with questions like: Is God to blame for the pain in this world? Are people inherently good or bad? How can we see the beauty in the ugliness? Is being a good person enough to be beautiful in God's eyes? Deep within all of us lies a craving for contentment and value. We want life to work. With each passing headline of doom, disgrace, and depravity, we wonder how long before we can inhale the refreshing aroma of a new kind of love. Learn how you can discover renewed wholeness in body, mind, and spirit -- and flourish. Living beautifully in this ugly world is possible, and the time is now.
About the Author: Carol Flohr Giles is a summa cum laude graduate of Colorado Christian University with a BA in Biblical Studies. She published her memoir, Call of the Potter, in 2010. Carol and her husband live in Littleton, Colorado. . PB 9781949021004 £14.99 October 2018 Illumity Media Global 232 pages
Christianity and Catastrophe in South Sudan Civil War, Migration, and the Rise of Dinka Anglicanism Studies in World Christianity Jesse A Zink Amidst a catastrophic civil war that began in 1983 and ended in 2005, many Dinka people in Sudan repudiated their inherited religious beliefs and embraced a vibrant Anglican faith. Christianity and Catastrophe in South Sudan chronicles the emergence of this grassroots religious movement, arguing that Christianity afforded the Dinka new resources that allowed them to cope with a rapidly changing world and also answers to the spiritual questions that war raised. Christianity and Catastrophe in South Sudan is rooted in extensive fieldwork in South Sudan, complemented by research in the archives of South Sudanese churches and international humanitarian organizations. The result is a detailed profile of what Christianity means to a society in the middle of intense crisis and trauma, with a particular focus on the roles of young people and women, and the ways in which the arrival of a new faith transformed existing religious traditions. Christianity and Catastrophe in South Sudan stakes out a new field of inquiry in African Christianity. Jesse Zink has written a must-read for all interested in the ongoing crises in Africa and, in particular, the vexed relationship between civil war and religion. HB 9781481308229 £43.99 November 2018 Baylor University Press 288 pages
Fearless Purpose and Significance Discovering How God Wired You to Play a Role in His Story Rick Adler Discover Your Calling Everyone wants to know their calling in life, but most people abandon the quest in favour of vocation. Is this you? Do you want to find your part in God's greater story but don't know where to begin and how to proceed? In Fearless Purpose and Significance, Rick Adler takes you beyond the DISC©, StrengthsFinder© and Myers-Briggs© to determine your unique purpose and place in God's story. Building on The Callâ„¢ assessment tool, Adler answers questions such as: How do your gifts and traits shape your unique and divine purpose? How can you incorporate your purpose into daily living? Why did God create me the way that I am? You don't need to wonder anymore whether you have purpose and significance. You do, and Adler shows you how to find the part God has for you. PB 9781949021035 £13.99 October 2018 Illumity Media Global 180 pages
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Finding God in Ordinary Time Christine Eberle Take a wide-eyed look at your lifeâ€the commonplace, joyful, and even heartbreaking eventsâ€and discover the presence of God, hidden in plain sight. Forget bowing your head and closing your eyes. The secret to prayer is what happens when you're not trying to pray. This is the invitation of Christine Eberle's Finding God in Ordinary Time. Each daily reflection contains a true story and a nugget of spiritual insight, accompanied by thought-provoking questions and a memorable Scripture quote. Together they reveal a God who is playful and affectionate, merciful and compassionate, and always relevant. Warm, accessible, and surprisingly funny, Christine offers spiritual nourishment to people skeptical or weary of religion, while still giving the faithful something to chew on. Simple enough to be devoured in one sitting, this intimate little book is best enjoyed slowly. Each piece deserves to be savored and revisited through the unfolding of each ordinary, extraordinary day.
About the Author: Christine Eberle is a passionate explorer of the connections between Scripture, spirituality, and everyday life. Her 25-year career as a college campus minister has given her countless opportunities to ask her favorite question—Where is God in all this?—and to listen for answers in surprising places. Christine is a church cantor and gifted public speaker, offering talks and retreats; she also performs dramatic monologues of Biblical women. In person and on the page, Christine desires not only to feed the faithful, but also to offer nourishment to people skeptical or weary of religion. You can follow her at PB 9781732081536 £17.99 October 2018 Green Place Books 120 pages
Into the Heart of the People Is the Mission of Pope Francis Reaching American Catholics? Thomas P Sweetser What effect has Pope Francis on the lives and church engagement of Catholics in the United States? The answers are enlightening for the church's future. With great hopes of discovering the feelings and motivations of those who pulled back from active involvement in the Church surrounding Pope Francis' election to the office, Rev. Sweetser set out to personally talk with those who had left the faith or withdrew their support and participation. Between May of 2011 and September of 2012, he interviewed 55 people as a way of offering a small sampling of what people were feeling about the Catholic Church, both large scale and small. They ranged in age from 20 to over 80. This was a few years before Pope Francis was elected Pope. PB 9780824599669 £14.99 April 2019 Crossroad Publishing Co. 176 pages
Joyous Encounters Discovering the Happy Affections in Luke-Acts J Lyle Story Any list of emotions characterizing true Christian spirituality must include joy. In his two volumes, Luke summons his audience to joy-filled living in personal and community life. This study supplements a dearth of biblical and theological attention to the topic of joy. Luke's paired volumes show people encountering the numinous (supernatural) world through a plethora of charismatic experiences with the divine. These experiences include angelic visitations, visions, healings, and baptism in the Spirit. Within the broad canon of Scripture, Luke draws his readers into the affective experiences of others. HB 9780824599294 £65.99 November 2018 Crossroad Publishing Co. 352 pages
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Patterns in History A Christian Perspective on Historical Thought David W Bebbington In this concise volume, historian David Bebbington offers a summary of various theories of history from ancient times down to the present. Patterns in History provides Christian students of history with a trusted guide in what Mark Noll has described as "the best evangelical introduction to the history of history writing." The updated and expanded fourth edition contains a new chapter on postmodern history, making an already important book even more essential. Bebbington begins by asking "what is history?" He organises his answer, and the book, around the interplay between history as the historical process (how it has been understood and interpreted in the past) and historiography (the account of the past written by historians). In six chapters Bebbington describes and evaluates each of what he identifies as the main schools of thought about the nature and meaning of the historical process: cyclical history, Christian history, the idea of progress, historicism, Marxist history, and postmodern history. Bebbington analyzes theories of historiography before returning to the question of meaning in history. He argues that Christianity offers scholarly, as well as religious, answers to questions and contradictions that abound in both areas. By assessing how the Christian philosophy of history parallels, informs, and corrects secular theories, Bebbington suggests a chastened way forward for Christian historians. Even as they must acknowledge and wrestle with the complexities of the human story, Christian historians come to the task with an understanding of history as the realm of providence and purpose. Whether that conviction is implicit or explicit in the historian's writing, it is the distinctive element of faithful historical analysis. HB 9781481309516 £43.99 November 2018 Baylor University Press 250 pages
Power for Life Inspirational Guidance for Daily Living David Sharp This is important because just like it is not so easy to do the same motion in bowling and hit a strike every time, or to swing a golf club the same and hit a great drive every time, daily living is fraught with challenges that test our commitment to be loving and peaceful. The "guidances" in this book revolve around basic themes such as kindness, gentleness, joy, love, peace, and patience. They also challenge our everyday level of compassion, self-control, and awareness. Each of the 365 daily “guidances” is meant to be sipped into the soul and features a morning question, a divine encourage related to the question, and an evening response that shares the author's own experiences and the insights he gained as he tried to live the guidance for the day. This book offers an entire year’s worth of spiritual challenge, teaching, guidance, and learning. PB 9781773430379 £23.99 March 2019 Wood Lake Books 400 pages
Radical Gifts Living a Full Christian Life in Troubled Times Gene W Marshall In this new and updated edition of his 1984 classic A Primer on Radical Christianity, Gene Marshall continues his "effort to envision for the general reader the radical gifts of the Christian revelation for the tasks of realistic living in our contemporary settings." Progressive Christians will be immediately drawn to Marshall's discussions of "Spirit" sickness and how to heal it, his reflections on the nature of God, the relevance of the life of Jesus for people today, and the importance of community and of ethical thinking, which are as fresh and challenging today as they were when he first wrote on these topics. This edition features two new appendices, which contain updates to his original chapters on "ethical thinking" and "the community of the committed". PB 9781773431475 £15.99 October 2018 Wood Lake Books 264 pages
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Rescued and Redeemed How to Discern Demons from the Divine Christian Discernment Resources Sharon Beekmann Sharon Beekmann believed that the spiritual realm was a safe place to explore. But the spirits she contacted eventually controlled and attacked her. While in the demonic nightmare, God revealed himself, and later, Jesus Christ rescued and redeemed her. Her testimony is a powerful witness to the gospel and a useful resource for anyone oppressed by spiritual evil. In Rescued and Redeemed, Beekmann shares that Christians should be: Educated about the demonic realm ‘Inspired by the power of Christ’. Equipped to help others. Evil need not deceive and control us. Numerous people in the West are searching for meaningful spiritual experience by contacting "angels" and "spirit guides". Sharon Beekmann's story tragically illustrates that not all spirits have our best interest in mind. Dr Clinton E Arnold Dean, Talbot School of Theology PB 9781949021059 £14.99 October 2018 Illumity Media Global 200 pages
Superabundantly Alive Thomas Merton's Dance with the Feminine Susan McCaslin, John S Porter In these early though fruitful days of Merton scholarship, we are well-advised to lift our heads from our desks briefly in order to reflect on Thomas Merton the human being, along with our dedication to his writings and influence. Superabundantly Alive is an engaging and compelling inquiry into all these aspects of Merton's "alphabet". In a composite of creative, imaginative writing and penetrating, thoughtful discussion, this book is a lively and captivating look at Merton from original and fascinating perspectives.
About the Author: Susan McCaslin is a poet, educator, scholar, and author of fourteen volumes of poetry, including her most recent, Lifting the Stone. Susan lives in Fort Langley, BC. Having been honoured with Faculty Emerita status after twenty-three years as a professor of English and Creative Writing at Douglas College in New Westminster, BC, Susan is now a full-time writer, giving poetry workshops, talks, and readings. Visit her website at PB 9781773430355 £19.99 October 2018 Wood Lake Books 256 pages
Teaching Discernment A Pedagogy for Presenting Ignatian Discernment of Spirits Timothy M., OMV Gallagher In this remarkable explanation of a pedagogic system, Fr. Tim weaves together several channels of learning -- his many years of reading about Ignatian discernment and classic spiritual experience, his repeated teaching of the rules, his contact with masters of Ignatian spirituality, and his own growing awareness of how these rules applied in his own life. This volume is a careful exploration of Ignatius's own words and a methodology for exemplifying them through concrete spiritual experience. By hosting retreats for spiritual directors teaching Ignatian spirituality in their own communities, Father Tim is fulfilling the admonition of Paul to Timothy, and what you have heard from me through many witnesses entrust to faithful people who will be able to teach others as well. PB 9780824599355 £21.99 April 2019 Crossroad Publishing Co. 224 pages
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The Art of Christian Reflection Heidi J Hornik Contemporary Christians interact with art very differently than Christians of centuries past. Christian art was never intended for mere enjoyment, but was used to express the most important features of Christian faith and to suggest models for Christian practices. In The Art of Christian Reflection, art historian Heidi Hornik reconnects art to ethics, beauty to behavior, and form to function in classical artwork. Over eighty different pieces of art -- paintings, sculptures, and architecture -- are the subject of Hornik's careful analysis and commentary, which highlights the ethical implications inherent to each work. Specifically, Hornik explores how art may foster Christian virtues like forgiveness, patience, and generosity. Hornik also discusses art's influence on moral issues like racism, prisons, violence, poverty, and environmentalism as well as historic Christian praxes like prayer, work, Bible study, and worship. The Art of Christian Reflection paints the church's art as not only a courageous witness to the truth and reality of the gospel, but as an act of discipleship. It reveals the ethics of works not associated with the church but of value to contemporary Christians. Art can lead the faithful who reflect on it to become not only "hearers" and "seers" of the Word -- but "doers" as well. HB 9781481304269 £43.99 October 2018 Baylor University Press 256 pages 1
The Huguenots in Later Stuart Britain Volume II – Settlement, Churches, and the Role of London Robin Gwynn The Huguenots in Later Stuart Britain is planned as one work to be published in three interlinking volumes (titles/publication dates detailed below). It examines the history of the French communities in Britain from the Civil War, which plunged them into turmoil, to the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713, after which there was no realistic possibility that the Huguenots would be readmitted to France. There is a particular focus on the decades of the 1680s and 1690s, at once the most complex, the most crucial, and the most challenging alike for the refugees themselves and for subsequent historians. This volume explains when refugees fled France, and what drove them to settle in some regions of Britain but not others. Recent scholarship has lowered former estimates of refugee numbers across Europe, but careful analysis of the available evidence suggests that for Britain, previous estimates have been low and need upward revision. European historians have accepted Pierre Bayle’s assertion that the Netherlands were the great ark of the refugees too uncritically. While Bayle’s remark was true enough when the Edict of Nantes was revoked in 1685, by 1700 England had emerged as the most significant refugee centre. In particular, London came to house by far the largest Huguenot community in exile, and the reasons for the capital’s huge appeal are examined. Historians have debated the reception that awaited the Huguenots in Britain. Were they warmly welcomed, sullenly accepted, or consciously opposed? The answer varied over time and place, but this book argues that overall they met an exceptionally sympathetic welcome. Part of the evidence lies in the extraordinary efforts made to give them economic support, involving the creation of a special administrative bureaucracy with a high-powered French Committee to administer relief funds under the supervision of an even higher-powered English Committee which audited its work. A chapter is devoted to the relief process. Appendices list all known lay officers of the French congregations and reproduce some little-known key documents. Volume I: Crisis, Renewal, and the Ministers’ Dilemma – 9781-84519-618-9 (2015); Volume III: The Huguenots and the Defeat of Louis XIV’s France – 978-184519-620-2 (2020)
About the Author: Robin Gwynn is a historian of Early Modern England, formerly Reader in History at Massey University, New Zealand. His speciality has long been the study of Huguenot refugees and the French communities in Britain, and in 1985 he was Director of the “Huguenot Heritage” tercentenary commemoration under the patronage of H.M. The Queen. His books include the widely acclaimed Huguenot Heritage (2nd edn, Sussex Academic Press, 2001), and editions of later seventeenth century letters and consistory minutes of the largest of the many French churches in England. PB 9781845199197 £50.00 December 2018 Sussex Academic Press 384 pages illus
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The Letter of Jude and the Second Letter of Peter A Theological Commentary Jörg Frey. Translated by Kathleen Ess Too small to be important, too different to be trusted. The New Testament's Catholic letters have suffered neglect when compared to the attention lavished upon Jesus, the Gospels, and Paul. Jude and 2 Peter, especially, have been ignored. Jörg Frey remedies this dearth with this fullscale commentary on Jude and 2 Peter. Frey's meticulous, sustained verse-by-verse interpretation highlights the theological achievements of the two canonical writings without sidestepping any of the open historical and literary questions plaguing these two pseudepigraphal letters. The Letter of Jude and the Second Letter of Peter investigates the historical location of the two writings, the literary context, the shape of their arguments, and the profile of the respective opponents that are the central concern of each epistle. The analysis also explores Jude and 2 Peter's use of biblical, Second Temple Jewish, and apocalyptic traditions, the long-recognized interrelation between the two letters, and the difficult text-critical issues that haunt both.Frey's careful interpretation points to the theological work each letter performs. Jude takes part in a critical debate within the Pauline and post-Pauline communities, while 2 Peter becomes a testimony to the theological discussions of the second century. Far from insignificant or irrelevant, the epistles provide invaluable insight into the growth and consolidation of early Christian tradition. With this groundbreaking commentary, Frey rightly draws our attention back to these texts' important role within the canon and early Christianity. HB 9781481309196 £60.99 October 2018 Baylor University Press 500 pages
The Remaining Challenges of the Second Vatican Council for the 21st Century The Final Declaration of the International Congress, “Disclosing the Council” Edited by Christoph Böttigheimer, René Dausner This book looks at the outcome of the Second Vatican Council 50 years after its conclusion. The main question that the book answers is, "what can we learn from this epochal assembly today and for the rest of the 21st century?" HB 9780824599232 £60.99 October 2018 Crossroad Publishing Co. 80 pages
The Storyteller's Catechism Stories of Faith from Parish Life Timothy H Sherwood Following central chapters of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Fr. Sherwood's stories bring its teachings alive and give new meaning to its core messages. Referring directly to CCC sections, this book makes for inspiring reading and wonderful teaching material, highlighting concrete human experiences of Catholic life. An increasingly secular world has made humanity's search for God more challenging. But the basic message of this little book is that God also searches for humanity; that the eyes and ears of faith reveal manifestations of the Divine Presence. Parish priests are privileged to have a front-row seat to observe Divine Presence in action. The true stories told here reflect just a few of the many experiences of God had by one priest in Florida. Meet Barnacle Bill, an old-time mariner, who restlessly searched for love and happiness, but the irresistible call of the Siren's song kept beckoning him to an ever elusive port. Read about a sevenfoot alligator that made neighborly visits to the parish office and taught a lesson on the natural habitat of sin. Find out why sand dollars were an occasional offering in the Sunday collection basket and were considered so valuable. These stories and others will touch the heart or give pause for thought -- but all of them will hopefully inspire and deepen faith. PB 9780824599386 £17.99 April 2019 Crossroad Publishing Co. 224 pages
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The Voice of Pope Francis Communicating to Understand and Embrace the Other The Pope Francis Resource Library Dario Edoardo Viganò Pope Francis has revolutionized papal communications. Viganò, Prefect of the Vatican's Secretariat for Communications, offers a fascinating analysis of the Pope's powerful ways to connect. PB 9780824523329 £17.99 October 2018 Crossroad Publishing Co. 180 pages
What Are the Gospels? A Comparison with Graeco-Roman Biography Richard A Burridge The publication of Richard Burridge's What Are the Gospels? in 1992 inaugurated a transformation in Gospel studies by overturning the previous consensus about Gospel uniqueness. Burridge argued convincingly for an understanding of the Gospels as biographies, a ubiquitous genre in the Graeco-Roman world. To establish this claim, Burridge compared each of the four canonical Gospels to the many extant Graeco-Roman biographies. Drawing on insights from literary theory, he demonstrated that the previously widespread view of the Gospels as unique compositions was false. Burridge went on to discuss what a properly "biographical" perspective might mean for Gospel interpretation, which was amply demonstrated in the revised second edition reflecting on how his view had become the new consensus. This third, twentyfifth anniversary edition not only celebrates the continuing influence of What Are the Gospels?, but also features a major new contribution in which Burridge analyzes recent debates and scholarship about the Gospels. Burridge both answers his critics and reflects upon the new directions now being taken by those who accept the biographical approach. This new edition also features as an appendix a significant article in which he tackles the related problem of the genre of Acts. A proven book with lasting staying power, What Are the Gospels? is not only still as relevant and instructive as it was when first published, but will also doubtlessly inspire new research and scholarship in the years ahead.
Reviews: A paradigm shift within a field…implications of the paradigm shift he has initiated will continue to be debated for many years to come. —Louise Lawrence, Conversations in Religion and Theolog HB 9781481308748 £43.99 October 2018 Baylor University Press 536 pages
Discovering Christianity Better Than We Believed, 2 More Basic Questions Enlightened by Faith Robert J Cormier Better Than We Believed won the Eric Hoffer Award for good reason: presuming nothing that both traditional believers and critical-thinking searchers will not find in their hearts, it presents a strikingly clear concept of faith that answers the unhappiness of people we all recognize. This sequel offers more basic questions enlightened by a faith that makes sense, and that helps to live: when anger hits, or betrayal, a life threatening illness or self-destroying addiction. In every chapter the reader is let into a personal conversation about the challenges most basic to all human lives.
Reviews: Make no mistake, Bob Cormier is the real thing. Thoughtful, attentive, direct, he is unafraid of addressing the toughest issues of life and providing the spiritual framework for understanding them. -- Rick Hamlin, author, Finding God on the A Train PB 9780824521936 £12.99 March 2018 Crossroad Publishing Company 160 pages
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Called By Name Discovering Your Unique Purpose in Life Robert J Furey This book explores the mystery of callings and the how and why of being drawn by particular situations and tasks, the miracle of being somehow equipped to meet the challenge. There is a divine plan for each life, and a sacred trust that the call will be answered PB 9780824514846 £13.00 September 2018 Crossroad Publishing Co. 168 pages
Reclaiming Joy A Primer for Widows Ella Wall Prichard Nearly a million women are widowed each year in the United States. Hardly anyone is prepared for the days, months, and years that follow the loss.New widows grieve, but they also battle psychological, spiritual, and social upheaval from all directions. From discovering a new identity to finding different ways to relate to old friends, life becomes unfamiliar. Practical changes -both legal and financial -- are inevitable. Just as there's no simple prescription that makes grief disappear, there is no clear way to address all the challenges widows face. In Reclaiming Joy: A Primer for Widows, Ella Wall Prichard writes the book she needed, but could not find, after her husband died. She recounts her turn to the Apostle Paul's letter to the Philippians, a letter that features joy as a source of comfort and hope -- and shapes Reclaiming Joy. Prichard offers practical advice on how to achieve joy. Each chapter focuses on a different trait needed to move from grief to joy. The primary narrative arc is spiritual, even though stories of struggle, conflict, and loss are recurrent themes. Reclaiming Joy is part memoir, part guide, part inspiration. It captures the pain felt in the first years of widowhood in the move from grief to joy. It offers encouragement and advice to women who seek the strength to rebuild their lives and reclaim their joy.
About the Author: Ella Wall Prichard is the president of Prichard Oil Company and is highly involved in her community and church. A mother and grandmother, she is a frequent speaker on the subject of widowhood and has encouraged and supported widows around the country. Ella blogs at, where other resources on widowhood can be found. HB 9781481308489 £21.99 September 2018 Baylor University Press 233 pages
Signals of Transcendence One Man's Story Frank Shaw The author believed, "God had to beat me in the head with a two by four until I finally surrendered." Raised to understand his family's expectations -- the same ones that later weighed on him, when he saw how far he'd wandered off the path, those seeds, planted earlier, helped him find his way back to who he was and from where he had came. This is one man's quest to understand his relationship with God -- even when alcoholism devoured his mind, body and family. Reading like a 21st century version of the once-controversial novel, The Catcher in the Rye – complete with teenage angst and alienation, this is a look through the gauze of a family's history and it's impact on how it all came together for him to survive. Growing up in church, there was no tobacco or alcohol. There was plenty of fishing, peach pie, watermelon and homemade ice cream and God -- all mixed with New Orleans' life and music, confusion over Vietnam, the deaths of MLK and RFK, and Richard Nixon's disgrace, along with sports, sex, drinking and drugs. HB 9781932021875 £20.99 June 2018 DC Press 310 pages
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The Gift of Story Ralph Milton Ralph Milton shares insights about storytelling related to themes ranging from mythology and human identity, to social justice, changing from the inside out, tragedy, awe and mystery, hope and promise, and more. But the story is always central; the story is always the thing. Includes key biblical stories about seminal biblical characters – Eden and Eve, Jonah, the prodigal, Mary and Elizabeth, the Ethiopian eunuch, Zacchaeus, Mary of Magdala, Sarah and more. In The Gift of Story, Milton romps through a lively reflection on what stories mean to humans, the storytelling animal, how we can all stories to enrich our lives, and rejoice in the complimentary role that stories and the logic of science play in our lives. It’s a fun read full of lively, refreshing stories and insights.
Reviews: ”Storytelling is fundamental for faith because it is only through this act of telling that our story can be connected with that of God and Jesus; because this story must be told; and so that it can be told as an unfinished story into which the faithful write their own stories and, in doing so move the story forward. Thus at its basic level, the Christian faith has a ‘narrative deep structure.” -- Edmund Arens, Theologian, University of Lucerne PB 9781773430324 £15.99 August 2018 Wood Lake Books 224 pages
Christian Prayer Prayers That Shake Heaven and Earth Daniel Duval Everyone agrees that we should pray. Prayer is, after all, a central part of the Christian faith. But what happens when you don't know how? When you pray and nothing happens; when you open your mouth but don't know what to say? Prayers that Shake Heaven and Earth is a collection of effective prayers. They've been used to secure breakthroughs in many lives. If you are longing for your prayer life and ministry to bear fruit, look no further. Are you among those asking, "What should I say?" "Is God listening to me?" "How should I pray for my children, pets, or sleep?" Are your prayers impacting your life and the lives of your loved ones, or is it like you haven't even spoken? Maybe you've seen great results from prayer. Maybe you're simply looking to take your prayer life further. Maybe you minister to others regularly, and you are looking for keys to unlock a more powerful ministry. Regardless of your situation, this book will bless you! The language in these prayers is based on the written Word of God and the mechanics of the spirit realm. The subjects covered are broad. It includes prayers for the morning, the evening, the home, children, and pets. It includes powerful healing and deliverance prayers for use within a ministry context, and so much more! It is an extraordinary tool that will empower your walk with God. PB 9781640070684 £11.99 March 2018 River Publishing 188 pages
Responsive Prayers For Every Week of the Church Year, Year C David Sparks This collection of responsive prayers is based on the Revised Common Lectionary, Year C, as is perfect for clergy and lay leaders alike. Responsive Prayers, Year C offers an entire yearÆs worth of responsive prayers that can be adapted to a variety of settings and circumstances. This collection includes full prayers for the Call to Worship, Opening Prayer, Words of Assurance, Offering Prayer, and Commissioning, as well as an outline for the Pastoral Prayer, for each Sunday of the lectionary year, plus Holy Thursday and Good Friday. Some Sundays include additional prayer options. Responsive Prayers Year C also includes a scripture index. Authorization to reproduce and freely adapt all the prayers in the collection for use in worship in the local congregation is included with the purchase of the book. PB 9781773430317 £23.99 August 2018 Wood Lake Books 288 pages
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Teaching Christianity Faith Forward Volume 3 -- Launching a Revolution through Ministry with Children, Youth, and Families David Csinos Like the other books in this series, Faith Forward Volume 3 collects the wisdom of some the leading "thinkers" and "shakers" and "movers" in the arena of ministry with children and youth. PB 9781773430270 £15.99 May 2018 Wood Lake Books 208 pages
King of Glory Illustrated Study Guide A Companion Tool for the King of Glory Movie & Book P.D Bramsen Filled with stunning illustrations from the multi-language King of Glory 15-episode movie and 70scene book, this King of Glory Illustrated Study Guide is a companion tool that winningly and powerfully reinforces the big-picture truths about God, mankind, sin, and salvation, embedded in the best story ever told. In combination with the movie, this curriculum makes the Bible's foundation and framework refreshingly clear for people of all backgrounds. It is ideal for use in small group studies, homes, personal studies, schools, kids' clubs, homeschool, Sunday school and summer programs, retirement centers, prisons, ESL classes, refugee and immigrant contexts, international projects, camps, retreats, etc. This curriculum is designed for all ages and learning styles. Each of the 15 lessons (called episodes) has five parts: 1. Introduce: Read the introduction on the scroll (2 minutes) 2. Watch: Watch the episode (10 to 20 minutes) 3. Discuss: Five to ten questions (5 to 20 minutes) 4. Reflect: Talk about or memorize a verse (5 minutes) 5. Reinforce: Do the interactive exercises (10 to 30 minutes) Adaptable for all schedules, contexts, cultures, and time-limitations. King of Glory the movie and book take you on an intense ride through the Scriptures of the prophets as it chronologically and accurately unfolds their story and message in a way that makes sense. PB 9781620410059 £11.99 July 2018 Rock International 176 pages
King of Glory Illustrated Study Guide Answer Key A Companion Tool for the King of Glory Movie & Book P.D Bramsen The King of Glory Illustrated Study Guide Answer Key goes with the King of Glory Illustrated Study Guide . Some information about the Study Guide (not the Answer Key!): Filled with stunning illustrations from the multi-language King of Glory 15-episode movie and 70-scene book, the King of Glory Illustrated Study Guide is a companion tool that winningly and powerfully reinforces the big-picture truths about God, mankind, sin, and salvation, embedded in the best story ever told. In combination with the movie, this curriculum makes the Bible's foundation and framework refreshingly clear for people of all backgrounds. It is ideal for use in small group studies, homes, personal studies, schools, kids' clubs, homeschool, Sunday school and summer programs, retirement centers, prisons, ESL classes, refugee and immigrant contexts, international projects, camps, retreats, etc. This curriculum is designed for all ages and learning styles. Each of the 15 lessons (called episodes) has five parts: 1. Introduce: Read the introduction on the scroll (2 minutes) 2. Watch: Watch the episode (10 to 20 minutes) 3. Discuss: Five to ten questions (5 to 20 minutes) 4. Reflect: Talk about or memorize a verse (5 minutes) 5. Reinforce: Do the interactive exercises (10 to 30 minutes) Adaptable for all schedules, contexts, cultures, and timelimitations. King of Glory the movie and book take you on an intense ride through the Scriptures of the prophets as it chronologically and accurately unfolds their story and message in a way that makes sense. PB 9781620410080 £3.99 July 2018 Rock International 32 pages
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Loving for Real An Honest Book for Youth Pierre Herve Grosjean Fr. Grosjean has listened intensely to youth, and in engaging ways speaks to the heart of love, both a gift from God, and a challenge. This book stands out because it speaks directly to the practice of love, and so its text is simple but powerful. PB 9780824523602 £11.99 May 2018 Crossroad Publishing Co. 144 pages
Read, Wonder, Listen Ann Sheng, Laura Alary Every person who tells these stories does it in a slightly different way. And every person who reads these stories hears something a bit different. So even though these stories are very old, they are also always new. So writes Laura Alary in the Introduction to the new children’s story Bible Read, Wonder, Listen. Alary combines her gift for telling the biblical stories, with historical research, contemporary concerns about language, and a compassionate and inclusive theology, making Read, Wonder, Listen a perfect children’s Bible for progressive Christians. Read, Wonder, Listen will help children, and the adults who love them, ask the big questions of life – the same questions asked by the people in Bible: Who are we? Where do we belong? What are we supposed to do and who are we supposed to be? Where is God? How does God want us to live? The reason these stories have lasted so long, writes Alary, the reason they were collected and saved so carefully, is because people have always found in them something precious. Something that speaks to people of all times and places. All of these stories are about the great Mystery we call God. They tell of people who met God, wondered about God, waited for God, and were surprised by God. That sense of wonder and surprise is strikingly and evocatively captured in the full-colour illustrations by Ann Sheng.
About the Author: Ann Sheng is a tireless learner who aspires to become a doctor, scientist and world traveller. A Canadian born and raised in China, she is currently completing her MD in Boston. In her spare time, she enjoys cooking, reading, painting, badminton and listening to podcasts. Her artworks are featured in Augur Magazine, as well as several publications from the University of Toronto. Laura Alary is a teacher, preacher, storyteller and author. Born and raised in Halifax, she studied Classics at Dalhousie University, theology at Knox College, and New Testament at The University of St. Michael’s College, where she earned her Ph.D. More recently she has been pursuing a different kind of learning as the mother of three children. PB 9781773430416 £19.99 July 2018 Wood Lake Books 320 pages
Christian Spirituality Between Our Steps Reflections on a Spiritual Journey Cathy Hird Drawing on everyday experiences from preparing meals to harvesting hay, Cathy Hird delves into the patterns of our spiritual journey. In this collection of her columns, originally written for an on-line news magazine, Hird explores things we see every day to uncover the interconnectedness of life and how we find meaning and purpose in our days. As a farmer, she is embedded in creation. As a minister, she cares for the vulnerable. And all her work is driven by a desire for balance in life and wholeness for the world we live in. These reflections begin with her daily journey and reach for a sense of the divine. They invite the reader to step into the world she sees and, at the same time, re-imagine their own spiritual journey. PB 9781642556476 £11.99 July 2018 Primedia Elaunch LLC 316 pages
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Crippled Grace Disability, Virtue Ethics, and the Good Life Studies in Religion, Theology, and Disability Shane Clifton Crippled Grace combines disability studies, Christian theology, philosophy, and psychology to explore what constitutes happiness and how it is achieved. The virtue tradition construes happiness as whole-of-life flourishing earned by practiced habits of virtue. Drawing upon this particular understanding of happiness, Clifton contends that the experience of disability offers significant insight into the practice of virtue, and thereby the good life. With its origins in the author's experience of adjusting to the challenges of quadriplegia, Crippled Grace considers the diverse experiences of people with a disability as a lens through which to understand happiness and its attainment. Drawing upon the virtue tradition as much as contesting it, Clifton explores the virtues that help to negotiate dependency, resist paternalism, and maximize personal agency. Through his engagement with sources from Aristotle to modern positive psychology, Clifton is able to probe fundamental questions of pain and suffering, reflect on the value of friendship, seek creative ways of conceiving of sexual flourishing, and outline the particular virtues needed to live with unique bodies and brains in a society poorly fitted to their diverse functioning. Crippled Grace is about and for people with disabilities. Yet, Clifton also understands disability as symbolic of the human condition--human fragility, vulnerability, and embodied limits. First unmasking disability as a bodily and sociocultural construct, Clifton moves on to construct a deeper and more expansive account of flourishing that learns from those with disability, rather than excluding them. In so doing, Clifton shows that the experience of disability has something profound to say about all bodies, about the fragility and happiness of all humans, and about the deeper truths offered us by the theological virtues of faith, hope, and love. HB 9781481307468 ÂŁ43.99 March 2018 Baylor University Press 285 pages
Disability and Spirituality Recovering Wholeness (Studies in Religion, Theology, and Disability Series) William C Gaventa Disability and spirituality have traditionally been understood as two distinct spheres: disability is physical and thus belongs to health care professionals, while spirituality is religious and belongs to the church, synagogue, or mosque and their theologians, clergy, rabbis, and imams. This division leads to stunted theoretical understanding, limited collaboration, and segregated practices, all of which contribute to a lack of capacity to see people with disabilities as whole human beings and full members of a diverse human family. Contesting the assumptions that separate disability and spirituality, William Gaventa argues for the integration of these two worlds. As Gaventa shows, the quest to understand disability inevitably leads from historical and scientific models into the world of spirituality -- to the ways that values, attitudes, and beliefs shape our understanding of the meaning of disability. The reverse is also true. The path to understanding spirituality is a journey that leads to disability -- to experiences of limitation and vulnerability, where the core questions of what it means to be human are often starkly and profoundly clear. In Disability and Spirituality Gaventa constructs this whole and human path before turning to examine spirituality in the lives of those individuals with disabilities, their families and those providing care, their friends and extended relationships, and finally the communities to which we all belong. At each point Gaventa shows that disability and spirituality are part of one another from the very beginning of creation. Recovering wholeness encompasses their reunion -- a cohesion that changes our vision and enables us to everyone as fully human. HB 9781481309400 ÂŁ52.99 March 2018 Baylor University Press 280 pages
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Christian Leaders & Ministry Leadership in the Church How Traditional Roles Can Help Serve the Christian Community Today Walter Cardinal Kasper This is a timely and profound look at the enduring meaning of church office and the guidance it is called to provide to the church in light of a changed world and a changing future. Includes essays on how the church offices arose, how they are defined, and how they relate to one another. Major themes include: the universal versus the local church; the ministry of the bishop, priest and deacon; apostolic succession; and the practical application of canonical norms. PB 9780824599645 £21.99 August 2018 Crossroad Publishing Co. 240 pages
Maverick Priest A Story of Life on the Edge Harry J Bury. Edited by Connie Anderson A Story of the Ongoing Struggle for Peace in Our Violent World This is the story of one man's unique journey around the world, in the name of human connection, peace, and active nonviolence. Father Harry J. Bury is a Catholic priest unlike any you have ever met. His travels through Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Hong Kong, India, Costa Rica, Philippines, Africa, Palestine and Israel, span over 60 years. His life-long dedication: to interact lovingly with citizens of the world in pursuit of peace and nonviolence. His determination to help his fellow human beings put him in sometimes compromising and often dangerous situations with American law enforcement, foreign governments, and the church alike. He was: Kidnapped at gunpoint in Gaza; Arrested at the Pentagon; Chained to the gates of the American Embassy in Saigon; Participated in the release of American POWs in Vietnam; Served at the side of Mother Theresa in Calcutta; Arrested by Swiss Guards for saying Mass on the steps of theBasilica of St. Peter in Rome, and awarded the Key to Ho Chi Minh City in gratitude for his efforts to end the war in Vietnam. Father Bury's life reads like an adventure novel. But this is not fiction. It is the testament of a life lived to make a difference. Against all odds, with unwavering faith, he carries his message of love, peace, and non-violence as a priest, political activist, and warrior for peace. Nearing his 90th year, Father Bury puts his story on paper, hoping it will inspire and encourage all who care about humankind living in peace and without violence, to carry the message, do the work, continue the struggle, and never give up. PB 9781944297329 £15.99 September 2018 Robert Reed Publishers 375 pages
The Remaining Challenges of the Second Vatican Council for the 21st Century The Final Declaration of the International Congress, “Disclosing” the Council Edited by Christoph Böttigheimer, René Dausner This book looks at the outcome of the Second Vatican Council 50 years after its conclusion. The main question that the book answers is, "what can we learn from this epochal assembly today and for the rest of the 21st century?" PB 9780824599249 £26.99 September 2018 Crossroad Publishing Co. 80 pages
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Biblical Studies Ancient Rhetoric and the New Testament The Influence of Elementary Greek Composition Michael Wade Martin, Mikeal C Parsons For the ancient Greeks and Romans, eloquence was essential to public life and identity, perpetuating class status and power. The three-tiered study of rhetoric was thus designed to produce sons worthy of and equipped for public service. Rhetorical competency enabled the elite to occupy their proper place in society.The oracular and literary techniques represented in Greco-Roman education proved to be equally central to the formation of the New Testament. Detailed comparisons of the sophisticated rhetorical conventions, as cataloged in the ancient rhetorical handbooks (eg: Quintilian), reveal to what degree and frequency the New Testament was shaped by ancient rhetoric's invention, argument, and style.But Ancient Rhetoric and the New Testament breaks new ground. Instead of focusing on more advanced rhetorical lessons that elite students received in their school rooms, Michael Martin and Mikeal Parsons examine the influence of the progymnasmata -- the preliminary compositional exercises that bridge the gap between grammar and rhetoric proper -- and their influence on the New Testament.Martin and Parsons use Theon's (50-100 CE) compendium as a baseline to measure the way primary exercises shed light on the form and style of the New Testament's composition. Each chapter examines a specific rhetorical exercise and its unique hortatory or instructional function, and offers examples from ancient literature before exploring the use of these techniques in the New Testament.By studying the rhetoric of beginners rather than experts, Martin and Parsons demonstrate that the New Testament was not simply the product of an elite scholastic culture. "Rhetoric was in the air," acting as a stock feature of the public discourse from which the New Testament arose. Martin and Parsons demonstrate that attention to the intimate relationship between medium (the how) and message (the what) is not new. The New Testament used common strategies to communicate its uncommon Gospel. HB 9781481309806 ÂŁ34.99 August 2018 Baylor University Press 318 pages
Echoes of Scripture in the Gospels Richard B Hays The claim that the events of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection took place "according to the Scriptures" stands at the heart of the New Testament's message. All four canonical Gospels declare that the Torah and the Prophets and the Psalms mysteriously prefigure Jesus. The author of the Fourth Gospel states this claim succinctly: in his narrative, Jesus declares, "If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me" (John 5:46). Yet modern historical criticism characteristically judges that the New Testament's christological readings of Israel's Scripture misrepresent the original sense of the texts; this judgment forces fundamental questions to be asked: Why do the Gospel writers read the Scriptures in such surprising ways? Are their readings intelligible as coherent or persuasive interpretations of the Scriptures? Does Christian faith require the illegitimate theft of someone else's sacred texts? Echoes of Scripture in the Gospels answers these questions. Richard B. Hays chronicles the dramatically different ways the four Gospel writers interpreted Israel's Scripture and reveals that their readings were as complementary as they were faithful. In this long-awaited sequel to his Echoes of Scripture in the Letters of Paul, Hays highlights the theological consequences of the Gospel writers' distinctive hermeneutical approaches and asks what it might mean for contemporary readers to attempt to read Scripture through the eyes of the Evangelists. In particular, Hays carefully describes the Evangelists' practice of figural reading--an imaginative and retrospective move that creates narrative continuity and wholeness. He shows how each Gospel artfully uses scriptural echoes to re-narrate Israel's story, to assert that Jesus is the embodiment of Israel's God, and to prod the church in its vocation to engage the pagan world. Hays shows how the Evangelists summon readers to a conversion of their imagination. The Evangelists' use of scriptural echo beckons readers to believe the extraordinary: that Jesus was Israel's Messiah, that Jesus is Israel's God, and that contemporary believers are still on mission. HB 9781481309479 ÂŁ43.99 March 2018 Baylor University Press 524 pages
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Jesus, the Essenes, and Christian Origins New Light on Ancient Texts and Communities Simon J Joseph The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in the caves near Qumran in 1947 sparked near endless speculation about the possible connections between the Essenes--purportedly the inhabitants of the settlement--and the birth, nature, and growth of early Christianity. Jesus, the Essenes, and Christian Origins sheds new light on this old question by reexamining the complex relationships among Qumran, the historical Jesus, the Essenes, and Christian origins within first-century Palestinian Judaism.Author Simon J. Joseph's careful examination of a number of distinctive passages in the Jesus tradition in light of Qumran-Essene texts focuses on major points of contact between the Qumran-Essene community and early Christianity in four areas of belief and practice: covenant identity, messianism, eschatology, and halakhah (legal interpretation), placing the weight of his argument for continuity and discontinuity on the halakhic topics of divorce, Sabbath, sacrifice, celibacy, and violence.Joseph focuses on the historical, cultural, chronological, and theological correspondences as convergence. This not only illuminates the historical Jesus' teachings as distinctive, developing and extending earlier Jewish ethical and halakhic thought, it also clarifies the emergence of early Christianity in relationship to Palestinian Essenism. By bringing this holistic analysis of the evidence to bear, Joseph adds a powerful and insightful voice to the decades-long debate surrounding the Essenes and Christianity. HB 9781481307765 £34.99 April 2018 Baylor University Press 240 pages
Joyous Encounters Discovering the Happy Affections in Luke-Acts J Lyle Story Any list of emotions characterizing true Christian spirituality must include joy. In his two volumes, Luke summons his audience to joy-filled living in personal and community life. This study supplements a dearth of biblical and theological attention to the topic of joy. Luke's paired volumes show people encountering the numinous (supernatural) world through a plethora of charismatic experiences with the divine. These experiences include angelic visitations, visions, healings, and baptism in the Spirit. Within the broad canon of Scripture, Luke draws his readers into the affective experiences of others. PB 9780824599300 £30.99 September 2018 Crossroad Publishing Co. 352 pages
Revelation for Progressive Christians Donald Schmidt More material has probably been written about the biblical book of Revelation than the rest of the Bible combined – or at least it can seem that way. What’s more, people who write or talk about Revelation often have a passion that defies all logic. They speak vividly and forcefully about plagues, and judgements, and the end of the world. All interesting themes – but are they the real concern or message of Revelation? In Revelations, you can find a story of God’s presence with a fractured and frightened community, with a church that had no idea what the future might hold, and with a people who wondered if it was time to give up and abandon what they believed – all of which makes Revelation a perfect book to study in our own time and place, because so many church communities today and so many of the people who inhabit them are all of those things: fractured and frightened, uncertain of what the future might hold, wondering if we should just give up. Revelation for Progressive Christians is a seven-session study guide that invites readers to explore Revelation as a fun, hope-filled book that contains a lot of fanciful imagery and symbolic references, to be sure, but that, at its core, offers words of assurance and hope to the church and its people today PB 9781773431505 £13.00 June 2018 Wood Lake Books 100 pages
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The Elder Testament Canon, Theology, Trinity Christopher R Seitz The Elder Testament serves as a theological introduction to the canonical unity of the Scriptures of Israel. Christopher Seitz demonstrates that, while an emphasis on theology and canonical form often sidesteps critical methodology, the canon itself provides essential theological commentary on textual and historical reconstruction.Part One reflects on the Old Testament as literature inquiring about its implied reader. Seitz introduces the phrase "Elder Testament" to establish a wider conceptual lens for what is commonly called the "Old Testament" or the "Hebrew Bible," so that the canon might be read to its fullest capacity.Part Two provides an overview of the canon proper, from Torah to Prophets to Writings. Seitz here employs modern criticism to highlight the theological character of the Bible in its peculiar canonical shape. But he argues that the canon cannot be reduced to simply vicissitudes of history, politics, or economics. Instead, the integrated form of this Elder Testament speaks of metahistorical disclosures of the divine, correlating the theological identity of God across time and beyond.Part Three examines Proverbs 8, Genesis 1, and Psalms 2 and 110 -- texts that are notable for their prominence in early Christian exegesis. The Elder Testament measures the ontological pressure exerted by these texts, which led directly to the earliest expressions of Trinitarian reading in the Christian church, long before the appearance of a formally analogous Scripture, bearing the now-familiar name "New Testament". HB 9781481308281 £37.99 July 2018 Baylor University Press 310 pages
Christian Theology An Apocalypse of Love Essays in Honor of Cyril J O’Regan Edited by Anthony C Sciglitano, Jennifer Newsome Martin An Apocalypse of Love is a collection of essays on the many facets of Cyril O'Regan's work to date written by both prominent and rising scholars in the fields of philosophy and theology. Essay topics included in this volume range over his entire corpus, including appreciatively critical analyses of his early and current work on Hegel, rhetorical and pedagogical styles, spiritual theology, engagement with Hegel and Heidegger, von Balthasar and John of the Cross, kenosis, Eric Voegelin, his relation to post-moderns such as Lacan and Bataille, and poetry both published and unpublished. HB 9780824599188 £43.99 July 2018 Crossroad Publishing Co. 352 pages
Augustus H. Strong and the Dilemma of Historical Consciousness Grant Wacker At the end of the nineteenth century, Augustus Strong emerged as one of the most influential church leaders and theologians in America. But, as Grant Wacker reveals in this masterful study, Strong also proved to be as tragic a figure as he was influential. Strong was forced to choose between conceptual worlds that were, to him, equally incompatible and compelling. Strong wrestled with how the critical study of history, exemplified in the method commonly called "historicism" (or "historical consciousness"), can be reconciled with the many ahistorical assumptions embedded in the claims of traditional Christianity. Is the notion of human sinfulness, for example, simply an artifact of time and place? Or does it carry an underlying truth that endures, independent of the biblical context and interpretation of classic Christian thinkers? Strong acquired a historical awareness considered rare among conservative scholars. Despite cultivating this historical sensibility, he struggled with its implications. In the end, Wacker writes, Strong "clung to the conviction that the faith once delivered unto the fathers somehow stands above the vicissitudes of history, even as he became increasingly conscious that all things human are fragile creations of time and place." HB 9781481308434 £43.99 August 2018 Baylor University Press 228 pages
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The Essential Luther Hackett Classics Martin Luther. Edited and translated by Tryntje Helfferich This is a wonderful anthology . Its texts not only span the whole of Luther's reforming career, but also cover the theological, political, and social issues that mattered most to him and his age. Best of all, the original integrity of the texts remains perceptible, even when abridged. This valuable collection will be a great teaching tool and also a most useful resource for anyone interested in Luther or the Protestant Reformation. —Carlos Eire, Yale University, author of Reformations: The Early Modern World, 1450-1650 (Yale University Press) CONTENTS: Thematic Table of Contents General Introduction 1. Preface to the Complete Edition of the Latin Writings (1545) 2. Disputation on the Power of Indulgences (The Ninety-Five Theses) (1517) 3. Sermon on Indulgence and Grace (1518) 4. Disputation Held at Heidelberg (1518) 5. To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation (1520) 6. The Babylonian Captivity of the Church (1520) 7. On the Freedom of a Christian (1520) 8. Preface to the New Testament (1522) 9. Preface to the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans (1522) 10. On Married Life (1522) 11. On Secular Authority: To What Extent It Must Be Obeyed (1523) 12. That Jesus Christ Was Born a Jew (1523) 13. Against the Heavenly Prophets Concerning Images and the Sacrament (1525) 14. Against the Robbing and Murdering Hordes of Peasants (1525) 15. The Bondage of the Will (1525) 16. The German Mass and Order of Divine Service (1526) 17. How Christians Should Regard Moses (1527) 18. Concerning Rebaptism (1528) 19. Hymns (pre-1529) 20. On the War against the Turks (1529) 21. The Small Catechism (1529) 22. Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians (1535) 23. The Schmalkald Articles (1537) 24. Letter to Landgrave Philipp of Hesse (1539) 25. On the Jews and Their Lies (1543) Suggestions for Further Reading Index
About the Author: Tryntje Helfferich is Associate Professor of History, The Ohio State University at Lima. PB 9781624666940 £15.99 September 2018 Hackett Publishing 360 pages HB 9781624666957 £46.99 September 2018 Hackett Publishing 360 pages
The Future of Lived Religious Leadership (Amsterdam Studies in Theology and Religion (AmSTaR) no.7) Rein Brouwer Written by a group of internationally acclaimed researchers in empirical theology and religious studies, this book presents the reader with a state of the art review of leadership theories and practices related to the diverse context of lived religion. Every chapter is based on in-depth research on cases of religiously inspired leadership, including pastoral professionals in religious communities, and people who are not ordained by a religious denomination but who do play a pivotal role in promoting a religious cause. An important part of the research is focused on developments in entrepreneurial religious leadership, and communicating religious content via internet and social networking. Keywords: leadership theory, empirical research, lived religion, entrepreneurial leadership, social networks.
About the Author: Rein Brouwer (1962) (PhD, Utrecht University) is Associate Professor in Practical Theology at the Protestant Theological University (PthU), Amsterdam. His publications are based on research in the fields of Religious Leadership, Congregational Studies, and Religion and Arts. PB 9789086597741 £35.00 April 2018 VU University Press 258 pages
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Voices of Christianity A Global Introduction Rebecca Moore Voices of Christianity invites readers to explore the key documents that shaped the history of Christianity over the course of 2,000 years. Using liturgy, poetry, sermons, and more, the book introduces readers to key concepts, figures, and developments in this major world religion. The story of Christianity unfolds in analyses and readings that reveal the struggles, events, and achievements that contributed to its beliefs and practices. Reflection questions and genre discussions help readers navigate the thought-worlds of Christians, past and present. Thoughtful explanations provide the historical and theological contexts of the documents and highlight the issues that were at stake in religious debates and conflicts. Voices of Christianity includes chapters that describe the Jewish roots of Jesus and Paul, present the theological decisions made by early Christians, and consider the various ways of being "religious" in the Middle Ages. Later chapters investigate the varieties of responses to the Reformations of the Sixteenth Century and address Christian reactions to the challenges of Enlightenment Rationalism. The last two chapters look closely at world Christianity in its global setting, focusing on missions, inculturation, ecumenism, and pluralism. Close attention is paid to Orthodox Christianity, along with Catholic and Protestant Christianity, while discussions of contemporary issues and movements -- from Pentecostalism to the Emerging Church -- make this a comprehensive and comprehensible text. More than a textbook and more than an anthology, Voices of Christianity combines the power of both pedagogical approaches to offer a coherent way to understand the vibrant history of the Christian religion. Content revised with new original source material; new timelines; older entries replaced by newer ones; new Introduction to revised edition. PB 9780824599430 £65.99 August 2018 Crossroad Publishing Co. 580 pages
Christian Philosophy A Genealogy of Violence and Religion René Girard in Dialogue James Bernard Murphy Why are religious rituals, symbols, and rhetoric so full of images of blood, sacrifice, and death? Why does religious fervor so often lead to Holy War, Crusade, and Jihad? No wonder many people assume that religion tends to give rise to violence. But what if it were the other way around? What if violence actually gave rise to religion? So argued the French literary theorist and anthropologist René Girard (1923-2015). Described as the Darwin of the human sciences, he was elected to the French Academy in 2005 for his seminal theories of sacred violence. Girard argued that religious practices function to sublimate, regulate, and discharge human violence in controlled rituals. Where does violence come from? According to Girard, from the social nature of human desire itself. We desire things only because others desire them, so desire is inherently rivalrous, leading to violent conflict. But if a scapegoat can be found, then this war of all against all turns into a war of all against one. Social order, claimed Girard, stems from the unity of a lynch mob. Religious rituals then serve to commemorate the primordial murder of the scapegoat. What are we to make of Girard’s provocative claims about human desire, violence, scapegoat killings, and religion? Political philosopher James Bernard Murphy presents here a series of sharp and witty dialogues in which Girard attempts to defend his ideas against attacks by rival theorists, among them, Sigmund Freud, William James, Simone Weil, Elias Canetti and Joseph de Maistre. Whatever we might think of his answers, Girard asks challenging, unsettling questions. In these illuminating and lively exchanges, Girard squares off with the titans of social theory.
About the Author: James Bernard Murphy is Professor of Government at Dartmouth College, in Hanover, NH. PB 9781845199289 £19.95 April 2018 Sussex Academic Press 160 pages
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Introduction to Philosophy Christianity and the Big Questions Steve Wilkens, Alan G Padgett Asking "big questions" is fundamental to our humanity. What is the meaning and purpose of life? What is truth? How do we know what we claim to know? What is justice? What happens after death? Veteran teachers Steve Wilkens and Alan Padgett guide readers to wrestle with twelve of the most foundational, philosophical questions facing humanity, and they reflect on these big questions with a lens rooted in faith. Christians, according to Wilkens and Padgett, should embrace their ability to probe these questions that have occupied some of the most brilliant minds in history. Instead of avoiding hard questions, a Christian approach to philosophy begins with the conviction that God invested humanity with a restless mind. From an early age, we are riddled with curiosity about the world, our place in it, and how the whole of it fits together. As Wilkens and Padgett show, questions about the inner world of our being are tied to the outer world that includes the entire created cosmos and God. Like all good gifts, the gift of questions comes with a challenge--of responsibility and hard thinking. We have a spiritual duty to pursue life's deepest queries with virtue, fairness, reason and, above all, a sense of worship and gratitude. Introduction to Philosophy: Christianity and the Big Questions is a perfect primer for students of philosophy and anyone interested in a Christian perspective on the timeless and universal perplexities of human existence.
About the Author: Steve Wilkens is Professor of Philosophy and Ethics at Azusa Pacific University.
Reviews: “Wilkens and Padgett’s volume is engaging and informative. It clearly reflects the work of seasoned scholars and will be an excellent introduction to philosophy.” -- Paul Copan, Pledger Family Chair and Professor of Philosophy and Ethics, Palm Beach Atlantic University HB 9781481309417 £52.99 August 2018 Baylor University Press 328 pages
Sibbern’s Remarks and Investigations Primarily Concerning Hegel’s Philosophy Edited by Jon Stewart One of Denmark’s greatest philosophers during its greatest philosophical period, Frederik Christian Sibbern was a major figure on the landscape of the Danish Golden Age. Profoundly influenced by German philosophy, he was personally acquainted with figures such as Fichte, Schleiermacher, Goethe and Schelling. Sibbern had long been interested in the philosophy of G.W.F. Hegel but had never written any extended analysis of it. When Johan Ludvig Heiberg unveiled his new philosophical journal Perseus in 1837, as a part of his Hegelian campaign, he provided Sibbern with the occasion that he had been waiting for. In a series of eight installments in the journal, Maanedsskrift for Litteratur, Sibbern published an extensive critical account of Hegel’s philosophy under the guise of a review of the first volume of Heiberg’s Perseus. In the fall of 1838 he collected the first four installments of this review and published them as an independent monograph entitled Remarks and Investigations Primarily Concerning Hegel’s Philosophy. This work represents arguably the most exhaustive, detailed and profound analysis of Hegel’s philosophy ever to appear in the Danish language, anticipating many aspects of Kierkegaard’s famous criticism.
About the Author: Jon Stewart is the editor of the series, Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, Texts from Golden Age Denmark and Danish Golden Age Studies. He is the coeditor of the Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook and Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series. He currently holds a research position at the Slovak Academy of Sciences. HB 9788763545983 £53.99 April 2018 Museum Tusculanum Press 451 pages
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Christian History A Call to Mission - A History of the Jesuits in China 1842-1954 Volume 1: The French Romance David Strong China was bulked large in the imagination of the Catholic Church for 500 years. It has been central to the missionary dream of the Jesuits for almost as long. However, only with this book’s appearance has the detailed focus of attention shifted to the substantial and neglected period of catholic and Jesuit engagement with China – the almost 120 years from the second arrival of the Jesuits. Matteo Ricci the polymath, Ferdinand Verbeist and Adam Schall von Bell the astronomers and the exquisite painter who influenced Chinese painting beyond measure, Giuseppe Castiglione, have been written about, made films of and been the heart and soul of the first stage of Jesuit impact in China – in the 17th and 18th Centuries. They brought Western learning and art to China and took Chinese language and literature to Europe. The Jesuits were the first multinational to be welcomed in China and they came with a specific method of engagement – to make friends build relationships and share their gifts before anything else was transacted, including conversations about Christianity. It remains an unsurpassed method of engagement with a rich and ancient people. But the second arrival – from 1840’s – was very different. It was made possible by the arrival of European governments and traders, many of whom came not just for financial gain but to spread their superior religion. This work by David Strong in two volumes is the first major treatment of the period from the arrival of the European and eventually American Jesuit missionaries under the protection of the so called Unequal Treaties through to their expulsion after the Communist victory in the long running civil war in 1949. Volume 1: The French Romance – traces the people, projects, expansion and impact of those who provided the predominant Jesuit presence. At the height of its engagement with China, the French Government has 19 Consulates and attendant military and navy through China. The French Jesuits were afforded access and protection by their government and activated missions in northern and central China – schools, seminars, universities, parishes, retreat houses, publications – and attracted Chinese nationals to join their number. PB 9781925643565 £35.99 April 2018 ATF Press 501 pages b/w illus
A Call to Mission - A History of the Jesuits in China 1842-1954 Volume 2: The Wider European and American Adventure David Strong China was bulked large in the imagination of the Catholic Church for 500 years. It has been central to the missionary dream of the Jesuits for almost as long. However, only with this book’s appearance has the detailed focus of attention shifted to the substantial and neglected period of catholic and Jesuit engagement with China – the almost 120 years from the second arrival of the Jesuits. Matteo Ricci the polymath, Ferdinand Verbeist and Adam Schall von Bell the astronomers and the exquisite painter who influenced Chinese painting beyond measure, Giuseppe Castiglione, have been written about, made films of and been the heart and soul of the first stage of Jesuit impact in China – in the 17th and 18th Centuries. They brought Western learning and art to China and took Chinese language and literature to Europe. The Jesuits were the first multinational to be welcomed in China and they came with a specific method of engagement – to make friends build relationships and share their gifts before anything else was transacted, including conversations about Christianity. It remains an unsurpassed method of engagement with a rich and ancient people. But the second arrival – from 1840’s – was very different. It was made possible by the arrival of European governments and traders, many of whom came not just for financial gain but to spread their superior religion. This work by David Strong in two volumes is the first major treatment of the period from the arrival of the European and eventually American Jesuit missionaries under the protection of the so called Unequal Treaties through to their expulsion after the Communist victory in the long running civil war in 1949. PB 9781925643602 £34.99 April 2018 ATF Press 388 pages b/w illus
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Baptists Through the Centuries A History of a Global People David W Bebbington Baptists through the Centuries provides a clear introduction to the history and theology of this influential and international people. David Bebbington, a leading Baptist historian, surveys the main developments in Baptist life and thought from the seventeenth century to the present.The Baptist movement took root and grew well beyond its British and American origins. Bebbington persuasively demonstrates how Baptists continually adapted to the cultures and societies in which they lived, generating ever more diversity within an already multifaceted group. Bebbington's survey also examines the challenging social, political, and intellectual issues in Baptist history -- attitudes on race, women's roles in the church, religious liberty, missions, and theological commitments.The second edition of this proven textbook extends the scope with chapters on three parts of the world where Baptists have become particularly numerous: Latin America (where Brazilian Baptists number over 2 million), Nigeria (where Baptists are at their strongest outside North America, numbering roughly 5 million), and the Naga Hills in India (where Baptists form over 80 percent of the population). Each chapter also highlights regional issues that have presented new challenges and opportunities to Baptists: holistic mission in Latin America, the experience of charismatic renewal and the encounter with Islam in Nigeria, and the demands of peacemaking in the Naga Hills.Through this new edition, Bebbington orients readers and expands their knowledge of the Baptist community as it continues to flourish around the world.
About the Author: David W. Bebbington is Professor of History at the University of Stirling. He lives in Scotland. HB 9781481309486 £60.99 August 2018 Baylor University Press 384 pages
Fighting the Antichrist A Cultural History of Anti-Catholicism in Tudor England Leticia Alvarez-Recio Fighting the Antichrist analyzes the discourse against Catholicism from the breach from Rome in 1534 until the death of Elizabeth I in 1603. Cultural representations of Catholicism were decisive in creating and moulding the perceptions that many Englishmen had of the new Anglican Church and its alleged enemies. Such perceptions were essential not only in promoting policies against English Catholics, but in shaping English national identity. Anti-Catholic propaganda elaborated a stereotype of the Catholic that converged with other negative cultural types common in the period, such as that of the lazy, lecherous monk, the cruel Spaniard, the seductive and deceitful Jesuit and the Machiavellian schemer (the last three enjoying special popularity in the second half of the Elizabethan period). These stereotypes allowed anti-Catholics to send a clear message to their Protestant countrymen: that Catholicism was a devilish, corrupt foreign power that could undermine the most basic pillars of English society – their Church and State. Dr Álvarez-Recio explores a wide number of texts of different genres in order to determine their contribution to the aforementioned cultural image of the Roman Catholic Church in England. Special attention is paid to political and doctrinal plays and pamphlets, given their appeal to different social groups and their role in creating a new public opinion. Other kinds of material that are also considered include chronicles and private letters, fragments of royal proclamations, and descriptions of royal entries and coronations. All these texts offer a wide spectrum of responses to the Catholic question and assist in understanding the role of anti-Catholic discourse in royal iconography. Originally published in Spanish by Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, the volume provides an inter-disciplinary approach, addressing issues such as the formation of public opinion, the influence of imperial discourse, and the overriding role of religion in nationalist issues.
About the Author: Leticia Álvarez-Recio is a Junior Lecturer in English Literature at the University of Seville (Spain). PB 9781845199548 £29.95 July 2018 Sussex Academic Press 240 pages colour plates
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Religion in Romantic England An Anthology of Primary Sources Edited by Jeffrey W Barbeau Religion in Romantic England explores the ways that the literature of English Christianity shaped the social, cultural, political, and religious life of the nation in texts published between 1760 and 1832. From the accession of George III and the expansion of Methodism in the late eighteenth century to the Reform Bill and the beginning of the Oxford Movement of the early nineteenth, this anthology reveals how theological ideas and ecclesial movements influenced one of the most widely studied periods in English literature and history. These tumultuous decades brought religious revival in evangelical preaching and spirituality, controversial responses to the French Revolution, the abolition of the slave trade, the struggle over Roman Catholic emancipation, the proliferation of missionary societies, and intellectual battles over the nature of God, the Bible, faith, church authority, and religious pluralism. Religious writers in the Romantic period range from poets and preachers to pamphleteers and theologians. In ten thematic chapters tracing pivotal developments in belief and practice, the book guides readers in understanding the major historical and theological issues that contributed to the literary, educational, and political movements of the era. These judicious selections, drawn from a diverse body of luminaries -including William Carey, Edmund Burke, Mary Wollstonecraft, Joseph Priestley, Hannah More, Percy Shelley, and William Wilberforce, among many others -- introduce newcomers and established readers alike to the ideas, controversies, and hopes that continue to affect our common life to this day. HB 9781481307222 £60.99 March 2018 Baylor University Press 507 pages 3
The Fountain of Public Prosperity Evangelical Christians in Australian History 1740-1914 Robert D Linder, Stuart Piggin The official religion brought to Australia with the First Fleet was Evangelical Christianity, the ‘vital religion’ then shaping public policy through William Wilberforce and his fellow evangelicals. That it has shaped Australian history ever since, making a substantial contribution to the public prosperity of the nation, is an untold story. Christian values and identity were the main components of Australian values and identity. Evangelical ‘moralising’ may be understood as a concern to address the ‘hard’ cultures associated with convicts, the liquor industry, and male misogyny. The movement provided opportunities for women to work in reform, charitable, evangelistic and missionary organisations, thus laying strong foundations for feminism. In their concern for ‘Christlike citizenship’, evangelicals cared for the nation’s children in Sunday schools and its youth in societies for young people such as the YMCA, YWCA, and Christian Endeavour. The major component of the humanitarian movement, evangelicals ensured that the convict settlement of Australia was more humane than is generally recognised. They did most of the alltoo-little that was done to protect the Indigenous population and to educate settlers, keeping alive in the latter a conscience over maltreatment of the former. In a profusion of charities, evangelicals in the nineteenth century, as today, provided most of the welfare for the population’s disadvantaged. The book presents propositions which require a radical revision of received understandings, an appreciation of unmined riches in the Australian experience, and reconnection with an often buried past. Drawing on these untapped resources is the safest route to reimagining a future for Australia. HB 9781925523461 £38.99 June 2018 Monash University Publishing 640 pages
The Last Christian Village in Palestine Kassam Maadi, Falk van Gaver In the West we have all but forgotten the Christians in the Middle East. This tender elegy paints the land of Jesus in new light. Taybeh's deep-rooted faith illuminates these stories of saints, olive trees, and the echos of war. PB 9780824523619 £17.99 September 2018 Crossroad Publishing Co. 192 pages
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Christian Issues Beyond the Altar Women Religious, Patriarchal Power, and the Church Christine Gervais Beyond the Altar illustrates how women religious overcome sexist subjugation by side-stepping the patriarchal power of the Roman Catholic Church. This book counters the stereotypical image of Catholic nuns as being loyally compliant with their church by demonstrating how a number of current and former women religious in Canada challenged their institutional religion’s precepts and engaged in transformative strategies to effect change both within and outside the Roman Catholic Church. The sisters’ testimonials reveal never-before-shared details about their painful experiences of male domination, their courageous efforts to move beyond such sexist stifling, and the women-led and women-centred spiritual, governance, and activist practices they have engendered in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Featuring the sisters’ resourcefulness, resilience, and resistance, this book fills a void in international scholarship on what Canadian Catholic women religious have both endured and accomplished. Through interviews and in-depth accounts of the complexities and nuances present in the current and former sisters’ lives, readers will discover their indomitability as they strategically, and sometimes subversively, innovate their spiritual spaces.
About the Author: Christine Gervais is an associate professor in the Faculty of Social Sciences (Criminology) at the University of Ottawa. Her teaching and research areas include children's and women's rights in Latin America, social justice, and gender discrimination in religious institutions. She has published in Signs, Canadian Woman Studies, the Journal of International Women's Studies, Sociology of Religion, Religions, and the Review of Religious Research. PB 9781771122948 £25.99 March 2018 Wilfrid Laurier University 275 pages
Bestselling Titles How to Run the Way Boxset Introducing Orthodox Christianity -- A Multimedia Resource Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies 4 DVDs & 1 Audio CD. The CD contains everything necessary to present 'The Way' (the name first given to the Christian faith) to a twenty-first century audience. Prepared by the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies, Cambridge under episcopal guidance, this is the most ancient version of Christian belief in its most challenging modern guise. All of the twelve talks that introduce central aspects of Christian faith are included together with their accompanying visual aids and an attractive student handout that summarises each address. For those who would prefer not to deliver the talks themselves, the four accompanying DVDs present the original speakers. Supporting material offers a wealth of instruction on the basic principles behind the course and how best to run it: advice on publicity, preparation and finance, on how to set up a venue and ensure a weekly support-structure: on group discussions and how to lead them, on how to run the question-and-answer sessions, on how to cater for the initial meal that opens each session and how to organise a final celebration. 'The Way' has been presented with success to audiences in the United Kingdom, North America, Australia and the Far East, and is in process of being translated for use in Romania, Eastern Europe and the Middle East. It sets out the ancient faith for a new generation, in a mode that is as suitable for parish or cathedral use as for the individual enquirer. MM 9781872897103 £30.00 October 2010 Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies
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Life & Teaching of Saint Seraphim of Sarov (Christian Ascetics en Saints of Russia Series) N Puretzki, Monastery of Sarov Saint Seraphim is one of the most venerated saints of Russia, and has greatly influenced the spiritual life, not only of the entire Russian clergy, but also of the thousands of laymen who were drawn to Christian mysticism. Staretz Seraphim has formulated in his teaching in simple words the purpose and the ways of Christian ascetic life, in order to make them understandable to all those seeking God. The cover image is a photo of his miracle-working icon in the Russian Orthodox Church in the name of Saint Mary of Magdala in The Hague. This icon was presented to the church by the last Russian Tzar, Nicolas II, a martyr and a saint; the reason being that the church was originally the domestic chapel of Queen Anna Paulowna, who was a member of the Royal Romanov House, and the wife of King Willem II of the Netherlands. This icon has another particular characteristic: it is not a strictly formal representation of a saint, but one of the two portraits of Saint Seraphim -- Saint Paissios PB 9789081276528 £7.00 January 2008 Gozalov Books 76 pages 4 illus
Philosophical Commentary on These Words of the Gospel, Luke 14.23, "Compel Them to Come In, That My House May Be Full" (Natural Law & Enlightenment Classics Series) Pierre Bayle. Edited by John Kilcullen The popular mind often associates scepticism with irreligion, and critical distance with unbelief. In this view, reason and faith, or scientific method and religious dogma, are not only different but indeed antagonistic means of viewing the world, understanding human existence, and conducting one's life. Pierre Bayle's scepticism was of a singularly distinct sort. He argued not that religion is untrue, but that the discourses proper to theology and the discourses proper to philosophy are incapable of any meaningful exchange. Bayle sought to advance a secular morality that would be independent of both speculative theism and religious revelation. Bayle blazed a philosophical path that Denis Diderot, David Hume, and other Enlightenment thinkers would follow. The continuing significance of this work is its vigorous defence of complete religious toleration. It is in itself a primary historical source of our modern tradition of religious tolerance.
About the Author: Pierre Bayle (1647-1706), Protestant philosopher and critic, was born in France. In 1675 he became professor of philosophy at Sedan until forced into exile in Rotterdam in 1681, where he published works on religion with a liberal and tolerant tendency. He was dismissed from his position at the Huguenot refugees academy in 1693 following the accusation that he was an agent of France and an enemy of Protestantism. In 1696 he completed his major work, the Dictionnaire historique et critique. PB 9780865974951 £10.95 December 2005 Liberty Fund Inc. 639 pages
Reiki Healing Touch And the Way of Jesus Katherine Gould Epperly, Bruce Epperly One of the first books to offer a broadened understanding of the spiritual depth of Reiki healing touch by examining it in the light of one of the world's enduring religions! Explore the origins of Reiki and the Hebraic roots of Jesus' own healing ministry, and discover the use of Reiki in church, hospital, and hospice settings, as well as in the context of the treatment of cancer, chronic and terminal illness, and death and bereavement. Bruce and Katherine Gould Epperly also provide healing rituals and spiritual practices that will help practitioners consciously integrate the inner and outer healing journey. PB 9781896836751 £15.99 January 2005 Northstone Publishing 160 pages
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Lectionary Story Bible- Year B Year B (Lectionary Story Bible Series) Ralph Milton, Margaret Kyle In this second volume of the Lectionary Story Bible series, author Ralph Milton once again brings his enormous talent as storyteller to the task of retelling biblical stories. Based on the bestselling Family Story Bible, the Lectionary Story Bible Year B includes many new and wonderfully engaging stories from both the Hebrew and New Testament scriptures. At least one, but usually two stories from the lections are included for each Sunday of the church year making Lectionary Story Bible Year B a complete lectionary resource for Christian educators, camp leaders, worship leaders, and families who want to share their faith at home. The book also includes a scripture index of the stories included in the collection, for non-lectionary settings and uses. Adept at handling even difficult material, Ralph Milton writes stories that are positive and life-affirming, use inclusive language, and portray a God of love to children and adults alike. Margaret Kyle has created many new illustrations brimming with the energy, curiosity, and joy that so characterizes her work. Lectionary Story Bible Year B is the second in a three-volume series that will cover all three years of the Revised Common Lectionary. The complete set will be the largest collection of Bible stories for children ever published, and an indispensable resource for anyone who wants to share faith stories with children and make the Bible relevant to young people today HB 9781551455648 £23.99 May 2008 Wood Lake Books 240 pages colour illus
Principles of Moral & Christian Philosophy, in 2 Volumes (Natural Law & Enlightenment Classics Series) George Turnbull. Edited by Alexander Broadie This two-volume treatise is important for its wide range of insights about the nature of the human mind, the foundations of morals, and the relationship between morality and religion. PB 9780865974579 £23.95 March 2005 Liberty Fund Inc. ca1000 pages illus
On Temporal & Spiritual Authority Robert Bellarmine. Edited by Stefania Tutino Robert Bellarmine was one of the most original and influential political theorists of his time. He participated in several of the political debates that agitated early modern Europe, such as the controversy over the Oath of Allegiance in England. Bellarmine presents one of the clearest and most coherent definitions of the nature and aim of temporal authority and its relationship to spiritual authority. The king has jurisdiction over the body, the pope over the conscience. This distinction was crucial for the history of early modern monarchies: the conflict between state and church ceased to be concerned with physical persons and become a contest for the consciences of subjects. The political thought of Bellarmine was at the center of postReformation debates on the relationship between state and church; on the nature, aim, and limits of temporal government; and on the relation between religion and natural law. He posed in a novel, controversial manner the relationship between public and private spheres, thus opening up questions central to what we consider 'modernity'. This accessible edition of some of Ballarmine's most important works in fresh translations will be interesting for a wide readership of both scholars of political thought and the educated general public. PB 9780865977174 £10.95 May 2012 Liberty Fund Inc.
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The Phoenix The Story of a Love That Endured the Winds of World War II Peter M Kalellis On the enchanting Greek island of Lesbos, currently suffering a brutal Nazi occupation, olive heiress Nina Cambas is torn between her religious calling to the convent and her love for Danny, a brave American serviceman whose missions occasionally take him to concentration camps. Can their love endure the war and Nina's sense of duty? This gripping, spiritually informed love story, set amidst the turbulence and tragedy of World War II and the Holocaust, will appeal to fans of historical romances and military history alike. PB 9780824599157 £17.99 October 2017 Crossroad Publishing Co. 368 pages
Joan of Arc A Spiritual Biography Siobhan Nash-Marshall Written in a straight-forward, concise, and at times humorous manner, Nash-Marshall's Joan of Arc acquaints the reader with a historical character who became a legend during her lifetime legend. Joan is presented to us as a brave young girl who received a mission and who courageously used all of her faculties and gifts to accomplish it. Nash Marshall's approach is refreshingly honest. The narrative is centered on Joan, her mission, her work to fulfill it, her betrayal. The author gives us the facts and allows us readers to draw our own conclusions. Lovers of history will find the author's thesis on the connection between the resurgence of France, the betrayal of Joan, and the fall of Byzantium very interesting. PB 9780824599058 £17.99 August 2012 Crossroad Publishing Co. 192 pages
The Varieties of Vernacular Mysticism 1350-1550 (The Presence of God Series) Bernard McGinn Over 25 years in the making, this magisterial volume uncovers the riches of one of the greatest periods of mystical wisdom in Christian history: the "vernacular" spirituality of the late medieval period in Europe. The compilation incorporates over a century of new research from around the globe, demonstrating how this period gave rise to many mystical writers who remain influential even today, including Julian of Norwich, Eckhart's follower Jan van Ruusbroec, and the inspirational doctor of the church and visionary, Catherine of Siena. With unmatched knowledge of the primary works and scholarship around the globe, this study illustrates the unique genius of each mystical teacher as well as how they build on one another's insights to pursue a life in God's presence. Specific types of mysticism covered include Trinitarian, late medieval Italian, renaissance, and the golden age of English mysticism.
About the Author: Bernard McGinn is one is of the greatest living authorities on Catholic historical theology. The Naomi Shenstone Donnelly Professor (Emeritus) of historical theology and history of Christianity at the University of Chicago, McGinn holds a Ph.D. from Brandeis University and an S.T.L. from the Pontifical Gregorian University. McGinn has lectured on and written extensively about the history of apocalyptic thought and recently has focused his attention on the fields of spirituality and mysticism. His current long-range project is a sevenvolume history of Christian mysticism in the West called The Presence of God. PB 9780824543921 £43.99 November 2016 Crossroad Publishing Co. 864 pages
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