Gazelle music 2017

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THE STARS & THE BANDS BROOK BENTON There Goes That Song Again Herwig Gradischnig, Hans Maitner Brook Benton was a magnificent singer who could handle anything from blues, jazz and soul to country, pop and standards. His version of Tony Joe White's 'Rainy Night in Georgia' -- an international smash in 1970 -- remains a timeless classic. The biography by Herwig Gradischnig is based on an album of newspaper cuttings personally compiled by Benton. These contain his views on a wide variety of topics, as well as reviews of his work. Personal interviews conducted in the USA with members of Brook's family have also been included. A significant portion of the text is dedicated to detailed discussion of his recordings and analysis of his distinctive vocal style. The exhaustive discography compiled by Hans Maitner identifies over 660 known recordings by Brook Benton. In this, it far surpasses all others published to date, which generally account for only around 300. The book also contains many rare photographs made available to the authors by the late singer's family. The entire work was authorised by Brook's widow, Mary, and daughter Vanessa, both of whom were keen to see it published.

REVIEWS: “This is an impressively researched and constructed book which will afford endless pleasure to those who admire this artist. It will almost certainly send you, as it did me, to examine your collection of Benton's records, to play some Brook Benton music not heard for a long time and to check what you have and have not got from his discography. Searching the internet proved rather frustrating - those post 1962 Mercury albums are elusive, his Cotillion recordings are not all available and bits and pieces of his later work are poorly represented. And it turns out, I think I have a remake, not the original of A RAINY NIGHT IN GEORGIA! It would be nice to think that this book will lead to an upsurge of interest in a singer who now seems sadly neglected. Whether or not it does, his fans will no doubt be delighted with this impressive and fact-filled volume, packed with photos, memorabilia and easy to follow information. Well recommended.” - In Tune International, July 2015 PB 9780956267986 £23.99 May 2015 Music Mentor Books 434 pages 235x155mm 240 photos

DANCING BAREFOOT The Patti Smith Story Dave Thompson Dancing Barefoot is the full and true story of Patti Smith, widely acknowledged as one of the most significant American artists of the rock 'n' roll era, a performer whose audience and appeal reach far beyond the parameters of rock. An acclaimed poet, a respected artist, and a figurehead for many liberal political causes, Patti Smith soared from an ugly-duckling childhood in postwar New Jersey to become queen of the New York arts scene in the 1970s. This book traces the brilliant trajectory of her career, including the fifteen reclusive years she spent in Detroit in the 1980s and '90s, as well as her triumphant return to New York. But it is primarily the story of a performer growing up in New York City in the early and mid-1970s. Dancing Barefoot is a measured, accurate, and enthusiastic account of Smith's career. Guided by interviews with those who have known her--including Ivan Kral, Tom Verlaine, Richard Lloyd, John Cale, and Jim Carroll-it relies most of all on Patti's own words. This is Patti's story, told as she might have seen it, had she been on the outside looking in.

REVIEWS: "Dave Thompson knows how to tell a gripping, carefully researched story. This one is about a young woman from the swamps of New Jersey who became an artist's muse, then a rock star, then a wife and mother, then an award-winning author, and--most importantly--one of the major American poetic champions of her generation." -- Stephen Davis , author of Hammer of the Gods and Walk This Way PB 9781613735510 £16.50 April 2016 Chicago Review Press 330 pages 228x152mm

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DAVID BOWIE A Star Fell to Earth Wim Hendrikse This book takes you deep into David Bowie's world. An honest and fascinating portrait of a very complex personality. In the seventies Bowie was the King of Glitter Rock, the trendsetter. He is a songwriter, singer, actor, performer and artist. He is regarded as one of the most influential pop musicians ever. Bowie is best known for his bizarre and decadent unisexual and bisexual behaviour. His life and career tell a story of drugs, sex, very high peaks and deep lows and the exploitation of his androgynous looks. The result of almost forty years of research. The most complete and best balanced book about David Bowie that has ever been written.

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Wim Hendrikse (1958) lives and works in Axel, Southern Netherlands (e-mail: He has published six books since 2005 and worked on five collections of short stories. In 2008 he published the bestseller "David Bowie: A star who fell to earth." Projects are often mixed up and the versatile writer currently working on the biography of a missionary and comic novel. The love of music is a recurring theme in his work. PB 9789461538710 £27.95 January 2016 Aspekt Uitgeverij BV 448 pages 238x168mm

DAVID BOWIE No Shit, Just Facts PART 1 Wim Hendrikse David Bowie conquered glam rock. His concert performances had a very huge cultural impact in the seventies. He is a spellbinding personality in rock music. All the facts about his career are now assembled in two parts. This book is the most complete and best researched book about multimedia performer and glam rock sex symbol David Bowie so far. Part 1 is a very detailed chronology/ biography/ collectors guide to 1989. Albums and singles discography. All the versions of songs Bowie has performed listed A to Z. Everything about the recordings, the concerts, groups that were formed, groups that split, his influences, collaborations with other artists, soundtracks, bootlegs. Name anything about Bowie's musical career and it's mentioned in the book. This book is the result of a lifetime's interest in David Bowie's work. It's a work of love. This book is a great ode to a man who deserves an own encyclopaedia. Jean-Paul Heck (Music Journalist for music magazine Aloha and newspaper De Telegraaf. Winner of the Jip Golstrijn prize 2004). PB 9789461538932 £27.95 January 2016 Aspekt Uitgeverij BV 440 pages 239x168mm

DAVID BOWIE No Shit, Just Facts PART 2 Wim Hendrikse David Bowie conquered glam rock. His concert performances had a very huge cultural impact in the seventies. He is a spellbinding personality in rock music. All the facts about his career are now assembled in two parts. Part 2 is a very detailed chronology/ biography/ collectors guide 1989-2004. Albums and singles discography. All the versions of songs Bowies has performed listed A to Z. Everything about the recordings, the concerts, groups that were formed, groups that split, his influences, collaborations with other artists, soundtracks, bootlegs. Name anything about Bowie's musical career and it's mentioned in the book. This book is the result of a lifetime's interest in David Bowie's work. It's a work of love. This book is a great ode to a man who deserves an own encyclopaedia. Jean-Paul Heck (Music Journalist for music magazine Aloha and newspaper De Telegraaf. Winner of the Jip Golstrijn prize 2004). PB 9789461538949 £27.95 January 2016 Aspekt Uitgeverij BV 603 pages 238x168mm

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DAVID BOWIE On Stage in Holland Bernard Rubsamen At the age of 11, in December 1975, I became interested in pop music. Aside from David Bowie’s music, I was tremendously fascinated by his strange hair and clothes. Santa Claus brought me my first single titles “Fame” and I played it again and again. When I saw the German film “Christine F”, in 1982, the soundtrack was filled with Bowie’s music. “Heroes” was my favorite song. From that time on Bowie’s was the only music playing on my record player. Ultimately I had some 30 LPs and 40 singles. In the summer of 1983, I went to Rotterdam to see the concert “The Serious Moonlight Tour”. That show left a big impression. Meanwhile, coinciding with my interest in Bowie, I also developed a profound interest in photography and started my internship in Amsterdam, aspiring to become a professional photographer. Over the years I frequently had the chance to photograph David Bowie at various locations and venues. On 7 December, 2015 I saw David Bowie at what we know now was his last public appearance; the Lazarus musical premiere in New York. In this book, which is a tribute to the singer who has inspired me over the years, there are pictures of the following tours: “The Glass Spider”, “Sound and Vision”, “Tin Machine”, “It’s my life”, “Outside”, Outside Summer Festivals, and finally the “Earthling Tour”. It spans a decade of concerts which took place from 1987-1997 in the Netherlands. These photos of David Bowie mark the beginning, and also the breakthrough, of my career as a professional photographer. I am delighted to share these photos with you and I hope you will enjoy them as much as I do. To have been able to attend his concerts and photograph him was a feast. He is no more and that’s very sad. But his music lives on forever! Bernard Rubsamen, 14 January 2016.

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Bernard Rübsamen (Amsterdam, 1964) comes from a family of photographers on his mother's side. Early on it became clear that he would go in that direction. From the age of thirteen he was busy making movies. In 1979 he chose the way of photography. Concurrent with his interest in photography was his interest in the music of David Bowie. In 1987 he photographed the press conference of David Bowie prior to The Glass Tour. Between 1987 and 1997 Bernard Rübsamen photographed the superstar during six concerts in the Netherlands. Nowadays, he photographs royals at home and abroad, but his fascination with David Bowie never disappeared. His book 'Davie Bowie on stage in Holland' is an anthology of the concerts in the eighties and nineties. PB 9789461539625 £15.95 April 2016 Aspekt Uitgeverij BV 72 pages 200x198mm

DAVID BOWIE Live 1958-1986 Wim Hendrikse During 50 years David Bowie played almost 1,900 concerts throughout the world. His earliest documented “concert” was at the 18th Bromley Wolf Club Boy Scouts Summer Camp in August, 1958. His final “performance” took place at the High Line Festival in 2007 in New York City introducing Ricky Gervais with a short song. The two-part catalogue “David Bowie Live 19581986” and “David Bowie Live 1987-2007” takes you to every of these concerts. The focus of this book is on David Bowie’s live recordings from 1958 up to 1987. Bowie-expert Wim Hendrikse wrote detailed descriptions of all of them, complete with set lists, official releases, bootlegs and thousands of other unauthorised recordings. This is an indispensable reference book for collectors. It also is a ‘must’ for those who are interested in the performer David Bowie. PB 9789463380836 £29.95 November 2016 Aspekt Uitgeverij BV 320 pages 240x170mm illus

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DAVID BOWIE Live 1987-2007 Wim Hendrikse During 50 years David Bowie played almost 1,900 concerts throughout the world. His earliest documented “concert” was at the 18th Bromley Wolf Club Boy Scouts Summer Camp in August, 1958. His final “performance” took place at the High Line Festival in 2007 in New York City introducing Ricky Gervais with a short song. The two-part catalogue ‘David Bowie Live 1958-1986’ and ‘David Bowie Live 1987-2007’ takes you to every of these concerts. The focus of this book is on David Bowie’s live recordings from 1987 up to 2008. Bowie expert Wim Hendrikse wrote detailed descriptions of all of them, complete with set lists, official releases, bootlegs and thousands of other unauthorised recordings. This is an indispensable reference book for collectors. It also is a ‘must’ for those who are interested in the performer David Bowie. PB 9789463380843 £29.95 November 2016 Aspekt Uitgeverij BV 394 pages 240x170mm illus

DIRTY BLVD The Life & Music of Lou Reed Aidan Levy Lou Reed made it his mission to rub people the wrong way, whether it was with the noisy rock he produced with the Velvet Underground in the late 1960s or his polarising work with Metallica that would prove to be his swan song. On a personal level, too, he seemed to take pleasure in insulting everyone who crossed his path. How did this Jewish boy from Long Island, an adolescent doo-wop singer, rise to the status of Godfather of Punk? And how did he maintain that status for decades? This is the first new biography of Reed since his death in 2013 and it digs deep to answer those questions. And along the way it shows us the tender side of his prickly personality. Born in Brooklyn, Reed was the son of an accountant and a former beauty queen, but he took the road less travelled, trading literary promise for an entry-level job as a budget-label songwriter and founding the Velvet Underground under the aegis of Andy Warhol. The cult of personality surrounding his transformation from downtown agent provocateur to Phantom of Rock and finally to patron saint of the avant-garde was legendary, but there was more to his artistic evolution than his abrasive public persona. The lives of many American rock stars have had no second act, but Reed's did. This book not only covers the highlights of Reed's career but also explores lesser-known facets of his work, such as his first recordings with doo-wop group the Jades, his key literary influences and the impact of Judaism upon his work, and his engagement with the LGBT movement. Drawing from new interviews with many of his artistic collaborators, friends, and romantic partners, as well as from archival material, concert footage, and unreleased bootlegs of live performances, author Aidan Levy paints an intimate portrait of the notoriously uncompromising rock poet who wrote "Heroin", "Sweet Jane", "Walk on the Wild Side" and "Street Hassle" -- songs that transcended their genre and established Lou Reed as one of the most influential and enigmatic American artists of the past half-century.

REVIEWS: "Reading Aidan Levy's Dirty Blvd. is like rolling down lower Broadway after a tickertape parade, a nocturne for Lou Reed piled high with twinkling treasures, dark skeins of insight, and drifts of American excess. It's a night of a thousand eyes, a book of deep focus, peering with the rapt intent of a biography and the empathy of a memoir. Born of Jewish parents who hoped to assimilate, Lou was a man who could not. From shock treatment he lunged into shock-rock, singing and living like a rat poet caught in a trap. Levy finds it all on this boulevard, searching for Lou's art with his own heart where it clearly still lives and breathes. And if, as Lou's life-mate said with his parting, we die a final death the last time someone utters our name, then Levy has done his part to keep that name forever on our lips. A startling, beautiful and defiant literary debut. Rock this book!" —Stephen Molton, author, screenwriter, producer and professor. His books include the novel, Brave Talk , and Brothers in Arms: The Kennedys, the Castros, and the Politics of Murder , co-written with Gus Russo. PB 9781613737361 £18.50 October 2016 Chicago Review Press 448 pages 230x155mm HB 9781613731062 £27.99 October 2015 Chicago Review Press 448 pages 228x152mm

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FLEETWOOD MAC ON FLEETWOOD MAC Interviews and Encounters Sean Egan Fleetwood Mac was a triumph from the beginning - their first album was the UK's bestselling album of 1968. After some low points when founder Peter Green left, some fans felt that the band continuing was sacrilege. Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks joined, and their 1977 album, Rumours , became one of history's immortals, a true classic that remained on the charts for years and in the public's affection forever. In the press, the ethereal Californian Stevie Nicks, the tormented rocker Lindsey Buckingham, the dignified English rose Christine McVie, the bluntspeaking John McVie, and the loquacious Mick Fleetwood have all regularly been astoundingly candid. This collection of interviews across the entirety of Fleetwood Mac's career features articles from such celebrated publications as Crawdaddy, New Musical Express, Circus, Creem, Mojo, Goldmine, Classic Rock, Blender, and Elle, as well as interviews that have never previously appeared in print. Here is the only place you can learn the Fleetwood Mac story from the band members' own mouths.

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Sean Egan is author or editor of eighteen books including books on The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, 'Coronation Street', Leonardo DiCaprio, Tarzan and Manchester United Football Club. Written extensively for rock magazines, from Classic Rock to Vox, and CD sleevenotes for Mercury, Sanctuary, Factory and more. HB 9781613732342 ÂŁ27.99 July 2016 Chicago Review Press 448 pages 228x152x30mm

HENDRIX ON HENDRIX Interviews and Encounters with Jimi Hendrix Steven Roby Hendrix on Hendrix includes the most important interviews from the peak of Jimi Hendrix's career, 1966 to 1970, carefully selected by one of the world's leading Jimi Hendrix historians. In this book Hendrix recalls for reporters his heartbreaking childhood and his grueling nights on the Chitlin' Circuit. He jokes with the judge and the jury on the witness stand, telling them that the incense in his bag was for hiding bad kitchen odors. He explains to an American TV audience that his concept of "Electric Church Music" is intended to wash their souls and give them a new direction. And in his final interview, just days before his death, he discloses that he wants to be remembered as not just another guitar player. In addition to interviews from major mainstream publications, Hendrix on Hendrix includes new transcriptions from European papers, the AfricanAmerican press, and counterculture newspapers; radio and television interviews; and previously unpublished court transcriptsincluding one of the drug bust that nearly sent him to prison. Though many respected books have been written about Hendrix, none have completely focused on his own words. This book is as close to a Hendrix autobiography as we will ever see.

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Steven Roby is a respected Jimi Hendrix historian, archivist, and author. He has written feature articles and reviews for Goldmine and Guitar World and was editor of Straight Ahead: The International Jimi Hendrix Fanzine and the Hendrix family's authorized fanzine, Experience Hendrix. His previous books include Becoming Jimi Hendrix and Black Gold: The Lost Archives of Jimi Hendrix. He lives in Oakland, California. PB 9781613735213 ÂŁ17.50 November 2016 Chicago Review Press 384 pages 228x152mm

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JEFF ST JOHN STORY The Inside Outsider Jeffrey St John It's been a long and at times difficult journey for the man born Jeffrey Leo Newton. His seemingly normal world was turned on its head when at an early age he was diagnosed with Spina Bifida many challenging and at times life threatening illnesses and long periods of hospitalisation followed. Despite this, his extra-ordinary singing talent soon surfaced. A child prodigy, his made his first professional appearance aged 5 singing at his Aunty Betty and Uncle Thomas' wedding. As a teenager, he did what many of us dream about and ran away from home, until a friendly policeman put him back on the straight and narrow. By age 15, he had secured a guest spot on Channel Nine's TV teen talent showcase, Opportunity Knocks, hosted by Desmond Tester, he appeared regularly on the show between 1961 and 1963. From an early age, he refused to see Spina Bifida as a disability or use it as an excuse to prevent him achieving his goals. Many things were beyond his control and with his mobility deteriorating in early 1965; he had no option but to exchange his leg calipers for crutches. This setback did little to deter him and he soon joined his first band. On record, Jeff St John is best remembered for scorching, brass-laden smash singles like "Big Time Operator" and "Teach Me How To Fly". At the peak of his popularity, Jeff underwent a series of complicated operations that resulted in loss of mobility and him becoming wheelchair-bound. Undeterred, Jeff soon returned to live performance and transformed what many saw as a 'liability' into his own trademark, executing 'wheelies' and 'pirouettes' across the stage as he sang. But beneath his successful public persona was a struggling soul striving to find love and overcome personal demons. Finally, unable to cope with the roller coaster of one broken relationship after another, he succumbed to self-doubt and attempted the ultimate act of self-criticism -- suicide. His is a story of inspiration, passion, rock 'n roll, hit singles, fame, drugs, séances, broken marriages, self doubt, attempted suicide, triumph and finally true love... HB 9780992275815 £46.50 October 2016 Starman Books 266 pages 320x240mm

JOHN MAYALL The Blues Crusader Dinu Logoz John Mayall is an icon in the world of blues music and the Godfather of British blues. A pioneering musician, blues promoter and talent scout for over 50 years, his uncanny knack of picking young, talented musicians and then nurturing them in his bands is the stuff of legend. Under his guidance as leader and sometimes father figure, his groups developed into a blues school of learning par excellence. Many young members became huge stars later on, among them brilliant musicians such as Eric Clapton, Peter Green, Jack Bruce, Mick Fleetwood, John McVie, Mick Taylor and drummer Jon Hiseman. In Mayall's bands, an incredible 130 musicians have done their apprenticeship and earned their spurs. Top bands like Cream, Fleetwood Mac or Colosseum would never have existed without his inspiration and guidance. Now 80 and showing no signs of slowing down, John Mayall has an amazing back catalogue totalling some 86 albums, and has played over 5000 live concerts all over the world. He is still rated as one of the most influential and respected figures in the international blues and rock scene. This is the first detailed biography of Mayall, illuminating not only his life and career, but also providing deeper, more detailed insights into the development of his many fellow musicians. It follows the young Mayall from the early days of jamming in his tree house as a teenager to the vast tours he undertakes today. Even die-hard blues fans will find a lot of undiscovered anecdotes and stories here, as the book covers all phases of the Mayall's career and not just the 60s.

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Dinu Logoz is a Swiss blues musician with an encyclopaedic knowledge of this type of music. HB 9783283012281 £25.00 August 2015 Edition Olms AG 392 pages 230x150mm 100+ colour & b/w pictures

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LEMMY KILMISTER Life Beyond Motörhead Collateral Damage Alan Burridge Ian Fraser Kilmister (24 December 1945 – 28 December 2015) – known to the world as Lemmy – was more than just the driving force of Motörhead. Renowned for his skills as a raconteur and philosopher, he was first and foremost a musician and innovator whose love of music led to his involvement in numerous projects beyond the scope of the band he formed in 1975. Hawkwind and Motörhead fan Alan Burridge had the idea to produce a fanzine about Motörhead in the summer of 1979. A few months later he encountered Lemmy, Fast Eddie Clarke and Philthy Animal Taylor four times on the 'Bomber' tour and the resulting interviews and gig reviews formed the basis of the first 'Motörheadbangers' fanzine in January 1980. Three years later Lemmy asked Alan to integrate the fanzine with the 'Motörheadbangers' fan club which had until then been organised by Phil's sister Helen and their father John. Alan took this on and has run it to the present day, with over 100 'Motörheadbangers' fanzines to his credit. In addition, he has also written several other books about his beloved Motörhead. Wholly immersed in all things related to Motörhead, Alan began listing and hunting down all of Lemmy's extra-curricular activities. In 'Collateral Damage' he focuses the spotlight on the bands and projects in Lemmy's life, before and parallel to Motörhead, cataloguing his appearances on film, TV, album tracks, singles and downloads. Given Lemmy's sad passing on December 28th 2015 'Collateral Damage' is a true celebration of life beyond Motörhead. The book does contain a handwritten foreword by Lemmy Kilmister from Motörhead's last ever live appearance in Berlin, Germany, on December 11th 2015. PB 9783940822079 £19.90 April 2016 Iron Pages Books 192 pages 210x148mm 277 photos

MARY WELLS The Tumultuous Life of Motown's First Superstar Peter Benjaminson Years before Diana Ross, Mary Wells was the first Motown solo superstar, the internationally popular songstress who sang the megahit "My Guy." Her songs consistently and repeatedly reached huge audiences in America and England, both black and white. She captivated the Beatles, toured with them, and was briefly more popular than they were on the pop charts. But Wells left Motown at age 21 and spent the rest of her life trying to fight her way back to the top. She also had a series of tumultuous affairs and marital attachments with several well-known singers and songwriters. And near the end of her life, Wells fought a drawn-out and courageous battle with throat cancer, giving perhaps her gutsiest performance. Peter Benjaminson has spent years interviewing Wells's friends, lovers, and husbands, and obtained an amazingly detailed unreleased taped interview with Wells herself. In Mary Wells, he tells her whole story, complete with never-before revealed details about the sex, the violence, and the drugs in her life - and about her Motown hits that captivated the world.

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Peter Benjaminson is the author of Death in the Afternoon: America's Newspaper Giants Struggle for Survival, Secret Police: Inside the New York City Department of Investigation, and The Story of Motown, and is the coathor of Investigative Reporting. He is a former reporter for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and the Detroit Free Press. He lives in New York City. REVIEWS: "A fascinating biography. Relentless research has resulted in not only a riveting tale of Wells's many personal battles but also a gripping snapshot of the music industry in which she worked. Motown's first superstar is given top-of-the-charts treatment in this terrific book." -Gerald Posner, author of Motown , Why America Slept , and Case Closed PB 9781613734865 £16.50 April 2016 Chicago Review Press 320 pages 228x152mm

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MICHAEL BLOOMFIELD The Rise & Fall of an American Guitar Hero Ed Ward, Billy F. Gibbons The definitive biography of the legendary guitarist whom eminent figures like Muddy Waters and B B King held in high esteem, and who created the prototype for Clapton, Hendrix, Page, and everyone who followed. Bloomfield was one of the first popular music superstars of the 1960s to earn his reputation almost entirely on his instrumental prowess. He was a member of the Paul Butterfield Blues Band, which inspired a generation of white blues players; he played with Bob Dylan in the mid-1960s, when his guitar was a central component of Dylan's new rock sound on "Like a Rolling Stone" and at his earth-shaking 1965 Newport Folk Festival performance. He then founded the Electric Flag, recorded Super Session with Al Kooper, backed Janis Joplin, and released at least twenty other albums, despite debilitating substance abuse. He died of a mysterious drug overdose in 1981. A very limited edition of a book of this title was first published in 1983, but it has here been so thoroughly revised and expanded that it is essentially a brandnew publication. Based on extensive interviews with Bloomfield himself and with those who knew him best, and including an extensive discography and Bloomfield's memorable 1968 Rolling Stone interview, this is an intimate portrait of one of the pioneers of rock guitar. HB 9781613733288 £25.99 September 2016 Chicago Review Press 224 pages 230x155mm

MIDNIGHT OIL The Power & the Passion Michael Lawrence Midnight Oil are one of the most 'Australian' rock bands this country has produced. Born from the Australian pub rock scene that gave us AC/DC, Cold Chisel and INXS, the Oils were able to break out of that scene without compromising themselves in any way. Indeed, their breakthrough overseas record was the most Australian album they made. But it wasn't just the subject matter that made them fiercely Australian; it was their stubborn independence, and their refusal to play the rock'n'roll game and respect its rules and masters. But more than any of this is the adrenalin rush of an Oils show. Performances so intense that witnesses swore they had seen the greatest Oils gig ever! Such was the belief that something so powerful could surely not take place regularly. When they took this overseas, audiences could often not understand a word they were saying, but musically they recognised a common language: powerful, unadulterated live performances. There is no band whose live shows are spoken of with the same awe as the Oils. HB 9781922129949 £38.50 September 2016 Melbourne Books 356 pages 270x210mm

POOR LITTLE BITCH GIRL Unapologetic Memoirs from the Queen of Raunchy Rock 'n' Roll CJ Sleez CJ Sleez. The name evokes fantasies... with visions of the slender blonde writhing on stage to a driving rock beat punctuating songs she belts out with screaming intensity... "Poor Little Bitch Girl" is a raw, unapologetic recounting of pain, loss and hard times. Don't look for any sugarcoating or smoothing over of difficult moments. CJ's memoirs are as hard and rough as they come. CJ Sleez takes a no-holds-barred approach to life. She's a creative force of remarkable talent and a destructive force to be reckoned with. "Poor Little Bitch Girl" is a testament to an enduring free spirit. HB 9781897453865 £30.99 May 2015 Manor House Publishing Inc 146 pages 230x155mm

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PRAIRIE BOHEMIAN Frank Gay's Life in Music Trevor W. Harrison ‘Gay never recorded an album, never won a Juno. His music existed in the moment, appreciated by the few who were lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time. For the rest of us, those late-night jam sessions in a shack in an alley on the bad side of Edmonton never happened. We never got to hear him play the Cole Porter songs he loved with Carlos Montoya, never got to watch the ashes build dangerously on the end of his menthol cigarette. And when Frank Gay died, only the guitar players gently wept.’ -- Shelley Youngblut. Until his death in 1982, Edmonton luthier and guitarist Frank Gay built guitars for several famous musicians, including country stars Johnny Cash, Don Gibson, Webb Pierce, and Hank Snow. He captivated listeners with his singular talent on guitar and other instruments, and was well known within the music industry. Trevor Harrison's detective work uncovers the story of this private, charming, and bohemian man, doing a tremendous service to Canadian culture and music history. Harrison pieces together Frank Gay's life through interviews with people who knew him and saw him play. Very few recordings of him playing exist, and the sparse accounts of Gay's life and work raise more questions than they answer. Musicians and instrument makers, as well as those interested in Canadian music or Edmonton's colourful past, will be fascinated by this biography of western Canadian luthier, musician, and guitar virtuoso Frank Gay.

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Trevor W. Harrison is Chair of the Sociology Department, University of Lethbridge. His areas of specialization include Canadian society, political economy, and public policy. PB 9781772120479 £19.50 May 2015 University of Alberta Press 248 pages 228x152x12mm

RED ROBINSON The Last Deejay Robin Brunet Red Robinson details the life and career of Red Robinson, one of Canada’s most celebrated pioneers of rock and roll. Robinson began spinning hits while in high school in the early 1950s, laying the foundation for what would become a glamorous, impossible-to-stop and ultimately fulfilling career that has made him a household name west of the Rockies. Raised by a single mother, Robinson worked as a delivery boy to help support the family. From such humble beginnings, he developed a strong work ethic and unflappable moral core that enabled him to pursue a career that has endured. Here is the account of how Robinson pranked his way into his first radio job. Readers will be delighted by behind-the-scenes stories from close encounters with Vancouver’s visiting celebrities, like the time Robinson spent an hour with Elvis Presley in the BC Lions dressing room talking cars, women, movies and opera, or when Robinson nearly killed Roy Orbison and Bobby Goldsboro in a 1962 Grand Parisienne convertible while speeding to catch the Nanaimo ferry. Robinson’s vast career highlights are remarkable, from introducing The Beatles to the stage, ushering Randy Bachman to the status of superstardom, and as part of EXPO ’86, presenting The Legends of Rock’n’Roll featuring Ray Charles, Roy Orbison, Fats Domino, Jerry Lee Lewis and The Righteous Brothers. Red Robinson recalls the highs, hurdles and triumphs of a celebrated time in rock-and-roll history, presented by the man who dug into the guts, glory and glitz that only a champion of the frontlines of music really can.

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Robin Brunet has been a writer, editor and journalist for 32 years. He lives in Langley, British Columbia. HB 9781550177695 £28.99 October 2016 Harbour Publishing 196 pages 230x155mm 60 photos

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SAXON DRUGS & ROCK N' ROLL The Real Spinal Tap Graham Oliver, Steve Dawson, Spinal Tap's Derek Smalls Foreword by Spinal Tap's Derek Smalls (Harry Shearer). In 1983, rock superstars Saxon were at the height of their popularity. Hit album followed hit album. American actor Harry Shearer arranged to join the band for several days, researching material for his next film, which he was also co-writing. Lead guitarist Graham Oliver and bass player Steve Dawson regaled Harry with dozens of hilarious, but true stories of life in a rock and roll band. And Harry Shearer took one look at Dawson on stage and thought "That's it! Open tune the guitar so that you can raise a fist in the air while playing power chords". Harry played bass player Derek Smalls in the now classic film This is Spinal Tap. The character was heavily influenced by Steve Dawson, and numerous stories told by Dawson and Oliver found their way into the film. But hundreds of other stories, equally worthy of Tap, remained untold -- until now. Oliver and Dawson give the hilarious lowdown on Metallica, Motley Crue, Slade, Ozzy Osbourne, Motorhead and dozens more classic bands -- a low-down that only insiders can relate. Many of those talked about here make their own contributions to the book, making SAXON Drugs and Rock and Roll the most anticipated book on rock music in recent years. Illustrated with never before seen photos, SAXON Drugs and Rock and Roll will both shock and amaze. This is the funniest and most honest book on rock music you will ever read! PB 9780955767050 £25.00 April 2017 Tomahawk Press b/w photos

SPOONFED My Life with The Spoons Gord Deppe “With a string of smash hits -- Nova Heart, Tell No Lies, Old Emotions, Romantic Traffic -- the Spoons redefined the musical landscape and captured the hearts of fans everywhere. The Spoons toured extensively, playing sold-out shows with an array of fellow icons including Talking Heads, Police, Culture Club, Simple Minds and many more, during a decades-long journey-adventure that continues to this day. The Spoons gold album Arias & Symphonies was named one of the 20 Most Influential Albums of The ‘80s by The Chart Magazine and Nova Heart was named one of The Top 100 Canadian Singles. SpoonFed is the compelling life story of Spoons frontman Gord Deppe, whose creative vision defined one of the most influential, original bands of the ‘80s and beyond.” -- From the Foreword by Michael B Davie HB 9781897453513 £38.50 May 2015 Manor House Publishing Inc 240 pages 229x152mm

STILL SO EXCITED! My Life as a Pointer Sister Ruth Pointer, Marshall Terrill Still So Excited!: My Life as a Pointer Sister is an engaging, funny, heartbreaking, and poignant look at Ruth Pointer's roller-coaster life in and out of the Pointer Sisters. When overnight success came to the Pointer Sisters in 1973, they all thought it was the answer to their long-held prayers. While it may have served as an introduction to the good life, it also was an introduction to the high life of limos, champagne, white glove treatment, and mountains of cocaine that were the norm in the high-flying '70s and '80s. Pointer's devastating addictions took her to the brink of death in 1984. Pointer has bounced back to live a drug- and alcohol-free life for the past 30 years and she shares how in her first autobiography, detailing the Pointer Sisters' humble beginning, musical apprenticeship, stratospheric success, miraculous comeback, and the melodic sound that captured the hearts of millions of music fans. HB 9781629371450 £24.99 March 2016 Triumph Books 256 pages 228x152x30mm

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SUPER FREAK The Life of Rick James Peter Benjaminson Rick James played with Neil Young, self-produced his first album (later picked up by Motown), crossed rock and funk to come up with one of the best-selling albums of the 1980s, became one of the biggest pop stars of the era, turned a young white woman named Teena Marie into an R&B superstar, displayed an outrageously sex- and drug-filled lifestyle, was tried and found guilty of assaulting and imprisoning a young woman, went on to record new music that was compared to the Beatles' White Album , and ended his life as a punch line for Dave Chappelle. James attempted to tell his own storyin two different booksbut left out many incidents that reflected badly on his character. Now, based on court records, newspaper archives, and extensive interviews with dozens of family members, band members, friends, and lovers, here is the definitive biography of Motown's most controversial superstar. HB 9781613749579 £27.99 March 2017 Chicago Review Press 384 pages 228x152mm

THE SEEKERS The 50 Year Recorded History of Australia's First Supergroup Graham Simpson, Christopher Patrick This is the world's first ‘Enseeklopedia' - a treasure trove of stories, music analysis and rare memorabilia. Moreover, it is a long overdue salute to Australia's Fab Four and their enduring recording catalogue. In tracing contemporary Australian music, history will recall the four young Melbourne musicians who started the ball rolling internationally for every big name Australian artist who would follow in their footsteps. Folk and gospel group The Seekers - featuring the golden voice of Judith Durham, Athol Guy, Keith Potger and Bruce Woodley - set sail for the UK in 1964 on a working holiday, totally unaware of the global fame and fortune that lay ahead. Chart-topping hits, gold and platinum record awards, soldout tours and record-breaking crowds in the 60s, and again in the reunion years since 1993. In this publishing first, renowned Australian authors Christopher Patrick (ABBA: Let The Music Speak) and Graham Simpson (The Judith Durham Story – Colours Of My Life) have joined forces to produce the first-ever Seekers coffee table book – an in-depth and highly informative look at the recording history of Australia's first supergroup. Their forensic analysis of every song The Seekers recorded in the 50 years between 1963 and 2013 sits comfortably with peeks behind the scenes, never-before-revealed facts, fascinating trivia, and a kaleidoscope of photos and memorabilia … much of it never seen before. If you have a favourite Seekers musical memory, it's in this book. If you want to know who played what; or how they got that ‘sound'; or who Pierrot and Columbine were … this is the book for you. If you like the photography and artwork of the Sixties, then you'll love the images captured by some of the top pop photographers of the era, and the many obscure record covers from every corner of the globe. Why were there two different versions of several songs; how did a sad song called "Downhearted Blues" turn into the chart-topper "A World Of Our Own"?; and who sneezes at the end of the 1967 recording of "Myra"? It's in here.

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Graham has worked with The Seekers since 1993 over which time he has designed and authored souvenir programmes for all The Seekers tours, and sleeve notes for Seekers albums since 1995. The group’s CD box set Treasure Chest, featuring Graham’s interview with The Seekers, was certified gold. In 1994, Graham’s best-selling authorised biography The Judith Durham Story - Colours Of My Life - was published for the first time. It has been republished five times since. In 2008, Brisbane-based author Christopher Patrick published his first book, the critically acclaimed ABBA: Let The Music Speak. Four years in the making, it is a 400-page world-first, an armchair guide to the song writing and recording genius of the Swedish super-group. Christopher provided valuable insights into ABBA's musical legacy for the 2013 Swedish-produced documentary "ABBA - Dancing Queen". HB 9781922129802 £38.50 November 2015 Melbourne Books 256 pages 265x210mm

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THE SOUNDS OF LOUISIANA Twenty Essential Music Makers Roger Hahn, Chris Osborne Chronicling the creation of new categories of music like zydeco and jazz and the addition of distinct flavors to genres like rhythm and blues, rock 'n' roll, and hip-hop, journalist Roger Hahn provides an overview of Louisiana's role in the musical heritage of the last two centuries. He documents twenty musicians and groups who have—and still are—shaping the face of music in America. Profiles of well-known and more obscure, but no less influential, musicians include Jelly Roll Morton, Buddy Guy, Li'l Wayne, and Hunter Hayes. Each profile centers on the cultural inheritance and influence of the artists and features a full-color portrait by artist Chris Osborne.

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Roger Hahn’s writing spans many genres, but the most persistent theme in his work is the power and appeal of music. He has contributed to such organizations as NPR Jazz Online, Louisiana Cultural Vistasmagazine, and Songlines. Chris Osborne, a job with Tower Records in New York thrust her into the music world and heavily influenced her art. A graduate of Bard College and the University of Wisconsin, her award-winning paintings are in many private collections. PB 9781455621026 £23.99 Feb 2016 Pelican Publishing Co. 128 pages 254x203mm 20 colour illus

TRAVELING SOUL The Life of Curtis Mayfield Todd Mayfield, Travis Atria Curtis Mayfield was one of the seminal vocalists and most talented guitarists of his era. But perhaps more important is his role as a social critic, and the vital influence his music had on the civil rights movement. "People Get Ready" is the black anthem of the 1960s, and on his soundtrack to the 1972 movie Super Fly, rather than glorifying the blaxploitation imagery of the film, Mayfield wrote and sang one of the most incisive audio portraits of black America on record. In this book Todd Mayfield tells his famously private father's story in riveting detail. Born into dire poverty, raised in the slums of Chicago, Curtis became a musical prodigy, not only singing like a dream but also growing into a brilliant songwriter. In the 1960s he became a pioneer, opening his own label and production company and working with many other top artists, including the Staple Singers. Curtis's life was famously cut short by an accident that left him paralysed, but in his declining health he received the long-awaited recognition of the music industry. Passionate, illuminating, vivid, and absorbing, Traveling Soul will doubtlessly take its place among the classics of music biography. HB 9781613736791 £27.99 October 2016 Chicago Review Press 368 pages 230x155mm

WHISKEY BOTTLES AND BRAND-NEW CARS The Fast Life and Sudden Death of Lynyrd Skynyrd Mark Ribowsky This intimate story of Lynyrd Skynyrd tells of how a band of lost souls and self-destructive misfits with uncertain artistic objectives clawed their way to the top of the rock 'n' roll world. Based on interviews with surviving band members, Whiskey Bottles and Brand-New Cars shares how lead singer and front man Ronnie Van Zant guided the band's hugely successful five-year run and, in the process, created not only a new country rock idiom, but a new Confederacy in constant conflict with old Southern totems and prejudices. Placing the music and personae of Skynyrd into a broad cultural context, this book gives a new perspective to a history of stage fights, motelroom destructions, cunning business deals, and brilliant studio productions. It also offers a greater appreciation for a band whose legacy, in the aftermath of their last plane ride, has since descended into self-caricature. HB 9781569761465 £26.99 April 2015 Zephyr Press 304 pages 229x152mm

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WOULDN'T IT BE NICE Brian Wilson and the Making of the Beach Boys' Pet Sounds Charles L. Granata, Tony Asher When he first started working on Pet Sounds , Brian Wilson said that he was going to write "the greatest rock album ever made." That album, released in 1966, fifty years ago, changed the face of popular music. Turning his back on the protest songs and folk rock of his contemporaries and even on the bright surf sound of his own creation, Brian Wilson reached deep within himself to make music that struck an emotional chord and touched people's souls. Embracing the rapidly advancing recording technology of the time, he expertly created an original studio sound that would inspire generations of listeners and musicians. Featuring a detailed track-by-track analysis of the songs and extensive interviews with key personalities, Wouldn't It Be Nice reveals the influences--musical, personal, and professional--that together created this groundbreaking album. This is the definitive book on one of the greatest albums ever made. PB 9781613738375 £16.50 October 2016 Chicago Review Press 272 pages 215x139x15mm

SOUL & R 'N' B 98% FUNKY STUFF My Life in Music Maceo Parker


Maceo Parker's signature style became the lynchpin of James Brown's band when he and his brother Melvin joined the Hardest Working Man in Show Business in 1964. That style helped define Brown's brand of funk, and the phrase "Maceo, I want you to blow!" became part of the lexicon of black music. He took time off from James Brown to play with George Clinton's P-funk collective and with Bootsy's Rubber Band; he also formed his own band, Maceo and All the King's Men, whose records are cult favorites among funk aficionados. Here Maceo tells his own warm and astonishing story, from his Southern upbringing to his career touring the world and playing to adoring fans. Maceo has long called his approach to the saxophone "2% jazz, 98% funky stuff." This is the definitive story of one of the funkiest musicians alive.

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Maceo Parker is a saxophone player who has contributed to the success of James Brown, George Clinton, and Bootsy Collins. He has collaborated with Ray Charles, Ani DiFranco, James Taylor, De La Soul, Dave Matthews Band, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and many others and has had a solo career for the past 16 years. PB 9781613735459 £15.50 May 2016 Chicago Review Press 208 pages 228x152x12mm

BLUES FOR FRANCIS The Life & Work of Francis Wilford-Smith Caroline Beecroft, Howard Rye For many years, Francis Wilford-Smith led a parallel existence as an internationally respected cartoonist/ illustrator ('Smilby'), and also as one of the world's foremost collectors of blues records and an acknowledged expert on blues piano. While both sides of his life are celebrated in this memoir, it focuses mainly on the latter. First bitten by the bug in 1939, when his brother returned home from the USA with a clutch of boogie-woogie records, Francis pursued a lifelong interest in the blues and over time amassed an enviable collection of rare 78s. These would later form the backbone of his highly regarded BBC radio broadcasts between 1970 and 1995, in which he examined various aspects of blues and gospel music. Fully annotated scripts of all these programmes are included in this volume, along with dozens of label shots of the records played. PB 9780956267955 £23.99 Oct 2015 Music Mentor Books 404 pages 235x155mm 187 b/w illus

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BLUES HANDS Joseph A Rosen Through images of hands, this book conveys the strength, beauty, diversity, depth, and power of the blues, the root of all American music. It features photographs from Joseph A. Rosen's 30-plus years of adventure in blues and music photography. Included are such noted music personalities as B.B. King, Gary Clark, Jr., Buddy Guy, Al Green, Willie King, Susan Tedeschi, Derek Trucks, The Blind Boys of Alabama, James Brown. ¡The book holds rich treasures for lovers of music, photography, and the human form. One need not be deeply versed in the blues to appreciate the beauty, strength, and diversity of those who make it. With powerful imagery, as well as anecdotes and biographical information, Blues Hands tells a story of human experience.

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Joseph A. Rosen is a freelance photographer based in New York City. His work has appeared in Time, Newsweek, the New York Times, Sports Illustrated and more. In addition to his regular corporate and commercial work, his music clients are among the greatest names in Blues, Jazz, R&B, Soul, Rock, Cajun and Zydeco, as well as record companies, management groups and music publications. Joe began seriously photographing Blues in 1976 with a pilgrimage to see Muddy Waters, and has been photographing the Blues continuously ever since.

REVIEWS: “Many books have been published over the years pictorially depicting blues artists at work and play. So you might well ask, what is different about ‘Blues Hands’ that would make you buy another? The clue is in the title. All musicians need hands to play and often vocalists too, to visually amplify aspects of the lyrics. The book opens with a quote from Willie Dixon; ‘The Blues is the roots, everything else is the fruits’. So here are some of the fruits in a unique perspective from the camera of Joe Rosen, drawn from over thirty years of covering the American blues scene. What lifts a photograph from a mere visual recording of a subject to an art form is the skill of the photographer. Inherent in that skill is a passionate interest and understanding of the subject matter and the technical abilities to fulfil it in the final print. Joe has it all in spades. The photographs are enhanced towards the back of the book by potted histories of the artists’ careers to date and in some cases eulogies, drawn from Joe’s knowledge of them. You’ll want this one on your bookshelf.” - Mike Owens, Blues Matters June 2016 HB 9780764349638 £28.99 October 2015 Schiffer Publishing Ltd 128 pages 206x231mm

COLD SWEAT My Father James Brown and Me Yamma Brown, Robin Gaby Fisher Being the child of a global superstar is never easy. Being the daughter of the Godfather of Soul; that's a category unto itself. Like every little girl, Yamma Brown wanted her father's attention, but fame, drugs, jail, and the complicated women in James Brown's life set the stage for an uncommon childhood. Cold Sweat is about how Yamma rose to meet every challenge. Though packed with celebrity appearances ranging from Michael Jackson to Al Sharpton, Cold Sweat is not just a celebrity book. It focuses on an everyday issue faced by millions of women - domestic violence - and in this book Yamma faces it in an honest and powerfully moving way. Dealing with a complex and famous father eventually took a backseat to coping with her own abusive and deceitful marriage. Cold Sweat is about how Yamma got caught in the same trap as her mother, doing things in her adult life that, as a child, she'd promised herself she'd never do. But at the same time, Yamma learned valuable lessons about life from her father. The struggles she went through, both as a child and as an adult, make for a gripping read and, in the end, a profound examination of the nature of celebrity, violence, and survival.

REVIEWS: "Cold Sweat brought tears to my eyes as I read the powerful story of Yamma's journey. James Brown carried the gift of music that comes from God but also the burden of a life lived on the mountaintop. This book makes the price he paid all too clear." —MC Hammer PB 9781613735442 £15.50 May 2016 Chicago Review Press 208 pages 228x152x15mm

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RHYTHM & BLUES IN NEW ORLEANS John Broven Rhythm and Blues in New Orleans is a comprehensive history documenting the rise and development of a unique musical form. Originally published in Great Britain under the title Walking to New Orleans, this revised edition has more than 100 new pages of interviews and information chronicling the careers and music of the major R&B artists. Broven has included the important peripheral activity of the New Orleans music industry in the areas recording studios, clubs, and record companies. Much of the material comes firsthand from the musicians who helped create R&B as a musical genre. The author’s original interviews have been augmented by fresh research and new conversations with the artists. Broven completely covers the dramatic rise and fall of the Golden Age of New Orleans Rhythm and Blues from the 1940s through ‘60s and now adds the legacy to date of this powerful and influential regional sound.

AUTHOR INFORMATION: John Broven, a contributing writer for the British magazine Blues Unlimited, is also the author of Pelican’s South to Louisiana: the Music of the Cajun Bayous. He has been an ardent fan and collector of Louisiana music for twenty years, and is an honorary member of the Louisiana Music Commission in recognition of his research into the history of the state’s music. PB 9781455619511 £23.99 April 2016 Pelican Publishing Co. 360 pages 216x140mm

JAZZ CHARLES LLOYD A Wild, Blatant Truth Josef Woodard Saxophonist and composer Charles Lloyd has been a strong and important voice in the jazz world since the late 1950s. This freewheeling, fascinating unauthorized biography -- based on twenty years' worth of interviews -- covers the extreme ups and downs of an uncommonly eventful life, often in the musician's own words. The story begins in the heated musical milieu of Memphis in the Forties and Fifties, where Lloyd cut his professional teeth as a teen playing with such blues giants as Howlin' Wolf. After high school, he moved to Los Angeles, where he began to work with the Gerald Wilson and Chico Hamilton bands, Scott LaFaro, Gábor Szabó, Don Cherry, and others. Following a notable stint with Hamilton's ensemble, contributing compositions and arrangements as well as playing, Lloyd joined Cannonball Adderley's band and moved to New York. There he worked with Herbie Hancock, Ron Carter, Richard Davis, Henry Grimes, Roy Haynes, and many others. In the mid-Sixties, Lloyd put together a landmark quartet, showcasing the young Keith Jarrett, Jack DeJohnette, and Cecil McBee. It skyrocketed the saxophonist to fame -- recording best-selling albums, winning Down Beat's 1967 Artist of the Year, and becoming the first jazz musician to play the famed Fillmore auditoriums. But just as suddenly, Lloyd vanished from the scene in the early Seventies, embarking on a fifteen-year spiritual quest. During this hiatus from the jazz world, spent in Big Sur and Santa Barbara, he occasionally worked with the Beach Boys and other pop musicians. To the delight of many, Lloyd reappeared in the early Nineties, recording for the ECM label, fronting a series of impressive bands. Recent groups have included an eclectic array of performers, including Bill Frisell and Zakir Hussain. Lloyd's music is now stronger than ever, as is his career, with acclaim coming from both critics and the public. In 2015 he received a NEA Jazz Masters Fellowship and signed with the Blue Note record label.

REVIEWS: "In his words no less than his music, Charles Lloyd has long been a storyteller with a seeker’s heart. Joe Woodard captures his unique voice in this balanced and empathetic book: part profile, part testimonial, and a valuable resource for anyone looking to understand one of jazz’s great living mystery men.” —Nate Chinen PB 9781935247135 £18.50 January 2016 Silman-James Press 240 pages 230x155mm

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PLAYBOY SWINGS How Hugh Hefner and Playboy Changed the Face of Music Patty Farmer, Will Friedwald Playboy—the magazine, the empire, the lifestyle—is one of the world’s best-known brands. Since the launch of Playboy magazine in 1953, two elements have been remarkably consistent: the first, obviously, is the celebration of nubile, female flesh. The second, readers may be surprised to learn, is Playboy’s involvement in the music scene. The Playboy experience was never just about sex but about lifestyle. Music—particularly the finest jazz, a personal passion of Hefner’s— has always been an essential component of that lifestyle. Playboy Swings focuses specifically on Playboy’s involvement in the music scene, its impact on popular entertainment (and vice versa), and the fabulous cadre of performers who took to the stages of the mythic Playboy Clubs and Jazz Festivals. Complied through interviews with hundreds of people who were on the scene throughout Playboy’s rise, fall, and on-going renaissance, Playboy Swings carries readers on a seductive journey through the history of the empire—all the while focusing on the musical entertainment that made it unique. Throughout the book, it is the artists who do most of the talking—and they have a lot to say about the golden era of Playboy entertainment. HB 9780825307881 £23.99 November 2015 Beaufort Books 320 pages 226x160x30mm

COUNTRY & WESTERN MUSIC PAUL YANDELL, SECOND TO THE BEST A Sideman's Chronicle Norm Van Maastricht Unassuming late guitarist Paul Yandell described his career not as one of celebrity but as sideman, the musician that audiences hear while they're focused on the star. From his humble beginnings as a poor Kentucky farm boy learning to play to taking the stage at the Grand Ole Opry, he ultimately gained the trust and confidence of two of America’s finest musicians, Jerry Reed and the incomparable Chet Atkins. Compiled from personal correspondence and interviews, Paul's online posts, and family members, a lifetime in the music business is recounted, from breaking in with the Louvin Brothers in the 1950s to his 25-year association with "Mr. Guitar" Chet Atkins, to his last recording in 2006. Along the way, Paul provides a wealth of information and history about guitar modification, gear and gadgets, and the people and personalities of country music's golden era in the second half of the 20th century. HB 9780764350481 £23.99 July 2016 Schiffer Publishing 304 pages 228x152mm 60 photos

GOLDEN ERA JUDY GARLAND ON JUDY GARLAND Interviews and Encounters Edited by Randy L. Schmidt Judy Garland on Judy Garland is the closest we will likely come to experiencing and exploring the legend's abandoned autobiography. Collecting and presenting the most important Garland interviews and encounters that took place between 1935 and 1969, this work opens with her first radio appearance under contract with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and concludes with her last known interview, one taped for Radio Denmark just months before her death. What makes this collection unique and distinguishes it from the plethora of Garland biographies is that it places Judy in the role of storyteller. She wrote a number of essays for various publications and sat for countless print, radio, and television interviews. These and the other autobiographical efforts she made are proof that Judy Garland wanted her story told, and wanted it told in her own words. Finally, here it is. PB 9781613735466 £19.50 June 2016 Chicago Review Press 440 pages 228x152x25mm

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THE MUSIC BUSINESS COPYRIGHT & THE MUSIC MARKETPLACE Analysis, Challenges & Recommendations for Improvement Series Edited by Keith Turner The United States has the most innovative and influential music culture in the world, but much of the legal framework for licensing of music dates back to the early part of the twentieth century, long before the digital revolution in music. Our licensing system is founded on a view that the music marketplace requires a unique level of government regulation, much of it reflected in statutory licensing provisions of the Copyright Act. The Copyright Office believes that the time is ripe to question the existing paradigm for the licensing of musical works and sound recordings and consider meaningful change. This book provides an analysis, discusses challenges and recommendations for improvement of the copyright laws in the music marketplace HB 9781634828697 £199.99 August 2015 Nova Science Publishers 243 pages 260x180mm

NEVER SAY NO TO A ROCK STAR In the Studio with Dylan, Sinatra, Jagger and More... Glenn Berger In 1974, at the age of seventeen, author Glenn Berger served as "Schlepper" and apprentice to the legendary recording engineer Phil Ramone at New York City's A&R Studios, and was witness to music history on an almost daily and nightly basis as pop and rock icons such as Paul Simon, Bob Dylan, Mick Jagger, Frank Sinatra, Burt Bacharach, Bette Midler, and James Brown performed their hit-making magic, honed their sound, strutted their stuff, bared their souls, and threw epic tantrums. In this memoir, full of revelatory and previously unknown anecdotal observations of these musical giants, Glenn recounts how he quickly learned the ropes to move up from schlepperhood to assistant to the tyrannical Ramone, and eventually, to become a recording engineer superstar himself. Not only is Never Say No to A Rock Star a fascinating, hilarious and poignant behind-the-scenes look of this musical Mecca, but Berger, now a prominent psychologist, looking back through the prism of his youthful experience and his years working as a counselor and therapist, provides a telling and honest examination of the nature of fame and success and the corollaries between creativity, madness and self-destruction. PB 9781943156085 £16.50 July 2016 Schaffner Press, Inc. 320 pages 1x1mm illus

THE SONGWRITERS' VOICE Conversations with Contemporary Artists Jane Eamon And chaos promotes change and growth. It is essential to the community… We all have tribes – family, close friends, associates, people who think like we do. But a tribe cannot be exclusive. It has to attract and deal with outsiders on a regular basis. And it’s those very same outsiders that change us… This book was my drawing together of the tribe, the tribe of songwriters. I wanted to include them in the conversations I’ve had in my head for years. I wanted to find out what made them desire to be songwriters. And I am so grateful that they answered the call. It’s important for us to hear what others are doing, how they deal with the very same issues we all face…" HB 9781897453698 £38.50 May 2015 Manor House Publishing Inc 178 pages 229x152mm

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MUSICALS NICK ENRIGHT SONGBOOK Nick Enright The Nick Enright Songbook brings together fifty of the best songs from ten musicals for which Enright wrote the lyrics; and the music of five gifted composers—Terence Clarke, Glenn Henrich, Alan John, David King and Max Lambert. The book includes songs from The Venetian Twins, Variations, Summer Rain, Buckley's!, Orlando Rourke, The Betrothed, Mary Bryant, The Good Fight, Miracle City and On the Wallaby. Across this work, Enright's characteristic use of Australian imagery and language shine brightly, intertwined with the themes of resilience, lost love and religion that are familiar in his work. Together the songs display the proficiency and craft he brought to the Australian musical theatre. PB 9781925005172 £34.99 April 2015 Currency House Inc

SHOWSTOPPERS! The Surprising Backstage Stories of Broadway's Most Remarkable Songs Gerald Nachman Showstoppers! is all about Broadway musicals' most memorable numberswhy they were so effective, how they were created, and why they still resonate. Gerald Nachman has interviewed dozens of iconic musical theater figures to get their inside stories for this book, including Patti LuPone, Chita Rivera, Marvin Hamlisch, Joel Grey, Edie Adams, John Kander, Jerry Herman, Sheldon Harnick, Tommy Tune, Harold Prince, Donna McKechnie, and Andrea McArdle, uncovering priceless previously untold anecdotes and details. PB 9781613731024 £19.50 November 2016 Chicago Review Press 408 pages 228x152mm

REFERENCE & TRIVIA GROWING UP WITH THE HITS! Reliving the Best Time of Your Life 1955-1989 Nevin Grant Nevin on Nevin -- and the times of our lives: “I became a serious collector of 45 rpm recordings in the mid-Fifties. I tried to collect every hit single... I’d also buy any recording I really liked, whether a hit or not. Add on my Rhythm and Blues collection and you can see how I amassed a major collection with close to 15,000 45 rpm singles. I owe my parents very much for providing the magic of a background in music. I was always the flamboyant one attacking works by my favourite composers, Chopin and Rachmaninoff... I played piano in a Combo. You almost had to be there to imagine the impact of Elvis Presley on the world of pop music. My father always said my high school years would be the best years of my life - was he ever right! Motown would soon be taking a major chunk of the music market. The British invasion was a positive thing as it shook up the establishment. Collectively we held our breath as Kennedy stared down Russian Premier Kruschev in a scary game of nuclear roulette. Over the years CKOC would earn the reputation of being “the Hitmaker”, a leader in breaking new hits and new artists as over 25 framed gold and platinum record awards would attest.” PB 9781897453988 £19.50 October 2015 Manor House Publishing Inc 288 pages 230x155mm HB 9781897453995 £38.50 May 2015 Manor House Publishing Inc 288 pages 229x152mm

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POP MUSIC HITS 1939-1945 K L John The first in a series of 15 volumes documenting popular music in the UK throughout the 20th century. Covers the 700 biggest hits of the Second World War, including composer/music publisher details, films or shows the song featured in, chart position and period of popularity, and all the competing versions on record that were available for each song. The narrative also offers an insight into the life and times of the period, so the reader can gain a feel for the society in which the songs found success... it being often said that all pop music was a product of its age. PB 9780993143304 £25.00 February 2015 Kobyhadrian Books 438 pages 235x155mm

FIRST STEPS IN MUSIC SERIES JENNIE JENKINS Ashley Maurer Adapted by John M. Feierabend A beautifully illustrated version of the classic and humorous song, "Jennie Jenkins" A beautiful take on a timeless story, this picture book will become a favorite of today's children, another wonderful chapter in the continuing legacy of a delightful, classic songtale. In the United States, "Jennie Jenkins" was sung as a way for a boy to ask a girl to dance. The boy would sing the first part and pick a color and the girl would have to make up an answer that rhymed. If the girl failed to quickly respond with an appropriate answer, she would be required to dance with the boy. The fully notated version of this song with all the words is included at the end of the book, along with a detailed history of the song. An MP3 of the song is also available for free download. HB 9781622771394 £16.50 September 2015 GIA Publications, Inc. 32 pages 266x215mm

THE BOOK OF CANONS John M. Feierabend Beautiful and attractive books from the most prominent collector and advocator of the rich heritage and diversity of folk songs The premise of a canon is that a single song can be sung starting at different times creating lovely harmonies. The Book of Canons is an incredible resource--a sumptuously illustrated collection of more than 140 time-tested canons drawn from all over the world, by some of the great composers throughout history. Each canon in this collection is ranked by difficulty and includes a general translation if needed. PB 9781622770854 £20.99 April 2015 GIA Publications, Inc. 144 pages 254x177x16mm

THE BOOK OF PLAYGROUND SONGS AND RHYMES John M. Feierabend Beautiful and attractive books from the most prominent collector and advocator of the rich heritage and diversity of folk songs. For generations, neighborhood kids would gather to skip rope, bounce balls, play hand-clapping games, or choose one another to be the first "it" in a game with a counting-out rhyme. The songs and rhymes in this book were made by playing these games and are a great foundation for music learning. By sharing these songs and rhymes with students during music class, today's students will discover the joy of music and, hopefully, share the songs, rhymes, and games in this collection with their friends and family. The songs are organized into five distinct categories: Hand Clapping, Jump Rope, Ball Bouncing, Counting Out, and Passing and Stick Games. PB 9781622770885 £17.50 April 2015 GIA Publications, Inc. 92 pages 254x177mm

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THE BOOK OF SONG DANCES John M. Feierabend Dances accompanied by singing have been enjoyed by people of all ages for hundreds of years. These dances have served an important social function as people share the joy of synchronizing with others through their body, spirit, and voice. John M. Feierabend has collected song dances that have their roots in American heritage, as well as a few from other countries. Each dance is organized by type (single circle, double circle, square dances, etc.) and includes complete dancing directions. This beautifully illustrated collection is for anyone looking to reclaim this great folk dance tradition, use great songs to teach musical concepts--or simply have a great time. PB 9781622770861 £17.50 April 2015 GIA Publications, Inc. 122 pages 254x177mm illus

THE BOOK OF SONG TALES FOR UPPER GRADES John M. Feierabend The tradition of telling stories in song goes back centuries in the form of broadsides and ballads. Topics included love, religion, drinking, legends, and early journalism, which is how information about disasters, political events, wonders, and prodigies was spread or learned. These songs were sung and listened to by villagers and kings. John M. Feierabend has compiled this beautifully illustrated collection of songs that tell stories is perfect for anyone who wants to carry on the tradition. PB 9781622770878 £18.50 April 2015 GIA Publications, Inc. 144 pages 254x177mm

IN THE CLASSROOM - PLAYING MARCHING BAND TECHNIQUES A Guide to the Successful Operation of a High School Band Program Rachael L. Smolinsky, Brian W. Cox This book can be used as an accompanying text for the collegiate marching band techniques course and to help build a successful marching band program at a high school. Topics include everything from developing a program handbook to student leadership and adult staffing, budgets, rehearsal techniques, sample forms, and basic information regarding the development process of a marching band show, as well as basic drill design techniques. It also addresses typical mistakes made by young teachers and offers suggestions on how to avoid/handle those mistakes. Finally, it includes workbook-style activities at the end of each chapter. PB 9780764350870 £38.50 March 2016 Schiffer Publishing Ltd 144 pages 279x215mm

TEACHING BAND AND ORCHESTRA Methods and Materials Lynn G. Cooper The ideal text for college instrumental students and an invaluable reference for practicing teachers, this book covers every critical area in the professional life of band and orchestra teachers at the beginning and secondary levels. Author Lynn G. Cooper shares the experience and knowledge he has gained from more than 40 years of teaching instrumental music. This second edition is significantly expanded and updated, including major new sections on advocacy, technology, and the challenges of teaching middle school students. Also included are additional student assessment strategies, updated Suggested Band Literature Lists, and more examples of effective warm-up and technique-building literature for rehearsals. HB 9781622771455 £45.99 April 2016 GIA Publications, Inc. 492 pages 254x177mm

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MUSICOLOGY & THEORY IMPROVISATION ERFORSCHEN - IMPROVISIEREND FORSCHEN / RESEARCHING IMPROVISATION - RESEARCHING BY IMPROVISATION Beiträge zur Exploration musikalischer Improvisation / Essays About the Exploration of Musical Improvisation Reinhard Gagel, Matthias Schwabe Text in English & German. This volume presents essays on aesthetic, cultural, artistic and educational issues to the art of musical improvisation. As volatile -- but profound -- method Improvisation is also researching and thus an instrument of knowledge. But as expand research horizons of improvisation? What is a reasonable and improvisation derived from their form of research? And what specific qualities offers improvising for the artistic research? The fully bilingual book includes reflections and models that deal with both the art of improvisation as well as with the acting in their people and offer fascinating perspectives for science and culture through the musical -- performative addition.

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Reinhard Gagel ( Dr. phil . ), Born 1955, improvisational musicians and researchers as well as ensemble director , teaches at the University of Music and Performing Arts and the Exploratorium Berlin directs the Department of Theory and Research . Matthias Schwabe, born 1958, improvisational musician, composer and music teacher, is the founder and director of the Exploratorium Berlin. He teaches at the Social Pedagogical Institute Berlin and at the University of Arts in Berlin. PB 9783837631883 £42.50 June 2016 Transcript Verlag 420 pages 225x150mm 30 b/w illus

MACHINE MUSIC A Media Archaeological Excavation Morten Riis Sound and music is a product of technology. Whether we are enjoying a concert, working in a sound studio or listening with headphones on, technical equipment lays the foundation of our musical experience. In Machine Music. A Media Archaeological Excavation postdoc, composer and PhD Morten Riis tunes into normally undetected layers of music. Musical machines - be it ancient or modern instruments, computers, loudspeakers or amplifiers - are not just silent mediators of sounds. They all have their own unique voices. We simply have to learn to listen to them. PB 9788771248005 £30.00 May 2016 Aarhus University Press 238 pages 210x140mm

MUSICIANS' MOBILITIES & MUSIC MIGRATIONS IN EARLY MODERN EUROPE Biographical Patterns & Cultural Exchanges Edited by Gesa zur Nieden, Berthold Over During the 17th and 18th century musicians' mobilities and migrations are essential for the European music history and the cultural exchange of music. Adopting viewpoints that reflect different methodological approaches and diversified research cultures, the book presents studies on central scopes, strategies and artistic outcomes of mobile and migratory musicians as well as on the transfer of music. By looking at elite and non-elite musicians and their everyday mobilities to major and minor centres of music production and practice, new biographical patterns and new stylistic paradigms in the European East, West and South emerge. PB 9783837635041 £36.99 November 2016 Transcript Verlag 432 pages 225x150mm 24 illus

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RHYTHM: Advanced Studies Erik Hojsgaard In Rhythm. Advanced Studies, Erik Højsgaard, composer and professor of aural training at the Royal Danish Academy of Music, provides a detailed guide to reading and understanding advanced use of rhythm. The 451 exercises and their corresponding notes allow those professionally involved with music to further develop their technical and practical skills in this specific area. The book also includes exercises aimed at developing modern composition techniques. Danish professor and composer Per Nørgård writes: The many aspects of aural training in this book by Erik Højsgaard have been inspired by his deep insight into western music and its thousand-year-old traditions. Written with clarity that allows for rhythm and polyphony to be presented in an understandable form, Højsgaard's book is both musical and entertaining. There is no doubt that one gains new insights and musical joys after working through the book's exercises. PB 9788771841169 £40.00 June 2016 Aarhus University Press 236 pages 290x235mm

TWO CENTURIES OF BRITISH SYMPHONISM Volumes I & II -- From the Beginnings to 1945 Jurgen Schaarwachter Text in English & German. The British symphonic has moved only recently to the general interest. An overview of the symphonic development in the UK since its inception in the 18th century to the 20th century but was still a desideratum. The overview presented here shows how the identity of a British symphony evolved over more than a century, marked by influences from the European continent and of the need to find their own way. A special focus of this publication is on those works that have been overshadowed to some degree by others and remain unpublished or unperformed. The result is a picture of a multiform symphonic landscape of Britain, which illuminates the aesthetic perspectives of individual composers, as well as their socio-cultural contexts. A comprehensive directory and an extensive bibliography invite further exploration of the subject. PB 9783487152264 £93.99 February 2015 Georg Olms Verlag AG 1201 pages 245x175mm

ORCHESTRAS ROYAL DANISH ORCHESTRA The World's Oldest Orchestral Institution Troels Svendsen, Mogens Andresen Founded over 550 years ago, The Royal Danish Orchestra is the world’s oldest orchestral institution. Starting out as a trumpeter corps, the institution is today an opera and symphony orchestra based at the Royal Opera in Copenhagen. Its long history is told in short, independent sections centred on the musicians: to date, over a thousand musicians have been employed in the orchestra. Among them, we discover colourful individuals sometimes also working as officers, entertainers and envoys for their employers who until 1849 were the Danish kings. Its members included world famous composers such as John Dowland, Heinrich Schütz, Niels W Gade and Carl Nielsen. The book is richly illustrated with a selection of the treasures of art that surround The Royal Danish Orchestra, presenting its everyday life as well as its members. There are paintings and drawings by artists such as C W Eckersberg, Louis Aumont, P S Krøyer, Michael Ancher, Erik Henningsen, Carlo Rosberg, Harald Isenstein and Henrik Bloch. Many of their works are here published for the first time. HB 9788763544313 £73.50 May 2016 Museum Tusculanum Press 276 pages 275x240mm 300 illus

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RELIGIOUS & SACRED MUSIC CHANTS OF THE BYZANTINE RITES The Italo-Albanian Tradition in Sicily Bartolomeo di Salvo Edited by Girolamo Garofalo, Christian Troelsgård Book & DVD. This book presents for the first time the complete chant repertory of an orally transmitted repertory of church hymns for the celebration of the Byzantine Rite in Sicily. This body of chant has been cultivated by the Albanian-speaking minorities since their predecessors from Albania and northern Greece arrived in Sicily as refugees in the late fifteenth century, as a result of the Turkish invasion of the Balkan region. Bartolomeo di Salvo (1916–1986), a Basilean monk from the monastery of Grottaferrata, prepared the transcriptions for the series Monumenta Musicae Byzantinae in the 1950s, but they were never published. Girolamo Garofalo, ethnomusicologist from Palermo, and Christian Troelsgård, secretary of the Monumenta Musicae Byzantinae, Copenhagen, have discovered the transcriptions and related documents in archives in Sicily, Grottaferrata, Rome and Copenhagen. As a result of their findings, this unique chant collection is now being made available for the first time. The languages used in the book are English / Italian (front matter and indices) and Greek (the chant texts).

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Bartolomeo di Salvo (1916-1986) was born in Piana degli Albanesi, Sicily. In 1937 he took the vows of a monk and was ordained a priest in 1940. After WW II he entered the Basilean monastery in Grottaferrata, 20 km south of Rome. He engaged in the study of Byzantine music under the direction of p. Lorenzo Tardo. Di Salvo has published a number of important articles on the medieval Byzantine chant on the basis of his studies in the musical manuscripts kept in the libraries of Grottaferrata and elsewhere. During the 1950’s he travelled in Sicily to collect the material which is presented here. Girolamo Garofalo is senior researcher in ethnomusicology at the University of Palermo, Italy. He has specialized in the study of the chant traditions of the Albanian-speaking minorities in Sicily and published a number of books and articles on the subject. Christian Troelsgård is associate professor in Greek and Latin philology at the University of Copenhagen and secretary of the Monumenta Musicae Byzantinae, an international project for the promotion of editions and studies of Byzantine chant. HB 9788763542661 £70.99 September 2016 Museum Tusculanum Press 288 pages 230x190mm

OF KINGS & CHRONICLES National Saints & the Emergence of Nation States in the Early Middle Ages Edited by John Bergsagel, David Hiley, Thomas Riis The manuscript Kiel, University Library S.H. 8 A. 8o, which contains the earliest copy of the socalled "Roskilde Chronicle" as well as the complete monastic Offices and Masses of the Danish St Knud Lavard (†1131), was published in facsimile, together with an edition of the liturgical material, by John Bergsagel in 2010. Comprising, respectively, the first attempt at a history of Denmark and the earliest music that can reasonably be supposed to have been written in Denmark, the publication provided the occasion for an international symposium, held at the Royal Library in Copenhagen in 2012, at which the historical, theological, liturgical and musicological aspects of its contents were discussed in contributions from thirteen invited scholars, which are collected in this volume. Against the background of the emergence of states and the role of the church in the early medieval period, as revealed in the annals of national chronicles and in the creation and cultivation of royal and national saints, the essays treat a variety of subjects including the writing of patriotic history, the crusades, crusaders and crusading elements in the liturgy, kingship and sanctity and the lives, liturgies and cults of British and Scandinavian saints, such as Mildred of Kent, King Oswin of Deira, David of Menevia, Thomas of Canterbury, King Olaf of Norway, King Erik of Sweden, King Knud of Denmark and, of course, Knud Lavard, who is here seen from a number of different points of view. HB 9788763542609 £46.99 Dec 2015 Museum Tusculanum Press 366 pages 240x165mm 15 illus

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READINGS IN AFRICAN AMERICAN CHURCH MUSIC AND WORSHIP VOLUME 2 James Abbington, John D. Witvliet This second volume of Readings in African American Church Music and Worship makes available the most recent scholarship on 21st-century developments and trends, through a representative number of articles, essays, and chapters written by brilliant musicians, authors, and theologians of our time. The list of contributors includes some of the finest emerging scholars, as well as offerings from seasoned authors whose research and writings are well regarded by peers and the worshiping community at large. The significant contributions-from names new and familiargreatly broaden the field of study. The 43 chapters of this volume are divided into 7 categories: Worship and Liturgical Practices, Liturgical Theologies, Proclamation of the Word, Hymnody: Sound and Sense, Perspectives on Praise and Worship, Hip Hop and/in the Church, and Perspectives on Women and Gender. Insightful, thought-provoking, challenging, and hopefulthis volume will be a source of knowledge, a stimulus for discussion, and a call to reconsider the many and varied viewpoints of the African American church. HB 9781622771004 £47.99 April 2015 GIA Publications, Inc. 824 pages 254x177mm

CLASSICAL MUSIC CATALOGUE OF CARL NIELSEN'S WORKS Edited by Axel Teich Geertinger, Niels Bo Foltmann, Elly Bruunshuus Petersen, Peter Hauge, Bjarke Moe, Niels Kabbe This is the first ever thematic-bibliographic inventory of the composer’s compositions. It summarises and combines information from a number of reference works from recent years, most importantly the complete critical edition of Nielsen’s works (Carl Nielsen Udgaven, 1998– 2009). It includes incipits (that is, the first couple of bars) for unambiguous identification of each piece or movement, in addition to information on different versions, the date of composition, first performance, and a survey of manuscript and printed sources from Nielsen’s lifetime. The printed edition of the Catalogue of Carl Nielsen’s Works is an abridged version of the online catalogue published by the Danish Centre for Music Editing at the Royal Library in Copenhagen. HB 9788763544054 £86.99 September 2016 Museum Tusculanum Press 616 pages 235x170mm

MOZART Seven Notes Amos Navon History records Mozart as a man whose melodies seemed to have sprung from angels, reaching him faster than he could write them down. How did he manage to develop and excel professionally in spite of family tragedies and personal hardship? What made this amazing musical polymath tick? In this book Dr Amos Navon answers profound and hypnotic questions about the man behind the music by examining those elements in Mozart’s life that shaped his personality and determined his destiny. Navon describes Mozart’s remarkable development through writing wind instrument music for virtuoso friends and explores Mozart’s collaboration with Lorenzo Da Ponte, the librettist of his three greatest operas. But this is not simply a dry exploration of composition. We learn of the very human Mozart -- of Constanze, who barely survived as Mozart’s wife and the mother of his children, and who, after his death, spent her life keeping her husband’s memory alive. The rounded-out story of this intensely human being reflects Mozart’s dependence on friends in times of financial need, the role of gambling in his daily life, his attitude toward religion, and whether his ultimate dream of living a wealthy, bourgeois life ever really materialised. PB 9781941905005 £9.95 July 2016 Dekel Publishing House 164 pages 230x155mm

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