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New & Forthcoming Titles 2018

1000 Americans The Real Rulers of the USA George Seldes This book is loaded with explosive revelations of plans by that master-group of financiers and politicians often referred to cynically as 'the boys in the back room'. The author takes us boldly into all the nation's significant back rooms, the seamiest and the most sumptuous, and shows us where the real controls are concealed. We see not only how they are manipulated but also by whom. This daring account would seem a fantastic nightmare were it not so fully documented from unimpeachable sources. By George Seldes (1890-1995): crusading activist journalist and editor who knew world leaders personally, subject of the film, "Tell the Truth and Run". Topics: Names of those who control our institutions through the media and pressure groups. 99% of media push the agenda of the powerful and cover up suborning of the public interest and exploitation of the people by private influence. Example of Montana and Anaconda: the USA as a company town. The genesis of Time magazine; financed by Harriman and Morgan; covering up the Ambassador Page cable to Wilson in 1917, calling for war on Germany to serve Morgan financial interests. Conflict of interest between magazines and advertisers. Pro-Hitler line of WallStreet-controlled newspapers. Commerce Secretary Hoover helps munitions makers circumvent the Geneva arms control conference. Dupont, ally of IG Farben and campaign funding champion, elects Hoover president. The white-washing of Wall Street. Each major industry dominated by a few corporations controlled by a few families like Rockefeller and Morgan. Financing of the Liberty League, the KKK, et al. Smedley Butler and the 1934 Morgan putsch against FDR. The Commission on Freedom of the Press condemns the press as liars and prostitutes. PB 9781615779000 £22.99 March 2010 Progressive Press 314 pages

11-S Falso Terrosismo Made in USA Webster Griffin Tarpley Text in Spanish. Un libro trascendental en revelar como la versión oficial del 11-S es un mito para llevar a cabo la agenda neoconservador. Brillantemente escrito, demuestra como funciona el terrorismo auspiciado por el estado a traves de una red de topos, chivos expiatorios, paramilitares profesionales, un gobierno oculto, y los medios de comunicación corruptos. Es la única explicación coherente d el 11-S. Analiza en profundidad la historia, la geopolítica y a la oligarquía gobernante. Los lectores expresaron: Un libro "que pertenece a las grandes ligas - va mucho más allá - el más poderoso de los +770 libros que he criticado - el más definitivo - fabuloso - fantástico - escrito con gran precisión y la elegancia - de lejos el mejor - ¡excepcional! - rico en sabiduría - El libro más importante sobre el 11-S - ¡Hay Que Leer Este Libro!" Webster Tarpley es el experto en descubrir el falso terrorismo. PB 9781615771158 £25.99 May 2009 Progressive Press 408 pages b/w photos

9/11 Synthetic Terror Made in USA Webster Griffin Tarpley The authoritative work on 9/11 and state-sponsored false-flag terrorism. 9/11 Synthetic Terror is the only book to present a working model for the event -- a network of moles, patsies, paramilitary pros, privatised intelligence assets and corrupt media corporations. We see how this enormous provocation was successfully executed and exploited as war propaganda. This fifth edition reveals a whole new dimension of explosive facts for the first time: the enormous array of drills in which the US defence apparatus rehearsed every aspect of the 9/11 operation. Author Webster Tarpley presents the corpus of 9/11 research -- such as the controlled demolition of the three WTC towers -- from the perspective of a veteran intelligence expert and historian. The exploit is placed in the geopolitical context of oligarchy and imperialism -- in the tradition of precedents such as the Gunpowder Plot, the USS Maine, the Strategy of Tension, and other historically decisive state-sponsored terror subterfuges. PB 9781615771110 £14.99 April 2013 Progressive Press 576 pages

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Acres of Diamonds All Good Things Are Possible... Russell H Conwell Meet a self-made man who lived a totally unselfish life, and who opened doors of opportunity for untold millions through his philosophy that 'All Good Things are Possible!'. He believed that each of us is placed here on earth for one main purpose -- to help others. Conwell was a minister, the founder of Temple University, and two hospitals where no-one was ever turned away for lack of money. He was also a famous lecturer. This is a spiritual book. It is not a 'get-rich-quick' guide. Conwell saw that success is a spiritual idea, and is a result of spiritual principles. The book includes the lecture and biographical material. Here is the original self-motivational message, long lost, now found. PB 9780930852252 £7.99 January 1996 Progressive Press 160 pages

Adventures in Kinship with All Life John Allen Boone With warm humour and well-seasoned experience, J. Allen Boone re-enters the wonderful world of unspoken communication between humans and animals. He was an explorer into the realm of the unexpected who felt that by underestimating the mental and spiritual qualities of by animals, we miss out on the oneness and wholeness of life. This book salutes the Divinity within all living creatures. In his encounter with "Just Joe", his monkey-companion, Boone struggles to become the pupil, with "Just Joe" a teacher whose wisdom is not measured in words, but in his ability to vibrate with life's unity. These thoughtful tales demonstrate how the author spoke silently with all forms of life, and how he grew to understand their silent replies. Boone never looked down on animals as "lesser creatures"; rather, he looked across at them as companions in the grand adventure of life. Everything that lives has something of value to share with us whenever we are ready for the experience. PB 9781615778072 £11.99 October 2013 Progressive Press 128 pages

Afghanistan A Window on the Tragedy Alen Silva, Malalai Joya, Ezzat Goushegir, Alan Rachins, Michael Ratner Ninety-eight black-and-white photographs, steeped in the pathos and predicament of the Afghan people, accompanied by soul-searching commentary and poetry from thirteen distinguished contributors. Basque-born photographer Alen Silva travelled twice across war-torn Afghanistan, to places few foreigners dare to venture, to bring us these soul-searing photographs of a devastated land. Among the ruins of Kabul, of the Bamiyan Buddhas, of Soviet tanks, of Afghan society -- the hope for peace still lights the weary faces of the Afghan people who welcomed him. Texts by Alen Silva, Alan Rachins, Bahman Ghobadi, Bernardo Atxaga, Ezzat Goushegir, Gillian Anderson, John Sistiaga, Malalai Joya, Michael Ratner, Mike Farrell, Suheir Hammad, Susan KellyDeWitt, Toti Martinez de Lezea, and Yasmina Khadra. PB 9780981989174 £5.99 April 2011 Progressive Press 160 pages 98 b/w photos

Afrocentric Myth or Islam The Liberator of the American People Abubakr Ben Ishmael Salahuddin The fallacy of racialist thinking, including Black Nationalism, as a solution for the problems of racial identity in America. Race and colour are fundamentally myths or hang-ups. Malcolm X's vision. How Islam has always transcended race. PB 9780964500518 £5.99 December 1995 Progressive Press 124 pages

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Anne Hutchinson Unsung Heroine of History Bianca Leonardo, Winifred K Rugg America's first feminist, female minister, and martyr. True, dramatic, inspiring! If Anne had been a man, she would be in all the history books. Her exciting story has been neglected for 350 years! Read how Anne Hutchinson came to America from a comfortable life in England, to settle in rugged, four-year-old Boston. The conditions were extremely harsh. The women, with constant child-bearing, suffered the most. Spiritually minded, loving Anne became involved in helping the women in the colony to understand 'the God of Love, not Law'. Anne's zeal for God's truth in an all-male clergy led to an outright inquisition, and, ultimately, to her excommunication and banishment. Soon thereafter, came her tragic and untimely death, along with her young children. PB 9780930852306 £8.99 January 1995 Progressive Press 348 pages

Barack H. Obama The Unauthorized Biography Webster G Tarpley Written by the author of the legendary 1992 expose of Bush the elder, this book works from a New Deal point of view. Obama is exposed as a foundation operative and agent of Wall Street finance capital, controlled by Zbigniew Brzezinski, George Soros, and Goldman Sachs. Obama's mother was an official of the Ford Foundation, the World Bank, and US AID. By all indications, Obama was identified for future political use by Brzezinski at Columbia in 1981-1983, during Obama's secret lost years. Obama has worked for the Gamaliel Foundation, the Joyce Foundation, the Woods Fund, and the Annenberg Foundation as a community organizer - a poverty pimp, a cynical opportunist who uses suffering people as a political commodity. The foundation strategy is divide and conquer, pitting blacks against whites against Hispanics against Asians, to prevent any challenge to Wall Street. Racist provocateurs like Wright and Pfleger, along with Weatherman terrorist bombers Ayers and Dohrn, Obama's best friends, are cast in this mold. Rezko, Auchi, and Al-Sammarae represent the cesspool of Chicago graft and corruption in which Obama cavorts. Schooled in Nietzsche and Fanon, Obama qualifies as a postmodern fascist. An Obama administration would strive for brutal economic sacrifice and austerity to finance Wall Street bailouts, and for imperialist confrontation with Russia and China. PB 9780930852917 £19.99 November 2017 Progressive Press

Battling Wall Street The Kennedy Presidency Donald Gibson Was JFK the tool of the Eastern Establishment, or was he its bitterest enemy? Don Gibson challenges the conventional wisdom and asserts, with powerful support from Kennedy’s own words and actions -- and those of his enemies -- that Kennedy was always on the side of economic, political and social progress. To achieve his goals of government for the people, JFK crossed swords courageously and vigorously with the real centers of power. They punished him with the ultimate sacrifice -- his own life, and fifty years of crushing defeats of our American ideals. In this intriguing and penetrating analysis, Gibson looks at what JFK himself said, wrote, and did, contrasting that with the words and actions of his enemies -- the Wall Street Journal, Fortune magazine, and the corporate and banking magnates themselves, who, as this book shows, truly despised the President. Conventional wisdom depicts Kennedy as a cautious president committed to the status quo and to the Establishment. This book makes a compelling case to the contrary, showing that President Kennedy was always willing to do battle for his progressive policies, even in the face of vicious attacks. With its clear and lively style, this book is a revelation to the general reader and to the specialist, opening the way to a new understanding of the meaning of Kennedy’s legacy. This new edition includes a tribute to Robert F. Kennedy, who followed in his brother's footsteps, and made the same supreme sacrifice for the ideals they shared. PB 9781615776689 £17.99 November 2018 Progressive Press 224 pages

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Century of War Anglo-American Oil Politics & the New World Order F William Engdahl This Book is a Gripping Account of the Murky World of the Anglo-American Oil Industry and its Hidden Role in World Politics. -- William Engdahl takes the reader through the history of how seven giant oil companies - five American and two British - developed a controlling grip on the world's economy unprecedented in history. This is no ordinary history of oil. It is a history of global politics, more precisely of global geopolitics - how control of strategic geographical pivot regions first British and later American interests to control in large part the world economy. -The book sheds light for the first time on such events as the 1973 oil shock - a sudden 400% rise in the price of the world's most essential commodity in a matter of weeks. What William Engdahl reveals, with flawless documentation, will shock most people. The implications are even more devastating. He also documents how oil played an essential role in the ultimate collapse of the Soviet Union, in the rise and fall of the Taliban in Afghanistan, in the US occupation of Iraq and countless other events not normally understood in such a light. PB 9781615774920 £19.99 May 2012 Progressive Press 352 pages 7 b/w photos

Clown Prince Bush the W "Who Elected That Dude Anyway?" Ted Cohen This imaginative memoir portrays the young George W Bush. He was a spoiled rich brat. He was an adolescent drunk. He was a prankster frat boy at an Ivy League. His famous father got him out of the draft. He got elected to the highest office in the world. Impressive resumé. Stranger than fiction! By the Maine reporter who "busted" W for drunk driving. The biography covers the juvenile career of George W. Bush, his rowdy teenage behaviour and drinking habits. His hijinks at Yale and Harvard. Dodging the draft with a little help from Congressman "Poppy" Bush. Inside the Bush Family; mano a mano over an affair his father is having. W's DUI arrest. Eligible bachelor W gets engaged to a nice girl -- so as to be more eligible for a run for Congress. He loses the race but marries Laura Welch anyway. W will be assisted again to rise to high office. Bush comes across as a devil-may-care, insolent youth, with a rude nickname for everyone, always ready to get into mischief, or into a case of liquor, to relieve his boredom. This amusing portrait of a lout's progress is hardly flattering, but is not as unsympathetic as much of his press. An ordinary kid born into a strange family, "Dubya" never was interested in politics. He had to play his part to pay his family dues. This may well explain why Bush as President just did not seem to care to keep up the pretences that the world expects from its leaders. Indeed, we see G W Bush here as an anti-hero rather than a leader. Yet the author does not dwell on such theories. This is a hilarious book rather than a serious one, in keeping with the lightweight personality of its subject. Author Ted Cohen is the Kennebunkport reporter who uncovered the story of Dubya's DUI conviction during the 2000 presidential campaign. That the press did not deem to pick up on it, may possibly have swung the election. PB 9781615776467 £13.99 March 2010 Progressive Press 191 pages

Conspriracies, Conspiracy Theories & the Secrets of 9/11 Mathias Bröckers Mathias Bröckers was working on a book on conspiracies and conspiracy theories when 9/11 hit. Suddenly his study of dusty historical specimens was deluged by an outpouring of ideal research material, live on the screen. Aspiring to found the new science of conspirology, Broeckers doesn't fear the "conspiracy theory" label. Instead he plunges into a fascinating exploration of the subject of conspiracy itself, before tackling the problems of evidence for two competing narratives: the "Bin Laden conspiracy" theory, and dissident suspicions of a staged "inside job" by conspirators within the government. From the Top Ten best-seller list in Germany, his original viewpoint will be warmly welcomed in his first English language edition. PB 9780930852238 £14.95 June 2006 Progressive Press 288 pages

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Corporatism The Secret Government of the New World Order Jeffrey Grupp Corporations control all basic resources of the world, all the governments and institutions, and prevent us from solving humanity's problems. Their New World Order plan is the global "prison planet" that Hitler was aiming for. PB 9780930852719 £9.99 November 2008 Progressive Press 416 pages b/w photos

Derision Points -- Clown Prince Bush the W The Real Story of His Decision Points Ted Cohen Dubya still likes to call himself "The Decider." But a lot was decided for him. This imaginative memoir reveals the real Bush from his youth. He was a hard-drinking, good-natured lout -- and the last person who'd run for high office. Bush was a spoiled rich brat. From adolescent drunk he graduated to prankster frat boy at an Ivy League. His famous father got him out of the draft. He got elected to the highest office in the world. Impressive resumé. Stranger than fiction! By the Maine reporter who "busted" W for drunk driving. The biography covers the juvenile career of Geo. W. Bush, his rowdy teenage behavior and drinking habits. His hijinks at Yale and Harvard. Dodging the draft with a little help from Congressman "Poppy" Bush. Inside the Bush Family; mano a mano over an affair his father is having. W's DUI arrest. Eligible bachelor W gets engaged to a nice girl -- so as to be more eligible for a run for Congress. He loses the race but marries Laura Welch anyway. W will be assisted again to rise to high office. Bush comes across as a devilmay-care, insolent youth, with a rude nickname for everyone, always ready to get into mischief, or into a case of liquor, to relieve his boredom. This amusing portrait of a oaf's progress is hardly flattering, but is not as unsympathetic as much of his press. An ordinary kid born into a strange family, "Dubya" never was interested in politics. He had to play his part to pay his family dues. This may well explain why Bush as President just did not seem to care to keep up the pretences that the world expects from its leaders. Indeed, we see G W Bush here as an anti-hero rather than a leader. Yet the author does not dwell on such theories. This is a hilarious book rather than a serious one, in keeping with the lightweight personality of its subject. Author Ted Cohen is the Kennebunkport reporter who uncovered the story of Dubya's DUI conviction during the 2000 presidential campaign. That the press did not deem to pick up on it may have swung that close election. PB 9781615772438 £13.50 January 2008 Progressive Press 191 pages

Descent into Slavery? New Edition Des Griffin No punches are pulled by the author as he presents startling documentation and brings his readers face-to-face with the raw realities of power politics. Here, at last, is the full, true story of the power-crazed Internationalists and the methods they employ in steering all nations towards total social and financial ruin in preparation for their ultimate absorption into the planned worldwide dictatorship. The inside story of World War II is truly eye-opening! Des Griffin lays bare the hideous tragedy that lies ahead for the United States unless our people shake off the shackles of the conspirators and return to individual responsibility and fiscal sanity. This is one book you can't afford to miss! This updated edition covers globalisation and the New World Order. PB 9780941380010 £13.99 June 2008 Emissary Publications 310 pages

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Dope, Inc Britain's Opium War Against the World Executive Intelligence Review The Opium Wars of 1840-1860 were dark chapters in the history of colonialism, when Britain made war on the Chinese to force them to import thousands of tons of opium, which crippled and impoverished their nation. It's much less well-known that the Opium Wars never really ended. The United States, like China, was too great for the London money lords to occupy directly. One way America is being brought to heel is by the drug trade. Crime and other social problems in the U.S. and Mexico are massively influenced by drugs and drug dealing. Illicit drugs may now account for as much as $1 trillion annually in financing for criminal activity and corruption. PB 9781615772841 £13.99 October 2010 Progressive Press 320 pages

Ecology, Ideology & Power Donald Gibson This book warns against the effort to sell a reactionary economic, political and social agenda dressed up as concern for and protection of the environment. The author is in no way opposed to any genuine ecological concerns, but his work demonstrates that what we call "environmentalism" is primarily an expression of the world view of segments of the world's upper class. The book offers a terrific explanation as to why the environmental movement is against religions such as Christianity. Gibson investigates the origins of Earth Day and how it was originally perceived as a corporate buyout and propaganda model. If you are environmentalist and consider yourself to dislike oil companies, ford corporation, and other seemingly destructive companies to the environment; then prepared to have your mind blown as you find out these are the very companies that control, created, fund, and shape the entire environmental movement. If you end up reading this book and like it or want to know more about the power groups involved in the book I recommend you to read both "Battling Wall Street" and "Communication Power and Media" by Donald Gibson. PB 9781615775309 £14.99 December 2014 Progressive Press 166 pages

Facts & Fascism George Seldes "This book names the most powerful forces in Europe which organised the Fascist and Nazi parties and movement, the powerful American forces which own, control and subsidise native Fascism, and the spokesmen, radio orators, writers and other agents of reaction in America". This is the definitive account and source book on Fascism in the United States after the First World War and on into the Second. No doubt every subsequent work on this explosive topic owes a great debt to this original research. By crusading investigative journalist George Seldes, the book is in three parts: 1) The Big Money and Big Profits in Fascism, 2) Native Fascist Forces, and 3) Our Press as a Fascist Force. The first part reveals the backing of U.S. and British big business behind the rise of Fascism and militarism, with chapters on Germany, Italy, Japan, and Spain, the Nazi cartels and the National Association of Manufacturers. The author was a reporter in Italy in the early 20's as Fascism got its start, and wrote a full-length, critical portrait of Mussolini. In "Native Fascist Forces", Seldes first tells the story of the botched putsch by J. P. Morgan and the American Legion against FDR in 1934 -- surely one of the most hushed-up episodes in US history. Next Seldes dissects the Ford empire's support for Nazism and its repressive, even murderous labour practices, and Nazi apologists like Lindbergh, Father Coughlin and the Reader's Digest. The third part explores and deplores acts of treason by war-profiteering heavy industry and by the major newspaper chains. He exposes their habit of faking news for their political agenda, going back to the 1850's in support of black slavery, and white servitude - that is, with attacks on labor and social justice. The last chapter discusses profiteering from a different form of slavery, the tobacco addiction. Among the appendices is one on the definition of Fascism, and data on Who Owns America -- thirteen plutocratic families. PB 9781615770434 £17.99 July 2009 Progressive Press 290 pages b/w illus

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Fall of the Arab Spring From Revolution to Destruction Christopher L Brennan Was the "Arab Spring" that recently swept the Middle East an authentic grass roots movement for democracy, or just another set of US-sponsored "Color Revolutions", aimed at toppling noncompliant rulers? Mainstream media portray it as a wave of spontaneous uprisings by impatient youth against old-line dictators, but this book shatters this myth. With Egypt and Libya as case studies, it exposes the Arab unrest as US-engineered destabilisation, targeting nationalist resistance to Western and Israeli domination. We see how the "Arab Spring" fits into history, and explore the tactics used. There is a world tendency to shift away from US hegemony to a system of multiple centres of power. To stave this off while buttressing Israel, Washington think tanks manufactured the "Arab Spring". Avoiding GW Bush's crude and direct approach, the Obama team leaned on less direct means, a synergy of soft and hard power: so-called smart power. Through alliances with ambitious regional powers, NATO states, and naive local proxies, ranging from idealistic secular youth to Islamist extremists, they unleashed regional conflagration. PB 9781615772445 £12.99 February 2017 Progressive Press 210 pages

Final Warning A History of the New World Order David Allen Rivera This is the definitive resource on the nature and origins of the movement towards a one-world government. A wealth of in-depth research explains the roles of the major arms of the conspiracy today, such as the Federal Reserve, the Committee on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderbergers. The history of the New World Order is traced, from the Illuminati and the fomenting of the French Revolution, to the 1913 take-over of the US government by the bankers, the world wars, the rise of communism and the United Nations. PB 9781615779291 £19.99 August 2010 Progressive Press 366 pages

Freedom From Arthritis Through Nutrition The Complete Guide with Delicious Recipes: 7th Edition Philip Welsh Dr Philip Welsh tested different foods for over fifty years to arrive at these sound findings. Many arthritis sufferers have found relief in a few weeks or months by following his nutritional guide. The good doctor's advice is clear and easy to understand. For instance, avoid the "three bad whites:" sugar, salt and white flour. Consume less meat and starch, more fruits and vegetables. This is Nature's way to restore health and longevity, and improve conditions of arthritis and joint pain, cholesterol, constipation, and obesity. For a healthy body, pain-free joints, clear skin and all-around well-being. Live longer and stronger giving your body the right fuel. PB 9780930852283 £16.99 December 2008 Progressive Press 256 pages b/w illus

George Bush The Unauthorized Biography Webster G Tarpley, Anton Chaitkin This is the groundbreaking classic exposé of the Bush family, cited by all that followed it, yet still unmatched. Exhaustively documented by intensive search of dozens of archives and months of interviews with government insiders, this biography digs up all the dirt -- frightening, gory, hilarious -- on the Bush dynasty: How the Bushes made their fortune building up Hitler and the Nazi war machine; Iran-Contra; Zapata's Watergate burglars; The Reagan shooting; The 'war hero' story; The secret government; 'Eugenic' population reduction plans; Kissinger, China, and genocide in the Third World; Luring Iraq to attack Kuwait; The Bush Leveraged Buyout Mob, theft of a nation; Jupiter Island, Skull and Bones, and other power bases. Essential reading as long as this Anglo-American oligarchy directs American politics. PB 9780930852924 £14.99 December 2004 Progressive Press 659 pages b/w photos

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Gladio, Nato's Dagger at the Heart of Europe The Pentagon-Nazi-Mafia Terror Axis Richard Cottrell In this ground-breaking work of investigative journalism, Richard Cottrell lays bare a web of evil in high places. The recent paedophile Saville scandal in London was foreshadowed by rampant abuses in Belgium, fiefdom of NATO. Their purpose: to subvert democracy through blackmail. The recent wars in the Middle East, like the attack on Libya in 2011, also laid bare the iron fist behind the velvet glove of slogans like "human rights" and "international community". Like the destruction of Yugoslavia and the rape of Afghanistan, the destruction of Libya was carried out under the aegis of NATO. And what is NATO? Richard Cottrell tells the story of mayhem and murder, of corruption and subversion of democracy, behind this "alliance" against decency and democracy. Masquerading as a rear guard against Soviet invaders, NATO's covert forces warped into psychological and physical terrorism. These were the 'years of lead', in which hundreds perished in a synthetic war in the streets of Europe. NATO commander General Lyman Lemnitzer ordered serial attacks on French president Charles de Gaulle. Sacked from the Pentagon by John F Kennedy for rank insubordination, then exiled to Europe, Lemnitzer reaped revenge in Dallas. The secret armies forged bonds with organised crime and neo-fascists. NATO-backed coups struck down governments in Greece and Turkey; the island state of Cyprus was sundered amid bitter genocide. Urban guerrillas like the Red Brigades and the Baader-Meinhof Gang were cunningly manipulated. Italy gained a deep-state government, the ultra-secret P2 pseudoMasonic lodge, founded by former Blackshirts. Swedish premier Olof Palme and Italian ex-PM Aldo Moro were assassinated. Pope John Paul II was shot by Turkish gangsters who had regular work as Gladio guns for hire. In 2009, a Gladio copy-cat outfit codenamed Ergenekon came to light in Turkey. The shootings in Norway in July 2011, and in Belgium, France and Italy in 2012, all bore the classic stripe of Gladio false-flag operations. PB 9781615776887 £19.99 June 2015 Progressive Press 492 pages

Global Economic Crisis The Great Depression of the XXI Century Edited by Michel Chossudovsky, Andrew Gavin Marshall In all major regions of the world, the economic recession is deep-seated, resulting in mass unemployment, the collapse of state social programs and the impoverishment of millions of people. The meltdown of financial markets was the result of institutionalised fraud and financial manipulation. The economic crisis is accompanied by a world-wide process of militarisation, a war without borders led by the U.S. and its NATO allies. This book takes the reader through the corridors of the Federal Reserve, into the plush corporate boardrooms on Wall Street where farreaching financial transactions are routinely undertaken. Each of the authors in this timely collection digs beneath the gilded surface to reveal a complex web of deceit and media distortion which serves to conceal the workings of the global economic system and its devastating impacts on people's lives. PB 9780973714739 £19.99 May 2010 Global Research 390 pages

Global Predator US Wars for Empire Stewart Halsey Ross Global Predator is a damning account of the atrocities committed by invading US armed forces, from the 1846 war on Mexico to the recent wars on Iraq. In between are chapters on the Spanish and Philippines War, the World Wars, Korea, and Vietnam, plus appendices on other incursions. As he marshals the facts for a contrarian view of US history, author Stewart Halsey Ross is angered by a persistent pattern of brutality, jingoism and hypocrisy he finds behind America's mask of "Manifest Destiny" - yet he notes the great reluctance of the American people to enter into five of these eight wars. Ross (d. 2010) was an expert on military affairs. His earlier book published by Progressive Press, Propaganda for War, tells how Woodrow Wilson and the British twisted the truth to get the US into the Great War. PB 9781615774616 £21.99 September 2011 Progressive Press 360 pages

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Gods of Money Wall Street & the Death of the American Century F William Engdahl This is a book about power and about an extraordinarily wealthy elite that has wielded unprecedented power, not for the good, but rather for the enhancement of their own private position. The book tracks the evolution of the power amassed by a tiny group of men who have regarded themselves, quite literally, as gods -- the Gods of Money. Their agenda has included assassinations of two of America's most popular presidents; involvement of the United States against the public will in two world wars; and detonation of the world's most destructive weapon, the atomic bomb, on Japanese civilians. It has included scores of regional wars, political assassinations, coups, and systematic corruption of the body politic. The book reveals in an unusual and surprising manner how this powerful elite has systematically set out to literally control the entire world, backed by the most powerful military force the world has ever seen. PB 9781615778058 £17.99 January 2011 Progressive Press 390 pages

Homeland A Comedy James Hufferd This is a hilarious but merciless satire of America's crisis-ridden political scene and culture. The plot involves a president who sells the United States outright to pay off the national debt. Find out what happens when the newly elected President, who is a sight slicker than he is bright , goes along with the scheme to sell his bankrupt nation lock, stock and barrel -- the Constitution be damned! The lucky buyer is "The Company" -- a CIA-inspired combine of all big U.S. corporations. The Prez sets out to fleece both the knee-jerk government his party controls, and the wellmeaning but gullible public. Absurdity mounts as the press blithely rubber-stamps this grand charade. Can the take-over scheme long survive when two intrepid journalists, plus a handful of legislators who will not drink the Kool-Aid, find the courage to look behind the curtain? This satiric novel exposes precisely what is wrong with today's America. PB 9781615778034 £15.99 May 2012 Progressive Press 184 pages

How the World REALLY Works Alan B Jones More and more Americans are coming to feel that something has gone fundamentally wrong in our society. We have suffered repetitive wars, big and small, some won and some lost, but with the peace always lost. Our society has been drained of around $5 trillion in welfare costs since LBJ's War on Poverty was declared, but with no diminution in the incidence of "poverty". Our "War on Drugs" has also been lost, with its societal costs running around $500 billion per year. The cost of fixes for runaway environmentalism has reached about $1 trillion since the birth of the EPA in 1970. Our national debt is over $5 trillion and still going up. Two breadwinners per family has become normal, just to keep bread on the table. Americans feel put upon, and they are right, but they don't know who's doing it to them or why. Such issues have been pondered by researchers for many years, but the historical facts are finally bringing the pieces of the puzzle together. This book paints a picture of that largely completed puzzle, and lays out who the culprits are, why they are doing what they are doing, and how they are managing to pull off what is probably the biggest mass robbery of wealth and individual freedom in human history. Your reading this book will help to expose and stop the destruction, and help to guarantee a future of freedom rather than slavery for your children. PB 9780964084810 £9.99 August 2008 336 pages

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How to Conquer Cancer, Naturally Johanna Brandt A new edition of the 'Grape Cure'. Widely used by holistic health professionals to fight disease, often in patients with 'inoperable cancer'. Grapes contain a very powerful antioxidant that protects your body cells from 'free radicals'. Scientists have given it the name of 'proanthocyanidins', but it is not new. As far back as 1556, books on this wonderful nature cure had been published in various European languages. Dr Brandt was diagnosed with cancer in 1916, shortly after her mother died from cancer. Working with her own diet, fasting, etc, she began to see the relationship of the food she ate to the progression or regression of her cancer. It took nine years to achieve her healing. She discovered that a meat diet perpetuates cancer, a vegetarian diet conquers it, and that organic grapes aid healing. She helped others rid themselves of this deadly disease, left her native South Africa to bring her discovery to the US, and wrote this book. She shares her journey back to wellness in this small, yet remarkable book, reprinted because 'the need is greater than ever for natural discoveries to reach the people'. PB 9780930852351 ÂŁ5.99 January 1996 Progressive Press 96 pages

Illuminati The Cult That Hijacked the World Henry Makow Ph.D. Bizarre and incredible as it sounds, humanity has been colonised by a satanic cult called the Illuminati. This cult represents Masonic and Jewish bankers who finagled a monopoly over government credit which allows them to charge interest on funds they create out of nothing. Naturally they want to protect this prize by translating it into a political and cultural monopoly. This takes the form of a totalitarian world government dedicated to Lucifer, who represents their defiance of God. Thus, the people who hold our purse strings are conspiring against us. To distract and control us, they have used a vast occult network (Freemasonry) to infiltrate most organisations, especially government, intelligence agencies, education and the mass media. We are being re-engineered to serve the Illuminati. They undermine institutions like marriage and religion, and promote depravity, dysfunction, corruption and division. They have orchestrated two world wars and are planning a third. Henry Makow describes this conspiracy and shows how human history is unfolding according to Illuminati plan. PB 9781439211489 ÂŁ16.99 November 2008 Silas Green 247 pages

Illuminati 2 Deceit & Seduction Henry Makow The emerging New World Order, a depraved satanic cult called the Illuminati is waging a covert war against humanity. This is the key to understanding mankind's tragic history and current predicament. For more than a thousand years, Cabalist money lenders have conspired to usurp power from church and aristocracy, according to a plan detailed in "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion". This plan does not represent Jews, but only a small cabal of bankers who organised in Masonic secret societies. They intermarried with prominent Gentiles and formed a vast occult and criminal underground. They are stealthily constructing a totalitarian world government. Taking God's place, secularism is a transition step to their Satanism. They involve nations in needless wars and enthral the masses with porn, violence, trivia and toys. They attack our sources of identity and love - God (religion); family (gender); country and race -- in order to stymie and dehumanise us. Sounds incredible, but after reading some of these 90 short essays, you will nod in agreement. Their goal is to control your mind. If you know the truth, they can't. PB 9781450553117 ÂŁ16.99 April 2010 Createspace 285 pages b/w photos

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Illuminati3 Satanic Possession -- There is Only One Conspiracy Henry Makow From the Introduction: What passes as spontaneous social change is in fact an organised process of satanic possession. This development is not an isolated or recent phenomenon. Western society is based on a rebellion against God and the natural and moral order. The so-called Enlightenment refers to Lucifer as the light giver. It was an assertion of the Illuminati's determination to reject Reality -- the Creator's Design -- and construct an artificial reality more conducive to their interests and perversions. This is what the Cabalist bankers mean by remaking the world or changing the world. There is no way to sugarcoat this. Satanist (Cabalist) Jews and Freemasons are waging a covert war against God and man and are close to achieving victory. Many Jews and Freemasons have been a subversive force throughout history - the real reason for anti Semitism. Of course, the majority of Jews (and Christians) are not aware of this process of satanic possession. We have all succumbed to it. Passing as secularism and humanism, Satanism is the secret religion of the West. PB 9780991821129 £16.99 April 2014 Progressive Press 240 pages

In Search of the Truth An Exposure of the Conspiracy Azar Mirza-Beg This is a portrait of our times, society, and religion. The author, a sheikh of a dervish order, reveals to the modern reader for the first time the secret intrigues and conspiracies of Satan that will bring the world inevitably to destruction, unless all spiritually aware people, and Muslims, unite and stand up against the army of forces of evil. Main Subjects: 1. Sufi mysticism and autobiography: the author’s search for a teacher; 2. The decadence of atheistic modernism and Soviet Communism; 3. The corruption of nations by intelligence agencies; 4. Zionist Jewry: destruction of the Soviet Union, and war on Islam; 5. Society perverted by media, Islam twisted by Young Turks and Wahhabis; 6. Neo-fascism in Europe. PB 9781615777044 £12.99 February 2014 Progressive Press 212 pages

Inside the Gestapo Hitler's Shadow Over the World Hans Jürgen Koehler The fascinating first-hand account by a top defector of the ruthlessness, spy intrigues and curious personalities of the Third Reich. A unique and intimate record, full of surprises, sardonic wit and tragic endings. "Gestapo tactics": Espionage, intrigue, and subversion. Cunning, cynical, and ruthless in exploiting every human weakness - and murdering anyone who got in the way. Koehler was a special agent working for the top Nazi cop Heydrich, head of the Gestapo, the Secret State Police. He earns his spurs as spying in France, disguised as a Trotskyist refugee, laying the groundwork for Germany to annex these provinces, and matching wits with French and Communist intelligence services. A keen observer and skilful narrator, Koehler reveals how the Gestapo secretly financed and supported the Rumanian Iron Guard and the Spanish Fascists. Then he is sent undercover to a concentration camp to finger a fugitive. What he sees there, and the flogging that puts him in hospital, sows the seeds of his plan to escape. His next mission is to recover "The Fatal File" -- documents showing that Hitler's grandmother became pregnant while working as a maid in the Rothschild mansion in Vienna -- the Austrian chancellor's secret blackmail weapon to hold Nazi Germany at bay. Heydrich advises Koehler to employ a beautiful Countess to inveigle the file -- Austria is disarmed -- and the Wehrmacht marches into Austria. Koehler is then promoted to the detail guarding Hitler's residence in the Alps, and gets his chance to escape to Switzerland, where he writes "Inside the Gestapo". In 1943 the OSS commissioned a psychological profile of Hitler by Walter Langer, who drew on the revelations in this book. In 1972 Langer followed up with The Mind of Adolf Hitler: The Secret Wartime Report, which became a mass-market bestseller. PB 9780930852399 £17.99 July 2008 Progressive Press 287 pages b/w illus

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Instruments of the State D W Aossey The Cold War is a fading memory and a New World Order looms. As the Millennium approaches, a gang of power-brokers scheme to control the world's resources. But first they need to convince the American people -- the paymasters of the lone remaining military superpower -- that their security is at risk. Americans need to fear that a new enemy is lurking like none they have ever known. And so they shall. . . A shadowy operative named Vu has been activated for the plan. Decades ago, his family was killed in a napalm attack during the Vietnam War, yet Vu still struggles with his violent past. Now a skilled assassin and a veteran of countless espionage operations, he has a chance at redemption... The global drug trade, mind control and the corporate media are all connected as Vu, his underworld associates and the power-brokers work their evil magic. Framed in historical events from Vietnam to the 1983 Invasion of Lebanon to the Gulf War and culminating in the events of 9/11, it's a winner-take-all proposition, and murder and mayhem make for a surprise ending in this epic tale of espionage and suspense. PB 9781615777570 £8.99 January 2011 Progressive Press 447 pages

Iraq Lie How the White House Sold the War Joseph M Hoeffel First account by any Congressman to divulge the truth about what really happened in briefings with key Bush Administration figures. Praise from Minority Leader and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and many other distinguished members of Congress; The full story of how war hawks deceived the public, media and Congress; same people still pushing for US troops in Iraq again; Tells how war and occupation destroyed Iraqi institutions, replacing them with an inept, corrupt, sectarian, pro-Iran regime; Most Americans want to leave Iraq alone. US intervention helped enemies and extremists, weakened allies and moderates; Proposes reforms to require full public disclosure of intelligence, and a clear mandate from Congress before any major military action; Will appeal to fans of authors like Rachel Maddow (Drift), Isikoff and Corn (Hubris), Scahill (Blackwater), and Woodward (Bush at War). PB 9781615777921 £9.99 July 2014 Progressive Press 268 pages

ISIS IS US The Shocking Truth -- Behind the Army of Terror Jean-Paul Leonard Did the "Islamic State" spring full-blown into spontaneous being as the fanatical scourge of the Middle East, or was it helped along by state sponsors? In this book, a panel of cutting-edge researchers tell what ISIS really is, and what has been going on behind the scenes in Iraq, Syria and Libya. The conclusion: ISIS is Iran-Contra all over again. In the 1980's, the Reagan administration wanted to topple the government of Nicaragua, using right-wing mercenaries, death squads, based in Honduras. But Congress passed a law prohibiting that. So they went around it, by financing the Contras via Iran. Three decades later, Washington hawks wanted to topple the elected governments of Libya and Syria, and crush the popular resistance in Iraq. Once again, they planned to do this using death squads. So they got around Congress by having Qatar and the Saudis finance it. To set up death squads in Iraq, they sent John Negroponte as Ambassador to Baghdad in 2004. The same guy they sent to Honduras as Ambassador from 1981 to 1985. Then in 2011, they sent some of those killers from Iraq to Libya to overthrow Qaddafi, with NATO air cover. From Libya, they were sent on to Syria to start the killing there, in a dirty war directed by Negroponte's right-hand man, US Ambassador Ford. Over the next couple years, the embedded media perversely pinned the killings of civilians on Assad, "staying on message" with the script for another NATO invasion. Only Russia's UN veto spared Syria. Still, the sheikhs kept on financing the "rebels" -- and the US pretended to fight them -- until they grew into the ISIS terror army. Today, in spite of Russian military intervention, ISIS and its backers are not giving up. Even Fox News is saying the US coalition against ISIS is a myth. The authors of ISIS IS US dig deeper, to bring you the full story. PB 9781615771523 £19.99 March 2017 Progressive Press 262 pages b/w photo & maps

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JFK - 9/11 50 Years of Deep State Laurent Guyenot JFK-9/11 assembles the most significant and well-documented "deep events" of the last fifty years into a coherent narrative of the "deep history" of the United States and its sphere of influence. The result is both a concise introduction for newcomers (a "deep history for dummies"), and an insightful perspective for informed readers. Relying strictly on documented evidence and state-of-the-art JFK and 9/11 research, the book cuts through the layers of government and mainstream media lies, to expose the hidden powers at work in the Empire's underground foreign policy. It documents the role of undercover and paramilitary operations, psychological warfare and disinformation campaigns, and above all false flag terror, in the course of world politics since the beginning of the Cold War, and increasingly since September 11th. The book is divided in two parts: the first deals with the underlying forces of the Cold War, the second with the driving forces of the War on Terror. The period investigated begins just before 22 November 1963 and peaks on 11 September 2001, the two deep events that weigh most heavily on the unfolding of American and world history. PB 9781615776399 £11.99 November 2017 Progressive Press 239 pages 150 b/w photos

Just Too Weird Bishop Romney & the Mormon Takeover of America -- Polygamy, Theocracy & Subversion Webster Griffin Tarpley Presidential candidate Mitt Romney's Mormon tradition is revealed as no real religion but a cult invented by a charlatan, a disguise for a subversive ideology opposing all that is best in the American tradition. The British recruited Mormon leaders into their 19th century plot to break up the US, leading to the cult's strategic occupation of Utah territory. Mormonism has never abandoned its secrecy and its enmity to America. Mitt Romney is the hoped-for figure who will fulfil Mormon prophecy and take over the United States. This book provides warning insights into a possible Romney presidency by exploring over 182 years of Latter-day Saints tradition. As Romney is a notorious liar and flip-flopper, it is useless to examine his political positions at any given moment. He attempts to pose as an ultra-patriot, but his family considered the barbaric Mormon practice of polygamy more important than loyalty to the United States. Romney spent years attempting to recruit for the cult, in which black Americans were regarded as inferior. Although Romney demands an aggressive foreign policy, nobody in his family every served this country in uniform -- although at least one ancestor fought against the Union in the attempted 1857 Mormon secession of Utah. PB 9781615777242 £19.99 October 2012 Progressive Press 284 pages

Kennedy Assassination Cover-up Donald Gibson Over the course of half a century, polls have repeatedly shown that most Americans refuse to accept the official story of the Kennedy Assassination. That story, set forth by the media and by a Presidential Commission dominated by representatives of the most powerful private forces in the nation, was that the President was killed by a lone assassin with radical tendencies and an abnormal mind. It is demonstrated in this book that everything we can know about the cover-up suggests not a government or FBI or Mafia conspiracy, but a treasonous conspiracy executed by a network of wealthy private interests whose goals were at odds with almost everything the energetic 35th president of the United States was doing. That network set up Lee Harvey Oswald as a patsy and went into action promoting the cover story within hours of the assassination. From the afternoon of 22 November 1963, to the release of the so-called Warren Report and beyond, a group of interconnected individuals seized control of the investigation and of the official account. That story is now told here. PB 9781615779635 £17.99 November 2014 Progressive Press 326 pages

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Killing Us Softly The Global Depopulation Policy Kevin Mugur Galalae The international community, aided by the United Nations and motivated by the best intentions, has used covert methods to combat population growth. In the process, they have committed sinister crimes and inadvertently degraded our intellectual and genetic endowments, in order to preserve humanity from the even greater evils of nuclear annihilation, mass starvation and environmental devastation. Some of these methods are GMO's, vaccines, artificial diseases like AIDS, flouride, plastic bottles (biphenol), spraying, drug abuse, and social influences weakening the family. After World War II, world leaders were so weary of brutal conflict that they agreed to find a way to peacefully coexist. Since then, peace and prosperity have depended on an ultrasecret effort to reduce human fertility, so as to defuse the population bomb before nations outgrow their natural resources and are tempted to take the resources of weaker neighbors by force. Instead of waging open war on each other, the military-industrial establishments of nation states have been empowered to use chemical and biological weapons to wage a silent war on the reproductive ability of the global population. PB 9781615770502 £15.99 April 2014 Progressive Press 148 pages

La France Conquise Edouard VII & Clemenceau Emile Flourens Text in French. Oeuvre prophetique d'un ancien ministre francais des affaires etrangeres, corrobore par trois autres ecrivains de l'histoire. Quatre temoignages du fait que c'est l'Angleterre qui a cherche la guerre de 1914. Son but: preserver sa position dominante contre la rivalite ascendante d'une union souhaitee par les pouvoirs continentaux: la France, l'Allemagne, la Russie, le Chine et le Japon. Le livre de Flourens et un essai de Cheminade en a long article by Webster Tarpley in English ... und eine "Fluchschrift" von Reinhold Wagner auf Deutsch. Un avant-propos de l'editeur explique la signification pour nos temps: il faut absolument se mefier des intrigues du genre diviser-pour-conquerir incitees par les grandes puissances anglophones, soit contre les Musulmanes, Russes, Chinois ou Africains. PB 9780930852863 £16.99 February 2009 Progressive Press 148 pages b/w illus

Money Power Pawns in the Game & Empire of the City - Two Books in One William Guy Carr, Edwin Charles Knuth, John-Paul Leonard "The Money Power" contains two classic books on geopolitics, "Pawns in the Game" and "Empire of the City", which present the thesis that the wars and revolutions of modern times have been engineered by an English-speaking finance oligarchy to perpetuate their balance of power over the world. They are the power behind the British throne and the American government. Behind a mask of liberal democracy, their method is subversion, destruction of the old world order, and the humiliation of all rival power centres. The money power controls world politics, behind the scenes and in full view. It is a corrupt, cynical oligarchy that buys all the governments it can - with their own funds. This power of money also stares us in the face as a relentless effort to determine every aspect of our family life, work and values, magnetising everything. In "Pawns in the Game," Wm. Guy Carr sets out his famous Three World Wars scenario. WWI was planned to topple the Russian and German empires and set up the conflict between Fascism and Bolshevism. WWII was to eliminate Germany as a world power and set up Israel instead. WWIII, which we are now leading up to, is planned to mutually annihilate Zionism and Islam in a global conflict that bankrupts the entire world, ending in absolute rule by the Money Masters. Carr emphasises the role of the Illuminati in carrying out this plot, while Knuth's "Empire of the City" focuses on the British Empire and its balance of power intrigues. PB 9781615771219 £17.99 December 2012 Progressive Press 320 pages

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Nazi Hydra in America Suppressed History of a Century Glen Yeadon, John Hawkins This book exposes how US plutocrats launched Hitler, then recouped Nazi assets to lay the postwar foundations of a modern police state. Fascists won WWII because they ran both sides. Lays bare the tenacious roots of US fascism from robber baron days to Reichstag fire to the WTC atrocity and "Homeland Security", with a blow-by-blow account of the fascist take-over of America's media. PB 9780930852436 £11.99 November 2008 Progressive Press 706 pages

New World Order in Action Volume 1 -- Globalization, the Brexit Revolution & the "Left" -- Towards a Democratic Community of Sovereign Nations Takis Fotopoulos This is the first of a three-volume major project which aims to cover all aspects of the New World Order (NWO) of neoliberal globalisation, with its effort at full integration of every country in the world into this new order. The phasing out of economic and national sovereignty implied by this process has led to a global popular movement for sovereignty (ie: self-determination and against globalisation). The rise of the NWO and the role of the Transnational Elite, that is, the network of the economic and political elites which administers it, are examined in the first volume. Furthermore, the mythology used by the elites as well as by the globalist Left is examined. It was the full integration of the Left into the new order, which has led to its political bankruptcy and the rise of a neo-nationalist movement, embraced by most of the victims of globalisation and particularly the working class that used to support the Left. The need for a struggle for national as well as social liberation has become imperative today on the way to a new form of internationalism inspired by the principles of solidarity and mutual aid, rather than the catastrophic principles of competitiveness and profit-making, as at present. PB 9781615772476 £17.99 December 2016 Progressive Press 354 pages

Numbers of the Gods Unlocking the Secret Science of the Druids Sylvain Tristan A mind-boggling investigation into ancient wisdom -- and the nature of the universe. Monuments like the Pyramids or Stonehenge make us wonder: Were the ancients way more advanced than we know? In Numbers of the Gods, Sylvain Tristan does the math and finds fascinating answers. Yes, the Bronze Age had superb astronomers, who already knew the exact dimensions of our Earth, Sun and Moon, and that our planet rotates around the Sun, thousands of years BC. New discoveries prove that Celtic Druids and their predecessors used an amazingly precise and unified 366-degree geometry and astronomy to measure space and time. Many key sites of antiquity follow this geometry, from Babylon to Teotihuacán to the Great Pyramid of Giza. Stranger still, Druidic Initiates -- perhaps in the highest ranks of Freemasonry -- have discreetly continued to use their geometry in siting cities like Paris, Washington DC, and modern architectural monuments worldwide. Strangest and most awe-inspiring of all, the magic numbers of the Druids — 366, 40 and 10 — may be encrypted in the dimensions of the solar system, the physics of our universe and the biology of the human species, as if they were the signature of a Great Architect. The revolutionary evidence in this book is easy to check, the interpretation is limited only by your imagination! Revised edition with index. PB 9781615773671 £19.99 December 2017 Progressive Press 370 pages

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Obama -- The Postmodern Coup Making of a Manchurian Candidate: 2nd Edition Webster Griffin Tarpley Remember compassionate conservatism and a humble foreign policy? You should. Tarpley reveals that the Obama puppet's advisors are even more radical reactionaries than the neo-cons. Check out the rave reviews on Amazon: "a crash course in political science". Distils three decades of political insight and astute analysis, from a unique perspective. PB 9780930852887 £9.99 August 2008 Progressive Press 299 pages

Propaganda for War How the United States Was Conditioned to Fight the Great War of 1914-1918 Stewart Halsey Ross "The Verdict of the VERSAILLES TREATY that Germany and her allies were responsible for the War, in view of the evidence now available, is historically unsound. It should therefore be revised." These are the words of Sidney Bradshaw Fay, noted revisionist historian, on the concluding page of his magisterial Origins of the World War, published in 1928. We now know more about the Great War than merely its origins. We now know that Great Britain's first act of war on 4 August 1914 was to cut the two trans-Atlantic cables that connected Berlin to New York City. We now know that America's professed neutrality in the early years of the conflict was a hoax. We now know that the Cunard passenger liner RMS Lusitania doubled as a munitions ship, and purposefully steamed into harm's way in May 1915. We now know that the alleged atrocities by the German army in Belgium were all lies. We now know that the British organized a massive, covert propaganda apparatus with the goal of dragging America into the war on the side of the Allies. And we now also know that America's involvement in 1917 as a belligerent in Europe was a tragic misstep by anglophile Woodrow Wilson, that had profound implications not only for the United States but for Europe as well, ensuring an even more catastrophic reprise in 1939. Wilson himself declared, "We all know that this was a commercial war," in September 1919. In April 1937, on the 20th anniversary of America's entry into the war, a Gallup Poll found that 70 percent of respondents thought "it was a mistake for the United States to have entered the Great War." Dr. George Gallup himself declared that "this conviction has been the great master principle of the post-war period in the United States". The lesson is forgotten, propaganda for war repeats, and history repeats. The majorities supporting an invasion of Iraq in 2003 turned two years later to 60 percent opposition to the war. . . a lesson learned too late again. PB 9781615771417 £23.99 June 2009 Progressive Press 344 pages b/w photos

Prophet of the Dead Sea Scrolls The Essenes & the Early Christians -- One & the Same People. The Seven Devout Practices, 3rd Edition Upton Clary Ewing Who, in fact, were the ancient Essenes? What secret doctrines did they uphold? Why did they keep their practices hidden? How do these writings relate to Jesus and His teachings? This vital book explores the pre-Christian origins of New Testament writings and the little-known mysteries of the ancient Hebrew sect called the Essenes. It explains their 'Seven Devout Practices'. New evidence is presented concerning the conviction and crucifixion of Jesus, revealing the falseness of traditional accusations against the Jews. The author shows you why and how 'The Sect of the Scrolls', the Nazarenes, the Ebionites, and the Palestine Christians were one and the same people. PB 9780930852269 £7.99 January 1994 Progressive Press 175 pages b/w illus

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Rape of the Mind The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide & Brainwashing Joost A M Meerloo Since 1933, when a completely drugged and trial-conditioned human wreck confessed to having started the Reichstag fire in Berlin, Dr Joost A M Meerloo has studied the methods by which systematic mental pressure brings people to abject submission, and by which totalitarians imprint their subjective "truth" on their victims' minds. In this book he goes far beyond the direct military implications of mental torture to describing how our own culture unobtrusively shows symptoms of pressurising people's minds. He presents a systematic analysis of the methods of brainwashing and mental torture and coercion, and shows how totalitarian strategy, with its use of mass psychology, leads to systematised "rape of the mind". He describes the new age of cold war with its mental terror, verbocracy, and semantic fog, the use of fear as a tool of mass submission and the problem of treason and loyalty, so loaded with dangerous confusion. The book is written for the interested layman, not only for experts and scientists. PB 9781615773763 £18.99 July 2009 Progressive Press 320 pages

Saving the Savior Did Christ Survive the Crucifixion? Abubakr Ben Ishmael Salahuddin This book presents the explosive theory that Jesus Christ survived the crucifixion, travelled across what was then known as Asia, took up residence in Kashmir, India, married, had children and lived to the ripe old age of 120 years. Thirty illustrations include original-language documents (Sanskrit, Tibetan, Persian) -- with accompanying English translations -- that clearly record the sojourn of Jesus Christ all throughout Asia/India. The book studies five branches of humanity that are involved in an intense struggle over the identity of Jesus Christ, and compares their perspectives. Those branches are: revisionist Christian scholars, traditional Christianity, Eastern religions and philosophies, the world of Islam, and atheists, agnostics and secular humanists. Also examined are the philosophical issues surrounding the subject of a post-crucifixion life of Jesus. It offers an intense and fascinating comparison between Eastern religion and philosophy on the one hand, and Western Christianity on the other. This thorough examination is perhaps as engaging, if not more so, as the actual documents that detail the travels of Jesus to Kashmir after the crucifixion. PB 9780970828019 £9.99 December 2001 Jammu Press 376 pages tables

Seeds of Destruction The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation F William Engdahl This skilfully researched book focuses on how a small socio-political American elite seeks to establish its control over the very basis of human survival, the provision of our daily bread. "Control the food and you control the people." This is no ordinary book about the perils of GMO. Engdahl takes the reader inside the corridors of power, into the backrooms of the science labs, behind closed doors in the corporate boardrooms. The author reveals a World of profit-driven political intrigue, government corruption and coercion, where genetic manipulation and the patenting of life forms are used to gain world-wide control over food production. The book is an eye-opener, a must-read for all those committed to the causes of social justice and World peace. PB 9780973714722 £19.99 December 2007 Global Research 341 pages

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Skulk A Post-911 Comic Novel Marc Estrin This is the sixth of his critically-acclaimed novels for lovers of intelligent fiction. Radical Professor Richard Gronsky is swept off his feet by T L Skulkington, a sassy, right-wing superstar, during one of her liberal-bashing talks. Their romance struggles with political polarity until a run-in with Homeland Security brings Miss Skulkington's libertarian impulses to the fore, and "Skulk" is won over to Gronsky's causes -- secession of the Free State of Kansas, and 9/11 Truth. So begins the twosome's mad escapade to stage an Event and awaken the Sunflower State to The Issues of the Day. Joining forces with a mysterious Santa, they take flying lessons, and steal a Cessna to crash into Santa's department store. The reader is treated to a sophisticated parody of American political reality, a wild ride full of ironic twists and a stunning ending. In the Afterword, Estrin discusses his strategy in Skulk: to use comic fiction to probe dangerous real-world fictions parading as truth. PB 9780930852559 ÂŁ17.99 December 2008 Progressive Press 182 pages

Subverting Syria How CIA Contra Gangs & NGO's Manufacture, Mislabel & Market Mass Murder Tony Cartalucci, Nile Bowie The Syrian "uprising" is a cynical US-engineered plot using provocateurs, mercenaries, Wahhabi fanatics, corrupt NGO's and the global media. The US, NATO and the feudal emirates are out to smash this independent Arab state that spends on human welfare and refuses to surrender to Israel. The US and Saudi-financed plot turns on the tactic of "Countergangs". Terrorists -mercenaries and irregulars, the "CIA foreign legion" -- shoot both demonstrators and police, blow up buildings, massacre innocent villagers - and then blame the carnage on the targeted government. NGO's like NED, the "National Endowment for Democracy" (funded by US State Dept, Geo. Soros, Ford Foundation etc) promote "activists", whose leaders are ambitious sociopaths, eagerly carving out a piece of the carcass for the moment the state is brought down. The corporate lapdog media, cogs in the military-industrial complex, lap up and magnify the Big Lie, creating a fake "reality" that the average person has little chance of seeing through. Subverting Syria reveals how the crusade to destroy Syria follows tactics explicitly set out in the Pentagon's Unconventional Warfare Manual fund NGO's to create a climate of protest in the target country -- provocateurs organise demonstrations, then fire on protesters and security forces alike to stoke violence -- staged and mislabelled video footage creates the illusion of repression -- mass media endlessly repeat the Big Lie that the nation's leader is a brutal dictator killing his own people. "Give a dog a bad name and hang him". Invade border towns with special forces death squads, the CIA Foreign Legion of Al Qaeda psychopaths, fanatics and guns for hire -- fabricate pretexts for military intervention by the UN, or NATO -- bomb the country into the stone age, to be conquered by NATO's Islamic terrorist puppets -- eradicate Arab socialism and government for the people, replacing it with a corrupt clique beholden to Wall Street and London bankers -- isolate Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq and Iran, giving free rein for Greater Israel to dominate the Middle East - US corporations write multi-billion-dollar contracts for "reconstruction" and "security" Subverting Syria shows how wars are engineered by manipulation of the kinder instincts of mankind, hoodwinking and harnessing pacifist and leftist forces -- entrapping them in the service of mass murder and the global dictatorship of the money power. PB 9781615775576 ÂŁ11.99 September 2012 Progressive Press 116 pages

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Sunk The Story of the Japanese Submarine Fleet, 1941-1945 Mochitsura Hasimoto Mochitsura Hashimoto was one of only four Japanese submarine captains to survive. Shortly before the end of WW2 he inflicted the greatest single loss on the U.S. Navy in its history, when he torpedoed and sank the USS Indianapolis -- soon after it had delivered parts for the first Abomb on Hiroshima to the US base on Tinian! The title, however, refers to the fate of the Japanese submarine fleet. It's the story of the bravery of doomed men in a lost cause, fighting impossible odds. The kaitens or human torpedoes were not the only submarine kamikazes: the whole war in the Pacific was suicide from the start. So why did Japan go into the war? Hashimoto is sharply critical of the recklessness and unpreparedness of Japan's top brass. PB 9781615775811 £17.99 May 2010 Progressive Press 280 pages b/w maps

Surviving the Cataclysm Your Guide Through the Worst Financial Crisis in Human History Webster G Tarpley Third edition with Index. The Book that Shows the Way out of the World Depression. Here is the indispensable handbook for the present breakdown crisis and disintegration of the world financial, currency, and banking system. Webster Tarpley builds on his prophetic work of 1999, which showed the world heading for a financial cataclysm and economic depression due to deregulated derivatives speculation, the destruction of modern productive industry, the collapse of the US standard of living, and a globalise hot money casino run by a tiny financier oligarchy. Tarpley calls for a return to the American System of political economy as exemplified by such figures as Hamilton, Clay, Lincoln, FDR, and JFK. He shows the criminal futility of the BushPaulson-Bernanke bailout of the $1.5 quadrillion derivatives bubble, now continued under cynical and demagogic left cover by the Obama -- Geithner -- Summers -- Bernanke clique. Obama is exposed as the worst Wall St. puppet in recent US history, an anti-FDR peddling a New Deal in reverse for the benefit of zombie bankers, while the American people get the crumbs. Surviving the Cataclysm advances a benchmark program for world economic recovery, full employment, scientific and technological progress, third world development, and the defence of our threatened civilisation. It is a call for wiping out derivatives, banning foreclosures, and nationalising the failed Federal Reserve System. Cheap, no-interest Federal credit for production can build 1,000 hospitals, 100,000 miles of high-speed maglev rail, 100 fourth-generation hightemperature pebble bed nuclear reactors, while rebuilding the interstates, and water systems -creating tens of millions of high-paid, capital-intensive modern jobs in the process. PB 9781615776009 £16.99 January 2011 Progressive Press 936 pages

Target China How Washington & Wall Street Plan to Cage the Asian Dragon F William Engdahl China today has become a world economic giant in just three decades. The country's central bank holds over $3.5 trillion in foreign exchange reserves, mostly in dollars. Without the Chinese colossus, the USA might have long ago gone bankrupt, unable to finance its exploding national debt. Now that China has emerged as the world's second largest economy, some powerful circles in Wall Street and Washington are alarmed that the Chinese might no longer follow the agenda, but decide for themselves what is best for China. They see China as a threat to their global power. The result is growing tension between Beijing and Washington -- in the Middle East, Africa, and in Asia. Especially alarming is covert US backing of Japan in a conflict with China over remote Pacific islands. China is beginning to feel escalating hostility, and not only from the Pentagon. Open conflict between the USA and China could deal a death-blow to the fragile world economy. This book explains in clear terms what is at stake if Washington continues to try to turn the Chinese Dragon into an enemy state. PB 9781615772278 £17.99 November 2014 Progressive Press 256 pages

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Tele Screen An Empirical & Philosophical Study of the Destruction of Consciousness in America Jeffrey Grupp The Telescreen is the pervasive media screen put in front of, and injected into, the eyes and ears of humans in the American electronic techno-culture. This begins from birth, and moulds consciousness throughout life: not a genuine human consciousness, but rather is a less-thanhuman, despiritualised semi-consciousness. People today continually flood their consciousnesses with images and impressions from television, videogames, church, radio, billboards, textbooks, magazines, newspapers, etc.- the "telescreen world" of Orwell's 1984. The Telescreen is about how this pseudosphere destroys consciousness and society as humans give their attention, consciousness, and vital spirit to the telescreen. The result is a society of unholy sub-humans, who no longer act like they have souls: They cannot turn off the telescreen world even to have dinner and talk to each other or to their children. When they do talk it is mostly about impressions from the telescreen world. Their inner subjective consciousness is constructed and formed by the telescreen, leading to a world of despiritualisation and warmongering by hordes of conformist, petty, unhappy troll-like "yes-men". -- Jeff Grupp The telescreens of 1984 substituted fiction lives for the empty ones of a brainwashed population, as in Plato's cave. Grupp drives it home that this is our world now. Some features of this dream-world of The Telescreen: Materialism and consumerism make people into robots, shallow stooges. Degrading self-images, down-dumbing education of drills, not thinking skills. War propaganda fed on pure fakery and repetition by the media, censored of truth and filled with non-news, gossip and cant. Brainwashing underpinned by fallacious reasoning. Example: Iran and Iraq slandered as murderously planning to unleash WMDs, while the US really has and uses them for genocide against target nations. Information warfare: The bias of "educational" TV shows like the "History Channel." Trusted figures hired to peddle suspect messages. Journalists who stray from the party line into real issues are fired. PB 9781615770755 ÂŁ17.99 December 2009 Progressive Press 200 pages b/w photos

Telementation Cosmic Feeling & the Law of Attraction -- 3rd Edition Jeffrey Grupp Telementation is an ancient meditative art form, the true nature of our deep inner self, and the most productive way to carry out the law of attraction, Christian mysticism, or Zen Buddhism. It is virtually unknown to modern people, but has been recognised by shamans, Zen Buddhists, mystics, and philosophers as the ultimate power in the universe, which is possessed by everyone. This is a short instruction manual on how to carry out the law of attraction with great ease and productivity, by directing one's inner feelings in a specific way. Many students attempting this become frustrated due to their great efforts and poor results. In Telementation, this is remedied by focusing on feelings rather than beliefs, and the law of attraction is then achieved with Zenlike ease and dramatic success. Telementation consequently creates a revolution in one's life that ends nearly all personal problems, as it brings a person back to their innate, inalienable greatness and poetical inner peace. Telementation is also particularly productive for those who want a simple guidebook on how to carry out Buddhist meditation or Christian spirituality, for those who have had trouble attaining ecstatic spiritual and religious experience through meditation, and for those unable to overcome depression by conventional methods. PB 9781615775521 ÂŁ9.99 January 2011 Progressive Press 128 pages

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Terror on the Tube Behind the Veil of 7/7 -- An Investigation Nick Kollerstrom If 9/11 was the great pretext for the turn to fascism in the USA, London's 7/7 bombings were the enabling act for an Orwellian new reign of "anti"-terror in Britain, where the Home Office recruits tens of thousands of citizens to fight the "threat of Al-Qaeda". Is there a basis to this frenzy - or is the government merely terrorising the populace? The answer is here, in this craftsmanly masterpiece of detective work. Nick Kollerstrom, a private researcher acting on his own initiative, has solved the mystery of the 7/7 bombings: something Britain's billion-budget security apparatus can't or won't do. It's a compelling investigation and a convincing indictment of the real criminals: the British, US and Israeli secret services. It's the demolition of the fabricated evidence they brought into play. It's the posthumous exoneration of the four innocent young men, sacrificed and framed to shore up the rule of a crime cabal over this planet. Nick Kollerstrom has single-handedly done for 7/7 what a whole generation of authors did to expose 9/11 -assembled the body of independent research into a coherent, balanced and authoritative appeal to justice. An appeal against the wars of aggression and neo-fascist police state that are underpinned by the propaganda trick of false-flag terror. PB 9781615777723 £19.99 June 2012 Progressive Press 356 pages b/w photos

Terrorism & the Illuminati A Three-Thousand-Year History David Livingstone A three thousand year history of the occult, and its relationship with the phenomenon of terrorism, for the purposes of fomenting a Clash of Civilisations and a "New World Order". Islam is no threat to the West. On the contrary, Islamic terrorism is a phantom created to serve Western imperialistic goals. Terrorism itself is expressly forbidden in Islam. Such terror groups as exist are artificial, and intertwined with Western power through a network of occult secret societies, that date back to the Babylonian Kabbalah of the 6th century BC, and a plot to rule the world by magic and deception. Under Herod the Great, a series of dynasties arose, who imposed a corrupt version of Christianity upon the Roman world. During the Crusades, their association with the Ismaili Assassins formed the basis of what is known as Scottish Rite Freemasonry. When Napoleon conquered Egypt, these Freemasons reconnected with their brethren there, sparking developments like the Occult Revival of the late 19th century, the Salafi reform movement of Islam, promoted by Saudi Arabia, and Nazism. They founded the Muslim Brotherhood, a collective of impostors run by the CIA, to further the scheme for world domination. Appearances belie reality. In fact, the Muslim nations are the victims of terror from the West. With their nearcomplete control of the media, the powers that be have instilled an inverted image of the real world. PB 9781615773060 £11.99 November 2011 Progressive Press 333 pages

The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ Nicolas Notovitch Where was Jesus and what was he doing from ages 12-30? Why does the Bible leave out this important information? Is there any truth to the myths and legends that proclaim that Jesus visited many other countries? This book contains amazing accounts of Jesus' missing years, based on an old manuscript that was found by the author in a Tibetan lamasery in the 1890's. You will read about his dangerous journeys through Tibet and Kashmir, as you uncover the mystery of the "lost years" of Jesus' life. Complete with maps, commentaries, and references. PB 9780930852337 £11.99 July 2008 Progressive Press 96 pages

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Towards a World War III Scenario The Dangers of Nuclear War Michel Chossudovsky The US has embarked on a military adventure, "a long war", which threatens the future of humanity. US-NATO weapons of mass destruction are portrayed as instruments of peace. Mininukes are said to be "harmless to the surrounding civilian population". Pre-emptive nuclear war is portrayed as a "humanitarian undertaking". While one can conceptualise the loss of life and destruction resulting from present-day wars including Iraq and Afghanistan, it is impossible to fully comprehend the devastation which might result from a Third World War, using "new technologies" and advanced weapons, until it occurs and becomes a reality. The international community has endorsed nuclear war in the name of world peace. "Making the world safer" is the justification for launching a military operation which could potentially result in a nuclear holocaust. Nuclear war has become a multi-billion dollar undertaking, which fills the pockets of US defence contractors. What is at stake is the outright "privatisation of nuclear war". The Pentagon's global military design is one of world conquest. The military deployment of US-NATO forces is occurring in several regions of the world simultaneously. Central to an understanding of war, is the media campaign which grants it legitimacy in the eyes of public opinion. A good versus evil dichotomy prevails. The perpetrators of war are presented as the victims. Public opinion is misled. Breaking the "big lie", which upholds war as a humanitarian undertaking, means breaking a criminal project of global destruction, in which the quest for profit is the overriding force. This profit-driven military agenda destroys human values and transforms people into unconscious zombies. The object of this book is to forcefully reverse the tide of war, challenge the war criminals in high office and the powerful corporate lobby groups which support them. PB 9780973714753 ÂŁ13.99 May 2012 Global Research 103 pages 42 b/w illus

Triumph of Consciousness Overcoming False Environmentalism, Lapdog Media & Global Government Christopher James Clark This book traces the history of globalisation during the past hundred-plus years by examining the writings and public statements of various financial and political elites who are determined to implement an authoritative, non-democratic, global government. At the forefront of this movement are the Anglo-American banking establishment, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome, and others. By various mechanisms, these same organisations control the environmental movement and promulgate its prevailing ethos: Earth is overpopulated, and humans are causing potentially catastrophic global warming. But are these postulations based on concrete, scientific evidence? Or were they contrived to further an ulterior agenda? Why don't the mainstream corporate media investigate these questions? This book addresses these issues, while reminding readers that societal change begins when individuals overcome their fear and apathy and embrace their inherent strength and wisdom. PB 9781615773701 ÂŁ22.99 April 2010 Progressive Press 347 pages

Troublesome Country Why We Need to Live Up to Our Creed -- A History of War, Injustice & Greed James Hufferd This is a forceful statement of what is right about America -- as well as a history of where we've gone wrong. Our principles are the best the world has ever known: freedom, democracy, equality, justice, and independence. Yet failure to follow this creed leads us to great wrongs -from the genocide of the Indians, slavery, and discrimination, to rule by corporations, the privatisation of our currency, endless undeclared wars for empire, and the erosion of rights under the surveillance state. With an array of fascinating, little-known details, the author shows how each failure comes from betraying our ideals, and calls for us to finally live up to them. PB 9781615776214 ÂŁ14.99 September 2013 Progressive Press 148 pages

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Truth Jihad My Epic Struggle Against the 9/11 Big Lie Kevin Barrett Millions of people now know the main arguments for the thesis "9/11 was an inside job", starting from the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center buildings No. 1, 2 and 7. Even a champion of orthodoxy like Time Magazine was obliged to note that the "9/11 Truth Movement" is no longer "a fringe phenomenon. It is a mainstream reality." Kevin Barrett takes this nowfamiliar thesis as a springboard to new territory in this book. Like Jack Kerouac in "On the Road", Barrett has written a gospel for a new generation of post-9/11 sceptics. This ebullient book strikes a confident keynote for this sudden coming of age. It is a tonic draft of courage for millions of disenfranchised 9/11 truthers -- and for the uneasy majority who sense that America, once a beacon of ideals for humanity, is no longer on the right track. "Truth Jihad" is the first "9/11 Truth" book that is not primarily tasked with proving 9/11 was an inside job to our fellow humanity, who remain blindly trapped inside the mainstream media bubble. For millions of us the facts are already painfully clear now -- as is the frustration of trying to convey the harsh truth to those who aren't ready for it. This book is a sharing of that experience, and an affirmation of life and literature after 9/11 -- a lively celebration of art, freedom, truth and protest. PB 9780930852993 £4.99 June 2007 Progressive Press 222 pages b/w photos

Unmasking ISIS The Shocking Truth Wayne Madsen, John-Paul Leonard ISIS started as rebels under the US occupation of Iraq. They grew by ravaging Libya and Syria. Their backers are Saudi Arabia and Turkey, and they fight as proxies for US neocons and allies. The motives are oil, gas, and empire-building. ISIS is a supercharged new brand of Al Qaeda, which like Gladio was founded by the US to fight Russia. The so-called founders and bogeymen of ISIS, Zarqawi and Baghdadi, were puppets invented by the CIA. ISIS is the latest offensive in a very long-term Anglo-Zionist Divide and Conquer project to balkanise and subjugate the Middle East, by fostering narrow sectarianism and infighting among its peoples. Britain installed the Saudi-Wahhabi monarchy over 200 years ago, which is the main source of funding for Islamic extremism, including ISIS. Turkey's dictator Erdogan runs ISIS for NATO; like the Saudis, he is an Islamic fundamentalist and a long-term ally of Israel. ISIS fighters were used to smash up and take over Qaddafi's Libya, then sent through Turkey to lay waste to Syria and Iraq. The US and its allies in Europe and the Middle East covertly support ISIS, while pretending to fight it, leaving Russia to take action on its own to quash the cancer threatening the entire region. However, the attacks in Paris, San Bernardino and Brussels are best explained as classic Gladio false flag operations, pinned on ISIS to foster the "Clash of Civilisations. The name ISIS is short for "Islamic State in Iraq and Syria", and it is also known as ISIL, Daesh and Al Qaeda in Iraq. PB 9781615771646 £13.99 April 2016 Progressive Press 150 pages

You're Not Stupid! Get the Truth A Brief on the Bush Presidency William John Cox Information is power, and in this day and age, most Americans are powerless. That's why this book is written for you, a busy person, to collect the key points scattered in a score of new political books in this election year. Each chapter contains evidence that many would rather not acknowledge, but as an intelligent public, we must face, and question, the current state of our nation, while also supporting our troops and facing the realistic threat of terrorism in our own country. The brief is, as the author says, "about you and me, the ordinary hard-working people in this country who need to look truth in the face, take a deep breath, draw a line, and take a stand for our families, our communities, and our nation." If information is power, then You're Not Stupid is a source of empowerment. You are the jury. Read the brief and then decide. PB 9780930852320 £9.99 June 2004 Progressive Press 334 pages

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