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Economics 2018 New and Forthcoming Titles




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Contents Asian & South Asian Economics ...................................................................................................................................... 2 Banking & Finance ............................................................................................................................................................. 4 Development Economics .................................................................................................................................................. 7 Ecological Economics ........................................................................................................................................................ 9 Economic History ............................................................................................................................................................. 10 Economic Theory & Philosophy .................................................................................................................................... 15 Economics ......................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Environmental Economics ............................................................................................................................................. 20 Health Economics ............................................................................................................................................................ 22 Industrial Economics ....................................................................................................................................................... 23 International Economics ................................................................................................................................................ 26 Labour Economics ........................................................................................................................................................... 29 Macroeconomics .............................................................................................................................................................. 30 Microeconomics ............................................................................................................................................................... 31 Political Economy ............................................................................................................................................................ 33 Urban Economics ............................................................................................................................................................. 40 Index ................................................................................................................................................................................... 41


ASIAN & SOUTH ASIAN ECONOMICS Dummy text to keep placeholder

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Finance in Rural China

Macroeconomic Policy for Emerging Markets

Xingyuan Feng, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China, Christer Ljungwall, Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis, China and Guangwen He, China Agricultural University of Economics and Management, China

Lessons from Thailand

This book provides an in-depth analysis of the development of formal and informal financial sector of rural China. The book covers the subject in two parts: an overview on the overall development of rural finance in China and the necessity of going a path toward rural financial pluralization by introducing a "Local Knowledge Paradigm" while Part II analyzes rural formal and informal financial development in China in various dimensions. It also contains valuable data and cases collected from field surveys. Routledge Market: Economics October 2018: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-95559-2: £95.00 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138955592

Bhanupong Nidhiprabha, Thammasat University, Thailand Series: Routledge Studies in Development Economics Macroeconomic policies matter for sustainable long-term growth. With global fluctuations, deviation from a stable growth path can be minimized by counter-cyclical macro policies, if properly implemented. This book examines Thailand’s fifty-five years of experience in macroeconomic management and provides valuable lessons for other emerging economies at various stages of development on what could have been done to avoid economic instability. It also examines how short-term complications can develop into perennial problems obstructing the process of economic development. Routledge Market: Economics July 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-64419-9: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-62747-2 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138644199

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Global Politico-Economic Crises

Perspectives on India's Political Economy

The Pragmatic Approach

Edited by Pulin B. Nayak

Keiichiro Komatsu, Komatsu Research & Advisory, UK Series: Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy

This volume presents the historical material on development issues in the Indian context going back about a hundred years, from Gandhi’s economic formulations to Nehru’s ideas, substantially different on issues such as the agriculture versus industry debate and the relative roles of the public and private sectors. Post 1947 the issue of economic development assumed centre stage. One might even say that India was the laboratory where many of the significant new theories on economic development have been tested. It presents a holistic view of the contributions on India's economic development. The contributors range from economists, sociologists, political scientists and other fields.

This book examines the threats to the world economy arising in the wake of the tragedy of 11th September 2001 and the preceding Asian financial crisis of 1997. Routledge Market: Economics January 2018: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-47766-6: £95.00 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415477666

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Indian Agriculture after the Green Revolution Changes and Challenges Edited by Binoy Goswami, South Asian University, India, Madhurjya Prasad Bezbaruah, Gauhati University, India and Raju Mandal, Assam University, India Series: Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy From a country plagued with chronic food shortage, the Green Revolution turned India into a food-grain self-sufficient nation within a span of just one decade from 1968 to 1978. India, like the rest of the world, will have to deal with uncertainties to be accentuated by climate change. New technological breakthroughs may open up opportunities for the sector but are likely to pose new challenges too. The book provides a comprehensive discussion of the different aspects of these changes and challenges since the Green Revolution. It also looks at how Indian farmers and policymakers are responding to the challenges. Routledge Market: Economics October 2017: 234x156: 234pp Hb: 978-1-138-28629-0: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-26853-8 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138286290

Routledge Market: Economics April 2018: 246x189: 460pp Hb: 978-1-138-50178-2: £105.00 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138501782

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China’s Fiscal Policy Theoretical and Situation Analysis Gao Peiyong, Gao Peiyong is Director of Institute of Finance and Trade Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China Series: China Perspectives In chronological order, this book reviews the main changes China’s macroeconomic operation has experienced since 1990s, and the corresponding evolution of its fiscal policy, an important means of economic regulation. To begin with, it expounds on the treasury bond, including its management and scale, as well as its influence on total social demand and economic mechanism. Then it focuses on the tax issues, studying its relationship with prices, the sources of tax revenue growth, the judgment on tax burden, etc. Furthermore, it studies the issue of tax reduction, specifically its complexity in China. China’s financial operation in the context of the "New Normal" is also covered. Routledge Market: Economics/Fiscal Policy/China's Fiscal Policy July 2018: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-89958-2: £130.00 eBook: 978-1-315-70776-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138899582

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ASIAN & SOUTH ASIAN ECONOMICS Dummy text to keep placeholder

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The Chinese Economy and its Challenges

What Made Korea’s Rapid Growth Possible?

Transformation of a Rising Economic Power

Jungho Yoo, KDI School of Public Policy and Management, South Korea Series: Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy

Charles C. L. Kwong, Open University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong This book unveils the risks and challenges embedded in China’s spectacular economic success and demonstrates that effective handling of these challenges is vital for China to avoid falling into "middle-income trap". It suggests feasible solutions which can be adopted to mitigate these risks and highlights that the clue of success lies on the willingness and ability of China’s central leaders to implement further reforms. This book is a valuable reference for anyone who is concerned about the current status and future development of the Chinese economy. Routledge Market: Economics June 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-78501-4: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-05122-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138785014

Korea’s experience of rapid growth represents both hope and challenge to many developing countries. Korean government pursued highly interventionist trade and industrial policies, and many hold the view the government policies had made this growth possible. However, this book advances a counterargument that the rapid growth was achieved not because of the interventionist policies and also explicitly considers the influence of the world market size on the pace of industrialization. Routledge Market: Economics October 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-80126-4: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-75505-2 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138801264

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The Economic Development of South Korea From Poverty to a Modern Industrial State Seung-hun Chun, Korea Institute for Development Strategy, South Korea Series: Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy How did a country with a dearth of natural resources, a sprawling population congested in a limited arable land transform itself to a modern industrial state within a generation? How could these have been achieved given the lingering geopolitical threats to its very survival as a state, as evidenced by the Korean War and the internecine aggressive posturing of its neighbor from the north? This book looks at strategies, institutional arrangement, role of entrepreneurs and workers in this odyssey, and on how those factors have worked together through effective leadership to transform South Korea’s economic fortunes. Routledge Market: Economics February 2018: 234x156: 312pp Hb: 978-0-815-37948-5: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-21574-9 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780815379485

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The Rise of State-Led Economic Regionalism in East Asia Min Shu, Waseda University, Japan Series: Routledge-WIAS Interdisciplinary Studies This book provides a much-needed analysis of the rise of state-led regionalism after the Asian Financial Crisis. Focusing on six major Asian economies (China, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand), the book illustrates that state-led economic regionalism has been an unintended outcome of the post-crisis restructuring of the Asian developmental state. The book not only demonstrates the methodological importance of integrating domestic and regional analysis of East Asian political economy, but also provides a sophisticated empirical account of the emerging architecture of East Asian regionalism. Routledge Market: Economics September 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-83420-9: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-05114-9 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415834209

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Behavioural Economics and Finance

Distance, Rating Systems and Enterprise Finance

Michelle Baddeley, University College London, UK

Ethnographic Insights from a Comparison of Regional and Large Banks in Germany

Behavioural Economics and Finance introduces the key concepts, insights and applications of this rich, inter-disciplinary approach to real-world decision-making. This second edition features a new chapter on behavioural public policy, which reflects the surge of interest from governments around the world in applying the techniques ‘nudging’. It also includes a new dedicated chapter exploring the cutting edge approach of neuroeconomics. To enhance student engagement with the text, pedagogical features including chapter summaries and revision questions have been added and a supporting Companion Website is available providing online quizzes and PowerPoint slides. Routledge Market: Economics, Psychology, Finance, Business September 2018: 246x174 Hb: 978-0-415-79218-9: £95.00 Pb: 978-0-415-79219-6: £44.99 eBook: 978-1-315-21187-9 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-0-415-61477-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415792189

Franz Floegel, Spatial Capital, Germany Series: Routledge International Studies in Money and Banking Utilising novel ethnographic findings from full-time participant observation and interviews, this book presents intimate insights into regional savings banks and compares their SME lending practices with large, nationwide-operating commercial banks in Germany. The ethnographic insights are contextualised by concise description of the three-pillar German banking system, covering bank regulation, structural and geographical developments, and enterprise finance. Furthermore, the book advances an original theoretical approach that combines classical banking theories with insights from social studies of finance on the (ontological) foundation of new realism. Routledge Market: Economics August 2018: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-815-36797-0: £110.00 eBook: 978-1-351-25612-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780815367970

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Currencies and Currency Policies in the Global Economy

Hyperinflation A World History He Liping, Professor, Beijing Normal University, China Series: China Perspectives

Kurt Hübner, University of British Columbia, Canada Series: Routledge International Studies in Money and Banking This book explains the volatility of the global foreign exchange markets by the interplay of political strategies and actions of market makers, looking at currency strategies put in place by the US, the Euro zone, Japan, China, and also Canada. Routledge Market: Economics May 2018: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-48265-3: £90.00 eBook: 978-1-315-73502-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415482653

Based on research results of contemporary economists, media reports and historical works, this book will be the most comprehensive narrative of all major events of hyperinflation worldwide over the past two thousand years or so. Using basic concepts in modern finance such as indexation and dollarization, this book explains why hyperinflation in some countries could explode into astronomical levels, while rhythms of hyperinflation th in the 20 century world are in resonance of megatrends in world economy and politics. Finally, this book underscores the importance of policy making, institutional building and international relations in the process of hyperinflation and stabilization. Routledge Market: Economics/Finance/Hyperinflation October 2017: 234x156: 284pp Hb: 978-1-138-56008-6: £130.00 eBook: 978-0-203-71206-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138560086

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Dilemmas and Challenges in Islamic Finance

Integral Finance - Akhuwat

Looking at Equity and Microfinance

A Case Study of the Solidarity Economy

Yasushi Suzuki, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan and Mohammad Dulal Miah, University of Nizwa, Oman Series: Islamic Business and Finance Series The phenomenal growth of Islamic finance in the last few decades has accompanied with a host of interesting questions and challenges. One of the critical challenges is how Islamic financial institutions can be motivated to participate in the profit and loss sharing (PLS) contracts. It is observed that Islamic banks are reluctant to participate in the pure PLS scheme which is manifested by the rising concentration of investment on Murabaha or mark-up financing. This book explains the "Murabaha syndrome’ in light of the incentive provided by the current institutional framework and what are the changes required in the governance structure to mend this anomaly. Routledge Market: Economics March 2018: 234x156: 248pp Hb: 978-1-138-09540-3: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-10567-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138095403

Aneeqa Malik, The Loop Global Management Limited, UK and Muhammad Amjad Saqib, Akhuwat, Pakistan Series: Transformation and Innovation st

At the turn of the 21 Century, what with technological advancement and innovation, the West sees Muslim societies, especially from the South Asian region as too backwards, and as not offering new and relevant models; Grameen in Bangladesh being the exception to that rule. The authors present a case study which demonstrates how spirituality and religiosity could have an impact on the economic performance of micro-entrepreneurs, especially in a country like Pakistan, which was conceived on Faith-bases, providing a solution for poverty alleviation in other countries around the world, specifically, underdeveloped and / or developing Muslim countries. Routledge Market: Finance June 2018: 246x174: 336pp Hb: 978-1-138-74070-9: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-18328-2 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138740709

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BANKING & FINANCE Dummy text to keep placeholder

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Islamic Social Finance

Monetary Plurality in Local, Regional and Global Economies

Entrepreneurship, Cooperation and the Sharing Economy Edited by Valentino Cattelan, University of Florence, Italy Series: Islamic Business and Finance Series By contextualizing Islamic finance within the transformative nature of contemporary capitalism, the book provides an illuminating reference for researchers, practitioners and policy-makers dealing with the challenges of a global market where not only is diversity being perceived as a value to be fostered, but also as an important opportunity for a more inclusive economy for everybody. Routledge Market: Islamic Finance March 2018: 234x156: 208pp Hb: 978-1-138-28030-4: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-27222-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138280304

Edited by Georgina Gomez, International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University of Rotterdam, The Netherlands Series: Financial History The idea that each country should have one currency is so deeply rooted in people’s minds that the possibility of multiple and concurrent currencies seems unthinkable. Monetary systems contribute to problems of high unemployment and social distress during financial and economic crisis, so reforms to increase the responsiveness and flexibility of the monetary system can be part of the solution. It analyses experiences of monetary plurality in Europe, Japan, and North and South America, written by researchers from East and West and from the global North and South. Replete with case studies, this book will prove a valuable addition to any student or practitioners bookshelf. Routledge Market: Finance April 2018: 234x156: 400pp Hb: 978-1-138-28028-1: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-27223-8 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138280281

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Law and Economics of Public Procurement Reforms


Edited by Gustavo Piga, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy and Tunde Tatrai, Corvinus University, Hungary Series: The Economics of Legal Relationships This book collects the original contributions related to the new European Union Directives approved in 2014 by the EU Parliament. They are of both economists and lawyers, and have been presented in a manner that allows for exchanges of views and "real time" interaction. Four sections characterize this book: Supporting social considerations via public procurement; Green public procurement; Innovation through innovative partnerships; and Lots - The Economic and Legal Challenges of Centralized Procurement. These themes have current relevance of the new European Public Procurement Directives. Routledge Market: Economics October 2017: 234x156: 258pp Hb: 978-1-138-29648-0: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-10000-5 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138296480

What It Is, How It’s Created, Who Gets It and Why It Matters Sergio M. Focardi, Léonard De Vinci University, France Series: Economics in the Real World The modern study of macroeconomics has largely ignored money as a concept but there is increasing recognition that money enables or constrains growth and plays a role in the creation of instabilities and of financial crises. This book introduces the principal theories of money, providing clear definitions of terms and concepts, and explores those theories in the context of the four key elements in any theory of money: the nature of money, its creation, distribution, and the value attached to it. This accessible introduction to money is essential reading for anyone who wants a more complete understanding of monetary theory, macroeconomics, and money and banking. Routledge Market: Economics/Finance April 2018: 234x156: 208pp Hb: 978-1-138-22894-8: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-22895-5: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-39106-9 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138228948

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Monetary Equilibrium and Monetary Theory

Pension Fund Economics and Finance

The Case of Nominal Income Targeting

Efficiency, Investments and Risk-Taking

Nicolas Cachanosky, University of Denver, USA Series: Routledge International Studies in Money and Banking There is no book covering the topic of nominal income targeting as its main subject of study. This book fills this gap on a topic, which has been of increasing interest to academics and policy makers since 2008. It not only explains the foundations of nominal income targeting, but also addresses its limits and ways to diagnose if it is being applied correctly. The application of a monetary rule does not only require that the right policy be chosen, but also that it be applied correctly. For the latter, a discussion of how to diagnose a mis-application is needed. Routledge Market: Finance and Banking February 2018: 234x156: 208pp Hb: 978-1-138-21502-3: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-44460-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138215023

Edited by Jacob Bikker, Utrecht School of Economics, Utrecht University Series: Routledge International Studies in Money and Banking Pension fund benefits are crucial for pensioners’ welfare and pension fund savings have accumulated to huge amounts, covering a major part of world-wide institutional investments. However, the literature on pension fund economics and finance is rather limited. This book contributes to this literature and focuses on three important areas the first is pension fund (in)efficiency, which has a huge impact on final benefits, particularly when annual spoilage accumulates over a lifetime the second area is investment behavior and risk-taking and third field concerns two regulation issues. This groundbreaking book will challenge the way pension fund economics is thought about and practiced. Routledge Market: Economics November 2017: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-65680-2: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-62173-9 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138656802

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BANKING & FINANCE Dummy text to keep placeholder

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Price and Financial Stability

Social Justice and Islamic Economics

Reorganising Financial Markets

Theory, Issues and Practice

David Harrison, DAC Beachcroft LLP, UK Series: Banking, Money and International Finance

Edited by Toseef Azid, Qassim University, College of Business and Economics, Saudi Arabia and Lutfi Sunar, University of Istanbul, Turkey Series: Islamic Business and Finance Series

This book builds on the insights of economists Frank Knight and John Maynard Keynes that uncertainty of the future is essential to understand the processes of economic production and capital investment, and adds to this Karl Popper's general explanation of how expectations of an uncertain future are formed and tested through a trial and error process. Rather than relying on fluctuating financial prices to provide a guide to an uncertain future, it suggests a better approach would be to adopt the methods common to other branches of science, and create testable (falsifiable) theories allowing reasonable predictions to be made. Routledge Market: Finance April 2018: 234x156: 144pp Hb: 978-1-138-29914-6: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-09814-2 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138299146

Under the rule of the new economic order, injustice increases every day; poverty has become a universal problem; inhumane working conditions, inadequate wages, social insecurity and an unhealthy labor market continue to persist. The characteristics of the current capitalist system make it unable to provide social justice. In fact, on the contrary, the system reinforces these injustices and prevents economic and social welfare from reaching the masses. Muslim scholars have criticised this system for years and this book argues that an alternative and more equitable theoretical and practical economical order can been developed within the framework of Islamic principles. Routledge Market: Islamic Finance March 2018: 234x156: 192pp Hb: 978-1-138-55881-6: £105.00 eBook: 978-0-203-71342-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138558816

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Profitability and Competition in Chinese Banking

The Downfall of the Gold Standard

Aaron Yong Tan, University of Huddersfield, UK Series: Routledge International Studies in Money and Banking

Gustav Cassel Series: Routledge Library Editions: The Gold Standard

This book provides a comprehensive and accurate analysis of competitiveness within the Chinese banking industry. It offers a detailed examination of the impact of competition on bank profitability by comparing three different ownership types of Chinese commercial banks (state-owned, joint-stock and city commercial banks) between the period 2003-2013, while at the same time controlling comprehensive bank-specific, industry-specific and macroeconomic variables. It explores the policy implications for the Chinese banking industry, investigates the impact of competition on profitability in the Chinese banking industry, and provides a systematic review of reform and structure.

In this book, originally published in 1936, the author charts the sequence of events which converted him from an advocate of the restoration of the gold standard to a convinced opponent. His indictment of the gold standard is comprehensive and he attributes it as the chief cause of the economic difficulties of the 1920s. An invaluable commentary on the monetary instability of these crucial years, this book was written not only for economists and bankers but also for those interested in following the narrative of the most tumultuous events in the history of money.

Routledge Market: Finance and Banking April 2018: 234x156: 208pp Hb: 978-1-138-22899-3: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-39086-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138228993

Routledge Market: Economics November 2017: 234x156: 270pp Hb: 978-1-138-56899-0: £90.00 eBook: 978-0-203-70445-5 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138568990

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Rethinking Economic and Monetary Union in Europe

The Economics of US Health Reform

A Post-Keynesian Alternative Philip B. Whyman, University of Central Lancashire, UK Series: Routledge Studies in the European Economy In the wake of the Greek crisis, the future of the EU is the subject of a great deal of debate. This book critically evaluates the current new monetarist model of Economic and Monetary Union in Europe, presenting an alternative post Keynesian (progressive) model, aimed at addressing the current problems of trade imbalance and asymmetric macroeconomic policy infrastructure that are augmenting tensions within the Eurozone. The book’s approach is based upon the development of a common, rather than a single currency approach, and utilises post Keynesian policy solutions in order to create a form of EMU which will promote full employment rather than austerity. Routledge Market: Economics April 2018: 234x156: 144pp Hb: 978-1-138-20334-1: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-47189-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138203341

A Global Perspective Diane M. Dewar The health care field is currently experiencing a great deal of change, including advances in medical technology, the development of new health care financing mechanisms, and the transformation of organizational arrangements. This text studies the health care system in the US, and selected other countries, through the lens of economics and policy. It presents numerous real world examples and biographies of key figures in order to help students to grasp the importance and relevance of health reform and health policy issues. The book conveys the essence of current reform issues in the US, and places them in a global comparative context. Routledge Market: Economics March 2018: 216x138: 144pp Hb: 978-1-138-66802-7: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-66803-4: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-61881-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138668027

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2nd Edition • TEXTBOOK • READER

African Economic Development

Development Finance

Arch Ritter, Carleton University, Canada, Steven Langdon and Yiagadeesen Samy Series: Routledge Textbooks in Development Economics

Stephen Spratt, Institute of Development Studies, UK and Stephen Spratt, Institute of Development Studies, UK Series: Routledge Textbooks in Development Economics

Opening with an analysis of the main theories relating to development in Sub-Saharan Africa, the book explores all the key issues, including: Human development; Rapid urbanization; Structural and gender dimensions; Sustainable development and environmental issues; and Africa’s role in the world economy. Readers are also supported with a wide range of case studies, on-the-ground examples and statistical information, which provide a detailed analysis of each topic. This text is also accompanied by a comprehensive companion website, featuring additional sources for students and instructors.

This well-established text offers a comprehensive overview of development finance theory and practice. The new edition includes substantial and detailed updates to every chapter, including: Increased coverage of environmental issues; More on inequality, ‘inclusive’ and ‘green’ growth; Updates to reflect changes since the global financial crisis; Updated material on global financial governance, including institutional changes and the increasing role of China and other ‘rising powers’; Additional pedagogical features in every chapter, to aid learning. Offering a host of case studies and real world examples, and packed with helpful tables and charts, the book will continue to be essential reading for students taking courses on international development, development finance, development economics and financial theory and practice.

Routledge Market: Economics February 2018: 246x174: 608pp Hb: 978-1-138-91500-8: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-91501-5: £39.99 eBook: 978-1-315-69050-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138915008

Routledge Market: Development Studies, Finance, Economics and Business November 2018: 234x156: 448pp Hb: 978-1-138-05132-4: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-05133-1: £41.99 eBook: 978-1-315-16831-9 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-0-415-42318-2 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138051324

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Cash Transfers for Poverty Reduction

Gender, Poverty and Access to Justice

An International Operational Guide

Policy Implementation in Sub-Saharan Africa

David Lawson, University of Manchester, UK and Francisco Vinicio Ayala Series: Routledge Textbooks in Development Economics

Edited by David Lawson, University of Manchester, UK and Adam Dubin, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid, Spain Series: Routledge Studies in Development Economics

Over the last 20 years, more than 100 countries have decided to implement social safety nets, targeted at the poorest and most vulnerable. Impact evaluations have shown the effectiveness of these programmes, and policy makers have been exploring different methods of delivery, including cash transfers. This book offers the first systematic discussion of the design and implementation of poverty reduction schemes, and cash transfer programmes in particular. Routledge Market: Economics June 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-22269-4: £95.00 Pb: 978-1-138-22270-0: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-40722-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138222694

Access to justice is a fundamental right guaranteed under a wide body of international, regional and domestic laws. In Africa, women make up much of Africa’s poorest and most marginalized population, and as such are often prevented from enforcing rights or seeking other recourse. This book brings together contributors to explore and analyze the issue of gendered access to justice, poverty and disempowerment across Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), and provides policy discussions on the integration of gender in justice programming. Through individual country case studies, the book focuses on the challenges, obstacles and successes of developing and implementing gender focused access to justice policies and programming in the region. Routledge Market: Economics December 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-22275-5: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-40710-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138222755

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Cooperatives, the State, and Corporate Power in African Export Agriculture

Global Commodity Markets and Development Economics Edited by Stephan Pfaffenzeller, University of Liverpool, UK Series: Routledge Studies in Development Economics

The Case of Uganda’s Coffee Sector Karin Wedig Series: New Political Economy The revival of African agricultural cooperatives is celebrated as an indication of the successful co-existence of small producers’ with the transnational corporations that dominate the region’s export markets. Using the case of Uganda’s coffee sector, this book analyzes cooperative-state relations, transnational corporations’ strategies vis-à-vis cooperatives, and organizational governance in diverse cooperatives. An interdisciplinary approach based on social economics, social anthropology and comparative politics explains how the resurgence of cooperative activities is co-opted by the state and transnational corporations in a discourse that emphasizes economic over political empowerment. Routledge Market: Economics July 2018 Hb: 978-1-138-07051-6: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-11503-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138070516

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This new collection presents the very latest research on commodity prices and economic development, in the context of a changing globalised economy. Global Commodity Markets and Development Economics explores a number of current perspectives on medium term commodity price developments, focussing on ongoing structural transformations. Beginning with an exploration of long term commodity trends and general commodity characteristics, the book goes on to present in-depth studies of particular markets. Routledge Market: Economics January 2018: 234x156: 200pp Hb: 978-1-138-89825-7: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-70868-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138898257

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Inclusive Innovation and Healthcare in Developing Countries

Social Protection Goals in East Asia

Dinar Kale and Rebecca Hanlin Series: Routledge Studies in Development Economics Access to medical devices is an ongoing challenge for most developing countries, and it is widely recognised that addressing public health priorities cannot be achieved without ensuring access to essential, appropriate and affordable medical devices. This book offers a theoretically informed, policy and practice relevant analysis of inclusive innovation and how it can contribute to development of affordable and appropriate healthcare for poor people in developing countries. Situated within a wider discussion on inclusive innovation and social technologies, the book presents case studies of social technologies for inclusive innovation from India and Africa, offering new insights into an under-researched topic in development and innovation studies. Routledge Market: Economics October 2018: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-09980-7: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-10392-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138099807

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Microfinance Research, Debates, Policy Bernd Balkenhol, University of Geneva Series: Routledge Focus on Economics and Finance As microfinance is increasingly being absorbed into broader debates on financial inclusion and sustainable development, there are a growing number of professionals operating in international relations and development who are often confronted with sweeping statements about the alleged benefits and risks of microfinance. This book provides a concise introduction to microfinance; the key issues, debates, research agenda and public policy relevance. Illustrated by real life examples, the book’s nine sections also highlight key publications and data sources and identify gaps for future research. The book will be an invaluable resource both for development economists and for scholars in neighbouring disciplines, who need to get up to speed quickly on the current debates and research in microfinance. Routledge Market: Economics May 2018: 216x138: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-73280-3: £45.00 eBook: 978-1-315-18797-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138732803

Strategies and Methods to Generate Fiscal Space Edited by Mukul G. Asher, National University of Singapore, Fauziah Zen, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, Indonesia and Astrid Dita Series: Routledge-ERIA Studies in Development Economics The book examines the conceptual, economic, and fiscal impact(s) of the Social Protection Floor (SPF) initiative of the ILO and other policy influencers. It briefly assesses the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted and looks at the methodology used and policy implications of the Social Protection Index (SPI) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The book reviews country experiences of the social protection programs, with focus on the manner and the effectiveness with which outcomes desired by those advocating SPFs. The book also aims to integrate generation of fiscal space, a key constraint, in a particular country context into social protection strategies and goals. Routledge Market: Economics March 2018: 234x156: 232pp Hb: 978-1-138-29296-3: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-23234-8 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138292963

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The Service Sector and Economic Development in Africa Edited by Evelyn Wamboye and Peter J. Nyaronga, Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, Tanzania Series: Routledge Studies in Development Economics The service sector accounts for a huge proportion of global employment, and is the biggest driver of gross domestic product in developing nations. Yet there has been little research uncovering its scope, potential and implications on sustained and inclusive economic growth. This is especially true for Africa, which has seen a strong growth trajectory in recent years. This book presents a new frontier of research, offering insightful perspectives on the 21st century realities of the service sector and its effect on economic development in Africa. The analysis presented here will be of relevance to all academics and policymakers with an interest in Africa’s role in the global economy. Routledge Market: Economics July 2018: 234x156: 304pp Hb: 978-1-138-64681-0: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-62737-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138646810

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Prosperity and Economic Development in Low Income Asian Countries The Parallel World Chiung Ting Chang, ICIS, Maastricht University, The Netherlands Series: Routledge Studies in Development Economics How is it that some countries are able to perform well in certain development indicators despite their low income? This new volume explores the issues surrounding this question, and attempts to find an answer to it, through an empirical study of seven low income Asian countries; the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Bhutan, Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Routledge Market: Economics December 2018: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-83412-4: £105.00 eBook: 978-0-203-50453-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415834124

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4th Edition • TEXTBOOK • READER

Feminist Political Ecology and the Economics of Care

Principles of Environmental Economics and Sustainability 4e

Edited by Christine Bauhardt, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany and Wendy Harcourt, ISS, The Netherlands Series: Routledge Studies in Ecological Economics

Ahmed Hussen, Kalamazoo College, USA and Anthony Noce, SUNY Plattsburgh, USA

The conceptual frameworks of economic alternatives which combine green and non-capitalist approaches have so far failed to deal explicitly with gender issues around care. This book remedies this gap by providing an overview of feminist political ecology from diverse disciplinary backgrounds. Feminist political ecology is defined as critical assessments of the capitalist growth economy from an interdisciplinary, pluri-cultural feminist perspective. The book will therefore cover a wide range of academic approaches from ecological economics, development studies, environmental studies, political science, sociology, anthropology and philosophy.

Principles of Environmental Economics and Sustainability presents a unique integration of both mainstream and ecological approaches to environmental economics. It introduces relevant mainstream economic theories and methodologies while incorporating the idea that it is essential to focus on the links between economic, social, and ecological systems. This student-friendly textbook contains a variety of study tools and is supported by a companion website. Updated throughout and with substantially revised material on climate change and ecosystem services, this is an ideal text for any environmental and/or ecological economics class.

Routledge Market: Economics June 2018: 248pp Hb: 978-1-138-12366-3: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-64874-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138123663

Routledge Market: Economics, Environmental Studies and International Business October 2018 Hb: 978-0-815-36353-8: £110.00 Pb: 978-0-815-36354-5: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-351-10911-6 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-0-415-67690-8 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780815363538

An Integrated Economic and Ecological Approach

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Physical Limits to Economic Growth Perspectives of Economic, Social, and Complexity Science Edited by Roberto Burlando and Angelo Tartaglia, Politecnico di Torino, Italy Series: Routledge Studies in Ecological Economics This book explores the physical and economic aspects of the conflict between humans, with their thoughtless focus on growth through material production, and environmental constraints. The book examines the context of the looming shortage of material resources, the latest climate change science and the impotence of mainstream economics in the face of these imminent dangers. It also looks at the opportunities for rethinking the socio-economic-institutional systems we live in if we move away from a dependence on fossil fuels. Drawing on insights from the economic, social and natural sciences, this book moves beyond narrow specialities to present integrated perspectives on a sustainable future. Routledge Market: Economics January 2018: 234x156: 162pp Hb: 978-1-138-23160-3: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-31496-9 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138231603

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Post-growth Economics and Society Exploring the Paths of a Social and Ecological Transition Edited by Isabelle Cassiers, Kevin Maréchal, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium and Dominique Méda Series: Routledge Studies in Ecological Economics This book identifies several areas in which we must fundamentally rethink our societal organisation. They ask what it means to abandon the objective of economic growth; how we can encourage the emergence of other visions to guide society; how global visions and local transition initiatives should be connected; which modes of governance should be associated with the required social and technological innovations. The topics addressed over the chapters range from the future of work to the de-commodification of economic relations; the search for new indicators of progress to decentralized modes of governance; and from the circular economy to polycentric transitions. Routledge Market: Economics October 2017: 234x156: 112pp Hb: 978-1-138-50327-4: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-14533-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138503274

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A History of Czech Economic Thought

Austrian Economics, Money and Finance

Antonie Dolezalova Series: The Routledge History of Economic Thought The Czech Republic has suffered from significant discontinuity in its historical development, but its economic thinking has not until now been subject to a full analysis. This book offers a history of Czech economic thought from the late Middle Ages to the present. It traces methodological developments and the relationship between economics and politics, and introduces pioneering figures in the field, those whose lives and careers were thwarted by history, as well as Czech exile thinkers. The study considers which branches of theory have had the greatest influence on Czech thought, and explores the relationship between Czech economic thinking and wider schools of thought. Routledge Market: Economics March 2018: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-91416-2: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-69095-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138914162

Thomas Mayer, Flossbach von Storch AG, Research Institute, Cologne, Germany Series: Banking, Money and International Finance This book investigates the problems associated with mainstream monetary economics and finance, and proposes alternatives based on the Austrian school of economics. In monetary economics, the Austrian school regards the creation of money by banks through credit extension as a key source of economic instability. From this follows the need for a comprehensive reform of our present monetary system. Instead of creating money, banks would intermediate it. In finance, the Austrian school rejects the notion of rational expectations and measurable risk. Individuals use their subjective knowledge to gather and evaluate information, and they act in a world of radical uncertainty. Routledge Market: Finance November 2017: 234x156: 204pp Hb: 978-1-138-05141-6: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-16829-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138051416

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Aristotle's Critique of Political Economy

Business Cycles and Economic Crises

A Contemporary Application

A bibliometric and economic history

Robert L. Gallagher, Eumedian Consulting Lebanon. Series: Routledge Studies in the History of Economics

Niels Geiger, University of Honenheim, Germany and Vadim Kufenko, University of Honenheim, Germany Series: Routledge Studies in the History of Economics

This book presents a positive account of Aristotle’s theory of political economy, arguing that it contains elements that may help us better understand and resolve contemporary social and economic problems. In exploring how Aristotle’s theories can be applied to contemporary social welfare analysis, the book offers a study that will be of relevance to scholars of the history of economic thought, political theory, and the philosophy of economics. Routledge Market: Economics May 2018: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-1-138-64471-7: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-62865-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138644717

Throughout the history of economic thought, interest in business cycles and economic crises has tended to rise during times of crises, recessions and depressions. However, the treatment of this topic in the literature has generally been purely anecdotal. This book presents a bibliometric and econometric analysis of the development of business cycle and crises theory and its connection to actual economic developments, particularly since the early 20th century. The book explores the connection between economic development and the literature, utilising systematic bibliometric and rigorous econometric methods. Routledge Market: Economics March 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-65942-1: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-62022-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138659421

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Asia and the History of the International Economy

Economic Analyses in Historical Perspective

Essays in Memory of Peter Mathias Edited by A.J.H. Latham, University of Wales, Swansea, UK and Heita Kawakatsu, Shizuoka Prefectural Government, Japan Series: Routledge Studies in the History of Economics This edited volume is in honour of Peter Mathias. It presents an international intercourse of the economies before and during the Industrial Revolution. It covers a wide range of topics from industries, trade to court system and the consumer society. The papers enlighten readers on aspects of the development of the international economy.

Routledge Market: Economics February 2018: 234x156: 208pp Hb: 978-1-138-29860-6: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-09854-8 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138298606

Edited by José Luís Cardoso, Heinz D. Kurz, University of Graz, Austria and Philippe Steiner Series: Routledge Studies in the History of Economics This book is presented in three parts. The first deals with French traditions in economics, a field that Gilbert Faccarello has tilled for many years and to which he has made numerous contributions. The second turns to the dissemination and diffusion of economic ideas and theories across national borders, and thus to the European and even global level. Finally, the third part deals with analytical developments in some selected fields of economics: public economics, monetary policy, trade theory and spatial economics. Routledge Market: Economics November 2017: 234x156: 254pp Hb: 978-1-138-50119-5: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-14419-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138501195

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Finance in Colonial Zimbabwe

Greed in the History of Political Economy

Money, Sanctions and War Economy

The Role of Self-Interest in Shaping Modern Economics

Tinashe Nyamunda, University of the Free State, South Africa Series: Routledge Explorations in Economic History

Rudi Verburg Series: Routledge Studies in the History of Economics

This book explores late colonial Zimbabwe’s troubled transition from colony to independent state from a financial and economic history perspective. It shows that Zimbabwe’s decolonisation was crucially shaped by financial and economic arrangements. The author naturally considers Rhodesia’s interactions with Britain and the Commonwealth, but also looks at global economic developments, such as the commodity boom of the 1960s and the recessions of the 1970s, showing how these factors allowed the isolated Rhodesian economy to withstand financial crises in spite of United Nations sanctions imposed against it because of its rebellion against Britain.

Since 2008, profound questions have been asked about the driving forces and self-regulating potential of the economic system, political control and morality. With opinion turning against markets and self-interest, economists found themselves on the wrong side of the argument. This book explores how the economics of the past can contribute to today’s debates.

Routledge August 2018: 234x156: 208pp Hb: 978-0-815-35561-8: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-12960-2 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780815355618

Routledge Market: Economics April 2018: 234x156: 248pp Hb: 978-1-138-28537-8: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-26902-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138285378

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Franco Modigliani and Keynesian Economics

Lionel Robbins on the Principles of Economic Analysis

Theory, Facts and Policy Antonella Rancan Series: Perspectives in Economic and Social History

The 1930s Lectures

Franco Modigliani was one of the most influential Keynesian economists of the twentieth century and won the Nobel Prize in 1985. This is the first book to place Modigliani’s thought in its proper historical context, showing how it related to wider economic concerns and examining the social and political implications of his research. Routledge July 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-848-93501-3: £105.00 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781848935013

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Gender and the Business of Prostitution in Los Angeles, 1850–1940 AnneMarie Kooistra Series: Perspectives in Economic and Social History Prostitution in Los Angeles has a long history. The story of its evolution from a red-light district run by women to a corporate vice industry dominated by men tells us much about the development of urban America. Kooistra examines race and gender dynamics alongside issues of government and police corruption, commerce and larger changes in society. Routledge August 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-848-93587-7: £95.00 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781848935877

Lionel Robbins and Susan Howson Series: Routledge Studies in the History of Economics This book publishes for the first time the manuscript notes Robbins used for his lectures on the Principles of Economic Analysis from 1929/30 to 1934/40. At the outset of his career he took the advice of a senior colleague to prepare his lectures by writing them out fully before he presented them. He intended to turn his lecture notes into a book, abandoning the project only when he was asked to chair the Committee on Higher Education in 1960. This volume is not exactly the book he wanted to write, but it is a unique record of what was taught to senior undergraduate and graduate economists in those 'years of high theory'. Routledge Market: Economics February 2018: 234x156: 340pp Hb: 978-1-138-65419-8: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-62337-5 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138654198

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Macroeconomic Theory and the Eurozone Crisis Edited by Alain Alcouffe, Université Toulouse Capitole, France, Maurice Baslé, University of Rennes, France and Monika Poettinger, Bocconi University, Italy Series: Routledge Studies in the History of Economics The financial crisis of 2007 required the economics discipline to thoroughly re-evaluate its prevailing theories about economic cycles and economic growth. With a focus on Europe, this volume identifies the latest strands of research on business cycles, monetary theory, the evolution of social policies and public spending, and the institutional context of the European Union. It also considers whether these new ideas could have helped us avoid the crisis, and how they might reshape the current economic paradigm. This book will be of interest to advanced students and researchers in European economics, macroeconomics and economic history. Routledge Market: Economics July 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-815-36404-7: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-10765-5 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780815364047

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Money, Currency and Crisis

Regulation of the London Stock Exchange

In Search of Trust, 2000 BC to AD 2000

Share Trading, Fraud and Reform 1914–1945

Edited by R.J. van der Spek, Free University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands DUPLICATE ACCOUNT and Bas van Leeuwen, Utrecht University, the Netherlands DUPLICATE ACCOUNT Series: Routledge Explorations in Economic History Money is a core feature in all discussions of economic crisis, as is clear from the debates about the responses of the European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States to the 2008 economic crisis. This volume explores the role of money in economic performance, and focuses on how monetary systems affected economic crises for the last 4000 years. Recent events have confirmed that money is only a useful tool in economic exchange if it is trusted, and this is a concept that the text explores in depth. The international panel of experts assembled here offer a long-range perspective, from ancient Assyria to modern societies in Europe, China and the US. Routledge Market: Economics April 2018: 234x156: 432pp Hb: 978-1-138-62835-9: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-21071-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138628359

Chris Swinson, Chris Swinson Ltd, UK Series: Financial History In 1914, the notion of statutory regulation of trading in shares was anathema to both the Government and the London Stock Exchange. By 1945, a statutory scheme of regulation had been introduced. This book serves to: Track the steps by which this outcome came about, Explain why the Exchange felt obliged in the process to abandon long-cherished policies, Analyse the forces which led to it, and Account for the form in which it was implemented.

Routledge Market: Economics & Finance December 2017: 234x156: 242pp Hb: 978-1-138-04021-2: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-17525-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138040212

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Money, Finance and Crises in Economic History

Schumpeter’s Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy

The Long-Term Impact of Economic Ideas

A Twenty First Century Update

Edited by Annalisa Rosselli, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy, Eleanora Sanfilippo and Nerio Naldi Series: Routledge Studies in the History of Economics

Edited by Leonardo Burlamaqui, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Levy Institute – Bard College, USA; the Federal University at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Rainer Kattel, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia Series: Routledge Studies in the History of Economics

Recently, students and scholars have expressed dissatisfaction with the current state of economics, and have called for the re-introduction of historical perspectives into economic thinking. Supporting the idea that fruitful lessons can be drawn from the work of past economists, this volume brings together leading economists and historians of economic thought to consider a version of the economy where money, crises and finance play a crucial role. The book draws on the work of economists throughout history to consider afresh themes such as financial and real explanations of economic crises, the role of central banks, and the design of macroeconomic policies. These themes are all central to the work of Maria Cristina Marcuzzo, and the contributions will be both reflecting on and furthering her research agenda. Routledge Market: Economics September 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-08981-5: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-10897-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138089815


2017 marks the 75 anniversary of Schumpeter’s Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy. In st addition to re-examining the book and undertaking a 21 century update of its main themes, this book brings together leading social scientists to provide contemporary extensions – or eventually refutations – of key elements of Schumpeter’s vision and thesis. Issues covered include competition and innovation, the role of the state, socialism and democracy. Bringing together leading international contributors, the book provides fresh perspectives on ideas that continue to be hugely relevant to modern economics. Routledge Market: Economics December 2017: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-66969-7: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-61804-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138669697

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Port-Cities and their Hinterlands

Small and Medium Powers in Global History

Migration, Trade and Cultural Exchange from the Early Seventeenth-Century to 1939

Trade, Conflicts and Neutrality from the 18th to the 20th Centuries

Edited by Robert Lee, University of Liverpool, UK Series: Routledge Explorations in Economic History In this book key scholars in the UK, Europe, the US and Japan, focus on the determinants of port-hinterland linkages and the significance of trade, migration and cultural exchange as fields of interaction between ports and their hinterlands. Routledge Market: Economics June 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-58052-6: £105.00 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415580526

Edited by Jari Eloranta, Appalachian State University, U.S.A., Eric Golson, University of Surrey, UK, Peter Hedburg, Uppsala University, Sweden and Maria Cristina Moreira, University of Minho, Portugal Series: Perspectives in Economic and Social History This volume brings together a leading group of scholars to offer a new perspective on the history of conflicts and trade, focusing on the role of small and medium, or "weak", and often neutral states. Existing historiography has often downplayed the importance of such states in world trade, during armed conflicts, and as agents in the expanding trade and global connections of the last 250 years or so. This volume spans the period from the late 18th century to the world wars and the Cold War of the 20th century, showing that these states played a much bigger role in world and bilateral trade than previously assumed. Routledge Market: Economics March 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-74454-7: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-18094-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138744547

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The Adam Smith Review: Volume 10

The Changing Face of Imperialism

Edited by Fonna Forman, University of California, San Diego, USA Series: The Adam Smith Review Adam Smith’s contribution to economics is well recognised, but scholars have recently been exploring anew the multidisciplinary nature of his works. The Adam Smith Review is a rigorously refereed annual review that provides a unique forum for interdisciplinary debate on all aspects of Smith’s works, his place in history, and the significance of his writings to the modern world. This tenth volume brings together leading scholars from across several disciplines, and offers a particular focus on Smith's continuing impact on the history of economics. There is also an emphasis throughout the volume on the relationship between Smith’s work and that of other key thinkers. Routledge Market: Economics October 2017: 234x156: 340pp Hb: 978-1-138-30681-3: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-14204-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138306813

Colonialism to Contemporary Capitalism Edited by Sunanda Sen and Maria Cristina Marcuzzo This volume reiterates the continued relevance of imperialism, as a continuous arrangement from the early years of empire-colonies of nineteenth century to contemporary capitalism. It examines the prevailing pattern of expropriation across the globe, rooted in neoliberalism, globalization and free market ideology. Providing a historical as well as a conceptual account of imperialism in its ‘classical’ context, the book brings to the fore an underlying unity which runs across the diverse pattern of imperialist order over time. Dealing with theory, the past and the contemporary, the study ends by delving into the current conjuncture in countries including Latin America, USA and Asia. Routledge India Market: ECONOMICS / HISTORY / IMPERIAL HISTORY / INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS / POLITICS & INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS December 2017: 216x138: 338pp Hb: 978-1-138-08271-7: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-18481-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138082717

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The Birth of Economics as a Social Science

The Economic History of Central, East and South-East Europe

Sismondi’s Concept of Political Economy Francesca Dal Degan Series: Modern Heterodox Economics

1800 to the Present

Dal Degan reconstructs Sismondi’s life and work, situating his ideas within the context of both the Republicanism of his background and the liberal thinking of the time. She explores his interest in economic growth, social development, political organization and happiness to present an account of his role in the development of classical economics.

The collapse of communism in Central, East and South-East Europe (CESEE) led to great hopes for the region and for Europe as a whole in the early 1990s. A quarter of a century on, the picture is more mixed. The current situation has highlighted the need for a better understanding of the long-term political and economic implications of the Central, East and South-East European historical experience. This thematically organised text offers a clear and comprehensive guide to the economic history of CESEE from 1800 to the present day.

Edited by Matthias Morys, University of York, UK

Routledge Market: Economics July 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-848-93535-8: £95.00 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781848935358

Routledge Market: Economics / Economic History April 2018: 234x156: 520pp Hb: 978-1-138-92197-9: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-92198-6: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-68609-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138921979

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The Business of Leisure in 20th Century Britain

The Economic Thought of Henry Calvert Simons

Pay and Play

Crown Prince of the Chicago School

Richard Coopey and Peter Lyth Series: Routledge Explorations in Economic History

G.R. Steele, Lancaster University, UK Series: Routledge Studies in the History of Economics

The leisure sector of developed economies continues to grow rapidly, this expansion building on existing forms of leisure economy to introduce entirely new enterprises, products and markets. Britain, the first industrial nation, is no exception, and business across a range of leisure sectors is now a highly significant part of the nation’s economic life. This book combines a wide-ranging and thoughtful history of the leisure industry with rigorous business and economic analysis, and offers a unique overview of this industry’s development in Britain.

Drawing on years of research, Gerald Steele delves into the diverse ideas of Henry Simons, a neglected economist whose work in the 1930s on monetary and financial instability is extremely relevant to today’s debates about commercial bank credit, the interdependence of fiscal and monetary policy, and financial regulation.

Routledge Market: Economics June 2018: 234x156: 272pp Hb: 978-1-138-00069-8: £95.00 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138000698

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Routledge Market: Economics February 2018: 234x156: 216pp Hb: 978-0-815-36465-8: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-06274-9 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780815364658

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The Economic Thought of William Petty

The History of Money and Monetary Arrangements

Exploring the Colonialist Roots of Economics

Insights from the Baltic and North Seas Region

Hugh Goodacre, University College London, UK Series: Routledge Studies in the History of Economics

Thomas Marmefelt Series: Routledge Studies in the History of Economics

William Petty (1623-87), long recognised as a founding father of English political economy, was actively involved in the military-colonial administration of Ireland following its invasion by Oliver Cromwell, and to the end of his days continued to devise schemes for securing England’s continued domination of that country. It was in that context that he elaborated his economic ideas, which consequently reflect the world of military-bureaucratic officialdom, neo-feudalism, and colonialism he served.

This new volume examines monetary separation and the history of monetary arrangements in the North and Baltic Seas region, from the Hanseatic League onwards. This analysis is done with a view to assessing evolution of monetary arrangements from a new monetary economics perspective.

Routledge Market: Economics April 2018: 234x156: 264pp Hb: 978-0-815-34815-3: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-16760-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780815348153

Routledge Market: Economics June 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-82048-6: £105.00 eBook: 978-0-203-63143-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415820486

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The Foundations of Political Economy and Social Reform

The Political Economy of the Han Dynasty and Its Legacy

Economy and Society in Eighteenth-Century France

Edited by Cheng Lin, Terry Peach and Fang Wang, Shanghai University of Economics and Finance, China Series: Routledge Studies in the History of Economics

Edited by Ryuzo Kuroki, University of Rikkyo, Japan and Yusuke Ando Series: Routledge Studies in the History of Economics This book brings together leading contributors to explore the development of political economy in eighteenth century France from an interdisciplinary perspective, in particular the ideas for social reform proposed before the Revolution. This volume explores the different arguments that were made for reforming the economic organisation of the Ancien Régime before the French Revolution. The contributors show that political economy in France laid the foundation for social reform ideas throughout the whole of the eighteenth century. Routledge Market: Economics January 2018: 234x156: 202pp Hb: 978-1-138-73275-9: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-18805-8 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138732759

This book brings together a group of leading scholars from China and the West to provide an unprecedented assessment of the nature, origins and historical influence of the Political Economy that developed during the Han dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD). Following an Introduction that sets out the background to the period, successive chapters deal with topics including theoretical and ideological developments during the Han, monetary and fiscal policy, land ownership and distribution, the role of the state, and the provision of support to the needy. A recurring theme is that the Political Economy of the Han was to exercise a profound influence over China’s development, even to the present day. Routledge Market: Economics July 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-06075-3: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-16291-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138060753

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The History of Complexity Economics Magda Fontana, University of Turin, Italy Series: Routledge Studies in the History of Economics The last two decades have witnessed the growing influence of complexity analyses on the physical, biological and social sciences. This book provides a detailed picture of the nature and the role of complexity economics in the current research scenario. Routledge Market: Economics June 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-65927-7: £105.00 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415659277

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A Structuralist Theory of Economics

Economics and Performativity

Adolfo Garcia de la Sienra Guajardo, Veracruzana University, Mexico Series: Routledge INEM Advances in Economic Methodology

Exploring Limits, Theories and Cases

Economists have long grappled with the problem of how economic theories relate to empirical evidence. This book introduces, explains, and develops a structural philosophy of economics which addresses this issue. The book begins by introducing a rigorous view of the logical foundations and structure of scientific theories based on the work of Alfred Tsarki, Patrick Suppes, Karl Marx and others. It then reconstructs some important economic theories using the structuralist approach - including utility theory, game theory, Marxian economics, Sraffian economic theory, and econometrics – to demonstrate that this provides a unifying basis for a general methodology of economics. Routledge Market: Economics July 2018 Hb: 978-1-138-29564-3: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-10060-9 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138295643

Nicolas Brisset, Universite de Nice Cote Azure, France Series: Routledge INEM Advances in Economic Methodology It has recently been argued that economic theories are performative, and not only descriptive. However, there are issues with the definition of performativity which has been popularised in economics. For philosophers, the possibility of failure is in-built into their definition of a performative statement. The state of the world may or may not be changed; the performative statement may be happy or unhappy. This book argues that this possibility of failure should be at the very heart of any definition of performativity: why do some economic theories change the world while some do not? Unquestionably, there are some limits to the "creative" power of economics. Routledge Market: Economics July 2018 Hb: 978-1-138-08379-0: £100.00 eBook: 978-1-315-11207-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138083790

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Accounting, Management Knowledge and Organisational Change

Models of Simon

Representing Burns and Stalker Miriam Green, Icon College of Technology and Management, London, UK Burns and Stalker’s text was a study of organisational change in companies in England and Scotland at the beginning of the electronics revolution in the 1950s. It has often been used as a basis for research in mainstream management academic journals and generally represented as an important theory in popular and long established management text books. Miriam Green argues, through in depth comparisons between the original text and its representations that such representations, fully legitimated in the academy in the UK and the US, are highly contestable and have important consequences for the understanding of change initiatives on the part of practitioners such as managers and consultants. Routledge Market: Management accounting June 2018: 234x156: 176pp Hb: 978-1-138-69838-3: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-51929-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138698383

Kumaraswamy Vela Velupillai, New School, USA This book of essays on Models of Simon tackles these topics that the he broached in a professional career spanning more than 60 years. Expository material on the fundamental concepts he introduced are re-interpreted in terms of the theory of computability. This volume frames the behavioural issues of concern for economists, such as: hierarchy, causality, near-diagonal linear dynamical systems, discovery, the contrasts between the notion of heuristics, and the Church-Turing Thesis of Computability Theory.

Routledge Market: Economics November 2017: 234x156: 200pp Hb: 978-0-415-31158-8: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-203-46244-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415311588

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Capitalizing on Political Disagreement

Money, Markets and Capital

The Case for Polycentric Democracy

The Case for a Monetary Analysis

Julian Muller, University of Hamburg, Germany Series: Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy

Jean Cartelier, University of Paris Nanterre, France Series: Routledge International Studies in Money and Banking

In a discipline such as economics, diverse perspectives are not primarily seen as a threat but as fuel for progress. This book argues that such thinking should be applied to the fields of socio-economic and normative theory to find a way of working with, rather than against, pervasive political disagreements in modern society. This leads to the identification of a new system termed ‘polycentric democracy’: an institutional arrangement involving a multiplicity of decision centers acting independently within a democractic framework. As competition is a discovery process, a polycentric political system should make use of the diversity of perspectives to find new and better ways of living.

As a result of the 2008 global financial crisis, economists shifted their emphasis from economic policy and social governance to theoretical debates. Economists should reconsider the state of their discipline to avoid taking a step backward and it seems more appropriate than ever to think about the way economic theory has evolved and to check its present day relevance. This book offers an original contribution to this endeavour. It contains a solid critical analysis of the mainstream theory of money, from the vantage point of both internal logical consistency and economic methodology.

Routledge Market: Economics/Political Philosophy June 2018: 184pp Hb: 978-1-138-22896-2: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-39102-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138228962

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Routledge Market: Economics April 2018: 234x156: 176pp Hb: 978-0-815-35577-9: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-12924-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780815355779

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4 Volume Set

New Perspectives on the Economics of Ronald H. Coase

Post-Keynesian Economics (4-vol. set)

Coase's Economics of Organisation & Governance and its Applications

Edited by Peter Kriesler Series: Critical Concepts in Economics

Ronald Coase is widely recognised as one of the most influential economists of the 20th century. In this new volume, Matthias Klaes argues that Coase is a self-styled disciplinary renegade, whose aim for the past four decades has been to re-orient the shape and practice of modern economics. This book will provide an account of the alternative economics present in Coase's work, offering a balanced analysis of the full breadth of his writings over eight decades.

Responding in particular to the challenges posed by the Global Financial Crisis of 2008, this new 4 volume collection provides an exhaustive anthology of post-Keynesian economics. Carefully curated, the volumes include the major works of scholarship on all the principal theoretical, methodological, and policy issues to provide a one-stop resource for any interested researcher, instructor, or advanced student who wishes to understand the ongoing post-Keynesian debates and make sense of the relationship between post-Keynesians, mainstream economics, and alternative heterodox schools of thought.

Routledge Market: Economics September 2018: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-83423-0: £105.00 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415834230

Routledge Market: Post-Keynesian Economics November 2018: 234x156: 1736pp Hb: 978-1-138-90681-5: £900.00 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138906815

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Otto Neurath and the History of Economics

Progress in Economic and Political Thought

Matthias Klaes, University of Keele, UK Series: Routledge Studies in the History of Economics

Michael Turk Series: Routledge Studies in the History of Economics Although Otto Neurath left his mark across an array of fields in the first half of the twentieth century, he was trained as an economist and wrote extensively about economics. This book intends to find a place for Otto Neurath in the history of economic thought by examining and analyzing his economic ideas, both on their own terms, if with a critical perspective, and in the broader context of their impact. Routledge Market: Economics June 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-73203-2: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-18868-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138732032

An Intellectual History Calvin Hayes Series: Routledge Studies in the History of Economics This innovative and interdisciplinary book opens up the debate about the meaning of "progress" and its relation to justice, rights, liberty, modern science and technology. It st challenges many 21 century assumptions about progress, arguing for a complete reconfiguration of the concept. The book is focused on problems surrounding the definition of "progress" in the widest sense of that contentious term. Building on the work of authors such as Kant, Popper, and Hayek, it develops a fascinating new perspective which provides a criticism of the most widely understood concept of progress. Routledge Market: Economics July 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-08890-0: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-10957-2 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138088900

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Patrick Suppes, Economics, and Economic Methodology

Reinventing Accounting and Finance Education For a Caring, Inclusive and Sustainable Planet

Edited by John B. Davis and D. Wade Hands, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA, USA

Atul K. Shah Series: Routledge Focus on Economics and Finance

This collection recognizes Suppes’s contributions to economics and economic methodology with a symposium of papers that examine, build on, and/or assess Suppes’s research in these areas. It was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of Economic Methodology.

There is a growing acknowledgement of the role played by finance theory and experts in the 2008 global banking crash, and their on-going contributions to risks in the financial system. Some argue that finance theory is deeply ideological, and the academy has been captured and corrupted by financial institutions and conservative journal editors and their unrealistic influence. Its language and terminology have been self-referential, enabling disciplinary closure but generating widening gaps with reality and lived experience. Serious and radical reforms are required in the teaching and research in finance. This book charts out the possible solutions

Routledge Market: Economics/Philosophy of Economics November 2017: 246x174: 114pp Hb: 978-1-138-50407-3: £115.00 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138504073

for such reform. Routledge Market: Finance October 2017: 216x138: 108pp Hb: 978-1-138-04056-4: £45.00 eBook: 978-1-315-17500-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138040564

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Routledge Handbook of the History of Women’s Economic Thought

The Routledge Handbook of Economic Theology

Edited by Kirsten Madden, Millersville University, Pennsylvania, USA Series: Routledge International Handbooks

Edited by Stefan Schwarzkopf Series: Routledge International Handbooks

The marginalization of women in economics has a history as long as the discipline itself. Throughout the history of economics, women have contributed substantial novel ideas, methods of inquiry, and analytical insights, but much of this has been discounted, ignored, or shifted into alternative disciplines and writing outlets. This new handbook presents a much needed thematic overview of women’sth contributions to the history of economic thought from the 1770s through to the mid-20 century. The book opens with an overview of the barriers that women have historically faced in their attempts to contribute to the discipline, before going on to examine women’s economic contributions in depth. Coverage is international, spanning both Western and non-Western contributions.

Despite widespread assumptions about an increasing trend towards secularization in Western societies, recent years have seen the development of a loosely structured ‘theological turn’ within the social sciences, social philosophy and the humanities. This Handbook is a state-of-the-art reference work that offers students, researchers and policy makers an introduction to current scholarship, significant debates, and emerging research themes in Economic Theology, which is the study of the theological nature of particular economic concepts and the religious underpinnings of mundane practices in the world of organization studies, management and economics. The Handbook brings together leading international scholars from across several disciplines to present short entries, focussing around particular keywords. It will provide the point of entry for readers into this new and evolving field, and will also offer pointers for the direction of future research.

Routledge Market: Economics July 2018: 246x174: 480pp Hb: 978-1-138-85234-1: £140.00 eBook: 978-1-315-72357-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138852341

Routledge Market: Economics July 2018: 246x174: 392pp Hb: 978-1-138-28885-0: £165.00 eBook: 978-1-315-26762-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138288850

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The Historiography of Contemporary Economics Edited by Till Duppe and E. Roy Weintraub, Duke University, USA Series: Routledge Studies in the History of Economics In recent years, the focus of historians of economic thought has changed to also include the ideas and practices of contemporary economists. This has opened up new questions regarding the utilization of sources, choice of method, narrative styles, and ethical issues, as well as a new awareness of the historian’s place, role, and task. This book brings together leading contributors to provide, for the first time, a methodological overview of the historiography of economics. Emphasising the quality of the scholarship of recent decades, the book seeks to provide research tools for future historians of economic thought, as well as to any historians of social science with an interest in historiographic issues. Routledge Market: Economics October 2018: 234x156: 352pp Hb: 978-1-138-04995-6: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-16919-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138049956

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The Individual and the Other in Economic Thought Edited by Ragip Ege, University of Strasbourg, France and Herrade Igersheim, CNRS & AIX-MARSEILE UNIVERSITE, France The philosophy of economics primarily considers the economic agent as a moral subject but economists have long overlooked the agent’s moral dimension to focus instead on the strictly rational. The economic agent refers to himself/herself in terms of desire and passions, yet also refers to others. The contributors to this volume examine the nature of the relationship between the individual and the Other for the rational economic agent. The chapters in this volume are gathered into three parts exploring the works of great authors, the concepts of recognition and subjectivity in market contexts and the contributions of fields of analysis such as game theory, decision theory and social choice. Routledge Market: Economics June 2018: 352pp Hb: 978-1-138-08070-6: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-11325-8 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138080706

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4 Volume Set

Economic Woman in the Age of Capital

Evolutionary Economics

Gendering Economic Inequality Frances Raday, College of Management - Academic Studies (COMAS), Israel Series: Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy Thomas Piketty recently explored the global impact of spiralling inequality in his book Capital in the Twenty-First Century. This new book aims to address a key area not covered by Piketty: the gender impact of inequality in patrimonial capitalism. Global shifts in the gender distribution of maintenance, property, income and care are producing a new profile of economic woman, and changes in economic exigencies pose a challenge for women in both the developed and the developing worlds. Routledge Market: Economics May 2018: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-18902-7: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-64187-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138189027

Edited by Andreas Pyka, Universität Bremen, Germany and Kurt Dopfer Series: Critical Concepts in Economics A major feature of Evolutionary Economics is—and has always been—its strong multi-disciplinary character, and this new 4volume collection in the Routledge Major Works series, Critical Concepts in Economics, meets the need for an authoritative, up-to-date, and comprehensive reference work synthesizing this voluminous literature. Indeed, the sheer scale of the research output—and the breadth of the field—makes this collection especially welcome. It answers the need for a comprehensive collection of classic and contemporary contributions to facilitate ready access to the most influential and important scholarship from a wide range of theoretical and practical perspectives. Routledge Market: Economics October 2018: 234x156: 1600pp Hb: 978-0-415-57716-8: £760.00 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415577168

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Economics and Literature

Game Theory and Society

A Comparative and Interdisciplinary Approach Edited by Cinla Akdere , Middle East Technical University, Turkey and Christine Baron, University of Poitiers, France Series: Routledge Studies in the History of Economics For many authors, literary narration also offers a means to express critical viewpoints about economic development, for example in regards to its ecological or social ramifications. Conflicts of economic interest have social, political and moral causes and consequences. This book shows how economic and literary texts deal with similar subjects, and explores the ways in which economic ideas and metaphors shape literary texts, focusing on the analogies between economic theories and narrative structure in literature and drama. This volume also suggests that connecting literature and economics can help us find a common language to voice new, critical perspectives on crises and social change. Routledge Market: Economics October 2017: 234x156: 266pp Hb: 978-1-138-29435-6: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-23161-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138294356

Weiying Zhang, Peking University, Beijing, China Series: China Perspectives From a game theoretical perspective, this book addresses the issue of how people can cooperate better. It has two objectives. The first is to use common language to systematically introduce the basic methodologies and core conclusions of Game Theory. Mathematics and theoretical models are used to the minimum necessary scope too, to make this book get access to ordinary readers with elementary mathematical training. The second objective is to utilize these methods and conclusions to analyze various Chinese social issues, with a focus on the reasons people exhibit non-cooperative behaviors as well as the institutions and cultures that promote interpersonal cooperation. Routledge Market: Economics/Game Theory/Game Theory and Chinese Society December 2017: 234x156: 406pp Hb: 978-1-138-57345-1: £175.00 eBook: 978-0-203-70158-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138573451

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European Economic Integration and Social Cohesion

Neoliberal Structural Change and the Electricity Sector

Mark Baimbridge Series: Routledge Studies in the European Economy This book explores the interrelationship between neoliberal economic policies within the European Union (EU), particularly across Eurozone countries, and the decline in social cohesion exemplified by the rise in support for political parties of the extreme right. Routledge Market: Economics April 2018: 234x156: 192pp Hb: 978-0-415-73403-5: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-83272-2 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415734035

A Régulationist Analysis Lynne Chester, University of Sydney, Australia Series: Routledge Advances in Heterodox Economics This book presents an unparalleled account of the drivers and outcomes of electricity sector liberalisation, and argues that this industrial restructuring has created pervasive threats to long-term economic growth, financial market stability, environmental degradation and society’s well-being. Routledge Market: Economics October 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-63491-5: £70.00 eBook: 978-1-315-78088-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415634915

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Philosophy of Mathematics and Economics

The Economics of Central Banking

Image, Context and Perspective

Livio Stracca

Thomas A. Boylan, National University of Ireland, Galway and Paschal F. O'Gorman, National University of Ireland, Galway Series: Routledge INEM Advances in Economic Methodology With the failure of economics to predict the recent economic crisis, the image of economics as a rigorous mathematical science has been subjected to increasing interrogation. One explanation for this failure is that the subject took a wrong turn in its historical trajectory, becoming too mathematical. Using the philosophy of mathematics, this unique book re-examines this trajectory. Philosophy of Mathematics and Economics seeks to enhance our understanding of how economics became an applied mathematical science while critically evaluating developments in the philosophy of mathematics to expose the inadequacy of aspects of mainstream mathematical economics.

This book offers a comprehensive analysis of central banks, and aims to make them less of a mystery to the general public, which is the only way to have a rational debate about them and ultimately to make them accountable. It has three defining characteristics, which set it apart from competing titles: first, it is pitched at the general public and uses a simple and entertaining language. Second, it is rooted in, and makes frequent reference to, recent academic research, based on content for a graduate level course. Third, the author thinks "out of the box" to describe the possible evolution of central banks (including the prospect of their disappearance), and not only the status quo. Routledge Market: Finance May 2018: 234x156: 160pp Hb: 978-1-138-29709-8: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-49671-2: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-09952-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138297098

Routledge Market: Economics April 2018: 234x156: 272pp Hb: 978-0-415-16188-6: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-12458-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415161886



Research Skills for Economics Students

The Economics of Sports

Aidan Kane, National University of Ireland, Galway This text is a guide for students undertaking research projects, and offers options to instructors, in planning such projects, with a clear view in mind of the distinctive learning objectives which typically motivate the requirements for them in economics. These include the desire to deepen students’ appreciation of, and competence in economic ways of thinking and of assessing evidence, and sets of transferable skills in research, report preparation and writing.

Routledge Market: Economics, Finance, Business July 2018: 234x156: 320pp Hb: 978-0-415-47012-4: £95.00 Pb: 978-0-415-47013-1: £39.99 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415470124

Michael A. Leeds, Temple University, USA, Peter von Allmen and Victor A. Matheson The Economics of Sports introduces core economic concepts and theories and applies them to American and international sports. th Updates for this 6 edition include: more coverage of international sports, including European football; a revised chapter on competitive balance, reflecting new techniques; a brand-new chapter on mega-events such as the Olympics and World Cup; new material on umpire bias; a completely redesigned chapter on amateur competition that focuses exclusively on intercollegiate sports. This chapter is also now modular, enabling instructors who wish to intersperse it with the other chapters to do so with greater ease. Routledge Market: Economics March 2018: 246x174: 392pp Hb: 978-1-138-05216-1: £135.00 eBook: 978-1-315-16794-7 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-0-133-02292-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138052161

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Social and Economic Cohesion in Diverse Societies An Integral Approach to Education and Development Marlene De Beer, University of Johannesburg Series: Transformation and Innovation Social cohesion, as an academic concept and as the objective of education and social policy and practice is of considerable interest, though there seems to be confusion about the meaning, conceptual developments, theoretical foundations and models emerging around it. This book examines emerging social cohesion models and provides insights for social sciences practitioners, educators and policy developers in formal and informal settings, as well as a basis for developing potential future social cohesion educational programmes and interventions. It will contribute a more balanced, integrated and holistic representation of social cohesion, conceptual and model developments, around the world. Routledge Market: Economics July 2018: 234x156: 336pp Hb: 978-1-138-69574-0: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-52625-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138695740

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ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS Dummy text to keep placeholder

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Advances in Fisheries Bioeconomics

Megaregions, Prosperity and Sustainability

Theory and Policy

Spatial Planning for Future Prosperity and Sustainability

Edited by Juan Carlos Seijo, Marist University of Merida, Mexico and Jon G. Sutinen, University of Rhode Island, USA Series: Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics

Catherine L. Ross, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, David Jung-Hwi Lee, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, Evert Meijers, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands and Timothy Welch Series: Regions and Cities

Efforts to effectively conserve and manage marine resources are facing increasingly complex environmental and governance challenges. To address some of these challenges, this book presents advancements in fisheries bioeconomics research that provide significant ideas and insights for addressing several emerging environmental and fisheries management issues including ecosystem-based fisheries management, ocean acidification, the benefits and challenges of eco-labeling and eco-certification and socio-ecological approaches to fisheries bio-socio-economics. The focus is on the application of bioeconomics (theoretical and empirical) to contemporary fisheries policy issues. Routledge Market: Economics April 2018: 234x156: 208pp Hb: 978-1-138-56746-7: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-203-70578-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138567467

This book constitutes a thorough examination of the characteristics of megaregions, revealing current challenges and future opportunities. It also acts as a guide to developing policies necessary for ensuring future prosperity and sustainable development within megaregions. Routledge Market: Urban Studies, Geography, Economics, Business June 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-85941-7: £70.00 eBook: 978-0-203-79903-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415859417

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5th Edition • TEXTBOOK • READER

Redesigning Petroleum Taxation

Environmental and Natural Resources Economics

Aligning Government and Investors in the UK

Theory, Policy and the Sustainable Society

Emre Usenmez Series: Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics

Steven Hackett and Sahan T. M. Dissanayake, Colby College, USA th

The 5 edition of Environmental and Natural Resources Economics: Theory, Policy, and the Sustainable Society includes new chapters on non-market valuation, ecosystem services, and the use of behavioral economics for environmental policy, along with a new methodology chapter that presents the tools in the environmental economist’s toolkit. It also incorporates a series of active learning exercises and in-class games to help students gain a deeper and immediate understanding of the key concepts. The textbook is designed for use in an environmental and natural resource economics course, and is versatile enough to work either for economics majors or for students in interdisciplinary programs.

In order to achieve an enduring balance between sufficiently incentivised investors and the government that captures a fair share of the proceeds from the petroliferous trades, the UK’s petroleum fiscal regime ought to be redesigned in such a way that aligns the government with the investors, much like an equity partner. The aim of this book is to discuss the function of the fiscal regime applicable to petroleum extraction in the UK, and the possible theoretical tools that can lend themselves via the tax laws to achieve that elusive balance between attracting investments into the upstream sector and collecting an appropriate share of the revenues in the future.

Routledge Market: Economics August 2018: 576pp Hb: 978-1-138-67855-2: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-67856-9: £49.99 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-1-138-17016-2 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138678552

Routledge Market: Economics June 2018: 234x156: 208pp Hb: 978-1-138-21996-0: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-41409-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138219960

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Stranded Assets

Environmental Markets

Developments in Finance and Investment

Principles of Design

Edited by Ben Caldecott, University of Oxford, UK

Paul Curnow, Pringle Angela and Williams Evan Series: Routledge Textbooks in Environmental and Agricultural Economics

The concept of stranded assets is one of the most important themes in current policy, investor, industry, and civil society discourses on the environment, and looks set to remain so given the scale and complexity of the transition towards greater environmental sustainability. This book provides some of the latest thinking on how stranded assets are relevant to investor strategy and decision-making, as well as those seeking to understand and influence financial institutions. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment.

Principles of Environmental Markets provides a comprehensive introduction to the evaluation, design and implementation of market-based solutions to resource and environmental problems. Offering a holistic introduction to both the potential and the pitfalls of market-led solutions, this book is the ideal introduction for students, scholars and others who are seeking to gain a complete understanding of environmental markets. Routledge Market: Economics August 2018: 234x156: 304pp Hb: 978-1-138-79847-2: £39.99 Pb: 978-1-138-79848-9: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-75665-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138798472

Routledge Market: Sustainable Finance / Stranded Assets April 2018: 246x174: 180pp Hb: 978-1-138-57423-6: £115.00 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138574236

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Sustainability Accounting and Integrated Reporting Edited by Charl de Villiers and Warren Maroun Series: Finance, Governance and Sustainability Sustainability Reporting and Integrated Reporting deal with organizations’ articulation and disclosure of their social and environmental impact on various groups in society. This book examines the accounting involved in the collection and analysis of data, control processes over the data, how information is reported to external parties, and the assurance of the information being reported. It provides a broad and comprehensive review of sustainability and integrated reporting, focusing on the interconnection between different elements of these topics, often dealt with in isolation by existing texts. Consequently, the book is a comprehensive reference for students of sustainability reporting. Routledge Market: Corporate Governance November 2017: 234x156: 170pp Hb: 978-1-138-09141-2: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-10803-2 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138091412

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The Economics of Natural Resources in Latin America Taxation and Regulation of the Extractive Industries Edited by Osmel E. Manzano M., Fernando Navajas and Andrew Powell Series: Routledge Studies in Development Economics This book aims to understand the trade-off between the degree of taxation overall, the profitability of the relevant industry and the amount of investment and subsequent production in the region, as well as the relevance of institutions in the performance of the sector. It focuses on economic efficiency: where Latin America stands in terms of the current tax system for the extractive sector; how policies have changed in this regard; and how policies may be improved. The argument of the book will be made by a collection of papers around the issue of tax efficiency in the region and concludes with chapters on institutions and the role of transparency. Routledge Market: Economics November 2017: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-1-138-08536-7: £100.00 eBook: 978-1-315-11137-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138085367

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The Opportunity of Bioelectricity Johan Albrecht, Universiteit Gent, Belgium Series: Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics This book presents a balanced view of bioelectricity from a dynamic perspective by exploring the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of using biomass as a source of electricity. The analysis includes a detailed economic and environmental comparison of biomass generation technologies to other generation technologies (other renewable sources, fossil fuels and nuclear technologies). Routledge Market: Economics September 2018: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-01323-0: £70.00 eBook: 978-1-315-79535-5 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138013230

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Health Economics An International Perspective Barbara McPake, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, UK, Charles Normand, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, Samantha Smith, Trinity College Dubin, Ireland and Anne Nolan, The Economic and Social Research Institute, Dublin, Ireland Health Economics: An International Perspective is the only textbook to provide a truly international, comparative treatment of health economics. Offering an analysis of health systems across borders, the fourth edition of this key text has been fully updated and revised to take account of changes in a host of countries. This edition features an expanded introduction, a new section on applied econometrics, more discussion of how the need for healthcare and access to healthcare are defined and measured, and a vastly revised and updated section on the profile and structure of different healthcare systems. Throughout the text, examples and illustrations are taken from a wide range of settings and world regions, providing a unique overview of the performance of different health systems. Routledge Market: Health, Economics August 2018: 246x174: 336pp Hb: 978-1-138-04919-2: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-04920-8: £32.99 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-0-415-68086-8 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138049192

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Health Rights of Older People Comparative Perspectives in Southeast Asia Edited by Long Thanh Giang, National Economics University, Vietnam and Theresa W. Devasahayam, Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore Series: Routledge-GRIPS Development Forum Studies The book examines the health rights of older persons who are more likely potentially to face various disadvantages in terms of healthcare access and affordability, thereby impacting on health outcomes. Data from five countries in the ASEAN region are analysed with the intent of highlighting the health inequalities and barriers at the societal and individual levels as well as the gaps at the health and healthcare policy and programmatic levels within each country. It is also intended that the analyses of the data from the selected countries which represent different stages of development and thus income levels provide a useful comparative framework for policymakers in the ASEAN region. Routledge Market: Economics March 2018: 234x156: 192pp Hb: 978-1-138-55046-9: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-14726-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138550469

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Commodity Derivatives

Management of Shipping Companies Ioannis Theotokas, University of the Aegean, Greece Series: Routledge Maritime Masters

A Guide for Future Practitioners Paul E. Peterson, University of Illinois, USA This book describes the origins and uses of important markets. It provides examples for using derivatives to manage prices by hedging, using futures, options and swaps. It also presents strategies for using derivatives to speculate on price levels, relationships, volatility, and the passage of time. Finally, as the relationship between commodity price and derivative price is not constant, this book examines the impact of basis behaviour on hedging results, and shows how the basis can be bought and sold like any other price. Based on the author’s 30-year career, this book is essential reading for students planning careers as commodity merchandisers, traders, and related industry positions. Routledge Market: Economics April 2018: 234x156: 312pp Hb: 978-0-765-64516-6: £110.00 Pb: 978-0-765-64537-1: £59.99 eBook: 978-1-315-71843-9 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780765645166

This book analyses the business environment of shipping companies and examines the approaches they adopt in organising and managing their activities so as to increase their competitiveness. To ensure a thorough comprehension of the terms and the definitions analysed in the chapters, the theoretical analysis is accompanied by case studies and analysis of best practices implemented by shipping companies worldwide. This book is an ideal text for students in maritime studies programs as well as readers interested in learning about the basic aspects of maritime industry and businesses. Routledge Market: Maritime Studies April 2018: 246x174: 304pp Hb: 978-1-138-19009-2: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-19010-8: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-64129-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138190092

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Economic Regulation of the Container Shipping Industry

Managing Human Resources in the Shipping Industry

Theoretical and legal perspectives

Edited by Jiangang Fei, Australian Maritime College, Australia Series: Routledge Maritime Masters

Rawindaran Nair Series: Routledge Studies in Transport Analysis The liner shipping industry has seen significant changes in recent years both because of developments within the industry and through regulatory changes. This book examines the economic regulatory framework of the container liner shipping industry in the context of the industry’s leading role in international trade and transport. It explores the consequences of the actions of shipping companies in their interpretations of the regulatory framework through numerous case studies. The book also provides a theoretical framework to allow the industry to minimise the impact of incorporating future regulatory changes.

This book explores key aspects of human resource management in the shipping industry including the dynamics of the shipping workforce and the global labour market. With case studies in each chapter, the book also discusses the practices and issues associated with recruitment, training and development, and retention of personnel and knowledge in the shipping industry. In addition, the book addresses the human resource management challenges faced by the industry including achieving work-life balance, maintaining employee health and wellbeing, managing risk and crisis, and applying knowledge management principles.

Routledge Market: Economics/Maritime/Law July 2018 Hb: 978-1-138-04013-7: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-17533-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138040137

Routledge Market: Maritime Studies April 2018: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-1-138-82539-0: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-82540-6: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-74002-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138825390


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Industrial Organization

Maritime Economics and Business

Theory and Practice

Asian perspectives

Don Waldman and Elizabeth Jensen

Edited by Okan Duru, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Series: Routledge Maritime Masters

Industrial Organization: Theory and Practice punctuates its modern introduction to industrial organization with relevant empirical data, real world applications and case studies, to show students how to apply theoretical tools. Now in its fifth edition, the book continues to be a leading text in the field. All data, tables, empirical examples and cases in this new edition will be thoroughly updated and further changes will include; a separate section on antitrust, expanded coverage of technological change and an expanded companion website with PowerPoint slides and additional questions and problems. Routledge Market: Economics March 2018: 235 x 191: 768pp Hb: 978-1-138-06895-7: £135.00 eBook: 978-1-315-15740-5 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-0-132-77098-9 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138068957

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This book examines the growth and sustainability of Asian maritime world through the lens of Asian cultural code, social and institutional economics as well as its unique way of public governance. The book addresses the economics of maritime industry in its broader meaning including ship owning, ship building, port operation and its linkages to other industries (or collaborations) from a refreshing perspective. Its comprehensive overview of and unique approach to the subject makes the book a valuable reference to anyone interested in the subject. Routledge Market: Economics June 2018: 246x174: 320pp Hb: 978-1-138-28212-4: £95.00 Pb: 978-1-138-40036-8: £39.99 eBook: 978-1-315-27086-9 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138282124

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Maritime Mobilities

The Development of Modern Industries in Bengal

Edited by Jason Monios, Kedge Business School, France and Gordon Wilmsmeier Series: Routledge Studies in Transport Analysis Challenges to the environment, attempts at more sustainable practices, changes in the geoeconomic system, political power, labour, economic development and governance issues are all among the topics covered in this book. The aim of this volume is to address issues of maritime transport not only in the simple context of movement but within the mobilities paradigm. The goal is to examine negative system effects caused by blockages and inefficiencies, examine delays and wastage of resources, identify negative externalities, explore power relations and identify the winners and losers in the globalised trade system with a particular focus on the maritime network. Routledge Market: Economics December 2017: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-23280-8: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-31137-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138232808

Re-Industrialisation, 1858-1914 Indrajit Ray, University of North Bengal, India Series: Routledge Explorations in Economic History This book explores the effects that the British Industrial Revolution had on Bengal’s traditional industries in the first half of the nineteenth century. Although colonial ambivalence is often cited as an explanation, this study also shows that a series of new industries emerged during this period. The book reappraises the thesis of India’s de-industrialisation, and discusses the development status of those traditional industries in the early nineteenth century. Routledge Market: Economics June 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-50067-9: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-14391-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138500679

2nd Edition • TEXTBOOK • READER

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Port Economics

The Economics of Knowledge Coordination

Wayne K. Talley, Old Dominion University, USA Series: Routledge Maritime Masters This book provides a detailed discussion of port freight service users such as freight water and land carriers that have their ships and vehicles, respectively, serviced by ports and have their cargoes unloaded from and to their ships and vehicles, respectively as well as a detailed discussion of port passenger service users such as passenger ferry carriers that have their ferry vessels and passengers serviced by ferry passenger ports. This text continues to enhance our understanding of port economics by exploring the economic theories, supply and demand curves, and the actual and opportunity costs, relating to the carriers, shippers and passengers who use ports.

Innovation Platforms as Emerging Organizational Structures in Complex Systems Pier Paolo Patrucco, University of Turin, Italy Series: Routledge Studies in Global Competition The main purpose of this book is to provide a new framework to understand the question of how economic agents and their organizations acquire and coordinate innovative capabilities and new knowledge. Its particular focus is on the dynamics of knowledge production and organization at the firm level. Routledge Market: Economics January 2018: 234x156: 332pp Hb: 978-0-415-72320-6: £95.00 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415723206

Routledge Market: Transport, Business, Economics December 2017: 234x156: 262pp Hb: 978-1-138-95218-8: £120.00 Pb: 978-1-138-95219-5: £49.99 eBook: 978-1-315-66772-0 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-0-415-77721-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138952188

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Routledge Handbook of Managerial Economics

The Globalisation of Indian Business

Edited by Antony Dnes, Northcentral University, USA

Cross border Mergers and Acquisitions in Indian Manufacturing

Managerial economics has become an established part of leading MBA programmes, and the discipline is changing and developing rapidly. This new handbook offers a state-of-the art overview of the ways in which modern economics can be usefully applied across contemporary work in business schools, and is truly international in its authorship and scope. Routledge Market: Economics June 2018: 246x174: 480pp Hb: 978-1-138-12128-7: £125.00 eBook: 978-1-315-65107-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138121287

Beena Saraswathy, Institute for Studies in Industrial Development, India Series: Routledge Studies in the Economics of Business and Industry There are a good number of studies in the Indian context, which have examined the general trends in post-merger performance. However, this is the first book to attempt an analysis of the aforementioned issues, (that is, impact on technological performance, production efficiency and market competition), in detail, using appropriate statistical and econometric techniques. The book takes a comparative perspective, involving domestic and cross-border deals. The author analyses the changing nature of foreign investment in the form of mergers and acquisitions vis-à-vis domestic deals, using a new database on mergers and acquisitions. Routledge Market: Mergers and Acquisitions October 2017: 234x156: 166pp Hb: 978-1-138-74027-3: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-18363-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138740273

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The Routledge Handbook of Agricultural Economics Edited by Gail L. Cramer, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA Series: Routledge International Handbooks Agricultural economics includes applied economics and the fields of consumer and food economics, production and farm management, marketing, policy, and finance as well as economic development and international economics. Agricultural economics therefore encompasses a large sector of any economy. This Routledge Handbook compiles the latest scholarship on agricultural economics and covers all of these areas as well as a diverse range of agribusinesses including livestock, organic farming, fisheries, and biofuels. The entries in this volume also explore contemporary issues such as climate change, genetically modified foods, and rural poverty. Routledge Market: Economics May 2018: 246x174: 512pp Hb: 978-1-138-65423-5: £165.00 eBook: 978-1-315-62335-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138654235

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The Theory, Practice and Potential of Regional Development The Case of Canada Edited by Kelly Vodden, Memorial University, Canada, David Douglas, University of Guelph, Canada, Sean Markey, Simon Fraser University, Canada and William Reimer, Concordia University, Canada Series: Regions and Cities Canadian regional development today involves multiple actors operating within nested scales from local to national and even international levels. Recent approaches to making sense of this complexity have drawn on new regionalist concepts, which have become increasingly global in their formation and application. However, there has been little critical analysis of Canadian regional development policies and programs or the theories and concepts upon which many contemporary regional development strategies are implicitly based. This volume offers cutting-edge empirical and theoretical analysis of changes in Canadian regional development and the potential of new approaches for improving the well-being of Canadian communities and regions. It situates the Canadian approach within comparative experiences and debates, offering the opportunity for broader lessons to be learnt. Routledge Market: Economics September 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-815-36521-1: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-26216-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780815365211


US Agricultural and Food Policies Economic Choices and Consequences Gerald D. Toland, Jr., Southwest Minnesota State University, USA, William E. Nganje and Raphael Onyeaghala, Southwest Minnesota State University, USA Series: Routledge Textbooks in Environmental and Agricultural Economics This text provides opportunities to "practice the craft" of policy analysis by engaging the reader in realistic case studies and problem-solving scenarios that require the selection and use of applicable investigative techniques. US Agricultural and Food Policies will assist undergraduate students to learn how policy choices impact the overall performance of agricultural and food markets. It encourages students to systematically investigate scenarios with appropriate positive and normative tools. The book emphasizes the importance of employing critical-thinking skills to address the complexities associated with the design and implementation of 21st-Century agricultural and food policies. Routledge Market: Agricultural Policy/Economics October 2017: 246x174: 364pp Hb: 978-1-138-20828-5: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-20829-2: £59.95 eBook: 978-1-315-45953-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138208285

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INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS Dummy text to keep placeholder

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Brazil Under Globalization

Crisis in the European Monetary Union

A Study in Political Economy

A Core-Periphery Perspective Giuseppe Celi, University of Foggia, Italy, Andrea Ginzburg, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy., Dario Guarascio, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy and Annamaria Simonazzi, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy Series: Routledge Studies in the European Economy

Pedro Paulo Zahluth Bastos, UNICAMP, Brazil Series: Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy Brazil’s economy saw fast growth before the global financial crisis, but in recent yearsst it has seen its growth rate decline. This book explores Brazil’s economic story in the 21 century. The book begins by exploring the way commodity exports, import substitution, social policy and wage increases enlarged the domestic market and induced investment, before going on to consider the failings of the growth model and global economic engagement. The volume goes on to consider the country’s future trajectory, making the argument for industrial policy rather than austerity, the reform of its model of global economic engagement and an increase in public investment. Routledge Market: Economics May 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-23561-8: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-30435-9 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138235618

The book provides a new framework for the analysis of the economic crisis that is shaking the countries participating in the European Monetary Union. The analysis goes beyond the short-term, to study the medium and long-term relations between ‘core’ countries (in particular Germany) and Southern European ‘peripheral’ countries. The policy implications differ in many respects from the policies suggested by both mainstream and Keynesian approaches that have so far dominate the debates on the economic policy alternatives. The book focuses instead on how product-led competitiveness can promote economic growth. Routledge Market: Economics January 2018: 234x156: 298pp Hb: 978-1-138-68583-3: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-54296-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138685833

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China and Japan in the Global Economy

Economic Crisis and Structural Reforms in Southern Europe

Edited by Tomoo Kikuchi, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, Singapore and Masaya Sakuragawa Series: Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy The book is an invaluable contribution to the existing discussion on China-Japan relations and how their cooperation is beneficial not only for them but also for Asia, and even the world. It provides insight into how China and Japan can redesign the process of economic integration and security architecture to ensure peace and prosperity in Asia, and how China and Japan can cooperate to correct the capital misallocation and channel savings more effectively to investments in Asia. It also suggests how China and Japan can promote free trade to help Asian economies upgrade their industries in the global supply chain. Routledge Market: Economics March 2018: 234x156: 248pp Hb: 978-1-138-08616-6: £100.00 eBook: 978-1-315-11110-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138086166

Policy Lessons Edited by Paolo Manasse, University of Bologna, Italy and Dimitris Katsikas, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece Series: Routledge Studies in the European Economy In recent years the countries of southern Europe have undergone, with varying intensity, a serious and prolonged economic crisis. Most have had to implement comprehensive economic adjustment programmes, including a wide range of structural reforms. Economic Crisis and Structural Reforms in Southern Europe examines these reforms, drawing policy lessons from their successes and failures. Routledge Market: Economics December 2017: 234x156: 248pp Hb: 978-1-138-28033-5: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-27219-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138280335

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China in the Local and Global Economy

Entrepreneurship and Local Economic Development

History, Geography, Politics and Sustainability

A comparative perspective on entrepreneurs, universities and governments

Edited by Steven Brakman, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, the Netherlands, Charles van Marrewijk, Erasmus School of Economics, the Netherlands, Peter Morgan, Asian Development Bank Institute, Japan and Nimesh Salike, Xi’an Jiaotong – Liverpool University, China Series: Regions and Cities This book explores the changing (inter)national connections within China and between China and other parts of the world, and their importance for understanding the past, current, and future developments of the Chinese economy. The book brings together leading international contributors, who start by considering the historical developments of the connections and of the Chinese economy, before focussing in on the importance of natural and man-made connections for the Chinese economy. Chapters then go on to consider the role of institutions and policies for understanding the connections, as well as the sustainability of the connections. Routledge Market: Economics October 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-30798-8: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-14273-9 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138307988

Edited by Bruno Dallago, University of Trento, Italy and Ermanno Tortia, University of Trento, Italy Series: Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy This book focuses on the nature and role of entrepreneurship in modern developed and emerging economies and societies, its relation to governments and universities, and its role in the often forgotten informal economy and third sector. The aim is to position entrepreneurship in the post-crisis context and explore how its relation to universities and governments contributes to explain the countries’ and territories’ growth performance and resilience or vulnerability to the crisis. The accent is particularly on processes and patterns at local level and in small and medium sized enterprises in local systems and districts, and the types and configurations of innovation these give origin to. Routledge Market: Economics May 2018: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-815-36799-4: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-351-25604-9 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780815367994

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Exports, Trade Policy and Economic Development

Mercantilism, Account Keeping and the Periphery-Core Relationship

Edward M Feasel, Soka University of America, USA Series: Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy This book makes a specific attempt to document and investigate the role of exports in the process of globalization for supporting and expanding economic development around the world. It provides evidence in an accounting framework and in an econometric investigation on the importance of exports in the process of economic growth and development. The book is also an excellent resource on the evolution of trade policy especially in the post World War II era focused on trade liberalization and export promotion globally. Routledge Market: Economics June 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-37219-0: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-23135-8 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415372190

Cheryl Susan McWatters Series: Perspectives in Economic and Social History Studies of mercantilism have tended to focus on the effects on the originating countries and populations. This new essay collection, based on extensive archival research, redresses that balance to examine the impact such trade had on indigenous populations and peripheral countries. Routledge May 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-848-93605-8: £95.00 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781848936058

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Fragile Governance and Local Economic Development

Networked Activisms and Regionalism

Theory and Evidence from Peripheral Regions in Latin America

Rosalba Icaza, Institute of Social Studies, the Netherlands Series: Routledge Studies in Governance and Change in the Global Era

Edited by Sergio Montero and Karen Chapple, University of California, Berkeley, USA Series: Regions and Cities Much of our understanding of local economic development is based on large urban agglomerations as nodes of innovation and competitive advantage, connecting territories to global value chains. However, this framework cannot so easily be applied to peripheral regions and secondary cities in either the global South or the North. This book proposes an alternative way of looking at local economic development based on the idea of fragile governance and three variables: associations and networks; learning processes; and leadership and conflict management, in six Latin American regions.

Power and Resistance Across Borders

This book draws renewed attention to the role that citizens across borders have played to advance more democratic and socially sustainable alternatives to contemporary market-led regionalisms. Routledge Market: Economics October 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-57515-7: £105.00 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415575157

Routledge Market: Economics May 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-10652-9: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-10156-9 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138106529

4th Edition • TEXTBOOK • READER


Global Economic Issues and Policies

Principles of Port Management

Joseph P. Daniels, Marquette University, USA and David D. VanHoose, Baylor University, USA Now in its fourth edition, Global Economic Issues and Policies reflects continuing changes in the world economy and in the analysis of international economics. Chapter introductions, pedagogy and data have all been thoroughly updated throughout, including the addition of a new ‘Issues & Policies Notebook’ feature. Key topics for expansion and revision include: Evolution of Comparative Advantage; Import Quotas and Subsidies; Services in Regional and Multilateral Trade Agreements; Unconventional Central Bank Policies; Territorial versus Worldwide Taxation and "Tax Inversions"; The role of Foreign Exchange Markets and Exchange-Rate Arrangements. Routledge Market: Economics, Business, International Studies October 2017: 246x174: 570pp Hb: 978-1-138-24416-0: £140.00 Pb: 978-1-138-24417-7: £55.00 eBook: 978-1-315-27708-0 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-0-415-71020-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138244160

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Peter de Langen, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, Theo Notteboom, University of Antwerp, Belgium and Athanasios Pallis Principles of Port Management provides professionals in freight transport and maritime logistics, and specifically the port industry, as well as postgraduate and post-experience students in these fields, with a better conceptual understanding of the port industry, key insights and best practices for port management and development, and an overview of new trends and developments relevant for developing winning strategies. Routledge Market: Transport, Business, Economics August 2018: 246x174: 400pp Hb: 978-0-415-87002-3: £95.00 Pb: 978-0-415-87003-0: £44.99 eBook: 978-0-203-79750-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415870023

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Routledge Companion to Global Economics

The Globalization of Freight Transportation

Robert Beynon

Ports, Containers and Territories

First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

David Guerrero Series: Routledge Studies in Transport Analysis

Routledge Market: Economics April 2018: 416pp Hb: 978-1-138-83483-5: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-92352-1: £36.99 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138834835

During the last decades there have been important changes in the ways that goods are produced and distributed. This book analyzes the spatial outcomes of these changes by addressing key questions such as which places are taking advantage of this new configuration of flows? How do the firms in such places use transport and logistics to increase their power over other firms? This book moves geographically from the global to the local and examines maritime transport and ports as well as logistics and road transport. The results are relevant for any countries where logistics and transport are central to regional development initiatives. Routledge Market: Economics September 2018 Hb: 978-1-138-95224-9: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-66769-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138952249

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Territorial Designs and International Politics

When Ideas Fail

Inside-out and Outside-in

Economic Thought, the Failure of Transition and the Rise of Institutional Instability in Post-Soviet Russia

Edited by Boaz Atzili and Burak Kadercan Series: Regions and Cities This book brings together political scientists and geographers to create a mutually fertilizing dialogue, which will advance our understanding of territorial designs. The chapters originally published as a special issue in Territory, Politics, Governance.

Routledge Market: International Politics / Strategic Studies / Political Geography December 2017: 234x156: 128pp Hb: 978-1-138-57909-5: £115.00 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138579095

Joachim Zweynert, Witten Institute for Institutional Change, Witten/Herdecke University, Germany Series: Routledge Studies in the European Economy In the history of Russian economic ideas, a peculiar mix of anthropocentrism and holism provided fertile breeding ground for patterns of thought that were in potential conflict with the market. This study offers an ideational explanation of Russia’s relative failure to establish a functioning market economy and thus sets up a new and original perspective for discussion. In post-Soviet Russia, a clash between imported foreground ideas and deep domestic background ideas has led to an ideational division in the country. This groundbreaking book makes an important contribution to Central Eastern and Eastern European area studies and to the current debate in the social sciences. Routledge Market: Economics November 2017: 234x156: 144pp Hb: 978-1-138-55927-1: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-203-71293-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138559271

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The Corporate Sector in International Development

Women on Corporate Boards

Peter Davis Series: Routledge Studies in Development Economics Over the past two decades many efforts have been made to engage the corporate sector in the processes of international development, but little effort has so far been made to study when and in what ways this process succeeds. This book aims to address this gap. Routledge Market: Economics October 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-83728-6: £95.00 eBook: 978-0-203-38006-2 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415837286

An International Perspective Edited by Maria Aluchna and Güler Aras, Yildiz Technical University, Turkey Series: Finance, Governance and Sustainability This book traces the logic behind the decision patterns of female involvement in governance and management. In particular, it identifies the patterns of women's presence on corporate boards, with respect to theoretical and conceptual argumentation, policy and regulatory implication, as well as practical adaptation. The phenomenon of women on corporate boards is analyzed in the context of different political, cultural and institutional environment addressing challenges in both developed and emerging economies. The role of female directors is viewed as one of the crucial aspects in corporate governance, adding to the quality of control and management. Routledge Market: Finance May 2018: 234x156: 248pp Hb: 978-1-138-74018-1: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-18370-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138740181

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LABOUR ECONOMICS Dummy text to keep placeholder

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Evolving Work

Young People and the Labour Market

Employing Self and Community

A Comparative Perspective

Ronnie Lessem, Trans4m, Geneva and Tony Bradley, Liverpool Hope University, UK Series: Transformation and Innovation In this book, the authors illustrate, with reference to a wide range of cases, how the transformation of work - based in Western dominant models of capitalist wage-labor – is taking place in particular parts of each of the four worlds. They assert that many of these new movements are limited in extent and are, often, fragile, whilst reflecting deep forces leading to transformation. They address questions, such as: what is the contemporary meaning of Community? Where are changes in Technology, artificial intelligence, and human-machine interfaces taking the future of work and employment? Is a solidarity Economy a viable option within northern and western economies and society?Routledge Market: Economics March 2018: 234x156: 352pp Hb: 978-0-815-35607-3: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-12870-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780815356073

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Mediterranean Migration and the Labour Markets Policies for Growth and Social Development in the Mediterranean Area

Edited by Floro Ernesto Caroleo, University of Naples Parthenope, Italy, Olga Demidova, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia, Enrico Marelli, University of Brescia, Italy and Marcello Signorelli, University of Perugia, Italy Series: Routledge Studies in Labour Economics There are many books which explore the condition of young people in the labour market. However, in this book, the authors presents new evidence from several countries, with a special focus on Europe, and offer a comparative perspective. They investigate questions such as, which structural conditions and labour market institutions guarantee better youth performance, which education systems and school-to-work processes are more effective and in which countries is gender differentiation less of an issue. All of the aforementioned, as well as many other comparisons, which the authors make, are significant in helping to facilitate the successful design of labour and education policies. Routledge Market: Labour Economics November 2017: 234x156: 266pp Hb: 978-1-138-03668-0: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-17842-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138036680

Edited by Eugenia Ferragina, Institute of Studies on Mediterranean Societies (ISSM), Italy and Salvatore Capasso, Italian National Research Council, Italy Series: Routledge Studies in Labour Economics The bookis a collection of original work by academics and experts on Mediterranean migration flows and their causes. The originality of this book is to set out a new vision for the Mediterranean space where the neighbourhood relationships issues are conceived as two-faceted challenges that can be overcome by a common knowledge and a shared effort in order to set up a more comprehensive understanding and dialogue on the triggers of migrations and barriers to solutions. This vision is necessary both to foster the role of the EU and to empower that of non-EU Mediterranean countries in the search of the most appropriate strategies and instruments to cope with the root causes of migration. Routledge Market: Labour Economics April 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-55734-5: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-15096-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138557345

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The Greek Labour Market in Crisis Challenges and Prospects Edited by Horen Voskeritsian, University of the West of England, UK, Panos Kapotas, University of Portsmouth, UK and Christina Niforou, Univ Of Birmingham, Birmingham, ENG Series: Routledge Studies in the European Economy Greece’s economy and society have undergone important structural changes in recent years, as a result of the financial crisis and the consequent austerity policies that have been implemented. The Greek labour market and employment relations system have been subject to immense pressures to change, leading to fundamental changes both in the structure of institutions and in the behaviour of the main employment relations actors. Offering a multidisciplinary perspective and building on original research by leading Greek scholars in the fields of labour economics, employment relations and the sociology of work, the book will discuss the impact of the crisis and of the resulting policies on the Greek labour market and employment relations. Routledge Market: Economics August 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-20735-6: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-46249-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138207356

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Credit Default Swap Markets in the Global Economy An Empirical Analysis Go Tamakoshi, Kobe University, Japan and Shigeyuki Hamori, Kobe University, Japan Series: Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy This book provides a comprehensive overview for various segments of the global credit default swap (CDS) markets, touching on how they had been affected by the recent financial turmoil. The book uses empirical analysis on credit default swap markets, applying advanced econometric methodologies to the time-series data. It covers both well-studied sovereign credit default swap markets and sector credit default swap indices and corporate credit default swap indices, which have not been fully examined by the previous literature. The book also investigates causality and co-movement among several credit default swap markets, or between CDS and other financial markets. Routledge Market: Economics January 2018: 234x156: 168pp Hb: 978-1-138-24472-6: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-27666-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138244726

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Islamic Macroeconomics A Model for Efficient Government, Stability and Full Employment Raja M. Almarzoqi, Walid Mansour and Noureddine Krichene Series: Islamic Business and Finance Series This book proposes an Islamic model that offers significant prospects for economic growth and durable macroeconomic stability and, which is immune to the defects of the economic models prevailing both in industrial and developing countries. Such a model advocates a limited government confined to its natural duties of defense, justice, education, health, infrastructure, regulation, and welfare of the vulnerable population. It prohibits interest-based debt and money, and requires full liberalization of all markets; labor, capital, and trade and foreign exchange markets. The government has to be Sharia-compliant in its taxation power; to reduce unproductive spending. Routledge Market: Islamic Finance January 2018: 234x156: 214pp Hb: 978-1-138-10648-2: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-10158-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138106482

3rd Edition • TEXTBOOK • READER

Macroeconomics in Context Neva Goodwin, Jonathan M. Harris, Tufts Unversity, USA, Julie A. Nelson, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA, Brian Roach, Tufts Unversity, USA, Mariano Torras and Pratistha Joshi Rajkarnikar, Global Development and Environment Institute, Tufts University, USA Macroeconomics in Context lays out the principles of macroeconomics in a manner that is thorough, up to date, and relevant to students. Like its counterpart, Microeconomics in Context, the book is uniquely attuned to economic realities. The "in Context" books offer engaging treatment of high-interest topics from sustainability to financial crisis and rising inequality, and clear, straightforward presentation of economic theory. In addition to thorough updates to figures and data, this third edition features expanded coverage of: Inequality; The changing nature of jobs; Financialization and debt issues; Ownership (houses, stocks, businesses); Debate on military and social expenditures of the government; The history of economic thought. Routledge Market: Economics July 2018: 254x203: 512pp Hb: 978-1-138-55905-9: £105.00 Pb: 978-1-138-55903-5: £42.99 eBook: 978-0-203-71307-5 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138559059

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Behavioral Economics

Contemporary Issues in Law and Economics

Edward Cartwright, University of Kent, UK Series: Routledge Advanced Texts in Economics and Finance This textbook introduces all the key results and insights of behavioral economics to a student audience. This new edition contains expanded and updated coverage of contract theory, bargaining in the family, time and risk and stochastic reference points, among other topics, to ensure that readers are kept up to speed with this fast-paced field. The companion website is also updated with a range of new questions and worked examples. This book remains the ideal introduction to behavioral economics for advanced undergraduate and graduate students. Routledge Market: Economics January 2018: 234x156: 556pp Hb: 978-1-138-09711-7: £105.00 Pb: 978-1-138-09712-4: £44.99 eBook: 978-1-315-10507-9 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-0-415-73761-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138097117

Thomas J. Miceli Law and economics is the field of study devoted to the analysis of legal rules and institutions using the tools of economic theory. This book explores some of the most interesting questions in this area. For example, what is the economic basis for the predominance of negligence rules in tort law? Why is the use of escalating penalties for repeat offenders so pervasive when it doesn’t square with the standard economic theory of crime that is based on cost minimization? The book can serve as the basis for a topics-oriented course in law and economics, or as a companion book for a more comprehensive survey of the field. Routledge Market: Economics/Law April 2018: 234x156: 216pp Hb: 978-1-138-09975-3: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-09976-0: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-10397-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138099753

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Broadway and Economics

Dystopia and Economics

Economic Lessons from Show Tunes

A Guide to Surviving Everything from the Apocalypse to Zombies

Matthew C. Rousu Series: Routledge Economics and Popular Culture Series

Edited by Charity-Joy Revere Acchiardo, University of San Diego, USA and Michelle Albert Vachris, Virginia Wesleyan University, USA Series: Routledge Economics and Popular Culture Series

Broadway Musicals are ideal for teaching about economics. The songs in musicals tell stories, and many tell stories that relate to economic concepts. In this book, over 100 songs from shows spanning several decades are analysed for what they can teach us about opportunity cost or supply and demand or monetary policy or numerous other core economic concepts. The book also explores several shows, including Hamilton, in more detail to explain the overarching economic themes present which can be learnt. Routledge Market: Economics May 2018: 234x156: 184pp Hb: 978-1-138-05121-8: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-05123-2: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-16836-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138051218

Government collapsing? Zombies hunting you down? Everyone you know killed by a global epidemic? Not to worry! Economics holds the keys to survival. Foundational economic principles stand firmly in place, even when society is breaking down. An understanding of these basic tenets of societies – dystopian ones included – is essential to surviving the end of the world as we know it. Each chapter in this book is devoted to revealing the economic institutions that drive the actions of people in a dystopian society as depicted by a particular film, TV series, or book. Readers will see how economic principles lay the foundation for how each society functions and what outcomes may be expected. Routledge Market: Economics and Popular Culture April 2018: 198x129: 120pp Hb: 978-1-138-05135-5: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-05136-2: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-16833-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138051355

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Contemporary Film and Economics

Human Services and Long-term Care

Lights! Camera! Econ!

A Market Model

Samuel Staley, Florida State University, USA Series: Routledge Economics and Popular Culture Series

Yoshihiko Kadoya, Hiroshima University, Japan Series: Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy

This book shows what the western film Magnificent Seven can and cannot tell us about wealth creation and monopoly, what the gritty urban drama Moonlight tells us about the profoundly destructive consequences of poorly conceived minimum wage laws, how the biopic Joy shows us about the value of entrepreneurial persistence, and what the seemingly light-hearted La La Land tells us about the meaning of work. Economist and film critic Sam Staley draws on a wide range of mainstream contemporary films, to show how economics comes alive in today’s world with profound implications for wealth creation, innovation, our quality of life, and our pursuits of happiness.

Providing human service through markets is inherently problematic. Quality care is critical and unsatisfactory human service greatly influences people’s quality of life. Yet, profit for human service providers is essential for sustainable service provision. This book focuses on striking a balance between human services’ need for quality assurance and market providers’ need for profit.

Routledge Market: Economics July 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-815-36703-1: £110.00 Pb: 978-0-815-36705-5: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-351-25820-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780815367031

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Routledge Market: Economics March 2018: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-63093-2: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-20915-9 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138630932

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Microeconomic Theory

The Economics of US Health Care Policy

A Heterodox Approach Frederic S. Lee, University of Missouri, Kansas City, USA and Tae-Hee Jo, SUNY Buffalo State Series: Routledge Advances in Heterodox Economics Microeconomic Theory: A Heterodox Approach develops a heterodox economic theory that explains the economy as the social provisioning process at the micro level. Heterodox microeconomics explores the economy with a focus on its constituent parts and their reproduction and recurrence, their integration qua interdependency by non-market and market arrangements and institutions, and how the system works as a whole. Routledge Market: Economics, Microeconomics and Political Economy November 2017: 234x156: 274pp Hb: 978-0-415-24731-3: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-26528-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415247313

Charles E. Phelps and Stephen T. Parente Exploring the US health care system, this book sets out the case for its reform. Phelps and Parente trace the foundations for today’s system. They show how distortions in the incentives facing participants in the health care market could be corrected in order to achieve lower costs, higher quality of care, more patient safety, and more efficient use of scarce health care resources. This book proposes fundamental changes in the US health care system. These include: changes to US tax law regarding employer paid health insurance; a series of alterations in the structure of Medicare and Medicaid; an improvement to chronic disease care and electronic health records. Routledge Market: Economics November 2017: 234x156: 236pp Hb: 978-0-415-78431-3: £125.00 Pb: 978-0-415-78432-0: £42.99 eBook: 978-1-315-22851-8 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415784313

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Property Law and Economics

The Rural and Peripheral in Regional Development

A Casebook

An Alternative Perspective

Boudewijn Bouckaert, University of Ghent, Belgium and Sven Hoeppner, University of Ghent, Belgium Series: The Economics of Legal Relationships This book examines the economic problems which are dealt with in property law cases and evaluates the courts’ decisions in those cases from an economic angle. The authors aim to bridge the gap between the academic and professional literature by demonstrating the real-world benefits of the economic analysis of individual property rights cases to all those who are interested in law and economics. Routledge Market: Economics July 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-02167-9: £70.00 eBook: 978-1-315-77758-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138021679


Spatial Microeconometrics

Peter de Souza, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences Series: Regions and Cities The countryside has often been marginalized in discussions of economic and societal development, in favour of the urban. This book aims to stimulate a debate and a re-evaluation of how the concepts of the rural, peripheral and marginal are treated in academia and policy. Approaching this theme from geographic, demographic and economic perspectives, Peter de Souza makes a compelling case for giving the periphery a prominent role as an integral part of a holistic and balanced society. The book carefully deconstructs the concept of the urban, and critiques the idea of urban-rural or centre-periphery comparisons, and presents an alternative approach to spark future discussions. Routledge Market: Economics December 2017: 234x156: 268pp Hb: 978-0-415-79323-0: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-21118-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415793230

Giuseppe Arbia, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Italy, Giuseppe Espa, University of Trento, Italy and Diego Giuliani, University of Trento, Italy Series: Routledge Advanced Texts in Economics and Finance Spatial Microeconometrics is an advanced textbook for researchers and graduate students in the fields of economic geography, regional science, spatial econometrics, spatial statistics and urban economics. The book introduces the reader to the basic concepts of spatial statistics, spatial econometrics and spatial behavior of economics agents at the microeconomic level. Incorporating useful examples and presenting real data and datasets on real firms, the book takes the reader through the key topics in a systematic way. Routledge Market: Economics / Regional Studies March 2018: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-83374-6: £79.99 Pb: 978-1-138-83375-3: £39.99 eBook: 978-1-315-73527-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138833746

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POLITICAL ECONOMY Dummy text to keep placeholder

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Advancing Pluralism in Teaching Economics

China’s Economic Reform

International Perspectives on a Textbook Science

Experience and Implications

Edited by Samuel Decker, Berlin School of Economics, Germany, Wolfram Elsner, Universität Bremen, Germany and Svenja Flechtner, Free University Berlin, Germany Series: Routledge Advances in Heterodox Economics

Zhang Yu, Professor, Renmin University of China, China Series: China Perspectives From the perspective of political economics, this book elaborates on China’s socialist market economy which was officially confirmed as the goal of the country’s economic reform in 1992. It expounds on China’s economic model, the relationship between socialism and market economy, etc., deepening the studies in the laws governing China’s economic development. Then, it explores the gradual reform, the reform of state-owned enterprises, and the relationship between governments and market, all of which are crucial to the success of China’s economic reform. Finally, based on the analysis above, this book discusses the reasons for the constant and rapid development

This volume is a state-of-the-art compilation of diverse and innovative perspectives on the methodology and appliance of pluralist economics teaching. It addresses questions around which methods and models outside of the mainstream can help improve our understanding of the economy, how quantitative and qualitative methods can be combined in a fruitful way, how the academic isolation of economics can be overcome, and the importance of trans-disciplinarity. The result is a diverse but cohesive book on teaching economics in the contemporary classroom with ideas and examples drawn from around the world. Routledge Market: Economics August 2018 Hb: 978-1-138-03762-5: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-17780-9 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138037625

of China’s economy. Routledge Market: Economics/Chinese Economics October 2017: 234x156: 164pp Hb: 978-1-138-08908-2: £130.00 eBook: 978-1-315-10945-9 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138089082

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Black Women in the U.S. Economy

Cognitive Capitalism, Welfare and Labour

The Hardest Working Woman

The Commonfare Hypothesis

Nina Banks, Bucknell University, USA, Cecilia A. Conrad, MacArthur Foundation, USA and Rhonda Sharpe, Bucknell University, USA Series: Routledge IAFFE Advances in Feminist Economics

Andrea Fumagalli, University of Pavia, Italy, Stefano Lucarelli, University of Bergamo, Italy, Carlo Vercellone, University of Paris, Pantheon-Sorbonne, France and Alfonso Giuliani Series: Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy

Black women in the United States have often been the subject of negative stereotypes, which have distorted perceptions of their unique work history and the challenges that they have faced in providing for their families. Black Women in the U.S. Economy: The Hardest Working Woman challenges the popular rhetoric about black women by presenting an empirical analysis of their labor market experiences and the critical role that black women play in providing for and sustaining their families and communities. The book explores the multiple identities, roles, and experiences of black women in the U.S. economy, addressing issues including their contribution to the social economy, how they have been affected by U.S economic restructuring, and the impact of increasing economic inequality on the wellbeing of black women and children. Routledge Market: Economics September 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-68886-5: £95.00 Pb: 978-1-138-68887-2: £31.99 eBook: 978-1-315-53803-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138688865

This book analyses the impact of the rise of knowledge-based economies in which Capital seeks to control and privatize of the production of collective knowledge. After critiquing this idea of cognitive capitalism, the book explores changing notions of ‘the commons’ in an internet age. It is argued that the fruits of social cooperation should be seen as neither private nor public goods and, building on this, the authors outline their concept of ‘commonfare’ in which the ideas of welfare, labour and knowledge are adapted for the 21st Century. The idea of commonfare requires the re-appropriation of the gains arising from the exploitation of social cooperation for the common good. Routledge Market: Economics July 2018: 234x156: 200pp Hb: 978-1-138-65430-3: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-62332-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138654303

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Central and Eastern Europe in the EU

Competition and Free Trade

Challenges and Perspectives Under Crisis Conditions Edited by Christian Schweiger, Visiting Professor, Chair for Comparative European Governance Systems, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany and Anna Visvizi, Institute of East-Central Europe, Poland Series: Routledge Studies in the European Economy Since the onset of the global financial crisis in 2008, the EU has been in almost permanent crisis mode. It is witnessing new dimensions of internal differentiation among its member states, and the migration crisis has shown that the Central and Eastern European countries (CEEs), in particular, are slowly but certainly transforming themselves from predominantly passive policy-takers towards adopting a more active role in the process of shaping the EU’s governance agenda. Routledge Market: Economics May 2018: 234x156: 280pp Hb: 978-1-138-71402-1: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-23098-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781315230986

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Pascal Salin, Université Paris – Dauphine, France Series: Routledge Foundations of the Market Economy Competition and free trade are both concepts which are absolutely central for the understanding of human societies but are also often the subjects of fears and criticisms. This book uniquely analyses the two concepts as closely interlinked. It is argued that it is not possible to understand what competition really is without referring to the concept of freedom and that free trade must be understood as the way to expand the scope of competition. By explaining how competition and free trade operate in the real world, rather than relying solely on formal economic theory, this book dispels the fears and misunderstandings which have developed around these central pillars of the modern economy. Routledge Market: Economics October 2017: 234x156: 146pp Hb: 978-1-138-10343-6: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-10272-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138103436

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POLITICAL ECONOMY Dummy text to keep placeholder

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Discourse Analysis and Austerity

Economics for the Advancement of Human Rights

Critical Studies from Economics and Linguistics

Manuel Branco, University of Evora, Portugal. Series: Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy

Edited by Kate Power, Tanweer Ali and Eva Lebduskova Series: Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy In the immediate aftermath of the global financial crisis of 2008, governments around the developed world coordinated policy moves to stimulate economic activity and avert a depression. In subsequent years, however, cuts to public expenditure, or austerity, have become the dominant narrative in public debate on economic policy. This unique collaboration between economists and linguists examines manifestations of the discourses of austerity. Routledge Market: Economics June 2018: 234x156: 272pp Hb: 978-1-138-63254-7: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-20819-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138632547

Mainstream economics views human rights as a constraint and, in order to remove that constraint, has become one of the most substantial contributors to the production of a justificatory ideology responsible for taking human rights away. This book develops the idea of human rights-based political economy which is partly founded on established heterodox approaches to economics. It proposes a path to a fuller engagement between economics and human rights and explores topics including the principles of an economics favourable to full and dignified employment, the de-commodification of human rights, the preservation of cultural diversity in economics, and teaching economics for human rights. Routledge Market: Economics October 2018 Hb: 978-1-138-73207-0: £105.00 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138732070

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Economic Crisis and Economic Thought

Economics, Ethics and Power

Alternative Theoretical Perspectives on the Economic Crisis

From behavioural rules to global structures

Edited by Alessio Moneta, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy, Tommaso Gabellini, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy and Simone Gasperin, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy Series: Routledge Studies in the History of Economics

Hasse Ekstedt, University of Gothenburg, Sweden Series: Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy

This book presents a series of contrasting but complementary approaches in economic theory in order to offer a critical toolkit for examining the modern capitalist economy. The global economic crisis may have changed the world in which we live, but not the fundamental tenets of the discipline. Each chapter reviews a methodological or theoretical approach and discusses new directions for the field. Topics covered include the methodology of economics in the face of the crisis, the comparative and historical approach to studying the crisis, and new proposals for economic policy. The book challenges the way in which economic theory is currently taught, and offers viable alternatives for the future. Routledge Market: Economics July 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-66537-8: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-61995-8 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138665378

Economic theory, in its neoclassical form, is sometimes regarded as free from values but it is imperative to reject this notion and ensure that ethics features in the analysis of economic and socio-political structures because of the central importance of those structures to economic and social stability. Drawing on Aristotle, Kant, Hume, Arrow, and others, this book conceptualizes the analysis of ethics and economic and social structures. The book first considers the key philosophical underpinnings and categories which frame the discussion of ethics in economic theory and then considers individual ethics, social action, financial structures, and war (as the breakdown of ethics). Routledge Market: Economics August 2018 Hb: 978-1-138-28102-8: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-27139-2 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138281028

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Economic Perspectives on Institutions

Feminist Economics and Functional Finance

Conflict, Coordination, Inequality

A Social Provisioning Approach

Maurizio Franzini, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy and Antonio Nicita, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy

Zdravka Todorova, Wright State University, USA Series: Routledge IAFFE Advances in Feminist Economics

Economic Perspectives on Institutions provides an introduction to the economic analysis of institutions, particularly with respect to the core issues of conflict, coordination and inequality, offering an essential synthesis of what we have learnt so far and highlighting the major gaps to be filled. Readers are introduced to some of the best ideas produced in the field of institutional economics and are provided with a critical assessment both of their ability to explain a number of crucial problems and to offer a guide to the choice of the best policies. This book will be essential reading to all those studying and researching in the field of institutional economics.

This path breaking new book builds on theories of social provisioning and functional finance to provide a new framework for feminist economics, while at the same time providing a brand new gender analysis of central current economic issues and policies, focusing on the USA, but also considering the global economy and the ongoing financial crisis.

Routledge Market: Economics November 2018: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-1-138-82069-2: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-82070-8: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-74373-8 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138820692

Routledge Market: Finance, Economics, Gender March 2018: 234x156: 160pp Hb: 978-0-415-59428-8: £95.00 Pb: 978-0-415-59429-5: £31.99 eBook: 978-1-315-73444-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415594288

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2nd Edition • TEXTBOOK • READER

Financial Regulation in the European Union After the Crisis

Foundations of Real World Economics

A Minskian Approach

John Komlos, Independent Scholar

Domenica Tropeano, Universita di Macerata, Italy Series: Routledge Critical Studies in Finance and Stability Following Minsky’s approach, this volume explores the interplay between monetary policy, regulation and institutions in the aftermath of the great financial crisis. Minsky’s insights are used to interpret the recent regulatory changes and consider how they have affected the evolution of banks and financial markets. The unfortunate conclusion is that the changes in financial regulation introduced in various jurisdictions and inspired by the work of the Basel Committee, have not succeeded in thwarting the instability of the economic system. Instead, the mix of policies implemented so far has brought about increased fragility in the financial system.

What Every Economics Student Needs to Know This book provides an antidote to the usual principles text. In a series of short essays, it covers all of the key topics, theories and models found on a principles course – from employment to equilibrium, marginal theory to monetary policy – and demonstrates their usefulness, or otherwise, in the real world. It also explores important issues and approaches often omitted from principles texts including neuroeconomics, fairness, happiness and financial instability. With chapter summaries and discussion questions, this book is the ideal text for any economics class looking to go beyond the limitations of standard economics. Routledge Market: Economics November 2018 Hb: 978-1-138-29652-7: £90.00 Pb: 978-1-138-29654-1: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-09997-2 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-1-138-12678-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138296527

Routledge Market: Economics January 2018: 234x156: 174pp Hb: 978-1-138-66847-8: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-61860-9 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138668478

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Financial Stability, Systems and Regulation

Gandhian Economics and the Rethinking of Economic Theory and Policies

Jan Kregel, Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, USA and Felipe Rezende, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, USA Series: Routledge Critical Studies in Finance and Stability Throughout Jan Kregel’s career, he has published extensively on the ways to assess and design financial and regulatory structures to meet their objectives of providing financial stability. This book highlights Kregel’s major contributions to financial regulation and economic development and also introduces his recent writings on advancing Minsky’s theory of financial instability since the onset of the global financial crisis. Kregel’s approach provides a strong theoretical background to understand the making and unfolding of the crisis and helps us to draw policy implications to improve financial stability, and suggest an alternative financial structure for a market economy.

A Contribution to a Non-Violent Perspective on Economics Roberto Burlando Series: Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy Gandhian economics offers a more humanistic approach to economics which points to broader and higher values and reflects on the true aims of life and on the basic principles of proper living in family and society. This book offers a broad introduction to the principles and theory of Gandhian economics, explores potential economic and social policies informed by Gandhian economics and considers the contribution of Gandhian economics to the building of an alternative economics.

Routledge Market: Economics July 2018: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-1-138-21813-0: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-43829-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138218130

Routledge Market: Economics July 2018: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-83114-8: £70.00 eBook: 978-1-315-73673-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138831148

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Financialisation in Emerging Economies

Geopolitics of the Knowledge-Based Economy

Changes in Central Banking

Sami Moisio, University of Helsinki, Finland Series: Regions and Cities

Juan Pablo Painceira, Central Bank of Brazil This book studies the trend towards financialisation in middle income countries, focusing on the effects of the process of reserve accumulation in the international and domestic spheres of those countries. These trends have been exacerbated by the Global financial crisis as well as the extraordinary liquidity measures undertaken by the major central banks to deal with the effects of this crisis. In this context, the book analyses the unfolding of the financial integration of emerging market economies into international financial markets and the consequences for the global economy in which the developed countries have been the main beneficiaries. Routledge Market: Economics June 2018: 200pp Hb: 978-1-138-94711-5: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-67028-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138947115

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It is now commonly accepted that we live in a knowledge-based society and descriptions of what this means in practice are legion via analysis of the interaction between universities and the economy, business clusters and technopoles and the rise of information technology. Central to this is the notion of the internationalization of policy regimes, the role of subjectivity and creativity and the spatial transformation of the state. Sami Moisio engages deeply with the issues to provide a theoretical overview of the knowledge-based society’s geopolitics. Routledge Market: Geography, Politics, Economics, Business March 2018: 234x156: 192pp Hb: 978-1-138-82199-6: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-74298-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138821996

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Global Women's Work

Labour, Finance and Inequality

Perspectives on Gender and Work in the Global Economy

The Insecurity Cycle in British Public Policy

Edited by Beth English, Mary E. Frederickson, Emory University, USA and Olga Sanmiguel-Valderrama Series: Routledge IAFFE Advances in Feminist Economics

Suzanne J. Konzelmann, Simon Deakin, University of Cambridge, UK, Marc Fovargue-Davies, Birkbeck, University of London, UK and Frank Wilkinson, University of Cambridge, UK Series: Routledge Critical Studies in Finance and Stability

Global Women’s Work: Perspectives on Gender and Work in the Global Economy considers how women are shaping the global economic landscape through their labour, activism, and multiple discourses about work. Bringing together an interdisciplinary group of international scholars, the book offers a gendered examination of work in the global economy and analyses the effects of the 2008 downturn on women’s labour force participation and workplace activism. The book addresses three key themes: exploitation versus opportunity; women’s agency within the context of changing economic options; and women’s negotiations and re-negotiations of unpaid social reproductive labour. Routledge Market: Economics March 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-03658-1: £100.00 Pb: 978-1-138-03659-8: £39.99 eBook: 978-1-315-17847-9 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138036581

Following the ‘global financial crisis’ in 2008, the viability of globalized financial capitalism was called into question. But the conceptual and empirical puzzle is that more than six years into the crisis, remarkably little has changed despite widespread unemployment, growing social unrest, increasing poverty and an ever expanding gap between the wealthy and the rest. Against the backdrop of British history from the early twentieth century to the present, this book draws on the work of Galbraith and assesses why change happens and why it doesn’t always happen when it might be expected to. This book also explores what the new conventional wisdom might be and where we go from here. Routledge Market: Economics April 2018: 234x156: 376pp Hb: 978-1-138-91972-3: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-68770-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138919723

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Inequality, Boom, and Bust

Markets and the State

From Billionaire Capitalism to Equality and Full Employment

Microeconomic Policy in Australia

Howard J. Sherman, University of California Riverside, USA and Paul D. Sherman There is enormous inequality between the wealth of the richest one percent and all other Americans. To explain inequality, conservative economists focus on individual characteristics such as intelligence and hard work. This book reveals new evidence to show that changes in economic inequality are primarily due to characteristics inherent in the standard operation of capitalist institutions and the constant cycle of booms and busts – which leads to a situation where profits soar while wages stagnate. As a corrective, this book presents concrete steps for an activist, progressive policy to greatly reduce both unemployment and inequality. Routledge Market: Economics March 2018: 234x156: 210pp Hb: 978-0-815-38128-0: £110.00 Pb: 978-0-815-38129-7: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-351-21090-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780815381280

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Knowledge, Class, and Economics

Malcolm Abbott, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia This book illustrates essential microeconomic concepts and theories through the examination of related policy formulation in Australia since the 1980s. By looking at how Australia has transformed over the course of time, the book traces and tracks these changes and relates them to the broader microeconomic reforms. It also looks at the structure of Australian economic public policy formulation and process. The book uses standard microeconomic techniques to analyse the impact of these Australian policies and examines the role of government in the implementation of these policies, making it a very useful teaching vehicle for learning about microeconomics and microeconomic policies. Routledge Market: Economics March 2018: 234x156: 286pp Hb: 978-0-815-37951-5: £110.00 Pb: 978-0-815-37952-2: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-351-21562-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780815379515

Marxism without Guarantees Edited by Theodore A. Burczak, Robert F. Garnett Jr., Texas Christian University, USA and Richard McIntyre Series: Economics as Social Theory This book presents a broad, reflective survey of the "Amherst school" of non-determinist Marxist political economy: its elemental concepts, intellectual origins, and future prospects, and the multiple pathways explored in its 40-year evolution. The volume’s original essays reflect the range of projects and perspectives that comprise the Amherst school and it’s defining ideas: a novel conception of class as a process of performing, appropriating, and distributing surplus labor, and an overarching framework that presupposes the irreducible complexity of social-historical events and the parallel "overdetermination" of the relationship between subjects and objects of inquiry. Routledge Market: Economics October 2017: 234x156: 514pp Hb: 978-1-138-63446-6: £95.00 Pb: 978-1-138-63448-0: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-20678-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138634466

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Nonviolent Political Economy Theory and Applications Edited by Fredy Cante and Tatiana Torres Series: Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy Nonviolent Political Economy encompasses the study of those elements of the interactions between political, economic, ideological, and organizational power, which do not generate harmful impacts on nature and human life. It considers nonviolent action to be a non-destructive power that promotes diverse pedagogic, political, economic, and social transformations without incurring irrecoverable costs. The diverse group of authors assembled here reflect on heterodox streams of social and economic thought with a view promoting self-organized collective action and considering core economic and social concepts in a new light. The volume represents the first step to creating a unified field of research on nonviolent political economy, and will form the springboard to future work on the topic. Routledge Market: Economics August 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-50284-0: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-14510-5 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138502840

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Political Economy goes to the Movies

Routledge Handbook of Marx's Capital

Satyananda Gabriel, Mount Holyoke College, USA

A Global History of Translation, Dissemination and Reception

This book is an introduction to political economy using a wide range of popular films as the objects of analysis. The main themes and objectives of the text are to understand and analyze the economic, and related political and cultural, relationships depicted in the films. This is done through the lens of economic theories and in the context of debates over the dynamic influence of economics on individual life chances. Films such as Twelve Years a Slave, Trumbo and The Big Short are analyzed for their realism by referencing documented historical social events. Behavioral economics provides further data for analyzing the realism of social interaction within the films.

Edited by Marcello Musto, York University, Canada and Babak Amini, York University, Toronto, Canada Series: Routledge International Handbooks

Routledge September 2018 Hb: 978-1-138-29833-0: £100.00 Pb: 978-1-138-29836-1: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-351-58091-5 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138298330

This Handbook provides an extensive survey of the dissemination and reception of Marx’s Capital throughout the world. The cast of international experts explore, and critically reconsider, the history of the dissemination of Marx’s Capital in all the languages in which the book was entirely translated. Each chapter focuses on a particular country or language and provides a short history of the penetration of Marxism in that country; tells the story of the different translations of Capital; explores the reception of Capital from both a political and a theoretical perspective; highlights the most influential interpretations of Capital and how they influenced the overall interpretation of Marx. Routledge Market: Economics November 2018: 246x174: 512pp Hb: 978-1-138-10647-5: £165.00 eBook: 978-1-315-10159-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138106475

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Principles and Pluralist Approaches in Teaching Economics

Rural Housing and Economic Development

Towards a Transformative Science Edited by Samuel Decker, Berlin School of Economics, Germany, Wolfram Elsner, Universität Bremen, Germany and Svenja Flechtner, Free University Berlin, Germany Series: Routledge Advances in Heterodox Economics This volume is a state-of-the-art compilation of diverse and innovative perspectives on the epistemology and pedagogy of pluralist economics teaching. It addresses questions around how wide a range of theories can usefully be discussed in class, how different schools thought can be brought together and compared, how much weight should be given to history of economic thought, economic history and the philosophy of science, and the dominant role played by textbooks in the teaching of economics. The result is a diverse but cohesive book on teaching economics in the contemporary classroom with ideas and examples drawn from around the world. Routledge Market: Economics August 2018 Hb: 978-1-138-03768-7: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-17773-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138037687

Edited by Don E. Albrecht, Western Rural Development Center, Utah State University, USA, Scott Loveridge, North Central Regional Center for Rural Development, Michigan State University, USA, Stephan Goetz, Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development, Penn State University, USA and Rachel Welborn, Southern Rural Development Center, Mississippi State University, USA Series: Routledge Advances in Regional Economics, Science and Policy A person’s home is among the most important features of his or her life. As well as being crucial to individual and family quality of life and wellbeing, the availability of adequate or affordable housing plays a vital role in community economic development. Rural areas face a substantial disadvantage compared to rural areas in regard to housing, and are therefore less well placed to take advantage of economic development opportunities. Routledge Market: Economics December 2017: 234x156: 274pp Hb: 978-1-138-04019-9: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-17528-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138040199

2nd Edition • TEXTBOOK • READER

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Principles of Macroeconomics

The Canada-US Border in the 21st Century

Activist vs Austerity Policies

Integration, Security and Identity

Howard Sherman, University of California Los Angeles, USA and Michael A Meeropol, Western New England University, USA

William P. Anderson, University of Windsor University of Windsor and John Sutcliffe Series: Routledge Advances in Regional Economics, Science and Policy

Principles of Macroeconomics: Activist vs Austerity Policies provides an antidote to the standard macro texts offering both the classical and progressive views on all the key macroeconomic topics including economic growth, business cycles and monetary policy. The text also explores some important topics in more detail than standard macro texts including inequality, unemployment, the history of capitalism, and the human cost of economic crashes. This second edition includes new material on the Obama recovery, the crisis in the Eurozone, the Trump administration and the current state of healthcare, education and environmental issues in America to bring the text fully up-to-date.

Borders are critical to the development and survival of modern states, offer security against external threats, and mark public policy and identity difference. At the same time, borders, and borderlands, are places where people, ideas, and economic goods meet. The United States-Canada border demonstrates all the characteristics of modern borders, and epitomises the debates that surround them. This book examines the development of the U.S.-Canada border, provides a detailed analysis of its current operation, and concludes with an evaluation of its future. The central objective is to examine how the border functions in practice, presenting a series of case studies on its operation.

Routledge Market: Economics June 2018: 336pp Hb: 978-0-815-37855-6: £110.00 Pb: 978-0-815-37856-3: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-351-23211-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780815378556

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Routledge Market: Economics July 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-70113-7: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-20422-2 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138701137

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The Continuing Imperialism of Free Trade

The Origins of Capitalism as a Social System

Edited by Jo Grady, University of Leicester, UK and Chris Grocott, University of Leicester, UK Series: Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy

The Prevalence of an Aleatory Encounter John Milios Series: Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy

This volume presents cutting edge theorisations and historical research explaining the ways in which imperialism persists to this day. Drawing upon research from scholars in a range of academic disciplines, including Political Economy, History, and Management and Organisation Studies, this volume explores the operation of formal and informal imperialism; the role of collaboration between groups in the metropolitan and at the periphery; and examines the ways in which the operation of imperial control is not only an historical phenomenon but also something which has strong continuities into the contemporary world.

Capitalism as a social system emerged from the encounter of the "money owner" and the proletarian which shaped a society based on class domination and exploitation. This book focuses on the monetary theory of value and capital developed by Karl Marx and explores the ideas of "primordial profit" and the respective "money owner", tracing examples across geographical areas and historical periods of long distance merchants, ship-owners, money-lenders, and others, who mostly valued money as profit. The book’s originality lies in the interpretation of these early economic forms, especially in post-Medieval economies, where the origins of capitalism as a social system can begin to be traced.

Routledge Market: Economics August 2018 Hb: 978-1-138-30108-5: £105.00 eBook: 978-0-203-73280-9 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138301085

Routledge Market: Economics June 2018: 234x156: 248pp Hb: 978-1-138-03670-3: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-17839-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138036703

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The Economics of Law, Order, and Action

The Pedagogy of Economic Crises

The Logic of Public Goods

Crisis Dynamics, Construals, and Lessons

Jakub Bozydar Wisniewski, King's College London, UK Series: Routledge Advances in Heterodox Economics According to the standard position, the efficient production of so-called public goods, including law and defense, requires the use of territorial "monopolies of force". This book challenges this assumption and provides a comprehensive economic and ethical case for extending the applicability of voluntary, entrepreneurial cooperation to the realm of creating and sustaining legal and protective services together with attendant institutional frameworks. By utilizing the insights of the Austrian School of Economics, New Institutionalism, and other heterodox economic approaches, it puts forward a positive case for voluntary social organization. Routledge Market: Economics February 2018: 234x156: 192pp Hb: 978-0-815-36787-1: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-25632-2 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780815367871

Edited by Bob Jessop and Karim Kniou, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, Netherlands Series: Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy Through an exploration of the dual nature of crises, this book elaborates a nuanced analysis of the pedagogy of crises based on successive phases: past learning thrown into crisis, learning in crisis, learning about crisis through trial-and-error experimental intervention in the course of the crisis, and learning from crisis, after it is allegedly resolved. In contrast to the conventional focus on the lessons drawn by executive bodies or disaster management agencies, the contributors to this volume consider how other social forces construe crises and attempt to learn lessons from them, including sub-hegemonic or counter-hegemonic forces, such as unions and social movements. Routledge Market: Economics July 2018 Hb: 978-1-138-06250-4: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-16158-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138062504

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The Fascist Nature of Neoliberalism

The Political Economy of Contemporary China

Andrea Micocci, Link Campus University, Italy and Flavia Di Mario, Minstry of Economic Development, Italy Series: Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy

An Institutional Analysis of Market and State

The Fascist Nature of Neoliberalism offers a brief, provocative analysis with special reference to the most visible executioners of its will: the much-misunderstood managerial class. This group simply happens to hold power, and hence visibility, but they do what everybody else does, and would do, all the time. This is because capitalism is an intellectual outlook that thoroughly directs individual actions through fascist and non-fascist repression. This book argues that the only way to escape capitalism is to recover individual intellectual and sentimental emancipation from capitalism itself in order to produce radical

China’s various modern agricultural reforms have led to the creation of a complex of market institutions and a cyclical growth pattern. The first half of this book explores the formation of those market institutions arguing that they are the result of a state-oriented agricultural transition. The second half of the book looks at an empirical study of rice production in two key regions which suggests that market structure determines the nature of the technological gap and production difference between areas. Through these empirical analyses of post-Mao Chinese agricultural growth, this book encourages readers to re-think the nature of Chinese Economy in the past fifty years.

solutions. Routledge Market: Economics October 2017: 216x138: 94pp Hb: 978-0-815-36988-2: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-25120-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780815369882

Jane Du, SOAS, University of London, UK Series: Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy

Routledge Market: Economics June 2018: 180pp Hb: 978-1-138-93509-9: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-67761-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138935099

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The Political Economy of Contemporary Spain

The Political Economy of the European Union’s Emissions Trading System

From Miracle to Mirage Edited by Luis Buendía, Univeristy of Leon, Spain and Ricardo Molero-Simarro, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain Series: Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy This book analyses the deep and underlying causes and consequences of the continuing economic crisis in Spain which has turned the ‘Spanish miracle’ into a nightmare. It explores five key areas of adjustment in the Spanish economy: the evolution of the growth model; the role of Spain in the European division of labour; the financial sector and its influence on the rest of the economy; changes in the labour market; and the distributional consequences of both the expansive phase and the later crisis. The contributors to this book adopt a pluralistic approach drawing on various political-economic theories to consider the crisis from a number of perspectives.

Andriana Vlachou, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece Series: Routledge Studies in Ecological Economics This book analyses the rationale and the basic design of the European Union Emission Trading Scheme and discusses its workings during the first two trading periods and the initiation of the third phase, following a revision of the scheme. It offers a critical assessment of the EU ETS from a radical political economy standpoint which reveals the limited environmental effectiveness and distributional injustice of the scheme. It concludes that enduring solutions to climate change require radical transformation of the economy and society, including a new energy structure primarily based on renewable energy. Routledge Market: Economics June 2018: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-83926-7: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-73354-8 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138839267

Routledge Market: Economics February 2018: 234x156: 184pp Hb: 978-1-138-30571-7: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-203-72878-9 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138305717

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The Political Economy of Lula’s Brazil

The Rise of Big Government

Edited by Pedro Chadarevian, Federal University of Sao Paulo, Brazil Series: Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy

How Egalitarianism Conquered America

The early years of the 21st Century saw a huge boom in Brazil’s economy. Commodities had a large part to play but as well as bananas, sugar and soybeans, Brazil is also one of the leading exporters of processed food, gasoline and medium sized airplanes. This is evidence of fundamental changes in the Brazilian economy and this book argues that it is the adoption of leftist economic policies and institutional changes made by Lula’s government which are key to explaining recent Brazilian growth. The contributors adopt a non-dogmatic, critical approach to provide an innovative interpretation of Brazil during the Lula years. Routledge Market: Economics May 2018: 234x156: 300pp Hb: 978-1-138-05024-2: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-16892-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138050242

Sven R Larson, Wyoming Liberty Group, USA Series: Economics in the Real World Government is never big enough. Here’s why. The welfare state is taken for granted. Its presence in modern Western economies, including the United States, is so deeply entrenched that life without it seems unfathomable. Yet, the Western world has been in a long process of economic stagnation. This begs the question, if big, redistributive government is bad for economic growth and our long-term prosperity, why do politicians in the Western world in general still defend, even seek to expand, the welfare state? This book answers that question and presents an argument that has not been made before. Once politicians embrace egalitarianism they also accept that government is never big enough. Routledge Market: Political Economy October 2017: 234x156: 136pp Hb: 978-1-138-29698-5: £105.00 Pb: 978-1-138-29699-2: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-09957-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138296985

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The Political Economy of Mega Projects in Asia

Transition Economies

Globalization and Urban Transformation

Transformation, Development, and Society in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union

Edited by Hyun Bang Shin and Dong-Wan Gimm, Kyungnam University, Republic of Korea Series: Regions and Cities The growth of urban real estate development has been a key recent facet of the globalization of Asian economies. This bookcompares and analyses how the aspirations of Asian states have been reflected in the course of (re-)writing the urban landscape, and considers the role of scalar politics. The contributors argue that mega-projects embody the dynamics of the multi-scalar strategic relations that determine the process and outcome of urbanization. Bringing together a range of urbanization experiences from South Korea, Taiwan, India, Turkey, Hong Kong SAR, Mainland China and Indonesia, the book explores the role of specific political and economic interests in shaping cities, and the role of local communities, nascent advocacy groups and popular struggles in contesting the state-led mega-projects. Routledge Market: Economics July 2018: 234x156: 254pp Hb: 978-1-138-07043-1: £95.00 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138070431

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Aleksandr V. Gevorkyan, St. John’s University, New York City, USA This textbook offers a uniquely comprehensive analysis of the transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. Offering full historical context, the book presents an all-inclusive interpretation of the continuous economic and social transformation process, conceptualising the past, the present, and the future of the post-socialist world. The book includes explanations of key terminology, milestone events and theoretical concepts, as well as case studies, learning objectives and discussion questions, and critical references for more focused research on any particular topic. Routledge Market: Economics, Political Economy, Development Economics May 2018: 246x174: 328pp Hb: 978-1-138-83112-4: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-83113-1: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-73674-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138831124

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Sustainable Suburbia? Rethinking the North American Metropolis Hugh Bartling, DePaul University, USA Series: Routledge Advances in Regional Economics, Science and Policy The suburbanization of North America has been was one of the most significant social, political, and cultural transformations of the twentieth century. In recent years, however, suburbia's promise has started to wane and with its popularity came challenges. This book analyses the various challenges facing suburbia in current times. Routledge Market: Geography, Environment, Economics, Business March 2018: 234x156: 192pp Hb: 978-0-415-85944-8: £105.00 eBook: 978-0-203-79918-5 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415859448

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The Production of Alternative Urban Spaces An International Dialogue Edited by Lee Pugalis, Northumbria University, UK, Antonella Bruzzese, Jens Kae Fisker and Letizia Chiappini Series: Regions and Cities Alternative urban spaces across civic, private, and public spheres emerge in response to the great challenges that urban actors are currently confronted with. Labour markets are changing rapidly, the availability of affordable housing is under intensifying pressure, and public spaces have become battlegrounds of urban politics. The contributors brought together here aim to spark an international dialogue about the production of alternative urban spaces, through a threefold exploration of alternative spaces of work, dwelling, and public life. The volume is the culmination of an international search for alternative practices to dominant modes of capitalist urbanization, bringing together interdisciplinary, empirically grounded chapters from hot spots in disparate cities around the world. Routledge Market: Economics July 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-09978-4: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-10395-2 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138099784


Urban Management and Economics Alexander Otgaar, Erasmus University, the Netherlands, Erik Braun, Erasmus School of Economics, the Netherlands and Leo van den Berg, Erasmus School of Economics, the Netherlands Modern trends that influence the spatial-economic development of urban regions including globalization, climate change, European integration and the information technology revolution have several implications for urban management. Cities and their hinterlands need to be competitive, while securing the balance between economic, social and environmental aims. This book, from a team of authors at one of Europe’s leading centres for the study of urban and regional studies in Erasmus University provides a view on the challenges cities are confronted with in the twenty first century. Routledge Market: Business, Geography, Urban Studies, Economics June 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-67671-7: £110.00 Pb: 978-0-415-67672-4: £42.50 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415676717

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A Accounting, Management Knowledge and Organisational Change .................................................. 15 Adam Smith Review: Volume 10, The ........................ 13 Advances in Fisheries Bioeconomics ......................... 20 Advancing Pluralism in Teaching Economics ............................................................................. 33 African Economic Development .................................... 7 Aristotle's Critique of Political Economy ................... 10 Asia and the History of the International Economy ................................................................................ 10 Austrian Economics, Money and Finance ............... 10

B Behavioral Economics ..................................................... 31 Behavioural Economics and Finance .......................... 4 Birth of Economics as a Social Science, The ........... 13 Black Women in the U.S. Economy ............................ 33 Brazil Under Globalization ............................................. 26 Broadway and Economics ............................................. 31 Business Cycles and Economic Crises ........................ 10 Business of Leisure in 20th Century Britain, The ............................................................................................ 13

C Canada-US Border in the 21st Century, The ........... 37 Capitalizing on Political Disagreement ................... 15 Cash Transfers for Poverty Reduction .......................... 7 Central and Eastern Europe in the EU ....................... 33 Changing Face of Imperialism, The ........................... 13 China and Japan in the Global Economy ............... 26 China in the Local and Global Economy ................. 26 China’s Economic Reform .............................................. 33 China’s Fiscal Policy ............................................................. 2 Chinese Economy and its Challenges, The ................ 3 Cognitive Capitalism, Welfare and Labour ............. 33 Commodity Derivatives .................................................. 23 Competition and Free Trade ......................................... 33 Contemporary Film and Economics .......................... 31 Contemporary Issues in Law and Economics ............................................................................. 31 Continuing Imperialism of Free Trade, The ............. 38 Cooperatives, the State, and Corporate Power in African Export Agriculture ................................................. 7 Corporate Sector in International Development, The ............................................................................................ 28 Credit Default Swap Markets in the Global Economy ................................................................................ 30 Crisis in the European Monetary Union ................... 26 Currencies and Currency Policies in the Global Economy .................................................................................. 4

D Development Finance ........................................................ 7 Development of Modern Industries in Bengal, The ............................................................................................ 24 Dilemmas and Challenges in Islamic Finance ..................................................................................... 4 Discourse Analysis and Austerity ................................. 34 Distance, Rating Systems and Enterprise Finance ..................................................................................... 4 Downfall of the Gold Standard, The ............................. 6 Dystopia and Economics ................................................ 31


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Economic Analyses in Historical Perspective .......... 10 Economic Crisis and Economic Thought ................ 34 Economic Crisis and Structural Reforms in Southern Europe ..................................................................................... 26 Economic Development of South Korea, The .............................................................................................. 3 Economic History of Central, East and South-East Europe, The ........................................................................... 13 Economic Perspectives on Institutions ..................... 34 Economic Regulation of the Container Shipping Industry ................................................................................... 23 Economic Thought of Henry Calvert Simons, The ............................................................................................ 13 Economic Thought of William Petty, The ................ 14 Economic Woman in the Age of Capital ................. 18 Economics and Literature .............................................. 18 Economics and Performativity ..................................... 15 Economics for the Advancement of Human Rights ...................................................................................... 34 Economics of Central Banking, The ........................... 19 Economics of Knowledge Coordination, The ............................................................................................ 24 Economics of Law, Order, and Action, The ............. 38 Economics of Natural Resources in Latin America, The ............................................................................................ 21 Economics of Sports, The ................................................ 19 Economics of US Health Care Policy, The ................ 32 Economics of US Health Reform, The .......................... 6 Economics, Ethics and Power ....................................... 34 Entrepreneurship and Local Economic Development ....................................................................... 26 Environmental and Natural Resources Economics ............................................................................. 20 Environmental Markets ................................................... 20 European Economic Integration and Social Cohesion ................................................................................ 18 Evolutionary Economics ................................................. 18 Evolving Work ...................................................................... 29 Exports, Trade Policy and Economic Development ....................................................................... 27

Gender, Poverty and Access to Justice ......................... 7 Geopolitics of the Knowledge-Based Economy ................................................................................ 35 Global Commodity Markets and Development Economics ............................................................................... 7 Global Economic Issues and Policies ......................... 27 Global Politico-Economic Crises .................................... 2 Global Women's Work ..................................................... 36 Globalisation of Indian Business, The ........................ 24 Globalization of Freight Transportation, The ............................................................................................ 28 Greed in the History of Political Economy ............... 11 Greek Labour Market in Crisis, The .............................. 29

H Health Economics .............................................................. 22 Health Rights of Older People ....................................... 22 Historiography of Contemporary Economics, The ............................................................................................ 17 History of Complexity Economics, The ...................... 14 History of Czech Economic Thought, A .................... 10 History of Money and Monetary Arrangements, The ............................................................................................ 14 Human Services and Long-term Care ....................... 31 Hyperinflation ........................................................................ 4

I Inclusive Innovation and Healthcare in Developing Countries .................................................................................. 8 Indian Agriculture after the Green Revolution ................................................................................ 2 Individual and the Other in Economic Thought, The ............................................................................................ 17 Industrial Organization ................................................... 23 Inequality, Boom, and Bust ............................................ 36 Integral Finance - Akhuwat ............................................. 4 Islamic Macroeconomics ............................................... 30 Islamic Social Finance ........................................................ 5



Fascist Nature of Neoliberalism, The ......................... 38 Feminist Economics and Functional Finance ................................................................................... 34 Feminist Political Ecology and the Economics of Care ............................................................................................ 9 Finance in Colonial Zimbabwe ................................... 11 Finance in Rural China ....................................................... 2 Financial Regulation in the European Union After the Crisis ......................................................................................... 35 Financial Stability, Systems and Regulation ........... 35 Financialisation in Emerging Economies ................ 35 Foundations of Political Economy and Social Reform, The ............................................................................................ 14 Foundations of Real World Economics .................... 35 Fragile Governance and Local Economic Development ....................................................................... 27 Franco Modigliani and Keynesian Economics ............................................................................. 11

Knowledge, Class, and Economics ............................. 36

G Game Theory and Society .............................................. 18 Gandhian Economics and the Rethinking of Economic Theory and Policies ............................................................ 35 Gender and the Business of Prostitution in Los Angeles, 1850–1940 ............................................................................ 11


L Labour, Finance and Inequality ................................... 36 Law and Economics of Public Procurement Reforms ..................................................................................... 5 Lionel Robbins on the Principles of Economic Analysis ................................................................................... 11

M Macroeconomic Policy for Emerging Markets ..................................................................................... 2 Macroeconomic Theory and the Eurozone Crisis ......................................................................................... 11 Macroeconomics in Context ......................................... 30 Management of Shipping Companies ..................... 23 Managing Human Resources in the Shipping Industry ................................................................................... 23 Maritime Economics and Business ............................. 23 Maritime Mobilities ........................................................... 24 Markets and the State ...................................................... 36 Mediterranean Migration and the Labour Markets ................................................................................... 29 Megaregions, Prosperity and Sustainability ........... 20 Mercantilism, Account Keeping and the Periphery-Core Relationship .......................................... 27 Microeconomic Theory ................................................... 32

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Microfinance .......................................................................... 8 Models of Simon ................................................................. 15 Monetary Equilibrium and Monetary Theory ........................................................................................ 5 Monetary Plurality in Local, Regional and Global Economies ............................................................................... 5 Money ........................................................................................ 5 Money, Currency and Crisis ........................................... 12 Money, Finance and Crises in Economic History ..................................................................................... 12 Money, Markets and Capital ......................................... 15

N Neoliberal Structural Change and the Electricity Sector ...................................................................................... Networked Activisms and Regionalism .................... New Perspectives on the Economics of Ronald H. Coase ....................................................................................... Nonviolent Political Economy ......................................

18 27 16 36

O Opportunity of Bioelectricity, The ................................ 21 Origins of Capitalism as a Social System, The ............................................................................................ 38 Otto Neurath and the History of Economics ........... 16

P Patrick Suppes, Economics, and Economic Methodology ....................................................................... 16 Pedagogy of Economic Crises, The ............................. 38 Pension Fund Economics and Finance ....................... 5 Perspectives on India's Political Economy ................. 2 Philosophy of Mathematics and Economics .......... 19 Physical Limits to Economic Growth ........................... 9 Political Economy goes to the Movies ....................... 37 Political Economy of Contemporary China, The ............................................................................................ 38 Political Economy of Contemporary Spain, The ............................................................................................ 39 Political Economy of Lula’s Brazil, The ...................... 39 Political Economy of Mega Projects in Asia, The ............................................................................................ 39 Political Economy of the European Union’s Emissions Trading System, The .......................................................... 39 Political Economy of the Han Dynasty and Its Legacy, The ............................................................................................ 14 Port Economics ................................................................... 24 Port-Cities and their Hinterlands ................................. 12 Post-growth Economics and Society ........................... 9 Post-Keynesian Economics (4-vol. set) ...................... 16 Price and Financial Stability ............................................ 6 Principles and Pluralist Approaches in Teaching Economics ............................................................................. 37 Principles of Environmental Economics and Sustainability 4e .................................................................... 9 Principles of Macroeconomics ..................................... 37 Principles of Port Management ................................... 27 Production of Alternative Urban Spaces, The ............................................................................................ 40 Profitability and Competition in Chinese Banking ..................................................................................... 6 Progress in Economic and Political Thought .......... 16 Property Law and Economics ....................................... 32 Prosperity and Economic Development in Low Income Asian Countries ..................................................................... 8


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INDEX BY TITLE Redesigning Petroleum Taxation ................................ 20 Regulation of the London Stock Exchange ............ 12 Reinventing Accounting and Finance Education .............................................................................. 16 Research Skills for Economics Students .................... 19 Rethinking Economic and Monetary Union in Europe ....................................................................................... 6 Rise of Big Government, The .......................................... 39 Rise of State-Led Economic Regionalism in East Asia, The .............................................................................................. 3 Routledge Companion to Global Economics ............................................................................. 28 Routledge Handbook of Agricultural Economics, The ............................................................................................ 25 Routledge Handbook of Economic Theology, The ............................................................................................ 17 Routledge Handbook of Managerial Economics ............................................................................. 24 Routledge Handbook of Marx's Capital ................... 37 Routledge Handbook of the History of Women’s Economic Thought ........................................................... 17 Rural and Peripheral in Regional Development, The ............................................................................................ 32 Rural Housing and Economic Development .......... 37

S Schumpeter’s Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy ........................................................................... 12 Service Sector and Economic Development in Africa, The .............................................................................................. 8 Small and Medium Powers in Global History ..................................................................................... 12 Social and Economic Cohesion in Diverse Societies .................................................................................. 19 Social Justice and Islamic Economics ......................... 6 Social Protection Goals in East Asia .............................. 8 Spatial Microeconometrics ............................................ 32 Stranded Assets ................................................................... 20 Structuralist Theory of Economics, A ......................... 15 Sustainability Accounting and Integrated Reporting ............................................................................... 21 Sustainable Suburbia? ..................................................... 40

T Territorial Designs and International Politics ..................................................................................... 28 Theory, Practice and Potential of Regional Development, The .............................................................. 25 Transition Economies ....................................................... 39

U Urban Management and Economics ....................... 40 US Agricultural and Food Policies ............................... 25

W What Made Korea’s Rapid Growth Possible? ............ 3 When Ideas Fail ................................................................... 28 Women on Corporate Boards ...................................... 28

Y Young People and the Labour Market ...................... 29

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A Abbott, Malcolm ................................................................ 36 Acchiardo, Charity-Joy Revere ................................... 31 Akdere, Cinla ......................................................................... 18 Albrecht, Don E. .................................................................. 37 Albrecht, Johan ................................................................... 21 Alcouffe, Alain ...................................................................... 11 Almarzoqi, Raja .................................................................... 30 Aluchna, Maria ..................................................................... 28 Anderson, William P. ........................................................ 37 Arbia, Giuseppe .................................................................. 32 Asher, Mukul G. ...................................................................... 8 Atzili, Boaz .............................................................................. 28 Azid, Toseef .............................................................................. 6

B Baddeley, Michelle ............................................................... 4 Baimbridge, Mark ............................................................... 18 Balkenhol, Bernd ................................................................... 8 Banks, Nina ............................................................................. 33 Bartling, Hugh ...................................................................... 40 Bauhardt, Christine .............................................................. 9 Beynon, Robert ................................................................... 28 Bikker, Jacob ............................................................................ 5 Bouckaert, Boudewijn ..................................................... 32 Boylan, Thomas A. ............................................................. 19 Brakman, Steven ................................................................. 26 Branco, Manuel ................................................................... 34 Brisset, Nicolas ..................................................................... 15 Buendía, Luis ......................................................................... 39 Burczak, Theodore ............................................................ 36 Burlamaqui, Leonardo .................................................... 12 Burlando, Roberto ................................................................ 9 Burlando, Roberto ............................................................. 35

Feasel, Edward ..................................................................... 27 Fei, Jiangang ......................................................................... 23 Feng, Xingyuan ...................................................................... 2 Ferragina, Eugenia ............................................................ 29 Floegel, Franz .......................................................................... 4 Focardi, Sergio M. ................................................................. 5 Fontana, Magda ................................................................. 14 Forman, Fonna .................................................................... 13 Franzini, Maurizio ............................................................... 34 Fumagalli, Andrea ............................................................. 33

G Gabriel, Satyananda ......................................................... 37 Gallagher, Robert L. .......................................................... 10 Garcia de la Sienra Guajardo, Adolfo ..................... 15 Geiger, Niels .......................................................................... 10 Gevorkyan, Aleksandr V. ................................................ 39 Giang, Long Thanh ........................................................... 22 Gomez, Georgina ................................................................. 5 Goodacre, Hugh ................................................................. 14 Goodwin, Neva ................................................................... 30 Goswami, Binoy ..................................................................... 2 Grady, Jo .................................................................................. 38 Green, Miriam ...................................................................... 15 Guerrero, David ................................................................... 28

H Hackett, Steven ................................................................... 20 Harrison, David ....................................................................... 6 Hayes, Calvin ......................................................................... 16 Hussen, Ahmed ..................................................................... 9 Hübner, Kurt ............................................................................ 4

I Icaza, Rosalba ....................................................................... 27

C Cachanosky, Nicolas ........................................................... 5 Caldecott, Ben ..................................................................... 20 Cante, Fredy .......................................................................... 36 Cardoso, José Luís ............................................................. 10 Caroleo, Floro ....................................................................... 29 Cartelier, Jean ....................................................................... 15 Cartwright, Edward .......................................................... 31 Cassel, Gustav ......................................................................... 6 Cassiers, Isabelle .................................................................... 9 Cattelan, Valentino .............................................................. 5 Celi, Giuseppe ...................................................................... 26 Chadarevian, Pedro .......................................................... 39 Chang, Chiung ....................................................................... 8 Chester, Lynne ..................................................................... 18 Chun, Seung-hun ................................................................. 3 Coopey, Richard ................................................................. 13 Cramer, Gail ........................................................................... 25 Curnow, Paul ........................................................................ 20

J Jessop, Bob ............................................................................ 38

K Kadoya, Yoshihiko ............................................................. 31 Kale, Dinar ................................................................................. 8 Kane, Aidan ............................................................................ 19 Kikuchi, Tomoo ................................................................... 26 Klaes, Matthias ..................................................................... 16 Komatsu, Keiichiro ............................................................... 2 Komlos, John ........................................................................ 35 Konzelmann, Suzanne J. ................................................ 36 Kooistra, AnneMarie ......................................................... 11 Kregel, Jan .............................................................................. 35 Kuroki, Ryuzo ........................................................................ 14 Kwong, Charles C. L. ............................................................ 3


D Dallago, Bruno ..................................................................... 26 Daniels, Joseph P. .............................................................. 27 Davis, John B. ........................................................................ 16 Davis, Peter ............................................................................ 28 De Beer, Marlene ................................................................ 19 de Langen, Peter ................................................................ 27 de Souza, Peter ................................................................... 32 Decker, Samuel ................................................................... 33 Decker, Samuel ................................................................... 37 Degan, Francesca Dal ..................................................... 13 Dewar, Diane M. .................................................................... 6 Dnes, Antony ........................................................................ 24 Dolezalova, Antonie ......................................................... 10 Du, Jane ................................................................................... 38 Duppe, Till .............................................................................. 17 Duru, Okan ............................................................................. 23

E Ege, Ragip ............................................................................... Ekstedt, Hasse ...................................................................... Eloranta, Jari .......................................................................... English, Beth .........................................................................


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17 34 12 36

Larson, Sven .......................................................................... 39 Latham, A.J.H. ....................................................................... 10 Lawson, David ........................................................................ 7 Lawson, David ........................................................................ 7 Lee, Frederic S. ..................................................................... 32 Lee, Robert ............................................................................. 12 Leeds, Michael A. ............................................................... 19 Lessem, Ronnie ................................................................... 29 Lin, Cheng .............................................................................. 14 Liping, He .................................................................................. 4

M Madden, Kirsten .................................................................. 17 Malik, Aneeqa ......................................................................... 4 Manasse, Paolo .................................................................... 26 Manzano M., Osmel E. ..................................................... 21 Marmefelt, Thomas .......................................................... 14 Mayer, Thomas .................................................................... 10 McPake, Barbara ................................................................. 22 McWatters, Cheryl Susan .............................................. 27 Miceli, Thomas J. ................................................................ 31 Micocci, Andrea .................................................................. 38 Milios, John ............................................................................ 38 Moisio, Sami .......................................................................... 35 Moneta, Alessio ................................................................... 34 Monios, Jason ...................................................................... 24


Montero, Sergio .................................................................. Morys, Matthias ................................................................... Muller, Julian ......................................................................... Musto, Marcello ..................................................................

27 13 15 37

N Nair, Rawindaran ................................................................ 23 Nayak, Pulin B. ......................................................................... 2 Nidhiprabha, Bhanupong ............................................... 2 Nyamunda, Tinashe ......................................................... 11

O Otgaar, Alexander ............................................................. 40


Waldman, Don .................................................................... 23 Wamboye, Evelyn ................................................................. 8 Wedig, Karin ............................................................................. 7 Whyman, Philip B. ................................................................ 6 Wisniewski, Jakub Bozydar .......................................... 38

Y Yoo, Jungho ............................................................................. 3 Yu, Zhang ............................................................................... 33

Z Zahluth Bastos, Pedro Paulo ....................................... 26 Zhang, Weiying ................................................................... 18 Zweynert, Joachim ........................................................... 28

Painceira, Juan Pablo ....................................................... 35 Patrucco, Pier Paolo ......................................................... 24 Peiyong, Gao ........................................................................... 2 Peter Kriesler, ....................................................................... 16 Peterson, Paul E. ................................................................. 23 Pfaffenzeller, Stephan ........................................................ 7 Phelps, Charles E. ............................................................... 32 Piga, Gustavo .......................................................................... 5 Power, Kate ............................................................................ 34 Pugalis, Lee ............................................................................ 40 Pyka, Andreas ....................................................................... 18

R Raday, Frances ..................................................................... 18 Rancan, Antonella ............................................................. 11 Ray, Indrajit ............................................................................ 24 Ritter, Arch ................................................................................ 7 Robbins, Lionel .................................................................... 11 Ross, Catherine .................................................................... 20 Rosselli, Annalisa ................................................................ 12 Rousu, Matthew C. ............................................................ 31

S Salin, Pascal ........................................................................... 33 Saraswathy, Beena ............................................................ 24 Schwarzkopf, Stefan ......................................................... 17 Schweiger, Christian ........................................................ 33 Seijo, Juan Carlos ............................................................... 20 Sen, Sunanda ........................................................................ 13 Shah, Atul ............................................................................... 16 Sherman, Howard ............................................................. 37 Sherman, Howard J. ......................................................... 36 Shin, Hyun Bang ................................................................. 39 Shu, Min ...................................................................................... 3 Spratt, Stephen ...................................................................... 7 Staley, Samuel ...................................................................... 31 Steele, G.R. .............................................................................. 13 Stracca, Livio ......................................................................... 19 Suzuki, Yasushi ....................................................................... 4 Swinson, Chris ..................................................................... 12

T Talley, Wayne K. .................................................................. 24 Tamakoshi, Go ..................................................................... 30 Tan, Aaron ................................................................................. 6 Theotokas, Ioannis ............................................................ 23 Todorova, Zdravka ............................................................ 34 Toland, Jr., Gerald D. ......................................................... 25 Tropeano, Domenica ...................................................... 35 Turk, Michael ........................................................................ 16

U Usenmez, Emre ................................................................... 20

V van der Spek, R.J. ................................................................ Velupillai, Kumaraswamy Vela ................................... Verburg, Rudi ........................................................................ Villiers, Charl .......................................................................... Vlachou, Andriana ............................................................. Vodden, Kelly ........................................................................ Voskeritsian, Horen ...........................................................

12 15 11 21 39 25 29


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